Republican lawmaker blames 11-year-old victim of alleged gang rape

By David Edwards
Wednesday, March 16th, 2011 -- 4:19 pm

Tags: alleged gang rape, broward palm beach, impression, New, republican lawmaker, sex, t claim, victim, way, york times articleElected officials should know better than to blame the victim of a sex crime.

While it's a common tactic of abusers, it's something no one expected of Republican Florida state Rep. Kathleen Passidomo.

During debate over a bill that would legislate a dress code for Florida students, Passidomo blamed the alleged gang raping of an 11-year-old in Cleveland, Texas on the way the young girl was dressed.

"There was an article about an 11 year old girl who was gangraped in Texas by 18 young men because she was dressed like a 21-year-old prostitute," Passidomo declared.

"And her parents let her attend school like that. And I think it’s incumbent upon us to create some areas where students can be safe in school and show up in proper attire so what happened in Texas doesn’t happen to our students," she added.

Broward/Palm Beach New Times' Brandon Thorp was shocked.

"Whoa!" he wrote. "As a genus, politicians aren't the brightest wicks in the candelabra, but they usually possess sufficient self-awareness to shield the public from the horrorshows of their minds. Blaming the rape of an 11-year-old girl on her parents' sense of fashion -- and to do so out loud -- smacks of rank amateurism."

At a civc meeting in Cleveland following the crime, local residents there had also placed blame on the girl.

"Many who attended the meeting said they supported the group of men and boys who have been charged in the case," The Associated Press reported. "Supporters didn't claim that the men and boys did not have sex with the young girl; instead they blamed the girl for the way she dressed or claimed she must have lied about her age — accusations that have drawn strong responses from those who note an 11-year-old cannot consent to sex and that it doesn't matter how she was dressed."

Even a New York Times article on the alleged rape was widely criticized for lack of balance.

"[Residents] said she dressed older than her age, wearing makeup and fashions more appropriate to a woman in her 20s," the Times reported.

"These elements, creating an impression of concern for the perpetrators and an impression of a provocative victim, led many readers to interpret the subtext of the story to be: she had it coming," Times public editor Arthur Brisbane noted several days later.

"We live in a society that continues to blame and shame victims of sexual assault," Kelly Boros, communications manager of the Houston Area Women’s Center, told El Gato Media Network.

"It is disheartening but not surprising to see rape myths perpetuated in the news; sometimes subtly and sometimes blatantly."

This looks familiar
It's been making the rounds in various news outlets so no surprise it might seem familiar. Bsams also has a thread with a black person doing the same thing too.
If only this thread had a miniority blaming the victim instead of an elected republican it would have been stickied in this forum.
mem, if you're not going to discuss these things with other people here, why bother posting it? Why not make a blog? Its obvious you don't care what anyone else here says. Just go make some faggot livejournal shit.
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
If only this thread had a miniority blaming the victim instead of an elected republican it would have been stickied in this forum.
Well, in all fairness, I have stickied this. Personally, it's fucking disgusting, no matter WHO is doing it. Republicans, black activists, you name it. It's fucking sick...
I agree. White, black, republican or dem it's still wrong.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Well, in all fairness, I have stickied this. Personally, it's fucking disgusting, no matter WHO is doing it. Republicans, black activists, you name it. It's fucking sick...

mem wants to have his own conversation. You might as well edit the title and make it his blog thread. He has no interest in what others say about his liberal hippie propaganda.
You know, at some point, you're going to be too old to have crazy rants like that without sounding like you need medication...

During debate over a bill that would legislate a dress code for Florida students, Passidomo blamed the alleged gang raping of an 11-year-old in Cleveland, Texas on the way the young girl was dressed.

"There was an article about an 11 year old girl who was gangraped in Texas by 18 young men because she was dressed like a 21-year-old prostitute," Passidomo declared.

"And her parents let her attend school like that. And I think it’s incumbent upon us to create some areas where students can be safe in school and show up in proper attire so what happened in Texas doesn’t happen to our students," she added.

She's right. The kid doesn't know any better and the parents are some kind of retards that let their kids dress that way. Someone has to look out for kids like this.
The girls behavior encouraged the rape,but the blame is on the group of 18 monsters who are all to happy to rape a little girl.
Despite what Passidomo said, there wasn't any reports that the girl dressed like a 21 year old prostitute. Some people told reporters that the 11 year old dressed like a 20 year old. I do understand what your saying Lothar but it's still icky reading "The girls behavior encouraged the rape...".
encourage schmourage. Does this mean that a baby can get raped and it will still get part of the blame, because its nakedness encouraged the rapist.
It's sick all the way around, but I wonder if the girl might have done something else to get attention besides dress older than she is. These young girls idolize people older than them on tv/magazines who set a bad example. I remember seeing video footage a few years ago of one of these "idols" pole dancing on top of an ice cream truck on an awards show, so there's a chance the little girl didn't realize such behavior was wrong.

That being said, the older boys should be ashamed of themselves for taking advantage of someone so young. You can blame the parents as much as you want, but no one forced those boys to rape her.
i just wonder whos dick she was sucking before it turned into rape.