Posted By: the G-man Middle Class Tax Hike - 2010-08-17 10:32 PM
Middle-class would take a big hit in the wallet if Congress fails to extend former President George W. Bush's tax cuts:
  • If the cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 expire, the average middle-income American family would wind up paying an extra $1,540 to Uncle Sam, according to the Tax Foundation.

    But when it broke down salaries by region, it found that in some places, families whose incomes are in the middle would be forking over far more -- particularly in the New York metro area.

    For example, on Manhattan's East Side, the average income in the middle of the salary spectrum for families is $111,717, according to the foundation.

    Their additional $3,066 in taxes if the cuts go kaput would represent the highest hike in the state for middle-income families.

So, the middle class is getting a tax hike after all.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Middle Class Tax Hike - 2010-08-18 2:38 AM
Actually from the buzz I'm hearing I doubt there will be a middle tax increase this year. What seems to be up for debate is if the wealthy will go back to paying the tax rate they paid during the Clinton years.
Posted By: rex Re: Middle Class Tax Hike - 2010-08-18 3:19 AM
Why do you hate rich people?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Middle Class Tax Hike - 2010-08-18 3:28 AM
he's lazy i assume.
Posted By: rex Re: Middle Class Tax Hike - 2010-08-18 3:31 AM
I hear he's the best yarn cutter at Michaels.
Posted By: Ray Peet Re: Middle Class Tax Hike - 2010-08-18 7:13 AM
I hear he's the best yarn cutter at Michaels.
Posted By: mimic Re: Middle Class Tax Hike - 2010-08-18 7:32 PM
I hear he's the best yarn cutter at Michaels.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Middle Class Tax Hike - 2010-10-25 8:40 PM
Wall Street Journal: President Obama's fiscal panel is considering a proposal that would scale back tax deductions and credits for mortgage interest, health insurance, and children.

That is, three of the main middle class tax breaks.