Posted By: JQ Fuck: - 2004-11-06 7:16 AM
Fuck Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Team Fox for ruining the reputation of a man who could have been our greatest President since JFK. Fuck Rush Limbaugh and his propaganda.

Fuck the news media for being so damn conservative and paying too much attention to those SBV.

Fuck the swift boat vets for coming back from Vietnam.

Fuck Kerry for conceeding and not drawing this out to give America hope.

Fuck Kerry again for taking the spotlight away from a great man who would have managed to take Ohio, would have been more than Bush lite, and would have had a better grassroots campaign to get the youth out to vote. I'm speaking of Howard Dean.

Fuck Edwards for not getting any of the south.

Fuck Ohio for fucking ruining my Tuesday night, Wednesday night, Thursday night, and almost ruining my Friday night. Fuck Ohio.

Fuck Florida. Fucking Florida.

Fuck Kansas

Fuck Texas

Fuck Ohio again for the hell of it

Fuck Oklahoma

Fuck all the other red states

Fuck Vodka for tasting so bad

and fuck you!
Posted By: rex Re: Fuck: - 2004-11-06 7:24 AM
Fuck Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Team Fox for ruining the reputation of a man who could have been our greatest President since JFK. Fuck Rush Limbaugh and his propaganda.

Limbaugh and Hannity have "political entertainment shows" and should not be taken seriously.

Fuck the news media for being so damn conservative and paying too much attention to those SBV.

Radio media is conservative, I don't think the SBVs mattered that much.

Fuck Kerry for conceeding and not drawing this out to give America hope.

He lost. I respect him for not drawing it out.

Fuck Kerry again for taking the spotlight away from a great man who would have managed to take Ohio, would have been more than Bush lite, and would have had a better grassroots campaign to get the youth out to vote. I'm speaking of Howard Dean.

I think the whole "yell" thing was taken way too seriously.

Fuck Ohio for fucking ruining my Tuesday night, Wednesday night, Thursday night, and almost ruining my Friday night. Fuck Ohio.

Ohio ruined ten years of my life. Fuck the 80's

Fuck Florida. Fucking Florida.

Couldn't agree with you more.

and fuck you!

Fuck you too.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Fuck: - 2004-11-06 7:26 AM
JQ said:


Posted By: Disco Steve Re: Fuck: - 2004-11-06 7:51 AM
I disagree with concession. Just let the bloody votes get counted. What happened to "every vote counts?"
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Fuck: - 2004-11-06 7:59 AM
Kerry would have lost anyway.

If he even had the slightest chance of winning through counting the absentee Ohio ballots, his army of lawyers would have been putting in overtime long ago.

He lost. At least he understood that.
Posted By: Disco Steve Re: Fuck: - 2004-11-06 8:09 AM
I'm not saying it would have made a difference.

I just want every single vote to be counted to 1) Get an accurate number and 2) Make people feel like their votes actually counted, rather than a candidate giving up because of the current numbers.

Nobody likes a quitter, unless their quitting benefits their agenda.
Posted By: rex Re: Fuck: - 2004-11-06 8:11 AM
Every vote does get counted. They just call a state when it is mathmatically impossible for the lead to change.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Fuck: - 2004-11-06 8:12 AM
I think they will be counted eventually.

His concession did benefit his agenda...if he would have prolonged it any longer, his entire party would have looked foolish.

More foolish than usual, at any rate...

Posted By: rex Re: Fuck: - 2004-11-06 8:13 AM
They all have to be counted for the local elections also.
Posted By: Byron Zinzer Re: Fuck: - 2004-11-06 1:39 PM
I agree JQ,

Posted By: wannabuyamonkey Re: Fuck: - 2004-11-06 8:05 PM

Disco Steve said:
I disagree with concession. Just let the bloody votes get counted. What happened to "every vote counts?"

It's called simple math. When there aren't enough votes for you to win you ca concede. People seem really confused and seem to think that once a canidate concedes they stop counting the votes, well don't worry they will still count ALL the votes.
Posted By: Steve T Re: Fuck: - 2004-11-09 2:24 PM

wannabuyamonkey said:

Disco Steve said:
I disagree with concession. Just let the bloody votes get counted. What happened to "every vote counts?"

It's called simple math. When there aren't enough votes for you to win you ca concede. People seem really confused and seem to think that once a canidate concedes they stop counting the votes, well don't worry they will still count ALL the votes.

Ditto. Kerry waited until he knew he couldn't win and then gracefully accepted that fact. Both candidates gave gracious speaches and I hope both sides maintain that standard.

Well, for three years anyway. Hilary 2008 you fuc... Sorry, nearly lost it there
Posted By: winged creature Re: Fuck: - 2004-11-10 8:22 AM
fuck, indeed
Posted By: PrincessElisa Re: Fuck: - 2004-11-10 8:44 AM
Yeah Steve but most presidential candidates usually concede the night of the election not the day after!
Posted By: Steve T Re: Fuck: - 2004-11-10 12:34 PM
Yeah, but if the election isn't lost till the next day due to huge voter turnout (hey! democracy in action!) then it would have been a bit premature.
Posted By: wannabuyamonkey Re: Fuck: - 2004-11-10 10:25 PM

PrincessElisa said:
Yeah Steve but most presidential candidates usually concede the night of the election not the day after!

After last time we should be glad it was the WEEK of the election.