Posted By: Gladiator X The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-06 10:11 PM
Well,I've started one o' these on every other MB I post on so I figured it's about time I made one here.
Especially with all the DCMBers that are here now.

So,lets discuss GL,whichever one it is you like,but lets try and not flame anybody because of who they like.
Save that crap for the regular GLMB.

First off,I would like to let those of you who don't know me a few things.

I used to be a major Hal Jordan fan(I still am to a lesser extent) and hated the GL book and Kyle Rayner ever since Emerald Twilight.

I boycotted GL and DC for years after that but I came back when I had noticed that there was a new writer on the book.

I also joined HEAT because I loved the way things were before ET and I wanted my childhood hero back.

Since then lots of things have happened and I've changed my position on GL.Judd really made me like Kyle and he's become just about my favorite hero(second to Hal) anymore.
So,I quit HEAT (I "got over it" to use a tired old phrase) and I am just a GL fan now.

So,what about you?
Posted By: ManofTheAtom Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-06 10:25 PM
I like both Hal and Kyle and think that Winnick accomplished what Hack Marz never could, turn Kyle into a real Green Lantern.

Now Raab is apparently bringing back the Corps, which is a good thing.

Now I'd just like to see the last chapter of Hal's decade-long saga.
Posted By: Gladiator X Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-06 10:30 PM
Me too man.

I think it really needs an end one way or the other.

The good thing is,I think we'll see it pretty soon.DC seems to be movin' towards something in GL's future.
Posted By: Steve T Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-06 10:31 PM
I liked Hal, had never read a lot of his stuff, read ET and didn't dislike the story so much as the way that Hal was treated.
read the Kyle/Connor crossovers and JLA and found I didn't mind kyle.
Started reading the monthly when they brought Hal back for six issues. Forgot to stop reading despite not really liking the stuff that much. i think the art kept me there. Winnick came on board and the writing improved. But the pacing was a bit off, I think that might be more to do with editorial mandate though.
Didn't like the recent GL/GA crossover, moreso the raab issues so i wasn't expecting much but I really enjoyed his first issue.
Posted By: ManofTheAtom Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-06 10:46 PM
Originally posted by Gladiator X:
Me too man.

I think it really needs an end one way or the other.

The good thing is,I think we'll see it pretty soon.DC seems to be movin' towards something in GL's future.

I agree. It can't be a coincidence that this is the 10th year since Emeral Twilight and DC releasing all those Jordan tps, Jordan related tps and Jordan-centric events like New Frontier.

Something's gonna happen by years end, I'm sure of it...
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-07 1:25 AM
Originally posted by Gladiator X:
Me too man.

I think it really needs an end one way or the other.

The good thing is,I think we'll see it pretty soon.DC seems to be movin' towards something in GL's future.

Really? What's happening?

Green Lantern was my favourite comic as a kid. I had most of issues 80 to 200 of the Silver Age series. I kind of lost interest when Len Wein and Dave Gibbons left the book. I picked up the new series (kind of like Pat Broderick art) but the road tour didn't interest me.

Now, as for the Hal/Kyle debate, I can understand why it was done (the book was apparently going nowhere), and think that at the end of the day it was a ballsy move to make a major hero turn into a bad guy. But ignoring the "legacy" issue (a flavour of the month term) - almost randomly giving the ring to an unknown artist (instead of a gung-ho jet fighter pilot selected as one of the bravest men on the planet) - was always going to upset fans, and was undeniably poorly thought out. If John Stewart had got it, I think there would have been less furor.

Rayner has now been about for 10 years, and I don't think they're going to abandon the character in a hurry.

Both ROY and I have discussed here in the past that Parallax should not have been killed off. Keeping Jordan as DC's foremost villain - someone to outclass Darkseid - would have been one of the more innovating things everin superhero comics. But, no, they had to let him redeem himself by reigniting the sun. Blah blah blah. And as the Spectre, thereis almost no link between that character and the Hal Jordan of days gone by. Is he the man without fear, or a wrathful ghost? They can't seem to get that staright from all accounts.
Posted By: Animalman Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-07 5:40 AM
Kyle is the second worst fictional character ever created, and Judd Winnick only poured gasoline on the inferno of craptitude that is the modern Green Lantern book. Unfortunately, I don't see Ben Raab discontinuing that trend.

I like the idea of bringing back the corps, but in my opinion, the current cast of GL-related characters on Earth needs to be killed off(or erased, whatever), save Sentinel, and perhaps Jade. Start anew, create(or pick) a believable character to wield the ring, and forget the atrocities that occured previously.
Posted By: Darknight613 Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-07 6:46 AM
Well, well, look who's here! Welcome aboard, GX!

I've been an equal fan of both Hal and Kyle because I was introduced to them at the same time, so i never had a chance to develop any preference between the two. Writers told different stories with Hal than with Kyle, so sometimes I'll be more in the mood to read Hal comics over Kyle comics, or vice versa. But as a general rule, Hal and Kyle are my two favorites.

I also liked Ch'p.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-07 11:35 AM
I didn't like Ch'p: most of the GLs from the back-up feature "Tales of the Green Lantern Corps" were a bit of a waste.

Originally posted by Animalman:
Kyle is the second worst fictional character ever created

Which begs the question, who was the first?


and Judd Winnick only poured gasoline on the inferno of craptitude that is the modern Green Lantern book. Unfortunately, I don't see Ben Raab discontinuing that trend.

I like the idea of bringing back the corps, but in my opinion, the current cast of GL-related characters on Earth needs to be killed off(or erased, whatever), save Sentinel, and perhaps Jade. Start anew, create(or pick) a believable character to wield the ring, and forget the atrocities that occured previously.

Jade is popular for being, oddly, a sexy green chick.

I like the idea of a new Corps, too. No reason why they can't have more individual powers. That was one of the failings of the GLC book.
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-07 11:42 AM
I'm a fan of Kyle, John Stewart, and Hal (pretty much in that order). To be honest, I wouldn't want to see any of Earth's GL's erased or killed. If anything, I would simply want to see them written better.

Don't get me wrong, though, I'm a big fan of Winnick's writing. Granted, there have been better GL writers, but Winnick gave me no reasons to complain.
Posted By: Animalman Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-07 3:51 PM
Originally posted by Dave:
Which begs the question, who was the first?


Jade is popular for being, oddly, a sexy green chick.
....well, yeah.

I kept Jade because I think there should be more female GL's. In many ways, they're far more suited to act as Earth's protectors than men are.
Posted By: allan1 Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-08 12:53 AM
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-08 2:15 AM
Originally posted by Animalman:
Originally posted by Dave:
Which begs the question, who was the first?


Jade is popular for being, oddly, a sexy green chick.
....well, yeah.

I kept Jade because I think there should be more female GL's. In many ways, they're far more suited to act as Earth's protectors than men are.

I never quite thought of it like that, but yeah.

I always thought that in recreating the GL Corps, you'd need to do a number of things for it to work. Here are my unsolicited fanboy ravings:

1. stop this "we guard the entire universe with 3600 of us" crap. The universe is infinite. Even the Milky Way Galaxy has quite a few billion stars. The GL corps can't stretch that far.

2. add some contemporary popular science to it, as opposed to the pop science of the 50s. Make your aliens very alien, for example. Realise just how big the universe is, as I said above. Have a lot of astrophysics. No more "I am bigger than white dwarf stars because they're small" crap. Use a lot of Hubble photos as background to spice it up.

3. use characters from the DCU as GLs. Over in the Vega star system, you have a whole bunch of Omega Men in limbo. Make some of them GLs. Over on Rann around Alpha Centauri, you have Adam Strange and his wife Alanna. Make Alanna a GL, if not Adam himself. Have a New God GL, and a Thanagarian GL. The costumes would be distinctive: a Green Lantern with Hawk wings, a Green Lantern with a Kirby-esque costume.

4. Redeem Hal Jordan, to appease the fans. Personally, I don't care if he turned bad or not. But having it all part of a plot by Krona (mind control) or Evil Star (an alien virus or something) or some other old GL foe out to discredit Jordan would certainly mend some bridges with the old guard.

5. As A-man says, more female GLs would be good. Maybe even some B-list or C-list superheroes. D'mitri the Rocket Red, or Onyx (a black female superheroione who starred in a series of Green Arrow and hasn't been seen since). Something to excite the continuity buffs.
Posted By: Animalman Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-08 5:31 AM
Yeah I like that. I especially agree with the more "alien" alien GL's bit. Have a GL that's a planet(not like Oa), or a star system, or something intangible. GL's that exist on multiple dimensional planes.
Posted By: Grimm Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-08 8:59 AM
My personal faves: Alan, Hal, and Jade. I grew up with Alan and Hal and always dug 'em. Hal hade a great costume and Alan was left handed, like me. Heh. Guy was interesting in JLI where his personality was used to the fullest, but rarely anywhere else. The only person to write Kyle decently and try to progress him was Morrison in JLA.

Jade, well. . .

Originally posted by Dave: Jade is popular for being, oddly, a sexy green chick.

[who, me?]

Originally posted by Manimal: I kept Jade because I think there should be more female GL's. In many ways, they're far
more suited to act as Earth's protectors than men are.

Seriously, though, that's a good choice. I would put her as the JLA's GL, if nothing else.

Also posted by Dave: Have a New God GL

They have an existing setup to do this.

Again posted by Dave: 4. Redeem Hal Jordan, to appease the fans. Personally, I don't care if he turned bad or not.
But having it all part of a plot by Krona (mind control) or Evil Star (an alien virus or
something) or some other old GL foe out to discredit Jordan would certainly mend some
bridges with the old guard.

They also have an existing setup for this, if they choose to use it. Check this shit out: Lord Malvolio of the green flame

Later posted by Manimal: Have a GL that's a planet(not like Oa),
They've already done that.

Oh, and Hal/Spectre is a cheap attempt at money grubbing abomination that needs to be put to rest permanently.
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-08 10:40 AM
Originally posted by Grimm:

Oh, and Hal/Spectre is a cheap attempt at money grubbing abomination that needs to be put to rest permanently.

The idea is good, it's the execution that's sucked ass.

Originally posted by Grimm:

They've already done that.

His name was Mogo.

Also (to throw some GL trivia into the thread) they've also had:
  • A sentient smallpox virus GL
  • A puffball collective GL
  • A mathematical progression GL
  • A rotting corpse GL
  • And even a Vulcan GL
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-08 10:58 AM
From the website link in Grimm's post:


At any rate, Hal *was* wearing Malvolio's ring during Emerald Twilight...

Ah-ha. So everyone thinks it was Malvolio's influence through his ring.
Posted By: Grimm Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-08 5:43 PM
That's the current theory, yeah. The setup's been there for years, even before they decided to do away with Hal. Interesting how that happens.

Wednesday: I fail to see how smooshing Hal and the Spectre together was ever a *good* idea. . .
Posted By: Animalman Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-08 6:29 PM
Originally posted by Grimm:
The only person to write Kyle decently and try to progress him was Morrison in JLA.

Yeah, I agree, he seemed to be the only guy to really get that character.

They've already done that.
What, Oa?

What about a black hole GL or a star/sun GL?
Posted By: woodstock Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-08 8:56 PM
Originally posted by Dave:

Both ROY and I have discussed here in the past that Parallax should not have been killed off. Keeping Jordan as DC's foremost villain - someone to outclass Darkseid - would have been one of the more innovating things everin superhero comics. But, no, they had to let him redeem himself by reigniting the sun. Blah blah blah. And as the Spectre, thereis almost no link between that character and the Hal Jordan of days gone by. Is he the man without fear, or a wrathful ghost? They can't seem to get that staright from all accounts.

Now THOSE are cool ideas. Man, that would be so sweet to have Hal as the DCU's number one villain. Possibilities are near-endless for that!
Posted By: PJP Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-08 9:49 PM
I grew up with Hal and he's my favorite.....I definitely prefer him as a good guy and want him back. I like Kyle and John Stewart.....and am a huge Alan Scott fan. I don't see why if Hal comes back they all can't be Green Lanterns and work together. They could be the foundation of the new Corps. Being a huge Batman fan I like the interaction between Bats and Hal the best. Kyle is just afraid of Bats not a ton of chemistry there. I do look forward to the return of Hal and the Corps.....it's about time. [woooOOOOoooo!]

Like Dave said though.....If they kept Hal as Parralax and used him properly I would have probably like that too. [worst.  icon.  ever.]
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-09 1:32 AM

What, Oa?

No, Mogo. Big living planet.
Posted By: Grimm Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-09 3:12 AM
Originally posted by Dave:

What, Oa?

No, Mogo. Big living planet.
See Wednesday's post for a rundown.
Posted By: Gladiator X Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-09 11:22 PM

Hey,What'd you guys think of the Black Circle x-over with Green Arrow?

While I think it was below the standards of the previous issues in both books I thought it was still an entertainin' story.

Adlards art wasn't the "prettiest" art around but his storytelling skills moved the tale along nicely.

All in all,I was happy with it.
Posted By: Animalman Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-10 1:25 AM
Originally posted by Grimm:
See Wednesday's post for a rundown.

Ah, thanks.
Posted By: woodstock Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-10 2:55 AM
"Black Circle - Urban Knights" just didn't work for me. The story was fairly ok, but I didn't like how it totally contradicted the good terms Brad Meltzer left GA and GL on in Green Arrow 19. Also, it's really stupid to see Green Arrow running around fighting aliens. It's like all the old Justice League stories with batman floating in space.
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-10 5:31 AM
Originally posted by Grimm:
Originally posted by Dave:

What, Oa?

No, Mogo. Big living planet.
See Wednesday's post for a rundown.
Sigh, ignored again [no no no] !
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-10 6:16 AM
Originally posted by Grimm:
Wednesday: I fail to see how smooshing Hal and the Spectre together was ever a *good* idea. . .

1. The Spectre's powers are perfect for Hal. Will and imagination based. Plus, who knows duty and working for a higher being better than a GL. Kinda like giving the power of the GL ring to an artist or engineer. It fits the finger well.

2. Spectre is God's Spirit of Vengeance. As a fan of Spectre, I can't think of a more interesting host for the Spirit than a former hero wishing to redeem himself for committing the ultimate sin. He'll second guess himself before he condemns, though, in the end, sometimes he may have to. How many interesting stories can come from that?

3. Being Spectre gives Hal all the power he sought during Zero Hour. Using that power to do God's will is perfect redemption.

4. If Hal came back as a GL and was not IMMEDIATELY removed of his powers by either Ganthet or DCUs heroes, I wouldn't accept it. Even if he were proven to be under someone else's influence, I would still expect a whole lot of trepidation in the very least. That's just realism. As Spectre, no one under God can take Hal's powers away. Hal Jordan is currently working outside the realm of the fear the others may feel.

5. Spectre's cape is green, man. GREEN!!!

Anyway, I played around with the idea a little after Hal came back. If they'd devoted about three quarters of the time to telling the stories of individuals and their life-changing contact with the Spirit (a la 100 Bullets, Web of Spider-Man, H-E-R-O, Sandman) and the other quarter to Hal and his own quest to come to terms, I think it would have been sweet. Not only sweet, but something deliciously different from EVERY other DC title (Vertigo doesn't count). It still can be sweet, really. Just put someone on it that knows what the FUCK they're doing.

I do want to see Hal reinstated as a GL. Just not yet.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-10 10:01 AM
If they'd devoted about three quarters of the time to telling the stories of individuals and their life-changing contact with the Spirit (a la 100 Bullets, Web of Spider-Man, H-E-R-O, Sandman) and the other quarter to Hal and his own quest to come to terms, I think it would have been sweet. Not only sweet, but something deliciously different from EVERY other DC title (Vertigo doesn't count).
That's a good point.

Did anyone get JLA/Spectre Soul Wars, or whatever it was called? I heard it sucked.
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-10 10:37 AM
Originally posted by Dave:

Did anyone get JLA/Spectre Soul Wars, or whatever it was called? I heard it sucked.

Some people liked it, but I didn't. It might as well have been Batman/Spectre. You didn't even see any interaction between Spectre and Kyle. That and there were a few gaping holes in the plot, if memory serves.

Against what I said, tho, there was some good Spectre/Bats interaction towards the end.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-10 10:42 AM
I read the e-teaser on the DC site: saw Bats giving Spectre some grief. Wasn't too impressed - it seemed like standard fare.
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-10 11:28 AM
Yeah, that just about covers the first 98% of it, then things finally change for the last five pages of book 2 of 2.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-10 12:10 PM
What, Batman forgives him?
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-10 12:20 PM
Oh, yes! They even shook hands in the end.








Through a turn of events too lengthy to slush through, Spectre ends up giving Bruce the gift of seeing his parents again (as in their souls in heaven). They tell 'em they're proud of him, he cries, we cry. When Bats comes back from his vision trip he has a new take on Hal.

Yeah, you can also give credit to everything else that happens in the story, but Bats' was being downright stubborn until his little visitation.

* Edited for stupidity
Posted By: Animalman Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-10 5:56 PM
I remember being very excited about the new Spectre series, actually, it sounded like a great idea to me.

There was a brief fillin story in Morrison's JLA run(it's included in WW3, I believe) involving Hal as the Spectre, written by J.M DeMatteis(prior to the series). I thought it was quite good.
Posted By: Gladiator X Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-10 6:26 PM
Yeah,The Spectre coulda been cool but when JMD wrote the book he musta forgot that cool ass tale he wrote in JLA.

Someday I should bite the bullet and read the last two issues and get it over with.
Posted By: Grimm Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-10 6:30 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Wednesday:
[QB] 1. The Spectre's powers are perfect for Hal. Will and imagination based. Plus, who knows duty and working for a higher being better than a GL. Kinda like giving the power of the GL ring to an artist or engineer. It fits the finger well.

Okay, I'll give you that.

2. Spectre is God's Spirit of Vengeance.
Um, not anymore. From what I understand, he's now the Spirit of Redemption. Whut?! [eh?]

As a fan of Spectre, I can't think of a more interesting host for the Spirit than a former hero wishing to redeem himself for committing the ultimate sin. He'll second guess himself before he condemns, though, in the end, sometimes he may have to. How many interesting stories can come from that?

Excellent points, but really, wasn't Hal's redemption and sacrifice at the end of Final Night the same thing? This just seems to be dragging the characters "redemption" on without progressing it. I would have much rather seen the original concept of having former villain The Enchantress (not the Marvel character) become the new host for the Spectre.

3. Being Spectre gives Hal all the power he sought during Zero Hour. Using that power to do God's will is perfect redemption.

Well, as I said earlier. I was satisfied seeing him go out in Final Night. I would've let the character rest after that.

4. If Hal came back as a GL. . .
Um, how did we get to this?

5. Spectre's cape is green, man. GREEN!!!

:lol: Well, DC was thinking about green, but not that kind. They were seeing $$$$.

Just put someone on it that knows what the FUCK they're doing.

I think we could say this for every book on the market. heh.

I do want to see Hal reinstated as a GL. Just not yet.

I don't. As I've said, I would've just let the character stay dead and gone if it were my choice. But if the character has to be around, I would've let him use his Parallax abilities to rebuild Oa and let him be the Guardian, possibly along with Alan, John, and Guy (to keep him straight and provide other viewpoints) with Kyle and Jade rebuilding the Corps. Best of both worlds that way, I think.
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-10 8:53 PM
Originally posted by Grimm:

...From what I understand, he's now the Spirit of Redemption. Whut?! [eh?]

I'll second that.


...I would have much rather seen the original concept of having former villain The Enchantress (not the Marvel character) become the new host for the Spectre.

Yeah, good point. The only good reasonI can offer to pick Hal over The Enchantress is because he's a recognizable character who would draw sales to a character (The Spectre) most people wouldn't show much interest in otherwise. Then again, good writing would do that too. Perhaps she should be his replacement.

Well, as I said earlier. I was satisfied seeing him go out in Final Night. I would've let the character rest after that.

Another good point. But the redemption aspect makes for good plot-icing [nyah hah] .

Um, how did we get to this?
I just threw it in there cuz I wanted to. Honestly, I was replying to all the bring Hal back posts, not yours in particular.

:lol: Well, DC was thinking about green, but not that kind. They were seeing $$$$...

I can definitely agree with that!

I don't. As I've said, I would've just let the character stay dead and gone if it were my choice. But if the character has to be around, I would've let him use his Parallax abilities to rebuild Oa and let him be the Guardian, possibly along with Alan, John, and Guy (to keep him straight and provide other viewpoints) with Kyle and Jade rebuilding the Corps. Best of both worlds that way, I think.

Well, I'm not too keen on the idea of bring characters back either. I'm wasn't very fond of Green Arrow's return, though I thought it was handled rather well, but I definitely don't want to see Barry Allen return under any circumstances. It would cheapen his sacrifice.

I was thinking that Kyle could be Earth's GL, while Hal makes it his mission to venture into space and reform the corps with the ring he gave Kyle.

A Guardian? Eh... Not blue enough.
Posted By: ManofTheAtom Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-10 9:18 PM
Originally posted by Wednesday:

...I would have much rather seen the original concept of having former villain The Enchantress (not the Marvel character) become the new host for the Spectre.

Yeah, good point. The only good reasonI can offer to pick Hal over The Enchantress is because he's a recognizable character who would draw sales to a character (The Spectre) most people wouldn't show much interest in otherwise. Then again, good writing would do that too. Perhaps she should be his replacement.
Didn't a letters page in an early issue of Spectre credit the idea of merging Hal with the Spectre force to a fan?
Posted By: Gladiator X Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-10 9:35 PM
Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
Originally posted by Wednesday:

...I would have much rather seen the original concept of having former villain The Enchantress (not the Marvel character) become the new host for the Spectre.

Yeah, good point. The only good reasonI can offer to pick Hal over The Enchantress is because he's a recognizable character who would draw sales to a character (The Spectre) most people wouldn't show much interest in otherwise. Then again, good writing would do that too. Perhaps she should be his replacement.
Didn't a letters page in an early issue of Spectre credit the idea of merging Hal with the Spectre force to a fan?
Yeah,it did.We even had a bit of a row with him over on the ols Spectre MB about.

Geoff Johns wanted to use the Enchantress(IIRC) and TPTB decided to go with the fan's(who's name must NEVER be mentioned AGAIN!)idea instead.
Posted By: ManofTheAtom Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-10 9:59 PM
Originally posted by Gladiator X:
Yeah,it did.We even had a bit of a row with him over on the old Spectre MB about.

Geoff Johns wanted to use the Enchantress(IIRC) and TPTB decided to go with the fan's(who's name must NEVER be mentioned AGAIN!)idea instead.

I thought it was a wonderful idea. I rather have Hal on active status than have him go back to being GL in a snap.

Last thing I want after the last 10 years is to see Hal living in an apartment and going to fight a standard super villain with his power ring.

There has to be more than that after all that's happened.

The Spectre series could have been much, much better, though.
Posted By: Gladiator X Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-10 10:22 PM
I hear ya,MotA!

While I'm not too fond of how it's been executed,I think Hal as the Spectre could be real entertaining.Especially if it was a well thought out journey for the character's progression to either come back as a GL again or for him to find his final resting place.

There is soooooo much potential in the GLUniverse with the eventual rebuilding and return of the GLC and Hal's mission of redemption.
I wish DC would give GL to an editor that could really focus on GL.I'm not dissin' Shreck because I have liked a lot of the things that have gone on during his tenure but the Batman books are obviously more of a priority to him.

With the right vision GL could be HUGE!
Posted By: ManofTheAtom Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-10 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Gladiator X:
While I'm not too fond of how it's been executed,I think Hal as the Spectre could be real entertaining.Especially if it was a well thought out journey for the character's progression to either come back as a GL again or for him to find his final resting place.

I think that the problem with the Spectre series was that it was too much about the Spectre and not enough about Hal.

And then it became too much about Hal's time as GL instead of being about his current situation.

Originally posted by Gladiator X:
There is soooooo much potential in the GLUniverse with the eventual rebuilding and return of the GLC and Hal's mission of redemption.
I wish DC would give GL to an editor that could really focus on GL.I'm not dissin' Shreck because I have liked a lot of the things that have gone on during his tenure but the Batman books are obviously more of a priority to him.

I think that Winnick's run was the best one of the last 10 years. He did a lot of good stories with Kyle that no other writer ever tried to do.

My hope is that we see a 12 issue maxi series that rebuilds that Marz destroyed in three.

Originally posted by Gladiator X:
With the right vision GL could be HUGE!

Oh yeah! Raab seems to be in the right track.
Posted By: Animalman Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-10 11:25 PM
Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
I think that Winnick's run was the best one of the last 10 years.

Oh yeah! Raab seems to be in the right track.

At least you're consistently stupid.
Posted By: Gladiator X Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-10 11:54 PM
Originally posted by Animalman:
Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
I think that Winnick's run was the best one of the last 10 years.

Oh yeah! Raab seems to be in the right track.

At least you're consistently stupid.

So what was the point of that?

I liked Judd's run too and from what I've seen Raab is gonna be good too.

Do you read GL?
Posted By: ManofTheAtom Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-11 1:00 AM
Just ignore him unless he makes a comment that has to do with the topic, that way we stop this from becoming something it's not.
Posted By: woodstock Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-11 1:40 AM
I really enjoyed Raab's first issue. I'll buy his first arc, at least.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-11 2:19 AM
Originally posted by Gladiator X:
Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
Originally posted by Wednesday:

...I would have much rather seen the original concept of having former villain The Enchantress (not the Marvel character) become the new host for the Spectre.

Yeah, good point. The only good reasonI can offer to pick Hal over The Enchantress is because he's a recognizable character who would draw sales to a character (The Spectre) most people wouldn't show much interest in otherwise. Then again, good writing would do that too. Perhaps she should be his replacement.
Didn't a letters page in an early issue of Spectre credit the idea of merging Hal with the Spectre force to a fan?
Yeah,it did.We even had a bit of a row with him over on the ols Spectre MB about.

Geoff Johns wanted to use the Enchantress(IIRC) and TPTB decided to go with the fan's(who's name must NEVER be mentioned AGAIN!)idea instead.

I hope he got some bloody credit for it.
Posted By: ManofTheAtom Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-11 5:09 AM
Originally posted by Dave:
I hope he got some bloody credit for it.

He did. His name is on that letters page.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-11 11:27 AM
Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
Originally posted by Dave:
I hope he got some bloody credit for it.

He did. His name is on that letters page.
Outrageous. He could sue and put DC in the shit. Bastards. They deserve it. He should at least get a nominal sum for exercising his creativity.
Posted By: ManofTheAtom Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-11 5:15 PM
Originally posted by Dave:
Outrageous. He could sue and put DC in the shit. Bastards. They deserve it. He should at least get a nominal sum for exercising his creativity.

You don't know he didn't get any money...
Posted By: Animalman Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-11 6:39 PM
Originally posted by Gladiator X:
So what was the point of that?

To ream MotA with every available opportunity for being the moron that he is(see "current state of Superman books").

I liked Judd's run too and from what I've seen Raab is gonna be good too.
Well....I've Raab's other comic work. So I have a good idea of what to expect.

As for Winnick...simply a difference of opinion, there.

Do you read GL?
I like to check up on it from time to time. I wouldn't pay for it, though.
Posted By: Animalman Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-11 6:41 PM
You don't know he didn't get any money...
He did receive money, though he said he didn't want any.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-12 1:19 AM
Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
Originally posted by Dave:
Outrageous. He could sue and put DC in the shit. Bastards. They deserve it. He should at least get a nominal sum for exercising his creativity.

You don't know he didn't get any money...
Good point: credit and cash are different things.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-12 4:12 AM
Green Lantern blows chunks...consistently one of the worst comics on the shelves....I have no problem with Kyle whatsoever, but the writing is atrocious..... from Jones forward..it's unreadable...
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-14 12:28 PM
What's the story now with John Stewart? He's in the JLA: Kyle Rayner is not?
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-14 4:02 PM
Recently, Kyle Rayner lost faith in humanity and left Earth after his assistant, Terry, was beaten quite badly by a group of gay bashers. John Stewart, who recently overcame his paralysis, replaced Kyle Rayner as Earth's GL and member of the Justice League.

Kyle Rayner is currently journeying the universe on a mission to reform the corps.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-15 2:20 AM
Posted By: PJP Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-19 3:03 PM
Bring Back Hal!!! [izzat so?]
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-19 4:29 PM
Originally posted by PJP:

Bring Back Hal!!! [izzat so?]

Posted By: Doc.Mid-Nite Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-19 5:34 PM
My Ultimate GL :

Hal Jordan gets a ring from a retiring Alan Scott and is trained by Abin Sur and Kilowog. Hal Jordan joins a class of “student GL’s” being trained by Abin Sur and Kilowog. The Class of Lantern’s consists of Hal Jordan (soon to be GL of sector 2814) Guy Gardner (soon to be GL of neighbouring sector 2815) John Stewart (soon to be co-GL of sector 2814) Katma Tui, Tomar Re, and Sinestro. Hal Jordan and John Stewart have a little bit of a rivalry going, Guy Gardner’s a cocky jerk but a warrior, Katma’s the level headed one, Tomar’s shy and unsure of himself but smart, and Sinesto’s just plain mean and eventually goes bad. Another thing I would do with this concept is have Abin Sur "scold" Sinestro every time he misuses his ring causing some friction between the two. I would also have Hal look up to Abin Sur as a sort of "father figure"/mentor. Hal would be Abin's favorite (because Hal's got a lot of heart and isn't afraid of taking risks) and John Stewart would be Kilowog's favorite (because he would have all the tools and a more "buy the book" approach). So eventually Sinesto would go bad, take on the others (and defeat them) and would then fight Abin Sur! Sinestro would kill Abin Sur (in front of Hal and the other students) infuriating Hal and causing him to go after Sinestro! After an epic battle, Hal would take Sinestro down, and with Kilowog and the other students, return him to Oa to face trial for his crimes! The Guardians would then banish Sinestro to the Anti-matter Universe and he'd wind up on Qward!

What do you guys think?
Posted By: ManofTheAtom Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-19 10:29 PM
Originally posted by Doc.Mid-Nite:
What do you guys think?

My honest opinion is that we don't need to read how Hal Jordan became a GL for a third time (aaaah, the luck of there only being ONE Hal in the Pre Crisis Multiverse).

What we need is writers who can tell new stories using the older characters as well as new stories with NEW characters.

What we need is more characters like Barry, Hal, Kyle, Wally, Jason, Tim, Donna and Cassie. We need newer blood, not reboots of the older characters.
Posted By: PJP Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-20 3:00 AM
Originally posted by Wednesday:
Originally posted by PJP:

Bring Back Hal!!! [izzat so?]

Yes. [izzat so?]
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-20 5:39 PM
Originally posted by PJP:
Originally posted by Wednesday:
Originally posted by PJP:

Bring Back Hal!!! [izzat so?]

Yes. [izzat so?]
Okay, you talked me into it.
Posted By: Gladiator X Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-20 9:55 PM
Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:

What we need is writers who can tell new stories using the older characters as well as new stories with NEW characters.

That's what I think too.The only way I would want an "Ultimate GL"(or anyone else) is if Dc re-booted the whole thing.
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-20 10:15 PM
Been there, done that, messin' the whole thing up all over again.
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-20 10:18 PM
Originally posted by Wednesday:
Originally posted by PJP:
Originally posted by Wednesday:
Originally posted by PJP:

Bring Back Hal!!! [izzat so?]

Yes. [izzat so?]
Okay, you talked me into it.
There, now he's the Spectre. I hope you're happy.
Posted By: ManofTheAtom Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-20 11:58 PM
Originally posted by Gladiator X:
That's what I think too.The only way I would want an "Ultimate GL"(or anyone else) is if Dc re-booted the whole thing.

Exactly. That's the only circumstance in which I would accept a retelling of the origin.

Of course, the reboot would have to be as justified as Crisis was.
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-21 12:39 AM
Sadly, Marvel's done a better job with the universe-changing storylines lately. Their Marvel: The End story was quite good, and did a top-notch job of presenting the dead-is-dead rule to the MU.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-21 1:51 AM
Originally posted by Doc.Mid-Nite:
My Ultimate GL :

Hal Jordan gets a ring from a retiring Alan Scott and is trained by Abin Sur and Kilowog. Hal Jordan joins a class of “student GL’s” being trained by Abin Sur and Kilowog. The Class of Lantern’s consists of Hal Jordan (soon to be GL of sector 2814) Guy Gardner (soon to be GL of neighbouring sector 2815) John Stewart (soon to be co-GL of sector 2814) Katma Tui, Tomar Re, and Sinestro. Hal Jordan and John Stewart have a little bit of a rivalry going, Guy Gardner’s a cocky jerk but a warrior, Katma’s the level headed one, Tomar’s shy and unsure of himself but smart, and Sinesto’s just plain mean and eventually goes bad. Another thing I would do with this concept is have Abin Sur "scold" Sinestro every time he misuses his ring causing some friction between the two. I would also have Hal look up to Abin Sur as a sort of "father figure"/mentor. Hal would be Abin's favorite (because Hal's got a lot of heart and isn't afraid of taking risks) and John Stewart would be Kilowog's favorite (because he would have all the tools and a more "buy the book" approach). So eventually Sinesto would go bad, take on the others (and defeat them) and would then fight Abin Sur! Sinestro would kill Abin Sur (in front of Hal and the other students) infuriating Hal and causing him to go after Sinestro! After an epic battle, Hal would take Sinestro down, and with Kilowog and the other students, return him to Oa to face trial for his crimes! The Guardians would then banish Sinestro to the Anti-matter Universe and he'd wind up on Qward!

What do you guys think?

That's actually pretty good.
Posted By: ManofTheAtom Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-06-21 2:28 AM
Originally posted by Wednesday:
Sadly, Marvel's done a better job with the universe-changing storylines lately. Their Marvel: The End story was quite good, and did a top-notch job of presenting the dead-is-dead rule to the MU.

The golden rule at Marvel is that NOTHING ever changes. Everything goes back to the status quo sooner or later and while that happens Barry will still be dead, Tim will still be Robin and Dick will still be Nightwing... plus, sooner or later, we get NEW changes, like Hector Hall becoming Fate and Kyle Rayner becoming Green Lantern.

The next one that comes to mind is Courtney Whitmore going from Star Splanged Kid to Starwoman.
Posted By: Gladiator X Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-03 6:47 PM
Vote for a GL movie!


Click the link on the right to vote!
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-04 6:27 AM
Does anyone actually pay attention to these things?
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-04 7:17 AM
Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:

The golden rule at Marvel is that NOTHING ever changes. Everything goes back to the status quo sooner or later and while that happens Barry will still be dead...

Well, with JQ's new dead is dead rule at Marvel we have the potential to see some real change.
Posted By: ManofTheAtom Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-04 7:52 AM
Originally posted by Wednesday:
Well, with JQ's new dead is dead rule at Marvel we have the potential to see some real change.

Well, dead isn't really dead at Marvel.

Dead at Marvel today is more like dead in the DC Universe before Crisis.

Back then the Batman of Earth 2 died, yet his Earth 1 counterpart was still alive.

It's the same today with Colossus, Gwen Stacy and Magneto. The real versions may be dead, but the ultimate ones survive.

If a year or five years from now the Ultimate Universe replaces the original one (like, technically speaking, Earth 1 (the new) replaced Earth 2 (the old))then those deaths will be meaningless...
Posted By: Gladiator X Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-07 6:30 PM
Originally posted by Dave:
Does anyone actually pay attention to these things?

Probably not but GL won and that's all that matters! [biiiig grin]
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-08 9:58 PM
Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:

It's the same today with Colossus, Gwen Stacy and Magneto. The real versions may be dead, but the ultimate ones survive.

If a year or five years from now the Ultimate Universe replaces the original one (like, technically speaking, Earth 1 (the new) replaced Earth 2 (the old))then those deaths will be meaningless...

Good points.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-09 8:59 AM
If you were Abin Sur, but had knowledge of the DCU, who would you have given your ring to?
Posted By: ManofTheAtom Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-09 3:45 PM
Originally posted by Dave:
If you were Abin Sur, but had knowledge of the DCU, who would you have given your ring to?

According to the last issue of Action Comics Weekly, Abin Sur offered the ring to Clark Kent, but because he was not a native to sector 2814 he couldn't give it to him. Clark suggested Hal Jordan to Abin.

According to another story (which some say is in continuity and claim the above one isn't), Abin's first choice was Guy Gardner, but that he was too far away and Hal was closer, so that's why he chose him.

You must remember that Abin didn't make the choice, not technically. He told the ring to look for someone worthy and the ring found Hal.
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-09 4:37 PM
Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:

You must remember that Abin didn't make the choice, not technically. He told the ring to look for someone worthy and the ring found Hal.

If you were the ring, but had knowledge of the current DCU, who would you have given yourself to?
Posted By: ManofTheAtom Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-09 4:52 PM
Originally posted by Wednesday:
Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:

You must remember that Abin didn't make the choice, not technically. He told the ring to look for someone worthy and the ring found Hal.

If you were the ring, but had knowledge of the current DCU, who would you have given yourself to?
The comic book version of me (the man, not the ring) of course :)
Posted By: Gladiator X Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-09 5:19 PM
Originally posted by Dave:
If you were Abin Sur, but had knowledge of the DCU, who would you have given your ring to?

Alan Scott.


[biiiig grin]
Posted By: Grimm Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-09 6:21 PM
Originally posted by Gladiator X:
Originally posted by Dave:
If you were Abin Sur, but had knowledge of the DCU, who would you have given your ring to?

Alan Scott.


[biiiig grin]

Posted By: Grimm Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-09 6:23 PM
Originally posted by Wednesday:
Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:

The golden rule at Marvel is that NOTHING ever changes. Everything goes back to the status quo sooner or later and while that happens Barry will still be dead...

Well, with JQ's new dead is dead rule at Marvel we have the potential to see some real change.
Is that why they brought back Elektra. . . again?! [nyah hah] "Dead is dead at Marvel." Yeah, and Rob's straight! [nyah hah]
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-10 1:20 AM
Well, I done reckon they done changed that there Sentinel feller back t' bein' one of them there Green Lanterns.
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-10 1:21 AM
Originally posted by Grimm:

Is that why they brought back Elektra. . . again?!

That would be before the rule was instated, I believe.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-10 3:49 AM
Originally posted by Gladiator X:
Originally posted by Dave:
If you were Abin Sur, but had knowledge of the DCU, who would you have given your ring to?

Alan Scott.


[biiiig grin]

He already had one. What about Diana of Themiscyra?
Posted By: Gladiator X Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-10 4:02 PM
Originally posted by Dave:
Originally posted by Gladiator X:
Originally posted by Dave:
If you were Abin Sur, but had knowledge of the DCU, who would you have given your ring to?

Alan Scott.


[biiiig grin]

He already had one. What about Diana of Themiscyra?
Yeah,but he didn't have a Corps. ring.

Diana would be a good choice but I prefer her to wear her WW costume.

I was just thinkin, though.

A real good candidate would have been Jonn Jonzz.He would've made an awesome GL.

BTW, how cool is it that Alan Scott is GREEN LANTERN again? [biiiig grin] [biiiig grin]
Posted By: Darknight613 Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-11 2:55 AM
On a somewhat new topic, here's a question I'd like to pose to you guys.

Considering the changes done to other Golden Age characters at DC and all the retcons (especially Hawkman, which now makes sense for the first time in years), how would you guys feel if at some point, DC did or had done a retcon making Alan Scott a former member of the Corps? Same stories, same character, same costume - just a member of the Corps instead of powered by the Starheart? I always wondered why DC never attempted that after the Crisis. I don't see how it would've taken anything away from Alan's character to have him be a member of the corps during the 1940s.

Posted By: 9JACK9 Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-11 7:21 AM
My problem with Alan being retconned as a corps member is that it would take away the magic element of Alan's mythos. He'd be sci-fi like Hal and I've always liked the eeriness of Alan's green flame vs. Hal's power beam. There was just something mysterious about Alan's battery and the mystical backdrop to some of Alan's tales that would be lost if he were a regular corpsman.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-11 7:57 AM
Originally posted by Darknight613:
On a somewhat new topic, here's a question I'd like to pose to you guys.

Considering the changes done to other Golden Age characters at DC and all the retcons (especially Hawkman, which now makes sense for the first time in years), how would you guys feel if at some point, DC did or had done a retcon making Alan Scott a former member of the Corps? Same stories, same character, same costume - just a member of the Corps instead of powered by the Starheart? I always wondered why DC never attempted that after the Crisis. I don't see how it would've taken anything away from Alan's character to have him be a member of the corps during the 1940s.


Works for me. He could have just told everyone it was a magic ring because he'd thought people would get too freaked out by the idea of life on other planets.


A real good candidate would have been Jonn Jonzz.He would've made an awesome GL.

Certainly would have made him more interesting. I like the idea of him as a Lantern in a reformed Corps.
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-11 11:10 AM
Originally posted by Darknight613:

....how would you guys feel if at some point, DC did or had done a retcon making Alan Scott a former member of the Corps? Same stories, same character, same costume - just a member of the Corps instead of powered by the Starheart?

I could see it as a Crisis retcon, but nowhere else. Crisis has been the only history altering retcon that I've liked.

That and I agree with 9Jack9, I like the magical element of Alan Scott. It makes his story really stand out from Hal's.


Originally posted by Wednesday:

Well, I done reckon they done changed that there Sentinel feller back t' bein' one of them there Green Lanterns.

Translates to: The Sentinel is once again "Green Lantern" (his Starheart was transformed to a GL ring) as of the last issue of JSA: Princes of Darkness.
Posted By: Gladiator X Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-11 4:35 PM
The biggest problem I see with having Alan being ret-conned as a Corpsmen is that he wouldn't be around anymore.
He would have had to die and pass his ring on to Hal or there never would've been a reason for a silver age GL.

I like Alan's origin just like it is.
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-11 4:46 PM
Originally posted by Gladiator X:

He would have had to die and pass his ring on to Hal or there never would've been a reason for a silver age GL.

Or retire.

The way I see it, he could have retired, passed the ring on to Hal, then, after the fall of the corps at the hands of Hal, come out of retirement to help Kyle and the other heroes of the DCU put Parallax down. He would then remain active to give Kyle training in place of the fallen corps and Guardians.
Posted By: ManofTheAtom Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-11 5:22 PM
I prefer things as they are. With Alan as part of the corps a lot of cool things would be lost and whtaever replaced them wouldn't be as cool.
Posted By: Gladiator X Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-12 7:32 AM
Originally posted by Wednesday:
Originally posted by Gladiator X:

He would have had to die and pass his ring on to Hal or there never would've been a reason for a silver age GL.

Or retire.

The way I see it, he could have retired, passed the ring on to Hal, then, after the fall of the corps at the hands of Hal, come out of retirement to help Kyle and the other heroes of the DCU put Parallax down. He would then remain active to give Kyle training in place of the fallen corps and Guardians.

Okay,That would work.

I'd still rather keep him like he is though.
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-12 7:35 AM
So would I.
Posted By: Grimm Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-12 7:59 AM
Originally posted by Wednesday:
Originally posted by Gladiator X:

He would have had to die and pass his ring on to Hal or there never would've been a reason for a silver age GL.

Or retire.

The way I see it, he could have retired, passed the ring on to Hal, then, after the fall of the corps at the hands of Hal, come out of retirement to help Kyle and the other heroes of the DCU put Parallax down. He would then remain active to give Kyle training in place of the fallen corps and Guardians.

Without a ring? Be a bit difficult, yeah? [nyah hah]
Posted By: A Jar of Cardinals Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-12 2:22 AM
Originally posted by Dave:
Originally posted by Gladiator X:
Originally posted by Dave:
If you were Abin Sur, but had knowledge of the DCU, who would you have given your ring to?

Alan Scott.


[biiiig grin]

He already had one. What about Diana of Themiscyra?
It would only get in her way.

What about Dick Grayson?
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-12 3:10 AM
Originally posted by Grimm:

Without a ring? Be a bit difficult, yeah? [nyah hah]

Yeah.... ummmmm.... okay....


Okay, so we find out during ZH that the ring Alan gave Hal was a copy (cuz the corps rings can do that) and that he kept his own ring as a keepsake.

Ummmm.... yeah.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-12 5:04 AM
Originally posted by A Jar of Cardinals:
Originally posted by Dave:
Originally posted by Gladiator X:
Originally posted by Dave:
If you were Abin Sur, but had knowledge of the DCU, who would you have given your ring to?

Alan Scott.


[biiiig grin]

He already had one. What about Diana of Themiscyra?
It would only get in her way.

That was Batman's exact comment in an issue of JLI.

I don't believe it at all. Wonder Woman with a power ring would be cool.
Posted By: ManofTheAtom Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-12 5:49 AM
Originally posted by Dave:
I don't believe it at all. Wonder Woman with a power ring would be cool.

Read Batman: In Darkest Knight.

Superman as a GL.

Diana as a GL.

Barry Allen as a GL.

And, obviously, Batman as a GL.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-12 12:40 PM
Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
Originally posted by Dave:
I don't believe it at all. Wonder Woman with a power ring would be cool.

Read Batman: In Darkest Knight.

Yes, I've seen this, but haven't read it.

Was it good?
Posted By: ManofTheAtom Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-12 3:46 PM
Originally posted by Dave:
Yes, I've seen this, but haven't read it.

Was it good?

It's very good. Get it if you can.
Posted By: A Jar of Cardinals Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-07-12 9:27 PM
Originally posted by Dave:
That was Batman's exact comment in an issue of JLI.

That's where I swiped it from.

FWIW, I liked Batman:In Darkest Night as well. Bit grim, though.
Posted By: Doc.Mid-Nite Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-08-12 10:51 PM
Hey, wouldn't it be cool if (since there are no more Guardians) Hal became Parallax again and was annointed "Guardian of the Universe", supreme commander of the GLC, and ultimate GL? I think so, because DC really needs a powerful cosmic (Marvel has tons of them) and who better to take over for the Guardians than the best GL that ever was! It would be like everything Hal went through was testing him for his true destiny! [cool]
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-08-13 3:25 AM
Well, he is already the Spectre. That's about as cosmic as you get in the DCU.
Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-08-13 7:19 AM
Next Hal will be the new Hawkman and Gnort will be the new Spectre.
Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-08-13 7:30 AM
...allmost forgot to mention,Gnort will be wearing a new orange toga while he is Spectre.
Posted By: Gladiator X Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-09-05 12:34 AM

[biiiig grin]
Posted By: Gladiator X Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-11-05 1:18 PM
Well,this is my 100th post on Rob's board and to celebrate I thought I'd give the ol' GLC a bump.

[biiiig grin]
Posted By: Sacman Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-11-06 7:59 AM
Originally posted by ManofTheAtom:
Originally posted by Dave:
Yes, I've seen this, but haven't read it.

Was it good?

It's very good. Get it if you can.
Is it an Elseworlds?
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-11-06 9:22 AM
Posted By: Gladiator X Re: The GREEN LANTERN Club. - 2003-11-06 6:04 PM
One of the better Elseworlds as a matter o' fact.