Posted By: The Time Trust Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-07-23 9:33 AM
Here's another classic DC Message Boards thread from two years ago. I'll repost it without any sig lines as close as possible to the original without resorting to the dreaded quotes function:


Michael Bise
posted July 18, 2002 02:46 PM

I was just re-reading ARMAGEDDON: THE ALIEN AGENDA this past weekend, and at the end of issue #4, they announced the "coming soon!" second volume of the Captain Atom series. Well, of course, this never happened.
What happened in 1992? Both the HYBRID series and the NIGHTWING series (with pencils by Art Thibert) never came to be then, despite the announcements and publicity in NEW TITANS.

Aside from the DC "Implosion" of 1978, what are other big eras where series were announced and never happened? I also remember art from Kein McGuire in 1992 showing his line-up from future issues of TEAM TITANS (many different characters), but he left the title with issue #3.

posted July 18, 2002 03:10 PM

There was supposed to be a Helix spin-off from Infinity Inc. that never happened.

Michael Bise
posted July 18, 2002 03:26 PM

Forgot about that one!
Of course, there's Joe Kubert's THE REDEEMER from 1983.

And the Early Nineties TITANS graphic Novel by Wolfan/Perez... And the Roy Thomas/Jerry Ordway SPECTRE graphic novel.

Thank God that trashy SHAZAM! series by Roy Thomas never came to be.... whoosh!

posted July 18, 2002 03:30 PM

the Titans novel called "GAMES" is what I really want to see in print !!!!
Vixen, the Deserter, Harlequin by Bob Rozakis, and few others never materialized, so much chagrin to DC Implosions.

posted July 18, 2002 03:32 PM

We were suppose to get many a spin-off mini or one-shot on various Suicide Squad members (or that's what they said in the last few letters pages of the John Ostrander run)...I know there was suppose to have been a Nightshade mini here and there before the Suicide Squad ended...

We also were promised specials of the Secret Origins (there is a John Ostrander/Tom Mandrake story sitting in an archive somewhere, I hope....as well as a few more Golden Age origins from Roy Thomas...)

Mark Millar was suppose to have given us a Secret Society of Super-Villains mini (believe it or not, PRESTIGE FORMAT, not so much on the SSOSV as we saw, but on villainy in the DCU in general...)

We were suppose to have gotten a 15th issue of Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. (the plot for 15 was put into 14, and we lost an adventure of the 2 Star-Spangled Kids because of it...)

Michael Bise
posted July 18, 2002 03:44 PM

Wonder if this stuff would have been cool, or crap (like ARMAGEDDON: THE ALIEN AGENDA)....

posted July 18, 2002 04:40 PM

Michael -
I have five or six issues of the Amazing Heroes Preview Specials - the amount of stuff that DC announced and never published in the late 80s and early 90s was kinda staggering, as well as series that went in radically different directions than planned.

For example - Neal Pozner's Aquaman 2 miniseries sounded GREAT, but never appeared, as did the female Flash series that was supposed to come out after Crisis - no superspeed, but light manipulation, like in the Tangent book.

When I get home tonight Ill post some more.

posted July 18, 2002 04:51 PM

No mention yet of the 'Blue and the Gold'/Blue Beetle/Booster Gold mniseries? That one's been promised forever (FKAJL notwithstanding...)
The Man Named Neverwhere, a Martian Manhunter backup series, a Strange Adventures revival, Demand Classics and Western Classics were also lost in the DC Implosion.


Michael Bise
posted July 18, 2002 05:04 PM

Do tell, Roy!!!

posted July 18, 2002 05:24 PM

In the mid-'80s, Wolfman and Perez were planning on creating a new Titans West spin-off, but it never came to be. At Donna Troy's wedding, Golden Eagle and Flamebird were shown suggesting a new Titans West and were trying to recruit old members.
Another Titans West revival(Titans "L.A.") was supposed to happen about a year or two ago, by Geoff Johns and Ben Raab. It was meant to be spun-off from the Beast Boy mini-series Johns had done, and the Secret Files story he and Raab did together. But since the regular Titans book wasn't selling enough, DC figured that the spin-off wouldn't do any better. I still think, though, that the Titans L.A. book would've done really well, and would probably outlive the ongoing Titans that we have now.

posted July 18, 2002 05:37 PM

Although not a DC series, Colleen Doran was suppossed to draw a second Fallen Angels mini-series circa 1989. She even illustrated the character bios for the 1989 update to the Handbook to the Marvel Universe.
As a teenager at the time, I really enjoyed the original 1987 mini (and the New Mutants) and was looking forward to the follow-up.

BTW, I remember the Amazing Heroes Preview Specials, too. The anticipation they created for me . . . The immediate gratification of the Internet has taken away some of the "fun" of comics.

posted July 18, 2002 05:50 PM

The mid-80s Titans West was actually aborted when Perez returned to the series in 1988. In 1988 ( circa Feb/March), Amazing Heroes interviewed Marv Wolfman and he provided details of the team. DC, which was still behind the Titans (unlike now), was basically pushing for the spin-off.

Marv's plan was to have Cyborg move to San Francisco (following his girlfriend, Dr. Sarah Charles) and lead the new team. Red Star and Chris King (from Dial H) were also slated to be members. Marv went as far as to lay the foundation for the book: Dr. Charles accepted a position at STAR in San Francisco and both Red Star (issues 48-49) and Chris King returned (issues 46-47).

Perez, however, was a fan of Cyborg and wanted him to remain a member of the East coast team. IIRC, this fact, coupled with the general desire to the get the main book "back on track," killed any plans for a Titans West.

Dave Cormier
posted July 18, 2002 06:45 PM

Greg Rucka was supposed to write a Question backup strip in Detective, but left the book. That sucks because the Question's one of my all time favorites and I'd love to see him in action again!
The Demon strip in Action Comics Weekly ended on a cliffhanger, and wasn't finished (a half assed explanation did appear in the beginning of his ongoing some years later).

DC talked about doing an onoing Parallax series at one point.

posted July 18, 2002 07:31 PM

From the 1986 Amazing Heroes Previw Special:
"A last minute entry into the Preview Special, The Flash is shrouded in mystery. Created by Len Wein and Marv WOlfman, who at ehis point are scheduled to co-write teh series, The Flash is reported to bear absolutely no similarities to the long time DC star who met his end in Crisis. Editor Alan Gold assured AH that this new character won't even be a super-speedster, but will instead by ablee to manipulate various forms of energy-light, sound, and so forth-ikn order to defeat his foes.

In his secret identity of MacKenzie Ryan, the Flash will be a technician at STAR Labs in Metropolis, working side-by-side withJeanette Klyburn. Says Gold, "MacKenzie is more than just friendly with Jeanette. Whether or not they're lovers is still open for debate at this point, but he's definately the only non-work interest in her life. Mac is also a single parent, with a daughter somewhere between the ages of eight and 12.
The only other thing I can say right now is that there will be a new, major DC villain in the first issue. He has no name as of yet, but his origin and the FLash's origin will be inextricably connected."
The article goes on to say that no artist was yet chosen, but Chuck Patton was a likely front runner.

Wanna hear more? Tell me and Ill type some more in this thread --- like the 86 Metal Men series, Aquamans 2nd mini, and more.

And two aborted series, the Redeemer and Zero Man were covered in the Obscure DC Characters Thread. Check it out.

PS It's Ray, not Roy, Michael sweetie.

Michael Bise
posted July 18, 2002 09:16 PM

Sorry, Ray!!!! As David Gray says, "Please forgive me..."
All that sounds interesting... give us more!!!!

posted July 18, 2002 09:36 PM

Len Wein's Green Lantern in 1986 was supposed to have spun off a new character, The Image. They even gave the poor fellow who was supposed to be The Image a nasty accident, which I guess was intended to give him his powers.
Ostrander's Suicide Squad ended with the promise of a miniseries, which never evolved.

posted July 18, 2002 10:53 PM


Originally posted by Dave Cormier:
Greg Rucka was supposed to write a Question backup strip in Detective, but left the book. That sucks because the Question's one of my all time favorites and I'd love to see him in action again!

Just because Rucka left Detective doesn't mean he won't be writing the Question backup. I believe it's still in the works.

posted July 19, 2002 12:20 PM

Here's a couple more interesting tidbits from the 1985 and 1986 Amazing Hereoes Previews:
1) The JLA, after #250, was supposed to include and and all heroes in the DCU, with Batman as the leader. Specific characters mentioned were Booster Gold and Blue Devil. Basically, the editors said that the recent lineup change (Remember JLDetroit?) didnt significantly effect sales in either direction. Also, the "A" in JLA was going to be minimalized. It seems this idea morphed into the restarted JL title, but without Vixen, Vibe, Gypsy, and Steel, who were still supposed to be the core team with The Martian Manhunter, Elongated Man, and Zatanna.

2) World's Finest was to become a team up book featuring different characters each issue. Instead, it got canceled outright.

Next up: the weirdness of Ambush Bug II (some of the ideas for this are REALLY weird), Aquaman II, and maybe a little somethin else

posted July 19, 2002 12:55 PM

The "Legionnaires" title was originally slated to retell the early days of the group within the existing continuity of the time, ie. inserting Valor and Laurel Gand into stories that had featured Superboy and Supergirl. There was even a entry in the Who's Who' loose leaf edition using this concept. Instead, we got the SW6 clone Legion, and the somewhat bizarre situation of the two Legions running around at the same time, until Zero Hour made the whole mess go away.

Dave Cormier
posted July 19, 2002 01:35 PM


Originally posted by bluedevil2002:
Just because Rucka left Detective doesn't mean he won't be writing the Question backup. I believe it's still in the works.

have a hard time believing that this will ever get done, but if it does I'll be on it like white on rice!

I'd also heard that Denny O'Neil was tinkering with a Question novel, anyone know anything about this?

And I really want to hear more about that second Ponzer Aquaman mini series! The first one is very underrated, and I really think DC should've stuck with that Aquaman costume!

posted July 19, 2002 01:44 PM

Another was the Len Wein/Ross Andru Pandora Pann ongoing series. It was supposed to start as a 16- page bonus book thing in an issue of Saga of the Swamp Thing with the ongoing series starting the next month. Swamp Thing was even solicited featuring it but the contents changed and the series never happened.
It was a Tomb Radier type series about a woman named Pandora Pann who accidentally found Pandora's Box and once again freed all the evils. Each issue would be her tracking them down.

Carbon Freeze
posted July 19, 2002 01:59 PM

Byrne was working on a new Captain Marvel/Shazam series for a long time before he gave it up and Jerry Ordway stepped in.

posted July 19, 2002 03:33 PM


Originally posted by Dave Cormier:
Greg Rucka was supposed to write a Question backup strip in Detective, but left the book. That sucks because the Question's one of my all time favorites and I'd love to see him in action again!

If memory serves, Rucka was originally going to write a Question/Huntress mini and in a recent interview said that DC was not interested; he suspected that they simply don't know what to do with the character because he's costume-less. That DC wouldn't be interested in any Rucka project is beyond me...

And as far as I've heard, the Question/Huntress storyline will still appear in the back of 'TEC. My fingers and a couple toes are crossed; BATMAN/HUNTRESS: CRY FOR BLOOD will long remain one of my all-time favorite reads (although I wasn't crazy about the conclusion).

posted July 19, 2002 06:44 PM

There's also the aborted Firestorm graphic novel, which was to be called "Corona". Art was to be by Pat Broderick.
And the Captain Atom graphic novel. Art was to be by Pat Broderick.

What is it with Pat and cancelled graphic novels about atomic-age heroes?

Michael Bise
posted July 19, 2002 07:50 PM

And, then of course, there's John Byrne's FREAKS...

posted July 19, 2002 10:18 PM

Keep the previews stuff coming guys. I'm totally diggin' this thread.
I hope one of these days DC publishes a compendium of stories that The Implosion tossed into the filing cabinets instead of into print.

Don't get me started. Maybe I'll bump an old thread of mine, if its still around here.

posted July 19, 2002 10:25 PM

There was suppose to be ongoing Dhamphire and Brother Power series as well as a Lobo mini involving a biker death race.

Koppy McFad
posted July 20, 2002 02:30 AM

DC was originally planning to re-launch several of the !mpact titles after "the Crucible" mini- series.
However someone up there changed his mind and they dropped !mpact completely, even before the license from Archie comics had lapsed.

posted July 20, 2002 02:42 AM

What about the much hyped
"Valda the Iron Maiden", with art by Todd Mcfarlane,

Or the Arak tradepaperbacks?

DC Double Comics with Superboy and Supergirl


posted July 20, 2002 03:19 AM

There was supposed to be a Jim Sherman drawn Adam Strange backup in Star hunters that was killed by the implosion. Anybody know if one of more of those got published in some other book?

posted July 20, 2002 04:03 AM

Roy Thomas was suppost to do a Shazam series in the late 80s, long before Jerry Ordway's. It even had a preview in Action Comics Weekly.

Koppy McFad
posted July 20, 2002 04:29 AM

One story of the Sherman-drawn Adam Strange later appeared in World's Finest when it became a dollar book.

Michael Bise
posted July 20, 2002 08:17 AM

I wonder if DC has any of these pages still?

posted July 20, 2002 03:34 PM


Originally posted by Michael Bise:
And, then of course, there's John Byrne's FREAKS...

Now THERE'S a good memory for ya! Did you know DC even wasted a B&W "poster" (roughly 24"x12") on these geeks in a "poster book" released post-CRISIS and HISTORY OF THE DCU? I can't recall what it was called and it wasn't actually a book because all pics were unbound, but I think it may have been called History of the DCU something-or-other and included a Sienkiewicz-drawn holder that was pretty much the only decent work in the entire project. IMO it was very disappointing; and I had so looked forward to it that I picked up TWO copies upon its release! Coulda done without both...

Anyway, great memory, Michael!

posted July 20, 2002 03:37 PM


Originally posted by Hack:
...and I had so looked forward to it that I picked up TWO copies upon its release! Coulda done without both...

And near 20 years later they're still taking up valuable space somewhere in my closet!

Michael Bise
posted July 20, 2002 05:48 PM


Originally posted by Hack:
Now THERE'S a good memory for ya! Did you know DC even wasted a B&W "poster" (roughly 24"x12") on these geeks in a "poster book" released post-CRISIS and HISTORY OF THE DCU? I can't recall what it was called and it wasn't actually a book because all pics were unbound, but I think it may have been called History of the DCU something-or-other and included a Sienkiewicz-drawn holder that was pretty much the only decent work in the entire project. IMO it was very disappointing; and I had so looked forward to it that I picked up TWO copies upon its release! Coulda done without both...
Anyway, great memory, Michael!

I recall it was in the HISTORY OF THE DCU deluxe edition (which I've never seen). It was mentioned in one of those DC text pages of the time as an "upcoming monthly from John Byrne!".

posted July 20, 2002 07:39 PM

1. Mike Grell was supposedly working on a prestige format mini called Swamp Angel.
2. When John Byrne was writing Wonder Woman there was a Wondergirl mini that was in the works.

3. Steve Englehart is said to have done a Mad Hatter mini series that never got published.

4. Steve Grant was working on a monthly called Salvo that was decribed as the Punisher meets Desi and Lucy. It never saw the light of day.

Michael Bise
posted July 20, 2002 07:48 PM

I even think they showed part of that Steven Grant thing in Wizard, right?

Michael Bise
posted July 20, 2002 09:51 PM

Remember the Lords of Chaos/Order battle that was mentioned in the WHO'S WHO 1988 Updates?????? Obviously a mega-crossover that never happened...

posted July 21, 2002 05:04 PM

I never saw Salvo in Wizard, but it's entirely possible.
There was also suppose to be a Space Ranger mini or ongoing by Micheal Freidman that never saw the light of day.

Triplicate Boy
posted July 21, 2002 11:23 PM

Can't believe no one mentioned the grand daddy of all aborted crossovers, the oft-mentioned CRISIS ON CAPTIVE EARTH.

posted July 22, 2002 02:41 AM


Originally posted by Hack:
Now THERE'S a good memory for ya! Did you know DC even wasted a B&W "poster" (roughly 24"x12") on these geeks in a "poster book" released post-CRISIS and HISTORY OF THE DCU? I can't recall what it was called and it wasn't actually a book because all pics were unbound, but I think it may have been called History of the DCU something-or-other and included a Sienkiewicz-drawn holder that was pretty much the only decent work in the entire project. IMO it was very disappointing; and I had so looked forward to it that I picked up TWO copies upon its release! Coulda done without both...
Anyway, great memory, Michael!

You're thinking of the HISTORY OF THE DC UNIVERSE PORTFOLIO, and oversized set of prints which sported the excellent Sienkiewicz cover (which was originally used on the hardcover's slipcase.)

At first I didn't remember what you were talking about, because I was remembering the wasted 'ad' print by Byrne was for an "Outsiders" revival (in name only.)

posted July 22, 2002 02:47 AM

Oh, and Michael;
regarding the Lords of Chaos & Order;

Wow, did they EVER drop the ball on that!

That story had been worked into SOOOOO many titles and characters for YEARS in the 1980s, building up to....absolutely nothing. Cuz it just fizzled out and was abandoned. Sheesh.

Among some of the many books it was running through;

off the top of my head!

posted July 22, 2002 05:05 AM

And here's a link to some info on untold Aquaman stories:


posted July 22, 2002 05:24 AM

In the early 90s, DC promised us a SPACE RANGER miniseries that I looked forward too.
And Ostrander's KALIBAN definitely sounded interesting.

How about the "Minutemen" spinoff from WATCHMEN? Was it ever slated, or was there just informal talk about it?


Michael Bise
posted July 22, 2002 05:29 AM

Yea, Spangles I was excited to read about that Lords of Chaos & Order thing back then, only to never see it materialize...

posted July 22, 2002 07:20 AM


Originally posted by Spangles:
You're thinking of the HISTORY OF THE DC UNIVERSE PORTFOLIO, and oversized set of prints which sported the excellent Sienkiewicz cover (which was originally used on the hardcover's slipcase.)

Yep--that's it!

boy from earth-2
posted July 22, 2002 04:59 PM

There was supposed to be a Vertigo Books of Faerie series, spinning off from Books of Magic and from the various mini-series. Someone posted about this on the Vertigo other topics board -- DC dragged its feet, the artist lost interest, etc...

posted July 22, 2002 05:57 PM

Anyone remember the LORDS OF THE ULTRAREALM maxi-series?
I know there was supposed to be a follow-up to it but I can't recall if it ever came out.

posted July 22, 2002 06:23 PM

I believe there was supposed to be a series called Magog or something based on the Kingdom miniseries.
The Ultramarines were introduced in a early JLA story (sort of an updated Global Guardians) I thought they had plans for. They never returned.

Wasn't there supposed to be a Sentinels of Magic series based on their magic characters? They show up once in awhile but otherwise nothing else.

What about the Blue Devil? They brought him back in Days of Judgement and killed the Enchantress. That was quickly undone in a JLA mini a year or so ago.

Sonic Disruptors was never finished.

Are they ever planning on doing ANYTHING with their Planetary characters they introduced in their annuals a couple of years ago. The only one I've seen since was that chick in the JSA annual.

I don't know the story but wasn't their supposed to be a Sword of the Atom series? I know they did a couple specials and mini's but thats about it.

Zauriel had a mini but he never got an actual series.

If the LAW and last Hawk & Dove mini weren't so bad I'm sure they would do sometthing with them.

I'm sure there's tons more that you guys know about.

posted July 22, 2002 06:43 PM

Anyone remember the LORDS OF THE ULTRAREALM maxi-series?
I know there was supposed to be a follow-up to it but I can't recall if it ever came out.
IIRC, the was a LORDS one-shot special published in 1987/88. I remember picking-up the first issue of the mini. It reminded me of a testosterone version of Amethyst (a great character who's been missing too long!).

posted July 22, 2002 07:08 PM

I don't remember if I purchased that or not, I was stationed in Italy at the time so I might have missed it in my orders.
I really liked the maxi-series, I thought it was pretty different for those times.

posted July 22, 2002 07:10 PM

Before Blue Devil was cancelled, there were plans to take him into a more mystical direction - kind of a non-adult version of Swamp Thing.
Crisis on Captive Earth was the early working title for Legends. Apparently they were going to keep the summer crossovers titled with "Crisis" in the title. (there was a thread about that a while back, actually, where we all named the subsequent crossover with Crisis in the title...)

Tomorrow, for Michael Bise......the Wonder Woman that wasn't, OR, what would've happened if we hadn't seen Diana shanghaied into space, working at Taco Whiz, and had Mike Deodato draw her....

posted July 22, 2002 07:14 PM

And back to Michael's original post, Kevin Maguire's Team Titans morphed into Strikeback! the independent greator owned series he put out through Bravura and Image. I have an article in which in talks about the Team Titans comic, and he mentioned ALL of the characters that eventually appeared in Strikeback!

Michael Bise
posted July 22, 2002 07:49 PM

Yeah, CRISIS OF THE SOUL was gonna be Wolfman's follow-up to CRISIS, I think I remember.

posted July 23, 2002 12:06 AM

I -LOVED- Nancy Collins' DHAMPIRE prestige one-shot. That was back in my whole Interview With The Vampire/Lestat/Queen of the Damned phase.
Anybody have any info on why the vertigo series never came about???

posted July 23, 2002 01:02 AM

Nobody's mentioned it yet, but Kieth Giffen was going to do a CREEPER series (can't remember off the top of my head if it was going to be a mini or an ongoing) right around the time Jack Ryder started showing up in the JLI books.

posted July 23, 2002 01:26 AM

After the Byrne reboot, circa 1987, Superman was supposed to get a 3-D graphic novel one shot introducing a new villain called TANTRUM.
Firestorm was supposed to have gotten his own graphic novel.

A Superman Annual or Special had the ads for it but never came out, sometime between 1987 and 1991. Something about an old girlfriend of Clark's during his travels?

Michael Bise
posted July 23, 2002 07:08 AM

Oh, that was 1990, and it was by Chris Claremont & Michael Golden for ACTION COMICS! Ads for it and evrything,and never released. That same year the Walt Simonson Annual was solicited, but canceled, although it eventually got released as a Special in 1992.
Wonder what happened to the Claremont book...

posted July 23, 2002 08:41 AM


Originally posted by Hack:
Now THERE'S a good memory for ya! Did you know DC even wasted a B&W "poster" (roughly 24"x12") on these geeks in a "poster book" released post-CRISIS and HISTORY OF THE DCU? I can't recall what it was called and it wasn't actually a book because all pics were unbound, but I think it may have been called History of the DCU something-or-other and included a Sienkiewicz-drawn holder that was pretty much the only decent work in the entire project. IMO it was very disappointing; and I had so looked forward to it that I picked up TWO copies upon its release! Coulda done without both...
Anyway, great memory, Michael!

That comment about "the only decent artwork" had me scartching my head wondering if I had bought another portfolio....maybe the Bizarro Universe version. So I went a diggin'!

The HISTORY Portfolio includes such horrible art as;

George Perez' Wonder Woman
Jose' Luis Garcia Lopez' Jonah Hex
Dick Giordano's Batman
Curt Swan & Jery Ordway's Superman
Steve Lightle's Legion of Super Heroes
Joe Kubert's Sgt. Rock
Bissette & Totleben's Swamp Thing
Brian Bolland's "Arthurian era" (Demon, Viking Prince, Silent Knight, Shining Knight)

annnnnnnddd, two that stuck out like a sore thumb.

A truly horrible Keith Giffen Dr. Fate. (Yes, he's a visionary. Yes, he's a master artist. Yes, his style is unique. Yes, he is a chameleon. And in the late 1980s, he did some downright bad art; Dr. Fate mini, Legion circa # 306-314...his 'globule' period.)

John Byrne's FREAKS. In the midst of the great characters done (mostly) by artists most identified with them in their long and lush DC careers, we have this piece. A business man, a derelict, a super-vamp, a Jimi Hendrix rip-off and a pale skinny chick, the 'future' of DC, a series that would never see print. Nice touch.

Simonson wasn't available to do a Metal Men and Manhunter pic?

Anywho, this sorta also ties in with the earlier bit about the Lords of Chaos and Order;


I can't believe I forgot how integral that whole bit was! He was sort of "Ground Zero" for all of the other stuff going on, both in his Giffen illustrated 4 issue mini and in the ongoing when it came out.

Ancient John
posted July 23, 2002 11:14 AM

All well and good, but isn't it better that most of these series never saw print? It they would have, they would probably have been cancelled within a year. There is nothing I hate more than reading a great build-up for nine issues, to have the whole thing cleared up in a ridicullous way that ruines the nine preceeding issues. All this inside the space of 22 pages because of lagging sales....

posted July 23, 2002 11:57 AM

I was always under the impression that Keith Giffen's Creeper mini-series morphed into The Heckler. I didn't read The Heckler, but the two characters seemed similar.

posted July 23, 2002 01:26 PM

Mikishawm beat me to the punch on Aquaman, so here's some of William Messner-Loebs unused Wonder Woman ideas (this is for you, Mr. Bise):
1) Diana was to get involved coaching Vanessa's softball team, leading to a murder-mystery involving the ghost of a Negro League baseball player

2) Diana would be involved with the Meals on Wheels program, which DC actively participated (do they still?) in. The story would follow her route and the effect she had on normal everyday people.

3) Diana would eat a hot dog for the first time. Apparently this was a big deal - he goes into several paragraphs on how people assume that Diana is a vegetarian, but she's not, and out concept of meat and how it's cooked would be different from hers, etc etc etc. This was briefly touched on at one point, but he made a HUGE deal of it in the interview/article.

4) The Viking Commando would be showing up. No big details were given, but Mr M-L apparently liked the idea of throwing in someone with a totally different mythological background into the Greek mythology of Diana's world.

5) Several supporting characters from the Flash were supposed to show up - including Mason Tollbridge, or whatever his last name is.

6) Etta and Steve's wedding. Diana was to be a bride's maid/Maid of Honor - this would be her first exposure to the Western/Christian wedding ritual, and she would reflect on the similarities and differences in similar rituals she had witnesses or heard about on Themyscira.

But, it all got dumped in favor of space, Taco Whiz, and Artemis. Of course, looking at it now, it seems most of the stories were introspecitve pieces with little action (not counting the Viking Commando story, of course) so I can see why they weren't used -however, they would have made some nice stories, perhaps between multi-part epics, or in an annual or something.

NEXT UP: Ambush Bug opens a restaurant...

Michael Bise
posted July 23, 2002 03:30 PM

Thanks, Ray.
I no longer make comments about Mr. Loebs' work on WONDER WOMAN (which I wasn't fond of) after hearing about his recent personal misfortune, but those little bits don't sound too enthralling to me.

I did, however, go out and buy TPBs of all of his WONDER WOMAN work (even though I have all of the issues), in hopes that some of the royalties make it to him & his wife.

The Time Trust
posted July 23, 2002 07:52 PM


Supposedly posted by matlock:
The "Legionnaires" title was originally slated to retell the early days of the group within the existing continuity of the time, ie. inserting Valor and Laurel Gand into stories that had featured Superboy and Supergirl. There was even a entry in the Who's Who' loose leaf edition using this concept. Instead, we got the SW6 clone Legion, and the somewhat bizarre situation of the two Legions running around at the same time, until Zero Hour made the whole mess go away.

See, now THAT would have been cool (the retelling of the early days thing, not the SW6 clone thing -- *BARF*). Why didn't they give us that instead?!?

And why did they have to blow up the Moon and then the Earth?!? You KNEW the series would have to be cancelled soon afterwards after seeing that, didn't you?

posted July 23, 2002 08:07 PM

I read an interview with Nancy Collins where she said she was all set to do a Dhamphie ongoing series when it got axed. She said there were a whole slew of Vertigo projects that got slashed/ imploded because of some cut backs and Dhamphire was one of them.

posted July 24, 2002 12:02 AM

the latest issue of Alter Ego has a run down of some Shazam/Captain Marvel series' stuff that never came to be.
A couple of pages on Roy Thomas' that tries to the set the record straight. A page is also devoted to another Captain Marvel series I had never heard of from Michael Eury (I don't know him) It looks like it might have been pretty good though.

Alter Ego #16 at your comic shop now.

Pretty cool Alex Ross Mary Marvel cover to boot!

Mikel Midnight
posted July 27, 2002 12:42 PM

Anyway we can see a scan of Brian Bolland's "Arthurian era" (Demon, Viking Prince, Silent Knight, Shining Knight) piece?

posted July 28, 2002 10:13 PM

Just a quick piece tonight (stop that juvenile snickering, Mr. Bise ) -
When the Superman books were rebooted, Braniac was originally supposed to look like his pre-Crisis counterpart from the beginning. "Visually, he'll be the same, but conceptually he'll be different. He'll be linked to Superman. He will have Superman's knowledge and be part of his mind. This direct psychic link between teh two of them will turn Braniac into a far more qualifying nightmare for SUperman," said Marv Wolfman in the 1987 Amazing Heroes Preview.

Instead, we got Milton Fine, the mentalist, and a far more convoluted Brainiac history.

posted July 29, 2002 12:02 AM


Originally posted by N3:
I read an interview with Nancy Collins where she said she was all set to do a Dhamphire ongoing series when it got axed. She said there were a whole slew of Vertigo projects that got slashed/ imploded because of some cut backs and Dhamphire was one of them.

Well THAT sucks monkey butt! DHAMPHIRE was a *great* one-shot, and this is coming from someone who was NOT a fan of Vertigo stuff. I only bought the 1-shot because it was vampire-related and the cover was wicked cool. I was sure glad I DID buy it and I remember being all excited about the ongoing. *sigh*

And I'm still waiting to find out more about AMBUSH BUG and his restaurant!

Morgan the Raider
posted July 29, 2002 10:14 AM

There was supposed to be a Firestorm graphic novel in the mid 80's, which to the best of my knowledge never saw print anywhere else.

posted July 29, 2002 08:18 PM

From the Amazing Heroes Preview Special 1986:
"How to succedd in business without really trying: early in his new mini-sereies, teh Bug establishes his first big time secret headquarters - a restaurant. 'He does everything he can to make his new headquarters a secret, 'says Robert Loren Fleming, ' and the fact that it's a restaurant is only a cover to throw off villains. It's out on the docks, in a real seedy area of the harbor where there are muggers and cutthroats and killers everywhere, because he does not want it to go. He even names it 'Hamster Haven," and that's all he serves -hamsters on a stick, hamster au gratin, bacn chessehamster, hamssters flambee, and so on - all purposely so there will be no clientele, because he wants a secret headquarters.
So naturally, the hamters catch on as the biggest craze since sushi, and peoplle are lined up around the block. They're being mugged and murdered, they don't care - they're still coming.
Of course, this is going to cause all kinds of problems for him, because he has to decide whether to franchise or not. Corporations are trying to buy him out. He even has to start hiring help, though Cheeks will be taking the phone reservations.'"
Later in the article, Bob goes on to tell us that "there's always the upcoming battle with Banal, who is what Fleming describes as a 'triviakiller. He talks. A lot. About nothing. He's so boring that, depending on what subject he picks, he can put you to sleep, knock you down, kill you, whatever - mostly people throw money and jewels at him just to get rid of him."
'We also have the Legion of Substitute Hereoes now.' says Fleming. 'Paul Levitz said essentially 'take em and go away from me.' What we've got in mind right now is for a bunch of them to take on the Uh-Oh Squad. We want to do one of those old JLA-JSA type covers showing the Uh-Oh Squad and the Legion running full-tilt at one another, with AMbush Bug in the middle with maybe a whistle.'"

posted July 29, 2002 08:25 PM

And, oh yeah, if it's not apparent, the above was supposed to have been the "Son of Ambush Bug" mini series

posted July 30, 2002 12:35 AM

Though I loved the SON OF AMBUSH BUG that *did* see print, I think Flem's script is the perfect vehicle to bring back AMBUSH BUG!!!

posted July 30, 2002 07:54 PM

I LOVED Ambush Bug as well, but the "Son of" series really blew. It seemed like every bit of enthusiasm the creators had for the characters just went out the door.....

posted August 01, 2002 02:38 AM

The latest Wizard actually has an article that fits this thread. It focuses on things like Swamp Thing meets Jesus and the 1940 Superman story in which Lois learns the truth and even includes ( unfortunately small) pix of a couple pages of that story (seems the entire thing still exists and was discovered by Mark Waid).
It also mentions Geoff Johns proposal for Firestorm, Moore's Twilight of the Super-Heroes, Shooter's Korvac Saga 2, the original JLA/Avengers crossover, foiled plans for the Authority and a Preacher follow up.

posted August 01, 2002 01:11 PM

In 1971, DC toyed with the idea of launching a line of glossy magazines. Among them were three Kibry titles "In the Days of the Mob," "True Divorce Cases" and a romance comic aimed at black readers. Only one issue of "Mob" was published. For more information on the book, check out: http ://twomorrows.com/kirby/articles/16mob.html
Also under consideration was a magazine-format "House of Mystery" and a pulp-style "Batman."
And speaking of Kirby, he once worked on a "Prisoner" comic for Marvel after Steve Englehart and Gil Kane were bounced from the project. See: http://twomorrows.com/kirby/articles/11prisoner.html
Oh, and while we're working the other side of the tracks, does anyone remember Englehart's three attempts to launch a Silver Surfer comic? Supposedly Stan Lee nixed the first one (back in the days when Englehart was penning "The Avengers"). The second try got as far as a completed first issue with art by John Buscema (which finally saw print in an issue of "Marvel Fanfare"). His third try actually succeeded.
And finally, there is Roy Thomas. Does anyone else remember when he announced a "Thor" spinoff? I think it was supposed to be set in the American west before the arrival of Europeans.

posted August 01, 2002 03:10 PM

I can't believe no one has mentioned the many-times promised Huntress mini-series- virtually every letter column in Wonder Woman would have an 'update' from editor Alan Gold about the status. . . even information about who would be writing and drawing it and what the general plot was. Then a month later she was killed by a wall in Crisis #12. But for years, that mini-series was promised.

Michael Bise
posted August 01, 2002 03:21 PM


Originally posted by bwboy:
I can't believe no one has mentioned the many-times promised Huntress mini-series- virtually every letter column in Wonder Woman would have an 'update' from editor Alan Gold about the status. . . even information about who would be writing and drawing it and what the general plot was. Then a month later she was killed by a wall in Crisis #12. But for years, that mini-series was promised .

OH, I remember that well!!!

Rusty Shackleford
posted August 01, 2002 03:31 PM

New Warriors II.
No, I don't mean the Jay Faerber version. There was supposed to be a spin off NW series to run with the original one featuring the characters who popped up in the Time and Time Again story. Didn't happen because sales for NW dropped suddenly. That was a spin-off crazy time for comics anyhow.


Originally posted by MLLASH:
Well THAT sucks monkey butt! DHAMPHIRE was a *great* one-shot, and this is coming from someone who was NOT a fan of Vertigo stuff. I only bought the 1-shot because it was vampire-related and the cover was wicked cool. I was sure glad I DID buy it and I remember being all excited about the ongoing. *sigh*

Agreed, Lash. I picked up Dhampire at a con a few years ago, just on a whim. Was going through the stack when the cover caught my girlfriend's eye. First comic I was able to get her to read.

posted August 01, 2002 03:43 PM

I remember in the first issue of the Huntress ongoing series, the lettercolumn mentioned some of the ideas for the Pre-Crisis Huntress Miniseries, including Helena Wayne getting kidnapped by gypsies.

posted August 01, 2002 04:19 PM

There was the proposed Crisis Nine by Warren Ellis which would have been a JLA/Authority crossover. DC sat on it too long & Ellis moved on to other things. He eventually posted the shortened proposal to his e-mail subscribers. It's a shame this story will never see print (especially the way he described it).
He also proposed a Major DC crossover in which the timeline gets split & all the heroes are propelled into a utopian timeline in which they have secured world freedom & peace. They then discover the "true" timeline which is a living hell due to the loss of its heroes. The DC heroes travel back in time to set things right, even knowing that they will have to give up their utopia. Ellis finally decided it wasn't worth the effort to do.

posted August 02, 2002 07:00 PM

This thread has sent me digging in the darkest recesses of long closed up closets in search of my long lost collection of Amazing Heroes. I'm still looking, but in the meantime, I've unearthed an old issue of "Young All-Stars" with a tidbit on the letter page that fits here.
In an answer to a letter, Roy Thomas confirmed that there was supposed to be an on-going, monthly follow up to his "Shazam: The New Beginning" and the four-parter in "Action Comics Weekly." He said the first issue was in the process of being drawn by a "surprise" artist.
Ok, "Alter Ego" readers: Who was the artist? How much, if any, of the art was actually completed?
And now, the search continues....

posted August 04, 2002 12:45 AM

Hmmm. No takers on Roy the Boy's Shazam? Maybe Walt, Lon or Marvelozzo over at the Cap boards will know.
Any way, I found my AH collection. Man, what a great magazine. And so full of great (and probably not so great) stuff that never came to be.
Case in point: Issue 34, featuring a long cover story on one of the great lost comics projects — Joe Kubert's "Redeemer."
Peter Sanderson's article detailed the series' overall plot about a man destined to be reborn time and time again to, unknowingly, battle the schemes of "the Infernal One." It also details Kubert's career and his ideas about the future of comics (he foresaw more diversity and an increasing adult audience). It is accompanied by some great Kubert art from the first issue.
It was mentioned that "Redeemer" did not occur in the DC "multiuniverse" and Kubert made some interesting comments about mixing "realistic" characters such as Sgt. Rock with the likes of Batman. I suspect he is NOT a fan of the current "Suicide Squad."
(Off the topic for a moment: Sanderson lists other non-multiverse titles such as "Ronin." "Camelot 3000," "Arak" and "The Warlord." Now, we know "Warlord" is part of the post-Crisis DCU. Was "Arak" ever officially made part of it?)
Many months later, in the 1995 Preview issue, it was announced that the series had been cut from 12 issues to six and that it would be published as soon as Kubert had it completed.
So, what the heck happened?

posted August 04, 2002 05:52 AM

Arak was made/maintained part of the 'regular' DC Universe, in roundabout fashion.
Windwalker (forget what his full name was) from Helix (that fought Infinity, Inc) was revealed to be a descendant of Arak's.

Of course there was the Valda appearance in A.S.S., but that was during Crisis, so it coulda been retconned out as 'alternative.' Don't have the issue handy to see if the historical figures were coming to WWII time after the merged Earths or not.

posted August 06, 2002 06:26 PM

From "Amazing Heroes" 39 (the 1984 Preview issue):
"Tentatively planned for 1984 is a 'DC Comics Presents Annual" featuring the Teen Titans, written and drawn by regular Titans creative team of Marv Wolfman, George Perez and Romeo Tanghal." Did Wolfman rework this story into the Titans annual that featured the first and only appearance of the Vangaurd?
"Metal Men" (four-issue mini-series)
"The Metal Men, DC's robotic heroes, will be returning in a mini-series in 1984, says their creator Robert Kanigher.
"The mini-series will actually be what Kanigher refers to as 'Metal Men — The Movie' and will involve a dual storyline in which the Metal Men try to attend the premiere of their own movie (the storyline of which will form part of the comic), but aren't allowed in.
"The series will be illustrated by Irv Novick and Kanigher will more or less ignore all the writers who have worked with the characters in the last decade, in favor of returning to his own interpretation."

posted August 08, 2002 12:26 AM

When The Daring New Adventures of Supergirl (commonly known as NONE OF TEH ABOVE) was cancelled, a series featuring the adventures of Supergirl and Superboy (in separate adventures, of course - this IS pre-Crisis) was promised (along the lines of teh classic Strange Tales, co-featuring two distince features).
However, we WERE left with several cliffhangers in the Supergirl series - like:


Seriously -- she's freaking Supergirl. Her boyfriends is hiding a scret from her. Yet, she breaks up with him instead of trying to find out what the problem was....he could be debt to the mob, or Intergang, or whatever....and she never investigated... She just dumped him.

In the last issue of her series, Dick Malverne returned.....never to be referred to again. What up with that?

And did the pre-Crisis Kara ever get to meet with Power Girl, as promised? Nope.....or she did, but only in the Editor's mind....(or in Fanfic)......

posted August 08, 2002 01:55 AM


Originally posted by Xanadude:
Before Blue Devil was cancelled, there were plans to take him into a more mystical direction - kind of a non-adult version of Swamp Thing.

I'll confirm this one. Issue #31 of BLUE DEVIL was *supposed to be the start of a whole new direction for the title. It was to have been still FUNNY, but a little darker. The major villian of the piece was Lord Opal from Mishkin and Cohn's "Amethyst" title, tying it in with the big Order/ Chaos War, evidently. The new artist? Well, he went on to pencil "The Question" instead...

And somewhere there is an issue's worth of art just collecting in Barb Kesel's basement...

(heavy sigh.)

Dr. Midnight 32
posted August 08, 2002 06:55 AM

Sometimes I think I'm the keeper of the never made stories I'm about to list. Everytime there's a thread about stories like these, what I'm about to write are rarely mentioned by other fans. I'd like to think that each fan holds their knowledge of these untold tales so that they can be passed down to the new fans. They're the fanboy equivalent of verbal history.
- The unmade Wildcat/Captain Marvel team-up mini that had a one page preview in the DCU Heroes Secret Files and Origins. IIRC, it was to be written by Beau Smith, but I forget the artist at this time.

- When Resurrection Man was cancelled, there was a lot of talk about a RM/Forgotten Heroes mini that never materialized. And Mitch has been absent from the DCU ever since.

- In the back of Superman: The Complete History, there's a preview page of an unfinished graphic novel that was to be released soon after.

- Joe Casey in an old Wizard interview talked about his proposed Secret Society of Super Villains pitch to DC. It was going to portray a group of villains in the Elmore Leonard style.

- There's a thread over in the JSA board about what Len Wein would have done if the 90s JSA series had continued. Highlights: Jesse Quick and Kiku would have joined the JSA and the older members would have been phased out over time for the new heroes.

- DC's Tangent line was supposed to have had a summer crossover with the DCU if the event had been popular enough.

- Resurrection Man was supposed to have appeared occasionally in the current JSA series much like The Phantom Stranger did in the old JLofA book, but Goyer and Johns decided against it.

- The first arc of the new JSA series was to have linked Wesley Dodd's death to the Manhunter clones, but that was nixed.

- Originally, Hawkman's return was to have been a central point of a JLA/JSA crossover.

- Obscure Golden Age hero The King was to appear in the second year of JSA, as was Dr. Occult.

- In JSA, Goyer had some unnamed plans for Liberty Belle, but they were obviously never done.

- Also in JSA, there was supposed to be a current day story featuring the Ma Hunkle Red Tornado in a murder mystery in a nursing home before she was killed off-panel in Young Justice.

Here's a few bits I've heard mentioned, but didn't trust the sources too much.

- Frank Miller doing a Year Two Batman story with the intro of his version of Robin, whatever that meant.

- The Wildcat story in the 90s Showcase that was condensed into the only chapter that appeared.

- A JLA/Titans graphic novel by Perez that never showed up.

- A proposed Question mini that was nixed after The Question Returns one-shot didn't do too well.

posted August 08, 2002 07:22 AM


Originally posted by Xanadude:
When The Daring New Adventures of Supergirl (commonly known as NONE OF TEH ABOVE) was cancelled, a series featuring the adventures of Supergirl and Superboy (in separate adventures, of course - this IS pre-Crisis) was promised (along the lines of teh classic Strange Tales, co-featuring two distince features).
However, we WERE left with several cliffhangers in the Supergirl series - like:


Seriously -- she's freaking Supergirl. Her boyfriends is hiding a scret from her. Yet, she breaks up with him instead of trying to find out what the problem was....he could be debt to the mob, or Intergang, or whatever....and she never investigated... She just dumped him.

In the last issue of her series, Dick Malverne returned.....never to be referred to again. What up with that?

And did the pre-Crisis Kara ever get to meet with Power Girl, as promised? Nope.....or she did, but only in the Editor's mind....(or in Fanfic)......

Dude, I had posted something very similar to your post over at the Other DC Universe Topics- I, too, have always been curious about these questions. Does anyone know if Paul Kupperburg reads this message board? As the writer of that Supergirl series, he'd be the one with the answers!

posted August 08, 2002 11:17 AM


Originally posted by Dr. Midnight 32:
- The unmade Wildcat/Captain Marvel team-up mini that had a one page preview in the DCU Heroes Secret Files and Origins. IIRC, it was to be written by Beau Smith, but I forget the artist at this time.
- In the back of Superman: The Complete History, there's a preview page of an unfinished graphic novel that was to be released soon after.

I don't remember the Wildcat/Cap story. Sounds like I need to dig out that copy of Secret Files.
I do remember, however, that page from the Superman graphic novel. I believe it was supposed to focus on the early stages of Clark's romance with Lois and was to feature art by Barry Windsor- Smith! I wonder if we'll ever see it.

posted August 08, 2002 02:38 PM

I knew someone else read the MEANWHILE.. soon after Crisis was pbulished... I am not crazy!! Well maybe a touch

I wish I knew on these follow-ups to the Crisis. I remember CRISIS ON CAPTIVE EARTh was retooled to make LEGENDS, but what of the CRISIS OF THE SOUL? Any info on either of these minis?

I remember waiting and waiting for them to be released when i was a kid...

The Mirrorball Man
posted August 08, 2002 03:36 PM

And what about Transmetropolitan's spinoffs, Transoceanic and Transcontinental? Ellis mentioned them once or twice and has apparently abandoned these projects.

posted August 08, 2002 05:39 PM

...another late 80s/early 90s "announced" project that never 'happened' was a reunion of Len Wein and Berni Wrightson on SWAMP THING, a two-book prestige format series(allegedly) called SWAMP THING: DEJA VU.
I saw Bernie at San Diego Comic Con and asked him about it, and he said he and Len never quite got together on things.

Wonder why one of the DC editors or publishers started hawkin' this on a text page, then?

Dr. Midnight 32
posted August 11, 2002 06:09 AM

Just thought I'd bump this and re-ask about Crisis of the Soul and for other folks to talk about the untold tales they know of.

posted August 11, 2002 09:33 AM


Originally posted by erdmann:
From "Amazing Heroes" 39 (the 1984 Preview issue):
"The mini-series will actually be what Kanigher refers to as 'Metal Men — The Movie' and will involve a dual storyline in which the Metal Men try to attend the premiere of their own movie (the storyline of which will form part of the comic), but aren't allowed in.
"The series will be illustrated by Irv Novick and Kanigher will more or less ignore all the writers who have worked with the characters in the last decade, in favor of returning to his own interpretation."


THIS they reject, but we got that lump-a-coal mini-series that screwed them up entirely!??!

posted August 12, 2002 10:42 PM

Read this weeks' Lying in the Gutters column at comicbookresources.com for some interesting DC titles that never happened - apparently before going to form Image, the Tragic 7 went to DC with proposals for several of their books - and Rob's take on Teen Titans ultimately became Youngblood - check out the early Youngblood and you'll see direct analogues to the then-current Titans. This is kinda ironic because, as we know, when Alan Moore took over Youngblood, he based it on (tuh-duh) Marv and George's Titans, with several direct analogues to the Titans of that time.

Food Eater Lad
posted August 13, 2002 02:44 AM

In Fantastic Four, didnt they hint at A GAlactus Returns story? One that shows the universe needs him, and now that he is dead, we are all in great peril?

posted August 13, 2002 08:49 AM

I think Jerry Ordway had planned a Huntress mini (pre-Crisis), that was to guest Nightshade? (But, that got nixed as Huntress didn't survive Crisis...and, if memory serves, Jerry found out by getting the pages to ink, or was called by George when he got the pages to pencil...)

Or what of the weekly comics we were to get after Crisis, with Peacemaker (by Giffen), Captain Atom (pre-all silver look?)...

Not to mention some Secret Origins (Judomaster springs to mind...)

posted August 13, 2002 10:27 AM

For a little more on the Ordway Huntress mini, check out this JSA thread (which was inspired by this one): http://dcboards.warnerbros.com/files/Forum18/HTML/009665.html
I forget which (Nighshade, perhaps?), but I seem to remember one of the Charlton strips was to be drawn by Paul Chadwick.

posted August 13, 2002 10:56 PM

Secret Origins was supposed to feature, in one of it's first three "modern age" stories (the issues alternated between golden age and modern age origins before going to a larger format that features both)Jericho was supposed to be featured right after Firestorm. It never appeared.
Amethyst was supposed to go down a much darker path under Giffen...instead it got cancelled.... until Keith brought her back in Fate. And, although I like some of Keith's ideas, darkening Amethyst was NOT a good idea.

posted August 14, 2002 03:23 PM

Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew actually started as SuperSquirrel and the Justa Lotta Animals, but, because the characters would not be able to marketed or shopped to Saturday animation (since they were, in essence, spin-off or subsidiary characters of Superman, etc), they were scrapped and the Zoo Crew was created.
Originally, the Zoo Crew were to be called either the Critter Commandos (until someone pointed out that DC was currently publishing the Creature Commandos) or Critters, Incorporated (years before Roy's Infinity, Inc. -- he does like to recycle ideas, doesn't he?).

Also the Crew would not have PigIron in it (he was slated to be a villain), but have two other members: Big Cheese, the Enor-Mouse, and Whirli-Bird.

Big Cheese eventually became Little Cheese and joined in the last few issues, while Whirli-Bird never appeared at all.

posted August 15, 2002 12:46 AM


posted August 15, 2002 04:57 AM

How about The Kingdom, the ongoing series by Mark Waid and Gene Ha? It sounded so promising but it just faded away. I think the 5th week event took its place, or were they both supposed to be published?
I remember talk of Steve Englehart returning to Batman in the mid 80's. IIRC, he and Denny O'Neil didn't agree over the direction and so it never got off the ground.

Back to the early 80's now. There was a proposed crossover between Brave & Bold, DC Comics Presents and World's Finest, all featuring the Titans. I think it was all going to be by Wolfman and Perez and it was going to introduce a new, female Wildcat (which has been discussed on another thread, but I can't remember where, sorry). It was abandoned because TPTB didn't want to overexpose the Titans. Ah, what scruples they had back then.

This from Jones & Jacob's The Comic Book Heroes. After the Fouth World titles got canned, Jack Kirby was interested in Captain Marvel. I think DC had the rights then, but had not done anything with him yet. Jack just wanted to edit it, but wouldn't an all Kirby Shazam have been pretty cool?

Not strictly a comic series, but an old Meanwhile column mentioned Terry Gilliam doing a film version of Watchmen. A dubious prospect perhaps. But if anyone has seen Brazil, Gilliam does skewed realities pretty well. It would have at least looked good.

posted August 15, 2002 05:06 AM

Everyone knows the story of how Nightcrawler was slated for Legionairres, I think.
I understand that the pages to the originally planned JLA v Avengers, drawn by Perez, are now owned by Rob Liefeld. Anyone know the plot?

posted August 15, 2002 10:36 AM

I read the 'Blasters Special' few days ago. It was a spin off oneshot from the Invasion! crossover.
In the editorial column they mentioned the release of a DCU Guide to extraterristals.

Am I right in thinking this never came out?

posted August 15, 2002 11:52 AM


Only one issue of "Mob" was published. For more information on the book, check out: http://twomorrows.com/kirby/articles/16mob.html

I was just going through (organizing the mess that is) my old comics and found that I have this magazine. My brother must've bought it before I started collecting. Very cool

posted August 15, 2002 12:16 PM

Remember when DC put a few pages of the Who's Who in the backs of Annuals?

We were suppose to get a Checkmate! annual ALL Who's Who pages (And, as hard as it was to figure these folks out sometimes, THAT would have been GREAT!)

posted August 15, 2002 07:13 PM

I remember reading in the Amazing World of DC Comics #14 (I believe it was in there) that Steve Englehart was supposed to write a full lengthed 80 page story featuring every member of the Batman Family. Since this was announced in 1977, I would believe that the story would have featured Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Man-Bat, Batwoman, Bat-Girl, the earth-2 Batman, Robin and possibly the Huntress. Those were the active members of the Batman Family in 1977.
Remeber FiveStar Super Hero Spectacular, the one shot that came out in 1977? I remember reading that a follow up was supposed to happen but never did. I also remember reading somewhere that there was supposed to be a new Dollar comic back then called "DC Super Hero SPectacular" (something along those lines) that was supposed to have been an anthology book. It never happened though.

Remember when Jim Starlin wrote Batman and Jason TOdd was killed. I read an interview with him and he said that he had started to write a Two-Face story that was supposed to be very grisly but since he got fired from Batman it was never completed.

Ever wonder how many stories are sitting in the file cabinets in DC's (or Marvel's) offices that are very good but have not been drawn or fully written. When the Thing/SheHulk one shot came out a few months ago I thought "This was a nice story." It was nothing award winning but a nice entertaining tale. How many other stories like that are sitting around waiting to be published.

posted August 15, 2002 11:25 PM

Boy, if that isn't a topic to think about...how many stories there are in the vaults that never got finished for one reason or another. In fact, let me add a few more for y'all to contend with.
1.) In a recent issue of his ALTER EGO magazine, Roy Thomas discusses his find (and subsequent purchase) of a Golden Age Wonder Woman story featuring WW's first battle with a villain called Nuclear, who later made what would have been his second appearance in WONDER WOMAN (1st series) # 42. In fact, that story is even called "Nuclear Returns!" and alludes to the earlier story that was never actually published! (And for the record, Roy used Nuclear himself in a two-part ALL STAR SQUADRON years later.)

2.) Back when Will Payton was the reigning STARMAN, a 46th issue of his title was solicited but never came out. Presumably, this could still be published at some time, since it must have been near completion or it couldn't have been solicited.

3.) A late 1977 issue of THE COMIC READER reported that Len Wein, who was writing the BATMAN book at the time, had stories in the works that would have featured the Terrible Trio and Tweedledum and Tweedledee. Neither story ever saw the light of day. Wein himself told me later at a con that he still has the plots in his files for them both, and numerous other long-gone villain comebacks besides.

4.) Another issue of THE COMIC READER reported a Wein-authored story in the works that would team Superman with Brother Power, the Geek in DC COMICS PRESENTS, while Robert Loren Fleming was supposed to be working on an issue of DCCP that would team Superman with his Thriller characters. Neither of those ever came to pass.

5.) During the time in the 1970's when the Wonder Woman book, and her companion series in WORLD'S FINEST, were set in World War II like the Lynda Carter tv show, Gerry Conway had a plotline in the works where Golden Age villainess Dr. Poison was to have returned. There is even reference to it in WONDER WOMAN (1st) #'s 237-38. Sometime later, Conway's replacement, Jack C. Harris, made mention of a pending story where Wonder Woman would meet the Blackhawks.

Later still, when the tv show and the comics had gone back to present-day setting, Harris promised that a story where Wonder Woman met Isis was in the works. (DC had the rights to do ISIS comics in those days.) Again, none of these ever showed up.

6.) In the mid-1970's, when the Joker had his own book, Marty Pasko was supposed to have done a three-part story for #'s 10-12 where the Joker took on the entire JLA. The book was cancelled with #9, and apparently, the story was never finished or drawn.

And those are just ones where word of them has leaked out in the fan press. Imagine how much more there has to be that we've never even heard about!

posted August 16, 2002 02:19 PM

Not really a squelched story, but in the DC Preview #2, the JL Detroit were featured for the first time, and Vixen has wearing a mask, which, when the stories were published, was gone.
And Conway has stated that Vixen was to be added to the JLA in the satellite days, but the team eventually morphed in to JL Detroit.

posted August 16, 2002 10:19 PM

To see Jack Kirby's version of Captain Marvel, check out the Shazam Archives Vol 2...Very young Jack Kirby...
I think Rob Liefeld either recently sold the JLA/Avengers art, or was shopping it around...Maybe the guy's got money problems...I remember Steve Englehart also being slated to take over Daredevil in the mid-eighties, right after Frank Miller's second run. He was gonna move Matt Murdock out to San Francisco and have him join Englehart's West Coast Avengers line-up (WTF??!?!?!?!?!?!?)...

posted August 16, 2002 10:19 PM

After the DC Implosion, Kamandi was supposed to be the back up feature in Warlord. It was announced as coming soon on the letters page of issue 46 or 47 as coming soon. It was shelved for some unknown reason.

posted August 17, 2002 01:01 AM


Originally posted by mmkk:
I remember reading in the Amazing World of DC Comics #14 (I believe it was in there) that Steve Englehart was supposed to write a full lengthed 80 page story featuring every member of the Batman Family. Since this was announced in 1977, I would believe that the story would have featured Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Man-Bat, Batwoman, Bat-Girl, the earth-2 Batman, Robin and possibly the Huntress. Those were the active members of the Batman Family in 1977.
Remeber FiveStar Super Hero Spectacular, the one shot that came out in 1977? I remember reading that a follow up was supposed to happen but never did. I also remember reading somewhere that there was supposed to be a new Dollar comic back then called "DC Super Hero SPectacular" (something along those lines) that was supposed to have been an anthology book. It never happened though.

Remember when Jim Starlin wrote Batman and Jason TOdd was killed. I read an interview with him and he said that he had started to write a Two-Face story that was supposed to be very grisly but since he got fired from Batman it was never completed.

Ever wonder how many stories are sitting in the file cabinets in DC's (or Marvel's) offices that are very good but have not been drawn or fully written. When the Thing/SheHulk one shot came out a few months ago I thought "This was a nice story." It was nothing award winning but a nice entertaining tale. How many other stories like that are sitting around waiting to be published.

There was a book called Four Star Spectacular. I have a couple of issues it was an anthology and Featured Wonder Woman and Superman among others.

posted August 18, 2002 04:24 PM


Originally posted by Kindred:
There was a book called Four Star Spectacular. I have a couple of issues it was an anthology and Featured Wonder Woman and Superman among others.

That series predated the 'Five Star' one shot from '77. F*S ran from March/April 1976 to January/ February 1977, 6 issues total.

The 'Five Star' revival I think they were alluding to was from a centerspread ad that ran in mid- 1979 that also advertised the Jonah Hex digest, Time Warp, the World of Krypton mini, the Secret Origins digest, and All-Out War.


Dr. Midnight 32
posted August 28, 2002 03:56 AM

Does anyone else remember hearing something about a continuation of the Tangent line?
Alter Ego occasionally spotlights a never told Golden Age JSA tale, The Will of William Wilson.

posted August 28, 2002 09:09 AM


Originally posted by Xanadude:
Not really a squelched story, but in the DC Preview #2, the JL Detroit were featured for the first time, and Vixen has wearing a mask, which, when the stories were published, was gone.
And Conway has stated that Vixen was to be added to the JLA in the satellite days, but the team eventually morphed in to JL Detroit.

Vixen was also originally slated to join the JLA in 217 or thereabouts, WITHOUT the dissolution of the original team (right after the "Atom microverse" story...) Never happened...

As for that Joker 10-12, rumor had it that 10 was either completed or at least in rough stages, and featured the Joker vs. the Justice League (And that at least that first issue COULD have been finished and put in the Joker's greatest stories, but instead, we got the Creeper tale...)

I also remember hearing that, at one time, Firestorm was suppose to go on past 100...sort of following the adventures of BOTH Ronnie and the Professor (we get HINTS of a slight bit in War of the Gods...but NOT much...)

posted August 28, 2002 09:22 AM

Four-Star Spectacular was a reprint giant that ran from 1976 to 1977 and featured Superboy and Wonder Woman. Five-Star Super-Hero Spectacular was a one-shot, all-new anthology in the summer of 1977. In mid-1979, DC was planning to switch World's Finest from dollar-sized to regular-sized, and was moving its jettisoned features to a new Five-Star Super-Hero Spectacular dollar comic(later called DC Super-Hero Spectacular.) At the last minute, they checked WF's sales figures and changed their minds, leaving it as it was and cancelling DCSHS.

posted August 28, 2002 10:37 AM


Michael Bise
posted August 28, 2002 11:21 AM

I LOVED the Dollar Comic-era of WORLD'S FINEST! Especially the Rich Buckler Superman/Batman stories.
Wasn't the NEW GODS tale from the cancelled series? Gotta love that Don Newton art!!!!

posted August 28, 2002 02:40 PM


Originally posted by Michael Bise:
I LOVED the Dollar Comic-era of WORLD'S FINEST! Especially the Rich Buckler Superman/Batman stories.
Wasn't the NEW GODS tale from the cancelled series? Gotta love that Don Newton art!!!!

What would have been Return of the New Gods #20 was cut into two and ran in Adventure Comics # 459 and 460, the first Dollar issues of that title.

I'd totally forgotten how they were going to 'down-size' WFC back in '79 to make way for the Five- Star title. IIRC, that occured the month that the ads started to creep back into the Dollar Comics (after a year of no ads, wraparound covers and lettercolumns on the inside back/front cover). Good jog to the memory!


posted August 30, 2002 09:12 PM

Art Theibert has a Nighwing mini-series that was supposed to come out at the time of the expansion of the "Titans Universe" (Titans West, Hybrid, and a bunch of minis - the only thing that came out was Team Titans).
Anyways, Starfire would be getting a new costume, and, its a good thing too, since she was supposed to spend most the mini in a coma - Nightwing would be tracking down her attempted murderer.

Again, seriously glad this one didn't - I for one am so friggin sick of stories that motivate the hero by crippling the heroine. I reached the breaking point after the Longbow Hunters....

posted August 31, 2002 08:51 PM

There was supposed to be a Secret Origins Annual that was supposed to have both the post Crisis origins of the JLA and the JSA. Well, those stories did appear in Secret ORigins #31 and 32.
However, there was also supposed to be a short story that would have revealed what JLA/JSA team ups were still a part of post Crisis Continuity. I always waned to know what ones "made the cut" and what ones did not. Perhaps this falls JLA/JSA secret Files will reveal that.

posted September 01, 2002 01:34 AM

Wasn't there supposed to be a third WildCat/Bat Family team up mini??

Dr. Midnight 32
posted September 01, 2002 09:55 AM

Kindred, as far as I know, that third Wildcat mini was to team him up with Captain Marvel. I remeber that from the one page preview in the DCU Heroes SF&O, where'd you get your info?
And that's all I have saved. I don't know if it was continued past that point.

Sorry about the length, but it's interesting to read or re-read. "Typhoid" Dave can be seen in this thread, as well as one or two posts by me.
I'm surprised I didn't mention my old favourite, The Image, an aborted spin-off from Len Wein's Green Lantern run.
Posted By: Chewy Walrus Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-07-23 10:48 AM

Dave said:
I'm surprised I didn't mention my old favourite, The Image, an aborted spin-off from Len Wein's Green Lantern run.


posted July 18, 2002 09:36 PM

Len Wein's Green Lantern in 1986 was supposed to have spun off a new character, The Image. They even gave the poor fellow who was supposed to be The Image a nasty accident, which I guess was intended to give him his powers.
Ostrander's Suicide Squad ended with the promise of a miniseries, which never evolved.

Posted By: Grimm Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-07-23 10:54 AM
There was supposed to be a third Tangent series, concluding the storyline started in the second. And possibly a crossover with the mainstream DCU.

Faust and the Devil. A mini starring Blue Devil and the son of Felix Faust. This was supposed to spin out of Day of Judgement.

There was a planned Brave and the Bold mini starring the new Dr. Mid-Nite and Mr. Terrific by Goyer & Johns.

The long delayed Harris and Robinson Starman GN.
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-07-23 11:15 AM

Grimm said:
There was supposed to be a third Tangent series, concluding the storyline started in the second. And possibly a crossover with the mainstream DCU.

I would've loved that.


Faust and the Devil. A mini starring Blue Devil and the son of Felix Faust. This was supposed to spin out of Day of Judgement.

Also would've been good.

Also, Geoff Johns had planned a NEW Titans West, spinning out of stuff he had set up in the Beast Boy mini, The Titans Planetary Annual, and that one Secret Files issue. It was going to feature Beast Boy, Flamebird, Matt Logan, Bushido, Captain Marvel Jr., & one or two others. I believe Justiniano was going to do the art.
Posted By: The Time Trust Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-07-23 11:16 AM
This wasn't a "comics series" per se, but a character called "Yankee Doodle" was originally slated to appear in SHOWCASE #50 (1964) but didn't.

It wasn't until DOOM PATROL (second series) #51 in 1992 that Yankee Doodle made his actual first appearance in print in a story by Grant Morrison as well as a cover by the original artist/co-creator of Yankee Doodle, Mike Sekowsky.

More info here:


Chewy Walrus said:

Dave said:
I'm surprised I didn't mention my old favourite, The Image, an aborted spin-off from Len Wein's Green Lantern run.


posted July 18, 2002 09:36 PM

Len Wein's Green Lantern in 1986 was supposed to have spun off a new character, The Image. They even gave the poor fellow who was supposed to be The Image a nasty accident, which I guess was intended to give him his powers.
Ostrander's Suicide Squad ended with the promise of a miniseries, which never evolved.

Posted By: Grimm Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-07-23 3:36 PM
Who's Matt Logan?

Justiniano, where's he been? Damn good artist. Loved his stuff since the Chaos! days. Omen was a fun book.

I think DC's missing a great opportunity with Brave and the Bold. Could be used to showcase a lot of second and third tier characters. Could also bring in creators for quick shorts, if they can't commit to a regular series.

I'd love to see some oddball characters teamed up. The Creeper and the Question. Zauriel and Etrigan, etc.
Posted By: Snapman Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-07-23 4:11 PM

Grimm said:
Who's Matt Logan?

Beast Boy's brother. I think he was leeching off him in the Beast Boy miniseries.


Grimm said:
I think DC's missing a great opportunity with Brave and the Bold. Could be used to showcase a lot of second and third tier characters. Could also bring in creators for quick shorts, if they can't commit to a regular series.

I'd love to see some oddball characters teamed up. The Creeper and the Question. Zauriel and Etrigan, etc.

Isn't DC doing something similar to that with the upcoming Solo series?
In a way, though it's not necessarily Team-up stories.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Orson Wells Batman yet...
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-07-23 9:02 PM

Snapman said:

Grimm said:
Who's Matt Logan?

Beast Boy's brother. I think he was leeching off him in the Beast Boy miniseries.

Actually, he's his cousin, if I''m not mistaken. And, since Gar was crashing at Matt's place, that would make Beast Boy the leech!
Those red letters made my eyes bleed, TTT...

That Titans GN they mentioned is being completed by George Perez. Looks awesome.

I don't know if anyone mentioned it, but there was supposed to be a mini called The Blue and the Gold (starring Beetle and Booster) by Booster Gold's creator Dan Jurgens. This was before the JLI ended and Jurgens tool over JLA.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-07-25 12:12 AM
It is pretty exciting, to look at the old ads and think of what might have been.

Or what was made and never released, and is still sitting in the files somewhere, unpublished.

I recall an ad that ran in the DC titles in the summer of 1975 for THE LEGEND OF KING ARTHUR, "a super-size four-part series", written by Gerry Conway, and illustrated by Nestor Redondo.
(I dug out an issue of KAMANDI 33, Sept 1975, that had the ad, which ran in all the DC titles that month.)

There was also a gorgeous Limited Collectors' Edition, THE BIBLE, that preceded this King Arthur ad by a few months, which likewise has gorgeous art by Redondo.
It was to be the first of several ongoing Bible adaptations, but that turned out to be the only issue.

According to an article in THE JACK KIRBY COLLECTOR, there was to be a DINGBATS OF DANGER STREET ongoing series, of which pages of several issues have been unearthed. (The only issue to see print was FIRST ISSUE SPECIAL # 6 )

Kirby's 1971-1972 projects, the DAYS OF THE MOB and SPIRIT WORLD magazines, were both cancelled after one issue, but additional unpublished material exists for these.
An unpublished story, created for DAYS IN THE MOB issue 2, finally saw print in AMAZING WORLD OF DC COMICS # 1 (a fanzine) in 1974.

The stories planned for SPIRIT WORLD # 2 finally saw print in WEIRD MYSTERY TALES issues 1, 2, and 3, and FORBIDDEN TALES OF DARK MANSION issue 6, which are all actually better for it, because they were printed in color instead of B&W, as they would have been in the magazine.

The black romance title Kirby was to produce at the same time (1971) was SOUL LOVE, and although unpublished, several stories were completed.
Two Morrows reprinted some of these pages in THE JACK KIRBY COLLECTOR.
And I have them in MASTERWORKS, a tabloid-size book from 1978 that has a brief biography of Kirby, as well as many unpublished Kirby pages, rejected cover pencils, and other rare unpublished treats by Kirby.
The cover is of Fighting American, pencilled by Kirby and inked by Walt Simonson !
The MASTERWORKS book also incudes a cover of ARMAGETTO: THE FINAL BATTLE between Orion and Darkseid, described as a cover drafted by Kirby for a projected tabloid-size giant book that would have concluded the NEW GODS saga in the early 70's, but was obviously never produced.

On the heels of their late 70's work on DETECTIVE COMICS 471-476, and MISTER MIRACLE 19-22, Steve Englehart and Marshall Rogers were to have produced a MADAME XANADU series, but Englehart and DC had a falling out, and the scripts were produced in 1983-1984 as SCORPIO ROSE for Eclipse. (Englehart gives his account of the falling out in his editorial in SCORPIO ROSE # 1)
There was one issue of MADAME XANADU before Englehart and DC parted ways in 1980:

One I really looked forward to was a DRAGON SHADOWS graphic novel, to be written by Harlan Ellison and illustrated by Michael Kaluta. It was advertised on the back cover of THE COMICS JOURNAL 54 (March 1980), and later reproduced on the back cover of the 1988 book THE MICHAEL WM KALUTA TREASURY. This was a gorgeous page, apparently the cover, but since Ellison never got around to doing the script, Kaluta never illustrated it, and the cover was all that was ever produced.
A glorious version of The Shadow, that might have been.

Although there are many well-realized stories with the Shadow that Kaluta has done with other writers.

Earlier in the topic, someone mentioned a Kamandi backup that was announced to be "coming soon" in WARLORD. To my knowledge, that is incorrect.
I think you mean the O.M.A.C. series by Jim Starlin, begun in KAMANDI 59 (cancelled after in the 1978 DC implosion, so the series was discontinued after only that single issue).
But the Starlin O.M.A.C. series was finally revived in 1981 as a backup in WARLORD 37-39, printing the inventory stories by Starlin, and at long last concluding the series.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-08-12 8:14 AM
Snapman posted this topic, about a never-happened AVENGERS/JLA project from 1983/1984, that finally did happen this year.
And a new hardcover that shows the pages of the original aborted project.

JLA/AVENGERS the collected edition
Posted By: Disco Steve Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-08-13 5:49 AM
There was supposed to be a Dirty Pair(a moderately popular anime/manga that is not porn-related)/Superman crossover by Adam Warren years ago. Never happened.
Posted By: Disco Steve Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-08-13 6:08 AM

The Time Trust said:
And that's all I have saved. I don't know if it was continued past that point.

Sorry about the length, but it's interesting to read or re-read. "Typhoid" Dave can be seen in this thread, as well as one or two posts by me.

Posted By: Disco Steve Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-08-13 6:39 AM
JLA/Authority Proposal: http://www.livejournal.com/users/pmpknface/71679.html
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-08-24 7:21 AM
I meant to post this a while ago.

As most of you are aware CANCELLED COMIC CAVALCADE (a collection of xeroxes of the original art for the 20 or so titles cancelled in the Summer of 1978, in the so-called "DC Implosion") is the only form where these cancelled titles can be read. And there are only a hundred or so of these bundled Xeroxes known to exist.

The below link is for both volumes, with a description of the contents, and the covers of both volumes, as they were promoted on e-bay.



CANCELLED COMIC CAVALCADE # 1 & 2 Summer and Fall 1978:
Comics historians will note DC Comics went through a great deal of changes during the month of June 1978, the immediate result was a considerable number of cancelled titles. They had a whole mess of material ready to go to the engravers, it was felt it would be a shame if this material would never see print.
What you are bidding on is (a reproduction of) the first and second issues of CANCELLED COMIC CAVALCADE. Much of the material in these two issues was planned to see print (in altered forms) in various DC books. Black Lighting into Detective Comics, Doorway to Nightmare into The Unexpected, Deadman into Adventure and so on...
Table of contents in volume one:
Black Lighting #12, cover only to #13,
Claw #13 & #14,
The Deserter #1,
Doorway to Nightmare #6,
Firestorm #6,
The Green Team #2 & #3
Volume two:
Kamandi #60 (including Omac) and #61,
Prez #5,
Shade #6,
Showcase #105 (Deadman) and #106 (The Creeper)
Steel #6,
Secret Society of Super-Villains #16 & #17,
with the covers to Army at War #2, BATTLE CLASSICS #3, Demand Classics #1 & #2 , Mr. Miracle #26, Ragman #6, Weird Mystery #25 & #26 and Western Classics #1 & #2.
This is not one of the 35 sets DC originally printed, but a reproduction.

See also the Wikipedia listing, to see covers, and more info.

And this comics.org listing has the most specific breakdown of the CCC contents. Some of the covers were never commissioned or drawn, so they were not included in the CCC collection.

CLAW 13 (no cover done)
FIRESTORM 6 (no cover done)
GREEN TEAM 2 and 3 (no covers done)
KAMANDI 61 (no cover done)
SSoSV 17 (no cover done)
The copy I bought online doesn't have WESTERN CLASSICS # 2's cover, so I don't know if that actually exists either.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-08-25 12:48 AM

Disco Steve said:
There was supposed to be a Dirty Pair(a moderately popular anime/manga that is not porn-related)/Superman crossover by Adam Warren years ago. Never happened.

That's insane.
Posted By: Grimm Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-08-25 4:16 AM

Disco Steve said:
JLA/Authority Proposal: http://www.livejournal.com/users/pmpknface/71679.html

That would've been fantastic. Shame it never happened.

Disco Steve said:
JLA/Authority Proposal: http://www.livejournal.com/users/pmpknface/71679.html

Isn't this kind of what happened in Our Worlds at War?

Did I mention The Image?

I read somewhere that Todd Macfarlane owns the original pages for the Perez drawn aborted JLA/Avengers issues. Of course, he doesn't own the copyright in them, so he can't publish it himself.
Posted By: rex Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-08-25 5:34 AM
Those pages were reprinted in the JLA/Avengers hardcover.
Posted By: backwards7 Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-08-25 5:46 AM
I was sorry that the Preacher one-off featuring Bob Glover and Freddy Allen, sexual investigators never got the green light. I heard Ennis had a script or at least an idea, which Vertigo balked at publishing. Following their appearance in Preacher I was still somewhat in the dark as to what a sexual detective agency actually does and was hoping that this special would explain in more depth.
Posted By: Grimm Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-08-25 5:51 AM

backwards7 said:
I was sorry that the Preacher one-off featuring Bob Glover and Freddy Allen, sexual investigators never got the green light. I heard Ennis had a script or at least an idea, which Vertigo balked at publishing. Following their appearance in Preacher I was still somewhat in the dark as to what a sexual detective agency actually does and was hoping that this special would explain in more depth.

Oh, he had script, idea, and an artist, Kieron Dwyer. They were all set to do it before DC pulled the plug.
Posted By: Grimm Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-08-25 5:55 AM

Dave said:

Disco Steve said:
JLA/Authority Proposal: http://www.livejournal.com/users/pmpknface/71679.html

Isn't this kind of what happened in Our Worlds at War?

Did I mention The Image?

You did.


I read somewhere that Todd Macfarlane owns the original pages for the Perez drawn aborted JLA/Avengers issues. Of course, he doesn't own the copyright in them, so he can't publish it himself.

It was Rob Liefeld, actually. He had the pages at one point, and used to display them at cons, I believe. However, he's reportedly sold them all off.
Posted By: Disco Steve Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-08-25 8:40 AM

Pariah said:

Disco Steve said:
There was supposed to be a Dirty Pair(a moderately popular anime/manga that is not porn-related)/Superman crossover by Adam Warren years ago. Never happened.

That's insane.

But true.
Ah yes, sorry, I did know it was Liefeld.

Did I mention The image?

I would have bought the Sexual Investigators book. That was one of the funnier things in Preacher.

I seem to recall that The Vanguard was going to be laucnhed out of the New Teen Titans annual in which they appeared (yoou'd think The Omega Men was enough), but I might be wrong on that.
Posted By: Grimm Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-08-25 10:31 AM
They probably were. Titans launched quite a bit of stuff over the years. Crisis even grew out of a Titans plotline. S'true.
Posted By: Disco Steve Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-08-25 7:05 PM
For real? Explain.
Posted By: Year Man Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-08-25 8:18 PM

Year Man registered here on the 61st anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor... could there be a connection?
Posted By: Disco Steve Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-08-25 10:15 PM
Year Man ended up being a disaster, yes.
Poor Year Man. He had such potential.

Maybe you can do a Vertigo version of him.
Posted By: Snapman Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-08-26 3:55 PM
Or of the Image (somebody mentioned him on here but I can't remember who).
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-08-30 6:21 PM
Who's the Image?
Posted By: Disco Steve Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-08-30 7:26 PM

Dave said:
Poor Year Man. He had such potential.

Maybe you can do a Vertigo version of him.

I was playing with the title "The Tragedy of Annulus, the Man of One Year," which makes it sound like a Shakespearean play. The idea of doing a comic with superheroes bantering at eachother in iambic pentameter always intrigued me.
Which reminds me fo Queen Elizabeth's reference to her "Annus horribilis."
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-08-31 4:40 AM
Has anyone mentioned The Image yet?

Len Wein's Image... And More

By Bob Rozakis
Print This Item

Well, I could talk about the Image but, believe it or not, I might have other uses for him in the future, so I think I'll keep my own council for now.
- Len Wein

And I hope you do find a profitable use for him, Len. Meantime, my official unofficial researcher John Wells has dug up every bit of info that has actually appeared:

Much of the groundwork for the Image had been laid in 1984 issues of GREEN LANTERN by Len Wein. They related the story of Clay Kendall (#172), a Ferris Aircraft scientist whose psionics experiments had created a psi-chair (#173), which fueled his desire to become a super-hero (#175). He attempted to do just that when the Demolition Team attacked Ferris, only to have his chair short-circuit and explode (#179), severing his spinal cord (#180). A devastated Kendall was encouraged by his girl friend to rebuild the chair and become a super-hero anyway (#183).

Where all of this was headed had been detailed months earlier in AMAZING HEROES #39 (Jan. 15, 1984), which revealed that Clay's experiments would ultimately come to fruition in the form of the Image, a hero Wein described a "everything that Kendall wishes he was" and whom he hoped would spinoff to his own series. Accompanying the article was Dave Gibbons' portrayal of the Image.

Unfortunately, the Image never made it onstage before Wein left the series with #186. Clay Kendall, for what it's worth,went out with a bang as a representative of the millions killed in Coast City's demolition in SUPERMAN #80 (1993).


Never actually seen the image for The Image.
So... The Image is a mental projection or something?
Yeah, I'd guessed so. Clay Kendal was probably going to be sitting in his Ferris Aircraft psionics chair, directing a superhero mental projection. Its not a bad concept.

It annoyed the crap out of me as a 15 year old to have Wein move on and Engelbert take over and dump not just the plot line, but also the characters.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-08-31 2:49 PM
Yes but has anyone mentioned The Image?
Posted By: Snapman Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-08-31 3:08 PM
The guys who publish The Savage Dragon.
Posted By: Snapman Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2004-09-01 3:06 PM
Savage Dragon wasn't a series that never happened!
Someone mentioned on that old DCMB thread I reposted on the first page an aborted SPACE RANGER limited series by Michael Jan Friedman. I saw a few more references to it while I was reading the 1980s STARMAN series (the lame one). Here's something I found on a webpage somewhere, that took the text from a DC previews mag:


Projecting ahead into the future--the DC Universe's future, that is--October will witness the release of the first issue of a n 8-issue maxiseries reintroducing the SPACE RANGER into the limelight. This series, by writer Michael Jan Friedman (STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION, penciller John Calimee (STARMAN, Nexus), and editor Paul Kupperberg, features the story of how spoiled rich kid Rick Starr becomes Space Ranger during his struggle against a covert alien plot for control of Earth in the 23rd century.

I'm actually kinda sad now that this miniseries never saw the light of day. I like seeing more of DC's non-superhero properties being used in starring roles.
Posted By: Grimm Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2005-06-14 2:53 AM
I never did explain that Crisis plotline thingie. And then Disco Steve left. Damn me!

Does anyone remember the Marvel house ads for a DR STRANGE series by Roger Stern and Frank Miller, back in 1980 ?

There were full-page ads for it in all the Marvel comics and magazines cover-dated February 1981.

Miller was going to work on DOCTOR STRANGE.
But then DAREDEVIL writer Bob McKenzie left the series with issue 167, and Miller dropped his DOCTOR STRANGE commitment to focus on full creative control of DAREDEVIL, as both writer and artist. Miller began his writer/artist run in DAREDEVIL 168, with the memorable introduction of Elecktra. Which also had a full-page house ad, in Marvel issues dated Nov 1980:

How different the comics industry might be, if Miller had remained just the artist on DAREDEVIL.

And how great it would have been, even just a few issues, to see a Stern/Miller DR STRANGE.

Stern went on to do great work on DR STRANGE with Michael Golden, Marshall Rogers, Terry Austin, Dan Green, Tony Salmons, and Paul Smith (issues 46, 48-73, from 1981-1985). But I wonder what Miller would have added to the series.

One sample of Miller's potential on DOCTOR STRANGE is his work with the character in AMAZING SPIDERMAN ANNUAL 14 (1980), Scripted by Dennis O'Neil, pencilled by Miller, and inked by Tom Palmer.


In an excellent story, where Spiderman and Dr Strange team up to fight an apocalyptic threat to the world from Dormammu and Dr Doom. Very much worth reading, and some beautiful pages by Miller in his prime. I never would have selected Palmer to ink Miller, but it's a very nice combination.


First Amongst Daves said:
Much of the groundwork for the Image had been laid in 1984 issues of GREEN LANTERN by Len Wein. They related the story of Clay Kendall (#172), a Ferris Aircraft scientist whose psionics experiments had created a psi-chair (#173), which fueled his desire to become a super-hero (#175). He attempted to do just that when the Demolition Team attacked Ferris, only to have his chair short-circuit and explode (#179), severing his spinal cord (#180). A devastated Kendall was encouraged by his girl friend to rebuild the chair and become a super-hero anyway (#183).

Where all of this was headed had been detailed months earlier in AMAZING HEROES #39 (Jan. 15, 1984), which revealed that Clay's experiments would ultimately come to fruition in the form of the Image, a hero Wein described a "everything that Kendall wishes he was" and whom he hoped would spinoff to his own series. Accompanying the article was Dave Gibbons' portrayal of the Image.

Unfortunately, the Image never made it onstage before Wein left the series with #186. Clay Kendall, for what it's worth,went out with a bang as a representative of the millions killed in Coast City's demolition in SUPERMAN #80 (1993).

Geff Johns likes to bring the dead back. Maybe this Image guy is actually 'Supernova' in the current 52?
Posted By: the G-man Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2006-09-07 6:13 PM

Wonder Boy said:I never would have selected Palmer to ink Miller, but it's a very nice combination.

Actually, I could see it working quite well, given some of the similarites between Tom Palmer's and Klaus Jansen's respective inking styles.

posted August 01, 2002 01:11 PM

In 1971, DC toyed with the idea of launching a line of glossy magazines. Among them were three Kirby titles "In the Days of the Mob," "True Divorce Cases" and a romance comic aimed at black readers.
Only one issue of "Mob" was published. For more information on the book, check out: http://twomorrows.com/16mob.html
Also under consideration was a magazine-format "House of Mystery" and a pulp-style "Batman."

In addition to DAYS OF THE MOB # 1, the other Kirby magazine released was SPIRIT WORLD # 1. At the bottom of page 1 of this topic, I detailed what happened to the stories produced for the second issue of each of these two titles.

As well as the unpublished SOUL LOVE romance magazine Kirby produced, which have only been partly published in the JACK KIRBY COLLECTOR fanzine, and the MASTERWORKS book I mentioned that has a sampling of unpublished Kirby pages, with a text restrospective of kirby's career up to 1978.


And speaking of Kirby, he once worked on a "Prisoner" comic for Marvel after Steve Englehart and Gil Kane were bounced from the project. See: http://twomorrows.com/11prisoner.html

Kirby's 17-page THE PRISONER story (like the cancelled titles from the 1978 DC Implosion that were collected into a very limited 35 bound xeroxed copies and distributed as CANCELLED COMICS CAVALCADE vols 1 and 2, and now widely bootlegged) is also available as an unauthorized set of xeroxes, that I've seen occasionally offered on e-bay and elsewhere.

Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2006-09-09 3:26 PM
I think someone should mention The Image!
I was just about to mention him.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2006-09-09 4:16 PM
But did you think about mentioning The Image?

Another interesting announced project was an X-MEN GRAPHIC NOVEL by Neal Adams, in 1982, that never materialized. It was covered in COMIC BOOK ARTIST # 3 (an issue that focused on Neal Adams' late 60's/early 70's Marvel work).

Neal Adams discussed the proposed X-MEN graphic novel with Jim Shooter in 1982, and did 5 pages on speculation, on the verbal agreement that Shooter would draft a contract where Adams would have part ownership of his work, and not the then-standard work-for-hire Marvel contract.
A month or so later, Shooter didn't come through with the promised new contract, and Adams discontinued work on the project.

With Adams' exit, Brent Anderson was recruited, and the project evolved with Chris Claremont into the X-MEN: GOD LOVES, MAN KILLS graphic novel, released in 1983.

As I recall, there was also a Neal Adams X-MEN PORTFOLIO announced. I can't recall if the portfolio was actually released, or likewise cancelled.

Marvel recently released a Marvel Masterworks hardcover of Adams' X-MEN work that ran in in issues 56-63 and 65, published back in 1969.
Two Marvel Visionaries trade paperbacks of this material were previously released, over the last 8 years.


Wonder Boy said:
Another interesting blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah X-MEN blah blah blah blah blah blah Neal Adams blah blah blah blah 1982blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Neal Adams' late 60's/early 70's Marvel blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Adams blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Jim Shooter in 1982, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Brent Anderson blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Chris Claremont blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah X-MEN: GOD LOVES, MAN KILLS blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 1983.

As I recall, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Neal Adams X-MEN PORTFOLIO blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Marvel blah blah blah blah Marvel Masterworks blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Two Marvel Visionaries blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah over the last 8 years.

Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2006-09-10 2:50 PM
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2006-09-11 3:26 AM
Ultimately, any topic in this forum is interesting or bla bla bla, depending on whether or not you're into it.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2013-06-04 1:57 PM
I was looking at BACK ISSUE on e-bay, and saw this one:

Back Issue Magazine (2003) 46 VF 8.0

February 2011, Original Cover Price: $7.95

This issue spotlights 'The Greatest Stories Never Told,' loaded with rare and previously unpublished art!

Mike Grell reveals how his 'Savage Empire' strip became DC Comics' The Warlord.
Danny Fingeroth and Al Milgrom open the vault to reveal pages from the aborted Fantastic Four graphic novel Fathers and Sons.
And we go beyond John Byrne's Last Galactus Story.

PLUS: Ramona Fradon recalls what went wrong with the unpublished fifth issue of Marvel's The Cat;
Whatever Happened to Warlock #16? Alan Weiss and Jim Starlin reveal the tale of this comic-book cosmic oddity;
The Mystery of the Captain America Musical - The Star-Spangled Sentinel...live, on stage?;
"How the Batman Nearly Stepped Out of the Mainstream and into Independent Comics" - Steve Englehart and Marshall Rogers almost took DC's Dark Detective to Mike Friedrich's indy house;
Pandora Pann's Lost Adventures - Who closed the lid on this Len Wein/Ross Andru title?;

Rejected cover art: Ms. Marvel #4 by John Buscema, Hot Wheels #1 by Alex Toth;
The Black Canary Miniseries That Never Took Flight - Greg Weisman blows the whistle on his unpublished collaboration with Mike Sekowsky;
The Aquaman Sequel That Wasn't - This anticipated follow-up to the Neal Pozner/Craig Hamilton miniseries was deep-sixed;
Batman/Mask (with Clayface) promo image by Dev Madan;
Bret Blevins on The Wolf Man - Dark Horse's Universal Monsters one-shots had one conspicuously missing monster;
Miracleman Triumphant - Fred Burke, Mike Deodato and Jason Temujin Minor lament this Eclipse Comics casualty.

BACK ISSUE, COMIC BOOK ARTIST, THE JACK KIRBY COLLECTOR, and other stuff from Two Morrows, have given the background on many of these "lost" stories, some of which were planned, and others that were fully produced and never published.

WARLOCK 16 by Starlin (1976), THE CAT # 5 (1973), and Byrne's "The Last Galactus Story" (1986), are ones I'd like to see.

Grell does a nice --and quite funny-- overview of how "Savage Empire" became WARLORD (1975), in his introduction to the WARLORD trade collection of the first 12 issues, in the 1991 collected WARLORD: SAVAGE EMPIRE.

The Englehart/Rogers Batman series in DETECTIVE almost moving to Star Reach also sounds interesting.

They basically did the same thing with MADAME XANADU when they moved the series (under another name) to Eclipse as SCORPIO ROSE in 1983. I never knew they thought about doing the same with Batman. They must have been plenty ticked off at DC!
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Comics Series That Never Happened... - 2020-04-06 6:11 PM

Circa 1978-1979, Marvel was big into movie and TV-licensed stuff like STAR WARS, THE HULK, STAR TREK, and toy-based series like ROM and MICRONAUTS. Marvel wanted to develop a comic version of Patrick McGoohan's TV series THE PRISONER, and first went to Steve Englehart and Gil Kane who produced a complete first issue. For whatever reason, Marvel decided not to go with it.

They then assigned Jack Kirby to the project (who had already done a licensed 2001:A SPACE ODYSSEY movie adaptation and 10-issue series), who likewise produced a complete THE PRISONER first issue.
But Marvel, for whatever reason, again shelved the project.

Not until 1988 did Dean Motter finally produce a THE PRISONER adaptation for DC.
And a second series, both released in collected trades.

And the two unpublished issues, roughly 40 years later, were recently finally published in an artists' edition hardcover in 2018.

I bought the xeroxes of these issues on Ebay over 10 years ago.
But I'm sure, much nicer in an artists' edition.