Posted By: ToFFo7 "Darth!" You can add it to everything!! - 2007-03-11 2:43 AM
As my buddy is liver-farting at the moment me and Chant came up with something else. while drunk...... no FxING wonder!

You can put Darth in front of everything! Referring to teh great Darth Waders ofcourse....

you dont say "im going shopping". You say "im going darth-shopping" in the Darth-Liquor-Vaderstore! or the deathshop or whatever!

just my 2 darth-Cents. this is gtting darth-lame......

imma drink some more darth-booze.


Chant says "gobblegobblegobble" "the fish goes wroullwourlll! and the mogens goes sdfsdjfh.. and the people getting chants car goes weeeuuwwweeeuuuwww like a darth-ambulance!!



you know.... i posted this in the of-darth-topic for a darth-reason...
Posted By: Chant Re: "Darth!" You can add it to everything!! - 2007-03-11 4:18 AM
in case anyone's wondering....

we're quite drunk..
No shit?
Posted By: Chant Re: "Darth!" You can add it to everything!! - 2007-03-11 4:49 AM

Posted By: Chant Re: "Darth!" You can add it to everything!! - 2007-03-11 4:50 AM
Darth Cactus Pumpkin
Posted By: Mopius Re: "Darth!" You can add it to everything!! - 2007-03-11 5:16 AM
goddamn nerds
Posted By: URG Re: "Darth!" You can add it to everything!! - 2007-03-11 9:52 AM
goddamn birds.
Posted By: Chant Re: "Darth!" You can add it to everything!! - 2007-03-11 1:32 PM
I have a vague feeling that something very disturbing was going on last night....
Posted By: ToFFo7 Re: "Darth!" You can add it to everything!! - 2007-03-11 2:58 PM
Goddamn nerds? DarthGoddamn Darth Nerds thank you.

im hung over as fuck.. alcohol really grinds my shit.
Posted By: Chant Re: "Darth!" You can add it to everything!! - 2007-03-11 3:00 PM
that's what you get for fucking R2D2!!!
IN THE-.....you know...
You know want to say it.

Chant said:
I have a vague feeling that something very disturbing was going on last night....

Is this feeling located in the, you know...?
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: "Darth!" You can add it to everything!! - 2007-03-11 11:43 PM
i bet he knows...
Posted By: Chant Re: "Darth!" You can add it to everything!! - 2007-03-12 12:22 AM

Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:

Chant said:
I have a vague feeling that something very disturbing was going on last night....

Is this feeling located in the, you know...?

No, no, not that feeling.

I woke up with the feeling that we had been acting very weird and stupid the night before. A feeling of dread actually.

A feeling which was later confirmed by the films we made last night.

Yeah...pretty disturbing, involving trashcans and raindance
What's disturbing to me is that the pornographic part didn't disturbe as much as it should!
yeah, the trashcans and raindance are acceptable, but the full man on man gay sex? chant
Now Jim Jackson is really going to manfuck you!
Posted By: rex Re: "Darth!" You can add it to everything!! - 2007-03-12 2:17 AM

Chant said:

Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:

Chant said:
I have a vague feeling that something very disturbing was going on last night....

Is this feeling located in the, you know...?

No, no, not that feeling.

I woke up with the feeling that we had been acting very weird and stupid the night before. A feeling of dread actually.

A feeling which was later confirmed by the films we made last night.

Yeah...pretty disturbing, involving trashcans and raindance

You foreigners have some weird slang for gay butt sex.
Posted By: Chant Re: "Darth!" You can add it to everything!! - 2007-03-12 2:41 AM
nono, there was no gaybutt sex involved, I'm sorry to dissapoint you rex. I know how you love that kind of stuff. Alas, I'm afraid you'll have to live without it.
Drunken posting is a time-honored tradtion here on the RKMBs. Actually, it's a requirement.

But, so is man-sex. So...maybe you passed two milestones last night?
Posted By: Grimm Re: "Darth!" You can add it to everything!! - 2007-03-12 2:59 AM
I think I passed a kidneystone. . .
Posted By: rex Re: "Darth!" You can add it to everything!! - 2007-03-12 3:15 AM

Chant said:
gaybutt sex. I love that kind of stuff.


rex said:

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
I can't defend myself so I'll do what my good buddy g-man does and edit his post in a quote.


rex said:
You foreigners have some weird slang for gay butt sex.

Whenever rex hears a man speaking in a foreign language, he assumes they're asking him for gay sex. Because that's what he secretely longs for. Gay sex. You know where.
Posted By: Chant Re: "Darth!" You can add it to everything!! - 2007-03-12 10:49 AM

Prometheus said:
Drunken posting is a time-honored tradtion here on the RKMBs. Actually, it's a requirement.

But, so is man-sex. So...maybe you passed two milestones last night?

No, not even that I'm afraid. The author of this Thread, Toffo, was actually the one who, with just one post reached those two milestones, except that it wasn't gaybutt sex, it was trashcan sex...

I had the dubious honour of being the cameraman. I'm scarred for life now.

But so, I think, is everyone else.
Posted By: ToFFo7 Re: "Darth!" You can add it to everything!! - 2007-03-12 7:57 PM
Heres the video ya naards!! http://youtube.com/watch?v=EEQpEnGAewI

Chant is recording... hiding behind the camera.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: "Darth!" You can add it to everything!! - 2007-03-12 8:51 PM

Prometheus said:
Drunken posting is a time-honored tradtion here on the RKMBs. Actually, it's a requirement.

I have no idea what you're talking about.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: "Darth!" You can add it to everything!! - 2007-03-12 8:52 PM

Grimm said:
I think I passed a kidneystone. . .

Very strange considering that it wasn't yours.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: "Darth!" You can add it to everything!! - 2007-03-12 9:09 PM

thedoctor said:

Grimm said:
I think I passed a kidneystone. . .

Very strange considering that it wasn't yours.

Aren't those considered a delicacy in England? Kinda like placenta?
The English will eat anything.

ToFFo7 said:
Heres the video ya naards!! http://youtube.com/watch?v=EEQpEnGAewI

Chant is recording... hiding behind the camera.

heh...white folks....
White folks will eat anything.
Posted By: ToFFo7 Re: "Darth!" You can add it to everything!! - 2007-03-14 9:01 PM
i subbed that way lame vid for some reason. imma up it later.

if this thread just keeps refusing to die!
Only because it's a slow news day around here.

darth lols
Posted By: URG Re: "Darth!" You can add it to everything!! - 2007-03-16 5:45 AM
Irishman finds a Genie lamp and rubs it. Out comes the Genie and asks "Master you have released
me from the lamp and I grant you three wishes, what would you like" Irishman scratches his head,
then answers "A bottle of Guinness that never gets empty. "Granted master" retorted the Genie and
produced the bottle. The man was delighted and got drunk on this one magic Guiness bottle for
weeks then he remembered that he had two other wishes. He rubbed the lamp again and the Genie
appeared. "Yes master, you have two more wishes, what would you like?" "You know that magic,
never ending Guinness bottle" he asks the Genies. "Well, for my final two wishes, I'd like another two
of them"
Did you hear about the guy who went to the races and while there he
observed a roman catholic priest who went over to a horse and sprinkled
it with holy water and the horse went on to win the race, streaks ahead
of the opposition, then at before the next race he saw the priest go
over to another horse and sprinkle it with holy water, and like the
first horse it went on to win it's race, so the guy said to him self if
the priest sprinlkes another horse with holy water I am going to bet
every penny I have on that horse, and sure enough the priest went over
to another horse and sprinkled it with holy water, and the other guy
went to a bookie and bet every penny he had on this horse.
Then the race started and the horse that the priest sprinkled with holy
water dropped dead about 100 yards after the start of the race, and the
gug was devestated, so he went over to the priest and said what are you
playing at, the last two horses you sprinkled with holy water went on to
win their races, and this last one you sprinkled drop dead after only
100 yards, and i had put every penny I had on it's nose what are you
playing at.
The priest replied you are a protestant are'nt you and the guy admitted
that he was, and said but how do you know that, the priest said because
you don't know the difference between giving a blessing and
administering the last rights.