Posted By: Grimm The Bat-Man, Inc. discussion thread - 2010-11-15 9:07 PM
there, I made it easy for you.
It's a silly fucking idea. So it's perfect for comics about a grown man who dresses like a bat, as far as I'm concerned. Looking forward to it!
Posted By: Rob Re: The Bat-Man, Inc. discussion thread - 2010-11-15 9:59 PM
i haven't read this yet, so i'll hate it!!
Posted By: rex Re: The Bat-Man, Inc. discussion thread - 2010-11-15 10:01 PM
I think I'm reading threads out of order. Do something about that rob.
Posted By: Rob Re: The Bat-Man, Inc. discussion thread - 2010-11-15 10:02 PM
I can't believe Charles would marry a commoner!
Posted By: allan1 Re: The Bat-Man, Inc. discussion thread - 2010-11-15 11:26 PM
What the fuck is the internet??!
Posted By: Glacier16 Re: The Bat-Man, Inc. discussion thread - 2010-11-15 11:55 PM
We landed on the moon!!!!!!!!
The Ratzi's took France!
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: The Bat-Man, Inc. discussion thread - 2010-11-16 10:06 AM
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
It's a silly fucking idea. So it's perfect for comics about a grown man who dresses like a bat, as far as I'm concerned. Looking forward to it!
Posted By: Pariah Re: The Bat-Man, Inc. discussion thread - 2010-12-06 4:30 AM
One individual acting crazy in a batsuit is conventional based upon the Batman's context as a character--not to mention his setting, et al. Whether or not it's a silly idea depends on the specifics of its execution.

Batman Inc on the other hand, is through and through an unconventional idea as it involves an unprecedented amount of vigilantism sanctioned by that one crazy individual. As such, I'd consider silly in a more negative context than Mxy would.

Morrison's still at the helm of Batman's entire continuity and he still sucks......Big surprise.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: The Bat-Man, Inc. discussion thread - 2010-12-06 5:58 AM
He should go back to being a vocalist for The Doors.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: The Bat-Man, Inc. discussion thread - 2010-12-06 8:08 AM
Is it really that much of a jump? Bruce has been sanctioning others vigilantism as long as it's under his watch at least since he decided to turn Dick into the Boy Wonder. Then add Batgirl and the Outsiders. You might not like the idea, but it's not as if Morrison is just making it up. He's just expanding it.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
One individual acting crazy in a batsuit is conventional based upon the Batman's context as a character--not to mention his setting, et al. Whether or not it's a silly idea depends on the specifics of its execution.

Dunno, I've always thought it's a silly idea under any context, even the Nolan pictures.
Posted By: Pariah Re: The Bat-Man, Inc. discussion thread - 2010-12-06 6:17 PM
Not if the book actually acknowledges that he's a crazy person.

I think the thing that annoys me the most about superhero comics is how the writers treat the storytelling so seriously. I mean, it's one thing if they have the characters take themselves seriously since they're all on god-trips, but the writers themselves seem to buy into the hype as well. I mean, I don't think Grant Morrison believes that this idea makes Batman look silly or overexposed at all, which is retarded.

This isn't to say that I want every writer to turn into Garth Ennis-esque satirists, but if all of them acknowledged that there is such a thing as a practical--if not realistic--approach to vigilante story lines, then there'd be far less retardation in not only Batman, but also the entire DCU.

Apparently, Alan Moore and Frank Miller's work on Batman wasn't enough to reinforce these kind of ideas in comics...Or rather they're just a bunch of pussies that are too afraid of taking vigilante comics down that road.
Posted By: Pariah Re: The Bat-Man, Inc. discussion thread - 2010-12-06 6:50 PM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Is it really that much of a jump? Bruce has been sanctioning others vigilantism as long as it's under his watch at least since he decided to turn Dick into the Boy Wonder. Then add Batgirl and the Outsiders. You might not like the idea, but it's not as if Morrison is just making it up. He's just expanding it.

Personally, I think it's making a mess bigger in that regard.

Although, I was never really against the whole Outsiders idea, but I always thought it should be implemented as a means to Batman's end and not just another superhero team that's competing with JLA's sales.

Suppose Batman has a bigger than average problem on the other side of the world that affects Gotham and the most tennable option is to use his own control group to handle it rather than the JLA. That's basically what I feel The Outsiders should have been. This is opposed to just another vigilante union with slightly darker characters than usual.
Posted By: the G-man Re: The Bat-Man, Inc. discussion thread - 2010-12-06 7:13 PM

As doc mentioned on another thread, the idea of Batmen setting up a league of Batman that nobody knows about, in order to further the whole "unkillable urban legend" thing sort of makes sense.

Turning Batman into a public corporation doesn't.

Yeah, in the grand scheme of a Batman that's had various ill-thought out stories told over about him over the past 70 years one can always cherry pick something that supports why this particular bad idea builds on the past.

However, just because a story can be told doesn't mean it should be told.
wasn't there a leugue of batman elsewords and damians name was tallant or some crap?
Posted By: rex Re: The Bat-Man, Inc. discussion thread - 2010-12-06 9:52 PM
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: The Bat-Man, Inc. discussion thread - 2010-12-07 1:51 AM
Batman "Ego" was the best bat book I've read since the Brian Vaughn or Grant Morrison stuff.
Posted By: the G-man Re: The Bat-Man, Inc. discussion thread - 2010-12-07 2:35 AM
Doesn't "Ego" predate both Vaughn and Morrisons run?
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: The Bat-Man, Inc. discussion thread - 2010-12-07 3:12 AM
to vaughn similar, but morrison yes...if you don't count Arkham
Posted By: the G-man Re: The Bat-Man, Inc. discussion thread - 2010-12-07 3:43 AM
That's why I mentioned runs, to differentiate the regular books from one-offs and mini-series.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: The Bat-Man, Inc. discussion thread - 2010-12-07 4:44 PM
I was drunk....it is like talking to a wall.