Posted By: Snapman Does anyone here hate recolored art in TPBs? - 2004-04-09 2:50 PM
I love TPBs, but I usually hate to see the original art repainted differently.
Oh yeah.

One of the worst offenders that I recall was the "Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told" TPB. On some of the stories the new colorist made Gordon's hair brown with white temples, ala Reed Richards.
I never even knew they did that. They should do it with ADITF which has probably some of the worst professional coloring jobs I've seen(In one panel a pair of eyes are brown, but in the NEXT panel of the EXCACT same eyes in the EXCACT same perspective it's BLUE!

Also Watchmen which suffers from the same problems sometimes but not as apparent. Plus some justice has to be done for what is argubly the greatest comic ever published. (John Higgins did some good work before like in The Killing Joke(not great in the beginning, but good.) but this is pretty low by his standards. Though I suppose the uigly and weird colors reflect the grim and gritty story.)
No, I don't mind it when old stories get recolored. Sometimes it's a necessity, given the age of the material. And other times it actually makes the art even better. My only beef is with the occasional glitches and mistakes that crop up in the process. But otherwise it's OK.
Why's it gotta be about color ?
Posted By: Danny Re: Does anyone here hate recolored art in TPBs? - 2004-04-11 10:58 AM
All comic books are brothers under the ink.
It just depends on what it is, I guess. When the new coloring compliments the art, it's awesome. When it takes away from the pencils, it *really* sucks.

For example - the latest trade i got was Wonder Woman: Gods and Mortals. George Perez's relaunch of Wonder Woman from the 80's.

The colors in the trade are MUCH better than they were in the original #1-7 issues and they make the book really stick out, on top of Perez's pencils. They aren't awkwardly radiant...they compliment just fine.
Yeah, that doesn't sound bad. I just dislike it when things like backgrounds are a different color than before. To me, the art doesn't bring out the original feeling I had from the original books.
One example is the TPBs of Marvel's G.I. Joe series, specifically the reprint of issue 21 (the famous silent issue).
Another thing that annoys me is when indicia boxes and next issue boxes from the original issues are blacked out in the TPB. I understand if those things aren't included in the paperback, but some paperbacks completely remove them and leave no trace. They don't leave an ugly black box covering up the art.
I picked up the neal adams collection volume 1, the art seems to be recoloured, i like it the comic does not look like its from the late 60's and there are none of those damned dots u see on older comics that used dot matrix printing