So the earth day banner depicts al gore negatively, and his "mythology" title basically is a jab at global warming.
and the icing on the cake?
the thread links to an article that is not about earth day, but is about the highly-politicized kyoto (and of course the thread title was also written by g-man to support his view).

all this from a guy who's not even a mod.
I have to agree with G-man on this.
It makes it look like Al Gore is gonna eat the Earth.

It also reminds me of that old cover where The Spectre is getting hit in the head with the Earth by another giant guy who looks like the Devil.

Beardguy57 said:
It makes it look like Al Gore is gonna eat the Earth.

It also reminds me of that old cover where The Spectre is getting hit in the head with the Earth by another giant guy who looks like the Devil.

Give G-man 5 minutes and that Devil will be Affirmative Action.
The moment the words partisan bias escaped your porktrap I laughed hysterically. No wonder JLA you.

Captain Sammitch said:
The moment the words partisan bias escaped your porktrap I laughed hysterically. No wonder JLA you.

easy there, ad hominem boy.

or something
Yeah, Ray's constant bitching about Bush, Christians, Fox News and my frontpaging abilities never, ever, rises to the level of an ad hominem attack.
Cap certainly gets riled up when someone nonconservative mentions partisan bias. Is that unfair of me to say?

Matter-eater Man said:
Cap certainly gets riled up when someone nonconservative mentions partisan bias. Is that unfair of me to say?

Nah, it only bothers me when it's you or ray. Mostly you. Probably because I can't handle that level of irony.
you using the word irony!

Beardguy57 said:
It makes it look like Al Gore is gonna eat the Earth.

It also reminds me of that old cover where The Spectre is getting hit in the head with the Earth by another giant guy who looks like the Devil.

Could someone please post the cover I mentioned here? I'd love to see it... and it is on topic, as it was about the frontpage...
This thread is a perfect example of everything that is wrong about the political forum.
go cry, emo boy.

To be frank, I found the frontpage image hilarious and thought to myself, "damn, G-man didn't completely fuck up this time" -- until I couldn't FIND the thread without clicking the banner (which usually wipes out the mb's "memory" of what thread I have and have not read). Then I decided, Hey G-Man really fucked it up again!
Yeah, he should have started a new Earth Day thread if he was going to front page. Earth Day myths don't mix with Kyoto.
Posted By: Chant Re: Ray Adler's new heights in partisan bias - 2007-04-23 2:28 AM

the G-man said:
Yeah, Ray's constant bitching about Bush, Christians, Fox News and my frontpaging abilities never, ever, rises to the level of an ad hominem attack.


That hugus bogus fellow is r3xsomethingsomething?
Posted By: Brad Lee Re: Ray Adler's new heights in partisan bias - 2007-04-23 2:39 AM

Chant said:

the G-man said:
Yeah, Ray's constant bitching about Bush, Christians, Fox News and my frontpaging abilities never, ever, rises to the level of an ad hominem attack.


That hugus bogus fellow is r3xsomethingsomething?
