Posted By: the G-man Avengers Join the U.N. - 2008-01-28 12:59 AM
National Review
  • The United Nations recently announced that it is teaming up with Marvel Comics. The unlikely partnership will publish a comic featuring the usual Marvel superheros working mask-in-glove with U.N. peacekeeping forces and agencies such as UNICEF. Their mission: to bring peace to war torn nations and rid the world of disease.

    No doubt the Marvel heroes — if they really existed — would pursue these objectives with single-minded dedication. But it’s doubtful they would achieve them with the U.N. as a sidekick.

    Over the years, the U.N. has often been a den of thieves and thugs — a legion of villains rather than of heroes. In the past few years alone, Turtle Bay has seen an avalanche of scandals and crimes.

    Considering this decidedly unheroic record, the U.N. could certainly use some super friends to clean up the messes it has made. Here are some suggestions for the first comic episodes:
    • 1. “Cocooning Cruelty” — Spider-Man swings into a meeting of the Human Rights Council, webs up representatives from Cuba, China, and other rights-abusing nations, and introduces a motion to condemn rights violations in “some country, any country other than Israel.”

      2. “Clobberin’ Time in the Congo” — Bored by the daily cocktail parties in the U.N.’s penthouse suite at Hotel Metropol, The Thing ventures to eastern Congo and smashes an arms-dealing ring run by U.N. peacekeepers.

      3. “Nukes Not Yours” — While the Security Council debates just how strongly to word its next round of letters to Tehran and Pyongyang, The Avengers sneak out and forcefully dismantle the nuclear weapons programs in North Korea and Iran.
      Of course, if superheroes were real and decided to pursue these worthy missions, the U.N. would hotly condemn them for acting “unilaterally.” The entire pantheon of Marvel heroes would have to twiddle their thumbs until the U.N. issued a comprehensive, “consensus” set of regulations to keep them from going “too far” in fighting injustice.
  • The very notion that today’s U.N. is eager to embark on heroic struggles against evildoers defies reality. But reality is no check on propaganda, which explains why the organization is so keen to team up with Marvel. The U.N.-themed comic will be distributed free to one million U.S. school children in hundreds of schools. The U.N. also plans to translate it into other languages and distribute them around the world.

    Why? A U.N. communications officer explains that the comic will make the U.N. “more accessible” to young people who will “get excited if they know their heroes like Spider-Man will work with the United Nations to address these issues, peace and security.”

    Marvel Comics became a publishing powerhouse because their superheroes had flaws and were therefore more “realistic” than their competitors’ offerings. How ironic that Marvel’s “realistic” heroes will be used to burnish the image of an often ineffective organization, subject to corruption, lacking in accountability, and serving as a soapbox for the world’s most despotic nations.

    Ironic, but — sadly — not surprising. After all, these are the same guys who previously thought it would be a good idea to kill Captain America.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Avengers Join the U.N. - 2008-01-28 1:17 AM
go to hell marvel.
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: Avengers Join the U.N. - 2008-01-28 1:17 AM
the U.N. is a joke. anyone who thinks they're a force for fixing this shit hole of a world are ignorant of reality.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Avengers Join the U.N. - 2008-01-28 2:27 AM
 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
the U.N. is a joke. anyone who thinks they're a force for fixing this shit hole of a world are ignorant of reality.

Well, let's not forget who's in charge of Marvel these days...

Maybe the Avengers can, for example, end the suffering in Darfur by making a deal with Mephisto or something.
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Avengers Join the U.N. - 2008-01-28 10:09 AM
I love how the G-Man tries to bring political threads in non-political forums....
Posted By: Pariah Re: Avengers Join the U.N. - 2008-01-28 10:41 AM
Maybe you should blame Marvel for becoming UN toadies.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Avengers Join the U.N. - 2008-01-28 3:33 PM
"i come from the water" sucked ass.
Posted By: Geronimo Jackson Re: Avengers Join the U.N. - 2008-01-28 7:04 PM
"i cum in the water" sucked cock.

But I watched it anyway.
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
I love how the G-Man tries to bring political threads in non-political forums....

yeah it's annoying. also annoying that it's a front page item so g-man gets to spread his views disguised as a comic book link so people who don't want to read his political views will be suckered in.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Avengers Join the U.N. - 2008-01-29 6:23 PM
Ray's views must be awfully indefensible if he can't stomach the idea of being "suckered" into reading an opposing opinion.
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: Avengers Join the U.N. - 2008-01-30 7:02 AM







I Win!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Avengers Join the U.N. - 2008-01-31 11:52 PM
Poor Gay-Man, out spelled by bunny!
Posted By: Captain Sweden Re: Avengers Join the U.N. - 2008-02-01 12:05 AM
UN should make a deal with DC and publish free T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents comics. Then make a deal with the company that owns the rights for The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

As for the corruption within the UN, I regard it like a corrupt police force: corruption is bad, but that does not mean we shouldn't have a (law-abiding) police force. It would help if veto rights for the five great powers in the Security Council were revoked.
Posted By: the Re: Avengers Join the U.N. - 2008-05-14 7:07 AM
Wonder Boy content User leaving Whomod, rex and Ray Adler to fry in their own bile
3000+ posts Wed May 14 2008 12:06 AM Viewing a private message
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: Avengers Join the U.N. - 2008-05-16 7:37 PM
I'm in favour of the UN - in fact i'd quite like to work for the UN - but then I don't view it as a police force or some sort of sovereign nation. Instead, I've actually read the UN charter.

If the UN and Marvel see benefit in teaming up then cool.