Posted By: whomod Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-02 11:53 AM
Best book in a long long time.

Although it does throw the idea of this being the Silver Age Legion into wild confusion.
The entire story started off as if this one is going to be memorable. Starting with the origin of... well, we'll see, won't we?

And it looks as if we've left Clark Kent, Smallville High jock behind. Here he's alienated in a real way that frankly I've never seen in the character before. He's Clark Kent, not "Superboy" but really, he's Clark Kent! Geek! For real! It's a new twist for sure and an interesting one at that.

Gone is the old Legion meets Superboy story where they have him do a series of tests which they sabotage to test his character. Instead, it's straight off to the 30th Century.

Now did i miss something? When did they re-introduce the robotic Brianiac again? Or is this the 1st time in the New Earth?

I'm not sure what to think of the 30th Century. I'll have to re-read my 5 Years Later story to see if this "fits" in any conceivable way to the period between 5years Later and the end of the classic Legion stories. It may be a dystopian future but just seeing the old Legion again, and seeing the familiarity they and Supes have with each other was like a breath of fresh air. It's like old friends. It's like coming home.

And that ending! Cliffhangers are good
i might have been interested and given it a chance had they been upfront and direct and published an origin story after crisis. but all this teasing and uncertainty has turned me off to the DC stories.
Damn that fucking inker, man. Why do they bother to pay Gary fucking Frank to draw the book if they're gonna get a crappy fucking inker to ruin it afterwards?
Posted By: Grimm Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-02 11:10 PM
the one pic I've seen looks awful. who is doing the inking?

Eric Powell's issues look great, btw.
Posted By: ROY BATTY Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-02 11:37 PM
Did you read it?

The art was lovely but I'll have to reread it!

First reading left me a little underwhelmed!
Posted By: Grimm Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-02 11:38 PM
I've read Powell's first two issues, but not the Frank stuff.
Posted By: ROY BATTY Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-02 11:41 PM
So what'd you think of those 2 issues?
Posted By: Grimm Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-02 11:48 PM
I liked 'em. but I mainly got them for Powell's art. I don't really care for the story end. Johns lost me with Infinite Crisis. that was the last nail for me.
Posted By: ROY BATTY Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-03 3:03 AM

The art was lovely though!
Yeah, I liked the art in the Bizarro arc. The story, not so much. It's even lamer considering that Grant Morrison did pretty much the same story a couple of months ago in ASS. I don't think Johns was ripping off the other story, but still, the inevitable comparison between both stories isn't very flattering to him.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-03 4:45 AM
On the contrary, I couldn't stand the art in "Escape from Bizarro World". Some parts of the story were good, but the rest (Bizarro JLA ) sucked. Action Comics was solid...except for the pencilling. The best issue this week was Superman Confidential. My inner fanboy jumped for joy at the perfect balance of story and art. Seriously, get Batista and Smith on one of the main titles, they're awesome.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-03 4:53 AM
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
Damn that fucking inker, man. Why do they bother to pay Gary fucking Frank to draw the book if they're gonna get a crappy fucking inker to ruin it afterwards?

I don't read Supes, but I'm a huge fan of Frank's art and I think he's been using the same inker for a while - I think that the same guy that inked him on Supreme Power, is the one he's using on Supes. That guy can't ink worth shit.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-03 4:54 AM
 Originally Posted By: whomod

Now did i miss something? When did they re-introduce the robotic Brianiac again? Or is this the 1st time in the New Earth?

First time. I think it was just Brainiac 5's way of getting in touch with Superman.

And it looks as if we've left Clark Kent, Smallville High jock behind. Here he's alienated in a real way that frankly I've never seen in the character before. He's Clark Kent, not "Superboy" but really, he's Clark Kent! Geek! For real! It's a new twist for sure and an interesting one at that.

I'm getting over it (shut up Pro). But I just can't swallow Perry's line about CK not having friends outside Jimmy. Did he (they) forget about Lois? Is Ron Troupe still around? There's others.

I really hope the Superboy lawsuit finishes soon (or has it?). I don't find it fair that DC can't utter the name in any of their comics.
Posted By: Joey From Friends Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-03 7:02 AM
What are you talking about,woman? Are you drunk and high again or is there an actual Super boy lawsuit?
Posted By: whomod Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-03 7:52 AM
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
 Originally Posted By: whomod

Now did i miss something? When did they re-introduce the robotic Brianiac again? Or is this the 1st time in the New Earth?

First time. I think it was just Brainiac 5's way of getting in touch with Superman.

Ok. I take it as bad storytelling and bad editing that I don't really know fuck all about who Superman is or his history right now and he's my favourite character! Everything seems to be so much in flux that it's hard to tell one Zod or Bizzaro or Braniac from the one from 5 years ago. That's why when anything new happens, it just feels as if I've somehow missed something as it's just shoved matter of factly as if you're expected to know what the fugg they're doing.

And it looks as if we've left Clark Kent, Smallville High jock behind. Here he's alienated in a real way that frankly I've never seen in the character before. He's Clark Kent, not "Superboy" but really, he's Clark Kent! Geek! For real! It's a new twist for sure and an interesting one at that.

I'm getting over it (shut up Pro). But I just can't swallow Perry's line about CK not having friends outside Jimmy. Did he (they) forget about Lois? Is Ron Troupe still around? There's others.[/b]

Yeah but that was still part of the Byrneman continuity. It's clear by now that the 1990's history, is just that. History. We're in a whole new continuity now.

I really hope the Superboy lawsuit finishes soon (or has it?). I don't find it fair that DC can't utter the name in any of their comics.

The Superboy & Legion cartoon really paved the way on how to handle that problem. Just acknowledge him as Superman in training. It was rather simple and quite ingenious really.

I like the way they handled Superman's memory/continuity loss. Just have Braniac 5 Zapp him with one of his inventions!
Posted By: Grimm Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-03 8:22 AM
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
On the contrary, I couldn't stand the art in "Escape from Bizarro World". Some parts of the story were good, but the rest (Bizarro JLA ) sucked. Action Comics was solid...except for the pencilling. The best issue this week was Superman Confidential. My inner fanboy jumped for joy at the perfect balance of story and art. Seriously, get Batista and Smith on one of the main titles, they're awesome.

are you fucking kidding? Powell's got to be the best artist they've had on a mainstream Superman title in over a decade.
Posted By: Joey From Friends Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-03 6:41 PM
Maybe. I think Ordway and Lee were good.
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-03 7:24 PM
Loved Ordway's art in All Star Squadron..
Posted By: whomod Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-03 10:38 PM
His classic retro look suited that particular book.

On most everything else he's done however, i tend to NOT like Ordway's art.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-03 10:41 PM
Ordway's a great inker but only a competent penciller.
Posted By: Grimm Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-04 12:09 AM
and Ordway was on the book last how long ago? "over a decade" that being what I said.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-04 3:44 AM
IMHO, All-Star Superman is the only Superman book worth reading these days. But, that's just me.

BTW, I find it hilarious about all the hype over the Kubert Bros. coming to Action and all that. They all touted it as being the "bestest thing evear!" Meanwhile, a year or more later, it's just another spin in the cycle of mediocre comics...
Posted By: the G-man Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-04 3:49 AM
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
and Ordway was on the book last how long ago? "over a decade" that being what I said.

Yeah, and he's still at best a competent penciller.
Posted By: ROY BATTY Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-04 4:09 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
IMHO, All-Star Superman is the only Superman book worth reading these days. But, that's just me.

It's my consistent favourite!

But I did enjoy the first Donner/Johns arc and the Eric Powell art of the next!

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
BTW, I find it hilarious about all the hype over the Kubert Bros. coming to Action and all that. They all touted it as being the "bestest thing evear!" Meanwhile, a year or more later, it's just another spin in the cycle of mediocre comics...

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-04 4:11 AM
I heart ROY BATTY!
Posted By: ROY BATTY Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-04 4:59 AM
I heart Prometheus!

Just don't tell Snarfbaby, Rob, Grimm, MisterJLA, Franta, Mxy, Pariah-Carey, Holden McGroin......
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-04 5:01 AM
I'll tell them all---that you were my first!
Posted By: ROY BATTY Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-04 5:06 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I'll tell them all---that you were my first!

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-04 5:46 AM
Shatner loves all the little children...
Posted By: ROY BATTY Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-04 6:14 AM
Posted By: Grimm Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-04 6:20 AM
ASS is ass. Powell rules.
Posted By: Grimm Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-04 6:26 AM
is G-Man still trying to respond to me as if I know or care what he said?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-04 8:01 AM
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
ASS is ass. Powell rules.

I don't even know who "Powell" is. Some indy artist that made the mainstream jump?

Meanwhile, All-Star sails on high in my book...
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-04 8:01 AM
 Originally Posted By: ROY BATTY

Say you, say me...
Posted By: Grimm Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-04 8:03 AM
Eric Powell. did the Escape from Bizarro World arc during his break from The Goon. he's also done a shitload of covers for Marvel and DC in addition to winning numerous awards for The Goon.

whereas Morrison is just regurgitating more Silver Age crap.
Posted By: ROY BATTY Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-04 10:20 AM
boys boys boys!

If it helps, you can both have a turn - one at a time or both at the same time!
Posted By: Grimm Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-04 10:29 AM
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-04 8:33 PM
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
On the contrary, I couldn't stand the art in "Escape from Bizarro World". Some parts of the story were good, but the rest (Bizarro JLA ) sucked. Action Comics was solid...except for the pencilling. The best issue this week was Superman Confidential. My inner fanboy jumped for joy at the perfect balance of story and art. Seriously, get Batista and Smith on one of the main titles, they're awesome.

are you fucking kidding? Powell's got to be the best artist they've had on a mainstream Superman title in over a decade.

His art may work for The Goon, but not on Superman.
Posted By: Grimm Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-04 9:16 PM
you're too young to know good art. ;\)
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-04 9:54 PM
I ended up not caring at all.
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-04 10:44 PM
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
you're too young to know good art. ;\)

not again...
Posted By: allan1 Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-04 11:01 PM
I'm seriously thinking of dropping the Superman books.The stories have been lackluster and sporadic.I generally respect Geoff Johns as a writer but the whole "Let's turn Clark Kent back into a buffoon with no explanation." sticks in my craw.I ain't no John Byrne flag waver but I liked that he gave Clark a real personality and made him a successful reporter,not an identity to hide behind.Respect from his family and his peers were due to him from his accomplishments at the Daily Planet and a novelist as much as his deeds as Superman.I call shenanigans on DC.Not that they changed him but because there was no "start" for it.They should've had an issue that said "From here on this is how it's gonna be".I could deal with that then.Maybe "Final Crisis" will resolve it,though I doubt it.
Posted By: whomod Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-05 12:10 AM
I sort of agree with Allan but not because I happen to not like this new interpretation, but because they seem to be retconning too much stuff on the sly.

As the Superman books have been near incomprehensible to me since the Loeb days, every new retcon to me feels as if I've somehow missed some crucial issue and leaves me scratching my head even more than I've already been.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Action Comics # 858. SPOILERS - 2007-11-05 3:23 AM
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
Eric Powell. did the Escape from Bizarro World arc during his break from The Goon. he's also done a shitload of covers for Marvel and DC in addition to winning numerous awards for The Goon.

Ah. Didn't know.

whereas Morrison is just regurgitating more Silver Age crap.

Well, I see where you're coming from. However, I'm into it. In my view, there's a diff between regurgitation and reinvention. Morrison's stories are from the heart. Geoff Johns and his ilk are from the nostalgia centers of their ass. Morrison's doing this in a non-continuity book. John & Co. are trying to overlay their Silver Age beliefs on the mainstream books. Therein lies the difference for me...