Posted By: Rob costumes that need updating! - 2004-03-22 9:44 PM
are there any characters that, they themselves arent necessarily outdated, but their costumes are?

should dr. doom be given high(er)-tech armor?

should hawkman finally be given a shirt?
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-03-22 9:52 PM
I'm going to commit heresy and say Superman. I just can't stand the costume. It's so old. Just tweak the stupid fucking thing a little, like they've done to Batman. Maybe some darker blue, get rid of the underwear and make the red a part of the costume. Just keep the basic theme of the character, but tweak it.
Posted By: space coyote Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-03-23 12:41 AM

Stupid Dogg said:
I'm going to commit heresy and say Superman. I just can't stand the costume. It's so old. Just tweak the stupid fucking thing a little, like they've done to Batman. Maybe some darker blue, get rid of the underwear and make the red a part of the costume. Just keep the basic theme of the character, but tweak it.

I would agree with this. Some red gloves might be nice, cuz of fingerprints and whatnot...
Posted By: Cowgirl Jack Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-03-23 1:27 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:
should hawkman finally be given a shirt?

Posted By: PenWing Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-03-23 1:41 AM
I'm not a fan of Canary's fishnets. I thought it was a huge step forward with the so called "scuba suit" that she wore beginning in the the first BoP oneshot. But, after Dixon left, the black whatever she is wearing and the fishnets came back.

I'm not a fan of PG's outfit either. It doesn't do anything. Well, it shows cleavage, but the colors and design of the costume are all wrong.

Batgirl needs a different mask.

There are too many capes. Asside from Superman, no other superpowered heroes should have a cape. And only Batman and Batgirl should have capes in the non-superpowered catagory, b/c their capes actually serve a purpose.
Posted By: Danny Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-03-23 2:38 AM
Without the cape, Martian Manhunter is essentially a man in his briefs.

You're a sicko.
Posted By: DannyIsAFucktard Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-03-23 2:45 AM
Danny is a fucktard.
Posted By: PenWing Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-03-23 5:29 AM

Danny said:
Without the cape, Martian Manhunter is essentially a man in his briefs.

You're a sicko.

Thank you for reminding me: Martian Manhunter desparately needs a make over. Will someone please give him some clothes?
Posted By: Jim Jackson Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-03-23 9:20 PM
Rob, do you just want Hawkman in a shirt cos he's got a hairier chest than you?

Posted By: Animalman Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-03-23 9:34 PM
I thought Waid already gave Doc Doom new armor?
Posted By: Mr. Nobody Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-03-24 11:03 AM
The X-Men all need to either go the entire Morrison black leather route, or they need to return to their original costumes.
The buckles, straps, loincloth and high-tech gear look needs to go away.
Posted By: Fused Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-03-24 12:16 PM
I agree about Marshy Manhunter. Hes a cool mother fucker but he looks like a tool. and If anyone says Wonder Woman Ill voodoo curse their family. Shes sacred ground.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-03-25 8:00 AM
Curse me, then. Hoplite armour for WW. Out of the swimsuit, and into something a warrior/diplomat from ancient Greece would actually wear.

I agree on Supes' supersuit but it'd piss off too many traditionalists.
Posted By: Rob Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-03-25 8:04 AM

Jim Jackson said:
Rob, do you just want Hawkman in a shirt cos he's got a hairier chest than you?


not here, jimothy.





space coyote said:

Stupid Dogg said:
I'm going to commit heresy and say Superman. I just can't stand the costume. It's so old. Just tweak the stupid fucking thing a little, like they've done to Batman. Maybe some darker blue, get rid of the underwear and make the red a part of the costume. Just keep the basic theme of the character, but tweak it.

I would agree with this. Some red gloves might be nice, cuz of fingerprints and whatnot...

i've oft crafted (..oft? ...crafted??) an updated design for supes that involved gloves (c'mon... no one ever looked for super prints??) and some other minor touches -- an effort to update the look, without obliterating the past (and enraged fans of llance-like age).

i should finally get around to postin'em.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-03-25 8:09 AM
Professor X should wear a Wig. And his wheelchair should have mounted gatling guns and a Bumper sticker that says "Mutants Rule"
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-03-25 8:18 AM
Oh, and since majority of the regulars are also into pro-wrestling: Shawn Micheals' costume should be updated. The gay heart-oriented costume was already gay when he was younger but now that he's already too old to be even called a "kid", it's even worse. The heartrob gimmick should be changed to a Dirty Old Man gimmick - with a Jesus Twist.
Posted By: notwedge Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-03-25 8:37 AM

Son of Mxy said:
Oh, and since majority of the regulars are also into pro-wrestling: Shawn Micheals' costume should be updated. The gay heart-oriented costume was already gay when he was younger but now that he's already too old to be even called a "kid", it's even worse. The heartrob gimmick should be changed to a Dirty Old Man gimmick - with a Jesus Twist.

So, a Catholic priest.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-03-25 9:30 AM
I never saw that coming.
Posted By: jafabian Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-03-25 10:02 AM
Daredevil needs an update. Not a major one. Just a little something to enhance it.

I don't get Nightwing's costume. He looks like a guy in a domino mask wearing a body suit. He should go with what was used in the Animated Series.

Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) has a terrible one. I've always said he looks like a condom with all those ridges on the arms and legs of it.
Posted By: Polar Boy Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-03-30 3:33 PM
I would like to see Mary Marvel updated and in a team book.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-03-31 12:28 AM
For Gob's sake, she's not legal yet.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-03-31 5:14 AM
Firestorm should wear a black suit, black tie, white shirt. The visual appearance of his flaming head would contrast with his plain clothes.

Costumes are generally good for comics because they help define and identitfy characters. They look crap on TV or movies. Warren Ellis has the right idea in his books with costumes, which is sort of compromise between the comics and TV approaches: Elijah Snow wears an all white suit, the evil Bride wore a bride dress, Spider Jerusalem wears a black suit to contrast his tats and weird glasses, Hawksmoor has a black suit but bare ridged feet, the Drummer wears civilian clothes but has his drum sticks. Ordinary clothes, but with something to make the characters stand out.
Posted By: King Krypton Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-01 8:03 AM

Stupid Dogg said:
I'm going to commit heresy and say Superman. I just can't stand the costume. It's so old. Just tweak the stupid fucking thing a little, like they've done to Batman. Maybe some darker blue, get rid of the underwear and make the red a part of the costume. Just keep the basic theme of the character, but tweak it.

The costume you desire already exists: It's Draxhall Jump's "Ultimate Superman" design from Wizard.


And frankly, I think it's just about perfect. Just switch the Kingdom Come emblem with the clasic design, and it's good to go.
Posted By: Fused Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-01 10:10 AM
Yeah that looks pretty sweet. Ive always been anti-changing Superman but I guess you cant scoff at good design.

I actually like the black Superman digs hes been wearing on some of the new Turner covers of Superman.
Posted By: whomod Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-01 3:45 PM

PenWing said:

Danny said:
Without the cape, Martian Manhunter is essentially a man in his briefs.

You're a sicko.

Thank you for reminding me: Martian Manhunter desparately needs a make over. Will someone please give him some clothes?

Oh, what? So now you're saying buccaneer boots aern't cool?

Seriously though, i agree about Superman. In fact I think the whole skin tight spandex and outeroos motif on ANY hero has bitten the dust already.

When it becomes parody 1st and serious understanding of the concept of superhroes second (in the POV of the public at large), then it's time to find what grabs the imagination of people in the here and now rather than sticking by 'tradition'. I think the X-Men film and even the Spider-Man film captured a great middle ground between costumes vs something else.
Posted By: King Snarf Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-01 11:01 PM

jafabian said:
I don't get Nightwing's costume. He looks like a guy in a domino mask wearing a body suit. He should go with what was used in the Animated Series.

He should go back to the Perez-era costume with the high-ass collar. That look was sweet!
Posted By: King Krypton Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-02 12:04 AM

Fused said:
Yeah that looks pretty sweet. Ive always been anti-changing Superman but I guess you cant scoff at good design.

I actually like the black Superman digs hes been wearing on some of the new Turner covers of Superman.

I'm not big on sticking Superman in black. It's one thing if his emblem has a black background like in some versions, because he's still wearing the traditional red and blue. But an all-black suit on him just looks wrong to me. I'd rather just update what he's already got than try to strip him of any and all color.
Posted By: Kristogar Velo Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-02 5:48 AM
My favorite line of the Reign of the Supermen story was when Lois told the Eradicator that Superman "never wore black like an executioner!" That line has always stuck in my mind whenever I see Superman costume designs with black in them.

So I agree with King Krypton that the picture he posted was perfect, except that the emblem should be the classic one.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-02 10:09 AM
Give superman a Thong.
Posted By: Chewy Walrus Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-02 9:22 PM
The whole roster of Ultimate DC heroes from Wizard #136:



Wonder Woman


Green Lantern


(I think that little green blob thing is supposed to be the Martian Manhunter...)

Teen Titans

Posted By: Doc.Mid-Nite Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-02 10:24 PM
Here's my list...

Martian Manhunter - I like the cape and boots, hate the suspenders and speedos.

Alan Scott - He looks like a Shakespearian pimp from the 1600's

Triathlon and The Flash - Why they can't wear something close to what Track and Field athlete's actually wear, I don't know.

X-Men - They should bring back the costumes from late 80's early 90's. Maybe then I could consider them superheroes again.

Green Lantern (Kyle) - I don't like his costume, but at least he actually looks like Green Lantern now. That old crab-mask costume was just awful!

Wonder Woman - Dave's post said it all.
Posted By: Fused Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-02 10:50 PM
I actually really like those designs. And I'm pretty hardcore when people start talking about fucking with Wondie. So my criticism is going that gladiator armor route with Wonder Woman is pulling her to that Xena image. I am just not down with that. In spite of the fact that I do like all of these ultimatizing concepts, the swimsuit just owns. I wouldnt want these to become staple.

The corsets hot though. :P
Posted By: Fused Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-02 10:53 PM
Oh ya, and I'd be pissed if I was a Marshie fan and I got that fuckin blob as the ultimate version. At least the others are cool lookin' and I know hes a fuckin' Martian but goddamn.
Posted By: King Krypton Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-03 8:54 AM

Now THIS is what I call a costume update!
Posted By: Kristogar Velo Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-03 9:24 AM

Doc.Mid-Nite said:
Triathlon and The Flash - Why they can't wear something close to what Track and Field athlete's actually wear, I don't know.

The Flash actually wore spandex before track athletes found it cool to do so...
Posted By: Danny Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-03 12:47 PM
The Ultimate Wondie costume up there is still very T'n'A. Sigh. Put her in something a warrior would actually wear and get yourself a date, comic book artists of the world...

I like the Superman and Batman ones. Flash is... I dunno. Red spandex. His face is covered. Good for him. GL has no drastic changes to stuff we've already seen, but it aint really broke.

The Titans designs make me laugh. Then cry a little bit.
Posted By: Fused Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-03 1:00 PM
No way Danny, even when I'm getting laid regularly could you not convince me to cover up Miss Exploited Wonder Woman. Who let John Ashecroft in? You can can take your 'get a date shit' and cram it up your arbitrary orifice. I get enough of that shit on the pussified DC boards.

No flame intended, lol.
Posted By: Danny Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-03 6:09 PM
Like she'd wear that stupid little armour thing on her forehead and nipples but leave that much of the rest of her body exposed.

You're a big silly doody-head!

No flame intended.
Posted By: Fused Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-03 10:01 PM
Yeah youre right. She needs to cover up more and I do in fact need a date. But she looks so fuckin' HAWT!
Posted By: Danny Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-04 3:55 AM
I would like to put forth that it is not possible to be two dimensional and hot. I cannot wrap my head around the idea of T'n'A comics that people produce based on the theory that the characters are attractive (Danger Girl and Fathom come to mind... you know what I'm talking about).
Posted By: Fused Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-04 4:27 AM
I think the character design of the current Wonder Woman is the hottest of all time. And yeah, she has certain cheesecake elements to her. But I think she can be respected and a supreme asskicker even with her current look. I love er in the Cartoon Network show and she flattens a mother fucker in alot of Wondy books. Not an easy feate to be intimidatingly super-hardcore in a pair of star-panties.

Conan wears what...a squirrel skin over his cock n balls and he pulls off badass just fine. I think Wondie is just as easily capable of that in spite her jigglies.
Posted By: Fused Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-04 4:30 AM
And I meet a lot of hot ladies in real life that tend to be two-dimensional.

Nyerk Nyerk
Posted By: Danny Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-04 7:09 PM
Posted By: Disco Steve Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-08 4:09 AM
That Ultimate JLA might be the coolest goddamn thing I've ever seen. I imagine it being a rip on The Authority, like when NBC did an American version of the "Friends"-like "Coupling," though.
Posted By: Fused Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-08 12:22 PM
Oh yeah, old subject but a point I was thinking about. I dont have to wrap my head around at all to see why a 2-Dimensiomal image can be attractive. I dont have to turn, hell I dont even have to fuckin tilt. Drawings of hawt ladies are just pleasant to look at. For hetero males at least. Otherwise why would we be creating and buying 60 years of cheesecake artwork?
Posted By: TK-069 Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-08 7:56 PM
Posted By: Disco Steve Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-09 12:05 AM

Danny said:
The Ultimate Wondie costume up there is still very T'n'A. Sigh. Put her in something a warrior would actually wear and get yourself a date, comic book artists of the world...

The way I see it, Wonder Woman has to move very fast, being a one-woman army and all, so she has to wear as little as possible, rather than big clunky armor. Or maybe I'm just rationalizing for the sake of not feeling like a sex-deprived dork while reading my comics. Either way.
Posted By: Cowgirl Jack Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-09 12:45 AM
Okay, if Hawkman has to update his costume...let it look like this!

Posted By: Disco Steve Re: costumes that need updating! - 2004-04-09 4:05 AM
So... he's naked except for his wing harness?

The helmet is too Jim Lee Batman/Wolverine.