Posted By: Wonder Boy Whomod in action... - 2007-12-30 9:59 AM

Posted By: rex Re: Whomod in action... - 2007-12-30 11:47 AM
You are such a tard.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Whomod in action... - 2007-12-30 12:19 PM
Because someone caught Whomod on tape?
Posted By: whomod Re: Whomod in action... - 2007-12-30 2:08 PM
For someone who claims he doesn't watch any of the ultra right hate mongers on TV, he sure emulates their style to a T.

Find some ultra left weirdo and claim him/her as the standard for anyone who disagrees with him.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Whomod in action... - 2007-12-30 10:42 PM
Whomod's pissy because someone stole his bit.
Posted By: Pariah Carey Re: Whomod in action... - 2007-12-31 3:52 AM
And dammit, a man's got to drill!
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Whomod in action... - 2007-12-31 7:58 AM
 Originally Posted By: whomod
For someone who claims he doesn't watch any of the ultra right hate mongers on TV, he sure emulates their style to a T.

Find some ultra left weirdo and claim him/her as the standard for anyone who disagrees with him.

Actually, I was emulating the "style to a T" of you and Ray, Whomod. Find some image or youtube clip of the opposition that mocks or demonizes your opposition, and stereotypes them exactly the way you want them portrayed.
That's what you guys do endlessly.
I did it just once, and you're such pussies you had a hissy-fit. You like to dish it out, but you cry like little girls when someone gives you just a tiny sample of your own tactics.

I picked this guy because, despite your dismissing him as a whacko, his rhetoric is almost identical to yours, as is his ranting fanaticism.

"You're anti-women!"
"You're all about hate!"

And other sweeping dismissive labels.
Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man Re: Whomod in action... - 2007-12-31 9:36 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: whomod
For someone who claims he doesn't watch any of the ultra right hate mongers on TV, he sure emulates their style to a T.

Find some ultra left weirdo and claim him/her as the standard for anyone who disagrees with him.

Actually, I was emulating the "style to a T" of you and Ray, Whomod. Find some image or youtube clip of the opposition that mocks or demonizes your opposition, and stereotypes them exactly the way you want them portrayed.
That's what you guys do endlessly.
I did it just once, and you're such pussies you had a hissy-fit. You like to dish it out, but you cry like little girls when someone gives you just a tiny sample of your own tactics.

I picked this guy because, despite your dismissing him as a whacko, his rhetoric is almost identical to yours, as is his ranting fanaticism.

"You're anti-women!"
"You're all about hate!"

And other sweeping dismissive labels.

but you are anti-women. you have said that you blame women's liberation for the destruction of western society.
and you do seem to hate a lot, but never really like anything. even in the comics forum, if it isn't 30 years old you hate it and opine for the bygone days of jack "i draw square faces and touch boys" kirby.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Whomod in action... - 2007-12-31 10:22 AM

There's a huge difference between being anti-Women, and being anti-radical-feminism.

If women, because of insane feminist ideas have, for the first time in human history, chosen not to reproduce at even replacement levels (i.e., not even two children to replace the two parents), to the point that every nation of North America, Europe, and even the asian Western nation of Japan have aging, shrinking populations, then it is a valid argument that liberal feminist ideas are destroying our civilization.

A species that chooses not to reproduce is a species that is destroying itself. That is the fruit of feminism.

I love women.
I detest feminism, at least in its modern liberal form.
Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man Re: Whomod in action... - 2007-12-31 11:02 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

There's a huge difference between being anti-Women, and being anti-radical-feminism.

If women, because of insane feminist ideas have, for the first time in human history, chosen not to reproduce at even replacement levels (i.e., not even two children to replace the two parents), to the point that every nation of North America, Europe, and even the asian Western nation of Japan have aging, shrinking populations, then it is a valid argument that liberal feminist ideas are destroying our civilization.

how dare they make a choice other than reproduction. if kids are so important then some men could stay home. so really it's also male ego destroying society.
did we learn nothing from Mr. Mom?

A species that chooses not to reproduce is a species that is destroying itself. That is the fruit of feminism.

I love women.
I detest feminism, at least in its modern liberal form.

so as long as women are pregnant housewives, you love them?
that's kind of sick.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Whomod in action... - 2007-12-31 11:38 AM

I stated my views clearly. Yours are just ridiculous.

Women can do a lot of things, but for the species to survive, we have to reproduce. Liberalism, in the form of liberal feminism, is leterally destroying Westen civilization.

Early feminists (up till the 1950's) found the notion of abortion abhorrent. And didn't abandon motherhood in their quest for equal rights.

More slanderous labels and baseless charicatures on your part. Intolerant hatred of my views, and vicious stereotypes, just because I don't embrace your liberal views, which are undeniably killing our culture.
Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man Re: Whomod in action... - 2007-12-31 8:02 PM
yet the global population has increased in the billions and the national population has gone up by about 100 million since liberal feminism came about.
Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man Re: Whomod in action... - 2007-12-31 8:04 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

More slanderous labels and baseless charicatures on your part. Intolerant hatred of my views , and vicious stereotypes, just because I don't embrace your liberal views, which are undeniably killing our culture.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Whomod in action... - 2008-01-01 1:26 AM
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
yet the global population has increased in the billions and the national population has gone up by about 100 million since liberal feminism came about.

Because of vastly increased immigration. Up till 1965, we let in only about 200,000 immigrants per year.

We currently, and for roughly a decade, let in 1.2 million per year.

If we didn't use the band-aid approach of just importing tens of millions of foreigners, many of whom have no respect for our nation, sovereignty and culture, then it would force us to resolve the issues that have cause low birth rates since 1964-forward. Passing laws that strengthen families, culturally support the necessity of having children, and even offering tax credits to offset the cost of having children, as Japan and other nations have done or are considering. Japan and Europe have even lower birthrates than the U.S., have faster aging populations, and require even more foreign workers to fill the gap.

But importing millions of workers, beyond what can be assimilated, only offers a temporary solution, and creates far more social and national identity problems in the long run.
As the Turks are proving in Germany.
As the Moroccans and other Arabs are proving in France, Denmark, Holland, and even Sweden.
As the Albanians, who have taken over Kosovo from the Serbians, have most aggressively proven.

What has happened in Kosovo is the example for what is happening now in California. When immigrant muslim Albanians became 90% of Serbia's Kosovo province, they began defiling and burning the Serbian Eastern-Orthodox churches. When Serbians fought back, the liberal media demonized the Serbs, rather than the muslim Albanians who initiated the violence.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Whomod in action... - 2008-01-01 1:29 AM
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man Re: Whomod in action... - 2008-01-01 1:29 AM
where are we getting immigrants from that they would effect a change in the "global" population?
and this isn't about immigration, this is about how you hate women who aren't housewives. and you blame them for the fall of western society.
but then you have so much anger it must be hard to stay on topic for long.