Posted By: Jeremy On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-10 6:45 AM
The format of the comic is different from '52', the obvious difference is that it starts from 51 and counts down to 0. The other difference is it's not broken up day by day, which will be a lot easier to read for those that were annoyed by the time stamps. "Week X, Day Y, Hour Z" got old real fast.

On to the issue itself...Countdown #51 opens up with Desaad talking about life and death while Darkseid prepares his game of "chess" with Earth's heroes and villains. Joker's daughter Duela has a run in with Jason Todd (as the Red Hood). Mary Marvel sets out to find Freddy Freeman. The Pied Piper spies on Heat Wave and the Trickster (actually his rat does). Finally, one of the Monitors breaks up Todd's and Duela's party, seems he's out to eliminate the anomalies threatening the Multiverse. Spoilers.

Oh, and a great disaster is coming and only Ray Palmer is the solution.
I liked you better when you were leading moderator coups...
Posted By: rex Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-10 6:55 AM
jeremy put a review in a review thread. Maybe he isn't that big of a tard after all.

yeah, right.
Posted By: Grimm Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-10 7:51 AM

MisterJLA said:
I liked you better when you were leading moderator coups...

he was not leading, but merely trying to hold off the inevitable. The New Regime IS.
I think I'll buy a few issues when this happens-to see how it's played out...

Posted By: Fused Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-14 8:26 AM
if i got the deal right, seems like it actually legitimizes loebs jason todd bullshit. some cross-worlder that doesnt belong. pretty clever way of cleaning up anything thats kinda idiotic in present day DC. blame it on world rifts. fucking krypto for instance.
They need to stick to a continuity and not shift things through magic wall punching and a crisis every time the wind changes.
DC seems to be running out of names for their crossovers.

First we had Countdown to Infinite Crisis
Then Infinite Crisis
Now Countdown
they can still do Crisis of the Infinite Countdowns
infinite countdown crisis
Posted By: the G-man Re: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-14 8:39 PM
But they can't do Infinite Crisis Countdown because, well, that would be too confusing.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-14 9:37 PM
Crisis Countdown X Infinity?
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-14 9:37 PM
"The Greatest Crisis of Countdowns EVAR!"


the G-man said:
DC seems to be running out of names for their crossovers.

First we had Countdown to Infinite Crisis
Then Infinite Crisis
Now Countdown

You forgot Crisis of Infinite Earths.

Jason E. Perkins said:

the G-man said:
DC seems to be running out of names for their crossovers.

First we had Countdown to Infinite Crisis
Then Infinite Crisis
Now Countdown

You forgot Crisis of Infinite Earths.

Crisis on 52 Earths...coming summer 2008.
Posted By: Chant Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-15 2:06 PM
Countdown to Infinity and beyond crisis?
Posted By: the G-man Re:Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-15 5:52 PM

Jason E. Perkins said:

the G-man said:
DC seems to be running out of names for their crossovers.

First we had Countdown to Infinite Crisis
Then Infinite Crisis
Now Countdown

You forgot Crisis of Infinite Earths.

I was only referring to the ones published this century.
Posted By: and1 Re:Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-15 10:24 PM
Kingdom Come Crisis: Infinite Countdown to Zero Hour
Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-17 5:23 AM
Issue #50

The 'S' man helps Jimmy Olsen get a story on the Red Hood. Apparently Jimmy also knows that he's Jason Todd. Are secret identities even secret anymore? Mary Marvel seeks Madame Xanadu's help in getting her powers back. Batman fights Karate Kid while the Flash's rogues have a meeting. Anyone miss the Joker? Jimmy visits him at Arkham hoping to get an answer as to who would kill Duela. The Joker knows something isn't right with the universe. As if that wasn't enough madness, Killer Croc gets loose...

Wait. Isn't that the Anti-Monitor's hand?
Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-24 6:34 AM
Issue #49

Croc goes after Jimmy, but Jimmy manages to get a kick into his face...after stretching to get out of Croc's path! The Monitors discuss the killing of Duela, as well as the other "loose ends". Roy tells Karate Kid to wax off. The Flash's rogues continue to make their move. And Mary Marvel is attacked by Black Adam.

And in the backup feature, part one of the history of the multiverse.

Jeremy said:
And Mary Marvel is attacked by Black Adam.

With powers!
Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 2:15 AM
Thanks Jeff!
I skipped 52 but gave in and bought the countdown issues out so far. It looks fun & I'm interested in the whole multiverse angle. Plus Karate Kid is in it.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 7:53 AM
Check out the JLA/JSA crossover, that's where his (and the other time displaced Legion's) story is featured.
Posted By: allan1 Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 3:38 PM
Also pretty much gives away that Countdown leads into another Crisis next year. The Legion refer to Infinite Crisis as "The Middle Crisis".
Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 5:26 PM
You sure it's not Zero Hour they're refering to?
Posted By: allan1 Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 5:29 PM
yeah...they told Batman something about them showing up so soon after the middle Crisis.
Maybe they meant The Bat-Man's mid-life Crisis?
Posted By: allan1 Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-26 3:07 PM
But that's every month!!!
Looks like Jimmy's been dippin' in the Gingold, if you know what I mean.

And I know you do.
He seemed surprised by his powers, though. He briefly turned elastic during the late 80's because of the Eradicator, but I doubt anyone remembers that. They're more likely to reference the Elastic Lad stories from the Silver Age to explain this.
A reference to his silver age Elastic Lad days & maybe a hint that he's one of the displaced characters?
Wizard Mag is speculating we'll see more of Jimmy's various powers and abilities from the Silver Age.

Oh, yay, Teenage Mutant Ninja Jimmy. How original.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-06-01 7:11 AM
Issue 48

Mary Marvel confronts Black Adam for a way to get her powers back. He just laughs at her. Jimmy runs out on Perry to find that Lightray has fallen from the sky. After saving a family (using super speed), Superman finally shows up. He flies off, just in time to see...someone...vanish. As if they were never even there. Lightray dies after muttering the word infinite. Jason Todd visits the Titans at Duela's funeral. He tells Donna Troy that he's been thinking about what the Monitor said. Jason wonders if he shouldn't be in this reality. Finally, Karate Kid wishes he knew what happened to Thom Kallor.

In the backup feature, part two of the History of the Multiverse.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-06-01 7:21 AM
My problem with this issue (other than the slow pace) is the cover. The issue is spoiled on the cover! "DEATH OF A NEW GOD!" the issue says. Is DC trying to take the -factor out of this comic? They did this with Supernova's identity in 52. Fucking weak.
Thom Kellar is explained in the latest JSA. He has a mental disorder & today's medicine isn't advanced enough to treat it. Plus he's more messed up because he also had been on the Kingdom Come earth where as he put it was "meh".
Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-06-01 7:38 AM
Yeah, I got that one today too. And Action Comics. Once again, Superman's past is royally fucked with.
What happened in Action? I'll probably pick it up since it looks like some version of the legion is in it but I like spoilers.
Posted By: Grimm Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-06-01 7:56 AM

Matter-eater Man said:
Thom Kellar is explained in the latest JSA. He has a mental disorder & today's medicine isn't advanced enough to treat it. Plus he's more messed up because he also had been on the Kingdom Come earth where as he put it was "meh".

yeah, he got his arse blowed up and shot through time and space.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-06-01 8:01 AM
Brainiac 5 finishes a time viewer, Supergirl (of that time) uses it to look in on Superman. But while doing so, they go through 4 or 5 versions of Superman before getting to the one of the new continuity. Golden Age, Silver Age, Mullet Age, and Birthright. Brainy and Kara look at his past with retcons involving:

Clark's adventures with the Legion
Clark not in civvies when he saved the space plane
Lex in Smallville
Martha's dad's funeral
Donner and Johns' interpretation of Krypton
Superman and the Justice League
And some Loeb stuff including Superman/Batman

Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-06-02 4:38 AM
In the next issue of Countdown...

DC should be ashamed of the obvious tentacle rape implied in that picture.
Posted By: Grimm Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-06-03 12:18 AM
DC has no shame.
Funny. If DC was doing to start doing tentacle rape, I would have thought they'd do it in the pages of Aquaman.

Jeremy said:
They did this with Supernova's identity in 52. Fucking weak.

Who was Supernova?
Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-06-03 8:29 AM
Booster Gold

...and like you didn't see that coming from the beginning...
Posted By: Grimm Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-06-04 9:29 PM
Chewy endorses tentacle rape!!!!!!!
Oy, they're beginning to do it... Teen Titans #47 has the team arriving at Duela Dent's funeral, and then it says "See Countdown #48 for full funeral".

I don't care cause I steal these comics from the internets, but if I was buying em I'd feel cheated... especially after seeing that the Titans sequence in Countdown is like one page long.
...and the issue ends with an Amazons Attack tie-in. Obviously.

Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk said:
Oy, they're beginning to do it... Teen Titans #47 has the team arriving at Duela Dent's funeral, and then it says "See Countdown #48 for full funeral".

Which, as others have noted, is really counterproductive. A mini series like Countdown should be drawing readers into the ongoing series, not the other way around.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-06-08 2:45 AM
Issue 47
Jimmy has a nightmare that he's part of the source wall. Holly Robinson wants a fresh start. After telling Mary Marvel that hope is a sick delusion, he gives her his powers. All of them. One Monitor (do these guys even have names yet?) attempts to persuade the rest that their job is not to commit murder, yet they must rectify the errors in the new multiverse. He's silenced by his brother who seeks to eliminate the "virus" infecting the multiverse. The Rogues have a party! Oh, and the Amazons Attack.

In the back up, chapter three of the history of the multiverse. Featuring the first appearance of Earth 3 and the Anti Matter Man.
Posted By: allan1 Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-06-09 11:46 PM
The cover was very nice.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-06-10 1:49 AM
She's young dude...
Posted By: allan1 Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-06-10 2:11 AM
The art was nice....that was what I meant....really.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-06-10 8:33 AM
Sure allan suuuuure...
Posted By: allan1 Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-06-11 3:19 PM
Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-06-16 6:58 PM
Issue 46

Jimmy chases a story to Suicide Slum where he meets up with Sleez, former servant of Darkseid. Sleez yells "He's here!" just before the building they're in crumbles. Someone says "So begins the end" and blasts Sleez. Mary Marvel finds a piece of the Rock of Eternity. Upon confronting it, out comes the demon Pharyngula, harvester of stillborn souls. They fight and Mary takes a lightning bolt through her body. The Rogues fight in a diner. Donna Troy and Jason Todd do more talking before Jason gets the crap kicked out of him by someone named The Forerunner (she's the weapon of the Monitors, people, spoilers).

In the backup, chapter four of the History of the Multiverse. This time with more Earth One and Earth Two teamups. Red Tornado stuff, both adult Robins (the gay Batman looking one and Earth Two Robin), and the presence of more Earths.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-06-22 7:52 AM
Issue 45

The issue where stuff actually happens! Not really. Just more talking. Harbin...er...Forerunner and Troy fight. Donna uses a machine gun (a fucking machine gun? \:\?\!\: ) against Forerunner only to use her wristbands to deflect Forerunner's spikey things. "Oh I intend to give you an old school beat down" Donna says. \:nono\: A Monitor arrives to stop the fight, then disappears with Jason and Donna. Karate Kid, Doc Mid-nite, Dream Girl, and Starman talk about stuff that's going on in the JLA/JSA crossover. Other Monitors bitch at each other. Jimmy Olsen recaps everything that's been happening to him lately, he also spells out who the New Gods are and his relationship to them. Oh, he's gay for Lightray. Then the end, is that Monarch?

Then in Chapter Five of the History of the Multiverse:
More meetings between the JLA and JSA with the battle between the two teams and Mordru. Heroes pairing with their counterparts. Blah Blah leading up to a crisis of infinite blah blah.
I was gonna say that the book doesn't look like Giffen is doing layouts, but then I noticed he's not credited. Whu? Did he resign or something?
Posted By: Grimm Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-07-06 9:40 PM

he doesn't start until # 43
In our non-backwards timeline, he lasted from issues one through 43, and resigned in 44.
Posted By: Grimm Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-07-06 11:50 PM

yes. if you play the tape backwards, you actually see us help mr. king up and send him on his way.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-07-11 2:10 AM
Issue 44
Mary is teleported to the Rock of Eternity. After getting a lecture from Billy about her desire for power, Mary flips out and decides to pursue her own destiny. Jimmy tests his theory about his powers (that they activate when he's in danger) only to be proven somewhat wrong. He gets punched by a thug, then shoots spikes from his body! Holly ends up with a bunch of Amazons. Piper and Trickster are on the run for killing the Flash. The Monarch approaches Forerunner, convincing her to join him...for now.

Then, Chapter Six of the History of the Multiverse...it's Crisis on Infinite Earths!
thank you jeremy for once again helping me to see just how right i was that i didnt start picking this up...
Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-07-11 2:20 AM
Issue 43
The funeral for Bart is held, with Jay doing the eulogy. Cyborg and an angry Wonder Girl also give a speech, while Jason, Donna, and a Monitor watch. Piper and Trickster are confronted (and killed?) by Deadshot. Holly is still with the Amazons. Forerunner, with Monarch, decides to eliminate the Monitors.

Finally, History of the Multiverse chapter seven. A brief summary of events leading from COIE to Infinite Crisis.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-07-11 2:21 AM
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
thank you jeremy for once again helping me to see just how right i was that i didnt start picking this up...

Not much is happening...

You're welcome K-nut.
Posted By: Grimm Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-07-11 6:27 AM
Originally posted by Mopius: \:zzz\:
This thing sucks..can we unsticky this waste of space please....

No offense Germy, but the story sucks..not the spoiler or review...
Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-07-11 7:28 AM
By "we" do you mean me or "we" as in...screw it I'll do it.
If I meant by me I woulda done it..we are a team....

Deadshot shoots Trickster in the head and chest!

Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-11-30 9:02 AM
And Superboy Prime, the character that is played out as the badass in the GL comics, is a whining bully. Picking on Mxy, for shame...
Posted By: Grimm Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-11-30 9:37 AM
how dare he pick on Mxy! we should all hop on a plane to Mxyco and defend his honor!

. . .by Tuesday, Wednesday at the latest!
Superboy Prime is a big meanie. He makes me restart my AIM.
Posted By: Grimm Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-11-30 9:25 PM
Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-12-06 7:48 AM
So from what (little) I've seen over the past couple weeks Mxy has closed off the path to New Earth's dimension, vowing never to return (another sign of things to come I think). Jimmy is getting his ass handed to him, Mary Marvel is wising up to Eclipso's temptations, and the Challengers visited Earth 12. Looks like the Trickster bit the big one too. Gob help me though, I'm probably wrong on some things.
And Earth 12 is Batman Beyond earth!
So that makes Earth 12 also the JLU earth?
Posted By: Jeremy Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-12-07 5:35 AM
Looks like just an Earth with future versions of heroes and villians. I'm not certain if the rest of the DCAU fits in there too.
Posted By: Chant Re: On the Rack Reviews: Countdown [Spoilers!] - 2007-12-07 1:22 PM
can't we just get it over with and blow it all to kingdom come? (not the comic though, which is still fucking aweshome)