Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk RETURN OF THE MYSTERYMEN! - 2011-02-03 7:56 PM
The other day Bleeding Cool reported that Marvel's gonna launch a comic called "Mystery Men" (about public domain GA characters). They even had a short interview with Bob Burden who said he had no idea what was going on. Now Dark Horse's trying to remind everyone who owns the title: http://www.darkhorse.com/Blog/247/return-mystery-men

02/02/2011 4:12pm
In Dark Horse’s twenty-fifth year, we are proud to announce the return of yet another classic Dark Horse property. Bob Burden’s ragtag bunch of lesser superheroes first appeared in the pages of the Dark Horse-published Flaming Carrot Comics. The team, led in the comics by the legendary Flaming Carrot himself and armed with less-than-impressive superpowers, even appeared in a four-issue crossover series with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in 1993.

Later given their own series and developed into a feature film in 1999, these characters are still widely considered a cult favorite by comics fans of all ages.

“Bob’s misfit superheroes have always been a favorite of mine, and we’ve had great success with them in the past,” said Dark Horse president Mike Richardson. “I can’t wait to have them back in the pages of Dark Horse Presents.”

To celebrate the triumphant return of the beloved misfits, we present this special two-part story. Look for part 2 next week, and more to be continued in the pages of Dark Horse Presents!

Click the comic to embiggen:

Posted By: the G-man Re: RETURN OF THE MYSTERYMEN! - 2011-02-03 10:04 PM
Given what Marvel did to, say, Shazam and Miracleman, I really hope Burden fucks them over if they publish their book.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: RETURN OF THE MYSTERYMEN! - 2011-02-04 1:37 AM
film in 1999 - the Stiller film?
Posted By: the G-man Re: RETURN OF THE MYSTERYMEN! - 2011-02-04 2:05 AM