Posted By: Wank and Cry A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-23 8:52 PM
After whipping the asses of pussies like Joe, BSAMS, Sammitch (sorry to hear about your break up with the transvestite/bought/imaginary chick) and Prometheus I thought the least I could do is give you mother fuckers knowledge that you need.

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-23 8:55 PM
who are you again?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-23 8:57 PM
Wank and Cry content User Feared by RKMB
3000+ posts 07/23/08 01:55 PM Logging out

that guy didnt last long.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-23 9:07 PM
Quickest raid ever. No one even noticed him and he still lost.

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-23 9:08 PM
who was he?
Posted By: Jeremy Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-23 9:11 PM
Posted By: captain sandwich Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-23 11:46 PM
Tiny penises remind me of my girlfriend

Posted By: Queenie Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-24 12:34 AM
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-24 12:36 AM
is this the broken tag surge?
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-24 1:41 AM
 Originally Posted By: captain sandwich
Tiny penises remind me of my girlfriend


I'm not sure what's funnier; the half-assed alt or the fact that andrew is still convinced he's got my actual address and phone number.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-24 1:42 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-24 1:45 AM
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-24 1:50 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank & Cry
Written by Thomas Tantillo
Silver Surfer is a property of Marvel Comics and is used without permission.

Silver Surfer #1 The Obsessed.

Page 1

Panel 1: Looking out into the cosmos seeing only stars.

1 Cap: Looking up into the heavens a boy once wished for nothing more then roam among the stars. He and his kin had everything they could ever want yet the boy needed more.

Panel 2: Focusing in we see a bright light in the distance.

2 Cap: He was a born explorer and like all explorers he was possessed by desire that he could not define. A yearning to find something deeper in all around him.

Panel 3: Coming closer we see the light streaking through the cosmos.

3 Cap: I came to pass that the boy's boys wishes would come true when he made a noble, yet self serving, sacrifice to become the herald to Galactus the Devourer of worlds.

Panel 4: Now we're close enough to see that there are two distinctly diffrent lights. One orange followed by blue.

4 Cap: Not only did he get to roam with the stars but he became one with them. He became.

Page 2

Splash: Silver Surfer chasing after Firelord.

5 Cap: ...The Silver Surfer.

6 Cap: He and I have engaged in a tit for tat for years now. He is my greatest obsession. And he is not without his own compulsions. Like all explorers he never stops searching. Even now he searches for the slightest possibility of redemption for a foe he once considered friend.

7 Silver Surfer: End this mad rampage Perilous Kryl.

8 FireLord: My name is Firelord. Whatever remained of Perilous Kryl was left behind in the cold corridors of death.

Page 3

Panel 1: Silver Surfer unleashes powerful blasts from his hands towards Firelord.

9 Silver Surfer: And now you dispense that which you abhor.

Panel 2: Firelord spins his staff shielding him from the Surfers blasts.

11 Firelord: The Kree are a disease. It is time they taste of extinction so they may no longer brutishly leave death and destruction in their wake.

Panel 3: The right side of Surfers face and shoulder. He has a stern look while he tries to reason with FireLord.

12 Surfer: No love have I for the Kree but they are not the only one who have fell before your pharisaic wrath.

Panel 4: The left side of Firelords face and shoulder as he harshly rebukes Surfers reasoning.

13 FireLord: All scum. Perhaps if "heroes" such as yourself had taken firmer action years ago with the Kree or Skrull their victims wouldn't number so high. Perhaps Annihilation would not have caused such carnage with his Wave. Carnage that you missed while once again in thrall to Galactus.

Panel 5: Surfer and Firelord speeding toward eachother.

14 Surfer: And what would you have me do with you Perlous?

15 Firelord: I'd have you stay out of my way.

16 Surfer: That I cannot do.

Panel 6: The left side Firelords face with his eye squinted and focused.

17 Firelord: Very well.

Page 4

Panel 1: Mephisto watching a massive and yet splendidly beautiful explosion from a distance standing on a asteroid.

18 Cap: The power Galactus has givin his Heralds is uncanny. Firelord has created a supernova engulfing them both in a magnifient yet catastrophic explosion. Most amazing of all is that neither of them will be harmed by the blast so I'm not quite sure why Firelord has envoked this stratagy but I'm sure he had his reasons.

Panel 2: Seeing Mephisto from the side as the waves of the Supernova pass by him.

19 Cap: It is unbecoming of one such as I to express sentiment but there are exceptions. How could I not appreciate the splendor of a Supernova. Our roles in the scheme of things are actually quite akin when I too bring out the beauty in death, destruction, and tragedy.

Page 5

Panel 1: The Surfer, having been laid low, rises from his board looking around for Firelord.

20 Cap: Ah, now I see Firelords purpose for that Supernova. A means of escape.

Panel 2: Firelord camoflaged with the darkness of space behind the Surfer.

21 Cap: He has rather cleverly cloaked himself in dark matter.

Panel 3: Surfer peering into space with his eyes illuminated looking for Firelord.

22 Cap: With his Galactus givin sight, which can see across galaxies, Surfer undoubtedly sees the pocket of Dark Matter but assumes it's a result of the explosion.

Panel 4: Surfer suddenly sees something that horrifies him.

23 Cap: Eventually Surfer would figure it out but...

Panel 5: Over Surfer's shoulder we see Mephisto in the distance.

24 Cap: ...Something else catches his eye.

Panel 6: Surfer speeding toward Mephisto's location.

25 Cap: Like all explorers he's easily distracted.

Page 6

Panel 1: Surfer gets to where Mephisto was standing only to find no one there. He looks around bewildered.

26 Cap: Perhaps he'll assume the explosion has upset his senses. Or not. Either way I've provideded Firelord the space he needs to escape. Which serves my purposes for another day.

Panel 2: From a chest level view we look to see Surfer staring intently at the stars.

27 Surfer: I know you can hear me Kryl. Beware.

Panel 3: Surfer leaving the scene behind with some final words.

28 Surfer: There are deeper and darker abysses then death to fall into.

29 Cap: HA. There certainly are.

Panel 4: Firelord leaving with a heavy brow.

Page 7

Panel 1: Surfer riding the spaceways.

30 Cap: There are many misconceptions of the Surfer. For one, he's not a warrior. Battle and hate have very taxing affects on him. Between my looming presence in his mind and his donnybrook with Firelord he is in need of repast.

Panel 2: Surfer looking into the distance with a slight look of glee.

31 Cap: And what better place to gather his thoughts.

Panel 3: A light blue spot among the starts.

32 Cap: Then Earth. The world he has all but adopted as his own.

Page 8

Panel 1: Surfer entering Earths atmosphere.

33 Cap: I cannot read minds but in the case of the Silver Surfer I do not need to. I know why he returns to a world that once served as his prison for years. I know why he returns to a world that has disheartened and infuriated him at every turn.

34 Cap: It reminds him of Zenn-La

Page 9

Panel 1: Surfer soaring over the ocean.

33 Cap: Far less advanced and civilized but in terms of visage the geography and people are very similiar.

Panel 2: With his hands behind his back Surfer moves slowly a few feet above the ocean, staring down at the waves.

34 Cap: He sacrificed his freedom long ago so that Zenn La would be spared but it turned out it was a sacrifice in vain since the world had been ravaged again and again till meeting it's final doom.

35 Cap: He would never speak the words but he is almost glad that Zenn La is at final peace. But from time to time he enjoys being reminded of his homeworld and it's enchanting traquility.

Panel 3: Surfer flying through the Tibetan mountains.

36 Cap: There is another reason though.

Panel 4: Surfer walking through the snow.

37 Cap: Of all the worlds Surfer has tread upon...

Panel 5: A stone door hidden among the rocks is ajar.

38 Cap: ...Earth is one of the few that manage to surprise him.

Panel 6: Surfer with a look of curiousity on his face.

Page 10

Panel 1: The Shadows of two boys playing on the walls as Silver Surfer walks forward.

39 Mutt: You won't catch me Spider-man.

40 Eight: Oh yes I will Green Goblin.

Panel 2: A mutant boy who has 6 arms and 8 eyes hangs from the wall shooting webs out of his hands at his friend.

41 Eight: For good always triumphs over evil.

Panel 3: A boy with the features of a wolf is on the ground webbed up.

42 Mutt: Man, how come you always get to be Spider-man?

Panel 4: Eight jumps down to the ground near Mutt who is getting loose.

43 Eight: I'll give you eight guesses why.

44 Mutt: Who cares when your Spidey dialogue sucks.

Panel 5: Eight and Mutt face to face with Surfer in shadows behind them.

45 Eight: Does not.

46 Mutt: Does too. Spidey doesn't say corny stuff like that. That's more like...

Page 11

Panel 1: Mutt talking while Eight stares in awe behind him.

47 Eight:...the Silver Surfer???

48 Mutt: Yeah, somebody like...

Panel 2: Mutt and Eight staring up at the ledge above them staring at a glistening Silver Surfer.

49 Surfer: Hello young ones.

Page 12

Panel 1: Mutt is scared and Eight is excited.

50 Mutt: AHHHHHH

51 Eight: Relax Mutt, he's a good guy. I read all about him on the internt.

Panel 2: Eight turning to Silver Surfer

52 Eight: I read all about you on the internet.

Panel 3: Silver Surfer looking down at the two kids with a bit of a smile.

53 Surfer: I am glad you know I intend you know harm. It seems everyone on this planet normally assumes the worst when it comes to me.

Panel 4: Surfer walks down to the same ground level as the kid

54 Surfer: Though, I am somewhat curious how you two traversed the harsh weather conditions and mountains to get here.

Page 13

Panel 1: Looking down over Surfers shoulder we see Mutt and Eight.

55 Mutt: Well, if you haven't noticed, we're a little diffrent. We can take the cold and handle the mountains. We were playing outside and found this place.

56 Surfer: Are you mutants?

Panel 2: Looking at Surfer, Mutt, and Eight from the side.

57 Eight: No no no we're freaks.

58 Surfer: Freaks? I'm unfamiliar with the application of this term here on earth?

59 Eight: There was an accident in our hometown and we were some of the people changed by it. How did you find this place?

Panel 3: Surfer holding his arm out with his hands open palms facing up.

60 Surfer: My story is not that foreign from your own. There was a time I was trapped here on earth thanks to my former master Galactus. While exploring this world I stumbled upon the hidden ruins of these mountains. I return here from time to time to gather myself.

Panel 4: Looking over Mutt and Eight's shoulders to Surfer

61 Mutt You don't mind us being here do you?

Panel 5: Surfer looking down at the boys.

62 Surfer: No, I do not mind. I have no more claim to this place then you and I could use the company.

63 Mephisto: Really?

Page 14

Panel 1: See Mephisto posturing, from an upward angle, with his arms crossed from an upward angle.

64 Mephisto: How about the company of an old friend?

Page 15

Panel 1: Surfer with a look of intensity on his face while Mutt is pulling Eight away by his shirt.

65 Surfer: Children, you must leave now.

66 Eight: But we can help.

67 Surfer: No, you cannot, now hurry.

Panel 2: Mutt dragging Eight out of there with Surfer in the background heading towards Mephisto on his board.

68 Mutt: Stop being an asshole Eight and let's get out of here.

Panel 3: Surfer on going downward toward Mephisto

69 Surfer. DEMON

70 Surfer: I don't know why you've chosen to appear before me now but you will rue that decision.

Panel 4: Mephisto smurking.

71 Cap: One of the reason I take such intrest in the Surfer is I absolutely love how he reacts to me.

Panel 5 From behind Mephisto we see him looking up at Surfer soaring over head.

72 Cap Such unbridled hate from one so gentle. Knowing that the mere sight of me causes him such agita is almost vengeance enough. Almost.

73 Mephisto: Must you always act the fool with such hysterics? After all this time don't you know I only want to talk.

74 Surfer: Your words are more dangerous then the actions of most evil one.

Panel 5: The left side of Mephisto's face with Surfer hovering right above the ground.

75 Mephisto: True. But it is not the words alone.

Page 16

Panel 1: Mephisto with his hands in the air, as though he's casting a wicked spell, while Surfer looks on.

76 Mephisto: It's the guile behind them.

77 Mephisto: BEHOLD

78 Mephisto: A vision in my Stygian mists.

Panel 2: Outside in the Snow Mephisto's Souless Ones are grabbing the Eight and Mutt.

79 Mephisto: My newly resurrected Souless Ones have captured your young friends.

Panel 3: Surfer looking past the mist at Mephisto yelling at him.

80 Surfer: MEPHISTO.

81 Surfer: Hurt those children and I'll

81 Mephisto: Do not waste my time with with idle threats and I will not waste yours with mourning. They are merely to insure I have your attention.

Panel 3: Surfer slightly bowing his head submissively.

82 Surfer: What do you want Mephisto?

Panel: 4: Mephisto manifesting another image in his mist as Surfer watches.

83 Mephisto: For once, you and I want the same thing.

Page 17

Panel 1: Surfer and Mephisto looking into the mist to see an image of Morlun.

84 Surfer: Morlun!

85 Mephisto: I see you know of him? He has been givin the power to destroy you.

Panel 2: Surfer with his back to us and Mephisto facing us with both facing the other.

85 Surfer: Why are you telling me this?

86 Mephisto: Morlun is a small part of a much larger threat to Earth. One of my largest sources for souls to reap. It would hardly serve my best intrest for Earth to be destroyed.

86 Surfer: Deciever, I know there is far more to this then you present. What do you want in return for this information?

Panel 3 With a view from behind Surfers right side seeing Mephisto standing with his fist against his hips.

87 Mephisto: All I ask is that you stay here on earth until you are certain the threat has subsided. And perhaps there is more to this but...

Panel 4: Mephisto leaning into Surfers face with Surfer staring unflinchingly.

88 Mephisto: Are you really willing to take that chance.

Page 18

Panel 1: Outside the Souless ones release the children.

89 Mephisto: As a showing of good will I'll release your friends.

Panel 2: Mephisto vanishing.

90 Mephisto: I leave you with one promise Surfer, never has the earth needed you more.

Panel 3: Surfer with a pensive look.

Panel 4: Surfer flies outside while the children move away from the Souless ones.

91 Mutt: Let's get out of here.

Panel 5: Surfer comes to the childrens side to check on them.

92 Surfer: Are you okay?

93 Eight: Yeah.

Panel 6: Surfer with his arms around the boys as all three look to the souless ones.

94 Surfer: It will all be okay now.

Page 19

Panel 1: The Horned Souless one about to enter a portal while the other masked Souless one stares at Surfer.

95 Horned Souless one: Come brother. Mephisto beckons.

Panel 2: Close up of Masked Souless Ones face.

96 Masked Souless One: Be seeing you, Surfer.

Panel 3: Both Souless Ones disappear into the portal as Surfer and the boys watch on.

Panel 4: Eight looks up to Surfer.

97 Eight: What was that about?

98 Surfer: The continuation of a game between me and an old foe who seeks to torment me by keeping me here on Earth.

99 Cap: That's part of it, sure.

100 Surfer: But what he does not realize is that things are diffrent now.

Panel 5: Surfer transforms into a flesh and blood man.

101 Cap: Hmm, I didn't see that coming but I suppose it is not totally unexpected. Easily accomplished for the Surfer and his power cosmic. Intresting he hasn't done it earlier.

Page 20

Panel 1 Surfer in process of transforming back into his Silver form while kneeling in front of the children with his hands on their shoulders.

102 Surfer: Come, I will take you to your home.

103 Cap: I suppose it doesn't matter. I can take comfort in the knowledge I have that he doesn't.

Panel 2 Surfer flying away with the boys on his board.

104 Cap: For in these coming days the stars will need him more then ever and thanks to me he won't be there.

Page 21

Panel 1 The home world of the Grandmaster.

Panel 2 From behind the grandmaster we see the Elders of the Universe gathered.

105 Grandmaster: My fellow Elders. Thank you for attending this meeting. Each of us share a common bond of being the last of our respective races due to some cataclysm. Well I believe it is time for us to bring others into our fold which means...

Panel 3: Grandmaster leaning back with his fingertips touching with a cold stare.

106 Grandmaster: It is time for another cataclysm.

Panel 4: A battle being waged in the outer atmosphere of a planet.

Panel 5: Three sillouettes stand watching the battle outside on a screen.

107: Such destruction. It's tragic this had to happen.

108: Yes, tragic but necessary.

Page 22

Panel1: The three figures revealed as bald men all wearing Silver robes.

109: For all the Universe must know the way of Zenn-La.

The End.
Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-24 2:43 AM
Posted By: Jeremy Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-24 7:56 AM
Holy crap we're being raided by bizarro sammitch clone!
Posted By: Franta Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-24 8:08 AM
Better than a David Tennant clone
Posted By: Jeremy Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-24 9:01 AM
I disagree!
Posted By: allan1 Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-24 12:14 PM
I lowered my cholesterol.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-24 10:07 PM
Posted By: PJP Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-24 10:10 PM
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-24 10:55 PM
i shoulda gift wrapped that shit!
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-24 11:02 PM
Posted By: Queenie Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-24 11:32 PM
They have a chatbox at the new place. Maybe y'all could "raid" there and make them delete it.

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-24 11:35 PM
we have one here, it would be easier if they would raid it, then shut down their own chat box....

btw i re-wrapped in halo's favorite color!

Posted By: Queenie Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-24 11:42 PM
That's not a rainbow!!
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-24 11:59 PM
Wanky's favorite color is penis.
Posted By: Queenie Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 12:01 AM
Fully engorged purple or flaccid pink?
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 12:11 AM
A little bit of pole A, a little bit of pole B.
Posted By: Queenie Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 12:20 AM
I hope his friends Andy and Sikk are reading! 3-some city.
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 12:30 AM
 Originally Posted By: Queenie
They have a chatbox at the new place. Maybe y'all could "raid" there and make them delete it.


we welcome the challenge... this time some backstabbing asshole who's on too much of a drinking binge won't be able to break us and make new drinking internet buddies to enable his self delusions....

this time the Sikk's an admin.... and i weeill layeth the smacketh downeth on retards..and wanky.
Posted By: Queenie Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 12:37 AM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Queenie
They have a chatbox at the new place. Maybe y'all could "raid" there and make them delete it.


we welcome the challenge... this time some backstabbing asshole who's on too much of a drinking binge won't be able to break us and make new drinking internet buddies to enable his self delusions....

this time the Sikk's an admin.... and i weeill layeth the smacketh downeth on retards..and wanky.

So, you admit to being broken. Fucking awesome!!!

We win.
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 12:39 AM
 Originally Posted By: Queenie
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Queenie
They have a chatbox at the new place. Maybe y'all could "raid" there and make them delete it.


we welcome the challenge... this time some backstabbing asshole who's on too much of a drinking binge won't be able to break us and make new drinking internet buddies to enable his self delusions....

this time the Sikk's an admin.... and i weeill layeth the smacketh downeth on retards..and wanky.

So, you admit to being broken. Fucking awesome!!!

We win.

not by you retards...but by one of our own.
Posted By: Queenie Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 12:43 AM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Queenie
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Queenie
They have a chatbox at the new place. Maybe y'all could "raid" there and make them delete it.


we welcome the challenge... this time some backstabbing asshole who's on too much of a drinking binge won't be able to break us and make new drinking internet buddies to enable his self delusions....

this time the Sikk's an admin.... and i weeill layeth the smacketh downeth on retards..and wanky.

So, you admit to being broken. Fucking awesome!!!

We win.

not by you retards...but by one of our own.

And the question is: what is it about your l'il troupe that makes people "betray" it? If I hadn't given the password away in the first place, would Iggy have also provided info?
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 12:44 AM
 Originally Posted By: Queenie
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Queenie
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Queenie
They have a chatbox at the new place. Maybe y'all could "raid" there and make them delete it.


we welcome the challenge... this time some backstabbing asshole who's on too much of a drinking binge won't be able to break us and make new drinking internet buddies to enable his self delusions....

this time the Sikk's an admin.... and i weeill layeth the smacketh downeth on retards..and wanky.

So, you admit to being broken. Fucking awesome!!!

We win.

not by you retards...but by one of our own.

And the question is: what is it about your l'il troupe that makes people "betray" it? If I hadn't given the password away in the first place, would Iggy have also provided info?

Nipples is that you?
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 1:12 AM
 Originally Posted By: Queenie
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Queenie
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Queenie
They have a chatbox at the new place. Maybe y'all could "raid" there and make them delete it.


we welcome the challenge... this time some backstabbing asshole who's on too much of a drinking binge won't be able to break us and make new drinking internet buddies to enable his self delusions....

this time the Sikk's an admin.... and i weeill layeth the smacketh downeth on retards..and wanky.

So, you admit to being broken. Fucking awesome!!!

We win.

not by you retards...but by one of our own.

And the question is: what is it about your l'il troupe that makes people "betray" it? If I hadn't given the password away in the first place, would Iggy have also provided info?

Well, in your case you are a petty and vindictive piece of shit who wanted to get back at the Insurgency and Iggy is just a weak willed sheep. Iggy will fit in here perfectly. Not so sure about you though.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 1:17 AM
get back at the insurgency for hours of entertainment? for driving these boards to unprecedented new heights of activity? for making rob shit-tons of adsense money? please be more specific.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 2:59 AM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
get back at the insurgency for hours of entertainment? for driving these boards to unprecedented new heights of activity? for making rob shit-tons of adsense money? please be more specific.

Wow, it's been two months or so since "the war" and Sammitch still has shit about me in his sig. Obsessed much? Lass knows what I'm talking about. Besides, now that you knocked that thing up don't you have better things to do?
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 3:02 AM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Quickest raid ever. No one even noticed him and he still lost.

Who says it was a raid, moron?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 3:03 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
get back at the insurgency for hours of entertainment? for driving these boards to unprecedented new heights of activity? for making rob shit-tons of adsense money? please be more specific.

Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 3:04 AM
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts

Iggy is a pussy who was forced to close down Insurgency by Invision so you win?

Good job. I don't know why you guys felt the need to go after Iggy since you brainwashed him into being your talking head.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 3:06 AM
you totally skipped the gift wrapped one, just because we wrecked your boards is no reason to be rude son.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 3:08 AM
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
you totally skipped the gift wrapped one, just because we wrecked your boards is no reason to be rude son.

No, i saw it.

You wrecked Iggy's board. It wasn't ours after he turned tail and ran into your bossum.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 3:11 AM
well, dont keep me in suspense, were you surprised when you opened it?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 3:13 AM
Wank and Cry content User Feared by RKMB
3000+ posts 07/24/08 08:10 PM Logging out

Posted By: Uschi Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 4:00 AM
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 4:34 AM
Tommy's feeling feisty! I guess having his shitty Silver Surfer story posted for ridicule hurted his widdle feewings. Gotta love how he and his dom, Sikkbones, come back and beg us to visit their new boards - "Please come raid us! Pretty please!"

Sorry, girls. No interest in scaring Tommy off a third board. By the way, Sikkbones, you DO realize that you're Firelord in his story and he's the Surfer, right? And that he has an alternate version hidden away...a naughtier version...

Posted By: iggy Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 5:38 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
You wrecked Iggy's board. It wasn't ours after he turned tail and ran into your bossum.

You guys sure as hell wasn't calling it my board when you told me to leave.

BTW, what the fuck is a bossum. It sounds like the mix between a boar and an opossum. I believe you mean bosom. For example, Dolly Parton's bosom is huge.

Oh, wait. Wouldn't want to give them any more "ammo," would I?

Face it Wankster, you aren't the laughingstock of two boards. You are the laughingstock of the whole damned internet.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 5:46 AM
Posted By: iggy Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 5:55 AM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch

Posted By: the Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 7:21 AM
Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk love Moderator SPLURT!
15000+ posts Fri Jul 25 2008 12:20 AM Reading a post
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: A gift for you assholes
Posted By: the Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 7:34 AM
Wank and Cry content User Feared by RKMB
3000+ posts Fri Jul 25 2008 12:33 AM Making a new reply
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: Re: A gift for you assholes
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 7:35 AM
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 7:35 AM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
You wrecked Iggy's board. It wasn't ours after he turned tail and ran into your bossum.

You guys sure as hell wasn't calling it my board when you told me to leave.

BTW, what the fuck is a bossum. It sounds like the mix between a boar and an opossum. I believe you mean bosom. For example, Dolly Parton's bosom is huge.

Oh, wait. Wouldn't want to give them any more "ammo," would I?

Face it Wankster, you aren't the laughingstock of two boards. You are the laughingstock of the whole damned internet.

And you're a talking head for a bunch of unimaginative retards who can't do anything other than point out that I'm lousy at spelling. Congratulations Iggy, you've gone from an admin to a punk.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 7:35 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Posted By: the Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 7:36 AM
Wank and Cry content User Feared by RKMB
3000+ posts Fri Jul 25 2008 12:35 AM Making a new reply
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: Re: A gift for you assholes
Posted By: the Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 7:36 AM
Captain Sammitch annoyed Moderator invisible editor
10000+ posts Fri Jul 25 2008 12:35 AM Making a new reply
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: Re: A gift for you assholes
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 7:36 AM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch

Ha...ha ha ha. Smuggish posted the same pic he's been posting for three months that you've seen a thousand times (Sikk had it in his sig for christ sake).

You're almost as much of a cocksucker as Prometheus is.
Posted By: the Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 7:37 AM
Wank and Cry content User Feared by RKMB
3000+ posts Fri Jul 25 2008 12:36 AM Making a new reply
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: Re: A gift for you assholes
Posted By: the Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 7:37 AM
Captain Sammitch annoyed Moderator invisible editor
10000+ posts Fri Jul 25 2008 12:36 AM Reading a post
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: A gift for you assholes
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 7:37 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry

Posted By: the Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 7:40 AM
Wank and Cry content User Feared by RKMB
3000+ posts Fri Jul 25 2008 12:39 AM Reading a post
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: A gift for you assholes
Posted By: the Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 7:52 AM
Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk love Moderator SPLURT!
15000+ posts Fri Jul 25 2008 12:50 AM Reading a post
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: A gift for you assholes
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 7:53 AM
Posted By: URG Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 7:53 AM
Profile for Wank and Cry
Member #: 2542
Title: 3000+ posts
fuked by RKMB
Total Posts: 3582
Registered on: 09/14/07 08:46 PM
Posted By: the Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 7:54 AM
URG content User URG am real man!
7500+ posts Fri Jul 25 2008 12:53 AM Reading a post
Forum: off topic and offensive posts
Thread: A gift for you assholes
Posted By: iggy Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 8:13 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry

And you're a talking head for a bunch of unimaginative retards who can't do anything other than point out that I'm lousy at spelling. Congratulations Iggy, you've gone from an admin to a punk.

Well, at least, you didn't deny the fact that the internet laughs at you. One of the first steps, Tommy, is coming to terms with who you are. Good job. Keep it up, and--one day--you might be okay.

On another note, let me give you a little clue about something: Go to your friend, Zzappy, and ask him about my wanting to pull the plug on the Insurgency before the raid even started. Mention the part where he talked me out of it at the time due to other people "not being able to stand the move to another board."

Don't worry. One day you will know enough to not look like a complete retard.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 8:33 AM
 Originally Posted By: iggy to Wank and Cry

Don't worry. One day you will know enough to not look like a complete retard.

That's kind of a tall order there, Iggy.
Posted By: iggy Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 9:11 AM
I never said that he wouldn't look like a retard. He just wouldn't look like a complete one. I'd say with a little bit of diligence and hard work, he could probably get his IQ to that magic number 70. Hence, looking only borderline severely retarded.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 9:39 AM
70? That's definitely more than 10!
Posted By: iggy Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 10:09 AM
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Tard. We had a little mix up here at the office. You wouldn't believe it. We have this European kid, right. And, well, he wrote your child's shoe size as a 70. We thought he just entered the IQ into the wrong field, but--well--that was are mistake. Tommy's IQ really is ten, not seventy. Sorry for the mistake, be sure to pad your house."
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 4:01 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
You wrecked Iggy's board. It wasn't ours after he turned tail and ran into your bossum.

You guys sure as hell wasn't calling it my board when you told me to leave.

BTW, what the fuck is a bossum. It sounds like the mix between a boar and an opossum. I believe you mean bosom. For example, Dolly Parton's bosom is huge.

Oh, wait. Wouldn't want to give them any more "ammo," would I?

Face it Wankster, you aren't the laughingstock of two boards. You are the laughingstock of the whole damned internet.

And you're a talking head for a bunch of unimaginative retards who can't do anything other than point out that I'm lousy at spelling. Congratulations Iggy, you've gone from an admin to a punk.

And you're the good li'l puppy who always comes back here, no matter how often you get spanked. Isn't there a dominatrix you could go to get your fetish fulfilled?

Oh, that's right. You're a failure in life - you probably don't have the money for a semi-decent dom. Well, at least you still have Sikkbones, Andy, your dad and uncle...

Posted By: Prometheus Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-25 7:15 PM
I enjoy how Thomas keeps referencing my name out of the blue, consistently reminding everyone of how much I mean to him...
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-26 4:05 AM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Tommy's feeling feisty! I guess having his shitty Silver Surfer story posted for ridicule hurted his widdle feewings. Gotta love how he and his dom, Sikkbones, come back and beg us to visit their new boards - "Please come raid us! Pretty please!"

Sorry, girls. No interest in scaring Tommy off a third board. By the way, Sikkbones, you DO realize that you're Firelord in his story and he's the Surfer, right? And that he has an alternate version hidden away...a naughtier version...

Joe you really think i give a shit if you come to visit our board?
you really think that any of you have any type of real life impact on me or the other posters there at all? (except tommy of course.)
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-26 4:07 AM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry

And you're a talking head for a bunch of unimaginative retards who can't do anything other than point out that I'm lousy at spelling. Congratulations Iggy, you've gone from an admin to a punk.

Well, at least, you didn't deny the fact that the internet laughs at you. One of the first steps, Tommy, is coming to terms with who you are. Good job. Keep it up, and--one day--you might be okay.

On another note, let me give you a little clue about something: Go to your friend, Zzappy, and ask him about my wanting to pull the plug on the Insurgency before the raid even started. Mention the part where he talked me out of it at the time due to other people "not being able to stand the move to another board."

Don't worry. One day you will know enough to not look like a complete retard.

glug glug glug drinky.. i knew about this.. and you should have just done so. but from what i understand you were worried about what us others esp. me have thought....

of course you value my freindship don't you?
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-26 4:08 AM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
I never said that he wouldn't look like a retard. He just wouldn't look like a complete one. I'd say with a little bit of diligence and hard work, he could probably get his IQ to that magic number 70. Hence, looking only borderline severely retarded.

i've been saying he's an idiot for years haven't you been listening?
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-26 4:10 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch

Ha...ha ha ha. Smuggish posted the same pic he's been posting for three months that you've seen a thousand times (Sikk had it in his sig for christ sake).

You're almost as much of a cocksucker as Prometheus is.

for the five minutes it was in my sig it was kinda funny.
Posted By: Uschi Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-26 6:22 AM
 Originally Posted By: Uschi
they're really into this "raid" thing, huh? I thought we'd all moved on, 'cept Sammitch with his halo-boner sig. I mean, how many waves of milk will they splash out of their cereal bowl before they realize we're not mommy so we don't care, and it's their own table cloth they're messing up anyway?

this is so you don't miss my one lucid post, like, ever... mr.i-has-uschi-masturbation-fodder-in-my-sig-man!
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-26 7:28 AM
Wank, Bavaria Location Bavaria, Germany is a German mountain close to the Austrian border in the southwestern Estergebirge range near Garmisch-Partenkirchen. The peak is 1780 metres above mean sea level.Mount Wank has been linked to Garmisch-Partenkirchen by cable car since 1928.In 1982 the lift was upgraded into a modern rotary cable car system. The ride takes 20 minutes from the valley to a mountain station close to the peak (valley station 728m, mountain station 1742m). The mountain hut Alois Huber House) was built by the local branch of the German Alpine Association (DAV) in 1911.

Cry is a litlle town and commune of France, in Burgundy Bourgogne région, in
the Yonne département in the arrondissement of Avallon with renting canoes
on an adventure park on a river Armançon. The beautiful old stone bridge is
build from five century.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-26 7:50 AM
A blind 96-year-old great grandmother is taking an Open University degree in social sciences.Grace Ledger, of Selsey, West Sussex, passed the first year with top marks of 80% and is set to receive a certificate of merit.Mrs Ledger, who has two sons, three grandchildren and six great- grandchildren, hopes to cram the four-year course into three years.Despite being able to use a computer, she prefers to write her essays in longhand with the help of a special high-intensity light and magnifying glasses.

"It's well worthwhile," Mrs Ledger, who also suffers from arthritis, told the Chichester Observer.

"I go to bed at 9pm and listen to my cassettes. It's very good to have something to do and for anybody who has a lot of pain it helps."

"You mustn't be daunted. Try something that takes your mind off your aches and pains. There is so much kindness and you meet all sorts of people."
Posted By: iggy Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-26 10:46 AM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
glug glug glug drinky.. i knew about this.. and you should have just done so. but from what i understand you were worried about what us others esp. me have thought....

of course you value my freindship don't you?

I probably should have. It might have saved you (pl.) from a ton of humiliation.

I gave you guys Utopia and you squandered it. Then, you raided here and lost miserably. So, I'll let a Golobulus quote finish this post:

"It's over!... and the verdict is guilty... guilty of the one unforgiveable crime in Cobra-La... Failure!"
Posted By: Queenie Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-26 6:09 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Well, in your case you are a petty and vindictive piece of shit who wanted to get back at the Insurgency

You make that sound like a bad thing, Tommy. All I did was take an opportunity and give away a couple of passwords; the house of cards that was Insurgency had been imploding nicely without any help from me.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Iggy will fit in here perfectly. Not so sure about you though.

I'm not trying to fit in. Unlike you, I don't feel the need to belong to a group to validate my existance.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-26 6:11 PM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Tommy's feeling feisty! I guess having his shitty Silver Surfer story posted for ridicule hurted his widdle feewings. Gotta love how he and his dom, Sikkbones, come back and beg us to visit their new boards - "Please come raid us! Pretty please!"

Sorry, girls. No interest in scaring Tommy off a third board. By the way, Sikkbones, you DO realize that you're Firelord in his story and he's the Surfer, right? And that he has an alternate version hidden away...a naughtier version...

Joe you really think i give a shit if you come to visit our board?
you really think that any of you have any type of real life impact on me or the other posters there at all? (except tommy of course.)

I think you want me...to come...to your boards, yes.

(Didja see that? A two-tiered gay joke at Sikk's expense! There's bonus points to be had!)

I don't think any of us - who only know each other through message boards - have any real-life impact on anyone else, unless someone allows these comments, debates, discussions, etc to affect them in real life. I agree with you when you mention Tommy as an example of the exception. But that doesn't mean that you're not dying to be invaded by us (a third gay joke!!!)...on your new message board. My point is, why should we when those of you who can't let the failure of your raid go (Hi Tommy. Hi Randy-Andy.) are more than willing to come to us for your beatdown? We both know that neither side will be banned here while, at your new boards, your admins would practically fall over each other to exercise that "power," as that's the only way you guys have any shot at "victory."

"Yay! I just banned Prometheus! Yesterday I banned Rex! We win again!!!"

Frankly, the former Insurgents - the ones who desperately cling to the idea of their "raid" not being a failure - are just kinda sad.
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-26 7:23 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
glug glug glug drinky.. i knew about this.. and you should have just done so. but from what i understand you were worried about what us others esp. me have thought....

of course you value my freindship don't you?

I probably should have. It might have saved you (pl.) from a ton of humiliation.

I gave you guys Utopia and you squandered it. Then, you raided here and lost miserably. So, I'll let a Golobulus quote finish this post:

"It's over!... and the verdict is guilty... guilty of the one unforgiveable crime in Cobra-La... Failure!"

are you addressing the gijoe fanboy Halo there? he made a cobra-la comment earlier this week douchetard.
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-26 7:25 PM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Tommy's feeling feisty! I guess having his shitty Silver Surfer story posted for ridicule hurted his widdle feewings. Gotta love how he and his dom, Sikkbones, come back and beg us to visit their new boards - "Please come raid us! Pretty please!"

Sorry, girls. No interest in scaring Tommy off a third board. By the way, Sikkbones, you DO realize that you're Firelord in his story and he's the Surfer, right? And that he has an alternate version hidden away...a naughtier version...

Joe you really think i give a shit if you come to visit our board?
you really think that any of you have any type of real life impact on me or the other posters there at all? (except tommy of course.)

I think you want me...to come...to your boards, yes.

(Didja see that? A two-tiered gay joke at Sikk's expense! There's bonus points to be had!)

I don't think any of us - who only know each other through message boards - have any real-life impact on anyone else, unless someone allows these comments, debates, discussions, etc to affect them in real life. I agree with you when you mention Tommy as an example of the exception. But that doesn't mean that you're not dying to be invaded by us (a third gay joke!!!)...on your new message board. My point is, why should we when those of you who can't let the failure of your raid go (Hi Tommy. Hi Randy-Andy.) are more than willing to come to us for your beatdown? We both know that neither side will be banned here while, at your new boards, your admins would practically fall over each other to exercise that "power," as that's the only way you guys have any shot at "victory."

"Yay! I just banned Prometheus! Yesterday I banned Rex! We win again!!!"

Frankly, the former Insurgents - the ones who desperately cling to the idea of their "raid" not being a failure - are just kinda sad.

it was a total failure.. but not a victory for you guys because it was iggy who owned us not any of robs whores...
and joe i consider us freinds even tho i think you are trying to get into my pants with those obviously lame gay jokes.
Posted By: PJP Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-26 7:53 PM
Bringer of Change
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-26 10:49 PM
Posted By: Uschi Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-26 11:11 PM
special k?
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-26 11:47 PM
It's an acquired taste.
Posted By: iggy Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-27 11:50 AM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo

it was a total failure.. but not a victory for you guys because it was iggy who owned us not any of robs whores...
and joe i consider us freinds even tho i think you are trying to get into my pants with those obviously lame gay jokes.

No, I'm fairly certain the RKMBs had more tallies in the win column way before I decided to pull a Hogan. Seriously, the WCW/ECW faction had a better run as in "invaders" than you guys. I just pulled the mercy killing.

I'd quote a bunch of things from the good ole days of the raid. But, really, I can't be arsed to dig through everything. Long before I moled, well, Halo was broken, Whomod was broken, Zzap was broken by none other than Rob, and I really don't think too many people over here were arsed to give Raisin the time of day. Honestly, the best alt was probably "Your Mommy," that was some pretty funny shit. Hell, even Phil agreed about you guys losing and the raid being a bad idea until he fell into the Insurgent/Iconoclast hive "mint tally."

Don't get me wrong. I appreciate being known as the guy that single handedly bitch slapped everyone of you into submission, but give credit where credit is due. They had you guys by the balls from the get go. I was just merciful enough to drag you behind the tool shed and "Ol' Yeller" you guys before you looked any more pathetic.

Lastly, in response to a question you asked Joe, I know for damned sure that this internet business grossly affects more people over there than just Tommy. Just sayin'.

Give the tradition attackers best wishes, hugs, and kwisses from me. \:p

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-27 4:25 PM
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-27 6:44 PM
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts


You forgot the for Tommy.

Posted By: Prometheus Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-27 6:58 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo

it was a total failure.. but not a victory for you guys because it was iggy who owned us not any of robs whores...
and joe i consider us freinds even tho i think you are trying to get into my pants with those obviously lame gay jokes.

No, I'm fairly certain the RKMBs had more tallies in the win column way before I decided to pull a Hogan. Seriously, the WCW/ECW faction had a better run as in "invaders" than you guys. I just pulled the mercy killing.

I'd quote a bunch of things from the good ole days of the raid. But, really, I can't be arsed to dig through everything. Long before I moled, well, Halo was broken, Whomod was broken, Zzap was broken by none other than Rob, and I really don't think too many people over here were arsed to give Raisin the time of day. Honestly, the best alt was probably "Your Mommy," that was some pretty funny shit. Hell, even Phil agreed about you guys losing and the raid being a bad idea until he fell into the Insurgent/Iconoclast hive "mint tally."

Don't get me wrong. I appreciate being known as the guy that single handedly bitch slapped everyone of you into submission, but give credit where credit is due. They had you guys by the balls from the get go. I was just merciful enough to drag you behind the tool shed and "Ol' Yeller" you guys before you looked any more pathetic.

Lastly, in response to a question you asked Joe, I know for damned sure that this internet business grossly affects more people over there than just Tommy. Just sayin'.

Give the tradition attackers best wishes, hugs, and kwisses from me. \:p


First of all, you should know that Sammitch's name is Phil, as well. So, that gets a bit confusing when you're talking about one of the I-guys.

Second, well said. However I have to ask, why bother? If they weren't slaughtered so easily and thoroughly, they wouldn't bother trying to squeeze an iota of relief & gain from trying to constantly "remind" everyone that you had a hand in their downfall. I believe they think if they can convince themselves, and everyone else, that you alone destroyed them utterly, then it's a default "win" for them by trying to say that the RKMBs didn't have anything to do with it. Now, everyone involved knows that's fiction. But, like their seeming idol, G.W. Bush and his Conservative cronies, they are attempting to rewrite history with technicalities.

In the end, they were beaten. By us. By you. By Lass. By themselves. By life. There's no need to try and rationalize with them. They need the fantasy of a victory, somehow. Logic, facts, and history aren't going to shake them from their fantastical stupor...
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-27 7:07 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo

it was a total failure.. but not a victory for you guys because it was iggy who owned us not any of robs whores...
and joe i consider us freinds even tho i think you are trying to get into my pants with those obviously lame gay jokes.

No, I'm fairly certain the RKMBs had more tallies in the win column way before I decided to pull a Hogan. Seriously, the WCW/ECW faction had a better run as in "invaders" than you guys. I just pulled the mercy killing.

I'd quote a bunch of things from the good ole days of the raid. But, really, I can't be arsed to dig through everything. Long before I moled, well, Halo was broken, Whomod was broken, Zzap was broken by none other than Rob, and I really don't think too many people over here were arsed to give Raisin the time of day. Honestly, the best alt was probably "Your Mommy," that was some pretty funny shit. Hell, even Phil agreed about you guys losing and the raid being a bad idea until he fell into the Insurgent/Iconoclast hive "mint tally."

Don't get me wrong. I appreciate being known as the guy that single handedly bitch slapped everyone of you into submission, but give credit where credit is due. They had you guys by the balls from the get go. I was just merciful enough to drag you behind the tool shed and "Ol' Yeller" you guys before you looked any more pathetic.

Lastly, in response to a question you asked Joe, I know for damned sure that this internet business grossly affects more people over there than just Tommy. Just sayin'.

Give the tradition attackers best wishes, hugs, and kwisses from me. \:p


yeah the fact i thought raiding here was and still is a a waste of time and not worthy of my attention and i didnt really get involved probaly didn't help the raiders of the lost dork either....
Posted By: Prometheus Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-27 7:08 PM
Oh what bullshit...
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-27 7:14 PM
x a million
Posted By: iggy Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-28 7:21 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
First of all, you should know that Sammitch's name is Phil, as well. So, that gets a bit confusing when you're talking about one of the I-guys.

Second, well said. However I have to ask, why bother? If they weren't slaughtered so easily and thoroughly, they wouldn't bother trying to squeeze an iota of relief & gain from trying to constantly "remind" everyone that you had a hand in their downfall. I believe they think if they can convince themselves, and everyone else, that you alone destroyed them utterly, then it's a default "win" for them by trying to say that the RKMBs didn't have anything to do with it. Now, everyone involved knows that's fiction. But, like their seeming idol, G.W. Bush and his Conservative cronies, they are attempting to rewrite history with technicalities.

In the end, they were beaten. By us. By you. By Lass. By themselves. By life. There's no need to try and rationalize with them. They need the fantasy of a victory, somehow. Logic, facts, and history aren't going to shake them from their fantastical stupor...

Thanks for the heads up, I'll start referring to the Insurgency one as Fartspray.

This was originally a longer, more venom filled post, but I'll just stick to the kerygma of it.

Yes, you are right in saying I shouldn't bother. The Insurgents have proven themselves to be nothing but deluded sacks of shit that must desperately cling to fantasies of victory and betrayal to give themselves a phantasmic ideal of self-worth. And, when that fails, they try to bring in people's personal life, problems, livelyhood, address, or phonenumber (whether real or fake) to concoct some glorious scheme of vengeance all because they got their virtual butts hurt on the interwebs. It is sad. Really. Fucking. Sad.

Oh, fuck it. Apologies for the rant, people.

One guy can't get over the fact that he got heckled over a comic book character and has a block on his shoulder about it to this very day.

Another gets all in a tizzy because someone made an alt that really had neither jack nor shit to do with his real life daughter. Worst part about this one is that said poster probably went above and beyond what the sock fucker hoped for and organized a failed raid to defend his daughter's "interweb honor."

Yet another lives in this fantasy world of "not really caring" about the raid despite the fact that I was the one who stayed and yet he has more posts than me.

Seriously, one of these guys fucking gets behind on his work and sacrifices spending time with his kids to participate in a fucking internet flame war? Then, despite sacrificing time with his kids, has the audacity to tell me to do the right thing and hand over a fucking message board? What. The. Fuck?

Another poster thinks she has me all figured out and I did this because of jealousy. :facepalm: Honestly, I spent a good chunk of 2007 as a transient drunk. I got better. I've got a job. I'm renting a pretty decent house. I'm finishing my master's thesis. I've got a great woman. When things seemed bleakest in the real world, I picked myself up by my bootlaces and did what I had to do. I didn't turn to the internet to try and pick up a win because real life had just kicked the shit out of me. I turned around and kicked real life right back. Why would I be jealous?

And, while we are on the subject, I'm glad so many of you find my past problems with alcohol funny. Hell, I find some of the incredulous things I did as a drunken hobo pretty funny. Of course, our approach is differnt. You approach it as a way to mockingly get your jollies and some sad sense of self-worth because you got your virtual butt hurt on the internet. I see it as a dark part of my life that helped define who I am now, while appreciating the black humor of it all. But, let's get one thing straight, there is something funny about me passing out in a trash can. There is nothing funny about sacrificing the chance to spend time with your kids so you can desperately try to get a win. Seeing your kids for a weekend should be your big win.

So, go ahead and mock me. Spread this all over the Iconoclasts, Like It in the Ass, or whatever the fuck you guys are calling yourselves these days as the great sign of me being broken. But, remember, while you are all living in your sad, pathetic world of virtual victory; I wake up every day with the coolness, confidence, and desire to keep winning at life and, that is why myself and nearly everyone here at the RKMBs will always triumph over you. Because we don't need this win to signify a win in our lives. Our lives are so full of win that they signify themselves.

Fuck you.

Posted By: Black Machismo Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-28 6:25 PM
wow and i thought Halo was emo....

iggy i agree with most of your points...
but i would never be online at any time when i have my son and you know that.

and i don't really give a rats ass about the raid and the flame war i never did.. it was just another way to harass Halo until you turned into a traitor and a whiny bitch...

of course i think of you as a freind but i'm still thinking you're a bitch for what you did.. and you want these assholes as interweb freinds?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-28 6:50 PM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
and i don't really give a rats ass about the raid and the flame war i never did..

If you didn't care, then why all the pep-rallies with your buddies in your Super Secret Forum? Why do I have screenshots of you talking about how Joe and everyone was your "bitch" and how you were "gaining their trust", as if some covert spy or something? Why edit my account and signature on your boards? Why create alts over here to help out with the "raid"?

it was just another way to harass Halo until you turned into a traitor and a whiny bitch...

If you didn't care about it all, and weren't "really involved", then how can Iggy be a "traitor"? Where did he turn into a "whiny bitch"? Got some quotes or screenshots proving that? What constitutes a "whiny bitch", Sikk?

of course i think of you as a freind but i'm still thinking you're a bitch for what you did.. and you want these assholes as interweb freinds?

No one over here has gotten butt-hurt in real life by Iggy, or anyone elses actions. Yet, we're assholes?

See, at least Halo and the gang are honest. Batshit crazy and emo to the last, Thomas is a pretty pathetic guy from what I can tell. But, at least he's honest about his rage and insecurities. You, however, scramble to ride the fence whenever you can. You're happy to be the Insurgents best friends, but then turn around and come over here sucking-up to Joe Mama, claiming you were "never really involved" with the "raid". You yearn for your buddies accolades for being a "badass" (), but then turn face and come over here to try and join in the Halo bashing as if you were just "one of the boys".

Halo is a joke, and the rest are pretty sad. But, you're the worst of them Sikk. You're a pussy who won't make a stand one way or another. Pathetic.

Oh, and please feel free to respond about how you just do everything to mess with Halo (not a universal excuse, but I know you'll try), and boast a lot about how "kewl" you are. I would expect nothing less...
Posted By: Queenie Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-28 8:00 PM
Posted By: iggy Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-28 8:51 PM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
wow and i thought Halo was emo....

Not emo, just letting out a cathartic rant that has needed to be said for a month. I feel loads better now.

iggy i agree with most of your points...
but i would never be online at any time when i have my son and you know that.

Yeah, I know you love your son, Sikk. Steve's the one who would rather play commander online than work or see his kids.

and i don't really give a rats ass about the raid and the flame war i never did.. it was just another way to harass Halo until you turned into a traitor and a whiny bitch...

of course i think of you as a freind but i'm still thinking you're a bitch for what you did...

Fair. You have the right to your opinions of me. Honestly, my opinion of you is that you are a good guy and realize that you should probably be posting here. You just have some odd sense of comaraderie that makes you stay at the Iconoclasts (or, maybe, you realize how much better you are than them and stick around just to revel in that).

Let's just be honest. The vast majority of the Iconoclasts are a bunch of little bitches who need their secret, shiny friendship club on the internet to have a feeling of self worth. Why do you want to hang out with people like that?

and you want these assholes as interweb freinds?

Hmm, "assholes" versus emo pussies? Yeah, I think I'll go with "assholes." At the very least, these "assholes" have a sense of humor and priorities.
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-28 11:39 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
wow and i thought Halo was emo....

Not emo, just letting out a cathartic rant that has needed to be said for a month. I feel loads better now.

iggy i agree with most of your points...
but i would never be online at any time when i have my son and you know that.

Yeah, I know you love your son, Sikk. Steve's the one who would rather play commander online than work or see his kids.

and i don't really give a rats ass about the raid and the flame war i never did.. it was just another way to harass Halo until you turned into a traitor and a whiny bitch...

of course i think of you as a freind but i'm still thinking you're a bitch for what you did...

Fair. You have the right to your opinions of me. Honestly, my opinion of you is that you are a good guy and realize that you should probably be posting here. You just have some odd sense of comaraderie that makes you stay at the Iconoclasts (or, maybe, you realize how much better you are than them and stick around just to revel in that).

Let's just be honest. The vast majority of the Iconoclasts are a bunch of little bitches who need their secret, shiny friendship club on the internet to have a feeling of self worth. Why do you want to hang out with people like that?

and you want these assholes as interweb freinds?

Hmm, "assholes" versus emo pussies? Yeah, I think I'll go with "assholes." At the very least, these "assholes" have a sense of humor and priorities.

some of them are freinds... the ones that are post less and less here.

my loyalty to the jew and grendel is what keeps me around there.. that said....


What a tool!

Does he really not realize that every time he responds like this it proves that we were right? And that we ultimately won?

Is he off the wagon again already?

Don't have the time right now, but I'll deconstruct this fully later on.

My top 3 items/lies:

"The Insurgents have proven themselves to be nothing but deluded sacks of shit that must desperately cling to fantasies of victory and betrayal..."

Asshole Sellout's betrayal was not a fantasy.

"One guy can't get over the fact that he got heckled over a comic book character and has a block on his shoulder about it to this very day."

Once again, and hopefully for the very last time, the raid was NEVER about Halo's issues with the RKMBers. EVER. It was always about supporting Whomod.

"Worst part about this one is that said poster probably went above and beyond what the sock fucker hoped for and organized a failed raid to defend his daughter's "interweb honor."

Same as above, once again and hopefully for the very last time, Whomod had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with initiating the raid. This was done by whomod's friends at the Insurgency as a means of showing him that not everyone on the interweb is an asshole and some of us actually do take things like friendship into account. Just like I, and many other Insurgents did, for Asshole Sellout when he announced he had a drinking problem. In fact, I went so far as to give Asshole Sellout my home and cell phone numbers and tell him that he could use them at any time, reverse the charges if need be, AND, even offered to serve as an intermediary with someone on his end to get him into a rehab clinic if he so desired.

But hey, I guess once you get used to living in an alcohol induced haze it's hard to break out of it no matter how many tugs on the ol' bootlaces you give.

it's a repost but i agree with the sentiments and thats directed to everyone here.. not just you iggy.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-28 11:52 PM
Eh. I still think Sikk is cool. :/

 Originally Posted By: Captain Zzap!
Once again, and hopefully for the very last time, the raid was NEVER about Halo's issues with the RKMBers.

YEAH! It's only a coincidence that Wanky organized it after being shamed out of this board, and he just happened to pick up all his old fights when the raid started. And two weeks after it was over.

Wanky had a "raid suggestions" thread at the Insurgency and we were one of the first entries. He called us assholes or something, but never mentioned whomod. I'd go check, but I can't seem to find the forum!
Posted By: PCG342 Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-28 11:54 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
After whipping the asses of pussies like Joe, BSAMS, Sammitch (sorry to hear about your break up with the transvestite/bought/imaginary chick) and Prometheus I thought the least I could do is give you mother fuckers knowledge that you need....

While trying to "educate" us was indeed a kind gesture, I only wish your mother could've received this advice prior to conceiving you.
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-28 11:56 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
wow and i thought Halo was emo....

Not emo, just letting out a cathartic rant that has needed to be said for a month. I feel loads better now.

iggy i agree with most of your points...
but i would never be online at any time when i have my son and you know that.

Yeah, I know you love your son, Sikk. Steve's the one who would rather play commander online than work or see his kids.

and i don't really give a rats ass about the raid and the flame war i never did.. it was just another way to harass Halo until you turned into a traitor and a whiny bitch...

of course i think of you as a freind but i'm still thinking you're a bitch for what you did...

Fair. You have the right to your opinions of me. Honestly, my opinion of you is that you are a good guy and realize that you should probably be posting here. You just have some odd sense of comaraderie that makes you stay at the Iconoclasts (or, maybe, you realize how much better you are than them and stick around just to revel in that).

Let's just be honest. The vast majority of the Iconoclasts are a bunch of little bitches who need their secret, shiny friendship club on the internet to have a feeling of self worth. Why do you want to hang out with people like that?

and you want these assholes as interweb freinds?

Hmm, "assholes" versus emo pussies? Yeah, I think I'll go with "assholes." At the very least, these "assholes" have a sense of humor and priorities.

and another thing.... seeing how i currently work at a salvation army mens hostel on the graveyard shift...

my Jobs so boring i'd rather be online than actually paying attention to work.. esp. at 5 am...

of course we have a computer from 1960 so until they get wireless for my laptop thats not happeneing.
Posted By: iggy Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-29 12:05 AM
And, once again, that part of the post had less to do with you and everything to do with Steve.
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-29 12:16 AM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
And, once again, that part of the post had less to do with you and everything to do with Steve.

yeah, but reponse was funnier..... wait and let's see how he justifies it.

i'll be sure to cut and paste it to mock you i'm sure.
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-29 8:28 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Zzap,Jul 29 2008, 01:12 AM
[color=purple]Quickest reaction time yet!!!!!

Well, since you went through all the trouble of copying this to three different threads, I'll reply.

Really, you guys won.

[color=green]Actually, every time you or one of the other RKMBers contradict yourselves and your attitude that nothing said on the internet has any significance by responding to one of our posts, yeah, I consider that as a win in our column. Also, everytime you or one of the RKBMers betray your ideal that nothing said on the internet has any significance by responding to one of our posts...an angel gets its wings.[/color]

Can't wait to see that rationalization. Last I saw, you were all crying foul and running off to another board.

[color=green]As opposed to what? Staying at the Insurgency under your "leadership"? Yeah, I think we made the right decision.[/color]

You say betrayal. I say mercy killing. Sure, one could chalk it up to subjectivity. Well, if not for the fact that you guys live in fantasy land.

[color=green]Nothing subjective about it. You were a volunteer in our "cause", a trusted member of our inner circle and the founder of our board. You ratted us out and aided and abetted the "enemy. Nothing subjective at all. It was a betrayal. Anything else is a rationalization or a delusion. As for living in "fantasy land", I'd rather live there than in a pool of my own vomit while slumped over in an alley somewhere as so many drunks are wont to do.[/color]

Yes, everyone ran over here to defend Whomod's daughter against a sinister alt. Sure, I'll buy it. Why not?

[color=green]You sure as hell should buy it, you joined us for that very reason, remember? Back when you had a spine and functioning soul you voluntarily joined us in our raid to help us support whomod. Unless, of course, you were pulling your Judas act as far back as that. [/color]

Let's just remember that Halo ran over here even faster because he saw a chance at revenge.

[color=green]Maybe. Maybe not. I can't read Halo's mind, but the way it was presented to me and so far as I know to the rest of the Insurgents, was to defend whomod based on the precedent set by Starheart1976. [/color]

Okay, so let's say that Whomod had nothing to do with the raid. Then, which Insurgent went combing through here and found the Whomod's Daughter alt? The only other possibility would be Tommy combing through here looking for a chance at revenge over the whole Green Lantern thing. So, either Whomod ran to the Insurgency bitching about the alt which led to the raid or Tommy found it and used it as a reason to get revenge. You can't have it both ways, Zzap. Which is it?

[color=green]See my response above. Halo brought it to the attention of the Insurgency, not whomod. If he did it for revenge, he never mentioned it to me. Frankly, if it was for revenge, then that's on Halo. I know I wouldn't have gone to his defense for that reason. Whomod's daughter is another thing entirely. If Halo lied/tricked all of us (including you, by the way)...well what can you do? He got us to do what he wanted. Yup, the guy you all refer to as "Halotard" was smart enough to pull all of our strings, (again, your strings included), as our puppet master. I just don't see that as being the case. But then you already know all this. You read all the posts for yourself and based on what you saw, made a voluntary decision to help us support whomod. Remember? So, why the ambiguity? Why all these "questions"? Don't you remember reading all that stuff?[/color]

And, Zzap, I thanked you at the time for the help. But, I also told you that I am more of the DIY type. That being the case, I handled the problem myself.

[color=green]Indeed. I'm both glad and a little surprised you remember and admit that I extended my hand in friendship to you in that way; way above and beyond what most people would do for someone they knew only from the internet, (see the similarity here between what I did for you and what I did for whomod?)And who is there to say that had you accepted some help your life wouldn't be even better than it is today? I'm sure I don't need to quote you statistics about success vs. recidivism rates back into alcoholism, especially in regards to when the alcoholic goes it alone vs. assisted by a support system. Or do I?[/color]

BTW, glad to see that your friendships trump your family. [/color]

[color=green]Man, this argument is just annoyingly lame. My relationship with my children is far, far more secure than any you may have experienced. In fact, based on what I've seen of your actions and the actions of the entire RKMBoard, I'm confident in saying that my relationship with my children is not something you or they can fathom. It's a relationship based on love, honesty, trust and a mutual understanding and agreement about what is important in life. I can assure you that as a family we agree that friends are important, sticking up for friends is very important and defending those that can't defend themselves is of utmost importance. Maybe chalk that last one up to being Jewish. Regardless, in point of fact, when I told my son that he would be having a friend over so that I could spend time online defending a friend whose baby daughter was attacked, he had no problem with it. That's the kind of family I was raised in and the family that I'm raising.

Good luck trying to understand that. [/color]


P.S. Or, you and/or Joe could just give us another win by responding. Your choice. :39: \:\)

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-29 8:44 PM
Wait, Steve actually bribed his kid with a slumber party so he could neglect the poor li'l guy???

From the quote:

Regardless, in point of fact, when I told my son that he would be having a friend over so that I could spend time online defending a friend whose baby daughter was attacked, he had no problem with it.


Posted By: Prometheus Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-29 8:47 PM
Man, Zzap has become more bitter and deluded than Halo! Wow. Sad.

Meanwhile, if he had any balls, he'd come over and post it himself. But, I'm sure he's got some quasi-moral reason why he doesn't. That way he can always feel better about the time he lied to your girlfriend and tried to usurp your board. Real stand-up gentleman there...
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-29 8:51 PM
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-29 8:56 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Man, Zzap has become more bitter and deluded than Halo! Wow. Sad.

Meanwhile, if he had any balls, he'd come over and post it himself. But, I'm sure he's got some quasi-moral reason why he doesn't. That way he can always feel better about the time he lied to your girlfriend and tried to usurp your board. Real stand-up gentleman there...

i post Zzzapss meanderings because i want to not becuase i'm instructed to.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-29 8:57 PM
And yet, he seems to believe that his words will magically appear over here in response to Iggy. Funny that, huh?
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-29 9:01 PM
And the winning continues.

Why don't they just stop responding? Why does it bother them so much what we say on our boards? Is it possible that comments made on the interweb actually do have some meaning?

More importantly, perhaps, why don't they realize yet that they've been set up? Didn't it occur to ANY of them that we've been pulling their strings again and getting them to respond is our measure of victory because it belies their strongly held belief?


Oh well. Let the games continue.


P.S. Now watch them claim that our winning is still bullshit and I made up the whole thing about our setting them up to do what we wanted (i.e. respond to the posts made about them on our boards). It's the exact same thing their "Pariah" tried to pull when Halo and I smacked him around. They just don't like it when we refuse to play by their rules and they sure as hell can't handle playing by ours.

P.P.S. Any bets on how long it will take one of our "response monkeys" to reply?

P.P.P.S. Kudos to Halo for coining the term "response monkeys".

Awww crap! I enjoyed the continued pwnage so much that I plum forgot to respond to The Brothel comment.

"the only two individuals that seemed to take the whole thing seriously was zzap and halo. and, really, the mere fact that they took it seriously means they "lost". sure, everyone jumped in and said stuff, on both sides. but those two were obsessed with it -- clearly halo still is. and that is the very definition of losing an "internet war"

I can't speak for Halo, or anyone else, but it's readily apparent that many others on both sides took their involvement very seriously. And, about the only things I took seriously were my commitment to whomod and my friends at the Insurgency and their faith in me as the leader of the raid. Too bad we were betrayed before we ever had a chance to try my plans.

But, I'm certain that cheating is considered a form of high art at the RKMB's so I'm quite content that we didn't lower ourselves to their level in order to gain any satisfaction.

Posted By: Prometheus Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-29 9:16 PM

Oh man...

The "rules of victory" change so quickly with you guys, don't they?

Whatever helps you sleep better at night. In the end, we're still here, and you were forced from your own message board, and are now afraid of coming here or letting us come there. Fact.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-29 9:20 PM
BTW, when you pass the note back to your super-secret forum, ask them to define in concrete terms:





It's hard to actually have a normal conversation when the definition of the words and commonly understood phrases continue to change from post to post, usually to serve whatever they need. I look forward to their response...
Posted By: Prometheus Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-29 9:24 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
And yet, he seems to believe that his words will magically appear over here in response to Iggy. Funny that, huh?

 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
i post Zzzapss meanderings because i want to not becuase i'm instructed to.

But, wait...I thought Zzzzzzap! "set us up"? How can this be if he never "instructed" you to post his messages?
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-29 9:30 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
BTW, when you pass the note back to your super-secret forum, ask them to define in concrete terms:





It's hard to actually have a normal conversation when the definition of the words and commonly understood phrases continue to change from post to post, usually to serve whatever they need. I look forward to their response...

From the secret, locked-down Former Insurgent Dictionary:

Winning: The act of hiding in a locked-down message board and making posts about members of other message boards that have to be relayed by third person

Cheating: Any act that leads to an "Insurgent" being run off one or more message boards; any act that leads to an "Insurgent" having to create a new, locked-down message board so other "Insurgents" can perform the act of "winning;" the act of making an "Insurgent" look stupid

Betrayed: Any act, performed by an "Insurgent" or "Former Insurgent" that makes another "Insurgent" look stupid; the act of having a sense of humor, logic, or wit; any act that makes an "Insurgent" cry

Raid: any episode of an open-ended period of time where "Insurgents" post on another message board, get ridiculed, and run off to the safety of the locked-down message board; the act of making laughable, easily-mocked posts while crying (and sometimes wanking) over the perceived "abuse"
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-29 9:32 PM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Betrayed: Any act, performed by an "Insurgent" or "Former Insurgent" that makes another "Insurgent" look stupid; the act of having a sense of humor, logic, or wit; any act that makes an "Insurgent" wank and cry

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-29 9:34 PM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Betrayed: Any act, performed by an "Insurgent" or "Former Insurgent" that makes another "Insurgent" look stupid; the act of having a sense of humor, logic, or wit; any act that makes an "Insurgent" wank and cry


Posted By: Prometheus Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-29 9:37 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
And yet, he seems to believe that his words will magically appear over here in response to Iggy. Funny that, huh?

 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
i post Zzzapss meanderings because i want to not becuase i'm instructed to.

But, wait...I thought Zzzzzzap! "set us up"? How can this be if he never "instructed" you to post his messages?

Posted By: Black Machismo Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-29 9:41 PM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
BTW, when you pass the note back to your super-secret forum, ask them to define in concrete terms:





It's hard to actually have a normal conversation when the definition of the words and commonly understood phrases continue to change from post to post, usually to serve whatever they need. I look forward to their response...

From the secret, locked-down Former Insurgent Dictionary:

Winning: The act of hiding in a locked-down message board and making posts about members of other message boards that have to be relayed by third person

Cheating: Any act that leads to an "Insurgent" being run off one or more message boards; any act that leads to an "Insurgent" having to create a new, locked-down message board so other "Insurgents" can perform the act of "winning;" the act of making an "Insurgent" look stupid

Betrayed: Any act, performed by an "Insurgent" or "Former Insurgent" that makes another "Insurgent" look stupid; the act of having a sense of humor, logic, or wit; any act that makes an "Insurgent" cry

Raid: any episode of an open-ended period of time where "Insurgents" post on another message board, get ridiculed, and run off to the safety of the locked-down message board; the act of making laughable, easily-mocked posts while crying (and sometimes wanking) over the perceived "abuse"

Too bad Joe didn't look in our dictionary under "J":

Joe Mama (noun, adjective) - Scum, idiocy in human form, back stabber; a person who is so delusional as to be making a mockery of himself.

That's the short definition, if any of you want to post more from our dictionary on "Joe Mama" or any of the other RKMBers, go ahead.

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-29 9:51 PM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
BTW, when you pass the note back to your super-secret forum, ask them to define in concrete terms:





It's hard to actually have a normal conversation when the definition of the words and commonly understood phrases continue to change from post to post, usually to serve whatever they need. I look forward to their response...

From the secret, locked-down Former Insurgent Dictionary:

Winning: The act of hiding in a locked-down message board and making posts about members of other message boards that have to be relayed by third person

Cheating: Any act that leads to an "Insurgent" being run off one or more message boards; any act that leads to an "Insurgent" having to create a new, locked-down message board so other "Insurgents" can perform the act of "winning;" the act of making an "Insurgent" look stupid

Betrayed: Any act, performed by an "Insurgent" or "Former Insurgent" that makes another "Insurgent" look stupid; the act of having a sense of humor, logic, or wit; any act that makes an "Insurgent" cry

Raid: any episode of an open-ended period of time where "Insurgents" post on another message board, get ridiculed, and run off to the safety of the locked-down message board; the act of making laughable, easily-mocked posts while crying (and sometimes wanking) over the perceived "abuse"

Too bad Joe didn't look in our dictionary under "J":

Joe Mama (noun, adjective) - Scum, idiocy in human form, back stabber; a person who is so delusional as to be making a mockery of himself.

That's the short definition, if any of you want to post more from our dictionary on "Joe Mama" or any of the other RKMBers, go ahead.


Looks like I got under more than a few people's skins.

But, please, could you use the adjective form of "Joe Mama" in a sentence? Fail, and I'll back stab you.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-29 9:58 PM
Seriously, this is as enjoyable as a fine wine.

(fine whine? )
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-29 9:59 PM
Doc...are YOU the PUN-isher?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-29 10:00 PM
No, just bored.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-29 10:50 PM
 Originally Posted By: Zzzzzzzzap!
Why don't they just stop responding?

Yeah, why don't they? Nutty.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-30 12:49 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
And yet, he seems to believe that his words will magically appear over here in response to Iggy. Funny that, huh?

 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
i post Zzzapss meanderings because i want to not becuase i'm instructed to.

But, wait...I thought Zzzzzzap! "set us up"? How can this be if he never "instructed" you to post his messages?

Can anyone answer this?
Posted By: iggy Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-30 3:42 AM
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
And the winning continues.

Why don't they just stop responding? Why does it bother them so much what we say on our boards? Is it possible that comments made on the interweb actually do have some meaning?

More importantly, perhaps, why don't they realize yet that they've been set up? Didn't it occur to ANY of them that we've been pulling their strings again and getting them to respond is our measure of victory because it belies their strongly held belief?


Oh well. Let the games continue.


P.S. Now watch them claim that our winning is still bullshit and I made up the whole thing about our setting them up to do what we wanted (i.e. respond to the posts made about them on our boards). It's the exact same thing their "Pariah" tried to pull when Halo and I smacked him around. They just don't like it when we refuse to play by their rules and they sure as hell can't handle playing by ours.

P.P.S. Any bets on how long it will take one of our "response monkeys" to reply?

P.P.P.S. Kudos to Halo for coining the term "response monkeys".

Awww crap! I enjoyed the continued pwnage so much that I plum forgot to respond to The Brothel comment.

"the only two individuals that seemed to take the whole thing seriously was zzap and halo. and, really, the mere fact that they took it seriously means they "lost". sure, everyone jumped in and said stuff, on both sides. but those two were obsessed with it -- clearly halo still is. and that is the very definition of losing an "internet war"

I can't speak for Halo, or anyone else, but it's readily apparent that many others on both sides took their involvement very seriously. And, about the only things I took seriously were my commitment to whomod and my friends at the Insurgency and their faith in me as the leader of the raid. Too bad we were betrayed before we ever had a chance to try my plans.

But, I'm certain that cheating is considered a form of high art at the RKMB's so I'm quite content that we didn't lower ourselves to their level in order to gain any satisfaction.


Now, correct me if I am wrong here, this all started when one of their guys copied and pasted one of my posts here over there. Right? So, exactly what did they do to bait anyone with their posts there? Seems to me that they are actually being what they call us, "Response monkeys."

And, really, what stopped you guys from going forward with your plans? Let me guess, my "betrayal." Something that didn't take place until a few weeks after the "raid" began. What were you doing during those few weeks? Oh, yeah. Wanking and Crying.

This is one of the saddest posts yet, Zzap. Please, do keep them coming.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-30 3:49 AM
I think Lass and Iggy actually saved the Insurgency from having to "endure" even more ridicule... Can you imagine what would have happened if they'd actually gone through with the "poll rigging" idea?
Posted By: iggy Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-30 4:02 AM
Wow. When you put it that way, I feel bad for Ol' Yeller-ing them when I did.
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-30 4:04 AM
its too sad that they still dont get it after all this time.
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-30 4:05 AM
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Wait, Steve actually bribed his kid with a slumber party so he could neglect the poor li'l guy???

From the quote:

Regardless, in point of fact, when I told my son that he would be having a friend over so that I could spend time online defending a friend whose baby daughter was attacked, he had no problem with it.



damn zap!
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-30 4:29 AM

looks like we've been wiki'd.

"After repeated attacks by thugs from a rival message board, Insurgent Whomod received help from the Hell Hounds as well as a strikeforce of Insurgent warriors. This war would take place at Rob's Message board. A board run by noneother than the goatfucker himself, Rob kamphausen [AKA: Anti-Mod] After being abandoned by the Anti-Mod for a new host, Kamphausen took over a militaristic board inhabited by several rejects and outcasts who attacked anyone who disagreed with them.

As the Hounds and the coalition went to war, they were successful in victory after victory within the first weeks of the war. Several of Rob's posters surrendered, including King Snarf and URG.

Victory however, soon gave way to defeat as RKMB poster Prometheus gained access to the high vaults of the Insurgency. A traitor was suspected, and later revealed to be Comic Lass who stole access information from Relmurmot. THe Insurgents recovered from this and continued scoring many victories. However once again the villains at RBKMs gained access the secret military orders of the Insurgents. It seemed that every organized attack by the insurgents was countered by the enemy with a prearranged response.

This prompted the Insurgent posse to abandon their home boards in favor of the Devastation Nation; an island in the south sea, on which Antraxx69 was born. Eventually the mole was revealed. Former knight and current Insurgency Admin, Iggy had betrayed the Insurgency. Throught his reign as admin, he felt anger toward the insurgents for not showing him the same admiration that they gave to the de facto leadership. He drunkenly handed over full control to the RBKMs and then passed out from the excessive amounts of alcohol in his system.

While he slumbered, as his liver was hard at work, Insurgents Captain Zzap, Black Raisin and halo82 regained control of the forums. They attempted to sort out the mess but by then it was too late. As Iggy regained consciousness and swigged another jack Daniels, he retook the boards. In a list ditch moment of defiance, many Insurgents chose to burn their board rather than see it fall into enemy hands.

Throught the next week, the former Inurgency board burned. As it burned, post after post was consumed, however this history was plucked from the wreckage and spared. As some of the flames died, what little remained was reclaimed by Iggy, who immediately transfered control to the RKMB's army, and then preceeded to piss and passout.

It was then that the cosmic poster Relmurmot along with Hellhound ambassador, Black Raisin, visited the halls of ancient gods of the Invision. After sacraficing the beautiful virgin Catwoman-Yana and invoking the name of the sacred Chuck Norris, Relmurmot entered deliberations with the gods. He speant many hours making his case before them. He argued that the act of betrayal is the most heinous of sins, and cited many examples of Iggy mocking the gods. It was then decided that Invision gods would act to wipe away what remained of the once proud board. Relmurmot returned from the hall alongside the flagbearer of the Invision pantheon. The 2 descended down to the still smoldering board and issued an ultimatum. It was stated that all those that remained within the board's confines after 24 hours had passed would be consumed by the wrath of the gods along with the condemned board.

As time passed the cowards from the RKMBs fled in great numbers. In the end they all left, all except Iggy. It happened that Iggy's large stash of booze was very time consuming to move. As the time finally expired, the Insurgency board imploded in a blaze of glory. Although Iggy ultimately survived the destruction, his struggle in moving his alcohol left him horribly scarred and destroyed any chance he had in creating an heir. This was a result of Relmurmot, who saw it as a just compensation for his betrayal. As of this writing, Iggy is allegedly "overcoming" his damage by allowing others to use him for sexual pleasure instead of the other way around.

And thus the Insurgency Board ended."

Posted By: Uschi Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-30 5:02 AM

summary please
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-30 5:06 AM
rob is gay!
Posted By: thedoctor Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-30 5:15 AM
 Originally Posted By: Uschi

summary please

They got their asses kicked, so they had to make up shit to make themselves feel better.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-30 5:23 AM
That is just incredibly sad. Sad, but not all that shocking.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-30 6:37 AM
It's like the Message Board equivalent of a German history book that doesn't mention the Nazis.
Posted By: Uschi Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-30 6:55 AM
So, an East German History Book, Pre-1989?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-30 6:58 AM
Or a Japanese history book that doesn't mention Pearl Harbor or the invasion of China.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-30 7:02 AM
...and tries to spin Hiroshima into a great victory for the Japanese.
Posted By: Uschi Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-30 7:11 AM
Posted By: thedoctor Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-30 7:14 AM
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
...and tries to spin Hiroshima into a great victory for the Japanese.

"We wanted you to melt an entire city and poison generations of the surrounding survivors and their descendants. We win WWII!"
Posted By: Uschi Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-30 7:16 AM
Germany won at Stalingrad!
Posted By: Whit Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-30 7:41 AM
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns

looks like we've been wiki'd.

"After repeated attacks by thugs from a rival message board, Insurgent Whomod received help from the Hell Hounds as well as a strikeforce of Insurgent warriors. This war would take place at Rob's Message board. A board run by noneother than the goatfucker himself, Rob kamphausen [AKA: Anti-Mod] After being abandoned by the Anti-Mod for a new host, Kamphausen took over a militaristic board inhabited by several rejects and outcasts who attacked anyone who disagreed with them.

As the Hounds and the coalition went to war, they were successful in victory after victory within the first weeks of the war. Several of Rob's posters surrendered, including King Snarf and URG.

Victory however, soon gave way to defeat as RKMB poster Prometheus gained access to the high vaults of the Insurgency. A traitor was suspected, and later revealed to be Comic Lass who stole access information from Relmurmot. THe Insurgents recovered from this and continued scoring many victories. However once again the villains at RBKMs gained access the secret military orders of the Insurgents. It seemed that every organized attack by the insurgents was countered by the enemy with a prearranged response.

This prompted the Insurgent posse to abandon their home boards in favor of the Devastation Nation; an island in the south sea, on which Antraxx69 was born. Eventually the mole was revealed. Former knight and current Insurgency Admin, Iggy had betrayed the Insurgency. Throught his reign as admin, he felt anger toward the insurgents for not showing him the same admiration that they gave to the de facto leadership. He drunkenly handed over full control to the RBKMs and then passed out from the excessive amounts of alcohol in his system.

While he slumbered, as his liver was hard at work, Insurgents Captain Zzap, Black Raisin and halo82 regained control of the forums. They attempted to sort out the mess but by then it was too late. As Iggy regained consciousness and swigged another jack Daniels, he retook the boards. In a list ditch moment of defiance, many Insurgents chose to burn their board rather than see it fall into enemy hands.

Throught the next week, the former Inurgency board burned. As it burned, post after post was consumed, however this history was plucked from the wreckage and spared. As some of the flames died, what little remained was reclaimed by Iggy, who immediately transfered control to the RKMB's army, and then preceeded to piss and passout.

It was then that the cosmic poster Relmurmot along with Hellhound ambassador, Black Raisin, visited the halls of ancient gods of the Invision. After sacraficing the beautiful virgin Catwoman-Yana and invoking the name of the sacred Chuck Norris, Relmurmot entered deliberations with the gods. He speant many hours making his case before them. He argued that the act of betrayal is the most heinous of sins, and cited many examples of Iggy mocking the gods. It was then decided that Invision gods would act to wipe away what remained of the once proud board. Relmurmot returned from the hall alongside the flagbearer of the Invision pantheon. The 2 descended down to the still smoldering board and issued an ultimatum. It was stated that all those that remained within the board's confines after 24 hours had passed would be consumed by the wrath of the gods along with the condemned board.

As time passed the cowards from the RKMBs fled in great numbers. In the end they all left, all except Iggy. It happened that Iggy's large stash of booze was very time consuming to move. As the time finally expired, the Insurgency board imploded in a blaze of glory. Although Iggy ultimately survived the destruction, his struggle in moving his alcohol left him horribly scarred and destroyed any chance he had in creating an heir. This was a result of Relmurmot, who saw it as a just compensation for his betrayal. As of this writing, Iggy is allegedly "overcoming" his damage by allowing others to use him for sexual pleasure instead of the other way around.

And thus the Insurgency Board ended."

No references?
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-30 8:18 AM
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
...and tries to spin Hiroshima into a great victory for the Japanese.

Posted By: Queenie Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-30 7:43 PM
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
I think Lass and Iggy actually saved the Insurgency from having to "endure" even more ridicule... Can you imagine what would have happened if they'd actually gone through with the "poll rigging" idea?

"Pounding" y'all for being Republicans would've been the war winner however! I'm sad they never got to do it; also strangely exicted at the thought of boys pounding each other on t'interwebs
Posted By: Prometheus Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-31 12:08 AM
Yikes! Keep your slash to yourself...
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-31 12:31 AM
That's funny. The former Insurgents also get excited at the thought of boys pounding each other on t'interwebs. Especially if they're the boys.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-31 1:33 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
And yet, he seems to believe that his words will magically appear over here in response to Iggy. Funny that, huh?

 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
i post Zzzapss meanderings because i want to not becuase i'm instructed to.

But, wait...I thought Zzzzzzap! "set us up"? How can this be if he never "instructed" you to post his messages?

Can anyone answer this?

I find it funny that once I started bringing this bit up, they all went dead-silent. Funny how logic and facts tend to snap their fantasies...
Posted By: Uschi Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-07-31 4:28 AM
 Originally Posted By: Queenie
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
I think Lass and Iggy actually saved the Insurgency from having to "endure" even more ridicule... Can you imagine what would have happened if they'd actually gone through with the "poll rigging" idea?

"Pounding" y'all for being Republicans would've been the war winner however! I'm sad they never got to do it; also strangely exicted at the thought of boys pounding each other on t'interwebs

Posted By: Queenie Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-08-01 12:11 AM
I'll make some next chance I have to mess about on the computer
Posted By: Uschi Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-08-01 3:57 AM
I like gay man-on-man porn.

I didn't need to qualify that, I like all gay porn.


I like porn.
Posted By: Rob Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-08-01 5:40 AM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Uschi

summary please

They got their asses kicked, so they had to make up shit to make themselves feel better.

its odd that even in their silly version, they repeatedly admit to losing. thats cute!

 Originally Posted By: User:Betrayor
As some of the flames died

im sorry to hear of halo's passing
Posted By: Black Machismo Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-08-01 10:50 AM
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Uschi

summary please

They got their asses kicked, so they had to make up shit to make themselves feel better.

its odd that even in their silly version, they repeatedly admit to losing. thats cute!

 Originally Posted By: User:Betrayor
As some of the flames died

im sorry to hear of halo's passing

hey Rob, youre posters are lame eh?
Posted By: Rob Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-08-01 11:31 AM
no, you're posters!
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-08-01 3:01 PM
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-08-02 6:11 AM
An insurgency is a violent internal uprising against a sovereign government that lacks the organization of a revolution. Its use is subject to heavy political bias. It should not be confused with, or interchanged with the term "resistance." Complicating matters and blurring the definition of the term, it is frequently used as a label for the violent conflict in Iraq, which involves elements of insurgency and an armed resistance movement.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-08-02 9:07 AM
The U.S. military and national security community lost interest in insurgency after the end of the Cold War when other defense issues such as multinational peacekeeping and transformation seemed more pressing. With the onset of the Global War on Terror in 2001 and the ensuing involvement of the U.S. military in counterinsurgency support in Iraq and Afghanistan, insurgency experienced renewed concern in both the defense and intelligence communities. The author argues that while exceptionally important, this relearning process focused on Cold War era nationalistic insurgencies rather than the complex conflicts which characterized the post-Cold War security environment. To be successful at counterinsurgency, he contends, the U.S. military and defense community must rethink insurgency, which has profound implications for American strategy and military doctrine.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-08-09 6:10 AM
Georgia or Sakartvelo formerly the Republic of Georgia, is a transcontinental
country partially in Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia in the Caucasus
region. It is bordered to the north by the Russian Federation, to the east
by Azerbaijan, to the west across the Black Sea by Ukraine, to the south by
Armenia and to the southwest by Turkey.[2] The territory of Georgia covers
69,700 km² and is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate. Georgia’s
population is 4.4 million in the territories controlled by the central
government of Georgia, nearly 84% of whom are ethnic Georgians.Georgia is a
representative democracy, organized as a secular, unitary,semi-presidential republic. It is currently a member of the United Nations,
the Council of Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the World
Trade Organization, the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation,
and GUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic Development. The country
seeks to join NATO and, in the longer term, accession to the European Union
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: A gift for you assholes - 2008-08-09 7:57 AM
Main Entry: eight
Pronunciation: \ˈāt\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English eighte, from eighte, adjective, from Old English eahta; akin to Old High German ahto eight, Latin octo, Greek oktō
Date: before 12th century
1— see number table
2: the eighth in a set or series <the eight of spades>
3: something having eight units or members: as a: an 8-oared racing boat or its crew b: an 8-cylinder engine or automobile
— eight adjective
— eight pronoun, plural in construction
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: A gift for you assholes - 2010-07-24 9:31 AM
baseball 4

Although the league was supposed to be comprised of amateurs, many players were secretly paid. Some were given jobs by sponsors, and some were secretly paid a salary just for playing. In 1869, the Cincinnati Red Stockings decided to become a completely professional team. Brothers Harry and George Wright recruited the best players from around the country, and beat all comers. The Cincinnati team won sixty-five games and lost none. The idea of paid players quickly caught on. Some wanted baseball to remain an amateur endeavor, but there was no way they could compete with the professional teams. The amateur teams began to fade away as the best players became professionals. In 1871, the National Association became the first professional baseball league.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: A gift for you assholes - 2010-07-24 10:17 AM
My ass contemplates those who talk behind my back.
Francis Picabia

My dad always used to tell me that if they challenge you to an after-school fight, tell them you won't wait-you can kick their ass right now.
Cameron Diaz
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: A gift for you assholes - 2010-07-24 10:31 AM
Another One Bites The Dust

Oh! Let's go!
Steve walks warily down the street
With his brim pulled way down low
Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet
Machine guns ready to go

Are you ready hey are you ready for this?
Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?
Out of the doorway the bullets rip
To the sound of the beat yeah

Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone and another one gone
Another one bites the dust hey
Hey I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust

How do you think I'm going to get along
Without you when you're gone
You took me for everything that I had
And kicked me out on my own

Are you happy are you satisfied?
How long can you stand the heat
Out of the doorway the bullets rip
To the sound of the beat look out

Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone and another one gone
Another one bites the dust hey
Hey I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust

Oh take it - Bite the dust
Bite the dust hey
Hey Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust ow
Another one bites the dust he he
Another one bites the dust hay yay ya ya ya
Ooh shout

There are plenty of ways that you can hurt a man
And bring him to the ground
You can beat him
You can cheat him
You can treat him bad and leave him
When he's down yeah
But I'm ready yes I'm ready for you
I'm standing on my own two feet
Out of the doorway the bullets rip
Repeating to the sound of the beat

Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone and another one gone
Another one bites the dust yeah
Hey I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust
Shoot out

E-he! Alright!
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: A gift for you assholes - 2010-07-31 7:06 PM

List of action verbs starting with P
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: A gift for you assholes - 2010-07-31 7:48 PM
The rest of the world prefers lager:

So what if it did? But that is not true. Foreign beers are not necessarily lagers: not the wheat beers of Bavaria, Berlin and Belgium; Trappist brews; the Altbier of Dusseldorf the Kolschbier of Cologne or Antwerp's superb De Koninck ale; most of America's fashionable micro brews. Get out and about, and broaden your palate.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: A gift for you assholes - 2010-08-07 7:41 PM
• Coral reefs, which are highly sensitive to small changes in water temperature, suffered the worst bleaching—or die-off in response to stress—ever recorded in 1998, with some areas seeing bleach rates of 70 percent. Experts expect these sorts of events to increase in frequency and intensity in the next 50 years as sea temperatures rise.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: A gift for you assholes - 2010-08-07 7:42 PM
• Glaciers and mountain snows are rapidly melting—for example, Montana's Glacier National Park now has only 27 glaciers, versus 150 in 1910. In the Northern Hemisphere, thaws also come a week earlier in spring and freezes begin a week later.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: A gift for you assholes - 2010-08-07 8:17 PM
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: A gift for you assholes - 2010-08-14 8:03 PM
What do you call a pool with a mexican in it?
Bean Dip.