Just say "Yo!"...
Clearly, Diff'rent Strokes WILL rule the world!
Go fuck yourself!
It was so significant that Gary Coleman was recently working as a mall security guard.

Until some woman asked for his autograph, and when she gave reference to the fact that Coleman used to be a big star, he freaked out and assaulted her, and was up on charges.

Truly, a great moment in Republican history.

Wonder Boy said:
It was so significant that Gary Coleman was recently working as a mall security guard.

Until some woman asked for his autograph, and when she gave reference to the fact that Coleman used to be a big star, he freaked out and assaulted her, and was up on charges.

Truly, a great moment in Republican history.

The other kids didn't do so well either.

I'm not a Nancy fan but for what its worth I did like her "Just say no" thing with drugs. Simple little thing that didn't deserve how much it got mocked.
Once again Ray distorts history. Nancy Reagan meeting Gary Coleman is viewed by any credible historian as a minor event in Republican history in comparrison to the First Lady sitting on Mr. T's lap.

But did he have time for the jibba-jabba?
Does he ever?

King Snarf said:
But did he have time for the jibba-jabba?

Didnt I tell you to go fuck yourself?
Nowhereman probably just said something insulting about my character. I wouldn't know for certain as I have set him to "ignore".

King Snarf said:
Nowhereman won't stop making fun of me, and for some reason I'm not used to it enough by now to cope without my 'Ignore' button!


Captain Sammitch said:
Snarf's never done me wrong; in fact, he's hooked me up with many a free rpg download. However, if I don't join in the mocking, Nowhereman may well direct his venom at me, bringing up that I do, in fact, like big butts, and I cannot lie.

Now you just look silly.

You're usually a bit better at taking it than this. At least that's what Rob told me.

Nowhereman said to Snarf:
Go fuck yourself!


Nowhereman said:

King Snarf said:
But did he have time for the jibba-jabba?

Didnt I tell you to go fuck yourself?

Hey Snarf you bald cunt!
I have a million alts, gonna take you a long time to put them all on ignore!

King Snarf said:

Captain Sammitch said:
Snarf's never done me wrong; in fact, he's hooked me up with many a free rpg download. However, if I don't join in the mocking, Nowhereman may well direct his venom at me, bringing up that I do, in fact, like big butts, and I cannot lie.

Sammitch knows that no amount of arse kissing will stop me from insulting him, but even he recognises a whiney bald bitch when he sees one!
Silly Nowhereman. You do realize I could never put your main i.d. on ignore, you being a mod and all, don't you? I hate to think my stupid little bluff prompted you to switch alts.....

King Snarf said:
Silly Nowhereman. You do realize I could never put your main i.d. on ignore, you being a mod and all, don't you? I hate to think my stupid little bluff prompted you to switch alts.....

Fuck off queer!
Also bitch boy, why would I have to "switch" alts?
Take a look at the who's online section!
14 visible members (Nowhereman, Matter-eater Man, Joey From Friends, The Time Trust, Netpilgrim, Wonder Boy, stereo, Bibbo, casselmm47, King Snarf, Pig Iron, Captain Howdy, Captain Sammitch, rex) and 341 guests are online.

Now how did I manage that?

Nowhereman said:

Now how did I manage that?

... With your thumb up your ass?
I wish you two would just fuck and get it over with...
...and post pics...

Prometheus said:
...and post pics...

So, the truth (and Pro) comes out.....


King Snarf said:

Nowhereman said:

Now how did I manage that?

... With your thumb up your ass?

And that would still be closer to sexual intercourse than you have ever been!

King Snarf said:

Prometheus said:
...and post pics...

So, the truth (and Pro) comes out.....

You were taking up waaay too much space in the closet...
Think about how much more space he would have taken up if he had hair!