Posted By: Steve T Amazing Spider-man. Every Goddam issue - 2004-11-26 12:10 PM
Issues one to 500 plus Amazing Fantasy #15.

Including ads and letters pages.

Fifty bucks.

Am I gonna buy this? Fuck yeah!

I have a lot of it. First couple of years in Brit reprint form. Most of the stuff from Bagley onwards. But there so much I don't have. The reprints I have stopped at when he had just started at uni. I've never read the original clone stuff (when it was a novel idea) or almost all of the seventies and most of the eighties.

I have edited this so it no longer advertises the adventures of the Amazing Sper-man

This is great.
Posted By: rex Re: Amazing Sper-man. Every Goddam issue - 2004-11-26 12:32 PM
I saw this earlier today. What I really wist they would do was have all the crossover issues so you would get the whole story. But for one penny an issue, you really can't be that picky.
The people who do comic torrents are much more considerate regarding crossovers and stuff (I read in the Newsarama review major storylines don't have their conclusions because none of the annuals are included). But still this looks pretty fucking cool and I'd buy it in a second.
Thanks for drawing my attention to this. It's going on the top of my Christmas list. Oh and Myx, what are comic torrents?
Check out your PM box.