

Drive to Nab Last German Nazis to Begin in January

Sun Oct 24, 8:13 AM ET

BERLIN (Reuters) - The Nazi-hunting Simon Wiesenthal Center will begin a campaign in January to flush out the last surviving Nazi war criminals in Germany, the head of the center's Jerusalem office said Sunday.

Efraim Zuroff said the campaign will finally begin after several delays on January 27, the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland.

The campaign is part of the Jewish group's "Operation Last Chance," a drive which has been underway across eastern Europe to catch World War II criminals who took part in the Holocaust.

The center is racing against time as both the perpetrators and survivors of war crimes grow old and die. Zuroff told Reuters last year there was a "window of opportunity" of three to five more years to catch Nazi criminals.

The center planned to offer $12,630 for information leading to prosecution of Nazi war criminals, Zuroff said.

He said it was difficult to estimate how many suspected war criminals were still at large. But he believed that it could number in the thousands.

"It's difficult to estimate but there's no question in my mind that at least several dozen people could be prosecuted," Zuroff said.

"The key is the testimony of fellow perpetrators and that is very difficult to achieve," he added.

Britain this year awarded an honorary knighthood to Simon Wiesenthal, who is in his nineties, for "a lifetime of service to humanity" pursuing Holocaust perpetrators.

He spent the best part of five decades tracking down more than 1,000 Nazi war criminals responsible for the mass murder of Jews and played a role in the capture of Adolf Eichmann, in charge of the deportation of million of Jews to death camps.

I'm really curious how many of these bastards are actually left to track down. After all, we're going back almost 60 years at the earliest.
All this nazi talk is gonna offend ALOT of people here...
I can't wait to see that new movie the Germans made about Hitler. Apparently they really express exactly who he was and make the whole thing real again (for those of us without the experiance). Since it's made by the Germans and shown in Germany I'm sure it'll be quality. They have quite a sore-spot for Nazis. That's probably why they're doing this last hunt for the perpetrators.

Sure they're old and almost dead, but I'm glad there's one last stand to prosecute those assholes. They deserve to be tormented and hunted in their twilight years.
I think they should hunt the remaining Nazis with Sir Laurence Olivier's reanimated corpse.

Uschi said:

I dunno, I found it looking up something on google and got that one guy's huge folder of random stuff.

Uschi said:
I can't wait to see that new movie the Germans made about Hitler. Apparently they really express exactly who he was and make the whole thing real again (for those of us without the experiance). Since it's made by the Germans and shown in Germany I'm sure it'll be quality. They have quite a sore-spot for Nazis. That's probably why they're doing this last hunt for the perpetrators.

Sure they're old and almost dead, but I'm glad there's one last stand to prosecute those assholes. They deserve to be tormented and hunted in their twilight years.

And executed the second they're caught.
Re: Titty and Wanna
Yeah. That guy.

Re: Chroakley
No, that doesn't make sense. They should be tied by chains to bicycles and ushered around town by old Jewish ladies with a sign on their back reading 'scheisskopf' -and they get no shoes.

Chris Oakley said:

Uschi said:
I can't wait to see that new movie the Germans made about Hitler. Apparently they really express exactly who he was and make the whole thing real again (for those of us without the experiance). Since it's made by the Germans and shown in Germany I'm sure it'll be quality. They have quite a sore-spot for Nazis. That's probably why they're doing this last hunt for the perpetrators.

Sure they're old and almost dead, but I'm glad there's one last stand to prosecute those assholes. They deserve to be tormented and hunted in their twilight years.

And executed the second they're caught.

Sounds like a plan.