Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk One day rex pooped himself - 2011-12-05 10:23 AM
rex was sitting in his chair when he felt something weird going on in his pants. Upon looking down, he noticed he had pooped himself!

Little did rex know that this was only the beginning of the most wonderful adventure of his life...
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: One day rex pooped himself - 2011-12-05 6:16 PM
Immediately he yelled "oh no!" in his head. Hurriedly he pulled down his pants to remove his underwear, but upon doing so he realized he wasn't wearing any!

"How queer," he mumbled to himself, "I'd swear I put my Mr. Potatohead underroo's on last week."

As he paused for a moment to contemplate what must have occurred he heard a slight giggle coming from behind him. It was very slight, and was almost inaudible except his ears have been trained to perfection to catch the slightest hint of laughter toward his person!
Posted By: thedoctor Re: One day rex pooped himself - 2011-12-05 8:36 PM
It was First Amongst Daves. His dastardly poo based plans had threatened the safety and sanitation of the world for years. Now, the mad Aussie had set his designs on rex.

"Your poo shall feed me and my army for years," he cackled. "Minions, seize him!"
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: One day rex pooped himself - 2011-12-05 10:00 PM
An army of dwarves marched towards rex as he struggled to find something to cover his genitals. Finally he did so with a paper clip.

As the dwarves attempted to capture rex, he noticed something unusual about them:

"Why, these midgets... These midgets look just like me! How is it possible?!"
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: One day rex pooped himself - 2011-12-05 10:00 PM
Posted By: McGurk Re: One day rex pooped himself - 2011-12-06 2:56 AM
I'll never eat at Taco Bell again.

Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: One day rex pooped himself - 2011-12-06 7:39 AM
You guys are fucking up the story! That shit belongs in the talk thread!