
Folks in a Portland, Oregon neighborhood are hoping their postman doesn't ring twice. He was caught with his pants down as he used a yard as a toilet.

One neighbor started taking pictures because he could not believe what he saw.

"We trust people like the postal service and meter readers and people of that nature," said Don Derfler. "To come on to our property and to defecate - it's just wrong."

The person has been put on unpaid leave while the postal service investigates. They haven't decided whether or not the man will be fired
I thought it was bad when the neighbors dog poops in my yard.
Instead of taking pictures the photographer should've reached for the hose. Spray the mailman like you would any other animal who does that!
Posted By: rex Re: Oregon mailman caught defecating in yard - 2011-04-22 6:02 PM
I think most oregonians call that gardening.