Posted By: Rob Returning to the Age of Apocalypse - 2004-12-22 1:01 AM

Returning to the Age of Apocalypse
by Benjamin Ong Pang Kean

    Marvel is celebrating the ten-year anniversary of the Age of Apocalypse with another event in March 2005.

    On board for the anniversary event are some of the creators involved in the original Age of Apocalypse event. Scott Lobdell, Larry Hama and the Kubert brothers, Adam and Andy, are joined by Akira Yoshida, Tony Bedard, Tony Daniel, Mark Brooks, Paco Medina, Talent Caldwell, Roger Cruz and Kia Asamiya in X-Men: Age of Apocalypse One-Shot, a 48-page, $3.99 comic with a wraparound cover by Bryan Hitch. Stories told in the one-shot include the origin of Generation Next, the first meeting of Sabretooth and Wild Child, Weapon X’s first run-in with Mariko Yashida in Japan, as well as the revelation of how the AoA world survived the nuclear holocaust that threatened it at the end of X-Men: Omega.

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Returning to the Age of Apocalypse - 2004-12-22 1:12 AM
I hope they re-release the TPBs. I'd buy them. My brother and I still talk about this "event". I'm sure one or both of us will pick it up.
I liked the AOA storyline 10 years ago. I'll flip through it. If it seems cool, I'll pick it up. I'm not much of an X-Men fan.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Returning to the Age of Apocalypse - 2004-12-22 1:14 AM
One question...In this picture:

Who's the guy standing in front of Apocalypse? Silver Samurai? Who??? I don't remember him...
I'm not sure! I can't remember him being in it.

I'll say this though, Mark Brooks gets better and better each time I see something new from him. He's gonna be huge soon!
Posted By: Rob Re: Returning to the Age of Apocalypse - 2004-12-22 1:20 AM
i can't believe thats 10 years ago.

i was a big fan of the kubert bros back then (their father's comic-world-famous school is right around the corner of my parent's house), so i was definitely all over this, as it was very much impacted by their work.

however, the only main storyline that sticks out in my mind is not either kuberts... rather, it was joe madureira's astonishing x-men that seemed the most memorable.
Posted By: rex Re: Returning to the Age of Apocalypse - 2004-12-22 1:34 AM

Joe Mama said:
I hope they re-release the TPBs. I'd buy them. My brother and I still talk about this "event". I'm sure one or both of us will pick it up.

I read in the marvel solits that they are going to release new collection of Age of Apocalypse and they will contain every part of the story.

Rob Kamphausen said:
i can't believe thats 10 years ago.

You and me both.
Posted By: Jim Jackson Re: Returning to the Age of Apocalypse - 2004-12-22 5:22 PM
{b]Age occurred at a time when I found the X-Men really down and uninteresting. So I skipped the Age books.

I really didn't care then, and I really don't care now.
Posted By: allan1 Re: Returning to the Age of Apocalypse - 2004-12-22 7:12 PM
Your loss then. AoA was the best storyline the X-Men had in many a year and every "big event" they had after failed to measure up to it(except the return of Colossus).The best thing is that book prices haven't skyrocketed...just about every book is findable and affordable.
Posted By: Jim Jackson Re: Returning to the Age of Apocalypse - 2004-12-22 7:30 PM

allan1 said:
Your loss then. AoA was the best storyline the X-Men had in many a year and every "big event" they had after failed to measure up to it(except the return of Colossus).The best thing is that book prices haven't skyrocketed...just about every book is findable and affordable.

I still don't care.
Posted By: Poverty Lad Re: Returning to the Age of Apocalypse - 2004-12-22 8:59 PM
I reread these awhile back, when I was shifting through the shortboxes to make way for new stuff/giving the old stuff some room to breath. Still very enjoyable reads. Actually, I have to track down the issues I'm missing from FACTOR X and GAMBIT & THE EXTERNALS.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Returning to the Age of Apocalypse - 2004-12-22 11:28 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:
i can't believe thats 10 years ago.

Wait until you get to my age and start adding decades to that.

I still remember some of the Claremont/Byrne stuff like it was yesterday, for example, the very place I was sitting when I read the page of the Dark Phoenix saga where she wiped out the planet of "asparagus people."
Posted By: The Time Trust Re: Returning to the Age of Apocalypse - 2005-01-07 5:30 AM
They were all criminals, anyway, and deserved it.

Posted By: Steve T Re: Returning to the Age of Apocalypse - 2005-01-07 11:41 AM
AoA was the last decent storyline in Lobdell’s run. I liked his stuff at first, he seemed to get the family dynamic and he was pretty inventive in his invention of powers for new characters.
He started well and then faded on Generation X as well.
Posted By: ShazamGrrl1 Re: Returning to the Age of Apocalypse - 2005-01-07 1:13 PM

Joe Mama said:
One question...In this picture:

Who's the guy standing in front of Apocalypse? Silver Samurai? Who??? I don't remember him...

Hmmmmmmmmmm ... could be ...

allan1 said:
Your loss then. AoA was the best storyline the X-Men had in many a year and every "big event" they had after failed to measure up to it(except the return of Colossus).

Lol, and it still sucked big time. I mean come on, this is the poster book for kiddie bullshit giving a bad rep to comics. The Sugar Man?? Mr Sinister?? This is beyond ridiculous!
Posted By: Poverty Lad Re: Returning to the Age of Apocalypse - 2005-01-21 6:56 PM
Yeah, because an assassin running around in red and yellow and a shiny metal helmet is SO much cooler...
Posted By: Flameswordsman Re: Returning to the Age of Apocalypse - 2005-01-21 8:31 PM
AoA was good. I was very dissapointed in the way all the other heores outside the X-men were treated, they were just regular humans, none of them had powers. A powerful Captain America leading the human resistance along with some other Avengers and the like would have made the event much better. They obviously shouldnt be powerful enough the challenge the X-men or over-throw Apocalypse, but a small band of powered heroes fighting their own war in Europe would have been excellent

I hope they dont milk it too much with these new titles, though, that being said, theres nothing i'd like more than an AoA ongoing where the suprises and deaths keep on flowing [none of the status quo bullshit we get in every other mainstream book]
Posted By: Rob Re: Returning to the Age of Apocalypse - 2005-02-14 8:06 PM
newsarama has some preview shots