Posted By: Darknight613 Things are heating up worldwide. - 2004-08-13 11:25 AM
I don't have the heart to make a joke about this.



Heat Waves to Worsen Across America, Europe - Study

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Heat waves like those that have hit Paris and Chicago in recent years are likely to get worse, roasting more and more cities with ever-higher temperatures, climate researchers predicted on Thursday.

While some may like it hot, the forecast means misery for many, and hotter weather can affect crops, drive up fuel prices and can kill the old and weak. The heat wave that hit France a year ago killed an estimated 15,000 people.

A similar heat wave that hit the U.S. Midwest last year damaged the corn and soy crops, and 739 people died in a head wave that broiled Chicago in 1995.

Using a new computer model that takes into account increasing levels of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, Gerald Meehl and Claudia Tebaldi of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, found heat waves might become more common as global warming heats the Earth.

Writing in the journal Science, they said they tried to see if other pollutants such as sulfur dioxide might reflect sunlight away from the planet and perhaps offset some of the heat-trapping properties of carbon dioxide. But their model shows no such effects.

Regions already prone to heat waves, such as the U.S. Midwest and Southeast and Europe's Mediterranean areas, will suffer even more, and longer, the model predicts.

The average Paris heat wave lasting eight to 13 days, they predict, will last 11 to 17 days. In Chicago, heat waves will last on average a day longer, from eight days to nine days, and there will be two a year by 2080 instead of about one.

"But other areas (e.g. northwest United States, France, Germany and the Balkans) could see increases of heat wave intensity that could have more serious impacts because these areas are not currently as well adapted to heat waves," the researchers wrote.

For their study, Meehl and Tebaldi used data from 1961 to 1990 to predict future weather patterns in 2080 to 2099. They assumed there will be few policy changes to affect global warming.

During the Paris and Chicago heat waves, atmospheric pressure was higher than usual over Lake Michigan and Paris, producing clear skies and hot days, with little relief when the sun went down.


Another team of scientists said that governments can turn this pattern around right now, if they choose to.

Stephen Pacala and Robert Socolow of Princeton University identified 15 technologies, from wind, solar and nuclear energy to conservation techniques, that could each help reduce global warming.

Their report, also published in Science, counters the common argument that a major new technology needs to be developed before greenhouse gases can be controlled, said Pacala.

"It certainly explodes the idea that we need to do research for a long time before getting started," Pacala said in a statement.

"If we decide to act, we will need to reduce carbon emissions across the whole global economy," added Socolow.

Each of the options could on its own prevent 1 billion tons a year worth of carbon emissions by 2054, they said.

Yet another reason to believe that the human race as we know it may be doomed. If we don't blow each other up, we'll be roasted by the vengeful hand of mother nature.
Posted By: rex Re: Things are heating up worldwide. - 2004-08-13 11:52 AM
I really do not believe that "we" are causing this. I see it all as hippie propoganda. The earth can take care of itself.

That said, it had been in the 90's for the last two weeks here in Eugene and a lot of homes here are not air-conditioned.
Posted By: whomod Re: Things are heating up worldwide. - 2004-08-13 12:38 PM


Last Update: Wednesday, August 4, 2004. 6:53pm (AEST)

Dead zone' spreads across Gulf of Mexico

A huge "dead zone" of water so devoid of oxygen that sea life cannot live in it has spread across the Gulf of Mexico in what has become an annual occurrence caused by pollution.

The 15,020 square kilometres of uninhabitable water may be contributing indirectly to an unusual spate of shark bites along the Texas coast, experts say.

A scientist at the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium said measurements showed the dead zone extended from the mouth of the Mississippi River in south-eastern Louisiana 400 km west to near the Texas border and was closer to shore than usual because winds and currents.

"Fish and swimming crabs escape [from the dead zone]," said Nancy Rabalais, the consortium's chief scientist for hypoxia, or low oxygen research.

"Anything else dies."

In the past 30 years, the dead zone has become an annual summer phenomenon, fed by the rising use of nitrate-based fertilisers by farmers in the Mississippi watershed, Ms Rabalais said.

The nitrates, carried into the gulf's warm summer waters by the river, feed algae blooms that use up oxygen and make the water uninhabitable.

The dead zone's size has varied each year depending on weather conditions, but averages about 12,950 sq km and remains in place until late September or early October.

Virtually nothing is being done to stop the flow of nitrates into the river, meaning the dead zone will reappear every year, Ms Rabalais said.

The dead zone forces fish to seek better water, which may be a reason for the recent shark bites on Texas beaches.

Three people have been bitten by sharks along the upper Texas coast this year, a high number for a state that has recorded only 18 shark attacks since 1980.

Terry Stelly, an ecosystem biologist with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, said increasing numbers of sharks have been found in recent years in the waters along the Texas-Louisiana border, near the edge of the dead zone.

Along with other factors, "chances are good they [sharks] were looking for higher dissolved oxygen in the water", he said.

Ms Rabalais agreed, saying: "The higher number of sharks in shallow waters may very likely be due to the low oxygen being close to the shore at the time of the attacks.

"The available habitat for the sharks is definitely less when the low oxygen is so widespread," she said.


The food chain I say, the food chain......

it's the 'circle of life' dammit!!
Posted By: whomod Re: Things are heating up worldwide. - 2004-08-13 3:31 PM

The fourth angel poured his bowl on the sun, and it was allowed to scorch people with fire; they were scorched by the fierce heat, but they cursed the name of God, who had authority over these plagues, and they did not repent and give him glory.

-the Apostle John (c. A.D. 100) from the Book of Revelations 16:8-9
from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible

The world's got a pretty simple choice here. It's between President Bush and our grandchildren.

-Australian Senator Bob Brown
calling for a U.S. oil boycott because of President George W. Bush's
refusal to sign the Kyoto climate change treaty

Quotations on Global Warming

Posted By: Darknight613 Re: Things are heating up worldwide. - 2004-08-13 6:28 PM

rex said:
I really do not believe that "we" are causing this. I see it all as hippie propoganda. The earth can take care of itself.

It doesn't really matter who's causing it, does it? Whether it's an act of G-d or an act of humanity, the end results are gonna be the same.
Posted By: wannabuyamonkey Re: Things are heating up worldwide. - 2004-08-13 9:04 PM
The result will be the same. The cycle will return to narmal, then heat up again, then return to normal, then heat up.
Posted By: Darknight613 Re: Things are heating up worldwide. - 2004-08-13 9:08 PM

whomod said:

The fourth angel poured his bowl on the sun, and it was allowed to scorch people with fire; they were scorched by the fierce heat, but they cursed the name of God, who had authority over these plagues, and they did not repent and give him glory.

-the Apostle John (c. A.D. 100) from the Book of Revelations 16:8-9
from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible

The world's got a pretty simple choice here. It's between President Bush and our grandchildren.

-Australian Senator Bob Brown
calling for a U.S. oil boycott because of President George W. Bush's
refusal to sign the Kyoto climate change treaty

Quotations on Global Warming

I keep forgetting that there's no way to leave paritsan politics out of any thread around here.

Posted By: TK-069 Re: Things are heating up worldwide. - 2004-08-14 2:11 AM
God's mad at Dubya!!!
Posted By: therealdeadshot Re: Things are heating up worldwide. - 2004-08-14 10:39 PM

rex said:
I really do not believe that "we" are causing this. I see it all as hippie propoganda. The earth can take care of itself.

Are you just being sarcastic or do you really believe this?
You might not give a fuck cause they ain't used to make your burgers, but lots of animals like plankton and also coral are quite easily killed by small temperature changes.
This comes as a direct result from excess cooling water from nuclear power plants for example.As in "we" are causing this.
Now I might just get pissed by an offhand joke you made, but let me guess, you don't smoke? Would you call the health warnings on smoking hippie propaganda?
There you go son!
Posted By: rex Re: Things are heating up worldwide. - 2004-08-14 10:46 PM
I don't smoke cigarettes. Any time an animal dies another comes along to replace it.
Posted By: therealdeadshot Re: Things are heating up worldwide. - 2004-08-14 11:56 PM
Only in Captain Grizzly's petting zoo
Posted By: wannabuyamonkey Re: Things are heating up worldwide. - 2004-08-15 12:14 AM
I would like to pet a grizzly
Posted By: ZOD Re: Things are heating up worldwide. - 2004-08-15 5:49 AM
ZOD blames the Sun, give ZOD a billion dollars and he will put it out.
Posted By: ZOD Re: Things are heating up worldwide. - 2004-08-15 8:01 AM
The offer is still good! ZOD will fly out there and blow it out with his mighty breath! It's a damn gigantic ball of flaming gas, much like Llance's giant ass after eating beans!
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: Things are heating up worldwide. - 2004-08-15 6:00 PM
I live in Ohio and I was freezing this morning when i woke up. It's August. The planet cycles. Now they are saying we are on the verge of another ice age. Fucking scientists.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Things are heating up worldwide. - 2004-08-15 6:16 PM
The Northeast has been unseasonably cool for over a year now. In fact, there was a lot of joking a few months ago, when Al Gore decided to give a "major global warming speech" on the coldest day in recent NYC history.

In any event, there does appear to be a growing body of evidence debunking the theory that mankind (or, more specifically, the U.S.) is causing global warming.

Studies have shown that the pre-industrial middle ages were warmer than today. This tends to indicate that climate changes are cyclical and natural.


Furtheremore, more scientists are starting find that the methodology used to support the "man caused global warming" theory was flawed.


Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: Things are heating up worldwide. - 2004-08-15 6:46 PM

Pig Iron said:
I live in Ohio and I was freezing this morning when i woke up. It's August. The planet cycles. Now they are saying we are on the verge of another ice age. Fucking scientists.

seriously, this whole week has been fucking cold! almost everybody in Canton was wearing jackets last night!
Posted By: JQ Re: Things are heating up worldwide. - 2004-08-15 8:55 PM
You added it to your signature!