Posted By: The Time Trust Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane - 2005-07-16 5:47 AM

Update, 10/06/06: Changing title of thread.

Lois: (Not even Superman's super-arm moving power can get rid of the smell of my star shaped farts!)


Lois: It's good for digestion.
Lois: (I'm shooting stars through my ass... Why do you think I'm standing?!)
The original of the second panel is funny enough!
Panel 1:

This is actually not a thought balloon. It is a fart.

Panel 2:

Word balloon: Yes. While I appreciate you using your Kryptonian enema technique to assist me with my irritable bowel syndrome, it has left me with infection complication in my sphincter.

Thought balloon: Little does he suspect I am actually Aquaman in disguise! Growl, tiger!

thats freakin funny fused
This can't possibly be a real comic... and people wonder why I think the SA sucked...
Because you have no sense of humor?

ManofTheAtom said:
This can't possibly be a real comic... and people wonder why I think the SA sucked...

Check the sales data, it never lies.

ManofTheAtom said:
This can't possibly be a real comic... and people wonder why I think the SA sucked...

you suck like you're a dick, but you suck yourself.
That's telling him.

rex said:
Check the sales data, it never lies.

*Checks sales data* Hey, crappy SA-like comics produced over the last few years didn't sell.

You're right, the data doesn't lie...

Maybe they needed more panels with Superman spanking Lois and/or Wonder Woman, then they would sell...

Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:
Because you have no sense of humor?

I do have a sense of humor, this just isn't funny.

ManofTheAtom said:

rex said:

Maybe they needed more panels with Superman spanking Lois and/or Wonder Woman, then they would sell...

I'll take one copy and a box of Trojans, thanks!

Pig Iron said:

ManofTheAtom said:
This can't possibly be a real comic... and people wonder why I think the SA sucked...

you suck like you're a dick, but you suck yourself.

Drunken pig iron.
scary thing is, I understand him.
He's been watching that Beatles animated movie again.

ManofTheAtom said:
This can't possibly be a real comic... and people wonder why I think the SA sucked...

Which one of you rattled this fucknut's cage?
I swear it wasn't me this time.
Farting = funny

deadly farting = comedy gold
RACK Stoopid Doog!

ManofTheAtom said:

Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:
Because you have no sense of humor?

I do have a sense of humor, this just isn't funny.

No, you don't have a sense of humor.
Sure I do, I just don't have any tolerance for this kind of humor.

What exactly is funny about women being spanked in a comic book?

The more I talk with fans of the SA, the clearer it becomes that the reasons they don't like comics from after 86 is because they don't have women being spanked and tied up, or in Supergirl's case date horses and fishmen.

And then they have the gull to complaint about Identity Crisis.

Hey, maybe 40 years from now someone will think that Dr Light raping Sue Digby is as funny as this image of Superman spanking Lois.
MOTA, you're the reason I get up in the morning. Please keep posting.
Lots of women love being spanked; some even beg for it. How many women do you know that beg to be raped? Fuck off you humorless cunt.
He's on a holy crusade.

And nobody cares.

ManofTheAtom said:
Sure I do, I just don't have any tolerance for this kind of humor.

What exactly is funny about women being spanked in a comic book?

The more I talk with fans of the SA, the clearer it becomes that the reasons they don't like comics from after 86 is because they don't have women being spanked and tied up, or in Supergirl's case date horses and fishmen.

And then they have the gull to complaint about Identity Crisis.

Hey, maybe 40 years from now someone will think that Dr Light raping Sue Digby is as funny as this image of Superman spanking Lois.

And then some humourless obsessive will come along and say it's not funny...
Are we really gonna have an argument in which you try to convince me that comics where women are spanked and raped are funny?

Next thing we know you'll say how Alan Moore did the idea of Superman spanking Lois better in Supreme...
MOTA is more passionate about the Silver Age than anyone else I know.

ManofTheAtom said:
Are we really gonna have an argument in which you try to convince me that comics where women are spanked and raped are funny?

Spanked, yes. You're (unintenionally) funnier than any woman being spanked, though, if it's any consolation.


Next thing we know you'll say how Alan Moore did the idea of Superman spanking Lois better in Supreme...

And then you'll say "No way! I didn't read that issue so I know for sure it's not good!".
I try not to read crappy comics. Can you say the same?
I like reading crappy comics.
They do tend to make everything else look much better by comparison.

ManofTheAtom said:
I try not to read crappy comics. Can you say the same?

Please note that this is someone who likes Rob Lefield over Alan Moore.

ManofTheAtom said:
They do tend to make everything else look much better by comparison.

Its the same as reading your posts.
It makes me appreciate everyone elses more.
So basically you misunderstand what I said about Liefeld over Moore and transform that into me liking Liefeld? Interesting.

Just to clarify, what I said was that Liefeld's version of Supreme was an original creation while Moore's was a fanboy's version of the Silver Age Superman (a sore fanboy's version at that...)

ManofTheAtom said:
Liefeld's version of Supreme was an original creation

I'm betting you don't know much about what Supreme was like before Moore came along.

You've actually convinced yourself that Moore's Supreme is something original, haven't you?
*grabs a bag of pop corn*
Stop entertaining rex, MOTA!
Yes, MOTA should be boring like the other posters.

ManofTheAtom said:
I'm betting you don't know much about what Supreme was like before Moore came along.

You've actually convinced yourself that Moore's Supreme is something original, haven't you?

Boy, you're just dying to get your cyber-arse kicked again, aren't you? Are you that bored? Well, I ain't. Let me just reiterate:


ManofTheAtom said:
Liefeld's version of Supreme was an original creation

You've reiterated that you think that Moore's Supreme is an original creation and you completely misunderstood what I said about Liefeld's version.

Guess you don't have much of an argument then...

ManofTheAtom said:
Liefeld's version of Supreme was an original creation

I missed the part where I mention Moore here.

Oh, by the way:


ManofTheAtom said:
Liefeld's version of Supreme was an original creation

Compared to Moore's, it was. It sucks that you're too much of a fanboy to notice that.
It's a lot like watching a retarded monkey fucking a football.

ManofTheAtom said:
It sucks that you're too much of a fanboy to notice that.

You really can't say that to anyone after saying this:


ManofTheAtom said:
Liefeld's version of Supreme was an original creation

Clarify it for me please.

What is it about Liefeld's version of Supreme that you don't think is original compared to Moore's version, which is nothing more than a rip off of the SA Superman?

Is it that you've blinded yourself into believing that Liefeld can only come up with rip offs in EVERYTHING he does but Moore isn't guilty of that?

Just out of curiosity, how much do you know about Supreme from before Moore came along?

Is it at least something or nothing at all?

ManofTheAtom said:
What is it about Liefeld's version of Supreme that you don't think is original compared to Moore's version, which is nothing more than a rip off of the SA Superman?

Liefeld admitted to making Supreme to do the Superman stories he wanted to write. Moore took the character and turned the book into a metaphor for the comic book as a whole showing both the plus and minuses of each era of comic history. In other words, he made the book mean something other than being a standard RL rippoff.
Oh my gob....how did MOTA find his way back here? Didn't Mxy leave him in the woods, like, a year ago? Who dropped the fucking bread crumbs?

thedoctor said:Liefeld admitted to making Supreme to do the Superman stories he wanted to write. Moore took the character and turned the book into a metaphor for the comic book as a whole showing both the plus and minuses of each era of comic history. In other words, he made the book mean something other than being a standard RL rippoff.

The problem with the term "standard RL ripoff" is that Liefeld's rip off tend to only steal the visual aspects of the characters, like Troll being a traced Wolverine or the rock guy whose name I don't know from a team of characters I don't know being a visual rip off of the Thing.

The problem with Moore is that he rips off actual characters, personalities, backgrounds, and pretty much everything that makes a character what he is.

People seem to see the visual rip off as a bigger "crime" than what Moore does.

What Moore did, which I'm sure from some perspectives can be seen to be what you lay it out to be, is still a bigger rip off of Superman than what Liefeld did.

ManofTheAtom said:

thedoctor said:Liefeld admitted to making Supreme to do the Superman stories he wanted to write. Moore took the character and turned the book into a metaphor for the comic book as a whole showing both the plus and minuses of each era of comic history. In other words, he made the book mean something other than being a standard RL rippoff.

The problem with the term "standard RL ripoff" is that Liefeld's rip off tend to only steal the visual aspects of the characters, like Troll being a traced Wolverine or the rock guy whose name I don't know from a team of characters I don't know being a visual rip off of the Thing.

The problem with Moore is that he rips off actual characters, personalities, backgrounds, and pretty much everything that makes a character what he is.

People seem to see the visual rip off as a bigger "crime" than what Moore does.

What Moore did, which I'm sure from some perspectives can be seen to be what you lay it out to be, is still a bigger rip off of Superman than what Liefeld did.

You, by your own admission, have not read the work Moore did on Supreme; therefore, you cannot credibly assert anything about said work. Your arguments are nil.

Liefeld's Supreme, which he only occasionally actually wrote, suffered from being inconsistent with the only static concepts being that he looked like Superman and had Superman's powers. Personality wise, no he wasn't Superman. He also wasn't stable with his characterisation changing from issue to issue. So, honestly, he wasn't even a character at all. He was a caricature. Moore was at least honest with his interpretation. He took the overall genericness of Supreme and spun it into something entertaining and insightful.

There's a fine line between ripoff and homage. It takes talent and skilled execution to know which is which. Moore has both. Liefeld doesn't.

Until you actually read Moore's Supreme work, I've said all I'm going to say to you on the subject. From now on I'm just going to make fun of any of your posts trying to argue against my points.

thedoctor said:
You, by your own admission, have not read the work Moore did on Supreme; therefore, you cannot credibly assert anything about said work. Your arguments are nil.

Liefeld's Supreme, which he only occasionally actually wrote, suffered from being inconsistent with the only static concepts being that he looked like Superman and had Superman's powers. Personality wise, no he wasn't Superman. He also wasn't stable with his characterisation changing from issue to issue. So, honestly, he wasn't even a character at all. He was a caricature. Moore was at least honest with his interpretation. He took the overall genericness of Supreme and spun it into something entertaining and insightful.

There's a fine line between ripoff and homage. It takes talent and skilled execution to know which is which. Moore has both. Liefeld doesn't.

Until you actually read Moore's Supreme work, I've said all I'm going to say to you on the subject. From now on I'm just going to make fun of any of your posts trying to argue against my points.

I've read enough of it to know what it is, a lame rip off not only of Superman but of Moore's own work.

Why spend money reading something that's obviously derivative just from looking at the cover?

And the only difference between homage and rip off is in the reader's eyes.

Moore is honest enough to admit he ripped off Superman, why can't his fans be as honest?

You can find all you need to know about Moore's Supreme here http://platinumstudios.com/titles/supreme.php

I'd like to see you counter how his stories aren't taken from Silver Age Superman comics...

ManofTheAtom said:

This is my new favorite thread.
This pic is dedicated to MOTA, the biggest fan of the Silver Age I know:


The Time Trust said:
This pic is dedicated to MOTA, the biggest fan of the Silver Age I know:

This panel should read, "Lois will LOVE these new anal beads I made fo her! Maybe she'll let me spank her again!!!"
Here you are, Joe:

Perfect. Thanks, Triple-T.

The Time Trust said:
Here you are, Joe:

Hope she doesn't mind getting them second hand from Galactus.
Galactus' are smaller.
Oh, shit, I didn't wanna do this, but you're forcing me into it. Damn you. Damn you for making me kick your ass again.


ManofTheAtom said:
Clarify it for me please.

What is it about Liefeld's version of Supreme that you don't think is original compared to Moore's version, which is nothing more than a rip off of the SA Superman?

I haven't read either. I'm mocking Lefield because... well, he's Lefield. More to the point, I'm mocking you for liking Lefield; not because of his lack of literary value, because I haven't actually read anything he's wrote... just because you like Lefield, and I think that's hilarious. I simply do. It's a subjective feeling... though I'm sure everyone else here knows exactly what I mean.
I have no real evidence that the ripped off Superman, because I haven't read the comic. If you ask me, honestly, did Lefield ripoff Superman, I'd say I have no clue. I have a brain, therefore I'm smart enough not to judge a book without having read it.

You're not.


Is it that you've blinded yourself into believing that Liefeld can only come up with rip offs in EVERYTHING he does but Moore isn't guilty of that?

I never said Moore didn't rip off Superman: I haven't read his Supreme, therefore I don't really know. I'd like to read it, but I haven't yet.
However, I honestly don't give a dancing fuck if he ripped off Superman or not; as long as the story is good, I'll like it. If it turns out to suck, I won't. That simple. If he has to rip off characters to tell the stories he wants without sucking DC's cock, good for him.


Just out of curiosity, how much do you know about Supreme from before Moore came along?

Is it at least something or nothing at all?

All I've read about Supreme is that he's a Superman ripoff wirtten by both the God of comics and the man who symbolizes everything that's wrong with the medium.


ManofTheAtom said:
The problem with the term "standard RL ripoff" is that Liefeld's rip off tend to only steal the visual aspects of the characters, like Troll being a traced Wolverine or the rock guy whose name I don't know from a team of characters I don't know being a visual rip off of the Thing.

You're talking about Bedrock, the masturbatory teen hero from Youngblood. Years after Moore had used comics to talk about topics like fascism and cold war paranoia, Lefield was just getting around to superheroes caught wanking.


The problem with Moore is that he rips off actual characters, personalities, backgrounds, and pretty much everything that makes a character what he is.

If that's what it takes to make Watchmen, so be it.


People seem to see the visual rip off as a bigger "crime" than what Moore does.

Actually, Lefield's bigger crime is being a lame shite.


What Moore did, which I'm sure from some perspectives can be seen to be what you lay it out to be, is still a bigger rip off of Superman than what Liefeld did.

However, from what I've heard, Moore used it to reflect on the comic book medium while Lefield had it punching baddies...


ManofTheAtom said:
I've read enough of it to know what it is, a lame rip off not only of Superman but of Moore's own work.

Ah, the first four pages of a comic in a previews catalogue always give such a complete view of the underlying topics in each story...


You can find all you need to know about Moore's Supreme here http://platinumstudios.com/titles/supreme.php

...only surpassed by synopsis posted in the internet.


Why spend money reading something that's obviously derivative just from looking at the cover?

DON'T. No one's telling you to buy it. However, if you don't read it you lose the right of bitching about it to the extent you do.
When did I say I like Liefeld? All I said was that compared to Moore his version of Supreme was more original.

You're just lost in the fanboy absolutes that say that it's impossible for someone to like AND dislike the different things one single creator does.

One can like Watchmen and not Supreme, you did know that, right? (just to pick two examples).

And one doesn't have to buy something to "bitch" about it, we are all free to have an opinion on whatever the fuck we want to.

My opinion is that what some fanboys think is the "best Superman in 20 years" is just a lame rip off of the SA Superman and that by itself makes it a bad thing.

It's sad that your entire opinion on a creator's work is based on who they are as a person instead of the ACTUAL WORK ITSELF.

Just another problem with the fanboys...

ManofTheAtom said:
You're just lost in the fanboy absolutes.....Just another problem with the fanboys...

You have got to be an alt.

ManofTheAtom said:


Joe Mama said:

The Time Trust said:
This pic is dedicated to MOTA, the biggest fan of the Silver Age I know:

This panel should read, "Lois will LOVE these new anal beads I made fo her! Maybe she'll let me spank her again!!!"

A great example of bad psuedo-science.

And it's Superboy.
technically wouldn't the sudden shift in gravity, and the lack of energy from a sun, and a whole bunch of other science shit caused by Superboy chaining them all together and dragging them through the universe cause every living thing on those planets to die anyway?
yeah... but it's a comic book.

ManofTheAtom said:
When did I say I like Liefeld? All I said was that compared to Moore his version of Supreme was more original.

As I recall you bought that comic when Lefield was doing it. Why would you buy it if you don't like Lefield, especially if you have the power of telling if a comic is good or bad by looking at the cover?


You're just lost in the fanboy absolutes that say that it's impossible for someone to like AND dislike the different things one single creator does.

One can like Watchmen and not Supreme, you did know that, right? (just to pick two examples).

Did I say "I'll read Supreme and I'll like it" or "I'll read Supreme and I'll like it if it's good"? Go back and check, then fuck off.


And one doesn't have to buy something to "bitch" about it, we are all free to have an opinion on whatever the fuck we want to.

We're free to bitch, but not to the extent you do. You talk about the quality of the story without having read it; you can freely talk about the quality of the concepts used, which is what you seem to dislike, but you CAN'T talk about the story unless you've READ it. Stories are READ. You place your eyes on the words and decypher the information. Without that, you don't know shit.


My opinion is that what some fanboys think is the "best Superman in 20 years" is just a lame rip off of the SA Superman and that by itself makes it a bad thing.

You can disagree with the principle of the story (I disagree with the principle of GL: Rebirth because I don't agree with Jordan being brought back like that), but you can't bitch about the story itself (I've never said Rebirth is poorly written because I haven't read it).


It's sad that your entire opinion on a creator's work is based on who they are as a person instead of the ACTUAL WORK ITSELF.

One example. I dare you.
I never bought Liefeld's version of Supreme or any other, I'm just aware of what makes the characters different from talking with people who have read them and reading about them on the internet.

Reading the comics won't give me more information than what I've already found: Liefeld's version (in spite of his admission of his creating him to tell Superman stories DC would never let him do) was an original creation compared to Moore's, which is an obvious rip off of the Silver Age Superman.

And the example you want is your obvious disdain for the Liefeld Supreme, your obvious refusal to accept that compared to Moore's version what Liefeld did was more original, and your obvious support of Moore's version in spite of it being a rip off.

I don't care what the quality of the storytelling might be, the facts are the facts:

Liefeld came up with a character that LOOKED like Superman but was an original creation, while Moore ripped off EVERY element from the Silver Age Superman and applied to Supreme.

You refuse to admit that.

Stupid Doog said:
technically wouldn't the sudden shift in gravity, and the lack of energy from a sun, and a whole bunch of other science shit caused by Superboy chaining them all together and dragging them through the universe cause every living thing on those planets to die anyway?

More importantly...Superboy would not meet Lois until he was Superman which makes the whole logic of Superboy collecting anal beads for Lois a complete impossibility!
I must say I don't take kindly to an entire era of comics coming under attack by someone who probably wasn't even alive at the time! Not all were good comics of course...but all comics today aren't all good either. Nostalgia has it's place Mota. Let go of the bitterness and you will be a happier person buttercup.

LLance said:
More importantly...Superboy would not meet Lois until he was Superman which makes the whole logic of Superboy collecting anal beads for Lois a complete impossibility!

Unless, of course, Lana liked it the same, and Superman's constant confusion over which of the two to go for in his adult days were because these were the two women alive who both went for his Kryptonian Kink...
There is also the chance that the anal beads were for that guy from Gotham who dresses in black leather...
Nostalgia's one thing, constantly trying to revive something that died a long time ago because you can't let go of it is... morbid.

Moore, Waid, Morrison, Loeb and other "creators" working in comics are more interested in redoing what's already been done than coming up with original ideas.

That's not what a writer does, that's what a fanboy does.

ManofTheAtom said:
I don't care what the quality of the storytelling might be

Taking that telling statement into consideration, and considering the rest of the post is basically:


ManofTheAtom said:
I haven't read the comic but I once had dinner with a person who took care of the dog of a guy who went to school with a dude with the same name as someone who read five pages

...I won't bother talking about this anymore. You're a lost case. Go harass comic celebrities or something. I hear Joe Quesada likes caped donkeys!

ManofTheAtom said:
Nostalgia's one thing, constantly trying to revive something that died a long time ago because you can't let go of it is... morbid.

Agreed, like those people who wish the Byrne era in Superman comics was back... Ok, ok, I'm done now!
I've never met anyone who'd like for the Byrne era to be back.

Personally I want things to keep moving forward in comics, not backwards.

As for Supreme, thank you for proving me right when I said that you're incapable of accepting that Moore's version of Supreme is a rip off of the Silver Age Superman.

That's all you have to do yet it's very hard for you to accept.

Just in case you ever want to stop being a fanboy and develop an informed opinion, you can check the differences between Liefeld's Supreme and Moore's Supreme in the following pages.

I bet even then you'll be hard pressed to accept that Moore used Superman as his guidelines for Supreme while Liefeld's version was more original (in spite of being labeled a Superman copy by his creator).

Only a fanboy would think that physical apperance makes a character a copy of another one while the actual story and personality have no bearing on who a character is.


You bitched when Byrne's version started being replaced. Before you derail this to talk about how much Loeb or Berganza suck blah blah blah, I'm NOT defending the version of Superman that replaced it, I'm questioning your blind fanboy attitude: I recall you said Byrne's origin should last forever (literally), because it's the best one.

I want you to quote the post where I said Moore's Supreme isn't a rip off. How can I expect you to read a comic before judging it if you can't even read the words "I DON'T FUCKING CARE IF ITS A RIP OFF"?

I judge comics by the quality of the story, you judge them by how tied to continuity they are and by whether there's a caped dog present... We have nothing to discuss.

I tried to click on that link to see what the huuuge difference is in personality and use between Lefield's Supreme and Superman, but it's not working. Maybe my anti virus detected Lefield ""art"" and disabled the website.

Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:
...I won't bother talking about this anymore. You're a lost case. Go harass comic celebrities or something. I hear Joe Quesada likes caped donkeys!

So you say. But you know you're just going to get sucked into another convo.
I never said it's the best one, I said it's the one of consequoence and that it's an honest version of the origin.

I also said that origins don't define characters forever, they only serve to introduce the concept and the people involved in it.

Byrne's version of Superman evolved into the Stern/Jurgends/Simonson/Kesel/Ordway version long before Loeb and the others came along, it just happens that the Loeb/Waid/Casey/Kelly version sucks because it's more interested in reproducing the Silver Age out of sick nostalgia than in A) moving things forward and B ) being honest with the concept.

Not that a fanboy like you would understand. To you the only thing that matters is how "good" the story is, regardless of whether or not it doesn't fit the concept or the characters in it.

If someone told a story in which it's revealed that Spider-Man comes from the planet of the alien spiders, as long as it's "good" you wouldn't mind, right?

Pariah said:

Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:
...I won't bother talking about this anymore. You're a lost case. Go harass comic celebrities or something. I hear Joe Quesada likes caped donkeys!

So you say. But you know you're just going to get sucked into another convo.

That's a given.

ManofTheAtom said:
I never said it's the best one, I said it's the one of consequoence and that it's an honest version of the origin.

I also said that origins don't define characters forever, they only serve to introduce the concept and the people involved in it.

Byrne's version of Superman evolved into the Stern/Jurgends/Simonson/Kesel/Ordway version long before Loeb and the others came along, it just happens that the Loeb/Waid/Casey/Kelly version sucks because it's more interested in reproducing the Silver Age out of sick nostalgia than in A) moving things forward and B ) being honest with the concept.

I can't be arsed to look up your posts, but they'd shock even you.


Not that a fanboy like you would understand. To you the only thing that matters is how "good" the story is, regardless of whether or not it doesn't fit the concept or the characters in it.

If someone told a story in which it's revealed that Spider-Man comes from the planet of the alien spiders, as long as it's "good" you wouldn't mind, right?

I like how you say "good" between quotes. It's like when G-man says "democratically elected" or "freedom of speech". Filthy little details.

No, I wouldn't like it as long as it's "good", I'd like it as long as it's good. Good means it's not just "good", it's good by any standard. Any one that makes sense, that is.

The quality of the story is all I care about, period. I know it seems shocking to you, but it's shocking to me that anyone could care about details like DECADES OLD CONTINUITY or CAPED DOGS. Only in comics we get guys like these.

And you call me a fanboy...

ManofTheAtom said:
I've never met anyone who'd like for the Byrne era to be back.

I'd like the Byrne era to be back.
Oh, my mistake. I thought good was subjective and each individual the world over had the choice to hate or dislike what someone else loves and enjoys (hence the quotes).

I didn't know it was a standard that everyone has to agree on

rex said:

ManofTheAtom said:
I've never met anyone who'd like for the Byrne era to be back.

I'd like the Byrne era to be back.

Speaking of Byrne....Lying In The Gutter is reporting that Doom Patrol is officially cancelled.
Now that's good news.

ManofTheAtom said:

RACK jack Mehoff!
Heh even better

I haven't read comics for some 40+ years because I'm looking for a perpetual Silver Age of comics. Of course I want comics to continue forward but Mota needs to develop some respect for Comic's different eras. The Golden Age begot the Silver Age which begot the Bronze Age which begot the Modern Age. There is good and bad in all and if you are especially attentive you'll find those gems of story-telling that stand up to the test of time and are good to read at any time!
You forgot to make a joke about you molesting posters on this board or about Batman screwing Robin.

The Golden Age really is dead.

LLance said:
I haven't read comics for some 40+ years because I'm looking for a perpetual Silver Age of comics. Of course I want comics to continue forward but Mota needs to develop some respect for Comic's different eras. The Golden Age begot the Silver Age which begot the Bronze Age which begot the Modern Age. There is good and bad in all and if you are especially attentive you'll find those gems of story-telling that stand up to the test of time and are good to read at any time!

I prefer to think of Geoff Johns' writing as the shiny tin age. It looks silver, but isn't worth shit in the long run.
Jeph Loeb's comics are the Paris Hilton age: they suck.

Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:
Jeph Loeb's comics are the Paris Hilton age: they suck.

Having recently seen the Paris Hilton video I have to assume that Mxy means they don't suck good at all!?! My oh my but she was the dead fuck, wasn't she? And what's w/ that dude going on about his big dick for so long in the beginning? Methinks he's a faggot...

ManofTheAtom said:
Oh, my mistake. I thought good was subjective and each individual the world over had the choice to hate or dislike what someone else loves and enjoys (hence the quotes).

I didn't know it was a standard that everyone has to agree on

This was MOTAs last post.
We could always go to any other message board and ask him to come back.
Guess which word I changed?

Perry White is a pimp.