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American Spectator:

  • Pat Buchanan uses this week's column (titled "The True Haters") to defend Nazi war criminal John Demjanjuk, who is being sent back to Germany to face charges he was partially responsible for killing 29,000 Jews.

    While Demjanjuk had been previously exonerated from charges that he was responsible for the murder of Jews at Treblinka, in 2002 a federal judge ruled that he was a willing Nazi guard at the Sobibor, Majdanek and Flossenburg camps, and was part of the process in which thousands of Jews were murdered at Sobibor. This ruling was upheld by an U.S. appeals court in 2004. It shouldn't matter if Demjanjuk is 89 and ill, there should be no sanctuary, and no statute of limitations on exacting justice on Nazi war criminals.

    Buchanan's defense of him is simply vile, but the responses to his column in the Human Events comments thread go further.

    For instance, from Jeff Mazak of Buffalo, New York:

    Very good again Pat, your voice is not only a voice of reason, it is also a courageous voice for our time....

    OSI is an aberration of American justice and is run by rogue, arrogant and hateful Jewish lawyers...

    Or "Mark" from Ohio:

    The Jews have a history in trumped up charges and hangings. And in ignorance Christians think they get some free pass located in the Old Testament.

    Ed from Tennessee (responding to Mark):

    BINGO, and it needs to be said over and over again. I don't know what's up with the Evangelicals, but they seem to be selectively reading their Bibles.

    The Son of God called 'them' the offspring of the Devil, didn't He?

    Carl LaFong of Waikiki:

    The OSI is very much like what William E. Winterstein author of "GESTAPO USA" describes in his book - "a gaggle of traitors and Jewish zealots posing as lawyers for American justice."

    "seejay" chimes in with some Holocaust denial:

    It kinda make one understand the anger of the anti-Zionists.

    I mean, there's no ACTUAL HISTORICAL EVIDENCE that Treblinka was anything more than a transit camp; There is NO EVIDENCE that ANYONE EVER was "holocausted" at Treblinka., yet we allow them to drag this old man into a COURTROOM, and then pretend that we abide by the Rule of Law!

    It's time to open "The Holocaust" up for historical inquiry. Too many decent people have suffered because of this questionable horror-story!

And, no, I don't think any of them are WB.

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whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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In Buchanan's defense, he was less than eight years old when Hitler died and, therefore, under the Obama-Ayers rule really can't be blamed for admiring a Nazi.

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Here's the full article Buchanan wrote, that is butchered to change its meaning in the above American Spectator article.

  • John Demanjuk And The True Haters
    By Patrick J. Buchanan

    On Good Friday, John Demjanjuk, 89 and gravely ill, was ordered deported to Germany to stand trial as an accessory to the murder of 29,000 Jews—at Sobibor camp in Poland.

    Sound familiar? It should. It is a re-enactment of the 1986 extradition of John Demjanjuk to Israel to be tried for the murder of 870,000 Jews—at Treblinka camp in Poland.

    How many men in the history of this country have been so relentlessly pursued and remorselessly persecuted?

    The ordeal of this American Dreyfus began 30 years ago.

    In 1979, the Office of Special Investigations (OSI) at Justice, goaded and guided by Yuri Andropov's KGB, was persuaded that Demjanjuk was "Ivan the Terrible," a huge, brutal, sadistic guard at Treblinka, who bashed in babies' heads and slashed off women's breasts, as he drove hundreds of thousands of Jews into the gas chambers.

    Demjanjuk's defense was simple: I was never at Treblinka.

    Yet, a dozen survivors, shown a photo spread, identified him as the beast of Treblinka. In 1986, OSI had him extradited to Israel. In 1988, he was convicted and sentenced to death. The greatest Holocaust monster since Mengele was to be hanged.

    His family, friends and lawyers did not give up. They scoured Europe and, in the last days of the Soviet Union, struck pay dirt. In Moscow's files on Treblinka they discovered a photo of the real "Ivan," a far bigger, more mature man than the 23-year-old Demjanjuk in 1943.

    Ivan Marchenko was positively identified as Ivan the Terrible.

    To its eternal credit, Israel's Supreme Court threw aside the verdict and stopped Demjanjuk from being the first man hanged in Jerusalem since Adolf Eichmann in 1961.

    A humiliated OSI, through its Israeli friends, now asked the court to authorize a new trial, charging Demjanjuk with having been a guard at Sobibor—during the same time they previously charged he had been at Treblinka.

    What OSI was admitting was that its case against Demjanjuk, to see him hang from the gallows as "Ivan the Terrible," had been based on flimsy or falsified evidence and worthless or perjured testimony.

    Replied the court, we don't do double jeopardy here in Israel.

    Demjanjuk was released. And the grin of the jailer who opened his cell testified that many in Israel never accepted the charge that this simple man was some unrivaled devil of the Holocaust.

    So, after 13 years, the last four on death row reflecting on his hanging for horrors he never committed, Demjanjuk came home to Cleveland, a free man. His citizenship was restored.

    Though disgraced, OSI was not ready to throw in its hand. For it had been dealt a new card by its old comrades in the KGB.

    The new evidence was a signed statement by one "Danilchenko," who claimed to have been a guard at Sobibor and had worked with Demjanjuk. As this document would have blown up the Treblinka case in Jerusalem, OSI had withheld it from the defense.

    Another document turned up suggesting that Demjanjuk had indeed, after training at Trawniki camp, been assigned to Sobibor.

    When the defense asked to interrogate "Danilchenko," to verify he had made and signed the statement and to question him on details, they were told this was not possible. Seems Danilchenko had died after signing.

    So, after the first 13 years of his ordeal took him right up to a gallows in Jerusalem, Demjanjuk has now been pursued for another 17 years by an OSI that will not rest until he has been convicted, somewhere, of genocide.

    And so we come to today.

    Demjanjuk is to be taken to Germany and prosecuted as an accessory to the murder of 29,000 Jews at Sobibor—though not one living person can place him at that camp and not even the German prosecutor will say that he ever hurt anyone. One witness in Israel, who was at Sobibor and says he knew all the camp guards, says he never saw Demjanjuk there.

    If Friday's ruling is upheld, John Demjanjuk, who has been charged with no crime on German soil, is to be taken to Germany, home of the Third Reich, to be tried by Germans for his alleged role in a genocide planned and perpetrated by Germans. He is to serve as the sacrificial lamb whose blood washes away the stain of Germany's sins.

    But if Germans wish to prosecute participants in the Holocaust, why not round up some old big-time Nazis, instead of a Ukrainian POW.

    Answer: They cannot. Because the Germans voted an amnesty for themselves in 1969. So now they must find a Slav soldier they captured—and Heinrich Himmler's SS conscripted and made a camp guard, if he ever was a camp guard—to punish in expiation for Germany's sins.

    The spirit behind this un-American persecution has never been that of justice tempered by mercy. It is the same satanic brew of hate and revenge that drove another innocent Man up Calvary that first Good Friday 2,000 years ago.

    Patrick J. Buchanan needs no introduction to VDARE.COM readers; his book State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America, can be ordered from His latest book is Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War": How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World, reviewed here by Paul Craig Roberts.

As is selectively omitted in the Spectator editorial spin of it, Buchanan simply presents the evidence that Demjanjuc was found innocent of having been at Treblinka, then was falsely accused and tried --without witnesses or evidence to identify him-- of being at 2 other concentration camps.

That this is vindictive scapegoating and false accusation, rather than prosecution of an actual Nazi war criminal. (see bolded sections of full text)

I think genocide of the Jews was a terrible thing, and I don't believe any of the propaganda from holocaust deniers that it allegedly never happened. Or even the allegation that it was an exagerrated count, that 2 million Jews were killed and not 6 million. It's still millions who died, regardless. And a lesser body-count would not make their killers any less guilty or cruel.

But far beyond that issue, there are a group of people who want to slander Buchanan to sweepingly dismiss his well-made arguments on a number of issues.

And as is the liberal way, that is to discredit their political opponents through slander. Buchanan's true context is clear, and this Spectator opinion piece is a smear-job, accomplished by selective omission and slanderous insinuation.

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However, according to the Spectator article, "in 2002 a federal judge ruled that he was a willing Nazi guard at the Sobibor, Majdanek and Flossenburg camps, and was part of the process in which thousands of Jews were murdered at Sobibor."

Maybe I'm reading Buchanan's piece too quickly but I don't see where he addresses that finding.

Am I missing something?

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The Case Against Demjanjuk and Buchanan
  • For those who remain unconvinced, I suggest you take a look at the 2002 ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Paul R. Matia, which stood up on appeal. It contains 294 findings of fact detailing the documentary evidence that placed Demjanjuk as a guard at several Nazi concentration camps, including the Sobibor death camp.

    Among the evidence presented was an identity pass issued to a person who, like Demjanjuk, was former soldier in the Soviet Army who was captured and trained by the Nazis to serve as a guard. The person in the identity pass bears a striking resemblance to Demjanjuk, shares his name, exact birth date and birthplace, father's name, hair and eye color. ...Additional documents (such as a disciplinary report, rosters, and logs) placed the person appearing in the identity pass as a guard at the Majdanek, Flossenburg and Sobibor camps.

    Judge Matia noted that the "guards assigned to Sobibor met arriving transports of Jews, forcibly unloaded the Jews from the trains, compelled them to disrobe, and drove them into gas chambers where they were murdered by asphyxiation with carbon monoxide… In serving at Sobibor, Defendant contributed to the process by which thousands of Jews were murdered…"

    Furthermore, evidence presented by prosecutors, along with Demjanjuk's inconsistent explanations, led the judge to determine that Demjanjuk "misrepresented and concealed his wartime residences for the purpose of gaining admission into the United States…"

    Judge Matia concluded:

    The government had the burden of proving its contention to the Court by clear, convincing, and unequivocal evidence. It did so. Although the Court carefully considered the evidence submitted by defendant to attempt to keep the government from satisfying its burden, the defendant's evidence was not sufficiently credible to cast doubt on the documentary evidence.

    The decision was upheld by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in 2004, and the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the case last year.

Buchanan was once a reliable, ethical, conservative voice. But since the early nineties he's become increasingly irrational and devoted to fringe views like this. I think it's time that his remaining supporters on the right realize this and stop trying to defend him or hold him up as a principled conservative.

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 Originally Posted By: G-man
Buchanan was once a reliable, ethical, conservative voice. But since the early nineties he's become increasingly irrational and devoted to fringe views like this. I think it's time that his remaining supporters on the right realize this and stop trying to defend him or hold him up as a principled conservative.

On the contrary, I see him as true to conservative Republican values, and willing to supercede partisan party loyalty to advocate what's best for conservatism over the long term.

In particular his book Where the Right Went Wrong(2004), that details how Republicans abandoned conservative principles to hold on to political power. And became big-government and big-spenders to buy votes, and to buy Democrat cooperation in the short term. But that abandonment of principles has hurt the Republican party over the long term.

I still see Mitt Romney as (currently) the best prospect for the Republican party.
But Ron Paul (who I dismissed as a wack job during the election --and his supporters are still generally overzealous and annoying) has gained credibility since the election, and predicted a lot of things during his campaign that have since happened (in particular, the economic meltdown). For whatever faults, Ron Paul's also arguably more constitutional and more true to conservative and nationalist values than anyone else currently a contender for the presidency. Romney I think is a guy who knows how to get things done, but is less reliably conservative.

I'm not in the business of defending Nazi war criminals, and I don't think Buchanan is either. I think those trying to discredit Buchanan are (of course) liberals. But also neoconservatives and other Republican globalists, (including Israeli lobbyists) who want to steer the Republican party in a less nationalist direction, either out of ideology, or out of selfish globalist business interests that are against American national interests.

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Supreme Court denies Demjanjuk's deportation plea
  • Alleged Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk lost his bid Thursday to get the U.S. Supreme Court to stop his deportation to Germany, where an arrest warrant accuses him of 29,000 counts of accessory to murder during World War II. The legal case spans more than three decades.

    Justice John Paul Stevens denied, without comment, Demjanjuk's plea to step into his case. The 89-year-old retired autoworker lives in suburban Cleveland, and he, his family and his lawyers say he's in poor health and too frail to be sent overseas.

    Demjanjuk is wanted on a Munich arrest warrant that accuses him of being an accessory to murders at the Sobibor death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland as a guard.

    Demjanjuk attorney Ulrich Busch told the AP in a telephone interview from his office in Ratingen, near Duesseldorf, that Germany should say it will not take Demjanjuk for humanitarian reasons.

I think a valid argument could hypothetically be made that an 89 year old man in ill health should not be deported or tried for any crime. However, that's a far cry from the "conspiracy" claims that Buchanan tries to make about this case.

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
I think a valid argument could hypothetically be made that an 89 year old man in ill health should not be deported or tried for any crime. However, that's a far cry from the "conspiracy" claims that Buchanan tries to make about this case.

I'm more inclined not to give the guy a pass because he's old. If he's guilty age isn't a valid reason IMHO. While I think Buchanan is wrong this time, there is a history of a witch hunt with this guy.

Fair play!
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I dont think age should be a factor if there is enough evidence to issue a warrant.

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Nazi Hunters Set Sights On War Crime Suspects: Conviction of former death camp guard John Demjanjuk has Nazi hunters renewing drive to nab war criminals.

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Good luck, Dave.

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November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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 Originally Posted By: the G-man

I again disagree with you on this one, G-man.

If this guy is indeed a war criminal participant in the holocaust, Buchanan and the rest of his family would not defend or support him. Buchanan only criticizes the lack of process and evidence in efforts to incarcerate Demjanjuk.

I've read Buchanan's last 6 books. There is nothing anti-semitic or pro-Nazi in his writings, and quite a bit in warning about the threat to Israel, and to Jews worldwide, due to surging muslim birthrates, and muslim immigration to the West.

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