Posted By: Rob SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-02 2:10 AM
yes. the rabbits. all three of them.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-02 2:12 AM
so, i hate the autumn. fall. whatever. i hate it. hardcore. with various intensities.

september is a great representative of the season, and i hate it. despite the fact that fall doesn't officially begin until sept 21st, the egg-balancing day, it really begins on or around september first. today.

and this year was no exception.

it was cold. rainy. hazy. humid. reached a high of 65. a high!


tonight? i saw my breath.

Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-02 2:19 AM
lemme jot this down before i forget. plus, tomorrow morning, i'm gonna be all sortsa busy. getting a new computer at work, which'll actually be pretty cool. we'll see, tho.


i wanted to have a buncha people over this weekend, for a barbq. its been something i've tried to plan off and on for weeks. never seems to work out tho.

for starters, i have no grill. secondly, i have no yard. i've got the friends and i... have access to the food. but the rest gets complicated.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-02 2:27 AM
for my bday, my lex got me a grill. that took care of one problem.

and, technically, i do have a back yard. granted, its not right behind my apartment, nor even behind my building (!!), but i have access to one 2 doors down.

lex and i scoped it out. didn't work. access was too weird for a large group coming at different times, grill couldn't really make it... just too much hassle. at that point, i didn't even know if i wanted to have one any more. just too many problems atop other problems. plus, i still had to call everyone and see who was available.

Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-02 2:44 AM
but then, i just said fuck it.

"fuck it."

imma have me an indoor barbq. roboken will never be the same.

well... alright, yes it will, but...



so i call up some folks. we get in touch. i make the plans for saturday, during the day. in my apartment.

truthfully, they dont really care. they're just looking for food.

and... well... ok, i guess that sounds about right on my ened, too. so i'm all for that.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-02 2:55 AM
my apartment is all clean and lookin nice. i got all the food i need. laquanda stayed over the night before for some hardcore three way action.


... or... to do some drinkin.




oh fuck you.

whatever, she left real early in the morning to go pick up stuff for her apartment.

cati got there around 1. thats early for me on a weekend. but, i was up. yankee game was on, so i had to be.

we started drinkin, the three of us. cati started makin some sorta (eventually) really good taco salad. we did s'more drinkin. really anything we could drink, for the sole purpose of drinking. beers. ciders. wine. mixed drinks. even champaigne. whatever.

we had my breathalizer thing out the whoel time, too, so we could see what level we were at... and how much further we had to go. (woo!)
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-03 7:23 AM
sorry. been busy.

just set up my new computer at work, so i've spent the whole morning workin on that, and not bloggin.

for shame, rob. for shame. [no no no]
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-03 7:40 AM
back to the inside barbq.

lex, cati, and i watched the entirity of the yankee game, from lows to (eventual) highs. thankfully, they did win, defeating their arch nemesis boston red sox.

and, of course, we were excited -- assisted by ample portions of booze and junk food and taco salad and cheese squares.

....mmMMMmmmmmmm.... cheese squares....
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-03 7:57 AM
after a brief while, dave called in with his second excuse of the day. i forget the first. this one had something to do with colleagues ratting him out or something, so that he couldn't take a sick day. but, at this point, he planned on showing up later when he got off work, which would be in a few hours.


but laquanda and keisha showed up later on. then scottie. jamalet, too. 7 people aint bad for an impossible gathering.

we had a whole buncha fun. everybuddy just sorta cooked whatever the fuck they wanted. scottie busted out all the master chef abilities and prepared everything, short of a turducken. we'll get one of those yet.

mostly, we did drinkin. sure, there was some tv, some taboo, some jay and silent bob strikes back. but the drinkin ruled all. and we were happy bout it.

beer pong and jungle juice pong are always crowd pleasers.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-02 8:01 PM
at a lil after midnight, folks started bailin.

dave eventually called with excuse number 3 -- the final adventure. i dont really remember what he said, cuz it was real loud and i was kinda toasted.

'twas good company, them friends. we don't get to hang out in the groups as often as we'd like. maybe now, with lq living in town, it'll be easier, but... more than likely not. oh well. gotta keep on with them "very special roboken" parties.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-02 8:03 PM
so, ok. sunday. beautiful day.

it wasn't supposed to be beautiful. it was actually supposed to be pretty crappy. but the sun was shinin and the birds were singin. the whole bit.

i actually had every intention to meet up with cati down the shore -- or at least i had said the last night. didn't work out. in fact, cati didn't even leave by the time i called, which meant she prolly wasn't goin either. cool, im saved!

like i wanted to drive to the jersey shore in the afternoon in the middle of labor day weekend. dudn't sound like fun.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-02 8:19 PM
lex and i went to the park. why? cuz we could. it was really frickin nice outside, and we wanted to take full advantage of the nicities.

we grabbed some sammidges at kings, then went to rite aid to grab some drinks.

the rite aid by my apartment is typically the home of every 19th century white hillbilly's ideal latino stereotype: a buncha speak-little-english spanish individuals who don't do any work. sunday, they were in rare form.

there were 5, count'em, 5 employees behind the cashier counter. all of them talking to one another about some photos one of them had brought in.

on the customer side, there were 3 people in line. waiting. standing. staring. no more than 3 feet from the gathering employees.

after a few minutes, some forced coughs, and 2 "excuse me"s, one of the uber intelligent rite aid workers turn towards the cashier, making "i'll help you over here" gestures.

... when she got to the cash register, she pressed some buttons, looked all set to go... then picked up the store intercom and called for backup at the front, because she was, apparently, overloaded.

a 6th employee, currently in another locale, was required to tend to this line.

so, i put down the water bottles exactly where i was standing and left the store.

normally, i wait 4 or 5 hours in there. sunday, i just wasn't about it.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-03 1:47 PM
ahh... back logged.


get it? logged?



Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-03 1:52 PM
after sunday's rite aid experience, we just mosied on out to constitution park and had the nice lil picnic thingie. blanket, sammidges, drinks (not from rite aid). the whole bit. sunday was really a beautiful day. little did i know, at the time, it was gonna be the last nice day of the season.

frickin weather nazis!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-03 2:04 PM
after hanging outside for a few hours, we finally kicked it back to the inside.

laquanda called and, apparently, had more issues with her mattress arriving. she was supposed to get it on one day, then called to confirm and they said later on, so she fought and got it for sunday, but found out they weren't coming then either, yadda yadda yadda. whole big mess. basically, its every problem i've ever had with any sorta company that you're relying on.

bottom line, she had no place to sleep, so she was gonna come over to have another threeway with us.


just let it go, man.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-03 2:11 PM
lex and i hung out for the night, did some walkin around town, some sittin on the porch, all to soak in the good weather while we had it.

later on, we piled back upstairs. lex wasn't in the mood for boozin cuz she was sorta hung over from the gathering on saturday, but... fuckit, i was. so i had me some booze.

logical decision.

once lq showed up (which was pretty late ... mebbe 11?), she and i had some champaigne left over from the party, and we watched a few sopranos repeats on hbow, which i think is the west coast hbo. whatever. its free.

at 2 or 3 am or so, we called it a night.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-03 2:14 PM
monday morning, lq was out at sunrise to get her mattress (again). she got it this time.

lex and i got up at... i dunno... noonish, and decided to hit up randolph.

it was lex's panic day, cuz the next day (yesterday) was her first day back at school for teachin. she didn't actually have to teach since the kids don't show up until thursday, but she had to go in.

...oh yes, the dreading you feel when you have a summer!!!!!! [you sunnuva...]
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-03 2:16 PM
the weather on monday, labor day, september first, was awful. absolutely, 1000% miserable. worst weather you could possibly imagine.

the temperature had already dropped into the 60s and would dip to the 50s that night. you could see your own breath. it was windy. it was hazy. it was muggy and humid. it was cold. it was foggy.


and you could noticeably see the leaves changing colors.

Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-03 2:18 PM
buuuuUUUuuuut.... i got to see my family and my folks and all that good randolph stuff. they always have good food and ... well... a washer and dryer. that can't hurt.

we hung out there until 8 or so. most of the day was just sittin around, complaining about the weather, and telling various randolph, kamphausen family fun stories, which i actually love. its all sortsa tv-land corny, and really the complete opposite of what you'd think my personality is, but i absolutely love it. good family.

but, we leave shortly after dinner. i take lex to her house, where i'm always bombarded with freebie food from her family. she's also gotta good one.

she's sad n'stuff, as she has been for the past 48 years on "the laaaAAAaast day," but she'll be fine. she's justa big baby. but she's mine!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-03 2:21 PM
that was that. left her house, went to my apartment, and i passed out.

tuesday morning i get to work and set up my new computer all day. its really a kick ass machine, with this huge flat panel monitor. its a computer nerd's wet dream.

im still amazed at how fast it is and how sleek it is. good deal.

still hate the job, tho. that aint changin. this just equates less hate.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-03 2:23 PM
after work, i figured i'd take lex out for a quick meal or somethin, so we hit up hooters.

i was in my horrible work scrub clothes and didn't wanna be all nasty lookin for her, so i ran into the mall quick to grab a replacement shirt.

god bless you gap sized m!

i picked out a quick m sized sweater (fuckin autumn!) lookin thing for like $20, and even some extra wife-beaters, to keep the itch offa me.

slipped'em on, got in the car, drove round the corner back to hooters just in time for her to get there.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-03 2:24 PM
we walk right in, stand for like 3 or 4 seconds, then are rushed by this one waitress that loves us. she's pretty cute, tho i wouldn't put her in the "hottest" list, but super super super nice.

i mean, how many eateries can you walk into where you instantly receive a hug from someone that works there?

thats some good ass service.

Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-03 2:27 PM
she sits with us for a bit and we bull shit about the usual. jobs. school. fake ids. weather. hooters. bigger hooters. etc.

lex tells me all about her day. sounds like it went really well, as i knew it would. she'll love this year.

i down 4 beers in ... i dunno... probably about an hour. however long it takes lex to almost finish 1.

they went down smooth, but man, did i feel it after. it was already heated in the place cuz it was so fuckin nasty and cold outside, [i]then[i] add on the fact that im wearing a fucking sweater (stupid autumn!!!!). then, of course, there's the fact that i get super hot (temperature) when i drink.

im frickin blazing at this point. very uncomfortable. can't wait to get out side.

i leave a big tip, cuz she's all nice n'cute, and we bounce. lex goes her way, i go mine.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-03 2:28 PM
soon as i get home, i more or less pass out right away. so frickin tired and all the heat just piled on. took like an hour nap or so.

woke up all disgusting and groggy, but i knew i had a lotta work to do, so i couldn't just sleep.

... regardless, i got nothing done. oh well.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-03 2:30 PM
i go to bed at like 1.

i still use the AC, cuz i dont wanna let the summer feeling go, but its pretty clear i dont need it.


i wake up my usual time, take my sleep shower, listen to stern, then get a call from my lex around 8:30.

thats never good.

apparently, one of her sister's friends died, so she was all sad.

she's teaching with her sister this year, so they were both expected to be goin to work in a few minutes, but now things were all weird, of course. dunno how that turned out yet.

i feel bad for'em, tho [sad]
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-03 2:35 PM
geez, one of star's friends just died too.

bad week so far [sad]
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-03 2:36 PM
i'm getting phone emails on and off from lex this morning. she's apparently doin, at least, a little better. thats a good sign. i'll still worry bout'er, tho.

as for me... i really dont have much to do yet!

weird, i finally get this new super machine, and i've yet to get anything to abuse it with.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-03 8:13 PM
right before we went on vacation, i went to the mall with my lex and popped in the video game store while she was doing girlie stuff.

anyway, i found this wonderful lil thing i just had to get for my dad.

he's in love with pac-man and ms pac-man. always has been. when we were kids, we used to have tournaments on my atari 400. he was so competitive that once i developed my asian-like ability to rule any game, he'd "secretly" un plug my controller in an effort to keep me from beating his high score.

i've always wanted to get him one of the old stand-up arcade games, but they're frickin expensive. they still sell on ebay for like $1,000, mostly for collector's purposes.


i've bought pacman games for him to play on my home system. i bought pacman games for him to play on my gameboy advance. i even gave him my old gameboy advance, complete with pacman game, so that he could play whenever he wanted.

he loved'em all, but always had minor complaints, here and there.

so when i saw this, i knew he'd love it.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-03 8:25 PM

its called "namco tv games"

basically, that joystick lookin thing is the whole system -- the controller, the console, and the game, all in one.

you just plug it into your tv via those standard white and yellow audio and video cables and bam, you're done!

its filled with old school goodness!!! all the classic sounds, graphics, high scores -- its a perfect emulation of the original.

this one came with some racing game, dig dug, some space-invaders-like game, but most importantly (and, as far as my dad is concerned, only) pac-man! the original!!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-03 8:29 PM
here is the site.

the thing only costs like $25, plus the expense of 4 AA batteries. after that, tho, its all you! classic games with the classic controller, just as you remembered it, and every bit as fun, cuz the replays are free!

definitely worth checking out.

my dad loves it. he played it almost every day on vacation, and almost every day since. he's brougth it to work and has even semi-ignored customers because of it.

however, he has increased his average score by roughly 20,000 points within a month. not bad! [biiiig grin]
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-04 1:21 PM
went to best buy last night, after work, to do some digital camera searchin. thinkin bout gettin me a new one.

i really like my current camera, however... its very bulky. carrying it around in vegas was quite frustrating. sure, the 120 weather didn't help, but... still, to have a smaller, pocket sized camera would be a lot better for me, i believe.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-04 4:31 PM
lex's first day o'teachin shoulda just ended. hopefully, everything went all sortsa smooth. im sure it did, she's a pro. but man, does she looooove to worry.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-04 5:10 PM
hey, i might refinance again!

3rd times a charm!

if i do it, this'll be my fourth mortgage plan in just over 2 years. thats almost sad!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-04 11:01 PM

refinancing would save me another $100 / month.

and, on the same day i find out about this, i learn that my garage is closing.

after october 31st, i have nowhere to park. im back to street-parking. making matters worse, there are 600 more cars in my 7 street vicinity also looking for spots on the streets. AND, since i've been parking in the lot, they've changed the rules on the streets so that, for the main ones, you can't have yer car there from 8-9 am for street cleaning. ... and i dont leave for work until 8:30.

sun humma bitch!

[you sunnuva...]
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-04 11:03 PM
i quickly went thru some sites, then did a walk around hoboken to a few other locations. the three closest are still further than the one im using now, and all more expensive.

1 of them is a similar lot, but at least a 6 block walk.

2 are big time garages -- 1 of which is even automated (like a gigantic soda vending machine, for cars). but both are the kinda places that would take 10 minutes or so to park in, and 10 minutes (or more) to get your car outta.

lotsa factors here, and i dont like any of'em.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-04 11:18 PM
well, i guess the good news is that they're finally going to develop the old maxwell coffee house factory.

that thing has been an enormous eye sore for years -- probably ever since it shut down in the early 90s.

its taking up valuable real estate! its maybe 2 whole city blocks, plus includes like 100 feet of natural beach -- the only bit in this entire region (no idea what they're going to do with that).

last i saw, they had these major plans for this whole beautiful area, complete with a park right on the water, overlooking manhattan. all i know is whatever they build in hoboken always turns out to be beautiful.

and expensive!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-05 1:18 PM
me pops came over yesterday. got there around 7, and we started the guy fest right away, commencing with an order to the chicken and rib crib, home of the worlds worst-for-you(-yet-delicious) foods.

we always order too much, but thats ok. better too much than too little.

it was really a good day for my dad. he had someone buy a $16,000 diamond ring, in addition to like $1200 in other bidniz. plus, his stocks did really well. really really well. so well that, when he was talking to me about them yesterday on line, he was swearing!

my dad has maybe said 4 or 5 swears (in front of me) in his life. he never does it. sure, my mom is and was creative as all hell in her vocabulary, putting truck drivers to shame. but not my dad.

before yesterday, anyway.

as of yesterday, my dad was goin nutty with the "holy shit"s and the "fuckin a"s.

i was laughing my ass off at work while reading the IMs cuz i knew he musta been goin crazy to start swearin like that
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-05 1:22 PM
we beasted our meals. ribs, mozzerella sticks, chicken, chicken fingers, fries, soda... we passed on the pizza this time, tho. we're very health conscious.

yanks won, which was good. jets blew the opener, which was bad.

either way, it was really fun to just watch the game with my pop. we sat on the couch together all clenched up during the many jet fuck ups, just as any jet fan worth his salt should.

my big screen looked nice. if only it could show winning games, as well.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-06 7:05 AM
so i can fly now.

yeah, i forgot to mention it, i know.

i got superpowers at one point, last week, if i remember correctly. i dont really have any mental powers, yet. i was promised i'd receive some sorta psionic blast or something. who really knows with that stuff.

really, im just concerned with the flight and the super strength. i haven't noticed much of a difference in speed. i mean, i'm fast, but i'd hardly call it super fast.

thats a little disappointing.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-05 8:53 PM
if you've gotta caper, then you know who to call!


did the hully gully on the panama canal!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-05 8:55 PM
5 minutes to go on a beautiful friday afternoon.

i gots t'get paid!

(disclaimer: not really getting paid)
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-07 3:29 AM
ok then!

friday after work, i got to the boken. i changed. i had on the im-so-smooth-out-going clothes. ... i dont really know what that means, but... they were my party jeans and a reddish shirt, complete with buttons for the ladies. incase... they'd like to button and/or un button them. it works both ways.


roxy was back in town after being the only latina in tennesee for the past month. dont ask why she went. ... and, truthfully, typing that is retarded cuz you cant ask -- only i can type in here.



as of a phone call on my way home at around 5:20, roxy and laquanda were sposda go down the street to hobsons (the cool place by the hudson with hot ass waitress michelle), grab a table, and wait for lex and i.

at around 6, lex and i arrived at hobsons ... before lq and roxy.

minorities! [yuh huh]
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-07 3:30 AM
we grabbed a table. had a beer.

no michelle, but we knew that. she moved to cali months ago. we really haven't been there since. no reason. no michelle.

the other girls eventually showed up, apologizing for their minority time. we were without an extra seat (only had 3) so i stood cuz im a gentlemen. ... or at least closer to being one than the other three.

my lower genetalia is on the outside.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-07 3:32 AM
waitresses were very slow and retarded. no michelle, still. i'll get over it someday.

turns out, in the months that we stopped going, they changed the whole menu into a higher class type. it was fancier and more expensive, bad on both fronts. it used to be this great working mans establishment, with sammidges and low prices -- perfect, cuz its right across the street from the WTC path station, so it was hit up by everyone on their way home.


better french fries now, tho. they're almost excused.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-07 3:36 AM
we got another chair, and i was able to sit.

then jamalet showed up, and i had to stand again. damnit.

this chick has lost crazy weight, and now has a flat stomach. no one really knows how, and i dont even know her last name (or how to spell "jamalet") but she looks really good.

we drank. and ate. and drank more. i had 4 quick ciders and eventually a rum n'coke, too.

i spent the night making the girls laugh (i'm the fugly funny one, thats my job) and staring at the ass of this chick next to our table.

she was older, mebbe early 30s, but man did she have a body on her. real nice tiny miniskirt.


we stayed about... hmm... 2 hours? mebbe 3? then we left, heading up the street towards my apartment.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-07 3:40 AM
never got there.

instead, we stopped at east la's, home of the really really supposedly strong margherita. is that how you spell that? ... man, im tired of fuckin difficult words. ...


we went in. no seats. damnit.

we all gotta mar-gar-eeta. they're huge and frozen. they all got drunk, i got brain freezes. painful ones. and i never learned my lesson. i have this uncontrollable urge to drink everything quickly, so every gulp i took of this frozen mar-gar-shake, my head exploded. ... and i kept doing it.

retarded monkey i am.

after the drinks, i suggested a tequilla shot. they all reluctantly agreed.

the hot girls accompanying me all prepared with their lemons (no limes) and their salt. i like doin'em plain.

the shots, too [wink]

the shots were big. like double or triple sized. good stuff.

drink tally thus far:

4 beers
1 rum n'coke
1 tequilla shot
1 strong frozen mar-gar-ee-ta.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-07 3:42 AM
after chillin there for an hour or so, we made our move towards planet hoboken for some dancin.

it was only 11:30 or so, so the place wasn't overly hopping yet, but it livened up after a few minutes. cuz i was there, of course!

i had a fast smirnoff ice. they's like sodas! they's!

we danced a bit. mostly corny music, but when you're surrounded by four hot chicks and looking around for others, you get inspired.

gotta move if you wanna move.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-07 3:46 AM
another round of tequilla shots went down. lots of girl-ass-on-my-crotch-grind-dancing to follow.

thank you, jose!

laquanda, head grinder, worked it most of the time. i eventually pulled her over and we did a citron shot. she made some comment on the alcohol being something or other, but i wasn't listening.

i tend to do that.

drink tally for the night:

4 beers
1 rum n'coke
2 tequilla shots
1 strong frozen mar-gar-ee-ta.
1 smirnoff ice
1 citron shot
10 drinks
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-07 3:48 AM
lex n'i headed off to the side/back area after a while, just to catch a breather. we spent some time by the pool table and couches, then spent some of my cash on one o'them lil photo booths things.

yer typical couply stuff ensued.

nice pics, tho [wink]

i still have the ones we took a year or two ago. i carry'em around in my wallet.

these ended up comin out really horrible (not cuz of us, cuz of the film and/or printer), but thats ok.

next 30 minutes or so was filled with roxy and jamalet grinding on stage.


then we took off.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-07 3:49 AM
walked jamalet to her car. she drove roxy home.

walked lq to a pizza place by her apartment. then she left to go home.

then, lex and i made the long treck up to roboken.

i dont remember most of the walk. i know lex got some pizza and removed the cheese and put it on the sidewalk at some point. it was like 3 am so it didn't matter too much. thats when everyone puts cheese on the sidewalk.

we got to my apartment and i remember nothing else. legend has it i passed out immediately.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-08 1:26 PM
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-08 2:35 PM

slept late. woke up. rushed to get outside. another frickin beautiful day. we did the whole pic-a-nic thing again. grabbed some sammidges and laid out.

the sun was even hot! i was worried we were passed the point in the year where you could actually feel the sun. but it was there, alright.

later on, we walked around the town. thru the italian festival, by the pier, etc. i wanted to maximize my time outside.

i mean, thats normally what i wanna do anyway, since i'm trapped in doors during the week, but... since our spring/summer has been so crappy, and since fall is quickly showing its fugly face, i feel like i gotta get in all my last chance moments.

and i will!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-08 3:02 PM
i have 17 virus phoney emails in the past 8 minutes.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-08 3:15 PM
saturday night, lex and i went out to dinner. we were gonna try some new italian joint, but they didn't serve alcohol.



so, we went to favia, which is really good, and supposably ( [worst.  icon.  ever.] best. spelling. ever.) very healthy for you, tho im sure its justa big mean trick.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-08 3:21 PM
the italian festival was only a block or two away from where we ate dinner, and it was the big night, so they had all these crazy fireworks goin off. seemed like 30 minutes straight.

oh them italians!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-08 3:42 PM
i eventually ran into cati and lina. lex had to ... not... show people her boobie shirt. something like that. but i haven't seen cati and lina in a while ... or... like a day or two, so i went back to the fest at like midnight to visit for a sec.

hugs and zeppolis, all around.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-08 3:49 PM
sunday was more pic-a-nicing, cuz it was beautiful out again. 2 nice days on the weekend? unheard of!!

we sat out by the shipyard place for a few hours, with more sunnin. we did a bit o'lex's homework (yeah, me too), then did s'more walkin and outside sittin.

yeah, i do that a lot. i likes it. i loves it!

we went to dippers. sat down. thought. then stood up and left. ... just practicing, i guess.

then we went back to hobsons.

oh, excuse me, "hobsons choice." got fries and ciders. cider, actually. service is so slow without michelle.



"heh-lo! ... is it me you're looking for?"
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-08 3:50 PM
so, yadda yadda. we got chinese food, watched some gay shit on tv, then i drove her home. got back just in time to do nothing.

i always feel like i have so much shit to do, but i never really do any of it. even in the 2 minutes each day i have free time, i can't seem to think of what i need to do in order to do it.

imma crazy!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-08 3:56 PM
fuck fuck fuck

mother mother fuck, mother mother fuck fuck

mother fuck, mother fuck

1, 2 -- 1, 2, 3, 4...

noitch, noitch, noitch....

shmokin weed, shomokin weers (?)

doin coke, drinkin beers

drinkin bee-ahs, bee-ahs, bee-ahs

rollin fattys; smokin blunts!

who smokes the blunts?
we smoke the blunts!

rollin blunts and --


15 bucks little man,

put that shit in my hand!

if that money doesn't show, then you owe me, owe me, owe!



girl i gotsta know ya, know ya ...

Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-08 8:57 PM
one minute to leave. one minute to leave.
one minute to leave. one minute to leave.
one minute to leave.
one minute to leave.
one minute to leave.
one minute to leave. one minute to leave. one minute to leave.
one minute to leave.
one minute to leave.
one minute to leave.

one minute to leave. one minute to leave. one minute to leave. one minute to leave. one minute to leave.
one minute to leave.
one minute to leave.
one minute to leave. one minute to leave. one minute to leave. one minute to leave.

one minute to leave. one minute to leave.

one minute to leave.
one minute to leave. one minute to leave. one minute to leave.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-09 2:41 PM
got my haircut. too short. oh well, we match now.

goin to my gramma's after work today, to help them with the movin.

tis weird. you reach a point in life where you forget that everything just sorta keeps moving. like, you just sorta assume everything is normal and standard and friends are friends and parents are parents and that everyone is at a set age and they'll be that age and look the same and act the same 1, 5, and 20 years done the line.

then, somethin happens to remind you that aint the case.

i move out. little sisters become seniors. dad gets sick. grandparents have to move. i turn 25.

granted, im absolutley not hung up on my own age -- it really doesnt bother me, especially since i still look like im 14. but the rest of the stuff, and even just the idea that i'm 25, are really just big reminders.

scary and intimidating, in a way.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-09 2:54 PM
oh, and get this shit: i did the most mature and adult thing in my life the other day.

i made a donation to PBS.

im not sure if i typed this before or not, and i can't be arsed (arsed!) to check if i did, so, if i did, screw you.

they were doin this documentary on hoboken, from way before it became roboken. from, like, pre-"united states" days, all the way up to post-9-11 days. and, damnit, i thought it was pretty cool! they even showed my street and apartment building quite a few times in a varied amount of shots.

it was all sortsa discovery channel-like, and i enjoy the discovery channel!

so, when it hit a commercial, and they did the "we NEEEEED your money, and if you watch this without paying, you're a thief!!" bit, i figgered i'd give it a try.

ernie, kermit, and grover had been so good to me through out the years, i certainly owed them something, right?

so, i made the call, paid the donation (tax deductable! phausen entertainment, represent!), and got my movie and book about the history of hoboken.

... which, of course, haven't arrived yet, despite this taking place several weeks ago, but... whatcha gonna do?
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-10 7:53 AM
alright, so, its 4 pm. one hour left to go here.

sun is shinin outside, but i can see yella on the trees outside the window. thats disheartening. in fact, this morning, when i walked to my car to go to work, it was kinda cool outside. nothing horrible, like maybe low 70s or even high 60s, but enough to make you miserable that summer is ending. i hate cold weather.

out of nothing but sheer vengeance, once i get home tonight, i'm going to randomly spray every aerosol can i can find.

i'll get my warm globe yet.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-10 1:58 AM
the NY post is doing this special NY yankees thing. inside the newspaper, there's this 12-or-so page magazine with all sortsa cool yankees facts and history bits and great photos.

best of all, its free with the paper (which is about 50 cents in most places).

unfortunately, i found out today, tuesday. ... a day after the first one came out.

so, now, for half of the day today, i was in a mad dash trying to locate a day old newspaper.

which is retarded.

how fucked up do you sound, going into a convenience store, digging thru the papers, then asking "do you have yesterday's news?"



bottom line, none of the places i checked had it. none of the places my dad checked had it. im plum outta luck.

thank gunness for ebay, i spose.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-10 3:19 PM
did the grandparents helping out thing yesterday. got there at like 520, and there was already a party goin on. 2 outta 3 kamphausen sisters agree! ... and were also there.

some uncles, some aunts, yadda yadda.

a lotta stuff was already packed, but i used my enormous muscles, girth, and endurance to carry stuff like clothing and boxes. i offered to simply carry the house to the new location, then tip it to dump all the stuff into the new place, but... they weren't into that.

whats the point of having super powers, then?
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-10 5:38 PM
aaand, im booked to help out tomorrow, as well.

doin my duty as the noble grandson.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-10 5:41 PM
of course, tomorrow is also the 2-year anniversary of the terrorist shit.

goin thru all these pics on yahoo.com and other such sites is really just ... i dont even know. its still so frickin vivid in my mind. and im still so incredibly angry when i see pictures or think about it or whatever. my teeth are instantly clenched, my jaw locks... i just get so fucking mad. unbelievably frustrating.

i always wanna keep thinking that it was just a dream or that i'm making a bigger deal out of it than it is or something... but... man.

its bad.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-11 1:27 PM
here we go.

2 years later.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-11 3:36 PM
oh the chaos of work!

nice day out. weather is holding up. better than most of the days during the summer.

my finger nails are completely gone. i'm a far cry away from where i was a few months ago, during my "i can resist!" moments. dunno if i'll ever be able to do taht again. finger nails are just too damn tasty!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-11 6:17 PM
i've posted on my own message boards now almost 20,000 times.


once i get to 25,000, they come to take my windows away.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-12 2:07 PM
yesterday was all the nice memorials and such. some really sad stuff, with the kids of the people who died. the tribute of light stuff looked great, tho. truly amazing and beautiful memorial.

i spent most of the night at my gramma's and grampa's helpin to move everything for'em. packin up boxes, wrappin stuff, taping things, etc. its a big frickin house they're moving from.

i actually got to see the new place, as we all (mary too) drove to the new locale to drop off some of the stuff.

its a really nice place. like an apartment, i guess. its a condo, on the first floor, so no stairs. very big -- much bigger than my house.

its not gramma's house, tho, y'know? and im sure if i feel that, they do too. gonna be rough. i mean, thats nearly 60 years they've lived there. know the town, the yard, the house, the surroundings, the neighbors...

the new place isn't far at all, maybe only 10 minutes away, but its just a completely different set up. different ride home. different feel. different areas for the light switches, etc.

took me months to get to the point in my new place where, if i woke up in the middle of the night, i knew where i was.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-12 2:34 PM
so there's this older lady where i work, who is a lil bit of a nut bag. and its a big bag.

she's sweet as all hell, but she has a down and dirty, "imma kill yo' ass" side. and she's crazy. she refers to herself in third person. "let carol do this" and stuff. ... um... you mean you?

most noticeably, she talks to herself. she has full out conversations with herself. fights, no less. ... i wonder who's winning?

happens every time she gets off the phone.

like just now, for example. i can hear her in her office around the corner. she just got off the phone and is, apparently, real mad at the guy she spoke with. she's all swearin and cursin and "i can't believe you'd say that to me" and "i knew you'd do that" -- all after the phone was disconnected, and there was no one to hear her.

she goes on and on in this self-conversation for like 7 or 8 minutes, and im just sorta laughing while listening to her and sayin "this frickin woman" and all that.

then realizing, im talking to myself, as well.

Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-13 7:42 AM
less than 2 hours to go.

its laquanda's bday sometime this week. or weekend. i dunno. i never know stuff like that. i know mine, that should count for something.

am i supposed to knwo that kinda stuff? bday's of my friends? i mean, i can remember vicinities. like, if your birthday is march 8th, i'm pretty good and rememebering its after christmas and before the summer.

its not like i'm getting you a gift.

i dont even like you.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-12 8:50 PM
i am typing this on my work-provided pda right now.

Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-13 4:56 PM
yeah, the new pda thing is pretty sweet. can't figure out what i'm sposda do with it yet, tho, other than play games and post once on my message boards.

picked up my lex at work yesterday. her cell phone was stolen, so we havta get her a new one.

we drove home to the boken with the quickness, cuz we needed drinks. it'd been a while since we could just burn off some work stress. we were meeting up with lq, roxy, and jamalet again. ...jamalit? ...late? ...


somtimes, i hate being the only guy in that little pairing. on the one hand, it makes me seem like the biggest pimp on the planet. on the other, the biggest fruit. now say, for example, those two hands meet. "pimp fruit" doesnt sound too good.


then again, a guy walking around with 3 or 4 other guys could also be perceived as a lil bit o juicy fruit (its gonna move ya!)


godamnit! its a trap!

you maniacs! you gayed it up!

damn youse! damn youse all to hell!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-13 5:02 PM
LA face with an oakland booty.


i like'em round ...n'big! (foop-pish!)


anywho. we drank and texas arizona (t&a for those keeping score at home). just sat, bull shit, and drank. we've all got rough weeks. it helps to drown'em out. and laugh at others. what the hell, right?

i had lots, and kept rolling. i'm at the stage of alcoholism where i kinda hope i drink to forget. or at least sorta glaze over, so nothin new can bother me or get under my skin.

issues, man.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-13 5:11 PM
the three girls had to go after a few hours, cuz they were goin to nyc for lq's bday celebration. so, we got the bill and took off.

lex and i walked down the street and plopped into favia. we meant to go to the other place that is down the street from favia, but i guess we forgot or got confused or something. i dunno. my memory aint the sharpest from then.

i just asked lex, she doesnt know either.


we ate. drank s'more. the prettier stuff, like wine. i dont remember eating. maybe i didnt! paid for it anyway. another trap. gay people and italians. all against me.

finally got back to my apartment. i think we flew. hey, its possible. i have them super powers.


i hope no one saw!

then they'd know, and my secret ID is out.


drinking causes so many powers. like secret identity loss.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-13 5:15 PM
got back to my apartment. dunno how or why or even when. lq called cuz their club in the city was awful, so she wanted to come back and hang out and have a massive orgy.

i mighta made part of that up, cuz i didnt hear too well, but im assuming thats what she said.

then again, it coulda just been cuz i was using a cell phone. ... oh my god, its another trap! gay people, italians, and cell phone companies. where will it all end? who is behind it all? the truth is out there, damnit, and imma find it!


Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-13 5:17 PM
sleep. lots of it.

and, now, morning. techinically, afternoon, but... im convinced that "morning" just addresses the time you wake up.

have errands and shit to do today. its nasty out. i hate nasty.

i drank a soda. i burped. and now i typed about it. i shared my burp with 6 or 7 million other people. its on "the internet." you can download it. "punch it in" as my dad would say.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-15 2:31 PM
saturday was a miserable, disgusting little day. weather was awful. it'll continue to get worse through out this week.

summer is over. [sad]
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-15 2:34 PM
i went to bed bath and beyond, tho. clearly the mecca for masculinity.

i had to buy new sheets cuz i broke my old ones. lets not talk about that.

laquanda needed to go, so i brought her, and my sidekick, the sexy and lucious alexis. we did our thing. sex in the car! ... and shopping. then, went to outback steakhouse. hadn't been there in a while, so i enjoyed the steak beasting.

back to boken. hung out.

lq left to go to some soul food joint for her bday. that aint fo' me. lex and i just hung out and i drank while watching her get over her headache.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-15 2:37 PM
lq and keisha eventually came over at 11 that night. we ponged. hardcore pong. jungle juice pong. borderline hardcore nudity jungle juice pong.


hanging out is fun. drinking while hanging out with hot chicks that have big thingies is incredibly fun.

hizzah for 3 pairs of boxers!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-15 2:39 PM
sunday was a hodgepodge, loosely planned day of RFL football.

cati showed up. scottie showed up. lq eventually showed up.

jets... .... sadly, ... the jets also showed up. man, do they suckass. its so hurtful watching'em. why, lord... why must they be so not-good? why?! whyyyyy!!??

for your viewing pleasure, here are additional punctuation points:

????!!!! ?!?!?!!!1!!!!!!!

yeah, i saw that "1" slip in there.

Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-15 2:40 PM
we drank a bit. lq and roxy eventually showed up.

iliana and her cousin stopped by at one point. hadn't seen ili in some time. she's one of those "hard to get a hold of" kinda people. plus, she's columbian. you know how that goes.


Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-15 2:42 PM
people left. girls watched sex in the city, despite this being my apartment. nih.

i got some work done in the meantime, then drove lex home.

drove back. read comics. went to sleep. woke up. showered. came to work.

and here i sit. miserable. disgusting weather. bleak and dismal. and abyssmal. and dissmissal. and missel. toe.

im bored.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-15 4:10 PM
playing bubblets now. its a game (aka jawbreaker) that i've become addicted to on a tetris-like level.

very simple, but very much like cocaine.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-16 5:38 AM
well, beer... we've had some great times...

...when i was 17
i drank some very good beer

i drank some very good beer, i purchased with a fake ID

my name was "brian mcgee"

i stayed up listening to queen

...when i was 17...
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-16 1:57 PM
kinda nice out. but me am tired.

i had an appraiser show up yesterday. why? cuz im refinancing. this'll be my 4th mortgage is just over 2 years.

my aresenal of super powers is unstoppable!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-16 4:24 PM
noon. noonish, anyway.

sun is shinin outside.

i gotta find a new apartment. and a new car. and a new job. and lex a new cell phone.

Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-16 6:23 PM
day dreaming.

what would life be like without day dreaming? how much more dull and drab would my days be? how much actual work would i consistantly get done?

how wonderfuly boring would my weblog get?


...sha la la laaaa...
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-17 1:46 PM
and, as always, its the morning.

beat as all get out today. get out!

lex was all sortsa freaky last night, so i went to her house for a bit, to shine my boyish charm. even took her to the local olive garden. go figure. why the fuck don't i have stock in that place?

she had some martinis and breadsticks and hopefully enough salad to make her stop worrying so much. oh well. at least her worrying is now routine.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-17 1:49 PM
i dropped her off at her house at around 8, cuz she had work to do and papers and preparation and whatever. ... she really didn't, but she likes to over prepare herself for things, so she has adequate worrying time.

i simply headed to the boken.

once there, i called up lq and took her out for a few hours of drinking and stress-blowing-off.

she was chillin with roxy and jamilet, but they took off, so just the two of us went to helmars across the street for some lindeman's.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-17 1:52 PM
she sat inside, for whatever reason. didn't matter, i guess.

the seats at the bar are quite annoying. they're too close to one another, so you have that "im too close to you" awkward talking feeling. then, they're too tall for gentlemen of my stature.

actually, they were just too tall for any one (i saw some regular sized, "normal" people bothered by them, as well). they're just too tall to comfortably place your feet on the lil rung at the bottom, but not tall enough so that you can rest your feet on the internal stool rungs.

annoying and uncomfortable.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-17 3:00 PM
anyway, we had a buncha beers. i drank'em fast, as usual. the bartender lady wanted to cut me off after 2, cuz she said i drank'em too fast. hizzotch!

i was fine with that. ... but then lq said she was gonna get another, and i was peer pressured. and how.

more drinking, more uncomfortable sitting.

i walked her home, cuz she lives in "that" part of town. saw her apt -- its purdy nice! then, we all had sex.

[who, me?]
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-17 3:25 PM
all these weather reports are indicating that hurricaine isable is on its way. they've been promoting it like its the latest summer blockbuster, and simply assuming it'll cause rampant destruction to all sortsa crap.

the nyc area isn't really hurricaine prone. we're sorta in the "get the fuck outta here" area of the country, that not only isn't conducive to hurricaines, it'd probably just get angry at them.

odds are, at worst, all we'll get is rain.

hundreds of times, just this past winter, alone, we were promised "storm of the century" type blizzards. many of those times it didn't even flurry.

lets see, isabel.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-18 1:24 PM

mm. morning breath.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-18 6:02 PM
windy outside, but not hurricaining yet. i verbed it. that, too.

real nice outside yesterday. i had plans, but they were broken, so i spent as much time as possible outside. just sittin. enjoyin.

watched boobies bounce by.

Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-19 1:21 PM
mmm... breakfast bagel sammidge....

bagle. bagel.


i know its one of the two. fuck, do i hate spelling. well, whatever the fuck i had, it was delicious! but now, im still tired and its too hot in here and too humid outside and friday's are too long.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-19 1:47 PM

its my dad's birthday! [biiiig grin]

Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-19 4:58 PM
so, just as i suspected, isabel amounted to a big pile of windy crap.


really, nothin happened. not in my concrete canyon. there was a buncha chaos in, say, maryland and pennsylvania, but... no one cares about those places.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-19 5:06 PM
the days of me getting a new logan are coming closer and closer. he's like 140 now.

i dont really wanna replace him, and i clearly can't totally afford to replace him, but... i need a car that isn't going to explode in 2 days.

so, im in the process of trying to decide what i can get.

im leaning towards gettin another jeep wrangler. i think they fit me best.

short. tough. kinda funny lookin. but they'll fuck you up if you get in their way.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-22 1:36 PM
holy crap, i'm tired. and i hate the fall, which is the season we're currently suffering through.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-22 1:38 PM
i guess i'm sposda do some sorta weekend recap, or some such shit, right?


first, lemme whine and bitch.

i'm TIIIIIRED!!! my face is hot and sticky and scrunchy and this place blows and its nasty outside and its too early and im hungry and i wanna puke and i hate the word 'puke' and i wanna go home and i wanna go to sleep!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-22 1:46 PM
so friday. weather was nice. got outta work. picked up lex, and i was out.

we drove to the boken and decided to eat outside. and... we did. what the fuck, i just said that.

we went to dippers, one of our usuals. ate. drank. laughed. she looked all sortsa good, as only she can. i was there, too. someone had to pay for the meal.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-22 4:28 PM
we hung out for quite a while at dippers. normally, we dont have a choice cuz the service is so futzin slow. but on friday, we wanted to stay (even though the service was pretty fast this time around!)

we were just havin a good time laughin and eating and, of course, drinking. i liked the weather too, tho i know lex hates bein outside. oh well!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-22 4:29 PM
after a few hours of drinkin and hangin, we took off for the store. it was already starting to get dark outside, because its that shitty time of year. maybe 7 or 8 pm, i dont remember. whatever it was, it was dark and way earlier than it used to be. that sucks.

i hate autumn.

its an on-going thing.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-22 4:46 PM
we shopped a bit. walked a bit. got some booze. eventually ended up back in the boken locale, settin up some beer pong and makin some snacks.

after a bit, laquanda came over. she was gonna go out for the night, but wanted a place to hang before she bounced.

we all ended up playing beer pong -- clearly something we've all never done before every day this week!

most wonderfully, lq and lex put on nice lil shows for me, involving hugging and boobies and stuff. les-tastic!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-23 2:02 PM
that more or less concluded the friday night festivities. rest assured, i couldn't stand up straight for their dances. noice.

saturday was sposda be beautiful, i and i wanted to go down to the shore. we've had so much shitty weather this summer AND spring, that i wanted to capitalize on the not-so-bad days we had left.

and, since saturday was sposda be sunny and in the 80s, that qualified.

so, at day break (around 10 am), lex and i headed to the joisey shore, towards sandy hook
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-23 2:04 PM
i've never been to sandy hook before. i go to the beach a lot, but, typically LBI or wildwood or even belmar. this is new turf.

my dad recomended it. and, best of all, its super close -- one of the closest shore points in the area, especially good for my northern ass.

after like 45 minutes, we were already there, parking, and walking on the sand. ironically, "sandy hook" isn't all that sandy. the beach is tiny rocks and shells, with a dash of sand.

Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-23 2:07 PM
whatever. it was a beautiful day. we got to lay out in the sun, even walk out a few feet into the water to stand on the sand bar.

took a little convincing to get lex in the water, even if only waist deep, but she was a good sport.

most of the day was spent lounging in the sun. neither of us are big "hooray for tanning" people, but laying in the sun, especially on the beach, is always nice. just me and my girl.

and a hillbilly.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-23 2:49 PM
most of my life is dedicated to stereotyping. i love stereotypes! they really help make the world go 'round, especially when it comes to the ritualized classification of every human being on the planet. by me.

i've had the pleasure of seeing, even dealing with, many-a-stereotype in my life, but this might have been one of the better examples.

he didn't have a pick up truck (well, he might have, but we were on the beach, so i didn't see it). but he met many other category requirements.

  • he was probably in his early 40s.
  • not a horrible build.
  • military-like haircut.
  • mustache.
  • bret hart sunglasses.
  • chest hair.
  • gold(ish) chains.

wait, it gets better.

  • beer cans
  • cooler with more beer cans
  • beer can condoms
  • severe anger over the dropping of beer
  • brought his dog (to the beach)
  • dog had a chain made from chain
  • unleashed dog
  • brought many old, beat up chairs
  • brought his stereo
  • listened to classic tunes, like "free bird"
  • propped up stereo on an old, red milk crate
  • placed stereo 10 feet away and directed it at self

c'mon, man. thats beauty.

while he's blabbin on to his family and various in laws that he brought with him (of course), he's also complaining about some cop who had the audacity of "cuffing and printing" him a few days prior.

imagine that!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-24 7:08 AM
so, it was just me, my lex, and the hill billy. lets call him "rick steiner: the dog-faced gremlin" just for kicks.

after a few hours of beachin and relaxin, we took off for home.

sandy hook was nice, over all. great because it was super close and relatively empty (as far as beaches go). but it had hillbillies and many europeans, plus a rocky/shelly water front. gotsta take the good with the bad, i guess.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-24 7:13 AM
lex and i were pretty beat when we got back into town, and it was prolly close to 5 or so.

bein the hungry lot we were, we hit up the far side.

at least i think we did.

my mind is farting right now (ew) cuz i can't clearly remember which day is which. fuck, i hate when that happens. surely, it has nothing to do with the fact that i drink 600 vials of alcohol on a weekly basis. compounded with the fact that i use terms like "vials" and "compounded" in my blog.

Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-24 3:52 PM
yes, mm.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-24 4:02 PM
yeah. we did the farside thing. ... yes...

she got some ribs or some such. i got fish. yes, fish. im continuing my fish-eating ways. its not amazing, and certainly never filling, but... i dunno, its brain food, aint it? and lookit how well its working!


so, after eating then downing 9 or 10 beers a piece, we did some walkin about the town, being unusually nice weather still. really a beautiful night. i even got some frozenmonkeycafe "ice cream." why did i link that? i dunno. because i could!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-24 4:12 PM
sunday was a big gathering o'peeps at my gramma's house. in theory, it was the final gathering at 187 oakdene avenue.

after 60 years of living there, my grandparents are moving to a new locale, to better assist them, now that they're older. notta retirement home, its a regular place -- an apartment in a condo, in fact. they just needed something with no stairs and newer facilities n'stuff, thats all.

now, for the 24 christmasses i've thus far experienced, as well as dozens prior to me, christmas was spent at my grandparents house. all 50 aunts and uncles and 7,000 cousins, or how ever many, would show up and eat and take random photos that no one ever saw developed, then go home.

hizzah hizzah.

well, this year, no hizzah. they're moving fairly soon, probably in the next week or two, and thus, will not make christmas.

the new place is, reportedly, too small. other houses have yet to volunteer. in short, christmas as we knew it is over.

more on that later.

for now, we all sorta knew that and wanted one more "hooray for rob!" party. ... wait, not 'rob', i meant 'us.'

Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-24 4:14 PM
so, most everyone showed and loved it. there was sammidges and food and desserts and party supplies and too many fucking babies and aunts and uncles and cousins and families and all the typical stuff. even the photo.

grandparents were really happy. some of the moms cried.

i brought alexis, who of course, had them misties o'hers workin. she came prepared, tho. extra packets of tissues.

overall, it was a really nice day. beautiful weather, great chance to meet up with the fam, and all that good jazz. my tv-like family reigned supreme, for at least one more adventure.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-24 4:16 PM
i have no idea where christmas goes from here.

when presented with the opportunity of simply moving the event to gramma's new apartment or even 'the dolph,' my mom passed on the ideas. she wasn't fond of having it in randolph and said gramma's new place is too small (which it isn't. its no smaller than their current place -- at least in terms of where everyone hangs for christmas).

i've prompted my internal familia as to their response to the scenario. trying to see if they wanna work something out to simply relocate the event.

i'm calling it "operation ghostdog 2"

we'll see how that pans out.

oh that ghostdog!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-24 4:21 PM

after gramma's, lex and i took off for the boken. having no alcohol in our systems, we, of course, needed to address this travesty.

off to east l.a.s!

we walked slow cuz it was so damn nice out, and cuz lex is too damn cute to walk quickly.


we plopped down and began feasting on the margaritas. they're legendary. there's a big sign up at the bar that says women are limited to 2 -- they simply will not serve a girl a third, because the drinks are so powerful.

me, i downed three and felt little-to-nothing.

science and nature are once more aided by booze - i'm a boy!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-24 4:25 PM
after an hour or so, my sisters mary and laura paraded down the street with a few of their friends. we said various amounts of hellos n'such.

sunday was mary's bday (happy bday mary!!) so this was part of laura's celebration package for her.

they headed off towards some other place and lex and i stayed to wine and dine at ours.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-24 4:26 PM
it was really nice. we got to eat and drink outside because the weather was still pleasant.

its always sweet to sit outside with lex, cuz everyone looks at us so confused. seeing a really hot girl with me tends to baffle the public. immediate assumptions passersby come to are that:
  • i'm well hung
  • i'm very rich
  • i'm carrying a weapon

Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-24 4:28 PM
moments later, we're done, and we pop up to walk away. i call laura to find out their status and learn they're just down the street, so we go to join up with their asses.

well, their whole bodies, actually.

they're with a buncha friends, which equates simply to "people i dont know," but i've got some booze in me, order another drink, and badda boom, im ready to perform!

an hour or so of laughing and drinking, and we're out. we all walk to my apartment area. i go upstairs, they round the corner for the parking lot and go home.

badda boom.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-24 4:37 PM
and there's yer weekend recap!

3 days of time recapped in 3 days of time.


in that span, i missed discussing how lex's sis was in a car accident on monday. nothing fatal or even overly harmful. she did break her thumb and has all sortsa "i told you to be quiet!!" bruises. from what i hear, they've gotten worse over the past few days and she aint feelin too great. plus, the car is totalled.

she'll hopefully be able to get some money from all that shit purdy soon.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-24 4:42 PM
last night, handog came over.

we drove over to best buy and i got me a new digital camera, and cheap-ily! all compliments of the handog discount. suh-weeeet.

its a nice lil diddy. even sony name-branded. what that means, i dunno. but the quality is much higher than my current camera, plus its way smaller (thus, easier to bring places). thats all i wanted.

after best buy, the dawg and i went to johnny rockets and chilled for a bit. got some grub and some shakes. just like in the 50s. except dave sat with me, instead of in the other section.

sigh. memories.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-24 4:44 PM
after the food, we hung in my apartment for a bit. got to see the yanks clinch the playoff spot. lotsa celebration and tears for joe torre. ... stupid torre...

we even played 3 rounds of soul calibur. who won? c'mon. of course i did.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-25 1:18 PM
wuzzis, thursday? thats not too bad, i guess.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-25 1:52 PM
plans got changed last night, so i went to lex's and took her out to dinner. guess where? thats right, biznotch. anything t'see that chick smile.

unfortunately, for me, there was too much frickin traffic on the road. and logan is slowly dying. my poor car. [sad]

speaking o'which, i may (or may not) be getting together with my father this afternoon to look into logan replacements.

something in this idea.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-25 4:03 PM

yeah, thats right.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-26 3:58 AM
went to the dolph this evening. fixed two computers and their toilet in about an hour. i rule. ... i rule computers and toilets, that is. were you one of those, you'd be my loyal subject.

had a quick meal with the folks. no sis's. they's all punks or something.

the space bar on my home pc is acting funny. fuckin fantastic. fucktastic. fuckstic. f-kic!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-26 4:01 AM
after dinner, my dad and i took a spin down to the jeep dealership. we discussed various strategies and ideas on the way. i wasn't looking to purchase a car, just info, really.

i mean, a jeep is a brand of car, and a wrangler is the type. or so i thought. turns out, there are 5 different types of wranglers. why? i haven't a damn clue. and really the dealer didn't either.

there's not much of a difference between the five. and, any difference that there is can be overcome by buying the ___ extra as an add-on. mind-bogglin.

anyway, i saw a buncha jeeps that i liked, some that i didn't like... was all excited at first, cuz i've never had a new car before, and they all looked really cool.

but then, when we all sat down to talk turkey (delicious!), i lost my thrill. prices and my spending money to meet them isn't fun.

the salesmen was cool, but gave the same impression my fat ass real estate agent did -- "ok, you saw the item for 45 seconds, buy it now"

no, i say!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-26 1:21 PM
aaaaand friday!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-26 2:28 PM
10:30. disgusting outside. just one of those days. but, hot damnit (and itsa hot damnit, alright) its friday!

operation ghostdog 2 is working well. new camera is sweet. new car is moving along ... um... swimmingly.


after extended thought, i dont like using that term (see "swimmingly") and hope to never do it again.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-29 2:05 PM
da email, da email, what what, da email
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-29 2:14 PM
friday: pick up lex. go to boken. frequent bar and/or restaurant of choice. choice ends up being... east la!

having had a succesful outting there last week, we decided to go mexican once again. and there aint nuthin i love more than going mexican. what, with the sombreros, ponchos, unshaven faces and, of course, fire arms both aimed and firing towards unseen targets in the sky.

Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-29 2:19 PM
speaking o' which... an email to respond to:

Originally posted by Helen Ochlin:
Rob, you're stereotype comments were so f'ing funny!! I loved the hillbilly guy, and absolutely go to school with six or seven of those types. Why are they here???

good quessun, helen. in short, stereotypes are here to make life easier. specifically, mine.

without stereotypes, i'd have to spend mindless hours trying to get to know people, so that i can judge them on their own merrit, morals, actions, behaviors and such.

well, why bother?

its so much easier to judge someone because of their shirt or last name. it saves me time and effort.

it also helps keep things organized. i can have the stereotyped mexicans in one area of my mind, the stereotyped hillbillies in another, and the stereotyped teenage girls in a third.

that way, when i see one of the above individuals, i can instantly flip through my mental-rolodex, find the inappropriate comment i want to make, and say it with ease, all while those around me are fumbling around, trying to say something funny.

i have them all beat because i keep things organized.

and thats why i dont drink soda.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-29 2:21 PM
at east la's, lex and i met up with laquanda, and later on, roxy. we did the drinking thing. the eating thing. the laughing and talking thing. the usual.

our hanging out is sorta like the tv show friends, except with mostly minorities.

we hung out for a few hours. we got to eat outside cuz it was nice, which i enjoyed. t'aint many of those types o'days left, sadly.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-29 5:33 PM
and how.

and ... other how.

after east la, we walked to my apt. once upstairs, we continued drinking fest 2003, volume 48. we ponged a bit. but i didn't have enough cups, so that didn't really last.

roxy split after a few, cuz she's mexican. or dominican. columbian? i forget. something like that. it doesnt matter. she helped me read the menu at the bar, so that was nice of her.

Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-30 7:05 AM
after a wonderful threeway, lq left and the day ended.

saturday began with the exterminator at 9 am (scheduled, monthly, for the building), and followed by a trip to the post office to mail some o'my comics via ebay.

y'figure, i was just gonna throw these books out -- $0. no muss, no fuss. instead, i ship'em out to people after selling them on ebay. 2 weeks later, i have in the ball park of $300. that aint bad!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-30 7:09 AM
after all the chores and such, we hit up marios for some outdoor lunch. pizza for me, chicken sammidge for lex. even a bud for the lady.

eating aaaaaand done!

back to the hoboken apartment. lookin all sortsa rainy and crappy outside, and, well, as tired as we were, we napped. horray for old people!

next up, grocery shopping! ... more... old things. and after that ... cleaning...??

this fucking saturday sucks!

in the end, tho, it was all good. got a lotta shit done that i needed to get done, and didn't waste any nice weather days. in fact, the few moments in that day that the sun actually did poke thru the miserable clouds, we were outside, sitting or walkin or cruisin around.

maximize that time, baby!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-30 7:29 AM
sunday. sleeping IN.

wake up 'round 1. go to mall. jets dont play (lose) until 4, so i've got time.

do some shopping. finish up family bday gifts, which i have to prepare for sometime this week. wednesday, i think. get some clothes for me, too.

from where?

the gap.

the size?


i have boo ya butt.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-29 8:36 PM
got home. watched some tv. lex starting cookin, cuz she's so cute. we bought some good food yesterday and she was puttin it to use!

scottie called to clarify some drunken messages i got on friday. something about him getting married to some chick. the "clarifications" were just as odd.

oh that scottie.

laquanda came over at like 5. did much drinking. much beer ponging. again, some hard core threeways.

thats really my favorite way to spend a sunday [woooOOOOoooo!]

we did a lotta drinking. i won 4 games of beer pong in a row, which is amazing, cuz i normally suck. it left me INCREDIBLY full, tho.

laquanda got hcicken and rib crib, which marks the first official time a girl has ordered from that place more than once. guinness was on hand to mark the occasion. ... the threeway, also.

oh that guinness!
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-29 8:38 PM
we ended up watching charmed after the jets "played." im not into the show, but hey, hot chicks. plus, lex and lq are such the cute little nerdlings. my comic book collection has nothing on the "power of three" -- thats damn near dungeons and dragons!

after a few more hours of drinking and screwing ... around... laquanda left, and it was just me n'me' lex.

she cooked me some MORE food and we hung out to watch tv. and that wuzzat.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-29 8:40 PM
today, i woke up crazy early and didn't sleep well. but, hey, its a monday. thats to be expected.

kinda sunny out now. could posisbly go car searching with my father tonight.

the days of logan are nearing the end.

my poor lil jeep [sad]
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-29 8:58 PM
4:59. im outta hizzah in like 20 seconds. cant frickin wait, im tired as hell.

just got an IM from the wee sis that my dad'll be movin on over to the boken at some point tonight, so's we can inspect "logan2: the revenge"

tis a bitter sweet event.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-29 8:58 PM
and i miss my lex! [biiiig grin]
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-30 2:14 PM
yes, well.

last night, my dad came up around 7. i got in his car and we drove to a jeep dealer by my locale, the second car place in a week's time.

my dad had already spoken to the guy there who had a jeep that matched what i was looking for, so we decided to check it out in person.

my dad is the fucking man, so he knew all the right things to ask and check out and inspect and all that.

honestly, everything on this jeep looked nice as hell. right color, right layout, right interior... the newer wranglers have upgraded so much since the day's of logan's youth.

for starters, they're much more like a car and much less like an army truck. they have a real steering wheel, real gauges, even real radios. carpets! standard a/c. the chairs actually fold and make things convenient. its relaly, really very nice.
Posted By: Rob Re: SEPTEMBER 2003 - 2003-09-30 2:18 PM
anyway, i start gettin all happy cuz things are looking really sweet. the two issues are that 1) there are no sidestep things (which they said they could attach) and 2) it had on a hard top.

personally, i'd prefer a soft top.

logan has a hard top. and, yeah, its great for the winter and the rain and all that. keeps things sealed up nice.

but, quite honestly, the hard top is a pain in the ass to take off. on any one of the 3 nice days we had this summer, i was stuck with the top on my convertible car. the hard top not only takes maybe 35 minutes and a team of 2 people to remove, but... once its off... i have no where to keep it! no garage, no lot, no spot, no driveway, no yard... its just me.

a soft top would permit me to fold down the top whenever the fuck i wanted to. i could leave it down all summer, and pop it back up in like 5 or 10 minutes if it started to rain.

thats a bonus i dont wanna do without.

and, according to the guys last night at the dealership, they should be able to address that issue with no problem, too.