I will continue to quote halo82 and say "sincerely, retarded fucknut." because it makes me laugh.
 Originally Posted By: rex
I will continue to quote halo82 and say "sincerely, retarded fucknut." because it makes me laugh.

So you are sincere about being a fucknut?

Damn, sorry, ruined your thread.
also, he will continue to fuck socks.
Rex, baby! I got a tingle in my girl parts
Ah SydB and Halo 82. Two youngsters always claiming that they have a higher calling (school the forces) but always coming back to the Internet to gain some measure of smug self-satsfaction in their watsed lives.

The collective is not surprised by this.

 Originally Posted By: starheartcollective
Ah SydB and Halo 82. Two youngsters always claiming that they have a higher calling (school the forces) but always coming back to the Internet to gain some measure of smug self-satsfaction in their watsed lives.

The collective is not surprised by this.

If I knew for certain you weren't a homosexual, I'd flirt with you. Your loss
Yes yes try flirting with real men in the real worlds, if you can leave yuour computer for long enough. Maybe you won't go telling other posters that another member has lost a child this time.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: rex
I will continue to quote halo82 and say "sincerely, retarded fucknut." because it makes me laugh.

So you are sincere about being a fucknut?

Damn, sorry, ruined your thread.

Sincerely, retarded fucknut.
 Originally Posted By: SydB JenG
Rex, baby! I got a tingle in my girl parts

I won't believe it until I see pics of said event.
Syd B gets a tingle when she shares secrets about other members' tragedies with strangers on the interbnet. Travel with caution.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: starheartcollective
Syd B gets a tingle when she shares secrets about other members' tragedies with strangers on the interbnet. Travel with caution.

That means she'll fit in here.
If your loved one has lost a child do not te;ll her about it. She will only tell us.
Ha! Jokes on you! I don't have any loved ones!
 Originally Posted By: starheartcollective
If your loved one has lost a child do not te;ll her about it. She will only tell us.

passing personal information over the interweb?
It's Whomod so he probably does have girl parts.
I hear gay surgeons make terrible proctologists.
I hear you're not funny.
I heard the news today oh boy.
 Originally Posted By: rex
I hear you're not funny.

No, you misunderstood. They said, "Ziggy isn't funny."
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: rex
I hear you're not funny.

 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: rex
I hear you're not funny.

Yes, truth is that I did laugh so hard at my Ziggy comment that I cried.

Try again.
Shhhh, he's telling you to be quiet!
Hey kids,

Having fun yet? Gosh, I sure hope so.

The best is yet to come. I promise.


P.S. Thanks to whomever added the new moties.
I guess zzap has spent enough time with the kids already...
This is the weekend he was gonna be a dead beat dad because he was too busy defending whomod's daughter's internet honor.
 Originally Posted By: rex
This is the weekend he was gonna be a dead beat dad because he was too busy defending whomod's daughter's internet honor.

Ah, how nice you remembered. Did you mark it down on your calendar or was it that you're so interested in me and my life that it stuck in your head?

BTW, a deadbeat dad is someone who doesn't pay child support. Not that you'll ever have to worry about that. Unless you adopt.

Hey, when I dropped by earlier there were only six people here and two of them were mine. Are you suuuuuurrreeee we're not bothering you guys? Maybe making you tired? Perhaps annoying some of your less piggish, more humane members away? Or were you all just at the movies watching Sex and the City? I hope you guys liked it and were able to get in some good bonding time afterwards while drinking your Cosmos and getting pedicures.

If you see Pariah, please let him know that I'm still ignoring him because he's an idiot.

How's your friends doing? You know, the one you blew off when his dad died because you were too busy defending whomods internet honor.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Zzap
Hey, when I dropped by earlier there were only six people here and two of them were mine.

Seriously, did you do your homework at all before coming here? Before the raid, how many people do you think we had here at the same time on an average day? The number only went up when you guys showed up, you know, with the spike in the activity and the returning members. I missed being able to check on this place more than twice a day and being able to find more than a couple of new topics.

And the off-topic forum! Did you know at one point there was talk of closing it down because, with the exception of the weekly Frank Burns spam, it's been pretty much inactive for years? We only kept it as a tribute to a better time.

Are you suuuuuurrreeee we're not bothering you guys? Maybe making you tired? Perhaps annoying some of your less piggish, more humane members away?

Nah, we scared those away ourselves long ago!
Then I'm going to puch some people.

In the face!

 Originally Posted By: Captain Zzap
 Originally Posted By: rex
This is the weekend he was gonna be a dead beat dad because he was too busy defending whomod's daughter's internet honor.
Or were you all just at the movies watching Sex and the City? I hope you guys liked it and were able to get in some good bonding time afterwards while drinking your Cosmos and getting pedicures.

That would be so fabulous! You wanna go to the movie with me? We could hang out afterwards and do whatever...
Yes, and we hear that drunks make the poorest of defenders for their so called insurgency boards.
I hear rumors that they're NOT finished with you guys.

And Starheartcollective, it's mean of you to use Iggy's personal problems in an internet war!
 Originally Posted By: SydB JenG
I hear rumors that they're NOT finished with you guys.

What are they gonna do? "Raid" this board with more people? Make more alts? Use this past "invasion" as an excuse to frequent gay sites and create alts named after some of us? They lost. Their reasons for "invading" changed pretty much daily. They'd get offended that we weren't following the "rules" they place on themselves. They were soundly thrashed to the point that they had to retreat to a super-secret-lick-wounds-forums that we weren't supposed to see or have access to, and some of us still gained access. And the last member of their board to retreat is the one we have the most fun batting around. Why would we want them to be "finished" with us? We've made it clear that this is the most fun we've had on the boards in a while. So let them continue their "raid" and we'll continue to smack them around and make them cry in their secret forum.
Or they can call the internet police on us. right, whomod?
Halo82 User Haloveous
2000+ posts 06/02/08 05:19 PM Making a new reply
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: Re: The super secter RKMBs raid planning thread just for RKMBs members and not gaysurgery posters
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: SydB JenG
I hear rumors that they're NOT finished with you guys.

What are they gonna do? "Raid" this board with more people? Make more alts? Use this past "invasion" as an excuse to frequent gay sites and create alts named after some of us? They lost. Their reasons for "invading" changed pretty much daily. They'd get offended that we weren't following the "rules" they place on themselves. They were soundly thrashed to the point that they had to retreat to a super-secret-lick-wounds-forums that we weren't supposed to see or have access to, and some of us still gained access. And the last member of their board to retreat is the one we have the most fun batting around. Why would we want them to be "finished" with us? We've made it clear that this is the most fun we've had on the boards in a while. So let them continue their "raid" and we'll continue to smack them around and make them cry in their secret forum.

You are an idiot. Just cause we don't spend 24/7 online raiding this board doesn't mean we "lost". Are reasons for being here were consistent you just can't understand it. Which is weird considering you assholes always circle the wagon around your own.

Guess what asshole? This is more fun for us then it is for you. We come here and get to out think you douchebags who can't do ANYTHING other then hide behind the same old song.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Guys! Guys! I found they secret planning thread!
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Halo82 User Haloveous
2000+ posts 06/02/08 05:19 PM Making a new reply
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: Re: The super secter RKMBs raid planning thread just for RKMBs members and not gaysurgery posters

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

I'm an idiot. We can't compete with you guys 24 hours a day because were too busy wanking and crying. I'm still here because I admit to these boards being the superior to the insurgency boards and want to fit in. But because of my retardation I don't know how to fit in.

I'm an asshole. I really want to say I'm having fun doing this but we all know we got our assed handed to us. We come here because we want to fit in with the cool people.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: SydB JenG
I hear rumors that they're NOT finished with you guys.

What are they gonna do? "Raid" this board with more people? Make more alts? Use this past "invasion" as an excuse to frequent gay sites and create alts named after some of us? They lost. Their reasons for "invading" changed pretty much daily. They'd get offended that we weren't following the "rules" they place on themselves. They were soundly thrashed to the point that they had to retreat to a super-secret-lick-wounds-forums that we weren't supposed to see or have access to, and some of us still gained access. And the last member of their board to retreat is the one we have the most fun batting around. Why would we want them to be "finished" with us? We've made it clear that this is the most fun we've had on the boards in a while. So let them continue their "raid" and we'll continue to smack them around and make them cry in their secret forum.

You are an idiot. Just cause we don't spend 24/7 online raiding this board doesn't mean we "lost". Are reasons for being here were consistent you just can't understand it. Which is weird considering you assholes always circle the wagon around your own.

Guess what asshole? This is more fun for us then it is for you. We come here and get to out think you douchebags who can't do ANYTHING other then hide behind the same old song.

Yeah, this post reads like it was written by someone who's having a ton of fun. Not a whiny, overly defensive li'l pup who's been soundly whipped all over these boards and desperately tries to cling to any reason to stay.

x (Tommy's tears)

You didn't lose because you don't spend 24/7 "raiding." You lost because everyone but you retreated and left you to be soundly whipped by whomever is around at the time. You lost because you had to create a super-secret-whine-lick-wounds forum over on Insurgency to hide from us, and we still found your gay little forum. You lost because you get whipped by the least of us. You lost because your posts (like this one) are defensive and whiny. You lost because your posts are dishonest.


"Our" reasons. Not "Are" reasons.

Your dyslexia is really showing, Tommy Boy. This post shows someone who still doesn't understand his "enemy." Funny that you whine about us "circling the wagons" when, a week or so ago, you were bragging about how you Insurgency folks pretty much do the same (I think your words were along the lines of "sticking together"). And why should we deviate from what works? We've been owning you with the same ol' gags and there's nothing you or any Insurgent can do about it. So stick around. Bring "friends" to increase traffic. And we'll just keep smacking you around and laughing at you and mocking you and enjoying how the best you can come up with is:




Face facts, Tommy. You've lost. You're an object of pity and mockery on two boards. And nothing's gonna change that.


Joseph T. Mother
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: SydB JenG
I hear rumors that they're NOT finished with you guys.

What are they gonna do? "Raid" this board with more people? Make more alts? Use this past "invasion" as an excuse to frequent gay sites and create alts named after some of us? They lost. Their reasons for "invading" changed pretty much daily. They'd get offended that we weren't following the "rules" they place on themselves. They were soundly thrashed to the point that they had to retreat to a super-secret-lick-wounds-forums that we weren't supposed to see or have access to, and some of us still gained access. And the last member of their board to retreat is the one we have the most fun batting around. Why would we want them to be "finished" with us? We've made it clear that this is the most fun we've had on the boards in a while. So let them continue their "raid" and we'll continue to smack them around and make them cry in their secret forum.

You are an idiot. Just cause we don't spend 24/7 online raiding this board doesn't mean we "lost". Are reasons for being here were consistent you just can't understand it. Which is weird considering you assholes always circle the wagon around your own.

Guess what asshole? This is more fun for us then it is for you. We come here and get to out think you douchebags who can't do ANYTHING other then hide behind the same old song.

Yeah, this post reads like it was written by someone who's having a ton of fun. Not a whiny, overly defensive li'l pup who's been soundly whipped all over these boards and desperately tries to cling to any reason to stay.

x (Tommy's tears)

You didn't lose because you don't spend 24/7 "raiding." You lost because everyone but you retreated and left you to be soundly whipped by whomever is around at the time. You lost because you had to create a super-secret-whine-lick-wounds forum over on Insurgency to hide from us, and we still found your gay little forum. You lost because you get whipped by the least of us. You lost because your posts (like this one) are defensive and whiny. You lost because your posts are dishonest.


"Our" reasons. Not "Are" reasons.

Your dyslexia is really showing, Tommy Boy. This post shows someone who still doesn't understand his "enemy." Funny that you whine about us "circling the wagons" when, a week or so ago, you were bragging about how you Insurgency folks pretty much do the same (I think your words were along the lines of "sticking together"). And why should we deviate from what works? We've been owning you with the same ol' gags and there's nothing you or any Insurgent can do about it. So stick around. Bring "friends" to increase traffic. And we'll just keep smacking you around and laughing at you and mocking you and enjoying how the best you can come up with is:




Face facts, Tommy. You've lost. You're an object of pity and mockery on two boards. And nothing's gonna change that.


Joseph T. Mother

Whining? I'm merely pointing out your hypocricy. So when Prometheus and Grimm come to your aid does that mean you can't defend yourself? When you jump in and tell rex "wow, rex ran circles around Halo all weekend long" does that mean he can't defend himself? We've done nothing that you fucks haven't done except you bitch about the very things you yourselves do but are completely oblivious to. We haven't lost anything cause it ain't over you bag of hot air. Promise.

And if you really think you've owned us with those 2nd grade gags then you only prove what I've been saying all along. You are a worthless sack of shit who is completely cut off from reality because of the over blown ego you use to compensate for the misery your repressed homosexuality causes you.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Face facts, Tommy. You've lost. You're an object of pity and mockery on two boards. And nothing's gonna change that.


Joseph T. Mother


 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Face facts, Tommy. You've lost. You're an object of pity and mockery on two boards. And nothing's gonna change that.


Joseph T. Mother



Actually he's the object of pity and mockery on every message board. Just google his name and see how many boards he's been banned from.
I wonder how many of those he tried to "raid"...
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Whining? I'm merely pointing out your hypocricy. So when Prometheus and Grimm come to your aid does that mean you can't defend yourself? When you jump in and tell rex "wow, rex ran circles around Halo all weekend long" does that mean he can't defend himself? We've done nothing that you fucks haven't done except you bitch about the very things you yourselves do but are completely oblivious to. We haven't lost anything cause it ain't over you bag of hot air. Promise.

And if you really think you've owned us with those 2nd grade gags then you only prove what I've been saying all along. You are a worthless sack of shit who is completely cut off from reality because of the over blown ego you use to compensate for the misery your repressed homosexuality causes you.

Pretty defensive, there, Tommy Boy. I put the best parts of this meltdown post in bold so everyone can enjoy them. Accept your failures, Tommy. And when you and your Insurgency "friends" decide to come back for round two? Do better - this was way too easy. You would've embarrassed yourself less if you'd just posted a instead.

"Bag of hot air..." !!!
damn halo...

PS: That post didn't wook wike you wuz havin' a wotta fun, widdle boy!

zzzzzz.. you people are pathetic... even more pathetic than Halo and that's saying something...
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: SydB JenG
I hear rumors that they're NOT finished with you guys.

What are they gonna do? "Raid" this board with more people? Make more alts? Use this past "invasion" as an excuse to frequent gay sites and create alts named after some of us? They lost. Their reasons for "invading" changed pretty much daily. They'd get offended that we weren't following the "rules" they place on themselves. They were soundly thrashed to the point that they had to retreat to a super-secret-lick-wounds-forums that we weren't supposed to see or have access to, and some of us still gained access. And the last member of their board to retreat is the one we have the most fun batting around. Why would we want them to be "finished" with us? We've made it clear that this is the most fun we've had on the boards in a while. So let them continue their "raid" and we'll continue to smack them around and make them cry in their secret forum.

you fool! have you forgot about the "rigged" poll!

 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: SydB JenG
I hear rumors that they're NOT finished with you guys.

What are they gonna do? "Raid" this board with more people? Make more alts? Use this past "invasion" as an excuse to frequent gay sites and create alts named after some of us? They lost. Their reasons for "invading" changed pretty much daily. They'd get offended that we weren't following the "rules" they place on themselves. They were soundly thrashed to the point that they had to retreat to a super-secret-lick-wounds-forums that we weren't supposed to see or have access to, and some of us still gained access. And the last member of their board to retreat is the one we have the most fun batting around. Why would we want them to be "finished" with us? We've made it clear that this is the most fun we've had on the boards in a while. So let them continue their "raid" and we'll continue to smack them around and make them cry in their secret forum.

you fool! have you forgot about the "rigged" poll!

Oh NO!!! Not our Achilles' Heel!!!

Ok, I admit it.
I am a whiney ball licker!
Here comes something good!
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Whining? I'm merely pointing out your hypocricy. So when Prometheus and Grimm come to your aid does that mean you can't defend yourself? When you jump in and tell rex "wow, rex ran circles around Halo all weekend long" does that mean he can't defend himself? We've done nothing that you fucks haven't done except you bitch about the very things you yourselves do but are completely oblivious to. We haven't lost anything cause it ain't over you bag of hot air. Promise.

And if you really think you've owned us with those 2nd grade gags then you only prove what I've been saying all along. You are a worthless sack of shit who is completely cut off from reality because of the over blown ego you use to compensate for the misery your repressed homosexuality causes you.

Pretty defensive, there, Tommy Boy. I put the best parts of this meltdown post in bold so everyone can enjoy them. Accept your failures, Tommy. And when you and your Insurgency "friends" decide to come back for round two? Do better - this was way too easy. You would've embarrassed yourself less if you'd just posted a instead.

"Bag of hot air..." !!!

So what you are saying is anytime anyone curses someone out they are defensive and having a meltdown? So noted.-

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Die and get Aids. Little Bitch.

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
I'm glad I chased that little whiny cunt away

By your own logic you are your own worst enemy Joe. You should really quit trying to get in my head till you know what's in yours.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

You should really quit trying to get in my pants till you know what's in yours.

Weren't you told to stop projecting your sick fantasies? When will it end?!

You try so hard, Tommy. And yet you still fail.
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

You should really quit trying to get in my pants till you know what's in yours.

Weren't you told to stop projecting your sick fantasies? When will it end?!

Actually Joe is the one who's been told to stop projecting. By more people then just me.
Halo, do you think the earth is flat?
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

You try so hard, Tommy. And yet you still fail.

Of course you think I fail. You can't stand the thought of me being right which is precisely why you are a failure as a human being.

And what's with this fascination with my first name? You think having that knowledge makes you smart? I think what you really want is to establish a connection with me.
I thought all the people telling him to stop were you. All those alt IDs are giving you Multiple personality disorder.

I say, the kid's got more issues than a newstand...
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

You should really quit trying to get in my pants till you know what's in yours.

Weren't you told to stop projecting your sick fantasies? When will it end?!

Actually Joe is the one who's been told to stop projecting. By more people then just me.


Mxy's right. You're perfectly filling the void that Oakley left when he went on his way.
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
I thought all the people telling him to stop were you. All those alt IDs are giving you Multiple personality disorder.

I say, the kid's got more issues than a newstand...

 Originally Posted By: rex
Halo, do you think the earth is flat?

Of course. Not as flat as your learning curve anyway.
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
I thought all the people telling him to stop were you. All those alt IDs are giving you Multiple personality disorder.

I say, the kid's got more issues than a newstand...

Yeah see, I only had like two alts. You bring your confusion on yourself.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

You try so hard, Tommy. And yet you still fail.

Of course you think I fail. You can't stand the thought of me being right which is precisely why you are a failure as a human being.

And what's with this fascination with my first name? You think having that knowledge makes you smart? I think what you really want is to establish a connection with me.

This post reads as 1/2 more Halotard failure and 1/2 Tommy trying to connect and make friends. I guess you should specify in each post you address to me whether I'd be responding to Halotard or poor lonely li'l Tommy who needs validation and friendship.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: rex
Halo, do you think the earth is flat?

Of course. Not as flat as your learning curve anyway.

So you just dismiss all facts?
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

You try so hard, Tommy. And yet you still fail.

Of course you think I fail. You can't stand the thought of me being right which is precisely why you are a failure as a human being.

And what's with this fascination with my first name? You think having that knowledge makes you smart? I think what you really want is to establish a connection with me.

This post reads as 1/2 more Halotard failure and 1/2 Tommy trying to connect and make friends. I guess you should specify in each post you address to me whether I'd be responding to Halotard or poor lonely li'l Tommy who needs validation and friendship.

This doesn't sound like a denial. Reeks of circular logic to avoid the point, but not a denial.
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: rex
Halo, do you think the earth is flat?

Of course. Not as flat as your learning curve anyway.

So you just dismiss all facts?

And you just say any dumb thing that you pull out of your ass? At least you're not hiding crying motie's anymore.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

You try so hard, Tommy. And yet you still fail.

Of course you think I fail. You can't stand the thought of me being right which is precisely why you are a failure as a human being.

And what's with this fascination with my first name? You think having that knowledge makes you smart? I think what you really want is to establish a connection with me.

This post reads as 1/2 more Halotard failure and 1/2 Tommy trying to connect and make friends. I guess you should specify in each post you address to me whether I'd be responding to Halotard or poor lonely li'l Tommy who needs validation and friendship.

This doesn't sound like a denial. Reeks of circular logic to avoid the point, but not a denial.

Did whomod teach you that term, Halotard?

(I'm getting an idea of which persona you're posting as at any given time. Thank you.)
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

You try so hard, Tommy. And yet you still fail.

Of course you think I fail. You can't stand the thought of me being right which is precisely why you are a failure as a human being.

And what's with this fascination with my first name? You think having that knowledge makes you smart? I think what you really want is to establish a connection with me.

This post reads as 1/2 more Halotard failure and 1/2 Tommy trying to connect and make friends. I guess you should specify in each post you address to me whether I'd be responding to Halotard or poor lonely li'l Tommy who needs validation and friendship.

This doesn't sound like a denial. Reeks of circular logic to avoid the point, but not a denial.

Did whomod teach you that term, Halotard?

(I'm getting an idea of which persona you're posting as at any given time. Thank you.)

Back to the old "everybody is Whomod" shit, huh? Didn't you fucks learn anything when Pro' hacked our board?
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: rex
Halo, do you think the earth is flat?

Of course. Not as flat as your learning curve anyway.

So you just dismiss all facts?

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: rex
Halo, do you think the earth is flat?

Of course. Not as flat as your learning curve anyway.

If rex's learning curve is flat, that must mean he is really clever as its easy for him to learn things!

Well done retard!
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

You try so hard, Tommy. And yet you still fail.

Of course you think I fail. You can't stand the thought of me being right which is precisely why you are a failure as a human being.

And what's with this fascination with my first name? You think having that knowledge makes you smart? I think what you really want is to establish a connection with me.

This post reads as 1/2 more Halotard failure and 1/2 Tommy trying to connect and make friends. I guess you should specify in each post you address to me whether I'd be responding to Halotard or poor lonely li'l Tommy who needs validation and friendship.

This doesn't sound like a denial. Reeks of circular logic to avoid the point, but not a denial.

Did whomod teach you that term, Halotard?

(I'm getting an idea of which persona you're posting as at any given time. Thank you.)

Back to the old "everybody is Whomod" shit, huh? Didn't you fucks learn anything when Pro' hacked our board?

There's your dyslexia again, Halotard. Re-read the post again. I'm asking you if whomod taught you that term, y'big dummy! Y'dunderhead!

(I called you a dummy and a dunderhead! And you have to use naughty poopy-talk! )
Since when is Pro a message board hacker?
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

This post reads as 1/2 more Halotard failure and 1/2 Tommy trying to connect and make friends. I guess you should specify in each post you address to me whether I'd be responding to Halotard or poor lonely li'l Tommy who needs validation and friendship.

If all he wanted was friendship why didn't he just say so? Here's a place that'd help with that!
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

This post reads as 1/2 more Halotard failure and 1/2 Tommy trying to connect and make friends. I guess you should specify in each post you address to me whether I'd be responding to Halotard or poor lonely li'l Tommy who needs validation and friendship.

If all he wanted was friendship why didn't he just say so? Here's a place that'd help with that!

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Didn't you fucks learn anything when Pro' hacked our board?

Pro didn't hack anything. Newsflash: Your little gang is having some internal problems. "Tightly knit", indeed!

Posted by Halo82:

Geoff, a request. Please get PG back to being the kick butt and take names sort she was in her original appearances. She was never hesitant, self-doubting, or clingy in those appearances. Conway wrote her as self-assured to the point of arrogance, yet he had her back it up by being right most of the time, even when the other JSAers didn't think she was.

She was the sort who was convinced that she was the greatest thing since sliced bread, better than Wonder Woman, Superman, or anyone else, in her own mind at least. She'd NEVER ask anyone, even Alan, for advice on what to do in the field, especially in front of others she's supposedly leading, no matter how much she respects him. It was just not in her nature. She'd decide on a course of action on her own, then do it. And she's been mourning Kal-L and Lois for entirely too long. Thing is she was never all that close to him pre-Crisis. Family and all, and she respected him, but she was far too independent and too determined to make her own way and her own name to spend too much time around him, or even thinking about him.

Which makes the hanging around KC Supes a bit odd.

I think where you are going with the Annual will lead her back to where she needs to be, but I just wanted to point out that she's been a bit off for a while now. She needs to be where she was in All-Star; independent, sure of herself, proud to the point of arrogance, very smart, and tough. Then I'll be one very happy JSA reader indee...

Oh, who am I kidding? My only request is that we have man sex together.


I really am a sucks a pussy.
He thinks Power Girl is a tranny...man.
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Didn't you fucks learn anything when Pro' hacked our board?

Pro didn't hack anything. Newsflash: Your little gang is having some internal problems. "Tightly knit", indeed!

I suppose that's possible but I still think Pro's response to Zzaps inquiry into how he got into the protected section of the board is textbook horse shit. Like a little kid blaming the broken lamp on his imaginary friend.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

You try so hard, Tommy. And yet you still fail.

Of course you think I fail. You can't stand the thought of me being right which is precisely why you are a failure as a human being.

And what's with this fascination with my first name? You think having that knowledge makes you smart? I think what you really want is to establish a connection with me.

This post reads as 1/2 more Halotard failure and 1/2 Tommy trying to connect and make friends. I guess you should specify in each post you address to me whether I'd be responding to Halotard or poor lonely li'l Tommy who needs validation and friendship.

This doesn't sound like a denial. Reeks of circular logic to avoid the point, but not a denial.

Did whomod teach you that term, Halotard?

(I'm getting an idea of which persona you're posting as at any given time. Thank you.)

Back to the old "everybody is Whomod" shit, huh? Didn't you fucks learn anything when Pro' hacked our board?

There's your dyslexia again, Halotard. Re-read the post again. I'm asking you if whomod taught you that term, y'big dummy! Y'dunderhead!

(I called you a dummy and a dunderhead! And you have to use naughty poopy-talk! )

So you're just going to keep avoiding everything I said, huh?

Whomod is just your latest tactic at distraction.
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA

Posted by Halo82:

Geoff, a request. Please get PG back to being the kick butt and take names sort she was in her original appearances. She was never hesitant, self-doubting, or clingy in those appearances. Conway wrote her as self-assured to the point of arrogance, yet he had her back it up by being right most of the time, even when the other JSAers didn't think she was.

She was the sort who was convinced that she was the greatest thing since sliced bread, better than Wonder Woman, Superman, or anyone else, in her own mind at least. She'd NEVER ask anyone, even Alan, for advice on what to do in the field, especially in front of others she's supposedly leading, no matter how much she respects him. It was just not in her nature. She'd decide on a course of action on her own, then do it. And she's been mourning Kal-L and Lois for entirely too long. Thing is she was never all that close to him pre-Crisis. Family and all, and she respected him, but she was far too independent and too determined to make her own way and her own name to spend too much time around him, or even thinking about him.

Which makes the hanging around KC Supes a bit odd.

I think where you are going with the Annual will lead her back to where she needs to be, but I just wanted to point out that she's been a bit off for a while now. She needs to be where she was in All-Star; independent, sure of herself, proud to the point of arrogance, very smart, and tough. Then I'll be one very happy JSA reader indee...

Oh, who am I kidding? My only request is that we have man sex together.



Wasn't me. I thought that was one of you guys.
I get distracted by Whomods tight little butt all the time.
"Oh, who am I kidding? My only request is that we have man sex together.


Halo82 "

No, that reads like something you would write.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Didn't you fucks learn anything when Pro' hacked our board?

Pro didn't hack anything. Newsflash: Your little gang is having some internal problems. "Tightly knit", indeed!

I suppose that's possible but I still think Pro's response to Zzaps inquiry into how he got into the protected section of the board is textbook horse shit. Like a little kid blaming the broken lamp on his imaginary friend.

What was Pro's response? I'd go read it myself, but I've been banned for lurking too much. \:\(
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
"Oh, who am I kidding? My only request is that we have man sex together.


Halo82 "

No, that reads like something you would write.

Or PJP guesses his password.
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Didn't you fucks learn anything when Pro' hacked our board?

Pro didn't hack anything. Newsflash: Your little gang is having some internal problems. "Tightly knit", indeed!

I suppose that's possible but I still think Pro's response to Zzaps inquiry into how he got into the protected section of the board is textbook horse shit. Like a little kid blaming the broken lamp on his imaginary friend.

What was Pro's response? I'd go read it myself, but I've been banned for lurking too much. \:\(

No, you've been banned because of the actions of Prometheus.
Not to mention the fact that complete pussies run your board...
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Didn't you fucks learn anything when Pro' hacked our board?

Pro didn't hack anything. Newsflash: Your little gang is having some internal problems. "Tightly knit", indeed!

I suppose that's possible but I still think Pro owns my ass completely.

That's true. I do...
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Didn't you fucks learn anything when Pro' hacked our board?

Pro didn't hack anything. Newsflash: Your little gang is having some internal problems. "Tightly knit", indeed!

I suppose that's possible but I still think Pro's response to Zzaps inquiry into how he got into the protected section of the board is textbook horse shit. Like a little kid blaming the broken lamp on his imaginary friend.

What was Pro's response? I'd go read it myself, but I've been banned for lurking too much. \:\(

No, you've been banned because we are a collective of hypocritical faggots.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Didn't you fucks learn anything when Pro' hacked our board?

Pro didn't hack anything. Newsflash: Your little gang is having some internal problems. "Tightly knit", indeed!

I suppose that's possible but I still think Pro owns my ass completely.

That's true. I do...

You always needed somewhere to park your bike!
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Didn't you fucks learn anything when Pro' hacked our board?

Pro didn't hack anything. Newsflash: Your little gang is having some internal problems. "Tightly knit", indeed!

I suppose that's possible but I still think Pro's response to Zzaps inquiry into how he got into the protected section of the board is textbook horse shit. Like a little kid blaming the broken lamp on his imaginary friend.

What was Pro's response? I'd go read it myself, but I've been banned for lurking too much. \:\(

It's hypocritical to ban hackers?

Anyway, this is Pro's bullshit-

Zzap, I'm not giving you a name. To be absolutely honest, I don't know who it is. They aren't using a name over there that correlates over here. So, you do whatever your clearly posted rules say you have to. Meanwhile, point out exactly what I've done to warrant the ban. Just curious. I mean, you can say I "hacked" your board. But, if you actually knew my level of computer prowess, you'd get a bigger kick out of it than I do...

No, you've been banned because we are a collective of hypocritical faggots.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
No, you've been banned because of the actions of Prometheus.

That is absolutely correct, Mxy. I scared the fucking shit out of him. Don't expect him to allow anyone from this board to come over there. We all might do something crazy like....I don't know....post. I wonder if their servers could handle it?
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Didn't you fucks learn anything when Pro' hacked our board?

Pro didn't hack anything. Newsflash: Your little gang is having some internal problems. "Tightly knit", indeed!

I suppose that's possible but I still think Pro's response to Zzaps inquiry into how he got into the protected section of the board is textbook horse shit. Like a little kid blaming the broken lamp on his imaginary friend.

What was Pro's response? I'd go read it myself, but I've been banned for lurking too much. \:\(

It's hypocritical to ban hackers?

Anyway, this is Pro's bullshit-

Zzap, I'm not giving you a name. To be absolutely honest, I don't know who it is. They aren't using a name over there that correlates over here. So, you do whatever your clearly posted rules say you have to. Meanwhile, point out exactly what I've done to warrant the ban. Just curious. I mean, you can say I "hacked" your board. But, if you actually knew my level of computer prowess, you'd get a bigger kick out of it than I do...

No, you've been banned because we are a collective of hypocritical faggots.

PCG342 User Not dead yet.
5000+ posts 06/02/08 08:54 PM Reading a post
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: The super secret RKMBs raid planning thread just for RKMBs members and not gaysurgery posters
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Didn't you fucks learn anything when Pro' hacked our board?

Pro didn't hack anything. Newsflash: Your little gang is having some internal problems. "Tightly knit", indeed!

I suppose that's possible but I still think Pro's response to Zzaps inquiry into how he got into the protected section of the board is textbook horse shit. Like a little kid blaming the broken lamp on his imaginary friend.

What was Pro's response? I'd go read it myself, but I've been banned for lurking too much. \:\(

It's hypocritical to ban hackers?

Anyway, this is Pro's bullshit-

Zzap, I'm not giving you a name. To be absolutely honest, I don't know who it is. They aren't using a name over there that correlates over here. So, you do whatever your clearly posted rules say you have to. Meanwhile, point out exactly what I've done to warrant the ban. Just curious. I mean, you can say I "hacked" your board. But, if you actually knew my level of computer prowess, you'd get a bigger kick out of it than I do...

No, you've been banned because we are a collective of hypocritical faggots.

I like rough anal sex with Whomod, despite his tiny penis.

I do wish he would wash it before I suck on it though.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
No, you've been banned because of the actions of Prometheus.

That is absolutely correct, Mxy. I scared the fucking shit out of him. Don't expect him to allow anyone from this board to come over there. We all might do something crazy like....I don't know....post. I wonder if their servers could handle it?

Yes we were terrified when you hacked the board

I found it bone chilling when you made up some phantom poster to blame.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
No, you've been banned because of the actions of Prometheus.

That is absolutely correct, Mxy. I scared the fucking shit out of him. Don't expect him to allow anyone from this board to come over there. We all might do something crazy like....I don't know....post. I wonder if their servers could handle it?

Yes we were terrified when you hacked the board

I found it bone chilling when you made up some phantom poster to blame.

So you admit to be a pussy? Have you tried calling the police on pro? Its what your butt buddy would do.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Didn't you fucks learn anything when Pro' hacked our board?

Pro didn't hack anything. Newsflash: Your little gang is having some internal problems. "Tightly knit", indeed!

I suppose that's possible but I still think Pro's response to Zzaps inquiry into how he got into the protected section of the board is textbook horse shit. Like a little kid blaming the broken lamp on his imaginary friend.

What was Pro's response? I'd go read it myself, but I've been banned for lurking too much. \:\(

No, you've been banned because of the actions of Prometheus.

What did Pro do to cause my banning?
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
No, you've been banned because of the actions of Prometheus.

That is absolutely correct, Mxy. I scared the fucking shit out of him. Don't expect him to allow anyone from this board to come over there. We all might do something crazy like....I don't know....post. I wonder if their servers could handle it?

Yes we were terrified when you hacked the board

I found it bone chilling when you made up some phantom poster to blame.

So you admit to be a pussy? Have you tried calling the police on pro? Its what your butt buddy would do.

Like you guys are so high and mighty with your fascist mods deleting/editing our posts. Talk about hypocricy.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
No, you've been banned because of the actions of Prometheus.

That is absolutely correct, Mxy. I scared the fucking shit out of him. Don't expect him to allow anyone from this board to come over there. We all might do something crazy like....I don't know....post. I wonder if their servers could handle it?

Yes we were terrified when you hacked the board

I found it bone chilling when you made up some phantom poster to blame.

So you admit to be a pussy? Have you tried calling the police on pro? Its what your butt buddy would do.

I'm a retarded fucknut.
Halo, you should be glad if someone is deleting your posts. You spew so much psycho shit its good that we don't see your posting diarrea.
 Originally Posted By: rex
Halo, you should be glad if someone is deleting your posts. You spew so much psycho shit its good that we don't see your posting diarrea.

Psycko? I'd be as popular as Joe Mama if I did that.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: rex
Halo, you should be glad if someone is deleting your posts. You spew so much psycho shit its good that we don't see your posting diarrea.

Psycko? I'd be as popular as Joe Mama if I did that.

English please!
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: rex
Halo, you should be glad if someone is deleting your posts. You spew so much psycho shit its good that we don't see your posting diarrea.

Psycko? I'd be as popular as Joe Mama if I did that.

English please!

Since you asked nicely-

Psycko? I'd be as popular as Joe Mama if I did that.
No, I asked for you to repeat it in English, not repeat the same retardees comment.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Didn't you fucks learn anything when Pro' hacked our board?

Pro didn't hack anything. Newsflash: Your little gang is having some internal problems. "Tightly knit", indeed!

I suppose that's possible but I still think Pro's response to Zzaps inquiry into how he got into the protected section of the board is textbook horse shit. Like a little kid blaming the broken lamp on his imaginary friend.

What was Pro's response? I'd go read it myself, but I've been banned for lurking too much. \:\(

It's hypocritical to ban hackers?

Anyway, this is Pro's bullshit-

Zzap, I'm not giving you a name. To be absolutely honest, I don't know who it is. They aren't using a name over there that correlates over here. So, you do whatever your clearly posted rules say you have to. Meanwhile, point out exactly what I've done to warrant the ban. Just curious. I mean, you can say I "hacked" your board. But, if you actually knew my level of computer prowess, you'd get a bigger kick out of it than I do...

No, you've been banned because we are a collective of hypocritical faggots.

This is an amusing post, and not just because you fucked up the quote function and ended up calling yourself an... well, it's right there.

No, it's your level of denial what I find hilarious. Ok, go on thinking that Pro hacked your board. That's fine by me, because it means that you're not doing anything to solve your REAL problem. And, oh, that can't be good you lot.

I hope at some point your "buddy", whoever he is, steps up and confesses everything he's done. Not because I think you're gonna feel silly, no. I'm just curious to see how you're gonna rationalize that revelation. I'm sure you'll find an intrincate way that doesn't involve admitting that you're not really too bright.
Also, it's kinda ironic that you're supposed to be here out of loyalty for a friend, and then end up banning Pro for not selling out someone who helped him. I guess in that same position you wouldn't hesitate to name names, huh?
Pro is a computer ignoramus.
This is the guy that cant even remember how to get back into his MySpace account, and Gaylo is convinced he hacked their board!
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
I thought all the people telling him to stop were you. All those alt IDs are giving you Multiple personality disorder.

I say, the kid's got more issues than a newstand...

Yeah see, I only had like two alts. You bring your confusion on yourself.

Ba Ba Bumpster [Password:Inthenight]
Captain Sandy Vangina [Password: SamIAM]
Dr Fate [Password: Pandora]
Genocidal Asshole [Password: Overlord]
ISniffBritneySpearsFarts [password: fiveshadow]
JoeMamalovesthecock [Password: Dickhead]
Oakley's Revenge [Password: suckit]
Serpico [Password: pacino]
Okay Halo, let's start over. One and one is two, two and one is three...
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
Okay Halo, let's start over. One and one is two, two and one is three...

Whomod sent him a link that proves you are wrong about that.
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Didn't you fucks learn anything when Pro' hacked our board?

Pro didn't hack anything. Newsflash: Your little gang is having some internal problems. "Tightly knit", indeed!

I suppose that's possible but I still think Pro's response to Zzaps inquiry into how he got into the protected section of the board is textbook horse shit. Like a little kid blaming the broken lamp on his imaginary friend.

What was Pro's response? I'd go read it myself, but I've been banned for lurking too much. \:\(

It's hypocritical to ban hackers?

Anyway, this is Pro's bullshit-

Zzap, I'm not giving you a name. To be absolutely honest, I don't know who it is. They aren't using a name over there that correlates over here. So, you do whatever your clearly posted rules say you have to. Meanwhile, point out exactly what I've done to warrant the ban. Just curious. I mean, you can say I "hacked" your board. But, if you actually knew my level of computer prowess, you'd get a bigger kick out of it than I do...

No, you've been banned because we are a collective of hypocritical faggots.

This is an amusing post, and not just because you fucked up the quote function and ended up calling yourself an... well, it's right there.

No, it's your level of denial what I find hilarious. Ok, go on thinking that Pro hacked your board. That's fine by me, because it means that you're not doing anything to solve your REAL problem. And, oh, that can't be good you lot.

I hope at some point your "buddy", whoever he is, steps up and confesses everything he's done. Not because I think you're gonna feel silly, no. I'm just curious to see how you're gonna rationalize that revelation. I'm sure you'll find an intrincate way that doesn't involve admitting that you're not really too bright.

Didn't fuck up anything. Just to prove it I'll quote something I said-

I suppose that's possible but I still think Pro's response to Zzaps inquiry into how he got into the protected section of the board is textbook horse shit. Like a little kid blaming the broken lamp on his imaginary friend.

Yeah, that doesn't sound like denial to me.
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
Okay Halo, let's start over. One and one is two, two and one is three...

You must be the brainiac in this bee hive. Not that that means much.
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
I thought all the people telling him to stop were you. All those alt IDs are giving you Multiple personality disorder.

I say, the kid's got more issues than a newstand...

Yeah see, I only had like two alts. You bring your confusion on yourself.

Ba Ba Bumpster [Password:Inthenight]
Captain Sandy Vangina [Password: SamIAM]
Dr Fate [Password: Pandora]
Genocidal Asshole [Password: Overlord]
ISniffBritneySpearsFarts [password: fiveshadow]
JoeMamalovesthecock [Password: Dickhead]
Oakley's Revenge [Password: suckit]
Serpico [Password: pacino]

There's a reason we shared passwords.
Brainiac is a comic book character, save that for the comic forum. Geez, I may have to hold off on the math if you can't even read.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Didn't you fucks learn anything when Pro' hacked our board?

Pro didn't hack anything. Newsflash: Your little gang is having some internal problems. "Tightly knit", indeed!

I suppose that's possible but I still think Pro's response to Zzaps inquiry into how he got into the protected section of the board is textbook horse shit. Like a little kid blaming the broken lamp on his imaginary friend.

What was Pro's response? I'd go read it myself, but I've been banned for lurking too much. \:\(

It's hypocritical to ban hackers?

Anyway, this is Pro's bullshit-

Zzap, I'm not giving you a name. To be absolutely honest, I don't know who it is. They aren't using a name over there that correlates over here. So, you do whatever your clearly posted rules say you have to. Meanwhile, point out exactly what I've done to warrant the ban. Just curious. I mean, you can say I "hacked" your board. But, if you actually knew my level of computer prowess, you'd get a bigger kick out of it than I do...

No, you've been banned because we are a collective of hypocritical faggots.

This is an amusing post, and not just because you fucked up the quote function and ended up calling yourself an... well, it's right there.

No, it's your level of denial what I find hilarious. Ok, go on thinking that Pro hacked your board. That's fine by me, because it means that you're not doing anything to solve your REAL problem. And, oh, that can't be good you lot.

I hope at some point your "buddy", whoever he is, steps up and confesses everything he's done. Not because I think you're gonna feel silly, no. I'm just curious to see how you're gonna rationalize that revelation. I'm sure you'll find an intrincate way that doesn't involve admitting that you're not really too bright.

Didn't fuck up anything.

Oh, then you really did mean to say "No, you've been banned because we are a collective of hypocritical faggots"?

There's nothing wrong with admitting that you're wrong every once a while, you know. If you knew that, you wouldn't be ridiculed so often. But, of course, you've never been ridiculed by anyone. Nope.

Just to prove it I'll quote something I said-

I suppose that's possible but I still think Pro's response to Zzaps inquiry into how he got into the protected section of the board is textbook horse shit. Like a little kid blaming the broken lamp on his imaginary friend.

Yeah, that doesn't sound like denial to me.

Why do you think Pro's response sounds like horse shit to you? Hint: It's because you have a hard time admitting anything that makes you look silly. I'm sure that inside your head it does really sound like horse shit, but you must realize that for normal human beings it simply makes sense.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
I thought all the people telling him to stop were you. All those alt IDs are giving you Multiple personality disorder.

I say, the kid's got more issues than a newstand...

Yeah see, I only had like two alts. You bring your confusion on yourself.

Ba Ba Bumpster [Password:Inthenight]
Captain Sandy Vangina [Password: SamIAM]
Dr Fate [Password: Pandora]
Genocidal Asshole [Password: Overlord]
ISniffBritneySpearsFarts [password: fiveshadow]
JoeMamalovesthecock [Password: Dickhead]
Oakley's Revenge [Password: suckit]
Serpico [Password: pacino]

There's a reason we shared passwords.

see that was easy, you said you only had two alts, i showed your list of alts, you admitted to it. you are such a easy fucktard to beat. cue the i win again theme song.....

Halo really put his balls in a salad shooter this time.
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
I thought all the people telling him to stop were you. All those alt IDs are giving you Multiple personality disorder.

I say, the kid's got more issues than a newstand...

Yeah see, I only had like two alts. You bring your confusion on yourself.

Ba Ba Bumpster [Password:Inthenight]
Captain Sandy Vangina [Password: SamIAM]
Dr Fate [Password: Pandora]
Genocidal Asshole [Password: Overlord]
ISniffBritneySpearsFarts [password: fiveshadow]
JoeMamalovesthecock [Password: Dickhead]
Oakley's Revenge [Password: suckit]
Serpico [Password: pacino]

There's a reason we shared passwords.

see that was easy, you said you only had two alts, i showed your list of alts, you admitted to it. you are such a easy fucktard to beat. cue the i win again theme song.....


Beat what? You aren't thinking about what I'm saying.Most of those were board alts that we all used. For the exception of Doc Fate, JoeMamaLovesCock, Ba Ba Bumpster and Genocide I only used those other once or twice.

So, you know, congrats on pointing out I had a whopping 2 more alts than I thought
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
Halo really put his balls in a salad shooter this time.

Whatever shall I do?
Oh, then you really did mean to say "No, you've been banned because we are a collective of hypocritical faggots"?

There's nothing wrong with admitting that you're wrong every once a while, you know. If you knew that, you wouldn't be ridiculed so often. But, of course, you've never been ridiculed by anyone. Nope.

What are you talking about? I'm saying I didn't fuck up quoting.

Why do you think Pro's response sounds like horse shit to you? Hint: It's because you have a hard time admitting anything that makes you look silly. I'm sure that inside your head it does really sound like horse shit, but you must realize that for normal human beings it simply makes sense.

No, I think it sounds like horse shit cause he didn't know who it was that gave him the password. If the names didn't correlate from this board to the Insurgency then why wouldn't he?
No follow up BSAMS? Is it possible even an idiot like you knows when he jumped the gun?

If it makes you feel better I think like 10 posts as Oakley so that might be considered more then just a board alt.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Oh, then you really did mean to say "No, you've been banned because we are a collective of hypocritical faggots"?

There's nothing wrong with admitting that you're wrong every once a while, you know. If you knew that, you wouldn't be ridiculed so often. But, of course, you've never been ridiculed by anyone. Nope.

What are you talking about? I'm saying I didn't fuck up quoting.

...he still doesn't realize what he did, does he?

Something as simple as going back to check your original post would have saved us a lot of hassle. Of course, I say that assuming that you didn't intend it to look like that.

...did you?

No, I think it sounds like horse shit cause he didn't know who it was that gave him the password. If the names didn't correlate from this board to the Insurgency then why wouldn't he?

Uh, because the names didn't correlate from this board to the Insurgency? Let's say I go there and register as Poopy Pants McKay and I send you Chant's magical muffin recipe. Then Chant is all like "YO BITCHES, WHO GAVE OUT MY FUCKING RECIPE COCKSUCKERS?!". Obviously you wouldn't hesitate to sell me out, but then you'd be like "Oh, wait, his name was something like Poopy Pants McKay, so I don't really know" and Chant would be like "BITCH, THAT NAME MEANS NOTHING TO ME, WHY DID YOU TELL IT TO ME IF YOU KNEW THERES NO ONE HERE WITH THAT NAME" and you'd be like "Huh, sorry, guess I wasn't thinking" and Chant would go "OH ITS OK, DONT LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN :-]". Get it?
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I think like 10 posts as Oakley

There's your problem!
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
If it makes you feel better I think like 10 posts as Oakley so that might be considered more then just a board alt.

Is that yiddish?
He has the mind of Ten Oakleys!
235 Oakley brains make up the IQ of a gopher.
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
Pro is a computer ignoramus.
This is the guy that cant even remember how to get back into his MySpace account, and Gaylo is convinced he hacked their board!

I know!
still doesn't realize what he did, does he?

Something as simple as going back to check your original post would have saved us a lot of hassle. Of course, I say that assuming that you didn't intend it to look like that.

...did you?

Dude, I meant to put it in Italics.

Uh, because the names didn't correlate from this board to the Insurgency? Let's say I go there and register as Poopy Pants McKay and I send you Chant's magical muffin recipe. Then Chant is all like "YO BITCHES, WHO GAVE OUT MY FUCKING RECIPE COCKSUCKERS?!". Obviously you wouldn't hesitate to sell me out, but then you'd be like "Oh, wait, his name was something like Poopy Pants McKay, so I don't really know" and Chant would be like "BITCH, THAT NAME MEANS NOTHING TO ME, WHY DID YOU TELL IT TO ME IF YOU KNEW THERES NO ONE HERE WITH THAT NAME" and you'd be like "Huh, sorry, guess I wasn't thinking" and Chant would go "OH ITS OK, DONT LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN :-]". Get it?

Jackass, let's assume Pro' is telling the truth, right? Somebody here gave him the password with a name that doesn't match anything over at the Insurgency. Okay, so then what's the harm of giving the name? We can't know who it was anyway. Get it?

The only real reason to not give a name is cause he didn't have one.
What's in a name?
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Dude, I meant to put it in Italics.

You still don't realize what's wrong with that post? You're kidding, right? Please tell me you're kidding.

Jackass, let's assume Pro' is telling the truth, right? Somebody here gave him the password with a name that doesn't match anything over at the Insurgency. Okay, so then what's the harm of giving the name? We can't know who it was anyway. Get it?

What's the harm? Ok, let's say I don't register as Poopy Pants McKay. Let's say I register as George Lucas. Even though I am not George Lucas. You wouldn't want people here to retalliate against Lucas even though he wasn't the one who shared the magical recipe, right? Um... right?

The only real reason to not give a name is cause he didn't have one.

I guess the concept of loyalty is completely foreign to you. Admit it. You came back to talk about Green Lantern.
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Dude, I meant to put it in Italics.

You still don't realize what's wrong with that post? You're kidding, right? Please tell me you're kidding.

Jackass, let's assume Pro' is telling the truth, right? Somebody here gave him the password with a name that doesn't match anything over at the Insurgency. Okay, so then what's the harm of giving the name? We can't know who it was anyway. Get it?

What's the harm? Ok, let's say I don't register as Poopy Pants McKay. Let's say I register as George Lucas. Even though I am not George Lucas. You wouldn't want people here to retalliate against Lucas even though he wasn't the one who shared the magical recipe, right? Um... right?

The only real reason to not give a name is cause he didn't have one.

I guess the concept of loyalty is completely foreign to you. Admit it. You came back to talk about Green Lantern.

This is hilarious. I don't get the concept of loyalty? This coming from you assholes who bitch about us coming to back up Whomod?

We flame all you assholes here at Rob's board equally. It wouldn't make any difference.

And I guess you are going to have to point out what I did wrong. Here's the quote-

It's hypocritical to ban hackers?

Anyway, this is Pro's bullshit-

Zzap, I'm not giving you a name. To be absolutely honest, I don't know who it is. They aren't using a name over there that correlates over here. So, you do whatever your clearly posted rules say you have to. Meanwhile, point out exactly what I've done to warrant the ban. Just curious. I mean, you can say I "hacked" your board. But, if you actually knew my level of computer prowess, you'd get a bigger kick out of it than I do...

No, you've been banned because we are a collective of hypocritical faggots.
RE: Loyalty.

Ok. Now think a bit. Why would Pro not want to give you the name of the person who helped him? Is it because... it's a forbidden name, like Voldemort? Is it becaaaaause... there's a nano-bomb in his bloodstream that will explode if he types the name? Or is it becaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaause... he doesn't want to sell out someone who provided us with oh so many extra laughs?

Hmmm. Methinks it's the nano-bomb one!

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
And I guess you are going to have to point out what I did wrong. Here's the quote-

It's hypocritical to ban hackers?

Anyway, this is Pro's bullshit-

Zzap, I'm not giving you a name. To be absolutely honest, I don't know who it is. They aren't using a name over there that correlates over here. So, you do whatever your clearly posted rules say you have to. Meanwhile, point out exactly what I've done to warrant the ban. Just curious. I mean, you can say I "hacked" your board. But, if you actually knew my level of computer prowess, you'd get a bigger kick out of it than I do...

No, you've been banned because we are a collective of hypocritical faggots.

You're right. On second look, I don't see anything wrong with that post.
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
RE: Loyalty.

Ok. Now think a bit. Why would Pro not want to give you the name of the person who helped him? Is it because... it's a forbidden name, like Voldemort? Is it becaaaaause... there's a nano-bomb in his bloodstream that will explode if he types the name? Or is it becaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaause... he doesn't want to sell out someone who provided us with oh so many extra laughs?

Hmmm. Methinks it's the nano-bomb one!

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
And I guess you are going to have to point out what I did wrong. Here's the quote-

It's hypocritical to ban hackers?

Anyway, this is Pro's bullshit-

Zzap, I'm not giving you a name. To be absolutely honest, I don't know who it is. They aren't using a name over there that correlates over here. So, you do whatever your clearly posted rules say you have to. Meanwhile, point out exactly what I've done to warrant the ban. Just curious. I mean, you can say I "hacked" your board. But, if you actually knew my level of computer prowess, you'd get a bigger kick out of it than I do...

No, you've been banned because we are a collective of hypocritical faggots.

You're right. On second look, I don't see anything wrong with that post.

Ah-ha. In my defense though you said I screwed up the quote function, not including somebody elses quote.
Also in your defense, you are a fucking dolt, so we really shouldn't expect much from you.
Well, if you go back and look at the original post again, you'll see that you wrote your reply inside the [ quote ] [ /quote ] tags. That's what I meant by "screwing up the quote function".
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Also in your defense, you are a fucking dolt, so we really shouldn't expect much from you.

Did you steal that line from Mikey too?
Is "Mikey" code for everyone else online?
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Also in your defense, you are a fucking dolt, so we really shouldn't expect much from you.

Did you steal that line from Mikey too?

No, Prometheus hacked the Insurgency archives while looking for good reading material and sent it to me in a top secret, encrypted file.

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Also in your defense, you are a fucking dolt, so we really shouldn't expect much from you.

Did you steal that line from Mikey too?

No, Prometheus hacked the Insurgency archives while looking for good reading material and sent it to me in a top secret, encrypted file.

You needed all that to call somebody a dolt?
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Also in your defense, you are a fucking dolt, so we really shouldn't expect much from you.

Did you steal that line from Mikey too?

No, Prometheus hacked the Insurgency archives while looking for good reading material and sent it to me in a top secret, encrypted file.

 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Also in your defense, you are a fucking dolt, so we really shouldn't expect much from you.

Did you steal that line from Mikey too?

No, Prometheus hacked the Insurgency archives while looking for good reading material and sent it to me in a top secret, encrypted file.

Speak of the devil...
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Also in your defense, you are a fucking dolt, so we really shouldn't expect much from you.

Did you steal that line from Mikey too?

No, Prometheus hacked the Insurgency archives while looking for good reading material and sent it to me in a top secret, encrypted file.

JLA is a great computer hacker! He even played ninja turtles on his pc once!
I would like a copy of Chant's magical muffin recipe.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
So you're just going to keep avoiding everything I said, huh?

Whomod is just your latest tactic at distraction.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Psycko? I'd be as popular as Joe Mama if I did that.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
You must be the brainiac in this bee hive. Not that that means much.

So many Oakleyesque post for us to laugh at and enjoy...

And finally:

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
If it makes you feel better I think like 10 posts as Oakley so that might be considered more then just a board alt.

You should post more since you're this board's new Oakley. You could be Li'l Tommy Oakley, or Tom Oakley, or - if you want to keep your current name - Haloakley82.

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
So you're just going to keep avoiding everything I said, huh?

Whomod is just your latest tactic at distraction.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Psycko? I'd be as popular as Joe Mama if I did that.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
You must be the brainiac in this bee hive. Not that that means much.

So many Oakleyesque post for us to laugh at and enjoy...

And finally:

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
If it makes you feel better I think like 10 posts as Oakley so that might be considered more then just a board alt.

You should post more since you're this board's new Oakley. You could be Li'l Tommy Oakley, or Tom Oakley, or - if you want to keep your current name - Haloakley82.

According to your definition of "Oakleyesque" I'm starting to wonder if you're Oakley. Example off the top of my head

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
I like how these two have made a love connection
I can't find happiness in the fact that you and 655321 seemed to make a love connection a week ago?


Tommy...did you create 655321 the way Oakley created Nuriko???

The Path of Oakley!!!

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
I can't find happiness in the fact that you and 655321 seemed to make a love connection a week ago?


Tommy...did you create 655321 the way Oakley created Nuriko???

The Path of Oakley!!!

You just can't help but avoid the point, can you Martin?

I think for now on whenever some dumb fuck obsesses on me I'll call it a "Joeyesque" post. Since it's easy enough to type.
Oh NO!!! You invoked the M-name!!!

But why would you call it "Joeyesque?" Joey From Friends isn't obsessing over you. Unless...is whomod's real name Joseph or Joey? Wouldn't it be clearer to call it "whomodish?" "whomodesque" doesn't have much of a ring to it...
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Oh NO!!! You invoked the M-name!!!

But why would you call it "Joeyesque?" Joey From Friends isn't obsessing over you. Unless...is whomod's real name Joseph or Joey? Wouldn't it be clearer to call it "whomodish?" "whomodesque" doesn't have much of a ring to it...

It's amazing how you act like using a real name isn't a big deal now that I know yours. And I call it "Joeyesque" cause it has a better ring than "Martyesque". Just sounds gay.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Oh NO!!! You invoked the M-name!!!

But why would you call it "Joeyesque?" Joey From Friends isn't obsessing over you. Unless...is whomod's real name Joseph or Joey? Wouldn't it be clearer to call it "whomodish?" "whomodesque" doesn't have much of a ring to it...

It's amazing how you act like using a real name isn't a big deal now that I know yours. And I call it "Joeyesque" cause it has a better ring than "Martyesque". Just sounds gay.

Dude, you HONESTLY believe that my name is Martin? Martin SCHECKLAND, of all things???

You go ahead and call me Martin or Marty or Mr. Scheckland or any variation. And ignore all the snickering that you see on the boards.

Thank you for that post, Tommy. Bless you.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Oh NO!!! You invoked the M-name!!!

But why would you call it "Joeyesque?" Joey From Friends isn't obsessing over you. Unless...is whomod's real name Joseph or Joey? Wouldn't it be clearer to call it "whomodish?" "whomodesque" doesn't have much of a ring to it...

It's amazing how you act like using a real name isn't a big deal now that I know yours. And I call it "Joeyesque" cause it has a better ring than "Martyesque". Just sounds gay.

Dude, you HONESTLY believe that my name is Martin? Martin SCHECKLAND, of all things???

You go ahead and call me Martin or Marty or Mr. Scheckland or any variation. And ignore all the snickering that you see on the boards.

Thank you for that post, Tommy. Bless you.

Sheckland? Who said anything about Sheckland?

You mother fuckers snicker at everything that isn't as retarded as you are.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Oh NO!!! You invoked the M-name!!!

But why would you call it "Joeyesque?" Joey From Friends isn't obsessing over you. Unless...is whomod's real name Joseph or Joey? Wouldn't it be clearer to call it "whomodish?" "whomodesque" doesn't have much of a ring to it...

It's amazing how you act like using a real name isn't a big deal now that I know yours. And I call it "Joeyesque" cause it has a better ring than "Martyesque". Just sounds gay.

Dude, you HONESTLY believe that my name is Martin? Martin SCHECKLAND, of all things???

You go ahead and call me Martin or Marty or Mr. Scheckland or any variation. And ignore all the snickering that you see on the boards.

Thank you for that post, Tommy. Bless you.

Sheckland? Who said anything about Sheckland?

You mother fuckers snicker at everything that isn't as retarded as you are.

The last name is spelled "Scheckland."


 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Oh NO!!! You invoked the M-name!!!

But why would you call it "Joeyesque?" Joey From Friends isn't obsessing over you. Unless...is whomod's real name Joseph or Joey? Wouldn't it be clearer to call it "whomodish?" "whomodesque" doesn't have much of a ring to it...

It's amazing how you act like using a real name isn't a big deal now that I know yours. And I call it "Joeyesque" cause it has a better ring than "Martyesque". Just sounds gay.

Dude, you HONESTLY believe that my name is Martin? Martin SCHECKLAND, of all things???

You go ahead and call me Martin or Marty or Mr. Scheckland or any variation. And ignore all the snickering that you see on the boards.

Thank you for that post, Tommy. Bless you.

Sheckland? Who said anything about Sheckland?

You mother fuckers snicker at everything that isn't as retarded as you are.

The last name is spelled "Scheckland."


I thought you said that's not your name? Loopholes abound.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Oh NO!!! You invoked the M-name!!!

But why would you call it "Joeyesque?" Joey From Friends isn't obsessing over you. Unless...is whomod's real name Joseph or Joey? Wouldn't it be clearer to call it "whomodish?" "whomodesque" doesn't have much of a ring to it...

It's amazing how you act like using a real name isn't a big deal now that I know yours. And I call it "Joeyesque" cause it has a better ring than "Martyesque". Just sounds gay.

Dude, you HONESTLY believe that my name is Martin? Martin SCHECKLAND, of all things???

You go ahead and call me Martin or Marty or Mr. Scheckland or any variation. And ignore all the snickering that you see on the boards.

Thank you for that post, Tommy. Bless you.

Sheckland? Who said anything about Sheckland?

You mother fuckers snicker at everything that isn't as retarded as you are.

The last name is spelled "Scheckland."


I thought you said that's not your name? Loopholes abound.

Tom, seriously, I'm dying to know. Where'd you get that name? Please tell me. See how nice I'm asking? I even said "please."

And I told you - feel free to call me Martin or Marty or Mr. Scheckland (but note the spelling) or Schecky or any variation. Seriously.

I don't think "loopholes" is the word you mean to use, by the way.

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Oh NO!!! You invoked the M-name!!!

But why would you call it "Joeyesque?" Joey From Friends isn't obsessing over you. Unless...is whomod's real name Joseph or Joey? Wouldn't it be clearer to call it "whomodish?" "whomodesque" doesn't have much of a ring to it...

It's amazing how you act like using a real name isn't a big deal now that I know yours. And I call it "Joeyesque" cause it has a better ring than "Martyesque". Just sounds gay.

Dude, you HONESTLY believe that my name is Martin? Martin SCHECKLAND, of all things???

You go ahead and call me Martin or Marty or Mr. Scheckland or any variation. And ignore all the snickering that you see on the boards.

Thank you for that post, Tommy. Bless you.

Sheckland? Who said anything about Sheckland?

You mother fuckers snicker at everything that isn't as retarded as you are.

The last name is spelled "Scheckland."


I thought you said that's not your name? Loopholes abound.

Tom, seriously, I'm dying to know. Where'd you get that name? Please tell me. See how nice I'm asking? I even said "please."

And I told you - feel free to call me Martin or Marty or Mr. Scheckland (but note the spelling) or Schecky or any variation. Seriously.

I don't think "loopholes" is the word you mean to use, by the way.

Yes it is. You think about it.
Well if you're gonna be a Mr. Poopiepants and not tell me where you dug up that name, then there's nothing else to talk about, Tom. You Grumpy-Gus, you.

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Well if you're gonna be a Mr. Poopiepants and not tell me where you dug up that name, then there's nothing else to talk about, Tom. You Grumpy-Gus, you.

Why you wanna know so bad? You didn't see me freaking out when you called me Tom?
I'm not freaking out, you Silly-Billy. I think it's hilarious. I'm simply dying to know because you either got it from someone and I need to know who to thank for this, or you did some digging yourself and somehow found it. But you're not gonna tell me, so all I can do is kick back and keep laughing.

You actually looked at that name and thought, "Ah-HAH!!! I've got his name! This'll show 'im!!!"

Seriously, Tom. Bless you for this.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Well if you're gonna be a Mr. Poopiepants and not tell me where you dug up that name, then there's nothing else to talk about, Tom. You Grumpy-Gus, you.

Why you wanna know so bad? You didn't see me freaking out when you called me Tom?

it's too bad they are calling you by my name, Nick.
if they are going to get our personal information they could at least get the members right,
Wait, he really thinks your name is Martin? As in Martin Scheckland?



Tommy, once again you prove that your stupidity is boundless! (But amusing.)
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
I'm not freaking out, you Silly-Billy. I think it's hilarious. I'm simply dying to know because you either got it from someone and I need to know who to thank for this, or you did some digging yourself and somehow found it. But you're not gonna tell me, so all I can do is kick back and keep laughing.

You actually looked at that name and thought, "Ah-HAH!!! I've got his name! This'll show 'im!!!"

Seriously, Tom. Bless you for this.

 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
Wait, he really thinks your name is Martin? As in Martin Scheckland?



Tommy, once again you prove that your stupidity is boundless! (But amusing.)


I just got OFFICIAL word! Sikkbones is "Tom." Halotard is "Nick." No matter what his first posts says. They're swapping names cuz they're GENIUSES!!!

(My sides hurt...)
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Well if you're gonna be a Mr. Poopiepants and not tell me where you dug up that name, then there's nothing else to talk about, Tom. You Grumpy-Gus, you.

Why you wanna know so bad? You didn't see me freaking out when you called me Tom?

it's too bad they are calling you by my name, Nick.
if they are going to get our personal information they could at least get the members right,

No kidding, Steve.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
I'm not freaking out, you Silly-Billy. I think it's hilarious. I'm simply dying to know because you either got it from someone and I need to know who to thank for this, or you did some digging yourself and somehow found it. But you're not gonna tell me, so all I can do is kick back and keep laughing.

You actually looked at that name and thought, "Ah-HAH!!! I've got his name! This'll show 'im!!!"

Seriously, Tom. Bless you for this.

Oh, you just keep doing what you're doing, buddy! I'll even pretend that's my real name if it keeps you using the name...
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
Wait, he really thinks your name is Martin? As in Martin Scheckland?



Tommy, once again you prove that your stupidity is boundless! (But amusing.)


I just got OFFICIAL word! Sikkbones is "Tom." Halotard is "Nick." No matter what his first posts says. They're swapping names cuz they're GENIUSES!!!

(My sides hurt...)

That's right, whore, laugh it off. Typical response from someone who is backed into a corner.

And your side probaly hurts from carrying all that weight.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
I'm not freaking out, you Silly-Billy. I think it's hilarious. I'm simply dying to know because you either got it from someone and I need to know who to thank for this, or you did some digging yourself and somehow found it. But you're not gonna tell me, so all I can do is kick back and keep laughing.

You actually looked at that name and thought, "Ah-HAH!!! I've got his name! This'll show 'im!!!"

Seriously, Tom. Bless you for this.

Are you retards trying to find out our real names? Because if you are you have failed on such a high level you shouldn't even be allowed to be part of society.
Now now, William -- er, I mean Rex -- let's not jump to conclusions.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Freak out.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

 Originally Posted By: rex
Are you retards trying to find out our real names? Because if you are you have failed on such a high level you shouldn't even be allowed to be part of society.

Actually you retards trying to find out our names (see all the times Joe tried to seduce me by calling me Tommy). I just stumbled on it in the archives looking for more intresting material.
 Originally Posted By: PCG342
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
I'm not freaking out, you Silly-Billy. I think it's hilarious. I'm simply dying to know because you either got it from someone and I need to know who to thank for this, or you did some digging yourself and somehow found it. But you're not gonna tell me, so all I can do is kick back and keep laughing.

You actually looked at that name and thought, "Ah-HAH!!! I've got his name! This'll show 'im!!!"

Seriously, Tom. Bless you for this.

Moron can't even figure out how to post a pic.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: PCG342
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
I'm not freaking out, you Silly-Billy. I think it's hilarious. I'm simply dying to know because you either got it from someone and I need to know who to thank for this, or you did some digging yourself and somehow found it. But you're not gonna tell me, so all I can do is kick back and keep laughing.

You actually looked at that name and thought, "Ah-HAH!!! I've got his name! This'll show 'im!!!"

Seriously, Tom. Bless you for this.

Moron can't even figure out how to post a pic.

It loads just fine for me. And the fact remains: You're a fucktard.
 Originally Posted By: rex
Damn, Halo's got me there.
Halo.. you stole my backpedaling pic fucker.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
Wait, he really thinks your name is Martin? As in Martin Scheckland?



Tommy, once again you prove that your stupidity is boundless! (But amusing.)


I just got OFFICIAL word! Sikkbones is "Tom." Halotard is "Nick." No matter what his first posts says. They're swapping names cuz they're GENIUSES!!!

(My sides hurt...)

That's right, whore, laugh it off. Typical response from someone who is backed into a corner.

And your side probaly hurts from carrying all that weight.

You got me. I'm Martin Scheckland. OH WOE(!!!) how I tried to keep that name a secret! Call me Martin...call me Marty...call me Mr. Scheckland or Schecky...just DON'T force me to say my name backwards!!!

I don't wanna be sent back to Yankee Stadium for 90 days!!!

Y'know what else cracks me up? That you call us "whore" and "slut." Like we don't already KNOW that you wanna make fuck with some of us...

 Originally Posted By: PCG342
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: PCG342
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
I'm not freaking out, you Silly-Billy. I think it's hilarious. I'm simply dying to know because you either got it from someone and I need to know who to thank for this, or you did some digging yourself and somehow found it. But you're not gonna tell me, so all I can do is kick back and keep laughing.

You actually looked at that name and thought, "Ah-HAH!!! I've got his name! This'll show 'im!!!"

Seriously, Tom. Bless you for this.

Moron can't even figure out how to post a pic.

It loads just fine for me. And the fact remains: You're a fucktard.


I bet rex loads just fine for you too.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: PCG342
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: PCG342
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
I'm not freaking out, you Silly-Billy. I think it's hilarious. I'm simply dying to know because you either got it from someone and I need to know who to thank for this, or you did some digging yourself and somehow found it. But you're not gonna tell me, so all I can do is kick back and keep laughing.

You actually looked at that name and thought, "Ah-HAH!!! I've got his name! This'll show 'im!!!"

Seriously, Tom. Bless you for this.

Moron can't even figure out how to post a pic.

It loads just fine for me. And the fact remains: You're a fucktard.


I bet rex would load just fine in me too.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
Wait, he really thinks your name is Martin? As in Martin Scheckland?



Tommy, once again you prove that your stupidity is boundless! (But amusing.)


I just got OFFICIAL word! Sikkbones is "Tom." Halotard is "Nick." No matter what his first posts says. They're swapping names cuz they're GENIUSES!!!

(My sides hurt...)

That's right, whore, laugh it off. Typical response from someone who is backed into a corner.

And your side probaly hurts from carrying all that weight.

You got me. I'm Martin Scheckland. OH WOE(!!!) how I tried to keep that name a secret! Call me Martin...call me Marty...call me Mr. Scheckland or Schecky...just DON'T force me to say my name backwards!!!

I don't wanna be sent back to Yankee Stadium for 90 days!!!

Y'know what else cracks me up? That you call us "whore" and "slut." Like we don't already KNOW that you wanna make fuck with some of us...

it could be worse he could be calling you hermaprhordites.. err nevermind.
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
Wait, he really thinks your name is Martin? As in Martin Scheckland?



Tommy, once again you prove that your stupidity is boundless! (But amusing.)


I just got OFFICIAL word! Sikkbones is "Tom." Halotard is "Nick." No matter what his first posts says. They're swapping names cuz they're GENIUSES!!!

(My sides hurt...)

That's right, whore, laugh it off. Typical response from someone who is backed into a corner.

And your side probaly hurts from carrying all that weight.

You got me. I'm Martin Scheckland. OH WOE(!!!) how I tried to keep that name a secret! Call me Martin...call me Marty...call me Mr. Scheckland or Schecky...just DON'T force me to say my name backwards!!!

I don't wanna be sent back to Yankee Stadium for 90 days!!!

Y'know what else cracks me up? That you call us "whore" and "slut." Like we don't already KNOW that you wanna make fuck with some of us...

I'm not denying it. Stareena is hot.

I also call you guys Borg and Bees. Does that encourage your fantasies about me too? You hoping I'll dress up as Captain Picard and spank you? Sorry, not gonna happen.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
Wait, he really thinks your name is Martin? As in Martin Scheckland?



Tommy, once again you prove that your stupidity is boundless! (But amusing.)


I just got OFFICIAL word! Sikkbones is "Tom." Halotard is "Nick." No matter what his first posts says. They're swapping names cuz they're GENIUSES!!!

(My sides hurt...)

That's right, whore, laugh it off. Typical response from someone who is backed into a corner.

And your side probaly hurts from carrying all that weight.

You got me. I'm Martin Scheckland. OH WOE(!!!) how I tried to keep that name a secret! Call me Martin...call me Marty...call me Mr. Scheckland or Schecky...just DON'T force me to say my name backwards!!!

I don't wanna be sent back to Yankee Stadium for 90 days!!!

Y'know what else cracks me up? That you call us "whore" and "slut." Like we don't already KNOW that you wanna make fuck with some of us...

it could be worse he could be calling you hermaprhordites.. err nevermind.

I don't it gets any worse then Martin.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

This is awesome. Seriously.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Like, OMG, seriously you guys, both HALO AND SIKK ARE HERE!!! Oh man, how do I look?
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
Halo.. you stole my backpedaling pic fucker.

It's for a good cause.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Like, OMG, seriously you guys, both HALO AND SIKK ARE HERE!!! Oh man, how do I look?

he looks bent over and willing.
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Like, OMG, seriously you guys, both HALO AND SIKK ARE HERE!!! Oh man, how do I look?

he looks bent over and willing.

He's all yours.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

Sikkbones and Halo are BOTH talking about having sex with me!!!


Yeah, you boys are straight.

x (Please keep me outta your rotisserie fantasies, thank you)
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Sikkbones and Halo are BOTH talking about having sex with me!!!
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I want to have sex with Sikkbones and 655321...and it just might happen!!!

Good luck with that.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I want to have sex with Sikkbones and 655321...and it just might happen!!!

Good luck with that.

Well at least you quit calling me Tommy. That was horrible.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I want to have sex with Sikkbones and 655321...and it just might happen!!!

Good luck with that.

Well at least you quit calling me Tommy. That was horrible.

Just make sure you're on the right end of that rotisserie, okay? And use protection...who knows where any of you have been?

And I'm gonna call you Tommy unless you start calling me Martin, Tommy. So there.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I want to have sex with Sikkbones and 655321...and it just might happen!!!

Good luck with that.

Well at least you quit calling me Tommy. That was horrible.

Just make sure you're on the right end of that rotisserie, okay? And use protection...who knows where any of you have been?

And I'm gonna call you Tommy unless you start calling me Martin, Tommy. So there.

I'll make a deal with you. I'll use protection whenever I have sex if you never breed. Ever. Seriously, there are enough fat, ugly, repressed, pathological, dumbasses in the world.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I want to have sex with Sikkbones and 655321...and it just might happen!!!

Good luck with that.

Well at least you quit calling me Tommy. That was horrible.

Just make sure you're on the right end of that rotisserie, okay? And use protection...who knows where any of you have been?

And I'm gonna call you Tommy unless you start calling me Martin, Tommy. So there.

I'll make a deal with you. I'll use protection whenever I have sex if you never breed. Ever. Seriously, there are enough fat, ugly, repressed, pathological, dumbasses in the world.

That's no way to talk about 655321, Tommy.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I want to have sex with Sikkbones and 655321...and it just might happen!!!

Halo this isn't news.
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
RE: Loyalty.

Ok. Now think a bit. Why would Pro not want to give you the name of the person who helped him? Is it because... it's a forbidden name, like Voldemort? Is it becaaaaause... there's a nano-bomb in his bloodstream that will explode if he types the name? Or is it becaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaause... he doesn't want to sell out someone who provided us with oh so many extra laughs?

Hmmm. Methinks it's the nano-bomb one!

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
And I guess you are going to have to point out what I did wrong. Here's the quote-

It's hypocritical to ban hackers?

Anyway, this is Pro's bullshit-

Zzap, I'm not giving you a name. To be absolutely honest, I don't know who it is. They aren't using a name over there that correlates over here. So, you do whatever your clearly posted rules say you have to. Meanwhile, point out exactly what I've done to warrant the ban. Just curious. I mean, you can say I "hacked" your board. But, if you actually knew my level of computer prowess, you'd get a bigger kick out of it than I do...

No, you've been banned because we are a collective of hypocritical faggots.

You're right. On second look, I don't see anything wrong with that post.

Who knew I woulda got so much mileage out of that edit?
i'm bored...
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I want to have sex with Sikkbones and 655321...and it just might happen!!!

Halo this isn't news.

Don't enable Joe's delusions.
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
i'm bored...

Bored...here? No way. All the brilliant things these dweebs come with and you're still bored? Doesn't crying motie's just send chills up your spine? Aren't you awed by Joe's fabrications? How can you not find Sammitch's editing inspiring?

Then again, you might have a point.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I want to have sex with Sikkbones and 655321...and it just might happen!!!

Halo this isn't news.

Don't enable Joe's delusions.

then Stop having wet dreams about me.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
i'm bored...

Bored...here? No way. All the brilliant things these dweebs come with and you're still bored? Doesn't crying motie's just send chills up your spine? Aren't you awed by Joe's fabrications? How can you not find Sammitch's editing inspiring?

Then again, you might have a point.

I'm still bored... making a wet dream joke about you has been the most entertaining thing here all day.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
i'm bored...

Bored...here? No way. All the brilliant things these dweebs come with and you're still bored? Doesn't crying motie's just send chills up your spine? Aren't you awed by Joe's fabrications? How can you not find Sammitch's editing inspiring?

Then again, you might have a point.

And he still posts for his daily ass kicking...

Halo82 User Haloveous
2000+ posts 06/03/08 02:43 PM Making a new reply
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: Re: The super secter RKMBs raid planning thread just for RKMBs members and not gaysurgery posters
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I want to have sex with Sikkbones and 655321...and it just might happen!!!

Halo this isn't news.

Don't enable Joe's delusions.

then Stop having wet dreams about me.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
i'm bored...

Bored...here? No way. All the brilliant things these dweebs come with and you're still bored? Doesn't crying motie's just send chills up your spine? Aren't you awed by Joe's fabrications? How can you not find Sammitch's editing inspiring?

Then again, you might have a point.

I'm still bored... making a wet dream joke about you has been the most entertaining thing here all day.

I thought it was kinda funny while Joe was having his little "freak out" he called me "Mr Poopiepants". Funny in a nostalgic sense of when kids in 2nd grade would get picked on and act like they didn't care. Yeah, that's Joe.
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
i'm bored...

Bored...here? No way. All the brilliant things these dweebs come with and you're still bored? Doesn't crying motie's just send chills up your spine? Aren't you awed by Joe's fabrications? How can you not find Sammitch's editing inspiring?

Then again, you might have a point.

And he still posts for his daily ass kicking...

Halo82 User Haloveous
2000+ posts 06/03/08 02:43 PM Making a new reply
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: Re: The super secter RKMBs raid planning thread just for RKMBs members and not gaysurgery posters

Oh shit, I'm posting in this thread, just as I've done dozens of times
With dozens more to follow.

This is all very boring for you, getting clowned on yet another message board.

We get it.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I want to have sex with Sikkbones and 655321...and it just might happen!!!

Halo this isn't news.


 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
i'm bored...

Bored...here? No way. All the brilliant things these dweebs come with and you're still bored? Doesn't crying motie's just send chills up your spine? Aren't you awed by Joe's fabrications? How can you not find Sammitch's editing inspiring?

Then again, you might have a point.

Sounds like someone's getting ready to retreat and spin it so it isn't a retreat though he's retreated.

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
With dozens more to follow.

This is all very boring for you, getting clowned on yet another message board.

We get it.

Somebody sounds irritated. Not just irritated but confused. You sluts are the clowns, dressing yourselves up as intelligent and cool.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I want to have sex with Sikkbones and 655321...and it just might happen!!!

Halo this isn't news.

Don't enable Joe's delusions.

then Stop having wet dreams about me.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
i'm bored...

Bored...here? No way. All the brilliant things these dweebs come with and you're still bored? Doesn't crying motie's just send chills up your spine? Aren't you awed by Joe's fabrications? How can you not find Sammitch's editing inspiring?

Then again, you might have a point.

I'm still bored... making a wet dream joke about you has been the most entertaining thing here all day.

I thought it was kinda funny while Joe was having his little "freak out" he called me "Mr Poopiepants". Funny in a nostalgic sense of when kids in 2nd grade would get picked on and act like they didn't care. Yeah, that's Joe.

This would've been the best post of the day if not for the whole "Martin Scheckland" thing. Don't forget that I also called you "Grumpy Gus" and "Silly Billy." As opposed to your "slut" and "whore" comments. Tell me again who's freaking out, Tommy Boy?

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Sounds like someone's getting ready to retreat and spin it so it isn't a retreat though he's retreated.

Locking down an entire board and banning posters for lurking is also considered a huge victory for the Insurgency dipshits.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
i'm bored...

Bored...here? No way. All the brilliant things these dweebs come with and you're still bored? Doesn't crying motie's just send chills up your spine? Aren't you awed by Joe's fabrications? How can you not find Sammitch's editing inspiring?

Then again, you might have a point.

Sounds like someone's getting ready to retreat and spin it so it isn't a retreat though he's retreated.

I was thinking the same thing. JLAnus is definetly pissy.
You tell 'em, Killer!
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
With dozens more to follow.

This is all very boring for you, getting clowned on yet another message board.

We get it.

Somebody sounds irritated. Not just irritated but confused. You sluts are the clowns, dressing yourselves up as intelligent and cool.

There he is again, calling someone a slut.

At this point it CAN'T be a Freudian Slip! He really wants to try and offer some of us money for sex!

Sorry, Tommy. Maybe that flies in the Insurgency Forum. But it doesn't here. Take your money and go find a street corner like the rest of the dirty birdies.

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Sounds like someone's getting ready to retreat and spin it so it isn't a retreat though he's retreated.

Locking down an entire board and banning posters for lurking is also considered a huge victory for the Insurgency dipshits.

Hey, you bitches had to go and cheat by hacking. You couldn't take us in a straight up flame war.
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Sounds like someone's getting ready to retreat and spin it so it isn't a retreat though he's retreated.

Locking down an entire board and banning posters for lurking is also considered a huge victory for the Insurgency dipshits.

It's cuz it's and also because Tommy's a mod of the Hide-And-Whine-And-Lick-Wounds Forum there.
Prometheus is a hacker! Maybe he can hack his MySpace account next!

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Sounds like someone's getting ready to retreat and spin it so it isn't a retreat though he's retreated.

Locking down an entire board and banning posters for lurking is also considered a huge victory for the Insurgency dipshits.

Hey, you bitches had to go and cheat by hacking. You couldn't take us in a straight up flame war.

He called us CHEATERS?!?

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
With dozens more to follow.

This is all very boring for you, getting clowned on yet another message board.

We get it.

Somebody sounds irritated. Not just irritated but confused. You sluts are the clowns, dressing yourselves up as intelligent and cool.

There he is again, calling someone a slut.

At this point it CAN'T be a Freudian Slip! He really wants to try and offer some of us money for sex!

Sorry, Tommy. Maybe that flies in the Insurgency Forum. But it doesn't here. Take your money and go find a street corner like the rest of the dirty birdies.

I'm not surprised you don't know this, but calling someone a slut or a whore is probaly the last thing you should do if you want to have sex with.
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Prometheus is a hacker! Maybe he can hack his MySpace account next!

Prometheus better be careful. With his 1337 4ax0rs skillz, he could accidentally start WW3!!! I saw a movie about it once!!!

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
With dozens more to follow.

This is all very boring for you, getting clowned on yet another message board.

We get it.

Somebody sounds irritated. Not just irritated but confused. You sluts are the clowns, dressing yourselves up as intelligent and cool.

There he is again, calling someone a slut.

At this point it CAN'T be a Freudian Slip! He really wants to try and offer some of us money for sex!

Sorry, Tommy. Maybe that flies in the Insurgency Forum. But it doesn't here. Take your money and go find a street corner like the rest of the dirty birdies.

I'm not surprised you don't know this, but calling someone a slut or a whore is probaly the last thing you should do if you want to have sex with.

Learned that the hard way, did'ja Tommy? And yet it's the old habits that die hardest, eh?

How about a nice game of chess?
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
How about a nice game of chess?

Hey Tommy! Did you know that Prometheus' real name is Matthew Balderick? Oh it's true! It's !!!

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
How about a nice game of chess?

You must be the reason chess players have such a bad rep.
Halo82: All right, JLA. Maybe you can tell us who first suggested the idea of reproduction without sex.

JLA: Your mum?
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
How about a nice game of chess?

You must be the reason chess players have such a bad rep.

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
With dozens more to follow.

This is all very boring for you, getting clowned on yet another message board.

We get it.

Somebody sounds irritated. Not just irritated but confused. You sluts are the clowns, dressing yourselves up as intelligent and cool.

There he is again, calling someone a slut.

At this point it CAN'T be a Freudian Slip! He really wants to try and offer some of us money for sex!

Sorry, Tommy. Maybe that flies in the Insurgency Forum. But it doesn't here. Take your money and go find a street corner like the rest of the dirty birdies.

I'm not surprised you don't know this, but calling someone a slut or a whore is probaly the last thing you should do if you want to have sex with.

Learned that the hard way, did'ja Tommy? And yet it's the old habits that die hardest, eh?

I'd like to think of it as common sense.
Halo82: Prometheus does fit the profile perfectly. He's intelligent, but an under-achiever; alienated from his parents; has few friends. Classic case for recruitment by the Soviets.

Captain Ffag: Now what does this say about the state of our Insurgency boards
hmm? I mean have you got any insight as to why a bright boy like this would jeopardize the accounts of three people.

Halo82: No sir. He says he does this sort of thing for fun.

Captain Ffag: What!
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
With dozens more to follow.

This is all very boring for you, getting clowned on yet another message board.

We get it.

Somebody sounds irritated. Not just irritated but confused. You sluts are the clowns, dressing yourselves up as intelligent and cool.

There he is again, calling someone a slut.

At this point it CAN'T be a Freudian Slip! He really wants to try and offer some of us money for sex!

Sorry, Tommy. Maybe that flies in the Insurgency Forum. But it doesn't here. Take your money and go find a street corner like the rest of the dirty birdies.

I'm not surprised you don't know this, but calling someone a slut or a whore is probaly the last thing you should do if you want to have sex with.

Learned that the hard way, did'ja Tommy? And yet it's the old habits that die hardest, eh?

Yes, you're right. as much as I hate to admit it.

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Halo82: Prometheus does fit the profile perfectly. He's intelligent, but an under-achiever; alienated from his parents; has few friends. Classic case for recruitment by the Soviets.

Captain Ffag: Now what does this say about the state of our Insurgency boards
hmm? I mean have you got any insight as to why a bright boy like this would jeopardize the accounts of three people.

Halo82: No sir. He says he does this sort of thing for fun.

Captain Ffag: What!

MisterJLA: Which way did he go George? Which way did he go?
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Halo82: Prometheus does fit the profile perfectly. He's intelligent, but an under-achiever; alienated from his parents; has few friends. Classic case for recruitment by the Soviets.

Captain Ffag: Now what does this say about the state of our Insurgency boards
hmm? I mean have you got any insight as to why a bright boy like this would jeopardize the accounts of three people.

Halo82: No sir. He says he does this sort of thing for fun.

Captain Ffag: What!

Jesus, man...
Marc Campbell: Shall we play a game?

Prometheus: Yes!

sneaky bunny: I think it missed him.

Prometheus: Yeah. Weird isn't it? Love to. How about Global Thermonuclear Internet Message Board Hacking?

Marc Campbell: Wouldn't you prefer a nice game of chess?

Pro: Later. Right now lets play Global Thermonuclear Internet Message Board Hacking.

Marc Campbell: Fine.
Killer: See that sign up here - up here. "Defcon." That indicates our current defense condition. It should read "Defcon 5," which means peace between message boards. It's still on 4 because of that little stunt you pulled. Actually, if we hadn't caught it in time, it might have gone to Defcon 1. You know what that means, Pro?

Prometheus: No. What does that mean?

Killer: Internet Message Board Raid.
Killer: Mr. whomod, after very careful consideration, sir, I've come to the conclusion that your new defense system sucks.

whomod: I don't have to take that, you pig-eyed sack of shit. Neocon war-monger!1!

Killer: Oh, I was hoping for something a little better than that from you, sir. A man of your education.
sikkbones: i'm still bored.
Marc Campbell: The whole point was to find a way to practice Internet Message Board Wars without destroying ourselves. To get the servers to learn from mistakes we couldn't afford to make. Except, I never could get the DCMB to learn the most important lesson.

Prometheus: What's that?

Marc Campbell: Futility. That there's a time when you should just give up.

sneaky bunny: Wat knd of a leson is that?

Marc Campbell: Did you ever play tic-tac-toe?

sneaky: Well, DUH!

Marc Campbell: But you don't anymore.

sneaky: No, I still do!

Marc Campbell: Why?

sneaky: Because it's a fun game. It's always a tie!

Marc Campbell: ...exactly? There's no way to win. The game itself is pointless!
But back at the DCMB, they believe you can win a Internet Message Board War. That there can be "acceptable losses."
Snarf: I can't believe it, Jim. That girl's standing over there listening and you're telling him about our back doors? <giggles>

Jim Jackson: [yelling] Mister Potato Head! Mister Potato Head! Back doors are not secrets!

Snarf: Yeah, but Jim, you're giving away all our best gay sex tricks!

Jim Jackson: They're not tricks.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA

But back at the DCMB, they believe you can win a Internet Message Board War. That there can be "acceptable losses."

quoted for truth.

Where am I in this flick?

Prometheus: The Insurgency boards called me with the top-secret password to the top secret board.

Halo82: [incredulous] Prometheus, message boards don't call people!

Pro: [shrugs] Yours did.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I wish I could do this to Martin Scheckland:

You're a naughty boy. Save that stuff for Sikkbones and whomod.
Colonel Joe Mother: This is Crystal Palace. Are you still on?
[no response]

Colonel Joe Mother: This is Crystal Palace. Are you still on? Is anyone there? Are the RKMB still alive and well after that impressive assault from the three Insurgency tards?

Colonel Mandral: That's affirmative, sir.

Moderator Sammitch: Yeah, we're here! Jesus H. Christ! We're still here!
you know whats sad.. most posts in the last week have been about us... at least at our board we talk about other things.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I wish I could do this to Martin Scheckland:

You're a naughty boy. Save that stuff for Sikkbones and whomod.

"You're a naughty boy". Yeah, I've heard that before. Normally during pillow talk with a female. Having it said to me buy you is gross.
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Colonel Joe Mother: This is Crystal Palace. Are you still on?
[no response]

Colonel Joe Mother: This is Crystal Palace. Are you still on? Is anyone there? Are the RKMB still alive and well after that impressive assault from the three Insurgency tards?

Colonel Mandral: That's affirmative, sir.

Moderator Sammitch: Yeah, we're here! Jesus H. Christ! We're still here!

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I wish I could do this to Martin Scheckland:

You're a naughty boy. Save that stuff for Sikkbones and whomod.

"You're a naughty boy". Yeah, I've heard that before. Normally during pillow talk with sikkbones. Having it said to me buy you is gross.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I wish I could do this to Martin Scheckland:

You're a naughty boy. Save that stuff for Sikkbones and whomod.

"You're a naughty boy". Yeah, I've heard that before. Normally during pillow talk with whomod or another Marine. Having it said to me buy you makes me wish I was in the Marines again...or with my li'l whomod.

 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I wish I could do this to Martin Scheckland:

You're a naughty boy. Save that stuff for Sikkbones and whomod.

"You're a naughty boy". Yeah, I've heard that before. Normally during pillow talk with sikkbones. Having it said to me buy you is gross.


 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I wish I could do this to Martin Scheckland:

You're a naughty boy. Save that stuff for Sikkbones and whomod.

"You're a naughty boy". Yeah, I've heard that before. Normally during pillow talk with whomod or another Marine. Having it said to me buy you makes me wish I was in the Marines again...or with my li'l whomod.

1. mine was funnier.
2. the marines thing was originally my idea back on the insurgency queers....
3. Halo... who originalted the thought of you with another marine?
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I wish I could do this to Martin Scheckland:

You're a naughty boy. Save that stuff for Sikkbones and whomod.

"You're a naughty boy". Yeah, I've heard that before. Normally during pillow talk with whomod or another Marine. Having it said to me buy you makes me wish I was in the Marines again...or with my li'l whomod.

1. mine was funnier.
2. the marines thing was originally my idea back on the insurgency queers....
3. Halo... who originalted the thought of you with another marine?

1) I concur.

2) I'll take your word for it.

3) I'm gonna guess that it was...Halo himself.

4) Still,
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I wish I could do this to Martin Scheckland:

You're a naughty boy. Save that stuff for Sikkbones and whomod.

"You're a naughty boy". Yeah, I've heard that before. Normally during pillow talk with whomod or another Marine. Having it said to me buy you makes me wish I was in the Marines again...or with my li'l whomod.

1. mine was funnier.
2. the marines thing was originally my idea back on the insurgency queers....
3. Halo... who originalted the thought of you with another marine?

You were the first to come up with that. But in all fairness, I think Joe probaly has more vivid imagery of me having gay sex running through his pea brain then you ever did.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I wish I could do this to Martin Scheckland:

You're a naughty boy. Save that stuff for Sikkbones and whomod.

"You're a naughty boy". Yeah, I've heard that before. Normally during pillow talk with whomod or another Marine. Having it said to me buy you makes me wish I was in the Marines again...or with my li'l whomod.

1. mine was funnier.
2. the marines thing was originally my idea back on the insurgency queers....
3. Halo... who originalted the thought of you with another marine?

You were the first to come up with that. But in all fairness, I think Joe probaly has more vivid imagery of me having gay sex running through his pea brain then you ever did.

i'm sure... i bet he would sign up to be a marine just to sleep with you.
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
you know whats sad.. most posts in the last week have been about us... at least at our board we talk about other things like gay sex and our sigs that take up 9/10 of a thread.

I'll take your word for it...it's not like I can lurk there or anything.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I wish I could do this to Martin Scheckland:

You're a naughty boy. Save that stuff for Sikkbones and whomod.

"You're a naughty boy". Yeah, I've heard that before. Normally during pillow talk with whomod or another Marine. Having it said to me buy you makes me wish I was in the Marines again...or with my li'l whomod.

1. mine was funnier.
2. the marines thing was originally my idea back on the insurgency queers....
3. Halo... who originalted the thought of you with another marine?

You were the first to come up with that. I want to suck you off. But in all fairness, I wish Joe would pee on me. That makes me hot...

Um, that's not my thing, Tommy.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I wish I could do this to Martin Scheckland:

You're a naughty boy. Save that stuff for Sikkbones and whomod.

"You're a naughty boy". Yeah, I've heard that before. Normally during pillow talk with whomod or another Marine. Having it said to me buy you makes me wish I was in the Marines again...or with my li'l whomod.

1. mine was funnier.
2. the marines thing was originally my idea back on the insurgency queers....
3. Halo... who originalted the thought of you with another marine?

1) I concur.

2) I'll take your word for it.

3) I'm gonna guess that it was...Halo himself.

4) Still,

4. Halo loves the Cock.
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I wish I could do this to Martin Scheckland:

You're a naughty boy. Save that stuff for Sikkbones and whomod.

"You're a naughty boy". Yeah, I've heard that before. Normally during pillow talk with whomod or another Marine. Having it said to me buy you makes me wish I was in the Marines again...or with my li'l whomod.

1. mine was funnier.
2. the marines thing was originally my idea back on the insurgency queers....
3. Halo... who originalted the thought of you with another marine?

You were the first to come up with that. But in all fairness, I think Joe probaly has more vivid imagery of me having gay sex running through his pea brain then you ever did.

i sure do... i would sign up to be a marine just to sleep with you.

Don't you two have your own message board where you can talk about this stuff and we can't see it because your mods and admins are pussies who locked it?

That's because they have to protect themselves from people who hack and cheat at message board raids!
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
That's because they have to protect themselves from people who hack and cheat at message board raids!


Cripes, that's funny...
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
That's because they have to protect themselves from people who hack and cheat at message board raids!

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA

But back at the RKMBs , they believe you can win a Internet Message Board War. That there can be "acceptable losses."
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
i'm sure... i bet he would sign up to be a marine just to sleep with you.

Yup. Take a look at this-

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I wish I could do this to Martin Scheckland:

You're a naughty boy. Save that stuff for Sikkbones and whomod.

"You're a naughty boy". Yeah, I've heard that before. Normally during pillow talk with whomod or another Marine. Having it said to me buy you makes me wish I was in the Marines again...or with my li'l whomod.

1. mine was funnier.
2. the marines thing was originally my idea back on the insurgency queers....
3. Halo... who originalted the thought of you with another marine?

You were the first to come up with that. I want to suck you off. But in all fairness, I wish Joe would pee on me. That makes me hot...

Um, that's not my thing, Tommy.

Be all you can be Joe.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I wish I could do this to Martin Scheckland:

You're a naughty boy. Save that stuff for Sikkbones and whomod.

"You're a naughty boy". Yeah, I've heard that before. Normally during pillow talk with whomod or another Marine. Having it said to me buy you makes me wish I was in the Marines again...or with my li'l whomod.

1. mine was funnier.
2. the marines thing was originally my idea back on the insurgency queers....
3. Halo... who originalted the thought of you with another marine?

You were the first to come up with that. But in all fairness, I think Joe probaly has more vivid imagery of me having gay sex running through his pea brain then you ever did.

i sure do... i would sign up to be a marine just to sleep with you.

Don't you two have your own message board where you can talk about this stuff and we can't see it because your mods and admins are pussies who locked it?

You don't sound like you're having fun, Joe.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I wish I could do this to Martin Scheckland:

You're a naughty boy. Save that stuff for Sikkbones and whomod.

"You're a naughty boy". Yeah, I've heard that before. Normally during pillow talk with whomod or another Marine. Having it said to me buy you makes me wish I was in the Marines again...or with my li'l whomod.

1. mine was funnier.
2. the marines thing was originally my idea back on the insurgency queers....
3. Halo... who originalted the thought of you with another marine?

You were the first to come up with that. But in all fairness, I think Joe probaly has more vivid imagery of me having gay sex running through his pea brain then you ever did.

i sure do... i would sign up to be a marine just to sleep with you.

Don't you two have your own message board where you can talk about this stuff and we can't see it because your mods and admins are pussies who locked it?

i thought you wanted to join us joe?
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
That's because they have to protect themselves from people who hack and cheat at message board raids!

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA

But back at the RKMBs , they believe you can win a Internet Message Board War. That there can be "acceptable losses."

Are you trying to out-tard Halo?
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
Be all you can be Joe.

All he can be is a zoophiliac.
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
That's because they have to protect themselves from people who hack and cheat at message board raids!

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA

But back at the RKMBs , they believe you can win a Internet Message Board War. That there can be "acceptable losses."

Are you trying to out-tard Halo?

Nah, no one's that stupid.
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
That's because they have to protect themselves from people who hack and cheat at message board raids!

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA

But back at the RKMBs , they believe you can win a Internet Message Board War. That there can be "acceptable losses."

Are you trying to out-tard Halo?

He's already done that. For years now. Really not that hard, you did it the moment you felt the need to post my profile activity for no real reason.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
That's because they have to protect themselves from people who hack and cheat at message board raids!

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA

But back at the RKMBs , they believe you can win a Internet Message Board War. That there can be "acceptable losses."

Are you trying to out-tard Halo?

He's already done that. For years now. Really not that hard, you did it the moment you felt the need to post my profile activity for no real reason.

actually one of our posters has reached the exalted title of idiot at our forum by merely out-tarding halo today.... it's rather easy actually..
unlike you fools.. halo is somewhat intelligent... He's going to community college.

Halo and Sikkbones are having ANOTHER conversation about having sex with me!

Guys, why don't you two just meet up and let nature take its course?
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Halo and Sikkbones are having ANOTHER conversation about having sex with me!

Guys, why don't you two just meet up and let nature take its course?

Joe, Halo's hjealous that i've already taken you to brokeback mountain.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Halo and Sikkbones are having ANOTHER conversation about having sex with me!

Guys, why don't you two just meet up and let nature take its course?

Joe, Halo's hjealous that i've already taken you to brokeback mountain.


Calm down, Tommy. He's just fucking with you. Sheesh!
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Halo and Sikkbones are having ANOTHER conversation about having sex with me!

Guys, why don't you two just meet up and let nature take its course?

Joe, Halo's hjealous that i've already taken you to brokeback mountain.

I'm reminded of when Austen Powers couldn't understand how anyone could possibly have sex with Fat Bastard. But that's okay Sikk, you don't have to explain how you did it.
i saw that before you fixed it Joe.
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
i saw that before you fixed it Joe.

I saw it too. He must be trying to control his excitement of us both being here.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Halo and Sikkbones are having ANOTHER conversation about having sex with me!

Guys, why don't you two just meet up and let nature take its course?

Joe, Halo's hjealous that i've already taken you to brokeback mountain.

I'm reminded of when Austen Powers couldn't understand how anyone could possibly have sex with Fat Bastard. But that's okay Sikk, you don't have to explain how you did it.

Tommy fantasizes all about it just before he goes to sleep.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Halo and Sikkbones are having ANOTHER conversation about having sex with me!

Guys, why don't you two just meet up and let nature take its course?

Joe, Halo's hjealous that i've already taken you to brokeback mountain.

I'm reminded of when Austen Powers couldn't understand how anyone could possibly have sex with Fat Bastard. But that's okay Sikk, you don't have to explain how you did it.

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Halo and Sikkbones are having ANOTHER conversation about having sex with me!

Guys, why don't you two just meet up and let nature take its course?

Joe, Halo's hjealous that i've already taken you to brokeback mountain.

I'm reminded of when Austen Powers couldn't understand how anyone could possibly have sex with Fat Bastard. But that's okay Sikk, you don't have to explain how you did it.

Tommy fantasizes all about it just before he goes to sleep.

Actually I fantasize about Mariska Hargitay. Not some fat red sox loving moron.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Halo and Sikkbones are having ANOTHER conversation about having sex with me!

Guys, why don't you two just meet up and let nature take its course?

Joe, Halo's hjealous that i've already taken you to brokeback mountain.

I'm reminded of when Austen Powers couldn't understand how anyone could possibly have sex with Fat Bastard. But that's okay Sikk, you don't have to explain how you did it.

Tommy fantasizes all about it just before he goes to sleep.

Actually I fantasize about Chris Keller, and sikk being Beecher.Not some fat red sox loving moron.
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Halo and Sikkbones are having ANOTHER conversation about having sex with me!

Guys, why don't you two just meet up and let nature take its course?

Joe, Halo's hjealous that i've already taken you to brokeback mountain.

I'm reminded of when Austen Powers couldn't understand how anyone could possibly have sex with Fat Bastard. But that's okay Sikk, you don't have to explain how you did it.

Tommy fantasizes all about it just before he goes to sleep.

Actually I fantasize about Beecher, and sikk being Schillinger.Not some fat red sox loving moron.

 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Halo and Sikkbones are having ANOTHER conversation about having sex with me!

Guys, why don't you two just meet up and let nature take its course?

Joe, Halo's hjealous that i've already taken you to brokeback mountain.

I'm reminded of when Austen Powers couldn't understand how anyone could possibly have sex with Fat Bastard. But that's okay Sikk, you don't have to explain how you did it.

Tommy fantasizes all about it just before he goes to sleep.

Actually I fantasize about Chris Keller, and sikk being Beecher.Not some fat red sox loving moron.

I don't know who I would be on Oz. Red was pretty cool.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Halo and Sikkbones are having ANOTHER conversation about having sex with me!

Guys, why don't you two just meet up and let nature take its course?

Joe, Halo's hjealous that i've already taken you to brokeback mountain.

I'm reminded of when Austen Powers couldn't understand how anyone could possibly have sex with Fat Bastard. But that's okay Sikk, you don't have to explain how you did it.

Tommy fantasizes all about it just before he goes to sleep.

Actually I fantasize about Beecher, and sikk being Schillinger.Not some fat red sox loving moron.


So you admit to being a "fat red sox loving moron"?
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Halo and Sikkbones are having ANOTHER conversation about having sex with me!

Guys, why don't you two just meet up and let nature take its course?

Joe, Halo's hjealous that i've already taken you to brokeback mountain.

I'm reminded of when Austen Powers couldn't understand how anyone could possibly have sex with Fat Bastard. But that's okay Sikk, you don't have to explain how you did it.

Tommy fantasizes all about it just before he goes to sleep.

Actually I fantasize about Beecher, and sikk being Schillinger.Not some fat red sox loving moron.


So you admit to being a "fat red sox loving moron"?

I KNEW you were gonna say that!

Not only do you not deny having rape/murder fantasies about Sikkbones, but you go back to the "fat red sox loving moron" line! I'll bet you considered that your victory for the day!

No wonder you've been trounced all over the boards!

Dammit, Tommy, stop making it so easy for me!!!
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Halo and Sikkbones are having ANOTHER conversation about having sex with me!

Guys, why don't you two just meet up and let nature take its course?

Joe, Halo's hjealous that i've already taken you to brokeback mountain.

I'm reminded of when Austen Powers couldn't understand how anyone could possibly have sex with Fat Bastard. But that's okay Sikk, you don't have to explain how you did it.

Tommy fantasizes all about it just before he goes to sleep.

Actually I fantasize about Beecher, and sikk being Schillinger.Not some fat red sox loving moron.


So you admit to being a "fat red sox loving moron"?

I KNEW you were gonna say that!

Not only do you not deny having rape/murder fantasies about Sikkbones, but you go back to the "fat red sox loving moron" line! I'll bet you considered that your victory for the day!

No wonder you've been trounced all over the boards!

Dammit, Tommy, stop making it so easy for me!!!

OH YEAH? Well I knew you were going to say that.

Don't blame me if you know you are a fat red sox loving moron.
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
That's because they have to protect themselves from people who hack and cheat at message board raids!

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA

But back at the RKMBs , they believe you can win a Internet Message Board War. That there can be "acceptable losses."

Are you trying to out-tard Halo?

Nah, no one's that stupid.

Don't give up your dreams!
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

He's already done that. For years now. Really not that hard, you did it the moment you felt the need to post my profile activity for no real reason.

You cried that you were bored with the thread, and I proved the opposite.

Even you should be able to understand it now...maybe.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Halo and Sikkbones are having ANOTHER conversation about having sex with me!

Guys, why don't you two just meet up and let nature take its course?

Joe, Halo's hjealous that i've already taken you to brokeback mountain.

I'm reminded of when Austen Powers couldn't understand how anyone could possibly have sex with Fat Bastard. But that's okay Sikk, you don't have to explain how you did it.

Tommy fantasizes all about it just before he goes to sleep.

Actually I fantasize about Beecher, and sikk being Schillinger.Not some fat red sox loving moron.


So you admit to being a "fat red sox loving moron"?

I KNEW you were gonna say that!

Not only do you not deny having rape/murder fantasies about Sikkbones, but you go back to the "fat red sox loving moron" line! I'll bet you considered that your victory for the day!

No wonder you've been trounced all over the boards!

Dammit, Tommy, stop making it so easy for me!!!

OH YEAH? Well I knew you were going to say that.

Don't blame me if you know you are a fat red sox loving moron.

Whatever you need to cling to, Beecher.

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

He's already done that. For years now. Really not that hard, you did it the moment you felt the need to post my profile activity for no real reason.

You cried that you were bored with the thread, and I proved the opposite.

Even you should be able to understand it now...maybe.

Wrong, dumbass. I'm not the one who said he was bored with this troll heap.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
[quote=Joe Mama]

Halo and Sikkbones are having ANOTHER conversation about having sex with me!

Guys, why don't you two just meet up and let nature take its course?

Joe, Halo's hjealous that i've already taken you to brokeback mountain.

I'm reminded of when Austen Powers couldn't understand how anyone could possibly have sex with Fat Bastard. But that's okay Sikk, you don't have to explain how you did it.

Tommy fantasizes all about it just before he goes to sleep.

Actually I fantasize about Beecher, and sikk being Schillinger.Not some fat red sox loving moron.


So you admit to being a "fat red sox loving moron"?

I KNEW you were gonna say that!

Not only do you not deny having rape/murder fantasies about Sikkbones, but you go back to the "fat red sox loving moron" line! I'll bet you considered that your victory for the day!

No wonder you've been trounced all over the boards!

Dammit, Tommy, stop making it so easy for me!!!

OH YEAH? Well I knew you were going to say that.

Don't blame me if you know you are a fat red sox loving moron.

Whatever you need to cling to, Beecher.


I guess you don't really understand. You "fixed" the quote and yet left the "fat red sox loving moron" part. So it's a little more then not denying it.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Hey, you bitches had to go and cheat by hacking. You couldn't take us in a straight up flame war.

Do you mind if I save that statement?
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

Wrong, dumbass. I'm not the one who said he was bored with this troll heap.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
i'm bored...

Bored...here? No way. All the brilliant things these dweebs come with and you're still bored? Doesn't crying motie's just send chills up your spine? Aren't you awed by Joe's fabrications? How can you not find Sammitch's editing inspiring?

Then again, you might have a point.

I win again!

 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
you know whats sad.. most posts in the last week have been about us... at least at our board we talk about other things.

Really? I wouldn't know. \:\(
You were lurking too much, cheater!
Black Machismo User Sikkbones
300+ posts 06/03/08 04:10 PM Making a new reply
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: Re: The super secter RKMBs raid planning thread just for RKMBs members and not gaysurgery posters

He's bored with losing, too!
Goddamn Pro and his Angelina Jolie-like hacking powers!
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Black Machismo User Sikkbones
300+ posts 06/03/08 04:10 PM Making a new reply
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: Re: The super secter RKMBs raid planning thread just for RKMBs members and not gaysurgery posters

He's bored with losing, too!

It's great how most of you Whores need to tell yourselves you are winning and the other guy is losing.

The only thing we'd lose against you Whores is a "who sits around watching other people's profile activity" contest.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

It's great how most of you Whores need to tell yourselves you are winning and the other guy is losing.

The only thing we'd lose against you

Wow. You managed to kick your own ass that time.
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk

Careful, you might bore Halo into posting a dozen more times on this thread alone!
Halo82 User Haloveous
2000+ posts 06/03/08 04:54 PM Reading a post
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: The super secret RKMBs raid planning thread just for RKMBs members and not gaysurgery posters

He can't stay away!
Guys, we're winning the profile-watching battle, but let's not let our guards down. Don't anyone link Halo to the Who's Online Page, or he'll discover our ultra-secret profile-watching strategy.
SHHH! That's supposed to be password-protected!

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

Wrong, dumbass. I'm not the one who said he was bored with this troll heap.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
i'm bored...

Bored...here? No way. All the brilliant things these dweebs come with and you're still bored? Doesn't crying motie's just send chills up your spine? Aren't you awed by Joe's fabrications? How can you not find Sammitch's editing inspiring?

Then again, you might have a point.

I win again!

Where in statement do I say I'm bored? All I say is understand how Sikk could be bored.

I know I say this alot, but you guys are dumb. That's not me trying to be clever or "win" anything. Seriously, you're dumb.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Halo82


So I guess by your own admission you are broken too.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Halo82


So I guess by your own admission you are broken too.

That link goes nowhere! I win again!
x a bizillion!
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Halo82


So I guess by your own admission you are broken too.

That link goes nowhere! I win again!

Works for me.
Yeah, but you're a retarded fucknut.
 Originally Posted By: rex
Yeah, but you're a retarded fucknut.

Who's smart enough to click on a link.

See? Link doesn't go to a thread.
Can you catch a frisby as well as play brain dead?

That file about my mom was a nice touch. Almost clever for a dull witted asshole.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
That file about my mom was a nice touch. Almost clever for a dull witted asshole.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82

Where in statement do I say I'm bored? All I say is understand how Sikk could be bored.

All I say is you dishonest retard.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
With dozens more to follow.

This is all very boring for you, getting clowned on yet another message board.

We get it.

Somebody sounds irritated. Not just irritated but confused. You sluts are the clowns, dressing yourselves up as intelligent and cool.

There he is again, calling someone a slut.

At this point it CAN'T be a Freudian Slip! He really wants to try and offer some of us money for sex!

Sorry, Tommy. Maybe that flies in the Insurgency Forum. But it doesn't here. Take your money and go find a street corner like the rest of the dirty birdies.

I'm not surprised you don't know this, but calling someone a slut or a whore is probaly the last thing you should do if you want to have sex with.

Yeah cause of course nobody has sex with sluts and whores!
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

Where in statement do I say I'm bored? All I say is understand how Sikk could be bored.

All I say is you dishonest retard.

I'm sure you would have had to work twice as hard to avoid the point if I hadn't fucked up that sentence. You're welcome.
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
With dozens more to follow.

This is all very boring for you, getting clowned on yet another message board.

We get it.

Somebody sounds irritated. Not just irritated but confused. You sluts are the clowns, dressing yourselves up as intelligent and cool.

There he is again, calling someone a slut.

At this point it CAN'T be a Freudian Slip! He really wants to try and offer some of us money for sex!

Sorry, Tommy. Maybe that flies in the Insurgency Forum. But it doesn't here. Take your money and go find a street corner like the rest of the dirty birdies.

I'm not surprised you don't know this, but calling someone a slut or a whore is probaly the last thing you should do if you want to have sex with.

Yeah cause of course nobody has sex with sluts and whores!

But you probaly wouldn't call them a slut or whore, would you? Well, maybe you would cause you are a dick.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

Where in statement do I say I'm bored? All I say is understand how Sikk could be bored.

All I say is you dishonest retard.

I'm sure you would have had to work twice as hard to avoid the point if I hadn't fucked up that sentence. You're welcome.

I didn't avoid the point at all, idiot. Did you miss the word d-i-s-h-o-n-e-s-t?

You "understood" his point, in essence agreeing with him.

You're hardly one to discuss avoidance...or are you finally going to admit that your insurgency board is run by homos who lock their little board, making them hypocrites?

Spare me the "cheating" and hacking excuses.

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

Where in statement do I say I'm bored? All I say is understand how Sikk could be bored.

All I say is you dishonest retard.

I'm sure you would have had to work twice as hard to avoid the point if I hadn't fucked up that sentence. You're welcome.

I didn't avoid the point at all, idiot. Did you miss the word d-i-s-h-o-n-e-s-t?

You "understood" his point, in essence agreeing with him.

You're hardly one to discuss avoidance...or are you finally going to admit that your insurgency board is run by homos who lock their little board, making them hypocrites?

Spare me the "cheating" and hacking excuses.


You're still avoiding the point with this tenative logic. In essence? Are you fucking kidding me? Do you have any idea how easy it is to connect anybody to anything "in essence"? In essence you are saying that because you didn't fight against the Nazi's in WW2 you hate jews. In essence you are saying that because you have a picture of Steve Guttenburg in your avatar you'd like to have his children. In essence you are saying that what I actually say doesn't matter cause you'll just use whatever strawman argument you can to suit your purposes.

Frankly, the Admins gave Pro' and the rest of you bitches more slack then I would have. There is no reason for Pro to keep a name from us since there's no way we could know who the actual traitor. And because he has no reason to keep that name from us, that makes him look guilty as hell.

You fuckers KNOW that everytime we've come here we own you in a straight up war of words. Which is why you hacked the board, which is why most of you have taken to editing/deleting our posts, which is why some of the more braindead assholes like BSAMS, rex, and Sammitch have taken to hiding behind motie's.

Spare you? Bitch, spare me and every other intelligent person on Earth by pulling your upper lip over your head and swallowing (Grumpy Old Men. Not an 80's movie but you might appreciate it anyway)
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
In essence you are saying that because you have a picture of Steve Guttenburg in your avatar you'd like to have his children.

Silly Halo, men can't have children!
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

You're still avoiding the point with this tenative logic. In essence? Are you fucking kidding me? Do you have any idea how easy it is to connect anybody to anything "in essence"? In essence you are saying that because you didn't fight against the Nazi's in WW2 you hate jews. In essence you are saying that because you have a picture of Steve Guttenburg in your avatar you'd like to have his children. In essence you are saying that what I actually say doesn't matter cause you'll just use whatever strawman argument you can to suit your purposes.

Frankly, the Admins gave Pro' and the rest of you bitches more slack then I would have. There is no reason for Pro to keep a name from us since there's no way we could know who the actual traitor. And because he has no reason to keep that name from us, that makes him look guilty as hell.

You fuckers KNOW that everytime we've come here we own you in a straight up war of words. Which is why you hacked the board, which is why most of you have taken to editing/deleting our posts, which is why some of the more braindead assholes like BSAMS, rex, and Sammitch have taken to hiding behind motie's.

Spare you? Bitch, spare me and every other intelligent person on Earth by pulling your upper lip over your head and swallowing (Grumpy Old Men. Not an 80's movie but you might appreciate it anyway)

Sincerely, retarded fucknut.
I think Halo's full of shit. I just can't imagine Walter Matthau calling anyone a bitch.

Now, "whore"... that's classy.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

You're still avoiding the point with this tenative logic. In essence? Are you fucking kidding me? Do you have any idea how easy it is to connect anybody to anything "in essence"? In essence you are saying that because you didn't fight against the Nazi's in WW2 you hate jews. In essence you are saying that because you have a picture of Steve Guttenburg in your avatar you'd like to have his children. In essence you are saying that what I actually say doesn't matter cause you'll just use whatever strawman argument you can to suit your purposes.

What was that gibberish supposed to be? Can't you just be honest and admit that you agreed with SikkFuck, or whatever his silly name is?

If bsams wrote "I think Halo is a pole smoker"...and I write "I can understand why you think that way, I heard he spends his evenings at Greek bathhouses", am I not agreeing with him?

Frankly, the Admins gave Pro' and the rest of you bitches more slack then I would have.

You admit to be being a bigger pussy than the douches who run that place? At least you are honest about something.

There is no reason for Pro to keep a name from us since there's no way we could know who the actual traitor. And because he has no reason to keep that name from us, that makes him look guilty as hell.

Maybe his reason is that he's not a little bitch who tattles on someone who gave him a password, just because the scarrrrrry admins of your board ask him to?

Where you guys the ones in elementary school who always told on your classmates, since your teacher asked you to?

You fuckers KNOW that everytime we've come here we own you in a straight up war of words. Which is why you hacked the board, which is why most of you have taken to editing/deleting our posts, which is why some of the more braindead assholes like BSAMS, rex, and Sammitch have taken to hiding behind motie's.

I hope you are not referring to Killer's epic JLA call out thread!

I ran him out, Rob shredded Captain Ffag, rex has been running circles around you and whomod ("Call the Police!") Pariah got 6556969 to melt, and so on. Stop with the lies.

Spare you? Bitch, spare me and every other intelligent person on Earth by pulling your upper lip over your head and swallowing (Grumpy Old Men. Not an 80's movie but you might appreciate it anyway)

You lose. Again.

What was that gibberish supposed to be? Can't you just be honest and admit that you agreed with SikkFuck, or whatever his silly name is?

If bsams wrote "I think Halo is a pole smoker"...and I write "I can understand why you think that way, I heard he spends his evenings at Greek bathhouses", am I not agreeing with him?

No, you are saying you understand why he thinks that. It's like I can understand why you think Sikkbones is a silly name but I don't see how it's any sillier than "MisterJLA". I understand it cause everyone has a diffrent definition of "silly".

You admit to be being a bigger pussy than the douches who run that place? At least you are honest about something.

Resorting to hacking cause you can't cut it in a straight up argument is what makes someone a pussy.

Maybe his reason is that he's not a little bitch who tattles on someone who gave him a password, just because the scarrrrrry admins of your board ask him to?

Where you guys the ones in elementary school who always told on your classmates, since your teacher asked you to?

That's just rationalizing. If Prometheus had simply said "I'm not telling you" than you might have a point. But he went on to say he doesn't know who it is and that the name doesn't match anyone on the Insurgency. If that's the case then there's no reason not to say it. None. Being a little bitch has nothing to do with it.

I hope you are not referring to Killer's epic JLA call out thread!

I ran him out, Rob shredded Captain Ffag, rex has been running circles around you and whomod ("Call the Police!") Pariah got 6556969 to melt, and so on. Stop with the lies.

It's easy to say all that. But the reality is quite diffrent. You didn't run anybody out no more then I ran out Joe Mama just cause he isn't here at the present moment.

You lose. Again.

Why? Because you say so? I don't know who you think you are but you're just one more egotistical asshole on a board full of dumbass trolls.

Have a nice night.
Halo, you know you (sadly attempt) try to defend yourself you should use facts, right?
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
I think Halo's full of shit. I just can't imagine Walter Matthau calling anyone a bitch.

Now, "whore"... that's classy.

You've never seen Bad News Bears have you?
 Originally Posted By: rex
Halo, you know you (sadly attempt) try to defend yourself you should use facts, right?

When I use facts it goes over you guys heads. See my response to MisterJLAsshole for proof of that.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: rex
Halo, you know you (sadly attempt) try to defend yourself you should use facts, right?

When I use facts it goes over you guys heads. See my response to MisterJLAsshole for proof of that.

No, you whined and bitched like a little girl that didn't get a pony for her birthday. You know nothing about facts or logic or reason. Don't pretend you do. You will just make yourself look worse.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
I think Halo's full of shit. I just can't imagine Walter Matthau calling anyone a bitch.

Now, "whore"... that's classy.

You've never seen Bad News Bears have you?

No, my only exposure to Matthau has been the Grumpy Old Men movies and Dennis the Menace.
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: rex
Halo, you know you (sadly attempt) try to defend yourself you should use facts, right?

When I use facts it goes over you guys heads. See my response to MisterJLAsshole for proof of that.

No, you whined and bitched like a little girl that didn't get a pony for her birthday. You know nothing about facts or logic or reason. Don't pretend you do. You will just make yourself look worse.

I know what facts are here on Rob's Brothel. Anything you blind bitches want them to be.
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
I think Halo's full of shit. I just can't imagine Walter Matthau calling anyone a bitch.

Now, "whore"... that's classy.

You've never seen Bad News Bears have you?

No, my only exposure to Matthau has been the Grumpy Old Men movies and Dennis the Menace.

Bad News Bears is a classic. Much better than Dennis the Menace. Not sure about Grumpy Old Men though. Probaly around the same level of quality.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: rex
Halo, you know you (sadly attempt) try to defend yourself you should use facts, right?

When I use facts it goes over you guys heads. See my response to MisterJLAsshole for proof of that.

No, you whined and bitched like a little girl that didn't get a pony for her birthday. You know nothing about facts or logic or reason. Don't pretend you do. You will just make yourself look worse.

I know what facts are here on Rob's Brothel. Anything you blind bitches want them to be.

Sincerely, retarded fucknut.
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Colonel Joe Mother: This is Crystal Palace. Are you still on?
[no response]

Colonel Joe Mother: This is Crystal Palace. Are you still on? Is anyone there? Are the RKMB still alive and well after that impressive assault from the three Insurgency tards?

Colonel Mandral: That's affirmative, sir.

Moderator Sammitch: Yeah, we're here! Jesus H. Christ! We're still here!

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
I think Halo's full of shit. I just can't imagine Walter Matthau calling anyone a bitch.

Now, "whore"... that's classy.

You've never seen Bad News Bears have you?

No, my only exposure to Matthau has been the Grumpy Old Men movies and Dennis the Menace.

Bad News Bears is a classic. Much better than Dennis the Menace. Not sure about Grumpy Old Men though. Probaly around the same level of quality.

I'll have to check it out... now let's stop talking about movies, or Zzap could reprimand you again.
this is a quality thread.
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
I think Halo's full of shit. I just can't imagine Walter Matthau calling anyone a bitch.

Now, "whore"... that's classy.

You've never seen Bad News Bears have you?

No, my only exposure to Matthau has been the Grumpy Old Men movies and Dennis the Menace.

Bad News Bears is a classic. Much better than Dennis the Menace. Not sure about Grumpy Old Men though. Probaly around the same level of quality.

I'll have to check it out... now let's stop talking about movies, or Zzap could reprimand you again.

Reprimand me? Whatever.

Anyway, fuck you you braindead sheep.
That's more like it! Good boy.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Jackass, let's assume Pro' is telling the truth, right? Somebody here gave him the password with a name that doesn't match anything over at the Insurgency. Okay, so then what's the harm of giving the name? We can't know who it was anyway. Get it?

The only real reason to not give a name is cause he didn't have one.

If the name means nothing, then why is it needed so badly that you have to ban me?
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Jackass, let's assume Pro' is telling the truth, right? Somebody here gave him the password with a name that doesn't match anything over at the Insurgency. Okay, so then what's the harm of giving the name? We can't know who it was anyway. Get it?

The only real reason to not give a name is cause he didn't have one.

If the name means nothing, then why is it needed so badly that you have to ban me?

give them a name! they need a name!

it's like the hop sing's guy on seinfeld!
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
I guess the concept of loyalty is completely foreign to you. Admit it. You came back to talk about Green Lantern.

See Mxy, Halo hates loyalty to anything...anyone...any opinion...that is not in some relation connected to himself. For example, he hates me for my loyalty to others. He hates when I am loyal to Joe Mama, Grimm, Nowhereman, BSAMS, and, pretty much the all the other posters I've hung out with for nine years (I mean fuck! Why would I be loyal to friends I've chosen to enjoy for almost a decade? I am obviously a 'sycophant'). He also hates that I won't give up the name of my contact. I think it pisses him off that not only have we broke him...not only has life broken him...but that a member of his own nerd posse is basically standing behind him, laughing, while giving him the finger. And it's killing him that I am the one that brought that to light with such little effort. But, hey, what are you going to do? All children grow up sooner or later. Here's hoping we savor the coming years, watching Halo mature before us...
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Also in your defense, you are a fucking dolt, so we really shouldn't expect much from you.

Did you steal that line from Mikey too?

No, Prometheus hacked the Insurgency archives while looking for good reading material and sent it to me in a top secret, encrypted file.

The password was "robs sucks". Seriously.
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Prometheus: The Insurgency boards called me with the top-secret password to the top secret board.

Halo82: [incredulous] Prometheus, message boards don't call people!

Pro: [shrugs] Yours did.

+1000 Rack Points...
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
I guess the concept of loyalty is completely foreign to you. Admit it. You came back to talk about Green Lantern.

See Mxy, Halo hates loyalty to anything...anyone...any opinion...that is not in some relation connected to himself. For example, he hates me for my loyalty to others. He hates when I am loyal to Joe Mama, Grimm, Nowhereman, BSAMS, and, pretty much the all the other posters I've hung out with for nine years (I mean fuck! Why would I be loyal to friends I've chosen to enjoy for almost a decade? I am obviously a 'sycophant'). He also hates that I won't give up the name of my contact. I think it pisses him off that not only have we broke him...not only has life broken him...but that a member of his own nerd posse is basically standing behind him, laughing, while giving him the finger. And it's killing him that I am the one that brought that to light with such little effort. But, hey, what are you going to do? All children grow up sooner or later. Here's hoping we savor the coming years, watching Halo mature before us...

That's his story and he's sticking to it!

Despite the fact it there's a diffrence between being loyal and being a sycophant. But that's a diffrence Pro' doesn't want to acknowledge.
rob is very serious about sucking.
Alright gaylo, listen up. Someone on the insurgency boards that you guys gave admin abilities does not like you or the rest of you circle jerk tards. Is that really that hard to believe since you are the whipping boy of multiple message boards? You and the rest of your mindless sheep have made it impossible for anyone to like any of you due to your mental disabilities. Do you understand that? You have ostricised yourselves from the majority of the internet. Do not think for one second you are in the right. You get all pissy when someone doesn't agree with you and instead of being an adult and walking away you call them hackers and other names. You and the rest of your friends are just simply wastes. You have shown us that you are nothing than a three year old in a mans body. You serve no purpose other than to be the internets whipping boy. Is that what you want to be? Is your life so fucked up that you would rather get harassed and insulted than be alone? Are you that fucking co-dependant? Are you really that fucking insecure? You are not on some moral crusade to prove yourself right, you are a fucked up little boy who will do anything for attention. That is what you are now and that is what you will always be.
 Originally Posted By: rex
Alright gaylo, listen up. Someone on the insurgency boards that you guys gave admin abilities does not like you or the rest of you circle jerk tards. Is that really that hard to believe since you are the whipping boy of multiple message boards? You and the rest of your mindless sheep have made it impossible for anyone to like any of you due to your mental disabilities. Do you understand that? You have ostricised yourselves from the majority of the internet. Do not think for one second you are in the right. You get all pissy when someone doesn't agree with you and instead of being an adult and walking away you call them hackers and other names. You and the rest of your friends are just simply wastes. You have shown us that you are nothing than a three year old in a mans body. You serve no purpose other than to be the internets whipping boy. Is that what you want to be? Is your life so fucked up that you would rather get harassed and insulted than be alone? Are you that fucking co-dependant? Are you really that fucking insecure? You are not on some moral crusade to prove yourself right, you are a fucked up little boy who will do anything for attention. That is what you are now and that is what you will always be.

Uh-Oh. Sounds like rex is having a "meltdown".

See it's easy to say all this. It's easy to throw out accusations like "you are the whipping boy of multiple boards". It's easy to use the generic internet argument of "you can't except someone else's opinion". But can you back it up?

Of all the boards I post at I've been kicked off two. One, I calmly asked somebody to stop trolling, the mod didn't like that and gave me an infraction so I told her to go fuck herself. I was banned from Comicboards cause I planned a raid there cause some of the mods are TRULY draconian cocksuckers. And I left here because you are a bunch of hypocritical assholes that just like any excuse you can find to talk shit about others regardless of whether it's true or not (proved by everything you just said). DCMB, CBR, Newsrama, the Insurgency, Marvel Boards. I'm still there. And I'm not diffrent there then I am here. If I think someone is spewing bullshit I call them out. Some boards handle diffrently then others.

You go off about me not excepting other people's opinion? You a guy who obsessed over Beardguy? You, the troll under the bridge looking for any excuse you can find to tackle someone just so you can keep your mind off your own miserable life?

And what does maturity have to do with letting you fuckers hack our boards? What's mature about that? Do I believe it's possible there's a rat? Sure, it's possible, but I know bullshit when I hear it and Pro is most definetly full of shit. You're not asking us to be mature, rex. You are asking us to be as weak, blind, selective, immature, misenthropic, egotisitical, arrogant, and hateful as you all are.

And considering how you've been in lock step with your fellow whores the whole way (for the exception of Wonderboy) you have NO right to call anybody co-dependant. You guys talk about loyalty when it suits but when we come here to back up Whomod you call him "weak" cause he can't handle himself. So are you getting involved with me saying Pro' is a hacker cause you don't think he can handle himself?

So please, back up your statements with the facts you talk about? My guess is you won't. My guess is just like Joe Mama, Prometheus, and Grimm you'll just make alotta noise with no substance.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: rex
Alright gaylo, listen up. Someone on the insurgency boards that you guys gave admin abilities does not like you or the rest of you circle jerk tards. Is that really that hard to believe since you are the whipping boy of multiple message boards? You and the rest of your mindless sheep have made it impossible for anyone to like any of you due to your mental disabilities. Do you understand that? You have ostricised yourselves from the majority of the internet. Do not think for one second you are in the right. You get all pissy when someone doesn't agree with you and instead of being an adult and walking away you call them hackers and other names. You and the rest of your friends are just simply wastes. You have shown us that you are nothing than a three year old in a mans body. You serve no purpose other than to be the internets whipping boy. Is that what you want to be? Is your life so fucked up that you would rather get harassed and insulted than be alone? Are you that fucking co-dependant? Are you really that fucking insecure? You are not on some moral crusade to prove yourself right, you are a fucked up little boy who will do anything for attention. That is what you are now and that is what you will always be.

Uh-Oh. Sounds like rex is having a "meltdown".

See it's easy to say all this. It's easy to throw out accusations like "you are the whipping boy of multiple boards". It's easy to use the generic internet argument of "you can't except someone else's opinion". But can you back it up?

Of all the boards I post at I've been kicked off [of] two. One, I calmly asked somebody to stop trolling, the mod didn't like that and gave me an infraction so I told her to go fuck herself. I was banned from Comicboards cause I planned a raid there cause some of the mods are TRULY draconian cocksuckers. And I left here because you are a bunch of hypocritical assholes that just like any excuse you can find to talk shit about others regardless of whether it's true or not (proved by everything you just said). DCMB, CBR, Newsarama, the Insurgency, Marvel Boards. I'm still there. And I'm not different there then I am here. If I think someone is spewing bullshit I call them out. Some boards handle differently then others.

You go off about me not accepting other people's opinion? You, a guy who obsessed over Beardguy? You, the troll under the bridge looking for any excuse you can find to tackle someone just so you can keep your mind off your own miserable life?

And what does maturity have to do with letting you fuckers hack our boards? What's mature about that? Do I believe it's possible there's a rat? Sure, it's possible, but I know bullshit when I hear it and Pro is most definitely full of shit. You're not asking us to be mature, rex. You are asking us to be as weak, blind, selective, immature, misanthropic, egotisitical, arrogant, and hateful as you all are.

And considering how you've been in lock step with your fellow whores the whole way (for the exception of Wonderboy) you have NO right to call anybody co-dependent. You guys talk about loyalty when it suits but when we come here to back up Whomod you call him "weak" cause he can't handle himself. So are you getting involved with me saying Pro' is a hacker cause you don't think he can handle himself?

So please, back up your statements with the facts you talk about? My guess is you won't. My guess is just like Joe Mama, Prometheus, and Grimm you'll just make a_lot [of] noise with no substance.

also, you left out
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Also in your defense, you are a fucking dolt, so we really shouldn't expect much from you.

Did you steal that line from Mikey too?

No, Prometheus hacked the Insurgency archives while looking for good reading material and sent it to me in a top secret, encrypted file.

The password was "robs sucks". Seriously.

Coulda been worse. Coulda been "ollie".
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

Uh-Oh. Sounds like rex is having a "meltdown".

Um no, you're the one having a meltdown. Pay attention.

See it's easy to say all this. It's easy to throw out accusations like "you are the whipping boy of multiple boards". It's easy to use the generic internet argument of "you can't except someone else's opinion". But can you back it up?

You are the whipping boy of every forum you post in. You're just too retarded to realize it. I can back up my opinion with facts. We made you run away with your tail between your legs months ago. Then you came crawling back because you needed the attention.

Of all the boards I post at I've been kicked off two. One, I calmly asked somebody to stop trolling, the mod didn't like that and gave me an infraction so I told her to go fuck herself.

Let me guess, this guy was "trolling" because he didn't agree with you? You telling the mod to go fuck herself is just another sign of you being an immature child.

I was banned from Comicboards cause I planned a raid there cause some of the mods are TRULY draconian cocksuckers.

I read your posts there. You cried because people didn't agree with you. Nothing more, nothing less. Another sign of mental retardation.

And I left here because you are a bunch of hypocritical assholes that just like any excuse you can find to talk shit about others regardless of whether it's true or not (proved by everything you just said).

You left because we made you cry. I actually tried to get along with you at first but you had a hissy fit meltdown. We make fun of people here. We make fun of each other. We poke people when they react. Any bad thing that happened to you here was your own damn fault.

You go off about me not excepting other people's opinion? You a guy who obsessed over Beardguy? You, the troll under the bridge looking for any excuse you can find to tackle someone just so you can keep your mind off your own miserable life?

We got rid of beardguy because he wanted to turn this forum into his own personal faggot-star trek-space blog. He was also a child molester. He knew better than to post here. He might be the only person more oblivious to facts than you are.

And what does maturity have to do with letting you fuckers hack our boards? What's mature about that? Do I believe it's possible there's a rat? Sure, it's possible, but I know bullshit when I hear it and Pro is most definetly full of shit. You're not asking us to be mature, rex. You are asking us to be as weak, blind, selective, immature, misenthropic, egotisitical, arrogant, and hateful as you all are.

Pro can't even remember what e-mail account he used to make his myspace account. He didn't hack anything. You helmet wearers have a traitor and instead of going after that person you attack pro, the person who has tried to get along with you guys more than anyone else here.

And considering how you've been in lock step with your fellow whores the whole way (for the exception of Wonderboy) you have NO right to call anybody co-dependant. You guys talk about loyalty when it suits but when we come here to back up Whomod you call him "weak" cause he can't handle himself. So are you getting involved with me saying Pro' is a hacker cause you don't think he can handle himself?

Whomod is a weak person. He never thinks for himself. He copies and pastes shit instead of forming his own opinion. He freaked out so badly over his fake daughters id that he called the police on me. He's as much of a failure as you are. As for getting along with others here? Guess what! Thats what happens when you're not a retarded fucknut. Its something you will never understand.

So please, back up your statements with the facts you talk about? My guess is you won't. My guess is just like Joe Mama, Prometheus, and Grimm you'll just make alotta noise with no substance alotta noise with no substance.

You will always call facts "alotta noise with no substance" because you don't know what a fact is. You are unable to see your own faults so you attack everyone around you. You are a loser in every imaginable way.
I check my PM inbox and what do I see? A little gift from an anonymous source...

"Fucking asshole"? Halo, I'm hurt. I thought we were getting along.

I... I... I don't know what to say.
Now I'm curious: did you follow that up with your reply to my post? You know, the one where you wondered what was wrong with your quote?
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
And I left here because you are a bunch of hypocritical assholes that just like any excuse you can find to talk shit about others regardless of whether it's true or not (proved by everything you just said).

but u didnt leave...
Halo82 content User Haloveous
2000+ posts 20 minutes 31 seconds ago Making a new reply
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: Re: The super secter RKMBs raid planning thread just for RKMBs members and not gaysurgery posters

20 minutes. This one is gonna be epic!
 Originally Posted By: rex
Halo82 content User Haloveous
2000+ posts 20 minutes 31 seconds ago Making a new reply
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: Re: The super secter RKMBs raid planning thread just for RKMBs members and not gaysurgery posters

20 minutes. This one is gonna be epic!

It takes him longer than most...
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
I check my PM inbox and what do I see? A little gift from an anonymous source...

"Fucking asshole"? Halo, I'm hurt. I thought we were getting along.

I... I... I don't know what to say.

Um no, you're the one having a meltdown. Pay attention.

Says who? You fucks consider any long post a meltdown. For you, these two posts are huge.

You are the whipping boy of every forum you post in. You're just too retarded to realize it. I can back up my opinion with facts. We made you run away with your tail between your legs months ago. Then you came crawling back because you needed the attention.

Is that the best example you got? You say I should be mature and walk away yet when I did that 5 months ago you criticize me for it? I didn't run away, I'm sure you'll continue saying that like the weak minded simpleton you are. But I just didn't see the point of posting at a board that has a follower complex. I came back cause I consider Who a friend, cause I think your "Whomod's Daughter" alter was despicable, and because I know what it's like to be jumped by you mindless drones. See, I truly believe most of you guys aren't all that bright. I really really do. But I know you can read. I know you've seen Joe Mama throw the tantrums you accuse me off yet each of you chose to ignore that but then turn around and transfer it on me. That makes you the weakest of all gods creations.

Let me guess, this guy was "trolling" because he didn't agree with you? You telling the mod to go fuck herself is just another sign of you being an immature child.

No, he was trolling cause even when I agreed with him on something he continued to pick a fight. I asked him to quit trolling because I didn't want it to escalate into a fight See, I'm a stubborn bastard. I know that. But it has nothing to do with wanting other people to agree with me so much as wanting to make my point. Stand my ground. To say or do what I think it right. If that intimidates you enough for you to malign it in the most unimaginative way possible (such as saying "you just have to have everyone agree with you) then I don't give a fuck.

I read your posts there. You cried because people didn't agree with you. Nothing more, nothing less. Another sign of mental retardation.

Wanna quote me? What exactly defines whining in your eyes, rex? Am I suppose to just agree with everybody else? See I can easily turn around and take the easy road by saying that right now you are whining right now. Whining about my style of debating. I'm not going to do that though. Why? Cause I don't think you are whining. I think you are confused. You just can't grasp that somebody would be opposed to your precious board or that somebody could do something for reasons that aren't completely egocentric and so now you are lashing out at me cause like most people you reject what you don't understand.

You left because we made you cry. I actually tried to get along with you at first but you had a hissy fit meltdown. We make fun of people here. We make fun of each other. We poke people when they react. Any bad thing that happened to you here was your own damn fault.

How many times you gonna repeat this same rationalization? You think if you repeat all this factless conjecture enough you'll believe it? Thing is, rex, you're biased. You want to believe this is true because it exculpates you and this whole board of any fault.

Pro can't even remember what e-mail account he used to make his myspace account. He didn't hack anything. You helmet wearers have a traitor and instead of going after that person you attack pro, the person who has tried to get along with you guys more than anyone else here.

And how do I know that? Huh? How do I know you aren't just saying that just to help out your boy. It's in your best intrest to create distrust among us by saying there's a rat.

Whomod is a weak person. He never thinks for himself. He copies and pastes shit instead of forming his own opinion. He freaked out so badly over his fake daughters id that he called the police on me. He's as much of a failure as you are. As for getting along with others here? Guess what! Thats what happens when you're not a retarded fucknut. Its something you will never understand.

You know what Ethos is? It's a rhetorical appeal using credibility by siting other people's info. Who is not a politician therefore it behooves him to back up what he's saying with more knowlegable people's opinions. It's called "facts". You know, that five letter word you've been trying to use against me all night. Yet here you are lambasting Who' for doing just that. And I happen to know he's capable of forming his own opinion. Hell, I'll dig you up 5 quotes where he's done just that. And I find this hypcoritical coming from you rex. Somebody who only comes in one volume of being a pessimistic discontent. Other then the occasional post about lesbians I don't think I've ever seen a post of yours that wasn't utterly base.

We got rid of beardguy because he wanted to turn this forum into his own personal faggot-star trek-space blog. He was also a child molester. He knew better than to post here. He might be the only person more oblivious to facts than you are.

There you go with your empty rhetoric about facts again.

You will always call facts "alotta noise with no substance" because you don't know what a fact is. You are unable to see your own faults so you attack everyone around you. You are a loser in every imaginable way.

Where are your facts, rex? I don't see any. It's all opinion that you are trying to masquerade as fact.
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
And I left here because you are a bunch of hypocritical assholes that just like any excuse you can find to talk shit about others regardless of whether it's true or not (proved by everything you just said).

but u didnt leave...

What do you call the 5 months I was gone, moron?
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: rex
Halo82 content User Haloveous
2000+ posts 20 minutes 31 seconds ago Making a new reply
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: Re: The super secter RKMBs raid planning thread just for RKMBs members and not gaysurgery posters

20 minutes. This one is gonna be epic!

It takes him longer than most...

Not as long as rex who spent like 40 mintues responding.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
What do you call the 5 months I was gone, moron?

Pee break?
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

I win again!
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Um no, you're the one having a meltdown. Pay attention.

Says who? You fucks consider any long post a meltdown. For you, these two posts are huge.

You are the whipping boy of every forum you post in. You're just too retarded to realize it. I can back up my opinion with facts. We made you run away with your tail between your legs months ago. Then you came crawling back because you needed the attention.

Is that the best example you got? You say I should be mature and walk away yet when I did that 5 months ago you criticize me for it? I didn't run away, I'm sure you'll continue saying that like the weak minded simpleton you are. But I just didn't see the point of posting at a board that has a follower complex. I came back cause I consider Who a friend, cause I think your "Whomod's Daughter" alter was despicable, and because I know what it's like to be jumped by you mindless drones. See, I truly believe most of you guys aren't all that bright. I really really do. But I know you can read. I know you've seen Joe Mama throw the tantrums you accuse me off yet each of you chose to ignore that but then turn around and transfer it on me. That makes you the weakest of all gods creations.

Let me guess, this guy was "trolling" because he didn't agree with you? You telling the mod to go fuck herself is just another sign of you being an immature child.

No, he was trolling cause even when I agreed with him on something he continued to pick a fight. I asked him to quit trolling because I didn't want it to escalate into a fight See, I'm a stubborn bastard. I know that. But it has nothing to do with wanting other people to agree with me so much as wanting to make my point. Stand my ground. To say or do what I think it right. If that intimidates you enough for you to malign it in the most unimaginative way possible (such as saying "you just have to have everyone agree with you) then I don't give a fuck.

I read your posts there. You cried because people didn't agree with you. Nothing more, nothing less. Another sign of mental retardation.

Wanna quote me? What exactly defines whining in your eyes, rex? Am I suppose to just agree with everybody else? See I can easily turn around and take the easy road by saying that right now you are whining right now. Whining about my style of debating. I'm not going to do that though. Why? Cause I don't think you are whining. I think you are confused. You just can't grasp that somebody would be opposed to your precious board or that somebody could do something for reasons that aren't completely egocentric and so now you are lashing out at me cause like most people you reject what you don't understand.

You left because we made you cry. I actually tried to get along with you at first but you had a hissy fit meltdown. We make fun of people here. We make fun of each other. We poke people when they react. Any bad thing that happened to you here was your own damn fault.

How many times you gonna repeat this same rationalization? You think if you repeat all this factless conjecture enough you'll believe it? Thing is, rex, you're biased. You want to believe this is true because it exculpates you and this whole board of any fault.

Pro can't even remember what e-mail account he used to make his myspace account. He didn't hack anything. You helmet wearers have a traitor and instead of going after that person you attack pro, the person who has tried to get along with you guys more than anyone else here.

And how do I know that? Huh? How do I know you aren't just saying that just to help out your boy. It's in your best intrest to create distrust among us by saying there's a rat.

Whomod is a weak person. He never thinks for himself. He copies and pastes shit instead of forming his own opinion. He freaked out so badly over his fake daughters id that he called the police on me. He's as much of a failure as you are. As for getting along with others here? Guess what! Thats what happens when you're not a retarded fucknut. Its something you will never understand.

You know what Ethos is? It's a rhetorical appeal using credibility by siting other people's info. Who is not a politician therefore it behooves him to back up what he's saying with more knowlegable people's opinions. It's called "facts". You know, that five letter word you've been trying to use against me all night. Yet here you are lambasting Who' for doing just that. And I happen to know he's capable of forming his own opinion. Hell, I'll dig you up 5 quotes where he's done just that. And I find this hypcoritical coming from you rex. Somebody who only comes in one volume of being a pessimistic discontent. Other then the occasional post about lesbians I don't think I've ever seen a post of yours that wasn't utterly base.

We got rid of beardguy because he wanted to turn this forum into his own personal faggot-star trek-space blog. He was also a child molester. He knew better than to post here. He might be the only person more oblivious to facts than you are.

There you go with your empty rhetoric about facts again.

You will always call facts "alotta noise with no substance" because you don't know what a fact is. You are unable to see your own faults so you attack everyone around you. You are a loser in every imaginable way.

Where are your facts, rex? I don't see any. It's all opinion that you are trying to masquerade as fact.

With the amount of time you spend geting your sister's panties in a bunch over people who kick your whiny ass over the interweb, it's no wonder the fighting forces do not want you, failo82.
Here you go asshole, 5 FACTS that prove Whomod can speak for himself-

 Originally Posted By: Whomod
Then I guess if it's all a lie, Karl Rove and whatever Bush appointees and staffers will happily testify then to set us straight.

oh wait, only Siegelman and Ms. Simpson want to swear under oath. Rove just wants to discount their stories and testimony, from the safety of his FOX news chair and his print column where of course, he's NOT under any legal obligation to actually y'know, tell the truth.

No, it hasn't been proven, but the Administration sure is stonewalling. Not the sign of a clear conscience. And 60 Minutes, Seigelman, and subsequent media reports sure make a convincing case to Roves guilt and involvement. And as I've posted, when Rove is asked directly the question of involvement, he doesn't answer with a definitive answer. He talks around the question. If there's' nothing here, then Rove has nothing to try to evade and nothing to hide. He sure doesn't act like it though. And you're content to ignore all that and parse disclaimers.

I dunoo.. I hate Democrats who besmirch the Party's integrity and honesty. Have you ever stopped to think that perhaps a better tack for your party is to toss these people out and demand they come clean under oath if there really is nothing there, there rather than repeatedly trying to defend them beyond the threshold of common sense?

There is a reason the Republican Party is doing so badly nationwide and it has nothing to do with not being Republican enough. These Bush people, as my 2 quotes say, have damaged the Republican brand so badly as to the GOP name being in the toilet right now. Contrary to what you may believe about my thinking, having the gOp destroyed is not conducive to democracy in general. a vigorous debate is healthy. What I've always objected to is just the sort of thing McLellan is harping on. The use of propaganda, distortion, and attack on any critic as an enemy of America. Which is the spot the GOP has rested their fortunes on for this past decade, especially after 9/11 and are just now reaping the fruits of that kind of Mccarthyite tactic and mindset.


 Originally Posted By: Whomod
And for the millionth time i have to ask


The nominee is going to be picked based on the delegate count. This isn't something new. And if we're discussing popular votes, Hillary still only can claim that if you do creative accounting.

Do you mean to tell me that not one single person in Michigan, including Detroit wanted to vote for Obama or would in a general election?

The fantasy is almost over MEM. Thank goodness.


 Originally Posted By: Whomod
I did. I have to go to work right now but if not it'd be real easy to quote a bunch of posts, and not just from recently, where gay sex is discussed ad naseum. It's pathological!

Now back to the subject at hand.

While this obviously will be devastating to Hillary, Obama at least should benefit from this being Hillary's last desperate straw that'll sway the final supers his way. and more importantly, comparing Obama to RFK, however tasteless and frankly, disgusting, will hopefully remind the boomer generation of the last time there was a candidate that advocated real substantial social change and how they supported that candidate wholeheartedly.

Being compared to RFK, especially after getting endorsed by Ted Kennedy and having HIM compare Obama to RFK himself, is not a bad place to be actually. So Hillary may have inadvertently helped him with boomers by reminding them of the unfulfilled promise of the Kennedy campaign.


 Originally Posted By: Whomod
Look at how and when he uses people real names. It's always when he's talking down to them, like some fucking parent or something.

Real names are just more ammo for him and he likes the advantage.


 Originally Posted By: Whomod
Yep. receiving the usual sentence from the Hague for murdering thousands in an unprovoked war is the same thing as an assassination.

That's all Whomod. Not quoting any other source. But my guess is that you'll just ignore this in the typical Rob's Whore fashion of projecting ignorance on me or some wild accusation of him getting those ideas from MoveOn.org. To latter I'll respond that dismissing any thought other then right wing propaganda as radical left wing kool-aid drinking is clear cut tactic of Bill O'Reilly and other fanatical right wing stooges. Which makes you, BSAMS, Wonder Boy, and Pariah the real weak ones.
 Originally Posted By: starheartcollective
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Um no, you're the one having a meltdown. Pay attention.

Says who? You fucks consider any long post a meltdown. For you, these two posts are huge.

You are the whipping boy of every forum you post in. You're just too retarded to realize it. I can back up my opinion with facts. We made you run away with your tail between your legs months ago. Then you came crawling back because you needed the attention.

Is that the best example you got? You say I should be mature and walk away yet when I did that 5 months ago you criticize me for it? I didn't run away, I'm sure you'll continue saying that like the weak minded simpleton you are. But I just didn't see the point of posting at a board that has a follower complex. I came back cause I consider Who a friend, cause I think your "Whomod's Daughter" alter was despicable, and because I know what it's like to be jumped by you mindless drones. See, I truly believe most of you guys aren't all that bright. I really really do. But I know you can read. I know you've seen Joe Mama throw the tantrums you accuse me off yet each of you chose to ignore that but then turn around and transfer it on me. That makes you the weakest of all gods creations.

Let me guess, this guy was "trolling" because he didn't agree with you? You telling the mod to go fuck herself is just another sign of you being an immature child.

No, he was trolling cause even when I agreed with him on something he continued to pick a fight. I asked him to quit trolling because I didn't want it to escalate into a fight See, I'm a stubborn bastard. I know that. But it has nothing to do with wanting other people to agree with me so much as wanting to make my point. Stand my ground. To say or do what I think it right. If that intimidates you enough for you to malign it in the most unimaginative way possible (such as saying "you just have to have everyone agree with you) then I don't give a fuck.

I read your posts there. You cried because people didn't agree with you. Nothing more, nothing less. Another sign of mental retardation.

Wanna quote me? What exactly defines whining in your eyes, rex? Am I suppose to just agree with everybody else? See I can easily turn around and take the easy road by saying that right now you are whining right now. Whining about my style of debating. I'm not going to do that though. Why? Cause I don't think you are whining. I think you are confused. You just can't grasp that somebody would be opposed to your precious board or that somebody could do something for reasons that aren't completely egocentric and so now you are lashing out at me cause like most people you reject what you don't understand.

You left because we made you cry. I actually tried to get along with you at first but you had a hissy fit meltdown. We make fun of people here. We make fun of each other. We poke people when they react. Any bad thing that happened to you here was your own damn fault.

How many times you gonna repeat this same rationalization? You think if you repeat all this factless conjecture enough you'll believe it? Thing is, rex, you're biased. You want to believe this is true because it exculpates you and this whole board of any fault.

Pro can't even remember what e-mail account he used to make his myspace account. He didn't hack anything. You helmet wearers have a traitor and instead of going after that person you attack pro, the person who has tried to get along with you guys more than anyone else here.

And how do I know that? Huh? How do I know you aren't just saying that just to help out your boy. It's in your best intrest to create distrust among us by saying there's a rat.

Whomod is a weak person. He never thinks for himself. He copies and pastes shit instead of forming his own opinion. He freaked out so badly over his fake daughters id that he called the police on me. He's as much of a failure as you are. As for getting along with others here? Guess what! Thats what happens when you're not a retarded fucknut. Its something you will never understand.

You know what Ethos is? It's a rhetorical appeal using credibility by siting other people's info. Who is not a politician therefore it behooves him to back up what he's saying with more knowlegable people's opinions. It's called "facts". You know, that five letter word you've been trying to use against me all night. Yet here you are lambasting Who' for doing just that. And I happen to know he's capable of forming his own opinion. Hell, I'll dig you up 5 quotes where he's done just that. And I find this hypcoritical coming from you rex. Somebody who only comes in one volume of being a pessimistic discontent. Other then the occasional post about lesbians I don't think I've ever seen a post of yours that wasn't utterly base.

We got rid of beardguy because he wanted to turn this forum into his own personal faggot-star trek-space blog. He was also a child molester. He knew better than to post here. He might be the only person more oblivious to facts than you are.

There you go with your empty rhetoric about facts again.

You will always call facts "alotta noise with no substance" because you don't know what a fact is. You are unable to see your own faults so you attack everyone around you. You are a loser in every imaginable way.

Where are your facts, rex? I don't see any. It's all opinion that you are trying to masquerade as fact.

With the amount of time you spend geting your sister's panties in a bunch over people who kick your whiny ass over the interweb, it's no wonder the fighting forces do not want you, failo82.

Well if it's my first favorite collective of losers. How you been Ares? Have you adjusted to being back from the dead yet?
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
A long winded post where halo82 sucks whomod cock.
Poor Halo.

Not only is he as sharp as a sack of wet hair, he continues to lie to himself over Pro being a hacker, and that the Insurgency dumbfucks (who lock their board in a cowardly move) did anything but get destroyed during their own failed "raid".

He will never get any smarter, but maybe one day he can stop being a liar...
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

I win again!

Actually it looks like you just crumbled. That's how it looks to intelligent people anyway.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Halo82 User Haloveous
2000+ posts 06/04/08 12:02 AM Private
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: rex
Halo82 content User Haloveous
2000+ posts 20 minutes 31 seconds ago Making a new reply
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: Re: The super secter RKMBs raid planning thread just for RKMBs members and not gaysurgery posters

20 minutes. This one is gonna be epic!

It takes him longer than most...

He's looking up better ways to say "I'm a douchebag".
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Poor Halo.

Not only is he as sharp as a sack of wet hair, he continues to lie to himself over Pro being a hacker, and that the Insurgency dumbfucks (who lock their board in a cowardly move) did anything but get destroyed during their own failed "raid".

He will never get any smarter, but maybe one day he can stop being a liar...

Speaking of lying, how many times have I pointed out we could have a traitor that you've conveniently ignored? At least 2 or 3. Buddy, you are a broken record. "The Insurgency is cowardly" blah blah. The only reason we have to believe that Pro didn't hack the board is the word of you assholes. Which doesn't mean much.
Retard, you're the one ignoring the fact that you have a traitor.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Speaking of lying, how many times have I pointed out we could have a traitor that you've conveniently ignored? At least 2 or 3.

Hey, I'm just looking out for you. The more you accuse us of hacking your board, the sillier you'll feel when the truth comes out.

Oh, and I hope you had time to buy everything you needed. YOU BIG JERK.

 Originally Posted By: rex
Retard, you're the one ignoring the fact that you have a traitor.

Not fact, possibility. And I haven't ignored. Do I have shove more quotes down your ignorant mouth.
Its a fact! Someone gave out the admin password! God damn you're fucking dense.
 Originally Posted By: rex
Its a fact! Someone gave out the admin password! God damn you're fucking dense.

If not taking the word of you stupid assholes makes me dense than I can live with that.
And a liar.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

If not taking the word of you stupid assholes makes me dense than I can live with that.

Oh, I think the issue of your stupidity goes well beyond this matter, my friend...
Rellik User Bringer of Change
100+ posts 06/04/08 12:14 AM Viewing a private message

Oh no! One of the heavyweights has been called in!
Halo82 User Haloveous
2000+ posts 06/04/08 12:21 AM Logging out
Rellik User Bringer of Change
100+ posts 06/04/08 12:20 AM Logging out

Awww...how cute.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: rex
Its a fact! Someone gave out the admin password! God damn you're fucking dense.

If not taking the word of you stupid assholes makes me dense than I can live with that.

Great! Cause that's exactly the case.

By the way, if it's too hard for you to accept that we're right about this, well, you could just think about the situation for a second and come to the blindingly obvious conclusion all by yourself. Or is that even harder for you?
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Halo82 User Haloveous
2000+ posts 06/04/08 12:21 AM Logging out
Rellik User Bringer of Change
100+ posts 06/04/08 12:20 AM Logging out

Awww...how cute.

It's like when girls go to the bathroom together.
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Halo82 User Haloveous
2000+ posts 06/04/08 12:21 AM Logging out
Rellik User Bringer of Change
100+ posts 06/04/08 12:20 AM Logging out

Awww...how cute.

It's like when girls go to the bathroom together.

Captain Sammitch innocent Moderator conservative hack
10000+ posts Wed Jun 04 2008 12:33 AM Reading a post
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: The super secret RKMBs raid planning thread just for RKMBs members and not gaysurgery posters
Prometheus cool User Finest Kind
15000+ posts Wed Jun 04 2008 12:46 AM Reading a post
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: The super secret RKMBs raid planning thread just for RKMBs members and not gaysurgery posters
robs asshole content User few posts Wed Jun 04 2008 01:10 AM Reading a post
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: The super secret RKMBs raid planning thread just for RKMBs members and not gaysurgery posters
robs asshole content User few posts Wed Jun 04 2008 01:24 AM Reading a post
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: The super secret RKMBs raid planning thread just for RKMBs members and not gaysurgery posters
Rectum Sausage content User few posts Wed Jun 04 2008 01:28 AM Reading a post
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: The super secret RKMBs raid planning thread just for RKMBs members and not gaysurgery posters
Gay surgery? I'm sure the inner workings of gay people aren't that different from straight or bi people. What'll they think of next?
Dabney Donovan content User 1000+ posts Wed Jun 04 2008 01:32 AM Reading a post
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: The super secret RKMBs raid planning thread just for RKMBs members and not gaysurgery posters
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Halo82 User Haloveous
2000+ posts 06/04/08 12:21 AM Logging out
Rellik User Bringer of Change
100+ posts 06/04/08 12:20 AM Logging out

Awww...how cute.

It's like when girls go to the bathroom together.

except these guys fuck each other...in a gay manner!
Wow. I came back to this thread to see what I missed last night thanks to the latest Indiana Jones flick (fucking aliens...fuck George Lucas...otherwise it was a fine movie...SPOILERS!), and all I have to say is:

So let's see:

1) Halo82 is a liar. MisterJLA proved that.

2) Rex pushed Tommy into another meltdown of "Oakley 'Got Milk?'" proportions.

3) We have a mole in the Insurgency Forums.

4) Prometheus is da man!

5) Mxy and BSAMS are still message board gods.

Did I miss anything?

 Originally Posted By: rex
Alright gaylo, listen up. Someone on the insurgency boards that you guys gave admin abilities does not like you or the rest of you circle jerk tards. Is that really that hard to believe since you are the whipping boy of multiple message boards? You and the rest of your mindless sheep have made it impossible for anyone to like any of you due to your mental disabilities. Do you understand that? You have ostricised yourselves from the majority of the internet. Do not think for one second you are in the right. You get all pissy when someone doesn't agree with you and instead of being an adult and walking away you call them hackers and other names. You and the rest of your friends are just simply wastes. You have shown us that you are nothing than a three year old in a mans body. You serve no purpose other than to be the internets whipping boy. Is that what you want to be? Is your life so fucked up that you would rather get harassed and insulted than be alone? Are you that fucking co-dependant? Are you really that fucking insecure? You are not on some moral crusade to prove yourself right, you are a fucked up little boy who will do anything for attention. That is what you are now and that is what you will always be.


So true. Every word.
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: rex
Alright gaylo, listen up. Someone on the insurgency boards that you guys gave admin abilities does not like you or the rest of you circle jerk tards. Is that really that hard to believe since you are the whipping boy of multiple message boards? You and the rest of your mindless sheep have made it impossible for anyone to like any of you due to your mental disabilities. Do you understand that? You have ostricised yourselves from the majority of the internet. Do not think for one second you are in the right. You get all pissy when someone doesn't agree with you and instead of being an adult and walking away you call them hackers and other names. You and the rest of your friends are just simply wastes. You have shown us that you are nothing than a three year old in a mans body. You serve no purpose other than to be the internets whipping boy. Is that what you want to be? Is your life so fucked up that you would rather get harassed and insulted than be alone? Are you that fucking co-dependant? Are you really that fucking insecure? You are not on some moral crusade to prove yourself right, you are a fucked up little boy who will do anything for attention. That is what you are now and that is what you will always be.


So true. Every word.

I concur, though I enjoy slapping him and his around. To answer those questions, the answer to all is, apparently, "Yes."
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: rex
Alright gaylo, listen up. Someone on the insurgency boards that you guys gave admin abilities does not like you or the rest of you circle jerk tards. Is that really that hard to believe since you are the whipping boy of multiple message boards? You and the rest of your mindless sheep have made it impossible for anyone to like any of you due to your mental disabilities. Do you understand that? You have ostricised yourselves from the majority of the internet. Do not think for one second you are in the right. You get all pissy when someone doesn't agree with you and instead of being an adult and walking away you call them hackers and other names. You and the rest of your friends are just simply wastes. You have shown us that you are nothing than a three year old in a mans body. You serve no purpose other than to be the internets whipping boy. Is that what you want to be? Is your life so fucked up that you would rather get harassed and insulted than be alone? Are you that fucking co-dependant? Are you really that fucking insecure? You are not on some moral crusade to prove yourself right, you are a fucked up little boy who will do anything for attention. That is what you are now and that is what you will always be.


So true. Every word.

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: rex
Alright gaylo, listen up. Someone on the insurgency boards that you guys gave admin abilities does not like you or the rest of you circle jerk tards. Is that really that hard to believe since you are the whipping boy of multiple message boards? You and the rest of your mindless sheep have made it impossible for anyone to like any of you due to your mental disabilities. Do you understand that? You have ostricised yourselves from the majority of the internet. Do not think for one second you are in the right. You get all pissy when someone doesn't agree with you and instead of being an adult and walking away you call them hackers and other names. You and the rest of your friends are just simply wastes. You have shown us that you are nothing than a three year old in a mans body. You serve no purpose other than to be the internets whipping boy. Is that what you want to be? Is your life so fucked up that you would rather get harassed and insulted than be alone? Are you that fucking co-dependant? Are you really that fucking insecure? You are not on some moral crusade to prove yourself right, you are a fucked up little boy who will do anything for attention. That is what you are now and that is what you will always be.


So true. Every word.

I concur, though I enjoy slapping him and his around. To answer those questions, the answer to all is, apparently, "Yes."

Stop, you...

If Insurgency was hacked by Prometheus, why hasn't he hacked there since the board was closed to the public? A closed board wouldn't stop a hacker.

Just wondering...
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
With dozens more to follow.

This is all very boring for you, getting clowned on yet another message board.

We get it.

Somebody sounds irritated. Not just irritated but confused. You sluts are the clowns, dressing yourselves up as intelligent and cool.

There he is again, calling someone a slut.

At this point it CAN'T be a Freudian Slip! He really wants to try and offer some of us money for sex!

Sorry, Tommy. Maybe that flies in the Insurgency Forum. But it doesn't here. Take your money and go find a street corner like the rest of the dirty birdies.

I'm not surprised you don't know this, but calling someone a slut or a whore is probaly the last thing you should do if you want to have sex with.

Yeah cause of course nobody has sex with sluts and whores!

But you probaly wouldn't call them a slut or whore, would you? Well, maybe you would cause you are a dick.

A slut is someone that sleeps around, thus people WANT to sleep with them.
A whore is paid to have sex, thus people WANT to sleep with them.
A slut generally would not care if you called them a slut, cause they know they are, and whores are doing a job, so calling one a whore is just stating the obvious.

And anyway, you have obviously never had a woman ask you to talk dirty to them, or else you would know that you can quite happily use those words.

Its kinda like when Zzap calls you bitch!
 Originally Posted By: SydB JenG
If Insurgency was hacked by Prometheus, why hasn't he hacked there since the board was closed to the public? A closed board wouldn't stop a hacker.

Just wondering...

silly syd, halo doesnt pay attention to things like logic...
Simple fact is, I am sure theres a thread round here somewhere where Pro explained his retardedness with MySpace.

I spose that could be seen as proof for Gaylo, but I really dont see why we have to prove anything.

So many of us have had to teach Pro about internet and PC stuff over the years, and sometimes its basic stuff, so how the hell is he a hacker?

Fer fucksake, he doesnt even fully understand region coding on DVDs.

And as Syd has pointed out, if he was a hacker, locking the boards would not keep him out now would it.
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
Fer fucksake, he doesnt even fully understand region coding on DVDs.

In his defense, he IS a southerner who disliked Shawn Of The Dead. You can't expect that guy to latch onto such heady concepts as "region coding" and "all-region DVD players." Still, his 4aX0rz skillz must be pretty 1337 if he can hack their board and make it look like they have a mole.
Maybe has just been lying to us for years so he could hack our bank accounts!
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
Fer fucksake, he doesnt even fully understand region coding on DVDs.

In his defense, he IS a southerner who disliked Shawn Of The Dead.

Christ, first Elvis, now this.

You can't expect that guy to latch onto such heady concepts as "region coding" and "all-region DVD players."

Though I shouldn't laugh. Fred once had to explain that to me... \:-\[

Still, Pro makes up for the above with his super duper crafty hacking skillz...
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: rex
Alright gaylo, listen up. Someone on the insurgency boards that you guys gave admin abilities does not like you or the rest of you circle jerk tards. Is that really that hard to believe since you are the whipping boy of multiple message boards? You and the rest of your mindless sheep have made it impossible for anyone to like any of you due to your mental disabilities. Do you understand that? You have ostricised yourselves from the majority of the internet. Do not think for one second you are in the right. You get all pissy when someone doesn't agree with you and instead of being an adult and walking away you call them hackers and other names. You and the rest of your friends are just simply wastes. You have shown us that you are nothing than a three year old in a mans body. You serve no purpose other than to be the internets whipping boy. Is that what you want to be? Is your life so fucked up that you would rather get harassed and insulted than be alone? Are you that fucking co-dependant? Are you really that fucking insecure? You are not on some moral crusade to prove yourself right, you are a fucked up little boy who will do anything for attention. That is what you are now and that is what you will always be.


So true. Every word.

Honey, when you're right, you're right.
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: rex
Alright gaylo, listen up. Someone on the insurgency boards that you guys gave admin abilities does not like you or the rest of you circle jerk tards. Is that really that hard to believe since you are the whipping boy of multiple message boards? You and the rest of your mindless sheep have made it impossible for anyone to like any of you due to your mental disabilities. Do you understand that? You have ostricised yourselves from the majority of the internet. Do not think for one second you are in the right. You get all pissy when someone doesn't agree with you and instead of being an adult and walking away you call them hackers and other names. You and the rest of your friends are just simply wastes. You have shown us that you are nothing than a three year old in a mans body. You serve no purpose other than to be the internets whipping boy. Is that what you want to be? Is your life so fucked up that you would rather get harassed and insulted than be alone? Are you that fucking co-dependant? Are you really that fucking insecure? You are not on some moral crusade to prove yourself right, you are a fucked up little boy who will do anything for attention. That is what you are now and that is what you will always be.


So true. Every word.

Honey, when you're right, you're right.

wait a min... don't i have admin powers?
People have to like you here before you have admin powers. Don't hold your breath for that, ima.
 Originally Posted By: rex
People have to like you here before you have admin powers. Don't hold your breath for that, ima.

I meant there you unoriginal retard.
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin

Though I shouldn't laugh. Fred once had to explain that to me... \:-\[

Still, Pro makes up for the above with his super duper crafty hacking skillz...

He's a bald MacGuyver...with Down Syndrome.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin

Though I shouldn't laugh. Fred once had to explain that to me... \:-\[

Still, Pro makes up for the above with his super duper crafty hacking skillz...

He's a bald MacGuyver...with Down Syndrome.

That ain't right.
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin

Though I shouldn't laugh. Fred once had to explain that to me... \:-\[

Still, Pro makes up for the above with his super duper crafty hacking skillz...

He's a bald MacGuyver...with Down Syndrome.

That ain't right.

I heard he hacked the Insurgency Forum while whitewater rafting using only his "wife's" cellphone...and his huge bike helmet.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin

Though I shouldn't laugh. Fred once had to explain that to me... \:-\[

Still, Pro makes up for the above with his super duper crafty hacking skillz...

He's a bald MacGuyver...with Down Syndrome.

That ain't right.

I heard he hacked the Insurgency Forum while whitewater rafting using only his "wife's" cellphone...and his huge bike helmet.

I heard he did it with a paper clip and a stick of gum while driving the short bus...
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin

Though I shouldn't laugh. Fred once had to explain that to me... \:-\[

Still, Pro makes up for the above with his super duper crafty hacking skillz...

He's a bald MacGuyver...with Down Syndrome.

That ain't right.

I heard he hacked the Insurgency Forum while whitewater rafting using only his "wife's" cellphone...and his huge bike helmet.

I heard he did it with a paper clip and a stick of gum while driving the short bus...

Now you're just being silly.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin

Though I shouldn't laugh. Fred once had to explain that to me... \:-\[

Still, Pro makes up for the above with his super duper crafty hacking skillz...

He's a bald MacGuyver...with Down Syndrome.

That ain't right.

I heard he hacked the Insurgency Forum while whitewater rafting using only his "wife's" cellphone...and his huge bike helmet.

I heard he did it with a paper clip and a stick of gum while driving the short bus...

Now you're just being silly.

No, you are!
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin

Though I shouldn't laugh. Fred once had to explain that to me... \:-\[

Still, Pro makes up for the above with his super duper crafty hacking skillz...

He's a bald MacGuyver...with Down Syndrome.

That ain't right.

I heard he hacked the Insurgency Forum while whitewater rafting using only his "wife's" cellphone...and his huge bike helmet.

I heard he did it with a paper clip and a stick of gum while driving the short bus...

Now you're just being silly.

No, you are!

EGADS! Cut to the quick!

Just remember, as we discuss these "rumors," that I'm the guy who broke the news that Pro is secretly the son of Johnny Rotten.
it's the green teeth that give it away.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

"He's bigger than me, but I was holding him, It's hard to get out of the position when you grab them from behind.

Pro hacked them with his sandy vag!
He taught all the little sand crabs how to internet and stuff.
 Originally Posted By: SydB JenG
If Insurgency was hacked by Prometheus, why hasn't he hacked there since the board was closed to the public? A closed board wouldn't stop a hacker.

Just wondering...

Pro's hacking abilities are obviously of a mystical nature. He never exhibited them before, but one day he was suddenly an expert message board hacker. Now his powers have left him as fast as they came, to be summoned back only when the circumstances truly merit them. Such gifts are not to be abused.

When that day comes, Pro shall rise his magic axe to the sky and yell the word "KIMOTA!", and so, the dark knowledge of hack shall come down on him in the form of lightning! All Hail Mighty Prometheus! Death to the Videodrome! Long Live The New Flesh!
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: SydB JenG
If Insurgency was hacked by Prometheus, why hasn't he hacked there since the board was closed to the public? A closed board wouldn't stop a hacker.

Just wondering...

Pro's hacking abilities are obviously of a mystical nature. He never exhibited them before, but one day he was suddenly an expert message board hacker. Now his powers have left him as fast as they came, to be summoned back only when the circumstances truly merit them. Such gifts are not to be abused.

It's magic!
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
In his defense, he IS a southerner who disliked Shawn Of The Dead.

I think it's pretty funny!! Just not nearly as good as Hot Fuzz! Dammit!

 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
Maybe has just been lying to us for years so he could hack our bank accounts!

 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
Though I shouldn't laugh. Fred once had to explain that to me... \:-\[

GA = Golden Age

Still, Pro makes up for the above with his super duper crafty hacking skillz...

She's right, I am impressive...

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
He's a bald MacGuyver...with Down Syndrome.

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
I heard he hacked the Insurgency Forum while whitewater rafting using only his "wife's" cellphone...and his huge bike helmet.


(you cinched it with the helmet)

 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
Pro's hacking abilities are obviously of a mystical nature. He never exhibited them before, but one day he was suddenly an expert message board hacker. Now his powers have left him as fast as they came, to be summoned back only when the circumstances truly merit them. Such gifts are not to be abused.

When that day comes, Pro shall rise his magic axe to the sky and yell the word "KIMOTA!", and so, the dark knowledge of hack shall come down on him in the form of lightning! All Hail Mighty Prometheus! Death to the Videodrome! Long Live The New Flesh!

...aaand there's my new sig!

 Originally Posted By: harleykwin

It's magic!

Well played. +6969 Points. Have I asked you to show me your boobs lately? You really should...
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: SydB JenG
If Insurgency was hacked by Prometheus, why hasn't he hacked there since the board was closed to the public? A closed board wouldn't stop a hacker.

Just wondering...

Pro's hacking abilities are obviously of a mystical nature. He never exhibited them before, but one day he was suddenly an expert message board hacker. Now his powers have left him as fast as they came, to be summoned back only when the circumstances truly merit them. Such gifts are not to be abused.

It's magic!

Um, theo, we're being invaded... the invaders said they're not leaving until we flee this place, so this really isn't a good time for you to come back.

They're here defending whomod's fake internet daughter's alt id!
and trying to send reax to jail!
Son of Mxy content User BLACK PERSON
7500+ posts Thu Jun 05 2008 01:31 AM Reading a post
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: The super secret RKMBs raid planning thread just for RKMBs members and not gaysurgery posters
britneyspearsatemyshorts annoyed Moderator ROY BATTY's #1 Fan
15000+ posts Thu Jun 05 2008 01:32 AM Reading a post
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: The super secret RKMBs raid planning thread just for RKMBs members and not gaysurgery posters
rex content User breaker of the insurgency
15000+ posts Thu Jun 05 2008 01:33 AM Reading a post
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: The super secret RKMBs raid planning thread just for RKMBs members and not gaysurgery posters
rex content User breaker of the insurgency
15000+ posts Thu Jun 05 2008 01:44 AM Reading a post
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: The super secret RKMBs raid planning thread just for RKMBs members and not gaysurgery posters
Wow. Who's Online Obsessor is really on a roll tonight.

Which is more than can be said for The Insurgency.
 Originally Posted By: PCG342
Please pay attention to me! I miss being your guys's whipping boy!
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
Though I shouldn't laugh. Fred once had to explain that to me... \:-\[

GA = Golden Age


 Originally Posted By: harleykwin

It's magic!

Well played. +6969 Points. Have I asked you to show me your boobs lately? You really should...

Get in line!
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman

 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman

I concur!
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman

What are we playing? Can I play?
mxy, were you paying attention to the dudes story?
Is that from that movie? Iron Man? Are we quoting Iron Man?
Is Iron Man the movie about the Iraqi solder who turns into an eight foot tall hulking hairdresser when he gets mad?
youre thinking of Fame.
I win again!


You got served!

I'm hardcore!
Update! From now on I'll call any insurgency alt "the collective" since they all think alike and have the same personality. and they all suck balls.
hey if i turned traitor and lost myself in a large bottle of a brown alcoholic substance you would all love me.
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
hey if i turned traitor and lost myself in a large bottle of a brown alcoholic substance you would all love me.

This might be the moment that would drive Tommy to suicide...
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
hey if i turned traitor and lost myself in a large bottle of a brown alcoholic substance you would all love me.

This might be the moment that would drive Tommy to suicide...

quoted for truth.
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
hey if i turned reasonable and found myself in a large bottle of Jameson you would all love me.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
hey if i turned reasonable and found myself in a large bottle of Jameson you would all love me.

wishful thinmking douche.
Just trying to show you the light at the bottom of the bottle.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Just trying to show you the light at the bottom of the bottle.

i aqlready know about it dumbass.. i drink absolute, jagermiester and jack daniels remeber?

of course you don't.. unlike me you cannot handle your alcohol,
Are you kidding? I put the Fun Co. in functional alcoholism.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Are you kidding? I put the Fun Co. in functional alcoholism.

passing out from the fumes of my first triple of jack daniels does not make you a functioning alcoholic.
Your triple Jacks mean nothing to a Southern man and his moonshine.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Your triple Jacks mean nothing to a Southern man and his moonshine.

Southern man
better keep your head
Don't forget
what your good book said
Southern change
gonna come at last
Now your crosses
are burning fast
Southern man

I saw cotton
and I saw black
Tall white mansions
and little shacks.
Southern man
when will you
pay them back?
I heard screamin'
and bullwhips cracking
How long? How long?

Southern man
better keep your head
Don't forget
what your good book said
Southern change
gonna come at last
Now your crosses
are burning fast
Southern man

Lily Belle,
your hair is golden brown
I've seen your black man
comin' round
Swear by God
I'm gonna cut him down!
I heard screamin'
and bullwhips cracking
How long? How long?
This conversation is steering awfully close to gimmick infringement...
Considering one half of this conversation regularly swipes posts from multiple message boards, you shouldn't be surprised.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Considering one half of this conversation regularly swipes posts from multiple message boards, you shouldn't be surprised.

and the other half regularly Goes all Emotionally Emo when the bottle's empty we aren't.
It is called the edit button. Use it.
so you don't deny starting to cry when you reach the bottom of a bottle?
There are two things that should never be separated: An Irish man and his booze.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
There are two things that should never be separated: An Irish man and his booze.

the First step is admitting you have a problem Jordan.
Yes, I have a problem. I'm Irish.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Yes, I have a problem. I'm Irish.

i'm aware of how much of an alcoholic the irish can be remeber?

i was married to one....
Well, that's your mistake for marrying an Irish woman and not being able to handle her.
Man 1: Did ya hear about Joey? He's marrying a nice Irish Girl.
Man 2: Oh really?
Man 1: No, O'Reilly.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Well, that's your mistake for marrying an Irish woman and not being able to handle her.

i could handle her i just didn't feel like smacking her around like most Micks do.
Yup, definitely not gay.
434 435 436
Sarah Louise (Heath) Palin (born February 11, 1964) is the Governor of Alaska and the presumptive Republican vice presidential nominee for the 2008 United States presidential election.Palin was elected governor in 2006 after defeating incumbent governor Frank Murkowski in the Republican primary and former Democratic governor Tony Knowles in the general election. She was the youngest person, and the first woman, to be elected governor of Alaska. Before becoming governor, Palin served two terms on the Wasilla, Alaska, City Council from 1992 to 1996, and was elected and re-elected mayor of Wasilla for two three-year terms in 1996 and 1999. She also ran unsuccessfully for lieutenant governor of Alaska in 2002. Palin holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from the University of Idaho.On August 29, 2008, Republican presidential candidate John McCain announced he had chosen Palin as his running mate, making her the second female vice presidential candidate representing a major political party after Geraldine Ferraro, and the first female vice presidential candidate of the Republican Party. She will also be the first politician from Alaska to run on a national ticket for president or vice president.
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Once you've been in a mental institution, people are going to look at you funny. Drew Barrymore

Never believe in anything until it has been officially denied.
Otto von Bismarck

The family that stays together may be convicted of incest.
Robert Bloch

Insanity is relative. It depends on who has who locked in what cage.
Ray Bradbury

I guess it looks like a rock quarry that somebody has dynamited.
Charles Bronson
...describing his own face

If presidents don't do it to their wives, they'll do it to the country.
Mel Brooks

Everyday people are straying away from the church ang going back to god.
Lenny Bruce

Too bad all the people who know how to run the country are busy driving taxi cabs and cutting hair.
George Burns
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch