I bet ya cant!
He likes to share his bannana with men's rectums
I'm sure Roib knows that you would rather have his bannana in your mouth and not your ass.

"Always tell the truth; then you don't have to remember anything. "

"Anyone who can only think of one way to spell a word obviously lacks imagination."

-Mark Twain
Rob made these boards.

Does that count?
uggh thanks for the nightmare BK
who the hell wears socks in the tub!?

I love Robbers!!!!!! He leads a most entertaining life!
God, I thought I had a strong stomach, but, gah.
Somebody had to say something positive about the guy.....the boards have been pretty depressing lately!
Rob's picture changes alot!
That picture comes up if you google search for Michael Jackson pictures!
Kinda says it all really!
So which is grosser


or this