Posted By: First Amongst Daves Sandman Overture - 2014-12-25 4:13 PM
Anyone else reading it?

So. Is Dream's father Time, or is he Continuity? He seems to sit outside of both.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Sandman Overture - 2014-12-25 9:41 PM
I started it, but the time between issues has been so sporadic that I have lost interest. I'll pick it up as a trade
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: Sandman Overture - 2014-12-26 2:23 AM
I've read it. I read the 2nd issue twice because the releases were so far apart that I've forgotten what happened.

I don't have any idea who his father is. I initially thought he was talking to Destruction because of the beard, until they started the father talk. Then I thought it was the god with a capital G.

I could see the entity being Time, though.

I thought the Hope kid was going to be the representation of hope itself, and then that happened. I think she's going to resurface again, since the Erinyes mentioned that Morpheus shouldn't have looked under the bed.

Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: Sandman Overture - 2014-12-29 2:57 AM
Dream's father seems to have Destiny as his favourite child. Yet he himself does not follow a chronological existence.

I was thinking the other day, with this embodiment of stars as people, that this is almost some sort of kooky science fiction story.

As for Hope, we have now seen the death of Hope. If that's allegorical, then we are in for a grim ending. As the mad star's infection seems to have spread amongst the other stars, I'm envisaging a mass lobotomy as the conclusion to this story. The Cat Dream isn't trapped in the event horizon so I'm guessing that's the mechanism by which Dream escapes.