Posted By: whomod Study: Cowardly babies R Conservative - 2008-09-20 1:25 AM
I've said this repeatedly here, conservatives are a bunch of cowards. Too cowardly to accept that the idea that to get more safety you need to give up your freedom goes against what the founding fathers said directly and repeatedly. So cowardly that they can be swayed by bullshit about Iraq having WMD's and then fooled twice by talk of Al queda out to get them in iran. All they need is some guy alarming them with made up crap and they stand at attention. again and again.


AAAIIIEEE!!!! Save us, Save us!!!! AAIIIEEE!!! anyone not Republican will destroy 'merica!!!! AAIIIEEE!!!!!


The Startle Reflex: Key to Your Politics
By Alexandra Silver Friday, Sep. 19, 2008

Political views are often so staunchly held that one wonders whether they aren't hardwired in a person's genes. Indeed, in the past, studies of twins have suggested that DNA may play a role in determining political attitudes. Although no one has yet discovered a gene for, say, supporting the war in Iraq, a small new study by political scientists at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and other institutions reports another association between a person's biology and his politics.

The study, published in the Sept. 19 issue of the journal Science, involved 46 Nebraska residents with strong political convictions. Researchers examined the link between each participant's stated political views and his or her physiological response to a perceived threat in the lab. People with stronger measurable threat responses, the study found, tended to adhere to "socially protective" political policies, or those that suggest more concern for preserving the social unit — for example, supporting the Iraq war and the death penalty but opposing abortion rights and gay marriage.

Researchers shied away from using labels such as conservative and liberal in their study, but they concede that volunteers who registered a heightened sense of threat also tended to subscribe to conservative attitudes. "It's not that conservatives are 'fraidy-cats," (suuuuree) says Kevin Smith, a political science professor at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and one of the study's co-authors. "It's that people who support socially protective policies — which, yes, can be interpreted as people taking a conservative position on those policies — are more sensitive to environmental threat."

To measure that sensitivity, researchers conducted two tests. In one, they showed volunteers a series of photos that included some threatening images — for example, a picture of a man with a spider on his face or an infected open wound — while measuring the electrical conductance of the volunteers' skin, a technique also used in polygraph testing. In a separate experiment, researchers subjected the volunteers to sudden bursts of loud white noise to test their startle reflexes, measured by sensors attached to the muscle below the eye that recorded how hard people blinked.

People who blinked harder than others and registered a heightened response to threat on the conductivity test tended to support the death penalty and military spending. People with a mellower startle response were more likely to support abortion rights and gun control. The study also looked at several broader political tendencies, including compromise (the willingness to yield to a middle-ground solution) and obedience (the tendency to follow a set path), and found that people who were more sensitive to threat were less amenable to the former and more inclined toward the latter.

The study's authors are quick to point out that these correlations won't necessarily apply across the board and that the findings don't imply that people take political positions out of fear. (Fear, of course, is not a bad thing — a certain amount of it is necessary for survival.) The point, rather, is that there may be something fundamentally biological about politics.

"The reason that we have differences in political attitudes may be because deep down we have real differences, and we react to the world and see the world in different ways," says Smith. The study, he says, "basically confirms what people intuitively know about politics: a lot of it comes from the gut. We feel it on a really deep, probably biological basis, at least to some extent."

Physiology could help explain why people are so resolute, often infuriatingly, in their political views. Says John Hibbing, another co-author of the study and a professor at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln: "We need to maybe recognize that we're not going to cause our political opponents at some point to kind of break down, head in hand, Perry Mason–style and say that they're wrong. They just see the world differently; they feel it differently."

But that doesn't mean compromise is out of the question — physiological factors are far from deterministic. Besides, a simple acknowledgement of the correlation between people's physiology and their politics could perhaps encourage a more forbearing kind of political discourse. Red and blue may never meet, but as Hibbing says, "I've got this naive hope that maybe we would actually be a little bit more understanding of people on the other side of the political aisle."
so does that mean you're abandoning your earlier excuse that we're all racists? not a whole lot of straws left for you to grasp at there, buddy.
Well, you are afraid of any change to the social order.
Posted By: rex Re: Study: Cowardly babies grow Up Conservative - 2008-09-20 1:31 AM
hey, we're not the ones telling the female vp candidate she should stay at home with her children.
 Originally Posted By: rex

That's what Scott Palin thinks.

Funny that. I always said the modern GOP was the resurgence of the Cofederacy. I'm glad Scott Palin's party affiliations and secessionist views confirm this.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Study: Cowardly babies R Conservative - 2008-09-20 1:56 AM
Yeah....what a bunch of cowards:

John McCain:

Bob Dole:

George H.W. Bush:
Posted By: the G-man Re: Study: Cowardly babies R Conservative - 2008-09-20 1:58 AM
But, seriously, whomod...if being a scared baby makes someone grow up conservative, shouldn't you be worried about your own kids?

 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: rex

That's what Scott Palin thinks.

Funny that. I always said the modern GOP was the resurgence of the Cofederacy. I'm glad Scott Palin's party affiliations and secessionist views confirm this.

All they need is some guy alarming them with made up crap and they stand at attention. again and again.
Posted By: rex Re: Study: Cowardly babies grow Up Conservative - 2008-09-20 2:17 AM
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: rex

That's what obama thinks.
 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: rex

That's what Scott Palin thinks.

Funny that. I always said the modern GOP was the resurgence of the Cofederacy. I'm glad Scott Palin's party affiliations and secessionist views confirm this.

made up crap

Uh huh. Problem is that Sarah Palin's husband WAS a registered AIP member for many years. Do try to keep up.

Sarah Palin's ties to Alaskan Independence Party are played down

The McCain campaign denies his running mate supports the party's separatist bent.

By Michael Finnegan, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
September 3, 2008

Tonight, Sarah Palin will be nominated as the Republican Party's choice for vice president of the United States.

But back home, she has cheered the work of a tiny party that long has pushed for a statewide vote on whether Alaska should secede from those same United States. And her husband, Todd, was a member of the party for seven years.

"Keep up the good work," Sarah Palin told members of the Alaskan Independence Party in a videotaped speech to their convention six months ago in Fairbanks. She wished the party luck on what she called its "inspiring convention."

The Alaskan Independence Party, founded in 1978, initially promoted "the Alaskan independence movement." But now, according to its website, "its primary goal is merely a vote on secession."

McCain campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds said Tuesday that Palin did not support splitting Alaska off from the rest of the country. He sidestepped the question of whether she favored a statewide vote on secession.

"Gov. Palin believes that every American is entitled to their point of view, and their political beliefs," he said.

Bounds also did not directly answer the question of whether her husband supported the secession of Alaska.

"I can tell you that Mr. Palin is a proud American," Bounds said. "And he's excited that his wife has joined John McCain to reform Washington and make government work more effectively for all Americans."

For all but two months from 1995 to 2002, the governor's husband was registered as an Alaskan Independence Party member, according to the Alaska Division of Elections...
Wasn't whomod a conservative until the cop beat the piss out of him? Wouldn't that mean whomod was born a conservative, but then switched his politics when his brain was scrambled...?

So, what you're saying is that whomod thinks that beating young people makes them liberal...?

And, of course, we all know that whomod thinks all people should be liberal....
Now, if rex were to beat himself, then that means...

It would be a typical Friday night for rex.
Posted By: rex Re: Study: Cowardly babies grow Up Conservative - 2008-09-20 7:10 AM
Dude, I jerk off more than just on friday night.

I also jerk off on your mom.
What was that story about whomod in a bus pissing himself? I can't remember exactly how it went and I figure this is an appropiate thread to ask.
 Originally Posted By: rex
I also jerk off on your mom.

It's all right whomod, you don't have to call the police on that one! Halo said insulting mothers was okay.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Study: Cowardly babies R Conservative - 2008-09-20 8:30 AM
 Originally Posted By: whomod
I've said this repeatedly here, conservatives are a bunch of cowards. Too cowardly to accept that the idea that to get more safety you need to give up your freedom goes against what the founding fathers said directly and repeatedly. So cowardly that they can be swayed by bullshit about Iraq having WMD's and then fooled twice by talk of Al queda out to get them in iran. All they need is some guy alarming them with made up crap and they stand at attention. again and again.


AAAIIIEEE!!!! Save us, Save us!!!! AAIIIEEE!!! anyone not Republican will destroy 'merica!!!! AAIIIEEE!!!!!


You are a fucking nutbag...
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: rex

That's what Scott Palin thinks.

Funny that. I always said the modern GOP was the resurgence of the Cofederacy. I'm glad Scott Palin's party affiliations and secessionist views confirm this.

made up crap

Uh huh. Problem is that Sarah Palin's husband WAS a registered AIP member for many years. Do try to keep up.

Nope.You made that up too.
Posted By: whomod Re: Study: Cowardly babies grow Up Conservative - 2008-09-20 10:58 AM
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: rex

That's what Scott Palin thinks.

Funny that. I always said the modern GOP was the resurgence of the Cofederacy. I'm glad Scott Palin's party affiliations and secessionist views confirm this.

made up crap

Uh huh. Problem is that Sarah Palin's husband WAS a registered AIP member for many years. Do try to keep up.

Sarah Palin's ties to Alaskan Independence Party are played down

The McCain campaign denies his running mate supports the party's separatist bent.

By Michael Finnegan, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
September 3, 2008

Tonight, Sarah Palin will be nominated as the Republican Party's choice for vice president of the United States.

But back home, she has cheered the work of a tiny party that long has pushed for a statewide vote on whether Alaska should secede from those same United States. And her husband, Todd, was a member of the party for seven years.

"Keep up the good work," Sarah Palin told members of the Alaskan Independence Party in a videotaped speech to their convention six months ago in Fairbanks. She wished the party luck on what she called its "inspiring convention."

The Alaskan Independence Party, founded in 1978, initially promoted "the Alaskan independence movement." But now, according to its website, "its primary goal is merely a vote on secession."

McCain campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds said Tuesday that Palin did not support splitting Alaska off from the rest of the country. He sidestepped the question of whether she favored a statewide vote on secession.

"Gov. Palin believes that every American is entitled to their point of view, and their political beliefs," he said.

Bounds also did not directly answer the question of whether her husband supported the secession of Alaska.

"I can tell you that Mr. Palin is a proud American," Bounds said. "And he's excited that his wife has joined John McCain to reform Washington and make government work more effectively for all Americans."

For all but two months from 1995 to 2002, the governor's husband was registered as an Alaskan Independence Party member, according to the Alaska Division of Elections...

Denial in the face of shrinking poll numbers is so sad...

I sympathize.

As a rule, most hail mary passes tend to fail.
Posted By: PJP Re: Study: Cowardly babies grow Up Conservative - 2008-09-20 3:32 PM
there are a lot of days left......going into 04 and 08 Gore and Kerry were leading too.

Let your anger flow
John Edwards could still win this.
Posted By: URG Re: Study: Cowardly babies grow Up Conservative - 2008-09-22 7:00 AM