
November 17, 2007

In U.S. Name Count, Garcias Are Catching Up With Joneses

Step aside Moore and Taylor. Welcome Garcia and Rodriguez.

Smith remains the most common surname in the United States, according to a new analysis released yesterday by the Census Bureau. But for the first time, two Hispanic surnames — Garcia and Rodriguez — are among the top 10 most common in the nation, and Martinez nearly edged out Wilson for 10th place.

The number of Hispanics living in the United States grew by 58 percent in the 1990s to nearly 13 percent of the total population, and cracking the list of top 10 names suggests just how pervasively the Latino migration has permeated everyday American culture.

Garcia moved to No. 8 in 2000, up from No. 18, and Rodriguez jumped to No. 9 from 22nd place. The number of Hispanic surnames among the top 25 doubled, to 6.

Compiling the rankings is a cumbersome task, in part because of confidentiality and accuracy issues, according to the Census Bureau, and it is only the second time it has prepared such a list. While the historical record is sketchy, several demographers said it was probably the first time that any non-Anglo name was among the 10 most common in the nation. “It’s difficult to say, but it’s probably likely,” said Robert A. Kominski, assistant chief of social characteristics for the census.

Luis Padilla, 48, a banker who has lived in Miami since he arrived from Colombia 14 years ago, greeted the ascendance of Hispanic surnames enthusiastically.

“It shows we’re getting stronger,” Mr. Padilla said. “If there’s that many of us to outnumber the Anglo names, it’s a great thing.”

Reinaldo M. Valdes, a board member of the Miami-based Spanish American League Against Discrimination, said the milestone “gives the Hispanic community a standing within the social structure of the country.”

“People of Hispanic descent who hardly speak Spanish are more eager to take their Hispanic last names,” he said. “Today, kids identify more with their roots than they did before.”

Demographers pointed to more than one factor in explaining the increase in Hispanic surnames.

Generations ago, immigration officials sometimes arbitrarily Anglicized or simplified names when foreigners arrived from Europe.

“The movie studios used to demand that their employees have standard Waspy names,” said Justin Kaplan, an historian and co-author of “The Language of Names.”

“Now, look at Renée Zellweger,” Mr. Kaplan said.

And because recent Hispanic and Asian immigrants might consider themselves more identifiable by their physical characteristics than Europeans do, they are less likely to change their surnames, though they often choose Anglicized first names for their children.

The latest surname count also signaled the growing number of Asians in America. The surname Lee ranked No. 22, with the number of Lees about equally divided between whites and Asians. Lee is a familiar name in China and Korea and in all its variations is described as the most common surname in the world.

Altogether, the census found six million surnames in the United States. Among those, 151,000 were shared by a hundred or more Americans. Four million were held by only one person.

“The names tell us that we’re a richly diverse culture,” Mr. Kominski said.

But the fact that about 1 in every 25 Americans is named Smith, Johnson, Williams, Brown, Jones, Miller or Davis “suggests that there’s a durability in the family of man,” Mr. Kaplan, the author, said. A million Americans share each of those seven names. An additional 268 last names are common to 10,000 or more people. Together, those 275 names account for one in four Americans.

As the population of the United States ballooned by more than 30 million in the 1990s, more Murphys and Cohens were counted when the decade ended than when it began.

Smith — which would be even more common if all its variations, like Schmidt and Schmitt, were tallied — is among the names derived from occupations (Miller, which ranks No. 7, is another). Among the most famous early bearers of the name was Capt. John Smith, who helped establish the first permanent English settlement in North America at Jamestown, Va., 400 years ago. As recently as 1950, more Americans were employed as blacksmiths than as psychotherapists.

In 1984, according to the Social Security Administration, nearly 3.4 million Smiths lived in the United States. In 1990, the census counted 2.5 million. By 2000, the Smith population had declined to fewer than 2.4 million. The durability of some of the most common names in American history may also have been perpetuated because slaves either adopted or retained the surnames of their owners. About one in five Smiths are black, as are about one in three Johnsons, Browns, and Joneses and nearly half the people named Williams.

The Census Bureau’s analysis found that some surnames were especially associated with race and ethnicity.

More than 96 percent of Yoders, Kruegers, Muellers, Kochs, Schwartzes, Schmitts and Novaks were white. Nearly 90 percent of the Washingtons were black, as were 75 percent of the Jeffersons, 66 percent of the Bookers, 54 percent of the Banks and 53 percent of the Mosleys.

Terry Aguayo contributed reporting from Miami.
Wonder Boy and Lou Dobbs may be alarmed by this.
Garcia is a cool name.

Everyone knows of Jerry Garcia, former leader of the Grateful Dead.
 Originally Posted By: whomod
Wonder Boy and Lou Dobbs may be alarmed by this.

I wouldn't have a problem with a hundred million Garcias, so long as they assimilate to our culture.

Millions of Garcias who don't speak english after 10 years in the U.S. I would have a problem with.
Millions of Garcias pushing for Spanish as the second U.S. "official language" (displacing english culture, and opening the door to spanish dominance) I would have a problem with.

The fact that hispanic immigrants, as compared to other immigrant groups, have the highest rate of incarceration, the highest rate of crime, the highest high school dropout rate, the highest use of welfare, and the lowest academic test scores, and overall the lowest rate of assimilation by these measurements, I have a problem with.
Mass numbers of immigrants who are not assimilating is not immigration. It is invasion.

You sound as if you have a problem with Mexicans Wonder Boy.

There are still some parts of the country I can go to where I may speak English till I turn blue but if I'm say, with my wife or family and for some reason we decide to communicate amongst ourselves in Spanish, I'll still receive indignant looks as I've committed some unpardonable crime.

It used to happen a lot to me back in the 1970's and my neck of the woods was still primarily Caucasian. Now, not so much as people here actually respect differences and in my experience are eager to learn about other cultures other than their own. Thank goodness for "white flight" I say. It tends to weed out the intolerant xenophobes.

It's not so much that some people want others to assimilate, they want others to completely obliterate any semblance of ethnicity lest their delicate ears hear a foreign tongue and they turn to stone. And it wasn't a desire to make one "assimilate", in my experience among people like this, it was a desire to make ones heritage appear inferior and worthy of obliteration.

As for Garcia being more common, good. I can't number the many times some asshole, either back in school or else in my working life that has changed my name to something more Caucasian sounding to put THEMSELVES at ease. Everything else about me told them "like me" except my name and they were all too eager to fix that as if it needed to be fixed.

Which is why I give you a hard time Wondy. Because I know your type from years of experience and I'm having none of it. One of the benefits of living in California is that except for the occasional incursion into the affluent westside where experiences with minorities goes as far as the maid or gardener (and it's reflected in the films and shows these people sometimes produce), I really don't have to put up with xenophobe crap anymore.

Did I tell you that the company I work for had some techs from (90% caucasian) Rhode Island visit us last year to upgrade our systems company-wide? I had the distinct pleasure of visiting several sites where these techs were at work. They looked as pissed off and miserable that Mexicans actually looked them in the eye and demanded acknowledgement and parity that they almost without fail rudely refused to give anyone that wasn't Caucasian or Asian. And they absolutely looked as if they were seething when people would speak Spanish. Best fucking month of my life. Wish it could have been you Wonder Boy. Wish it could have been you......
Yeah, nothing brings the healing like willfully antagonizing the people who have such a problem with you. Remind me about that next time you try and quote Scripture in the pinko health care thread. ;\)
Well no one thought they were antagonizing them by being themselves until we all realized it bothered them.

And then we really didn't give a fuck. It's their problem to surmount, not ours.
 Originally Posted By: whomod

Did I tell you that the company I work for had some techs from (90% caucasian) Rhode Island visit us last year to upgrade our systems company-wide? I had the distinct pleasure of visiting several sites where these techs were at work. They looked as pissed off and miserable that Mexicans actually looked them in the eye and demanded acknowledgement and parity that they almost without fail rudely refused to give anyone that wasn't Caucasian or Asian. And they absolutely looked as if they were seething when people would speak Spanish. Best fucking month of my life. Wish it could have been you Wonder Boy. Wish it could have been you......

Not that you are bitter or anything.
 Originally Posted By: whomod

You sound as if you have a problem with Mexicans Wonder Boy.

There are still some parts of the country I can go to where I may speak English till I turn blue but if I'm say, with my wife or family and for some reason we decide to communicate amongst ourselves in Spanish, I'll still receive indignant looks as I've committed some unpardonable crime.

It used to happen a lot to me back in the 1970's and my neck of the woods was still primarily Caucasian. Now, not so much as people here actually respect differences and in my experience are eager to learn about other cultures other than their own. Thank goodness for "white flight" I say. It tends to weed out the intolerant xenophobes.

It's not so much that some people want others to assimilate, they want others to completely obliterate any semblance of ethnicity lest their delicate ears hear a foreign tongue and they turn to stone. And it wasn't a desire to make one "assimilate", in my experience among people like this, it was a desire to make ones heritage appear inferior and worthy of obliteration.

As for Garcia being more common, good. I can't number the many times some asshole, either back in school or else in my working life that has changed my name to something more Caucasian sounding to put THEMSELVES at ease. Everything else about me told them "like me" except my name and they were all too eager to fix that as if it needed to be fixed.

Which is why I give you a hard time Wondy. Because I know your type from years of experience and I'm having none of it. One of the benefits of living in California is that except for the occasional incursion into the affluent westside where experiences with minorities goes as far as the maid or gardener (and it's reflected in the films and shows these people sometimes produce), I really don't have to put up with xenophobe crap anymore.

Did I tell you that the company I work for had some techs from (90% caucasian) Rhode Island visit us last year to upgrade our systems company-wide? I had the distinct pleasure of visiting several sites where these techs were at work. They looked as pissed off and miserable that Mexicans actually looked them in the eye and demanded acknowledgement and parity that they almost without fail rudely refused to give anyone that wasn't Caucasian or Asian. And they absolutely looked as if they were seething when people would speak Spanish. Best fucking month of my life. Wish it could have been you Wonder Boy. Wish it could have been you......

None of what you said here even begins to answer the legitimate complaints I have about rampant hispanic immigration, their contempt for white America, and their forming a hispanic colony inside the U.S., enabling and endorsing massive illegal immigration into the U.S., etc. And the fact that Mexicans are the worst offenders in these categories, regarding gang membership, high-school dropout rates, welfare abuse, imprisonment, and on and on.

All you've done with your hate-filled rhetoric is confirm, with your own stereotypes of me and other white Americans, that you do have a contempt for us and our country. And that you do willingly enable the destruction of our culture, by replacing it with a hispanic culture. You gloat about it.
You delight in prejudicially tormenting those you, hypocritically, claim are the truly prejudiced ones.

But look at your own words. Look at your own actions, as you've just described them. It's you who's behaving with hate and bigotry, it's you who's excluding others. It's you who is stereotyping whites. And once again, your baseless personal remarks about me are yet another attempt by you to box-categorize me to conform, despite what I've said, to your pre-conceived stereotype of a white bigot.

Again, I've dated many, MANY hispanic women. If I were prejudiced against hispanics, I wouldn't socialize with or date hispanic women. I almost married a girl from Spain. I've dated women from just about every race and nationality. I've met immigrants from places like Iraq and Iran where their moving here saved them from being murdered by their governments, and they are supremely grateful and patriotic Americans as a result. My only objection to immigrants is if they don't assimilate, or --as you do-- voice an open hostility toward the whites/Americans who invited them legally into our country. Whether the immigrants in question are from Mexico, Germany, Czech Republic or wherever.

Regarding co-workers of yours you say react with contempt when you talk with co-workers in spanish, has it ever occurred to you that they are not prejudiced, but that they are just annoyed at your rudeness? It's rude to exclude others by not speaking the language you all share. The assumption of anyone in that situation is that they are being deliberately excluded, or so they can be talked about behind their backs.
"None of what you said here even begins to answer the legitimate complaints I have about rampant hispanic immigration, their contempt for white America, and their forming a hispanic colony inside the U.S., enabling massive immigration into the U.S., etc. And the fact that Mexicans are the worst offenders in these categories, regarding gang membership, high-school dropout rates, welfare abuse, imprisonment, and on and on."

It was a cute anecdote, though.

"Regarding co-workers of yours you say react with contempt when you talk with co-workers in spanish, has it ever occurred to you that they are not prejudiced, but that they are just annoyed at your rudeness? It's rude to exclude others by not speaking the language you all share. The assumption of anyone in that situation is that they are being deliberately excluded, or so they can be talked about behind their backs. "

I don't know, man.

I know if I snuck into Russia illegally, or legally emigrated there, I'd except the entire nation to conform to me and my refusal to speak the language.

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA

 Originally Posted By: WB
Regarding co-workers of yours you say react with contempt when you talk with co-workers in spanish, has it ever occurred to you that they are not prejudiced, but that they are just annoyed at your rudeness? It's rude to exclude others by not speaking the language you all share. The assumption of anyone in that situation is that they are being deliberately excluded, or so they can be talked about behind their backs.

I don't know, man.

I know if I snuck into Russia illegally, or legally emigrated there, I'd [expect] the entire nation to conform to me and my refusal to speak the language.


Oh man, so true!

What arrogance that an estimated 20 million people illegally break into our country, and then call the people who advocate enforcement of our nation's laws "racist". And call us racist, because they don't even have the decency to learn the language of the nation they broke into.

About 30% of legal immigrants to the U.S. since 1965 are Mexican, and God knows how many illegals. At least 30%.

But look at how the Mexican government treats Guatemalans and others who cross into Mexico across its southern border, and tell me if Mexicans have any moral high ground to accuse any other nation of racist or brutal behavior.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

None of what you said here even begins to answer the legitimate complaints I have about rampant hispanic immigration, their contempt for white America, and their forming a hispanic colony inside the U.S., enabling and endorsing massive illegal immigration into the U.S., etc. And the fact that Mexicans are the worst offenders in these categories, regarding gang membership, high-school dropout rates, welfare abuse, imprisonment, and on and on.

Excuse me? Hispanic colony? Elaborate. As for the rest, you just sound like a hate monger. The same crap comes up in regards to black people all the time and that in no way is indicative of the community as a whole. You however seem to try to make that into a portrait of a population. That is racism.

All you've done with your hate-filled rhetoric is confirm, with your own stereotypes of me and other white Americans, that you do have a contempt for us and our country. And that you do willingly enable the destruction of our culture, by replacing it with a hispanic culture. You gloat about it.
You delight in prejudicially tormenting those you, hypocritically, claim are the truly prejudiced ones.

Excuse me?? "Our country"? When did I stop being an American citizen? Or was that some accident that you'd gladly revoke to anyone not like YOU? You sound as if you think you own America and everyone else not Caucasian has to work hard to meet your standards and prove themselves to you and only then will you bestow approval and citizenship on them. *&*#%@[insert descriptive expletive here] I'm an American citizen despite your wishes. HAHA. As for replacing "your" culture with a Hispanic culture, you really don't know the 1st thing about Los Angeles do you? The name alone should be a big clue. No ones replacing shit. It's been here for HUNDREDS of years.

But look at your own words. Look at your own actions, as you've just described them. It's you who's behaving with hate and bigotry, it's you who's excluding others. It's you who is stereotyping whites. And once again, your baseless personal remarks about me are yet another attempt by you to box-categorize me to conform, despite what I've said, to your pre-conceived stereotype of a white bigot.

No, i'm not stereotyping whites en masse. I'm describing to you why I can't stand people like YOU. There is a difference. And the common factor is see in people like you is this refusal to cohabitate for any length of time and accept people who aren't just like them. That doesn't describe ALL Caucasians, just a segment of the population. A segment that likes to flee at the first sign of the numbers of non Caucasians growing. Something you yourself said makes you uncomfortable. You think it's "invasion". You think you're losing sovereignty. You think people are "taking over". All on account of the color of their skin or on account of language. Not on anything resembling reality.

Again, I've dated many, MANY hispanic women. If I were prejudiced against hispanics, I wouldn't socialize with or date hispanic women. I almost married a girl from Spain. I've dated women from just about every race and nationality. I've met immigrants from places like Iraq and Iran where their moving here saved them from being murdered by their governments, and they are supremely grateful and patriotic Americans as a result. My only objection to immigrants is if they don't assimilate, or --as you do-- voice an open hostility toward the whites/Americans who invited them legally into our country. Whether the immigrants in question are from Mexico, Germany, Czech Republic or wherever.

Fuck dude. That argument doesn't fly with me. it's easy for a bigot to be into a pretty woman of another race. It's quite another thing for you to actually accept and feel comfortable around her brother, her male cousin A MAN of her race, large numbers of people from her race. I've yet to encounter even full on openly unashamed bigots and skinheads, and I've been inside their houses before when they've thought I was one of their own, who don't accept pretty female minorities. It doesn't mean shit. It's like asking ANY man to be against Salma Hayek or Osama Bin laden's sexy neice.

Regarding co-workers of yours you say react with contempt when you talk with co-workers in spanish, has it ever occurred to you that they are not prejudiced, but that they are just annoyed at your rudeness? It's rude to exclude others by not speaking the language you all share. The assumption of anyone in that situation is that they are being deliberately excluded, or so they can be talked about behind their backs.

Ok, i'll accept that.Even though it was quite apparent that wasn't the case. But that was just icing. These assholes wouldn't even respond when asked questions or engaged in conversation and instead would just sneer. They'd only talk to whites and Asians as equals. Which was odd since they were deep in South L.A. and most of the people around them were blacks and latinos.
Hispanic Americans By the Numbers
From the U.S. Census Bureau

44.3 million

The estimated Hispanic population of the United States as of July 1, 2006, making people of Hispanic origin the nation’s largest ethnic or race minority. Hispanics constituted 15% of the nation's total population.

About 1
. . . of every two people added to the nation’s population between July 1, 2005, and July 1, 2006, was Hispanic. There were 1.4 million Hispanics added to the population over the period.

Percentage increase in the Hispanic population between July 1, 2005, and July 1, 2006, making Hispanics the fastest-growing minority group.

102.6 million
The projected Hispanic population of the United States as of July 1, 2050. According to this projection, Hispanics will constitute 24% of the nation’s total population by that date.

22.4 million
The nation’s Hispanic population during the 1990 census—just slightly over half the current total.

Ranking of the size of the U.S. Hispanic population worldwide, as of 2005. Only Mexico (106.2 million) and Colombia (43 million) had larger Hispanic populations than did the United States (42.7 million). (Spain had a population of 40.3 million.)

The percentage of Hispanic-origin people in households who are of Mexican background. Another 9% are of Puerto Rican background, with 3.5% Cuban, 3% Salvadoran, and 2.7% Dominican. The remainder are of some other Central American, South American, or other Hispanic or Latino origin.

Roughly half of the nation’s Dominicans live in New York City and about half of the nation’s Cubans in Miami-Dade County, Fla.

27.4 years
Median age of the Hispanic population in 2006. This compares with 36.4 years for the population as a whole.

Number of Hispanic males in 2006 per every 100 Hispanic females. This was in sharp contrast to the overall population, which had 97 males per every 100 females.
States and Counties

The percentage of the Hispanic-origin population that lives in California or Texas. California is home to 13.1 million Hispanics, and Texas is home to 8.4 million.

The number of states with at least a half million Hispanic residents. They are Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas and Washington.

The percentage of New Mexico’s population that is Hispanic, the highest of any state. Hispanics also make up more than a quarter of the population in California and Texas, at 36% each, and Arizona (29%).

4.7 million
The Hispanic population of Los Angeles County, California—the largest of any county in the nation.

The increase in Texas’ Hispanic population between July 1, 2005, and July 1, 2006, which led all states. California (283,000), Florida (161,000) and Arizona (102,000) also recorded large increases.

Number of states in which Hispanics are the largest minority group. These states are: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington and Wyoming.


1.6 million
The number of Hispanic-owned businesses in 2002.

The rate of growth of Hispanic-owned businesses between 1997 and 2002 (31%) compared with the national average (10%) for all businesses.

$222 billion
Revenue generated by Hispanic-owned businesses in 2002, up 19% from 1997.

. . . of all Hispanic-owned firms were owned by Mexicans, Mexican-Americans and Chicanos.

Number of Hispanic-owned firms with receipts of $1 million or more.

* 43% of Hispanic-owned firms operated in construction; administrative and support, and waste management and remediation services; and other services, such as personal services, and repair and maintenance. Retail and wholesale trade accounted for 36% of Hispanic-owned business revenue.
* States with the fastest rates of growth for Hispanic-owned firms between 1997 and 2002 included New York (57%), Georgia and Rhode Island (56% each), and Nevada and South Carolina (48% each).
* Counties with the highest number of Hispanic-owned firms were Los Angeles County (188,422); Miami-Dade County (163,187); and Harris County, Texas (61,934).

Families and Children

9.9 million
The number of Hispanic family households in the United States in 2006. Of these households, 62% included children younger than 18.

The percentage of Hispanic families consisting of a married couple.

The percentage of Hispanic family households consisting of a married couple with children younger than 18.

Percentage of Hispanic children living with two married parents.

Percentage of total population younger than 5 that was Hispanic as of July 1, 2006.

Spanish Language

32.2 million
The number of U.S. household residents 5 and older who speak Spanish at home. Spanish speakers constitute nearly one in eight U.S. household residents. Among all those who speak Spanish at home, more than one-half say they speak English very well.

Percentage of Texas residents who speak Spanish at home, which leads all states. This compares with the national average of 12%.

Percentage of Hispanics 5 and older who speak a language other than English at home. Of that number, about half speak English very well.
Income, Poverty and Health Insurance

The median income of Hispanic households in 2005, statistically unchanged from the previous year.

The poverty rate among Hispanics in 2005, statistically unchanged from 2004.

The percentage of Hispanics who lacked health insurance in 2005, statistically unchanged from 2004.


The percentage of Hispanics 25 and older who had at least a high school education in 2006.

The percentage of the Hispanic population 25 and older with a bachelor’s degree or higher in 2006.

3.1 million
The number of Hispanics 18 and older who had at least a bachelor’s degree in 2006, up from 1.4 million a decade earlier.

Number of Hispanics 25 and older with advanced degrees in 2006 (e.g., master’s, professional, doctorate).

Percentage of all college students in October 2005 who were Hispanic. Among elementary and high school students combined, the corresponding proportion was 19%.

Educational attainment levels are higher among certain Hispanic groups than among others. For example, among Cubans 25 and older, 73% were at least high school graduates, and 24% had a bachelor's degree or higher.

Percentage of Hispanics 16 and older who are in the civilian labor force.

The percentage of Hispanics 16 or older who work in management, professional and related occupations. Approximately 24% of Hispanics 16 or older work in service occupations; 22% in sales and office occupations; 2% in farming, fishing and forestry occupations; 16% in construction, extraction, maintenance and repair occupations; and 19% in production, transportation and material moving occupations.

Number of Hispanic chief executives. In addition, 49,200 physicians and surgeons; 53,700 postsecondary teachers; 29,000 lawyers; and 3,300 news analysts, reporters and correspondents are Hispanic.

7.6 million
The number of Hispanic citizens who reported voting in the 2004 presidential election. The percentage of Hispanic citizens voting—about 47%—did not change statistically from four years earlier.
Serving our Country

1.1 million
The number of Hispanic veterans of the U.S. armed forces.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: whomod
Wonder Boy and Lou Dobbs may be alarmed by this.

I wouldn't have a problem with a hundred million Garcias, so long as they assimilate to our culture.

Millions of Garcias who don't speak english after 10 years in the U.S. I would have a problem with.
Millions of Garcias pushing for Spanish as the second U.S. "official language" (displacing english culture, and opening the door to spanish dominance) I would have a problem with.

The fact that hispanic immigrants, as compared to other immigrant groups, have the highest rate of incarceration, the highest rate of crime, the highest high school dropout rate, the highest use of welfare, and the lowest academic test scores, and overall the lowest rate of assimilation by these measurements, I have a problem with.
Mass numbers of immigrants who are not assimilating is not immigration. It is invasion.

Wondy, perhaps you might benefit from some introspection. you obviously have a paranoid fear and/or insecurity over your race and gender. i think instead of aggrivating yourself and these paranoid feelings you should just take a breather and avoid the talk radio shows which fuel your hatred. maybe that would allow you to find some peace and harmony. it's always sad to see mental illness go unchecked, so i hope you get the help you need.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: whomod
Wonder Boy and Lou Dobbs may be alarmed by this.

I wouldn't have a problem with a hundred million Garcias, so long as they assimilate to our culture.

Millions of Garcias who don't speak english after 10 years in the U.S. I would have a problem with.
Millions of Garcias pushing for Spanish as the second U.S. "official language" (displacing english culture, and opening the door to spanish dominance) I would have a problem with.

The fact that hispanic immigrants, as compared to other immigrant groups, have the highest rate of incarceration, the highest rate of crime, the highest high school dropout rate, the highest use of welfare, and the lowest academic test scores, and overall the lowest rate of assimilation by these measurements, I have a problem with.
Mass numbers of immigrants who are not assimilating is not immigration. It is invasion.

Yeah! It would be as bad as if a band of Anglos went to a foreign nation, deported the native peoples from their ancestral lands, and forced them into unfamiliar customs, played them against each other, or just outright slaughtered them....

I keep telling you guys wonder boy is a minority. Thats why he's never posted a picture of himself, he's too ashamed of his skin color.
I think Wonder Boy is someone's alt id, perpetrating the greatest satire of our generation. No one, but NO ONE, can be that close-minded and xenophobic.
And I think he looks like this guy.

 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
I think Wonder Boy is someone's alt id, perpetrating the greatest satire of our generation. No one, but NO ONE, can be that close-minded and xenophobic.

Have you ever listened to talk radio or watched fox news?
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

About 30% of legal immigrants to the U.S. since 1965 are Mexican, and God knows how many illegals. At least 30%.

But look at how the Mexican government treats Guatemalans and others who cross into Mexico across its southern border, and tell me if Mexicans have any moral high ground to accuse any other nation of racist or brutal behavior.

At least 30%!!! Oh the outrage!!! It's so outrageous that it bears repeating!!! 30%!!!!!

Then in the same breath you talk about the Central Amercans who cross over into Mexico illegally?

See Wonder Boy, this is the thing. I can tell even without that post that you make absolutely no distinction between legal immigrants and illegal ones. All that matters to you is that "your" country is changing.

Deal with it.

And Mexico has every right to enforce their borders just as America does. Funny how no one really wants to. They just like to prey on the emotions of xenophobes like you to win elections with empty promises. Regardless, you can rail against the Mexican along with Lou Dobbs all you want. The Census statistics show that regardless of ILLEGAL immigration, the LEGAL citizens and residents will soon be 1/4 of our country. You too will live next to "Mexicans"!!!

Notice the quotation marks, because the last post I responded on, you clearly referenced me as being NOT American based on my race. So I'll gladly call myself a "Mexican" if only to piss you off but I'm also an American citizen and I so hope that also chaps your hide.


I know you're unable to do the same because all your women turned into militant working lesbians who sneer contemptuously at the traditional family and refuse to have children on account of feminism, liberals, and the 60's.

Or it could be that no woman can stand your backwards, sexist, intolerant ways for long... regardless of her ethnicity.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
[quote=Wonder Boy]


so, wondy is the dutch boy and i'm guessing g-man is the dam?
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

About 30% of legal immigrants to the U.S. since 1965 are Mexican, and God knows how many illegals. At least 30%.

But look at how the Mexican government treats Guatemalans and others who cross into Mexico across its southern border, and tell me if Mexicans have any moral high ground to accuse any other nation of racist or brutal behavior.

At least 30%!!! Oh the outrage!!! It's so outrageous that it bears repeating!!! 30%!!!!!

Then in the same breath you talk about the Central Amercans who cross over into Mexico illegally?

When he's talking about immigrants who refuse to learn the language, then he doesn't need to distinguish them.

See Wonder Boy, this is the thing. I can tell even without that post that you make absolutely no distinction between legal immigrants and illegal ones. All that matters to you is that "your" country is changing.

Deal with it.

Generic "you're afraid of change" knee-jerk.

And Mexico has every right to enforce their borders just as America does. Funny how no one really wants to. They just like to prey on the emotions of xenophobes like you to win elections with empty promises.

Generic "xenophobic" knee-jerk.

Regardless, you can rail against the Mexican along with Lou Dobbs all you want. The Census statistics show that regardless of ILLEGAL immigration, the LEGAL citizens and residents will soon be 1/4 of our country. You too will live next to "Mexicans"!!!

I doubt Wonder Boy has a problem living next to Americans of Mexican heritage. However, when said Americans refuse to learn how to verbally communicate with the culture they've established themselves in, then that's just a big "fuck you" to the country and culture that welcomed you.

You seem to be so obsessed with pointing out insecurities in other people that you refuse to note that cultural paradigms can have negative social effects on the government itself. Have you even bothered to take into account the effect of a language confused system?

So I'll gladly call myself a "Mexican" if only to piss you off but I'm also an American citizen and I so hope that also chaps your hide.

Then maybe you should...You know...At least act like it and not be a proponent of selling out your own country that, I'm sure, you were born in, or came to, legally.


I know you're unable to do the same because all your women turned into militant working lesbians who sneer contemptuously at the traditional family and refuse to have children on account of feminism, liberals, and the 60's.

Or it could be that no woman can stand your backwards, sexist, intolerant ways for long... regardless of her ethnicity.


I imagine you're the kind of Mexican American who feels his ascendant culture was cheated out of California and Texas, and because the land was either sold off or signed over, you also feel obligated to "take it back" simply by breeding on it. In which case, not only would you support the second-hander idea that it's okay to sneak back into this place now that the land has flourished under the control of Americans (despite how it might hurt the people living there), but also the separatist notion that because you're a certain ethnicity and bred from a particular history, that makes you a different kind of American--An elitist if you will. Perhaps you feel it's your duty or purpose to multiply as much as possible so as to outnumber the scary corrupt white people. You really gotta wonder if being American means to keep those kinds of feelings and intent.

It's a two-fold attack really since we have Affirmative Action rearing its ugly head every now and again. The whites are people being stereotyped as fortunate and rich (even though that's steadily dying down with illegal immigration nowadays) and not actually needing a fair share. All the while the Mexican illegals and Mexican American populace is being brought up with the perception that America and its evil Caucasian ratio owes them a big fat living--At their own expense if necessary.
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

None of what you said here even begins to answer the legitimate complaints I have about rampant hispanic immigration, their contempt for white America, and their forming a hispanic colony inside the U.S., enabling and endorsing massive illegal immigration into the U.S., etc. And the fact that Mexicans are the worst offenders in these categories, regarding gang membership, high-school dropout rates, welfare abuse, imprisonment, and on and on.

Excuse me? Hispanic colony? Elaborate.

No need to elaborate. Those who arrive in mass numbers and do not assimilate, are colonizers who wish to replace the existing culture with their own. And if that is their attitude, if they have no respect for the existing culture, then they don't belong here and should be deported.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
As for the rest, you just sound like a hate monger. The same crap comes up in regards to black people all the time and that in no way is indicative of the community as a whole. You however seem to try to make that into a portrait of a population. That is racism.

Again, you're the only one who hasd voiced hate for whites as a sweeping whole, and even gloated about how hispanics are taking over.

I've only criticized those who do not assimilate, and those who are hostile to the United States and its existing culture. Period. The end.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: WB
All you've done with your hate-filled rhetoric is confirm, with your own stereotypes of me and other white Americans, that you do have a contempt for us and our country. And that you do willingly enable the destruction of our culture, by replacing it with a hispanic culture. You gloat about it.
You delight in prejudicially tormenting those you, hypocritically, claim are the truly prejudiced ones.

Excuse me?? "Our country"? When did I stop being an American citizen?

My scornful opinion of you has nothing to do with your race. It has to do with the fact that you're openly cheering for the other side, against the United States.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
Or was that some accident that you'd gladly revoke to anyone not like YOU?

You just made that up out of thin air. Those are your ideas, not mine.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
You sound as if you think you own America and everyone else not Caucasian has to work hard to meet your standards and prove themselves to you and only then will you bestow approval and citizenship on them. *&*#%@[insert descriptive expletive here] I'm an American citizen despite your wishes. HAHA.

My ideas are common sense, and the standard set down by George Washington and Ben Franklin, who were concerned about allowing too many germans in the country, or allowing them to immigrate too concentrated in an area. They felt a need to spread them out, so they would assimilate.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
As for replacing "your" culture with a Hispanic culture, you really don't know the 1st thing about Los Angeles do you? The name alone should be a big clue. No ones replacing shit. It's been here for HUNDREDS of years.

Yes. Hispanics were about 3% of the U.S. population in the 1970s.
By the 1980s, hispanics were 6%.
Hispanics are currently about 15%, using your own quoted numbers.
Hispanics are expected to reach 25% (double the already high numbers) by 2040.

And yet you don't see that as an invasion. It is a formula for balkanization and separatism. It is national suicide.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

 Originally Posted By: WB
But look at your own words. Look at your own actions, as you've just described them. It's you who's behaving with hate and bigotry, it's you who's excluding others. It's you who is stereotyping whites. And once again, your baseless personal remarks about me are yet another attempt by you to box-categorize me to conform, despite what I've said, to your pre-conceived stereotype of a white bigot.

No, i'm not stereotyping whites en masse. I'm describing to you why I can't stand people like YOU. There is a difference. And the common factor is see in people like you is this refusal to cohabitate for any length of time and accept people who aren't just like them. That doesn't describe ALL Caucasians, just a segment of the population. A segment that likes to flee at the first sign of the numbers of non Caucasians growing. Something you yourself said makes you uncomfortable. You think it's "invasion".

As I just statistically established, it is an invasion!

In terms of numbers. In terms of radio and TV stations switching to spanish-only programming. It is unquestionably a cultural invasion, as well as an invasion in sheer numbers of immigrants, both legal and illegal.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
You think you're losing sovereignty. You think people are "taking over". All on account of the color of their skin or on account of language. Not on anything resembling reality.

You keep trying to make this racial. But it's not about race, it's about lack of assimilation, that is de facto invasion.

I don't care whether someone is hispanic or Arab or european, so long as they assimilate and contribute to the United States. Some of the nationalities that assimilate the best into U.S. culture, who have the lowest ratios in gangs or prison, have the lowest high school dropout rates, who pursue higher education at a high rate, and who have very low ratios of welfare usage or imprisonment include Koreans, Phillipinos, Chinese and India. These I would gladly welcome over more Mexicans, who have high ratio that end up subsidized by tax dollars.

But I have no problem recognizing that many hispanics do assimilate and contribute to our culture. Many hispanics are fighting and sacrificing in our military, and have since Texas' independence in 1836. And pursuing careers and higher education.

It's not about race for me. You slanderously allege it's about race, to distract from my point.

And when you've done that, I've won the argument, because you have to use deceit to try and disprove the obvious truth of what I'm saying: that immigrants of any nation are a threat to the United States if they don't assimilate. And that is an opinion I share with George Washington, Ben Franklin, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: WB
Again, I've dated many, MANY hispanic women. If I were prejudiced against hispanics, I wouldn't socialize with or date hispanic women. I almost married a girl from Spain. I've dated women from just about every race and nationality. I've met immigrants from places like Iraq and Iran where their moving here saved them from being murdered by their governments, and they are supremely grateful and patriotic Americans as a result. My only objection to immigrants is if they don't assimilate, or --as you do-- voice an open hostility toward the whites/Americans who invited them legally into our country. Whether the immigrants in question are from Mexico, Germany, Czech Republic or wherever.

Fuck dude. That argument doesn't fly with me. it's easy for a bigot to be into a pretty woman of another race. It's quite another thing for you to actually accept and feel comfortable around her brother, her male cousin A MAN of her race, large numbers of people from her race. I've yet to encounter even full on openly unashamed bigots and skinheads, and I've been inside their houses before when they've thought I was one of their own, who don't accept pretty female minorities. It doesn't mean shit. It's like asking ANY man to be against Salma Hayek or Osama Bin laden's sexy neice.

That's yet another factless attept on your part to slander me.

You know nothing about me. You ignore that I've stated many times that I not only date non-white women, but that many of my friends are non-white or foreign nationals. My closest friend is from Argentina.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

 Originally Posted By: WB
Regarding co-workers of yours you say react with contempt when you talk with co-workers in spanish, has it ever occurred to you that they are not prejudiced, but that they are just annoyed at your rudeness? It's rude to exclude others by not speaking the language you all share. The assumption of anyone in that situation is that they are being deliberately excluded, or so they can be talked about behind their backs.

Ok, i'll accept that.Even though it was quite apparent that wasn't the case. But that was just icing. These assholes wouldn't even respond when asked questions or engaged in conversation and instead would just sneer. They'd only talk to whites and Asians as equals. Which was odd since they were deep in South L.A. and most of the people around them were blacks and latinos.

When I sense an anti-white hostility from minorities, I similarly back off. I initially make an effort to break the ice and get past it. But if they don't warm up, I similarly ignore them and reciprocate the same attitude they've given me.
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: whomod
Wonder Boy and Lou Dobbs may be alarmed by this.

I wouldn't have a problem with a hundred million Garcias, so long as they assimilate to our culture.

Millions of Garcias who don't speak english after 10 years in the U.S. I would have a problem with.
Millions of Garcias pushing for Spanish as the second U.S. "official language" (displacing english culture, and opening the door to spanish dominance) I would have a problem with.

The fact that hispanic immigrants, as compared to other immigrant groups, have the highest rate of incarceration, the highest rate of crime, the highest high school dropout rate, the highest use of welfare, and the lowest academic test scores, and overall the lowest rate of assimilation by these measurements, I have a problem with.
Mass numbers of immigrants who are not assimilating is not immigration. It is invasion.

Wondy, perhaps you might benefit from some introspection. you obviously have a paranoid fear and/or insecurity over your race and gender. i think instead of aggrivating yourself and these paranoid feelings you should just take a breather and avoid the talk radio shows which fuel your hatred. maybe that would allow you to find some peace and harmony. it's always sad to see mental illness go unchecked, so i hope you get the help you need.

More troll remarks, that smear with "fear, racism, hatred" labels, to mask that my arguments are about assimilation, not race.

You also ignore the statistics that confirm what I said. That it is in fact an invasion.

"Multiculturalism" is not occurring, hispanic rise to dominance of American culture is occuring. Balkanization with loyalty to hispanic culture taking root in place of loyalty to the United States is occurring, with the push toward bilingualism and advocacy of illegal immigration, where hispanic voters threaten any politician who would oppose illegal immigration, or would end welfare benefits for illegals. These hispanics, whether legal or illegal, are a hostile anti-American force within the United States, that acts against our national interests.
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: whomod
Wonder Boy and Lou Dobbs may be alarmed by this.

I wouldn't have a problem with a hundred million Garcias, so long as they assimilate to our culture.

Millions of Garcias who don't speak english after 10 years in the U.S. I would have a problem with.
Millions of Garcias pushing for Spanish as the second U.S. "official language" (displacing english culture, and opening the door to spanish dominance) I would have a problem with.

The fact that hispanic immigrants, as compared to other immigrant groups, have the highest rate of incarceration, the highest rate of crime, the highest high school dropout rate, the highest use of welfare, and the lowest academic test scores, and overall the lowest rate of assimilation by these measurements, I have a problem with.
Mass numbers of immigrants who are not assimilating is not immigration. It is invasion.

Yeah! It would be as bad as if a band of Anglos went to a foreign nation, deported the native peoples from their ancestral lands, and forced them into unfamiliar customs, played them against each other, or just outright slaughtered them....

You've bought into the myth of Native American genocide. Over 90% of Native Americans who died, died of disease, not from genocide. And there are about as many recorded incidents of indians killed as there are of Europreans killed by indians.

As I've said often, my ancestry is English, Scottish, Irish, German, Dutch... and Cherokee. I'm a fully europeanized Native American.

Many Native Americans are fully assimilated Americans. When Europeans came to the Americas, native Americans were mostly hunter-gatherers, on the verge of starvation. They were involved in bloody tribal warfare. The Incas, Aztecs and Mayans practiced human sacrifice. And the Carib indians and many other tribal groups practiced cannibalism. Not one tribe in the Americas had invented the wheel. This is what Europeans interrupted.
Speaking as someone with Native American blood, I'd say those of us who assimilated are far better off.

Similarly, a black scholar about 15 years ago said that descendants of black slaves in the U.S. are about 50 times better off as American citizens than the blacks who remain in the former slave-trade nations of Africa, in terms of economic prosperity, healthcare, life span, safety from violence, and other factors.

Weighing the positives and negatives, I'd say that whites/Europeans, including the United States, come out ahead on the balance sheet you raise.
 Originally Posted By: rex
I keep telling you guys wonder boy is a minority. Thats why he's never posted a picture of himself, he's too ashamed of his skin color.

I'm proud of who and what I am. I just don't feel like being photo-shopped into gay porn images and so forth. I've seen the delightful treatment you give Pariah, G-man and others.

I have nothing I need to prove, or be ashamed of.
Let's face it. If people want to come here, learn the language and work hard, I think we'd all welcome them. Hell, we'd probably all be in favor of amnesty and/or open borders.

But time and time again we hear that isn't what's happening.

I don't think it's xenophobic or racist for WB, or anyone else, to expect that the current wave of immigrants follow the same procedures as past waves from places like Italy, China or Germany.
 Originally Posted By: whomod
Hispanic Americans By the Numbers
From the U.S. Census Bureau

44.3 million

The estimated Hispanic population of the United States as of July 1, 2006, making people of Hispanic origin the nation’s largest ethnic or race minority. Hispanics constituted 15% of the nation's total population.

About 1
. . . of every two people added to the nation’s population between July 1, 2005, and July 1, 2006, was Hispanic. There were 1.4 million Hispanics added to the population over the period.

Percentage increase in the Hispanic population between July 1, 2005, and July 1, 2006, making Hispanics the fastest-growing minority group.

102.6 million
The projected Hispanic population of the United States as of July 1, 2050. According to this projection, Hispanics will constitute 24% of the nation’s total population by that date.

22.4 million
The nation’s Hispanic population during the 1990 census—just slightly over half the current total.

Ranking of the size of the U.S. Hispanic population worldwide, as of 2005. Only Mexico (106.2 million) and Colombia (43 million) had larger Hispanic populations than did the United States (42.7 million). (Spain had a population of 40.3 million.)

The percentage of Hispanic-origin people in households who are of Mexican background. Another 9% are of Puerto Rican background, with 3.5% Cuban, 3% Salvadoran, and 2.7% Dominican. The remainder are of some other Central American, South American, or other Hispanic or Latino origin.

Roughly half of the nation’s Dominicans live in New York City and about half of the nation’s Cubans in Miami-Dade County, Fla.

27.4 years
Median age of the Hispanic population in 2006. This compares with 36.4 years for the population as a whole.

Number of Hispanic males in 2006 per every 100 Hispanic females. This was in sharp contrast to the overall population, which had 97 males per every 100 females.
States and Counties

The percentage of the Hispanic-origin population that lives in California or Texas. California is home to 13.1 million Hispanics, and Texas is home to 8.4 million.

The number of states with at least a half million Hispanic residents. They are Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas and Washington.

The percentage of New Mexico’s population that is Hispanic, the highest of any state. Hispanics also make up more than a quarter of the population in California and Texas, at 36% each, and Arizona (29%).

4.7 million
The Hispanic population of Los Angeles County, California—the largest of any county in the nation.

The increase in Texas’ Hispanic population between July 1, 2005, and July 1, 2006, which led all states. California (283,000), Florida (161,000) and Arizona (102,000) also recorded large increases.

Number of states in which Hispanics are the largest minority group. These states are: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington and Wyoming.


1.6 million
The number of Hispanic-owned businesses in 2002.

The rate of growth of Hispanic-owned businesses between 1997 and 2002 (31%) compared with the national average (10%) for all businesses.

$222 billion
Revenue generated by Hispanic-owned businesses in 2002, up 19% from 1997.

. . . of all Hispanic-owned firms were owned by Mexicans, Mexican-Americans and Chicanos.

Number of Hispanic-owned firms with receipts of $1 million or more.

* 43% of Hispanic-owned firms operated in construction; administrative and support, and waste management and remediation services; and other services, such as personal services, and repair and maintenance. Retail and wholesale trade accounted for 36% of Hispanic-owned business revenue.
* States with the fastest rates of growth for Hispanic-owned firms between 1997 and 2002 included New York (57%), Georgia and Rhode Island (56% each), and Nevada and South Carolina (48% each).
* Counties with the highest number of Hispanic-owned firms were Los Angeles County (188,422); Miami-Dade County (163,187); and Harris County, Texas (61,934).

Families and Children

9.9 million
The number of Hispanic family households in the United States in 2006. Of these households, 62% included children younger than 18.

The percentage of Hispanic families consisting of a married couple.

The percentage of Hispanic family households consisting of a married couple with children younger than 18.

Percentage of Hispanic children living with two married parents.

Percentage of total population younger than 5 that was Hispanic as of July 1, 2006.

Spanish Language

32.2 million
The number of U.S. household residents 5 and older who speak Spanish at home. Spanish speakers constitute nearly one in eight U.S. household residents. Among all those who speak Spanish at home, more than one-half say they speak English very well.

Percentage of Texas residents who speak Spanish at home, which leads all states. This compares with the national average of 12%.

Percentage of Hispanics 5 and older who speak a language other than English at home. Of that number, about half speak English very well.
Income, Poverty and Health Insurance

The median income of Hispanic households in 2005, statistically unchanged from the previous year.

The poverty rate among Hispanics in 2005, statistically unchanged from 2004.

The percentage of Hispanics who lacked health insurance in 2005, statistically unchanged from 2004.


The percentage of Hispanics 25 and older who had at least a high school education in 2006.

The percentage of the Hispanic population 25 and older with a bachelor’s degree or higher in 2006.

3.1 million
The number of Hispanics 18 and older who had at least a bachelor’s degree in 2006, up from 1.4 million a decade earlier.

Number of Hispanics 25 and older with advanced degrees in 2006 (e.g., master’s, professional, doctorate).

Percentage of all college students in October 2005 who were Hispanic. Among elementary and high school students combined, the corresponding proportion was 19%.

Educational attainment levels are higher among certain Hispanic groups than among others. For example, among Cubans 25 and older, 73% were at least high school graduates, and 24% had a bachelor's degree or higher.

Percentage of Hispanics 16 and older who are in the civilian labor force.

The percentage of Hispanics 16 or older who work in management, professional and related occupations. Approximately 24% of Hispanics 16 or older work in service occupations; 22% in sales and office occupations; 2% in farming, fishing and forestry occupations; 16% in construction, extraction, maintenance and repair occupations; and 19% in production, transportation and material moving occupations.

Number of Hispanic chief executives. In addition, 49,200 physicians and surgeons; 53,700 postsecondary teachers; 29,000 lawyers; and 3,300 news analysts, reporters and correspondents are Hispanic.

7.6 million
The number of Hispanic citizens who reported voting in the 2004 presidential election. The percentage of Hispanic citizens voting—about 47%—did not change statistically from four years earlier.
Serving our Country

1.1 million
The number of Hispanic veterans of the U.S. armed forces.

Thank you for providing statistics that prove my point.

 Originally Posted By: the opening N Y Times article

The number of Hispanics living in the United States grew by 58 percent in the 1990s to nearly 13 percent of the total population, and cracking the list of top 10 names suggests just how pervasively the Latino migration has permeated everyday American culture.

And beyond even that high increase, the hispanic population in the U.S. is expected to double to slightly over 100 million in the U.S., or 25% of total U.S. population.

As I said, many hispanics contribute greatly to the United States, as scientists, physicians, engineers, business owners, etc.

But statistically, more than any other immigrant group, hispanics (primarily Mexicans) end up as high school dropouts, in gangs, in prison, or on welfare. And advocate and enable illegals to enter the United States. In opposition to American national interests.
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
I think Wonder Boy is someone's alt id, perpetrating the greatest satire of our generation. No one, but NO ONE, can be that close-minded and xenophobic.

I'm disappointed in you, Snarf. I've always gotten along with you on these boards, and I've never joined in attacks on you.

I don't know why you'd join with the trolls and launch a personal attack on me. If you want to respectfully raise a legitimate point or counterpoint, okay. But character assassination and personal attack just tosses your opinion in a dismissive category.

Wanting to have our existing immigration laws enforced, and to protect our borders from illegal immigration, and more selectively choose the 1.2 million legal immigrants permitted to enter the U.S. every year, so they don't end up on welfare or in our prisons, is neither closed-minded or xenophobic. It's informed.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

More troll remarks, that smear with "fear, racism, hatred" labels, to mask that my arguments are about assimilation, not race.

wondy, it is about race. i remember one thread where you even slipped up and said the problem was the white race was being over run. And did you ever wonder if maybe immigrants might feel more comfortable in our country if there weren't people like you railing about how big a threat they are?
it's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. someone wants to be here to work and have a nice life. people like you then talk about the evil aliens coming to destroy us and that makes these immigrants a little fearful of leaving their close knit communities. then their kids grow up with that fear (which leads to hatred as Yoda taught us) and they have a higher chance of turning to crime because of it. maybe if you unbunched your panties, lived your life, and didn't attack every non-white male out there the world might just be a better place.
I live in what was a very white area 40 years ago, but is now becoming a very mixed area.

There are white, Indian ( from India ), Russian, Romanian, Latin, etc here now.

The neighborhood is also turning black, which is cool, as some of the daddies are cute!

I can hear the people here from other countries all talking in their various dialects in the street, in their apartments, etc.

I don't give a damn who lives here, as long as they don't fuck with me!
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

About 30% of legal immigrants to the U.S. since 1965 are Mexican, and God knows how many illegals. At least 30%.

But look at how the Mexican government treats Guatemalans and others who cross into Mexico across its southern border, and tell me if Mexicans have any moral high ground to accuse any other nation of racist or brutal behavior.

At least 30%!!! Oh the outrage!!! It's so outrageous that it bears repeating!!! 30%!!!!!
Then in the same breath you talk about the Central Amercans who cross over into Mexico illegally?

See Wonder Boy, this is the thing. I can tell even without that post that you make absolutely no distinction between legal immigrants and illegal ones.

I make no distinction when the legal hispanics are actively enabling and encouraging illegals to enter our country and break our laws.

I do make a distinction regarding hispanic immigrants who respect our laws, don't support illegals, and are productive contributing citizens of the United States.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

All that matters to you is that "your" country is changing.

If it were changing productively, I wouldn't mind. But 10% of the children born in this country are "anchor babies", of illegal women who through a bizarre loophole in the law, are illegals given U.S. citizenship at birth, and cost the U.S. billions over a lifetime in welfare benefits, and create a path to citizenship for their illegal parents and extended family.

If this 30% were legal immigrants from India or China or the Phillipines or Korea, who have a much higher ratio of higher education and good citizenship (i.e., not high school dropouts, not in gangs, not on welfare or in prison, not advocating open borders with Mexico) I would see this as enriching the U.S., not draining its resources.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

Deal with it.

You deal with the fact that I have a legitimate point of view, with statistical evidence to support what I'm saying.
If you want more extensive numbers detailing the Mexican drain, read Pat Buchanan's book State of Emergency regarding the immigration problem.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
And Mexico has every right to enforce their borders just as America does. Funny how no one really wants to. They just like to prey on the emotions of xenophobes like you to win elections with empty promises.

You ignore, or are just ignorant of, my point. The "white/racist" U.S. captures illegals and deports them, while treating them very well as prisoners. So well that most illegally cross again.

My point is that as cruel and racist as Mexico is toward its illegals, it has no factual basis for calling the U.S. racist for simply enforcing its laws, treating prisoners well, and lawfully deporting them.

Mexico often kills Guatemalans and others who cross, beat their captured illegals, rape the women, and shake them down for whatever they own.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

Regardless, you can rail against the Mexican along with Lou Dobbs all you want. The Census statistics show that regardless of ILLEGAL immigration, the LEGAL citizens and residents will soon be 1/4 of our country. You too will live next to "Mexicans"!!!

Again, if most were lawful, loyal and productive Americans who respected our laws and didn't act like a separate nation within our nation, I would have no problem with that. My problem is that their general attitude equates to a loss of U.S. sovereignty, a move toward open borders, and realization of trans-mexican dreams of using the U.S. Constitution as a "transitional document" toward the dissolution of the United States, inside a North American Union, which translates to the U.S. treasury drained to bankroll a welfare state for tens of millions of poor Mexicans, that the Mexican government should be providing for, not us.
In your anti-American wet dream of a hispanicized America, the United States will cease to exist.
Yeah, that's some patriotism you've got there.
Whether you fully realize it or not, what you cheer on is deeply anti-American.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

Notice the quotation marks, because the last post I responded on, you clearly referenced me as being NOT American based on my race. So I'll gladly call myself a "Mexican" if only to piss you off but I'm also an American citizen and I so hope that also chaps your hide.

I reference you as un-American for your beliefs and attitude, not your race.
Again: It's about who assimilates and who doesn't, not about race. There are plenty of non-white nationalities who assimilate well. Mexicans, by a large percentage, do not.

 Originally Posted By: whomod


I know you're unable to do the same because all your women turned into militant working lesbians who sneer contemptuously at the traditional family and refuse to have children on account of feminism, liberals, and the 60's.

Or it could be that no woman can stand your backwards, sexist, intolerant ways for long... regardless of her ethnicity.

When you feel a need to make these kind of personal digs, I know I've won the argument. I have facts. You have racist labels and insults that my facts easily disprove.

 Originally Posted By: whomod


Wow, how mature. If a six-year-old were here to call you a poopy-face, I could match that level of intellect.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: rex
I keep telling you guys wonder boy is a minority. Thats why he's never posted a picture of himself, he's too ashamed of his skin color.

I'm proud of who and what I am. I just don't feel like being photo-shopped into gay porn images and so forth. I've seen the delightful treatment you give Pariah, G-man and others.

I have nothing I need to prove, or be ashamed of.

I've never photoshopped anything. I joke around with pariah and have never attacked him. g-man is just as cowardly as you and hasn't posted a picture of himself so no one has photoshopped him either.

You fail again.
 Originally Posted By: rex

I've never photoshopped anything.

Of course not. That might qualify as a "useful" skill.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Let's face it. If people want to come here, learn the language and work hard, I think we'd all welcome them. Hell, we'd probably all be in favor of amnesty and/or open borders.

True enough. Still, imagine my surprise to find out that even though I was born here, and despite the fact that Puerto Rico is a US commonwealth, that I am somehow part of some "invasion" against America or that being proud of my background meant that I have an "anti-American wet dream of a hispanicized America". One can be proud of their culture and still be proud to be an American citizen - the two are not mutually exclusive.

Oh, and for the record, dating one of us does not mitigate one's racism.
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: rex
I keep telling you guys wonder boy is a minority. Thats why he's never posted a picture of himself, he's too ashamed of his skin color.

I'm proud of who and what I am. I just don't feel like being photo-shopped into gay porn images and so forth. I've seen the delightful treatment you give Pariah, G-man and others.

I have nothing I need to prove, or be ashamed of.

I've never photoshopped anything. I joke around with pariah and have never attacked him. g-man is just as cowardly as you and hasn't posted a picture of himself so no one has photoshopped him either.

You fail again.

Cowards are people who yell "racist" and other hate labels at anyone who disagrees with their political views, preferring slander to honest debate of the issues.

They don't have an image of G-man's face, so they use his avatar image of Gordon Liddy.

You fail again, rex. \:\(
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
One can be proud of their culture and still be proud to be an American citizen - the two are not mutually exclusive.

I don't think they are. I'm speaking more of people who refuse to assimilate at all.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Let's face it. If people want to come here, learn the language and work hard, I think we'd all welcome them. Hell, we'd probably all be in favor of amnesty and/or open borders.

But time and time again we hear that isn't what's happening.

I don't think it's xenophobic or racist for WB, or anyone else, to expect that the current wave of immigrants follow the same procedures as past waves from places like Italy, China or Germany.

Heh. I'm watching Blazing Saddles as I read this thread.

Well, just to play devil's advocate for a moment, the history of legal immigrants hasn't been spotless (or bloodless) either. As I've said before, much of the history of this nation consists of recent arrivals coming into conflict with less recent arrivals. As a person of largely Irish descent myself, it'd be silly for me to gloss over the impact that the Irish had on the history of gang crime and organized crime in the United States. Since we're all human beings and we all like to hang onto our cultural peculiarities, we've all brought our collective cultural pros and cons to America with us. The Italians brought kickass food but also the Sicilian Black Hand, the Chinese brought bitchin' threads but also opium, the Germans elevated the production and consumption of both ground meat and beer to an art form but also brought lederhosen, and so on. All these people groups consisted of plenty of good, upstanding citizens, but they had their share of unsavory characters as well.

I think it'd be silly to suggest that one people group in particular is gonna have a disproportionately high percentage of shady characters. Almost all the groups mentioned above started out with elevated crime rates, not because of the sort of people they were, but because they were shoehorned into crapulent living conditions by the brillions. You can get all uppity and blame The Man™ for that if you want, but really it's just the ups and downs of Coming to America™. The difference is that legal immigration processes give Uncle Sam some control over those numbers, and to some extent those living conditions. Whenever you have an unmoderated flow of any people group into any region, it becomes next to impossible to prevent yes, demographic shifts, but also abrupt imbalances across innumerable little economic seesaws.

You can't balance an equation if the variables won't sit still. Except in calculus, but I haven't figured out how to get all those little symbol thingies to work with UBBCode. The issue I have with legal immigration has less than nothing to do with who's coming in. I mean come on, my brother's Guatemalan, half my mom's side of the family comes from either native Spanish-speaking places or native Portuguese-speaking places, and so on. My concern is that it's been so incredibly difficult over our nation's history for us all to find a balance, and the squabbles that have erupted have often been bloody in the extreme, that any time any group of people charges in with absolutely no mechanism to regulate their numbers or conduct, all hell is gonna break loose.
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Let's face it. If people want to come here, learn the language and work hard, I think we'd all welcome them. Hell, we'd probably all be in favor of amnesty and/or open borders.

One can be proud of their culture and still be proud to be an American citizen - the two are not mutually exclusive.

You can hispanicize my America the Beautiful any day of the week. Twice on Saturdays.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
One can be proud of their culture and still be proud to be an American citizen - the two are not mutually exclusive.

I don't think they are. I'm speaking more of people who refuse to assimilate at all.

"They" being...? Mexicans? All Latinos? I'm not slammin' you , G, just asking for a bit of clarification.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Let's face it. If people want to come here, learn the language and work hard, I think we'd all welcome them. Hell, we'd probably all be in favor of amnesty and/or open borders.

One can be proud of their culture and still be proud to be an American citizen - the two are not mutually exclusive.

You can hispanicize my America the Beautiful any day of the week. Twice on Saturdays.

See? I'm trying to be serious here and you had to make me laugh...
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Let's face it. If people want to come here, learn the language and work hard, I think we'd all welcome them. Hell, we'd probably all be in favor of amnesty and/or open borders.

True enough. Still, imagine my surprise to find out that even though I was born here, and despite the fact that Puerto Rico is a US commonwealth, that I am somehow part of some "invasion" against America or that being proud of my background meant that I have an "anti-American wet dream of a hispanicized America". One can be proud of their culture and still be proud to be an American citizen - the two are not mutually exclusive.

Oh, and for the record, dating one of us does not mitigate one's rascism.

That wasn't directed at you, harlequin.

That was directed at Whomod's remarks, gloating about the fact that hispanics are becoming dominant in California and elsewhere.

If you don't endorse or advocate open borders, my remarks don't apply to you.
If you don't support welfare benefits and driver licenses for illegals, my remarks don't apply to you.
If you don't have sympathy for illegals greater than the desire to enforce our nation's laws, my remarks don't apply to you.
If you're not a card-carrying member of La Raza, who sees the Constitution as a "transitional document", toward an open borders North American Union, which would mean the dissolution of the United States, then my remarks don't apply to you.
Someone who is an Irish- or German-American who advocates these things would be equally suspect.

I'm proud of my English, Scottish, Irish, Dutch, German and Cherokee ancestry. But I am first and foremost an American, and my first loyalty is to the United States, its culture and its sovereignty. I don't have a German or Irish flag I wave outside my home. Whether you are from Puerto Rico, Ireland, Germany or Outer Mongolia, I think that is a reasonable patriotic expectation of every U.S. immigrant and citizen.
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
"They" being...? Mexicans? All Latinos? I'm not slammin' you , G, just asking for a bit of clarification.

Immigrants who come here and engage in the kind of behavior I described and/or alluded to. It would obviously include a large number of Mexicans (but not all) just because of the current border situation, but could also include people from non-Latin countries.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: rex
I keep telling you guys wonder boy is a minority. Thats why he's never posted a picture of himself, he's too ashamed of his skin color.

I'm proud of who and what I am. I just don't feel like being photo-shopped into gay porn images and so forth. I've seen the delightful treatment you give Pariah, G-man and others.

I have nothing I need to prove, or be ashamed of.

I've never photoshopped anything. I joke around with pariah and have never attacked him. g-man is just as cowardly as you and hasn't posted a picture of himself so no one has photoshopped him either.

You fail again.

Cowards are people who yell "racist" and other hate labels at anyone who disagrees with their political views, preferring slander to honest debate of the issues.

They don't have an image of G-man's face, so they use his avatar image of Gordon Liddy.

You fail again, rex. \:\(

Making up lies doesn't make you right. Try to face reality sometime. You might like it.
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

More troll remarks, that smear with "fear, racism, hatred" labels, to mask that my arguments are about assimilation, not race.

wondy, it is about race. i remember one thread where you even slipped up and said the problem was the white race was being over run. And did you ever wonder if maybe immigrants might feel more comfortable in our country if there weren't people like you railing about how big a threat they are?

The short answer:
 Originally Posted By: WB
Cowards are people who yell "racist" and other hate labels at anyone who disagrees with their political views, preferring slander to honest debate of the issues.

Again, it's not about race for me, it's about assimilation. Who assimilates, and who doesn't. Who respects our laws and culture, and who doesn't.

What you posted above has not even the slightest resemblance to anything I've said.
What I've said is we're a European nation founded on European culture and ideas, and on Christian principles.
And that as we have an increasingly large non-European population, we run the risk of having our culture, and our Democratic government itself, at risk of being overwhelmed by non-European interests. Such as La Raza. Such as loss of sovereignty inside a borderless North American Union. As hispanic immigration has increased, we've seen the kind of corruption and election fraud that occurs in the latin american countries we are receiving massive immigration from. And spanish immigrants who push for spanish as a second language, instead of learning english, and assimilating into an english-speaking culture.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

it's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. someone wants to be here to work and have a nice life. people like you then talk about the evil aliens coming to destroy us and that makes these immigrants a little fearful of leaving their close knit communities. then their kids grow up with that fear (which leads to hatred as Yoda taught us) and they have a higher chance of turning to crime because of it. maybe if you unbunched your panties, lived your life, and didn't attack every non-white male out there the world might just be a better place.

People like you put words in my mouth, and create totally misrepresentative scenarios like this, when you haven't got the stones or the intelligence to make a case for your opinion based on the issue. You distort the true issue with stereotypes of alleged "fear, hatred, etc." to deliberately bypass that my arguments are about assimilation, not race.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Let's face it. If people want to come here, learn the language and work hard, I think we'd all welcome them. Hell, we'd probably all be in favor of amnesty and/or open borders.

But time and time again we hear that isn't what's happening.

I don't think it's xenophobic or racist for WB, or anyone else, to expect that the current wave of immigrants follow the same procedures as past waves from places like Italy, China or Germany.

Well, just to play devil's advocate for a moment, the history of legal immigrants hasn't been spotless (or bloodless) either. As I've said before, much of the history of this nation consists of recent arrivals coming into conflict with less recent arrivals. As a person of largely Irish descent myself, it'd be silly for me to gloss over the impact that the Irish had on the history of gang crime and organized crime in the United States. Since we're all human beings and we all like to hang onto our cultural peculiarities, we've all brought our collective cultural pros and cons to America with us. The Italians brought kickass food but also the Sicilian Black Hand, the Chinese brought bitchin' threads but also opium, the Germans elevated the production and consumption of both ground meat and beer to an art form but also brought lederhosen, and so on. All these people groups consisted of plenty of good, upstanding citizens, but they had their share of unsavory characters as well.

This was the situation for 200 years. All national/racial groups have had their rough edges, before assimilating.

The problem is, in the current (post-1965) liberal mindset, assimilation is now labelled as "racism". Which means assimilation that would have previously been encouraged, and immigrant populations absorbed, are now discouraged. Which leads to separatism and eventual balkanization. In this atmosphere, immigration becomes colonization and invasion.

 Originally Posted By: Capain Sammitch

I think it'd be silly to suggest that one people group in particular is gonna have a disproportionately high percentage of shady characters. Almost all the groups mentioned above started out with elevated crime rates, not because of the sort of people they were, but because they were shoehorned into crapulent living conditions by the brillions. You can get all uppity and blame The Man™ for that if you want, but really it's just the ups and downs of Coming to America™. The difference is that legal immigration processes give Uncle Sam some control over those numbers, and to some extent those living conditions. Whenever you have an unmoderated flow of any people group into any region, it becomes next to impossible to prevent yes, demographic shifts, but also abrupt imbalances across innumerable little economic seesaws.

Okay, here you add not only the assimilation of legal immigrants, who are not pressured to assimilate, but the massive (estimated 20 million now) illegal immigrants, that hide among and are enabled by legal immigrants.

It is difficult to prevent illegal immigration even when there is pressure to assimilate. How much more difficult, when a liberal ideology undermines assimilation, and even questions the rightness of removing illegal immigrants?
It's insane.

 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch

You can't balance an equation if the variables won't sit still. Except in calculus, but I haven't figured out how to get all those little symbol thingies to work with UBBCode. The issue I have with legal immigration has less than nothing to do with who's coming in. I mean come on, my brother's Guatemalan, half my mom's side of the family comes from either native Spanish-speaking places or native Portuguese-speaking places, and so on. My concern is that it's been so incredibly difficult over our nation's history for us all to find a balance, and the squabbles that have erupted have often been bloody in the extreme, that any time any group of people charges in with absolutely no mechanism to regulate their numbers or conduct, all hell is gonna break loose.

Exactly. There have never been more immigrants entering the country, and yet those who are pro-immigration, and even pro-illegal-immigration, fail to see the urgent need for a flow mechanism, and just expect things to magically work out, despite the clear explosion across our borders.
We have about 5,500 illegals crossing our borders every day. That's an invading army, crossing into our nation, every day. Among them thieves, murderers, gang-members, drug dealers, and increasingly, potential muslim terrorists (the number of "non-Mexicans" predominantly muslims, caught illegally crossing the mexican border, has gone from 50,000 before 9/11 to 150,000.)
Hello, I just thought I'd show up and Mexicanize this thread a bit. Carry on.
well then let's just let the legit mexicans across and shoot the non-mexicans.
except the guatemalans. damn they can cook like motherfuckers.
except my brother. he burns water. it's really kind of disappointing.
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
Hello, I just thought I'd show up and Mexicanize this thread a bit. Carry on.

You worked hard on that post, registered here at Rob's Flippin' Boards, and had the common courtesy to write in English.

That's the way to do it.
But I also worship Axototl the Mayan Manfish God, instead of the proper Amarican deity.
Oh, they'll love ya all the same! Hey, let's put up an Axolotl shrine instead of a 'holiday tree' this lovely holiday season!
That's the Thanksmas spirit!
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
One can be proud of their culture and still be proud to be an American citizen - the two are not mutually exclusive.

There's a difference between being proud of one's culture and outright shoving it down other peoples' throats; I'm sure you're proud of being Puerto Rican *cough*Godknowswhy*cough* but your family wasn't arrogant enough to not think it important to learn English. I had to work in Garden Grove, CA for a long time and it's basically the Asian capital of Orange County. Every other Asian I met on the job was an immigrant who refused to speak English. The reason they were able to get away with it is because all of my supervisors were smart enough to learn English themselves.

On a sidenote: A pattern I noticed is that the bulk of the people who refused to learn, and didn't really give a crap if I understood them or not, were Chinese and Vietnamese. The Koreans, Japanese, Tai, Phillipinos, and Taiwanese were all much more respectful to me on average; haven't met a lot of people from Laos or Cambodia, so I can't comment.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Oh, they'll love ya all the same! Hey, let's put up an Axolotl shrine instead of a 'holiday tree' this lovely holiday season!

 Originally Posted By: Pat Buchanan, Death of the West, p 162
In San Jose, California, Indian and Hispanic rage prevented a statue of Thomas Fallon, the adventurer who captured the town in the Mexican[-American] War and became its mayor, from being placed in a public park.
"The statue is an insult to our ancestors, people who were lynched here," said Pascual Mendevil of Pueblo Unido. "It's like a red flag to racists out there that it's open season on Mexicans." ["Statue of Flag-Planting Mayor Causes Decade of Controversy in San Jose", by Brian Bergstein, Associated Press, October 15, 2000]

San Jose, however does boast a new statue of Quetzacoatl, feather serpent god of the Aztecs, whose empire never came close to reaching San Jose.
Perhaps Mexicans and Indians should reconsider Quetzacoatl. The Aztec emperor Montezuma II was a deeply superstitious fellow, terrified that Quetzacoatl would return from the East to claim his throne. When his emissaries reported that Cortez and his bearded white men were ashore at Veracruz, the fearless Montezuma and his court went into a panic.

Some say that Quetzacoatl will return soon...
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: whomod
Wonder Boy and Lou Dobbs may be alarmed by this.

I wouldn't have a problem with a hundred million Garcias, so long as they assimilate to our culture.

Millions of Garcias who don't speak english after 10 years in the U.S. I would have a problem with.
Millions of Garcias pushing for Spanish as the second U.S. "official language" (displacing english culture, and opening the door to spanish dominance) I would have a problem with.

The fact that hispanic immigrants, as compared to other immigrant groups, have the highest rate of incarceration, the highest rate of crime, the highest high school dropout rate, the highest use of welfare, and the lowest academic test scores, and overall the lowest rate of assimilation by these measurements, I have a problem with.
Mass numbers of immigrants who are not assimilating is not immigration. It is invasion.

Yeah! It would be as bad as if a band of Anglos went to a foreign nation, deported the native peoples from their ancestral lands, and forced them into unfamiliar customs, played them against each other, or just outright slaughtered them....

You've bought into the myth of Native American genocide. Over 90% of Native Americans who died, died of disease, not from genocide.

It just so happens that some of those diseases just "happened" to be on blankets given to the Indians by the friendly white settlers.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
What I've said is we're a European nation founded on European culture and ideas, and on Christian principles.

And Freemason doctrines.
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

You've bought into the myth of Native American genocide. Over 90% of Native Americans who died, died of disease, not from genocide.

It just so happens that some of those diseases just "happened" to be on blankets given to the Indians by the friendly white settlers.

It could only have been deliberate biological warfare. Gotta keep those dark people down, after all!
I guess the Indians were just ungrateful. It's like they got free rpg downloads, or sumthin.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

You've bought into the myth of Native American genocide. Over 90% of Native Americans who died, died of disease, not from genocide.

It just so happens that some of those diseases just "happened" to be on blankets given to the Indians by the friendly white settlers.

It could only have been deliberate biological warfare. Gotta keep those dark people down, after all!

it was deliberate. they were trying to clear the land. history books that are taught in public schools are notoriously in error on American History to the point that they're little more than propaganda. For the first hundred or so years of America we spent most of our federal budget on fighting Indians. The official policy was that the land was ours by right of god and therefore we were justified in herding and killing them off "our" land. That's where concentration camps came from. Hitler got the idea from our Indian solution. It was only once the Indians were thinned out and not a concern that we lightened our views.
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
I guess the Indians were just ungrateful. It's like they got free rpg downloads, or sumthin.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

No need to elaborate. Those who arrive in mass numbers and do not assimilate, are colonizers who wish to replace the existing culture with their own. And if that is their attitude, if they have no respect for the existing culture, then they don't belong here and should be deported.

Ironic sentiment coming this close to Thanksgiving.

Again, you're the only one who hasd voiced hate for whites as a sweeping whole, and even gloated about how hispanics are taking over.

I've only criticized those who do not assimilate, and those who are hostile to the United States and its existing culture. Period. The end.

Sorry, you don't get to twist my words and then declare the argument over. As much as you'd like.

I've already said that the ONLY people I have a problem with are nativist xenophobes like you. And sorry, but you're not representative of the majority of whites. As for my "gloating" that's just me riding your immigrant based fear. Which I can because frankly your arguments sound silly and completely unoriginal. All these assertions and claims of invasion, no desire to assimilate, wanting to use our national resources, trying to take over, all these are as old as the country itself and have been used on every large group of immigrants from the Chinese, to the Italians, to the Germans and even to Irish CATHOLICS. And in each case all the claims and hatred and suspicion was completely untrue and unfounded.

My scornful opinion of you has nothing to do with your race. It has to do with the fact that you're openly cheering for the other side, against the United States.

Um.. "the other side"? Is a war taking place? man, you are sooo wound up by all the hatred and rhetoric out there. Always you fear something. Whether it's the immigrant, the Muslim, the Liberal, the feminist.. There is always someone at the door ready to obliterate your way of life. Tell me, with all this paranoia, how the fuck do you sleep at night?

My ideas are common sense, and the standard set down by George Washington and Ben Franklin, who were concerned about allowing too many Germans in the country, or allowing them to immigrate too concentrated in an area. They felt a need to spread them out, so they would assimilate.

Cool! when do the relocation's take place? I want to move in near you! Yes, I'm being facetious. Because your examples of past sentiment or desires frankly won't fly anymore so I have to wonder at why you even dare to dream your weird Nativist dreams in the 1st place. And that underscores this entire thread. The entire futility of your railings. Barring mass deportations and stripping citizenship to millions, Hispanic growth will occur whether you want it to or not. LEGALLY.

Frankly, you can rail against Mexicans all you like. But it's funny that this sort of rhetoric only gets superheated every 4 years and then, like gay marriage or abortion or some other wedge bullshit, it quickly dissipates to be forgotten even by the very people who were super heating the rhetoric and were elected or re-elected to do something about it. At least until the next election cycle. That's manipulation using fear and hatred. And it's uncanny how you're always at the head of the line ready to take what these people are swilling.

Yes. Hispanics were about 3% of the U.S. population in the 1970s.
By the 1980s, hispanics were 6%.
Hispanics are currently about 15%, using your own quoted numbers.
Hispanics are expected to reach 25% (double the already high numbers) by 2040.

And yet you don't see that as an invasion. It is a formula for balkanization and separatism. It is national suicide.

No. It's a formula for more Americans. You just don't want to face that fact that these Americans may not look like you.

As I just statistically established, it is an invasion!

So when I move in next to you, can I take you prisoner then?

In terms of numbers. In terms of radio and TV stations switching to spanish-only programming. It is unquestionably a cultural invasion, as well as an invasion in sheer numbers of immigrants, both legal and illegal.

Did someone take over your FOX affiliate and replace Bill O'Reilley with Don Francisco? Of course not. But you, in your weird paranoia, think that stations that cater to the immigrant population are a BAD thing. No, they mustn't be entertained in the language they know TODAY, they must be forced Clockwork Orange style to watch Lou Dobbs lecture them on how they must learn English ASAP!

Frankly as a kid, i HATED Spanish language TV because it was cheesy and low budget and not every entertaining. Plus I knew English fluently so I could watch English language shows. My parents however were slower to learn as most adults are. But eventually they watched the same shows I did. IN ADDITION to the shows they liked and grew up with. But no, to you, it's refusal to "assimilate" and a threat to ABC and NBC remaining to provide English programming.

You keep trying to make this racial. But it's not about race, it's about lack of assimilation, that is de facto invasion.

First you say this...

I don't care whether someone is hispanic or Arab or european, so long as they assimilate and contribute to the United States. Some of the nationalities that assimilate the best into U.S. culture, who have the lowest ratios in gangs or prison, have the lowest high school dropout rates, who pursue higher education at a high rate, and who have very low ratios of welfare usage or imprisonment include Koreans, Phillipinos, Chinese and India. These I would gladly welcome over more Mexicans, who have high ratio that end up subsidized by tax dollars.

.. then you say that....

But I have no problem recognizing that many hispanics do assimilate and contribute to our culture. Many hispanics are fighting and sacrificing in our military, and have since Texas' independence in 1836. And pursuing careers and higher education.

I'm guessing in order to sugar coat your earlier rejection of Mexicans as a group..

It's not about race for me. You slanderously allege it's about race, to distract from my point.

Oh but it is. It's your ENTIRE point.

And when you've done that, I've won the argument, because you have to use deceit to try and disprove the obvious truth of what I'm saying: that immigrants of any nation are a threat to the United States if they don't assimilate. And that is an opinion I share with George Washington, Ben Franklin, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy.

How long did it take the Chineese to assimilate in the 1800's? The Italians?

Nativists objected primarily to Roman Catholics (especially Irish American) because of their loyalty to the Pope and supposed rejection of American ideals. Oh man does that sound familiar to your rants.

From the 1840s to 1920 German Americans were distrusted because of their separatist social structure, their opposition to prohibition, their attachment to their native tongue over English, and their neutrality toward the war in World War I. And where is that society today? Assimilated? Of course.

Fear of low-skilled immigrants flooding the labor market was an issue in the 1920s (focused on immigrants from Italy and Poland). Assimiated or did they "take over" the country and the labor market?

The Chinese spent DECADES distrusted, holding down the most menial jobs, and living in tight knit immigrant communities (Chinatown), and speaking primarily in their native tounge before they finally assimilated into the larger society. As with your Mexican threat, they too had gang issues, as did many other immigrant communities which date back to the Irish canal gangs (1840s), Chinese gangs (tongs) in 1880s, Italian ("Mafia") (1890- present). Did all these people destroy your way of life?

Your song is an old record.

That's yet another factless attept on your part to slander me.

You know nothing about me. You ignore that I've stated many times that I not only date non-white women, but that many of my friends are non-white or foreign nationals. My closest friend is from Argentina.

You make this dating of non-white women to be some mystical totem against being called a racist or something. I don't care who you date. As I said before the measure of acceptance (because the word "tolerance' to me is frankly insulting bullshit) is not in the pretty foreign women that might catch your eye but in the ugly women, the MEN, the old people and how you interact with THEM as a collective.

As for Argentina.. I used to enjoy Argentinian MTV immensely in the early 1990's. That was part of that "Spanish language TV" you were railing about above. Because see, I'm a bit of an anglophile and Argentinian MTV was the one U.S. broadcasted station that actually showed the kind of music that I was into. While the U.S. was deep in that bullshit "grunge" craze to the exclusion of anything else, Argentinian MTV actually played TONS of britpop, shoegazing, Techno, and other EUROPEAN style music.

My point? Seeing a lot of their shows on that station, it was abundantly clear that Argentinians are a lot closer to Europeans than they were to Latin Americans. Something that was reinforced when I actually met some Argentinians. And yes, they tend to think they're more Caucasian and not Hispanic. In a very elitist way in fact. In my experience of course. So I'm guessing that is why you warm to them so well.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Let's face it. If people want to come here, learn the language and work hard, I think we'd all welcome them. Hell, we'd probably all be in favor of amnesty and/or open borders.

But time and time again we hear that isn't what's happening.

I don't think it's xenophobic or racist for WB, or anyone else, to expect that the current wave of immigrants follow the same procedures as past waves from places like Italy, China or Germany.

Like I just mentioned in my response to WB, those groups took decades, some MANY decades to fully assimilate into the larger American culture. With the U.S. hispanic population, you're talking about an immigrant wave that pretty much began in the 1970's and peaked in the mid '80's. And as those Census figures show, success and integration is occurring. My problem with WB's rhetoric rests in the fact that to him, these sorts of integrations have to happen immediately and orderly or else he thinks he's being invaded.
 Originally Posted By: whomod
No. It's a formula for more Americans. You just don't want to face that fact that these Americans may not look like you.

Oh please.

You yourself already admit that these "Americans" do not keep nor care for American ideals/practices, so it's a little fuckwitted to say they're not making a point to invasively change our culture--Especially when they openly and blatantly divorce themselves from it.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I make no distinction when the legal hispanics are actively enabling and encouraging illegals to enter our country and break our laws.

I do make a distinction regarding hispanic immigrants who respect our laws, don't support illegals, and are productive contributing citizens of the United States.

Man, your generalization and contempt is just oozing there. So you mean to tell me that you think that illegal immigrants, ALL of them, or even a majority of them, are poring thru the border to go on welfare and to break the law rather than to seek work? Frankly that's bullshit and if you don't know it, then you're more clouded by xenophobia than I thought.

If it were changing productively, I wouldn't mind. But 10% of the children born in this country are "anchor babies", of illegal women who through a bizarre loophole in the law, are illegals given U.S. citizenship at birth, and cost the U.S. billions over a lifetime in welfare benefits, and create a path to citizenship for their illegal parents and extended family.

Again. Illegal immigrants are coming to this country to spend their lives on welfare. Man, you sound like some asshole politician trying to get elected. Quite honestly I think the children of illegal immigrants SHOULDN'T be given automatic citizenship. But that's the Constitution for you. If it bugs you so much maybe you should devote your energy to try to amend it.

You deal with the fact that I have a legitimate point of view, with statistical evidence to support what I'm saying.
If you want more extensive numbers detailing the Mexican drain, read Pat Buchanan's book State of Emergency regarding the immigration problem.

Because he's an expert? More likely he's another scared white man, just judging from some of his TV appearances on the subject.

You ignore, or are just ignorant of, my point. The "white/racist" U.S. captures illegals and deports them, while treating them very well as prisoners. So well that most illegally cross again.

My point is that as cruel and racist as Mexico is toward its illegals, it has no factual basis for calling the U.S. racist for simply enforcing its laws, treating prisoners well, and lawfully deporting them.

Mexico often kills Guatemalans and others who cross, beat their captured illegals, rape the women, and shake them down for whatever they own.

Uh huh.... But you see, I don't care. I don't care what Mexico says. I don't care what Mexico does. I don't even know why you bring it up. Do you think I have some allegiance to or even have any interest in what the fuck Mexico does or says?

Again, if most were lawful, loyal and productive Americans who respected our laws and didn't act like a separate nation within our nation, I would have no problem with that. My problem is that their general attitude equates to a loss of U.S. sovereignty, a move toward open borders, and realization of trans-mexican dreams of using the U.S. Constitution as a "transitional document" toward the dissolution of the United States, inside a North American Union, which translates to the U.S. treasury drained to bankroll a welfare state for tens of millions of poor Mexicans, that the Mexican government should be providing for, not us.
In your anti-American wet dream of a hispanicized America, the United States will cease to exist.
Yeah, that's some patriotism you've got there.
Whether you fully realize it or not, what you cheer on is deeply anti-American.

Talk to the Europeans. they're doing quite well under The European Union and last I checked, England and France were still there. But again, I don't give a fuck about any North American Union either. Did I ever express any interest in one?

I'm sure there' some fringe group out there who advocates dissolving the Constitution and making some Mexican super-state out there. Just like there are UFO enthusiasts/nuts somewhere who are ready to claim this planet for the Galactic Federation. Again, so what? You have this stupid habit of trying to attach the desires of the most fringe crazies you can find, to the entire Mexican immigrant population in general. Which to me only shows how ill informed you really are or how extreme and dishonest you are to drive home your hatred of Mexicans.

I reference you as un-American for your beliefs and attitude, not your race.
Again: It's about who assimilates and who doesn't, not about race. There are plenty of non-white nationalities who assimilate well. Mexicans, by a large percentage, do not.

I've addressed this. Populations assimilate according to their own timetable, not yours. You may want people to jump to your beat but frankly, who the *%$# are you to dictate how fast they should assimilate? No one.

When you feel a need to make these kind of personal digs, I know I've won the argument. I have facts. You have racist labels and insults that my facts easily disprove.

No. You have nativist rhetoric as old as time and you have fear of everything under the sun which is why I brought up your fear of feminists, liberals, etc. Plus it's funny.

 Originally Posted By: whomod


Wow, how mature. If a six-year-old were here to call you a poopy-face, I could match that level of intellect.

No, that's not "intellect", that is wit. I bet you hate political cartoons and satire as well. You sour man, you...
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: whomod
No. It's a formula for more Americans. You just don't want to face that fact that these Americans may not look like you.

Oh please.

You yourself already admit that these "Americans" do not keep nor care for American ideals/practices, so it's a little fuckwitted to say they're not making a point to invasively change our culture--Especially when they openly and blatantly divorce themselves from it.

No, they're just coming to this country AS THEY ALREADY ARE.


And many immigrants from the time this nation started, first resided in immigrant communities where they practiced their own language and customs. And from there they gradually work their way into the larger American culture.

man, you guys act as if history books don't exsist or something...


BTW, where did I assert that Hispanic Americans do not want to keep American practices or ideals? I'd like to know.

Because frankly my beleif is that Hispanic Americans can have BOTH. Cultural ties to their roots and assimilation into American society. It's something that as far as other cultures have shown, lessens over generations. I don't think it's some either/or situation.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Let's face it. If people want to come here, learn the language and work hard, I think we'd all welcome them. Hell, we'd probably all be in favor of amnesty and/or open borders.

But time and time again we hear that isn't what's happening.

I don't think it's xenophobic or racist for WB, or anyone else, to expect that the current wave of immigrants follow the same procedures as past waves from places like Italy, China or Germany.

Heh. I'm watching Blazing Saddles as I read this thread.

Well, just to play devil's advocate for a moment, the history of legal immigrants hasn't been spotless (or bloodless) either. As I've said before, much of the history of this nation consists of recent arrivals coming into conflict with less recent arrivals. As a person of largely Irish descent myself, it'd be silly for me to gloss over the impact that the Irish had on the history of gang crime and organized crime in the United States. Since we're all human beings and we all like to hang onto our cultural peculiarities, we've all brought our collective cultural pros and cons to America with us. The Italians brought kickass food but also the Sicilian Black Hand, the Chinese brought bitchin' threads but also opium, the Germans elevated the production and consumption of both ground meat and beer to an art form but also brought lederhosen, and so on. All these people groups consisted of plenty of good, upstanding citizens, but they had their share of unsavory characters as well.

I think it'd be silly to suggest that one people group in particular is gonna have a disproportionately high percentage of shady characters. Almost all the groups mentioned above started out with elevated crime rates, not because of the sort of people they were, but because they were shoehorned into crapulent living conditions by the brillions. You can get all uppity and blame The Man™ for that if you want, but really it's just the ups and downs of Coming to America™. The difference is that legal immigration processes give Uncle Sam some control over those numbers, and to some extent those living conditions. Whenever you have an unmoderated flow of any people group into any region, it becomes next to impossible to prevent yes, demographic shifts, but also abrupt imbalances across innumerable little economic seesaws.

You can't balance an equation if the variables won't sit still. Except in calculus, but I haven't figured out how to get all those little symbol thingies to work with UBBCode. The issue I have with legal immigration has less than nothing to do with who's coming in. I mean come on, my brother's Guatemalan, half my mom's side of the family comes from either native Spanish-speaking places or native Portuguese-speaking places, and so on. My concern is that it's been so incredibly difficult over our nation's history for us all to find a balance, and the squabbles that have erupted have often been bloody in the extreme, that any time any group of people charges in with absolutely no mechanism to regulate their numbers or conduct, all hell is gonna break loose.

Well spoken, Sammitch.

I'd really like WB to address your points since they echo my points, only more articulately.

It's not a Mexican problem, it's just the way immigrant waves have always been and will be again. To ignore that WB's arguments have been voiced over and over again with immigrant group after immigrant group in the history of this country is to frankly be blind, ignorant, or dishonest. Or a combination.

And this country has endured regardless of the nativist rhetoric repeatedly declaring doom and gloom and the end of the American way of life.
 Originally Posted By: whomod
And many immigrants from the time this nation started, first resided in immigrant communities where they practiced their own language and customs. And from there they gradually work their way into the larger American culture.

True or untrue that doesn't mean the practice should be continued--Especially not this day and age.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: whomod
And many immigrants from the time this nation started, first resided in immigrant communities where they practiced their own language and customs. And from there they gradually work their way into the larger American culture.

True or untrue that doesn't mean the practice should be continued--Especially not this day and age.

You sound as if it's by choice. I think if most immigrants had their druthers, they'd like to live in the nice cozy suburbs with most caucasians. Economics of course will factor into that, white flight may factor into whether they integrate with a majority of whites as well. You want immigrants to integrate? Then don't move away when they get there.

Plus the ease of having a familiar gateway to America in that immigrant community will attract people there.

It's not a matter of whether you like it or even whether the immigrant likes it, it's just the way it is.

But really, please elaborate as to why that is a problem with you.
I think the difference that concerns people today is that there isn't the same slow "work[ing] their way into larger American culture." Instead, there seems to be a demand that the culture has to adapt, not the immigrants.
I agree with everything that Whomod said. I thank him for arguing my points way better than I ever could. Wonderboy I think you are a decent guy....I certainly don't hate you. But you definitely come off as rascist on this issue. I'm sorry. The Republicans come off as fear mongererers and disgust me so much on this issue that I am contemplating abandoning the party. I already won't vote Republican in '08 and may even register as a dem form now on.

with that said I also agrre with what G just said too. That will be the compromise eventually. Let them in let them become Americans, but stop catering to them and make them learn English. I don't have a problem with Spanish language programing or any of that stuff....but government forms and street signs and awhat not should always be in English.

Just think....if the Spanish Armada never invaded England they would have been the super power.
Thank God for PJP!!
Holy shit, did this thread spawn...

 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Let's face it. If people want to come here, learn the language and work hard, I think we'd all welcome them. Hell, we'd probably all be in favor of amnesty and/or open borders.

But time and time again we hear that isn't what's happening.

I don't think it's xenophobic or racist for WB, or anyone else, to expect that the current wave of immigrants follow the same procedures as past waves from places like Italy, China or Germany.

Heh. I'm watching Blazing Saddles as I read this thread.

Well, just to play devil's advocate for a moment, the history of legal immigrants hasn't been spotless (or bloodless) either. As I've said before, much of the history of this nation consists of recent arrivals coming into conflict with less recent arrivals. As a person of largely Irish descent myself, it'd be silly for me to gloss over the impact that the Irish had on the history of gang crime and organized crime in the United States. Since we're all human beings and we all like to hang onto our cultural peculiarities, we've all brought our collective cultural pros and cons to America with us. The Italians brought kickass food but also the Sicilian Black Hand, the Chinese brought bitchin' threads but also opium, the Germans elevated the production and consumption of both ground meat and beer to an art form but also brought lederhosen, and so on. All these people groups consisted of plenty of good, upstanding citizens, but they had their share of unsavory characters as well.

I think it'd be silly to suggest that one people group in particular is gonna have a disproportionately high percentage of shady characters. Almost all the groups mentioned above started out with elevated crime rates, not because of the sort of people they were, but because they were shoehorned into crapulent living conditions by the brillions. You can get all uppity and blame The Man™ for that if you want, but really it's just the ups and downs of Coming to America™. The difference is that legal immigration processes give Uncle Sam some control over those numbers, and to some extent those living conditions. Whenever you have an unmoderated flow of any people group into any region, it becomes next to impossible to prevent yes, demographic shifts, but also abrupt imbalances across innumerable little economic seesaws.

You can't balance an equation if the variables won't sit still. Except in calculus, but I haven't figured out how to get all those little symbol thingies to work with UBBCode. The issue I have with legal immigration has less than nothing to do with who's coming in. I mean come on, my brother's Guatemalan, half my mom's side of the family comes from either native Spanish-speaking places or native Portuguese-speaking places, and so on. My concern is that it's been so incredibly difficult over our nation's history for us all to find a balance, and the squabbles that have erupted have often been bloody in the extreme, that any time any group of people charges in with absolutely no mechanism to regulate their numbers or conduct, all hell is gonna break loose.

Damn. When did Sammitch become well spoken and start using logic and common sense?


Excellent points, Cap'n.

 Originally Posted By: PJP
... Wonderboy I think you are a decent guy....I certainly don't hate you. But you definitely come off as rascist on this issue.

I hate to say it, but I agree here. I don't hate you either WB, but when you label an entire ethnic group as "invaders" based on a fringe groups beliefs, or because they're not assimilating fast enough to your liking, its hard to see you as otherwise. And saying you date women within a certain ethnic group (any ethnic group) or that you're best friend is part of an ethnic group does not bolster your case, nor does it negate the fact that your comments stem from fear and intolerance.

PJP said:
I'm sorry. The Republicans come off as fear mongererers and disgust me so much on this issue that I am contemplating abandoning the party. I already won't vote Republican in '08 and may even register as a dem form now on.

Whoa. When did this happen?

with that said I also agrre with what G just said too. That will be the compromise eventually. Let them in let them become Americans, but stop catering to them and make them learn English. I don't have a problem with Spanish language programing or any of that stuff....but government forms and street signs and awhat not should always be in English.

I completely agree with this. You can be proud of your roots and still love your country - as I said earlier, the two are not mutually exclusive. But I think the bending over backwards to accomodate each individual group has gotten ridiculous. The city had a class action a while back where we were being sued because on one of our "know your rights" forms we didn't have some obscure language on that form. I'm not talking Korean, Chinese (two different dialects), Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi or Swahili, (all of which were on the forms, BTW), etc., I'm talking about a language that no one - not me, not my colleagues, not even opposing counsel - had ever heard of. But we were being sued because we didn't have it on the form even though we had thirteen (!?!?!) other languages on that form. That kind of shit is just ridiculous.

I think that once one gets here one should know English - if for no other reason than it opens up so many opportunities for people. Knowing the native tongue of the country one lives in should not be seen as some extraordinary request. That aside, I think that most people who come here are looking for a better life - the "American dream" or whatever you want to call it - and given time, will assimilate while still having pride in their roots. But to blanket an entire ethnic group as "anti-American" "invaders" for the beliefs of a radical minority is just fear mongering that ignores the rest of said group.

Just think....if the Spanish Armada never invaded England they would have been the super power.

Indeed. That's what they got for underestimating a woman. ;\)
 Originally Posted By: whomod
Well spoken, Sammitch.

I'd really like WB to address your points since they echo my points, only more articulately.

i is edjamacated
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
I think the difference that concerns people today is that there isn't the same slow "work[ing] their way into larger American culture." Instead, there seems to be a demand that the culture has to adapt, not the immigrants.

That may be a matter of perception also. If you're walking into a Target or Best Buy and notice Spanish signs, and circulars and friendly salespeople talking to a customer in Spanish, that's just business trying to maximize their profits by trying to tap into that immigrant non-English speaking market, not because anyone "demanded" to be spoken to in Spanish.

Not to say there aren't advocates that demand to be catered to in Spanish or other languages, I just think it's not as prevalent or responsible for a lot of what you see out there. From what I see out there, a lot of it is just a voluntary attempt to tap into a market.

And in my experience, the only people who get offended by another language being spoken or printed are people who aren't used to being around other languages. It's like an affront to them for some reason due to unfamiliarity. If it were replacing English that would be one thing, but if it's just an attempt by business to try to separate 1st generation immigrants from their money more easily.

And it's not just Spanish. Go to the Chinese area of town and you may yet hear some Chinese. Go to the Indian part of town and you may read Indian signs and so forth. It's sort of paranoid IMO to think these people are plotting to usurp English. All they're doing is speaking in he manner they are accustomed to. They will eventually assimilate and when they do, they may still converse this way with other newer immigrants. Like I say, it's not a threat, it's just people being themselves.

You obviously haven't hung around the Chinese if you think they're indifferent to the state of current English language dominance. Contrary to what The Joy Luck Club might have you believe, the Chinese are very stringent about keeping traditions and lifestyles. Not to mention, they're the most racist bunch I've ever met.

Don't know about the Indians.

 Originally Posted By: harleykwin

I hate to say it, but I agree here. I don't hate you either WB, but when you label an entire ethnic group as "invaders" based on a fringe groups beliefs, or because they're not assimilating fast enough to your liking, its hard to see you as otherwise.

Just to be clear: You don't believe that particular ethnic groups migrating to America keep an invasive and separatist mentality that involves "taking back" America from "Americans" all the while using the phrase, "we're Americans to," to fend off scrutiny?
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

No need to elaborate. Those who arrive in mass numbers and do not assimilate, are colonizers who wish to replace the existing culture with their own. And if that is their attitude, if they have no respect for the existing culture, then they don't belong here and should be deported.

Ironic sentiment coming this close to Thanksgiving.

As I said earlier, many native Americans assimilated to the technologically superior European culture. The Cherokees I am descended from are the largest surviving North American tribe. Other tribes that were more warlike did not fare as well.
There are about equal numbers of recorded killings, of both Native Americans and Europeans, in their clashes. It is liberals who perpetuate the historically innaccurate notion of mass genocide, despite that over 90% died from mere contact with Europeans, who had immunity to illnesses that Native Americans had never been exposed to. Some massacres and mistreatments of Native Americans occurred, to be sure. (The infected blankets Snarf mentioned were a single incident, not a mass-implemented genocide as he implies.)

But again, Native American hands are not clean of blood either, both before and after contact with Europeans.

Native Americans were not advancing culturally, mostly stone-age hunter-gatherers, who had not even invented the wheel. Who also engaged in bloody tribal warfare, human sacrifice, and even cannibalism. Life spans were short for native Americans in those days.
So spare me the arguments that Europeans interrupted some kind of Native American utopia. There are actually more Native Americans alive today than there were at the time of first European contact, and enjoying a much better standard of living.

As I said in a previous topic, according to an anthropologist friend of mine studying the issue, the average Native American family of four here in Florida is worth about 1.4 million dollars, thanks to tribal allotment from casino revenue.

So happy Thanksgiving to you too.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

 Originally Posted By: WB
Again, you're the only one who hasd voiced hate for whites as a sweeping whole, and even gloated about how hispanics are taking over.

I've only criticized those who do not assimilate, and those who are hostile to the United States and its existing culture. Period. The end.

Sorry, you don't get to twist my words and then declare the argument over. As much as you'd like.

You've repeatedly voiced your hostility toward whites, way beyond what you could possibly twist the most ambiguous phrase of mine to imply.

I can accept that you don't share that opinion of all whites. But you seem to feel it toward quite a few whites. And in many anecdotes you've given over the years, you seem to live for the opportunity to rub your ethnicity in the white majority's face on every possible occassion.
I find it exciting to meet people from other cultures.

But when someone like you comes along and basically say: "Yeah, look at you white people, you're shitting in your pants because we're taking over!" Gee, why would I be offended by that?

 Originally Posted By: whomod

I've already said that the ONLY people I have a problem with are nativist xenophobes like you. And sorry, but you're not representative of the majority of whites.

I think the ONLY people you have a problem with are anyone who doesn't share your liberal views. And then you feel a need to shout them down, harass and slander them with all kinds of racist labels.

Even in my more moderate statements across many topics, you still twist what I say to conform to your whipping-boy stereotype of what you imagine, in your wildest wet dreams, to be the ultimate stereotype of a white racist conservative. Often in total opposition to what I actually said.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
As for my "gloating" that's just me riding your immigrant based fear.

You call it fear. I call it statistical proof from the U.S. Justice Department, the I.N.S., the U.S. Census Bureau, and respected journalists such as Lou Dobbs, Pat Buchanan, and other sources such as Worldnet Daily, and VDare. And even a few stories from the more mainstream networks.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
Which I can because frankly your arguments sound silly and completely unoriginal. All these assertions and claims of invasion, no desire to assimilate, wanting to use our national resources, trying to take over, all these are as old as the country itself and have been used on every large group of immigrants from the Chinese, to the Italians, to the Germans and even to Irish CATHOLICS. And in each case all the claims and hatred and suspicion was completely untrue and unfounded.

No, the fears were legitimate, but a stress on the necessity of assimilation and resolving the social problems made things work out.

I don't know much about the Catholic plot to control America, but it is certainly true that the Catholic church dominated Europe for centuries (hence the First Amendment, about not establishing a state religion, and not prohibiting the free practice of all denominations)

You say it's the same, and that my concerns about excessive immigration are just "fear".
But as Buchanan points out well in his book, it's very different now:

(1) Up till 1965, the number of immigrants coming in annually were much smaller, in many years less than 200,000 admitted per year. Now it's over 1.2 million per year (600,000 of whom apply for visas while living illegally in the U.S. with legal-immigrant relatives). Far beyond what even liberal John F. Kennedy envisioned as a sensible level of immigration that could be assimilated.

(2) Up until 1965, virtually all immigration was from Europe. Whether immigrats were English, German, Russian, Greek, Italian, Hungarian or whatever, virtually all immigrants were of a shared Judao-Christian background, and had that much in common.

(3) Up until 1965, when a radical brand of liberalism emerged, assimilation was expected, and strongly urged. But now ethnic separatism and outright anti-Americanism, is encouraged. As is a very negative teaching of American history, that combined work to undermine national unity, and instead encourage ethnic separatism.

(4) Up until 1965, immigrants were selected with the specific purpose of who would likely assimilate well into American culture. Since 1965, we didn't just begin third-world immigration (a very different non-European group of immigrants that our nation has never before successfully assimilated), but we began importing third-world immigration in numbers (36 million) that by far eclipse the previous German, Irish and Italian immigrants combined.
A mass of third-world immigrants that are yet to be proven can successfully be assimilated.

(5) After each huge period of immigration, there was a period of very limited immigration, to allow the large waves of immigrants to assimilate. But despite the visible cracks in the system, any call for lowering immigration is, predictably, labelled as "racist" and "xenophobic", despite that it is clearly a sensible thing to do, to insure national stability.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

 Originally Posted By: WB
My scornful opinion of you has nothing to do with your race. It has to do with the fact that you're openly cheering for the other side, against the United States.

Um.. "the other side"? Is a war taking place? man, you are sooo wound up by all the hatred and rhetoric out there. Always you fear something. Whether it's the immigrant, the Muslim, the Liberal, the feminist.. There is always someone at the door ready to obliterate your way of life. Tell me, with all this paranoia, how the fuck do you sleep at night?

Again, I make logical well-documented statistically-based arguments for sensible immigration policy, and you resort to slanderous allegations of "racism" and "fear", to bypass my points. "Racism" and "fear" is just how you deceitfully slander any valid opinion you object to.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

 Originally Posted By: WB
My ideas are common sense, and the standard set down by George Washington and Ben Franklin, who were concerned about allowing too many Germans in the country, or allowing them to immigrate too concentrated in an area. They felt a need to spread them out, so they would assimilate.

Cool! when do the relocation's take place? I want to move in near you! Yes, I'm being facetious. Because your examples of past sentiment or desires frankly won't fly anymore so I have to wonder at why you even dare to dream your weird Nativist dreams in the 1st place. And that underscores this entire thread. The entire futility of your railings. Barring mass deportations and stripping citizenship to millions, Hispanic growth will occur whether you want it to or not. LEGALLY.

Once again, you toss in all kinds of weird ideas of your own, and try to pass them off as my ideas, so you can label me a racist.

You again say "Nativist" as if I wanted a white-only America, when I have clearly not said that. I said I welcome people of all races, and enjoy interacting with people of all races and cultures, but I want an America where we, regardless of race, have a shared American culture we all assimilate to.

"Mass deportations and stripping citizenship to millions" is again your idea, not mine. Your malicious attempt to paint me as something I'm not.

I find it exciting to interact with people of other nationalities and cultures. I just don't want them imported to the point that they overwhelm our culture.
To the point that they are at more than 50% of the Broward County population, and approaching 50% in Miami.
And also approaching 50% of total population in Mexican border counties of California, New Mexico and Texas.

I like people from Cuba, Colombia and Brazil. But I don't want the United States to become another Cuba, Colombia or Brazil. But the U.S. is fast becoming that. To the point that for the first time in my life I have to almost be bilingual to do business in my own city.
Again: they are not assimilating to our culture. We are being forced to assimilate to theirs.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

Frankly, you can rail against Mexicans all you like. But it's funny that this sort of rhetoric only gets superheated every 4 years and then, like gay marriage or abortion or some other wedge bullshit, it quickly dissipates to be forgotten even by the very people who were super heating the rhetoric and were elected or re-elected to do something about it. At least until the next election cycle. That's manipulation using fear and hatred. And it's uncanny how you're always at the head of the line ready to take what these people are swilling.

A large percentage of Americans have always been concerned about it. It is politicians, whose campaigns are funded by corporations who want cheap immigrant labor, who are betraying America, and betraying average Americans, by ignoring the will of the people. I think consciousness of what is happening to our nation has caused a swelling of opinion for the first time, with this recent immigration "amnesty" bill that was rejected.
It's not an "every four year paranoid issue". It's a real issue, and it's reached a tipping point that demands action.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

 Originally Posted By: WB
Yes. Hispanics were about 3% of the U.S. population in the 1970s.
By the 1980s, hispanics were 6%.
Hispanics are currently about 15%, using your own quoted numbers.
Hispanics are expected to reach 25% (double the already high numbers) by 2040.

And yet you don't see that as an invasion. It is a formula for balkanization and separatism. It is national suicide.

No. It's a formula for more Americans. You just don't want to face that fact that these Americans may not look like you.

Again you slander me by alleging it's about race. Once again: For me, it's about assimilation, who assimilates and who doesn't, not race.

More bodies in America with foreign loyalties --of most concern, Mexico-- who feel strongly that the U.S. "stole" the Southwest and that Mexico should have it back (and the innate anti-America/anti-white hostility that attitude reflects), a high ratio of Mexicans who enter this country illegally and don't respect our nation and our laws. That 1 in 12 illegal immigrants caught is found to have a criminal record, that 150,000 crimes are committed annually in this country by illegals, 24% of our prison populations, crowding our courts, high school dropouts who end up on welfare if not in jail... all these things make me seriously question whether these are "Americans" or just alien bodies in America.

Many do assimilate and contribute, as I said.

But as I also said, Mexico has the highest numbers in all these negative categories, that indicate, relative to other groups, they don't assimilate as well, and should be given visas more selectively.

With more visas given to those of third-world nations (S. Korea, India, the Phillipines, etc.) that over the last 40 years statistically assimilate better, and don't end up on welfare or in prison.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

 Originally Posted By: WB
As I just statistically established, it is an invasion!

So when I move in next to you, can I take you prisoner then?

 Originally Posted By: WB
In terms of numbers. In terms of radio and TV stations switching to spanish-only programming. It is unquestionably a cultural invasion, as well as an invasion in sheer numbers of immigrants, both legal and illegal.

Did someone take over your FOX affiliate and replace Bill O'Reilley with Don Francisco? Of course not. But you, in your weird paranoia, think that stations that cater to the immigrant population are a BAD thing. No, they mustn't be entertained in the language they know TODAY, they must be forced Clockwork Orange style to watch Lou Dobbs lecture them on how they must learn English ASAP!

Half the local Florida stations on the dial --50 percent!-- is a heartbeat away from spanish dominance, and it is hardly "paranoid" to object to this. As I said, with such a widespread Spanish-speaking accomodation in entertainment and business, why should they bother learning English, or assimilating?

When half the radio and TV stations broadcast in Spanish, when they can press 2 on the phone with their bank or credit card and do business in Spanish, it sends a strong message that they don't need to learn English. When the media is half Spanish radio and TV channels, it is well on its way to becoming 60%, 75% or 100% Spanish. It is invasion. And to not resist it is absolutely a mistake.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

Frankly as a kid, i HATED Spanish language TV because it was cheesy and low budget and not every entertaining. Plus I knew English fluently so I could watch English language shows. My parents however were slower to learn as most adults are. But eventually they watched the same shows I did. IN ADDITION to the shows they liked and grew up with. But no, to you, it's refusal to "assimilate" and a threat to ABC and NBC remaining to provide English programming.

Half the channels on the dial. Again, it's multiculturalism gone insane. It's a formula for balkanization and separatism.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

 Originally Posted By: WB
You keep trying to make this racial. But it's not about race, it's about lack of assimilation, that is de facto invasion.

First you say this...

 Originally Posted By: WB
I don't care whether someone is hispanic or Arab or european, so long as they assimilate and contribute to the United States. Some of the nationalities that assimilate the best into U.S. culture, who have the lowest ratios in gangs or prison, have the lowest high school dropout rates, who pursue higher education at a high rate, and who have very low ratios of welfare usage or imprisonment include Koreans, Phillipinos, Chinese and India. These I would gladly welcome over more Mexicans, who have high ratio that end up subsidized by tax dollars.

.. then you say that....

 Originally Posted By: WB
But I have no problem recognizing that many hispanics do assimilate and contribute to our culture. Many hispanics are fighting and sacrificing in our military, and have since Texas' independence in 1836. And pursuing careers and higher education.

I'm guessing in order to sugar coat your earlier rejection of Mexicans as a group..

 Originally Posted By: WB
It's not about race for me. You slanderously allege it's about race, to distract from my point.

Oh but it is. It's your ENTIRE point.

No. My point is and remains assimilation, not race. In deceitful communist rhetorical technique, straight from the Moscow Central Committee, you're trying to factlessly slander me through sheer repitition. That you rely on slander over facts just proves to me that you're wrong, to the point of being evil.
That is just pure malicious deceit on your part.

There's no contradiction in what I said, despite your sleaziest attempt, not through facts, but through pure innuendo, to imply otherwise.

As I said, Mexican immigrants have the worst statistical numbers for gangs, drug-related arrests, imprisonment, high-school dropout rates, etc. But I said what I did to make clear that I don't think all Mexicans are criminals. There are many who assimilate and pursue higher education, and contribute as true Americans. But in full disclosure, there are many who do not, a higher percentage of non-performers than any nationality that immigrates here.
And for that reason, and for that reason alone (not race!) I don't think we should continue to accept more immigrants from Mexico than any other nation (30 percent of the U.S.'s legal immigration).
There are other hispanic nations that don't have the poor numbers that Mexico does, and we should draw more immigrants from them.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

 Originally Posted By: WB
And when you've done that, I've won the argument, because you have to use deceit to try and disprove the obvious truth of what I'm saying: that immigrants of any nation are a threat to the United States if they don't assimilate. And that is an opinion I share with George Washington, Ben Franklin, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy.

How long did it take the Chineese to assimilate in the 1800's? The Italians?

Nativists objected primarily to Roman Catholics (especially Irish American) because of their loyalty to the Pope and supposed rejection of American ideals. Oh man does that sound familiar to your rants.

As I said, I'm less familiar with the anti-Catholic fears. But there was a time when Europe was completely controlled by the Catholic church, and many of our nation's founders came here for religious freedom, from the repressive control of the Catholic church.

It's not paranoid or inconceivable that the Catholic church had plans to similarly spread their influence in the U.S.
Or paranoid, given the Catholic church's history (the Inquisition, the Jesuits), to want to insure that was prevented.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

From the 1840s to 1920 German Americans were distrusted because of their separatist social structure, their opposition to prohibition, their attachment to their native tongue over English, and their neutrality toward the war in World War I. And where is that society today? Assimilated? Of course.

Because of a stress on the need to assimilate, that thanks to "multiculturalism" is now considered racist. What insured assimmilation then no longer protects us. Imagine 50% of radio and TV stations in german during the time you mention. We'd be a german colony now.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

Fear of low-skilled immigrants flooding the labor market was an issue in the 1920s (focused on immigrants from Italy and Poland). Assimiated or did they "take over" the country and the labor market?

Because of a hold period where there was virtually no immigration for several decades, to absorb the large wave of immigrants, yes, they were assimilated.

With 36 million immigrants in the last 40 years, where is the logical freeze on immigration, to insure assimilation? We just continue to let in another 1.2 million every year. Plus the estimated 20 million illegals here now. It is, again, not immigration, but invasion. With no end in sight.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

The Chinese spent DECADES distrusted, holding down the most menial jobs, and living in tight knit immigrant communities (Chinatown), and speaking primarily in their native tounge before they finally assimilated into the larger society. As with your Mexican threat, they too had gang issues, as did many other immigrant communities which date back to the Irish canal gangs (1840s), Chinese gangs (tongs) in 1880s, Italian ("Mafia") (1890- present). Did all these people destroy your way of life?

Your song is an old record.

Again, large waves, punctuated with decades of low immigration, to absorb and assimilate the large waves. But the assimilation mechanisms are now broken, because of liberal notions of "multiculturalism" and "racism".

The mechanisms that insured assimilation have been broken by liberals, who branded them "racist."

 Originally Posted By: whomod

 Originally Posted By: WB
That's yet another factless [attempt] on your part to slander me.

You know nothing about me. You ignore that I've stated many times that I not only date non-white women, but that many of my friends are non-white or foreign nationals. My closest friend is from Argentina.

You make this dating of non-white women to be some mystical totem against being called a racist or something. I don't care who you date. As I said before the measure of acceptance (because the word "tolerance' to me is frankly insulting bullshit) is not in the pretty foreign women that might catch your eye but in the ugly women, the MEN, the old people and how you interact with THEM as a collective.

So if I limited my social interaction to just Europeans, I would be a racist (naturally, by definition).

But even though I interact and socialize with people of pretty much every race and nationality, you still somehow manage to brand that as racism, through some liberal distortion, as well.

Nice loaded argument. But it bypasses the reality of my daily experience.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

As for Argentina.. I used to enjoy Argentinian MTV immensely in the early 1990's. That was part of that "Spanish language TV" you were railing about above. Because see, I'm a bit of an anglophile and Argentinian MTV was the one U.S. broadcasted station that actually showed the kind of music that I was into. While the U.S. was deep in that bullshit "grunge" craze to the exclusion of anything else, Argentinian MTV actually played TONS of britpop, shoegazing, Techno, and other EUROPEAN style music.

My point? Seeing a lot of their shows on that station, it was abundantly clear that Argentinians are a lot closer to Europeans than they were to Latin Americans. Something that was reinforced when I actually met some Argentinians. And yes, they tend to think they're more Caucasian and not Hispanic. In a very elitist way in fact. In my experience of course. So I'm guessing that is why you warm to them so well.

So now you find a way to brand even my Argentinian friends as goose-stepping Aryan supermen.

Again, you assume a lot, and your argument is pure slander. Orlando is the friend I mentioned in another topic where I said we were in a restaurant, and seeing a mistake in the bill, he said: "That waitress hears me talk with a Spanish accent, and she thinks I add with a hispanic accent too." Which shocked me, as have other comments where he felt discriminated against because he's hispanic.
i don't know how to respond to that, wondy. you basically rewrote history to suit your post and political views.
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Let's face it. If people want to come here, learn the language and work hard, I think we'd all welcome them. Hell, we'd probably all be in favor of amnesty and/or open borders.

But time and time again we hear that isn't what's happening.

I don't think it's xenophobic or racist for WB, or anyone else, to expect that the current wave of immigrants follow the same procedures as past waves from places like Italy, China or Germany.

Like I just mentioned in my response to WB, those groups took decades, some MANY decades to fully assimilate into the larger American culture. With the U.S. hispanic population, you're talking about an immigrant wave that pretty much began in the 1970's and peaked in the mid '80's. And as those Census figures show, success and integration is occurring. My problem with WB's rhetoric rests in the fact that to him, these sorts of integrations have to happen immediately and orderly or else he thinks he's being invaded.

My concern is that all the mechanisms that insured assimilation are being destroyed.

And that anyone who dares to call for the past mechanisms that insure assimilation (greater pressure to learn english, not allowing spanish to become an official second language, a reduction of immigration to allow assimilation of the massive wave already here)are branded as "Xenophobes" and "racist".

No, we just want America to remain America. And sovereign. If you want "multiculturalism", move to former Yugoslavia or Iraq. You might change your mind.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: whomod
No. It's a formula for more Americans. You just don't want to face that fact that these Americans may not look like you.

Oh please.

You yourself already admit that these "Americans" do not keep nor care for American ideals/practices, so it's a little fuckwitted to say they're not making a point to invasively change our culture--Especially when they openly and blatantly divorce themselves from it.
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
i don't know how to respond to that, wondy. you basically rewrote history to suit your post and political views.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

In deceitful communist rhetorical technique, straight from the Moscow Central Committee, you're trying to factlessly slander me through sheer repitition...

Imagine 50% of radio and TV stations in german during the time you mention. We'd be a german colony now.....

So now you find a way to brand even my Argentinian friends as goose-stepping Aryan supermen.

I don't know how to respond to that because I'm either laughing or shaking my head too much to be able to.

Ultimately it's pointless to respond as I've made my points and Wonder Boy has made his all too abundantly clear. It's a shame he's going to spend the rest of his life miserable as fuck. Needlessly so. But that's the statistical reality. He's going to believe he's being invaded and it's only going to be reinforced when 1/4 of the population is Hispanic in 2050. Hopefully he'll make his peace and acceptance with Hispanics by then.

P.S., I can't imagine German radio during the time I mention because German immigration occurred between 1840-1920 and radio programs only became widespread in the 1920s and 1930s.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: whomod
No. It's a formula for more Americans. You just don't want to face that fact that these Americans may not look like you.

Oh please.

You yourself already admit that these "Americans" do not keep nor care for American ideals/practices, so it's a little fuckwitted to say they're not making a point to invasively change our culture--Especially when they openly and blatantly divorce themselves from it.

So you can quote my response to him as well then.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
As I said earlier, many native Americans assimilated to the technologically superior European culture. The Cherokees I am descended from are the largest surviving North American tribe. Other tribes that were more warlike did not fare as well.

By assimilate you mean become a subclass living with racism and abuse for many years. Having their native culture shunned and being forced to immitate the society of the invaders.

There are about equal numbers of recorded killings, of both Native Americans and Europeans, in their clashes. It is liberals who perpetuate the historically innaccurate notion of mass genocide, despite that over 90% died from mere contact with Europeans, who had immunity to illnesses that Native Americans had never been exposed to. Some massacres and mistreatments of Native Americans occurred, to be sure. (The infected blankets Snarf mentioned were a single incident, not a mass-implemented genocide as he implies.)

You would make a good Nazi. Justifying a foreign people invading "lesser" peoples to make them civilized. The Indians had their own culture, they had there own way of life. You can't make a judgement call on how they lived because quite frankly they were healthier than the Europeans at the time. Europeans lived amongst animal shit and never bathed. They were literally dripping with disease. The Indians lived more agrarian lives. I can assume from your statements that native New Yorkers are justified in slaughtering and imprisoning farmers from upstate New York because they're less advanced?
True there were attacks from Indians, but the Europeans settlers started it. They were greeted with friendship and then turned on the Indians when they needed more land.

But again, Native American hands are not clean of blood either, both before and after contact with Europeans.

Yes, they had wars before the settlers showed up. So did the Europeans. Does that justify an invasion of Europe? It seems death and invasion is fine by you when white people are the ones doing it.

Native Americans were not advancing culturally, mostly stone-age hunter-gatherers, who had not even invented the wheel.

so? does that mean they were worthy of death? It's arguments where you claim one race is inferior to another that get you labeled a racist. The fact is this was their land. Who cares how they lived on it? Who cares if they had oral traditions and valued living in harmony with nature over how Europeans lived? Europeans were more advanced because of multiculturalism. They had many different cultures trading ideas and goods with each other. That advances a society.
It's funny because on one thread you argue about how mexican immigration is bad because foreigners are coming in and undermining the native culture. Here you support flat out invasions and forcibly taking land because whites did it.

Who also engaged in bloody tribal warfare, human sacrifice, and even cannibalism.

Inquisition, Crusades, Black Death, many many many wars.
Also human sacrifice was in the Aztek culture, not the North American Indians.

Life spans were short for native Americans in those days.

so? everyone had a shorter life expectancy back then. Does the length of one's life determine how well and free they can live?

So spare me the arguments that Europeans interrupted some kind of Native American utopia.

I don't think anyone has ever called it a utopia, but it was their lives on their land. And they were pretty welcoming to the settlers. They could have lived in peace.

There are actually more Native Americans alive today than there were at the time of first European contact, and enjoying a much better standard of living.

wow. that's the dumbest argument i think you've ever used. The whole world's population then was less than a billion (a number not reached until the 1800's) now it's 6.5 billion. China and India have the largest populations of any countries, by your logic they must be the iconic benevolent society for allowing so many people to be born.
There were people here who were killed. Some accidentally through diseases, and many purposefully through invasion and slaughter. Just because they've had a population rebound doesn't justify anything. If you had 2 kids and I killed one of them but you had 2 more, does that make me not a killer?

As I said in a previous topic, according to an anthropologist friend of mine studying the issue, the average Native American family of four here in Florida is worth about 1.4 million dollars, thanks to tribal allotment from casino revenue.

So? You make horribly immoral points. There are rich Jewish families, does that mean the holocaust was actually a good thing?

I find it exciting to meet people from other cultures.

no you don't. you've said repeatedly that you want assimilation. so therefore you enjoy meeting people who have different colored skin but are subservient to you and your cultural views.

But when someone like you comes along and basically say: "Yeah, look at you white people, you're shitting in your pants because we're taking over!" Gee, why would I be offended by that?

I think you create that yourself. I've known many people of different ethnic persuasions and get on fine with them because I treat them like people and not invaders. I can see you antagonizing others with little passive aggressive comments that get them riled up and defensive.

respected journalists such as Lou Dobbs, Pat Buchanan,

the rest of the post is just more of your bile. I think I will leave you to stew in your own bile because I don't have enough meanness in me to blah blah blah.
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

I find it exciting to meet people from other cultures.

no you don't. you've said repeatedly that you want assimilation. So therefore you enjoy meeting people who have different colored skin but are subservient to you and your cultural views.


If I could sum Wonder Boy 's views up in one sentence. There it is.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Imagine 50% of radio and TV stations in german during the time you mention. We'd be a german colony now.....

These are some German words and expressions are used constantly in English. Angst, kindergarten, gesundheit, kaputt, sauerkraut, blitz, blitzkrieg, bratwurst, cobalt, dachshund, delicatessen, ersatz, frankfurter and wiener (named for Frankfurt and Vienna, respectively), glockenspiel, hinterland, infobahn (for “information highway”), kaffeeklatsch, pilsner (glass, beer), pretzel, quartz, rucksack, schnaps (any hard liquor), schuss (skiing), spritzer, (apple) strudel, verboten, waltz, and wanderlust. And from Low German: brake, dote, tackle, Zeitgeist. Or words used in special areas, such as gestalt in psychology or loess in geology. And of course hamburger.

It must drive you insane knowing the German immigration wave caused you to lose your sovereignty. Every time you're in Burger King, you must feel the rage of having to use German in order to order something to eat!
I can assume from your statements that native New Yorkers are justified in slaughtering and imprisoning farmers from upstate New York because they're less advanced?

Only in a perfect world. There are more clueless hicks in Upstate NY then the entire South.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I can assume from your statements that native New Yorkers are justified in slaughtering and imprisoning farmers from upstate New York because they're less advanced?

Only in a perfect world. There are more clueless hicks in Upstate NY then the entire South.

well, i'm kind of against the whole murder and violence thing. it's just not healthy for bunnies and kittens and other living things.
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Imagine 50% of radio and TV stations in german during the time you mention. We'd be a german colony now.....

These are some German words and expressions are used constantly in English. Angst, kindergarten, gesundheit, kaputt, sauerkraut, blitz, blitzkrieg, bratwurst, cobalt, dachshund, delicatessen, ersatz, frankfurter and wiener (named for Frankfurt and Vienna, respectively), glockenspiel, hinterland, infobahn (for “information highway”), kaffeeklatsch, pilsner (glass, beer), pretzel, quartz, rucksack, schnaps (any hard liquor), schuss (skiing), spritzer, (apple) strudel, verboten, waltz, and wanderlust. And from Low German: brake, dote, tackle, Zeitgeist. Or words used in special areas, such as gestalt in psychology or loess in geology. And of course hamburger.

It must drive you insane knowing the German immigration wave caused you to lose your sovereignty. Every time you're in Burger King, you must feel the rage of having to use German in order to order something to eat!

Hell, it goes further than that. English is a derivative of German. Here's English- German for many common words....

Arm- Arm
Hand- Hand
Foot- Fuss
Brown- Braun
Bus- Bus
Bush- Hitler
Yeesh! These crackers sound like a bunch of assholes! I wonder why the hell my great grandmother felt the desire to knock boots with one. I mean, what the hell was she thinking having kids with such fascists who wanted to drown out her heritage!?

While I'm at it, fuck whitey for bringing Africans into America just so they can be oppressed. It would have been much better if those damn Caucasians left their culture alone and allowed those black people to live much better lives where they were born!

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
By assimilate you mean become a subclass living with racism and abuse for many years. Having their native culture shunned and being forced to immitate the society of the invaders.

You can't invade land that didn't have any owners. Native Americans had no concept of ownership and no moral perceptions; raiding and seizing was all they cared about. With little progression in their lives, they were not only an impediment to American advancement, but also their own. Without any philosophy and/or ambition, their culture was stagnating and savage. Their tribal mentalities perpetuated friction between most of their sects.

There may have been growing pains and cultural differences, but in the end, Native Americans assimilated with the more advanced culture offering various ways to live healthier. As a result, their (and my) further existence was insured through the actions of the settlers.

In the end, it was to the benefit of both the Indians and the Americans to co-mingle through the absorption of Native Americans.

You would make a good Nazi. Justifying a foreign people invading "lesser" peoples to make them civilized.

Aside from using Nazis as your (fallacious) example, do you actually have any practical problems with the idea of "civilizing" another more primitive culture? Certain tribes in Brazil still contract "Kuru" all the time because they refuse to stop eating the brains of their dead. If nearby settlers had decided to interact with them and basically told them that they should cease one of their most enduring traditions, would you feel that a form of oppression? Lets assume those settlers actually forced them to stop what they were doing and then showed them how to live more healthily and, in turn, survive as an intellectual culture. This act of "Nazism" would not only keep people from further contracting Kuru, but also allow the people and their bloodline to live on.

The Indians had their own culture, they had there own way of life. You can't make a judgement call on how they lived because quite frankly they were healthier than the Europeans at the time. Europeans lived amongst animal shit and never bathed. They were literally dripping with disease.

And yet the Europeans still developed more effective means of prolonging their lives through settlement, diplomacy, medicine, and industry. The French aside, do you think the Europeans still live in their own shit?

True there were attacks from Indians, but the Europeans settlers started it. They were greeted with friendship and then turned on the Indians when they needed more land.

And yet they still allied with the French to attack American settlers.

In any event, that's not entirely true. When the European settlers hit Jamestown, the Iroquois Confederacy were less than friendly. In fact, they were in the middle of conquering all of the West Virginian Indians in an attempt to gain a monopoly over the Dutch's fur-trade with all the tribes.

Yes, they had wars before the settlers showed up. So did the Europeans. Does that justify an invasion of Europe? It seems death and invasion is fine by you when white people are the ones doing it.

The difference here is that the Europeans weren't impeding anyone else's development--Nor were they fighting simply for the sake of stealing and seizing as the Indians did. The Europeans fought for industrial and philosophical developments whereas the Indians were just cannibalizing themselves(in both contexts of the word) for the sake of prolonging their existence instead of actually making an effort of insuring further survival.

so? does that mean they were worthy of death?

Question: Do you honestly think that-that was the first thing on the minds of the settlers when they met the Indians? Lets assume the Native Americans were actually progressive and still developing rather than just prolonging their uncivilized and (many times) violent lives. Lets say they sought improvement instead of stagnating; as a result, they traded and learned from the settlers as they did with the Dutch in smaller doses. If they were more industrious and less centered on the idea of retaining a savage lifestyle, do you really think there would have been so much friction between the two cultures?

It's arguments where you claim one race is inferior to another that get you labeled a racist. The fact is this was their land. Who cares how they lived on it? Who cares if they had oral traditions and valued living in harmony with nature over how Europeans lived?

Not only are you putting words in his mouth by saying Wonder Boy feels his "race" is superior to someone else's, but you're also mis-quoting history and simplifying Indian culture

Europeans were more advanced because of multiculturalism. They had many different cultures trading ideas and goods with each other. That advances a society.

The advancement of the Europeans was based on both assimilation and mutual advancement with other cultures. i.e. They traded ideas and knowledge with other people who could actually follow their intellects (see also: The Muslims before they decided to regress into mindless retards). The Native Americans were less able and less willing to be on the intellectual level of the settlers; conflict is inevitable in such a scenario.

It's funny because on one thread you argue about how mexican immigration is bad because foreigners are coming in and undermining the native culture. Here you support flat out invasions and forcibly taking land because whites did it.

Please to note: The average IQ of your typical Mexican immigrant is less than high-school level standards. When they come in to the country illegally or with a dismissive mentality towards American cultural standards, they force intellectual regression on the society they're trying to inhabit. All the while said society tries to compensate by educating them and freeing up more space and money to convince them to assimilate, inflation is growing larger and more Caucasian Native Americans are losing their jobs.

On one hand, Indians and Americans unified (with growing pains) and became stronger. In the other, the Mexican separatists seek second-hander salvation through mooching off America's success and will inevitably collapse the ground that both the Mexicans and the Americans stand on. Two different situations.

On that note, here's an example of a resident and savage culture that's been consistently impeding the rest of the world's advancement for reasons just as meaningless as the Indians':

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Muslims urged to shun 'unholy' vaccines

  • A Muslim doctors’ leader has provoked an outcry by urging British Muslims not to vaccinate their children against diseases such as measles, mumps and rubella because it is “un-Islamic”.

    Dr Abdul Majid Katme, head of the Islamic Medical Association, is telling Muslims that almost all vaccines contain products derived from animal and human tissue, which make them “haram”, or unlawful for Muslims to take.

    Islam permits only the consumption of halal products, where the animal has had its throat cut and bled to death while God’s name is invoked.


The Spanish Inquisition was an isolated incident that was not a representative of the culture itself. All the others practiced lesser forms of torture that were no way comparable to the savagery of a bunch of Native American tribes. In any event, Europe moved past it (for the most part) because they advanced philosophically--Something the Indians refused to do.


A war fought over territory and cultural survival. It held more meaning than Native American tribal dominance.

Black Death,

A disease?

Also human sacrifice was in the Aztek culture, not the North American Indians.

You're overlooking the practices of the Mohawk tribe--Not to mention you're forgetting what they did to the European missionaries they abducted from neighboring tribes. While not totally similar in intent, they're uncanny in their gruesome natures.

so? everyone had a shorter life expectancy back then. Does the length of one's life determine how well and free they can live?

Well...Yeah. As cultures progressed, they eventually lived longer and longer. Indians were simply not interested in the idea of advancing and they paid the price for their stagnation. The point being that the Indians, on average, had shorter life-spans than the Europeans.

I don't think anyone has ever called it a utopia, but it was their lives on their land. And they were pretty welcoming to the settlers. They could have lived in peace.

Very few were that welcoming. The Pilgrims got lucky--And I don't mean they scored with the squaws.

Because the Native American paradigm was based on tribal relations and not actual unity and development, they didn't really take any land for themselves--They didn't even believe the lands could be owned.

wow. that's the dumbest argument i think you've ever used. The whole world's population then was less than a billion (a number not reached until the 1800's) now it's 6.5 billion. China and India have the largest populations of any countries, by your logic they must be the iconic benevolent society for allowing so many people to be born.

Earlier in the lifespan of India and China, they were very progressive and advancing steadily until they hit their mutual walls, which is why their society is so plentiful even if their lifestyles are flawed and problematic (and, in the case of China, oppressive). The Native Americans weren't even nationally unified all the while India and China were moving forward with their philosophical and technological developments.

There were people here who were killed. Some accidentally through diseases, and many purposefully through invasion and slaughter. Just because they've had a population rebound doesn't justify anything. If you had 2 kids and I killed one of them but you had 2 more, does that make me not a killer?

If you murdered the child, it would make you savage and primitive. In which case, you would be a hindrance not only to his family, but also yourself and civilized society. In which case, eliminating you would remove the philosophical obstructionism you encourage as a savage murderer.

So? You make horribly immoral points. There are rich Jewish families, does that mean the holocaust was actually a good thing?

The holocaust cannot be proven to be directly related to the advancement of the lifestyles of Jewish individuals. In the case of the Indians however, their good lifestyles are consequent of them integrating with the European settlers' culture and then using its Capitalist ideals to their advantage.

no you don't. you've said repeatedly that you want assimilation. so therefore you enjoy meeting people who have different colored skin but are subservient to you and your cultural views.

How does the boiling pot imply "subservience?" If one goes to a foreign culture and expects to live there, then that would imply the person moving there would actually be happy with the other culture rather than just bringing the one he's moving away from with him to his new home.

I think you create that yourself. I've known many people of different ethnic persuasions and get on fine with them because I treat them like people and not invaders. I can see you antagonizing others with little passive aggressive comments that get them riled up and defensive.

Responding politely to a white person is not actually the same as respecting them. I was nice to a lot of Mexicans I worked with a couple years ago and they were, in turn, nice to me (but not truly comfortable with a white person in their midst--As my supervisor was kind enough to let me in on). One day, they found out that I was against giving illegal immigrants Driver's Licenses and they went back to being as stoic towards me as when I first began working with them. Then I was later referred to as "you white people." Which is exactly what I get for being in California.

You still living in San Francisco? If so, I have a suggestion for you: Try living in SoCal for an extended period of time, get a taste of being the Caucasian minority laborer, and actually listen to what the bulk of the immigrants around you are saying. I guarantee you that what you will hear will not be as good natured as what you experienced.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

In the end, it was to the benefit of both the Indians and the Americans to co-mingle.

That's monstrous!
Do you really mean that or are you being facetious?
 Originally Posted By: whomod
yes. [I'm being facetious.]

Well, that's a relief.
Basically, it's good when Anglo-Americans kills people of other races, but bad when for example Germans do it. That makes perfect sense.
Why the frakk can't I put Pariah on ignore? It worked with rex.
Pariah is a mod...
Yeesh! These crackers sound like a bunch of assholes! I wonder why the hell my great grandmother felt the desire to knock boots with one. I mean, what the hell was she thinking having kids with such fascists who wanted to drown out her heritage!?

Using hyperbole to make a point only works when your not the one generalizing.

While I'm at it, fuck whitey for bringing Africans into America just so they can be oppressed. It would have been much better if those damn Caucasians left their culture alone and allowed those black people to live much better lives where they were born!

You don't know that. That's utter arrogance. What if Bill Gates or Madonna took your children using that same line of reasoning?

You can't invade land that didn't have any owners. Native Americans had no concept of ownership and no moral perceptions; raiding and seizing was all they cared about. With little progression in their lives, they were not only an impediment to American advancement, but also their own. Without any philosophy and/or ambition, their culture was stagnating and savage. Their tribal mentalities perpetuated friction between most of their sects.

That's an exceptionally unscrupulous argument. Essentially your just advocating being a bully. Taking advantage of those just cause they don't have a piece of paper saying they own the land. Possession is 9/10 the law. They were there first.

And you make it sound like they were so inferior. They weren't, they were peaceful by many accounts. Valueing life before possession, caring about the earth around them, trying to achieve spiritual harmony as opposed to superfical wealth. That makes alot more sense to me then shallow, callous, narrow-minded guys like you.

There may have been growing pains and cultural differences, but in the end, Native Americans assimilated with the more advanced culture offering various ways to live healthier. As a result, their (and my) further existence was insured through the actions of the settlers.

Assimilated? What the fuck do you and WB think this is fucking Star Trek? Have you no concept of pain? Are you completely dissassociated from reality that you'd write of years of war as "growing pains".

In the end, it was to the benefit of both the Indians and the Americans to co-mingle through the absorption of Native Americans.

No thanks to guys like you who would have let the weaker rot and then pick through there bones.

Aside from using Nazis as your (fallacious) example,

It's not fallacious. It's same arrogant mentality.

do you actually have any practical problems with the idea of "civilizing" another more primitive culture? Certain tribes in Brazil still contract "Kuru" all the time because they refuse to stop eating the brains of their dead. If nearby settlers had decided to interact with them and basically told them that they should cease one of their most enduring traditions, would you feel that a form of oppression? Lets assume those settlers actually forced them to stop what they were doing and then showed them how to live more healthily and, in turn, survive as an intellectual culture. This act of "Nazism" would not only keep people from further contracting Kuru, but also allow the people and their bloodline to live on.

I have a problem with people thinking they're so superior they have the right to decide what's best for people who are less "civilized". Did it ever occur to you that there not uncivilized there just diffrent? That maybe people aren't meant to be exactly the same? Who's to say what is civilized and where people should be in terms of society? You? A perfidious scumbag dressed in ethical clothing? Rather let Achmadidajad run shit.

Question: Do you honestly think that-that was the first thing on the minds of the settlers when they met the Indians? Lets assume the Native Americans were actually progressive and still developing rather than just prolonging their uncivilized and (many times) violent lives. Lets say they sought improvement instead of stagnating; as a result, they traded and learned from the settlers as they did with the Dutch in smaller doses. If they were more industrious and less centered on the idea of retaining a savage lifestyle, do you really think there would have been so much friction between the two cultures?

The only thing stagnating is your sophistry. Maybe if the settlers/England weren't so set on there own agenda a more amiable outcome could have been reached.

The difference here is that the Europeans weren't impeding anyone else's development--Nor were they fighting simply for the sake of stealing and seizing as the Indians did. The Europeans fought for industrial and philosophical developments whereas the Indians were just cannibalizing themselves(in both contexts of the word) for the sake of prolonging their existence instead of actually making an effort of insuring further survival.

Do you realize what your saying? Europe fought for power. And whenever someone wants power over another they impede that persons progress.



A war fought over territory and cultural survival. It held more meaning than Native American tribal dominance.

What are you talking about? It was fought to spread Christianity. Although I don't know why I'm surprised you'd rationalize it. It's the same truculent bullying you seem to respect.
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

In the end, it was to the benefit of both the Indians and the Americans to co-mingle.

That's monstrous!

Yeah, I'm sure they'd be happier in teepees in the middle of wheatfields waiting around for a buncha dead buffalo to show up.

Unrealistic? For sure. The only way for Native Americans to have preserved their culture as it was would have been to have never encountered Europeans on this continent in the first place. That means no United States. And while that might make some people happy (I don't think you're one of them), it just plain didn't happen that way. Now we can pout about it all we want, but until Doc Brown rolls up in the DeLorean it's not gonna change. From the initial post of the Thanksgiving thread it sounds like some Native Americans have dealt with it better than a number of posters in this thread. And if you asked most of them, the answers you get would probably be along the lines of yeah, whitey screwed us over, and that sucked, but at least we're not living in the Copper Age anymore! Which I could live with. Groups of people have been putting the hurt on each other for most if not all of our nation's history. We can either have people who weren't the direct offenders wringing their hands about it and incessantly apologizing to people who weren't the direct recipients for the rest of time, or we can attempt to deal with it, put it aside, and all get on with our lives and maybe try to be friends. I know which one I like more.
you can't judge one culture as being worth more than another. the Indians lived their lives, it may have been different than what the Europeans were doing but it was still valid. They had battles between peoples, so did the Europeans.
To say that one culture deserved to be wiped out in favor of a more "advanced" or "deserving" people is no different than Hitler wiping out the Jews to have more Aryan living space.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Yeah, I'm sure they'd be happier in teepees in the middle of wheatfields waiting around for a buncha dead buffalo to show up.

Uhhhhhhh... who says they weren't happy?
Yeah, I'm sure they'd be happier in teepees in the middle of wheatfields waiting around for a buncha dead buffalo to show up.

What do you know about it. They might have. There are all sorts of cultures in todays world that still live the way there ancestors did like Inuits and shit. They may very well have been happier without all the trivial shit we tack on to "modern" living.

Unrealistic? For sure. The only way for Native Americans to have preserved their culture as it was would have been to have never encountered Europeans on this continent in the first place. That means no United States. And while that might make some people happy (I don't think you're one of them), it just plain didn't happen that way. Now we can pout about it all we want, but until Doc Brown rolls up in the DeLorean it's not gonna change. From the initial post of the Thanksgiving thread it sounds like some Native Americans have dealt with it better than a number of posters in this thread. And if you asked most of them, the answers you get would probably be along the lines of yeah, whitey screwed us over, and that sucked, but at least we're not living in the Copper Age anymore! Which I could live with. Groups of people have been putting the hurt on each other for most if not all of our nation's history. We can either have people who weren't the direct offenders wringing their hands about it and incessantly apologizing to people who weren't the direct recipients for the rest of time, or we can attempt to deal with it, put it aside, and all get on with our lives and maybe try to be friends. I know which one I like more.

They should have had the choice instead of being forced to "assimilate". You can deflect that point all you want with this "it happened and it's done with" nonsense all you want but it doesn't negate the point of the evil's that occur when people take it upon themselves to decide what's best for others.
Yeah, I'm sure they'd be happier in teepees in the middle of wheatfields waiting around for a buncha dead buffalo to show up.

Unrealistic? For sure. The only way for Native Americans to have preserved their culture as it was would have been to have never encountered Europeans on this continent in the first place. That means no United States. And while that might make some people happy (I don't think you're one of them), it just plain didn't happen that way. Now we can pout about it all we want, but until Doc Brown rolls up in the DeLorean it's not gonna change. From the initial post of the Thanksgiving thread it sounds like some Native Americans have dealt with it better than a number of posters in this thread. And if you asked most of them, the answers you get would probably be along the lines of yeah, whitey screwed us over, and that sucked, but at least we're not living in the Copper Age anymore! Which I could live with. Groups of people have been putting the hurt on each other for most if not all of our nation's history. We can either have people who weren't the direct offenders wringing their hands about it and incessantly apologizing to people who weren't the direct recipients for the rest of time, or we can attempt to deal with it, put it aside, and all get on with our lives and maybe try to be friends. I know which one I like more.

Sammitch also said-

Maybe you shouldn't be forcing your morality on us. It's not a very enlightened thing to do.

I don't know. THere's seems to be a bit of a contradiction here.

See Sammitch, THAT'S how you throw someone's words back in there face effectively.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

In the end, it was to the benefit of both the Indians and the Americans to co-mingle.

That's monstrous!

Yeah, I'm sure they'd be happier in teepees in the middle of wheatfields waiting around for a buncha dead buffalo to show up.

Unrealistic? For sure. The only way for Native Americans to have preserved their culture as it was would have been to have never encountered Europeans on this continent in the first place. That means no United States. And while that might make some people happy (I don't think you're one of them), it just plain didn't happen that way. Now we can pout about it all we want, but until Doc Brown rolls up in the DeLorean it's not gonna change. From the initial post of the Thanksgiving thread it sounds like some Native Americans have dealt with it better than a number of posters in this thread. And if you asked most of them, the answers you get would probably be along the lines of yeah, whitey screwed us over, and that sucked, but at least we're not living in the Copper Age anymore! Which I could live with. Groups of people have been putting the hurt on each other for most if not all of our nation's history. We can either have people who weren't the direct offenders wringing their hands about it and incessantly apologizing to people who weren't the direct recipients for the rest of time, or we can attempt to deal with it, put it aside, and all get on with our lives and maybe try to be friends. I know which one I like more.

Well my take on it is that yeah, it's the past and there is atrocity enough to go around the world over. That doesn't mean one has to just shrug it off and rationalize it. the Nazi analogy works for me because it'd be,,, um monstrous! to say "oh well 6 million Jews were killed but at least they got their own country afterwards so they should be happy about the Holocaust!

It's completely insensitive and sort of asshole-ish. As for the cultural differences, we tend to see everything from a very materialistic POV. What we value shouldn't be taken as what everyone values or what is really important either. We value stuff essentially. Material goods never saved anyones soul or brought lasting happiness. In fact one could argue that it's an impediment to spirituality and true happiness.

Ultimately though it is an academic argument so it's going to change nothing. Still, it is a measure of character and the ability to empathize in how one responds to it.
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Yeah, I'm sure they'd be happier in teepees in the middle of wheatfields waiting around for a buncha dead buffalo to show up.

Uhhhhhhh... who says they weren't happy?

well at the time Europe had the earliest real cities. They were full of piss and shit from the roaming farm animals. Europeans didn't bother much with bathing or hygene. They had cruelty towards their women and religious persecution.
Obviously superior to the dark skinned people who enjoyed living off the land and being at peace with their natural surroundings.
According to Pariah, France still lives like that.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
The French aside, do you think the Europeans still live in their own shit?

though I think he was being facetious.

You know, this obsession with France needs to stop. It's just not... healthy.
All I know is I'd better I'd better not hear any bitching out of Sammitch and Pariah, when my plan to enslave all the worlds morons and beat some sense into them so they can assimilate to my superioriy, comes to fruition. No matter how much "growing pains" they have to endure.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
The French aside, do you think the Europeans still live in their own shit?

but you're bringing up the style of life that the Indians lived. So it is necessary to compare the two cultures at the time.
You and wondy act like there was some golden age European Utopia and they came here to create some wonderous perfect society and the dirty savages got in their way.
What it really was was several nations exploiting America for its resources with little to no concern for the indigenious people. They brutalized, and victimized the native populations justifying it by their belief that the natives were less than human.
It's one thing to say it happened get over it and move on, but to justify it and make it seem like killing them off was moral is beyond grotesque.
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Pariah is a mod...


So, despite he's the most hated person on the boards, it's decided that he's a mod for, I dunno, the Arcade forum because he knows games or some shit.
I don't think Pariah realizes that "assimilate" doesn't mean 90% killed off. The official US gov. stance on Native Americans up until the early twentieth century was "shoot on sight." that's hardly assimilation or living together in advancement.

and "growing pains"? someone needs to learn about the Trail of Tears. this ain't no sitcom, kids.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sweden
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Pariah is a mod...


So, despite he's the most hated person on the boards, it's decided that he's a mod for, I dunno, the Arcade forum because he knows games or some shit.

I've been trying to get Pariah fired for months now. I would replace him of course. If you think this is a good idea, send Rob a private message or ten!
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sweden
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Pariah is a mod...


So, despite he's the most hated person on the boards, it's decided that he's a mod for, I dunno, the Arcade forum because he knows games or some shit.

I've been trying to get Pariah fired for months now. I would replace him of course. If you think this is a good idea, send Rob a private message or ten!

while i remain the most popular non-mod here.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sweden
Basically, it's good when Anglo-Americans kills people of other races, but bad when for example Germans do it. That makes perfect sense.

Last I checked, Hitler starved his own people. Tell me how that's comparable to a generations long friction between the Americans and the culturally-opposite Indians?

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Using hyperbole to make a point only works when your not the one generalizing.

Who's generalizing now? It's not my fault white people are the scum of the universe; I'm just telling it how it is you know.

While I'm at it, fuck whitey for bringing Africans into America just so they can be oppressed. It would have been much better if those damn Caucasians left their culture alone and allowed those black people to live much better lives where they were born!

You don't know that. That's utter arrogance. What if Bill Gates or Madonna took your children using that same line of reasoning?

That's what I just said! Americans shouldn't have taken the Africans to America. They would have been much happier where they were.

That's an exceptionally unscrupulous argument. Essentially your just advocating being a bully. Taking advantage of those just cause they don't have a piece of paper saying they own the land. Possession is 9/10 the law. They were there first.

You see--That's just the thing: Possession wasn't 9/10 of the law, because there was no law there in the first place. Everyone there was too busy isolating themselves and steadily killing each other to form any national sovereignty. In that right, the militant French and the Indians were exactly alike (sans advanced ways of living).

And you make it sound like they were so inferior.

Philosophically and technologically, they were indeed inferior. They had no advancement and "becoming one with nature" wasn't allowing them to live longer as the European lifestyles allowed the Anglos to. Therefore, it is empirically appropriate to conclude that they were culturally inferior as well.

They weren't, they were peaceful by many accounts. Valueing life before possession, caring about the earth around them, trying to achieve spiritual harmony as opposed to superfical wealth. That makes alot more sense to me then shallow, callous, narrow-minded guys like you.

I'm sure you watched Into the West and The Last of the Mahicans many times, but that doesn't make their ceaseless flattery true. Before you try and say they cared very little for "possession" and "superficial wealth" you should read up on the raiding parties they conducted on their own tribes and their fur-trade with the Dutch.

And yes, they were very spiritual, but last I checked, it was that same spirituality that led to religious idols that were particularly evil in nature; some animals they interacted with were seen as almost demonic in nature (plus there was the traditional scalping). Last I checked, that's exactly what people like yourself hate about Christianity: The fact that it includes belief in things like Satan and Hell rather than just love and God. That doesn't sound like your definition of "spiritual harmony" to me--In fact, not all tribes had the same beliefs or patron spirits, so I'm a little confuse as to what you mean.

Assimilated? What the fuck do you and WB think this is fucking Star Trek? Have you no concept of pain? Are you completely dissassociated from reality that you'd write of years of war as "growing pains".

I realize that liberals like to demonize the word "assimilate" and refer to the Borg, but if you'd please to note: It's a very utilitarian word that fits the context. I could say "boiling pot" if you like but it's a bit awkward grammatically.

Yes, my ancestors went through growing pains. There was both suffering and racial supremacy involved, but in the end the Native Americans lived on with the Anglos, and because there was a harmonious end-result, it is deemed appropriate to consider that suffering growing pains.

No thanks to guys like you who would have let the weaker rot and then pick through there bones.

The only ones I would have considered weaker are the ones who felt compelled to shun American culture even when it was apparent that it was healthier to live in.

It's not fallacious. It's same arrogant mentality.

The Nazis sought supremacy and they killed their own people. That's not the same as wanting to spread their own brand of enlightenment.

The settlers sought trade and integration. Stray racism aside, you're going to find in any history book that it was the intent of the settler to make Indians into officially second-class citizens.

I have a problem with people thinking they're so superior they have the right to decide what's best for people who are less "civilized". Did it ever occur to you that there not uncivilized there just diffrent? That maybe people aren't meant to be exactly the same? Who's to say what is civilized and where people should be in terms of society? You? A perfidious scumbag dressed in ethical clothing? Rather let Achmadidajad run shit.

"Rights" aside, this just makes you stubborn and ignorant. The scenario I presented would have saved the lives of a dying and diseased people and you're actually saying it's better to die than to resort to a more advanced way of living so as to prolong peoples' lives. You're so concerned with my lack of humility, that you refuse to see cultural advancement as simply the most logical course of action.

Nowhere did I say that all cultures have to be the same. But there has to be a similarity in lifestyles if we actually want those cultures to live in a healthy environment.

The only thing stagnating is your sophistry. Maybe if the settlers/England weren't so set on there own agenda a more amiable outcome could have been reached.

Sophistry? Huh. I had to grab the dictionary for that one. In any event, there's nothing "subtle, tricky, superficially plausible, but generally fallacious" about my reasoning. And you do little to actually demonstrate as much.

If you actually knew something about American history from 1600s onward, you'd realize that everyone had their own individual "agenda." You're just making a very lack luster effort to criminalize the Anglos by using the word "agenda" as a means of implying that they were out to sabotage the Native America way of life from the get-go.

Do you realize what your saying? Europe fought for power. And whenever someone wants power over another they impede that persons progress.

War itself is a necessary function for weeding out dissension and allowing progress. Yes, for the most part, progress was at a standstill, but insuring their way of life was paramount before they could develop anything. The Indians didn't even seek to drown out dissent; they just fought for petty reasons.

What are you talking about? It was fought to spread Christianity. Although I don't know why I'm surprised you'd rationalize it. It's the same truculent bullying you seem to respect.


Read a history book. Figure out that it was the Muslim Seljuk Turks that carried out the first gambit on Jerusalem and threatened the Byzantine Kingdom. Then try to tell me that it was started for the sake of conversion--Especially after the Christian Anglos had already made peace with the more benevolent Muslim Arabs at the time in efforts to share the holy land.

Yes, the warriors all had particular religions (Muslim/Christian), but that doesn't mean the governments fought the war for the sake of religion. It was a territory dispute.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
All I know is I'd better I'd better not hear any bitching out of Sammitch and Pariah, when my plan to enslave all the worlds morons and beat some sense into them so they can assimilate to my superioriy, comes to fruition. No matter how much "growing pains" they have to endure.

I'm afraid your plan would collapse under the weight of its own irony.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Yeah, I'm sure they'd be happier in teepees in the middle of wheatfields waiting around for a buncha dead buffalo to show up.

Unrealistic? For sure. The only way for Native Americans to have preserved their culture as it was would have been to have never encountered Europeans on this continent in the first place. That means no United States. And while that might make some people happy (I don't think you're one of them), it just plain didn't happen that way. Now we can pout about it all we want, but until Doc Brown rolls up in the DeLorean it's not gonna change. From the initial post of the Thanksgiving thread it sounds like some Native Americans have dealt with it better than a number of posters in this thread. And if you asked most of them, the answers you get would probably be along the lines of yeah, whitey screwed us over, and that sucked, but at least we're not living in the Copper Age anymore! Which I could live with. Groups of people have been putting the hurt on each other for most if not all of our nation's history. We can either have people who weren't the direct offenders wringing their hands about it and incessantly apologizing to people who weren't the direct recipients for the rest of time, or we can attempt to deal with it, put it aside, and all get on with our lives and maybe try to be friends. I know which one I like more.

Sammitch also said-

Maybe you shouldn't be forcing your morality on us. It's not a very enlightened thing to do.

I don't know. THere's seems to be a bit of a contradiction here.

See Sammitch, THAT'S how you throw someone's words back in there face effectively.

the obsession continues!

you get effort points. style is still painfully lacking, but effort counts for something. at what point was any morality forced on anyone in my post? I think the only attempt I made at actually driving home a point was that if anyone's got a reason to gripe about it, it should most likely be someone whose existence was even in the remotest way adversely affected by it. that said, your 'effectiveness' at throwing individuals' words in 'there face' is still highly debatable.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
All I know is I'd better I'd better not hear any bitching out of Sammitch and Pariah, when my plan to enslave all the worlds morons and beat some sense into them so they can assimilate to my superioriy, comes to fruition. No matter how much "growing pains" they have to endure.

I'm afraid your plan would collapse under the weight of its own irony.

 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Yeah, I'm sure they'd be happier in teepees in the middle of wheatfields waiting around for a buncha dead buffalo to show up.

Uhhhhhhh... who says they weren't happy?

context. there weren't omnipresent wheatfields where they were before the europeans showed up, and the buffalo weren't dead at the time. not all of them, anyway. from those two points, it should (I thought) have been fairly obvious that I wasn't talking about the way things were before the europeans showed up. there was a notion in previous posts that somehow the native americans should have been able to co-exist without being 'forced' to 'assimilate'. that wasn't an option. when there's wheat growing all over your ancestral hunting grounds and all your buffalo are shot dead to let the railroads come through, yeah, you and your culture just got screwed over, and it was a pretty shitty thing to do. but guess what? it happened all the same. and focusing on anything other than 'what do we do now?' would be academic.
Who's generalizing now? It's not my fault white people are the scum of the universe; I'm just telling it how it is you know.


That's what I just said! Americans shouldn't have taken the Africans to America. They would have been much happier where they were

Yeah sure.

You see--That's just the thing: Possession wasn't 9/10 of the law, because there was no law there in the first place. Everyone there was too busy isolating themselves and steadily killing each other to form any national sovereignty. In that right, the militant French and the Indians were exactly alike (sans advanced ways of living).

But there was law. Just cause it wasn't written on paper doesn't mean it's not rightfully there's. You can argue species semantics all you want but they were there first.

Philosophically and technologically, they were indeed inferior. They had no advancement and "becoming one with nature" wasn't allowing them to live longer as the European lifestyles allowed the Anglos to. Therefore, it is empirically appropriate to conclude that they were culturally inferior as well.

So what? They were incapable of deciding there own fate? They needed the benevolent Europeans to save them?

I'm sure you watched Into the West and The Last of the Mahicans many times, but that doesn't make their ceaseless flattery true. Before you try and say they cared very little for "possession" and "superficial wealth" you should read up on the raiding parties they conducted on their own tribes and their fur-trade with the Dutch.

And I'm sure you'd love for us to consider you the ultimate authority on every conversation you grace with your presence. Nobodies saying there perfect but your demonizing them because they were diffrent.

I realize that liberals like to demonize the word "assimilate" and refer to the Borg, but if you'd please to note: It's a very utilitarian word that fits the context. I could say "boiling pot" if you like but it's a bit awkward grammatically

It's not the word so much as the callous and thoughtless idealogy behind it.

Yes, my ancestors went through growing pains. There was both suffering and racial supremacy involved, but in the end the Native Americans lived on with the Anglos, and because there was a harmonious end-result, it is deemed appropriate to consider that suffering growing pains.

Who's hasn't? It's not appropriate it's minimizing. It was tragic what happened. Does that mean Europe was evil...not necesarily. However, we should learn from them and that's not gonna happen if nitwits rationalize there actions with some nonsense about how they were really just helping the poor ignorant Injins.

The only ones I would have considered weaker are the ones who felt compelled to shun American culture even when it was apparent that it was healthier to live in.

Your right. Let's cherry pick through reality and rationalize bad behavior just to put America up on a pedestal. That's much better then facing reality.

The Nazis sought supremacy and they killed their own people. That's not the same as wanting to spread their own brand of enlightenment.

The settlers sought trade and integration. Stray racism aside, you're going to find in any history book that it was the intent of the settler to make Indians into officially second-class citizens.

First off, the Nazis didn't see Jews as "there own people". Second, they thought the everybody should be like them. It's the same vain mentality who sought, at least in part, to make the Indians like them. Same arrogance.

"Rights" aside, this just makes you stubborn and ignorant. The scenario I presented would have saved the lives of a dying and diseased people and you're actually saying it's better to die than to resort to a more advanced way of living so as to prolong peoples' lives. You're so concerned with my lack of humility, that you refuse to see cultural advancement as simply the most logical course of action.

Nowhere did I say that all cultures have to be the same. But there has to be a similarity in lifestyles if we actually want those cultures to live in a healthy environment.

They were only dying and diseased cause of the settlers. They may have been just fine if we hadn't gone to the mattrices with them. They should have had a choice. And yeah, part does think it's better to die then live under then be "assimilated". If India or Russia invaded tommorow using the same "assmilation" logic your using what would you want the U.S to do? I'm guessing you'd want us to fight back. But when we assimilate others it's A-okay. Can't have it both ways. I realize circumstances vary but I'm talking about a mentality of imperialism where we're better so anything we do or have done is okay.

Sophistry? Huh. I had to grab the dictionary for that one. In any event, there's nothing "subtle, tricky, superficially plausible, but generally fallacious" about my reasoning. And you do little to actually demonstrate as much.

Well then, I'll keep it simple for now on

See, this is where you begin to tell me over and over again how I haven't "proved" anything thereby not relying on actual substance to make an argument so much as blatant denial. Therefore, this is the part I get more leeway to be immature and deflective.

Cause you see, your logic is Sophistry cause it's the kind of logic that can only exist in a vacuum. A vacuum where the was nothing more to justice then the written letter of the law. Where there's nothing more to life then existence. Where there's nothing more to right and wrong then cold hard logic. It's one dimensional absolutism. But I'm sure you'll prove my point for me.

If you actually knew something about American history from 1600s onward, you'd realize that everyone had their own individual "agenda." You're just making a very lack luster effort to criminalize the Anglos by using the word "agenda" as a means of implying that they were out to sabotage the Native America way of life from the get-go.

I'm really not criminalizing anyone other then you or anyone else who would rationalize the actions of the settlers for the sake of eradicating any blemish on America's greatness.

War itself is a necessary function for weeding out dissension and allowing progress. Yes, for the most part, progress was at a standstill, but insuring their way of life was paramount before they could develop anything. The Indians didn't even seek to drown out dissent; they just fought for petty reasons.

Somehow "insuring your way of life" and "progress" never seem to mesh. In fact there pretty much antithetical. I'm sure theoretically both can be achieved but when people are so dependant on there way of life by going to war with people who aren't really threatening it is usually a sign of people who aren't intrested in progress so much as control. So basically your logic is hollow. Plus, you really can't have progress without dissent so not only is your logic hollow but contradictory.


Read a history book. Figure out that it was the Muslim Seljuk Turks that carried out the first gambit on Jerusalem and threatened the Byzantine Kingdom. Then try to tell me that it was started for the sake of conversion--Especially after the Christian Anglos had already made peace with the more benevolent Muslim Arabs at the time in efforts to share the holy land.

Yes, the warriors all had particular religions (Muslim/Christian), but that doesn't mean the governments fought the war for the sake of religion. It was a territory dispute.

Alright genius, why were they fighting over the territory or "Holy Lands"? Could it be cause those lands had RELIGOUS VALUE.

I understand your point, but how you don't understand mine without responding with an obnoxious response is just plain dense.
the obsession continues!

This from a guy that once responded to me in 7 diffrent threads with the same quote? Talk about irony.

you get effort points. style is still painfully lacking, but effort counts for something. at what point was any morality forced on anyone in my post? I think the only attempt I made at actually driving home a point was that if anyone's got a reason to gripe about it, it should most likely be someone whose existence was even in the remotest way adversely affected by it. that said, your 'effectiveness' at throwing individuals' words in 'there face' is still highly debatable.

This statement-

Yeah, I'm sure they'd be happier in teepees in the middle of wheatfields waiting around for a buncha dead buffalo to show up.

Shows me an apathy towards what happened since our way of life was better anyway.
You really should be less selective in what you choose to notice.

 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Yeah, I'm sure they'd be happier in teepees in the middle of wheatfields waiting around for a buncha dead buffalo to show up.

Uhhhhhhh... who says they weren't happy?

context. there weren't omnipresent wheatfields where they were before the europeans showed up, and the buffalo weren't dead at the time. not all of them, anyway. from those two points, it should (I thought) have been fairly obvious that I wasn't talking about the way things were before the europeans showed up. there was a notion in previous posts that somehow the native americans should have been able to co-exist without being 'forced' to 'assimilate'. that wasn't an option. when there's wheat growing all over your ancestral hunting grounds and all your buffalo are shot dead to let the railroads come through, yeah, you and your culture just got screwed over, and it was a pretty shitty thing to do. but guess what? it happened all the same. and focusing on anything other than 'what do we do now?' would be academic.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
You really should be less selective in what you choose to notice.

 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Yeah, I'm sure they'd be happier in teepees in the middle of wheatfields waiting around for a buncha dead buffalo to show up.

Uhhhhhhh... who says they weren't happy?

context. there weren't omnipresent wheatfields where they were before the europeans showed up, and the buffalo weren't dead at the time. not all of them, anyway. from those two points, it should (I thought) have been fairly obvious that I wasn't talking about the way things were before the europeans showed up. there was a notion in previous posts that somehow the native americans should have been able to co-exist without being 'forced' to 'assimilate'. that wasn't an option. when there's wheat growing all over your ancestral hunting grounds and all your buffalo are shot dead to let the railroads come through, yeah, you and your culture just got screwed over, and it was a pretty shitty thing to do. but guess what? it happened all the same. and focusing on anything other than 'what do we do now?' would be academic.

You still presume way too much. Only way you could really know that is if they were there and if they were miserable they probaly wouldn't have fought in the first place.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

Yeah, like I said: I'm white and therefore I'm the scum of the universe.

Yeah sure.

I'm glad you agree that the modern American black people would be happier living under modern-day African governments.

But there was law. Just cause it wasn't written on paper doesn't mean it's not rightfully there's. You can argue species semantics all you want but they were there first.

No. There was no law--Not verbally spoken or written. It was chaos. There's nothing specious or semantic about pointing that out.

So what? They were incapable of deciding there own fate? They needed the benevolent Europeans to save them?

I'm not saying they were incapable nor am I saying that the Europeans were benevolent.

I'm saying that their unwillingness to do.....Anything, except for attack each other and slowly let the harshness of the wild kill them off didn't really do much to convince the Europeans not to stake a claim and expand. You say that the Indians were there first and that the Europeans had no right to be there, but by all accounts the Native Americans were more like raid/trade prospects than invaders in their eyes.

Nobodies saying there perfect but your demonizing them because they were diffrent.

I'm not demonizing anyone, I'm saying that they didn't have anything done to them that they wouldn't have done to anyone else by their own standards of living and interacting with others. Then, when the settlers became more and more advanced and became a larger society with more opportunities, the Indians were retarding their growth with a simple unwillingness to recognize that it was better to live in a house than to risk your life in the wild (this was a problem during the 1700s, but moreso in the early 1800s).

Who's hasn't? It's not appropriate it's minimizing. It was tragic what happened. Does that mean Europe was evil...not necesarily. However, we should learn from them and that's not gonna happen if nitwits rationalize there actions with some nonsense about how they were really just helping the poor ignorant Injins.

Whoever said anything about the Europeans trying to help they Indians? They obviously weren't. What I said was that the Europeans probably wouldn't have tried to stake a claim so close to the Iroquois Confederacy if they were both on the same level intellectually. As it was however, the Indians never officially reserved the land and because the Europeans knew they carried a petty tribal mentality that consisted of scavenging and raiding, they were unable to take them seriously on an intellectual level.

The most I've said in regards to helping the Native Americans is that it was in their best interest to assimilate into the growing American culture since their lifestyles would improve a great deal.

Your right. Let's cherry pick through reality and rationalize bad behavior just to put America up on a pedestal. That's much better then facing reality.

I have yet to put America on a pedestal (not too late though I suppose). I am simply saying that, as an entire culture, it did nothing wrong. The reason I say "entire culture" is because there was obviously some general, though unofficial, supremacy issues. At the same time however, I don't believe the Anglos were wrong to divorce themselves from the Indian culture by referring to them as "savages," because that label isn't totally inaccurate.

First off, the Nazis didn't see Jews as "there own people".

The Jews they killed were fellow Germans who lived with them on the same level of intellect. The point is not how they saw them, but rather how they were treated by their own brothers. If the Americans had met a different kind of Indian culture that was closer to their intellect and more interested in technology, there probably would have been a lot less friction.

Second, they thought the everybody should be like them. It's the same vain mentality who sought, at least in part, to make the Indians like them. Same arrogance.

It was only at the point that the American culture got too big to stay completely separated from the Indians that they were given any ultimatums. Telling one culture that they're not allowed to progress simply because another is nostalgic and set in their ways of living is impractical.

The intent of the Americans was not to convert the Indians; there was just very little choice other than suggesting to them that they get with the times.

They were only dying and diseased cause of the settlers. They may have been just fine if we hadn't gone to the mattrices with them. They should have had a choice. And yeah, part does think it's better to die then live under then be "assimilated". If India or Russia invaded tommorow using the same "assmilation" logic your using what would you want the U.S to do? I'm guessing you'd want us to fight back. But when we assimilate others it's A-okay. Can't have it both ways. I realize circumstances vary but I'm talking about a mentality of imperialism where we're better so anything we do or have done is okay.

There is just so much wrong with this paragraph.

First: The Native Americans were dying and diseased before the Anglos showed up. Not only were they "going to the matrices" with themselves, but they weren't doing anything to help their living conditions aside from erecting more tepees. The settlers' tainted blankets weren't the only things making them sick you know.

Second: They had already "chosen" conflict and domination. The Anglos just decided to join in on their multi-tribal fuck-fest--Trading with them all the while.

Third: We are not an inferior culture to India and Russia. The three cultures are on the same intellectual wave-lengths with mutual knowledge of living healthily. Upon an objective observation of their cultures and comparison between the three, they have nothing to add to our lifestyles; as mutually superior intellects, it would only be logical to collaborate rather than dominate. Politics aside, there's no good philosophical or strategic reasoning to seize our land and person for purposes of assimilation when it would be detrimental to a society with an already prevailing lifestyle.

Furthermore, where the Indians lacked concept of land ownership, the Americans most certainly do not. Russia attacking us would be considered an invasion. Us pushing the Indians West is not.

Fourth: Americans have never acted like imperialists. You need to get over that. Indeed we have been prideful of our vaster successes than most other countries, but we don't invade other countries for the purposes of 'enlightening' them; Native Americans were given the option because they a) Were in dangerous proximity and b) Needed to advance anyway.

Cause you see, your logic is Sophistry cause it's the kind of logic that can only exist in a vacuum. A vacuum where the was nothing more to justice then the written letter of the law. Where there's nothing more to life then existence. Where there's nothing more to right and wrong then cold hard logic. It's one dimensional absolutism. But I'm sure you'll prove my point for me.

The concept of justice outside of law can only exist through faith. I don't argue faith outside of religious topics.

In any event, I retain that there was no injustice in forcing the Native Americans to assimilate. It is because I'm using logic that I am logically concluding that our principles as a society of lawfully "justice"-based individuals were not compromised in our dealings with the Indians.

I'm really not criminalizing anyone other then you or anyone else who would rationalize the actions of the settlers for the sake of eradicating any blemish on America's greatness.

Hell, you think I'm just trying to make the Americans out to be perfect in history's eyes? Lord knows I feel we've done terrible things in the past. This just isn't one of those things.

Somehow "insuring your way of life" and "progress" never seem to mesh. In fact there pretty much antithetical.

Of course they can't. That's why progress pauses while the wars are fought. But just because they can't co-exist, that doesn't mean they're no dependent on each other. Progress in technology is required for more efficient war efforts while war efforts are required to give society the ability to progress without threat of dissent foreign or otherwise.

However, I think it's interesting to not that as soon as humanity hit the 20th century, wars actually helped to further the progress of technology. Germany, Britain, and America all made milestone discoveries because they were so concerned with winning the war. I'm not saying it's a constant mind you, but it's interesting to note.

Plus, you really can't have progress without dissent--

Based on what do you make such a conclusion? Academics and dialectics may be good as food for thought or theoretical politics, but what evidence can you offer up that tells me it doesn't generally slow society down?

Alright genius, why were they fighting over the territory or "Holy Lands"? Could it be cause those lands had RELIGOUS VALUE.

Fine. But if you're going to use that as a mediator, the Islamic Seljuk Turks were the only ones fighting a holy war since they were the ones who took Jerusalem and Europe only retaliated after Emperor Alexius asked them for help.
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
I don't think Pariah realizes that "assimilate" doesn't mean 90% killed off. The official US gov. stance on Native Americans up until the early twentieth century was "shoot on sight."

I'd like to accept your hyperbole Grimm. But you're too much of a tool to take seriously. If you'd offer up a source, maybe things would be different. But you didn't and so here we are.

and "growing pains"? someone needs to learn about the Trail of Tears. this ain't no sitcom, kids.

I didn't and wouldn't ever vote for Andrew Jackson if I had-had the chance. As far as I'm concerned, that entire mess was solely on him. And I say that because there was an overwhelming number of Anglo Americans who were against the bill that caused it.

The Cherokee (who I'm descended from) that were forced out of Mississippi had already assimilated and were keeping up to date on the technology developed by the Anglos; they were well on their way to meshing with them. The catalyst for that signed bill was a mandate put in place to keep the Anglos from being harmed by the still existing militant Indian tribes (hence your "shoot on sight" reference). The mandate couldn't exactly be called a leftover relic, but it was a retarded and illogical technicality used by Andrew "Old BASTARD Hickory" Jackson to force out Natives indiscriminately--Which missed the point of their desired 'assimilation scenario' completely. He was so concerned with them originally being from tribes that he didn't bother to look at their progress and realize the bill didn't apply to them any longer since they moved away from their savage lifestyles.
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sweden
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Pariah is a mod...


So, despite he's the most hated person on the boards, it's decided that he's a mod for, I dunno, the Arcade forum because he knows games or some shit.

I've been trying to get Pariah fired for months now. I would replace him of course. If you think this is a good idea, send Rob a private message or ten!

Thanks for the effort and the advice!
Yeah, like I said: I'm white and therefore I'm the scum of the universe.

I'm glad you agree that the modern American black people would be happier living under modern-day African governments.

I try not to presume what's best for others. Especially when I've never been to Africa.

No. There was no law--Not verbally spoken or written. It was chaos. There's nothing specious or semantic about pointing that out.

Yes there was. They had concepts of right and wrong. They were capable of, and often had, peaceful relations with eachother and the settlers. It was not chaos. I'm sure there were conflicts and wars but if that makes for chaos then the whole world is chaotic. Especially these days.

You know I've been reading around places like this-


and it essentially I'm finding your full of shit. For example Indians didn't impeed progress (that would be horrible if the existence of a race of human beings impeeding the progress of another. Thankfully we have things like Genocide to take of it) so much as the Colonies decided it was there "Manifest Destiny" to go west and therefore step on the Indians turf so they fought back. I'll keep reading but it seems the result is gonna be that your full of shit.

I'm not demonizing anyone, I'm saying that they didn't have anything done to them that they wouldn't have done to anyone else by their own standards of living and interacting with others. Then, when the settlers became more and more advanced and became a larger society with more opportunities, the Indians were retarding their growth with a simple unwillingness to recognize that it was better to live in a house than to risk your life in the wild (this was a problem during the 1700s, but moreso in the early 1800s).

Yes you are. Your saying they were savages who should have gotten out of the Europeans way.

Third: We are not an inferior culture to India and Russia. The three cultures are on the same intellectual wave-lengths with mutual knowledge of living healthily. Upon an objective observation of their cultures and comparison between the three, they have nothing to add to our lifestyles; as mutually superior intellects, it would only be logical to collaborate rather than dominate. Politics aside, there's no good philosophical or strategic reasoning to seize our land and person for purposes of assimilation when it would be detrimental to a society with an already prevailing lifestyle.

That's not the point and you fucking know it. If another country came here to assimilate us for our benefit or there progress what would you want to do?

Fourth: Americans have never acted like imperialists. You need to get over that. Indeed we have been prideful of our vaster successes than most other countries, but we don't invade other countries for the purposes of 'enlightening' them; Native Americans were given the option because they a) Were in dangerous proximity and b) Needed to advance anyway.

You duck the question then tell me what to do?

This is precisely the kind of jingoistic byas I'm talking about. You split hairs and act like it makes a world of diffrence. Vietnam and Iraq are times we pushed Democracy on another culture which is trying to "enlighten" them. We get to have bases all over the world and go on floats around the mediteranian and pacific rim expanding our power and influence which is imperialistic to think we have the right to police the world. If you want to put your head in the sand fine but don't try and lecture me.

In any event, I retain that there was no injustice in forcing the Native Americans to assimilate. It is because I'm using logic that I am logically concluding that our principles as a society of lawfully "justice"-based individuals were not compromised in our dealings with the Indians.

The idiocy of your statement pretty much negates any possible logic. If you take something from someone who had it first it's considered stealing. Not just by the written letter of the law but by common sense. And stealing is considered wrong not just cause it's against the law but because of the Golden rule.

Like it or not it was there's cause they fucking lived there.

Hell, you think I'm just trying to make the Americans out to be perfect in history's eyes? Lord knows I feel we've done terrible things in the past. This just isn't one of those things.

I think your a fake patriot who will rationalize America's action or minimize them any chance you can.

I had alot more written but I lost it. I don't feel like writing anymore. I just wanted to hit on the bigger things.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
I don't think Pariah realizes that "assimilate" doesn't mean 90% killed off. The official US gov. stance on Native Americans up until the early twentieth century was "shoot on sight."

I'd like to accept your hyperbole Grimm. But you're too much of a tool to take seriously. If you'd offer up a source, maybe things would be different. But you didn't and so here we are.

riiiiiighhhhtt. . .

sorry, I'm not the one who confuses genocide with "assimilation" and thinks there's "nothing wrong" with giving out disease ridden blankets to people in the hopes of killing them off.

and "growing pains"? someone needs to learn about the Trail of Tears. this ain't no sitcom, kids.

I didn't and wouldn't ever vote for Andrew Jackson if I had-had the chance. As far as I'm concerned, that entire mess was solely on him. And I say that because there was an overwhelming number of Anglo Americans who were against the bill that caused it.

The Cherokee (who I'm descended from) that were forced out of Mississippi had already assimilated and were keeping up to date on the technology developed by the Anglos; they were well on their way to meshing with them. The catalyst for that signed bill was a mandate put in place to keep the Anglos from being harmed by the still existing militant Indian tribes (hence your "shoot on sight" reference). The mandate couldn't exactly be called a leftover relic, but it was a retarded and illogical technicality used by Andrew "Old BASTARD Hickory" Jackson to force out Natives indiscriminately--Which missed the point of their desired 'assimilation scenario' completely. He was so concerned with them originally being from tribes that he didn't bother to look at their progress and realize the bill didn't apply to them any longer since they moved away from their savage lifestyles.

I like how you consistently refer to the Natives lifestyles as "savage" while condemning other people for generalizing the issue and overall failing to realize that not all tribes were violence based societies. yet you seem to feel that their destruction (oh, excuse me, assimilation) is just fine and dandy because they had different values than the European immigrants.

get over yourself, kid.
Man.... Is Pariah still trying to reason away genocide?

 Originally Posted By: whomod
Man.... Is Pariah still trying to reason away genocide?

Yeah, doesn't he realize that's the job of the liberals who defended Pol Pot, Saddam and Stalin? ;\)
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I try not to presume what's best for others. Especially when I've never been to Africa.

Yeah, I've never lived under such fine gents as Abacha, Afewerki, Al Bashir, Amin, Barre, Biya, Bokassa, Doe, Eyadema, Gaddafi, Habre, Kabila, Mengistu, Mobutu, Mswati, Mugabe, Moi, Nguema, Taylor, or Toure, but I'm sure they were fair and moral individuals.

Warning, Spoiler:
If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm pointing out how foolish you are for adopting an anti-absolutist attitude so as to avoid stating the fact that anyone who stayed in Africa would have gotten fucked by their own leaders

Yes there was. They had concepts of right and wrong. They were capable of, and often had, peaceful relations with eachother and the settlers. It was not chaos. I'm sure there were conflicts and wars but if that makes for chaos then the whole world is chaotic. Especially these days.

Uh, yeah I'm the one who told you about their trade agreements in the first place. Do you know why they never lasted? Because they had no lawful precedent. The Native American philosophy of survival and interaction was base upon whim and necessity. You're trying to tell me that they thought it was generally "right" to be peaceful with each other when they held no such values aside from circumstantial inter-dependence.

You know I've been reading around places like this-


and it essentially I'm finding your full of shit.

So it's this late in the game that you actually decide to read up on a Native American-Settler history after trying to go by the Hollywood note of, "Those evil whities treated the Indians like shit!" for so long?

Yes, I'm sure you ran crying to a history site after you were unable to dispute any of the history I recited in response to your generalist ideas of 'they must have had morals and the whites must have been evil!' However, that doesn't mean it's going to impress me.

For example Indians didn't impeed progress (that would be horrible if the existence of a race of human beings impeeding the progress of another. Thankfully we have things like Genocide to take of it) so much as the Colonies decided it was there "Manifest Destiny" to go west and therefore step on the Indians turf so they fought back. I'll keep reading but it seems the result is gonna be that your full of shit.

It's taken you this long to refer to the Manifest Destiny? I figured with someone so knowledgeable in the atrocities of the pre-21st century west, you would have made note of it much sooner rather than just find out about its existence.

Here's a Wiki article to complement your little "infoplease" site:

  • Native Americans

    Manifest Destiny had serious consequences for American Indians since continental expansion usually meant the occupation of Native American land. The United States continued the European practice of recognizing only limited land rights of indigenous peoples. In a policy formulated largely by Henry Knox, Secretary of War in the Washington Administration, the U.S. government sought to expand into the west through the legal purchase of Native American land in treaties. Indians were encouraged to sell their vast tribal lands and become "civilized", which meant (among other things) for Native American men to abandon hunting and become farmers, and for their society to reorganize around the family unit rather than the clan or tribe. The United States therefore acquired lands by treaty from Indian nations, often under circumstances which suggest a lack of voluntary and knowing consent by the native signers. Advocates of civilization programs believed that the process of settling native tribes would greatly reduce the amount of land needed by the Indians, making more land available for homesteading by white Americans. Thomas Jefferson believed that while American Indians were the intellectual equals of whites, they had to live like the whites or inevitably be pushed aside by them. Jefferson's belief, rooted in Enlightenment thinking, that whites and Native Americans would merge to create a single nation did not last his lifetime, and he began to believe that the natives should emigrate across the Mississippi River and maintain a separate society, an idea made possible by the Louisiana Purchase of 1803.

Unfortunately, as it says, Jefferson's belief didn't last, but the point here is that the lands weren't stolen and the Indians weren't actually trampled on. Initially, efforts were made to assimilate them and not push them away. It was post-Jackson that the "Indian Removal" policy came into effect. After that, there was a failure rather than a lack of upholding civil rights for Native Americans. There was indeed unfair tribulations thrust upon the Indians who moved west as requested, but that was due to ineptitude and not official policies. In that rite, the Trail of Tears was a superfluous fumble; because the Cherokee were assimilating, the was no need for them to move, but because they did, neither Van Buren nor Jackson gave them the proper resources to make such a move.

Just some clarification.

Yes you are. Your saying they were savages who should have gotten out of the Europeans way.

Okay...You just ignored everything I said, so I'll repost my previous response:

"I'm not demonizing anyone, I'm saying that they didn't have anything done to them that they wouldn't have done to anyone else by their own standards of living and interacting with others. Then, when the settlers became more and more advanced and became a larger society with more opportunities, the Indians were retarding their growth with a simple unwillingness to recognize that it was better to live in a house than to risk your life in the wild (this was a problem during the 1700s, but moreso in the early 1800s)."

Because I verbalize the fact that they were living savage lifestyles, that doesn't mean I'm demonizing them--I'm not using it as a derogatory term; just as a statement of fact. Their early unwillingness to live healthier by refusing to merge with the very society that they were slowing down was simply mal-productive for everyone in the new world. Just because I make a point of showing that doesn't mean I'm demonizing them. If anything, I'm just saying they were short-sighted at that point.

That's not the point and you fucking know it. If another country came here to assimilate us for our benefit or there progress what would you want to do?

Actually, it is the point, but since you're so adamant to use a "shoe on the other foot" analogy, I'll ignore the fact that you ignored a relevant observation of how fallacious your comparison is and roll with it:

Assuming that American culture was at the level of the Indians in the 1700s and the Russians or India wanted to build a society here as a means of expansion with technology and ways of living far beyond ours, I wouldn't mind assimilating so as to advance my way of life.

I'm sure you don't like that answer, but it's the only one I'm going to give; your present day analogy just doesn't make any sense.

This is precisely the kind of jingoistic byas I'm talking about. You split hairs and act like it makes a world of diffrence. Vietnam and Iraq are times we pushed Democracy on another culture which is trying to "enlighten" them. We get to have bases all over the world and go on floats around the mediteranian and pacific rim expanding our power and influence which is imperialistic to think we have the right to police the world. If you want to put your head in the sand fine but don't try and lecture me.

*sigh* Another bullshit paragraph.

First: Vietnam was fought for the sake of cutting off communism. Not spreading democracy. Giving Iraq a democracy was a secondary objective for the sake of building an ally after we've eliminated a threat (I'm not going to both arguing on whether or not it was worth it). That's not the same as simply wanting to enlighten society just for the sake of doing so.

Second: America is not the only country that has bases situated all over the world. Being strategically setup is not the same as "policing." We have never attacked another country for the sake of anyone else aside from ourselves.

The idiocy of your statement pretty much negates any possible logic. If you take something from someone who had it first it's considered stealing. Not just by the written letter of the law but by common sense. And stealing is considered wrong not just cause it's against the law but because of the Golden rule.

What do you think it is that forms that common sense of yours? It's the context of the time-frame that even begins to form a common sense structure of logic. It's only because the Europeans brought over philosophy that there is any perception of common sense and concept of ownership in the first place. It's only because of the Anglos that the Indians were even able to develop concept of ownership over land in the first place.

I think your a fake patriot who will rationalize America's action or minimize them any chance you can.

I'm not sure wha "fake patriot" means, but...Well, you're wrong. As I said, I do believe America has done bad things as a country in the past. This just isn't one of them.
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
sorry, I'm not the one who confuses genocide with "assimilation" and thinks there's "nothing wrong" with giving out disease ridden blankets to people in the hopes of killing them off.

The Anglo Americans were involved in a WAR with the Native Americans both when the French were still in America in the 1700s and when there were territory disputes in the 1800s. That's not the same as committing genocide. In the case of the Cherokee emigration, the 4,000 who starved to death were indeed the fault of the government, but it wasn't murder so much as it was reckless ineptitude.

As for the disease ridden blankets: Please prove that they were given with murderous intent before saying, "in the hopes of killing them off." The Anglos and the Natives both lived in completely different environments and both gotten over different varieties of diseases. Just because the Anglos had given the Natives blankets infested with strains they had gotten over themselves, that does not mean they knew they would get sick.

I like how you consistently refer to the Natives lifestyles as "savage" while condemning other people for generalizing the issue and overall failing to realize that not all tribes were violence based societies. yet you seem to feel that their destruction (oh, excuse me, assimilation) is just fine and dandy because they had different values than the European immigrants.

Like Halo, you suffer the ignorance of thinking the term "savage" is a derogatory meaning that defines someone as being brutish and blood-thirsty. Generally, "savage" is synonymous with "primitive" and its not strictly derogatory unless used withing a denunciative context. In which case, I've been using the term "savage" as way of describing their basic lifestyles and not simply any violent behavior by the Iroquois Confederacy and other assorted tribes.

I'm sorry to disappoint your sweeping opinion of me, but I'm well aware of the less hostile tribes that collaborated with the European missionaries in the North East. I haven't been mentioning them as much as the West Virginian tribes because, unlike the Iroquois, the Shawnee, and the Delaware, they had assimilated much more successfully.

get over yourself, kid.

Likewise. Might I suggest that, in the future, you stick to your insulting sideline comments rather than try to confront me head on? Because that seems to be all you're good at.
you are completely fucking retarded.
There you go. Stick what what you're capable of.
if we all stuck to what we were "capable of" you'd never post.
Yeah, I've never lived under such fine gents as Abacha, Afewerki, Al Bashir, Amin, Barre, Biya, Bokassa, Doe, Eyadema, Gaddafi, Habre, Kabila, Mengistu, Mobutu, Mswati, Mugabe, Moi, Nguema, Taylor, or Toure, but I'm sure they were fair and moral individuals.

No, but you have lived under Nixon, Bush, Cheney, McCarthy (not sure if you lived under him). Gonna have to face facts that history is riddled with bad people in every continent.

Uh, yeah I'm the one who told you about their trade agreements in the first place. Do you know why they never lasted? Because they had no lawful precedent. The Native American philosophy of survival and interaction was base upon whim and necessity. You're trying to tell me that they thought it was generally "right" to be peaceful with each other when they held no such values aside from circumstantial inter-dependence.

They didn't last cause they were out gunned. Who's to say they still wouldn't be living the same way today if not for our expansion. There are still Eskimo's and shit. That's a fact you keep ignoring. Tribe's that aren't all that technilogically advanced still exist.

So it's this late in the game that you actually decide to read up on a Native American-Settler history after trying to go by the Hollywood note of, "Those evil whities treated the Indians like shit!" for so long?

It had nothing to do with Hollywood so much as the fact I know your an idiot...so I assumed your wrong.

I had a very basic knowledge of this. Just enough to tell your twisting things with your ideological prism.

Yes, I'm sure you ran crying to a history site after you were unable to dispute any of the history I recited in response to your generalist ideas of 'they must have had morals and the whites must have been evil!' However, that doesn't mean it's going to impress me.

Unable? Dube, all you've done is throw out conjecture. It's not hard to refute that. And now I can almost smell the desperation on you to take attention away from the link I provided.

Unfortunately, as it says, Jefferson's belief didn't last, but the point here is that the lands weren't stolen and the Indians weren't actually trampled on. Initially, efforts were made to assimilate them and not push them away. It was post-Jackson that the "Indian Removal" policy came into effect. After that, there was a failure rather than a lack of upholding civil rights for Native Americans. There was indeed unfair tribulations thrust upon the Indians who moved west as requested, but that was due to ineptitude and not official policies. In that rite, the Trail of Tears was a superfluous fumble; because the Cherokee were assimilating, the was no need for them to move, but because they did, neither Van Buren nor Jackson gave them the proper resources to make such a move.

Alright, it's important that we establish something here. I'm about to blow you off. Not because I can't refute your claims but because it's clear that your perception of reality is so twisted there's no point taking what you say seriously.

But you know what...here's another intresting quote from Wiki-

In the nineteenth century, the incessant Westward expansion of the United States incrementally compelled large numbers of Native Americans to resettle further west, often by force, almost always reluctantly. Under President Andrew Jackson, Congress passed the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which authorized the President to conduct treaties to exchange Native American land east of the Mississippi River for lands west of the river. As many as 100,000 Native Americans eventually relocated in the West as a result of this Indian Removal policy. In theory, relocation was supposed to be voluntary (and many Native Americans did remain in the East), but in practice great pressure was put on Native American leaders to sign removal treaties. Arguably the most egregious violation of the stated intention of the removal policy was the Treaty of New Echota, which was signed by a dissident faction of Cherokees, but not the elected leadership. The treaty was brutally enforced by President Andrew Jackson, which resulted in the deaths of an estimated four thousand Cherokees on the Trail of Tears.

You see that Pariah, the part about them being reluctant? The US having to use force to take what they want? That's a fact you can't deny. There was no necesity to us moving out west therefore no need for force.

Okay...You just ignored everything I said, so I'll repost my previous response:

I didn't ignore it. I'm just getting tired of saying how your rationalizing and exaggeratating.

Actually, it is the point, but since you're so adamant to use a "shoe on the other foot" analogy, I'll ignore the fact that you ignored a relevant observation of how fallacious your comparison is and roll with it:

It's a simple question you keep dodging. I didn't ignore anything it's bullshit to get out of answering. It's a valid comparison. Of course no two situation are gonna be exactly the same but it's close enough.

Because I verbalize the fact that they were living savage lifestyles, that doesn't mean I'm demonizing them

It does when your using there savage lifestyle to justify genocide and assimilation.

Assuming that American culture was at the level of the Indians in the 1700s and the Russians or India wanted to build a society here as a means of expansion with technology and ways of living far beyond ours, I wouldn't mind assimilating so as to advance my way of life.

I'm talking about the 1700's I'm talking about right now. Tommorow.

*sigh* Another bullshit paragraph.

First: Vietnam was fought for the sake of cutting off communism. Not spreading democracy. Giving Iraq a democracy was a secondary objective for the sake of building an ally after we've eliminated a threat (I'm not going to both arguing on whether or not it was worth it). That's not the same as simply wanting to enlighten society just for the sake of doing so.

Second: America is not the only country that has bases situated all over the world. Being strategically setup is not the same as "policing." We have never attacked another country for the sake of anyone else aside from ourselves.

Again, you act like the two can't be alike because there not absolutely symmetrical. It's this kind of lopsided logic that makes me and others think your full of shit.

What do you think it is that forms that common sense of yours? It's the context of the time-frame that even begins to form a common sense structure of logic. It's only because the Europeans brought over philosophy that there is any perception of common sense and concept of ownership in the first place. It's only because of the Anglos that the Indians were even able to develop concept of ownership over land in the first place.

God bless those anglos. If not for them the world would still be flat and barren.

I'm not sure wha "fake patriot" means, but...Well, you're wrong. As I said, I do believe America has done bad things as a country in the past. This just isn't one of them.

Is it really that hard to figure out? And if it is you truly are a moron.

I do believe your full of shit. But that's just a hunch.
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
if we all stuck to what we were "capable of" you'd never post.

yeah... he'd never leave the tranny porn forum rob set up for him...
There you go. Stick what what you're capable of.

Jeez, listen to this guy. He twists the past to his benefit and he thinks he's a great historian.

Your not so special. I can make shit up too.

When Pariah wise 5 years old Aliens came from Alpah Centauri and abducted him. They assimilated him into there race of morons while conducting experiments on his brain (tragicly leaving him braindead). But it's okay though cause Pariah was a savage who visciously sodomized squirls.
oh, but don't you know Halo, that all those things are merely "growing pains" from their "assimilation" into the culture.

Pariah can apparently rationalize any act into some sort of "logical cultural expansion" at least in his own infantile, self absorbed mind.
I don't get how you guys take Pariah seriously - he's a joke with no punchline. He takes pride in his cringe inducing stupidity, his lame insults, and his ridiculously erroneous comments, all of which are pathetic cries for attention. You can't have an intelligent conversation with a misogynistic, racist, self loathing gay man who is so deeply in denial of his own homosexuality that he's buried himself in the proverbial closet with his shemale pics. And he's so far in that closet that he doesn't know enough to realize he should be embarrassed by his laughable ignorance and staggering stupidity.

He's completely irrelevant.
Pariah can apparently rationalize any act into some sort of "logical cultural expansion" at least in his own infantile, self absorbed mind.

You forgot sadistic. I mean, who messes with Squirls? Donkeys, cows, dogs, cats okay...but squirrels?

the aliens probed Pariah, and he liked it! he is the gay ass teletubby.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Pariah can apparently rationalize any act into some sort of "logical cultural expansion" at least in his own infantile, self absorbed mind.

You forgot sadistic. I mean, who messes with Squirls? Donkeys, cows, dogs, cats okay...but squirls?

squirrels mean the start of a hardcore match. . .
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Pariah can apparently rationalize any act into some sort of "logical cultural expansion" at least in his own infantile, self absorbed mind.

You forgot sadistic. I mean, who messes with Squirls? Donkeys, cows, dogs, cats okay...but squirls?

squirrels mean the start of a hardcore match. . .


I really need to get laid.
Don't say that too loud on these boards. You'll get responses, that's for sure, but I'm not sure how much you'll like them.
Good point. Thanks.
Just lookin out for ya dude.
I think you know...but just in case...I wasn't being facetious.
Uh huh. Sure.

you should try it more often. being facetious. it has its rewards.
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
I don't get how you guys take Pariah seriously - he's a joke with no punchline. He takes pride in his cringe inducing stupidity, his lame insults, and his ridiculously erroneous comments, all of which are pathetic cries for attention. You can't have an intelligent conversation with a misogynistic, racist, self loathing gay man who is so deeply in denial of his own homosexuality that he's buried himself in the proverbial closet with his shemale pics. And he's so far in that closet that he doesn't know enough to realize he should be embarrassed by his laughable ignorance and staggering stupidity.

He's completely irrelevant.

So this means you will help me overthrow him as an Arcade Room mod...?
Am I the only one who knows pariah trolls just to piss people off? Do you not get the irony of his signature?
who bothers to look at his sig?
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: whomod
Man.... Is Pariah still trying to reason away genocide?

Yeah, doesn't he realize that's the job of the liberals who defended Pol Pot, Saddam and Stalin? ;\)

Just because he echoes some..ok, most right wing views doesn't mean you have to defend his defending of genocide. ;\)
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
You can't have an intelligent conversation with a misogynistic, racist, self loathing gay man who is so deeply in denial of his own homosexuality that he's buried himself in the proverbial closet with his shemale pics. And he's so far in that closet that he doesn't know enough to realize he should be embarrassed by his laughable ignorance and staggering stupidity.

He's completely irrelevant.

Y'know, i'd completely forgotten that it was Pariah who was into the shemale hentai. I remembered it being SOMEBODY here on the boards but couldn't place the name.

I think this discussion warrants a move to the "another gay Republican" thread.
Back on topic: What scares Conservatives.

 Originally Posted By: Washington Post
The Department of Homeland Security failed to prepare for a massive influx of applications for U.S. citizenship and other immigration benefits this summer, prompting complaints from Hispanic leaders and voter-mobilization groups that several hundred thousand people likely will not be granted citizenship in time to cast ballots in the 2008 presidential election.

Bush administration officials said yesterday that they had anticipated applicants would rush to file their paperwork to beat a widely publicized fee increase that took effect July 30, but did not expect the scale of the response. The backlog comes just months after U.S. officials failed to prepare for tougher border security requirements that triggered months-long delays for millions of Americans seeking passports.

Before the fee hike, citizenship cases typically took about seven months to complete. Now, immigration officials can take five months or more just to acknowledge receipt of applications from parts of the country and will take 16 to 18 months on average to process applications filed after June 1, according to officials from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, which is part of DHS. Such a timeline would push many prospective citizens well past voter-registration deadlines for the 2008 primaries and the general elections.

Immigrant Paperwork Backs Up At DHS
Delays May Deny Vote to Hundreds Of Thousands

How convenient. I mean, nobody could have anticipated an influx of citizenship applications, right? I’m sure that it has nothing to do with the growing and changing Hispanic electorate. (/snark)


In our new report, Hispanics Rising, NDN reviews the emerging politics of the fastest-growing part of the American electorate, one deeply changed by the immigration debate. The report documents how Hispanics have gone from a group trending Republican to a group overwhelmingly Democratic; one whose percentage of the American electorate has increased by 33 percent in the last 4 years; and one poised, because of the structure of the Electoral College, to determine who the next President will be in 2008.

And there it is. It's not so much that they want to change the U.S.into Mexico, which is frankly bullshit, it's that they have the power and numbers to completely obliterate the Republican Party who inexplicably have alienated and angered Hispanics en masse repeatedly. They're in danger of transforming America all right. Into DEMOCRATIC country. And that sends shivers down the spines of the Pariah's and Wonder Boys the nation over. After all, how can you lob "anti-American" slanders when you're (even more than now)the most minor of minority views in the nation?

To Bush and Rove's credit, they saw the handwriting on the wall and tried to reach out to Latinos who were even a few years ago, still a decent percentage of the Republican base. But the far right wingers who fear "Mexicans", will alienate anyone, race bait anyone, just so long as it fires up the nativists and xenophobes and gets them to the polls. All to their detriment. Fitting I say. Goodbye far right wingers. Please provide more heated racial baiting and hatred. It's the best, fastest, and surest way to be rid of you all forever.

Every short term initiative, every election disenfranchisement scheme is just winning the battle but losing the war. And yes, I have to frame it that way because this is the way these people see it. A "war".

All the Hispanic community sees is a bunch of fucks who never distinguish legal over illegal, And American from 'white person'. And they've been repelled and disgusted, just as most Americans of the caucasian persuasion, most of whom don't happen to be paranoid racists, ALSO have been. The GOP in flames.

Writing in the Washington Post yesterday, former Bush Chief White House Speechwriter Michael Gerson described the changes in the Hispanic electorate this way:

I have never seen an issue where the short-term interests of Republican presidential candidates in the primaries were more starkly at odds with the long-term interests of the party itself. At least five swing states that Bush carried in 2004 are rich in Hispanic voters -- Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado and Florida. Bush won Nevada by just over 20,000 votes. A substantial shift of Hispanic voters toward the Democrats in these states could make the national political map unwinnable for Republicans … Some in the party seem pleased. They should be terrified.

In fact it's really tempting me to start a project I've been mulling over for quite some time, a door to door voter registration drive in some of the most underrepresented latino districts in the southwest. Where even if people are residents, you get the LEGAL citizen of that household (usually a voting age son or daughter) to be the voice of the family and get them to the polls to represent the entire family.

It would be monumental and seismic!
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
No, but you have lived under Nixon, Bush, Cheney, McCarthy (not sure if you lived under him). Gonna have to face facts that history is riddled with bad people in every continent.

FOR THE RECORD: Halo considers the men he named as being comparable to all the African dictators. Of course he's right, because Nixon, Bush, Cheney, and McCarthy are all Caucasian Americans that are inherently evil and tyrannous.

They didn't last cause they were out gunned. Who's to say they still wouldn't be living the same way today if not for our expansion. There are still Eskimo's and shit. That's a fact you keep ignoring. Tribe's that aren't all that technilogically advanced still exist.

....What? Wha-What does this have to do with what I actually wrote?

It had nothing to do with Hollywood so much as the fact I know your an idiot...so I assumed your wrong.

You assume a lot of things. For example: You've been assuming what the structure of Native American "law" was composed of all the while refusing to actually check your references see that they had no lawful indoctrinations.

I had a very basic knowledge of this. Just enough to tell your twisting things with your ideological prism.

Okay, so first you say that you didn't believe me because you figured me to be mis-quoting history and now you're saying you started talking to me because you knew history in the first place?

Unable? Dube, all you've done is throw out conjecture.

Ah. An ad hominem generalization. Do me a favor an point out all of my conjecture and then express in detail how it qualifies as conjectural. You carry the burden of proof, so this should be easy for you.

It's not hard to refute that. And now I can almost smell the desperation on you to take attention away from the link I provided.

What do you mean "take attention away" from it. You didn't actually highlight anything from it with which to argue over. On a glance, I couldn't even find a topic mention of the Manifest Destiny Jacksonian propoganda you based your paragraph around. There wasn't even anything in there that disputed disputed my claims let alone make me ignore it.

Alright, it's important that we establish something here. I'm about to blow you off. Not because I can't refute your claims but because it's clear that your perception of reality is so twisted there's no point taking what you say seriously.

The exact words of someone who can't even refute someone else's claims.

If you look back Halo, the most you've done here is say, "No, it didn't happen like that," over and over again. You have not once offered any sort of counter citation ground in history.

But you know what...here's another intresting quote from Wiki-

In the nineteenth century, the incessant Westward expansion of the United States incrementally compelled large numbers of Native Americans to resettle further west, often by force, almost always reluctantly. Under President Andrew Jackson, Congress passed the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which authorized the President to conduct treaties to exchange Native American land east of the Mississippi River for lands west of the river. As many as 100,000 Native Americans eventually relocated in the West as a result of this Indian Removal policy. In theory, relocation was supposed to be voluntary (and many Native Americans did remain in the East), but in practice great pressure was put on Native American leaders to sign removal treaties. Arguably the most egregious violation of the stated intention of the removal policy was the Treaty of New Echota, which was signed by a dissident faction of Cherokees, but not the elected leadership. The treaty was brutally enforced by President Andrew Jackson, which resulted in the deaths of an estimated four thousand Cherokees on the Trail of Tears.

You see that Pariah, the part about them being reluctant? The US having to use force to take what they want? That's a fact you can't deny. There was no necesity to us moving out west therefore no need for force.

As the previous paragraph I quoted pointed out, while there was intimidation, there was no real force when they bought the land--And the land was bought; not stolen or seized.

And by what reasoning do you declare it as unnecessary to expand across the entire land mass? Do you really think a series of colonial societies would be able to sustain a country with any sort of security whilst non-unified and in the placement they were in? Every growing society in the world has known it best to occupy the entirety of the land.

I didn't ignore it. I'm just getting tired of saying how your rationalizing and exaggeratating.

On the contrary: You're the one repeatedly exaggerating the term "genocide" in regards to the friction experienced between the Anglos and the Natives.

Genocide - the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.

Please point out where in history, since you've proven yourself such an astute observer of past events, where the American government put together a mandate that called for the military/militia to seek out the Indians and slaughter them by the truck-load.

Don't bother looking for it. You won't find it. The Anglos and the Natives had a war and the Anglos were too incompetent to keep 4,000 Cherokees from starving to death. But you see, those are not examples of extermination; they're examples of conflict. Whether or not there may have been individual prejudice in the hearts of some of the Anglos does not mean there was official or personal intent to exterminate the Native Americans. The most you can throw together is a case that America, under the later (very unpopular) Jacksonian policies, wanted to segregate themselves from the Natives.

It's a simple question you keep dodging. I didn't ignore anything it's bullshit to get out of answering. It's a valid comparison. Of course no two situation are gonna be exactly the same but it's close enough.

I have not dodged a thing and I have explained exactly why your analogy is flawed and indeed not "a valid comparison." In fact, I have gone at length to explain to you what's wrong with the scenario you presented and the most you could tell me was, "That's not the point and you fucking know it," or, more specifically, an ad hominem evasion of my analysis.

It does when your using there savage lifestyle to justify genocide and assimilation.

Again: Please point out to me where genocide was committed and please to use the actual standards by which "genocide" is actually defined to give me your answer rather than your own tainted perception.

And why exactly is assimilation generally a bad thing?

I'm talking about the 1700's I'm talking about right now. Tommorow.

Okay. We are not an inferior culture to India and Russia. The three cultures are on the same intellectual wave-lengths with mutual knowledge of living healthily. Upon an objective observation of their cultures and comparison between the three, they have nothing to add to our lifestyles; as mutually superior intellects, it would only be logical to collaborate rather than dominate. Politics aside, there's no good philosophical or strategic reasoning to seize our land and person for purposes of assimilation when it would be detrimental to a society with an already prevailing lifestyle.

It is because of this that it would be perfectly appropriate to fight and die trying; they have nothing to teach us and nothing to add to our culture because we're as advanced as they are if not moreso. This wasn't the case with the Native Americans and the Anglos though, which is exactly why your analogy is not valid. The circumstances aren't comparable to the situation being discussed.

Again, you act like the two can't be alike because there not absolutely symmetrical. It's this kind of lopsided logic that makes me and others think your full of shit.

Lop-sided logic? The situations you try to compare to the Native American incidents as being justification for calling America a "democracy-pusher" are a little more than "not absolutely symmetrical," they're downright inappropriate. You're not simply mis-using the incidents incorrectly as an example, but you're also mis-quoting the intent of the Americans in every single situation (see also: "Spreading enlightenment")--Which is the point me going out of my way to shoot your comparisons and citations down--THEY DON'T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE.

God bless those anglos. If not for them the world would still be flat and barren.

So you use your facetiousness as means of denying that the Europeans exported philosophy to the new world. Makes sense.

Is it really that hard to figure out? And if it is you truly are a moron.

If you wish. Now can you please tell me exactly what it means?

Jeez, listen to this guy. He twists the past to his benefit and he thinks he's a great historian.

Where have I twisted anything. Highlight the situations I've cited and tell me exactly how I've twisted them.

Your not so special. I can make shit up too.

.....What? Did you actually say that? I didn't even claim I was special and yet you say this? Inferiority complex much?
 Originally Posted By: whomod
Man.... Is Pariah still trying to reason away genocide?

Because you're the foremost expert on the subject, perhaps you could do us all a solid and define "genocide" and then contextualize it with the history being discussed here.

I know it's no problem for you buddy.
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
oh, but don't you know Halo, that all those things are merely "growing pains" from their "assimilation" into the culture.

Pariah can apparently rationalize any act into some sort of "logical cultural expansion" at least in his own infantile, self absorbed mind.

 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
I don't get how you guys take Pariah seriously - he's a joke with no punchline. He takes pride in his cringe inducing stupidity, his lame insults, and his ridiculously erroneous comments, all of which are pathetic cries for attention. You can't have an intelligent conversation with a misogynistic, racist, self loathing gay man who is so deeply in denial of his own homosexuality that he's buried himself in the proverbial closet with his shemale pics. And he's so far in that closet that he doesn't know enough to realize he should be embarrassed by his laughable ignorance and staggering stupidity.

He's completely irrelevant.

 Originally Posted By: Grimm
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Pariah can apparently rationalize any act into some sort of "logical cultural expansion" at least in his own infantile, self absorbed mind.

You forgot sadistic. I mean, who messes with Squirls? Donkeys, cows, dogs, cats okay...but squirls?

squirrels mean the start of a hardcore match. . .

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Pariah can apparently rationalize any act into some sort of "logical cultural expansion" at least in his own infantile, self absorbed mind.

You forgot sadistic. I mean, who messes with Squirls? Donkeys, cows, dogs, cats okay...but squirls?

squirrels mean the start of a hardcore match. . .


I really need to get laid.

So, to be clear on the proceedings: I make a fool out of Grimm because he proves himself stupid enough to make claims he can't prove. As a result, he resorts to petty insults that ignore any detailed replies that actually refute what he tries to argue.

Harley realizes that this is Grimm's Pariah-defense mechanism when his ability to respond intelligently has been exhausted through consistent use (or two posts worth). And so she decides to lash out at me so as to back her spam-based conversational fuck buddy with whom she enjoys trading romantic emoticons with for the sake of feeling fun-loving even if being totally unaware of her overall germane and extraneous redundancy. She even goes so far as to deny my individual relevance as if I didn't exist. I suppose denying reality as a means of shunning dissent would be her forte; it's best to live in a fantasy realm where it's only what she thinks that holds merit and so she'll say whatever she wants without actually expanding on the assertions she makes...For example: Feeling that there's warrant to call someone racist and yet refusing to actually highlight the exact words of that someone to show them how "racist" they are. I suppose I should point out her bandying of the word "misogynistic," but basically I don't care what she says about me because, as I already pointed out, I'm not relevant (see also: I lack tangibility; I don't exist; I am a stray figment of Harley's imagination and therefore am not suitable enough to respond to or reply to even if I verbally disagree with here line reasoning). I doesn't matter what I say because I am irrelevant and cut off completely from Harley's intellectual consciousness. Therefore, she lacks any true identity I might be able to identify with. How tragic...But not really.

And then when Harley's finished setting the scene, Grimm feels vindicated to start his usual circle-jerk in the thread with whomever else would be willing to trash who it was that made a fool out of him. Halo was apparently his nearest reinforcement after Harley decided it best not to imagine this thread anymore and zipped away. He went so far as to try and satirically label my arguments in conjunction with Halo. Even though I know he only speaks with him in an attempt to stave off his attraction to me, it's only logical to assume, on a cursory glance, that he collaborates with Halo through insults because he actually agrees with everything he says and the way he says it. Harley must be behind Halo as well since she popped in to say, "Pariah's irrelevant," during my and Halo's little conversation. Logic aside, I'll ask for clarification anyway:

Grimm, Harley: As an example of your exemplary and uncanny ability to separate bullshit from facts, I would like to hear what you think of Halo's performance.

I already know that I (or any other conservative here for that matter) am the safe primary target because everyone hates me anyway, but since we're doing reviews on peoples' expression of facts (or lack thereof), perhaps you could tell me that you agree with everything Halo says and the way he says it since you're not approaching him with the same level of criticism. I mean, it only makes sense right...This guy has shown himself to be the very bastion of truth and historical accuracy, which is why you favor his posts over mine in this conversation. Don't you think so?

And Harley, I know I'm a figment of your imagination, but it's not technically unhealthy to humor your imaginary friends some of the time. So please feel free to answer the question.

Gayer teletubby.

You're a tool.

You're fucking retarded.

This message was brought to you by Grimm and his predictable bag of escapist comebacks.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
No, but you have lived under Nixon, Bush, Cheney, McCarthy (not sure if you lived under him). Gonna have to face facts that history is riddled with bad people in every continent.

FOR THE RECORD: Halo considers the men he named as being comparable to all the African dictators...

Yeah, I'm forced to agree with Pariah on this particular point. A comparison like that is really going out on a limb and doesn't do much to make anyone look rational or objective. I'm sure there are plenty of you with bugs up your ass about how much the current administration has fucked up, but wholesale slaughter of one's own people by the thousands? Yeah, we're nowhere near there.
FOR THE RECORD: Halo considers the men he named as being comparable to all the African dictators. Of course he's right, because Nixon, Bush, Cheney, and McCarthy are all Caucasian Americans that are inherently evil and tyrannous.

For the record your a clueless ass. It wasn't a comparison. A comparison is saying a spider has a bigger dick then yours. The point is bad people are in every govt.

....What? Wha-What does this have to do with what I actually wrote?

You asked me why I thought the Indians didn't last you moron.

You assume a lot of things. For example: You've been assuming what the structure of Native American "law" was composed of all the while refusing to actually check your references see that they had no lawful indoctrinations.

It's not an assumption. I just know what Chaos and kraven behavior is and there's no account other then you that says they were complete barbarians.

Okay, so first you say that you didn't believe me because you figured me to be mis-quoting history and now you're saying you started talking to me because you knew history in the first place?

How is what I said contradictory? I knew just enough to tell you were wrong? What got me into this conversation was your twisted pathological rationalization that we didn't do anything wrong just cause the indians didn't have the same law as we do.

Ah. An ad hominem generalization. Do me a favor an point out all of my conjecture and then express in detail how it qualifies as conjectural. You carry the burden of proof, so this should be easy for you.

Call it what you want, but it's true. I said everything asshole. But, for example, the Indians had no law.

What do you mean "take attention away" from it. You didn't actually highlight anything from it with which to argue over. On a glance, I couldn't even find a topic mention of the Manifest Destiny Jacksonian propoganda you based your paragraph around. There wasn't even anything in there that disputed disputed my claims let alone make me ignore it.

You used a paragraph from Wiki moron not the link I provided.

The exact words of someone who can't even refute someone else's claims.

The exact words? Really? That's amazing. But I suppose they'd have to be exact for you to make the connection.

If you look back Halo, the most you've done here is say, "No, it didn't happen like that," over and over again. You have not once offered any sort of counter citation ground in history.

*looking back* no I've said a little more then that. Most of what I've said is that your trying to use the imperfection in Indian society to justify what happened. If that's the case every society should be conquered. Especially the England at the time who'd been in a hundred year war with France, Spain, and then the colonies. But your just gonna say that was okay cause it was about progress, which is idiotic. The only good reason to fight is defense.

As the previous paragraph I quoted pointed out, while there was intimidation, there was no real force when they bought the land--And the land was bought; not stolen or seized.

Which is false. It explicitly says by force. You wanted an example of your conjecture here it is.

And by what reasoning do you declare it as unnecessary to expand across the entire land mass? Do you really think a series of colonial societies would be able to sustain a country with any sort of security whilst non-unified and in the placement they were in? Every growing society in the world has known it best to occupy the entirety of the land.

Do I think there's alot of fucking space on the East Coast they could have lived? Yeah.

On the contrary: You're the one repeatedly exaggerating the term "genocide" in regards to the friction experienced between the Anglos and the Natives.

Genocide - the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.

Please point out where in history, since you've proven yourself such an astute observer of past events, where the American government put together a mandate that called for the military/militia to seek out the Indians and slaughter them by the truck-load.

Don't bother looking for it. You won't find it. The Anglos and the Natives had a war and the Anglos were too incompetent to keep 4,000 Cherokees from starving to death. But you see, those are not examples of extermination; they're examples of conflict. Whether or not there may have been individual prejudice in the hearts of some of the Anglos does not mean there was official or personal intent to exterminate the Native Americans. The most you can throw together is a case that America, under the later (very unpopular) Jacksonian policies, wanted to segregate themselves from the Natives.

So, I guess the Nazi's didn't partake in Genocide either since they split there time between killing jews and putting them in concentration camps. Look at that, Pariah has redeemed Nazi's of yore. Let's not be hopelessly literal because if the nazi's didn't commit genocide then pretty much nobody did. So, being as intelligent as I am I was able to read between the lines, cut through the bullshit, and find you that link.


I have not dodged a thing and I have explained exactly why your analogy is flawed and indeed not "a valid comparison." In fact, I have gone at length to explain to you what's wrong with the scenario you presented and the most you could tell me was, "That's not the point and you fucking know it," or, more specifically, an ad hominem evasion of my analysis.

But you have. First by ignoring it and then twisting it.

Again: Please point out to me where genocide was committed and please to use the actual standards by which "genocide" is actually defined to give me your answer rather than your own tainted perception.

And why exactly is assimilation generally a bad thing?

I use the word genocide because alot of fucking people were killed. But if I have to break things down Barney Style for you then perhaps Mass Murder would be better since in fact we murdered alot of fucking indians. Is that literal enough for your feeble mind to comprehend?

Okay. We are not an inferior culture to India and Russia. The three cultures are on the same intellectual wave-lengths with mutual knowledge of living healthily. Upon an objective observation of their cultures and comparison between the three, they have nothing to add to our lifestyles; as mutually superior intellects, it would only be logical to collaborate rather than dominate. Politics aside, there's no good philosophical or strategic reasoning to seize our land and person for purposes of assimilation when it would be detrimental to a society with an already prevailing lifestyle.

It is because of this that it would be perfectly appropriate to fight and die trying; they have nothing to teach us and nothing to add to our culture because we're as advanced as they are if not moreso. This wasn't the case with the Native Americans and the Anglos though, which is exactly why your analogy is not valid. The circumstances aren't comparable to the situation being discussed.

Okay, you've answered the question somewhat but you logic is the kind of logic that's idiotic. say Russia is superior, but you prefer you and others prefer your inferior way of life. Kind of like, a country person who doesn't want to move to the city.

Lop-sided logic? The situations you try to compare to the Native American incidents as being justification for calling America a "democracy-pusher" are a little more than "not absolutely symmetrical," they're downright inappropriate. You're not simply mis-using the incidents incorrectly as an example, but you're also mis-quoting the intent of the Americans in every single situation (see also: "Spreading enlightenment")--Which is the point me going out of my way to shoot your comparisons and citations down--THEY DON'T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE.

You don't make sense cause your an idiot. The U.S wanted to contain Communism thinking it was bad. Thinking everybody should be democratic (a mentality we have to this day). That's where the "enlightenment" argument comes in.

So you use your facetiousness as means of denying that the Europeans exported philosophy to the new world. Makes sense.

I use sarcasm in response to you romanticizing them. Yeah.

If you wish. Now can you please tell me exactly what it means?

Wow, you really can't comprehend anything that isn't in it's simplist form can you?

.....What? Did you actually say that? I didn't even claim I was special and yet you say this? Inferiority complex much?

I made an inference. Just like you did with "Inferiority complex much" shit.
Obviously the point wasn't they were exactly the same. Point was every govt has fucked up people.

Then again if you two simpleton's want to be literal thousands of people have died in Iraq so...
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Obviously the point wasn't they were exactly the same. Point was every govt has fucked up people.

Then again if you two simpleton's want to be literal thousands of people have died in Iraq so...

You really do have only one volume level, don't you? Thousands of people have died in Iraq? From car bombs and shooting at each other? That explains everything! I must really be one of those simpleton's to have missed that point.

If every government has fucked up people, which they do, and that was really your point, you could have picked just about anyone from any of them. I think you were responding to Pariah's post, and you took the bait he dangled, and you immediately rushed in to hurl whatever you had within reach at your short list of most hated conservatives. (The long list would take you years to get through.) Only trouble with that is that in your rush to slay some conservatives and earn your user title, all you really did was make it look like you were drawing a very illogical comparison while simultaneously showing your contempt for anyone and everyone who doesn't buy into your simple little prepackaged worldview. "Obviously" the point wasn't that you were being witty. Point was you're not very good at covering your ass once you've let the venom and mechanical errors fly.
You really do have only one volume level, don't you? Thousands of people have died in Iraq? From car bombs and shooting at each other? That explains everything! I must really be one of those simpleton's to have missed that point

I'm just saying an argument can be made is all.

If every government has fucked up people, which they do, and that was really your point, you could have picked just about anyone from any of them.

Preaching to the choir. That's what I've said I've been saying. I used America examples cause Pariah is American.

I think you were responding to Pariah's post, and you took the bait he dangled, and you immediately rushed in to hurl whatever you had within reach at your short list of most hated conservatives

Then your not paying attention. See above. Stick to short obnoxious post Sammitch. You don't do actual thought well.

Only trouble with that is that in your rush to slay some conservatives and earn your user title, all you really did was make it look like you were drawing a very illogical comparison while simultaneously showing your contempt for anyone and everyone who doesn't buy into your simple little prepackaged worldview.

Seems to me you and Pariah are the ones rushing to judgement. Your the morons who assumed I meant they were just as bad/evil as Pariah's other example's. And now here you are telling me I'm intolerant. This from a little toad who seldom has anything other then mocking and heckling to contribute? Worst of all you make all these generic complaints but when G-man, Pariah, or Wonderboy do the same your wit is nowhere to be found. Excuse me if I don't take lectures from a sycophantic nitwit.

"Obviously" the point wasn't that you were being witty. Point was you're not very good at covering your ass once you've let the venom and mechanical errors fly.

I'm just glad what's obvious to you is in all actuality non-sequitorial.
 Originally Posted By: rex
Am I the only one who knows pariah trolls just to piss people off? Do you not get the irony of his signature?

So if Pariah trolls to piss people off then what's Sammitch's excuse?
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: rex
Am I the only one who knows pariah trolls just to piss people off? Do you not get the irony of his signature?

So if Pariah trolls to piss people off then what's Sammitch's excuse?

He's an attention whore. Any kind of attention is good for him, good or bad.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Gayer teletubby.

Still one of my favorites.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

I'm just saying an argument can be made is all.

Of course "an argument can be made" for anything. That does not, however, mean the argument being made is sound.
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Gayer teletubby.

Still one of my favorites.

classics never go out of style. even the fucktard agrees by his above post.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
oh, but don't you know Halo, that all those things are merely "growing pains" from their "assimilation" into the culture.

Pariah can apparently rationalize any act into some sort of "logical cultural expansion" at least in his own infantile, self absorbed mind.

 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
I don't get how you guys take Pariah seriously - he's a joke with no punchline. He takes pride in his cringe inducing stupidity, his lame insults, and his ridiculously erroneous comments, all of which are pathetic cries for attention. You can't have an intelligent conversation with a misogynistic, racist, self loathing gay man who is so deeply in denial of his own homosexuality that he's buried himself in the proverbial closet with his shemale pics. And he's so far in that closet that he doesn't know enough to realize he should be embarrassed by his laughable ignorance and staggering stupidity.

He's completely irrelevant.

 Originally Posted By: Grimm
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Pariah can apparently rationalize any act into some sort of "logical cultural expansion" at least in his own infantile, self absorbed mind.

You forgot sadistic. I mean, who messes with Squirls? Donkeys, cows, dogs, cats okay...but squirls?

squirrels mean the start of a hardcore match. . .

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Pariah can apparently rationalize any act into some sort of "logical cultural expansion" at least in his own infantile, self absorbed mind.

You forgot sadistic. I mean, who messes with Squirls? Donkeys, cows, dogs, cats okay...but squirls?

squirrels mean the start of a hardcore match. . .


I really need to get laid.

So, to be clear on the proceedings: I make a fool out of Grimm because he proves himself stupid enough to make claims he can't prove. As a result, he resorts to petty insults that ignore any detailed replies that actually refute what he tries to argue.

Harley realizes that this is Grimm's Pariah-defense mechanism when his ability to respond intelligently has been exhausted through consistent use (or two posts worth). And so she decides to lash out at me so as to back her spam-based conversational fuck buddy with whom she enjoys trading romantic emoticons with for the sake of feeling fun-loving even if being totally unaware of her overall germane and extraneous redundancy. She even goes so far as to deny my individual relevance as if I didn't exist. I suppose denying reality as a means of shunning dissent would be her forte; it's best to live in a fantasy realm where it's only what she thinks that holds merit and so she'll say whatever she wants without actually expanding on the assertions she makes...For example: Feeling that there's warrant to call someone racist and yet refusing to actually highlight the exact words of that someone to show them how "racist" they are. I suppose I should point out her bandying of the word "misogynistic," but basically I don't care what she says about me because, as I already pointed out, I'm not relevant (see also: I lack tangibility; I don't exist; I am a stray figment of Harley's imagination and therefore am not suitable enough to respond to or reply to even if I verbally disagree with here line reasoning). I doesn't matter what I say because I am irrelevant and cut off completely from Harley's intellectual consciousness. Therefore, she lacks any true identity I might be able to identify with. How tragic...But not really.

And then when Harley's finished setting the scene, Grimm feels vindicated to start his usual circle-jerk in the thread with whomever else would be willing to trash who it was that made a fool out of him. Halo was apparently his nearest reinforcement after Harley decided it best not to imagine this thread anymore and zipped away. He went so far as to try and satirically label my arguments in conjunction with Halo. Even though I know he only speaks with him in an attempt to stave off his attraction to me, it's only logical to assume, on a cursory glance, that he collaborates with Halo through insults because he actually agrees with everything he says and the way he says it. Harley must be behind Halo as well since she popped in to say, "Pariah's irrelevant," during my and Halo's little conversation. Logic aside, I'll ask for clarification anyway:

Grimm, Harley: As an example of your exemplary and uncanny ability to separate bullshit from facts, I would like to hear what you think of Halo's performance.

I already know that I (or any other conservative here for that matter) am the safe primary target because everyone hates me anyway, but since we're doing reviews on peoples' expression of facts (or lack thereof), perhaps you could tell me that you agree with everything Halo says and the way he says it since you're not approaching him with the same level of criticism. I mean, it only makes sense right...This guy has shown himself to be the very bastion of truth and historical accuracy, which is why you favor his posts over mine in this conversation. Don't you think so?

And Harley, I know I'm a figment of your imagination, but it's not technically unhealthy to humor your imaginary friends some of the time. So please feel free to answer the question.

paranoid much? you don't care so much that you wrote out entire lengthy paragraphs to state how much you don't care. you really don't see your own stupidity, do you?

as far as Halo, I couldn't care less. I haven't bothered with anyone else in the thread because I just enjoy shitting in your corn flakes.
Don't care? What do you mean "don't care?" I care very much about making a fool out of you Grimm. It's one of my favorite past-times to have you make an attempt at contradicting me and then end up being second-guessed by your own idiocy.

You think I don't care Grimm? That hurts buddy. It really does.

But I suppose that this means your non-commentating of Halo means that you approve of everything he says and how he says it by default. I'll store your collaboration with him away for future reference...Since I'm the jealous type and all.
Quiet you!
Why are you dragging me into your argument with Grimm? Isn't our argument enough that you got to get me involved with this too?
BTW, Pariah

So, to be clear on the proceedings: I make a fool out of Grimm because he proves himself stupid enough to make claims he can't prove. As a result, he resorts to petty insults that ignore any detailed replies that actually refute what he tries to argue.

Harley realizes that this is Grimm's Pariah-defense mechanism when his ability to respond intelligently has been exhausted through consistent use (or two posts worth). And so she decides to lash out at me so as to back her spam-based conversational fuck buddy with whom she enjoys trading romantic emoticons with for the sake of feeling fun-loving even if being totally unaware of her overall germane and extraneous redundancy. She even goes so far as to deny my individual relevance as if I didn't exist. I suppose denying reality as a means of shunning dissent would be her forte; it's best to live in a fantasy realm where it's only what she thinks that holds merit and so she'll say whatever she wants without actually expanding on the assertions she makes...For example: Feeling that there's warrant to call someone racist and yet refusing to actually highlight the exact words of that someone to show them how "racist" they are. I suppose I should point out her bandying of the word "misogynistic," but basically I don't care what she says about me because, as I already pointed out, I'm not relevant (see also: I lack tangibility; I don't exist; I am a stray figment of Harley's imagination and therefore am not suitable enough to respond to or reply to even if I verbally disagree with here line reasoning). I doesn't matter what I say because I am irrelevant and cut off completely from Harley's intellectual consciousness. Therefore, she lacks any true identity I might be able to identify with. How tragic...But not really.

And then when Harley's finished setting the scene, Grimm feels vindicated to start his usual circle-jerk in the thread with whomever else would be willing to trash who it was that made a fool out of him. Halo was apparently his nearest reinforcement after Harley decided it best not to imagine this thread anymore and zipped away. He went so far as to try and satirically label my arguments in conjunction with Halo. Even though I know he only speaks with him in an attempt to stave off his attraction to me, it's only logical to assume, on a cursory glance, that he collaborates with Halo through insults because he actually agrees with everything he says and the way he says it. Harley must be behind Halo as well since she popped in to say, "Pariah's irrelevant," during my and Halo's little conversation. Logic aside, I'll ask for clarification anyway:

Grimm, Harley: As an example of your exemplary and uncanny ability to separate bullshit from facts, I would like to hear what you think of Halo's performance.

I already know that I (or any other conservative here for that matter) am the safe primary target because everyone hates me anyway, but since we're doing reviews on peoples' expression of facts (or lack thereof), perhaps you could tell me that you agree with everything Halo says and the way he says it since you're not approaching him with the same level of criticism. I mean, it only makes sense right...This guy has shown himself to be the very bastion of truth and historical accuracy, which is why you favor his posts over mine in this conversation. Don't you think so?

And Harley, I know I'm a figment of your imagination, but it's not technically unhealthy to humor your imaginary friends some of the time. So please feel free to answer the question.

This is all extremely pathological. You're starting to make WB look like a normal person.
Quite the contrary Halo: Both Grimm and Harley inadvertently shacked themselves up with you. In effect, they dragged themselves in. And I'm capitalizing on their retardation.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
BTW, Pariah

So, to be clear on the proceedings: I make a fool out of Grimm because he proves himself stupid enough to make claims he can't prove. As a result, he resorts to petty insults that ignore any detailed replies that actually refute what he tries to argue.

Harley realizes that this is Grimm's Pariah-defense mechanism when his ability to respond intelligently has been exhausted through consistent use (or two posts worth). And so she decides to lash out at me so as to back her spam-based conversational fuck buddy with whom she enjoys trading romantic emoticons with for the sake of feeling fun-loving even if being totally unaware of her overall germane and extraneous redundancy. She even goes so far as to deny my individual relevance as if I didn't exist. I suppose denying reality as a means of shunning dissent would be her forte; it's best to live in a fantasy realm where it's only what she thinks that holds merit and so she'll say whatever she wants without actually expanding on the assertions she makes...For example: Feeling that there's warrant to call someone racist and yet refusing to actually highlight the exact words of that someone to show them how "racist" they are. I suppose I should point out her bandying of the word "misogynistic," but basically I don't care what she says about me because, as I already pointed out, I'm not relevant (see also: I lack tangibility; I don't exist; I am a stray figment of Harley's imagination and therefore am not suitable enough to respond to or reply to even if I verbally disagree with here line reasoning). I doesn't matter what I say because I am irrelevant and cut off completely from Harley's intellectual consciousness. Therefore, she lacks any true identity I might be able to identify with. How tragic...But not really.

And then when Harley's finished setting the scene, Grimm feels vindicated to start his usual circle-jerk in the thread with whomever else would be willing to trash who it was that made a fool out of him. Halo was apparently his nearest reinforcement after Harley decided it best not to imagine this thread anymore and zipped away. He went so far as to try and satirically label my arguments in conjunction with Halo. Even though I know he only speaks with him in an attempt to stave off his attraction to me, it's only logical to assume, on a cursory glance, that he collaborates with Halo through insults because he actually agrees with everything he says and the way he says it. Harley must be behind Halo as well since she popped in to say, "Pariah's irrelevant," during my and Halo's little conversation. Logic aside, I'll ask for clarification anyway:

Grimm, Harley: As an example of your exemplary and uncanny ability to separate bullshit from facts, I would like to hear what you think of Halo's performance.

I already know that I (or any other conservative here for that matter) am the safe primary target because everyone hates me anyway, but since we're doing reviews on peoples' expression of facts (or lack thereof), perhaps you could tell me that you agree with everything Halo says and the way he says it since you're not approaching him with the same level of criticism. I mean, it only makes sense right...This guy has shown himself to be the very bastion of truth and historical accuracy, which is why you favor his posts over mine in this conversation. Don't you think so?

And Harley, I know I'm a figment of your imagination, but it's not technically unhealthy to humor your imaginary friends some of the time. So please feel free to answer the question.

This is all extremely pathological. You're starting to make WB look like a normal person.

almost sane even!
Quite the contrary Halo: Both Grimm and Harley inadvertently shacked themselves up with you. In effect, they dragged themselves in. And I'm capitalizing on their retardation.

Fuckin hell. This is one of those moments when you just KNOW there's something really funny to say but you just can't think of it.

To bad Sammitch choses to you his ability to say idiotic yet humorous thing for evil.
And what the fuck happened to Ray's post?
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
BTW, Pariah

So, to be clear on the proceedings: I make a fool out of Grimm because he proves himself stupid enough to make claims he can't prove. As a result, he resorts to petty insults that ignore any detailed replies that actually refute what he tries to argue.

Harley realizes that this is Grimm's Pariah-defense mechanism when his ability to respond intelligently has been exhausted through consistent use (or two posts worth). And so she decides to lash out at me so as to back her spam-based conversational fuck buddy with whom she enjoys trading romantic emoticons with for the sake of feeling fun-loving even if being totally unaware of her overall germane and extraneous redundancy. She even goes so far as to deny my individual relevance as if I didn't exist. I suppose denying reality as a means of shunning dissent would be her forte; it's best to live in a fantasy realm where it's only what she thinks that holds merit and so she'll say whatever she wants without actually expanding on the assertions she makes...For example: Feeling that there's warrant to call someone racist and yet refusing to actually highlight the exact words of that someone to show them how "racist" they are. I suppose I should point out her bandying of the word "misogynistic," but basically I don't care what she says about me because, as I already pointed out, I'm not relevant (see also: I lack tangibility; I don't exist; I am a stray figment of Harley's imagination and therefore am not suitable enough to respond to or reply to even if I verbally disagree with here line reasoning). I doesn't matter what I say because I am irrelevant and cut off completely from Harley's intellectual consciousness. Therefore, she lacks any true identity I might be able to identify with. How tragic...But not really.

And then when Harley's finished setting the scene, Grimm feels vindicated to start his usual circle-jerk in the thread with whomever else would be willing to trash who it was that made a fool out of him. Halo was apparently his nearest reinforcement after Harley decided it best not to imagine this thread anymore and zipped away. He went so far as to try and satirically label my arguments in conjunction with Halo. Even though I know he only speaks with him in an attempt to stave off his attraction to me, it's only logical to assume, on a cursory glance, that he collaborates with Halo through insults because he actually agrees with everything he says and the way he says it. Harley must be behind Halo as well since she popped in to say, "Pariah's irrelevant," during my and Halo's little conversation. Logic aside, I'll ask for clarification anyway:

Grimm, Harley: As an example of your exemplary and uncanny ability to separate bullshit from facts, I would like to hear what you think of Halo's performance.

I already know that I (or any other conservative here for that matter) am the safe primary target because everyone hates me anyway, but since we're doing reviews on peoples' expression of facts (or lack thereof), perhaps you could tell me that you agree with everything Halo says and the way he says it since you're not approaching him with the same level of criticism. I mean, it only makes sense right...This guy has shown himself to be the very bastion of truth and historical accuracy, which is why you favor his posts over mine in this conversation. Don't you think so?

And Harley, I know I'm a figment of your imagination, but it's not technically unhealthy to humor your imaginary friends some of the time. So please feel free to answer the question.

This is all extremely pathological. You're starting to make WB look like a normal person.

almost sane even!

And Pariah wins again for making Grimm continue his circle-jerk with Halo.

Pathological? Maybe. Genius? Indisputably.
How's him agreeing with me any worse then Sammitch agreeing with you?
dance, puppet, dance.
Pariah...a genius who can't figure out what "fake patriot" implies.

That's rich.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
How's him agreeing with me any worse then Sammitch agreeing with you?

Boy, Sammitch really got under your skin, didn't he?
You draw that conclusion from statement how?

It's a valid question that doesn't insult Sammitch.

But if you must know Sammitch did irritate me. I can't obnoxious trolls who have style and I doubly can't stand obnoxious trolls who have no style.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
How's him agreeing with me any worse then Sammitch agreeing with you?

 Originally Posted By: the G-man

Boy, Sammitch really got under your skin, didn't he?

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
You draw that conclusion from statement how?

You seem to have a tendency to bring him up a lot, even when he's not participating in a topic:

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I bet you Captain Sammitch gives great helmet.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Yeah that's right Man-Sammitch, so FUCK OFF.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82

I've been dying for an excuse to say man-sammitch...

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
..sandwhich...sammitch...how can you resist?

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Sammitch, I'm sure you think I'm clever

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
"Heckler": What a perfect word to describe Sammitch.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Sammitch...You talk about originality while at the same time mimicing the pathetic exaggerations of Wonderboy and ever other dogmatic individual who couldn't hack it in a straight up argument against me. But you know what? I'm glad you won't put me on ignore. Life just wouldn't be the same without you making your unctuous smartass comments and then running away. Like I said it be tragic.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82

See Sammitch, THAT'S how you throw someone's words back in there face effectively.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
All I know is I'd better I'd better not hear any bitching out of Sammitch ...

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Stick to short obnoxious post Sammitch. You don't do actual thought well.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
To bad Sammitch choses to you his ability to say idiotic yet humorous thing for evil.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
For the record your a clueless ass. It wasn't a comparison. A comparison is saying a spider has a bigger dick then yours. The point is bad people are in every govt.

I was making a point about how the black people who were taken to America would have suffered under those dictators. You responded by saying they were going to suffer under Cheney, Bush, McCarthy, etc. anyway. In effect, you're saying that your personal feelings for how evil Republicans are is equivalent to all the evil of the African dictators.

"Yeah sure, they probably would have been slave-driven, worked to death, tortured, and executed during the reign of the 20th century American dictators! But living under the jerks we got isn't much better now is it!?"

No Halo. I guess it's not.

You asked me why I thought the Indians didn't last you moron.

No. I asked why you think the agreements they had between each other never lasted.

It's not an assumption. I just know what Chaos and kraven behavior is and there's no account other then you that says they were complete barbarians.

Perhaps if you'd actually studied the cultures, you'd get some insight.

The fact that you don't know what I'm talking about doesn't automatically mean that I'm wrong. It actually means that you're ignorant.

How is what I said contradictory? I knew just enough to tell you were wrong?

First you say it’s simply because you think I’m stupid that you disagree. Then you say it’s because you actually know what you’re talking (and then we find out you don’t).

What got me into this conversation was your twisted pathological rationalization that we didn't do anything wrong just cause the indians didn't have the same law as we do.

They didn’t just lack the same law. They didn’t have any law at all. Feel free to disprove that with actual history at any time.

Call it what you want, but it's true. I said everything asshole. But, for example, the Indians had no law.

Okay, that’s one reference, now prove that it’s conjecture by expressing what makes it a false historical reference.

You used a paragraph from Wiki moron not the link I provided.

And that means I was leading away from yours?

Infoplease had next to nothing for me to work with except for brief summaries with no thoroughness and you expect me to cooperate with it? Wikipedia didn’t say much that was different you know; I used it because it actually had references that we were talking about. I repeat: Your “Manifest Destiny” citation was not in the link you gave. How the fuck is someone supposed to tolerate your source when you don’t even incorporate any of its material?

The exact words? Really? That's amazing. But I suppose they'd have to be exact for you to make the connection.

You’re floundering. At this point, your extrapolating minutia so as to distract from you lack of knowledge on a subject you just jumped into.

*looking back* no I've said a little more then that.

Nope. Every time I made a point about citing history, you’ve said only that I quoted it incorrectly. At the same time, you offered no official corrections beyond, “You’re wrong.”

Most of what I've said is that your trying to use the imperfection in Indian society to justify what happened. If that's the case every society should be conquered.

What you say I said is not what I actually said. Nice try though.

Indian culture wasn't simply “imperfect,” it was (my exact term) “savage.” Which is terribly and primitively unhealthy. If you choose to live in those conditions even while knowing there’s a much healthier way to live around the corner, that makes you both masochistic and suicidal.

Which is false. It explicitly says by force. You wanted an example of your conjecture here it is.

Wrong again. It says stray Indians who didn’t want to comply with the land treaties were “forced” out. That’s not the same as making them sign the treaties by force.

Aside from the Treaty of Echota, which was a fringe case I already expanded upon as being a screw up by Andrew Jackson, the signings were not generally forced even if they were pressured.

Do I think there's alot of fucking space on the East Coast they could have lived? Yeah.

For the next 200 years? Chyeah! Okay.

In the long run, the Anglos unified and secured the entire land for everyone on the continent in the long run; neither the Mexicans nor the Natives were gonna do it, so….There you have it.

So, I guess the Nazi's didn't partake in Genocide either since they split there time between killing jews and putting them in concentration camps. Look at that, Pariah has redeemed Nazi's of yore. Let's not be hopelessly literal because if the nazi's didn't commit genocide then pretty much nobody did. So, being as intelligent as I am I was able to read between the lines, cut through the bullshit, and find you that link.


What the hell are you talking about? Not even during the most severe periods of the Indian Removal Act did the Anglos ever concentrate and deliberately starve to death the Indians. They didn’t torture them nor did they execute them.

I’m not sure, but I think this is the third time you’ve made an effort to try and use the Nazis as a crutch. Get a new act and stop tossing around the word genocide like so much confetti.

But you have. First by ignoring it and then twisting it.

I didn’t ignore it. I explained to you very thoroughly was it wasn’t a valid example and then demonstrated a way to phrase your analogy that would be more appropriate to the context of the discussion.

I use the word genocide because alot of fucking people were killed. But if I have to break things down Barney Style for you then perhaps Mass Murder would be better since in fact we murdered alot of fucking indians. Is that literal enough for your feeble mind to comprehend?

But the Anglo government didn’t officially have anyone murdered. I’m sure there were stray Anglos who were prejudice enough to commit murder, but killing them in a war an being too inept to keep the Cherokees from dying during the emigration is not the same as murder.

Abusing the word “genocide” is just another way of making and ad hominem attack.

Okay, you've answered the question somewhat but you logic is the kind of logic that's idiotic. say Russia is superior, but you prefer you and others prefer your inferior way of life. Kind of like, a country person who doesn't want to move to the city.

That’s a more appropriate question, but even the country-farmer lifestyle is still healthier than the tribal hunter/gatherer lifestyle. In fact, our superior technological lifestyle is still pretty dependent on our farmers.

But getting back to the question: If we were to assume that everyone—And I mean EVERYONE—In the US was a hill-billy and not making a any progress beyond living from day to day, then yes I would see justification for absorption by another country who felt it could put better use to the land. From my current objective point of view, it would be mal-productive to fight off the culture that’s importing cultural advancement and better lifestyles even my hypothetical hill-billy double would fight off settlers.

You don't make sense cause your an idiot. The U.S wanted to contain Communism thinking it was bad. Thinking everybody should be democratic (a mentality we have to this day). That's where the "enlightenment" argument comes in.

Yes, they think it was bad. They thought it was bad because it was a threat. Ever heard of the domino effect? It happened in Europe and America wanted to preempt it.

I use sarcasm in response to you romanticizing them. Yeah.

So I guess this means you don’t believe they brought philosophy to the new world…

Wow, you really can't comprehend anything that isn't in it's simplist form can you?

Which doesn’t really say much about you when you’re avoiding telling me what it means.

I made an inference. Just like you did with "Inferiority complex much" shit.

So lemme get this straight: You infer that I think I’m special because I believe what I do? Based on…..What? The fact that I type a lot?

Yeah, it’s much more likely that you’re suffering a serious case of envy.
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
dance, puppet, dance.

All the way to the bank.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: whomod
Man.... Is Pariah still trying to reason away genocide?

Because you're the foremost expert on the subject, perhaps you could do us all a solid and define "genocide" and then contextualize it with the history being discussed here.

I know it's no problem for you buddy.

I'd really like your insight on this matter Whomod. I'm sure we'd all benefit from what you'd have to say on genocide.
Where's Disco Steve when you need him?
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
How's him agreeing with me any worse then Sammitch agreeing with you?

 Originally Posted By: the G-man

Boy, Sammitch really got under your skin, didn't he?

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
You draw that conclusion from statement how?

You seem to have a tendency to bring him up a lot, even when he's not participating in a topic:

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I bet you Captain Sammitch gives great helmet.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Yeah that's right Man-Sammitch, so FUCK OFF.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82

I've been dying for an excuse to say man-sammitch...

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
..sandwhich...sammitch...how can you resist?

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Sammitch, I'm sure you think I'm clever

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
"Heckler": What a perfect word to describe Sammitch.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Sammitch...You talk about originality while at the same time mimicing the pathetic exaggerations of Wonderboy and ever other dogmatic individual who couldn't hack it in a straight up argument against me. But you know what? I'm glad you won't put me on ignore. Life just wouldn't be the same without you making your unctuous smartass comments and then running away. Like I said it be tragic.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82

See Sammitch, THAT'S how you throw someone's words back in there face effectively.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
All I know is I'd better I'd better not hear any bitching out of Sammitch ...

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Stick to short obnoxious post Sammitch. You don't do actual thought well.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
To bad Sammitch choses to you his ability to say idiotic yet humorous thing for evil.

First, alot of those he was participating in the topic.

Second, those quotes are takin from conversations over the course of 2-3 months since I started posting here.

Third, that's nothing compared to the times he's followed me around posting my quotes in some lame attempt at being clever.

Fourth, some of those were in retaliation to his trolling.

Fifth, to keep track of my comments I guess I should ask if I've gotten under your skin. Except I don't give a fuck.
I havent read much of this thread, but Pariah is my new hero!
I wish to adopt him!
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
...to keep track of my comments....

Don't get too flattered. It wasn't difficult to put the word "Sammitch" and your username into the board search engine. It only confirmed what I'd noticed, namely, that you like to bitch about Sammitch a lot.
what's a Halo82?
I was making a point about how the black people who were taken to America would have suffered under those dictators. You responded by saying they were going to suffer under Cheney, Bush, McCarthy, etc. anyway. In effect, you're saying that your personal feelings for how evil Republicans are is equivalent to all the evil of the African dictators.

"Yeah sure, they probably would have been slave-driven, worked to death, tortured, and executed during the reign of the 20th century American dictators! But living under the jerks we got isn't much better now is it!?"

No Halo. I guess it's not.

One more time, with feeling. I wasn't making a comparison or that they were evil as those African people. All I'm saying is that there's bad people everywhere. It's that simple.

I just think it's asinine for you to point at Africa's bad leaders talking about how much better the US is since in Africa the people probaly rationalize for there leaders the same way you, G-man, Sammitch , and Wonderboy rationalize for Bush and all them. In the Thanksgiving thread a posted a link to a site where a Romanian was rationalizing for Vlad the implaler.

BTW, who are you quoting?

No. I asked why you think the agreements they had between each other never lasted.

Ok. I see now.

Perhaps if you'd actually studied the cultures, you'd get some insight.

The fact that you don't know what I'm talking about doesn't automatically mean that I'm wrong. It actually means that you're ignorant.

Maybe if you didn't manipulate, exaserbate, make up facts to your benefit you might be takin somewhat seriously. Actually, maybe if you weren't a callous asshole who marginalizes genocide (oh I'm sorry I mean "mass murder") as "growing pains you'd be takin seriously.

You say that it was chaos with the Indians? That they were savages who slaughtered each other but that's not true. Not the way you present it. It was called Endemic Warfare. For them it was like the Olympics competing against each other for honor and what not. That's not very intelligent IMO but hardly the anarchy you present.



First you say it’s simply because you think I’m stupid that you disagree. Then you say it’s because you actually know what you’re talking (and then we find out you don’t).

No, I knew just enough to know you were wrong. I also knew that your blinded by your ego (just another way of saying your stupid). I knew two things at the same time. It's my own special talent*

However, the fact your making anykind of deal out of this means your desperate for argument material.

They didn’t just lack the same law. They didn’t have any law at all. Feel free to disprove that with actual history at any time.

Why am I the only one who has to provide referances? Your the one running your mouth like the grand master of Injin history. I've already provided links, your turn to back it up.

But here's a little back up using sense. In order for them to have a working society of some kind they must have had SOME kind of law or concept of law.

Okay, that’s one reference, now prove that it’s conjecture by expressing what makes it a false historical reference.

See above.

And that means I was leading away from yours?

Infoplease had next to nothing for me to work with except for brief summaries with no thoroughness and you expect me to cooperate with it? Wikipedia didn’t say much that was different you know; I used it because it actually had references that we were talking about. I repeat: Your “Manifest Destiny” citation was not in the link you gave. How the fuck is someone supposed to tolerate your source when you don’t even incorporate any of its material?

Excuses excuses. I've boldened the only part of your statement that really matters. Infoplease had nothing that helped your case so you went to Wiki and found a paragraph that really didn't offer anything in the way of the conversation. Or the actual conversation. You seem to think I'm saying they were evil. Let clarify right now what I'm actually saying.

-What happened to the Indians was tragic.

-Then Indians weren't the mindless, chaotic, barbarians you paint them as.

-The US was wrong for the most part.

-Your an idiot to so callously dismiss what happened as assimiliation.

Those are my points. Not that AMerica is evil, not that the Indians were perfect, just what's listed above. All though, I might have lost track of other points those are the ones that I'm really trying to get across.

You’re floundering. At this point, your extrapolating minutia so as to distract from you lack of knowledge on a subject you just jumped into.

Pariah, I told you at the begining there comes a certain point where instead of taking your redundant dribble seriously I'd just mock it to save myself time answering the utterly inane. For me to be floudering I'd have to be doing something diffrent then what I've been doing or said I would do. So, you can take this little red herring and stick it up your battered rectum.

Nope. Every time I made a point about citing history, you’ve said only that I quoted it incorrectly. At the same time, you offered no official corrections beyond, “You’re wrong.”

Tell yourself what you want but *actually* looking back it's simply not true.

What you say I said is not what I actually said. Nice try though.

Indian culture was simply “imperfect,” it was (my exact term) “savage.” Which is terribly and primitively unhealthy. If you choose to live in those conditions even while knowing there’s a much healthier way to live around the corner, that makes you both masochistic and suicidal.

See this is what I'm talking about. Maybe you'd see something more then "your wrong" if you actually looked at what I'm saying. I never said you said that I was making an inference.

Maybe they weren't so much suicidal as they were brave or loyal. I'm not saying they were I'm just saying that maybe things don't always fall into the compartments you assign them according to your own outlook.

Wrong again. It says stray Indians who didn’t want to comply with the land treaties were “forced” out. That’s not the same as making them sign the treaties by force.

Now your just making shit up. Here's exactly what it said-

The treaties enacted under the provisions of the Removal Act paved the way for the reluctant—and often forcible—emigration of tens of thousands of American Indians to the West

I don't even see the word "stray" Indian in there.

For the next 200 years? Chyeah! Okay.

Why not? People in Hawaii, Okinawa, New Zealand made do with much less. To this day there's still alot of unhoused territory on the east coast. But you know what your right. In 200 years Canada's population will be too big for there territory so they would be perfectly within there rights to expand south.

What the hell are you talking about? Not even during the most severe periods of the Indian Removal Act did the Anglos ever concentrate and deliberately starve to death the Indians. They didn’t torture them nor did they execute them.

What I'm talking about is your narrow minded view on things. They didn't intend so it was okay?

I’m not sure, but I think this is the third time you’ve made an effort to try and use the Nazis as a crutch. Get a new act and stop tossing around the word genocide like so much confetti.

Okay, I'll use slaughter instead. Really doesn't make a diffence to me. Genocide just seems to reflect the proper body count. I try not to break Godwyn's law but the Nazi referance fit into the conversation at the time. Don't like it...tough titty.

I didn’t ignore it. I explained to you very thoroughly was it wasn’t a valid example and then demonstrated a way to phrase your analogy that would be more appropriate to the context of the discussion.

You changed the question into a matter of who was superior which had nothing do with it except in your own fucked up mind where all that matters is superiority.

But the Anglo government didn’t officially have anyone murdered. I’m sure there were stray Anglos who were prejudice enough to commit murder, but killing them in a war an being too inept to keep the Cherokees from dying during the emigration is not the same as murder.

Abusing the word “genocide” is just another way of making and ad hominem attack.

Fuck officially, they killed alot of mother fuckers. That's the point.

You seem to be very defensive about the word Genocide? (see now that's an ad hominem attack)

That’s a more appropriate question, but even the country-farmer lifestyle is still healthier than the tribal hunter/gatherer lifestyle. In fact, our superior technological lifestyle is still pretty dependent on our farmers.

It's the same fucking question I originally asked you jerkoff.

But getting back to the question: If we were to assume that everyone—And I mean EVERYONE—In the US was a hill-billy and not making a any progress beyond living from day to day, then yes I would see justification for absorption by another country who felt it could put better use to the land. From my current objective point of view, it would be mal-productive to fight off the culture that’s importing cultural advancement and better lifestyles even my hypothetical hill-billy double would fight off settlers.

So people shouldn't a choice in how they live all that matters is some superficial sense of progress. I just have this crazy notion that all life has value and people shouldn't have to worry about somebody usurping them just cause that persons bigger. If your logic actually had any validity then we should get rid of the law for the exception of survival of the fittest.

Yes, they think it was bad. They thought it was bad because it was a threat. Ever heard of the domino effect? It happened in Europe and America wanted to preempt it.

Thinking something's bad is okay. Going to war cause you think others should agree with you is arrogant.

So I guess this means you don’t believe they brought philosophy to the new world…

They were evil*

Which doesn’t really say much about you when you’re avoiding telling me what it means.

It means I don't placade idiocy. Other then my own of course.

So lemme get this straight: You infer that I think I’m special because I believe what I do? Based on…..What? The fact that I type a lot?

Yeah, it’s much more likely that you’re suffering a serious case of envy.

I infer you think your special out of a hunch. Take that however you want.

*Sarcasm was used

Don't get too flattered. It wasn't difficult to put the word "Sammitch" and your username into the board search engine. It only confirmed what I'd noticed, namely, that you like to bitch about Sammitch a lot.

Probaly not as much as Wonderboy. Did you notice that too with your amazing powers of perception?

For the record this is another thing that drives me nuts. People trying to pass off the painfully obvious as deep insight or profound acknowledgment. You, WB, Sammitch, and Pariah are the four mother fuckers I argue with most. In fact your the only ones I argue with on this board. So essentially what I'm saying is...no fucking shit.
In latin it translates to the handsome, intelligent, and well endowed one.
ah, irony
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
How's him agreeing with me any worse then Sammitch agreeing with you?

 Originally Posted By: the G-man

Boy, Sammitch really got under your skin, didn't he?

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
You draw that conclusion from statement how?

You seem to have a tendency to bring him up a lot, even when he's not participating in a topic:

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I bet you Captain Sammitch gives great helmet.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Yeah that's right Man-Sammitch, so FUCK OFF.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82

I've been dying for an excuse to say man-sammitch...

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
..sandwhich...sammitch...how can you resist?

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Sammitch, I'm sure you think I'm clever

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
"Heckler": What a perfect word to describe Sammitch.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Sammitch...You talk about originality while at the same time mimicing the pathetic exaggerations of Wonderboy and ever other dogmatic individual who couldn't hack it in a straight up argument against me. But you know what? I'm glad you won't put me on ignore. Life just wouldn't be the same without you making your unctuous smartass comments and then running away. Like I said it be tragic.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82

See Sammitch, THAT'S how you throw someone's words back in there face effectively.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
All I know is I'd better I'd better not hear any bitching out of Sammitch ...

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Stick to short obnoxious post Sammitch. You don't do actual thought well.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
To bad Sammitch choses to you his ability to say idiotic yet humorous thing for evil.

Isn't it great? I'm almost flattered.
You should be. G-man when through alot of troube to fabricate, embelish, and twist reality for you.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
...For the record this is another thing that drives me nuts. People trying to pass off the painfully obvious as deep insight or profound acknowledgment. You, WB, Sammitch, and Pariah are the four mother fuckers I argue with most. In fact your the only ones I argue with on this board. So essentially what I'm saying is...no fucking shit.

You know what's great? For all the times you whine about my uncanny ability to call bullshit on you, you forget all the times I try to get you to lighten the fuck up and have a good laugh. Maybe you can't tell when I'm being serious or not; you're not the first to have that problem, and it doesn't at all reflect negatively on you that I'm that hard to figure out. But either way, you really need to lighten up. I mean if I'm getting under your skin that easily, I shudder to think of how you really feel about Pariah.

I'm not that hard to get along with. Hell, I even more or less get along with whomod most of the time, and I disagree with him on about as much as I disagree with you. Ask most of the people on here and I'm one of the easiest people on these boards to get along with, or at the very least not one of the easiest to piss off. Yeah, I call you out on a lotta stuff. And yes, a lot of the time I do it just to get a rise out of you. But honestly, most of the time I'm just trying to keep you honest, dude. Everybody trips over their own arguments, everybody has a hard time dealing with stuff that doesn't conform to their worldview, and yes, even I make spelling and grammar mistakes. It's life. And most of us will call others out on it, and we'll (ideally) have a good laugh about it and move on.

Again, I dunno if it's just because you haven't figured out how to read me yet, but you take everything really personally. Yeah, initially it's fun to jerk you around and see how you respond, but when it gets to the point where you pitch a fit every time I say "oops! spelling error! teehee!", even I get kinda tired of it. Seriously, you act like I'm out for blood on here, and anybody who knows me knows that's just not the case. Face it - I'm not gonna agree with everything you say, and I will from time to time call you out if you slip up. Call it picking on the new guy if you want. But for fuck's sake, man - it's a damned politics forum on a message board! Stop trying so hard to "slay conservatives" and have a decent conversation with the rest of us. You might enjoy it.
And then you'll bleed. Bleeeeeeed!
 Originally Posted By: notwedge
And then you'll bleed. Bleeeeeeed!

You know what's great? For all the times you whine about my uncanny ability to call bullshit on you, you forget all the times I try to get you to lighten the fuck up and have a good laugh. Maybe you can't tell when I'm being serious or not; you're not the first to have that problem, and it doesn't at all reflect negatively on you that I'm that hard to figure out. But either way, you really need to lighten up. I mean if I'm getting under your skin that easily, I shudder to think of how you really feel about Pariah.

I don't think you can tell when I'm serious. Which isn't anything knew it's actually very typical. I'm telling you now I'm not as serious as you think and there are many times I crack a smile at something you say. Like yesterday or the day before when you said "I think that endeavor would fold under the wait of irony". That was funny.

But don't try to shift blame on me by saying I need to lighten up. Cause I know damn well that your little hypocritical, implausible, misdirected, non-sequitor tyrade from before wasn't a joke.

I'm not that hard to get along with. Hell, I even more or less get along with whomod most of the time, and I disagree with him on about as much as I disagree with you. Ask most of the people on here and I'm one of the easiest people on these boards to get along with, or at the very least not one of the easiest to piss off. Yeah, I call you out on a lotta stuff. And yes, a lot of the time I do it just to get a rise out of you. But honestly, most of the time I'm just trying to keep you honest, dude. Everybody trips over their own arguments, everybody has a hard time dealing with stuff that doesn't conform to their worldview, and yes, even I make spelling and grammar mistakes. It's life. And most of us will call others out on it, and we'll (ideally) have a good laugh about it and move on.

Again, I dunno if it's just because you haven't figured out how to read me yet, but you take everything really personally. Yeah, initially it's fun to jerk you around and see how you respond, but when it gets to the point where you pitch a fit every time I say "oops! spelling error! teehee!", even I get kinda tired of it. Seriously, you act like I'm out for blood on here, and anybody who knows me knows that's just not the case. Face it - I'm not gonna agree with everything you say, and I will from time to time call you out if you slip up. Call it picking on the new guy if you want. But for fuck's sake, man - it's a damned politics forum on a message board! Stop trying so hard to "slay conservatives" and have a decent conversation with the rest of us. You might enjoy it.

See now your just being dramatic. Not only are you preaching like incapable of getting along with anyone but your exaggerating on the relevance of "slayer of conservatives" which is why I changed the damn thing. Tell you what, don't analyze me and I'll be open to the fact that maybe your not a complete toad. Deal?
I'm the original king of random. change the user title again and we'll talk.
What does that have to do with being ruler of the random?
for fuck's sake, jerry, is there a thread you won't touch? you're like the creepy old uncle with an imagination for molestation. except failing to find actual children on here, you'll settle for idiot manchildren instead.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
What does that have to do with being ruler of the random?

don't confuse the issue with facts. this is non-negotiable.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
for fuck's sake, jerry, is there a thread you won't touch? you're like the creepy old uncle with an imagination for molestation. except failing to find actual children on here, you'll settle for idiot manchildren instead.

Did someone get a little upset?
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
for fuck's sake, jerry, is there a thread you won't touch? you're like the creepy old uncle with an imagination for molestation. except failing to find actual children on here, you'll settle for idiot manchildren instead.

Did someone get a little upset?

Don't worry reax, you can still keep him all to yourself.
Does he mean ruler like Napoleon or ruler like a yardstick?
napoleon was french, so politically speaking he'd more likely approve that one.
I'm too tall.
I'm sure napoleon used that one a few times.

if you know what I mean.

and I think you do.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
for fuck's sake, jerry, is there a thread you won't touch? you're like the creepy old uncle with an imagination for molestation. except failing to find actual children on here, you'll settle for idiot manchildren instead.

pretty defensive there, Cap'n. ;\)
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
for fuck's sake, jerry, is there a thread you won't touch? you're like the creepy old uncle with an imagination for molestation. except failing to find actual children on here, you'll settle for idiot manchildren instead.

pretty defensive there, Cap'n. ;\)

I learn from the best!!!
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
One more time, with feeling. I wasn't making a comparison or that they were evil as those African people. All I'm saying is that there's bad people everywhere. It's that simple.

Yes, and you said that Cheney, Bush, McCarthy, etc. were of the same level as bad as Africa's tyrants. Good show.

I just think it's asinine for you to point at Africa's bad leaders talking about how much better the US is since in Africa the people probaly rationalize for there leaders the same way you, G-man, Sammitch , and Wonderboy rationalize for Bush and all them.

Uh huh. You won't find anyone willing to speak against those rulers for the simple reason that dissent isn't allowed under those governments. In America, we don't suffer that handicap. So your point is hollow.

The most you've been able to say so far is "rationalize." Meaning that you're lumping together everyone you hate with everyone who's actually evil and mass murdering and saying that it's not much better over here. I'm sorry if you find me rationalizing a president's actions in going to war comparable to a dictators actions in torturing, murdering, and stealing from his constituence, but I can't be blamed for your own ignorance.

BTW, who are you quoting?

Common sense. Anyone reading the conversation would have known that you were comparing Bush et al to the African dictators and yet you flip-flop and try to deny it.

Let me try and phrase this a different way that you could perhaps understand (not very likely though):

African citizen: Last year, my family and I were taxed into the ground, my neighbors’ houses were seized for “government business,” my brother was carried away for interrogation after being accused of conspiracy, professors were executed for teaching about history outside of the state, and our dictator personally indentured citizens to be miners and work for pennies on the hour.

Halo: Yeah well, what can you do? The only thing anyone can look forward to nowadays is a corrupt and evil ruler. Take my country for example: I got this retard who actually thinks pointlessly retaliating against foreign terrorism and tax-cuts are good things—Not to mention the fact that gas prices have raised under his term. It’s surprising that no one’s rebelled yet considering how hellish it is in America nowadays.

African citizen: ...

In this scenario, you more clearly made no comparisons, but that doesn’t mean your ideas are any less ridiculous and insensitive.

Maybe if you didn't manipulate, exaserbate, make up facts to your benefit you might be takin somewhat seriously. Actually, maybe if you weren't a callous asshole who marginalizes genocide (oh I'm sorry I mean "mass murder") as "growing pains you'd be takin seriously.

Haven’t manipulated, exacerbated, or made up facts. You’re just to sore to admit that you’ve been schooled and so you’ve adopted a ‘deny everything’ knee-jerk.

And “genocide” and “mass murder” are basically synonymous. So you can’t use either phrase in the context you’ve chosen. You can’t “marginalize” what didn’t happen (mass slaughter of Indians).

You say that it was chaos with the Indians? That they were savages who slaughtered each other but that's not true. Not the way you present it. It was called Endemic Warfare. For them it was like the Olympics competing against each other for honor and what not. That's not very intelligent IMO but hardly the anarchy you present.



Oh my God you’re stupid.

Endemic warfare isn’t a Native American tradition you moron. It’s a socio-cultural phenomenon that surfaces in tribal societies that live in proximity. It’s not something that originated from them. And even then, it’s still violent behavior with a savage edict—It doesn’t lead to anything; endemic warfare is a skirmish cycle that carries no objectives aside from raiding someone other than yourself. If the most you can offer up is an ‘unofficial rules of engagement’ then you might as well...I dunno, stop posting.

No, I knew just enough to know you were wrong. I also knew that your blinded by your ego (just another way of saying your stupid). I knew two things at the same time. It's my own special talent*

However, the fact your making anykind of deal out of this means your desperate for argument material.

Eh, right. Calling into question your credibility on a subject you’ve been arguing by note for the past 6 pages is being “desperate.” I’ll have to remember that one next time you tell me I’m wrong about history and then wait two posts to find a Wiki article or obscure link like “Infoplease” to complement your claim.

Why am I the only one who has to provide referances? Your the one running your mouth like the grand master of Injin history. I've already provided links, your turn to back it up.

In other words: You can’t prove me wrong and so you say that I’ve proclaimed myself an expert on Indian history just because I’ve stated the basics that you were previously unacquainted with before you spoke to me.

You’re the one who’s been saying that I’m wrong over and over again based on nothing but your opinion of what would craft “justice,” “law,” and “genocide.” The most you’ve done is picked apart the logic I’ve used to best define Native American culture. You’ve abided my references and then tried to put them into context rather than offer counter-citations. You can’t tolerate my examples this long and say you don’t have to listen to them when that’s what this entire conversation consists of. Try again.

...Oh yeah. And stop stalling and find me

But here's a little back up using sense. In order for them to have a working society of some kind they must have had SOME kind of law or concept of law.

It’s called the “hunter/gatherer,” and it’s not a law. It’s necessity when you’re living out in the wilderness. In hunter/gatherer communities, rites of living fall into place; it doesn’t need organized thought, aside from developed and passed skills, to work. Furthermore, tribes aren’t exactly “societies” since they don’t rely on any systems of government aside from alpha male. That is to say, they’re not a “society” in its most advanced definition.

“Law” is an organized system of living that traces back to a chain of command or individual dictator demanding obedience. This isn’t the same as their warrior codes or honorific spirituality. Yes, they had a culture, but they didn’t have law.

See above.

You’re the one trying to school me remember? Avoiding question isn’t going to help your point OR your self-esteem along.

Excuses excuses. I've boldened the only part of your statement that really matters. Infoplease had nothing that helped your case so you went to Wiki and found a paragraph that really didn't offer anything in the way of the conversation. Or the actual conversation. You seem to think I'm saying they were evil. Let clarify right now what I'm actually saying.

What do you mean “excuses excuses?” YOUR LINK DIDN’T COVER WHAT WE WERE TALKING ABOUT. And it was a pathetic hodgepodge of summaries without detail. Infoplease didn’t disprove or speak against anything I’ve said; it was just flimsy and stupid, so I got a better one. If you’re still so confident of it, then perhaps you should actually quote it rather than say I evaded it.

-What happened to the Indians was tragic.

In the case of Jackson’s idiocy and insensitivity toward the Cherokee and some of the North Eastern tribes, I agree.

In the case of the Iroquois Confederacy and other isolated hostile tribes being engaged by the settlers, I disagree.

-Then Indians weren't the mindless, chaotic, barbarians you paint them as.

I never said they were mindless, but their interaction with each other was indeed chaotic and they did practice form of barbarism, which is just a more lop-sided synonym for “savage.” There’s no need to paint them anything when history’s there right in front of you.

-The US was wrong for the most part.

Yes, you think they committed “genocide,” but do you really have any scenarios to offer up in which the government mandated a bill that demanded the Anglos to round them up and exterminate them?

You, quite simply, will not find anything of the sort. You will see history about a war and Anglo negligence that involved the Cherokee starving to death—But you will find nothing in regards to the government attempting to wipe them out.

-Your an idiot to so callously dismiss what happened as assimiliation.

Just because it took many years and the ride suffered many speed bumps, that doesn’t mean the Indians didn’t eventually assimilate. The Cherokees are the best example here.

I’m sorry if you’re over-extrapolating the phrase “growing-pains” to be too minimalist to work with the situation, but in the overall scheme of things, that’s what it is. The country was growing and the two races were clumsily pushed together with 2 centuries worth of hardship.

Pariah, I told you at the begining there comes a certain point where instead of taking your redundant dribble seriously I'd just mock it to save myself time answering the utterly inane. For me to be floudering I'd have to be doing something diffrent then what I've been doing or said I would do. So, you can take this little red herring and stick it up your battered rectum.

So you say...And yet, here you are: Still responding to everything I say and considering it “asinine” with you still not “blowing me off.” Your inferiority complex is so extensive that you continue to follow the conversation even when you yourself state that you have nothing left to say in response to me since you feel my frame of reference is so bias and stupid.

You’re floundering.

Tell yourself what you want but *actually* looking back it's simply not true.

Halo, I’m sure you believe that saying this will stymie the point, but what you don’t realize is that there really is a thread for people to reference; I don’t have to look for sources to prove I’m right. Posters will look back and see that you’ve done nothing but respond with hearsay.

Maybe they weren't so much suicidal as they were brave or loyal. I'm not saying they were I'm just saying that maybe things don't always fall into the compartments you assign them according to your own outlook.

Is this you trying to be anti-absolutist or something?

Your first sentence is basically saying, “You could look at it that way, but...” and the second part is saying, “Nothing is for certain; you can’t be sure of it.” None of us can technically be sure of anything we say, but we still say it because it’s empirically relevant.

If a soldier charges a barricade with armed turrets aimed right at him when there’s two perfectly good flanks he could take advantage of, are you actually going to call that “bravery?” True or not, courageousness is not synonymous with “wisdom.” The aforementioned would have been much more effective were he to stay alive. You’re not scoring any point for the Indians by calling their adamancy not to assimilate a form of “bravery” or “loyalty.” Especially not when it’s more appropriate being considered “stubbornness” and “stupidity.”

Now your just making shit up. Here's exactly what it said-

The treaties enacted under the provisions of the Removal Act paved the way for the reluctant-and often forcible-emigration of tens of thousands of American Indians to the West

I don't even see the word "stray" Indian in there.

From that Wiki article you posted titled “Indian Removal”:

Contrary to some modern misconceptions (and misrepresentations[2]), the Removal Act did not order the forced removal of any Native Americans.[3] In theory, emigration was supposed to be voluntary, however if they decided to stay then they would be without protection, without funds, and at the mercy of the states[4].

The ones that stayed behind were strays. If you scroll down in the Wiki page, you’ll see info on the Seminole War in Florida that involved stray Cherokee.

Yes, I admit that they were strong-armed, but they were not physically removed or executed for refusing to move.

Why not? People in Hawaii, Okinawa, New Zealand made do with much less. To this day there's still alot of unhoused territory on the east coast.

Uh huh, and look at their assault history because of their size. They’re sitting ducks in a conflict. Even if Japan wasn’t under a military embargo and were armed to the teeth, they still wouldn’t be able to protect themselves against a single wave of a Chinese invasion.

But you know what your right. In 200 years Canada's population will be too big for there territory so they would be perfectly within there rights to expand south.

They don’t need to expand since they can simply migrate here. And yes, it is within a country’s rights to expand into another country by annexing it, but that doesn’t mean they’ll get away with it and won’t suffer the consequences afterwards. But in any event, it would serve them to try and “expand” into America when both countries are first world.

What I'm talking about is your narrow minded view on things.

Narrow-minded view? I correct your ridiculous comparison because it’s not even close to true and you consider that warrant to say I’m narrow-minded?

They didn't intend so it was okay?

They didn’t intend, so it wasn’t murder or oppression. They didn’t intend for wars to break out with the Natives in the expansion; that makes them short-sighted, not murderers. They didn’t intend to let the Cherokees starve during their emigration; that makes them inept and perhaps even negligent (I’m pointing more towards congress than I am at the people though; the military wasn’t given the resources it needed to sustain the Natives during their move; the elected officials fucked up the most).

Okay, I'll use slaughter instead. Really doesn't make a diffence to me. Genocide just seems to reflect the proper body count. I try not to break Godwyn's law but the Nazi referance fit into the conversation at the time. Don't like it...tough titty.

It’s not a matter of me not liking it. It’s a matter of propriety. A massive body count could be produced by a war, but that still wouldn’t make it genocide since war doesn’t carry the intent to simply exterminate life. It’s a disagreement between two intellectual bodies of people who have no choice but to resolve differences through military conflict due to an inability to reach compromise (which isn’t always a bad thing).

Slaughter, genocide, mass murder—None of these terms fit the history you’re quoting since you always try to inter-mix them with the fact that wars were fought. But you continually ignore the fact that wars are forms of dissent and not fought simply for the sake of eradicating a large number of people.

You changed the question into a matter of who was superior which had nothing do with it except in your own fucked up mind where all that matters is superiority.

Cultural superiority (what I was talking about) is not the same as individual superiority (what you’re referring to). The context of your analogy was mis-aligned. Using the cultural lop-sided state of the example you gave me, I demonstrated why your analogy was invalid. My pointing out the importance of noting cultural superiority was necessary to demonstrate exactly why your scenario was flawed.

I think you already know this but are acting ignorant just for the sake of confusing the issue. Yep, you’re Whomod’s ass-child alright.

Fuck officially, they killed alot of mother fuckers. That's the point.

In wars. Not slaughter-fests.

You seem to be very defensive about the word Genocide? (see now that's an ad hominem attack)

And, if you’d read above, you’d see why.

It's the same fucking question I originally asked you jerkoff.

No it’s not. You made a “country-living” caveat. That makes the scenario diverse from the larger culture that is the US, so it morphs the question.

So people shouldn't a choice in how they live all that matters is some superficial sense of progress.

Progress couldn’t be more different from superficiality. The whole point of progress is so we can live healthier and longer. Why would you believe that to be superficial?

Also, last I checked, we locked people up in asylums and prisons because society felt their ways of “living” were detrimental to both themselves and the overall community. Are you trying to tell me that you’re not a proponent of such institutions?

I just have this crazy notion that all life has value and people shouldn't have to worry about somebody usurping them just cause that persons bigger.

It’s not simply because they’re “bigger.” It’s because they’re more advanced as a culture and live much more efficiently and healthily. In which case, it’s because they have superior living conditions that they got so big in the first place. If they’re offering such advancement to a fringe society living only through trials of attrition, why should the society refuse aside from pride? You could say that they disagree with the more advanced culture’s morality, but of the reasons why the hypothetically inferior culture we’re talking about is stagnating is because it doesn’t even have a form of morality.

If your logic actually had any validity then we should get rid of the law for the exception of survival of the fittest.

How stubborn and immature of you to think.

Thinking something's bad is okay. Going to war cause you think others should agree with you is arrogant.

North Vietnam agreed with us, so we helped them.

Kuwait agreed with us, so we helped them.

Iraq sponsored attacks against us, so we attacked them.

An overwhelming number of citizens in Iraq agreed with ours ideals of democracy, so we’re helping them.

In the end, it’s not arrogance that drives America, but rather preemption. Do you really think we’re helping/helped/attack/attacked these countries for purposes of making them think differently? No. The primary of objective is to insure national security through neutralizing dissent. The dissent against democracy there is in the world, the less chance America will survive the speedy climb of socialism.

They were evil*

Their philosophy was evil? You do realize that you wouldn’t even have your own without them exporting it here yes?

It means I don't placade idiocy. Other then my own of course.

So it doesn’t mean anything and its your retarded non-sequitur. Okay.

I infer you think your special out of a hunch.

Which originates from your feelings of inadequacy towards me.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: whomod
Man.... Is Pariah still trying to reason away genocide?

Because you're the foremost expert on the subject, perhaps you could do us all a solid and define "genocide" and then contextualize it with the history being discussed here.

I know it's no problem for you buddy.

I'd really like your insight on this matter Whomod. I'm sure we'd all benefit from what you'd have to say on genocide.

I'm eagerly awaiting your reply Whomod.
Yes, and you said that Cheney, Bush, McCarthy, etc. were of the same level as bad as Africa's tyrants. Good show.

No I didn't. You infered I said that. But since your an idiot it doesn't really matter. There's nothing there to really indicate I made a strict and absolute comparison.

Uh huh. You won't find anyone willing to speak against those rulers for the simple reason that dissent isn't allowed under those governments. In America, we don't suffer that handicap. So your point is hollow.

My point is hollow. Hmmm. Well, let's assume that your right. Let's assume there's ABSOLUTELY no one in Africa with courage. Let's assume that those dicatators are pure evil and that no other form of evil is as bad. Let's also assume that evil can't possibly exist in America because you have the right to bitch about it (not that you would, you'd probaly cheer it on). But my point is perfectly legitimate. I've talked to people in other countries who think that American law is draconian. Are they wrong or are we just used to it? That's a question I honestly can't answer cause for all the idealogical rhetoric you throw out there are ways around it. Does it really matter if we can speak out when nothing we say really matters. Most people oppose the war in Iraq and yet we're there and Haliburton's getting rich. Iraqies themselves have protested our presence there and we've ignored them saying "all that matters is that they can protest" which I found to be extremely arrogant. South Koreans aren't happy about our presence there and have protested yet we're still there.

So the question are you content knowing you can bitch about things you can't change? Now, I know your gonna try and twist this into me hating free speech. I think free speech is important. But once again I think your being naive if you think it's the diffrence between good and evil.

The most you've been able to say so far is "rationalize." Meaning that you're lumping together everyone you hate with everyone who's actually evil and mass murdering and saying that it's not much better over here. I'm sorry if you find me rationalizing a president's actions in going to war comparable to a dictators actions in torturing, murdering, and stealing from his constituence, but I can't be blamed for your own ignorance.

And all you've done is ignore my points, embelish, repeat yourself, and call me ignorant.

Common sense. Anyone reading the conversation would have known that you were comparing Bush et al to the African dictators and yet you flip-flop and try to deny it.

Not Common sense. That's just your desperation to undermine my argument.

African citizen: Last year, my family and I were taxed into the ground, my neighbors’ houses were seized for “government business,” my brother was carried away for interrogation after being accused of conspiracy, professors were executed for teaching about history outside of the state, and our dictator personally indentured citizens to be miners and work for pennies on the hour.

Halo: Yeah well, what can you do? The only thing anyone can look forward to nowadays is a corrupt and evil ruler. Take my country for example: I got this retard who actually thinks pointlessly retaliating against foreign terrorism and tax-cuts are good things—Not to mention the fact that gas prices have raised under his term. It’s surprising that no one’s rebelled yet considering how hellish it is in America nowadays.

You extrapulate all that from

"No but you do live under Bush, Cheney, McCarthy..". I should get you to do my taxes.*

African citizen: ...

In this scenario, you more clearly made no comparisons, but that doesn’t mean your ideas are any less ridiculous and insensitive.

That would be insensitive. Fortunetly, I'd never say anything like that. I would have said "that sucks". Now, if we were talking about bad people in general then your beloveds would have come up.

Haven’t manipulated, exacerbated, or made up facts. You’re just to sore to admit that you’ve been schooled and so you’ve adopted a ‘deny everything’ knee-jerk.

And “genocide” and “mass murder” are basically synonymous. So you can’t use either phrase in the context you’ve chosen. You can’t “marginalize” what didn’t happen (mass slaughter of Indians).

There's no pleasing you is there. Well, in that case I'll just continue using genocide as word. Deal with it.

BTW, it's seems to me your the one doing most of the denying. "I haven't ignored the point", "I haven't manipulated", "I haven't exaggerated". It just seems kind of hypocritical considering your red herring about my knee jerk reactions is all.

Oh my God you’re stupid.

Endemic warfare isn’t a Native American tradition you moron. It’s a socio-cultural phenomenon that surfaces in tribal societies that live in proximity. It’s not something that originated from them. And even then, it’s still violent behavior with a savage edict—It doesn’t lead to anything; endemic warfare is a skirmish cycle that carries no objectives aside from raiding someone other than yourself. If the most you can offer up is an ‘unofficial rules of engagement’ then you might as well...I dunno, stop posting.

\:\) Wow your gonna regret this.

See, I found about Endemic warfare by following this link from this page-


Which fortunetly for me is about Native Americans. Anyway, if you'll scroll down to the paragraph about "Initial Impact" you'll notice a hyperlink called "internal warfare". A link that takes you to my page about Endemic warfare.

So either I'm stupid and Wiki's wrong or your desperately trying to discredit me so you can go on thinking your the unassailable authority on the matter. Hmmm...I gotta go with the latter.

Eh, right. Calling into question your credibility on a subject you’ve been arguing by note for the past 6 pages is being “desperate.” I’ll have to remember that one next time you tell me I’m wrong about history and then wait two posts to find a Wiki article or obscure link like “Infoplease” to complement your claim.

Circular arguments will not avail you.

In other words: You can’t prove me wrong and so you say that I’ve proclaimed myself an expert on Indian history just because I’ve stated the basics that you were previously unacquainted with before you spoke to me.

You’re the one who’s been saying that I’m wrong over and over again based on nothing but your opinion of what would craft “justice,” “law,” and “genocide.” The most you’ve done is picked apart the logic I’ve used to best define Native American culture. You’ve abided my references and then tried to put them into context rather than offer counter-citations. You can’t tolerate my examples this long and say you don’t have to listen to them when that’s what this entire conversation consists of. Try again.

...Oh yeah. And stop stalling and find me

Methinks the bitch doth protest too much. I've provided links, referances, and pointed out quotes of yours that are wrong. It's a fact you can't deny. Well, you can but it won't help you.

It’s called the “hunter/gatherer,” and it’s not a law. It’s necessity when you’re living out in the wilderness. In hunter/gatherer communities, rites of living fall into place; it doesn’t need organized thought, aside from developed and passed skills, to work. Furthermore, tribes aren’t exactly “societies” since they don’t rely on any systems of government aside from alpha male. That is to say, they’re not a “society” in its most advanced definition.

“Law” is an organized system of living that traces back to a chain of command or individual dictator demanding obedience. This isn’t the same as their warrior codes or honorific spirituality. Yes, they had a culture, but they didn’t have law.

See this is a perfect example if you manipulating facts. EARLY Indian tribes were hunters/gatherers and that's has nothing to do with there organization. Another quote from Wiki-

[edit] Cultural aspects
Though cultural features, language, clothing, and customs vary enormously from one tribe to another, there are certain elements which are encountered frequently and shared by many tribes.

Early hunter-gatherer tribes made stone weapons from around 10,000 years ago; as the age of metallurgy dawned, newer technologies were used and more efficient weapons produced. Prior to contact with Europeans, most tribes used similar weaponry. The most common implement were the bow and arrow, the war club, and the spear. Quality, material, and design varied widely.

Large mammals like mammoths and mastodons were largely extinct by around 8,000 B.C., and the Native Americans switched to hunting other large game, such as bison. The Great Plains tribes were still hunting the bison when they first encountered the Europeans. The acquisition of the horse and horsemanship from the Spanish in the 17th century greatly altered the natives' culture, changing the way in which these large creatures were hunted and making them a central feature of their lives.

Your either truly stupid or arrogant enough to think your the only person with any kind of brains. Again, I'll go with the latter. Why don't you just concede that Indians weren't the mindless brutes you like to think of them as? It's a moot point anyway cause even if they were, even if they had no law that doesn't justify having there shit takin away from them. It's ludicrous to think that it would.

What do you mean “excuses excuses?” YOUR LINK DIDN’T COVER WHAT WE WERE TALKING ABOUT. And it was a pathetic hodgepodge of summaries without detail. Infoplease didn’t disprove or speak against anything I’ve said; it was just flimsy and stupid, so I got a better one. If you’re still so confident of it, then perhaps you should actually quote it rather than say I evaded it.

Yes it did. Your lying. You can say this is more of me denying but the fact is all somebody has to do is follow the link.

You’re the one trying to school me remember? Avoiding question isn’t going to help your point OR your self-esteem along.

I remember posting links...

In the case of the Iroquois Confederacy and other isolated hostile tribes being engaged by the settlers, I disagree.

Fine, the Indians did stupid things too.

Yes, you think they committed “genocide,” but do you really have any scenarios to offer up in which the government mandated a bill that demanded the Anglos to round them up and exterminate them?

You, quite simply, will not find anything of the sort. You will see history about a war and Anglo negligence that involved the Cherokee starving to death—But you will find nothing in regards to the government attempting to wipe them out.

I think killing is killing whether it was mandated on paper or not. This clearly wasn't a case of self of defense or defense of others so there's no justifying it.

Just because it took many years and the ride suffered many speed bumps, that doesn’t mean the Indians didn’t eventually assimilate. The Cherokees are the best example here.

I’m sorry if you’re over-extrapolating the phrase “growing-pains” to be too minimalist to work with the situation, but in the overall scheme of things, that’s what it is. The country was growing and the two races were clumsily pushed together with 2 centuries worth of hardship.

I'm sorry your a gutless moron who's incapable of processing somebody else's point of view. We've covered this time and time again and yet we come back here.

So you say...And yet, here you are: Still responding to everything I say and considering it “asinine” with you still not “blowing me off.” Your inferiority complex is so extensive that you continue to follow the conversation even when you yourself state that you have nothing left to say in response to me since you feel my frame of reference is so bias and stupid.

You’re floundering.

Actually it's my superiority complex that makes me think I have to defeat you and get the last word.**

BTW, since you obviously suck at vocablulary-


Nothing to be ashamed of. I have to go there all the time. But at least I know what words like "flounder", "fake", and "patriot" mean.

Halo, I’m sure you believe that saying this will stymie the point, but what you don’t realize is that there really is a thread for people to reference; I don’t have to look for sources to prove I’m right. Posters will look back and see that you’ve done nothing but respond with hearsay.

Always going in circles. Don't you ever get dizzy?

Uh huh, and look at their assault history because of their size. They’re sitting ducks in a conflict. Even if Japan wasn’t under a military embargo and were armed to the teeth, they still wouldn’t be able to protect themselves against a single wave of a Chinese invasion.

Umm okay, one attack justifies there being able to exist there? Your an idiot. Besides, we're one of the biggest nations in the world and we've been assaulted too. Your point is completely and utterly non sequitorial.

Is this you trying to be anti-absolutist or something?

Absolutes only exist in the mind of the weak, stupid, and naive.

Your first sentence is basically saying, “You could look at it that way, but...” and the second part is saying, “Nothing is for certain; you can’t be sure of it.” None of us can technically be sure of anything we say, but we still say it because it’s empirically relevant.

You really got to stop with the assumptions. It be one thing if you were in the ball park but there's absolutely no real reason to take that away from what I said.

The ones that stayed behind were strays. If you scroll down in the Wiki page, you’ll see info on the Seminole War in Florida that involved stray Cherokee.

Doesn't the fact you misrepresented the actual quote that was being used.

They don’t need to expand since they can simply migrate here. And yes, it is within a country’s rights to expand into another country by annexing it, but that doesn’t mean they’ll get away with it and won’t suffer the consequences afterwards. But in any event, it would serve them to try and “expand” into America when both countries are first world.

Again, you fucking twist a question with bull shit. The question is simple. Would it be right for Canada to declare war on the U.S simply for more land? Don't skewer shit just answer the fucking question.


Narrow-minded view? I correct your ridiculous comparison because it’s not even close to true and you consider that warrant to say I’m narrow-minded?

Narrow minded for thinking everything has to be exact for it to be comparable. Plus arrogant for thinking your always correcting everyone. And stupid for not recognizing me as smarter then you*

They didn’t intend, so it wasn’t murder or oppression. They didn’t intend for wars to break out with the Natives in the expansion; that makes them short-sighted, not murderers. They didn’t intend to let the Cherokees starve during their emigration; that makes them inept and perhaps even negligent (I’m pointing more towards congress than I am at the people though; the military wasn’t given the resources it needed to sustain the Natives during their move; the elected officials fucked up the most).

You say things like this then wonder why I use the word "rationalize" on you. Look, they were greedy and war was the result. It's there fault.

It’s not a matter of me not liking it. It’s a matter of propriety. A massive body count could be produced by a war, but that still wouldn’t make it genocide since war doesn’t carry the intent to simply exterminate life. It’s a disagreement between two intellectual bodies of people who have no choice but to resolve differences through military conflict due to an inability to reach compromise (which isn’t always a bad thing).

Slaughter, genocide, mass murder—None of these terms fit the history you’re quoting since you always try to inter-mix them with the fact that wars were fought. But you continually ignore the fact that wars are forms of dissent and not fought simply for the sake of eradicating a large number of people.

No, it's a matter of you splitting hairs to try and sound smart while also deflecting the important matters of the conversation.

In wars. Not slaughter-fests.

Doesn't make a diffrence. The only diffrence between a war and a slaughter is the length of time.

Cultural superiority (what I was talking about) is not the same as individual superiority (what you’re referring to). The context of your analogy was mis-aligned. Using the cultural lop-sided state of the example you gave me, I demonstrated why your analogy was invalid. My pointing out the importance of noting cultural superiority was necessary to demonstrate exactly why your scenario was flawed.

I think you already know this but are acting ignorant just for the sake of confusing the issue. Yep, you’re Whomod’s ass-child alright.

So because I don't buy into your logic I'm ignoring it? Your logic is heartless at best. At worst it's sociopathic. I don't how a culture bullying is any better then an individual bullying.

And you wanna talk about blatant ad hominem attacks? "Whomod's ass child" is completely out of nowhere.

And, if you’d read above, you’d see why.

Narrow minded flapdoodle is all I see.


Progress couldn’t be more different from superficiality. The whole point of progress is so we can live healthier and longer. Why would you believe that to be superficial?

This is a good example of you being narrow minded. If people want to make gains in the way of material possession or territory at the expense of war that is Superficial. I know you don't grasp that since your also shallow, callous, and an all around asshole but to me territory and possessions are not as imporant as human rights and life.

Also, last I checked, we locked people up in asylums and prisons because society felt their ways of “living” were detrimental to both themselves and the overall community. Are you trying to tell me that you’re not a proponent of such institutions?

There are exceptions. But I don't see how crazy people have anything to do with the Native Americans unless you wnat to generalize them all as insane.

No it’s not. You made a “country-living” caveat. That makes the scenario diverse from the larger culture that is the US, so it morphs the question.

This board needs a jerking off motie.

It’s not simply because they’re “bigger.” It’s because they’re more advanced as a culture and live much more efficiently and healthily. In which case, it’s because they have superior living conditions that they got so big in the first place. If they’re offering such advancement to a fringe society living only through trials of attrition, why should the society refuse aside from pride? You could say that they disagree with the more advanced culture’s morality, but of the reasons why the hypothetically inferior culture we’re talking about is stagnating is because it doesn’t even have a form of morality.

Call it what you want. My point still stands and your point is patholigically indiffrent.

North Vietnam agreed with us, so we helped them.

Kuwait agreed with us, so we helped them.

So we only help nations that agree with us and don't bother with places like Darfur? Thank you for helping prove my point about arrogance and the America messiah complex.

Iraq sponsored attacks against us, so we attacked them.

Have you been asleep these last six years? That rationalization for the war has been defunked a long time now. Even sycophants like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity won't use it. Republicans and Conservatives have now defered the point that it was a mistake and bad intelligence. Your even more clueless then I thought. I mean, fucking up history is one thing but to get the present so incredibly wrong \:damn\:

An overwhelming number of citizens in Iraq agreed with ours ideals of democracy, so we’re helping them.

Including the Iraqies who fight back, have been killed, protest us, or got exiled? You counting them too?

In the end, it’s not arrogance that drives America, but rather preemption. Do you really think we’re helping/helped/attack/attacked these countries for purposes of making them think differently? No. The primary of objective is to insure national security through neutralizing dissent. The dissent against democracy there is in the world, the less chance America will survive the speedy climb of socialism.

Being preemptive sounds nice but it's always a precarious proposition for those who have to courage to recognize the fact there not always right. A fact the U.S can't seem to face.

Their philosophy was evil? You do realize that you wouldn’t even have your own without them exporting it here yes?

MORON that star was put next to my comment to indicate sarcasm. Just like it says at the bottom of the page. I do that cause I KNOW your not smart enough to figure it out on your own. Fuck, even WB was smart enough to figure that out.


So it doesn’t mean anything and its your retarded non-sequitur. Okay.

You really gonna call my intelligence into question when you can't figure out what fake patriotism means? Or are you just dismissing it cause you know it's true? Whichever, either one only plays into my hand.

Which originates from your feelings of inadequacy towards me.

That's some ego you have.


*Sarcasm was used.

**Sarcasm somewhat used. I don't have a superiority complex but it won't explain my actions better then an inferiority complex.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
BTW, since you obviously suck at vocablulary-


Man, that's funny!

Halo82, criticizing anyone else's "vocablulary".

But, of course, you're "kicking his ass", have him "up against the ropes" and keep insisting you're "smarter then you".

Who exactly are you trying to convince?
Yourself, obviously. Certainly not us.

 Originally Posted By: Halo82

This board needs a jerking off motie.

Here you go, my "ass child".

BTW, no need to inquire as to why Pariah is fixated on ass. I think we already covered that the other day...

Oh, and in case anyone criticizes the pointlessness of my post. Just look up.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: whomod
Man.... Is Pariah still trying to reason away genocide?

Because you're the foremost expert on the subject, perhaps you could do us all a solid and define "genocide" and then contextualize it with the history being discussed here.

I know it's no problem for you buddy.

I'd really like your insight on this matter Whomod. I'm sure we'd all benefit from what you'd have to say on genocide.

I'm eagerly awaiting your reply Whomod.

uh huh. I'm sure you are.

Do you really need to argue the same b.s. in two posts rather than in one? I'm already reading your rationalizations in your responses to Halo. It's mystifying why you think responding to me as well will double the effectiveness of your point.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
BTW, since you obviously suck at vocablulary-


Man, that's funny!

Halo82, criticizing anyone else's "vocablulary".

But, of course, you're "kicking his ass", have him "up against the ropes" and keep insisting you're "smarter then you".

Who exactly are you trying to convince?
Yourself, obviously. Certainly not us.

Wonderboy once again proves his idiocy by not knowing the diffrence between vocabulary and spelling.

Stupid. Why don't you go back to whatever white power establishment you've been at and save yourself some humiliation.
 Originally Posted By: before
slayer of conservatives

 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
I'm the original king of random. change the user title again and we'll talk.

 Originally Posted By: after
Damn, my sig was really cool too


The sig is changed, but the partisan vitriol continues.
Hey, Guys, just out of curiosity, do any of you even remember what this thread is/was about?
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: before
slayer of conservatives

 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
I'm the original king of random. change the user title again and we'll talk.

 Originally Posted By: after
Damn, my sig was really cool too


The sig is changed, but the partisan vitriol continues.

Wow, WB bending reality to his own benefit. I'd never believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes.*

*Sarcasm used.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Hey, Guys, just out of curiosity, do any of you even remember what this thread is/was about?

some kind of race where some guy names Garcia is catching up with some guy named Jones, right?
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Hey, Guys, just out of curiosity, do any of you even remember what this thread is/was about?

It's about how the savage Indians were in the way of progress.

Damn Indians....
 Originally Posted By: whomod
It's about how the savage Indians were in the way of progress.

Damn Indians....

Pariah has shown me the light. I'm glad there dead. Glad I tell you.*

*Sarcasm used.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: before
slayer of conservatives

 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
I'm the original king of random. change the user title again and we'll talk.

 Originally Posted By: after
Damn, my sig was really cool too


The sig is changed, but the partisan vitriol continues.

let it slide dood. there was a buncha other stuff you coulda picked on - that one was pretty funny.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
One can be proud of their culture and still be proud to be an American citizen - the two are not mutually exclusive.

There's a difference between being proud of one's culture and outright shoving it down other peoples' throats;

Is that like when gay people "shove it down peoples throats" by actually kissing or even just holding hands where you can see them?

I'm sure you're proud of being Puerto Rican *cough*Godknowswhy*cough*


but your family wasn't arrogant enough to not think it important to learn English.

Arrogant? Everyone thinks it important to learn English. Just because you encounter people comfortable in their own native language just means that. That they're comfortable speaking in their native language. You treat it as some affront to you and America and use phrases like "refuse" and "arrogant" simply because they haven't picked up English yet or choose to still use their native tongue amongst themselves.

I had to work in Garden Grove, CA for a long time and it's basically the Asian capital of Orange County. Every other Asian I met on the job was an immigrant who refused to speak English. The reason they were able to get away with it is because all of my supervisors were smart enough to learn English themselves.

On a sidenote: A pattern I noticed is that the bulk of the people who refused to learn, and didn't really give a crap if I understood them or not, were Chinese and Vietnamese.

Ok, that answers my initial question. So basically since they weren't bowed head down in eternal shame for not knowing any English yet and deep into a Vietnamese/English dictionary for your approval, they "didn't give a crap".

Question: Would they also not "give a crap" and be arrogant and be "refusing to assimilate" if they knew English and yet were still comfortable speaking in vietnamese either amongst themselves or at home? Or do they have to act and speak like you 100% of their day in order to hopefully curry your favor and approval in order to be a real American?

This is for Pariah's ignorant ass.

you know, there's nothing quite like posting a link to a random article somewhere on the internet to combat ignorance.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
you know, there's nothing quite like posting a link to a random article somewhere on the internet to combat ignorance.

It beats typical conservative conjecture.
so conjecture with which you agree supersedes conjecture with which you disagree. gotcha.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
so conjecture with which you agree supersedes conjecture with which you disagree. gotcha.

Wonder Boy may be dissapointed:

A new study by the University of California’s School of Public Health finds that illegal immigrants do not pose as significant a burden on U.S. Health Care resources as is often claimed. Undocumented immigrants are less likely to have insurance, but seek out health care in much lower numbers:

“Low rates of use of health-care services by Mexican immigrants and similar trends among other Latinos do not support public concern about immigrants’ overuse of the health care system,” the researchers wrote.

“Undocumented individuals demonstrate less use of health care than U.S.-born citizens and have more negative experiences with the health care that they have received,” they said.

The study is based on a 2003 survey of 42,044 people. Researchers compared the health care habits of U.S.-based Mexicans and Latinos and grouped the results according to citizenship or other status.

Among the other findings:

Undocumented Mexican and Latin American immigrants “are 50% less likely than U.S.-born Latinos to use hospital emergency rooms in California.”

Mexican Immigrants paid “1.6 fewer visits to doctors” per year than by those born in the U.S. to Mexican immigrants.

Other “undocumented Latinos had 2.1 fewer physician visits than their U.S.-born counterparts.”

Not only are undocumented immigrants not a burden on the U.S. health care system, but as Alexander N. Ortega, an associate professor at UCLA’s School of Public Health and the study’s lead author points out, they “seem to be underutilizing the system, given their health needs.”

Something tells me though that despite these facts, Wonder Boy will soon assert the very opposite again.

Now anyone that actually knows aNYTHING about the immigrant Mexican community (or just anyone who's ever heard a George Lopez comedy act) KNOWS that Mexicans do not go to the doctor. Too bad no one bothers to tell the xenophobe loudmouths who pull assertions out of their [whole cloth]. ;\)
Not that I'm disputing anything there,but is an '03 study the most recent?That's almost 5 years ago.
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
Bush- Hitler
 Originally Posted By: TP-069

well this one actually has more to do with the topic at hand..

Morrissey to Sue NME for Failing to Clarify Immigration Remarks

Comments by Morrissey on immigration in the most recent issue of NME amount to "character assassination" according to the singer's lawyers, who are reportedly threatening to sue the publication. Additional details of the legal action have not been revealed.

MozMorrissey's comments read: "With the issue of immigration, it's very difficult because, although I don't have anything against people from other countries, the higher the influx into England the more the British identity disappears. If you walk through Knightsbridge on any bland day of the week you won't hear an English accent. You'll hear every accent under the sun apart from the British accent."

Morrissey "expressed concern at how his previous comments could be interpreted" according to the Guardian, and conducted a follow-up interview, in which he said: "I just think that it would be construed that the reason I wouldn't wish to live in England is the immigration explosion. And that's not true at all."

The controversy has sparked a war of words between the former Smiths frontman and the publication, while the article's author Tim Jonze has requested that his byline be removed from everything but the Q&A, claiming dissatisfaction over the magazine's final edit.

Morrissey 'cowardly', claims NME journalist

03/12/2007 - 14:33:17

The journalist at the centre of the row over Morrissey's controversial comments on immigration has hit back at the former frontman of The Smiths - defiantly ridiculing his decision to take legal action.

Writer Tim Jonze says Morrissey made "ignorant, racially inflammatory statements" in his interview for British music magazine NME, and it was ludicrous for his legal team to claim he had been "stitched up".

“The gates of England are flooded. The country’s been thrown away”. Cover star Morrissey gives his most contentious interview in years.

In a statement posted on the Internet, Jonze said: "The 'I've been stitched up' card is the last bastion of someone who's said something offensive but is too scared to back this up, yet too stubborn to apologise.

"How can Morrissey possibly claim a stitch-up when the interview is printed in Q&A form, his quotes are recorded on tape and he wasn't even asked about immigration in the first place? It's truly cowardly."

The interview appeared in the NME on Wednesday. In it, Morrissey, 48, was quoted apparently criticising current levels of immigration to Britain after being asked if he would ever consider moving back to the UK from Rome.

This is not the first time NME magazine has fallen foul of Morrissey - the publication previously angered the singer's camp in 1992 when they printed a picture of the star draped in a Union Jack flag along with the title: 'Flying The Flag Or Flirting With Disaster?'

Which goes to show that xenophobia isn't just relegated to the United States nor to people I dislike.

Morrissey 'refuses to live in the UK because of immigration explosion'

Last updated at 16:11pm on 29th November 2007

The pop singer Morrissey claims he can no longer live in a Britain he believes lost to an "immigration explosion".

The former frontman of the Smiths, who is now based in Rome, claimed England was just 'a memory now'.

The 48-year-old added: "Other countries have held on to their basic identity yet it seems to me that England was thrown away.


Row: Morrissey has sparked fury after saying he refuses to live in Britain because of the 'immigration explosion'

"The change in England is so rapid compared to the change in any other country.

"If you walk through Knightsbridge on any bland day of the week you won't hear an English accent.

"You'll hear every accent under the sun apart from the British accent.

"The British identity is very attractive, I grew up into it and I find it quaint and very amusing."

Morrissey, who has sung of his love for English culture and can count Tory leader David Cameron as a fan, is the son of an Irish immigrant family which settled in Manchester.

Morrissey on stage
Controversial: Morrissey is known for making contentious comments

In 1986, when The Smiths released their critically-acclaimed album The Queen is Dead, the UK had a population of 56 million.

It now stands at 60million and some predict that could almost double by 2081.

Morrissey's comments were made in interviews with the music magazine NME.

In the mid-1990s he was accused of racism after wearing a Union Jack on stage and releasing the songs Bengali in Platforms and the ironically-named National Front Disco.

The singer's supporters insisted he had been seeking only to reclaim the flag from extremists.

Tim Jonze, the reporter who conducted the interview, said: "Morrissey has had a stormy relationship with this magazine and its readers over the last three decades.

"He might once have been the voice of a generation but given his comments in these two interviews, he's certainly not speaking for us now."

His arguments sound just as absurd and quite identical to others I've heard recently.

but as the article pointed out, he's been accused of racism before. The piece didn't mention his fixation with photos of skinhead youth that adorned his tour programme of one of his tours.

The Smiths are still a hell of a band though. Too bad Morrissey is hell bent on pissing his legacy away to ugliness.
The most ironic thing about all this is that when he was living in L.A. up the street from the Palladium, he enjoyed the support of the Latino population who by then and quite inexplicably become his most rabid and fervent audience here in Southern California.

I don't know what it was about his music, but it resonated with the kids of working class Latino immigrants in a way that no other British "alternative" postpunk bands did. I mean by the end of his touring life here, his concerts were comprised of about 85% Latino "greaser" (1950's rockabilly look, not the slur) kids.

Perhaps they tapped into the whole outsider angst he sang about or perhaps they identified with Morrissey's working class Manchester roots. Whatever it was, Morrissey sure pandered to that crowd with gusto and enthusiasm.

So I dunoo.. was it just that? Pandering to his bread and butter? Or is it that he doesn't mind immigration when it's not in 'HIS' country? Whatever the answer, these statements are quite disappointing.
So basically, anyone who has pride in their national identity, and doesn't wish to see it snuffed out in an overwhelming sea of foreign immigrants, who are not assimilating to British culture, immigrants who have no desire to assimilate, will be labelled by you, and other liberal slanderers like you, as "racists".


But of course, his opinion, and that of many others who see their nations inundated, not simply by others of another race, but inundated by another culture, cannot possibly be acknowledged by liberals as a legitimate concern. Never mind that London is now less than 50% British-born, with a radical muslim population that makes no pretense about their wish to take the U.K. in a very islamic and un-British direction.

That part about skinheads at his concerts is so much slanderous excrement. He can't prevent skinheads from attending his concert any more than Arnold Swarzenneger could have prevented his father from being an SS officer. Limit your attacks to the man's own actions, not slander by association. I see Morrissey as a guy who loves his country and doesn't want to see it destroyed. I could disagree, no doubt, with some of his specific actions and remarks, but I wouldn't cloud the issue by diverting from that the guy simply loves his country, and wants what's best for his country and its people. His concern is legitimate.

London is well on its way to becoming Londonistan
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

That part about skinheads at his concerts is so much slanderous excrement. He can't prevent skinheads from attending his concert

There were little to no skinheads at the show I attended, dunderhead. READ carefully.....


And I think Morrissey has some control over it's content..
Maybe you and Morrissey can make a new country out in the arctic called Whitopia.
Again with the marxist tactic of repeating a slander endlessly to project as truth something you know to be false.

 Originally Posted By: WB
Your tactics come straight from the Moscow Central Committee:


Members and front organizations must continually embarrass, discredit and degrade our critics. When obstructionists become too irritating, label them as fascist, or Nazi, or Anti-Semitic... the association will, after enough repitition, become "fact" in the public mind.

Slander as an alternative strategy to honest political debate.

The Revolution continues, even after the fall of the Soviet Union.

You know that I never called for a white-only America, or a cessation of all immigration except europeans. You know that's a lie, even as you type the words. I've only called for limiting immigration to what we can realistically assimilate as a nation. When we have millions of people in places like L.A., New Mexico, Texas and Miami who are not learning the language, who live here 10, 20 and 30 years and never bother to learn the language, who convert half the local channels on radio and television in their border areas to Spanish or other languages, then we have an assimilation problem.
It is not about race in any of my remarks, and liberal slanderers like you damn well know it.

And as I've said, since at least since former Mexican president Vicente Fox's period in office, he and members of his administration, people in the highest levels of the Mexican government, have been voicing a desire to take back the Southwestern United States through sheer immigration demographics, both legal and illegal immigrants. A rose by any other name is still "la Reconquista".

Aided and abetted by the current mayor of Los Angeles, who is likewise an unrepentant member of the ultra-racist/Mexican-nationalist MEChA, who does everything in his power to further undermine U.S. sovereignty, in the way of being a "sanctuary city" where illegals cannot be reported or asked about their illegal status.

La Raza is likewise a pro-Mexican-expansionist organization, and an umbrella front to any number of other radical mexican groups, such as Mexica Movement.

Go ahead and call me a paranoid racist a few more times. It's bullshit and you know it. The facts make this clear.

I'm a patriotic nationalist American, not a racist.
And you're just a lying cocksucker who undermines his own nation at every turn.
Ok, Wondy, since I grew up in the 1970's, when "assimilation" was the norm, I actually know a thing or two about this, so tell me, how exactly does one "assimilate"? How does the majority culture 'help' in the process?

I'd like your take since you're so eager to help and want people to "assimilate".

Oh, and my wife can attest to the fact that i don't suck cock.

Not that there's anything wrong with those who do....
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Again with the marxist tactic of repeating a slander endlessly to project as truth something you know to be false.

You know that I never called for a white-only America, or a cessation of all immigration except europeans. You know that's a lie, even as you type the words. I've only called for limiting immigration to what we can realistically assimilate as a nation.

Explain. Assimilation.

When we have millions of people in places like L.A., New Mexico, Texas and Miami who are not learning the language, who live here 10, 20 and 30 years and never bother to learn the language, who convert half the channels on radio and television in their border areas to Spanish or other languages, then we have an assimilation problem.
It is not about race in any of my remarks, and you liberal slanderers damn well know it.

I'm living proof of that lie, you dimwit.

And if you don't like spanish language TV, DON'T WATCH IT. Do SAP signals during the Simpsons bug you too?

And as I've said, since at least Mexican president Vicente Fox and members of his administration, people in the highest levels of the Mexicans government have been voicing a desire to take back the Southwestern United States through sheer immigration demographics, both legal and illegal immigrants. A rose by any other name is still "la Reconquista".

So when do I turn over the southwest to Vicente Fox?

Will there be an official ceremony?

Aided and abetted by the current mayor of Los Angeles, who is likewise an unrepentant member of the ultra-racist/Mexican-nationalist Mexica Movement, who does everything in his power to further undermine U.S. sovereignty.
La Raza is likewise a pro-Mexican-expansionist organization, and an umbrella front to any number of other radical mexican groups.

You're paranoid and racist.

Go ahead and call me a paranoid racist a few more times. It's bullshit and you know it. The facts make this clear.

Yes. Yes it is bullshit.

I'm a patriotic nationalist American, not a racist.
And you're just a lying cocksucker who undermines his own nation at every turn.

Nationalist, xenophobic, paranoid delusional, bitter. etc. etc. And as I've aid repeatedly, if you think the liberals are undermining America and destroying it, you're time to act on it is fast dissipating. Take Arms my patriot!!!

If only so I can derive satisfaction of seeing you carted away to the loony bin on the national news.
In other news,...

last weeks Teen Titans # 53 had Blue Beetle undermining America by exclaiming " OH DOS MIO!" in this once most American of art forms.

It's been reported that at least one patron in a Florida comics shop nearly had a fit.
One assimilates by learning the language and adapting to the culture of the nation they chose to immigrate to.

I fully expect people to retain certain cultural elements of their homeland, such as traditions and food, and even pride in their heritage. But when they cliquishly remain a separate society apart from the larger nation, they present a danger of balkanization to our nation.
Starting around 1990, I started meeting a lot of foreign nationals, mostly from Europe: France, Spain, Germany, England, Poland, Italy, Yugoslavia, Rumania, Hungary, Czech, Russia, and others from Chile, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Guatamala, Costa Rica, Jamaica and elsewhere. Among the european girls, they leaned english very quickly, and several times I heard a girl start to talk in her native language, and one of her friends would say: "Speak english!" And they explained to me that they knew this was the best way to learn. That if they continued to speak in French or Spanish or whatever, that was time taken away from their learning and assimilating faster.
And that is the problem I'm seeing now: The pressure that was there is not as strong now. And increasingly less as hispanics, in particular, climb from 6% of the population (in the 1980s) to 15% presently, and toward 25% projected by 2050, if not sooner.

I've met many who have been in this country for 5, 7, or even 10 years or more who barely speak a word of english. They work jobs as cleaning people or assemblers, construction workers, or other jobs working for legal immigrants of their same nationality (enablers who hire cheap immigrant labor from their own country), and no doubt American employers who hire them as well.

They work in jobs that don't require english, they get medical care in doctor's offices such as the one I work in, who are forced to hire staff members who speak spanish, portuguese, Haitian creole, and so forth, to accomodate patients who have been here for years and don't know the language. Many are legal, and they still haven't bothered to learn the language. And why should they bother? Thanks to multiculturalism, they are not under pressure to assimilate.

In the day they work jobs that don't require english, and they are accomodated by medical offices, banks, restaurants, nightclubs and other businesses that likewise allow them to go on indefinitely here without learning english.

With many friends over the years, and many of the women I've dated, I've gained a window into how one can live illegally in the U.S.

I used to even accomodate many of the women I dated, speak spanish to them when they couldn't understand english, and even try to help them develop their english ability.
It was funny, because my friend Orlando from Argentina, not me, was the one who expressed disgust to me in 1998 when a Colombian girl I was dating had been here 7 years and still couldn't speak english. I found that ironic, that I, the American, wasn't offended by her lack of english, but he, a spanish-culture immigrant himself, was offended. It was one of the events that awakened me that my attitude toward immigrants was perhaps too liberal. That someone should at least speak functional english within 2 or 3 years of arrival.

I meet immigrants in a very high percentage of both my work and my daily personal business, many of whom I suspect of being here illegally.

The cashiers at my supermarket.
The employees at my bank.
My co-workers.
Our patients.
The lawyers and paralegals I interact with. The insurance claims employees. Roofers, construction workers, pressure cleaners, solicitors, restaurant hostesses and waiters. It's not like I live in some kind of white-only vaccuum, and don't talk to and listen to these people talk about how they come here and what their goals are. One girl I treated, in her late 30s, openly told me she was here illegally, and worked under the table as a maid, and was purchasing a house. But had to purchase it in nher sister's name, because she could not legally own a house here. Many of these people I like. But they're still here illegally. If I thought it would do any good, I'd report them.

The last lady who cut my hair was from Mexico, and from what she told me about illegal immigration, she as much as told me that she's here illegally, without coming out and saying it. She expressed great concern about a crackdown on illegals that would force her to return to Mexico. I listened to her views, as I do many others.

Throughout the 80's and 90's I had a much more sympathy for immigrants, both legal and illegal. But now increasingly take a harder, less sympathetic line.

The numbers are too high, and we are forced to accomodate them now, instead of the reverse. And I've watched the immigrant ratio climb to 50% in many parts of the country, including Dade and Broward counties. Very close to home indeed.
this xenophobic crap is so ridiculous. Language flows and changes over time, countries change over time. english is a borrowed language, most of our words are taken from other cultures and have little in common with our nordic/germanic roots.
immigration does not change a country as much as wondy thinks. in fact it adds to the richness of a country by bringing in fresh cultural ideas that keep a place from growing stagnant. it adds to the diversity of a place, which is a hallmark of America.

The train making travel faster and the country feel smaller, the telegraph/telephone making communication faster, the tv bringing entertainment from across the country into the living room, the internet connecting the world. these are all things that havetruly changed our country over time. This whole immigration debate has been going on since our founding in one form or another.
english people hated the new Irish coming in, there was the real fear that they were invading. same with every other ethnic group fearing a change in their neighborhoods. but the truth is these immigrants are not some grand conspiracy to expand mexico, it's just people trying to live better lives. wondy, you might get better results in life if you stopped living in fear and paranoia and just tried to live your life and accept the people around you for who they are. maybe those mexicans at work might not seem so anti-white if there wasn't a cranky old white guy staring at them like they're invaders.

and wondy if you're really so concerned for America then why don't you get mad about free speech zones, which is an afront to our tradition. why don't you get madder at bush who humiliates America daily with his poor speech (he abuses the english language more than any immigrant)? why don't you get pissed off at people being held without trial, which is in the constitution? why aren't you mad about the real threats?
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Again with the marxist tactic of repeating a slander endlessly to project as truth something you know to be false.

You know that I never called for a white-only America, or a cessation of all immigration except europeans. You know that's a lie, even as you type the words. I've only called for limiting immigration to what we can realistically assimilate as a nation.

Explain. Assimilation.

When we have millions of people in places like L.A., New Mexico, Texas and Miami who are not learning the language, who live here 10, 20 and 30 years and never bother to learn the language, who convert half the channels on radio and television in their border areas to Spanish or other languages, then we have an assimilation problem.
It is not about race in any of my remarks, and you liberal slanderers damn well know it.

I'm living proof of that lie, you dimwit.

And if you don't like spanish language TV, DON'T WATCH IT. Do SAP signals during the Simpsons bug you too?

And as I've said, since at least Mexican president Vicente Fox and members of his administration, people in the highest levels of the Mexicans government have been voicing a desire to take back the Southwestern United States through sheer immigration demographics, both legal and illegal immigrants. A rose by any other name is still "la Reconquista".

So when do I turn over the southwest to Vicente Fox?

Will there be an official ceremony?

Aided and abetted by the current mayor of Los Angeles, who is likewise an unrepentant member of the ultra-racist/Mexican-nationalist Mexica Movement, who does everything in his power to further undermine U.S. sovereignty.
La Raza is likewise a pro-Mexican-expansionist organization, and an umbrella front to any number of other radical mexican groups.

You're paranoid and racist.

Go ahead and call me a paranoid racist a few more times. It's bullshit and you know it. The facts make this clear.

Yes. Yes it is bullshit.

I'm a patriotic nationalist American, not a racist.
And you're just a lying cocksucker who undermines his own nation at every turn.

Nationalist, xenophobic, paranoid delusional, bitter. etc. etc. And as I've aid repeatedly, if you think the liberals are undermining America and destroying it, you're time to act on it is fast dissipating. Take Arms my patriot!!!

If only so I can derive satisfaction of seeing you carted away to the loony bin on the national news.

The short answer is: fuck you!

The slightly longer answer is: as I've said, I didn't reach this opinion overnight. I previously had a much more open view of immigrants for decades, and if illegal immigration were contained and growing hispanic dominance were pushed back, I'd return to a more open attitude toward immigrants.

But while we're climbing from 15% toward 25% or higher hispanic population, and the clear push toward bilingualism, my concerns are clearly far from paranoid (Or to put it another way, please re-read the "fuck you" above.)

The mayor of Los Angeles and the the Mexican government are pushing for open borders and massive immigration, legal and illegal, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. And whether or not you personally endorse it, a thick percentage of Mexicans and other hispanics tried to shut down the country, protesting rights for illegals, waving Mexican flags, and openly expressing their contempt for this country.

And this is no longer the 1970s you grew up in, where there was much more pressure to assimilate, and the sheer volume of immigration was much lower. You grew up in a time when hispanics were 3 to 6% of the U.S. population (in the 1970s and 1980s).
It is not that mexicans are coming here that's the problem.
The problem is, as I said many times, the crime, drugs, imprisonment, their having the largest high-school dropout rate among all immigrant groups, their having the highest ratio of welfare use of all immigrant nationalities, and other highly quantifiable (not paranoid) demographics that can be traced over 4 decades since third-world immigration began, the lowest performing 30% of which is from Mexican immigrants.

Again: please re-read the fuck you above.

However you try to spin the numbers and pretend what's happening actually isn't, those are the cold hard facts. You can choose to mock and ridicule them, but they'll still remain the facts.

I agree with Wonderboy on this issue. If people wish to immigrate to another nation with another language and culture. Then we, the people of the nation they immigrate to are in our full right to expect (and downright demand) that they, as the people who wish to be a part of our nation learn our language, learn our culture to the extent that they at least accept it as the predominant one and don't feel threathened about it.

One the biggest problems with immigrants in Europe at the moment, is that the radical muslims are trying to incorporate the Sharia Law into national european law.

No, it is the immigrants who first and foremost most adapt to the nation, language and culture they immigrate to, and not we who must adapt to them.

Sure, it does go both ways. And I'm sure Wonderboy isn't lying when he says he fully expect immigrants to retain their traditions, religion and costums. But he is most definitely right that immigrants MUST be the first to adapt.

Take my own little backyard, Denmark. The problem here is that immigrants don't WANT to learn our language, they don't WANT to know what being danish means, they don't WANT to accept that Danish law and culture is predominant and that the Sharia Law has NO say whatsoever.

No, again, I'm sure Wonderboy feels the same way I do. If immigrants can't, or won't accept the culture, language and laws they've immigrated to, they can go home.
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
this xenophobic crap is so ridiculous. Language flows and changes over time, countries change over time. english is a borrowed language, most of our words are taken from other cultures and have little in common with our nordic/germanic roots.
immigration does not change a country as much as wondy thinks. in fact it adds to the richness of a country by bringing in fresh cultural ideas that keep a place from growing stagnant. it adds to the diversity of a place, which is a hallmark of America.

The train making travel faster and the country feel smaller, the telegraph/telephone making communication faster, the tv bringing entertainment from across the country into the living room, the internet connecting the world. these are all things that havetruly changed our country over time. This whole immigration debate has been going on since our founding in one form or another.
english people hated the new Irish coming in, there was the real fear that they were invading. same with every other ethnic group fearing a change in their neighborhoods. but the truth is these immigrants are not some grand conspiracy to expand mexico, it's just people trying to live better lives. wondy, you might get better results in life if you stopped living in fear and paranoia and just tried to live your life and accept the people around you for who they are. maybe those mexicans at work might not seem so anti-white if there wasn't a cranky old white guy staring at them like they're invaders.

and wondy if you're really so concerned for America then why don't you get mad about free speech zones, which is an afront to our tradition. why don't you get madder at bush who humiliates America daily with his poor speech (he abuses the english language more than any immigrant)? why don't you get pissed off at people being held without trial, which is in the constitution? why aren't you mad about the real threats?


You mean the U.S is not the end all and be all? The alpha and omega? That Jesus wasn't born here? That the English language isn't the vernacular of the Gods? THat the sun doesn't revolve around our nation?



Your going going to hell Ray. Oh yes, your going to hell in a picnic basket with no food in it.*

*Pretty much the whole post is sarcasm. Although I was certain English was the language of the Gods. I guess I've read one to many comics.**

**Sarcasm was used.
what's hubrous? your confusing me!1
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

However you try to spin the numbers and pretend what's happening actually isn't, those are the cold hard facts. You can choose to mock and ridicule them, but they'll still remain the facts.

Wonder Boy, I know that you will just disavow everything I say because it's me and I'm the evil liberal boogeyman out to destroy America.

I was actually quite surprised and pleased to read the latest column by ultra right wing columnist Max Boot.

He quite deftly and expertly swats down most of your arguments without missing a beat. Now why he would do such a thing? I can only speculate. But as a guy who is a big shill for the Republican Party and the far right conservative POV, I can only guess that he sees this anti-immigration obsession as political hari-kari for the GOP and is actually trying to use his powers for good this time to prevent this.


Immigrants are a boon, not a curse

Republicans should stop treating millions of people who want to better their lives as a threat.

By Max Boot
December 3, 2007

Watching the GOP presidential debate last week, it was easy to conclude that the greatest threat facing the U.S. is an influx of undocumented immigrants. Most of the candidates were, as arch-nativist Tom Tancredo put it, trying to out-Tancredo Tancredo. And every time they did, they seemed to get raucous applause from the audience. Why is it, I wondered, that so many people think that having millions of people come to the United States seeking a better life for themselves presents such a massive threat to this country?

Obviously it is wrong for anyone to break the law, but the desire of foreigners to come here to work seems like the most benign sort of lawbreaking imaginable. Lots of other laws are broken routinely -- prostitution laws, speeding laws, tax laws -- and yet they are not the subject of heated exchanges at presidential debates.

What makes illegal immigration so bad? There is no question that an influx of illegals puts pressure on public services, especially in the border states, and that issue needs to be addressed, perhaps with greater assistance from Washington. But it is hardly unmanageable, especially because illegal immigrants, while making use of some government services, also contribute a lot to society via sales taxes and other means without collecting Social Security, unemployment or other benefits available to legal residents. Studies of the net economic effect of illegal immigration show mixed results.

Aside from the cost to government, opponents of immigration claim its biggest downsides are lost jobs and lost identity. Neither argument strikes me as especially compelling.

We constantly hear that immigrants are taking jobs from Americans. Yet over the past quarter-century, even as illegal immigration has remained high, the U.S. economy has outperformed the rest of the industrialized world. Although a recession may be on the horizon, our economy has been booming since the early 1980s, with consistently low unemployment (currently 4.7%). Per-capita income in the U.S., when adjusted for purchasing power, is $41,399, or the third-highest in the world. Per-capita income after taxes has risen by 12.7% since 2001. We have seen 8.3 million jobs created since August 2003 -- 50 straight months of job growth.

It is hard to see how immigration, legal or otherwise, has put a damper on the economy. Quite the reverse: Immigrants contribute significantly to economic growth.

The economic arguments against immigrants reflect a zero-sum mind-set that holds that there are only a given number of jobs to go around and that they will go either to "foreigners" or "Americans." The reality is that the job market is dynamic, and that newly arrived Americans can create more jobs for native-born Americans or can free up low-wage jobs allowing the native-born to take more skilled (and higher-paying) positions.

Ok, Wonder Boy, pay attention now...

The cultural argument against immigrants is that they will destroy America's identity as an Anglo nation. A new survey from the Pew Hispanic Center of 14,000 Latinos living in the U.S. shows the falsity of that logic. It found that while "fewer than one in four (23%) Latino immigrants reports being able to speak English very well . . . fully 88% of their U.S.-born adult children report that they speak English very well. Among later generations of Hispanic adults, the figure rises to 94%."

But,..but, .. but.. I thought they spend decades, DECADES refusing, REFUSING to learn English!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another Pew survey finds that, although most "Latino immigrants maintain some kind of connection to their native country by sending remittances, traveling back or telephoning relatives ... [o]nly one in 10 (9%) do all three. ... A much larger minority (28%) of foreign-born Latinos is involved in none of these activities and can be considered to have a low level of engagement with the country of origin." Most Latino immigrants, the survey found, "show moderate attachment to their home country," which declines the longer they spend time in the U.S. In other words, the age-old process of assimilation is alive and well.

This isn't meant to suggest that we shouldn't do more to police our southern border. But the best way to do that would be to assure millions of Latin Americans and others who want to come here to work that they will be allowed in legally. We also need a mechanism for legalizing the millions of undocumented immigrants who are already here, because there is no prospect of rounding them up and sending them home. That would make dealing with drug smugglers, terrorists and other criminals crossing the border a much easier task than it is today, when the genuine bad guys are lost in a sea of migrant job-seekers.

That reality is apparent to many sensible Republicans, from President Bush to John McCain and Rudolph Giuliani, but they are having a hard time convincing Republican voters, who seem unreasonably riled up about illegal immigration. As a Republican myself, I can't help thinking there are bigger issues to be concerned about.

Max Boot is a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, a contributing editor to Opinion and the author of "War Made New: Weapons, Warriors, and the Making of the Modern World."

Now what would cause Republican voters to get so riled up like Wonder Boy to the point where he's frothing at the mouth about "his" America being destroyed, armed with wildly inaccurate assertions and accusations?

An oldie but goodie reposted:

Back on topic: What [REALLY] scares Conservatives.

 Originally Posted By: Washington Post
The Department of Homeland Security failed to prepare for a massive influx of applications for U.S. citizenship and other immigration benefits this summer, prompting complaints from Hispanic leaders and voter-mobilization groups that several hundred thousand people likely will not be granted citizenship in time to cast ballots in the 2008 presidential election.

Bush administration officials said yesterday that they had anticipated applicants would rush to file their paperwork to beat a widely publicized fee increase that took effect July 30, but did not expect the scale of the response. The backlog comes just months after U.S. officials failed to prepare for tougher border security requirements that triggered months-long delays for millions of Americans seeking passports.

Before the fee hike, citizenship cases typically took about seven months to complete. Now, immigration officials can take five months or more just to acknowledge receipt of applications from parts of the country and will take 16 to 18 months on average to process applications filed after June 1, according to officials from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, which is part of DHS. Such a timeline would push many prospective citizens well past voter-registration deadlines for the 2008 primaries and the general elections.

Immigrant Paperwork Backs Up At DHS
Delays May Deny Vote to Hundreds Of Thousands

How convenient. I mean, nobody could have anticipated an influx of citizenship applications, right? I’m sure that it has nothing to do with the growing and changing Hispanic electorate. (/snark)


In our new report, Hispanics Rising, NDN reviews the emerging politics of the fastest-growing part of the American electorate, one deeply changed by the immigration debate. The report documents how Hispanics have gone from a group trending Republican to a group overwhelmingly Democratic; one whose percentage of the American electorate has increased by 33 percent in the last 4 years; and one poised, because of the structure of the Electoral College, to determine who the next President will be in 2008.

And there it is. It's not so much that they want to change the U.S.into Mexico, which is frankly bullshit, it's that they have the power and numbers to completely obliterate the Republican Party who inexplicably have alienated and angered Hispanics en masse repeatedly. They're in danger of transforming America all right. Into DEMOCRATIC country. And that sends shivers down the spines of the Pariah's and Wonder Boys the nation over. After all, how can you lob "anti-American" slanders when you're (even more than now)the most minor of minority views in the nation?

To Bush and Rove's credit, they saw the handwriting on the wall and tried to reach out to Latinos who were even a few years ago, still a decent percentage of the Republican base. But the far right wingers who fear "Mexicans", will alienate anyone, race bait anyone, just so long as it fires up the nativists and xenophobes and gets them to the polls. All to their detriment. Fitting I say. Goodbye far right wingers. Please provide more heated racial baiting and hatred. It's the best, fastest, and surest way to be rid of you all forever.

Every short term initiative, every election disenfranchisement scheme is just winning the battle but losing the war. And yes, I have to frame it that way because this is the way these people see it. A "war".

All the Hispanic community sees is a bunch of fucks who never distinguish legal over illegal, And American from 'white person'. And they've been repelled and disgusted, just as most Americans of the caucasian persuasion, most of whom don't happen to be paranoid racists, ALSO have been. The GOP in flames.

Writing in the Washington Post yesterday, former Bush Chief White House Speechwriter Michael Gerson described the changes in the Hispanic electorate this way:

I have never seen an issue where the short-term interests of Republican presidential candidates in the primaries were more starkly at odds with the long-term interests of the party itself. At least five swing states that Bush carried in 2004 are rich in Hispanic voters -- Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado and Florida. Bush won Nevada by just over 20,000 votes. A substantial shift of Hispanic voters toward the Democrats in these states could make the national political map unwinnable for Republicans … Some in the party seem pleased. They should be terrified.

In fact it's really tempting me to start a project I've been mulling over for quite some time, a door to door voter registration drive in some of the most underrepresented latino districts in the southwest. Where even if people are residents, you get the LEGAL citizen of that household (usually a voting age son or daughter) to be the voice of the family and get them to the polls to represent the entire family.

It would be monumental and seismic!

"Immigants. I knew it was them. Even when it was the bears, I knew it was them."
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
what's hubrous? your confusing me!1

I'll be the only confused one around here thank you very much.
I never heard of the conservative columnist you quoted, Whomod.

But Fred Barnes and other conservatives have lipped the same arguments you quoted. I see that as the globalist/free-trade/open-borders/cheap labor for corporations wing of the Republican party.

As I pointed out before, I don't have a problem with legal immigration, so long as legal immigrants aren't enablers for illegal immigration. The problem is, many legal immigrants don't respect our laws, and therefore shouldn't be here. Enabling illegal immigration should warrant deportation and/or jail time.

The real key is not allowing as much immigration here as possible, it's fixing the problem that creates the need for mass immigration: passing legislation that is child-friendly, so that Americans here feel less burdened and more inclined to have children at replacement levels (as opposed to negative growth, as it is in the U.S., Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.)

We allow in 1.2 million legal immigrants every year. I've worked with a lot of Brazilians, Colombians, Venezuelans, Argentinians, and Mexicans, in various medical offices, and meet many more in businesses, restaurants and night clubs I frequent. And virtually all of them look favorably on illegal immigration.
In the offices I've worked, I've had three Brazilian women ask me if I'd marry them so they could get papers to stay in the United States. And one Colombian girl I know through an associate suggested I could marry her sister to get her legal status in the United States.
Legal immigration is the ocean in which illegals swim.
It disgusts me how little respect they have for our immigration laws.

Buchanan rightly points out (as in the example of George W. Bush and Karl Rove's attempt to pander to hispanic voters) that no matter how much Republicans pander to hispanic voters by lowering immigration enforcement, hispanics remain loyal Democrats, no matter what.
So Republicans can't buy hispanic voters by turning their backs on illegal immigration. It just doesn't work. (Funny how you approve of this hispanic-pandering lack of enforcement by Bush and Rove, while you rail at everything else they've done)

Further, what you allege about assimilation of children of hispanic immigrants is at best a half-truth I've already dispoven.
Children of hispanics speak fluent english, but are statistically far less likely than other immigrant groups (asians, India, Middle easterners, Africans, Europeans) to graduate high school, and pursue higher education.
Further, as I said, Mexican immigrants favor open borders and dual citizenship with Mexico. So while they may speak english, Mexican immigrants still retain more of a "latino" vs."white" ethnic separatism and pride, that is a move toward balkanization and/or open borders over several decades.
And as I said, hispanic immigrant children are statistically 19 times more likely to join gangs than native-born americans.
And end up in prison.
And end up on welfare.
Until those numbers change for Mexican/central-American immigrants, until those problems are dealt with, I think we should be very selective about who we admit from those regions, and take more immigrants from nations that have proven statistically over 40 years to produce a higher ratio of productive, educated, assimilated immigrants (such as India, China, the Phillipines, South Korea, Canada and Europe)

Frankly, I'd like to see (like Hunter, Tancredo and Buchanan) a double fence along the entire U.S./Mexico border(such as has already been built along the 30 miles of San Diego/Tijuana border, that has been almost 100% effective in eliminating illegals, drugs, and related murders and crime in San Diego, and Tijuana. Unable to cross through San Diego, the've moved these illegal traffics over to the New Mexico border).
The fence is projected to more than pay for itself in the reduced illegals, reduced drugs, reduced crime, and reduced welfare-sponging "anchor babies" that such a fence would prevent.

More broadly, I would like to see a tripling of our border guard and INS, to fully contain illegal immigration. Fully contain the estimated 1 million who successfully enter our country illegally every year, cumulatively estimated to be about 20 million illegals here now.

Then I could live with the 1.2 million who enter our country legally every year. Which is still more immigrants welcomed annually into the U.S. than pretty much the rest of the world's nations combined.

But until we expect immigrants to respect our laws, they increasingly won't.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
As I pointed out before, I don't have a problem with legal immigration, so long as legal immigrants aren't enablers for illegal immigration. The problem is, many legal immigrants don't respect our laws, and therefore shouldn't be here. Enabling illegal immigration should warrant deportation and/or jail time.

many natural born citizens don't respect our laws. for all the illegals in prison, there is still a majority of native born americans in jail. the bulk of immigrants (legal and illegal) come here for a chance at a better life. and not really for themselves but for their kids. they work their asses off in low paying shit jobs to provide enough for their family to allow their children to live the "american dream."
are there some who come here and break the law? of course. but there's always going to be a percentage that breaks the law in any group/class.
and that majority that just comes to work, work hard. they are part of our economy. and they just want something better in life.
as a christian i would think you could look upon them with sympathy and compassion. that you could have love for your fellow man and be happy that you are given freely what these people are willing to literally clean up shit to get a crack at.
what would Jesus do about illegal immigrants? what would he suggest you do? here's the point where you can be the good kind of christian who looks to make the world a better place and live by Jesus' message, or you can be the bad kind of christian who bitches about strangers and puts hatred and anger out in the world.
 Originally Posted By: WonderBoy
Children of hispanics speak fluent english, but are still far more likely than other immigrant groups (asians, India, Middle easterners, Africans, Europeans) to graduate high school.

And that's a BAD Thing?
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I never heard of the conservative columnist you quoted, Whomod.

But Fred Barnes and other conservatives have lipped the same arguments you quoted. I see that as the globalist/free-trade/open-borders/cheap labor for corporations wing of the Republican party. [/b]

No, that's not what he did. In addition to making the same pro-business points you heard before, he also quoted studies that disprove your assertions that Hispanics don't assimilate into the US culture and have allegiances to their native country.

As I pointed out before, I don't have a problem with legal immigration, so long as legal immigrants aren't enablers for illegal immigration. The problem is, many legal immigrants don't respect our laws, and therefore shouldn't be here. Enabling illegal immigration should warrant deportation and/or jail time.

Among other things. you also say that you're uncomfortable with so many hispanics and fear that they're outnumbering whites.

The real key is not allowing as much immigration here as possible, it's fixing the problem that creates the need for mass immigration: passing legislation that is child-friendly, so that Americans here feel less burdened and more inclined to have children at replacement levels (as opposed to negative growth, as it is in the U.S., Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.)

Um.. that would require making a single household income sufficient to raise a family. Something the Republicans have consistently prevented from occurring. Either thru union busting or else attacking minimum wage and living wage hikes.

We allow in 1.2 million legal immigrants every year. I've worked with a lot of Brazilians, Colombians, Venezuelans, Argentinians, and Mexicans, in various medical offices, and meet many more in businesses, restaurants and night clubs I frequent. And virtually all of them look favorably on illegal immigration.


So do you grill them or something? In the nightclub and at work? It sounds almost as if you're some pollster.

In the offices I've worked, I've had three Brazilian women ask me if I'd marry them so they could get papers to stay in the United States. And one Colombian girl I know through an associate suggested I could marry her sister to get her legal status in the United States.
Legal immigration is the ocean in which illegals swim.
It disgusts me how little respect they have for our immigration laws.

Desperation disgusts you? And no, it's not a dig on you. Although it should be.... I've known lots of people in the same situation. you make it sound as if there is some callous disregard or soemthing rather than the desperate desire for opportunity.

Buchanan rightly points out (as in the example of George W. Bush and Karl Rove's attempt to pander to Hispanic voters) that no matter how much Republicans pander to Hispanic voters by lowering immigration enforcement, hispanics remain loyal Democrats, no matter what.

I can provide the stats of Hispanic votes Bush received and how many defected since the anti-immigrant hysteria started if you like, but I think my last major post contained a quote on this. Honestly, I think you enjoy listening to people that bolster your xenophobia and you conveniently ignore the facts that clearly contradict everything you and your sources are asserting..

So Republicans can't buy Hispanic voters by turning their backs on illegal immigration. It just doesn't work. (Funny how you approve of this hispanic-pandering lack of enforcement by Bush and Rove, while you rail at everything else they've done)

yeah. Funny that.

Further, what you allege about assimilation of children of hispanic immigrants is at best a half-truth I've already dispoven.
Children of hispanics speak fluent english, but are still far more likely than other immigrant groups (asians, India, Middle easterners, Africans, Europeans) to graduate high school.

Further, as I said, Mexican immigrants favor open borders and dual citizenship with Mexico. So while they may speak english, Mexican immigrants still retain more of a "latino" vs."white" ethnic separatism and pride, that is a move toward balkanization and/or open borders over several decades.

um.. didn't fellow conservative Max Boot already provide a study that calls that assertion baloney? BTW, Max Boot is a columnist for the LA Times as well as an advisor to John McCain's campaign at the moment.

Like I said, you stubbornly refuse to accept the facts of the matter and instead choose to repeat unsupported assertions from the likes of Pat Buchanan as if they had anything backing them up.

Incidentally, i recall reading a story about a real estate boom in Baja California by American retirees who emigrated to Mexico to make their retirement money stretch further. So despite enjoying the beautiful CHEAP coastal property in Mexico and despite being outsiders in that country, they refuse to learn the language and demand that they retain their dual citizenship. I dunoo.. I'm outraged.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: WonderBoy
Children of hispanics speak fluent english, but are still far more likely than other immigrant groups (asians, India, Middle easterners, Africans, Europeans) to graduate high school.

And that's a BAD Thing?

i guess their non-whitness might infect white children. they might have authentic tortillas instead of American Taco Bell products.
That's communism or something. And Pat Buchanan wrote in his book about how brown kids absorb more light because their skin is darker and their hair is black...that's just science.
When we got lost on that German tangent a while back I was struck by the fact that the Germans did just what Wonder Boy fears the Mexicans are doing, destroying American culture.

What today, is considered more quintessentially American than Hamburgers and hot dogs?

And they're both German. Thank the large influx of German immigration for your slice of Americana, Wonder Boy. I dunoo.. I'm outraged and scared that America has been forever altered by those dirty Krauts! They've destroyed the REAL America forever!!!!! *

And in it's place inserted dirty Kraut food and even made our kids attend their shamelessly foreign "Kindergarten" thus indoctrinating our Children with their language and destroying America's true heritage forever!!!! *

Apple Pie? Immigrants.

Does Wonder Boy fear the day when Tacos, burritos, and Enchiladas will be the quintessential American dishes? When little girls will want a Quinceanera instead of a sweet 16 party? In Compton where I work, I hear black girls use that word all the time now. It's becoming mainstream even among non Latino's!!!

I think WB believes he can stop time and keep America in the wasp 50's forever where immigrants were 'assimilated' thru racism and forced to feel shame and dissaproval if they displayed any hint of their ethnicity and women and minorities knew their place.

It's just sad that Wonder Boy thinks America was created in some vacuum or descended from the WASP god himself and is a static unchanging constant.

* "kraut" being the common slur used for Nazi's I've read in comics code approved comic books. Since I'm sure WB will most likely go off for 2 paragraphs of how I've revealed my racism towards German's, I think i'll put this disclaimer asserting that I could give a rats ass about German's.
 Originally Posted By: whomod
Morrissey 'refuses to live in the UK because of immigration explosion'

Last updated at 16:11pm on 29th November 2007

The pop singer Morrissey claims he can no longer live in a Britain he believes lost to an "immigration explosion".

The former frontman of the Smiths, who is now based in Rome, claimed England was just 'a memory now'.

The 48-year-old added: "Other countries have held on to their basic identity yet it seems to me that England was thrown away.


Row: Morrissey has sparked fury after saying he refuses to live in Britain because of the 'immigration explosion'

"The change in England is so rapid compared to the change in any other country.

"If you walk through Knightsbridge on any bland day of the week you won't hear an English accent.

"You'll hear every accent under the sun apart from the British accent.

"The British identity is very attractive, I grew up into it and I find it quaint and very amusing."

Morrissey, who has sung of his love for English culture and can count Tory leader David Cameron as a fan, is the son of an Irish immigrant family which settled in Manchester.

Morrissey on stage
Controversial: Morrissey is known for making contentious comments

In 1986, when The Smiths released their critically-acclaimed album The Queen is Dead, the UK had a population of 56 million.

It now stands at 60million and some predict that could almost double by 2081.

Morrissey's comments were made in interviews with the music magazine NME.

In the mid-1990s he was accused of racism after wearing a Union Jack on stage and releasing the songs Bengali in Platforms and the ironically-named National Front Disco.

The singer's supporters insisted he had been seeking only to reclaim the flag from extremists.

Tim Jonze, the reporter who conducted the interview, said: "Morrissey has had a stormy relationship with this magazine and its readers over the last three decades.

"He might once have been the voice of a generation but given his comments in these two interviews, he's certainly not speaking for us now."

His arguments sound just as absurd and quite identical to others I've heard recently.

but as the article pointed out, he's been accused of racism before. The piece didn't mention his fixation with photos of skinhead youth that adorned his tour programme of one of his tours.

The Smiths are still a hell of a band though. Too bad Morrissey is hell bent on pissing his legacy away to ugliness.

I hate Morrisey, but there is one thing he says in his comments that is true, and shows how stupid political correctness is.

In the USA, wearing a shirt (or whatever) with the US flag on it is considered patriotic, but over here, wearing a Union Jack (the British flag) or a George Cross (English flag), it can actually be considered racism by certain people.

Last year (or earlier this year, I forget as I hate football), England were in good shape in the world cup, and my company said the staff could wear England flags, but only if it was in areas that would not cause offence to locals.

Now correct me if I am wrong, but if you are from another country, and come to live in this country (or any country for that matter), surely you should accept the countries flag etc can be displayed by anyone.

I personally have no national pride, and am far from patriotic, but I do believe its my right, should I want, to express my nationality with the main symbol of the country.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: WonderBoy
Children of hispanics speak fluent english, but are still far more likely than other immigrant groups (asians, India, Middle easterners, Africans, Europeans) to graduate high school.

And that's a BAD Thing?

That was a typo that got past me. Pardon my late-night typing.

It has been corrected to read:

 Originally Posted By: WB
Children of hispanics speak fluent english, but are statistically far less likely than other immigrant groups (asians, India, Middle easterners, Africans, Europeans) to graduate high school, and pursue higher education.
Wow. This thread certainly blew up (primarily because of Whomod and his copy/paste fetish).

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
this xenophobic crap is so ridiculous. Language flows and changes over time, countries change over time.

However true this may be, there's nothing that says we are required or obligated to help along the change. To make such immediate paradigm switches threatens the stability of the socio culture. Our system is based on English. Trying to force anything other than English down its throat will screw things up.

You're referring to gradualism, which is not the same as what's happening in our country right now.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Buchanan rightly points out (as in the example of George W. Bush and Karl Rove's attempt to pander to hispanic voters) that no matter how much Republicans pander to hispanic voters by lowering immigration enforcement, hispanics remain loyal Democrats, no matter what.
So Republicans can't buy hispanic voters by turning their backs on illegal immigration. It just doesn't work. (Funny how you approve of this hispanic-pandering lack of enforcement by Bush and Rove, while you rail at everything else they've done)

Now i've already discussed this bullshit, but if you need yet another opinion, here's FOX news:

Could that be right??? I thought Buchanan said Hispanics have always been loyal Democrats??!!!

I'm soooo confused!!! If you can't trust Pat Buchanan's "facts" , who can you trust???


Hispanics Shifting Toward Democrats After Years of Trending Republican, Poll Shows

Thursday, December 06, 2007

WASHINGTON — Hispanics are returning to the Democratic Party after several years of drifting toward the Republicans, with many saying Bush administration policies have been harmful to their community, a poll showed Thursday.

By 57 percent to 23 percent, more Hispanic registered voters say they favor Democrats than Republicans, according to a survey by the nonpartisan Pew Hispanic Center.

That 34 percentage point Democratic edge — which includes people who said they lean toward either party — has grown since July 2006, when a Pew poll measured a 21 point difference. Then, 49 percent of registered Hispanic voters said they favored Democrats and 28 percent chose Republicans.

In 1999 before President Bush's election, more Hispanics favored Democrats than Republicans by 58 percent to 25 percent — about the same margin as in the current poll.

When the former Texas governor became president in 2001, Republicans saw an opportunity to woo Hispanics to the GOP. But as the 2008 presidential campaign has heated up, immigration has become a major issue and GOP candidates have competed over who could concoct the toughest plan for cracking down on illegal immigration.

The survey found that among Hispanic registered voters:

—Forty-one percent said Bush administration policies have been harmful to Hispanics, 16 percent said they have been helpful and 33 percent said they have not had much impact.

—Forty-four percent said Democrats have more concern for Hispanics, 8 percent chose Republicans and another 41 percent said there is no difference.

—Forty-one percent said Democrats do a better job of handling illegal immigration, 14 percent named the GOP and 26 percent said neither.

Younger Hispanics are slightly more inclined than older ones to be Democrats, while those with higher incomes lean more toward the GOP than those with lower earnings, the poll showed.

Using September 2007 Census Bureau data and projecting from 2004 voting behavior, Pew estimated there would be 8.6 million Hispanic voters next year — 1 million more than in 2004.

While that would be a small portion of the overall expected vote, Pew estimated that Hispanics comprise a large enough share of eligible voters to affect the outcome in four states where Bush prevailed in 2004 by 5 percentage points or fewer: New Mexico, Florida, Colorado and Nevada.

Among Hispanics who are registered Democrats, 59 percent said they want Hillary Rodham Clinton to be their party's presidential candidate, followed by 15 percent who prefer Barack Obama. Among Hispanic Republicans, Rudy Giuliani leads Fred Thompson, 35 percent to 13 percent.

The survey involved telephone interviews with 2,003 randomly chosen Hispanics conducted from Oct. 3 through Nov. 9. It had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 2.7 percentage points. It included 843 Hispanic registered voters, for whom the margin of sampling error was plus or minus 4 points.

Y'know, I really hate obliterating your xenophobic preconceptions that are fed by the likes of Pat Buchanan with facts from the reality based community, um.. well, that's a lie actually.. I quite enjoy it. but it cuts to the heart of the matter. That you're armed with assertions that aren't supported by anything but xenophobic hatred, both yours and the people you choose to believe.

And just like the self fulfilling prophecy of Iraq being a haven and training ground for Al Qaeda that didn't occur until AFTER we listened to the discredited lies of the far right, Hispanics being uniformly consistent Democratic voters is a self fulfilling prophecy created by the likes of Lou Dobbs, Tom Tancredo, Pat Buchanan, Michelle Malkin and the rest of you haters.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Buchanan rightly points out (as in the example of George W. Bush and Karl Rove's attempt to pander to hispanic voters) that no matter how much Republicans pander to hispanic voters by lowering immigration enforcement, hispanics remain loyal Democrats, no matter what.
So Republicans can't buy hispanic voters by turning their backs on illegal immigration. It just doesn't work. (Funny how you approve of this hispanic-pandering lack of enforcement by Bush and Rove, while you rail at everything else they've done)

Now i've already discussed this bullshit, but if you need yet another opinion, here's FOX news:

Could that be right??? I thought Buchanan said Hispanics have always been loyal Democrats??!!!

I'm soooo confused!!! If you can't trust Pat Buchanan's "facts" , who can you trust???


Hispanics Shifting Toward Democrats After Years of Trending Republican, Poll Shows

Thursday, December 06, 2007

WASHINGTON — Hispanics are returning to the Democratic Party after several years of drifting toward the Republicans, with many saying Bush administration policies have been harmful to their community, a poll showed Thursday.

By 57 percent to 23 percent, more Hispanic registered voters say they favor Democrats than Republicans, according to a survey by the nonpartisan Pew Hispanic Center.

That 34 percentage point Democratic edge — which includes people who said they lean toward either party — has grown since July 2006, when a Pew poll measured a 21 point difference. Then, 49 percent of registered Hispanic voters said they favored Democrats and 28 percent chose Republicans.

In 1999 before President Bush's election, more Hispanics favored Democrats than Republicans by 58 percent to 25 percent — about the same margin as in the current poll.

When the former Texas governor became president in 2001, Republicans saw an opportunity to woo Hispanics to the GOP. But as the 2008 presidential campaign has heated up, immigration has become a major issue and GOP candidates have competed over who could concoct the toughest plan for cracking down on illegal immigration.

The survey found that among Hispanic registered voters:

—Forty-one percent said Bush administration policies have been harmful to Hispanics, 16 percent said they have been helpful and 33 percent said they have not had much impact.

—Forty-four percent said Democrats have more concern for Hispanics, 8 percent chose Republicans and another 41 percent said there is no difference.

—Forty-one percent said Democrats do a better job of handling illegal immigration, 14 percent named the GOP and 26 percent said neither.

Younger Hispanics are slightly more inclined than older ones to be Democrats, while those with higher incomes lean more toward the GOP than those with lower earnings, the poll showed.

Using September 2007 Census Bureau data and projecting from 2004 voting behavior, Pew estimated there would be 8.6 million Hispanic voters next year — 1 million more than in 2004.

While that would be a small portion of the overall expected vote, Pew estimated that Hispanics comprise a large enough share of eligible voters to affect the outcome in four states where Bush prevailed in 2004 by 5 percentage points or fewer: New Mexico, Florida, Colorado and Nevada.

Among Hispanics who are registered Democrats, 59 percent said they want Hillary Rodham Clinton to be their party's presidential candidate, followed by 15 percent who prefer Barack Obama. Among Hispanic Republicans, Rudy Giuliani leads Fred Thompson, 35 percent to 13 percent.

The survey involved telephone interviews with 2,003 randomly chosen Hispanics conducted from Oct. 3 through Nov. 9. It had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 2.7 percentage points. It included 843 Hispanic registered voters, for whom the margin of sampling error was plus or minus 4 points.

Y'know, I really hate obliterating your xenophobic preconceptions that are fed by the likes of Pat Buchanan with facts from the reality based community, um.. well, that's a lie actually.. I quite enjoy it. but it cuts to the heart of the matter. That you're armed with assertions that aren't supported by anything but xenophobic hatred, both yours and the people you choose to believe.

And just like the self fulfilling prophecy of Iraq being a haven and training ground for Al Qaeda that didn't occur until AFTER we listened to the discredited lies of the far right, Hispanics being uniformly consistent Democratic voters is a self fulfilling prophecy created by the likes of Lou Dobbs, Tom Tancredo, Pat Buchanan, Michelle Malkin and the rest of you haters.

Buchanan covered the half-truths you try to allege.

Cuban voters for 4 decades have trended conservative (since they had a clear aversion to leftist policies, living under Castro before arriving in the U.S.)
Younger Cubans, who didn't come from the same environment, and living in a U.S. with a now-much-larger hispanic population, now lean Democrat.

There was a slight increase in hispanic numbers for Bush in 2004. But there was clearly still much greater hispanic support of Democrats, despite the Bush/Rove outreach.
It proved that the Bush/Rove pandering to hispanics by not enforcing immigration was not going to turn hispanics into Republican voters in significant numbers.

What you allege about hispanic voting trends is disproven by many sources. The driving issue remains immigration for hispanics:

Hispanics have always trended Democrat. There was a slight uptick for Republicans among hispanic voters in the 1980s, then hispanics remained largely Democrat, and in the W. Bush elections(2000 and 2004), Bush managed 40% of hispanic voters, but still not a majority. And he did this by pandering and refusing to enforce border protection.
But even so, among hispanics earning more than 60,000 a year, their Republican numbers are growing.

I don't think border enforcement = "racism/xenophobia"
It equals border enforcement. And if anyone, particularly immigrants, have a problem with the U.S. protecting its borders, they should return to the foreign nation where their loyalty clearly remains.

A few more that detail the net detrimental effect of illegals on the U.S. :

To you, "xenophobia" is anyone who beleives in protecting our borders and keeping out illegals.
To me, a lying cocksucker is someone who maliciously calls someone who beleives in protecting our nation from invaders "xenophobic".

Over and over, I've made it clear that I enjoy interacting with other cultures, on pretty much a daily basis. I'm not some white supremacist who lives in some white-only enclave of Idaho or Montana, I live in a center of immigration, interact with both immigrants and foreign visitors every day, socialize with immigrants, and have twice considered marrying immigrant women.
Any attempt to label me as xenophobe or racist rings hollow.

I simply want immigration and border security that insures we have control of our borders, our immigrants, and our economy. Immigration that flows under prescribed levels that we can economically and safely absorb, so we can select who enters our nation, is good for the United States.

Immigration in a controlled flow, that doesn't amount to the invasion-level I've seen over the last 10 years.

If you think 20 million illegals (and increasing by roughly 1 million a year) is an acceptable number, then that speaks volumes. Of your anti-Americanism, not of anyone else's xenophobia or racism.

We allow 1.2 million legal immigrants into this country every year. There is absolutely no reason we should allow people who violate our laws to be here.
wondy, how much time do you waste in your day thinking about all the little things you fear? seems like a waste of time to live in fear of different cultures somehow polluting your view of a white man's utopia.
And Pat Buchanan and Anne Coulter are idiots. Just because you like them doesn't mean you can "prove" your point by quoting them.
It only proves that you're not the only moron in the world.
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
wondy, how much time do you waste in your day thinking about all the little things you fear? seems like a waste of time to live in fear of different cultures somehow polluting your view of a white man's utopia.
And Pat Buchanan and Anne Coulter are idiots. Just because you like them doesn't mean you can "prove" your point by quoting them.
It only proves that you're not the only moron in the world.

1) I don't "live in fear", I advocate a reasonable immigration policy, since we clearly do have an undeniable immigration problem, with illegals now estimated at 20 million here. Only to someone as unpatriotic as you, and America- hating at your core could that be considered "fear". Like the housing foreclosure crisis or 9-11 terrorism, it's a de-stabilizing crisis that has to be dealt with.

2) I'll leave the "white racist utopia" to you, since that's clearly something I never advocated. I only said that those who immigrate here, of any race, should learn the language and assimilate into our culture as fellow Americans, regardless of race. And that liberal "multiculturalism" is breaking down a system that has worked well for 200 years.

3) Saying Pat Buchanan and Ann Coulter are "idiots" doesn't make them idiots. Their facts are quoted from other sources, and I didn't even quote them this time out, I quoted the L.A. Times, Fox News, the Center For Immigration Studies, and other sources.

And finally, calling someone a moron as you did, without any facts no less, only proves that you're a moron. You live in irrational fear of all things conservative, and have to demonize any ideas that fall outside your fragile bubble of liberal preconceptions. But the facts are as I've stated them.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

1) I don't "live in fear", I advocate a reasonable immigration policy, since we clearly do have an undeniable immigration policy, with illegals now estimated at 20 million here. Only to someone as unpatriotic as you, and America- hating at your core could that be considered "fear". Like the housing foreclosure crisis or 9-11 terrorism, it's a de-stabilizing crisis that has to be dealt with.

you very clearly live in fear. your posts show a manchild who is afraid of women, minorities, and anything outside your safety zone.
what you're talking about is people who want to live here to have a better life. while here they work menial jobs and contribute their pay to our economy.

2) I'll leave the "white racist utopia" to you, since that's clearly something I never advocated. I only said that those who immigrate here, of any race, should learn the language and assimilate into our culture as fellow Americans, regardless of race. And that liberal "multiculturalism" is breaking down a system that has worked well for 200 years.

except for the time you said the "white population" was being overrun.
regardless, America never has and never will be a single culture. it has always been unique and peppered with various cultures. it is what makes us unique and interesting as a country. places change over time. are you crying about the loss of those classic American drive-ins like you are about the new taqueria on the corner?

3) Saying Pat Buchanan and Ann Coulter are "idiots" doesn't make them idiots. Their facts are quoted from other sources, and I didn't even quote them this time out, I quoted the L.A. Times, Fox News, the Center For Immigration Studies, and other sources.

they're racist, hatemongers who get money from riling up scared insecure people like yourself.

And finally, calling someone a moron as you did, without any facts no less, only proves that you're a moron. You live in irrational fear of all things conservative, and have to demonize any ideas that fall outside your fragile bubble of liberal preconceptions. But the facts are as I've stated them.

oh, no. i demonize racism. gee whiz, i should be more tolerant of people who hate other races, because that's a real valid viewpoint.
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

1) I don't "live in fear", I advocate a reasonable immigration policy, since we clearly do have an undeniable immigration [problem], with illegals now estimated at 20 million here. Only to someone as unpatriotic as you, and America- hating at your core could that be considered "fear". Like the housing foreclosure crisis or 9-11 terrorism, it's a de-stabilizing crisis that has to be dealt with.

you very clearly live in fear. your posts show a manchild who is afraid of women, minorities, and anything outside your safety zone.
what you're talking about is people who want to live here to have a better life. while here they work menial jobs and contribute their pay to our economy.

Ray, your posts show a pathological hatred of whoever doesn't believe exactly what you do. You have a pathological need to baselessly slander me or anyone else who deviates from your fanatical ideas.

You are the definition of an arrogant spoiled child, in desperate need of discipline. The level of spitefulness you display is way beyond how a balanced person would react.

And the "people who just want to come here and work" are here illegally !
If they "just wanted to come here and work", they would have gone through the proper channels and applied for a visa before coming here.

But since 1 in 12 of them caught by border security is a criminal, that speaks for itself of the true situation, despite your slanderous lies.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

2) I'll leave the "white racist utopia" to you, since that's clearly something I never advocated. I only said that those who immigrate here, of any race, should learn the language and assimilate into our culture as fellow Americans, regardless of race. And that liberal "multiculturalism" is breaking down a system that has worked well for 200 years.

except for the time you said the "white population" was being overrun.
regardless, America never has and never will be a single culture. it has always been unique and peppered with various cultures. it is what makes us unique and interesting as a country. places change over time. are you crying about the loss of those classic American drive-ins like you are about the new taqueria on the corner?

As I've said many times, a ratio of foreign influence, as was the case with past immigrant waves, is vastly different from the uncontrolled foreign invasion that is occurring now.

And I described whites fleeing California along with middle/upper-class blacks as well both of whom are alienated by the uncontrolled hispanic immigration into California, and the gangs, crime, decreasing wages, and increasing taxpayer dollars spent on services to people who aren't even U.S. citizens.
Californians voted, including a percentage of more patriotic California hispanics, for Proposition 187, to end these benefits to illegals, and were usurped by a liberal judge.
You constantly try to spin demographics where I so much as mention whites, to slander me as some kind of white-only racist. That is pure slander on your part, and in complete contradiction to what I've consistently said.

Whereas your prejudicial hatred is clearly on display.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

3) Saying Pat Buchanan and Ann Coulter are "idiots" doesn't make them idiots. Their facts are quoted from other sources, and I didn't even quote them this time out, I quoted the L.A. Times, Fox News, the Center For Immigration Studies, and other sources.

they're racist, hatemongers who get money from riling up scared insecure people like yourself.

The L.A. Times?
Fox News?
The Center For IMmigration Studies ?
Vdare ?
Worldnet Daily ?

Yeah, right.
Anyone who disagrees with you is a white-only racist who hates minorities. Anyone who reports facts you don't like.


 Originally Posted By: Ray

And finally, calling someone a moron as you did, without any facts no less, only proves that you're a moron. You live in irrational fear of all things conservative, and have to demonize any ideas that fall outside your fragile bubble of liberal preconceptions. But the facts are as I've stated them.

oh, no. i demonize racism. gee whiz, i should be more tolerant of people who hate other races, because that's a real valid viewpoint.

No, you falsely accuse anyone who views the facts differently than you do, who advocates equality without racial quotas, who advocates a unified America in which everyone assimilates to a unified english-speaking American culture (instead of a balkanized liberal culture that is becoming a babel of different languages and cultures, that Democrats can rally against white America's alleged sins, to exploit the fear of minorities to consistently get bloc votes).
I advocate a system where we have true unity and stop the blame game.

You advocate demonizing conservatives and blaming them for problems that liberal policies have caused: expanded welfare, forced busing, racial quotas, race-baiting, and out-of-control immigration. Pointing out that there are 20 million illegals in the U.S. is not "racism", it's addressing a serious problem to the economy, unity and sovereignty of the United States.

Morons in the Roman Empire hailed the "open-mindedness" of their leaders for letting in massive waves of immigrants too. Just before the same Vandals and Visigoths pillaged and destroyed their Western Kingdom. How very enlightened of you.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Ray, your posts show a pathological hatred of whoever doesn't believe exactly what you do. You have a pathological need to baselessly slander me or anyone else who deviates from your fanatical ideas.

You are the definition of an arrogant spoiled child, in desperate need of discipline. The level of spitefulness you display is way beyond how a balanced person would react.

the guy who blames liberals for everything under the sun and feminism for the downfall of society (your words) saying that is funny.
and i can accept different views, unless those views are born from hatred and fear. at that point they're irrational. should i not put down a racist because he has another point of view?

And the "people who just want to come here and work" are here illegally !
If they "just wanted to come here and work", they would have gone through the proper channels and applied for a visa before coming here.

because they're impoverished and the idea of filling out all those forms and waiting years in poverty to get approval might seem impossible to them.

But since 1 in 12 of them caught by border security is a criminal, that speaks for itself of the true situation, despite your slanderous lies.

there are plenty of American criminals too so your statistics on that are irelevent.

 Originally Posted By: wondy

As I've said many times, a ratio of foreign influence, as was the case with past immigrant waves, is vastly different from the uncontrolled foreign invasion that is occurring now.

more xenophobia. America is based on many cultures. It's whole origins are that of different cultures living together.

And I described whites fleeing California along with middle/upper-class blacks as well both of whom are alienated by the uncontrolled hispanic immigration into California, and the gangs, crime, decreasing wages, and increasing taxpayer dollars spent on services to people who aren't even U.S. citizens.

no, you said "white population." Ialready dug up the quote a few weeks back. you said white population. only when confronted did you add blacks to it.

Californians voted, including a percentage of more patriotic California hispanics, for Proposition 187, to end these benefits to illegals, and were usurped by a liberal judge.

the role of a judge is sometimes to overturn laws that are unconstitutional.
that's not "liberal evil" that's the foundation of the American system of justice.

You constantly try to spin demographics where I so much as mention whites, to slander me as some kind of white-only racist. That is pure slander on your part, and in complete contradiction to what I've consistently said.

i'm not the only one who sees you as a racist. in fact no one really supports your views completely on this. even the conservatives here shy away from supporting you. you have shown that you accept small numbers of minorities as long as they act and think just like you.

Whereas your prejudicial hatred is clearly on display.

yes i hate racism, sexism, and xenophobic people afraid of change in the world.

 Originally Posted By: wondy

The L.A. Times?
Fox News?
The Center For IMmigration Studies ?
Vdare ?
Worldnet Daily ?

some give statistics that you interpret and some (like Fox News) make their money getting people riled up.

Yeah, right.
Anyone who disagrees with you is a white-only racist who hates minorities. Anyone who reports facts you don't like.

anyone who disagrees that people of different races and cultures can live together, anyone who is terrified of strangers moving in, anyone who calls a bunch of mexicans who come and look for jobs as janitors an "invasion" is a racist.

No, you falsely accuse anyone who views the facts differently than you do, who advocates equality without racial quotas, who advocates a unified America in which everyone assimilates to a unified english-speaking American culture (instead of a balkanized liberal culture that is becoming a babel of different languages and cultures, that Democrats can rally against white America's alleged sins, to exploit the fear of minorities to consistently get bloc votes).
I advocate a system where we have true unity and stop the blame game.

blame game? you're still using that Fox News/Bush buzz phrase, huh?
America will be english-speaking for as long as it lasts. Empires rise and fall. America is not made up of one race or creed, it never has been. There really isn't even one form of english spoken here. We have regional dialects and cultures. Stop living in fear of something different. The world changes and the best change would come through living alongside newcomers. racial tensions are caused by people like you. If you have some mexicans at work and you act hostile towards their differences they will pick up on that and be encouraged to stick with others of their race. but if you dropped the hostility and dropped the idea that we all have to be perfectly alike and just treated them like people you would get more of the results you want. people like you are creating this cultural divide by making Americans seem like racist fucks.

You advocate demonizing conservatives and blaming them for problems that liberal policies have caused: expanded welfare, forced busing, racial quotas, race-baiting, and out-of-control immigration. Pointing out that there are 20 million illegals in the U.S. is not "racism", it's addressing a serious problem to the economy, unity and sovereignty of the United States.

Pointing out a statistic to back up a racist point is racism. It's like pointing out the number of black people arrested to make the point that black people are criminals is racism.

Morons in the Roman Empire hailed the "open-mindedness" of their leaders for letting in massive waves of immigrants too. Just before the same Vandals and Visigoths pillaged and destroyed their Western Kingdom. How very enlightened of you.

And yet the world survived. No empire lasts forever. And if you want to blame the downfall of Rome on immigrants then you have to also look at over expansion of the empire, the corruption of the republic, and other reasons.
either way the world changes, people change. Out of Rome came many countries. America will not last forever. The best thing to do is to not spread hatred and xenophobia. Try getting along with people, try accepting them as having a right to live their lives.
And even if you were right that this is a threat to America, there are much bigger threats. Why don't you bemoan the christian right for dividing America and demonizing everyone in the population who is liberal? And if liberalism is so evil, why do you watch movies or any media since pretty much all art is by liberals? why aren't you harsher on Reagan and Bush for funding bin Laden and Hussein and creating hatred and contempt for America on a global scale? why don't you attack fast food for shortening American lifespans and lowering health overall? why don't you attack the majority of christianity which has become more about hatred and fear than love and acceptance?
seems to me that you pick the things to be angry about that allow you to feel superior, to feel safe and comforted by living in fear and hatred. because as long as you have some foreign invader, the shit in your life has an explanation. and you have something external to blame instead of actually working to improve yourself or your community.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think Ray just said it would be fine if the US were destroyed....?
 Originally Posted By: Wonderboy made the compelling argument
I don't "live in fear",

You do however live in denial, since that's all your rebuttals ever come down to. And since denial is a reaction to fear...
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think Ray just said it would be fine if the US were destroyed....?

no, i said it that historically no country lasts forever. wondy is painting this as some invasion but it's just a shift in ethnicity and cultures. that happens. and he was talking about the fall of Rome and I was pointing out that all empires have their time and then fall from grace. It's not due to immigrants, it's due to many factors and the passage of time.
look at southern california. it went from desert, to lots of orange groves, to disney/hollywood. all within 150 years. look at America as a whole. can you really say we're the same country that was founded in the 1770's, or the same country that was settled by wagon trains, or the same country we were before the railroad or before the highways or before the internet?
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think Ray just said it would be fine if the US were destroyed....?

no, i said it that historically no country lasts forever. wondy is painting this as some invasion but it's just a shift in ethnicity and cultures. that happens. and he was talking about the fall of Rome and I was pointing out that all empires have their time and then fall from grace. It's not due to immigrants, it's due to many factors and the passage of time.
look at southern california. it went from desert, to lots of orange groves, to disney/hollywood. all within 150 years. look at America as a whole. can you really say we're the same country that was founded in the 1770's, or the same country that was settled by wagon trains, or the same country we were before the railroad or before the highways or before the internet?

There isn't anything in your last lengthy line-by-line slanderfest that I feel a need to respond to. You're just repeating the same ad-hominem attacks you've been using for months. I've already answered that garbage, your repeating the same slanderous assumptions doesn't make them any more true.


 Originally Posted By: WB, addressing Ray

Quote:Morons in the Roman Empire hailed the "open-mindedness" of their leaders for letting in massive waves of immigrants too. Just before the same Vandals and Visigoths pillaged and destroyed their Western Kingdom. How very enlightened of you.

 Originally Posted By: Ray
And yet the world survived. No empire lasts forever. And if you want to blame the downfall of Rome on immigrants then you have to also look at over expansion of the empire, the corruption of the republic, and other reasons.
either way the world changes, people change. Out of Rome came many countries.

America will not last forever. The best thing to do is to not spread hatred and xenophobia. Try getting along with people, try accepting them as having a right to live their lives.

I guess whether it's Soviet Communism, the Red Chinese, Islamofascism, or an invasion of third-world immigrants, you have no problem with premature destruction of U.S. stability and sovereignty. No invasion should be resisted right? It's all just "inevitable change".

As a patriotic U.S. nationalist, I want our nation to last as long as possible. If not for the immigrant invasion that is balkanizing and changing our nation out from under us, offshoring jobs, and giving those left here to lower-wage immigrants, our nation could conceivably continue to last for hundreds of years, if not thousands. What is occurring here, and in europe, through short-sighted immigration policy, is nothing less than the murder of Western Culture.

I have shown this repeatedly with statistics. If the hispanic population was 2% of total U.S. population in the 1970s, 6% in the 1980s, 15% at present, and now projected to be 25% by 2040, and no doubt continuing to climb exponentially from there, how is that irrational "fear"?

Quite the contrary, it is documented fact.

And approaching 50% of total population in many counties.

As I said, I welcome immigrants, who for 200 years have enriched us by assimilating, from wherever they came from. But I am deeply resistent to levels of immigration that amount to invasion.
20 million illegals is not a benign development. Their effect is declining wages, greater loss of sovereignty, as Mexicans in particular as voters advocate welfare and other benefits for illegals, and open borders with Mexico, against the will of a majority of patriotic Americans who think our borders should be protected and tax dollars only given to taxpaying citizens.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think Ray just said it would be fine if the US were destroyed....?

Posted By: the G-man Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2007-12-13 12:29 AM
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
....he was talking about the fall of Rome and I was pointing out that all empires have their time and then fall from grace. It's not due to immigrants, it's due to many factors and the passage of time.

I assume that WB pointed out the theory that the rise of unassimilated immigrants was, in fact, a major contributing factor to the fall of Rome.

That being said, I agree with you that we shouldn't expect a culture to remain static. There's nothing wrong with certain new influences. The problem is when those new influences eschew what's good about the existing culture and/or otherwise create a threat to what's positive about a culture.

Not to beat a dead horse, or make the same arguments on this thread ad nauseaum, but I don't think anyone, including WB, is arguing that all immigration is bad just that there should be some limits.

The question then becomes what should the limits be. I assume that you agree that there should be some limiting factors, but I could be wrong. You might believe in a completely open border. If that's so, that's fine. But I don't think that those who believe in limits are necessary doing so out of ill will or racism.

So, rather than continue this whole "Ray/whomod/halo hates America" and "WB is a racist" debate, which has gone on for more pages than I care to think about (or, for that matter, even care about), might I suggest we try discussing what, if any limits, we think are appropriate and why?
Ray has already made clear his notion that anyone who wants to come here should be able to just come here, illegally, undocumented, and be able to work in the United States.
And that he has no problem with that, or any other threat, destroying the United States, because the destruction of the United States is inevitable. (Kevorkian patriotism.)

I've already made it clear that I think only immigrants who come here through legal channels, with U.S. visas, should be permitted to be here. (For which he ad-hominemed me and called me a goose-stepping white-only racist, despite the fact that I clearly said immigrants within limits of what the nation can absorb enrich the country, and despite that I clearly socialize with and enjoy interacting with people of other cultures, so long as they are here legally and respect our laws.)
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
....he was talking about the fall of Rome and I was pointing out that all empires have their time and then fall from grace. It's not due to immigrants, it's due to many factors and the passage of time.

I assume that WB pointed out the theory that the rise of unassimilated immigrants was, in fact, a major contributing factor to the fall of Rome.

That being said, I agree with you that we shouldn't expect a culture to remain static. There's nothing wrong with certain new influences. The problem is when those new influences eschew what's good about the existing culture and/or otherwise create a threat to what's positive about a culture.

Not to beat a dead horse, or make the same arguments on this thread ad nauseaum, but I don't think anyone, including WB, is arguing that all immigration is bad just that there should be some limits.

The question then becomes what should the limits be. I assume that you agree that there should be some limiting factors, but I could be wrong. You might believe in a completely open border. If that's so, that's fine. But I don't think that those who believe in limits are necessary doing so out of ill will or racism.

So, rather than continue this whole "Ray/whomod/halo hates America" and "WB is a racist" debate, which has gone on for more pages than I care to think about (or, for that matter, even care about), might I suggest we try discussing what, if any limits, we think are appropriate and why?

i think a good solution is actually bringing more immigrants into the system. at this point so many have to stay illegal that they can tell people back home that America is great as long as you don't get caught. but if they had to deal with all the hassles that citizens go through. I think one letter to Mexico about w2 forms and the DMV might discourage the large numbers.
they could also pass a law that any country that wants to outsource has to do so in North America. Then they make sure Mexico passes labor laws enough to get fair pay there.
That would discourage mass immigration since they'd have jobs and outsourcing (which i think is horrible) would at least be a help to us and our neighbors instead of paying people in India. Also that would have the side effect more Mexicans learning English (which wondy would like).
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Ray has already made clear his notion that anyone who wants to come here should be able to just come here, illegally, undocumented, and be able to work in the United States.
And that he has no problem with that, or any other threat, destroying the United States, because the destruction of the United States is inevitable. (Kevorkian patriotism.)

I've already made it clear that I think only immigrants who come here through legal channels, with U.S. visas, should be permitted to be here. (For which he ad-hominemed me and called me a goose-stepping white-only racist, despite the fact that I clearly said immigrants within limits of what the nation can absorb enrich the country, and despite that I clearly socialize with and enjoy interacting with people of other cultures, so long as they are here legally and respect our laws.)

no, i just think that your delusion of some perfect unchanging American culture is dumb. America is constantly changing, and has many differences between regions in terms of culture and history. I think Mexicans in America will be changed way more than they'll change us. Look at the Irish, the Chinese, the Italians. They all have specific ethnic cultures that they hold onto that becomes adapted into the overall culture of America. wondy, you make the same arguments made against all those groups at various times in our history, yet here we are still a strong country. and even stronger because of those unique additions to our "English foundation."
 Originally Posted By: whomod
When we got lost on that German tangent a while back I was struck by the fact that the Germans did just what Wonder Boy fears the Mexicans are doing, destroying American culture.

What today, is considered more quintessentially American than Hamburgers and hot dogs?

And they're both German. Thank the large influx of German immigration for your slice of Americana, Wonder Boy. I dunoo.. I'm outraged and scared that America has been forever altered by those dirty Krauts! They've destroyed the REAL America forever!!!!! *

And in it's place inserted dirty Kraut food and even made our kids attend their shamelessly foreign "Kindergarten" thus indoctrinating our Children with their language and destroying America's true heritage forever!!!! *

Apple Pie? Immigrants.

Does Wonder Boy fear the day when Tacos, burritos, and Enchiladas will be the quintessential American dishes? When little girls will want a Quinceanera instead of a sweet 16 party? In Compton where I work, I hear black girls use that word all the time now. It's becoming mainstream even among non Latino's!!!

I think WB believes he can stop time and keep America in the wasp 50's forever where immigrants were 'assimilated' thru racism and forced to feel shame and dissaproval if they displayed any hint of their ethnicity and women and minorities knew their place.

It's just sad that Wonder Boy thinks America was created in some vacuum or descended from the WASP god himself and is a static unchanging constant.

* "kraut" being the common slur used for Nazi's I've read in comics code approved comic books. Since I'm sure WB will most likely go off for 2 paragraphs of how I've revealed my racism towards German's, I think i'll put this disclaimer asserting that I could give a rats ass about German's.

Or is the fact that the German's fundamentally altered what was mainstream Americanism back then not matter so much as if Latino's (possibly) do the same thing ?
Whomod, there's a big difference between Italian pizza, Chinese food, Polish sausage and German saurkraut, along with a few other colloquialisms and traditions. Germans, Irish, Italians, and others who have fully assimilated and were encouraged to, with common-sense policies that insured assimilation.

As contrasted with pushing to make the U.S. a bilingual nation, having all these minority groups talking about "reparations" for past sins, and putting U.S. workers in direct competition with legal and illegal third-world immigrants, while offshoring millions more jobs.

As Buchanan points out, we have never had the same number of immigrants (both illegal and legal) that we are having now.
The legal Mexican immigrants alone over the last 40 years exceed all the German and Irish immigrants who came here in the previous 400 years.

We have also never had the liberal "multicultural" attitude that discourages assimilation and promotes hostility toward European culture and traditions, as we have now.

There are subcultures here where people can live in a self-contained Mexican, Brazilian, Haitian, or even Czech bubbles within the United States, and go on 20 years, 30 years, or even a lifetime without learning English.

They all have radio and TV stations broadcasting in their native language. When the number of spanish channels approaches 50%, when the hispanic population and culture approaches 50%, I find that both reaching an invasion level, and of great concern.

More than that, they are nationalist for their home countries inside the United States, waving Mexican, Colombian, Venezuelan, and Brazilian flags inside the United States. I drive down federal Highway in Pompano Beach and Deerfield, and I could swear I was in Brazil, from the flags I see in front of every business.

The other groups it bothers me less, but Mexicans account for 30% of all U.S. immigration, and have the highest ratio of high school drop-outs, gang members, welfare, prison inmates, and in general, open contempt for the United States. They believe the U.S. southwest (which the U.S. won in a war with Mexico in 1848, a war that Mexico started) as stolen from them, and that they are "taking it back". An attitude Vicente Fox and many other Mexican government officials eagerly promote. As does the Mecha-member mayor of Los Angeles, Mr Villagiarossa.
This is far from being a "paranoid right-wing conspiracy theory", it is an open Mexican conspiracy, from the highest levels of the Mexican government, and treasonous hispanic liberals inside the United States.

I already explained that Mexico openly encourages its poor to illegally cross into the United States. More than that, there are government offices all over Mexico that hand out maps to Mexicans, telling them the best places to illegally cross, where to find water, and how to apply for welfare benefits once they enter the U.S.
We should not admit one more immigrant from Mexico until this openly hostile action toward the United States is ended.

In addition, Mexico will not extradite criminal Mexicans who have committed crimes back to the United States, so that over 85% of the outstanding murder warrants in Los Angeles are for Mexican thugs who are now hiding back in Mexico after committing their crimes in the U.S.
In addition, 75% of the gang members in L.A. are Mexican illegals. Who cannot be touched, because "sanctuary city" status in L.A. makes it a criminal offense for L.A. police to question illegals about their immigration status, and makes it a criminal offense for police or any other city employees to report them to INS for arrest or deportation.

And 10% of the U.S. annual births are now "anchor babies" of Mexican women who purposefully crossed illegally into the U.S., so their children would be entitled to U.S. citizenship at birth. And who create a path toward citizenship for their parents and extended families, along with a lifetime of tax-paid welfare benefits.

There are problems regarding birth rates, education, and economics that our nation would solve, if it were forced to deal with them, rather than utilizing a band-aid approach of importing about 4 or 5 times the number of immigrants that even liberal John F. Kennedy considered healthy for the nation (and 20 million more illegals).
the things you are saying are the same exact fears held by people against the irish, italians, jews, blacks, chinese and other such groups at one point or another in history.
america today is the result of different cultures. there have always been people like you who throw up a big fit but in the end the new infusion of other cultures often yields positive results. or at the very least it never destroys an entire culture and replaces it outright.
that just doesn't happen. all cultures shift over time. as i've said america has changed more in the last 230 years due to technologies rather than immigration.
We're all equally human. The traditions G-man and Wondy cling are superficial at best and no reason to demonize Mexicans.

Oh, and the biggest reason the Roman empire fell was because of self indulgance. Something we're currently repeating and is far more likely to bring us down.
I'm still trying to re-cache a deleted reply to Halo, but this stands out:

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
the things you are saying are the same exact fears held by people against the irish, italians, jews, blacks, chinese and other such groups at one point or another in history.
america today is the result of different cultures. there have always been people like you who throw up a big fit but in the end the new infusion of other cultures often yields positive results. or at the very least it never destroys an entire culture and replaces it outright.
that just doesn't happen. all cultures shift over time. as i've said america has changed more in the last 230 years due to technologies rather than immigration.

You keep mentioning the benignity of change based on the mere presence of diversity. How exactly are culturally ethnic shifts positive effects by proxy--Especially considering the source of these ethnicities inspiring said shifts? The reason most of them come here is because that very culture they're bringing with them is what's degenerated their previous lives. It seems slippery slope to say the paradigm switch they cause is going to be a good one.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
I'm still trying to re-cache a deleted reply to Halo, but this stands out:

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
the things you are saying are the same exact fears held by people against the irish, italians, jews, blacks, chinese and other such groups at one point or another in history.
america today is the result of different cultures. there have always been people like you who throw up a big fit but in the end the new infusion of other cultures often yields positive results. or at the very least it never destroys an entire culture and replaces it outright.
that just doesn't happen. all cultures shift over time. as i've said america has changed more in the last 230 years due to technologies rather than immigration.

You keep mentioning the benignity of change based on the mere presence of diversity. How exactly are culturally ethnic shifts positive effects by proxy--Especially considering the source of these ethnicities inspiring said shifts? The reason most of them come here is because that very culture they're bringing with them is what's degenerated their previous lives. It seems slippery slope to say the paradigm switch they cause is going to be a good one.

I think the idea is that two heads are better then one. The more diversity, the more points of view, the greater the chance of being a wise and tolerant society.

I see what you're saying Pariah but it works both ways. To me what seems like a slippery slope is the notion that people are somehow poisoned by their society to the point they'll never be a productive member of society let alone a good person.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

I think the idea is that two heads are better then one. The more diversity, the more points of view, the greater the chance of being a wise and tolerant society.

I see what you're saying Pariah but it works both ways. To me what seems like a slippery slope is the notion that people are somehow poisoned by their society to the point they'll never be a productive member of society let alone a good person.

My counter-response:
  • Kosovo, overtaken by muslim ethnic Albanians.

Before we entered on the wrong side in that war, ethnic Albanians were burning Eastern Orthodox churches. Thanks to the media, we only heard about the reprisals of Serbians against muslim ethnic-Albanian Kosovars. But the church-burnings are what started it.

Add to that a few more examples:
  • Armenia/Azerbaijan







All these groups have been killing each others for hundreds of years. Why should we invite Mexicans, of all immigrant groups, in mass numbers to colonize our nation ? (separatist/nationalist Mexicans, who are patriotic to Mexico and have a contempt for the United States and its laws, who statistically assimilate worse than any other immigrant group, and whose nation's highest leaders, Vicente Fox on down, openly conspire against the United States to take back the U.S. Southwest through Mexican immigration, both legal and illegal. And who persistently drain from the U.S. with a high ratio of illiterate high-school drop-outs, crime, drug trafficking, welfare use, gang activity, and imprisonment, across 40 years of annual statistics.)

"Diversity" that includes large numbers of immigrants from a nation that are statistically assimilating the worst, a nation that is openly plotting to seize territory from the United States, is not beneficial to the United States.

It is national suicide.

People from nations that consistently assimilate well into the United States should be welcome.
People from nations who persistently become welfare recipients, criminals, gang members and whose governments are openly plotting against the United States, should be chosen very selectively.
I agree. You should kill yourself now.

Why be a follower? Be a man, be a leader!

 Originally Posted By: Pariah Carey
Up my own ass

Yeah. Up your own ass.
Doesn't change the fact you should kill yourself and save someone else the trouble.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2007-12-16 6:33 AM
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
I assume that WB pointed out the theory that the rise of unassimilated immigrants was, in fact, a major contributing factor to the fall of Rome.

That being said, I agree with you that we shouldn't expect a culture to remain static. There's nothing wrong with certain new influences. The problem is when those new influences eschew what's good about the existing culture and/or otherwise create a threat to what's positive about a culture.

Not to beat a dead horse, or make the same arguments on this thread ad nauseaum, but I don't think anyone, including WB, is arguing that all immigration is bad just that there should be some limits.

The question then becomes what should the limits be. I assume that you agree that there should be some limiting factors, but I could be wrong. You might believe in a completely open border. If that's so, that's fine. But I don't think that those who believe in limits are necessary doing so out of ill will or racism.

So, rather than continue this whole "Ray/whomod/halo hates America" and "WB is a racist" debate, which has gone on for more pages than I care to think about (or, for that matter, even care about), might I suggest we try discussing what, if any limits, we think are appropriate and why?

i think a good solution is actually bringing more immigrants into the system. at this point so many have to stay illegal that they can tell people back home that America is great as long as you don't get caught. but if they had to deal with all the hassles that citizens go through. I think one letter to Mexico about w2 forms and the DMV might discourage the large numbers.
they could also pass a law that any country that wants to outsource has to do so in North America. Then they make sure Mexico passes labor laws enough to get fair pay there.
That would discourage mass immigration since they'd have jobs and outsourcing (which i think is horrible) would at least be a help to us and our neighbors instead of paying people in India. Also that would have the side effect more Mexicans learning English (which wondy would like).

  • The Costs of Illegal Immigration
    Illegals Cost Feds $10 Billion a Year; Amnesty Would Nearly Triple Cost to 29 Billion

    WASHINGTON (August 25, 2004) — A new study from the Center for Immigration Studies is one of the first to estimate the impact of illegal immigration on the federal budget. Based on Census Bureau data, the study estimates that households headed by illegal aliens used $10 billion more in government services than they paid in taxes in 2002.
    These figures are only for the federal government; costs at the state and local level are also likely to be significant. The study also finds that if illegals were given amnesty, the fiscal deficit at the federal level would grow to nearly $29 billion.

    Among the findings:

    Illegal alien households are estimated to use $2,700 a year more in services than they pay in taxes, creating a total fiscal burden of nearly $10.4 billion on the federal budget in 2002.

    Among the largest federal costs: Medicaid ($2.5 billion); treatment for the uninsured ($2.2 billion); food assistance programs ($1.9 billion); the federal prison and court systems ($1.6 billion); and federal aid to schools ($1.4 billion).

    If illegal aliens were legalized and began to pay taxes and use services like legal immigrants with the same education levels, the estimated annual fiscal deficit at the federal level would increase from $2,700 per household to nearly $7,700, for a total federal deficit of $29 billion.

    With nearly two-third of illegals lacking a high school diploma, the primary reason they create a fiscal deficit is their low education levels and resulting low incomes and tax payments — not their legal status or their unwillingness to work.

    Amnesty increases costs because illegals would still be largely unskilled, and thus their tax payments would continue to be very modest, but once legalized they would be able to access many more government services.

    The fact that legal immigrants with little schooling are a fiscal drain on federal coffers does not mean that legal immigrants overall are a drain. Many legal immigrants are highly skilled.

    Because many of the costs are due to their U.S.-born children, who are awarded U.S. citizenship at birth, barring illegals themselves from federal programs will not significantly reduce costs.

    Although they create a net drain on the federal government, the average illegal household pays more than $4,200 a year in federal taxes, for a total of nearly $16 billion.

    However, they impose annual costs of more than $26.3 billion, or about $6,950 per illegal household.

    About 43 percent, or $7 billion, of the federal taxes illegals pay go to Social Security and Medicare.

    Employers do not see the costs associated with less-educated immigrant workers because the costs are spread out among all taxpayers.
    [i.e., businesses get all the benefits, and middle-class taxpayers pick up the tab. --WB]


    Costs rise unavoidably because amnesty will not change the low education levels of illegal aliens or the fact that the American economy offers such workers very limited opportunities, regardless of legal status. The vast majority of illegal aliens will continue to have very low incomes, and make very modest tax payments. However, legal status would allow them to use many more programs.
    We know that costs would rise dramatically because legal immigrants with the same levels of education make extensive use of public services. Thus, even though we estimate that average tax payments would rise by 77 percent, we also find that costs would rise 117 percent.

    To understand why this happens, it is helpful to consider a program like the Earned Income Tax Credit, which pays cash to low-income workers. Illegals currently account for only 1.5 percent of the program’s total costs, but if they were legalized their use of the program would grow tenfold because with legal status they would no longer need stolen or bogus Social Security numbers to get the credit. This dramatic rise in costs is not due to laziness on the part of immigrants. In fact, only those who work receive the EITC. The dramatic rise in costs simply reflects the low educational attainment of illegals and their resulting low incomes.


    To the extent that policy makers have considered the fiscal costs of illegal immigration, they have generally tried to reduce the costs while allowing illegals to remain. But this strategy has not been effective because the average illegal already receives less than half as much in services from the federal government as do other households. Moreover, many of the costs are due to their U.S.-born children, who are awarded American citizenship at birth under current law. Other programs are simply too politically sensitive to cut, such as the Women, Infants and Children nutrition program.
    And others costs are unavoidable, such as incarcerating illegals who have been convicted of crimes.

    Conversely, enforcing immigration laws is both popular with voters and administratively more feasible. There are really only two options: either we begin to enforce the law, significantly reducing the number of illegals in the country, or we accept the costs created by the presence of a large pool of unskilled workers.


    A 1997 report by the National Research Council (NRC) on the fiscal impact of immigrants concluded that education levels and resulting income are the primary determinants of tax payments and service use, which is also a central finding of this report.

    The results of this study closely match the findings of a 1998 Urban Institute study. Our estimated average tax payment for illegal households in New York State is almost identical to that of the Urban Institute, when adjusted for inflation.

    The results of this study are also buttressed by an analysis of illegal alien tax returns done by the Inspector General’s Office of the Department of Treasury in 2004, which found that about half had no federal income tax liability, very similar to our findings of 45 percent.

    The panel discussion is open to the public. For more information, contact Steven Camarota at (202) 466-8185 or sac@cis.org.

But hey, all these people are just white racists trying to create a white-only aryan America, right Ray?

You can stuff your head back in the sand now, and continue slandering people with research and facts on their side, while all you have to offer in counterpoint are your prejudices and liberal blanket hatred of anyone who disagrees with you.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah Carey
Doesn't change the fact you should kill yourself and save someone else the trouble.

Hmm, let's see, wishing your political opposition was dead...

And a self-described "trannie"

That would make you an alt for... ?

In any case it makes you typical of the vindictive liberal sacks of crap who can't even listen to what their political opposition has to say.

So much for free speech and allowing both sides to be heard. Anyone who disagrees with you should be dead.
How very Stalinist/Maoist of you.

Hmm, let's see, wishing your political opposition was dead...


That would make you an alt for... ?

...Vladimir Putin...?
I was thinking a little closer to San Francisco.
I left my heart there... \:\(
 Originally Posted By: Pariah Carey
I left my heart there... \:\(

... and your penis !
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
... and your penis !

Este articulo del periodico es para El Wonder Boy. Ojala que el pase un Feliz Navidad Y prospero Ano nuevo.

'Too Many Tamales,' is a new holiday tradition

The children's book has become a play that uses a Mexican ritual to promote the beauty of bilingualism and expose the evils of prejudice.

December 15, 2007

By Sandy Baks

The playbill that landed on my desk touting an East Los Angeles Christmas production featured a familiar drawing -- a clutch of brown-skinned children staring wide-eyed at a plate piled high with tamales.

It brought back memories from 10 years ago, when the book "Too Many Tamales" -- a gift to my family from a Mexican American friend -- briefly joined "The Night Before Christmas" as a favorite holiday book with my then-young daughters.

The story line is simple: A little girl named Maria secretly tries on her mother's diamond ring, then loses it while helping make Christmas tamales.

Afraid to tell, she and her cousins devour the tamales in search of the diamond, but fail to find it. Maria confesses, the ring turns up, mom offers forgiveness and the entire extended family pitches in to make a new batch of tamales.

We knew nothing of tamales, but my girls loved the bright drawings, the drama and the fact that Maria's mother -- unlike their own -- didn't get mad at her troublemaking daughter.

Nursing my holiday memories, I headed last Sunday to Teatro Carmen Zapata -- a small theater inside a dreary building that used to house the city's Lincoln Heights jail -- to watch the Bilingual Foundation of the Arts' stage version of this Christmas fable.

When "Too Many Tamales" was published 14 years ago, it was one of the first children's books about Latinos in the United States to reach a wide American audience.

It introduces a Mexican holiday ritual -- the making of tamales at Christmas, a tradition as familiar to Angelenos of every stripe as the birthday party piñata.

Critics praised the slim volume as a realistic portrayal of a modern Latino family. Local bookstores couldn't keep it in stock; its popularity spread by word of mouth among Mexican Americans hungry for a literary link to holiday traditions.

Author Gary Soto, a Fresno poet, wrote it at the urging of his agent, who thought the uplifting tale might be a big seller. "It was just a sweet story intended to make people feel good, instead of what we see about Latinos in the newspapers daily," Soto told me.

Over time, it became much more. Teachers began reading it to their classes, children told their parents about it. And the Bilingual Foundation of the Arts began staging annual holiday productions, turning "Too Many Tamales" into a sort of instant classic.

The play veers from the story's simple premise in ways that might seem eye-opening to some. It's no predictable "hard-working immigrant family" saga. Imagine the Huxtable family with Spanish accents and Target shopping bags.

Maria's mom is busy climbing the corporate ladder. Her grandma is a diamond-wearing, Lexus-driving silver-haired diva, with a country club membership.

Her tia Rosa is married to a guitar-playing gabacho, whose well-meaning WASP-y father crashes Christmas Eve dinner, drawing good-natured complaints from Maria's parents because he "knows nothing about our traditions. He doesn't even like our food!"

Performed through December -- in Spanish one week and English the next -- the play is laced with subtle commercials promoting the beauty of bilingualism and the evils of prejudice.

It's also sophisticated, charming and laugh-out-loud funny, full of clever topical cultural references.

"Tonito" loves Grandma's homemade tamales enough to lick his fingers after eating them. "You know him as Mayor Villaraigosa," Grandma says, in an aside to the audience.

I'd heard from friends that the play has become an annual holiday touchstone, a sort of "Nutcracker Suite" for local Mexican Americans. So I expected to be the lone black face in the audience.

What was I thinking? This is Los Angeles, after all. Even tamales are multicultural.

Behind me sat the Brownies from West Covina, a mix of ribbons, braids and curls. Across the way was a white family from Woodland Hills, puzzling through the play's Spanish-language portions.

In front of me, a mom scolded her rambunctious young son in Spanish, trying to get him to settle down.

Director and actor Alejandra Flores said the play's popularity has surprised even its promoters. "We thought we were going to stop after 10 years," she said, "but when we made the announcement last year, we heard from so many people . . . 'No, you can't! This is our tradition.' "

Michelle Rodriguez was one of those. "It was my favorite book when I was little," said the 19-year-old from La Puente. For once, it was the Christmas she knew in print. "I could relate to those kids eating the tamales, trying to get out of trouble with the mom."

Susan Hamersky, the Woodland Hills woman attending with her family at the invitation of a friend, saw herself in the Anglo father-in-law, and his awkward attempts to grasp a foreign culture. She described herself as "a plain old American," married to a man whose family is from Estonia. Their traditional Christmas Eve meal features "something called blood sausages."

From the look on her face when she described the meal, I think she wished for just that night that her husband's family were Mexican.


Espero que ahora el no haja una Guerra contra La navidad despues de leyendo esta historia.

El multiculturalismo es su amigo y no tiene nada que temer.

This is why I think nationalism is for idiots. You realize you're generalizing a whole race don't you by what some mexicans and there govt has done? And yet whenever someone talks shit about America you're the first to start spouting empty patriotic rhetoric in defense of a land mass.

I just have this crazy notion that people should be judged by individual character, not nations, not ethnicities, and not status.

Except Republicans. All those fuckers should be put on a desert island and left to die.*

*Kidding, although Wondy, G-man, Sammitch, and Pariah aren't doing anyone any good.
here we go again...
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
here we go again...

You mean...something happened without you pulling the strings?

I'm shocked.*

*Sarcasm used.
El español de whomod es muy malo. Although I do hope Wonder Boy has a happy new anus.
Posted By: whomod Re:Too Many Tamales,' is a new holiday tradition - 2007-12-17 10:23 PM
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
El español de whomod es muy malo. Although I do hope Wonder Boy has a happy new anus.

Fui assimilado!!!!!!!

!Dios Mio!

Oigo que El Wonder Boy va a escribir su propio libro de Navidad titulado "Too Many Mexicans".

I didn't bother using a translator because I don't really care what you're saying. Just thought you should know.
Posted By: whomod Re:Too Many Tamales,' is a new holiday tradition - 2007-12-17 10:25 PM
thanks for letting us know, pariah. now, did anyone else not translate the secret spanish code?
the secret message is:
Always Drink Your Ovaltine.

who got that?
Posted By: Pariah Re:Too Many Tamales,' is a new holiday tradition - 2007-12-17 10:42 PM
Posted By: whomod Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-14 3:58 AM


The booming Hispanic population in political swing states is creating opportunities and headaches in both political parties as they try to court the Latino vote. NOW on PBS travels to Florida just weeks before its important primary to examine Republican tactics to win over Hispanic Americans. A fifth of Florida’s residents are Hispanic, and Republicans are scoring points on traditional issues of faith and national security. But at the same time, they’re frustrating Latinos with what many of them see as harsh anti-immigrant rhetoric.

Who has the winning approach?

On the NOW on PBS website, also check out our new Democracy Toolkit, with tools, information, and links to take you behind the election headlines.

Considering that half the Republican platform consists of playing up the fear and hatred of brown peoples everywhere, it amazes me that they could even hope for the Latino vote. Talking about voting against your interests. The entire episode of NOW is available for download and streaming at their site.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-14 4:09 AM

I don't know why you stick up for them Who'. Pariah (who's knows...pretty much everything *I would have finished this post a few minutes sooner, but I had to go vomit and wash my teeth after saying this*) and WB (same) have both made very "intellectual" arguments that illegas are responsible for everything from inflation to the black plague. And I see no reason to doubt their omniscience.
Posted By: the Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-14 6:34 AM
whomod User apoplectic with liberal rage
3000+ posts Sun Jan 13 2008 10:03 PM Reading a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: In U.S. Name Count, Garcias Are Catching Up With Joneses
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-14 5:44 PM
 Originally Posted By: whomod


The booming Hispanic population in political swing states is creating opportunities and headaches in both political parties as they try to court the Latino vote. NOW on PBS travels to Florida just weeks before its important primary to examine Republican tactics to win over Hispanic Americans. A fifth of Florida’s residents are Hispanic, and Republicans are scoring points on traditional issues of faith and national security. But at the same time, they’re frustrating Latinos with what many of them see as harsh anti-immigrant rhetoric.

Who has the winning approach?

On the NOW on PBS website, also check out our new Democracy Toolkit, with tools, information, and links to take you behind the election headlines.

Considering that half the Republican platform consists of playing up the fear and hatred of brown peoples everywhere, it amazes me that they could even hope for the Latino vote. Talking about voting against your interests. The entire episode of NOW is available for download and streaming at their site.

A major correction:

"Considering that half the Republican platform consists of playing up the fear and hatred of illegal brown peoples entering the United States, and those who enable them to come and live here."

And even that doesn't cover all the "brown people" false racial insinuations that are yours, NOT ours.

NOT all hispanics are resented. And if so many legal hispanics weren't so pro-illegal, they would be viewed by more as fellow Americans, instead of as enemy enablers living inside our borders. It is not racism. It has everything to do with unAmerican hispanic ATTITUDES, NOT race.

But you're a slandering sack of shit, so of course you'd try and frame it that way.
Posted By: whomod Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-14 5:47 PM
Wonder Boy. On more than one occasion, you've ranted about how MEXICANS, not illegals, have more crime, more childbirths etc. etc. And how you prefer other races immigrating here because Mexicans are responsible for every conceivable social ill you can toss at them.

So don't you come now trying to be Mr. "I only hate illegals", because frankly, I know it's bullshit.

Oh wait, have you dated a Mexican? Because that might blow my argument out of the water .
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-14 6:24 PM

  • Diversity Is Strength! It’s Also…Oh, Wait, Make That “Weakness”
    By Steve Sailer

    [Discussing a book/immigration-study by former Clinton official David Putnam, bending its conclusions about immigration to acquiesce to politically correct false notions about immigration: ]

    Putnam ignores the obvious difference between elite immigration by, say, Enrico Fermi and Alfred Hitchcock, compared to illegal immigration. In contrast, the almost thirty million residents of America of Mexican origin have contributed remarkably little creativity to American culture and science. For example, although Mexicans are by far the biggest immigrant group, they don't even rank among the top 20 immigrant groups in the U.S. in terms of patents awarded.

    But Putnam's third section -- "Becoming Comfortable with Diversity" -- is even worse. It mostly repeats the Ellis Island clichés about how the immigration of a century ago all worked out fine and dandy, so what's to worry about the new immigration "in the medium to long run?"

    But how can the “medium to long run” arrive to overcome the negative effects of diversity if the government continues to keep the pedal to the metal on letting in low human capital immigrants?

    Not surprisingly, Putnam only vaguely mentions the immigration restriction acts of 1921 and 1924 that played such a huge role.

    Furthermore, I am tired of intellectuals in Boston, New York, and Washington D.C acting as if Mexicans in America are such an utter novelty that nobody could possibly have any indication of how they will turn out, so who can say they won't progress just like Italians and Jews?

    Well, anybody in the Southwest can.

    In reality, we've had sizable Hispanic communities in the United States since the 1840s, such as in the Upper Rio Grande River valley of New Mexico. That state has long been the most Hispanic in the nation.

    So how is New Mexico doing after seven generations of Hispanic assimilation? On Meet the Press recently, Tim Russert gave New Mexico governor and Presidential candidate Bill Richardson an unfairly hard time that said less about the politician than about his constituents:

    "They rank states in a whole variety of categories from one being the best, 50th being the worst. This is New Mexico’s scorecard, and you are the governor. Percent of people living below the poverty line, you’re 48. Percent of children below, 48. Median family income, 47. People without health insurance, 49. Children without health insurance, 46. Teen high school dropouts, 47. Death rate due to firearms, 48. Violent crime rate, 46."

    Richardson has his faults. But not turning New Mexicans into Minnesotans isn't one of them.

    Similarly, East Los Angeles has been heavily Mexican since the Mexican Revolution. PBS reported:

    "Its present day population also has been one of the most entrenched and stable communities of the greater Los Angeles area over the past 50 to 75 years. East Los Angeles is … the largest Hispanic community in the United States."

    East LA is not Detroit -- which the forest is partly retaking -- but hardly is it New Jersey, which the Ellis Island immigrants have made into one of the most successful states in the country.

    Here's a good test of the chestnut that Mexican immigrants are going to turn out just like the old Jewish immigrants: Long ago, East LA had a Jewish immigrant community, which arrived about the same time as its Mexican immigrants. According to PBS, in East LA after WWI:

    "In many instances, Jews and Mexicans went to school together, played sports together, traded with each other, and particularly among the left wing thinkers, met and organized together."

    For some reason, though, eighty years later, the descendents of East LA's Jewish immigrants are living in Beverly Hills and Malibu, while the descendents of East LA's Mexican immigrants are in Van Nuys or still stuck in East LA.

    In summary, the first rule of rationality when you find you are digging a hole for yourself is … stop digging.

    Unfortunately, when it comes to immigration and diversity, that's not a rule that many of our Establishment intellectuals such as Putnam have figured out. Or care to.

    Steve Sailer is founder of the Human Biodiversity Institute, and movie critic for The American Conservative. His website http://www.iSteve.blogspot.com features his daily blog.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-14 6:31 PM
 Originally Posted By: whomod
Wonder Boy. On more than one occasion, you've ranted about how MEXICANS, not illegals, have more crime, more childbirths etc. etc. And how you prefer other races immigrating here because Mexicans are responsible for every conceivable social ill you can toss at them.

So don't you come now trying to be Mr. "I only hate illegals", because frankly, I know it's bullshit.

Oh wait, have you dated a Mexican? Because that might blow my argument out of the water .

More ad-hominem diversionary tactics on your part, to divert from the facts.

As I said

 Originally Posted By: WB

NOT all hispanics are resented. And if so many legal hispanics weren't so pro-illegal, they would be viewed by more as fellow Americans, instead of as enemy enablers living inside our borders. It is not racism. It has everything to do with unAmerican hispanic ATTITUDES, *NOT* race.

But you're a slandering sack of shit, so of course you'd try and frame it that way.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: whomod
Wonder Boy. On more than one occasion, you've ranted about how MEXICANS, not illegals, have more crime, more childbirths etc. etc. And how you prefer other races immigrating here because Mexicans are responsible for every conceivable social ill you can toss at them.

So don't you come now trying to be Mr. "I only hate illegals", because frankly, I know it's bullshit.

Oh wait, have you dated a Mexican? Because that might blow my argument out of the water .

More ad-hominem diversionary tactics on your part, to divert from the facts.

As I said

 Originally Posted By: WB

NOT all hispanics are resented. And if so many legal hispanics weren't so pro-illegal, they would be viewed by more as fellow Americans, instead of as enemy enablers living inside our borders. It is not racism. It has everything to do with unAmerican hispanic ATTITUDES, *NOT* race.

But you're a slandering sack of shit, so of course you'd try and frame it that way.

yes, wondy. we already know for every ten racist or sexist or outright offensive comments you make you make one little backpeddle comment that you can pull out of your ass whenever challenged.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-14 11:11 PM
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
yes, wondy. we already know for every ten racist or sexist or outright offensive comments you make you make one little backpeddle comment that you can pull out of your ass whenever challenged.

In truth, I don't think I've made one overtly racist remark.

The irony is, you and whomod have made one racist remark after another, that you've paraphrased me to say, in your lying weasel attempts to paint ME as a racist.

And in doing so, you've proven yourselves to be the true racists here. In addition to being lying slanderous weasels, that is.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-14 11:21 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
yes, wondy. we already know for every ten racist or sexist or outright offensive comments you make you make one little backpeddle comment that you can pull out of your ass whenever challenged.

In truth, I don't think I've made one overtly racist remark.

The irony is, you and whomod have made one racist remark after another, that you've paraphrased me to say, in your lying weasel attempst to paint ME as a racist.

And in doing so, you've proven yourselves to be the true racists here. In addition to being lying slanderous weasels, that is.

i swear you live post to post. each post exists in its own little continuity. constantly rebooting all of reality so you can make up whatever truth you want. in one post you talk about the white population and then deny you ever said it even when i quote and link you.
just wow.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-14 11:32 PM
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
i swear you live post to post. each post exists in its own little continuity. constantly rebooting all of reality so you can make up whatever truth you want. in one post you talk about the white population and then deny you ever said it even when i quote and link you.
just wow.

Not a South Park fan?
Posted By: Pariah Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-14 11:32 PM
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
i swear you live post to post. each post exists in its own little continuity. constantly rebooting all of reality so you can make up whatever truth you want. in one post you talk about the white population and then deny you ever said it even when i quote and link you.
just wow.

Not a South Park fan?

I'm sorry. I shouldn't laugh at dyslexia. But I just can't help it.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-14 11:47 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
i swear you live post to post. each post exists in its own little continuity. constantly rebooting all of reality so you can make up whatever truth you want. in one post you talk about the white population and then deny you ever said it even when i quote and link you.
just wow.

Not a South Park fan?

I'm sorry. I shouldn't laugh at dyslexia. But I just can't help it.

You're like a school girl with a crush.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-14 11:58 PM
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
i swear you live post to post. each post exists in its own little continuity. constantly rebooting all of reality so you can make up whatever truth you want. in one post you talk about the white population and then deny you ever said it even when i quote and link you.
just wow.

The only way it ever comes across is when you paraphrase me, in which situation you always supply the racist phrases, not me.

You're a very skilled liar, Ray.
But you're still a liar.

I've already deconstructed literally hundreds of such posts of yours. This is just more of the same.
Posted By: Pariah Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-15 12:09 AM
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
You're like a school girl with a crush.

Well, I am concerned for you. If you can't even tell when Ray's making Halotarded statements towards WB rather than you, then you know things have taken a turn for the worse.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-15 12:25 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
You're like a school girl with a crush.

Well, I am concerned for you. If you can't even tell when Ray's making Halotarded statements towards WB rather than you, then you know things have taken a turn for the worse.

Posted By: Pariah Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-15 12:55 AM
Poor Halo.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
i swear you live post to post. each post exists in its own little continuity. constantly rebooting all of reality so you can make up whatever truth you want. in one post you talk about the white population and then deny you ever said it even when i quote and link you.
just wow.

Not a South Park fan?

i love south park. i was talking to wondy.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
i swear you live post to post. each post exists in its own little continuity. constantly rebooting all of reality so you can make up whatever truth you want. in one post you talk about the white population and then deny you ever said it even when i quote and link you.
just wow.

The only way it ever comes across is when you paraphrase me, in which situation you always supply the racist phrases, not me.

You're a very skilled liar, Ray.
But you're still a liar.

I've already deconstructed literally hundreds of such posts of yours. This is just more of the same.

the last time i had to dig up your racist posts
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Whether looking at the Declaration, Constitution, the writings of the founding fathers, or the addresses of most of our Presidents up till the 1960s, and often beyond then, we are clearly a nation founded on Christianity and Biblical principles, particularly a contract government that mirrors the Old and New Testament contract between God and Man.

just because they had religious beliefs does not mean we're a christian nation. in fact they had enough smarts to realize that making it a christian nation would only help the kind of people like you who like to attack others for having different views.

Whether one is a Christian or not, absolutely no one who is familiar with the beliefs and writings of the Constitution- and Declaration-signers would dispute for a second that the Creator/God referred to is the God of the Bible.

that's not the same as endorsing religion. if you say "god damn it" are you just turning a phrase or actively trying to get your deity to damn something to the pits of hell?

You can hate Christianity (which you clearly do, Ray) but you can't credibly deny who the Declaration and Constitution signers clearly gave reverence and priority to.

i don't hate christianity. i hate christians like yourself who believe others are inferior for not sharing your beliefs. christians who are secure enough in their beliefs to respect those of others are fine in my book.

 Originally Posted By: WB

[quote=Ray said in a powerful voice] you have slipped up here and there and used the word "white." you specifically said on one thread that the problem with illegal immigration is that the white population was being overrun.

 Originally Posted By: wondy, said like a little girl
You used the word white and scripted me to make a racist statement that I would never make.

 Originally Posted By: but wondy did say

When the immigrant population approaches or surpasses the percentage of native-born, I find that a rather alarming ratio.....The white population is actually declining at 100,000 per year, leaving the insanity in California for an America they recognize as the same culture they grew up in.

see, that's where you slipped up. you had stuck with "native-born population" which would include whites blacks browns yellows reds, all the colors of the rainbow. but then you made it clear, that this is about white people being in the majority. "white population." those are your words. i didn't do some liberal mind trick or change things around. that's what you said.

Time and again, I've said that immigrants, whether they come from Europe, Asia, Africa, or Latin America are welcome here, if they assimilate.

I don't believe that any group is racially inferior. (You, however, being a believer in Darwinian theories of evolution, as Hitler did, would eagerly embrace the idea of scientific racism).

No, I don't. And believing in evolution because there is clear scientific evidence doesn't mean I think it needs to apply to evolved sentient creatures. If I believed one race was better than another I might say:
 Originally Posted By: wondy
By "saying it was wrong", you simply give ammunition to those who want to attack America and its history, and more broadly, attack all of Western culture. (By cultures such as Latin America, and by China, and by Arab nations, whose corruption, slavery and brutality far exceeds ours. You give ammunition to inferior cultures to undermine ours).
They don't see the subtleties, so contrary to your notions, it does undermine our entire culture, it advances their blanket condemnation of us, it rationalizes their terrorism and other backlashes at us.

and if I thought one culture was inferior and needed to be absorbed into a superior culture in order to be deemed worthy I might say:
Second of all, I said that Native American culture was still in the Stone Age when discovered by Europeans, had not even advanced to invention of the wheel when they first met Europeans.
I said that they were culturally inferior, *not* racially inferior. And that they've advanced greatly since through assimilation, and their descendants (myself included) enjoy a much better standard of living through assimilation with European colonists.

But that would be a dickhead thing to say. I mean what kind of asshole says that a people who were living lives of their choosing needed to be slaughtered and assimilated into another culture in order to be worthy of life.

But as I've said many times, and you continue to slander me as if I didn't, some nationalities (by the barometer demographics of crime, prison population, drug arrests, gang activity, welfare use, and high-school dropout rates) don't assimilate as well as others for cultural reasons, not because of racial inferiority, as you slanderously allege.

Then you're saying America is culturally inferior to Europe because we have poorer health, more crime, gun violence, drug use, etc?
wow, I may have issues with our country but I don't think we're inferior. Why do you hate America?

Hispanics from Mexico and other Caribbean/Central American countries don't assimilate as well as immigrants from China, India, South Korea, the Phillipines, South America and Europe.
Annual statistics gathered every year since 1965 manifest that.

why the need to assimilate? If they don't then it limits the jobs they can get and the interactions they can have. Ultimately it only hurts them. If they did make Spanish the second official language like you fear then they would have to make English the official one. Right now we have no official language, so that would cement English. Also people who are bilingual have healthier brains and it can even delay the onset of alzheimers. If Reagan worked on his language skills instead of his fear mongering skills his final years might have been better.

I advocate taking more immigrants from the nations that tend not to give us more criminals, more high-school dropouts, more welfare parasites, etc., and less immigration from the nations that don't statistically assimilate as well.

racial profiling, huh? so some peoples are superior to others and better people in your mind? I bet your list of good nations is mostly white and your bad nations are mostly darker skinned. but no, you're not prejudiced or racist, you just think some people are superior to others.

You will note that except for Europe, the others I list are not white.
Again: It's not about race, it's about ability to assimilate.

you do realize that Europe is where white people come from. so you're really saying that all whites are good and you like some darker skinned people too.

You constantly bring up white race and put the words in my mouth. I have not. The only exception is when I've compared black and white crime stistics, or similar racial demographic comparisons.

it's funny because i already showed where you did talk about the white population.

Our nation has a 200 year history as an english-speaking culture, and I've firsthand seen immigrants of many races assimilate to our culture. My family doctor is from India (and a Carl Barks fan!).

your doc is "one of the good ones" huh? He doesn't shove any pesky indian things in your face as if he had a right to his own life. good for him!

I met a female dentist recently who is a second-generation Korean American.

a female, huh? bet you didn't like that because:
 Originally Posted By: wondy

But when women demanded the same wages as men, that resulted in lowering wages for men, to the point that men could not be the sole wage-earner. Feminism also caused an increase in divorce and single-parent families.

And I like how you boil her down to her race and gender.
interestingly you said he in the proper context of discusing the indian doctor, but had no real reason to say "female." it's like you find some novelty in it.

Another Korean friend and former co-worker is a stockbroker.
One of my most pleasant early work experiences was working in a Chinese restaurant for 2 and a half years. I'm still in contact with them, almost 30 years later, long since they closed their restaurant and opened another business.
A Cuban friend I've known for 20-plus years who works as a convention promoter.
My friend from Argentina I mentioned previously.
All of these people, and many other foreign-born friends and co-workers I've known over the years, have a pride in this country and have fully assimilated. They aren't pushing for Spanish or any other language as a second U.S. national language. They all worked hard to learn it, and assimilated.

30 years? 20 years? I don't think I ever really considered your age but it makes sense. You do seem like a crotchety old man. And given the time frame and your bitching issues I have to wonder if maybe the love of your life wanted to pursue her own interests instead of become your housewife. Or maybe some black guy beat you out for a job and it was easier to blame liberalism than your own inferior nature (i do believe individuals can be inferior, especially idiots like yourself).
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-15 7:09 PM
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
i swear you live post to post. each post exists in its own little continuity. constantly rebooting all of reality so you can make up whatever truth you want. in one post you talk about the white population and then deny you ever said it even when i quote and link you.
just wow.

Not a South Park fan?

i love south park. i was talking to wondy.

Well, I'm glad we got that cleared up

P.S I knew that.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
i swear you live post to post. each post exists in its own little continuity. constantly rebooting all of reality so you can make up whatever truth you want. in one post you talk about the white population and then deny you ever said it even when i quote and link you.
just wow.

Not a South Park fan?

i love south park. i was talking to wondy.

Well, I'm glad we got that cleared up

P.S I knew that.

shut the fuck up, Donny!
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-15 9:24 PM
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
i swear you live post to post. each post exists in its own little continuity. constantly rebooting all of reality so you can make up whatever truth you want. in one post you talk about the white population and then deny you ever said it even when i quote and link you.
just wow.

Not a South Park fan?

i love south park. i was talking to wondy.

Well, I'm glad we got that cleared up

P.S I knew that.

shut the fuck up, Donny!

At least I'm house broken, man.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
i swear you live post to post. each post exists in its own little continuity. constantly rebooting all of reality so you can make up whatever truth you want. in one post you talk about the white population and then deny you ever said it even when i quote and link you.
just wow.

Not a South Park fan?

i love south park. i was talking to wondy.

Well, I'm glad we got that cleared up

P.S I knew that.

shut the fuck up, Donny!

At least I'm house broken, man.

Shomer Fucking Shabas!
Posted By: Pariah Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-16 3:41 AM
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Well, I'm glad we got that cleared up

P.S I knew that.

After I pointed it out to you...
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-16 3:45 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Well, I'm glad we got that cleared up

P.S I knew that.

After I pointed it out to you...

Before that even.

If you look back at how I've handled such acrimony in the past it's pretty obvious I knew he was kidding.
Posted By: Pariah Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-16 3:47 AM
Yes Halo, of course it's obvious.

Poor poor Halo.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-16 3:47 AM
Actually he was serious, just not to me.
Posted By: Pariah Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-16 3:49 AM
Uh, yeah....Okay Halo. Whatever you say.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-16 10:22 PM
You keep posting this alleged "gotcha" stuff, where you supposedly caught me saying racist stuff, but it's so obviously taken out of context by you.

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
i swear you live post to post. each post exists in its own little continuity. constantly rebooting all of reality so you can make up whatever truth you want. in one post you talk about the white population and then deny you ever said it even when i quote and link you.
just wow.

The only way it ever comes across is when you paraphrase me, in which situation you always supply the racist phrases, not me.

You're a very skilled liar, Ray.
But you're still a liar.

I've already deconstructed literally hundreds of such posts of yours. This is just more of the same.

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

You mean the last time you cut and pasted things I said out of context, and made wild assumptions of my alleged racism, which clearly wasn't there.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Whether looking at the Declaration, Constitution, the writings of the founding fathers, or the addresses of most of our Presidents up till the 1960s, and often beyond then, we are clearly a nation founded on Christianity and Biblical principles, particularly a contract government that mirrors the Old and New Testament contract between God and Man.

just because they had religious beliefs does not mean we're a christian nation. in fact they had enough smarts to realize that making it a christian nation would only help the kind of people like you who like to attack others for having different views.

There is considerable evidence in the Declaration and the Constitution that we are a Christian nation. God is referenced 4 times in the Declaration of Independence, and as "in the yesr of our Lord" in the Constitution. If they did not want to include God, they just would have written the date.

Their private writings explicitly state that the Bible was essential to U.S. education in schools.

The founders' writings overwhelmingly also state the idea that it was the absence of Christian principles that caused previous attempts at Democracy to be doomed to failure from the start, and that the United States was likewise doomed to failure if it strayed from its Christian foundations. We are seeing the fracturing and fragmenting of our culture now, thanks to post-1960s liberalism, that is deliberately destroying nationalism, marriage, creating a revisionist history, and launching an all-out =assault on every last reference to Christianity, to prepare us to willingly give up our sovereignty and submit to a North American Union and globalism.

 Originally Posted By: WB
Whether one is a Christian or not, absolutely no one who is familiar with the beliefs and writings of the Constitution- and Declaration-signers would dispute for a second that the Creator/God referred to is the God of the Bible.

that's not the same as endorsing religion. if you say "god damn it" are you just turning a phrase or actively trying to get your deity to damn something to the pits of hell?

I've quoted the founders on many occasions.

As I said, they clearly intended Bible teaching in schools, and though not pushing any particular denomination of Christianity as a state religion, clearly intended Christian principles and the Bible itself to have an essential role in our democratic government.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

 Originally Posted By: WB
You can hate Christianity (which you clearly do, Ray) but you can't credibly deny who the Declaration and Constitution signers clearly gave reverence and priority to.

i don't hate christianity. i hate christians like yourself who believe others are inferior for not sharing your beliefs. christians who are secure enough in their beliefs to respect those of others are fine in my book.

No, you clearly hate Christianity, and falsely blame it for all the world's evils, as is evident in topic after topic you've started here over the last 5 years.

Remember when you said Hitler was a Christian?
I disproved that with documented statistics of Protestants, Catholics, Jehovah witneses and others who were imprisoned by the Nazis. And the well documented plans Hitler had to use a Nazified version of Christianity for a period, before completely removing Christianity from Europe entirely.

Basically, anyone who doesn't ignore what the Bible actually says, and expresses strong support for the Bible, and in the case of the U.S., anyone who wishes to preserve memory of the historic Christian foundations of our government, is labelled as "hateful" by you, for not having a flaccid and completely passive view of Christanity, and the Christian right to press for political representation of their interests and beliefs as every other political group does, working to preserve the nation's Christian heritage.

 Originally Posted By: Ray said in a weaselly deceitful voice
you have slipped up here and there and used the word "white." you specifically said on one thread that the problem with illegal immigration is that the white population was being overrun.

 Originally Posted By: WB
You used the word white and scripted me to make a racist statement that I would never make.

 Originally Posted By: but wondy did say

 Originally Posted By: Ray
When the immigrant population approaches or surpasses the percentage of native-born, I find that a rather alarming ratio.....The white population is actually declining at 100,000 per year, leaving the insanity in California for an America they recognize as the same culture they grew up in.

see, that's where you slipped up. you had stuck with "native-born population" which would include whites blacks browns yellows reds, all the colors of the rainbow. but then you made it clear, that this is about white people being in the majority. "white population." those are your words. i didn't do some liberal mind trick or change things around. that's what you said.

You omitted the part where I said that, along with the white majority that's leaving California at a rate of about 100,000 a year, I also said that the black middle class is leaving with them.

Because they are tired of being overwhelmed by spanish-speaking illegals, and even though Californians voted in an overwhelming 59% majority (Proposition 187) that majority-supported law was overturned, and they're forced to pay higher taxes to pay benefits for illegals who aren't even legal taxpaying citizens. So they're (whites and blacks) leaving for other states that aren't overwhelmed by illegals, that aren't overwhelmed by hispanic gangs, that don't have schools inundated by spanish-only illegal children, that don't have hospitals bankrupted and declining in care due to unpaid medical bills of illegal Mexicans.

You omitted (deceitfully) the part where I answered previously, that I listed whites as one demographic group (being the clear pre-eminent majority of the english-speaking U.S. population), and that I also listed blacks as one of those mainstream American groups that is leaving California along with whites.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

 Originally Posted By: WB
Time and again, I've said that immigrants, whether they come from Europe, Asia, Africa, or Latin America are welcome here, if they assimilate.

 Originally Posted By: WB
I don't believe that any group is racially inferior. (You, however, being a believer in Darwinian theories of evolution, as Hitler did, would eagerly embrace the idea of scientific racism).

No, I don't. And believing in evolution because there is clear scientific evidence doesn't mean I think it needs to apply to evolved sentient creatures. If I believed one race was better than another I might say:
 Originally Posted By: WB
By "saying it was wrong", you simply give ammunition to those who want to attack America and its history, and more broadly, attack all of Western culture. (By cultures such as Latin America, and by China, and by Arab nations, whose corruption, slavery and brutality far exceeds ours. You give ammunition to inferior cultures to undermine ours).
They don't see the subtleties, so contrary to your notions, it does undermine our entire culture, it advances their blanket condemnation of us, it rationalizes their terrorism and other backlashes at us.

That's more of your deceit, Ray.

There's a difference between an inferior race and an inferior culture.

The cultures in the other nations I listed are corrupt and brutal, to the point that they don't have any moral high ground to criticize the United States or Europe.

However, they are NOT racially inferior, as you falsely imply me to say.

As I said, statistically, when immigrants from other regions of the world are given the ability to assimilate within a superior western culture, where their old culture does not overwhelm the western nation with the corruptions that existed in the nation they left, then they assimilate and become very educated and productive citizens.

That's just as true of immigrants from Europe. I know people from places like Kosovo, Croatia and Bosnia, who came here to get a way from conflicts in their home countries. But if they had huge populations in the U.S., those old vendettas might re-appear here.

I know Arabs and Jews who date here, which would be a blood offense in their native countries.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

and if I thought one culture was inferior and needed to be absorbed into a superior culture in order to be deemed worthy I might say:
 Originally Posted By: WB
Second of all, I said that Native American culture was still in the Stone Age when discovered by Europeans, had not even advanced to invention of the wheel when they first met Europeans.
I said that they were culturally inferior, *not* racially inferior. And that they've advanced greatly since through assimilation, and their descendants (myself included) enjoy a much better standard of living through assimilation with European colonists.

But that would be a dickhead thing to say. I mean what kind of asshole says that a people who were living lives of their choosing needed to be slaughtered and assimilated into another culture in order to be worthy of life.

Someone who sees that, yes, native americans were living in the Stone Age[/b] prior to contact with Europeans, were engaged in bloody tribal warfare, near starvation, involved frequently in cannibalism and human sacrifice?

These are facts, which you are clearly in denial about, in your eagerness to demonize your own nation and people falsely.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

 Originally Posted By: WB
But as I've said many times, and you continue to slander me as if I didn't, some nationalities (by the barometer-demographics of crime, prison population, drug arrests, gang activity, welfare use, and high-school dropout rates) don't assimilate as well as others for cultural reasons, not because of racial inferiority, as you slanderously allege.

Then you're saying America is culturally inferior to Europe because we have poorer health, more crime, gun violence, drug use, etc?
wow, I may have issues with our country but I don't think we're inferior. Why do you hate America?

Arguably we have a better health care system than Europe or Canada, because their government-run healthcare systems are inefficienct and very high priced, and their care is rationed, to the point that the wealthier citizens of these nations come to the United States and pay out-of-pocket for their care to get medical care in a timely manner, when needed.

The advantage of their nationalized/rationed health care systems of Canada and Europe are their proximity to the United States, where they can bypass their own beaurocratic rationed-care systemsfor immediate care in the United States, if needed.

Holland (with legalized drugs) has roughly triple the number of drug addicts as the United States. The example of Holland and other European nations is the argument for the U.S. *NOT* legalizing drugs.

The rise in crime in the U.S. coincides perfectly with the escalation of immigration, both legal and illegal. More illiterates, more crime.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

 Originally Posted By: WB
Hispanics from Mexico and other Caribbean/Central American countries don't assimilate as well as immigrants from China, India, South Korea, the Phillipines, South America and Europe.
Annual statistics gathered every year since 1965 manifest that.

why the need to assimilate? If they don't then it limits the jobs they can get and the interactions they can have. Ultimately it only hurts them. If they did make Spanish the second official language like you fear then they would have to make English the official one. Right now we have no official language, so that would cement English. Also people who are bilingual have healthier brains and it can even delay the onset of alzheimers. If Reagan worked on his language skills instead of his fear mongering skills his final years might have been better.

No. Despite your liberal-partisan false assumptions, it does hurt us when aliens don't assimilate.

It costs money to arrest and jail them for crimes they commit.

It costs money to pay for the births and education of their children, when they show up at our hospitals and schools and get free services they don't pay taxes for.

It costs money for their welfare, when illegal women come into the U.S. and give birth to "anchor babies", exploiting a legal loophole that gives the entire extended family access to welfare benefits.

It costs money for the drug trafficking and gang activity they engage in, and the crime, violence, and insurance losses to private citizens and businesses that results in.

Your assumptions about Spanish as a second language are totally false.

Adopting spanish as a second U.S. language would be one step closer to a Quebec-like separatist "Aztlan", not one step closer to a more unified U.S.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

 Originally Posted By: WB
I advocate taking more immigrants from the nations that tend not to give us more criminals, more high-school dropouts, more welfare parasites, etc., and less immigration from the nations that don't statistically assimilate as well.

racial profiling, huh? so some peoples are superior to others and better people in your mind? I bet your list of good nations is mostly white and your bad nations are mostly darker skinned. but no, you're not prejudiced or racist, you just think some people are superior to others.

As I said in the porevious topic (and you selectively omitted here), my list includes Korea, Japan, The Phillipines, China, Africa, Europe and South America. Pretty much every group of nations except Mexico, the Caribbean and Central America.

Another one of your slanderous assumptions shot to hell by the truth, Ray.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

 Originally Posted By: WB
You will note that except for Europe, the others I list are not white.
Again: It's not about race, it's about ability to assimilate.

you do realize that Europe is where white people come from. so you're really saying that all whites are good and you like some darker skinned people too.

As I said answering your previous slander above (an answer you again selectively omitted), I pretty much include every racial group as potentially good U.S. citizens, distancing only Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean being the lowest statistical performers.
But in many other topics, I've acknowledged that there are productive citizens from these regions too, just that they should be allowed entry more selectively, since they statistically have more non-performers.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

 Originally Posted By: WB
You constantly bring up white race and put the words in my mouth. I have not. The only exception is when I've compared black and white crime stistics, or similar racial demographic comparisons.

it's funny because i already showed where you did talk about the white population.

Wow, what incredible distortion on your part, Ray.

I only used the word "white" to mention demographics of how white Americans, along with middle-class black Americans, are leaving California because of their distaste for rampant Mexican immigration in California, to the point that their state now feels more like Mexico than the United States.
That they are tired of paying higher taxes to pay for a wide range of welfare and social benefits for illegals who don't even pay taxes.

That is addressing a social problem, that you have slandered me-- yet again!!-- to have made racial remarks, when in truth I just addressed a social and national sovereignty issue.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

 Originally Posted By: WB
Our nation has a 200 year history as an english-speaking culture, and I've firsthand seen immigrants of many races assimilate to our culture. My family doctor is from India (and a Carl Barks fan!).

your doc is "one of the good ones" huh? He doesn't shove any pesky indian things in your face as if he had a right to his own life. good for him!

How very racist of you, Ray.

Again: your racism, not mine.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

I met a female dentist recently who is a second-generation Korean American.

a female, huh? bet you didn't like that because:
 Originally Posted By: wondy

But when women demanded the same wages as men, that resulted in lowering wages for men, to the point that men could not be the sole wage-earner. Feminism also caused an increase in divorce and single-parent families.

My regular dentist is a man, and his wife and business associate is also a dentist. When she had children, she dropped to part-time work so she could be a mother to her children.

As I said, a lot of conservative women have home-based businesses and other work that allows them to have a career but still have children and be good mothers to their children.
As opposed to career women who put a priority on their careers and hire strangers to take care of their children.

It is not women I "hate" (as you falsely allege).
It is radical feminist ideals that make women have a contempt for being stay-at-home moms, avoid raising their own children in selfish pursuit of career and materialism, or often makes women avoid even having children AT ALL.

As I said, there's something deeply sick about a society that chooses not to have children at even replacement levels. And that no western nation is reproducing at population-replacement levels is a result of liberal-indoctrinated ideas of "overpopulation" and radical feminism.

The rest of the world is reproducing at the same rate they were in 1960, while the U.S., Canada, Europe, Russia, and Japan are now dying. That is the fruit of liberalism and its environmentalist and radical feminist branches.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

And I like how you boil her down to her race and gender.
interestingly you said he in the proper context of discusing the indian doctor, but had no real reason to say "female." it's like you find some novelty in it.

Again, YOUR hateful racist assumptions, NOT mine. I mentioned "female" simply because, quite frankly, I thought she was beautiful and a prospective girlfriend.

 Originally Posted By: Ray
 Originally Posted By: WB
Another Korean friend and former co-worker is a stockbroker.
One of my most pleasant early work experiences was working in a Chinese restaurant for 2 and a half years. I'm still in contact with them, almost 30 years later, long since they closed their restaurant and opened another business.
A Cuban friend I've known for 20-plus years who works as a convention promoter.
My friend from Argentina I mentioned previously.
All of these people, and many other foreign-born friends and co-workers I've known over the years, have a pride in this country and have fully assimilated. They aren't pushing for Spanish or any other language as a second U.S. national language. They all worked hard to learn it, and assimilated.

30 years? 20 years? I don't think I ever really considered your age but it makes sense. You do seem like a crotchety old man.

As I've said repeatedly, I'm 44. I don't consider that particularly old. And I've dated women as young as 23 in the last 2 years. So obviously women don't find me unattractively old either. One was my 23-year-old office co-worker's best friend. She set me up on a blind date with her best friend, and it went quite well. Although generally I prefer women within 10 years of my own age.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

And given the time frame and your bitching issues I have to wonder if maybe the love of your life wanted to pursue her own interests instead of become your housewife. Or maybe some black guy beat you out for a job and it was easier to blame liberalism than your own inferior nature (i do believe individuals can be inferior, especially idiots like yourself).

More of your trollish assumptions, based on absolutely nothing. I have several degrees and a glowing resume. One employer told me that when he checked my references, he was impresed by how favorable the opinions of my former employers were.

My Phillipine girlfriend actually wanted to be a housewife (I described her once to a friend of mine as an asian Donna Reed), but she was in a hurry to get married, and my timetable was about a year further out than hers. She worked as a cook and housekeeper for a wealthy family, but who treated her badly (low pay, long hours) as an employee, and so after 8 years there, she was eager to leave. She temporarily moved to Virginia for two months, then met some guy when she got back to Florida and married him within weeks of meeting him. In my conversations with her since, she clearly is unhappy in the marriage and regrets it. She says they argue a lot. I care about her deeply, and she feels the same way, which is why despite my feelings for her I don't keep in contact. I wouldn't want to be responsible for breaking up her marriage.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
You keep posting this alleged "gotcha" stuff, where you supposedly caught me saying racist stuff, but it's so obviously taken out of context by you.

 Originally Posted By: Ray
When the immigrant population approaches or surpasses the percentage of native-born, I find that a rather alarming ratio.....The white population is actually declining at 100,000 per year, leaving the insanity in California for an America they recognize as the same culture they grew up in.

see, that's where you slipped up. you had stuck with "native-born population" which would include whites blacks browns yellows reds, all the colors of the rainbow. but then you made it clear, that this is about white people being in the majority. "white population." those are your words. i didn't do some liberal mind trick or change things around. that's what you said.

You omitted the part where I said that, along with the white majority that's leaving California at a rate of about 100,000 a year, I also said that the black middle class is leaving with them.

here is the WHOLE post:
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

To a degree, I find it exciting. It is only when it exceeds a certain ratio of the population that I find unpleasant and a threat to American sovereignty and culture.

Someone who speaks spanish doesn't offend me.
Someone who wants to make spanish the second language of the U.S. does.

I'd already prepared a long response to that comment but now I don't feel like posting it because it's pretty heated and right now I'm not really in the mood.

Do you want to hear it? Because frankly I found that comment to be typical as well as racist.

When the immigrant population approaches or surpasses the percentage of native-born, I find that a rather alarming ratio. And at that point, I wonder whether the immigrants are assimilating to our English-rooted European culture, or whether we are assimilating to theirs.

In Broward County the ratio of immigrants is now over 50%. I'm sure it exceeds that in places like L.A. and Miami.

The same is true in London (the numbers and attitude of which has inspired a book titled Londonistan).

For someone to not find that ratio alarming, they cannot put much worth in our national identity. It is nothing less than cultural suicide. Whether you're talking about 50-plus percent Russian, or 50-plus percent Indian, or 50-plus percent Mexican, it isn't about racism, it's about what we are as a nation, and the threat of non-assimilation those high numbers persent.

Even in colonial times, "racists" like Franklin and Washington were concerned about too many Germans entering the country, and among those permitted to enter the U.S., steps were taken to insure they were spread out among the U.S. population, so they would assimilate, and not pose any threat of becoming a separate pocket of German culture in America.

Compare this with Mexican immigration in California and the U.S. Southwestern states. The white population is actually declining at 100,000 per year, leaving the insanity in California for an America they recognize as the same culture they grew up in. As the Mexican population continues to soar. Every year, California looks less and less like the rest of America, and its voters become increasingly less interested in securing our borders, and more interested in creating a welfare state.
In the 1990's boom period, when imcomes rose for the rest of the U.S., median incomes declined by 8% in fifteen border counties of California, specifically due to Mexican immigration, and the lower wages that so many immigrants (legal and illegal) caused.

nowhere do you mention the black middle class. Again, I quote exactly what you say and you accuse me of lying for not capturing your "intent" or what you said later on while backpeddling. This is the exact post. You talk about the white population and that's it.
I'm not looking up the others. This is silly and you're clearly not mentally sound to have a discussion of any sort.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-16 11:54 PM
 Originally Posted By: Ray slanderously said

nowhere do you mention the black middle class.

 Originally Posted By: WB

Ray slanderously OMITTED: 11/27/2007

All I did was list a specific example where whites were fleeing California, as one demographic sample of how excessive immigration is displacing real Americans.
Real Americans in California who include the black middle class as well, and probably other upper-middle-class minorities, who began to flee after proposition 187 was overturned by a circuit judge, overturning the will of the majority of California voters, who voted to end welfare and other benefits for illegal aliens. It was at this point that financially able whites and blacks began leaving the state in scorn for a policy they voted overwhelmingly to eliminate.

Again you spin this my wanting to have a "racist all-white America", despite my clearly favoring immigration of all races who assimilate into our society, and nations who, based on 40 years of immigration demographics don't end up in high ratios on welfare, in prison, as hig-school dropouts, and otherwise sponging off our society.
Again, the nations I've cited include India, China, South Korea and the Phillipines. Hardly what I would advocate if I were the white racist supremacist you allege.

So it's another attempt on your part to smear and misrepresent me.

So.. Ray slanders... and fails... again.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Ray slanderously said

nowhere do you mention the black middle class.

 Originally Posted By: WB

Ray slanderously OMITTED: 11/27/2007

All I did was list a specific example where whites were fleeing California, as one demographic sample of how excessive immigration is displacing real Americans.
Real Americans in California who include the black middle class as well, and probably other upper-middle-class minorities, who began to flee after proposition 187 was overturned by a circuit judge, overturning the will of the majority of California voters, who voted to end welfare and other benefits for illegal aliens. It was at this point that financially able whites and blacks began leaving the state in scorn for a policy they voted overwhelmingly to eliminate.

Again you spin this my wanting to have a "racist all-white America", despite my clearly favoring immigration of all races who assimilate into our society, and nations who, based on 40 years of immigration demographics don't end up in high ratios on welfare, in prison, as hig-school dropouts, and otherwise sponging off our society.
Again, the nations I've cited include India, China, South Korea and the Phillipines. Hardly what I would advocate if I were the white racist supremacist you allege.

So it's another attempt on your part to smear and misrepresent me.

So.. Ray slanders... and fails... again.

wow. in the post i quoted you talk only about whites. now you're arguing that because a month later, after a month of me saying you were racist for talking about the white population, you posted something about the black middle class. and that makes me a slanderous weasely liar?
wow. you really are nuts.
Posted By: whomod Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-17 11:14 AM
The entire 1/3rd of a web page devoted to one long assed post?

Wonder Boy must be online.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-18 7:25 AM
 Originally Posted By: Ray

wow. in the post i quoted you talk only about whites. now you're arguing that because a month later, after a month of me saying you were racist for talking about the white population, you posted something about the black middle class. and that makes me a slanderous weasely liar?
wow. you really are nuts.

Why rush to answer yet another repeat of a slander I've answered in at least 100 previous posts?
My views are clear enough the FIRST hundred times I responded to your slander. I never said anything racist. You keep making racist remarks, and paraphrasing me to have allegedly said them (i.e., you're a lying sack of shit).

You think repeating a disproven false allegation makes it any more true?

You're just being a lying sack of shit, just like always. Very little of what you post is worth responding to at all.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Ray

wow. in the post i quoted you talk only about whites. now you're arguing that because a month later, after a month of me saying you were racist for talking about the white population, you posted something about the black middle class. and that makes me a slanderous weasely liar?
wow. you really are nuts.

Why rush to answer yet another repeat of a slander I've answered in at least 100 previous posts?
My views are clear enough the FIRST hundred times I responded to your slander. I never said anything racist. You keep making racist remarks, and paraphrasing me to have allegedly said them (i.e., you're a lying sack of shit).

wow, you really are just disconnected from reality. it's one thing to argue, it's another to argue based on a false point repeatedly. As I showed, the racist comment (you saying "white population") is in your post. You said you mentioned the black middle class as well, I showed the whole post and you didn't. Then you showed a post from a month later as proof that it was said in the initial post.

You think repeating a disproven false allegation makes it any more true?

Please scroll up and re-read it all. It's in English for your benefit. Try comprehending what's being said and what is going on. Maybe ask a smart friend to help you. Then get a dictionary, or go to dictionary.com, and look up "slander" "disproven" "false" "allegation" "ad hominem" and "ironic."

You're just being a lying sack of shit, just like always. Very little of what you post is worth responding to at all.

That's not too bad though, because NONE of what you post is worth responding to.
Posted By: whomod Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-18 7:42 AM
But he dated a black girl once!
 Originally Posted By: whomod
But he dated a black girl once!

That actually sounds kind of sinister.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-18 8:22 AM
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Ray

wow. in the post i quoted you talk only about whites. now you're arguing that because a month later, after a month of me saying you were racist for talking about the white population, you posted something about the black middle class. and that makes me a slanderous weasely liar?
wow. you really are nuts.

Why rush to answer yet another repeat of a slander I've answered in at least 100 previous posts?
My views are clear enough the FIRST hundred times I responded to your slander. I never said anything racist. You keep making racist remarks, and paraphrasing me to have allegedly said them (i.e., you're a lying sack of shit).

wow, you really are just disconnected from reality. it's one thing to argue, it's another to argue based on a false point repeatedly. As I showed, the racist comment (you saying "white population") is in your post. You said you mentioned the black middle class as well, I showed the whole post and you didn't. Then you showed a post from a month later as proof that it was said in the initial post.

Wow. YOU'RE the one who lies repeatedly, and then you turn it around and allege that I'M the liar?

I simply mentioned "white Americans leaving California", and middle class blacks as well leaving California, as a demographic sampling that combined represent about 80% of Americans. If 100,000 whites are leaving California per year, they can't all be racists.
Which is precisely my point, they're voting with their feet that there is a serious immigration problem in California, and that they no longer want to deal with the taxes to subsidize illegals (that they voted to stop with Proposition 187), the gangs, the crime, the declining schools due to the ratio of students who don't speak english, and feeling like aliens in their own country.

Wow. When Whomod constantly posts demographics about "hispanic Americans" you must REALLY think he's a racist. If you had any uniform standard for your slanderous antagonisms. Which you don't. Because you're a lying sack of shit.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

 Originally Posted By: WB
You think repeating a disproven false allegation makes it any more true?

Please scroll up and re-read it all. It's in English for your benefit. Try comprehending what's being said and what is going on. Maybe ask a smart friend to help you. Then get a dictionary, or go to dictionary.com, and look up "slander" "disproven" "false" "allegation" "ad hominem" and "ironic."

Again you repeat the lie.
Your insults are not facts.

I mentioned two large demographic groups that are leaving California in droves because they are tired of paying taxes to support illegals, and legal immigration out of control. Period. The end. Not racism. It's not Mexicans even that is making them leave, but the OVERWHELMING FLOOD of hispanic immigrants, that is declining the quality of life for them, to the point that they are moving elsewhere. 100,000 white Californians can't all be racist. There are clearly other deeper social and economic reasons for their exodus.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

 Originally Posted By: WB
You're just being a lying sack of shit, just like always. Very little of what you post is worth responding to at all.

That's not too bad though, because NONE of what you post is worth responding to.

So why are you responding?

You have a burning need to slander those who disagree with you. I present an issue, and rather than address the issue, you just falsely slander over and over, "you're a racist".

Mentioning statistical demographics regarding blacks, whites, hispanics, asians, Arabs, native Americans, or whoever, is not inherently racist. Except to slandering liberal fucks like you.

If we can't discuss the problems particular to racial, social or economic demographic groups, then we can't truly discuss the problems that face those groups, or our larger society as a whole. Your slanderous antagonism, and constantly raising the allegation of "you're a racist, you're a racist" is just spiteful defamation, constantly raising an allegation you KNOW to be false.
It is the consistent liberal tactic, in their holy war on progress. To prevent the real issues from even being discussed, and to rally minorities to their side with fear tactics.

Or more pointedly, you're a lying sack of shit.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-18 8:35 AM
 Originally Posted By: whomod
The entire 1/3rd of a web page devoted to one long assed post?

Wonder Boy must be online.


 Originally Posted By: whomod

Romney in '08 topic:
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

"The source of the card is unknown..."

So it could have come from a Democrat.
It would be consistent with Hillary Clinton's political tactics, and her many unclaimed attacks on Obama, that even the liberal media says came from her campaign.

When buildings are bombed by terrorists, there is a reason people immediately assume it's done by radical islamists. Same with Lee Atwater/Karl Rove style smear jobs. It's an established M.O. with the far right. G-man also makes good points which you probably won't immediately dismiss as coming from Moscow or something similarly archaic and and dated.

When you mention swiftboat ads, you might also mention the Swiftboating by Dan Rather and the rest of liberal media, if not complicit Democrats, when they attacked Bush with a forged letter allegedly from Bush's National Guard commanding officer, just 2 weeks before the 2004 election.

While CBS and Rather did a piss poor job of evaluating the authenticity of the document, Marion Knox, the 86 year old former secretary was found who also said the document was fake. She did however say she remembered doing a similar document with roughly the same information in it. She also said Bush was unfit to serve as President and was selected, not elected.

So much for "swift boating". When the secretary who typed up the documents says the documents were fake but the INFO was spot-on. Sounds like a classic Rove deflection/distraction tactic to me. (see Rove bugging his own HQ and accusing the Democrats).

Or Al Gore's, Jesse Jackson's, Al Sharpton's and other Democrats' cultivating fear and splitting the nation along ethnic lines with allegations of racism in the 2000 election, along with other conspiracy theories, to scapegoat their losses in 2000 and 2004 onto Ralph Nader, George W. Bush, and others.

Willie Horton

Welfare queen

Southern strategy

Lee Atwater

Although if you read the Lee Atwater entry, he did come to an epiphany after discovering he had cancer and publicly apologized for the deplorable tactics he used to discredit and destroy people for the Republican Party. Karl Rove and his ilk have yet to have a similar pang of conscience.

Or exposure of the Mark Foley scandal on October 2006, barely 2 weeks before the election (an interesting pattern for the liberal media, in 2004 and 2006). A story Democrats and the liberal media had known about for roughly a year, but chose that precise moment to unleash on the Republicans.
Funny how swiftboating the Republicans in far more questionable circumstances doesn't even raise the slightest blip on your sense-of-fairness meter.

Uh huh.

It was a Republican aide who came forward first. And the Republicans knew about it for much longer. hence the resignation of Dennis Hastert. You forgot to add that part when you were pointing fingers at the evil liberals.

On the subject of the Swiftboat ads, I think it was fair game, since Kerry opened the door by attacking Bush's National Guard record, and Kerry would often condemn the Swiftboat attacks on his record, and then attack Bush's military record in the same breath. If it's fair for Kerry, then it's fair for Bush to respond.

Of course you think it's fair game. Was it also far game the way they attacked Max Cleland? "Support the troops" all right. Jut so long as they ain't liberal. if so then they're "fair game".

The Democrats engage in these attacks.

And the Democrats do it to themselves. Just ask Howard Dean.

Howard Dean? The chairman of the DNC? Why?

Someone as prone to voluminous foaming-at-the-mouth liberal rants such as yours should look to the length of his own posts, before he criticizes the length of anyone else's posts.

Especially when my responses are just answering the voluminous false assumptions, gloating bravado, and sheer excrement that you've raised, and obligated myself and others to respond to.
Posted By: whomod Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-18 8:56 AM
That post isn't a third of a page.
Posted By: Pariah Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-18 9:06 AM
No worries Whomod. One could probably be dug up. Not to mention your posts with those gargantuan quote boxes you use to let your talking points make your arguments for you.
Posted By: whomod Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-18 9:13 AM
um... newspaper articles aren't 'talking points'.
Posted By: Pariah Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-18 9:21 AM
I guess that means I'm not talking about articles.
Posted By: rex Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-18 9:36 AM
Are you window lickers seriously arguing over who has the longer posts?
Posted By: Pariah Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-18 9:41 AM
There's no need to argue about it....I've lived it.

Posted By: Wank and Cry Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-18 10:09 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
There's no need to argue about it....I've lived it.


Awww Poor baby. Must have been traumatic for you?
Posted By: Pariah Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-18 10:24 AM
Mxy actually.

You got things in reverse again dude. Keep workin' at it though.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-18 10:40 AM
Don't downplay your suffering Pariah. You had to "live through it". That implies pain. It's okay, let it out. I'm sure...Whomod wouldn't mind taking you into his bossium
Posted By: Pariah Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-18 11:07 AM
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
You had to "live through it". That implies pain.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
I've lived it

Poor poor Halo. \:\(
wondy, it's no longer funny. I think you have some serious mental problem. I quote a whole post, it doesn't matter that a month later you posted something else. That doesn't really effect the racist post. This is becoming the textbook definition of insanity. You seem to live in your own world. And that to me says no facts, no reality, will ever have any impact.
It's kind of sad.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-18 7:21 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
You had to "live through it". That implies pain.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
I've lived it

Poor poor Halo. \:\(

Awww, now you've been slightly misquoted. The horror! Whomod...hold him.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-18 8:26 PM
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
wondy, it's no longer funny. I think you have some serious mental problem. I quote a whole post, it doesn't matter that a month later you posted something else. That doesn't really effect the racist post. This is becoming the textbook definition of insanity. You seem to live in your own world. And that to me says no facts, no reality, will ever have any impact.
It's kind of sad.

Serious mental problem = a guy who needs to post to every topic I post to, and hate on whatever I say, devoting his life and endless hours to proving, against the evidence, that I'm somehow a racist, in an excerpted tea-leaf-reading of my posts.

You want insanity, Ray, just look in the mirror.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
wondy, it's no longer funny. I think you have some serious mental problem. I quote a whole post, it doesn't matter that a month later you posted something else. That doesn't really effect the racist post. This is becoming the textbook definition of insanity. You seem to live in your own world. And that to me says no facts, no reality, will ever have any impact.
It's kind of sad.

Serious mental problem = a guy who needs to post to every topic I post to, and hate on whatever I say, devoting his life and endless hours to proving, against the evidence, that I'm somehow a racist, in an excerpted tea-leaf-reading of my posts.

You want insanity, Ray, just look in the mirror.

because I always go on about liberal conspiracies and how they want to overthrow democracy and install some evil regime dedicated to helping mexicans on welfare?
Posted By: Pariah Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-19 1:13 AM
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Awww, now you've been slightly misquoted. The horror! Whomod...hold him.

I'm so sorry Halo. I suppose one with your learning disability wouldn't really understand the inflectional implications of erroneously adding "through" to my statement.

I'll be more sensitive to your condition next time. \:\)
 Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
I live in what was a very white area 40 years ago, but is now becoming a very mixed area.

There are white, Indian ( from India ), Russian, Romanian, Latin, etc here now.

The neighborhood is also turning black, which is cool, as some of the daddies are cute!

I can hear the people here from other countries all talking in their various dialects in the street, in their apartments, etc.

I don't give a damn who lives here, as long as they don't fuck with me!

Yes, but you're gay. Although Wonder boy likes to party with you guys on New years, he does disapprove of your lifestyle CHOICE.

Plus if you're gay, you must be a commie liberal so you're all for this country being invaded and losing it's European identity as well as it's sovereignty..

Using deceitful communist rhetorical technique, straight from the Moscow Central Committee of course...

Posted By: Wank and Cry Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-19 1:45 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Awww, now you've been slightly misquoted. The horror! Whomod...hold him.

I'm so sorry Halo. I suppose one with your learning disability wouldn't really understand the inflectional implications of erroneously adding "through" to my statement.

I'll be more sensitive to your condition next time. \:\)

Posted By: Pariah Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-19 8:38 AM
I realize you have trouble with them Halo, but you can't just replace words with pictures. It's not gonna make the frustration go away. You have to deal with your problems head on.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-19 9:55 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
I realize you have trouble with them Halo, but you can't just replace words with pictures. It's not gonna make the frustration go away. You have to deal with your problems head on.

This will probaly be the last time I ever respond to you in a serious manner Pariah. But I just wanted to say how much I really hate arrogant, vain, obtuse, mindless, hypocritical, grandiose, losers like you and how much joy it gives me to see how I'ver reverted you into nothing more then some wounded puppy following me around regurgitating the same nonsense again and again because you know that I can expose your bull shit in a straight up debate about anything. If you are this pathetic in real life then it's no wonder you have nothing better to do then obsess over me and look for ANYONE who will give you attention. Maybe you wouldn't need so much attention from words on the internet if you'd jerked off every once in awhile. Take some self esteem classes or at the very least get a puppy.

Oh and for the record, I think it should be stated that you'll probaly grow up to be a pedophile.
Posted By: King Snarf Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-19 10:10 AM
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

Oh and for the record, I think it should be stated that you'll probaly grow up to be a pedophile.

No, no, no! The running joke is that Pariah will grow up to be an Asian transsexual! Rehearsals, people!
Posted By: Pariah Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-19 10:21 AM
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
This will probaly be the last time I ever respond to you in a serious manner Pariah. But I just wanted to say how much I really hate arrogant, vain, obtuse, mindless, hypocritical, grandiose, losers like you and how much joy it gives me to see how I'ver reverted you into nothing more then some wounded puppy following me around regurgitating the same nonsense again and again because you know that I can expose your bull shit in a straight up debate about anything. If you are this pathetic in real life then it's no wonder you have nothing better to do then obsess over me and look for ANYONE who will give you attention. Maybe you wouldn't need so much attention from words on the internet if you'd jerked off every once in awhile. Take some self esteem classes or at the very least get a puppy.

Oh and for the record, I think it should be stated that you'll probaly grow up to be a pedophile.

Poor poor Halo. \:\(
Posted By: whomod Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-19 10:38 AM
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

Oh and for the record, I think it should be stated that you'll probaly grow up to be a pedophile.

Posted By: Wank and Cry Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-19 7:22 PM
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

Oh and for the record, I think it should be stated that you'll probaly grow up to be a pedophile.

No, no, no! The running joke is that Pariah will grow up to be an Asian transsexual! Rehearsals, people!

I wanted to be original.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-19 7:22 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
This will probaly be the last time I ever respond to you in a serious manner Pariah. But I just wanted to say how much I really hate arrogant, vain, obtuse, mindless, hypocritical, grandiose, losers like you and how much joy it gives me to see how I'ver reverted you into nothing more then some wounded puppy following me around regurgitating the same nonsense again and again because you know that I can expose your bull shit in a straight up debate about anything. If you are this pathetic in real life then it's no wonder you have nothing better to do then obsess over me and look for ANYONE who will give you attention. Maybe you wouldn't need so much attention from words on the internet if you'd jerked off every once in awhile. Take some self esteem classes or at the very least get a puppy.

Oh and for the record, I think it should be stated that you'll probaly grow up to be a pedophile.

Poor poor Halo. \:\(

Pariah, I'd call you a rock, but I'm pretty sure you couldn't even manage to roll down hill without fucking it up.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-19 8:00 PM
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Serious mental problem = a guy who needs to post to every topic I post to, and hate on whatever I say, devoting his life and endless hours to proving, against the evidence, that I'm somehow a racist, in an excerpted tea-leaf-reading of my posts.

You want insanity, Ray, just look in the mirror.

because I always go on about liberal conspiracies and how they want to overthrow democracy and install some evil regime dedicated to helping mexicans on welfare?

Again, that's not racism on my part, as you slanderously imply again.

What I discuss is the corporate lobby influence that controls both the Democrat and Republican parties, that lobbies for laws that enable offshoring of jobs and factories, and lobbies for cheap-labor foreign immigrants (both legal and illegal) to maximize their profits, while middle-class taxpayers pick up the tab for their medical care and unpaid hospital bills, overcrowding of schools, welfare for immigrants, increased gangs, drugs, violent crime, court costs and imprisonment these immigrants (both legal and illegal) bring.

Again, immigration is good for the country, if limited to what the nation can absorb.
But we are currently immigrating 4 times the number of legal immigrants that even liberal John F. Kennedy recommended. And are taking in millions more illegals. It is a formula for balkanization, de-stabilization, chaos, and even terrorism.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

maybe if i say my point in a non-racist way people will forget all the racist stuff i said.
to be safe i'll say "slander" again. that lets me avoid the things i actually said and rewrite my own posts.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-19 9:06 PM
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

So your paraphrasing me again (more lies about me), somehow makes you the slightest bit credible?

Dream on, Ray.

You lying sack of shit.
you're so angry. maybe you should go to your church and get a refund. i mean, you're obviously an old man so you don't have too long left to live and with this level of anger you're obviously not getting the full christ love that you should have so close to judgement day.
"while you want us to fry in our own bile" you may have an even hotter place to avoid.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-20 12:01 AM
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
you're so angry. maybe you should go to your church and get a refund. i mean, you're obviously an old man so you don't have too long left to live and with this level of anger you're obviously not getting the full christ love that you should have so close to judgement day.
"while you want us to fry in our own bile" you may have an even hotter place to avoid.

So because I politely field your insults for three years, and only recently give you the slightest sampling of your own bottomless rage and viciousness, as you endlessly solicit an angry response, and... that proves I'M hypocritical?

The hypocrisy is yours, someone who bemoans my harsh words, but solicits them with every post.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

So because I politely field your insults for three years, and only recently give you the slightest sampling of your own bottomless rage and viciousness, as out endlessly solicit an angry response, and... that proves I'M hypocritical?

where in that post did i say you were hypocritical? I said you were an angry old man who probably should learn some of that christian love if he really believes his soul and character will be judged after death.

The hypocrisy is yours, someone who bemoans my harsh words, but solicits them with every post.

sir! you slander me with such ad hominem attacks. why i dare say you wish to bring down civilization with such a post.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-20 1:01 AM
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

So because I politely field your insults for three years, and only recently give you the slightest sampling of your own bottomless rage and viciousness, as out endlessly solicit an angry response, and... that proves I'M hypocritical?

where in that post did i say you were hypocritical? I said you were an angry old man

44 isn't that old. I've probably only got about 10 years on you.

 Originally Posted By: Ray
who probably should learn some of that christian love if he really believes his soul and character will be judged after death.

Again: since you are deliberately soliciting the response, then perhaps you should practice some of that Christian love you so hypocritically try to use as a weapon against me.
Defending against your slander is not "un-Christian".

 Originally Posted By: Ray
 Originally Posted By: WB
The hypocrisy is yours, someone who bemoans my harsh words, but solicits them with every post.

sir! you slander me with such ad hominem attacks. why i dare say you wish to bring down civilization with such a post.

Exposing your hypocrisy is not slander, it's just revealing the truth.
Posted By: rex Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-20 1:04 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

44 isn't that old. I've probably only got about 10 years on you.

It is when your as bitter, racist and hateful as you are. Its time to let it go.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

44 isn't that old. I've probably only got about 10 years on you.

you've got 18 years. and your wound up angry at the shadows mentality will probaby kill you before my mellow we can all get along attitude gets me.
then you'll meet Jesus...and he'll be black. And he will be so pissed.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-20 1:10 AM
Stop fucking distracting him. I'm waiting for him to tell me when Bush invaded Liberia.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-20 1:30 AM
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

44 isn't that old. I've probably only got about 10 years on you.

you've got 18 years. and your wound up angry at the shadows mentality will probaby kill you before my mellow we can all get along attitude gets me.

Yours are the angriest posts on these boards. You're on the edge of an anyeurism with every post.

And then you've got the audacity to call anyone else angry, hateful, uptight, etc.
The irony... it just runneth over...
Posted By: rex Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-20 1:33 AM
yeah, I'm starting to believe your an alt again.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-20 1:50 AM
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Stop fucking distracting him. I'm waiting for him to tell me when Bush invaded Liberia.


U.S. troops are headed toward Liberia. A new round of fighting there between rebels, who want to oust Liberian leader Charles Taylor, and government forces, has killed hundreds of people in the last month.

In a Rose Garden appearance today, President Bush explained that U.S. troops would assist an international peacekeeping force, mainly comprised of troops from West Africa. They go by the acronym ECOWAS, the Economic Community of West African States....

approximately 2,300 Marines on three ships from the Mediterranean on down the coast of Africa. The advance party of these Marines should be there in the next week or so -- the first two ships of the three-ship group. They will be standing by offshore, as the president said, waiting to help and assist the peacekeepers.

Liberia was deliberately de-stabilized by the surrounding islamic neighboring governments.
U.S. Marines went in as part of a peacekeeping force of african states to re-establish order and stop the rioting and killings.

Posted By: Wank and Cry Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-20 1:55 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Stop fucking distracting him. I'm waiting for him to tell me when Bush invaded Liberia.


U.S. troops are headed toward Liberia. A new round of fighting there between rebels, who want to oust Liberian leader Charles Taylor, and government forces, has killed hundreds of people in the last month.

In a Rose Garden appearance today, President Bush explained that U.S. troops would assist an international peacekeeping force, mainly comprised of troops from West Africa. They go by the acronym ECOWAS, the Economic Community of West African States....

approximately 2,300 Marines on three ships from the Mediterranean on down the coast of Africa. The advance party of these Marines should be there in the next week or so -- the first two ships of the three-ship group. They will be standing by offshore, as the president said, waiting to help and assist the peacekeepers.

Liberia was deliberatel de-stabilized by the surrounding islamic neightboring governments. U.S. Marines went in as part of a coalition of african states to re-establish order and stop the rioting and killings.

I see, so to you, sending a "peace keeping force" as part of a United Nations to-do constitutes an invasion?

You are an idiot.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-20 2:06 AM
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

I see, so to you, sending a "peace keeping force" as part of a United Nations to-do constitutes an invasion?

You are an idiot.

We sent in 2300 Marines as a peacekeeping force into Liberia, and there were concerns (of a number of Washington and Pentagon leaders) of possible deaths of Americans in that conflict. 2300 Marines is more than half the total number of U.S. soldiers who have died in 5 years. Similar actions included Haiti, Somalia, Bosnia and Kosovo.

You're an idiot for not acknowledging commitment of resources, and the potential risk, any time U.S. forces are deployed.

And that it was a deployment of U.S. forces for a nation that doesn't have oil resources to exploit.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-20 2:14 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

I see, so to you, sending a "peace keeping force" as part of a United Nations to-do constitutes an invasion?

You are an idiot.

We sent in 2300 Marines as a peacekeeping force into Liberia, and there were concerns (of a number of Washington and Pentagon leaders) of possible deaths of Americans in that conflict. 2300 Marines is more than half the total number of U.S. soldiers who have died in 5 years. Similar actions included Haiti, Somalia, Bosnia and Kosovo.

You're an idiot for not acknowledging commitment of resources, and the potential risk, any time U.S. forces are deployed.

And that it was a deployment of U.S. forces for a nation that doesn't have oil resources to exploit.

Who said anything about risk? That still doesn't make it an invasion and still doesn't change the fact that the U.S never had the hard for N.Korea or Liberia (if it makes you feel better) that it had for Iran and Iraq.

Nice try WB.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-20 3:35 AM
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

I see, so to you, sending a "peace keeping force" as part of a United Nations to-do constitutes an invasion?

You are an idiot.

We sent in 2300 Marines as a peacekeeping force into Liberia, and there were concerns (of a number of Washington and Pentagon leaders) of possible deaths of Americans in that conflict. 2300 Marines is more than half the total number of U.S. soldiers who have died in 5 years. Similar actions included Haiti, Somalia, Bosnia and Kosovo.

You're an idiot for not acknowledging commitment of resources, and the potential risk, any time U.S. forces are deployed.

And that it was a deployment of U.S. forces for a nation that doesn't have oil resources to exploit.

Who said anything about risk? That still doesn't make it an invasion and still doesn't change the fact that the U.S never had the hard for N.Korea or Liberia (if it makes you feel better) that it had for Iran and Iraq.

Nice try WB.

A rose by any other name.

It's a military police action, however you'd like to spin it otherwise. With a considerable force of 2300 Marines deployed to Liberia.

Iraq and Iran are central to the entire Middle East, and expansion from either of those nations (closing off shipping in the Persian Gulf) could bottle up virtually the entire global oil supply, in addition to allow invasions of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain... in short, every ally the West has in the Middle East.

But again: even though we have priority interests in the Persian Gulf, we also conducted military actions in Bosnia, Kosovo, Haiti, Somalia and Liberia, for both (1) humanitarian reasons, and (2) to prevent the conflicts from expanding to include more nations in a larger regional war.
Posted By: Wank and Cry Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-20 3:48 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Halo82

I see, so to you, sending a "peace keeping force" as part of a United Nations to-do constitutes an invasion?

You are an idiot.

We sent in 2300 Marines as a peacekeeping force into Liberia, and there were concerns (of a number of Washington and Pentagon leaders) of possible deaths of Americans in that conflict. 2300 Marines is more than half the total number of U.S. soldiers who have died in 5 years. Similar actions included Haiti, Somalia, Bosnia and Kosovo.

You're an idiot for not acknowledging commitment of resources, and the potential risk, any time U.S. forces are deployed.

And that it was a deployment of U.S. forces for a nation that doesn't have oil resources to exploit.

Who said anything about risk? That still doesn't make it an invasion and still doesn't change the fact that the U.S never had the hard for N.Korea or Liberia (if it makes you feel better) that it had for Iran and Iraq.

Nice try WB.

A rose by any other name.

It's a military police action, however you'd like to spin it otherwise. With a considerable force of 2300 Marines deployed to Liberia.

Iraq and Iran are central to the entire Middle East, and expansion from either of those nations (closing off shipping in the Persian Gulf) could bottle up virtually the entire global oil supply, in addition to allow invasions of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait... in short, every ally the West has in the Middle East.

But again: even though we have priority interests in the Persian Gulf, we also conducted military actions in Bosnia, Kosovo, Haiti, Somalia and Liberia, for both (1) humanitarian reasons, and (2) to prevent the conflicts from expanding to include more nations in a larger regional war.

Yeah, the only diffrence between an invasion and a peace keeping mission is a name. Give me a break.

Anyway, as the articles you and G-man posted have proven N.Korea is just as dangerous as Iraq and Iran. Only diffrence is oil. But you already knew that "and expansion from either of those nations (closing off shipping in the Persian Gulf) could bottle up virtually the entire global oil supply".
Posted By: John Gibson Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-27 5:58 AM
Nearly half of the nation's children under 5 are racial or ethnic minorities, and the percentage is increasing mainly because the Hispanic population is growing so rapidly.

Do your duty. Make more babies... half of the kids in this country under five years old are minorities. By far the greatest number are Hispanic. You know what that means? Twenty-five years and the majority of the population is Hispanic. Why is that? Well, the Hispanics are having more kids than others. Notably the ones Hispanics call gabachos, white people, are having fewer.
 Originally Posted By: John Gibson
Nearly half of the nation's children under 5 are racial or ethnic minorities, and the percentage is increasing mainly because the Hispanic population is growing so rapidly.

Do your duty. Make more babies... half of the kids in this country under five years old are minorities. By far the greatest number are Hispanic. You know what that means? Twenty-five years and the majority of the population is Hispanic. Why is that? Well, the Hispanics are having more kids than others. Notably the ones Hispanics call gabachos, white people, are having fewer.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-28 3:05 PM
It's not me.

But the man does make a point.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-29 12:33 AM
I have never used the word "gabacho" in my life. I will start now, of course.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-29 1:45 AM
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
I have never used the word "gabacho" in my life. I will start now, of course.

Gabacho Man

Body...wanna feel my body?
Body...such a thrill my body
Body...wanna touch my body?
Body...it's too much my body
Check it out my body, body.
Don't you doubt my body, body.
talkin' bout my body, body,
check it out my body

Every man wants to be a gabacho gabacho man
to have the kind of body, always in demand
Jogging in the mornings, go man go
works out in the health spa, muscles glow
You can best believe that, he's a macho man
ready to get down with, anyone he can

Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, hey!
Gabacho, gabacho man (gabacho man)
I've got to be, a gabacho man
gabacho, gabacho man
I've got to be a Gabacho! Ow....

Macho, macho man
I've got to be, a Gabacho man
Macho, macho man (yeah, yeah)
I've got to be a macho!

Body, its so hot, my body,
Body, love to pop my body,
Body, love to please my body,
Body, don't you tease my body,
Body, you'll adore my body,
Body, come explore my body,
Body, made by God, my body,
Body, it's so good, my body

You can tell a Gabacho, he has a funky walk
his western shirts and leather, always look so boss
Funky with his body, he's a king
call him Mister Eagle, dig his chains
You can best believe that, he's a macho man
likes to be the leader, he never dresses grand

Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, hey!
Gabacho, Gabacho man
I've got to be, a Gabacho man
Macho, macho man
I've got to be a Gabacho! (all right)

Macho, macho man (yeah, yeah)
I've got to be, a macho man
Macho, macho man
I've got to be a Gabacho! All Right!

Ugh! Gabacho..baby!
Body, body, body wanna feel my body,
Body, body, body gonna thrill my body,
Body, body, body don'tcha stop my body,
Body, body, body it's so hot my body,

Every man ought to be a Gabacho Gabacho man,
To live a life of freedom, Gabachos make a stand,
Have their own life style and ideals,
Possess the strength and confidence, life's a steal,
You can best believe that he's a Gabacho man
He's a special person in anybody's land.

Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, hey!
Gabacho, Gabacho man (macho man)
I've got to be, a Gabacho man
Macho, macho man
I've got to be a Gabacho! (dig the hair on my chest)

Gabacho, Gabacho man (see my big thick mustache)
I've got to be, a Gabacho man
Gabacho, Gabacho man
I've got to be a Gabacho! (Dig broad shoulders)

Gabacho, Gabacho man (dig my muscles!)
I've got to be, a Gabacho man
Gabacho, Gabacho man
I've got to be a Gabacho!

Gabacho, Gabacho man
I've got to be, a Gabacho man
Gabacho, Gabacho man
I've got to be a Gabacho! HEY!

Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-29 3:24 AM
Thanks, but I'm straight. \:\)
Posted By: whomod Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-31 2:51 AM
Did immigration Cost Romney Florida? Sure looks like it.

On Florida’s airwaves all week, Romney delivered strong punitive deport-them-all rhetoric. He even highlighted the endorsement of anti-immigrant zealot Kris Kobach. And Floridians heard him loud and clear.

Exit polling showed that those Republican voters who wanted the undocumented deported en masse went overwhelmingly for Romney. This is not surprising since McCain is a godfather of the failed Senate comprehensive immigration grand bargain, which would have put 12 million undocumented immigrants on a long path to citizenship if they had no criminal record, paid a fine and met other high standards.

It seems to me that this election is shaping up to be clearly different. Race baiting, trying to highlight a candidates middle name to try to stoke a negative reaction and all the assorted dirty tricks and sleaze, is turning people off.

Posted By: the G-man Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-31 3:00 AM
Race baiting, trying to highlight a candidates middle name to try to stoke a negative reaction and all the assorted dirty tricks and sleaze, is turning people off.

So what you are saying is that in this election the democrats don't plan to do things like blame the Republican for dragging black men behind trucks in Texas, accuse the GOP of disenfranchising blacks, make bad puns out of his middle initial (like "Dumbya"), forge fake National Guard records and drag up twenty five year old traffic violations?

Wow. That's a relief.
Posted By: whomod Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-31 5:14 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Race baiting, trying to highlight a candidates middle name to try to stoke a negative reaction and all the assorted dirty tricks and sleaze, is turning people off.

So what you are saying is that in this election the democrats don't plan to do things like blame the Republican for dragging black men behind trucks in Texas, accuse the GOP of disenfranchising blacks, make bad puns out of his middle initial (like "Dumbya"), forge fake National Guard records and drag up twenty five year old traffic violations?

Wow. That's a relief.

1)No. When did anyone accuse Republicans of dragging black men behind trucks? Do you have something you wish to unload?

2) They do. And i've discussed it here in the election fraud thread.

3) Bush isn't running. But really, you think that was an election strategy?

4) Again, Bush isn't running.
Posted By: the G-man Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-01-31 5:39 AM
 Originally Posted By: whomod
When did anyone accuse Republicans of dragging black men behind trucks? Do you have something you wish to unload?


  • The supposedly non-partisan NAACP ran a $9 million ad campaign designed to boost black turnout. It featured a TV commercial that re-enacted the June 1998 dragging death of James Byrd in Texas and essentially associated George W. Bush with that atrocity.

And, yes, I realize that Bush isn't running. However, these are past examples of democrats doing the types of things (race baiting, picking on middle names, etc.) that who seem to be against. So I asked if they plan on doing similar things with the 2008 GOP candidate.
well maybe if there were fewer racist republicans (wondy) then you wouldn't get lumped in with them.
Posted By: The Pun-isher Another side of the story - 2008-02-12 5:36 AM
Rich Illegal Immigrants in U.S. Hide In Shadows

Kinda conflicted on this one visa-vis the immigration debate.
the right wing’s favorite anti-immigrant claims is that immigrants are dangerous and commit high levels of crime. A new report by the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California, however, finds that these claims are baseless:

“In California, as in the rest of the nation, immigrants … have extremely low rates of criminal activity,” said Kristin Butcher, a co-author of the report, “Crime, Corrections and California: What Does Immigration Have to Do With It?”

Available data, the report’s authors said, “suggest that long-standing fears of immigration as a threat to public safety are unjustified.”

Starting with the fact that immigrants make up 35 percent of the state’s adult population but only 17 percent of its prisoners, researchers said they discovered several “striking” findings.

And since Wonder Boy likes making his unfounded assertions because he read it in a book by Pat Buchanan. In his books and in numerous media appearances, Pat Buchanan has been trying to make the case that Mexican immigrants are fundamentally unlike past immigrant groups. Buchanan, who is of Irish ancestry, argues that Germans, Irish, Italians, etc were different because they were willing and able to assimilate. On Hannity and Colmes he stated, “[T]he guys I went to school with in the ’50s and ’60s and the ’40s, they were the sons of immigrants. They’d all been completely assimilated, Americanized. We were marinated in the same culture.”

But Buchanan’s statements against Hispanic immigrants mirror the charges that German, Irish, Italian, Jews, and other immigrant groups also faced. Some examples:

Immigrants will not be able to assimilate:

Where the Italians wanted to be part of our family, millions of Mexicans are determined to retain their language and loyalty to Mexico. They prefer to remain outsiders. They do not wish to assimilate and the nation no longer demands that they do so. [Buchanan, p. 28, 2006]


Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Languages or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion. [Benjamin Franklin, 1751]

Immigrants are responsible for crime:

Many Hispanics, as a matter of fact, you know what culture they are assimilating to? — the rap culture, the crime culture, anti-cops, all the rest of it. [Buchanan, 8/22/06]


“The Irish fill our prisons, our poor houses. … Scratch a convict or a pauper, and the chances are that you tickle the skin of an Irish Catholic. Putting them on a boat and sending them home would end crime in this country.” [Chicago Post, 1868]

Immigrants plan to commit treason against America:

Mexican-Americans can now become citizens of Mexico again. The whole idea is to create this giant fifth column in the United States which can leverage the American government in elections and pressure them to do what is in the interest of the nation of Mexico. [Buchanan, 8/22/06]


[A] set of citizens, German and Irish, wanted to get the Constitution of the U. S. into their own hands and sell it to a foreign power. [Theme of an American Nativist Party rally, 1844]

Immigrants come from inferior cultures:

[A]lmost all immigrants today, legal and illegal, come from countries and cultures whose peoples have never before been assimilated into a First World nation. [Buchanan, p. 221, 2006]


Today, instead of a nation descended from generations of freemen bred to a knowledge of principles and practice of self government, of liberty under the law, we have a heterogeneous population, no small proportion of which is sprung from races that throughout the centuries have known no liberty at all… In other words our capacity to maintain our cherished institutions stands diluted by a stream of alien blood, with all of its misconceptions respecting the relationships of the governing power to the governed. [Rep. Albert Johnson, 1927, justifying the 1924 National Origins Act]

Immigrants will dilute the white race:

If we do not get control of our borders, by 2050 Americans of European descent will be a minority in the nation their ancestors created and built. No nation has ever undergone so radical a demographic transformation and survived. [Buchanan, p. 11, 2006]


The number of purely white People in the World is proportionally very small…in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are Germans also, the Saxons only accepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. [Benjamin Franklin, 1751]

Similarly, during Senate debate on immigration Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) warned against allowing too many immigrants into the country. He stated that
“the numbers cannot be too great or it takes jobs from Americans and can, in fact, create cultural problems that wouldn’t occur if it was a little slower.”

Conservative columnist Bob Novak responds:

That recalls the 1911 report of the U.S. Immigration Commission asserting that the “proportion of the more serious crimes of homicide, blackmail and robbery . . . is greater among the foreign born,” who also refuse to learn the English language.

In reading part of that report into the Senate record, Graham declared that these immigrants who were “ruining America” fathered the “greatest generation.” That immigrant wave included my grandfather, a Russian Imperial army veteran working on the John Deere tractor assembly line in Moline, Ill., as an unskilled, undocumented alien who could not speak English. He was an American patriot proud of a son who fought with the U.S. infantry through Africa and Italy in World War II.

We're a nation of immigrants. legal and illegal, conservative and liberal, Republican and Democratic. but what does it matter, as in the past, Wonder Boy will simply ignore these nonpartisan studies and go right back to his bigoted innacurate statements from his Pat Buchana books without missing a beat.

I looked at your links and then proceeded to not read the rest of your post.
you'll find nearly every crime cmmited in this country is by an immigrant or a decedent of one. your stories lie whomod.
Fences aren't stopping illegal immigrants

I had a feeling that this fence wasn't gonna do all that much good - after all, there are sure to be ways of circumventing it. But building a fence that a 9-month pregnant woman can easily climb is a borderline complete waste of time, effort, and resources.
 Originally Posted By: The Pun-isher
Fences aren't stopping illegal immigrants

I had a feeling that this fence wasn't gonna do all that much good - after all, there are sure to be ways of circumventing it. But building a fence that a 9-month pregnant woman can easily climb is a borderline complete waste of time, effort, and resources.

In this one case where high-tech monitoring doesn't work, they've had a bad resut. (As is widely publicized by the liberal media that is sympathetic to illegals.)

While the same liberal media ignores the effectiveness of the 18 miles of fence at the San-Diego/Tijuana border, that used to be the primary entry-point by illegals, until a double-fence and improved security stopped illegal crossings, drug trafficking, and other accompanying crime almost 100%.
Which is why the primary point of illegal crossings is in New Mexico now.

Because it was too difficult to cross into San Diego, so they moved illegal crossings to a weaker point.

Something you never hear from the liberal media.

The moment we get serious about securing our borders and making it difficult for illegals to stay here, is the moment illegal immigration stops.

This article from today's Miami Herald:

So apparently, Cuban immigrants are assimilating. I was amused by how the Herald spun this as a negative thing.

Would that all hispanic immigrants were assimilating as well as Cuban immigrants.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

So apparently, Cuban immigrants are assimilating. I was amused by how the Herald spun this as a negative thing.

To whoever wrote the article, given Miami demographics, it probably is a bad thing. Some people see assimilation as havana bad affect on one's culture.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
While the same liberal media ignores the effectiveness of the 18 miles of fence at the San-Diego/Tijuana border, that used to be the primary entry-point by illegals, until a double-fence and improved security stopped illegal crossings, drug trafficking, and other accompanying crime almost 100%.
Which is why the primary point of illegal crossings is in New Mexico now.

It sounds like that method got pretty good results. Why only 18 miles?

I'm not on the fence about the need for border security. But if we're gonna do it, we should do it in a way that works.
 Originally Posted By: The Pun-isher
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
While the same liberal media ignores the effectiveness of the 18 miles of fence at the San-Diego/Tijuana border, that used to be the primary entry-point by illegals, until a double-fence and improved security stopped illegal crossings, drug trafficking, and other accompanying crime almost 100%.
Which is why the primary point of illegal crossings is in New Mexico now.

It sounds like that method got pretty good results. Why only 18 miles?

I'm not on the fence about the need for border security. But if we're gonna do it, we should do it in a way that works.

A small correction, it's actually 14 miles. And it was border fence securing the 14-mile area that was easiest for illegals to cross. The other areas have long stretches of mountains and desert, that deter crossing at those points.
It was an attempt to prove a better border-fence's effectiveness, before moving forward with a more complete securing of our entire southern border.

Here's an article from NPR that describes the effectiveness of the San Diego 14-mile fence, and that it should serve as an example of how to build effective border fences across other sections of the U.S./Mexico border.

And here's Michelle Malkin's page describing the ongoing attempts by open-borders advocates, lobbying by businesses that hire illegals as cheap labor, and bought-and-paid for politicians that are doing their best to obstruct any inprovements to border security.

 Originally Posted By: The Pun-isher
To whoever wrote the article, given Miami demographics, it probably is a bad thing. Some people see assimilation as havana bad affect on one's culture.

Considering people who live in Miami are American and they're apart of American culture, it doesn't really matter.
I changed my avatar just for this thread.
I found this article frankly fascinating. considering I suck at math, I'm hoping by the time my daughter reaches school, this will be standard practice and thus she won't.

At L.A. school, Singapore math has added value

SUM FUN: Lyudvig Yegidbashyan, a first-grader at Ramona Elementary, tackles a math problem in the Singapore curriculum. After the school began using textbooks developed for use in the Asian city-state — whose pupils consistently rank No. 1 in international math comparisons — its math scores soared.

By Mitchell Landsberg, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
March 9, 2008

Here's a little math problem:

In 2005, just 45% of the fifth-graders at Ramona Elementary School in Hollywood scored at grade level on a standardized state test. In 2006, that figure rose to 76%. What was the difference?

If you answered 31 percentage points, you are correct. You could also express it as a 69% increase.

But there is another, more intriguing answer: The difference between the two years may have been Singapore math.

At the start of the 2005-06 school year, Ramona began using textbooks developed for use in Singapore, a Southeast Asian city-state whose pupils consistently rank No. 1 in international math comparisons. Ramona's math scores soared.

"It's wonderful," said Principal Susan Arcaris. "Seven out of 10 of the students in our school are proficient or better in math, and that's pretty startling when you consider that this is an inner-city, Title 1 school."

Ramona easily qualifies for federal Title 1 funds, which are intended to alleviate the effects of poverty. Nine of every 10 students at the school are eligible for free or reduced-price lunches. For the most part, these are the children of immigrants, the majority from Central America, some from Armenia. Nearly six in 10 students speak English as a second language.

Yet here they are, outpacing their counterparts in more affluent schools and succeeding in a math curriculum designed for students who are the very stereotype of Asian dominance in math and science.

How did that happen?

It's a question with potentially big implications, because California recently became the first state to include the Singapore series on its list of state-approved elementary math texts. Public schools aren't required to use the books -- there are a number of other, more conventional texts on the state list -- but the state will subsidize the purchase if they do. And being on the list puts an important imprimatur on the books, because California is by far the largest, most influential textbook buyer in the country.

The decision to approve the books could place California ahead of the national curve. The National Mathematics Advisory Panel, appointed by President Bush, will issue a report Thursday that is expected to endorse K-8 math reforms that, in many ways, mirror the Singapore curriculum.

The report could also signal a cease-fire in the state's math wars, which raged between traditionalists and reformers throughout the 1990s and shook up math teachers nationwide. Fundamentalists called for a return to basics; reformers demanded a curriculum that would emphasize conceptual understanding.

Mathematicians on both sides of the divide say the Singapore curriculum teaches both. By hammering on the basics, it instills a deep understanding of key concepts, they say.

Kids -- at least the kids at Ramona -- seem to love it.

Ramona, which received a grant to introduce the Singapore curriculum, is one of a sprinkling of schools around the country to do so.

Not all teachers like it, and not all use it. The Singapore books aren't easy for teachers to use without training, and some veterans are more comfortable with the curriculum they have always followed. But you can tell when you walk into a classroom using Singapore math.

"On your mark . . . get set . . . THINK!"

First-grade teacher Arpie Liparian stands in front of her class with a stopwatch. The only sound is of pencils scratching paper as the students race through the daily "sprint," a 60-second drill that is a key part of the Singapore system. The problems at this age are simple: 2+3, 3+4, 8+2. The idea, once commonplace in math classrooms, is to practice them until they become second nature.

Critics call this "drill and kill," but Ramona's math coach, Robin Ramos, calls it "drill and thrill." The children act as though it's a game. Not everyone finishes all 30 problems in 60 seconds, and only one girl gets all the answers right, but the students are bubbling with excitement. And Liparian praises every effort.

"Give yourselves a hand, boys and girls," she says when all the drills have been corrected. "You did a wonderful job."

Reinforcing patterns

What isn't obvious to a casual observer is that this drill is carefully thought out to reinforce patterns of mathematical thinking that carry through the curriculum. "These are 'procedures with connections,' " Ramos said, arranged to convey sometimes subtle points. This thoughtfulness -- some say brilliance -- is the true hallmark of the Singapore books, advocates say.

BY THE NUMBERS: Susan Arcaris, Ramona Elementary School principal, helps first-graders, from left, Kathleen Yzabel Guy, Harutun Marikyan and Diane Mkrtchyan as they perform a 60-second “sprint,” a key part of the Singapore math curriculum.
(Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)
December 13, 2007

After 10 years of studying the Singapore curriculum, Yoram Sagher, a math professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, said he still has "very pleasant surprises and realizations" while reading the books. Sagher, who helped train Ramos and the other teachers at Ramona, said he is constantly amazed by "the gentle, clever ways that the mathematics is brought to the intuition of the students."

The books, with the no-nonsense title "Primary Mathematics," are published for the U.S. market by a small company in Oregon, Marshall Cavendish International. They are slim volumes, weighing a fraction of a conventional American text. They have a spare, stripped-down look, and a given page contains no material that isn't directly related to the lesson at hand.

Standing in an empty classroom one recent morning, Ramos flipped through two sets of texts: the Singapore books and those of a conventional math series published by Harcourt. She began with the first lesson in the first chapter of first grade.

In Harcourt Math, there was a picture of eight trees. There were two circles in the sky. The instructions told the students: "There are 2 birds in all." There were no birds on the page.

The instructions directed the students to draw little yellow disks in the circles to represent the birds.

Ramos gave a look of exasperation. Without a visual representation of birds, she said, the math is confusing and overly abstract for a 5- or 6-year-old. "The math doesn't jump out of the page here," she said.

The Singapore first-grade text, by contrast, could hardly have been clearer. It began with a blank rectangle and the number and word for "zero." Below that was a rectangle with a single robot in it, and the number and word for "one." Then a rectangle with two dolls, and the number and word for "two," and so on.

"This page is very pictorial, but it refers to something very concrete," Ramos said. "Something they can understand."

Next to the pictures were dots. Beginning with the number six (represented by six pineapples), the dots were arranged in two rows, so that six was presented as one row of five dots and a second row with one dot.

Day one, first grade: the beginnings of set theory.

"This concept, right at the beginning, is the foundation for very important mathematics," Ramos said. As it progresses, the Singapore math builds on this, often in ways that are invisible to the children.

Word problems in the early grades are always solved the same way: Draw a picture representing the problem and its solution. Then express it with numbers, and finally write it in words. "The whole concept," Ramos says, "is concrete to pictorial to abstract."

Another hallmark of the Singapore books is that there is little repetition. Students are expected to attain mastery of a concept and move on. Each concept builds upon the next. As a result, the books cover far fewer topics in a given year than standard American texts.

Skilled at math

Singapore is a prosperous, multicultural, multilingual nation of 4.5 million people whose fourth- and eighth-grade students have never scored lower than No. 1 in a widely accepted comparison of global math skills, the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study. U.S. students score in the middle of the pack.

When the U.S. Department of Education commissioned a study in 2005 to find out why, it concluded, in part: "Singapore's textbooks build deep understanding of mathematical concepts through multi-step problems and concrete illustrations that demonstrate how abstract mathematical concepts are used to solve problems from different perspectives."

By contrast, the study said, "traditional U.S. textbooks rarely get beyond definitions and formulas, developing only students' mechanical ability to apply mathematical concepts."

Many eminent mathematicians agree. In fact, it is difficult to find a mathematician who likes the standard American texts or dislikes Singapore's.

I posted it here so Wonder Boy can ignore the larger point of better math and rail about foreign speaking immigrant children. Children that as a result of this Singapore math, will probably be smarter than him.

Well....Yeah. The Chinese actually have cultural value.

The Mexicans on the other hand......Yeah.
 Originally Posted By: whomod
I found this article frankly fascinating. considering I suck

isnt that the case every time?
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Well....Yeah. The Chinese actually have cultural value.

The Mexicans on the other hand......Yeah.

How 'bout the blacks?
It’s not enough to hate illegal immigrants anymore–you must despise anyone who dares speak Spanish in public too. A Ross Perot loving—anti-Hispanic bigot got grumpy because two Latino customers didn’t know exactly what equipment they wanted—thought it was a hassle to help them—heard them speak Spanish—then demanded proof of citizenship for one of them before he would sell the items. He even threatened to call ICE and arrest them himself. And both people are US citizens. Of course there is outrage in the community.

Store owner asks to see shoppers' Social Security cards

08:48 AM EDT on Wednesday, March 12, 2008

By Karen Lee Ziner

Journal Staff Writer

PROVIDENCE — All José Genao planned to do at the heating equipment supply store was buy a spare part for his boiler.

While the owner began searching for the part, Genao and his friend began speaking to each other in Spanish.

As owner David C. Richardson was ringing up Genao’s $18 purchase, he demanded to see their Social Security cards.

What followed was a telling encounter underscoring the tensions in this country over immigration and ethnicity.


When Genao told Richardson “he did not have the right to ask all those questions,” Richardson pulled out a membership card for Rhode Islanders for Immigration Law Enforcement, a group that seeks curbs on illegal immigration.

Then, he lifted the phone receiver and threatened to call immigration authorities, Genao said.

“He [Richardson] grabbed the phone and said, ‘I can call ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] anytime I see an illegal immigrant,’ ” said Genao. “He also said, ‘I can make a citizen’s arrest.’ ”

Genao, a Rhode Island state employee, is a native of the Dominican Republic and a U.S. citizen. He speaks fluent English. He said his friend — who declined comment — is also a Dominican native and U.S. citizen. “There is no problem with his status,” said Genao. “He is legal.” State records list both as registered voters.

Richardson, owner of Rhode Island Refrigeration on Branch Avenue, did not dispute most of Genao’s account of the March 1 incident, but said he did not recall picking up the phone receiver, and was not trying to threaten anyone. Interviewed at his store, Richardson said he singled out Genao’s friend, whom he thought only spoke Spanish.

“I wanted to see the Social Security number from the one who wasn’t speaking English,” said Richardson. “I just kind of mentioned I’d like to see his Social Security card. And he kinda balked. He left and walked out the door.” When the friend returned to urge Genao to leave, Richardson added, “he started to speak in English. That surprised me.”

Richardson, a Reform party member and former Senate candidate, said he was acting on civic duty. Genao accused Richardson of racial stereotyping, “all because we were speaking Spanish.”

Said Richardson, “I have no problem as a citizen of the United States of America to try and pursue people who are breaking laws. I was just trying to make [them] understand that people who come into this country who are illegal shouldn’t be here. I am very passionate about that.” He said he did not call ICE or make a citizen’s arrest “because I didn’t have enough proof.”

Richardson was asked what led him to suspect that either of the men were illegal immigrants.

“What proof is there? I think the majority of people who don’t speak English in Rhode Island — at least 51 percent or more — are illegal aliens,” he said. He added, “I’m trying to wake America up. I’m trying to wake him [Genao’s friend] up, and let him be aware that people who are breaking the law shouldn’t be breaking the law.”

Mark Potok, head of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project, which tracks hate crimes in the United States, said the incident reflects the tide of anti-immigrant sentiment in this country — not solely restricted to illegal immigrants.

“This kind of thing is happening every day in this country,” said Potok. “Do we really want to bring the country to this point where everyone who is brown-skinned is suspect?

“It’s really quite incredible people can be confronted in this way,” said Potok. “We hear everyday from U.S. congressmen and television pundits and talk radio about the many terrible things brown-skinned immigrants are doing to this country — and they are almost universally false — but the reality is, they lead directly to incidents like this, and, less directly, to violence.”

Genao said he is still upset over the encounter, which he called “loud in tone.” Richardson called it “a discussion.”

“I told [Richardson] I’m a U.S. citizen by choice, whereas he was just born here,” said Genao. “I have every right to be here. I told him his behavior was shameful. And he went on to say that a lot of these illegal immigrants are criminals and we have to stop them, and he said he did this for his country — because it’s going downhill, because of all these illegal immigrants.

“What [Richardson] should have done was say, ‘Thank you for shopping with me.’ That’s all he had to do.”

RIILE, the organization to which Richardson belongs, was formed in 2006 by Terry Gorman of Lincoln. RIILE seeks enforcement of current immigration laws; supports any new legislation aimed at curbing illegal immigration; opposes guest-worker programs; and opposes amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Gorman took exception to Richardson’s actions.

“There’s no way I can defend what he did. It definitely isn’t the policy of RIILE to go around and use your RIILE card to intimidate people,” said Gorman in a phone interview. “That’s not something that RIILE would promote … to make citizen’s arrest.”

According to Gorman, Richardson “has done that to other people and he’s refused their business if they have no Social Security number. Then he doesn’t sell his products to them.”

Richardson said he has asked for customers’ Social Security numbers if they do not speak English well, and estimated that he has done so “fifteen or twenty times.” At first, Richardson said he has refused to do business with some people who declined to show him a Social Security card. He subsequently denied that, and said he had asked people for their cards “maybe 10 times in the last five years.”

Though Richardson said it is his legal right to demand a Social Security card — it may not be.

Steven Brown, executive director of the Rhode Island Affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union, said Richardson appears to have violated a state law (R.I. General Law 6-13-17) related to “unfair sales practices.”

The law states, “Unless otherwise required by federal law, no person shall require that a consumer of goods or services disclose a Social Security number incident to the sale of consumer goods or services.”

There are several exceptions, including that insurance companies and institutions licensed by the state or federal government for financial services may require applicants to disclose their Social Security number. Consumers may also be required to disclose their Social Security numbers when applying for a credit card or seeking health care or pharmaceutical related services.

Brown said the law, “designed to protect consumers’ rights, generally prohibits businesses from requiring customers to disclose their Social Security number. The law contains both criminal and civil penalties.” In Brown’s opinion, “by demanding that this customer present his Social Security card, the owner clearly ran afoul of that law.”

Brown said Richardson’s actions “also appear to clearly violate state laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race or national origin in places of public accommodation. There can be little question that this customer was singled out for discriminatory and humiliating treatment based on his national origin. Store owners have a legal obligation to serve all customers, and threatening to arrest a customer for speaking Spanish and for refusing to show a Social Security card is precisely the type of discriminatory conduct that the state’s ‘public accommodations’ law was meant to bar.”

Genao said, “Somehow, we have to keep on educating people. When it comes to this man [Richardson], does he have any children or grandchildren? Does he let them see anyone who is not their kind? Or does ask them for their documents before he can let them play together?”

How dare they speak Spanish in his store and how dare they get “up tight” because off a little racism. “I don’t know what he was.” Maybe he was a human being?
Wow really. When I applied for a car loan they asked to see my social security card. I bet they hate white people too.
Wish people would do that more often here seeing as how illegal immigration is more rampant and destructive in the southwest. But NOOOOOO! We have to be respectful to our intruders and allow them to inflate the economy like a fucking helium tank.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
How 'bout the blacks?

Provided they were actually immigrating at the time of their arrival, no. They wouldn't have offered useful cultural elements since American culture was already decades, maybe even centuries, ahead of their tribal standards.

American culture had to teach the descendant generations of the African slaves before black people became valuable members of society. If America has to teach immigrants how to be valued members of society, that destroys the whole point to "advantages of diversity."

Asian immigrants have always been more culturally valuable because they had brought their own education and work ethic with them to America.
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
Wow really. When I applied for a car loan they asked to see my social security card. I bet they hate white people too.

That's what you get for borrowing money from Obama's church.
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
Wow really. When I applied for a car loan they asked to see my social security card. I bet they hate white people too.

There are several exceptions, including that insurance companies and institutions licensed by the state or federal government for financial services may require applicants to disclose their Social Security number. Consumers may also be required to disclose their Social Security numbers when applying for a credit card or seeking health care or pharmaceutical related services.

so there are reasons why someone want to make sure that you are legal?
Yes, racism. Didn't you read the article he just made up?
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Yes, racism. Didn't you read the article he just made up?

There you go. A nice reassuring link. \:\)
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
so there are reasons why someone want to make sure that you are legal?

apparently so. Sating your xenophobia isn't one of them.
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Yes, racism. Didn't you read the article he just made up?

There you go. A nice reassuring link. \:\)

It's very easy to photoshop up a fake Newspaper logo. For example:

well, since we're showing off our photoshops...

I think it's pretty telling that you have gay porn in your photobucket account.
No. I use the google.
So...you admit to googling for gay porn.

You're sick, whomod. Sick. And you having a young daughter and all.

Even Eliot Spitzer would be ashamed of you.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
So...you admit to googling for gay porn.

You're sick, whomod. Sick. And you having a young daughter and all.

So what?


Jim Jackson
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
So...you admit to googling for gay porn.

You're sick, whomod. Sick. And you having a young daughter and all.

Even Eliot Spitzer would be ashamed of you.

No. I just Google for pictures that ridicule Bush. Even the non photoshopped one usually do that. After all, he's "just a simple President".

So true.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
so there are reasons why someone want to make sure that you are legal?

apparently so. Sating your xenophobia isn't one of them.

i wouldnt sell food or a car to a illegal alien, that's aiding and abetting, if they are hungry the immigration department will see that they get fed on their way to deportation.
 Originally Posted By: whomod
well, since we're showing off our photoshops...

Posted By: whomod Re:Armenian bakers from . . . Mexico? - 2008-03-18 8:50 PM
I read this heartwarming story the other day. At any point in this story, it could have turned out badly for these two guys who wanted nothing more than a chance at the American dream. But it was a story about bridging differences and overcoming greed and self-interest both from the baker and after he died, from his family.

And it's pretty much reflective of L.A. society as a whole. I myself used to wait in a long long line for Chinese food prepared by Mexican cooks that has a taste so delicious, so unique that well, I would wait in a long long line for despite the fact that there were two other Chinese eateries less than a block away with NO line.

Quality Armenian bakers from . . . Mexico?

Francisco Rosales, left, and Jose Gonzales, co-owners of A. Partamian Bakery hold up a customer favorite, lahmajunes, that they make from scratch.

Two childhood friends from Zacatecas went to work for baker Leon Partamian in 1975. On his death they inherited his shop, which they now run.

By Bob Pool
March 15, 2008

Their backgrounds are more burrito than boreg.

So how did a pair of childhood buddies from Zacatecas, Mexico, turn into two of Los Angeles' most popular Armenian bakers?

On West Adams Boulevard, Francisco Rosales and Jose Gonzales did it by adopting Leon Partamian's family recipes -- and then getting "adopted" by Partamian themselves.

The crusty owner of the 60-year-old A. Partamian Bakery in the Mid-City area liked the way they cooked his sarma and lahmajune. And he liked the two of them.

So when Partamian died 17 months ago, he gave his bakery business -- and the building that houses its vintage ovens and bread display cases -- to both of them.

Partamian's gift has brought a sigh of relief to longtime Armenian American customers who feared that the weathered storefront bakery would be shuttered and used for something else in a neighborhood that in recent decades has turned from white to black and now brown.

"This is the best lahmajune anywhere. It is the absolute best," said Gail Deovlet Chancellor, 62, a homemaker who lives in Huntington Beach and travels to the bakery to shop. "It took me an hour and 15 minutes to drive here. But it's worth it."

Rosales chats with customer Vicky McCool after carrying her groceries to a car driven by a friend. McCool has been coming to the store since it opened in 1948.

Like most of Leon Partamian's longtime customers, Chancellor knew of the shopkeeper's desire to eventually pass the bakery on to his two loyal bakers. He had never married and had no children.

"After we'd been working with him 20 or 25 years he was telling customers that he was going to leave the store to his 'boys' when he was gone," Rosales said.

Partamian had quickly taken his two young bakers under his wing.

He helped them obtain green cards and with other family immigration issues. He loaned them money when his "boys" had an emergency.

But Partamian left no written will when in late 2006 he died unexpectedly at age 73 of a heart attack

. It took more than a year for his heirs to wade through probate paperwork so they could sign over the business and its building to Rosales and Gonzales, both 56.

Rosales immigrated to the U.S. in 1969 and Gonzales in 1971. They were dishwashers in a Bob's Big Boy restaurant in 1975 when they were introduced to Partamian. He offered them both jobs.

It took about six months for the pair to learn how to craft the delicacies that Partamian was famous for: the boreg, paklava, sarma and the lahmajune -- the eight-inch circles of dough topped with ground lamb, tomatoes and bell peppers and cooked in a 450-degree oven.

"It was not hard for us. We learned very fast. The recipes are a little complicated. Leon showed us how much pepper and garlic and other spices to use," Rosales remembers. "We use black pepper and garlic in Mexico, but not black nigella and mahlab. I never saw that in Mexico.

"I grew up with tamales and tacos. But when I tried Armenian food I liked it. And Leon was such a nice man."

It didn't take long after starting with Partamian for Gonzales and Rosales to learn that the A. Partamian Bakery was best known for its lahmajune, with customers coming from across the Los Angeles basin and San Fernando Valley for the little lamb pies some call Armenian pizzas.

They soon found themselves baking around 500 of them a day. At Christmas and on other holidays, when lahmajune is reheated, sliced into wedges and served as party appetizers, that number soared to nearly 1,000, according to Gonzales.

Soon, Partamian was referring to his two young bakers as "my boys" and gave some of their family members jobs in the bakery.

Rosales' son, Raul, now an LAX garage attendant, worked there as a teenager. "Our kids called Leon 'Grandpa,' " said his wife, Mirna Vargas, of daughters Crystal, 9, and Viviane, 5.

Vargas occasionally helped at the bakery before giving birth nine months ago to son Robert Rosales.

Audrey Hovsepian of Ladera Heights, enjoys a lahmajune at the bakery. At right is her son Matt Miles. She knew members of the Partamian family for decades, and says of owner Leon Partamian: “We all knew his plan was to leave the bakery to his ‘boys.’ ”

The two Mexican bakers never learned to speak Armenian. But that was no problem, since Armenian shoppers all spoke English. Gonzales and Rosales quickly learned the names of the Armenian baked goods that each day filled Partamian's shelves. The first name they learned was lahmajune.

The little pizzas were always the little shop's big draw.

"I've been coming here since I was a little girl, probably about 7, for my lahmajune," said Myrna Suttice, 47, a caterer who lives in the Fairfax District.

She is not of Armenian descent, but the lamb pies were popular snacks for youngsters growing up in the Mid-City neighborhood, Suttice said. Partamian knew all the children by name and asked to see their report cards. Good grades earned them free bakery treats.

"I was so glad when Leon handed this place down and it didn't get closed," Suttice said.

So was Audrey Hovsepian. The Ladera Heights septuagenarian had known members of the Partamian family for decades.

"Mr. Partamian was a very kind man. He'd bring his mother to St. James Armenian Apostolic Church in a wheelchair when she got older. We all knew his plan was to leave the bakery to his 'boys.' We just didn't know he hadn't written it down."

Partamian's niece, Norma Kurkjian, said there was never any doubt the family would honor his wishes.

He had made it clear he wanted Rosales and Gonzales to continue, she said.

Kurkjian, a retired teacher who lives in Northridge, said some advised the family to sell the business. The property at 5410 W. Adams Blvd. was appraised for about $500,000, she said.

"But he wanted the bakery to go to the 'boys' because they were loyal to him for 35 years and they bake authentically. He wanted them to have financial security."

Still, though, "it's hysterical to go in and see these two Mexican men making grape leaf and sou boreg. It's such a hoot."

Rosales and Gonzales live with their families several blocks from the bakery. Since Partamian's death, they have worked 12-hour days, six days a week, without a vacation.

Partamian's death was a shock, according to the pair. "He left the store on Saturday and never came back on Monday," said Rosales.

Partamian's legacy is a good one, agreed Chancellor, whose parents held her by the hand the first time she stepped inside the tiny shop and peered into the display case at the stacks of freshly baked lahmajune.

Her parents, Dewey and Gladys Deovlet, were Armenian immigrants who dropped the "ian" from Deovletian so they could more easily find jobs. They were customers when Abraham Partamian opened the bakery in 1948.

Abraham Partamian's sons, Charles and Leon, worked there, helping him and their mother, Victoria, bake peda bread and meat boreg, a turnover filled with ground lamb, and lahmajune.

When his parents died, Leon Partamian took over the bakery.

"Mr. Partamian was always 'Mr.' Partamian. That was the way we addressed him. We never used first names," Chancellor said.

She looked at photos of Partamian and mementos of his life that Gonzales and Rosales display above the shop's front counter.

"Mr. Partamian was much loved," she said.

And on West Adams Boulevard, two loyal employees know that better than anyone.

that is truly a wonderful and touching story of cultural convergence and assimilation on the part of several legal immigrants. I approve.
Posted By: whomod Re:Upscale Latinos Vex WB - 2008-03-22 11:35 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Here's a good test of the chestnut that Mexican immigrants are going to turn out just like the old Jewish immigrants: Long ago, East LA had a Jewish immigrant community, which arrived about the same time as its Mexican immigrants. According to PBS, in East LA after WWI:

[b]"In many instances, Jews and Mexicans went to school together, played sports together, traded with each other, and particularly among the left wing thinkers, met and organized together."

For some reason, though, eighty years later, the descendents of East LA's Jewish immigrants are living in Beverly Hills and Malibu, while the descendents of East LA's Mexican immigrants are in Van Nuys or still stuck in East LA.

In summary, the first rule of rationality when you find you are digging a hole for yourself is … stop digging.

Good advice.

Upscale Latinos find a home

Once known for its Quaker past and links to Richard Nixon, Whittier is coming to symbolize a new set of aspirations.

By Hector Becerra, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
March 22, 2008

Rebecca Zapanta opens the door to the Mediterranean mansion high on a hill in Whittier. To the left, just past a staircase, a terra cotta font glistens with blessed water from the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City.

"This is the Purple Room," the 54-year-old says, waving toward an eggplant-colored room featuring paintings by Mexican masters -- Siqueiros, Orozco, Tamayo and Diego Rivera -- all purchased by Zapanta and her husband, Richard, an orthopedic surgeon.

Rebecca Zapanta is shown in front of her Mediterranean mansion that sits on a hill in Whittier. Zapanta and her husband are among a wave of professionals who are reshaping the city into a destination spot for upper middle class and upper class Latino life in Southern California.

Decades before the couple bought the 12,500-square-foot home, back when it was still the old Reilly estate, Whittier's most famous resident, Richard Nixon, attended social events in some of these rooms. When it was built in 1927, the mansion represented everything Whittier aspired to. John B. Reilly was a powerful local Republican, an oilman who years later helped Nixon make his first run for political office. When he became president, Nixon provided one of Reilly's daughters with a Cabinet position.

Now the Reilly estate has become the Zapanta estate, and it stands as a monument to a new set of aspirations.

The Zapantas are fourth-generation Mexican Americans from East Los Angeles, part of a wave of doctors and lawyers, small-business owners and school administrators who are remaking Whittier into a center of upper-middle- class and upper-class Latino life in Southern California.

Like Reilly years before, the Zapantas host political events at the spacious mansion. But their preferred candidates are Latino Democrats. They have held two fundraisers for Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and one for former presidential candidate Bill Richardson, governor of New Mexico. Once a year, they offer tours of their vast collection of Mexican art.

The last U.S. census counted Whittier's population at 83,838. Latinos constituted 23% of Whittier residents in 1980; they were 56% as of 2000 and that number is presumed to be more than 60% by now.

The city's neighborhoods reflect a range of economic levels, with working-class and middle-class residents tending to live in the flatlands and the affluent higher in the hills.

And parts of Whittier have their social problems, including gangs and homelessness. But unlike nearby Huntington Park, Maywood and South Gate, which became much poorer as illegal immigrants surged in, Whittier "is where the heart of the Latino bourgeoisie wants to be," said Daniel Duran, an associate professor of business at Whittier College.

The college, where Nixon got his bachelor's degree, now has a student body that is nearly one-third Latino, the highest proportion of Latino students at any private liberal arts college in the United States.

On a recent day, Rebecca Zapanta drove her silver Mercedes along Whittier's leafy streets, pointing out the signs of a changing town.

"The people who live in this house are Hispanics. . . . These are white. . . . These are old Quakers. . . . These are Mexicans here. . . ."

Pretty homes.

A smile broke under her prescription Versace shades.

"What did you expect?" she said. "Did you think it was going to be run-down because Mexicans moved here?"

Leo Anguiano, left, shares a laugh with regular customer Simon Parra at his Whittier Farms Produce and Meat Market. As a boy, Anguiano sold fruit on the street and now has his own chain of stores. He says when he and his wife moved into Whittier's gated Friendly Hills Estates 12 years ago, they were only the second Latino family at the time.

Whittier, founded by Quakers in 1887, was a quiet town in its early years. There were no liquor stores, let alone bars, said Hubert Perry, 94, a lifelong Whittier resident and Quaker whose father helped Nixon get elected to Congress.

"It was years before I knew what a bar was," the former banker said.

Perry has seen three major demographic changes sweep over his city. The first occurred after oil was discovered in the Whittier hills and nearby Santa Fe Springs in the early 1900s.

"We had some interesting people move into Whittier in those days," Perry said, noting that the oilmen tended to be brash and aggressive. "There was quite an influx of the Rockefellers in here for a while. I bought Nelson Rockefeller's car."

Reilly, an oil company machinist, was not welcomed when he first tried to move into Whittier in 1921. Two separate landlords told him, "We're not going to have your kind of people in town!" Reilly recalled in a 1972 interview with the Whittier Daily News. "They were trying to control the influx into their little Quaker town."

Two years later, he invented a drill pipe cutter that was soon in great demand in the industry, giving him the money to build his mansion. Other sprawling homes sprouted in the hills as well, many built by those in the oil industry.

The town remained white. In the late 1920s and early '30s, when Perry and his friend Richard Nixon went to Whittier High School, "there was only one Mexican family in the school," Perry said.

Leo Anguiano is shown in the 1970s, at top left, selling fruit with his brother and father in Boyle Heights. “It reminds me of where I came from,” he says of the photo. “And sometimes I like to look at it because it makes me laugh.”

But, as he notes, it's a straight shot of about 11 miles from Boyle Heights to Whittier.

"They moved east from Boyle Heights, then from Boyle Heights to Montebello, then from Montebello to Pico Rivera," Perry said. "Then people with incomes, relatively speaking, moved to Whittier . They came up Whittier Boulevard. It was kind of an easy trip."

Leo Anguiano, a 47-year-old grocery store owner, moved from El Sereno to Whittier in 1988.

On a recent Wednesday afternoon, he stepped into the clubhouse of the Friendly Hills Country Club. But not before removing his baseball cap.

"You have to dress appropriately, not with your shirt hanging out. You can't wear jeans," Anguiano said.

Young Latino waiters took his order. Anguiano chatted warmly with them. "You're not supposed to socialize with them," he said later. "They're there to cater to you."

"I can't help it," he added. "I can relate to them, just working hard to pay your monthly bills."

As a boy, Anguiano sold fruit on the streets of Boyle Heights. Then he opened a produce stand in an East L.A. grocery store.

He eventually opened his own chain of stores, the Whittier Farms Ranch Market, first in northeast Los Angeles and later in Monterey Park and Whittier.

"When I was growing up, they called Monterey Park the Beverly Hills of East L.A.," Anguiano, who was nicknamed "King of Carne Asada" by Eastside customers, said with a chuckle. "Then it kept going more over here."

The first Whittier home he and his wife bought was in the flatlands and cost $157,000. As business got better, they moved higher up into the hills. Finally, 12 years ago, they moved into the gated Friendly Hills Estates. They were only the second Latino family beyond the gates at the time.

"Whittier's like Santa Barbara in a way. It's so peaceful and old," he said. "When we bought the house, my wife and I would just lie in bed and say, 'I can't believe it!' "

Two years ago, he joined the country club and became a member of its social committee.

"Lots of events go down there. Cooking classes, dance classes. I learned salsa," he said. "Tuesday nights we have 'Dancing Like the Stars.' They did that because of the TV show."

He used to visit the club as a guest years ago. Back then there weren't a lot of faces like his, he said. These days, he said, it's not unusual for him to be sitting in the clubhouse with Latino doctors, lawyers and business owners.

Anguiano's locker is not too far from the one East L.A. boxer Oscar De La Hoya had when he was a member, having made headlines by buying a home in Whittier in the mid-1990s.

When Anguiano first hit the links, he had a lot to learn.

"There's 10 things you have to know before you even swing at the ball," he said recently as he lined up a shot on the sixth tee. "Five years ago, I didn't even know what golf was!"

At work, he keeps a framed picture of himself as a 14-year-old, ankle deep in tangerines on the back of a beat-up flatbed truck in Boyle Heights. With him are his father, a Mexican immigrant, and his brother.

"It reminds me of where I came from," he said. "And sometimes I like to look at it because it makes me laugh."

If Whittier's population has changed, its political hierarchy remains largely entrenched. Political power still rests among a largely white establishment -- mostly Republican with an all-white City Council.

"We're one-sided in leadership," said Ruth B. Shannon, who with her husband, Ed, is one of Whittier's biggest philanthropists. "We're not trying to shut anybody out. We should have a Latino council member. I think it just takes time for someone to step forward and do something."

In 1978, a popular Whittier High School teacher and football coach, Victor Lopez, was elected to the City Council, getting the most votes of any candidate. Lopez, who served until 1990, was the first Whittier councilman with a Spanish surname.

He and his wife were very plugged in to the community, with the teacher even doing construction work during the summer, such as adding rooms to houses in Whittier -- including work on Perry's home.

"His family was quite prominent in town," Perry said. "He was a high-class individual."

But it wasn't necessarily a sign of things to come.

A few years ago, Alex Moisa, 43, a Latino lawyer who moved to Whittier from Montebello, ran for City Council. He said that despite living in Whittier for 12 years, he still felt like an outsider.

"I was almost considered a carpetbagger," he said. "Nobody cared about the fact I was a Berkeley-educated lawyer. It's still very parochial."

If that's a commonly shared sentiment, it's not one commonly aired. Many Latinos agree their adopted city is a politically insular place, but one that tends to reward long ties to the town.

When the Zapantas moved into the old Reilly estate, Ruth Shannon was quick to knock on their door. She bonded with Rebecca -- recognizing quickly that the tall, fit woman was a kindred spirit in her willingness to raise money for charitable causes.

At Shannon's request, the Zapantas let the public tour their home as a fundraiser for the local historical museum.

The Zapantas introduced Shannon, whose name is on Whittier College's performing arts center, and her husband to Mexican artists like Raul Anguiano.

The Shannons in turn saw the Zapantas as the kind of Latino residents the city needed in positions of influence.

"Rebecca's a big promoter, getting people involved in things," Shannon said. "We were so hoping to get them on some boards."

The Shannons asked them to join the Whittier College Board of Trustees. The Zapantas declined. They would get involved in some Whittier events -- but, as the Shannons would find out, the Zapantas represented a new kind of Whittier elite.

Their first commitment was to causes affecting the Mexican American community -- and to another school, USC. Richard and his late brother Edward, a neurosurgeon, were among the founders of USC's Mexican American Alumni Assn. Richard's father was a mechanic; his mother went back to college when she was middle-aged and eventually graduated from Pepperdine University. Rebecca also grew up working-class in East L.A. and recalled playing with chickens in the backyard.

They moved from East L.A. to Hacienda Heights, but 16 years ago they decided they wanted a bigger house. They first thought about Pasadena. A friend who was a Realtor told them he had found a place in Whittier. The Zapantas knew little about the town, but seeing the mansion on the hill convinced them, even if Rebecca Zapanta said the sheer size of the home was intimidating.

The mansion was beautifully imposing. They moved in with their five children, Richard's elderly father and two housekeepers.

In the years since, Rebecca has taken up a new cause: electing a Latino to the council. She has supported Latino candidates before but said they always lose.

Recently, she stopped at the Uptown boutique of a friend, Suzie Cruz. Talk turned to politics. "We need that voice. I just think we haven't done that yet," Cruz said.

"Do you think they're trying keep us out, Suzie?" Zapanta asked in an incredulous tone.

That wasn't it, Cruz said. On election day, just take a look at who votes and who volunteers to work the polls, she said. Latinos in Whittier need to get involved and vote.

A few days later, a Mexican American Realtor told Zapanta she was running for City Council.

The news gave a jolt of energy to Zapanta's quest and got her thinking about ways she could help, now and in the future; maybe putting together a list of friends in Whittier, sending out a mailing and having a fundraiser.

And for that, Rebecca Zapanta could think of no better setting than her old mansion.

That's just Whittier mind you. Montebello and Downey, once the lily white bastion of The Carpenters and the seting of the mall from "The Wonder Years" show also come to mind, and that's just in my immediate area. But WB would have you believe all Latino's are living in dilapidated squalor.

Yes yes, I know....

Thay're 'taking over' Richard Nixon's hometown!!!!!! Something must be done!!!!
Posted By: Pariah Re:Upscale Latinos Vex WB - 2008-03-23 1:01 AM
That's just Whittier mind you. Montebello and Downey, once the lily white bastion of The Carpenters and the seting of the mall from "The Wonder Years" show also come to mind, and that's just in my immediate area. But WB would have you believe all Latino's are living in dilapidated squalor.

White people really terrify you huh?
Posted By: rex Re:Upscale Latinos Vex WB - 2008-03-23 3:06 AM
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Here's a good test of the chestnut that Mexican immigrants are going to turn out just like the old Jewish immigrants: Long ago, East LA had a Jewish immigrant community, which arrived about the same time as its Mexican immigrants. According to PBS, in East LA after WWI:

[b]"In many instances, Jews and Mexicans went to school together, played sports together, traded with each other, and particularly among the left wing thinkers, met and organized together."

For some reason, though, eighty years later, the descendents of East LA's Jewish immigrants are living in Beverly Hills and Malibu, while the descendents of East LA's Mexican immigrants are in Van Nuys or still stuck in East LA.

In summary, the first rule of rationality when you find you are digging a hole for yourself is … stop digging.

Good advice.

Upscale Latinos find a home

Once known for its Quaker past and links to Richard Nixon, Whittier is coming to symbolize a new set of aspirations.

By Hector Becerra, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
March 22, 2008

Rebecca Zapanta opens the door to the Mediterranean mansion high on a hill in Whittier. To the left, just past a staircase, a terra cotta font glistens with blessed water from the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City.

"This is the Purple Room," the 54-year-old says, waving toward an eggplant-colored room featuring paintings by Mexican masters -- Siqueiros, Orozco, Tamayo and Diego Rivera -- all purchased by Zapanta and her husband, Richard, an orthopedic surgeon.

Rebecca Zapanta is shown in front of her Mediterranean mansion that sits on a hill in Whittier. Zapanta and her husband are among a wave of professionals who are reshaping the city into a destination spot for upper middle class and upper class Latino life in Southern California.

Decades before the couple bought the 12,500-square-foot home, back when it was still the old Reilly estate, Whittier's most famous resident, Richard Nixon, attended social events in some of these rooms. When it was built in 1927, the mansion represented everything Whittier aspired to. John B. Reilly was a powerful local Republican, an oilman who years later helped Nixon make his first run for political office. When he became president, Nixon provided one of Reilly's daughters with a Cabinet position.

Now the Reilly estate has become the Zapanta estate, and it stands as a monument to a new set of aspirations.

The Zapantas are fourth-generation Mexican Americans from East Los Angeles, part of a wave of doctors and lawyers, small-business owners and school administrators who are remaking Whittier into a center of upper-middle- class and upper-class Latino life in Southern California.

Like Reilly years before, the Zapantas host political events at the spacious mansion. But their preferred candidates are Latino Democrats. They have held two fundraisers for Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and one for former presidential candidate Bill Richardson, governor of New Mexico. Once a year, they offer tours of their vast collection of Mexican art.

The last U.S. census counted Whittier's population at 83,838. Latinos constituted 23% of Whittier residents in 1980; they were 56% as of 2000 and that number is presumed to be more than 60% by now.

The city's neighborhoods reflect a range of economic levels, with working-class and middle-class residents tending to live in the flatlands and the affluent higher in the hills.

And parts of Whittier have their social problems, including gangs and homelessness. But unlike nearby Huntington Park, Maywood and South Gate, which became much poorer as illegal immigrants surged in, Whittier "is where the heart of the Latino bourgeoisie wants to be," said Daniel Duran, an associate professor of business at Whittier College.

The college, where Nixon got his bachelor's degree, now has a student body that is nearly one-third Latino, the highest proportion of Latino students at any private liberal arts college in the United States.

On a recent day, Rebecca Zapanta drove her silver Mercedes along Whittier's leafy streets, pointing out the signs of a changing town.

"The people who live in this house are Hispanics. . . . These are white. . . . These are old Quakers. . . . These are Mexicans here. . . ."

Pretty homes.

A smile broke under her prescription Versace shades.

"What did you expect?" she said. "Did you think it was going to be run-down because Mexicans moved here?"

Leo Anguiano, left, shares a laugh with regular customer Simon Parra at his Whittier Farms Produce and Meat Market. As a boy, Anguiano sold fruit on the street and now has his own chain of stores. He says when he and his wife moved into Whittier's gated Friendly Hills Estates 12 years ago, they were only the second Latino family at the time.

Whittier, founded by Quakers in 1887, was a quiet town in its early years. There were no liquor stores, let alone bars, said Hubert Perry, 94, a lifelong Whittier resident and Quaker whose father helped Nixon get elected to Congress.

"It was years before I knew what a bar was," the former banker said.

Perry has seen three major demographic changes sweep over his city. The first occurred after oil was discovered in the Whittier hills and nearby Santa Fe Springs in the early 1900s.

"We had some interesting people move into Whittier in those days," Perry said, noting that the oilmen tended to be brash and aggressive. "There was quite an influx of the Rockefellers in here for a while. I bought Nelson Rockefeller's car."

Reilly, an oil company machinist, was not welcomed when he first tried to move into Whittier in 1921. Two separate landlords told him, "We're not going to have your kind of people in town!" Reilly recalled in a 1972 interview with the Whittier Daily News. "They were trying to control the influx into their little Quaker town."

Two years later, he invented a drill pipe cutter that was soon in great demand in the industry, giving him the money to build his mansion. Other sprawling homes sprouted in the hills as well, many built by those in the oil industry.

The town remained white. In the late 1920s and early '30s, when Perry and his friend Richard Nixon went to Whittier High School, "there was only one Mexican family in the school," Perry said.

Leo Anguiano is shown in the 1970s, at top left, selling fruit with his brother and father in Boyle Heights. “It reminds me of where I came from,” he says of the photo. “And sometimes I like to look at it because it makes me laugh.”

But, as he notes, it's a straight shot of about 11 miles from Boyle Heights to Whittier.

"They moved east from Boyle Heights, then from Boyle Heights to Montebello, then from Montebello to Pico Rivera," Perry said. "Then people with incomes, relatively speaking, moved to Whittier . They came up Whittier Boulevard. It was kind of an easy trip."

Leo Anguiano, a 47-year-old grocery store owner, moved from El Sereno to Whittier in 1988.

On a recent Wednesday afternoon, he stepped into the clubhouse of the Friendly Hills Country Club. But not before removing his baseball cap.

"You have to dress appropriately, not with your shirt hanging out. You can't wear jeans," Anguiano said.

Young Latino waiters took his order. Anguiano chatted warmly with them. "You're not supposed to socialize with them," he said later. "They're there to cater to you."

"I can't help it," he added. "I can relate to them, just working hard to pay your monthly bills."

As a boy, Anguiano sold fruit on the streets of Boyle Heights. Then he opened a produce stand in an East L.A. grocery store.

He eventually opened his own chain of stores, the Whittier Farms Ranch Market, first in northeast Los Angeles and later in Monterey Park and Whittier.

"When I was growing up, they called Monterey Park the Beverly Hills of East L.A.," Anguiano, who was nicknamed "King of Carne Asada" by Eastside customers, said with a chuckle. "Then it kept going more over here."

The first Whittier home he and his wife bought was in the flatlands and cost $157,000. As business got better, they moved higher up into the hills. Finally, 12 years ago, they moved into the gated Friendly Hills Estates. They were only the second Latino family beyond the gates at the time.

"Whittier's like Santa Barbara in a way. It's so peaceful and old," he said. "When we bought the house, my wife and I would just lie in bed and say, 'I can't believe it!' "

Two years ago, he joined the country club and became a member of its social committee.

"Lots of events go down there. Cooking classes, dance classes. I learned salsa," he said. "Tuesday nights we have 'Dancing Like the Stars.' They did that because of the TV show."

He used to visit the club as a guest years ago. Back then there weren't a lot of faces like his, he said. These days, he said, it's not unusual for him to be sitting in the clubhouse with Latino doctors, lawyers and business owners.

Anguiano's locker is not too far from the one East L.A. boxer Oscar De La Hoya had when he was a member, having made headlines by buying a home in Whittier in the mid-1990s.

When Anguiano first hit the links, he had a lot to learn.

"There's 10 things you have to know before you even swing at the ball," he said recently as he lined up a shot on the sixth tee. "Five years ago, I didn't even know what golf was!"

At work, he keeps a framed picture of himself as a 14-year-old, ankle deep in tangerines on the back of a beat-up flatbed truck in Boyle Heights. With him are his father, a Mexican immigrant, and his brother.

"It reminds me of where I came from," he said. "And sometimes I like to look at it because it makes me laugh."

If Whittier's population has changed, its political hierarchy remains largely entrenched. Political power still rests among a largely white establishment -- mostly Republican with an all-white City Council.

"We're one-sided in leadership," said Ruth B. Shannon, who with her husband, Ed, is one of Whittier's biggest philanthropists. "We're not trying to shut anybody out. We should have a Latino council member. I think it just takes time for someone to step forward and do something."

In 1978, a popular Whittier High School teacher and football coach, Victor Lopez, was elected to the City Council, getting the most votes of any candidate. Lopez, who served until 1990, was the first Whittier councilman with a Spanish surname.

He and his wife were very plugged in to the community, with the teacher even doing construction work during the summer, such as adding rooms to houses in Whittier -- including work on Perry's home.

"His family was quite prominent in town," Perry said. "He was a high-class individual."

But it wasn't necessarily a sign of things to come.

A few years ago, Alex Moisa, 43, a Latino lawyer who moved to Whittier from Montebello, ran for City Council. He said that despite living in Whittier for 12 years, he still felt like an outsider.

"I was almost considered a carpetbagger," he said. "Nobody cared about the fact I was a Berkeley-educated lawyer. It's still very parochial."

If that's a commonly shared sentiment, it's not one commonly aired. Many Latinos agree their adopted city is a politically insular place, but one that tends to reward long ties to the town.

When the Zapantas moved into the old Reilly estate, Ruth Shannon was quick to knock on their door. She bonded with Rebecca -- recognizing quickly that the tall, fit woman was a kindred spirit in her willingness to raise money for charitable causes.

At Shannon's request, the Zapantas let the public tour their home as a fundraiser for the local historical museum.

The Zapantas introduced Shannon, whose name is on Whittier College's performing arts center, and her husband to Mexican artists like Raul Anguiano.

The Shannons in turn saw the Zapantas as the kind of Latino residents the city needed in positions of influence.

"Rebecca's a big promoter, getting people involved in things," Shannon said. "We were so hoping to get them on some boards."

The Shannons asked them to join the Whittier College Board of Trustees. The Zapantas declined. They would get involved in some Whittier events -- but, as the Shannons would find out, the Zapantas represented a new kind of Whittier elite.

Their first commitment was to causes affecting the Mexican American community -- and to another school, USC. Richard and his late brother Edward, a neurosurgeon, were among the founders of USC's Mexican American Alumni Assn. Richard's father was a mechanic; his mother went back to college when she was middle-aged and eventually graduated from Pepperdine University. Rebecca also grew up working-class in East L.A. and recalled playing with chickens in the backyard.

They moved from East L.A. to Hacienda Heights, but 16 years ago they decided they wanted a bigger house. They first thought about Pasadena. A friend who was a Realtor told them he had found a place in Whittier. The Zapantas knew little about the town, but seeing the mansion on the hill convinced them, even if Rebecca Zapanta said the sheer size of the home was intimidating.

The mansion was beautifully imposing. They moved in with their five children, Richard's elderly father and two housekeepers.

In the years since, Rebecca has taken up a new cause: electing a Latino to the council. She has supported Latino candidates before but said they always lose.

Recently, she stopped at the Uptown boutique of a friend, Suzie Cruz. Talk turned to politics. "We need that voice. I just think we haven't done that yet," Cruz said.

"Do you think they're trying keep us out, Suzie?" Zapanta asked in an incredulous tone.

That wasn't it, Cruz said. On election day, just take a look at who votes and who volunteers to work the polls, she said. Latinos in Whittier need to get involved and vote.

A few days later, a Mexican American Realtor told Zapanta she was running for City Council.

The news gave a jolt of energy to Zapanta's quest and got her thinking about ways she could help, now and in the future; maybe putting together a list of friends in Whittier, sending out a mailing and having a fundraiser.

And for that, Rebecca Zapanta could think of no better setting than her old mansion.

That's just Whittier mind you. Montebello and Downey, once the lily white bastion of The Carpenters and the seting of the mall from "The Wonder Years" show also come to mind, and that's just in my immediate area. But WB would have you believe all Latino's are living in dilapidated squalor.

Yes yes, I know....

Thay're 'taking over' Richard Nixon's hometown!!!!!! Something must be done!!!!

So should I just read the highlighted parts or do I have to read it all?
Posted By: the G-man Re:Upscale Latinos Vex WB - 2008-03-23 3:09 AM
There's nothing about bike safety, socks or applying for unemployment, so I would say you can skip the whole thing.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-03-24 4:41 AM
Here is what I actually posted (I was quoting an article. What's quoted are NOT my own words, as Whomod misleadingly quoted me saying.)

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy, posted January 14, 2008


  • Diversity Is Strength! It’s Also…Oh, Wait, Make That “Weakness”
    By Steve Sailer

    [Discussing a book/immigration-study by former Clinton official David Putnam, bending its conclusions about immigration to acquiesce to politically correct false notions about immigration: ]

    Putnam ignores the obvious difference between elite immigration by, say, Enrico Fermi and Alfred Hitchcock, compared to illegal immigration. In contrast, the almost thirty million residents of America of Mexican origin have contributed remarkably little creativity to American culture and science. For example, although Mexicans are by far the biggest immigrant group, they don't even rank among the top 20 immigrant groups in the U.S. in terms of patents awarded.

    But Putnam's third section -- "Becoming Comfortable with Diversity" -- is even worse. It mostly repeats the Ellis Island clichés about how the immigration of a century ago all worked out fine and dandy, so what's to worry about the new immigration "in the medium to long run?"

    But how can the “medium to long run” arrive to overcome the negative effects of diversity if the government continues to keep the pedal to the metal on letting in low human capital immigrants?

    Not surprisingly, Putnam only vaguely mentions the immigration restriction acts of 1921 and 1924 that played such a huge role.

    Furthermore, I am tired of intellectuals in Boston, New York, and Washington D.C acting as if Mexicans in America are such an utter novelty that nobody could possibly have any indication of how they will turn out, so who can say they won't progress just like Italians and Jews?

    Well, anybody in the Southwest can.

    In reality, we've had sizable Hispanic communities in the United States since the 1840s, such as in the Upper Rio Grande River valley of New Mexico. That state has long been the most Hispanic in the nation.

    So how is New Mexico doing after seven generations of Hispanic assimilation? On Meet the Press recently, Tim Russert gave New Mexico governor and Presidential candidate Bill Richardson an unfairly hard time that said less about the politician than about his constituents:

    "They rank states in a whole variety of categories from one being the best, 50th being the worst. This is New Mexico’s scorecard, and you are the governor. Percent of people living below the poverty line, you’re 48. Percent of children below, 48. Median family income, 47. People without health insurance, 49. Children without health insurance, 46. Teen high school dropouts, 47. Death rate due to firearms, 48. Violent crime rate, 46."

    Richardson has his faults. But not turning New Mexicans into Minnesotans isn't one of them.

    Similarly, East Los Angeles has been heavily Mexican since the Mexican Revolution. PBS reported:

    "Its present day population also has been one of the most entrenched and stable communities of the greater Los Angeles area over the past 50 to 75 years. East Los Angeles is … the largest Hispanic community in the United States."

    East LA is not Detroit -- which the forest is partly retaking -- but hardly is it New Jersey, which the Ellis Island immigrants have made into one of the most successful states in the country.

    Here's a good test of the chestnut that Mexican immigrants are going to turn out just like the old Jewish immigrants: Long ago, East LA had a Jewish immigrant community, which arrived about the same time as its Mexican immigrants. According to PBS, in East LA after WWI:

    "In many instances, Jews and Mexicans went to school together, played sports together, traded with each other, and particularly among the left wing thinkers, met and organized together."

    For some reason, though, eighty years later, the descendents of East LA's Jewish immigrants are living in Beverly Hills and Malibu, while the descendents of East LA's Mexican immigrants are in Van Nuys or still stuck in East LA.

    In summary, the first rule of rationality when you find you are digging a hole for yourself is … stop digging.

    Unfortunately, when it comes to immigration and diversity, that's not a rule that many of our Establishment intellectuals such as Putnam have figured out. Or care to.

    Steve Sailer is founder of the Human Biodiversity Institute, and movie critic for The American Conservative. His website http://www.iSteve.blogspot.com features his daily blog.
Posted By: rex Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-03-24 5:08 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I'm too much of a coward to speak for myself so I use other peoples words to defend me.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-03-24 5:29 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I'm too much of a coward to speak for myself so I use other peoples words to defend me.

Man, that's funny.

From the guy who ejaculates into a crusty sock every night, because he's afraid to talk to a real girl.
Posted By: rex Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-03-24 5:38 AM
Keep believing your hateful lies wonder mcgroin.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-03-24 5:56 AM

Yeah, I guess I just imagined the love affair you have with socks.
I mean, it's not like you ever openly discussed it here or anything...

Posted By: rex Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-03-24 5:57 AM
Its not like I use an alt id to post pictures of 12 year old girls or anything like that.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-03-24 6:25 AM
No, you're just a 30-something-year-old virgin who prefers crusty socks to real women.
Posted By: rex Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-03-24 8:41 AM
Repeating your own lies do not make them true. But go ahead and believe what you want about me. Its obvious its one of the few things that keeps you going. That and you're blinding hatred of everything.
Posted By: whomod Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-03-24 10:07 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Here is what I actually posted (I was quoting an article. What's quoted are NOT my own words, as Whomod misleadingly quoted me saying.)

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy, posted January 14, 2008

For some reason, though, eighty years later, the descendents of East LA's Jewish immigrants are living in Beverly Hills and Malibu, while the descendents of East LA's Mexican immigrants are in Van Nuys or still stuck in East LA.

In summary, the first rule of rationality when you find you are digging a hole for yourself is … stop digging.

Oh... okay.

I mistakenly thought you agreed with that bullshit you possted then.

My apologies.
Posted By: rex Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-03-24 10:31 AM
um... why would you post something you don't agree with?
Posted By: the G-man Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-03-24 5:13 PM
 Originally Posted By: rex
Its obvious its one of the few things that keeps you going. That and you're blinding hatred of everything.

Says the most hateful member of the board.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: rex
Its obvious its one of the few things that keeps you going. That and you're blinding hatred of everything.

Says the most hateful member of the board.

Says the most hated member of the board.
Posted By: the G-man Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-03-24 8:48 PM
But at least I have you and your "guy love", Ray.


    By Emily Bazar,

    Illegal immigrants living in states and cities that have adopted strict immigration policies are packing up and moving back to their home countries or to neighboring states.
    The exodus has been fueled by a wave of laws targeting illegal immigrants in Oklahoma, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia and elsewhere. Many were passed after congressional efforts to overhaul the immigration system collapsed in June.

    Immigrants say the laws have raised fears of workplace raids and deportation.

    "People now are really frightened and scared because they don't know what's going to happen," says Juliana Stout, an editor at the newspaper El Nacional de Oklahoma. "They're selling houses. They're leaving the country."

    Supporters of the laws cheer the departure of illegal immigrants and say the laws are working as intended.

    Oklahoma state Rep. Randy Terrill, Republican author of his state's law, says the flight proves it is working. "That was the intended purpose," he says. "It would be just fine with me if we exported all illegal aliens to the surrounding states."

    Most provisions of an Oklahoma law take effect in November. Among other things, it cuts off benefits such as welfare and college financial aid.

    There's no hard demographic data on the trend, partly because it's hard to track people who are in the USA illegally. But school officials, real estate agents and church leaders say the movement is unmistakable.

    In Tulsa, schools have seen a drop in Hispanic enrollment.

    About 60% of Kendall-Whittier Elementary School's 950 students are Hispanic, Principal Judy Feary says. Since an enrollment report Sept. 10, she says, 14 have left. Four more said last week that they would move.

    Three weeks ago, one couple dropped their three children at school, then returned after lunch with their belongings packed in an SUV and trailer. Feary says they took the kids and said they were moving back to Mexico. "They were afraid and cited the immigration law," she says.

    Marshall Elementary, where enrollment is 60% Hispanic, has lost about 10 students this year to the immigration law, Principal Kayla Robinson says. Most moved to Texas. "These are families that have been here for a long time," she says.

    Illegal immigrants also are leaving Georgia, where a law requires companies on government contracts with at least 500 employees to check new hires against a federal database to make sure they are legally authorized to work.

    Mario Reyes, senior minister at the Tabernacle of Atlanta, says his church lost about 10 families this summer. His daughter, a real estate agent, is helping them sell their homes.

    Churches across the city report similar losses, says Antonio Mansogo, a board member of the National Coalition of Latino Clergy and Christian Leaders.

    "There's tension because you don't know when immigration (agents) might show up, and a lot of people don't want to take those chances," he says.

    Real estate agent Guadalupe Sosa in Avondale, Ariz., outside Phoenix, says migration from the state began about three months ago, shortly after Gov. Janet Napolitano, a Democrat, signed a law that will take effect in January. Employers who hire illegal immigrants can lose their business licenses.

    Of the 10 homes Sosa has on the market, half belong to families that plan to leave because of immigration tensions.

    "They know they might be losing everything today or tomorrow," she says.

    Maria Sanchez, 35, joined the migration with her sister and nephew, who are in the country legally. Sanchez was in the USA illegally, but she has gotten a temporary work permit.

    The three lived in Aurora, Colo., when Sanchez was fired from her job as district manager of a fast-food chain after she couldn't provide a valid Social Security number.

    Colorado has approved several immigration measures. One gives employers 20 days to check and photocopy documents such as driver's licenses and Social Security cards, which new workers present to prove their legal status.

    Because of the laws, Sanchez, her sister and nephew left five months ago. "I moved to Utah because they don't have the same laws here," she says.

    State Sen. Dave Schultheis says he hasn't observed a major migration out of Colorado but has heard anecdotal reports that illegal immigrants are leaving. "It's absolutely a good thing," he says. "We want to make Colorado the least friendly state to people who are here illegally."

    In Hazleton, Pa., families started moving away after the city passed an illegal-immigrant law last summer, says Rudy Espinal, head of the Hazleton Hispanic Business Association. The law would fine landlords who rented to illegal immigrants and suspend the business licenses of companies that hired them. A companion measure would require tenants to register with the city and pay $10 for a rental permit.

    A federal judge ruled the measures unconstitutional in July, but that hasn't stopped people moving away, he says.

    "People are still leaving," Espinal says. "Some people have told me that they're leaving because they don't want their kids to grow up in an environment like this."

    Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta counters that some illegal immigrants who moved came back after the judge's decision, which the city is appealing. "I see a reversal," he says. "In a small city, it becomes obvious. … Schools are overcrowded and there are five-hour waits in the emergency room."

    He says, "We don't want to chase immigrants away, just the illegal aliens who are causing many of the problem we are having."

All I can say is... good.

It can't happen fast enough, but this is a significant step in the right direction. It proves that if we enforce our laws, we don't have to deport every illegal immigrant, as illegal-sympathizers allege is impossible.

If we enforce our laws, they will deport themselves.

And again, this is about deporting ILLEGAL immigrants. Not racism or some kind of alleged blanket hatred. Just protecting our borders and national interests.

Ignored by the liberal media are hispanic Americans who oppose illegal immigration, and do want U.S. borders secured.

A site of hispanic Americans advocating securing our borders and cracking down on illegals:

  • http://www.dontspeakforme.org/
    We affirm our status as citizens of the United States and, in our civic lives, we are first and foremost Americans.
    We embrace the principles of our nation and the rule of law which are set forth in our Constitution, and reject all attempts to divide this nation along ethnic, racial, or religious lines.

    "Like all other Americans, we are also proud of ancestral heritage. In our private lives we cherish many of the customs and traditions that we and our ancestors brought to this country. Just as we reject efforts by the illegal alien advocacy network to use our common heritage to advance their own political agenda, so too do we reject attempts by the radical fringe that seeks to limit and enforce immigration in furtherance of their own distasteful views on racial identity. They do not speak for us and we do not speak for them.

    "You Don't Speak for Me supports an immigration policy that requires everyone to respect the laws of this nation; that protects the legitimate interests of the American people; that embraces newcomers of all backgrounds who obey our laws, contribute to the common good, and endeavor to become a part of the fabric of American society. We believe these views are shared by the vast majority of Americans of Hispanic heritage. Any organization or individual who does not espouse these core values does not speak for us.

Brother Americans!

And a Dallas-based hispanic columnist who consistently advocates border security and greater assimilation of hispanic Americans:

  • How refreshing !

    I don't know how prevalent this pro-American sentiment is among hispanic Americans, whether it's 2% or 75%.
    But regardless, it's very nice to see.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

All I can say is... good.

It can't happen fast enough, but this is a significant step in the right direction. It proves that if we enforce our laws, we don't have to deport every illegal immigrant, as illegal-sympathizers allege is impossible.

If we enforce our laws, they will deport themselves.

And again, this is about deporting ILLEGAL immigrants. Not racism or some kind of alleged blanket hatred. Just protecting our borders and national interests.

no it's about racism and xenophobia. there's an economic recession and people start looking to blame outsiders. it happened last century during hardtimes in border towns and it's happening now.
and the people like you who see america as a white country want to control any shifts in ethnicity so that you can maintain the majority and feel superior.
what would Jesus say, i wonder.
 Originally Posted By: Ray
no it's about racism and xenophobia. there's an economic recession and people start looking to blame outsiders. it happened last century during hardtimes in border towns and it's happening now.
and the people like you who see america as a white country want to control any shifts in ethnicity so that you can maintain the majority and feel superior.
what would Jesus say, i wonder.

Far from your slanders that I advocate some kind of white-only America, I clearly and consistently welcome anyone, of any race, who assimilates into English-speaking American culture, and who supports the patriotic unity of us as a nation (as opposed to those who fracture us along racial and ethnic lines and have an open hostility toward the mainstream of America).

Jesus would say:
"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God What is God's"
(Luke 20:25)

He advocated obedience of state authority, except where it violates the laws of God.
As opposed to liberal anarchy.

Rob Kamphausen ass-kicky Administrator cobra kai
15000+ posts Fri Jul 18 2008 11:42 PM Viewing a private message
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15000+ posts Wed Jul 23 2008 02:23 AM Checking who's online
Posted By: the Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-07-25 7:18 AM
Captain Sammitch annoyed Moderator invisible editor
10000+ posts Fri Jul 25 2008 12:17 AM Viewing a list of posts
Forum: Women
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re:NOW on PBS: The Latino Vote - 2008-07-25 7:19 AM
beat you to it.

Five year old charts are soooooooo exciting.
National demographics do tend to trail behind the current year. Gathering statistical demographics on 300-million-plus Americans takes some time, and is only released every few years.

It gives some idea how high a ratio of illegals Mexicans are (59%) and hispanics as a whole are (81%) that explains why there is general resentment and suspicion of hispanics among the majority of U.S. citizens.

And that doesn't even cover legaal green-card hispanic immigrants those who enable illegals. Or how illegal Mexicans affect the nation as a whole, acting against the U.S. in their own Mexican/hispanic ethnocentric self-interest.
As I said earlier, of the 1.1 million immigrants admitted and receiving green cards in 2007, 600,000 were living illegally in the U.S. already with legal-resident relatives.
As well as voting Mexicans in California and elsewhere, who lobby for open borders and welfare benefits for illegals.

But it does give an inkling to what an overwhelming percentage of the immigration problem Mexicans are.

I'm beginning to think you don't like mexicans.
Posted By: the G-man Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 1:35 AM
rex, I can't be bothered to read this whole thread again and, I'm not saying I agree with everything WB has posted on it, but I'm seriously wondering: what's your position on illegal immigration and "English only" laws? Are you for them or against them and, if so, why/why not?
Posted By: rex Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 1:53 AM
Everything the government is involved in should be English only. Currently we are allowing immigrants to not learn English. Its a waste of tax payer money and time. You should have to know English to drive in America. You should have to know English if you want to do anything involving the government. This is not a racial thing, its a communication thing. I think that if we made English the official language and it was enforced people on the right would have a very different out look on immigration.

I'm not saying we should force everything to be English only. Private companies should be allowed to set their own rules when it comes to communication but they should not be sued for being an English only company.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 2:12 AM
There is ostensibly no difference between your perspective on the issue and mine, rex.

I think we should welcome anyone here, of any race, who has the potential to be a good contributing citizen to the U.S., who obeys our laws, pays taxes, completes high school and pursues higher education (or vocation), who creates business and jobs in our economy, doesn't commit crimes, doesn't use welfare, and assimilates to our english-speaking culture.
I actually like the idea of requiring fluent english of anyone who works for our government.

And the relentless accusations of racism against those who support shutting out illegals and securing our borders, just demonstrates the most vile of slander tactics by pro-illegals who have no valid argument, and thus feel a need to slander those who do have a valid argument.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 2:31 AM
why do you hate latin america?
Posted By: rex Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 2:33 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
There is ostensibly no difference between your perspective on the issue and mine, rex.

I think we should welcome anyone here, of any race, who has the potential to be a good contributing citizen to the U.S., who obeys our laws, pays taxes, completes high school and pursues higher education (or vocation), who creates business and jobs in our economy, doesn't commit crimes, doesn't use welfare, and assimilates to our english-speaking culture.
I actually like the idea of requiring fluent english of anyone who works for our government.

And the relentless accusations of racism against those who support shutting out illegals and securing our borders, just demonstrates the most vile of slander tactics by pro-illegals who have no valid argument, and thus feel a need to slander those who do.

You think we should round up every illegal immigrant and send them back to their home countries. I am against that. Don't try to lump your crazy shit in with mine. You and I are nothing alike.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 3:50 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
There is ostensibly no difference between your perspective on the issue and mine, rex.

I think we should welcome anyone here, of any race, who has the potential to be a good contributing citizen to the U.S., who obeys our laws, pays taxes, completes high school and pursues higher education (or vocation), who creates business and jobs in our economy, doesn't commit crimes, doesn't use welfare, and assimilates to our english-speaking culture.
I actually like the idea of requiring fluent english of anyone who works for our government.

And the relentless accusations of racism against those who support shutting out illegals and securing our borders, just demonstrates the most vile of slander tactics by pro-illegals who have no valid argument, and thus feel a need to slander those who do.

You think we should round up every illegal immigrant and send them back to their home countries. I am against that. Don't try to lump your crazy shit in with mine. You and I are nothing alike.

What I said isn't "crazy shit". What I said is what any number of conservatives have proposed: secure the border, stop illegals coming in, and strongly punish employers of illegals, so they stop hiring illegals, then we largely won't HAVE TO round up illegals, they'll just go home.

Even the pro-amnesty crowd and the McCain-Kennedy proposed bill that was defeated expected illegals to return to their home countries and pay fines, and basically start at zero before they could be re-admitted.

My alleged "crazy shit" is pretty mainstream, despite your pathological need to paint it otherwise. Sock-fucker.
Posted By: rex Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 3:52 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

What I said isn't "crazy shit". What I said is what any number of conservatives have proposed

Posted By: the G-man Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 4:00 AM
So which of the of the following do you think is "crazy shit," rex:

  • secure the border
    stop illegals coming in
    strongly punish employers of illegals so they stop hiring illegals?
Posted By: Pariah Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 4:01 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
You think we should round up every illegal immigrant and send them back to their home countries. I am against that.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 4:02 AM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
why do you hate latin america?

I like the ones who are here legally. I resent the ones who come here illegally, take jobs, drive down wages, and often don't even bother to learn the language, even after 8 or 10 years here.
I also dislike those legal immigrants who aid or enable illegals to come here and break our laws.

As I showed statistically, immigrants from South America are more productive citizens and pursue higher education, while immigrants from Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean are statistically less educated, are more often on welfare, and are more likely to be involved in gangs, crime, and end up in our prisons.

As I've said repeatedly, there are many hispanics I like, socialize with, date, and deal with on a daily basis. There are also many I resent for their abuse of our country, and their non-assimilation.

Statistically, Central America and the Caribbean immigrants are low performers, and I would prefer immigrants (whether they are from India, China, Europe, South Korea, Japan or wherever) who have statistically assimilated better over the last 40 years, don't have first loyalty to other nations, don't have a hostility toward whites, and don't have a cultural grudge against the U.S. and want to take away the U.S. southwest, as Mexicans do.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 4:02 AM
is this about the animated penis?
Posted By: rex Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 4:37 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: rex
You think we should round up every illegal immigrant and send them back to their home countries. I am against that.


We don't have the money or the man power to do this. We never have and we never will. We need a realistic solution.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 4:39 AM
We need to seal the border, figure out what to do with the illegals later.
Posted By: rex Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 4:41 AM
I don't think we can ever really seal the border. This is why we should change the way things are done here.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 4:43 AM
we cant seal the border? other countries do, why couldnt we?
Posted By: Pariah Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 5:35 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: rex
You think we should round up every illegal immigrant and send them back to their home countries. I am against that.


We don't have the money or the man power to do this. We never have and we never will. We need a realistic solution.

By that logic, we might as well say sealing up the borders is unrealistic.

In the long run, the fact that they're living here is going to cost us a whole lot more than actually taking steps to get rid of them and keeping them out.
Posted By: Pariah Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 5:35 AM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
we cant seal the border? other countries do, why couldnt we?

Because we're very progressive, open-minded, and charitable.
Posted By: rex Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 6:34 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

By that logic, we might as well say sealing up the borders is unrealistic.

That is what I'm saying. Thanks for playing along.
Posted By: Pariah Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 6:36 AM
So letting them continue to invade and stay isn't bleeding us dry.

Okay then.

Thank for letting me play along.
Posted By: rex Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 6:38 AM
I never said anything about letting them stay. What I said was we need to stop being so accommodating to them. We need to change things within the country so that its not so easy for them to not fit in.
Posted By: the G-man Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 6:06 PM
So, basically, you agree with every position that WB has taken on this issue.
Posted By: rex Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 7:06 PM
No, but I can see why someone of your intelligence would think so.
Posted By: the G-man Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 7:19 PM
I'm more than willing to have you explain how you and he differ. However, the more you post the more your positions seem very similar to his. It really comes off as you just not wanting to admit you agree with him simply because you don't like him.
Posted By: rex Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 9:08 PM
 Originally Posted By: rex
I can see why someone of your intelligence would think so.
Posted By: the G-man Re: "Immigration Explosion" - 2009-07-06 10:56 PM
Yeah, pretty much what I figured. You can't answer the question without admitting I was right so now you're pulling a MEM and pretending that an insult equals a valid argument.
 Originally Posted By: The Pun-isher, 3-3-2008
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

So apparently, Cuban immigrants are assimilating. I was amused by how the Herald spun this as a negative thing.

To whoever wrote the article, given Miami demographics, it probably is a bad thing. Some people see assimilation as havana bad affect on one's culture.

I miss the Pun-isher.

One of the better alts.

Adam Carolla on Mexican immigration to L.A.:

With a mixture of humor and serious editorial, he comments on the visible decline in L.A., despite the political incorrectness in saying that, and how it negatively impacts immigrants to L.A. as well.