The link in my sig says it all: my first novella has been published by Booksurge Publishing. I'd had the story in mind since my senior year of high school, so it's nice to finally get it out of my system and onto paper.

Anyway, give it a look-see if you like, and let me know what you think. If you like it, great. If it sucks...well, don't sugarcoat it. Any constructive criticism, for good or for ill, is welcome as far as I'm concerned.
Congrats! I'll check it out ASAP!
Good going, man! It's great to see a fellow RKMBer get published. I'll try to spread the word.
Don't worry if your book sucks the table in the kitchen here kinda wobbles.

So it'll be win/win if I buy it.
Congratulations, King Krypton. What is the book about?

When musician Heather Carter discovers her mother is engaged to a younger man, she sets about a media-driven campaign to break up the relationship, risking her own romance and her sister's budding relationship in the process.

For a more detailed rundown of the plot:

- Carter's mother is a comic book fanatic/sci-fi author. Her young beau is a fellow fan she met at the local comic book store (and they fell in love at a comic book convention). By contrast, Carter couldn't think less of genre material, and thinsk her mother's wasting her time by writing the stuff.

- Carter's sister is an Irish dancer, doing a production of Dracula.

- comic book and fantasy references run rampant throughout the piece, from the place names to some of the names of the incidental characters.

I know you couldn't tell this from the synopsis I had to supply to the website, but I was told to keep it brief. Suffice it to say, it's a love story with a heavy genre-geek slant. So it does have something of interest for those not normally into melodramas...or at least, I hope so.
thanks to you both. i obviously suck at following links that are pointed out to me .
Sounds fun. I'll see if I can bag a copy this side of the atlantic
did you have to get an agent to get that published, or did you just send it out to a bazillion publishers until one took?
Posted By: Grimm Re: As of yesterday, I am a published novelist - 2004-12-22 7:24 PM
Interesting plot. And congrats.
Congrats, KK! Great to see you making good! Here's hoping for much success and acclaim!

Awesome, King! Congrats man!

Now that you're a published author, send your resume to the comic companies. You may get to be the 'King' of Superman yet!
Well done KK - I'll get a copy.
not to rain on anyones parade but ROY BATTY has been published in Penthouse Letters regularly for the past five years......
And Rob on the "getting fucked up the ass by a cactus" section of Gay Ass Man Sex Qwerterly since early 2003...
he won a Peabody!
Just so you know, My novel Wounds of the Heart is now available at Amazon.com. So if it's too much of a hassle to get it from Booksurge (my publisher), Amazon is a nice alternative.

I'm also working on my first screenplay, a spoof project set at a comic book convention. I love that Looney Tunes-style off-the-wall comedy, and I'm having fun taking a crack at it myself.
D'you know if it's on Amazon.co.uk? 'Cos I can't order from booksurge or Amazon.com over here.
Congrats Roys!!!!!!! I"m so proud and happy for you!

King Krypton said:
Just so you know, My novel Wounds of the Heart is now available at Amazon.com. So if it's too much of a hassle to get it from Booksurge (my publisher), Amazon is a nice alternative.

I'm also working on my first screenplay, a spoof project set at a comic book convention. I love that Looney Tunes-style off-the-wall comedy, and I'm having fun taking a crack at it myself.

damn..great job I'll get one in the next few days KK......you rock..We'll spread the word to MOTA...
Sample Chapter: Wounds of the Heart

    The ride home from Rhythm and Foods was just as chatty and energized as the trip before. Maureen, Donald, Bernadette, and Matt were talking up a storm about the club (Bernadette and Matt loved it), the food (everyone enjoyed it), the dancing (Donald was still awestruck over what Matt and Bernadette did), and basically just razzing each other silly over whatever sprung to mind. A conversation among the four about old-time sci-fi TV show stars soon morphed into a joke-laden mockery fest at the expense of those who’d let their careers atrophy while letting their waistlines expand, filling the car with much high-pitched laughter. However, the merriment was cut off when Matt asked to be taken back to the Quitely Regency Hotel, much to Maureen and Donald’s dismay.

    “Are you sure?” Maureen asked. “Don and I are going back to my place for a while. Why don’t you come with us? We could spend the rest of the night watching dorky ‘giant bug’ movies and MST-ing them.”

    “Yeah, come on, Matt,” Donald implored. “A few more laughs would do you a lot of good.”

    Matt nodded regretfully. “I’m really sorry, guys. I appreciate the offer and all, but I’ve still got work in the morning. Besides, I wanted to put up a little Christmas tree while I still have the time. I’m afraid I’m gonna have to take a rain check.”

    Hmm, thought Bernadette. Looks like I’ve got myself an opening. Better take it quick. “Yeah, he’s right, Mom,” she finally spoke up. “We’re going to have to call it a night. Just have the driver drop us off at the hotel.”

    Maureen sighed, mildly disappointed. “Well, if you say so….”


    Back at the Quitely Regency, Matt and Bernadette stepped into the elevator, heading for their rooms on the fifth floor. A long, awkward silence stood between them, a silence Bernadette disliked intensely. She also noticed that Matt’s demeanor had changed once more; he was again timid and shy. Not again, she thought. God, it’s like his enthusiasm has an on/off switch. What’s going on? “So, Matt…” she began, hoping to break the ice. “You said something about putting up a Christmas tree?”

    “Yeah,” Matt answered, almost whispering. He looked at Bernadette apologetically. “Look, I’m sorry I haven’t said anything. I really did have a good time tonight. It’s just…” He flailed his hands about, groping for words. “I didn’t know how to say it and not have it sound corny.”

    “Matt, if you’re still upset about seeing me in my bra and pantyhose, I understand,” Bernadette admitted. “That was really stupid of me. I didn’t mean to shake you up like that—”

    “No, no,” Matt insisted. “I’m over that. It’s…well…I don’t know what to say except…thanks. Nobody’s ever done anything like this for me before. Nobody’s even gone out with me, period, let alone twice.” He gazed at her sadly. “I don’t know how I can thank you.”

    You just did, Bernadette thought, blushing deeply and smiling. But this is nothing. I can do a lot more. I want to do more. And you won’t have to thank me for it. “It’s nothing,” she said. “I just wanted to repay you for the concert.”

    “You didn’t have to do that.”

    “I wanted to.” And I want to give you so much more than just a date or two. Please, stop trying to hide from me. Take a good, hard look at me, and all you’ll see is a girl who’s falling in love with you. Don’t be afraid of me. Love me. Take me. Let me be with you.

    Matt gave her a weak smile. “Well, thank you,” he managed as the elevator doors slid open. “I, um…I better get that tree put up,” he said as he stepped out of the elevator. “I’ll see you tomorrow—”

    “Wait!” Bernadette shouted, running out after him. “Wait up.”

    Matt was puzzled. “What is it?” he asked.

    Bernadette fidgeted. “Well, I was wondering…if, maybe, you could use some help?” Come on, Matt. Say yes. Please say yes.

    “Oh, it’s no big deal,” Matt began. “It’s just a little tree—”

    “I want to help,” Bernadette reiterated, with a hint of force in her voice. I’m not taking no for an answer, Matt, she thought defiantly. For God’s sake, I’m being about as subtle as a sledgehammer and you still don’t get it? Even a blind man could tell I’m throwing myself at you! What’s it gonna take, me bashing you in the head with a club and dragging you by your hair like a caveman? And don’t tempt me, because I might actually do it….

    Matt pondered it for what seemed like an eternity. “Well, if you’re sure,” he said as he opened the door to his suite, “I guess it wouldn’t hurt. I mean, I don’t want to waste your time or anything.”

    “You’re not wasting my time, Matt,” Bernadette insisted. “I want to do this.”

    “Well, in that case…” Matt gestured to the doorway. “Come right in.” As composed as his face was, there was no hiding the apprehension in his voice.

    He’s afraid of me, Bernadette realized. He’s actually afraid of me…but why? You’d think if I was the first girl who’s ever shown an interest in him, he’d be bouncing off the walls. Did I really scare him that much earlier, or was it something else I did? Or said? “Don’t mind if I do,” she answered casually as she walked into his suite.

Howlerama said:
D'you know if it's on Amazon.co.uk? 'Cos I can't order from booksurge or Amazon.com over here.

Just checked. It's not there.


Cowgirl Jack said:
Congrats! I'll check it out ASAP!

So, did you like it?