Eat it!

He saves the lives of countless strangers, but most of the important people in his life (a girlfriend he had unresolved issues with, his father, his best friend) wind up dead at times when he's helpless to do anything. Then, it finally looks like things are starting to get better when he helps turn Batgirl away from "the dark side" and BAM another long time friend (and another person he had unresolved issues with) winds up dead. Is he going to snap? Is he going to become "darker"? What keeps him going in the face of all this crap that's being piled on top of him?

His father's last words to him were something along the lines of "Never question that what you're doing is worth it." But how much more can someone Tim's age take?

One other thing I find interesting about him is that he doesn't seem to be intimidated by ANYONE. Not Batman, not Superman, not Lex Luthor. I guess that comes from spending almost every day around the scariest guy on Earth.

Plus, he doesn't wear those stupid shorts Dick and Jason did (I'm pretty sure it's the shorts and not the whole being killed thing that turned Jason evil. Dick hasn't turned evil, but he'll probably snap before Tim does.)
I can't separate Dick, Babs, or Tim...if you've actually read New Teen Titans and Nightwing old issues of Batman & 'Tec, JLA and Birds of Prey I don't see how you could be serious about that assertion at all.

Unless you are just making a joke about the shorts. Which are circus performer shorts which Dick wore ---you guessed it-at the circus, ya know which they actually wear. If you don't like 'em fine, but they fit his character as that was what circus aerialists wore...geez.
So, you like seeing little bous in short shorts. To each his own, I say.

Ummmmm, no...you're the one that works for Disney or whatever. maybe you shoulda worked for Neverland Ranch instead.
You're the one defending the hotpants, dude.
Calm down, Pig. You're overreacting.

Uh... in Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker Tim wen crazy.
I never knew him any different growing up..Tim's costume looks better, but the entire argument is childish, because of the reasons I listed previously.
 Originally Posted By: Pig Iran
I can't separate Dick, Babs, or Tim...if you've actually read New Teen Titans and Nightwing old issues of Batman & 'Tec, JLA and Birds of Prey I don't see how you could be serious about that assertion at all.

I didn't see where NW said that, but I agree with PI's second half of the statement - while there are some similarities between the Robins - they are, afterall, Batman's protegies, Babs is nothing like either of them - certainly not the Oracle that we see portrayed today. Nevermind the fact that she has access to all the computer systems in the world and can do what she wants with them - as a character, she is the only one who has had to continuously cope with what has been done with here - she hasn't come back form the dead, like, Supes (or sozens of charcters, really), nor has she regained the use of her legs, like Bruce did. She has rebuilt herself and in doing so, created a new identity. Unlike Dick's transformation to Nightwing, which was born of a frustration of being in Batman's shadow and a desire to separate himself from that, Babs' transformation was a need to rebuild her life. She is unlike the other characters that you fail to distinguish from one another.
Serieously though, Tim is getting to be my favorite DC character. DC keeps killing all the other ones I like. Once they kill Kyle Rayner, it'll be official.
I miss Maxi Zeus. Did he come back in the CRISISSS!!?
 Originally Posted By: notwedge
Serieously though, Tim is getting to be my favorite DC character. DC keeps killing all the other ones I like. Once they kill Kyle Rayner, it'll be official.

Your Young Justice is most of our Justice League International.

It seems we can agree on things once in a while, even if you are a Byrne loving lunatic. ;\)
I like JB....
this is supposed to be the part when you call me a compulsive Byrne basher.
Meh, If you don't like him you don't, but I would like to see choices of who you do like.
I like it in the ass
Writers I like:
Peter David
Ed Brubaker
Gail Simone
Dan Slott
Warren Ellis
Ron Marz
Kurt Busiek

Artists I like:
George Perez
Jim Lee
John Cassiday
Stuart Immonen
Steve Epting
Todd Nauck
ChrisCross (although, it's been such a long time since I've seen anything new from him I'm not sure if he counts anymore)

Basically, these are the people who make me more likely to buy a comic they work on.
 Originally Posted By: notwedge
Writers I like:
Peter David
Ed Brubaker
Gail Simone
Dan Slott
Warren Ellis
Ron Marz
Kurt Busiek

Artists I like:
George Perez
Jim Lee
John Cassiday
Stuart Immonen
Steve Epting
Todd Nauck
ChrisCross (although, it's been such a long time since I've seen anything new from him I'm not sure if he counts anymore)

Basically, these are the people who make me more likely to buy a comic they work on.

Right, obviously you got into comics the time that half of these creators started or nearly started their careers, and many are now still producing quality or top notch work. I started reading comics when JB was the new and fresh creator-making many of my favorite books, and therefore he is on my list as todd nauck and chriscross are on yours.
They're probably both on my list because they were artists on books by PAD that I liked a lot and their art fit well. I never realluy had a problem with Byrne until Tenth Circle/Doom Patrol. He seems to have trouble working with continuity and other creators. His alternate reality stuff is stronger than his "regular" stuff in my opinion. I think his art would be better if he'd follow his natural tendency to draw "cartoonishly" instead of fighting it.
 Originally Posted By: notwedge
Serieously though, Tim is getting to be my favorite DC character. DC keeps killing all the other ones I like. Once they kill Kyle Rayner, it'll be official.

Kyle's got a space bug up his arse right now. stoopid space bugs. \:grumble\: seriously, those things are gonna kill the whole Green Lantern concept.

never really cared for Tim, though I can see how a lot of people enjoy the character. he's the one Robin that's been allowed to stand on his own, rather than being limited to the sidekick role.

Dick didn't really get to do that until the Titans, and even then didn't really start to grow as a character until he became Nightwing.

Barbara's far more interesting as Oracle than she ever was as Batgirl.
I like Tim. Ever since he first came on the scene he's been one of my favorite characters. i dont think he's the most interesting in the whole DCU though.
 Originally Posted By: Uschi
Calm down, Pig. You're overreacting.

Uh... in Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker Tim wen crazy.

true....though he got fucked with pretty hard
Tim Drake is a good, solid character. But, not one I'm interested in.

Jason Todd was a good character. But, certainly not one I'm interested in, now.

My wife is a big Oracle fan. Thus, I like her, too.

Dick Grayson will rip your scrotum out through your ass, while doing a triple-somersault into a hot tub with Babs. He's "The" Man. Never to be bested by those that come after... \:noice\:
The person you were named after (Devin) turned him gay....he was raped by a woman.
 Originally Posted By: PJP
The person you were named after (Devin)

I'll kill you dead.

turned him gay....he was raped by a woman.

....what?? What the hell are you talking about? Dick "Mack-Master" Grayson can't be "raped". He does the raping. For rape-dollars.

So, really...what?
The Tarantula raped him good.....he didn't want to have sex....she did.....she won.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
....what?? What the hell are you talking about? Dick "Mack-Master" Grayson can't be "raped". He does the raping. For rape-dollars.

Shiny twelvers?
 Originally Posted By: PJP
The Tarantula raped him good.....he didn't want to have sex....she did.....she won.



Okay, that didn't happen. I'm just going to refuse to believe it, read it, talk about it, or acknowledge it.

Like most of modern DC, post-Infinite Crisis.

And, I think I'm understanding where all of the anti-Devin Grayson statements come from...
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

....what?? What the hell are you talking about? Dick "Mack-Master" Grayson can't be "raped". He does the raping. For rape-dollars.

So, really...what?

Tarantula raped Nightwing. It's true. Sorry.
I don't even know who "Tarantula" is, and I'm still getting nauseated.

Sorry...didn't happen...
And...really...how does any female "rape" a male?? Wouldn't it be like trying to force wet spaghetti through a keyhole?
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Jason Todd was a good character. But, certainly not one I'm interested in, now.

When he was brought back by "Prime" (since DC can't use the name 'Superboy') it seemed like he'd be a bad ass, but now he's a throw away character. Seriously, Didio's killing off the good ones and bringing back the shitty ones. Superman and Brave and the Bold are probably my two favorite titles right now, simply because an actual story is being told as opposed to all this "what character can we fuck up next?" shit.