Posted By: Frank Burns Principles of Muslim Beliefs - 2011-01-22 8:49 PM
1. Tawheed - the unity of God

2. Risallah - acceptance of the Prophethood of Muhammad, a messenger of God.

3. Mala'ikah - belief in angels.

4. Kutubullah - belief in God's books (like the Koran and the Psalms of David)

5. Yawmuddin - belief in a Day of Judgment.

6. al-Qadr - acceptance of pre-destination.

7. Akhriah - faith in a resurrection after death.

All of these principles have analogs in other religions, like Christianity, and can be challenged on the same basis as they are challenged elsewhere. If humans are pre-destined to certain actions and fates by God, for example, how can they be held legally or morally responsible? Where is the evidence for the existence of a soul that survives death? How is it possible for an immaterial mind to exist in the cases of angels and God? -->
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: Principles of Muslim Beliefs - 2011-01-22 9:27 PM
8. The Quran was written by Muhammad and copied from Christian and Jewish sources
The Qur'an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad over a period of two decades, calling people to worship One Almighty God and to live their lives according to this faith. The Qur'an contains stories of Biblical prophets, because these prophets also preached the message of God. Stories are not merely copied, but the oral traditions are referred to in a way that focuses on the examples and teachings that we can learn from them.

9. Islamic prayer is just a ritualized performance with no heartfelt meaning
Prayer is a time to stand before God and express faith, give thanks for blessings, and seek guidance and forgiveness. During Islamic prayer, one is modest, submissive and respectful to God. By bowing and prostrating ourselves to the ground, we express our utmost humility before the Almighty.

10. The crescent moon is a universal symbol of Islam
The early Muslim community did not really have a symbol. During the time of the Prophet Muhammad, Islamic caravans and armies flew simple solid-colored flags (generally black, green, or white) for identification purposes. The crescent moon and star symbol actually pre-dates Islam by several thousand years, and wasn't affiliated with Islam at all until the Ottoman Empire placed it on their flag.
Posted By: Hybrid Re: Principles of Muslim Beliefs - 2011-01-22 9:40 PM
hi frank
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: Principles of Muslim Beliefs - 2011-01-29 9:13 PM
man was very hungry, and went to buy cakes at a snack bar. When he finished a cake, he found he hadn't had enough, and so ate a second one. He felt so hungry that after eating six cakes in succession, he still hadn't satisfied his hunger. Not till the seventh cake was eaten up, did he feel satisfied. Then, suddenly, he had a feeling of regret.
"Ah, if I had known this before, I would have eaten the seventh cake first and that would have been enough and there would not have been any need to eat those six others.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: Principles of Muslim Beliefs - 2011-02-05 11:10 PM
super troopers

Farva: Hey, let's pop some Viagras and issue tickets with raging, mega-huge boners.
Thorny: You know, Farva, only you can make a dark man blush. And no, we're not doing it.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: Principles of Muslim Beliefs - 2011-02-13 12:04 AM
Andrew johnson

"If you could extend the elective franchise to all persons of color who can read the Constitution of the United States in English and write their names and to all persons of color who own real estate valued at not less than two hundred and fifty dollars and pay taxes thereon, and would completely disarm the adversary. This you can do with perfect safety. And as a consequence, the radicals, who are wild upon negro franchise, will be completely foiled in their attempts to keep the Southern States from renewing their relations to the Union."
Letter to William L. Sharkey, governor of Mississippi (June 1865)

"Notwithstanding a mendacious press; notwithstanding a subsidized gang of hirelings who have not ceased to traduce me, I have discharged all my official duties and fulfilled my pledges. And I say here tonight that if my predecessor had lived, the vials of wrath would have poured out upon him."
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: Principles of Muslim Beliefs - 2011-02-13 12:05 AM
Andrew Johnson

"I have had a son killed, a son-in-law die during the last battle of Nashville, another son has thrown himself away, a second son-in-law is in no better condition, I think I have had sorrow enough without having my bank account examined by a Committee of Congress."
Letter to his friend Colonel William G. Moore, complaining of Congressional investigations.... (1 May 1867)

"Legislation can neither be wise nor just which seeks the welfare of a single interest at the expense and to the injury of many and varied interests at least equally important and equally deserving the considerations of Congress."
Veto message to the House of Representatives (22 February 1869)
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: Principles of Muslim Beliefs - 2011-02-13 12:44 AM
Civil War Era Humor

KINDNESS... Treated kindly, a soldier responds with kindness. Treated kindly, a citizen responds with treason.

COFFIN was called a wooden overcoat.

MANNERS... Don't let your hurry up take over your manners.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: Principles of Muslim Beliefs - 2011-02-19 11:01 PM
The Beatles

Is there anybody going to listen to my story
All about the girl who came to stay?
She's the kind of girl you want so much
It makes you sorry
Still you don't regret a single day.
Ah girl

When I think of all the times I've tried so hard to leave her
She will turn to me and start to cry;
And she promises the earth to me
And I believe her
After all this time I don't know why
Ah girl

She's the kind of girl who puts you down
When friends are there, you feel a fool.
When you say she's looking good
She acts as if it's understood.
She's cool, ooh, ooh, ooh,

Was she told when she was young that pain
Would lead to pleasure?
Did she understand it when they said
That a man must break his back to earn
His day of leisure?
Will she still believe it when he's dead?
Ah girl
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: Principles of Muslim Beliefs - 2011-02-20 12:31 AM
Boyfriend: I love you, I could die for you.

Girlfriend: How soon??

Posted By: Frank Burns Re: Principles of Muslim Beliefs - 2011-02-26 8:46 PM
More U.S. Aid Will Help the Hungry

Reality: Most U.S. aid works directly against the hungry. Foreign aid can only reinforce, not change, the status quo. Where governments answer only to elites, our aid not only fails to reach hungry people, it shores up the very forces working against them. Our aid is used to impose free trade and free market policies, to promote exports at the expense of food production, and to provide the armaments that repressive governments use to stay in power. Even emergency, or humanitarian aid, which makes up only five percent of the total, often ends up enriching American grain companies while failing to reach the hungry, and it can dangerously undercut local food production in the recipient country. It would be better to use our foreign aid budget for unconditional debt relief, as it is the foreign debt burden that forces most Third World countries to cut back on basic health, education and anti-poverty