Source: http://theinternet.com/

Actually, I read the fucking thing and it's just a stupid little story by a mediocre guest writer (Goyer), pathetically trying to be "relevant". There's also 40 pages of Superman fighting Luthor in space and Doomsdays punching the "Reign of the Supermen" class reunion, but you don't see Fox News complaining about that. Then there's a bunch of short backups by Damon Lindelof, Johns, Donner, Dini and fucking Goyer. My personal friend (Facebook request pending) Rich Johnston says: http://www.bleedingcool.com/2011/04/28/s...ion-comics-900/

My line was that this was not a top down decision but a story by a guest writer that while having to be approcved by editorial, will have come from David Goyer rather than Dan DiDio. That it wasn’t some big liberal media conspiracy, otherwise they may have marketed it better.

In short, I am disappointed to see that this comic does not, in fact, serve any purpose in the conspiracy to destroy America. Something... something about Hollywood I think.
Yeah, this is a complete non-issue. Now, when Captain America becomes Captain World then we'll have something to debate over. But, some alien punk kid sent here on rocket ship was never really that American.
It's just a 'look how thought provoking my Superman story is' bullshit. 'Superman announces his intention to put a global focus on his never ending battle'. Isn't that the purpose of the JLA?
They did have Supes renounce his citizenship the same day they announce a new JLI ongoing. So, maybe the commie-fication of DC really is happening. And, to think, all of this started because Wonder Woman decided to wear pants.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
And, to think, all of this started because Wonder Woman decided to wear pants.

For the good of the world she should take her pants off.
From what I've read, the gist of the story is that Superman tries to save some Iranian protesters from their Muslim rulers, the President condemns him for it and Superman says "fuck you, then I'm no longer an American citizen".

So, really, it's about how Obama drove Superman from America.

Is there no end to what this president will do to destroy our way of life?
It was Obama who drove Wonder Woman to wear pants.
...and got Superboy to punch a wall.
Obama was pissed that Superman was impervious to pork.
Wonder Woman's pants are tearing the DC universe apart!
the DC universe must be avenged! Wonder Woman's pants should be torn apart!

'The American Way' Is 'Not Enough Anymore'
  • Supes to Renounce U.S. Citizenship?
    04/29/2011 11:21am

    In “The Incident,” a story written by David S. Goyer in Action Comics #900, Superman creates an international incident by non-violently supporting the actions of Iranian protestors in Tehran.

    When his actions are criticized by a National Security advisor, the Man of Steel replies: “I’m tired of having my actions construed as instruments of U.S. policy. ‘Truth, justice and the American Way’—it’s not enough anymore.”
    He goes on to say that he will renounce his American citizenship at the United Nations the next day.

    Of course this is not a done deal. The Krypton-born illegal alien hasn’t actually pulled the plug on his American citizenship yet and such an action would be a major gamble for DC Comics. It’s in the U.S. after all that the vast majority of Superman comics are sold, and comic fans are a notably conservative lot when it comes to major changes in the nature of their iconic heroes. "Going global" could be a feckless strategy indeed, if this storyline proves to be a major change of direction for the character rather than a provocative tease.

    Yes it is true that renouncing his American citizenship would not necessarily mean abandoning his principles, just shedding a national identity. Certainly the world has, as the Man of Steel points out, become smaller and more connected, but with a major Superman movie in production, this would appear to be a very bad time to forge a major change in Superman’s identity. Will Superman follow Captain America, who became disillusioned with Nixon’s America and became Nomad in the 1970s? Even if Supes does embark on such a perilous course, like Cap, his status as a “citizen of the world” is likely to be short-lived.

Yawn... another year, another gimmick.
Hmmmmm......pretty weak story to be honest.DC is trying and has been trying for years now to give Superman some kind of identity and nothing has really caught on.New Krypton,World Without/Against "S",Grounded and now this.Honestly,I don't think anyone at DC knows what to do with the guy.Here's why.....too many origin reboots with nothing "definitive" outside of Krypton blowing up,he comes to Earth as a baby and is raised by Ma & Pa Kent,decides to use his powers for good,changes his appearance as Clark and establishes his identity as Superman(of course,that is really all you need to know.Everything else is filler).

So really,I think the problem lies with who exactly is Superman?What's his motivation these days?Is Clark Kent even relevant anymore(He was gone for a year during the whole New Krypton thing and now with Grounded he's not even shown much)?Honestly,I'd go back to Byrne's Man of Steel template and go from there and totally ignore Birthright,Infinite Crisis and Secret Origin.Get a writer who actually enjoys the character and knows what Superman's about....Byrne,Jurgens,Morrison maybe or even Loeb or Busiek and turn them loose on the character.
I don't think this was meant to be an event or an ongoing plotline or anything, just a guest writer trying to be clever and "relevant".

Now, with all this attention, though? I wouldn't be surprised if they made a miniseries out of it.
While I appreciate Goyer's contribution, I'd rather see him stick to writing great movies (Kickboxer II excluded).
 Originally Posted By: allan1
DC is trying and has been trying for years now to give Superman some kind of identity and nothing has really caught on...Grounded...

Honestly, I think Grounded was allowed just so JMS could prove that he could write a story so boring even he would get bored and leave it.

Honestly,I'd go back to Byrne's Man of Steel template...Byrne...turn them loose on the character.

Byrne's Superman, other than coming up with a good take on Luthor, is very overrated. Basically, he retold the origin, muddled through a few crossovers (Legends being the one I remember) had Superman make a porno with Big Barda and then left the book.
"good afternoon, mr. president. sorry i've been away so long. i wont let you down again!

...i mean... THE WORLD!"
 Originally Posted By: Rob
"good afternoon, mr. president. sorry i've been away so long. i wont let you down again!

...i mean... THE WORLD!"

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Byrne's Superman, other than coming up with a good take on Luthor, is very overrated. Basically, he retold the origin, muddled through a few crossovers (Legends being the one I remember) had Superman make a porno with Big Barda and then left the book.

Hmmm....nah,but it depends on when you got into comics.I'm not saying Byrne is the end-all be-all of Superman writers...I actually preferred Marv Wolfman and Jerry Ordway's Adventures of Superman title at the time but Byrne's origin and take on Clark/Superman is the one I prefer overall.It's what got me reading Superman and actually invested in the character.It's what worked for me as a reader but if it's not your cup o' joe,it's all good.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Rob
"good afternoon, mr. president. sorry i've been away so long. i wont let you down again!

...i mean... THE WORLD!"

\:lol\:....... \:\(
 Originally Posted By: allan1
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Byrne's Superman, other than coming up with a good take on Luthor, is very overrated. Basically, he retold the origin, muddled through a few crossovers (Legends being the one I remember) had Superman make a porno with Big Barda and then left the book.

Hmmm....nah,but it depends on when you got into comics.I'm not saying Byrne is the end-all be-all of Superman writers...but Byrne's origin and take on Clark/Superman is the one I prefer overall...but if it's not your cup o' joe,it's all good.

Fair enough. Understand at the time I was a big, big, fan of Byrne. And I didn't hate his take at all (though the "Clark as a jock" thing didn't [and still doesn't] work for me).

I just thought that it was kind of "meh" and he could have accomplished much of the positive stuff he did on the series simply by tweaking existing characters instead of rebooting everything.

To me, the big thing about Byrne taking over was the opportunity to get some, at long last, truly dynamic, modern, Superman art. God love him, and he was great in his day, but by 1976 [let alone 1986] Swan's art had stagnated. Byrne drawing Superman itself would have been enough to revitalize the book to most people.

And, speaking of Byrne, as I read about the "Superman hates America" story that's in play now, I can't help but recall that, when Byrne first announced taking over the character, he made it a point to mention how "his" Superman was going to be a bit of a "Rambo" type character to better reflect the patriotic 80s. It just goes to show how everything is cyclical in comics.
"The last time you inspired anyone was when you were dead."-Batman to Superman in Infinite Crisis.

People keep writing Superman as depressed,weak and indecisive to the extent that he comes across more neurotic than heroic.Byrne,Wolfman,Stern,Jurgens and Ordway wrote a confident,powerful and commanding character that all other heroes and people respected(again,this is all post-crisis stuff).Nothing wrong with giving Superman a little doubt here and there but the extent they've been doing lately is beyond ridiculous.I'm not even talking about the citizenship story as that was him at least making a stand based on the situation.

At any rate to respond to the "G",you're spot-on with Byrne's art on Superman and his successors Kerry Gammill and Bob McCleod continued that trend after he left.
S:TAS (/ justice league / justice league unlimited).

only modern superman worth a damn
 Originally Posted By: Rob
S:TAS (/ justice league / justice league unlimited).

only modern superman worth a damn

Add All Star Superman and then yes.
 Originally Posted By: allan1
Honestly,I'd go back to Byrne's Man of Steel template and go from there and totally ignore Birthright,Infinite Crisis and Secret Origin.Get a writer who actually enjoys the character and knows what Superman's about...

 Originally Posted By: Rob
S:TAS (/ justice league / justice league unlimited).

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Add All Star Superman

I agree with all of this.
If I owned a comic book shop and people came in to ask me about this I would hand them a copy of Red Son.
 Originally Posted By: rex
If I owned a comic book shop and people came in to ask me about this I would hand them a copy of Red Son.

Reading over at Bleeding Cool,I saw where #900 is going for over $30 on e-Bay.
And it six months it'll be in the remainder bins
...well to be honest the book will more than likely end up much more likely around $6-$10 due to the fact that most copies were under-ordered and have had a pretty quick sell-thru(except where the bigger comic shops are concerned)due to media coverage.The store I work at,hasn't any copies left of either standard or variant of the issue.However,due to Bin Laden's killing and the subsequent media storm following,there doesn't really seem to be much,if at all,any news regarding the whole Superman/citizenship thing outside of the comics community so I see the whole thing cooling pretty quickly
 Originally Posted By: allan1
...well to be honest the book will more than likely end up much more likely around $6-$10 due to the fact that most copies were under-ordered and have had a pretty quick sell-thru(except where the bigger comic shops are concerned)due to media coverage.The store I work at,hasn't any copies left of either standard or variant of the issue.

Fair enough and, of course, statement was not intended to be an exact estimate. However, when you consider who things like this always end up reprinted these days (together with the factors you mention), I would be surprised to see it hold on to even that much value.

For example, a quick check reveals that the Obama-Spiderman book is down to two bucks on Amazon.
Heh. It probably costs more to ship it than to buy it. I've bought tpbs from amazon where that happens.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: allan1
...well to be honest the book will more than likely end up much more likely around $6-$10 due to the fact that most copies were under-ordered and have had a pretty quick sell-thru(except where the bigger comic shops are concerned)due to media coverage.The store I work at,hasn't any copies left of either standard or variant of the issue.

Fair enough and, of course, statement was not intended to be an exact estimate. However, when you consider who things like this always end up reprinted these days (together with the factors you mention), I would be surprised to see it hold on to even that much value.

For example, a quick check reveals that the Obama-Spiderman book is down to two bucks on Amazon.

And that is true.The second printing has already been announced so I would expect those that don't have a copy will check it out for the story but with a $5.99 price tag,unless a shop ordered a few hundred copies,most first print issues will hover between the aforementioned $6-$10 depending on how many copies the store has on hand and/or the demand of the issue in the area.Also looking at the link you had it also has the issue listed at $1000.00 from a seller.......go figure.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Rob
"good afternoon, mr. president. sorry i've been away so long. i wont let you down again!

...i mean... THE WORLD!"

The Reeeve Superman films did make Superman both an American patriot and a world citizen, and made it work.