Ginat clusterfuck, or accessable story?

Longer and more drawn out than Infinite Crisis and Our Worlds at War put together. Yet the story is apparently really good and its ramifications are more "earth shattering" than any DC story cooked up in the past 5 years.

"Fun for the whole family" and 5 stars. This is the best "So how's that "Civil War" event coming along...?" thread EVAR!

Jeremy said:
Longer and more drawn out than Infinite Crisis and Our Worlds at War put together

Yet, unlike IC, you don't have to read all the tie-in shit. So, I just get the main book itself, and say fuck the rest. Thus, I don't think you can compare it to the IC mega-tie-ins that DC had...
Annihilation is where it's at!

Whats so civil about war anyway?

Nowhereman said:
Whats so civil about war anyway?

And what's so funny about peace, love and understanding?
I've been successfully avoiding Civil War. However, GQ's posts make me wish I'd picked up Annihilation.

the G-man said:

Nowhereman said:
Whats so civil about war anyway?

And what's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

I, too, thought of that song when I saw that post.. thanks for posting it, G- Man!
I'm enjoying 'Civil War' so far. I really wish they'd coordinated it all better because the delays in the book are really getting old. Plus, since everything in the Marvelverse right now is tied to this one mini, if one issue is late, pretty much every other book is too.

Still, I like the character dynamics and the long-lasting ramifications. Things like the dissolution of Marvel's first family, the introduction of the Punisher into the fray, the prison in the Negative Zone, and the revelation of Spider-Man's dual identity are really making this series top notch, in my mind.
The pictures look cool. Makes me wish I'd leaned to read.

wannabuyamonkey said:
The pictures look cool. Makes me wish I'd leaned to read.


wannabuyamonkey said:
The pictures look cool. Makes me wish I'd leaned to read.

Reading is fundamental.
The Frontline series is really good. I actually have been slow to get the main series as its mainly a lot of fighting and general superheroics. But Frontline explores the elements that I find interesting about this crossover. I like the separate plots, and the fact that the stars are normal on the street reporters focussing on the human angle to a crossover, its a truly unique take.
The Spider-man stories have been good. I have no doubt it will eventually be super-kissed away, but for the moment its a ballsy change.
Bendis' Avengers series has been really good at exloring the views on both sides.

And after "Infinite Crisis" with its shitty name and masturbatory fanboy feel Civil War is playing as something new and unique.
And I can really appreciate that its not just a look at modern political and social attitudes but also an examination on many orwellian and fascist events, while at the same time providing valid justification for both sides.