I have 3 in mind...

1) Wonder Woman .....I loved the storyline that showed them almost get together

2) Zatanna .....they have good chemistry

3) Catwoman....they probably work better than any of them but I like the other two more.
he should be fucking all three of them

he's the goddamn batman!
He already is, they just dont know it.
I thought him and Catwoman should have had a real relationship after Hush.
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
he should be fucking all three of them

he's the goddamn batman!

Yeah. Maybe he shouldn't be fucking superwomen but Bruce Wayne is SUPPOSED to be a millionaire Playboy who doesnt want to settle down because of his secret ID.

No more of this "he's practically celebate" bullshit. He should be like a Sean Connery-era Bond who just fucks hot chicks and then dumps them before he-or they-can get emotionally attached.
They should bring him back as a gay. Than he can have a relationship with Jim Gordon.
He's a goddamn perfectionist. No pussy on earth can meet his expectations.
 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
They should bring him back as a gay.

After 'Seduction of the Innocent' Batman is probably the last character DC would ever allow to go gay.
I'm trying to have a serious discussion here about a fictional character!!!!!! Is this how things are around here now?

Is everything one big joke?

Rob s sucks a pussy!!!!

I'm guesses passwords!!!!!!!!!

I'm not wearing pants!
I vote he hook up with an orange skinned greek restaurant owner.
I'd love it to be Wonderwoman but that's not gonna happen. My monies on Zatanna
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
Where da white women at?
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
I'd love it to be Wonderwoman but that's not gonna happen.

Given enough prep time....

 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
My monies on Zatanna

'Monies'? Plural? How many different kinds of money do you have?
Depends on how many tourists he has robbed this week.
still waiting for nowie to come to amercica...
I will never go to Amercica, cause I have never heard of it.
That's the Ebonics spelling.
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
still waiting for nowie to come to amercica...

 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
I will never go to Amercica, cause I have never heard of it.

i wish all the niggers would move to amercica.


[img]nazis flag[/img]

just get the niggers out of Canada.
and that was his last post ever...

He is legally retarded, you know...
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
He is legally retarded, you know...
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo