Posted By: Bibbo Hero Revolution Secret Files & Origins #1 - 2001-10-26 2:19 PM
I will be posting Bibbo's soon. Anyone want to beat me to it with their character's origin?

(The Universe is over a year old... not so new now, is it? ~ Chewy)

[ 05-07-2003, 12:06 PM: Message edited by: Chewy Walrus ]
The lenguage used in this post has been simplified for human reader's comprehension

The 5th Dimension...

I can feel you. I know you are there. I don't know who you are or why you are here... a being from a superior dimension, perhaps, that watches us like we watch the dimensions inferior to ours?
Maybe you chosed this moment to watch because of the unusual situation I am living. I sense that you don't know what that situation is but, that is why you are here. I suppouse my role is to inform you... let me start from the beggining.
I am called M X Y P T L K , and I am a sentient 5th dimensional being class C. I have resided in this dimension since my minds started working.
Recently, Q Y , the class A fifth dimensional being that keeps this dimension inside the lines of order/chaos summoned the class B beings at the most wise time of their existence to discuss a serious problem that could put the order/chaos in danger.
A superior being (7th dimensional, perhaps) was invading the 3rd dimension. The moment his entire being "translates" into that dimension, it will take possesion of the entire dimension.
This is an intelligent tactic, because by taking the 3rd dimension that being would also take the 1st and 2nd dimensions, that are strongly attached to the 3rd. By having four dimensions on its possesion, that being would be stronger than any other lower dimension, including this one.
The wiser 5th dimensional beings decided that the best course of action would be to send one being of this dimension to the 3rd to locate the problem, and then recieve incredibly amounts of power from all the 5th dimensional beings willing to cooperate, to solve the problem. They decided that it would only be one becuase of the following reason: 5th dimensional beings are too complex to be "translated" into one 3rd dimensional being. If a class B being went to the 3rd dimension, hundreds of beings with different aspects of him would end up there, and only one of them would be there to solve the mission. The others can have several other motivations, that can put the mission and that dimension in danger.
If a class C being like me goes there he'd split in a more reduced number of beings, probably two. The only problem is that one of them will be there to accomplish the mission, while the other will probably use all his energies to stop the other one from succeding. This is still better than having hundreds of 5th dimensional beings going around.
I was not surprised when they chosed me to go to the 3rd dimension, since a part of mind set another moment informed me.
I am now about to go to the 3rd dimension. I will search a mind with inter-dimentional properties and take possesion of the body that mind uses. I will have several of my current capacities, but not all of them because of the limits the human body has. One of the great limits I fear will interfere in my mission will be the simple brain the humans have. My mind may be plagued with irrational emotions, and maybe cause me confusion.
Another of my preocupations is the "other half" that will be produced once I get there. I don't think it will get as far from my actual state to murder 3rd dimensional beings, but I'm still worried about it. And part of me is curious and wants to rush the process to know how that "other half" will be. That part has obviously been repressed.
I am now proceeding to contact a human mind with inter-dimentional properties... I guess my "other half" will do the same thing as soon as I leave this dimension... He is called "Mick". Here I go.
My superiors along with several 5th dimensional beings watch me. I guess that if I was human, I would now say "good bye" to them.
I wonder if I will say "good bye" to anyone when I get back.

Nowhereman comes from a long lineage of Nowheremen including The Nowhereknight who sat at the round table alongside King Arthur,The Nowherekid who fought crime side by side with lawman Wyatt Earp & Mr.Nowhereman who fought the tyranny of Adolf Hitler in WWII!
Very little is actually known about the exact origin of the Nowheremen or how each individual is chosen,but the curent Nowhereman facts are documented:
1)Born in England in 1971
2)Gained his powers at age 16
3)Powers include super strength,rapid healing,limited invulnerability & electro blasts!
4)He is a technical genius & has studied many forms of unarmed combat!
5)He has a network of Nowherecaves scattered throughout the world!
6)Joined the MBL,& even briefly lead the team!
7)Disilusioned with the MBL he formed the short lived group Nowhereman & the Insiders!
8)Due to his unfortunate schizophrenic nature,he actually split into two individuals (Nowhereman & Captain Howdy)!
9)This schizophrenia also made him adopt the identity of Jack Nasty for a while,which ended with another split!
10)When the second split occured,Nowhereman had become a darker individual,treading a fine line between good & bad!
He no longer feels comfortable being part of a team,so expect an uneasy relationship when the two forces once again cross each others paths!
Posted By: T5 Re: Hero Revolution Secret Files & Origins #1 - 2001-11-12 2:13 PM
Naecken´s origin is being told in a mini-series on this board.
Originally posted by Bibbo:
I will be posting Bibbo's soon. Anyone want to beat me to it with their character's origin?

Define "soon".

Posted By: Bibbo Re: Hero Revolution Secret Files & Origins #1 - 2001-11-13 12:56 PM
When homework is not eating my soul. Sorry for the delay, but it's kicking my ass right now.
Dude, I'd pay money to see THAT fight...
I`d rather pay for nekkid mud wrestling,featuring Charlise Theron & Britney Spears!
Charlise is flat! I'd rather have John Goodman fighing Britney! Now those are tits...
You telling me you wouldnt do Charlise!
So Goodman is your ideal date then?
Wow, this thread is certainly turning out disgusting.

Kristogar Velo

Alias: none

Occupation: Classified

Super Powers: none

Special Skills/Weapons: Classified

History: Classified.

How's that for mystery?
Originally posted by Nowhereman:
You telling me you wouldnt do Charlise!
So Goodman is your ideal date then?

I happen to think that John Goodman is very handsome man, yes.

Originally posted by Kristogar Velo:
How's that for mystery?

"Ambiguous" is more like it...

The last Wudan Monk.

The first child of Earth.

The only living Black Hole.

The Once-and-Future Prophet of the 21st Century.

Together, they will unlock the riddle of thought, find the four elements of creation, and stand against a god older than story....

And all without a lick of spandex.

The Order

Coming 2002.
(I hope...)

Is it 2002 alredy?
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:

I happen to think that John Goodman is very handsome man, yes.

Why does this nor surprise me!
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Is it 2002 alredy?

Better not be... I'm still partying like it's 1999...

I thought it was still 1977,shows what I know!
...guess so...
Originally posted by Nowhereman:

Why does this nor surprise me!

Because of the poster of Goodman I have in my room?

But I have never seen your room.....or have I,heh heh!
Posted By: Avatar Re: Hero Revolution Secret Files & Origins #1 - 2001-12-08 11:09 AM
I don't know why we're having this discussion about John Goodman. There's only one man worth turning gay for, and that's Sean Connery. I mean, that voice! Whoah.
Posted By: Danny Re: Hero Revolution Secret Files & Origins #1 - 2001-12-10 8:46 AM

Woo! Here we go.
Daniel Hearn was born in Melbourne, Australia on January first, 2063. Fast forward twenty years: Daniel is on holiday in Europe in 2083. He's 20 years old, and he's wandering a small city named Fitzroy in the east of the small yet technologically advanced European nation of Mandelovia.
Danny got lost while wandering around the city's back alleys, and eventually stumbled into a hidden laboratory in search of aid.
There, he was knocked unconscious by the insane yet brilliant Dr. John Feldman. Feldman used Danny as a guinea pig to test his brand new technology.

Feldman had developed a technology that involved him introducing a certain amount of newly grown bacteria into a person's bloodstream. These microbes can be programmed to follow any directions given to them... repair wounded limbs, eradicate a disease from a person's bloodstream, etc.

Feldman, however, had programmed the bacteria to augment a person's physical characteristics temporarily by adding animal traits. Bird wings, monkey tails, etc.

To store all the necessary DNA codes, and to interface directly with the bacteria, Feldman needed to add a second brain to Daniel's. So he killed his lab assistant, Hal, and placed portions of Hal's brain into Daniel's head.

The result of all this was as follows:
Daniel now possesses the ability to temporarily add to his body any animal part that is stored in Hal's memory. And Hal has thousands upon thousands of parts stored, so Daniel can have practically any animal part you can name. He can't do things that are extinct or mythological, though: Only real animals, because Feldman had o be able to get a DNA sample of the animal to copy the DNA coding and program it into Hal's memory.

Daniel merely has to say the name of the animal part, Hal looks it up in his memory, and the microbes in Daniel's blood make the changes. He then says "Reverse (animal part)", and he goes back to his human state.

Daniel's private thoughts remain his own; to communicate with Hal, Daniel needs to speak out loud. Hal, however, can only be heard in Daniel's head.

After all this had been done to Daniel, Feldman had him locked up in a tube full of goo. One day, Feldman's lab was attacked by armed men in black (it has yet to be revealed who these men were, or who they were working for). Daniel was released from his captivity. But to take cover from the firefight between Feldman and the men in black, Daniel hid in a nearby cabinet. Unbeknownst to him, the cabinet was part of a time machine, which became damaged in the battle. The machine mafunctioned, and sent Daniel back to the year 2001.

Daniel found himself in the desert near Mandelovia, where he met up with Eurostar, a metahuman on the run. The two of them have since encountered more super powered individuals, and together, they have all begun to form a team of revolutionaries.



Dr. Charles Elias Walker
A former leading scientist in metagene research at the Tri-Vex Corporation in Lightningburgh, a suburb of Thunder City, Walker was stripped of hs position and relocated against his will to Chicago. Once there, Walker was given the assignment (by Agent Turner of the MCCA) of setting up a task force of metahuman soldiers and using them to procure metahumans to further study the metagene. Thus, the EPS was born. It is known that Walker has a latent form of the metagene, but what powers/gifts/abities/curses this gene will give him when it becomes active is unknown.

The Interactive Genetic Organiaton Regulator was created in conjunction with Tri-Vex scientists and MCCA operatives to be the ultimate metahuman machine. Able to hold vast stores of genetic information, I.G.O.R. holds dossiers on every known and registered metahuman in the world today. No one yet knows what loyalties, if any, this machine has to the institutions that created it.

William Marcy Tweed
A former Chicago crimelord, Tweed is a big man, with a minor resemblance to Boss Hog from the old Dukes of Hazzard television series. His EPS uniform includes a white jumpsuit, accompanied by a tan vest, which he wears over the suit. This vest holds any weapons, tools, and trinkets he might need for a field op. Atop his head of white hair sits a large wide-brimmed white hat. Despite his existence being stricken from any records by I.G.O.R., Tweed still holds strong ties to the criminal underground in and around the Chicago area. Just how far his reach extends, however, is an unknown matter. Tweed's metagene allows for him to become completly invisible to the naked eye and also totally intangible.

Vidalia Owens
A hooker charged with the deaths of many of her male clients, Owens is a femme fatale of the purest sense, being both seductive and deadly. Her long blonde hair is usually twisted around her head and her pale green eyes match the jumpsuit she wears as an EPS agent. A plant lover, Vidalia has set aside a section of the EPS headquarters as a hydroponics station, in order to nurture her green thumb. Owens' metagene allows for empathic and slight telepathic goads into the minds of those around her. On occasion, she's been known to make people change their minds about their deepest convictions.

Andrew 'Andy' Reynolds
A seventeen-year-old gang member from Chicago's inner city, Reynolds is most definitely a loose cannon, to be sure. He opted to wear his old gang color (dark blue) as his EPS jumpsuit, which is accompanied by a matching bandana tied arond his head. Reynolds' black hair and dark brown eyes make him appear older than he is, but his failed attempt at facial hair and his naivety betray his true age. Reynolds' metagene allows for the illumination of his skin, which, while he was still in his gang, earned him the name "GlowWorm".

John Doe
Little is known about this man, including his name, assuming he has one. This young man's affinity for leather made him select a black EPS jumpsuit with matching leather jacket. His hair is black and pulled back into a modest, yet intimidating, ponytail. His harsh grey eyes seem to peer into the soul with an age far beyond his years. His metagene, however, is the most powerful in existance and allows him control of the very elements surrounding him. His value to the EPS is plain to be seen.

Posted By: LLance Re: Hero Revolution Secret Files & Origins #1 - 2001-12-28 11:12 PM

Larry Lance was a young man, twenty years old, when turned over to the EPS by the Chicago Police Department during the early days of the initial meta-gene explosion. Larry Lance had been walking his girlfriend's scotch terrior, Fluffy, when he inexplicably began floating off the ground. Terrified neighbors called the police and a stunned Larry Lance dropped like a rock from the air when several police had drawn guns on him. Unaware of what was happening to him, Larry pounded on a police vehicle, completely smashing in the front of the hood and radiator. A rookie policeman fired out of fear, but the bullets bounced off of Larry's super-dense skin. Unfortunately, a stray bullet had struck Dinah, Larry's girlfriend. As he ran to her fallen body he was gassed by the police and taken away. He still does not know if Dinah survived. Larry is even unsure of the length of time he has been test subject 43-A in this scientific installation. Please read Tom B. First's posts in the second Hero Revolution. storyline, Return to Thunder City, to continue with LLance's story. It is obvious that Larry's meta-gene activated density control of his own body. It is also apparent he has no control over this strange ability...yet.

[ 12-28-2001: Message edited by: LLance ]

[ 12-28-2001: Message edited by: LLance ]

Originally posted by LLance:

Larry Lance was a young man,

Name: Tobias Christopher
Alias: None
Age: 19
Weight:150 lbs.
Hair Color:Dark Blonde
Clothes:Black and red tennis shoes, blue jean shorts, white tank top with a blue button down shirt.
Powers: Superspeed, able to phase through solid objects, advanced healing factor.

History: Tobias was born with a metagene that gave him superspeed, which he basically had to learn to control by himself since his mother had left and his father was never around. He was left an orphan at age 12 when his dad, a police officer, was killed in the line of duty. Having nowhere to go, he took to the streets where he survived for two years before being sent to a juvenile detention center until he was eighteen.

Upon release, Tobias took a job at a diner and started dating a waitress. He decided he no longer had to use his speed and vowed never to get into trouble again. Then one day a government agency tracked Tobias down, killed his girlfriend, and took him to a secret location where he was subjected to regular torturs.

Eventually Tobias escaped with an odd fellow named Mxy and the two joined up with a small band of men with metagenes who helped Tobias avenge his girlfriend.

Unbeknownst to Tobias, but knownst to us, Tobias has a son and a brother in the U.S. Both are in danger, and will need Tobias's help soon.

[ 06-24-2002, 10:58 PM: Message edited by: Tobias Christopher ]
For the story of Eurostar, check Hero Revolution [A new beginning] #0.

Powers: Eurostar can vary the density of his body from very low (ghost form) to very high (indestructible form).
In ghost form, he can phase trough solid object and turn invisible. He can also fly, but his velocity depend on the presence of winds.
In indestructible form, he is tougher than diamond, impervious to blast and lasers and such.
He can make things varying their density touching them: for example he has turned other men ghost by touching their hands, or has been shown to throw "blasts" that were nothing else that air turned dense as stone.

Costume: a full faced mask and costume all red, with white flaming trunks and a little white cross over nose and eyebrows.

I posted Mxy's in the first page of this thread, but I haven't posted Mick's!

NAME: Michael Harrison
AGE: 23
HAIR: Large and brown
POWERS: Mick's metagene gives him interdimentional communication abilities, that are pretty much useless.
HISTORY: Mick Harrison has a metagene, but since he didn't display any abilities the goverment assumed it was an useless metagene, and decided he wasn't a risk, so they'd watch him from time to time but they wouldn't imprision him like most metahumans. Mick entered the Law faculty when he was 18, but he dropped his studies when he turned 21 and moved out of his parents' house in Boston to a friend's house in Chicago.
When he was 23, the fifth dimentional being known as M X Y P L T K used Mick's metagene to take possesion of his body and enter the third dimension.
Since Mick's body was too "small" for the entire being, M X Y P L T K split in two beings, Mxy and Ktl. Mxy, the "good" part, stayed in Mick's body, and Ktl, the "evil" part, looked for another body with interdimentional powers.
Still, Mick's brain was too simple for half a fifth dimentional being. Mxy couldn't think clearly and started using his powers to cause mayhem by turning people into cows.
He was arrested and taken to a hospital as a mental patient, where he was kept uncouncious while the authorities waited for the MCCA to take him away.
He escaped the hospital and... the rest can be found in the first New Universe thread.

Bumping this up to the top. I'll be back soon with a rundown on The Monkey's Paw's "powers" over probability and luck...
Posted By: T5 Re: Hero Revolution Secret Files & Origins #1 - 2002-05-01 3:13 PM
AGE: 1
BODY: Anything mechanical he can find
POWERS: The ability to posess anything biological or mechanical.
HISTORY: The Quadinc ( a race from a higher reality) was alarmed when one of their scientists disappeared into our reality (See Naecken: The Evolution (A solo mini-series) )
So they designed a artificial being made out of the electromagnetic residue of our Big Bang.
Thus he is capable of possessing most things that are mobile. He is programmed to find the scientist and bring him back home. But he is also capable of learning and adapting to any new enviroment.
Second bump for Pro.

Ooops. I forgot to do the thing for Pete. Oh well. He's a lucky guy, so things come by fairly easy to him (although those around him sometimes tend to have their share of bad luck).
Government System Online
File Updated
Begin Feed
Subject: Gold Baron
Name: Christopher Trinity
Age: Unknown
Birthplace: Unknown
Occupation: Unknown
History: The being "Gold Baron" is shrouded in mystery. What is known is based in rumor and hearsay. The name Christopher Trinity is believed to be an alias, and is often better known simply as 'Unknown Traveler'. The nickname "Gold Baron" is believed to be derived from his brilliant suit of armor, which is lined with intricate designs of gold. He's the type of figure you'd want as your grandfather, a kind face and soft eyes, and a smooth, deep voice. From supposed eye-witnesses, his voice is calming, yet it seems to echo through your mind in a disturbing way. While he is reserved, hiding even his face except in the most intimate situations, he is quick to move to action or change moods, when he actually outwardly displays one. He carries a troubled look about his face, as if he's lost, or is losing something, and some great catastrophe looms in his eyes. Trouble seems to follow in his wake, and he is drawn to places of trouble, hence he is usually though of as a doom bringer. Other than brief glimpses and passing memories, little is known about his combat scenarios. It is known that he enjoys stalking his victims, and a feeling of absolute dread fills them, as though a fate worse than death awaits them. Inflicted wounds that have been recorded are fine lacerations (as from a sword)
File interruption...
Resuming Feed...
The sword itself has never actually been seen. All victims have been said to deserve their fate.
Related Info: None
Links: Kristogar Velo
End Feed
Posted By: Grimm Re: Hero Revolution Secret Files & Origins #1 - 2002-06-16 8:31 AM

Height: 6'5"

Weight: Unknown

Eyes: None, empty sockets

Hair: Short and black

Description: Looks like a biker from Hell. Black leather jacket, ripped blue jeans, chains w/locks around neck and torso (Sid Vicious style, the punk, not the wrestler), black engineer boots, iron gauntlets covering hands and wrists. Face appears to be a skull.

Equipment: Carries a large double-headed battleaxe.

Quiet, powerful, relentless, will not stop for anything.

He is Grimm
Posted By: T5 Re: Hero Revolution Secret Files & Origins #1 - 2002-06-21 10:27 AM

Height: 6,39 feet tall.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Costume: A well polished silvery, full plate armor, with a likeness to the old greek designs.
Abilities: The armor contains the famous G-Unit (GAIA) which was invented by Dr. Hophfstein. It gives het the ability to teleport anywhere on all the different axis of the time/trimensional continuum. It also enhances her strenght by a factor of three. So basically she has the strenght of three well trained women her sice.
the suit has an enviroment controll which enables her to function without an atmosphere. Small jets connected to her G-Unit gives her the ability fly.
Primary Mission: Punish those who tortured and raped Crasher.
Secondary Mission: Classified.
Attitude: Serious and never takes a no for an answer.

[ 06-21-2002, 08:08 AM: Message edited by: T5 ]
I believe Ameristar is under my copyright (I think I had an Ameristar, an Asiastar, an Africastar and an Australiastar in one future story of the MBL back at Athanon), but I am too curious to see where you are heading to complain. [wink]
Posted By: T5 Re: Hero Revolution Secret Files & Origins #1 - 2002-06-21 2:42 PM
I acually didn´t know that...I used this character on another board. Called Crusaders.
If you want me to change her name I will.
Posted By: T5 Re: Hero Revolution Secret Files & Origins #1 - 2002-06-21 3:06 PM
The Giorgio

Height: 5,9 feet
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Costume: Casual dark grey suit, with white shirt, and a dark green tie. black well polished shoes.
underneath his shirt there is a metallic vest containing a small G-Unit.
Abilities: Good marksman. trained in the arts of surveilance and sabotage.
Primary Mission: Defend the order.
Secondary Mission: Classified.
Attitude: Likes to be a playboy.

[ 06-21-2002, 08:07 AM: Message edited by: T5 ]
Originally posted by T5:
I acually didn´t know that...I used this character on another board. Called Crusaders.
If you want me to change her name I will.

No, no, I was joking. I am cool with anything you do.

[ 06-21-2002, 11:01 AM: Message edited by: The Eurostar ]
Dirk Bell
Height: 5' 10"
Hair: Auburn with a tinge of red on his sideburns

Dirk is a rare breed. The only super about him is his ego. Decending from a long line of peace keepers and law men, the art of the weapon was embedded into him by his elders. There is nothing that he can't turn into a makeshift weapon on the spot or any person that can surpass his marksmanship. All his life Dirk has been told how his mastery of the gun topped that of his own father and grandfather(and possibly even further back in the line). This praise has led to a selfconfidence that overrides his own common sense in many occasions. He has decided to strap on his holsters and show the world what a normal man can do in a world of metahumans.
He dresses in a black trench coat that he uses to store all his weapons (hand-guns, throwing stars, knives, etc.). A thin layer of kevlar is covered by his grey overshirt. An old school fedora and mask help him pull off the Golden Age look and allows him, with a quick removal, to blend into almost any crowd. His boots can also be used to hide a knife, gun, or whatever he comes up with.
His cat-like reflexes and cool exterior serve him well in combat. But, like all men, Dirk experiences fear in the face of harsh adversity. Over the years, he has managed to master the perfect poker face to bluff his opponents and allies and has the overbearing will to keep his hand steady for every shot.
Watch out! The Lone Gunman of the Apocalypse has arrived. [woooOOOOoooo!]

[ 06-25-2002, 12:51 AM: Message edited by: thedoctor ]
Posted By: Grimm Re: Hero Revolution Secret Files & Origins #1 - 2002-06-22 8:58 AM
villains. . .

Clive Collins. Think Lex Luthor with a Satan complex. Prominent New Orleans businessman with his fingers in a lot of pies. Perhaps too many.

Tall, thin, with red hair and a goatee. Favors dark silk suits, made just for him. This is not a man who buys off the rack. Knows the art, as Eurostar would say. Not as powerful as he wants people to think he is, however. His patrons will one day ask for him to make payment due.

Elsa Collins. Wife of Clive. Often ignored, Elsa takes her pleasures when and where she can get them. Red hair with black streaks. Elsa has a spider fetish, and spider designs can be found worked into her outfits. Goes through lovers like popcorn.

Posted By: Grimm Re: Hero Revolution Secret Files & Origins #1 - 2002-07-09 7:18 AM
Some "villains" I would like to bring in somewhere down the line (probably two or three issues later).

The Bruttes-A team of cyborg metahumans who will show up looking to "collect" Grimm for their employer. They consist of:

Rant-A cyborg designed to mimic vampirism. Rant is capable of supernormal speed, strength, and agility. He is also capable of regeneration from most injuries. Rant can emit a mist from his body which causes those trapped within to enter a highly suggestive hypnotic state. Rant's abilities come at a price, as he must feed on blood to maintain them, much like a true vampire. Rant is only 5'7" and suffers from short man's syndrome, causing him to be loud and boastful. He wears all black clothing including a long black trenchoat, and when he smiles his metal fangs gleam.

Blackwulf-Schizophrenic shapeshifter. Blackwulf is large, hairy norse looking man. About 6'9" with wolfen physical characteristics. At times, he has claimed to be a Viking, a werewolf, a former Russian Spetznaz (sp) agent, and an aggravating imp known as Mr. Annoying. It is believed that when his metagene manifested it shattered his fragile mind into these multipile personalities. When Blackwulf's personality shifts, it is usually accompanied by physical changes that he refers to as "Mutations." Blackwulf does not have full control over his ability and sometimes his transformations surprise even him. Rant and Blackwulf have a bit of a love/hate relationship in that during quiet times, they will often be found arguing and sniping at each other. However, in the heat of battle they make a surprisingly effective team.

Holocaust-Pyrokinetic sociopath. Holocaust doesn't care as long as he has something or someone to burn.

Gunslinger-Cyborg assassin. Gunslinger has two cybernetic arms that he uses as guns. He never speaks, even to his partners. He has an Old West fixation and dresses like a "goth cowboy."
With this, we have a new "Guild" for the next millenium.
Posted By: Grimm Re: Hero Revolution Secret Files & Origins #1 - 2002-07-09 4:31 PM
I don't get the reference. . .

Then it sounds like you need to read "TOMB Code 'no': Malvana's Song" over at the TOMB Yahoo! group!
Posted By: Grimm Re: Hero Revolution Secret Files & Origins #1 - 2002-07-10 5:47 PM
Yeah, it's on my to read list. Thanks to a certain someone. [wink]

That was one of my most favourite pre-TTT TOMB stories, especially since that was where my character, Hawley Griffin, the Invisible Man, was first fleshed out.

Y'know, I think I'd really like to play around with TOMB again someday soon. Since Tryst would be gone, though, after the last TOMB story, I'd have to introduce the Old Universe version of "Chance" to the team in order to participate.

Of course, what I'd REALLY like to see is TOMB Forever completed. I was enjoying the interaction between Tryst, Joker1 and Malvana quite a bit, and looked forward to Pro's writing Hawley Griffin a bit more, too, not to mention all the other temporary, stand-in TOMB members who were due to show up. (No pressure, Pro, just stating my admiration for that unfinished story. :) )
Posted By: Grimm Re: Hero Revolution Secret Files & Origins #1 - 2002-08-02 10:45 AM
Originally posted by Chewy Walrus:
Then it sounds like you need to read "TOMB Code 'no': Malvana's Song" over at the TOMB Yahoo! group!

Okay, I just got to the guild reference post in the story archives. . .eerie similarities.
Nailed by jealous gods to the fiery iron wheel of Ixion, rotating counter-clockwise, and drenched in the blood from the spirit heart of the universe, the mad prophet known as Dave only manifests as a shrouded vision in the mind's eye, and only at times of cosmic destruction and rebirth.
Posted By: Grimm Re: Hero Revolution Secret Files & Origins #1 - 2002-08-02 10:16 PM
Heh heh. Very Grant Morrison. Cool.
Born in the primordial times when the Earth was young, I became sentient, aware. I fed off of the other creatures around me and learned to take their forms for my own to survive. I outlived my own race and those that followed it. I will outlive humanity. You know me by various myths and legends. The Native Americans called me The Skinwalker. That's close enough.
Eurostar updates:

He can grow feathers from his arms, and use tham to fly like a bird, a giant eagle. He can soars over air currents at thirty miles per hour, and dive from high at closed wings at around two hundred miles per hour. To take flight he has to run for at last ten yards.

He is a little stronger than a normal human, and his skin a little more resilient.

He has hard nails like claws, but not longer than a normal man.

He has a magnifing vision (like seeing trough a binocular).

Nothing else.

Ah, he has his pet UFO, a flying machine that defy gravity, turns at any angles, flies at one thousand miles per hour, and it's able to create circles in the crops. [wink]
Posted By: Grimm Re: Hero Revolution Secret Files & Origins #1 - 2002-09-29 7:05 AM
bump for the newbies.
Posted By: Grimm Re: Hero Revolution Secret Files & Origins #1 - 2003-05-07 6:45 PM
The Metahuman Brotherhood of Liberation

Inspired by the "Revolutionaries" in their early appearances, the Metahuman Brotherhood of Liberation has taken up the cause of metahuman freedom. At the expense of the norms who currently run things. Early on, they committed a series of bank robberies and other small crimes, while openly proclaming themselves as meta terrorists. Now, they have the funds they need, and possibly other members waiting to strike. With the massacre and destruction of Disney World in Florida, they have made their first strike against humanity.

The known members are:

"Nowhereman" meta ability-Charisma and persuasion.

"Eurostar"-ability to mimic the meta abilities of those he meets.

"Danny"-can summon temporal duplicates of himself.

"TC"-control of kinetic energy. can speed up or slow down an objects velocity.

"LLance"-metal skin. painted to appear as a normal human.

"Naecken"-large size and strength. ram horns and face. painted blue to mimic the appearance of Naecken.

"Velo"-can project powerful force blasts from his hands.

"Mxy"-can cause people to experience poweful hallucinations.

The characters themselves do not go by these codenames, or even use names in public. These are merely the characters they are masquerading as.
Who the hell was the Skinwalker?  -
I thought it was one of Grimm and Doc's friends who fizzled out after a while... [eh?]
Whoever he was, he was one bad muthah...
Shut yo' mouth!
Posted By: Grimm Re: Hero Revolution Secret Files & Origins #1 - 2003-05-09 6:28 AM
Originally posted by Chewy Walrus:
I thought it was one of Grimm and Doc's friends who fizzled out after a while... [eh?]

Oh, sure, blame me. . .just because half of my guys post once a year. [nyah hah]
That's why you gotta keep your bitches under control, Grimm. [nyah hah]
Posted By: Grimm Re: Hero Revolution Secret Files & Origins #1 - 2003-05-09 7:14 AM
Let's not start the bitches thing again. [yuh huh]

Hey, at least Blackwulf posted tonight.
Yeah, but it was just his solo thread, not the main story, so who'll notice? :lol:
Posted By: GoozX Re: Hero Revolution Secret Files & Origins #1 - 2003-05-09 3:52 PM
Ok ok, break it up here. I would like to inform everyone to take their bitching about Grimm's bitches to the main talk thread becasue this sucka is closed. Ain't that a fact.