Posted By: the G-man MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2008-08-30 7:19 AM
MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'?
  • MSNBC's convention coverage, beset by production gaffes and personality clashes, has made a larger impact on YouTube than it has on the ratings and a "high-ranking MSNBC journalist" told The Politico that tensions inside the network are about to "blow up". Though the ratings of all three cable news outlets are up compared to the 2004 convention, so far MSNBC has finished third behind CNN and Fox News.
    • 1) Nobody can believe how much Keith Olbermann is getting away with, even if he does draw ratings;
      2) As an Olbermann protege, Rachel Maddow is attracting negative feelings from staffers, since she stays mum on many of these catfights, but "there's still time" to represent;
      3) MSNBC head Phil Griffin is alienating staffers by publicly defending Olbermann while privately bashing him, and it's left many wondering when that will leak;
      4) MSNBC publicist Jeremy Gaines appears increasing[ly] stressed out and can be seen "shaking" with a phone attached to his ear dealing with reporters;
      5) You don't want to run into Chris Matthews anytime soon, especially en route to the bathroom, because he has zero pleasant things to say right now;
      6) Joe Scarborough is definitely stressed, but he's managed to calm down a bit today and can be seen laughing and gabbing.
  • Jon Stewart called the infighting, "Lord of the Flies on the NBC roof!"
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2008-08-30 7:32 AM
i thought the lawyer son of the lawyer guy was head of MSNBC?
Posted By: the G-man Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2008-08-30 7:45 AM
My favorite part of the story is where they say that MSNBC "has made a larger impact on YouTube than it has on the ratings."
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2008-08-30 7:48 AM
so if you take out whomod, they have no impact?
Posted By: the G-man Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2008-08-30 7:54 AM
Poor Olbermann. It'll be back to late nights on ESPN if whomod isn't careful.
Posted By: the G-man Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2008-08-30 6:28 PM
Keith Olbermann is Paranoid About His Safety, Requests Addtional Security
  • Keith Olbermann, host of MSNBC's "Countdown with Keith Olbermann", might be losing it. Sources have told the NYPost that he is threatening to quit unless they beef up his security ahead of the Republican National Convention.

    Olbermann was reportedly upset to be anchoring at the Democratic National Convention from an outdoor set near Denver's train station, and won't stand for that happening again. An insider said he "...announced that his bosses [had] better find a more secure location for him to broadcast from at the Republican National Convention or he's not going. He thinks someone will assassinate him."

    Before Olbermann left NYC to head to the DNC in Denver, he was worried about his safety. The car that was to take him to the airport was late, and Olbermann quickly shot off an email threatening to stay home, and telling producers "I could have been attacked on the street."
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2008-08-30 6:34 PM
Posted By: the G-man Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2008-08-30 6:35 PM
Maybe he can hire Wanky as a bodyguard, what with all that military experience and ability to watch whomod's back.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2008-08-30 6:39 PM
but the convention will last 3 days, Wanky would already desert and be discharged from service by then....
Posted By: PJP Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2008-08-30 6:39 PM
wow......he is losing it?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2008-08-30 6:41 PM
There was a SI article about Olbermann when he left ESPN for his first MSNBC gig, in it they talked about how he was close to being fired for crazy shit there. After he went to MSNBC this second time from FOX sports they say he kept leaving messages for Dan Patrick(i think maybe someone else) rubbing it in his face how much money he was making.
Posted By: PJP Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2008-08-30 6:45 PM
Posted By: PJP Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2008-08-30 7:33 PM
Posted By: iggy Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2008-09-01 11:57 AM
Wow. The RNC should be a blast. I'll probably check out MSNBC just to see how crazy it gets. Seriously, what I wouldn't give to see Joe deck Olbermann square in the jaw.
Posted By: the G-man Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2009-08-15 4:51 AM
MSNBC’s False Attack Prompts Threats Against Conservatives: Maddow’s error resulted in PR consultant receiving hate mail, death threats.

Looking forward to Zick's loud denunciation of Maddow and the liberal thugs threatening these people.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2009-08-15 3:23 PM
Don't be a silly ass G-man. Death threats from the liberal fringe is just as unacceptable as they are if they were coming from conservatives.

And if Maddow made an error she should correct it.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2009-08-15 6:35 PM
they would need a three hour show just devoted to errors.
Posted By: the G-man Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2009-08-21 3:06 AM
Loaded Debate:
  • Tuesday MSNBC showed video of a man carrying a semi-automatic rifle and a pistol outside the building where President Obama was giving a speech in Phoenix. Arizona is an "open carry" state, meaning having a legal firearm in the open is permitted. But anchor Contessa Brewer injected race into the story saying, "Here you have a man of color in the presidency and white people showing up with guns strapped to their waists," which sparked a discussion about possible danger to the president.

    The video was edited in way in which you can't see the whole picture. The truth is the man featured there with the weapons was African-American, not white. No one on air ever pointed that out.

Zick, could you do me a favor and find me a link to the Media Matters editorial blasting MSNBC for such a biased and glaring factual error? I can't seem to find it but I'm sure it's there.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2009-08-21 3:22 AM
The reporter was speaking in general according to the FOX article. FOX is biased towards conservatives. You don't mind biased reporting as long as it serves your party G-man. If you want to act rightous about this, well thanks for the chuckle.
Posted By: the G-man Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2009-08-21 5:15 PM
The reporter was speaking in general according to the FOX article. FOX is biased towards conservatives.

Zick is contradicting himself. He says Fox is biased towards conservatives but uses, as an example of that bias, a story where they gave MSNBC a chance to explain why Brewer's story was broadcast the way it was.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2009-08-22 3:16 AM
Media Matters also does that to, so do you think their not biased?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2009-08-22 4:08 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
Zick is contradicting himself. He says Fox is biased towards conservatives but uses, as an example of that bias, a story where they gave MSNBC a chance to explain why Brewer's story was broadcast the way it was.

....who are you talking to when you switch into the third-person? Are you having courtroom flashbacks? Is there a jury present when you type your posts?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2009-08-22 10:17 PM
dont take every MSNBC post personal Pro.....
Posted By: Prometheus Re: MSNBC About to 'Blow Up'? - 2009-08-24 3:30 AM
Posted By: the G-man Re: MSNBC Surrenders - 2009-11-04 8:39 PM
MSNBC Surrenders, Chooses Not to Cover Election Night. No, Really.
  • It is pretty darn astounding that with all of the insistence from the White House that Fox News Channel is "not a real news network," their preferred channel, MSNBC, did not have live coverage at 10 p.m. Eastern on ELECTION NIGHT. They reran Olbermann's 8 p.m. coverage, which was, of course, two hours out of date.

    No, really, when you stop covering the news, people can legitimately say you're not a news network. That has nothing to do with percieved bias or ideology (although we can speculate as to why Olbermann disappeared from the 10 p.m. coverage, where he was previously expected); it's because you're not actually bringing any new information to viewers.
Posted By: the G-man Re: MSNBC Surrenders - 2009-11-04 11:33 PM
In an update, National Review points out that Olbermann had announced he'd be on live at 10:00 pm with election results but then went to a re-run instead.
Posted By: the G-man MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-01-20 1:05 AM
Raw Story:
  • A political war of sorts has broken out inside MSNBC, with Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough criticizing prime-time talking head Keith Olbermann for his scathing criticism of Scott Brown, the Republican candidate in Tuesday's special Senate election in Massachusetts.

    "Olbermann calls Brown a 'homophobic racist reactionary' who 'supports violence against women.' How reckless and how sad," Scarborough, a former Republican member of the House, Tweeted Monday evening....

    "This isn’t the first time Scarborough has essentially called out Olbermann, but on-air, it is never by name," writes Steve Krakauer at Mediaite. "His one reference on Morning Joe today to the Olbermann comment followed the same model. 'A certain person on this network, whose name will not be mentioned, went on a tirade the likes of which are sad and pathetic,' he said."

    "Is it MSNBC civil war?" Krakauer asks. "Not quite. But we’ll see if Olbermann has a response tonight – especially if the 'bad joke' ends up winning."
Posted By: iggy Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-01-20 1:10 AM
You know, if MSNBC wanted ratings they'd put Scarborough and Buchanan on prime-time. Those two guys are the only ones there with any sanity left. Olbermann and Maddow have serious manic-depressive episodes over the Obamassiah so often (especially, in regard to health-care reform) that it comes off as creepy and kinda stalker like. Schultz just continues to spew garbage each time he opens his mouth and I can't wait for him to get trounced if he tries for the Senate seat.
Posted By: rex Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-01-20 3:00 AM
msnbc uses buchanan because he's one of the few people crazier than maddox and olberman.
Posted By: the G-man Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-01-20 4:14 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
msnbc uses buchanan because he's one of the few people crazier than maddox and olberman.

Pretty much. Liberal talk shows love Pat because he makes conservatism look bad.
Posted By: the G-man Massachusetts: Olbermann Cries Racism - 2010-01-20 6:17 AM
Massachusetts: Olbermann Cries Racism
  • The Republicans and the Tea Partiers will tell you what happens with Scott Brown tonight whether he wins or comes close is a repudiation of Obama policies. And surely one of Obama's policies from the viewpoint of his opponents is it's OK to have this sea-change in American history--to have an African-American president. Is this vote to any degree just another euphemism, the way 'states rights' was in the '60s?

What a fucking tool.
Posted By: PJP Re: Massachusetts: Olbermann Cries Racism - 2010-01-20 6:28 AM
yup he's a douchebag
a douche bag with an ulcer after tonight!

Posted By: the G-man Olbermann Assplodes! - 2010-01-20 7:48 AM
Olbermann's gone full whomod.

He's apologized to Scott Brown because he forgot to say that Brown is also a "sexist", ranted about teabagging and called Curt Schilling the "third dumbest" player in baseball.

Posted By: the G-man Re: Olbermann Assplodes! - 2010-01-20 6:38 PM
another quote from the Olbermann meltdown:
  • My God, he’s still talking! Senator-elect Brown is still giving his victory speech tonight in Boston. Howard Fineman will help me wrap it up -- if he wraps it up -- in a moment. First, the second of tonight’s "Quick Comments." The tea baggers have elected their first guy tonight, and, thus, they will expecting legislation by tomorrow making it a death penalty offense to call them "tea baggers."

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-01-20 9:22 PM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: rex
msnbc uses buchanan because he's one of the few people crazier than maddox and olberman.

Pretty much. Liberal talk shows love Pat because he makes conservatism look bad.

As you know, I happen to like Buchanan. For me, he represents Reagan conservatism (i.e., "paleoconservatism", as opposed to neo-conservatism) better than anyone else out there.
Can you give an example of this "crazy" talk by Buchanan?

Except for an occasional gaff, as every other pundit on the left or right has made as well, I don't see Buchanan as "crazy". Although I never watch him on MSNBC, only on McLaughlin Group when he appears.
Posted By: the G-man Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-01-20 9:42 PM
Besides that whole "defend the Nazi" thing?
Posted By: rex Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-01-21 2:55 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: rex
msnbc uses buchanan because he's one of the few people crazier than maddox and olberman.

Pretty much. Liberal talk shows love Pat because he makes conservatism look bad.

As you know, I happen to love Buchanan. For me, he represents Reagan conservatism (i.e., "paleoconservatism", as opposed to neo-conservatism) better than anyone else out there.
Can you give an example of this "crazy" talk by Buchanan?

Except for an occasional gaff, as every other pundit on the left or right has made as well, I don't see Buchanan as "crazy". Although I never watch him on MSNBC, only on McLaughlin Group when he appears.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-01-21 5:55 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Besides that whole "defend the Nazi" thing?

You can read that in full context on wikipedia.

What Buchanan said about Hitler is that he is portrayed as a caricature of evil and cowardliness. Said, in context, that while Hitler was evil, you have to acknowledge that, in his early years, Hitler was courageous and not a coward in World War I.
That while Hitler was murderous and brutal and arguably crazy, it's just bad and innaccurate history to say he was a coward.

Separate from Buchanan's opinion, I read a far-from-pro-Hitler biography, The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler (Praeger Publishers, 1973) by Robert Payne, but even that biography acknowledges Hitler was courageous on the battlefield, and decorated multiple times for his courage on the battlefield (he was a messenger who brought messages from field command posts to officers on the front line, a job that few German soldiers lived very long doing, and Hitler did it fearlessly and was injured multiple time in his service).
A book I read called Inside Hitler's Germany: Life Under the Third Reich (not Buchanan)said that Germans who lived through the 1930s under Nazi rule (up till 1939) look back on it as a time of prosperity, stability and national pride.
Hitler created millions of jobs, built the Autobahn highway system (which engineers brought home to the U.S. after the war, in envisioning the U.S. national interstate highway system), and created social programs such as Kraft Duch Freude, or "Strength Through Joy" that subsidized vacations for German workers with their families and sponsored other rallying community and nationalist events that were not focused on race, hatred or anti-semitism.

Obviously things in Germany went South after that, though.

The concentration camps (mostly for communists and other political oppossition at first) only held a few thousand prisoners until 1940, and initially were not nearly as brutal as what they evolved into in the 1940s. Euthanasia of the infirm and mentally ill did not begin until 1939. And it did not evolve into genocide until the Germans found themselves with millions of Jews and no nation that would take them in late 1941. The death camps did not begin until 1942.

In Buchanan's most recent book, Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War, argues that Hitler's sole focus, as is evident in Mein Kampf, was invading Russia and colonizing it.
Hitler never wanted war with Britain, he never wanted war with France.
And that the 1919 Treaty of Versailles, while giving "right of self-determination" to many peoples of central and eastern Europe, had carved off giant chunks of germans in Germany and Austria-Hungary after 1919 and put them under rule of other cultures. And that Hitler in negotiations with Italy, with taking back the Rhineland, with absorbing Austria by will of a majority of its people, and with annexing Czechoslavokia (more brutally), was mostly a relatively bloodless reversal of the punishing terms of the Versailles treaty.

The roadblock for peaceful reversal of Versailles was when England gave a war guarantee to Poland (but England had no military forces to back up the threat, and was weak in 1939).
Hitler negotiated for months with Poland to simply allow railroads and highways across the Polish Corridor to unite separated East Prussia with the rest of Germany. WITHOUT wanting to take back the land, requesting only the city of Danzig that was 90% German, and would have left 1 million Germans in the Polish corridor under Polish rule.
Hitler negotiated this for 6 months, and only the British war guarantee prevented Poland from negotiating and accepting this peaceful resolution. Hitler knew England couldn't defend Poland, and invaded for what he wanted, thinking England would never go to war.
When England declared war, France was obligated to as well. To outmaneuver England and France, Hitler was forced to invade Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Belgium, and France, which he was forced to by England and France declaring war and having to outfight them.
Hitler only wanted to invade Russia, and if England and France had just stayed in the sidelines, they could have watched while Germany and Russia destroyed each other.

Buchanan makes the point that to save less than 10 million Polish citizens from Hitler, the net result was condemning 100 million eastern Europeans to brutal slavery under Stalin.
Among many other enlightening points.

I've yet to read controversial remarks such as these that were truly racist or crazy, as is alleged about Buchanan.

While I'm a great admirer of Israel, I see the logic of Buchanan's point that no foreign nation should have the level of influence over our Senate and Congress as Israel does, to the point that any senator or congressman who disputes or scrutinizes U.S. aid to Israel is driven from office. For this, Buchanan is falsely labelled an anti-semite.

For questioning bad history and caricature of Hitler, he is falsely labelled a Nazi.

I've yet to read accusations toward Buchanan of this type that hold up when Buchanan's words are read in context.

Buchanan fell out of favor of Republican neo-cons when he was critical of George W. Bush's abandoning of Reagan conservatism, well explained in his 2004 book Where the Right Went Wrong. And since then, a number of the slanders toward him have come from the right, for not towing the party line.
Posted By: the G-man Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-01-21 5:58 AM
We've had this discussion before and, with all due respect, I'm not having it again. However, I will note that this isn't just about his views on WWII and Hitler. It's his insistence on defending war criminals like John Demjanjuk past all point of reasonable doubt.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-01-21 6:37 AM

Yeah, we did have this conversation before a few months ago...

...so I guess we can leave it there.
Posted By: rex Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-01-21 6:41 AM
broken again
Posted By: the G-man Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-01-21 6:56 AM
Post-Coakley Lib Crack-up: Matthews, Dean Call Each Other Crazy

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-01-21 7:05 AM
Howard Dean(as was I) was totally unprepared for Matthews to not let him spin that as a victory. Somewhere Keith Olberman is wanking and crying.
Posted By: Pariah Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-01-21 8:35 AM
I didn't think even Dean was crazy enough to go on Matthews' show.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-01-21 1:43 PM
Posted By: thedoctor Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-01-21 5:43 PM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
Howard Dean(as was I) was totally unprepared for Matthews to not let him spin that as a victory. Somewhere Keith Olberman is wanking and crying.

Amazing, isn't it? I wonder which Insurgent is Dean's alt.
Posted By: iggy Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-01-21 7:42 PM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Post-Coakley Lib Crack-up: Matthews, Dean Call Each Other Crazy
<P><object width="518" height="419"><param name="movie" value="http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/eyeblast.swf?v=XduzDknzuz" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/eyeblast.swf?v=XduzDknzuz" allowfullscreen="true" width="518" height="419" /></object>


"You're silly!" "No, you're silly!"

What a bunch of sissies.
Posted By: the G-man Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-01-21 7:58 PM
Caulkers, Clunkers, and Coakley:
  • The cocky, gibbering hosts on MSNBC, who had chortled over the "end of an error" last January, were reduced on Tuesday night to hesitant silence, though Rachel Maddow did summon the energy to furrow her brow censoriously at Scott Brown's "weird" remark about the "availability" of his daughters that he made during his victory speech.

    Scott Brown had feminists and avant-garde liberals so turned around that their idea of a late hit was to talk about his improper photo spread decades ago in a magazine they have long championed. That they had helped to create and spread the Cosmo culture didn't seem to faze them or figure into their analysis of why voters didn't care. A female anchor on CNN mumbled something about "double standards," though it would be safe to guess that a copy of Cosmopolitan still arrives in her mailbox.

    MSNBC, doing its part to help get out the vote for Coakley, ran a streaming headline at the bottom of the screen on election day which said that Brown supports "waterboarding." Apparently, ignorant viewers were supposed to see that, gasp, and then rush to the polls.

    It didn't seem to occur to MSNBC's hosts that what they considered grim warnings about Brown -- if he wins, ObamaCare dies, they said repeatedly -- would serve instead as open invitations to vote for him. The lunges at him were a measure of their extremism, not his: If a moderate Republican like Brown qualifies as a "reactionary" in the eyes of MSNBC anchors, then the entire nation is out of touch with their superior wisdom.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-01-21 10:13 PM
It didn't seem to occur to MSNBC's hosts that what they considered grim warnings about Brown -- if he wins, ObamaCare dies, they said repeatedly -- would serve instead as open invitations to vote for him.

this is what we've been saying for awhile, these liberals dont realize that the rest of America still enjoys its freedoms, they think everyone thinks in their bizarro manner and it is their undoing.
Posted By: the G-man Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-01-21 10:39 PM
'Bizarro manor' is probably what Olbermann nicknamed his house.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Olbermann Assplodes! - 2010-01-22 9:40 PM
Even Olbermann's fellow lib commentator Jon Stewart is blasting Keith for this meltdown:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Special Comment - Keith Olbermann's Name-Calling
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

Short version: "You went full whomod, man. Never go full whomod. You don't buy that? Ask Sean Penn"

Posted By: Pariah Re: Olbermann Assplodes! - 2010-01-22 11:22 PM
The "Fuck you Jewboy" was a good bit.

Everything else was a waste of my life.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Olbermann Assplodes! - 2010-02-04 7:45 AM
Olbermann's sinking ship
  • Has the countdown begun for the end of "Countdown with Keith Olbermann?"

    With his ratings in free-fall, and his hateful histrionics reaching new highs, even Olbermann's former supporters on the left are tuning out.

    Bloggers at the Los Angeles Times and National Public Radio noted the uberdork's 44 percent drop in listeners ages 25-54 from January 2009 to last month.

    "Olbermann's showboat is sinking," one LA Times blogger noted. "Listing in you-know-which direction."

    Jon Stewart ridiculed him on "The Daily Show" for calling Massachusetts Senator-elect Scott Brown a "racist."

    "There are creeping indications that the world may not have quite as much need of -- or patience for -- Olbermann and his shtick as it once did," Jeff Bercovici wrote on DailyFinance.com.

    Olbermann struck back at Bercovici, naming him as one of the "Worst People in the World" and mischaracterizing the Web site as "right-wing."

Posted By: iggy Re: Olbermann Assplodes! - 2010-02-04 9:30 PM
I actually hope they don't KO KO. His show is just too funny. I watch it in podcast form everyday. Sure, some days are more humorous than others, but if you caught the show the night Scott Brown was elected then you saw serious comedy gold.
Posted By: the G-man Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-02-22 6:46 AM
Finally, Some Good News for MSNBC Ratings: NBC is letting them air the U.S.-Canada hockey game.

Posted By: the G-man Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-19 3:02 PM
Tucker Carlson torments Keith Olbermann online
  • Keith Olbermann "is despised at MSNBC," Tucker Carlson tells Mediaite.com.

    "He's the most disliked person in the building by a factor of 10."

    Carlson bought the Web site KeithOlbermann.com just to drive him crazier. The site redirects to Carlson's site, DailyCaller.com, saying, "We Own You, Keith." Carlson also owns Keith@keitholbermann.com, which he uses as a personal e-mail address.

    "We were confident that Keith knew so little about the Internet that he wouldn't notice," Carlson told Page Six.

    But he did, and started tweeting Thursday morning about taking legal action against Carlson for buying the domain name.

    Olbermann told us, "If I were Tucker Carlson, I'd pretend to be somebody else, too."

    Carlson said, "I don't have any malice toward Olbermann. I feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for him because of his various phobias. He won't drive a car. He's obviously a sad guy, in elastic-band jeans."
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-20 6:39 AM
Tucker sued somebody not long ago for doing exactly what he's doing now to Olbermann. This reads like somebody trying desperatly to get some publicity. Poor guy, he's really fallen from the days when he used to host Crossfire.
Posted By: rex Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-20 6:56 AM
Not to mention msnbc is a hateful and racist "news" channel that cheerleads for communism and a terrorist sympathizing president who also hates cops and white people.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-20 7:16 AM
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-20 5:31 PM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
*** You are ignoring this user ***

seriously, guys, you have no idea how much happier your life will be once you try this.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-20 6:02 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
*** You are ignoring this user ***

*** You are ignoring this user ***

seriously, guys, you have no idea how much happier your life will be once you try this.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-20 6:19 PM
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
*** You are ignoring this user ***

*** You are ignoring this user ***

*** You are ignoring this user ***

Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-20 11:21 PM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
*** You are ignoring this user ***

*** You are ignoring this user ***

*** You are ignoring this user ***

*** You are ignoring this user ***

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-21 2:35 AM
Yeah, it's amazing how thedoctor has everyone on "ignore".

And then it's amazing how once a year or so he magically knows evrything you've been saying for months, snipes at you, then puts you back on ignore.

I don't even have HIM on ignore. He's a poser, a pussy, and a dumbass, who generally does everything in spades that he haughtily condescends to others for allegedly having done, that allegedly warrants him putting them on ignore.

Whatever, big man. We're all just sooo impressed!
Posted By: rex Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-21 2:41 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Yeah, it's amazing how thedoctor has everyone on "ignore".

And then it's amazing how once a year or so he magically knows evrything you've been saying for months, snipes at you, then puts you back on ignore.

I don't even have HIM on ignore. He's a poser, a pussy, and a dumbass, who generally does everything in spades that he haughtily condescends to others for allegedly having done, that allegedly warrants him putting them on ignore.

Whatever, big man. We're all just sooo impressed!

Quoted just for the doc.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-21 4:07 AM
I never had to use the ignore feature here at the RKMB since it's easy enough just to skip over the junk posts.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-21 4:13 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Yeah, it's amazing how thedoctor has everyone on "ignore".

And then it's amazing how once a year or so he magically knows evrything you've been saying for months, snipes at you, then puts you back on ignore.

I don't even have HIM on ignore. He's a poser, a pussy, and a dumbass, who generally does everything in spades that he haughtily condescends to others for allegedly having done, that allegedly warrants him putting them on ignore.

Whatever, big man. We're all just sooo impressed!

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: holy FUCK wondy! do you have ANY sense of humor? can't you tell when someone is serious and when they're just dicking around?
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-21 4:40 AM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Yeah, it's amazing how thedoctor has everyone on "ignore".

And then it's amazing how once a year or so he magically knows evrything you've been saying for months, snipes at you, then puts you back on ignore.

I don't even have HIM on ignore. He's a poser, a pussy, and a dumbass, who generally does everything in spades that he haughtily condescends to others for allegedly having done, that allegedly warrants him putting them on ignore.

Whatever, big man. We're all just sooo impressed!

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: holy FUCK wondy! do you have ANY sense of humor? can't you tell when someone is serious and when they're just dicking around?

Well, over the years, he's bragged about having myself and several others on ignore.

So he's a dick. Okay. Hilarious.
Posted By: rex Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-21 4:40 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I want his dick.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-21 4:44 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
I want his dick.
Posted By: rex Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-21 4:46 AM
That is not what I said. Everyone can clearly see you said it. Why are you so afraid to be honest with yourself?
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-21 4:51 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
Posted By: rex Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-21 5:35 AM
Is that what you see when you look in the mirror?
Posted By: Ray Peet Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-21 6:23 AM
Is that what you see when you look in the mirror?
Posted By: mimic Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-21 7:07 AM
Is that what you see when you look in the mirror?
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-21 8:42 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
Not to mention msnbc is a hateful and racist "news" channel that cheerleads for communism and a terrorist sympathizing president who also hates cops and white people.

Stop quoting Pat Buchanan and Glenn Beck and try thinking for yourself.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-21 8:45 AM
Damn it's easy to post the shit you do, rex.

It doesn't require any thought, sources, or the slightest intelligence. You just parrot a few grumpy lines over and over.
Posted By: rex Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-21 4:11 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: rex
Not to mention msnbc is a hateful and racist "news" channel that cheerleads for communism and a terrorist sympathizing president who also hates cops and white people.

Stop quoting Pat Buchanan and Glenn Beck and try thinking for yourself.

That's what I just did.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-21 4:19 PM
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Yeah, it's amazing how thedoctor has everyone on "ignore".

And then it's amazing how once a year or so he magically knows evrything you've been saying for months, snipes at you, then puts you back on ignore.

I don't even have HIM on ignore. He's a poser, a pussy, and a dumbass, who generally does everything in spades that he haughtily condescends to others for allegedly having done, that allegedly warrants him putting them on ignore.

Whatever, big man. We're all just sooo impressed!

Quoted just for the doc.

Holy shit! I didn't even say anything about him; and he goes fucking mental. \:lol\: Thanks, rex.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-21 4:21 PM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I never had to use the ignore feature here at the RKMB since it's easy enough just to skip over the junk posts.

I just use it because I'm too lazy to scroll through the paragraphs long tirades that Wondy posts.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-22 5:36 PM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I never had to use the ignore feature here at the RKMB since it's easy enough just to skip over the junk posts.

I just use it because I'm too lazy to scroll through the paragraphs long tirades that Wondy posts.

Except when you surface once a year or so to scold me, and reveal that you know everything I've been posting all along.

You're such a poser wanker.

If you really want to ignore me, then ignore me.
The truth is, you want to PRETEND to ignore me, so you can make a show of alleging to ignore me.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-22 5:42 PM
Posted By: thedoctor Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-22 6:06 PM
Let me guess. Four to twenty paragraphs about the evil liberal conspiracy against him including posters like TTT who haven't even posted here in months/years. We, as in 'we evil liberal conspirators', hate America and plan on destroying it by making fun of Dave the Wonder Boy who, as we all know, is the pure embodiment of the good ol' US of A. Our evil tactics include, but are not limited to, the spreading of propaganda through the use of interpretive dance, undermining the military by tactical hording of cheese, and teaching cats to meow in Chinese.
Posted By: the G-man Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-22 6:36 PM
No, doc, actually, he just called you a wanker (seriously), theorized that you don't really have him on ignore and suggested you ought to put him on ignore and stop talking about him. A pretty brief post (4 sentences).

WB, seriously dude, you need to lighten the fuck up. This is a board of people who give each other shit all the time.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: MSNBC Civil War? - 2010-07-22 6:52 PM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
A pretty brief post (4 sentences).

I don't believe you.
Posted By: the G-man Re: RKMBS Civil War? - 2010-07-22 6:55 PM
Numbers added by me:

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

1. Except when you surface once a year or so to scold me, and reveal that you know everything I've been posting all along.

2. You're such a poser wanker.

3. If you really want to ignore me, then ignore me.

4. The truth is, you want to PRETEND to ignore me, so you can make a show of alleging to ignore me.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: RKMBS Civil War? - 2010-07-22 6:58 PM
Posted By: the G-man Re: RKMBS Civil War? - 2010-07-22 7:00 PM
Posted By: thedoctor Re: RKMBS Civil War? - 2010-07-22 7:01 PM
Posted By: the G-man Re: RKMBS Civil War? - 2010-07-22 7:08 PM
Posted By: thedoctor Re: RKMBS Civil War? - 2010-07-22 7:09 PM
Posted By: the G-man Re: RKMBS Civil War? - 2010-07-22 7:18 PM
Posted By: thedoctor Re: RKMBS Civil War? - 2010-07-22 7:22 PM
Posted By: rex Re: RKMBS Civil War? - 2010-07-22 9:23 PM
wondy needs his daily dose of glen beck before he can be really venomous.