Posted By: Bibbo So you guys know - 2001-08-27 8:09 PM
I started classes today, so things will be hectic for a little bit. I hope to have stuff all ironed out so I can start posting regularly again by next week.

In the meantime, feel free to use Bibbo, but I'd rather have Changeling sit stuff out until I write him. I haven't read the last few days worth of stuff, but I anxiously await free time to do so.

Posted By: Chewy Walrus Re: So you guys know - 2001-08-28 12:19 AM
I just got to school a few days ago and just now got my internet connection up. I start classes on Wednesday, and, being a freshman, I'm not even sure what to expect in the way of workload. I promise to post when I can, but make no promises as to frequency or quality. Just so you guys know...
Posted By: GoozX Re: So you guys know - 2001-08-29 5:16 AM
I also start on Wednesday.

Do you know what you want to major in yet? I will be majoring in Film/TV Production. Where are you attending?

Posted By: Chewy Walrus Re: So you guys know - 2001-08-29 6:32 AM
I'm at Olivet Nazarene University in Bourbonnais, Illinois and I'm majoring in Philosophy/Religion in order to, at some point, become a minister. As to whether or not I'm any good at it, you'll have to ask Avatar, as he's heard me. I'm not the best judge of my own abilities...
Posted By: Avatar Re: So you guys know - 2001-08-29 6:51 PM
Chewy's great at it. I heard him speak in front of an entire congregation and he did as good a job as their regular minister from what I gathered. I say that we disallow him from being humble, because he'll try hard. That's what those religion majors are supposed to do.

P.S. I'm attending Purdue University in Lafayette, Indiana and majoring in English Literature

[ 08-29-2001: Message edited by: Avatar ]

Posted By: Chewy Walrus Re: So you guys know - 2001-08-29 10:02 PM
Originally posted by Avatar:
That's what those religion majors are supposed to do.

Dang skippy!

Posted By: Prometheus of The X Re: So you guys know - 2001-08-29 11:14 PM
Originally posted by Avatar:
I'm attending Purdue University in Lafayette, Indiana and majoring in English Literature

I attended the University of Mississippi ("Ole Miss"), in Oxford, MS. My double-major was English Lit. and Computer Science, with a focus on mid-range programming, and a minor in Theater.

Av, old buddy, good luck with the Lit. I truly hope that you want to be a teacher, as that is usually all you can do with a Lit degree that will make any money.

Chewy, if you become a Minister, how will you ever be able to put up with a heathen like me?

So, gonna make movies, eh, Gooz? Remember, I hold copyrights to the Prometheus character...

Posted By: Chewy Walrus Re: So you guys know - 2001-08-29 11:34 PM
Originally posted by Prometheus of The X:
I attended the University of Mississippi ("Ole Miss"), in Oxford, MS. My double-major was English Lit. and Computer Science, with a focus on mid-range programming, and a minor in Theater.

Funny... Comp. Sci. was Av's former major and Theatre is my intended minor...

Chewy, if you become a Minister, how will you ever be able to put up with a heathen like me?

It's in the job description, isn't it? "It's not the well that need a doctor..." and all that? Who knows?

Posted By: Prometheus of The X Re: So you guys know - 2001-08-30 1:00 AM
Chewy, I love ya', man. You have a great heart.

Just so you know, don't mistake Pro's cynical athestic views with me, personally. I've studied Christian religion all my life. And, while I don't subscribe to certain hypocritical points that organized religion has inbred within society, I value, believe, and have faith in God. I'm just very open-minded, is all.

Still, when you get through, can you make me a Saint?

Posted By: Chewy Walrus Re: So you guys know - 2001-08-30 2:17 AM
I'm a Nazarene, Pro... not a Catholic. Besides, Papacy's not my calling, y'know?

[ 08-29-2001: Message edited by: Chewy Walrus ]

Posted By: Avatar Re: So you guys know - 2001-08-30 6:32 AM
I have no aversion to teaching, but I intend to pick up minors in business management and econ so that I can run a business of my own. Something along the lines of a hobby store. But what I really want to do is write novels, obviously of the sci fi/fantasy (mostly fantasy) genre. You guys can tell me whether or not that is a foolhardy goal.

Oh, and about the money: "Delilah" is going to be a doctor so I don't think I'll have trouble there. On a side note...it's always troubled me that I decided to write her as dead. Freud would have my ass...

Posted By: Chewy Walrus Re: So you guys know - 2001-08-30 7:03 AM
You mean he doesn't already?
Posted By: GoozX Re: So you guys know - 2001-08-30 7:07 AM
LOL, don't worry Pro, you can't sue your past self now can you? There has to be a law against that somewhere

Avatar, Delilah is the name of the evil vampire who suduces [my character] Joushua in a no-budget Indie movie I have written and will be directing over the next few weeks. I guess they have no relation though

Chew, what type of Theatre would you like to go into? I was thinking about taking a minor in Theatre, not fully sure yet though.

As of now I attend Hofstra University in NY, but I hope to transfer to UCLA for the next three years (just gotta take out a lot of loans!)

Posted By: Chewy Walrus Re: So you guys know - 2001-08-30 7:18 AM
I'm not sure. I like acting, though, despite the fact that I've had very little experience. I like doing sketch and improv comedy and have always wanted to test my mettle at acting in a musical (just to say that I tried it). Mostly funny stuff that involves me doing a lot of physical comedy, like dancing around, doing aerobics totally wrong, and parodying Mr. Rogers (all things I've done as the emcee of my high school talent show). I also enjoy parodying songs (a la Weird Al) and have already done so to a number of oldies that I enjoy.

I have no idea if that answered your question, Gooz, but that's my tangent... do with it what you will...

Posted By: Avatar Re: So you guys know - 2001-08-30 6:27 PM
For all of you who haven't seen his "Mr. Codger's Neighborhood" or "Crazy Bart's Used Car Emporium" sketches...which would be everyone except me...then you're missing out.
Posted By: Chewy Walrus Re: So you guys know - 2001-08-30 11:13 PM
Avatar helped me out with "Mr. Codger's Community" and "Dieter - Duke of the Dance". Crazy Bart and the Aerobics Instructor were sketches I did with other people...
Posted By: Danny Re: So you guys know - 2001-08-31 12:06 PM
I'm studying theatre at university right now. 7 hours a day, 5 days a week, all spent doin' theatre-related stuff... Got to write and direct a show last semester. That was cool.

Right now I'm working with a small group and we're devising a community theatre project. We're trying to raise awareness about depression with a comedy entitled "Everybody Loves Sarah Tonin". I'm havin' fun.

Posted By: Chewy Walrus Re: So you guys know - 2001-08-31 6:34 PM
I went to my first theatre class yesterday and it seemed pretty fun. I also went to a meeting for the Broadway Revue - a singing, dancing drama production. I'm still debating as to whether or not to do it, as I am most definitely not the most limber person alive. But, I'm working on starting an improv troupe with my friend Brennan, so hopefully that works out.

I've got a class here in a bit, so I'd better get going...

Posted By: Avatar Re: So you guys know - 2001-08-31 9:36 PM
Posted by Chewy:
I'm still debating as to whether or not to do it, as I am most definitely not the most limber person alive

Your singing voice is also to be questioned...unless you're on helium or wrote the song yourself that is.

Posted By: Chewy Walrus Re: So you guys know - 2001-08-31 10:51 PM
Posted By: Chewy Walrus Re: So you guys know - 2001-09-12 3:59 PM
Originally posted by Avatar:
Your singing voice is also to be questioned...unless you're on helium or wrote the song yourself that is.

Or doing karaoke. I was dang good at karaoke...