
ORANGE COUNTY (CBS) — KCAL9 received a tip about a racist email circulated to some Republican Party members depicting President Obama's parents as chimpanzees.

This week Marilyn Davenport, a Southern California Tea Party activist and member of the central committee of the Orange County Republican Party circulated what some are calling hate e-mail to an unknown number of her fellow conservatives.

Written under the words, "Now you know why — No birth certificate!", is an Obama family portrait depicting his parents as chimpanzees.

When asked if she thought the email was appropriate, Davenport is quoted as saying, "Oh, come on! Everybody who knows me knows that I am not a racist. It was a joke. I have friends who are black. Besides, I only sent it to a few people–mostly people I didn't think would be upset by it."

Former Chairman of the California Republican Party Michael Schroder has demanded Davenport's resignation saying it's not her first brush with racist rhetoric.

In February 2009, Los Alamitos Mayor Dean Grose, another Orange County Republican, emailed the White House watermelon image and then apologized. While others demanded he step down, Davenport defended him. When a Newport City Councilman voted against installing grass turf near the beach because it would "attract Mexicans", Schroder claims that she supported him as well.

"That's three strikes," he says.

KCAL9 reporter Stacey Butler asked Davenport if she wanted to appear on camera but she declined. She blames the media for blowing this story out of proportion.

(©2011 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Wire services contributed to this report.)

This week Marilyn Davenport, a Southern California Tea Party activist and member of the central committee of the Orange County Republican Party circulated what some are calling hate e-mail

Don't you just love weasel words?

Apparently JLA does.
Apparently Pariah didn't click on either link.

Read more and post less, Corky.
What? Who would dare arrest Nic?!
He rides ghosts for a living!
Arguably, it has nothing to do with racism andveverything to do with making fun of a political opponent for being an idiot. After all, liberals referred to President Bush as a chimp on a regular basis.

For example, we have this from the Huffington Post:
  • Prior to reading this new study I was under the mistaken impression that Bush was a parrot, because of his apparent inability to say anything about Iraq except 'progress is being made', which he repeats mechanically every time the topic is raised. But now the scales have fallen from my eyes: Bush is a chimp. It seems so obvious now, watching him speak.

Were all those references racist?

Assuming that, yes, "chimp" = "racist", now google the terms "Bush chimp" and then "Obama chimp" in image search. You get approximately 77,000 more images of the former than the latter. That an approximate 38% difference.

Most likely, in each case, the posters of same were doing so in an attempt to insult a political foe.

And, if we follow your argument that depicting a president as a chimp is racist, then it would seem that there are at least 38% more racists on the left than the right. That's a pretty big difference.
Oh please, Gordon. It's a very well known and understood social 'no-no' to compare black people with monkeys. It's not like they used images of fat, lazy cats, sleeping hippos, or Dodo's looking clueless. They used monkeys specifically because he's black. And they did it to his parents. Don't know about Obama, but I'd punch this bitch in the mouth just based on playground rules. No one on the Right should waste their time trying to defend what is, so obviously, a bad apple in the Republican organization.

But, I assume your (and Wondy's, and Pariah's, and BSAMS's and Rex's and all the rest of the SuperRightwing Friends) mind is already made up based on insta-political bias. Just thought I'd throw some reality in here for e moment before Dave comes running in with fifty mentions of the words "Liberal Media"...
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Oh please, Gordon. It's a very well known and understood social 'no-no' to compare black people with monkeys. It's not like they used images of fat, lazy cats, sleeping hippos, or Dodo's looking clueless. They used monkeys specifically because he's black.

But, I assume your (and Wondy's, and Pariah's, and BSAMS's and Rex's and all the rest of the SuperRightwing Friends) mind is already made up based on insta-political bias. Just thought I'd throw some reality in here for e moment before Dave comes running in with fifty mentions of the words "Liberal Media"...

A brillion points.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Racist E-mail Targeting Obama - 2011-04-17 8:31 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
It's a very well known and understood social 'no-no' to compare black people with monkeys. It's not like they used images of fat, lazy cats, sleeping hippos, or Dodo's looking clueless. They used monkeys specifically because he's black. And they did it to his parents.

Obama's mother is white. His mother's whole side of the family is white. Remember Obama going on about how his white grandmother was a racist (even though she helped raise him)?

So calling a white woman a monkey is racist but calling a white man isn't?

Look, I agree with you that her joke was rude, stupid and disrespectful to the office of the president. And maybe her intent was racist. Even if not, she should fucking know better.

But if we're going to start throwing around the race card (again) let's at least be willing to analyze the whole thing and consider the context of recent history too.

Or are we going to engage in another game of "it's okay when our side does it but not theirs"?
I don't remember anyone sending pics of Bush around with swastikas on his forehead (although, I'm certain some Leftwing nutjobwhomod did). It would be wrong either way. So, again, don't waste time defending what is obvious racism coming from the extremist Right. This is exactly what we bash Muslims about. If there is a less-than-extreme side to your group, then make that the loudest voice. Otherwise, it looks like you're just defending the lunatics, which just paints your entire race or group as wrong. Don't be afraid to slam some nutjob like this woman, or Wondy, just because they have an 'R' by their name...
I'm not sure I care enough either way. racist emails? so fucking what? are we that thin-skinned as a society? now, ethnic slurs in the middle of a national news broadcast, yeah that'd be a problem. but ultimately free speech is free speech, however racist or fucktarded it might be. seriously, unless some high-level state or federal politician is responsible for this it's a nonissue. there will always be racists and bigots and fucktards around you. either call them out on it yourself or learn to fucking deal with it.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
either call them out on it yourself or learn to fucking deal with it.

Exactly. Each party should take responsibility for its more extreme elements, rather than trying to cover them in a blanket of complicity..
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Arguably, it has nothing to do with racism andveverything to do with making fun of a political opponent for being an idiot. After all, liberals referred to President Bush as a chimp on a regular basis.

For example, we have this from the Huffington Post:
  • Prior to reading this new study I was under the mistaken impression that Bush was a parrot, because of his apparent inability to say anything about Iraq except 'progress is being made', which he repeats mechanically every time the topic is raised. But now the scales have fallen from my eyes: Bush is a chimp. It seems so obvious now, watching him speak.

Were all those references racist?

Assuming that, yes, "chimp" = "racist", now google the terms "Bush chimp" and then "Obama chimp" in image search. You get approximately 77,000 more images of the former than the latter. That an approximate 38% difference.

Most likely, in each case, the posters of same were doing so in an attempt to insult a political foe.

And, if we follow your argument that depicting a president as a chimp is racist, then it would seem that there are at least 38% more racists on the left than the right. That's a pretty big difference.

That's way too much work to defend this chick. If she isn't racist, she's the stupidest bitch to walk the face of the earth if she thought this exact thing wouldn't happen to her after sending out those emails. Either way, she has no place in politics as she's displayed her inability to think before she acts.
How come it's not racist to endlessly --for years--call Bush a chimp, but it's racist to (one time)jokingly show "an Obama family portrait depicting [Obama's] parents as chimpanzees"?
(I see now reading the rest of the topic that G-man and the Doctor have both commented on this as well.)

It's not a portrayal I, or an overwhelming majority of Republicans would make of Obama. There are so many legitimate issues on which to attack Obama.
About his marxist past, about his marxist/terrorist associates (David, Ayers, Wright, Khalidi, Wright...), marxists in his administration (Van Jones, Dunn, Lloyd, Sunstein, Jarett..), and just the failures of his presidency, ignoring the priorities of those who voted for him in pursuit of a radical-leftist agenda(the various stimulus, omnibus bills, banning offshore drilling that further cuts jobs and makes us dependent on foreign oil, weak foreign policy in Libya, Egypt, Iran and elsewhere, policies that have created enormous pending inflation).

Davenport is a moron for giving this kind of free "Republicans are racist" ammunition to the Democrats, and should justly be fired or resign.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
either call them out on it yourself or learn to fucking deal with it.

Exactly. Each party should take responsibility for its more extreme elements, rather than trying to cover them in a blanket of complicity..

Yeah, but in all seriousness, the GOP leaders did call her out:
  • County GOP Chairman Scott Baugh has called for the resignation of Marilyn Davenport, an elected member of the party central committee who sent the email to some committee members and others last week. Baugh said he received it Friday afternoon and quickly responded with an email telling Davenport it was "dripping with racism and is in very poor taste." He said the issue should be referred to the Orange County GOP's ethics committee.

So why is this being used as some sort of evidence that anyone but her and her handful of supporters feel this way? If one is going to argue (as JLA seemingly tried to) that this is endemic to the participant's party then, racist or just assholery, he or she needs to explain why similar crap on the other side (including some of the stuff hurled at Condi Rice) isn't evidence of an endemic problem on the other side.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I don't remember anyone sending pics of Bush around with swastikas on his forehead (although, I'm certain some Leftwing nutjobwhomod did). It would be wrong either way. So, again, don't waste time defending what is obvious racism coming from the extremist Right. This is exactly what we bash Muslims about. If there is a less-than-extreme side to your group, then make that the loudest voice. Otherwise, it looks like you're just defending the lunatics, which just paints your entire race or group as wrong. Don't be afraid to slam some nutjob like this woman, or Wondy, just because they have an 'R' by their name...

You forget quickly.

Your personal idol, Whomod, used to post that kind of crap all the time. There was one in particular I recall from the "It's not about oil or Iraq.." topic, that showed Bush standing with Lieberman and several other moderate Democrats who voted with Bush on a few issues, and it showed them all standing in suits with swastika armbands, with a word balloon saying something like "You guys are Democrats, but if you play along we'll let you stay a while."

You say "it's wrong either way", but you always find a way to overlook it or excuse it, when it comes from the liberal/democrat side.

And simultaneously, you ignore that no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, among Republicans here or elsewhere endorses the monkey-parents-family-photo e-mail this one lady sent. And yet you still label it "right-wing extremists" (I guess you got Chuck Schumer's memo).

This is not right-wing extremist, it is just plain stupid. And the woman who sent it should be fired immediately for her lack of judgement.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Your personal idol, Whomod

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Your personal idol, Whomod

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

For all your \:lol\: crap, that is very well established.

I don't know if you delude yourself to believe you're objective, or whether you maliciously slander your opposition out of purely infantile defiance.

But the result is pitiably the same: you slander truth, you support lies, and you enable evil with what you choose to support against all evidence.
To be fair to Pro:
  • I don't think he's ever claimed to be objective any more than any of the rest of do.

    I read his post to specifically say he had little doubt that whomod had done such a thing.

    I don't remember anyone sending pics of Bush around with swastikas on his forehead (although, I'm certain some Leftwing nutjobwhomod did)
    (emphasis added)
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
To be fair to Pro:
  • I don't think he's ever claimed to be objective any more than any of the rest of do.

    I read his post to specifically say he had little doubt that whomod had done such a thing.

    I don't remember anyone sending pics of Bush around with swastikas on his forehead (although, I'm certain some Leftwing nutjobwhomod did)
    (emphasis added)


He also said...

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
don't waste time defending what is obvious racism coming from the extremist Right. This is exactly what we bash Muslims about. If there is a less-than-extreme side to your group, then make that the loudest voice. Otherwise, it looks like you're just defending the lunatics, which just paints your entire race or group as wrong. Don't be afraid to slam some nutjob like this woman, or Wondy, just because they have an 'R' by their name...

So despite that no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE on the Right defended this lady, all republicans are slandered by him as supporting her unless we say otherwise, which we all DID already say we condemn despite the ' "R" next to [her] name'.

So, as in the Rep Giffords shooting four months ago, we're [Republicans] all guilty till proven innocent. And then even when we clearly never supported or believed what this lady did, we're [Republicans] all racist "extremists", and he's still waiting for some of us to condemn it, despite that we ALL already did.

So, despite a few phrases of pseudo-moderation in Pro's quoted remarks, he's a partisan weasel, just like always.

And don't forget that despite Prometheus' quoted comments above about Whomod's extremism, BSAMS quoted a topic a while back from the Iconoclat forum where Pro was on his knees worshipping every word Whomod writes.

So Pro's a lying cocksucker piece of shit, talking out both sides of his mouth. And is more liberal-extreme than the "right wing extreme" rhetoric he manufactures out of thin air.

Or as I put it in my signature:

Again, to be fair, one of the sources said one or two people on the county committee who are friends of hers did defend her.

Granted, they did so under a theory of "she's a nice old lady who didn't mean it that way." Which is not the same as defending racism. However it is an attempt at a defense.

Again, that in no way tars the entire party, especially given that the leadership called for her resignation. But someone did defend her.

So you can't really say that "absolutely no one" defended her.
Why can't we all just set aside partisanship and politics and just make fun of the woman for being an idiot?

Jesus, guys. It's like you're not RKMBers anymore.
We used to be a family!
If only Pro could be as objective as WB and G-man.

I'll agree with the "it's wrong whoever does it".
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
So Pro's a lying cocksucker piece of shit, talking out both sides of his mouth. And is more liberal-extreme than the "right wing extreme" rhetoric he manufactures out of thin air.


Who the fuck pissed into your corn flakes this morning?

As for the story, one might be able to defend her if it wasn't for her history of defending others. The chimp thing, standing by itself, I wouldn't see as racist as there were many Bush chimp pictures. It is a political meme. But, you throw in the White House watermelon patch & such and it does look terribly racist. It could only get worse if they had him eating fried chicken while cashing a welfare check. Bitch needed to be removed and, from here on out, ignored.
They used monkeys specifically because he's black.

What proof have you that there was any specific intent towards racism?

As has already been pointed out, someone being compared to a chimp (see also: Bush) can just as easily attribute to a lack of intelligence and/or charisma.

Would you say it's a racist statement that Obama resembles a chimp moreso than Bush even though it's a true statement?
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
Why can't we all just set aside partisanship and politics and just make fun of the woman for being an idiot?

If she had said something along the lines of "Obama is a filthy monkey--and here's proof," then I'd be more than making fun of her. I'd be calling her a racist.

But quite frankly, I don't see much difference between this and the attacks lodged against Bush.

I will say though that she was stupidly short-sighted. She should have known that oversensitive tards would make a big deal out of it.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
But the result is pitiably the same: you slander truth, you support lies, and you enable evil with what you choose to support against all evidence.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
So Pro's a lying cocksucker piece of shit, talking out both sides of his mouth. And is more liberal-extreme than the "right wing extreme" rhetoric he manufactures out of thin air.

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

Wow. I snapped you like a dry twig. How easy. Get your act together, David. You're starting to remind me of Tommy and his Yellow Liberal Ass-Bug...
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
What proof have you that there was any specific intent towards racism?

*crickets chirping*

I guess Prometheus concedes that there is no apparent racist intent on Davenport's part.

I'm sorry. Since when do you and I speak directly to each other? Why on earth should I bother dancing with you? The facts speak for themselves, and any illusion of objectivity from your part is merely an attempt to deflect from my point. And kid, if you didn't get it the first time, I'm not bothering to explain to you now. Pariah talking to me. Give me a break...
Is this the point where I post a series of laughing graemlins to make myself feel better about my position even though it doesn't really serve my side of the argument in any way shape or form?

As much as I hate political correctness, it's ingrained into our society to the point that I couldn't see how someone could write or even read a statement like such in regards to Obama and not have even a moment of thought of, "Hey! That sounds a little racist." At least not without being a little racist themselves, which, then, they wouldn't fucking care. Again, either way, the chick is stupid. Anyone trying to defend her is being equally stupid or blindly partisan to the point that you have to defend anyone with your same, overall, political beliefs even if you think she was wrong/stupid for what she did.
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
As much as I hate political correctness, it's ingrained into our society to the point that I couldn't see how someone could write or even read a statement like such in regards to Obama and not have even a moment of thought of, "Hey! That sounds a little racist." At least not without being a little racist themselves, which, then, they wouldn't fucking care. Again, either way, the chick is stupid. Anyone trying to defend her is being equally stupid or blindly partisan to the point that you have to defend anyone with your same, overall, political beliefs even if you think she was wrong/stupid for what she did.

AGAIN: Who's defending her?

Absolutely no one. Why do you act like anyone is?
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Again, to be fair, one of the sources said one or two people on the county committee who are friends of hers did defend her.

Granted, they did so under a theory of "she's a nice old lady who didn't mean it that way." Which is not the same as defending racism. However it is an attempt at a defense.

Again, that in no way tars the entire party, especially given that the leadership called for her resignation. But someone did defend her.

So you can't really say that "absolutely no one" defended her.

While I appreciate the distinction you try to make, I still disagree.

No one defended what she did. They just said she did something indefensible but she's still a nice lady, so give her a break. They defended her overall character, not her actions.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Each party should take responsibility for its more extreme elements, rather than trying to cover them in a blanket of complicity..

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
They just said she did something indefensible but she's still a nice lady, so give her a break. They defended her overall character, not her actions.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Just making sure since, you know, it's your favorite thing to do when you decide to run away from an argument without conceding a point you can't back up.

 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
As much as I hate political correctness, it's ingrained into our society to the point that I couldn't see how someone could write or even read a statement like such in regards to Obama and not have even a moment of thought of, "Hey! That sounds a little racist." At least not without being a little racist themselves, which, then, they wouldn't fucking care. Again, either way, the chick is stupid. Anyone trying to defend her is being equally stupid or blindly partisan to the point that you have to defend anyone with your same, overall, political beliefs even if you think she was wrong/stupid for what she did.

I never defended her emails. I only pointed out that there's not enough evidence of racism despite Promethues' willingness to label as many people apart of the tea party as he can as some kind of discriminatory backward redneck.
Pariah, you seem to be under an illusion of debate with me, here. Re-read the thread. You have made no points. You have proven nothing. In fact, every element disproves pretty much anything you have tried to offer in discussion. And yet, you still insist on posting at me as if you and I have some unfinished business. We don't. I made my point, crystal-clear. Again, if you have reading or comprehension issues, take it up with a doctor or Army medic or drug-smuggler with a heart-of-gold. Personally, I don't care. Meanwhile, you are wasting your time trying to prod me off my point. It stands. My conviction is sincere. So, you might as well just withdraw back to your insignificant little corner of the internet you lurk when not boring us with your cries for attention. Thanks man.
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
If only Pro could be as objective as WB and G-man.

I'll agree with the "it's wrong whoever does it".

If you bothered to notice, G-man and I are not in agreement here.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
take it up with a doctor

Leave me the fuck out of your lovers' quarrel.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Pariah, you seem to be under an illusion of debate with me, here. Re-read the thread. You have made no points. You have proven nothing. In fact, every element disproves pretty much anything you have tried to offer in discussion. And yet, you still insist on posting at me as if you and I have some unfinished business. We don't. I made my point, crystal-clear. Again, if you have reading or comprehension issues, take it up with a doctor or Army medic or drug-smuggler with a heart-of-gold. Personally, I don't care. Meanwhile, you are wasting your time trying to prod me off my point. It stands. My conviction is sincere. So, you might as well just withdraw back to your insignificant little corner of the internet you lurk when not boring us with your cries for attention. Thanks man.

Your "conviction" is non-existent.

You slander all Republicans, when it's just one odd lady, who every Republican condemns. You have no conviction or facts, only blanket smear of all Republicans.

You've presented no facts, only empty \:lol\:

EVERY Republican, on these boards and elsewhere, has condemned what this lady posted, as perhaps not racist, but certainly poorly thought out and stupid.

Only you, and lying cocksuckers like you, try to slanderously assert that a few/some/most Republicans agree with or defend what she did.
The facts are she is universally condemned for posting what she did. So you lie, to insinuate otherwise.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
But the result is pitiably the same: you slander truth, you support lies, and you enable evil with what you choose to support against all evidence.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
So Pro's a lying cocksucker piece of shit, talking out both sides of his mouth. And is more liberal-extreme than the "right wing extreme" rhetoric he manufactures out of thin air.

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

Wow. I snapped you like a dry twig. How easy. Get your act together, David. You're starting to remind me of Tommy and his Yellow Liberal Ass-Bug...

If exposing your clear hypocrisy can be interpreted as "snapping" me.
I think this is your attempt to save face after being humiliatingly exposed.

You did praise Whomod as the greatest most wonderful bestest EVER poster on RKMB, behind our backs on the Insurgency boards. And to our faces, you say he's a nutjob.
Far from objective, you're a complete liberal-indoctrinated partisan zombie for the Left. And you accuse me and others of being "right wing extremist"? Oh kettle, thou art black.

The closest thing you have to an intelligent and logical response is \:lol\: \:lol\:.

I skinned you and hung your hide out to dry, and you didn't even get it.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Each party should take responsibility for its more extreme elements, rather than trying to cover them in a blanket of complicity..

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
They just said she did something indefensible but she's still a nice lady, so give her a break. They defended her overall character, not her actions.


Yeah, they acknowledged her behavior is indefensible, but tried to let her save the slightest bit of face by saying she's not a bad person despite her clear bad judgement on this incident.


whomod and pro are buddies topic

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Prometheus said:
...Whomod....a poster I barely remember, much less talked with.

Prometheus said:
Whomod is such a legend on the RKMBs that, due to me taking up his position as defender of the Libs, I've been dubbed "Promod" over there

Here's Pro, condemning Whomod's left-wing craziness here, and praising it elsewhere for being great posts and "a legend" on RKMB.

i.e., he has a double standard. He condemns "right wing craziness" (which isn't even right wing, just one crazy lady who is roundly condemned by the right) while he praises left-wing craziness of the Whomod variety as "the best" on RKMB.

Hypocrisy anyone?
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I made my point, crystal-clear.

Apparently you didn't or you'd show some proof of your assertions instead hiding behind lengthy responses of why you choose not to respond to me. The irony can be cut with a knife.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: Awesome! Keep going. I'm on a roll here.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I made my point, crystal-clear.

Apparently you didn't or you'd show some proof of your assertions instead hiding behind lengthy responses of why you choose not to respond to me. The irony can be cut with a knife.

Except that everyone other than you and Dave, the Tea Partyer inherently understands the common sense and rational logic concerning the subject. Thus, if you can't grasp the basics of why it's inherently racist, then I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince you. You either comprehend it, or you don't...
Except there's nothing "inherent" about it. Comparing someone to a chimp need not refer to race--as the people who've compared Bush to an ape will tell you.

This was mentioned even before I entered the thread. But despite the fact that I'm not the only one who brought it up, you still ignored it.
Yeah, I think most people are generally looking at this from a pretty moderate position. The chimp thing alone, unless you are a full on left-wing loony, doesn't necessarily come off as racist. As plenty of us have said, it is a political meme used by both sides to present their opposition as a doofus or lacking in character/ability. That said, this email doesn't reside in a vacuum. Her defense of other people's emails depicting such things as the White House watermelon patch lends credence to the speculation of racist motive. As such, it isn't so much her intent (which may not have been racist at all) as it is the reception of the email.

Personally, while I do defend the right of people to portray another as a chimp regardless of race when speaking to their lack of character or ability, I don't think that was necessarily the case with this woman. But, I think we can generally all agree that this woman is either stupid, racist, or both.

As for defenders, I'm sure they are out there and are probably right-wing nutters who spread emails about the White House watermelon patch and tell jokes about Obama health initiatives being a way for them to have more fried chicken for themselves. I deal with these people. I know they are out there. But, on the flip side, I don't think it is right to use them as the poster boys of this movement any more or less than using a bunch of left wing nutters as the poster boys for the left.

Reality: there are nutters. Reality: they are few and on both sides. Reality: the media really likes to try and blow smoke up our asses about their prevalence and use them to fearmonger in order to discredit that which they do not agree with.

Oh...And, calm the fuck down Wondy.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Pariah, you seem to be under an illusion of debate with me, here. Re-read the thread. You have made no points. You have proven nothing. In fact, every element disproves pretty much anything you have tried to offer in discussion. And yet, you still insist on posting at me as if you and I have some unfinished business. We don't. I made my point, crystal-clear. Again, if you have reading or comprehension issues, take it up with a doctor or Army medic or drug-smuggler with a heart-of-gold. Personally, I don't care. Meanwhile, you are wasting your time trying to prod me off my point. It stands. My conviction is sincere. So, you might as well just withdraw back to your insignificant little corner of the internet you lurk when not boring us with your cries for attention. Thanks man.

Your "conviction" is non-existent.

You slander all Republicans, when it's just one odd lady, who every Republican condemns. You have no conviction or facts, only blanket smear of all Republicans.

You've presented no facts, only empty \:lol\:

EVERY Republican, on these boards and elsewhere, has condemned what this lady posted, as perhaps not racist, but certainly poorly thought out and stupid.

Only you, and lying cocksuckers like you, try to slanderously assert that a few/some/most Republicans agree with or defend what she did.
The facts are she is universally condemned for posting what she did. So you lie, to insinuate otherwise.

Wondy, don't take this personally because I think you can an okay guy, but you're sounding like you have a Beck-sized space bug up your arse.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
But, I think we can generally all agree that this woman is either stupid, racist, or both.

She's stupcist!
she's a bothan.
many of her kind died to bring you this information.
 Originally Posted By: Pro
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I made my point, crystal-clear.

Apparently you didn't or you'd show some proof of your assertions instead hiding behind lengthy responses of why you choose not to respond to me. The irony can be cut with a knife.

Except that everyone other than you and Dave, the Tea Partyer inherently understands the common sense and rational logic concerning the subject. Thus, if you can't grasp the basics of why it's inherently racist, then I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince you. You either comprehend it, or you don't...

You haven't proven that me or Pariah are different whatsoever from anyone else on these boards regarding this. Even Iggy says that the incident itself doesn't prove the woman is a racist. It's only in the context of other things she's said that he sees it pointing that way.

And by the way, where was all your self righteous liberal outrage when this was said...

Or this...

 Originally Posted By: BILL CLINTON (upon learning Hillary had been passed over for the nomination, and it was handed by delegates to Obama, without a decisive majority of primary votes)
"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee!"

Ot this...

 Originally Posted By: HARRY REID
Obama was a good choice because he was light-skinned and not overly ethnic or speak black dialect that would be alienating to white voters.

There are many MANY other examples of similar quotes from the Democrat ranks. Comments that cannot simply be interpreted as racist, but clearly and unquestionably are racist.

That you obviously have no problem with. Because you're a lying partisan hypocrite, who's only in it to slander your political opposition. Your mind is made up, so I won't continue to confuse you with facts that oppose that indoctinated viewpoint.

non sequitur.

yeah dude, you really need to dial it back like, six or seven notches. no offense, but it's getting pretty strident...
So to recap the liberal take, if Obama's idiocy is compared to an ape it's racist. If Bush's idiocy is compared to an ape it's not racist. I think this encapsulated the entire liberal stance. They can't compete on the playing field with ideas so they handicap their opponents by making anything about them off limits. Anyone that supports the double standard cannot be taken seriously.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
non sequitur.

yeah dude, you really need to dial it back like, six or seven notches. no offense, but it's getting pretty strident...

I think WB's point about a double standard, under which liberals get to say horrible racist things about black republicans and the news is either buried or excused (both by the rest of the DNC and the media), is completely valid.

That being said, the validity of that point gets a bit lost in all the "lying partisan cocksucker hypocrate source of the evil in the world" stuff.

Dave, man, come on. You're going to have a stroke if you keep this up. It's Pro. He's a bald dude with liberal leanings who smokes too much pot. It's not David Warner in "Time Bandits" for Chrissakes.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Wondy, don't take this personally because I think you can an okay guy, but you're sounding like you have a Beck-sized space bug up your arse.

No offense taken.
I know you see it that way, and maybe you envision me saying this with veins bulging on my forehead, but for the most part, I think I'm just calling this for what it is from Prometheus, with no embellishment necessary.

I'll go through the post you quoted:

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Pariah, you seem to be under an illusion of debate with me, here. Re-read the thread. You have made no points. You have proven nothing. In fact, every element disproves pretty much anything you have tried to offer in discussion. And yet, you still insist on posting at me as if you and I have some unfinished business. We don't. I made my point, crystal-clear. Again, if you have reading or comprehension issues, take it up with a doctor or Army medic or drug-smuggler with a heart-of-gold. Personally, I don't care. Meanwhile, you are wasting your time trying to prod me off my point. It stands. My conviction is sincere. So, you might as well just withdraw back to your insignificant little corner of the internet you lurk when not boring us with your cries for attention. Thanks man.

Your "conviction" is non-existent.

I think I backed that up pretty well. Pro alleges that some/many/most Republicans share the racism of this lady or at least endorse it, or at least don't condemn it.

Which flies in the face of the facts. EVERYONE has condemned what she did, most have called for her firing or resignation. MYSELF INCLUDED! (See my first few posts here.)

 Originally Posted By: WB
You slander all Republicans, when it's just one odd lady, who every Republican condemns. You have no conviction or facts, only blanket smear of all Republicans.

Again, I backed this up, no hysteria on my part, just calling it for exactly what it is from Pro's end.

 Originally Posted By: WB

You've presented no facts, only empty \:lol\:

Again, no hysteria, every point I made has been backed up. Pro presents no facts, just \:lol\:

 Originally Posted By: WB

EVERY Republican, on these boards and elsewhere, has condemned what this lady posted, as perhaps not racist, but certainly poorly thought out and stupid.

Again no hysteria on my part, just stating the facts.

 Originally Posted By: WB

Only you, and lying cocksuckers like you, try to slanderously assert that a few/some/most Republicans agree with or defend what she did.
The facts are she is universally condemned for posting what she did. So you lie, to insinuate otherwise.

Except for calling Pro a "lying cocksucker", which is a longstanding WonderBoy-ism signature line in heated political discussion, that I use on the most over-the-top liars.
Which Pro's partisanship certainly qualifies for, in the viciousness of what he alleges about "right wing extremists" all being racists, despite that they all condemned what this lady said in the harshest of terms, and called for her firing or resignation.

Myself included.

But despite Republicans universally condemning her actions in the harshest of terms, he clings to the "racist" label for all "right wing extremists" (a phrase that is parroted right from Chuck Schumer in its demagoguery of anyone he disagrees with as "extreme", and adding to that "racist".)

I actually think "lying cocksucker" is a restrained response to that blanket slander of conservatives on Pro's part, and on the part of a huge swath of those on the political left doing the same.

 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab
So to recap the liberal take,...

Perhaps you should just stick to your take?
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
non sequitur.

yeah dude, you really need to dial it back like, six or seven notches. no offense, but it's getting pretty strident...

I think WB's point about a double standard, under which liberals get to say horrible racist things about black republicans and the news is either buried or excused (both by the rest of the DNC and the media), is completely valid.

That being said, the validity of that point gets a bit lost in all the "lying partisan cocksucker hypocrate source of the evil in the world" stuff.

Dave, man, come on. You're going to have a stroke if you keep this up. It's Pro. He's a bald dude with liberal leanings who smokes too much pot. It's not David Warner in "Time Bandits" for Chrissakes.

\:lol\: Okay, point taken.

It's just ironic, because again, what I say is a relatively mild response, in proportion to him saying just because one Republican said this, that somehow implies some/most/all republicans are "racist extremists", despite that they all condemned her actions and called for her firing and resignation.

And needless to say, this is pretty much a weekly slanderfest on the part of the left, constantly raising the same racist/extremist allegations, against the evidence. In the Rep Giffords shooting, it was blamed on "right wing extremist" rhetoric, despite no evidence that he ever listened to any right wing commentators, and despite that friends, neigbors and school classmates described Jared Loughner as a "liberal pothead".

I could split hairs on what you said on many points (I said earlier that Pro's willingness to swallow and parrot liberal talking points whole and undigested enables evil, not that his opinion is the source of evil, just that he allows it to occur. Edmund Burke said something very similar, if you recall).

I'd tell Pro to shut up and take another bong hit, but I got yelled at for saying that a few months ago too.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Dave, man, come on. You're going to have a stroke if you keep this up. It's Pro. He's a bald dude with liberal leanings who smokes too much pot. It's not David Warner in "Time Bandits" for Chrissakes.

Shhh! You'll burst his bubble and I'm enjoying this faaar too much...

{eats popcorn and watches Dave spend another hour or so compiling quotes to try and support his crazy}

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
It's a very well known and understood social 'no-no' to compare black people with monkeys. It's not like they used images of fat, lazy cats, sleeping hippos, or Dodo's looking clueless. They used monkeys specifically because he's black. And they did it to his parents. Don't know about Obama, but I'd punch this bitch in the mouth just based on playground rules. No one on the Right should waste their time trying to defend what is, so obviously, a bad apple in the Republican organization.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
No one on the Right should waste their time trying to defend what is, so obviously, a bad apple in the Republican organization.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
No one should waste their time trying to defend a bad apple
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab
So to recap the liberal take, if Obama's idiocy is compared to an ape it's racist. If Bush's idiocy is compared to an ape it's not racist. I think this encapsulated the entire liberal stance. They can't compete on the playing field with ideas so they handicap their opponents by making anything about them off limits. Anyone that supports the double standard cannot be taken seriously.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
David, stop trying to defend this bad apple
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab
So to recap the liberal take, if Obama's idiocy is compared to an ape it's racist. If Bush's idiocy is compared to an ape it's not racist. I think this encapsulated the entire liberal stance. They can't compete on the playing field with ideas so they handicap their opponents by making anything about them off limits. Anyone that supports the double standard cannot be taken seriously.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab
So to recap the liberal take, if Obama's idiocy is compared to an ape it's racist. If Bush's idiocy is compared to an ape it's not racist. I think this encapsulated the entire liberal stance. They can't compete on the playing field with ideas so they handicap their opponents by making anything about them off limits. Anyone that supports the double standard cannot be taken seriously.
You can't be taken seriously, Pro.
 Originally Posted By: BASMS
So to recap the liberal take, if Obama's idiocy is compared to an ape it's racist.

Obama's idiocy wasn't brought up. It was his parents. Completely different things.

If Bush's idiocy is compared to an ape it's not racist.


Anyone that supports the double standard cannot be taken seriously.

No double-standard to worry over. Case dismissed.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
You can't be taken seriously, Pro.

And yet, you stridently respond to every one of my posts. Strange, huh? \:lol\:

Dave, please stop defending racist trash in your Tea Party. It demeans you.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
David, stop trying to defend this bad apple
stop fucking enabling evil, modmetheus! you slanderous bastard you!
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: BASMS
So to recap the liberal take, if Obama's idiocy is compared to an ape it's racist.

Obama's idiocy wasn't brought up. It was his parents. Completely different things.

If Bush's idiocy is compared to an ape it's not racist.


Anyone that supports the double standard cannot be taken seriously.

No double-standard to worry over. Case dismissed.

I think you need another bong hit.

No one would care about Obama's parents to parody them, if not for Obama's idiocy.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
stop fucking enabling evil, modmetheus! you slanderous bastard you!

I guess it's okay for Pro to fuck evil, as long as they don't have kids.
Does that make me racist against evil?

I have no sensitivity to these things.
but seriously though.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: BASMS
So to recap the liberal take, if Obama's idiocy is compared to an ape it's racist.

Obama's idiocy wasn't brought up. It was his parents. Completely different things.

If Bush's idiocy is compared to an ape it's not racist.


Anyone that supports the double standard cannot be taken seriously.

No double-standard to worry over. Case dismissed.

You go out of your way to admit a double standard before immediately denying it and you honestly believe that makes your position more valid than mine?

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Is this the point where I post a series of laughing graemlins to make myself feel better about my position even though it doesn't really serve my side of the argument in any way shape or form?

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Just making sure since, you know, it's your favorite thing to do when you decide to run away from an argument without conceding a point you can't back up.

Wait...I thought we all did that?
And as usual...you guys are so fucking retarded for arguing this
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
And as usual...you guys are so fucking retarded for arguing this

what do you mean, 'you guys'?
What do YOU mean 'you guys'??
The aristocrats?
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
stop fucking enabling evil, modmetheus! you slanderous bastard you!

Just wait for the sequel!
Knut, when you say "you guys", are you talking about people whose skin color is different from yours?
...because that's racist, you know.
I know, and yes. Yes I am.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

But, I assume your (and Wondy's, and Pariah's, and BSAMS's and Rex's and all the rest of the SuperRightwing Friends) mind is already made up based on insta-political bias. Just thought I'd throw some reality in here for e moment before Dave comes running in with fifty mentions of the words "Liberal Media"...

I am not right-wing, I hate both parties.
Fair enough, Rex.
BTW, who is your avatar?
buddy hackett.
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

But, I assume your (and Wondy's, and Pariah's, and BSAMS's and Rex's and all the rest of the SuperRightwing Friends) mind is already made up based on insta-political bias. Just thought I'd throw some reality in here for e moment before Dave comes running in with fifty mentions of the words "Liberal Media"...

....I hate both parties.

Something many right wing tea partiers also say.
And rex often sounds like a Tea Partier when he posts.

And ironically, jumps on me for posting the exact same opinions of Obama and his socialist/authoritarian policies that Rex himself posts.
I sound like a tea partier to you because you have to put others into groups so you can judge them. Since you are weak you are trying to make it seem like we think alike when we don't.

Both of us agreeing that obama is a horrible commie bitch doesn't make us friends. The world is not black and white, people have differing opinions that don't fit the typical conservative/liberal ideals.

I am an individual. They is no need for me to attach themselves to others through political parties or quoting tv show talk hosts. When I have an opinion on something I state it. I don't warm over something someone said on TV or something written in a book. I have the ability to think for myself and confident enough in myself to not have to hide behind other peoples words or use them to prove a point I am unable to.
 Originally Posted By: rex
I sound like a tea partier to you because you have to put others into groups so you can judge them. Since you are weak you are trying to make it seem like we think alike when we don't.

Both of us agreeing that obama is a horrible commie bitch doesn't make us friends. The world is not black and white, people have differing opinions that don't fit the typical conservative/liberal ideals.

I am an individual. They is no need for me to attach themselves to others through political parties or quoting tv show talk hosts. When I have an opinion on something I state it. I don't warm over something someone said on TV or something written in a book. I have the ability to think for myself and confident enough in myself to not have to hide behind other peoples words or use them to prove a point I am unable to.

Yes, the truth and facts make weak people like you cry.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: BASMS
So to recap the liberal take, if Obama's idiocy is compared to an ape it's racist.

Obama's idiocy wasn't brought up. It was his parents. Completely different things.

If Bush's idiocy is compared to an ape it's not racist.


Anyone that supports the double standard cannot be taken seriously.

No double-standard to worry over. Case dismissed.

You go out of your way to admit a double standard before immediately denying it and you honestly believe that makes your position more valid than mine?

It's really odd to see Pro fall for this. He seems intelligent enough to not take the race bait, but for some reason does.
pro is more intelligent than that, but would you want to sound like you're agreeing with wondy?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Liberal Yell At Little Girl - 2011-04-20 1:02 AM
To show you how much of a joke this is, here is video of liberlas yelling and cursing at a little girl speaking at a tea party rally:

This is real anger directed at a child, not a satirical photoshop. Yet there isn't much of an uproar. It shows you what a skewed reaction is when it's a right wing kid getting threatened vs a photoshopped picture of a lefty.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
pro is more intelligent than that, but would you want to sound like you're agreeing with wondy?

That was Pariah.

Why are you being such a prick to me here, Sammitch?
Who are you trying to impress?
 Originally Posted By: rex
Yes, the truth and facts make weak people like you cry.


You're unemployed and live with your mom, Rex.
What an impressive model of strength and independence you are.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
pro is more intelligent than that, but would you want to sound like you're agreeing with wondy?

That was Pariah.

Why are you being such a prick to me here, Sammitch?
Who are you trying to impress?

stop whining. I don't need to impress anyone. I'm trying to limit your ability (if not tendency) to give the rest of conservatism a bad name. seriously, when left and right on this forum can agree on something, and that something is you? tone. it. down.
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: BASMS
So to recap the liberal take, if Obama's idiocy is compared to an ape it's racist.

Obama's idiocy wasn't brought up. It was his parents. Completely different things.

If Bush's idiocy is compared to an ape it's not racist.


Anyone that supports the double standard cannot be taken seriously.

No double-standard to worry over. Case dismissed.

You go out of your way to admit a double standard before immediately denying it and you honestly believe that makes your position more valid than mine?

It's really odd to see Pro fall for this. He seems intelligent enough to not take the race bait, but for some reason does.

Seriously, what the fuck?

It was already pointed out that his mom is white and he still falls for this shit.

Is this the weed talking or just his usual hatred of conservatives blinding his reason?
\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: Awesome.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
stop whining. I don't need to impress anyone. I'm trying to limit your ability (if not tendency) to give the rest of conservatism a bad name. seriously, when left and right on this forum can agree on something, and that something is you? tone. it. down.

 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
pro is more intelligent than that

Apparently he's not. And you wouldn't have to stumble over yourself defending his retardation (e.g. confusing my quote for his) if you weren't so insecure about having an opinion similar to someone you dislike.

As such, you do seem to be making a noticeable attempt to impress a certain camp here by making concessions for a certain poster who happens to be more concerned with conversational finesse than facts.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: Awesome.

The truth is humorous I suppose.
Distilling this thread down to the essence let's see what we can and can't agree on:
  • 1. Obama is a shitty president and you don't need to be a racist to believe that.
    2. However,some people who don't like Obama are racists. Similarly, some people who do like Obama are racists.
    3. Racism is bad
    4. While racism is bad, we have become a nation of pussies that has a tendency to assume something is racist way too quickly.
    5. Showing the president as a chimp is not necessarily racism, especially when he has a white mother.
    6. However, when the person showing the president as a chimp has a history of racist comments and/or defending racist comments, that person probably had a racist motive in showing the president thusly.
    7. Even if not racist, a public official who thinks that forwarding an email like this isn't going to come back to haunt them is an idiot.
    8. Conservatives who say racist and hurtful things seem to get more attention from the mainstream media than liberals who do.
    9. Rob is, and always will be, gay.

Who agree's with number 8 that isn't a whiny conservative?
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

Somebody's ears burning?
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
No one should waste their time trying to defend bad apples in their political organization.

This was the greatest lesson this thread could teach anyone..
So, arguing against the perception of racism in a given situation is the equivalent of defending any parties involved in the alleged act of racism...

You have a truly...innovative grasp of the topic at hand Prometheus.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
So, arguing against the perception of racism in a given situation is the equivalent of defending any parties involved in the alleged act of racism...

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: the G-man

Rob is, and always will be, gay.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

This was the greatest lesson this thread could teach anyone..
 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
stop whining. I don't need to impress anyone.

Then why are you trying so hard?

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
I'm trying to limit your ability (if not tendency) to give the rest of conservatism a bad name.

Is that NOT supposed to piss me off?
You snipe from the sidelines and make no coherent point. I'd say THAT gives conservativism a bad name.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch

seriously, when left and right on this forum can agree on something, and that something is you? tone. it. down.

Why don't you tell Prometheus to TONE.IT.DOWN. He's the one making blanket statements about Republicans who already condemned this lady's e-mail as "right wing extremists" who are racist for not objecting enough to her actions, in his subjective point of view. Despite that everyone here --myself included-- said she should be fired or resign.

Seriously. What the fuck is your problem?

Wondy...no one likes you. We all think you're fucking retarded. The folks one the left. The folks on the right. Even the people like me who think politics are complete shit. You're one of the few things that both sides agree on. Don't you get that?
I tried explaining this before...I don't know why I'm trying again.
Must be kinda bored
By the way you guys should all go see Rango. Seriously that movie was extremely well done

As in other revolutions, protests and uprisings going on around the earth, a showdown is looming for Saturday April 23rd as marchers with the ”National International Day of Action and Unity” are furious andfrustrated with New York officials blatant discrimination and denial of their constitutional and human right to rally and march. Marchers are marching and rallying in 60 cities around America and in London and Africa to demand justice for Black People and improvement in our conditions.

I didn't see a photoshop?
On april 23, you're not allowed to buy crack from white-skinned dealers.
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
Wondy...no one likes you. We all think you're fucking retarded. The folks one the left. The folks on the right. Even the people like me who think politics are complete shit. You're one of the few things that both sides agree on. Don't you get that?

Spelling counts, Knut.

It's just fashionable to ridicule certain posters, and you guys troll on me more often than others because I make the mistake of taking you seriously.
But when I see crap like this, I don't take it seriously.

Over and over, I've seen where I post a political opinion, or I post a sourced article, and no matter how well I back it up with sources, or how well I say it in my own words, no matter what I'll get heat for it, and someone else saying virtually the exact same thing isn't challenged or considered over the top.

Do I sometimes say some over-the-top stuff? Sure I do. Everyone here does. But somehow my comments are more fashionable among your little clique to rip on. Whatever.

While I do think Promod is an ass to sweepingly label anyone with an opinion he doesn't like "right wing extremist" because one odd lady posted a photoshop monkey cartoon, I didn't post that "lying cocksucker" phrase with too much intended seriousness. As I said before several posts back, it's a deliberate WonderBoyism I post knowing I'll take heat for, and don't really care what you think.

You've already proven you're as much a pure troll as Rex.
Have your fun, whatever, it's meaningless to me.
Guys, can I be part of a clique? I've always wanted to be in one.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
Wondy...no one likes you. We all think you're fucking retarded. The folks one the left. The folks on the right. Even the people like me who think politics are complete shit. You're one of the few things that both sides agree on. Don't you get that?

You really think I'm going to listen to a black guy?
Not really seeing where WB's opinion is much different than some of the others on this. Not counting Rex, why is WB getting treated differently?
Its not his opinion we're attacking, its his retardation.
You can't see that since you're just as bad as he is.
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
Guys, can I be part of a clique? I've always wanted to be in one.

I don't know. Do you have what it takes to be in the Liberal Conspiracy Super Club? We in the LCSC have exacting standards. Have you ever:

  • read socialist/communist literature like the Communist Manifesto or How the Grinch Stole Christmas?
  • killed a puppy and/or kitten with your bare hands?
  • tried to repress freedom and liberty with your communist ideals on an internet message board?
  • sullied Dave the Wonder Boy's pure and virginal name with liberal lies and slander?

If you've answered yes to at least three of these or are just looking for attention, mail in your membership card and two proofs of purchase from Quaker's Rice Cakes to:

Liberal Conspiracy Super Club
PO Box 54632
New York, New York 10036

Scott Baugh, chairman of the Republican Party of Orange County, said he was surprised by the e-mail.

"There's no question the e-mail is racist. The only question is what was in Marilyn's heart, what was her intent. But I don't think there's anybody on her committee or anybody in the world really that doesn't see it as a racist," Baugh said on CNN's "AC360."

I need to send this guy a link to this thread. Digby, Pariah, and G-shill will set him straight.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
stop whining. I don't need to impress anyone.

Then why are you trying so hard?

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
I'm trying to limit your ability (if not tendency) to give the rest of conservatism a bad name.

Is that NOT supposed to piss me off?
You snipe from the sidelines and make no coherent point. I'd say THAT gives conservativism a bad name.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch

seriously, when left and right on this forum can agree on something, and that something is you? tone. it. down.

Why don't you tell Prometheus to TONE.IT.DOWN. He's the one making blanket statements about Republicans who already condemned this lady's e-mail as "right wing extremists" who are racist for not objecting enough to her actions, in his subjective point of view. Despite that everyone here --myself included-- said she should be fired or resign.

Seriously. What the fuck is your problem?

\:lol\: really? have you read anything I've ever posted outside this forum? to imply I'm 'trying' at anything here implies you haven't. at some point it needs to sink in that no one cares what you have to say when ninety percent of the time you come across as a raving asshat. not to mention how phenomenally easy it is to send you into an apoplectic rage - did you ever stop and realize that's why you're rex's favorite target? you're currently hovering around iconolast levels of ZOMG srs bsns!!1! and general butthurt over the state of your internet honor. it is, simply put, impossible to take you seriously. again, the apathy (at best) of other posters to your posts rarely has much to do with what you're saying and everything to do with how you're saying it.

and don't waste your time with a heartfelt plea via PM for me to stop being such a jerk. it just makes you look that much sadder. stop being a lolcow and you'll be a much lower-profile target.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
Wondy...no one likes you. We all think you're fucking retarded. The folks one the left. The folks on the right. Even the people like me who think politics are complete shit. You're one of the few things that both sides agree on. Don't you get that?

No I don't. And I never will

Thanks for clarifying
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
stop whining. I don't need to impress anyone.

Then why are you trying so hard?

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
I'm trying to limit your ability (if not tendency) to give the rest of conservatism a bad name.

Is that NOT supposed to piss me off?
You snipe from the sidelines and make no coherent point. I'd say THAT gives conservativism a bad name.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch

seriously, when left and right on this forum can agree on something, and that something is you? tone. it. down.

Why don't you tell Prometheus to TONE.IT.DOWN. He's the one making blanket statements about Republicans who already condemned this lady's e-mail as "right wing extremists" who are racist for not objecting enough to her actions, in his subjective point of view. Despite that everyone here --myself included-- said she should be fired or resign.

Seriously. What the fuck is your problem?

\:lol\: really? have you read anything I've ever posted outside this forum? to imply I'm 'trying' at anything here implies you haven't. at some point it needs to sink in that no one cares what you have to say when ninety percent of the time you come across as a raving asshat. not to mention how phenomenally easy it is to send you into an apoplectic rage - did you ever stop and realize that's why you're rex's favorite target? you're currently hovering around iconolast levels of ZOMG srs bsns!!1! and general butthurt over the state of your internet honor. it is, simply put, impossible to take you seriously. again, the apathy (at best) of other posters to your posts rarely has much to do with what you're saying and everything to do with how you're saying it.

and don't waste your time with a heartfelt plea via PM for me to stop being such a jerk. it just makes you look that much sadder. stop being a lolcow and you'll be a much lower-profile target.

Okay, great, I'm an "asshat" or whatever. I see a lot of insults hurled my way, and glad my posts provide so much entertainment for you guys.

But seriously, beyond a few phrases where I even laughed at myself in retrospect when you guys called me on it, please demonstrate to me where my response is really that different from that of G-man, BSAMS, or even Rex?
You're excluded from that Sammitch, because you rarely if ever post a lucid political opinion, and just treat this area like an extension of the RANDOM CHAT or OFF TOPIC forum.

Seriously Sammitch. I don't see any specifics in your little diatribe that extend beyond namecalling to define what you see as oh-so-objectionable in what I post.
obviously someone skipped over the no one cares portion of my post.
okay, so maybe that's a little harsh.

but seriously, to say I 'rarely if ever' post my opinions in this forum is a sad oversight - one that suggests, again, that you don't seem to read much of what a lot of us post in here unless it has some import to your posts or your personal opinion. not only have I presented my perspective on a number of issues, I've taken the liberty of actually presenting a calm and rational argument for a number of them. it's really an interesting approach - you should give it a go sometime.

at any rate, this forum isn't the reason I post on these boards. why am I on rob's boards? because it's fun. but see, you have this uncanny fun-eradicating ability that doesn't really win friends and influence people in any forum. you're incapable of lightening up and not taking disagreements personally. it gets old. fast.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
obviously someone skipped over the no one cares portion of my post.

I'm hard pressed to remember any time I was driven into an "apoplectic rage".

You seem to feel if I post any political opinion whatsoever, if I respond with any specifics or reasoned argument, that is somehow beyond the pale, apoplectic rage and unacceptable.
Well, too bad.

And again --even within this topic-- beyond one or two remarks that I was called on and laughed at in retrospect, my opinion is virtually the same as expressed by BSAMS, Rex, G-Man, Pariah, or probably even you, if you bothered to express a lucid opinion instead of just sniping at me personally.

You accused me of a bunch of crap, but offered no examples or specifics. Name some examples, or shut the fuck up.


what bit you on the ass, dave? a waaaampire? or a tearwolf?
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
okay, so maybe that's a little harsh.

but seriously, to say I 'rarely if ever' post my opinions in this forum is a sad oversight - one that suggests, again, that you don't seem to read much of what a lot of us post in here unless it has some import to your posts or your personal opinion. not only have I presented my perspective on a number of issues, I've taken the liberty of actually presenting a calm and rational argument for a number of them. it's really an interesting approach - you should give it a go sometime.

at any rate, this forum isn't the reason I post on these boards. why am I on rob's boards? because it's fun. but see, you have this uncanny fun-eradicating ability that doesn't really win friends and influence people in any forum. you're incapable of lightening up and not taking disagreements personally. it gets old. fast.

I made a few jokes to lighten the mood a page or so ago, and you mocked me for that too, with [crickets].

So even when I do try to joke around and lighten the mood, you're still a jerk to me.

I recall in the first year or so you posted here, you had a greater tendency to discuss your opinion of issues in depth. I really havent seen that in a long time. And the ONLY time I ever PM'd you privately (5 or 6 years ago) was to comment on how inane and lacking in serious content your posts had become, wondering about the change.

I mostly post in the politics forum, and don't frequently visit the other forums.

I have fun on Rob's boards too, but mostly I post in the POLITICS section, which tends to be more serious. Since you and many others hang out more in RANDOM CHAT and OFF TOPIC, then yeah, my posts would tend to have a higher ratio of serious content. But you sweepingly label me as "uncannily fun-eradicating", despite that I do post a fair abount of humor in my posts.
There are times --particularly when put under a microscope, accused of all kinds of crazy shit, and put on the defensive, where I --excuuuuuuuuuuse ME!!-- don't tend to bring the funny.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch

what bit you on the ass, dave? a waaaampire? or a tearwolf?

Was that intended to make sense?
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
Guys, can I be part of a clique? I've always wanted to be in one.

I don't know. Do you have what it takes to be in the Liberal Conspiracy Super Club? We in the LCSC have exacting standards. Have you ever:

  • read socialist/communist literature like the Communist Manifesto or How the Grinch Stole Christmas?
  • killed a puppy and/or kitten with your bare hands?
  • tried to repress freedom and liberty with your communist ideals on an internet message board?
  • sullied Dave the Wonder Boy's pure and virginal name with liberal lies and slander?

If you've answered yes to at least three of these or are just looking for attention, mail in your membership card and two proofs of purchase from Quaker's Rice Cakes to:

Liberal Conspiracy Super Club
PO Box 54632
New York, New York 10036

LMAO!! \:lol\:
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I'm hard pressed to remember any time I was driven into an "apoplectic rage".

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
But the result is pitiably the same: you slander truth, you support lies, and you enable evil with what you choose to support against all evidence.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
So Pro's a lying cocksucker piece of shit, talking out both sides of his mouth.

I don't even know what "apopleptic" means!
I'll tell you when you're older.
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Not really seeing where WB's opinion is much different than some of the others on this. Not counting Rex, why is WB getting treated differently?

I think you'll find a few distinctions here and there. For example:

  • Pro's Opinion = It was a racist email, intended to be racist. And no matter how many times people shout "His mom's white", it does not in any way, shape, or form disengage the inherent racism in painting his parents (not him, personally, but a shot at his parents) as monkeys. President Obama is black. Comparing blacks to monkeys is an age-old racist axiom. None of this is in dispute, and anyone trying to make excuses for any of this is simply wasting time. There are bad apples in every organization, and if you don't have the conviction to call them out when they're wrong, then your entire organization deserves to be seen as extremists. Again, we harp on the Muslims about this very thing, so it's hypocritical for anyone on the Right or Left to partake in the same sin. Fact.

    G's Opinion = It's sort of racist, but not really. And the woman was an idiot for doing this.

    BSAMS' Opinion = It's not racist because his parents were white.

    Pariah's Opinion = There's no proof it's racist, and any obvious, rational, or logical thought applied to this cannot be considered without my approval. And I love Prometheus.

    WB's opinion = The email wasn't racist, the woman isn't racist, and no harm was done whatsoever to anyone EXCEPT the slander, lies, and evil from the Liberal Media Militia against the Saints of the Republican Round-Table. How dare ANYONE question anything The Right does, and even the slightest hint that the Tea Party and The Right aren't anything but fucking perfect is an outright lie, propagated by the devil himself, that cock-sucking, motherfucker Prometheus. WHITE RAGE!!!!!1!!!!!
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
Guys, can I be part of a clique? I've always wanted to be in one.

I don't know. Do you have what it takes to be in the Liberal Conspiracy Super Club? We in the LCSC have exacting standards. Have you ever:

  • read socialist/communist literature like the Communist Manifesto or How the Grinch Stole Christmas?
  • killed a puppy and/or kitten with your bare hands?
  • tried to repress freedom and liberty with your communist ideals on an internet message board?
  • sullied Dave the Wonder Boy's pure and virginal name with liberal lies and slander?

If you've answered yes to at least three of these or are just looking for attention, mail in your membership card and two proofs of purchase from Quaker's Rice Cakes to:

Liberal Conspiracy Super Club
PO Box 54632
New York, New York 10036

LMAO!! \:lol\:

That reminds me, Pro. Your new decoder ring should be arriving in the mail soon.
THE PLAN is almost ready. We will soon RULE those plebes, the REPUBLICAN ROUNDTABLE!

CODE 7-4.
Also, it's your week to bring drinks and napkins.
Oh dear! How on earth am I going to get Prometheus to start caring about being proved wrong in this thread! He's just so lacking in interest here that the situation seems hopeless.

Ideas anyone?

Dance puppet, dance. \:lol\:
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
So, arguing against the perception of racism in a given situation is the equivalent of defending any parties involved in the alleged act of racism...


Wow, you had nothing so you went backwards into the thread to try and....what? Repeat yourself? Just stop, man. Seriously. Your desperation to "save face" is really just painting you more foolish than I would have expected...
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Wow, you had nothing so you went backwards into the thread to try and....what? Repeat yourself? Just stop, man. Seriously. Your desperation to "save face" is really just painting you more foolish than I would have expected...

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Oh dear! How on earth am I going to get Prometheus to start caring about being proved wrong in this thread! He's just so lacking in interest here that the situation seems hopeless.

Ideas anyone?

Worked like a charm.
No worries Pro. I understand you don't care in the slightest, and that makes you forgetful. So I'll make sure to remind you of exactly why you don't care in the first place.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Yep. That's all you deserve. You're not even trying to be entertaining anymore. Now you just sound like Wonder Boy, desperate to be taken seriously. Somehow.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
So, arguing against the perception of racism in a given situation is the equivalent of defending any parties involved in the alleged act of racism...


 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I'm hard pressed to remember any time I was driven into an "apoplectic rage".

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
But the result is pitiably the same: you slander truth, you support lies, and you enable evil with what you choose to support against all evidence.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
So Pro's a lying cocksucker piece of shit, talking out both sides of his mouth.

With all due respect, despite the harsh language, that's just a statement of fact about the way you parrot the liberal talking points whole and undigested.

I could have used gentler language, but that's just a statement of facts, Mr "right wing extremist" talking points.

For all your fronting of moderation, you parrot the extremist lies of the Reid/Pelosi radical left, demonizing the entire Republican party as "racist" because of one lady's e-mail that every Republican has condemned, including me, calling for her firing or resignation.

And by your mindlessly sponging up those Reid/Pelosi lies and talking points, and perpetuating them here, you do enable Obama and his merry band of Marxist revolutionaries who have stated --not implied-- their intention to destroy the U.S. free market system as we know it.

Cloward and Piven Strategy.
Saul Alinsky.
Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Black Liberation Theology.
Van Jones ("Give them the wealth", "top-down, bottom-up, and inside out")
Mark Lloyd.
Anita Dunn.
Cass Sunstein.
William Ayers.
Jeff Jones and the Apollo Alliance.

Obama's ideological connections to these people are documented way beyond any possible attempt to dismiss them as "right wing paranoia" or conspiracy theory. Their self incriminating words in audio and video clips, as well as their own writings, are all over conserative media and Youtube. And occasionally even the liberal media.

That's pretty reasoned and factual, but don't let that keep you from dismissing it as an apoplectic rant.

Wondy, you are a very sad and very retarded person. Please seek help.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Not really seeing where WB's opinion is much different than some of the others on this. Not counting Rex, why is WB getting treated differently?

I think you'll find a few distinctions here and there. For example:

  • Pro's Opinion = It was a racist email, intended to be racist. And no matter how many times people shout "His mom's white", it does not in any way, shape, or form disengage the inherent racism in painting his parents (not him, personally, but a shot at his parents) as monkeys. President Obama is black. Comparing blacks to monkeys is an age-old racist axiom. None of this is in dispute, and anyone trying to make excuses for any of this is simply wasting time. There are bad apples in every organization, and if you don't have the conviction to call them out when they're wrong, then your entire organization deserves to be seen as extremists. Again, we harp on the Muslims about this very thing, so it's hypocritical for anyone on the Right or Left to partake in the same sin. Fact.

    G's Opinion = It's sort of racist, but not really. And the woman was an idiot for doing this.

    BSAMS' Opinion = It's not racist because his parents were white.

    Pariah's Opinion = There's no proof it's racist, and any obvious, rational, or logical thought applied to this cannot be considered without my approval. And I love Prometheus.

    WB's opinion = The email wasn't racist, the woman isn't racist, and no harm was done whatsoever to anyone EXCEPT the slander, lies, and evil from the Liberal Media Militia against the Saints of the Republican Round-Table. How dare ANYONE question anything The Right does, and even the slightest hint that the Tea Party and The Right aren't anything but fucking perfect is an outright lie, propagated by the devil himself, that cock-sucking, motherfucker Prometheus. WHITE RAGE!!!!!1!!!!!

Now there's an apoplectic post!

Where you're so intolerant and liberal-indoctrinated in your Republican = "right wing extremist" racist rationalization that it's impossible for you to even understand what we've said, so you feel a need to caricature (i.e. slander) our stated perspectives to rationalize your point of view.

My actual stated view is: the lady demonstrated bad judgement in posting the e-mail, but it's a liberal double-standard because this lady circulated the monkey photoshop "family photo" once, and yet Democrats see absolutely nothing wrong with portraying Bush as a "chimp" for eight years, and still counting.
Also Bill Clinton's overtly racist remarks about Obama (" few years ago, he would have been bringing us coffee!"), Harry Reid's overtly racist comments about Obama ("Light skinned, non-ethnic, won't be offensive to white mainstream voters because he doesn't speak ethnic black dialect english"), liberal demonstrators who hate Clarence Thomas and say they should "string him up" (lynch him), or put him back in the fields picking cotton.

These unmistakeable examples of liberal racism Prometheus gives a free pass to, and doesn't even acknowledge exist.

But one questionably racist cartoon that EVERY REPUBLICAN CONDEMNS, INCLUDING ME, Prometheus portrays us all --contrary to all facts-- as supporting, while also projecting an image of me in Klan robes.

(i.e., you're a fucking liar and deceitful piece of shit)
I love you.
Don't even change.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Wow, you had nothing so you went backwards into the thread to try and....what? Repeat yourself? Just stop, man. Seriously. Your desperation to "save face" is really just painting you more foolish than I would have expected...

Pariah just made the point that you never made your case, you just \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: gloated emptily Whomod style to mask it and change the subject, and never made the case, and just acted like you did, for 7 pages now.

Likewise, I also impaled you on a giant spike of your own hypocrisy, and you just pretend you're not gushing blood and entrails through that giant hole in your chest.

 Originally Posted By: WB
With all due respect, despite the harsh language, that's just a statement of fact about the way you parrot the liberal talking points whole and undigested.

I could have used gentler language, but that's just a statement of facts, Mr "right wing extremist" talking points.

For all your fronting of moderation, you parrot the extremist lies of the Reid/Pelosi radical left, demonizing the entire Republican party as "racist" because of one lady's e-mail that every Republican has condemned, including me, calling for her firing or resignation.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Wow, you had nothing so you went backwards into the thread to try and....what? Repeat yourself? Just stop, man. Seriously. Your desperation to "save face" is really just painting you more foolish than I would have expected...

Likewise, I also impaled you on a giant spike of your own hypocrisy, and you just pretend you're not gushing blood and entrails through that giant hole in your chest.

That is so hot.
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
That is so hot.

I impaled Pro on a giant spike of his own hypocrisy, not on my penis.

Just clarifying.
If it still excites you, that's okay. I'm not judging.
Wondy, lets have the kind of sex shawn hannity is always yelling about.
that is so hot.
 Originally Posted By: rex
Wondy, lets have the kind of sex shawn hannity is always yelling about.

It was just a matter of time before their true feelings for each other surfaced. I guess this thread was worthwhile after all, if it finally brought these two crazy kids together. Congratulations. We've been rooting for you.
Sorry, Rex, I'm not available.

I'm still impaling Pro.
Who isn't?
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Sorry, Rex, I'm not available.

I'm still impaling Pro.
If he said this to be funny it would have been perfect.
that is so hot.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I'm still impaling Pro.

 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
that is so hot.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Now there's an apoplectic post!

Yours, I mean, where you're so intolerant and liberal-indoctrinated in your Republican = "right wing extremist" racist rationalization that it's impossible for you to even understand what we've said, so you feel a need to caricature (i.e. slander) our stated perspectives to rationalize your point of view.

My actual stated view is: the lady demonstrated bad judgement in posting the e-mail, but it's a liberal double-standard because this lady circulated the monkey photoshop "family photo" once, and yet Democrats see absolutely nothing wrong with portraying Bush as a "chimp" for eight years, and still counting.
Also Bill Clinton's overtly racist remarks about Obama (" few years ago, he would have been bringing us coffee!"), Harry Reid's overtly racist comments about Obama ("Light skinned, non-ethnic, won't be offensive to white mainstream voters because he doesn't speak ethnic black dialect english"), liberal demonstrators who hate Clarence Thomas and say they should "string him up" (lynch him), or put him back in the fields picking cotton.

These unmistakeable examples of liberal racism Prometheus gives a free pass to, and doesn't even acknowledge exist.

But one questionably racist cartoon that EVERY REPUBLICAN CONDEMNS, INCLUDING ME, Prometheus portrays us all --contrary to all facts-- as supporting, while also projecting an image of me in Klan robes.

(i.e., you're a fucking liar and deceitful piece of shit)

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
The facts speak for themselves, and any illusion of objectivity from your part is merely an attempt to deflect from my point.

Re-read the thread. You have made no points. You have proven nothing. In fact, every element disproves pretty much anything you have tried to offer in discussion. And yet, you still insist on posting at me as if you and I have some unfinished business. We don't. I made my point, crystal-clear. Meanwhile, you are wasting your time trying to prod me off my point. It stands. My conviction is sincere. Thanks man.
 Originally Posted By: rex
Wondy, you are a very sad and very retarded person. Please seek help.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I'm still impaling Pro.


Stop crooning. It's unseemly.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
The facts speak for themselves, and any illusion of objectivity from your part is merely an attempt to deflect from my point.

Re-read the thread. You have made no points. You have proven nothing. In fact, every element disproves pretty much anything you have tried to offer in discussion. And yet, you still insist on posting at me as if you and I have some unfinished business. We don't. I made my point, crystal-clear. Meanwhile, you are wasting your time trying to prod me off my point. It stands. My conviction is sincere. Thanks man.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
So, arguing against the perception of racism in a given situation is the equivalent of defending any parties involved in the alleged act of racism...


 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I'm hard pressed to remember any time I was driven into an "apoplectic rage".

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
But the result is pitiably the same: you slander truth, you support lies, and you enable evil with what you choose to support against all evidence.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
So Pro's a lying cocksucker piece of shit, talking out both sides of his mouth.

With all due respect, despite the harsh language, that's just a statement of fact about the way you parrot the liberal talking points whole and undigested.

I could have used gentler language, but that's just a statement of facts, Mr "right wing extremist" talking points.

For all your fronting of moderation, you parrot the extremist lies of the Reid/Pelosi radical left, demonizing the entire Republican party as "racist" because of one lady's e-mail that every Republican has condemned, including me, calling for her firing or resignation.

And by your mindlessly sponging up those Reid/Pelosi lies and talking points, and perpetuating them here, you do enable Obama and his merry band of Marxist revolutionaries who have stated --not implied-- their intention to destroy the U.S. free market system as we know it.

Cloward and Piven Strategy.
Saul Alinsky.
Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Black Liberation Theology.
Van Jones ("Give them the wealth", "top-down, bottom-up, and inside out")
Mark Lloyd.
Anita Dunn.
Cass Sunstein.
William Ayers.
Jeff Jones and the Apollo Alliance.

Obama's ideological connections to these people are documented way beyond any possible attempt to dismiss them as "right wing paranoia" or conspiracy theory. Their self incriminating words in audio and video clips, as well as their own writings, are all over conserative media and Youtube. And occasionally even the liberal media.

That's pretty reasoned and factual, but don't let that keep you from dismissing it as an apoplectic rant.

Yes wondy, you're a babbling lunatic in that post. We all saw it the first time.
Please go back to describing how you want to impale Pro with your penis. I'm really kind of enjoying it.
Make sure to add something to describe the setting, I kind of picture it like in the cover of a romance novel, where you are shirtless and oily and holding Pro in your arms. While Pro is looking wistfully into your eyes, and seeing his future life with you.

All that he sees in the future are heartbreak and pain. In the meantime, you see nothing. Nothing at all. Not even Pro's hair. Cuz he's bald.
Perhaps my future is in erotic gay fiction, and not the POLITICS forum.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Perhaps my future is in erotic gay fiction, and not the POLITICS forum.
Its funny because I didn't have to edit that one.
\:lol\: !!
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
Make sure to add something to describe the setting, I kind of picture it like in the cover of a romance novel, where you are shirtless and oily and holding Pro in your arms. While Pro is looking wistfully into your eyes, and seeing his future life with you.


All that he sees in the future are heartbreak and pain. In the meantime, you see nothing. Nothing at all. Not even Pro's hair. Cuz he's bald.

\:lol\: \:lol\:
BTW, I like how you keep trying to change the title of this thread, Dave. That's a classic case of denial on your part, man. Therapy. You'll thank me later.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
BTW, I like how you keep trying to change the title of this thread, Dave. That's a classic case of denial on your part, man. Therapy. You'll thank me later.

Your obsession with something as small as how I title my posts makes me think otherwise.

That you're afraid of the truth despite all your \:lol\: \:lol\:, that you realize you're exposed, and you are thus trying to change the subject.

And just y'know, generally a weaselly sack of excrement.

I've repeatedly pointed out how --despite your self-congratulation of how neutral you are-- you keep hyping the "right wing extremist" partisan talking points of Reid, Pelosi and Schumer. I keep raising that point, you keep avoiding it.
Wondy, we call you a right wing extremist because you are a right wing extremist.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Lesbian Insults Get Comic Fined - 2011-04-22 4:35 PM

(NewsCore) - VANCOUVER -- A Canadian comic has been ordered to pay CA$15,000 (US$15,745) to a woman he taunted along with her same-sex partner during a show in a Vancouver restaurant three years ago, the Vancouver Sun reported Thursday.

Stand-up comedian Guy Earl was ordered to pay the money to Lorna Pardy, 32, while the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal also ordered the Vancouver restaurant owner, Salam Ishmail, to pay her $7,500.

Pardy said Earle directed homophobic and sexist insults at her when she was a patron, and he was the master of ceremonies at an open mic comedy show at the restaurant in 2007.

Earle said he will appeal the ruling and that all he did was insult audience members who insulted him first.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Lesbian Insults Get Comic Fined - 2011-04-22 4:45 PM
I know this has degenerated into a pissing match(which I love) but the above article sort of encapsulates why it's dangerous to give on set of people a different set of rules than the rest.

People who are idiots have always been compared to apes regardless of race. At some point in history dumbasses said blacks were apes. We all understand that. Political correctness now prevents us from parodying any black person who is a dumbass. Because of past racists. This is wrong.You should be able to make fun of any idiot you want regardless of race.

Look at where we are headed. In Canada, an insult comic can make fun a fat people, Christians, white straight people ect. Make fun a homosexual, a Muslim, a balck person, your going to get fined, big time.

When you support the piling on of people that make a crack at someone that others are offended by you are supporting this stuff coming here.

Obama is the President of the fucking United States of America. He was voted in to office by the majority of the voters of this country. The majority of which are white. It's time to quit acting like a fucking photshop is destroying the world and proving racism is rampant.

Majority of white kids buy hip hop and R&B, the most popular sports stars are black. The majority of this country doesn't care about color anymore. Only the people on the left that want to promote race wars give a shit about this.

Are their still racists around? Sure, all races black, white, latino have dumbasses that hate other people because of color, but those people have to live in their own miserableness.

But I think the majority of people don't care what color someone is. It's time for thinking people to quit crying over a photoshop of a dumbass.
Nobody here was pushing for a law that would punish racists. The chimps pic is being recognized as racist by more than just the left. You might feel differently but getting upset because some racism is getting called out is just silly. Really, who's being over-sensitive here?
We've been over this before. There should not be laws that punish thought, they're should only be laws that punish actions.
Also, comparing dumbasses to apes is offensive to apes!
goddamn apecists!
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Nobody here was pushing for a law that would punish racists. The chimps pic is being recognized as racist by more than just the left. You might feel differently but getting upset because some racism is getting called out is just silly. Really, who's being over-sensitive here?

Again: What proof have you that there was racist intent?
The e-mail speaks for itself.
Don't bother engaging Pariah, MEM. He has no point. He just wants to feel included...
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
The e-mail speaks for itself.

If it speaks for itself, then there'd be no controversy. It's already been pointed out multiple times that Obama's mother is white, not black. Republicans are not ignorant of this fact. As such, the fact that an ape was used in the photo--rather than a picture of his mother--serves as evidence that its creator sought to illustrate the fact that Obama is a moron (as liberal caricatures did with Bush), and not simply label him as a black person in a malicious fashion.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Don't bother engaging Pariah, MEM. He has no point. He just wants to feel included...

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
So, arguing against the perception of racism in a given situation is the equivalent of defending any parties involved in the alleged act of racism...


Prometheus is just worried because the more the subject is dragged out, the more it deflates his assertions about the photo.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Wondy and his ongoing issues - 2011-04-23 6:34 AM
Okay, I'm in a good mood. I'll respond:

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
BTW, I like how you keep trying to change the title of this thread, Dave. That's a classic case of denial on your part, man. Therapy. You'll thank me later.

Your obsession with something as small as how I title my posts makes me think otherwise.

Is it an obsession, or is it me asking you a single question about it, and making fun of your insecurity?

That you're afraid of the truth despite all your \:lol\: \:lol\:, that you realize you're exposed, and you are thus trying to change the subject.

No, I don't mind staying on the subject you seem so butt-hurt over. The email sent was racist. Period. Fact. End of story. And you can try and worm your way around it with semantics, and anger, and extremist rage at those who have different beliefs than you. But, in the end, you're simply wrong on this one. Sorry. Just because Obama has white parents does not mean that you can say he was born from apes. That's not just fucking stupid (because it is) and childish (because it is) and ignorant (because it is), it's racist (because it is). Obama is black. It's a specific quality that separates him from all previous Presidents, and therefore different rules apply. That's a fact of life. And whether you're sincerely racist yourself and it just bothers you a "nigger" is in the White House, or you've had your mind warped around Conservative talking points so much that you cannot see what is directly in front of you, I don't know. The thing I fear the most about you is that you absolutely deny reality just because you want your "side" to "win". And that.....that would be the epitome of why modern Americans should be ashamed. This "us and them" mentality is ludicrous. You want to know why America is falling behind the rest of the world? Because the millionaires in Washington are dividing us and keeping us at each others throats to distract us from the REAL issues Lobbyists and Corporations are paying them to ignore.

I know you wish your party was perfect, and I know you wish the "EVIL LIBERALS" would all kill themselves and non-whites so that you could feel secure in your position in life. But, in the end, the email was racist, and that is a fucking fact. I realize it makes little sense for me to actually attempt to sway you with logic and rationale. However, unlike how you see me, I don't consider you "pure evil", and just see you as a sad man who is probably lonely, and uses extremist politics to define himself completely. And there is a point where I pity you, and feel sorry for you. Yet, everytime I try to joke with you or yank your chain, you lose your mind on me and go off the rails. I wish you wouldn't, but you don't seem capable of anything else.

And since you believe changing the title of the thread doesn't matter at all, then I'm sure you won't mind if I change it to something I like. Now, don't have an "obsession" and try and change it back. That just shows your "obsession". Right? And we don't want that... ;\)

And just y'know, generally a weaselly sack of excrement.

Awww....you poor, sad child. What next? I'm a doo-doo head? Grow up. \:lol\:

I've repeatedly pointed out how --despite your self-congratulation of how neutral you are-- you keep hyping the "right wing extremist" partisan talking points of Reid, Pelosi and Schumer. I keep raising that point, you keep avoiding it.

I "avoid" (ignore) because I don't know who in the fuck you're talking about. I'm Prometheus. You're Dave, the Wonder "Boy". There is no "Pelosi, Reid, and Schumer" here. They aren't involved in our discussion, and no matter how insistent you are, I simply do not know their beliefs or opinions. I avoid Politics Channels like MSNBC or FOX. I don't keep up with the mud-slinging or the silly-ass ego battles these millionaires in Washington participate in. Because I just don't care. Seriously. Politicians waste time, money, and are not at all interested in bettering our country. Not the politicians on your side of the isle OR the Lefties. They don't care, so I don't care about them. Because to follow them, and follow their beliefs and memorize their ideas and speeches is meaningless to me. It does not, in any way, better my life or those around me. So, therefore, I let the millionaires play their profit-game, and I just keep my head down and try to provide for my family. Nothing more, nothing less.

Yes, I pick on you. Yes, I taunt you. And none of it has to do with your political stance. Pariah, BASMS, and even G-Man (to an extent) have the same political beliefs. And I don't pick on them in the same way. Why? Because they aren't as easy as you are. I fuck with you because you're like a wind-up toy. I wind you up and you go. And it's entertaining. And that's the only reason I come here. To be entertained.

Now, you can choose to believe me, and read all of that with the neutral voice I intend it to have. Or, you can just freak-the-fuck out and do what you always do and simply rant and rave with BOLDED CAPS TO EMPHASIZE HOW EXTREME AND ANGRY YOU ARE!!!!!!

It's up to you.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Sorry Pariah. In all fairness, I did respond to Dave. Would like me to directly respond to you? Or is your mind already made up?
 Originally Posted By: rex
We've been over this before. There should not be laws that punish thought, they're should only be laws that punish actions.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Wondy and his ongoing issues - 2011-04-23 6:39 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Okay, I'm in a good mood. I'll respond:

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
BTW, I like how you keep trying to change the title of this thread, Dave. That's a classic case of denial on your part, man. Therapy. You'll thank me later.

Your obsession with something as small as how I title my posts makes me think otherwise.

Is it an obsession, or is it me asking you a single question about it, and making fun of your insecurity?

That you're afraid of the truth despite all your \:lol\: \:lol\:, that you realize you're exposed, and you are thus trying to change the subject.

No, I don't mind staying on the subject you seem so butt-hurt over. The email sent was racist. Period. Fact. End of story. And you can try and worm your way around it with semantics, and anger, and extremist rage at those who have different beliefs than you. But, in the end, you're simply wrong on this one. Sorry. Just because Obama has white parents does not mean that you can say he was born from apes. That's not just fucking stupid (because it is) and childish (because it is) and ignorant (because it is), it's racist (because it is). Obama is black. It's a specific quality that separates him from all previous Presidents, and therefore different rules apply. That's a fact of life. And whether you're sincerely racist yourself and it just bothers you a "nigger" is in the White House, or you've had your mind warped around Conservative talking points so much that you cannot see what is directly in front of you, I don't know. The thing I fear the most about you is that you absolutely deny reality just because you want your "side" to "win". And that.....that would be the epitome of why modern Americans should be ashamed. This "us and them" mentality is ludicrous. You want to know why America is falling behind the rest of the world? Because the millionaires in Washington are dividing us and keeping us at each others throats to distract us from the REAL issues Lobbyists and Corporations are paying them to ignore.

I know you wish your party was perfect, and I know you wish the "EVIL LIBERALS" would all kill themselves and non-whites so that you could feel secure in your position in life. But, in the end, the email was racist, and that is a fucking fact. I realize it makes little sense for me to actually attempt to sway you with logic and rationale. However, unlike how you see me, I don't consider you "pure evil", and just see you as a sad man who is probably lonely, and uses extremist politics to define himself completely. And there is a point where I pity you, and feel sorry for you. Yet, everytime I try to joke with you or yank your chain, you lose your mind on me and go off the rails. I wish you wouldn't, but you don't seem capable of anything else.

And since you believe changing the title of the thread doesn't matter at all, then I'm sure you won't mind if I change it to something I like. Now, don't have an "obsession" and try and change it back. That just shows your "obsession". Right? And we don't want that... ;\)

And just y'know, generally a weaselly sack of excrement.

Awww....you poor, sad child. What next? I'm a doo-doo head? Grow up. \:lol\:

I've repeatedly pointed out how --despite your self-congratulation of how neutral you are-- you keep hyping the "right wing extremist" partisan talking points of Reid, Pelosi and Schumer. I keep raising that point, you keep avoiding it.

I "avoid" (ignore) because I don't know who in the fuck you're talking about. I'm Prometheus. You're Dave, the Wonder "Boy". There is no "Pelosi, Reid, and Schumer" here. They aren't involved in our discussion, and no matter how insistent you are, I simply do not know their beliefs or opinions. I avoid Politics Channels like MSNBC or FOX. I don't keep up with the mud-slinging or the silly-ass ego battles these millionaires in Washington participate in. Because I just don't care. Seriously. Politicians waste time, money, and are not at all interested in bettering our country. Not the politicians on your side of the isle OR the Lefties. They don't care, so I don't care about them. Because to follow them, and follow their beliefs and memorize their ideas and speeches is meaningless to me. It does not, in any way, better my life or those around me. So, therefore, I let the millionaires play their profit-game, and I just keep my head down and try to provide for my family. Nothing more, nothing less.

Yes, I pick on you. Yes, I taunt you. And none of it has to do with your political stance. Pariah, BASMS, and even G-Man (to an extent) have the same political beliefs. And I don't pick on them in the same way. Why? Because they aren't as easy as you are. I fuck with you because you're like a wind-up toy. I wind you up and you go. And it's entertaining. And that's the only reason I come here. To be entertained.

Now, you can choose to believe me, and read all of that with the neutral voice I intend it to have. Or, you can just freak-the-fuck out and do what you always do and simply rant and rave with BOLDED CAPS TO EMPHASIZE HOW EXTREME AND ANGRY YOU ARE!!!!!!

It's up to you.

Poor Prometheus. He clearly doesn't care.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Sorry Pariah. In all fairness, I did respond to Dave. Would like me to directly respond to you? Or is your mind already made up?

But you already did.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
So, arguing against the perception of racism in a given situation is the equivalent of defending any parties involved in the alleged act of racism...

Okay man, that's what I thought. You aren't interested in an exchange of ideas or even a debate. You just want to "win". Just like the child you have always been. Sorry for wasting my time offering you a chance to sit with the adults. Back to the kids-table for you... \:lol\:
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Sorry Pariah. In all fairness, I did respond to Dave. Would like me to directly respond to you? Or is your mind already made up?

But you already did.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
So, arguing against the perception of racism in a given situation is the equivalent of defending any parties involved in the alleged act of racism...


Oh, that's right. Thank you for reminding me.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Okay man, that's what I thought. You aren't interested in an exchange of ideas or even a debate. You just want to "win". Just like the child you have always been. Sorry for wasting my time offering you a chance to sit with the adults. Back to the kids-table for you... \:lol\:

He's not a big fan of fighting back.

Remember, he's the one who let a bully kick the shit out of him, yet Pariah claims he "won".

He's making a fine addition to the G-shill crew.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Okay, I'm in a good mood. I'll respond:

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
BTW, I like how you keep trying to change the title of this thread, Dave. That's a classic case of denial on your part, man. Therapy. You'll thank me later.

Your obsession with something as small as how I title my posts makes me think otherwise.

Is it an obsession, or is it me asking you a single question about it, and making fun of your insecurity?

That you're afraid of the truth despite all your \:lol\: \:lol\:, that you realize you're exposed, and you are thus trying to change the subject.

No, I don't mind staying on the subject you seem so butt-hurt over. The email sent was racist. Period. Fact. End of story. And you can try and worm your way around it with semantics, and anger, and extremist rage at those who have different beliefs than you. But, in the end, you're simply wrong on this one. Sorry. Just because Obama has white parents does not mean that you can say he was born from apes. That's not just fucking stupid (because it is) and childish (because it is) and ignorant (because it is), it's racist (because it is). Obama is black. It's a specific quality that separates him from all previous Presidents, and therefore different rules apply. That's a fact of life. And whether you're sincerely racist yourself and it just bothers you a "nigger" is in the White House, or you've had your mind warped around Conservative talking points so much that you cannot see what is directly in front of you, I don't know. The thing I fear the most about you is that you absolutely deny reality just because you want your "side" to "win". And that.....that would be the epitome of why modern Americans should be ashamed. This "us and them" mentality is ludicrous. You want to know why America is falling behind the rest of the world? Because the millionaires in Washington are dividing us and keeping us at each others throats to distract us from the REAL issues Lobbyists and Corporations are paying them to ignore.

I know you wish your party was perfect, and I know you wish the "EVIL LIBERALS" would all kill themselves and non-whites so that you could feel secure in your position in life. But, in the end, the email was racist, and that is a fucking fact. I realize it makes little sense for me to actually attempt to sway you with logic and rationale. However, unlike how you see me, I don't consider you "pure evil", and just see you as a sad man who is probably lonely, and uses extremist politics to define himself completely. And there is a point where I pity you, and feel sorry for you. Yet, everytime I try to joke with you or yank your chain, you lose your mind on me and go off the rails. I wish you wouldn't, but you don't seem capable of anything else.

And since you believe changing the title of the thread doesn't matter at all, then I'm sure you won't mind if I change it to something I like. Now, don't have an "obsession" and try and change it back. That just shows your "obsession". Right? And we don't want that... ;\)

And just y'know, generally a weaselly sack of excrement.

Awww....you poor, sad child. What next? I'm a doo-doo head? Grow up. \:lol\:

I've repeatedly pointed out how --despite your self-congratulation of how neutral you are-- you keep hyping the "right wing extremist" partisan talking points of Reid, Pelosi and Schumer. I keep raising that point, you keep avoiding it.

I "avoid" (ignore) because I don't know who in the fuck you're talking about. I'm Prometheus. You're Dave, the Wonder "Boy". There is no "Pelosi, Reid, and Schumer" here. They aren't involved in our discussion, and no matter how insistent you are, I simply do not know their beliefs or opinions. I avoid Politics Channels like MSNBC or FOX. I don't keep up with the mud-slinging or the silly-ass ego battles these millionaires in Washington participate in. Because I just don't care. Seriously. Politicians waste time, money, and are not at all interested in bettering our country. Not the politicians on your side of the isle OR the Lefties. They don't care, so I don't care about them. Because to follow them, and follow their beliefs and memorize their ideas and speeches is meaningless to me. It does not, in any way, better my life or those around me. So, therefore, I let the millionaires play their profit-game, and I just keep my head down and try to provide for my family. Nothing more, nothing less.

Yes, I pick on you. Yes, I taunt you. And none of it has to do with your political stance. Pariah, BASMS, and even G-Man (to an extent) have the same political beliefs. And I don't pick on them in the same way. Why? Because they aren't as easy as you are. I fuck with you because you're like a wind-up toy. I wind you up and you go. And it's entertaining. And that's the only reason I come here. To be entertained.

Now, you can choose to believe me, and read all of that with the neutral voice I intend it to have. Or, you can just freak-the-fuck out and do what you always do and simply rant and rave with BOLDED CAPS TO EMPHASIZE HOW EXTREME AND ANGRY YOU ARE!!!!!!

It's up to you.


You took 24 whole hours to respond, and that's the best you could do?

There's no "facts" in what you posted, just a bunch of hyperbolic sweeping assumptions, personal slanders and other assorted insults, where you --in completely erroneous pseudo-logic-- postulate that I and other Republican conservatives are racist and just can't handle that there's a black man in the Oval Office.
You even managed to assume thoughts with the word "nigger" and then act like the words came from me and not you.

You fail to grasp that there are many black leaders I've repeatedly suggested as presidential material that I would support, including Colin Powell, J.C.Watts, Herman Cain and the man I voted for in Nov 2010 for the second time, Allen West. Condoleezza Rice is also highly qualified.

For at least 10 years, I've cut through the "white republican racists who won't accept a black president" rhetoric of yourself and others, and pointed out that polls have shown Colin Powell as the most desired candidate for president, if only he would run, from 1992 forward.
And also that Rev. Jesse Jackson won about a dozen states in 1988 primaries, and almost took the nomination away from Dukakis. And Jackson was plenty pissed off that he was not given the nomination.

The larger point being: For at least 20 years the nation has been ready for a black president, slandered white Republicans have been ready for a black president, and I'VE been ready for a black president.

It's not Obama's skin color that makes me reject him, it's his clear marxist/radical indoctrination, and his radical inner circle of close associates: Saul Alinsky, Andy Stern, Cass Sunstein, Jeff Jones, William Ayers, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the Apollo Alliance, George Soros, etc.

It has absolutely nothing to do with Obama's skin color, and everything to do with his radical-left ideology, that I reject him as a worthy or qualified president.
And yet again and again, you turn on the slander machine, and allege racism, and even whip out the n-word.

You allege you're not on the talking points of the Democrats, and yet every news-aware person on these boards knows that Sen Chuck Schumer (D-NY) let slip on a radio interview that his caucus instructed all Democrats to use the phrase "right wing extremist" to partisanly demagogue any Republican policy suggestion... and here you are repeating those exact words, over and over, here in this topic!
WOW!! What an amazing, incredible coincidence that is!!

(Oh, gee whiz, I used bold and caps, I must be angry! Or maybe, hard as it is for you to fathom, I just wish to emphasize certain parts so your attention-deficit brain won't miss them.)

Whether you realize it or not, Prometheus, you ARE a partisan liberal. And as such, you can't possibly assume any other motivation by Republicans (i.e, racist, heartless, mean, greedy, etc.) That's why you kneejerk out the shit insinuations that you do.

What is absolutely amazing is the way you accuse me and other Republicans of all thinking one way, as "seeing things in clear black and white" and in the same breath you follow the Democrat talking points and make all these sweeping racist assumptions about those who don't share your political opinion.

Your bias is incriminatingly clear in what you posted. And what you posted demonstrates all the hatred, ideological zealotry and slanderous bigotry you accuse me and other Republicans of.

Thou art truly an idiot.
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
He's not a big fan of fighting back.

How can I possibly fight back when I can't even get Prometheus to respond!?

You heard him, he doesn't care!


The origin of Pro's "right wing extremist" label.
 Originally Posted By: gay Son of gay Mxy
He rides ghosts for a living!
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
THE PLAN is almost ready. We will soon RULE those plebes, the REPUBLICAN ROUNDTABLE!

CODE 7-4.

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Wondy and his ongoing issues - 2011-04-23 10:06 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

You took 24 whole hours to respond, and that's the best you could do?

...crazy, crazy, crazy, mean, angry, crazy, crazy....

Thou art truly an idiot.

I offer you an olive branch of reason and honesty, and you respond with the exact same crazy as ever? Congrats. I have never met someone who is so completely detached from reason as you. David, you're a goddamn idiot. We're done. Go obsess over rex. or someone else...
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

You took 24 whole hours to respond, and that's the best you could do?

...crazy, crazy, crazy, mean, angry, crazy, crazy....

Thou art truly an idiot.

I offer you an olive branch of reason and honesty, and you respond with the exact same crazy as ever? Congrats. I have never met someone who is so completely detached from reason as you. David, you're a goddamn idiot. We're done. Go obsess over rex. or someone else...

Great. Whatever.

"an olive branch of reason and honesty" ?
( "fucking stupid (because it is) and childish (because it is) and ignorant (because it is), it's racist (because it is... whether you're sincerely racist yourself and it just bothers you a "nigger" is in the White House, or you've had your mind warped...racist racist racist extremist etc etc...")

Yeah. Such an olive branch of concilatory language.

You've got to be kidding. Maybe you're just so high on marijuana you don't know what you wrote.

Posted By: rex Re: Wondy and his ongoing issues - 2011-04-23 12:41 PM
Can we rename this thread "wondys breakdown April 2011 edition"?
Posted By: Pariah Re: Wondy and his ongoing issues - 2011-04-23 12:53 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
"an olive branch of reason and honesty" ?
( "fucking stupid (because it is) and childish (because it is) and ignorant (because it is), it's racist (because it is... whether you're sincerely racist yourself and it just bothers you a "nigger" is in the White House, or you've had your mind warped...racist racist racist extremist etc etc...")

Yeah. Such an olive branch of concilatory language.

I was kinda wondering about that...
I never noticed Pro being a racist.

I do think he's an enabler of evil and cocksucker piece of shit, talking out both sides of his mouth and whatever else he's been called here.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Sorry, Rex, I'm not available.

I'm still impaling Pro.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Who isn't?
 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
I never noticed Pro being a racist.

I do think he's an enabler of evil and cocksucker piece of shit, talking out both sides of his mouth and whatever else he's been called here.

You mean aside from calling President Obama a "nigger", and then projecting it as if it were my thoughts when he said it?
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
I never noticed Pro being a racist.

I do think he's an enabler of evil and cocksucker piece of shit, talking out both sides of his mouth and whatever else he's been called here.

You mean aside from calling President Obama a "nigger", and then projecting it as if it were my thoughts when he said it?

He's got ya there Pro.

You're the only one who's called the president a "nigger" so far.
I believe the correct term is "kenyan american nigger".
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
I never noticed Pro being a racist.

I do think he's an enabler of evil and cocksucker piece of shit, talking out both sides of his mouth and whatever else he's been called here.

You mean aside from calling President Obama a "nigger", and then projecting it as if it were my thoughts when he said it?

Ok. I haven't read the entire thread.
Show me where he called him a nigger.
 Originally Posted By: Pometheus
That's a fact of life. And whether you're sincerely racist yourself and it just bothers you a "nigger" is in the White House, or you've had your mind warped around Conservative talking points so much that you cannot see what is directly in front of you, I don't know.
Just tell him he's wrong and let it go at that.

Is your only problem with Pro that he suggested you called Obama a nigger? You seem very pissed over one incident.
Well, I did point out Pro's hypocrisy about 30-plus times here.

He calls me a partisan, but he's the one parroting liberal Reid/Pelosi/Schumer "right wing extremist" talking points. Even as I condemn this Davenport chick and say she should be fired, and he tows the liberal party line that all Republicans are racists who are somehow defending her, even as we all condemn her.

But hey, y'know, I'm the partisan one.

Pro also, as you may have noticed, has a tendency toward personal attacks. But his opinion is so convoluted it ends up being self parody, rather than anything that can be taken overly seriously.
See the "nigger" thing above.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Well, I did point out Pro's hypocrisy about 30-plus times here.

What do you have against pro?
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Well, I did point out Pro's hypocrisy about 30-plus times here.

What do you have against pro?

Pro was racist against Wondy's favorite president, Barack Obama.
\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

Holy shit. All the children can do is pick through an intelligent and mature post and find the word "nigger" and then create a fantasy bubble around it as if it wasn't used in the context it was presented? Jesus Christ you people are insane!

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
Posted By: Prometheus Re: wondys breakdown April 2011 edition - 2011-04-24 7:54 AM
 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
I never noticed Pro being a racist.

I do think he's an enabler of evil and cocksucker piece of shit, talking out both sides of his mouth and whatever else he's been called here.

 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Well, I did point out Pro's hypocrisy about 30-plus times here.

What do you have against pro?

He has nothing against me. That's why he's upset. See this gayness?

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Sorry, Rex, I'm not available.

I'm still impaling Pro.

Yeah...nothing homosexual about that, right? \:lol\:

Seriously, though? He's just enjoying the attention I've been giving him the past few days. It's change from you, and so he's happy to have someone new to obsess over. You should know that. He's been trying to fuck you for years...
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

Holy shit. All the children can do is pick through an intelligent and mature post and find the word "nigger" and then create a fantasy bubble around it as if it wasn't used in the context it was presented? Jesus Christ you people are insane!

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

Dude. You called the president a nigger and used quotes as if someone other than you said it.

Do you honestly think an "intelligent and mature" response filled with graemlins is going to make that go away?
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Poor poor racist Pro.
 Originally Posted By: rex
I believe the correct term is "kenyan american nigger".

you should always capitalize America you America-hating liberal hive mind troll!
oh and pro is a fucking evil enabler!
enabler of cockstealing?
no, that's jeremy.
Pro made Jeremy!
Okay, so--apparently--Pro is a racist now. What all have I missed?
Not much
Obama suggested that Pro called wondie a nagger. This caused Pariah to meltdown for 30 posts or so calling G-man a racist prick. Somehow this is all Rex's fault.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: not another Doctor Who thread - 2011-04-26 5:14 AM
Also, Lothar is a gay.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Okay, so--apparently--Pro is a racist now. What all have I missed?

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Okay, I'm in a good mood. I'll respond:

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
BTW, I like how you keep trying to change the title of this thread, Dave. That's a classic case of denial on your part, man. Therapy. You'll thank me later.

Your obsession with something as small as how I title my posts makes me think otherwise.

Is it an obsession, or is it me asking you a single question about it, and making fun of your insecurity?

That you're afraid of the truth despite all your \:lol\: \:lol\:, that you realize you're exposed, and you are thus trying to change the subject.

No, I don't mind staying on the subject you seem so butt-hurt over. The email sent was racist. Period. Fact. End of story. And you can try and worm your way around it with semantics, and anger, and extremist rage at those who have different beliefs than you. But, in the end, you're simply wrong on this one. Sorry. Just because Obama has white parents does not mean that you can say he was born from apes. That's not just fucking stupid (because it is) and childish (because it is) and ignorant (because it is), it's racist (because it is). Obama is black. It's a specific quality that separates him from all previous Presidents, and therefore different rules apply. That's a fact of life. And whether you're sincerely racist yourself and it just bothers you a "nigger" is in the White House, or you've had your mind warped around Conservative talking points so much that you cannot see what is directly in front of you, I don't know. The thing I fear the most about you is that you absolutely deny reality just because you want your "side" to "win". And that.....that would be the epitome of why modern Americans should be ashamed. This "us and them" mentality is ludicrous. You want to know why America is falling behind the rest of the world? Because the millionaires in Washington are dividing us and keeping us at each others throats to distract us from the REAL issues Lobbyists and Corporations are paying them to ignore.

I know you wish your party was perfect, and I know you wish the "EVIL LIBERALS" would all kill themselves and non-whites so that you could feel secure in your position in life. But, in the end, the email was racist, and that is a fucking fact. I realize it makes little sense for me to actually attempt to sway you with logic and rationale. However, unlike how you see me, I don't consider you "pure evil", and just see you as a sad man who is probably lonely, and uses extremist politics to define himself completely. And there is a point where I pity you, and feel sorry for you. Yet, everytime I try to joke with you or yank your chain, you lose your mind on me and go off the rails. I wish you wouldn't, but you don't seem capable of anything else.

And since you believe changing the title of the thread doesn't matter at all, then I'm sure you won't mind if I change it to something I like. Now, don't have an "obsession" and try and change it back. That just shows your "obsession". Right? And we don't want that... ;\)

And just y'know, generally a weaselly sack of excrement.

Awww....you poor, sad child. What next? I'm a doo-doo head? Grow up. \:lol\:

I've repeatedly pointed out how --despite your self-congratulation of how neutral you are-- you keep hyping the "right wing extremist" partisan talking points of Reid, Pelosi and Schumer. I keep raising that point, you keep avoiding it.

I "avoid" (ignore) because I don't know who in the fuck you're talking about. I'm Prometheus. You're Dave, the Wonder "Boy". There is no "Pelosi, Reid, and Schumer" here. They aren't involved in our discussion, and no matter how insistent you are, I simply do not know their beliefs or opinions. I avoid Politics Channels like MSNBC or FOX. I don't keep up with the mud-slinging or the silly-ass ego battles these millionaires in Washington participate in. Because I just don't care. Seriously. Politicians waste time, money, and are not at all interested in bettering our country. Not the politicians on your side of the isle OR the Lefties. They don't care, so I don't care about them. Because to follow them, and follow their beliefs and memorize their ideas and speeches is meaningless to me. It does not, in any way, better my life or those around me. So, therefore, I let the millionaires play their profit-game, and I just keep my head down and try to provide for my family. Nothing more, nothing less.

Yes, I pick on you. Yes, I taunt you. And none of it has to do with your political stance. Pariah, BASMS, and even G-Man (to an extent) have the same political beliefs. And I don't pick on them in the same way. Why? Because they aren't as easy as you are. I fuck with you because you're like a wind-up toy. I wind you up and you go. And it's entertaining. And that's the only reason I come here. To be entertained.

Now, you can choose to believe me, and read all of that with the neutral voice I intend it to have. Or, you can just freak-the-fuck out and do what you always do and simply rant and rave with BOLDED CAPS TO EMPHASIZE HOW EXTREME AND ANGRY YOU ARE!!!!!!

It's up to you.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Another Doctor Who thread - 2011-04-26 6:16 AM
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
Also, Lothar is a gay.
 Originally Posted By: Prombaldeus
 Originally Posted By: gaySon of gay Mxy
Also,Lothar,I'm a gay.
You think he missed that?
Posted By: rex Re: Wondy and his ongoing issues - 2011-04-26 6:24 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
Can we rename this thread "wondys breakdown April 2011 edition"?
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
So, arguing against the perception of racism in a given situation is the equivalent of defending any parties involved in the alleged act of racism...


But that sounds like a logical fallacy--not to mention bias.

it just bothers you a "nigger" is in the White House,

\:lol\: \:lol\:
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Wondy and his ongoing issues - 2011-04-26 6:28 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: rex
Can we rename this thread "wondys breakdown April 2011 edition"?
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
So, arguing against the perception of racism in a given situation is the equivalent of defending any parties involved in the alleged act of racism...


But that sounds like a logical fallacy--not to mention bias.

it just bothers you a "nigger" is in the White House,


\:lol\: \:lol\:

I think it's funny too. But in a bad way.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
\:lol\: \:lol\:
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Okay, so--apparently--Pro is a racist now. What all have I missed?

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Okay, I'm in a good mood. I'll respond:

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
BTW, I like how you keep trying to change the title of this thread, Dave. That's a classic case of denial on your part, man. Therapy. You'll thank me later.

Your obsession with something as small as how I title my posts makes me think otherwise.

Is it an obsession, or is it me asking you a single question about it, and making fun of your insecurity?

That you're afraid of the truth despite all your \:lol\: \:lol\:, that you realize you're exposed, and you are thus trying to change the subject.

No, I don't mind staying on the subject you seem so butt-hurt over. The email sent was racist. Period. Fact. End of story. And you can try and worm your way around it with semantics, and anger, and extremist rage at those who have different beliefs than you. But, in the end, you're simply wrong on this one. Sorry. Just because Obama has white parents does not mean that you can say he was born from apes. That's not just fucking stupid (because it is) and childish (because it is) and ignorant (because it is), it's racist (because it is). Obama is black. It's a specific quality that separates him from all previous Presidents, and therefore different rules apply. That's a fact of life. And whether you're sincerely racist yourself and it just bothers you a "nigger" is in the White House, or you've had your mind warped around Conservative talking points so much that you cannot see what is directly in front of you, I don't know. The thing I fear the most about you is that you absolutely deny reality just because you want your "side" to "win". And that.....that would be the epitome of why modern Americans should be ashamed. This "us and them" mentality is ludicrous. You want to know why America is falling behind the rest of the world? Because the millionaires in Washington are dividing us and keeping us at each others throats to distract us from the REAL issues Lobbyists and Corporations are paying them to ignore.

I know you wish your party was perfect, and I know you wish the "EVIL LIBERALS" would all kill themselves and non-whites so that you could feel secure in your position in life. But, in the end, the email was racist, and that is a fucking fact. I realize it makes little sense for me to actually attempt to sway you with logic and rationale. However, unlike how you see me, I don't consider you "pure evil", and just see you as a sad man who is probably lonely, and uses extremist politics to define himself completely. And there is a point where I pity you, and feel sorry for you. Yet, everytime I try to joke with you or yank your chain, you lose your mind on me and go off the rails. I wish you wouldn't, but you don't seem capable of anything else.

And since you believe changing the title of the thread doesn't matter at all, then I'm sure you won't mind if I change it to something I like. Now, don't have an "obsession" and try and change it back. That just shows your "obsession". Right? And we don't want that... ;\)

And just y'know, generally a weaselly sack of excrement.

Awww....you poor, sad child. What next? I'm a doo-doo head? Grow up. \:lol\:

I've repeatedly pointed out how --despite your self-congratulation of how neutral you are-- you keep hyping the "right wing extremist" partisan talking points of Reid, Pelosi and Schumer. I keep raising that point, you keep avoiding it.

I "avoid" (ignore) because I don't know who in the fuck you're talking about. I'm Prometheus. You're Dave, the Wonder "Boy". There is no "Pelosi, Reid, and Schumer" here. They aren't involved in our discussion, and no matter how insistent you are, I simply do not know their beliefs or opinions. I avoid Politics Channels like MSNBC or FOX. I don't keep up with the mud-slinging or the silly-ass ego battles these millionaires in Washington participate in. Because I just don't care. Seriously. Politicians waste time, money, and are not at all interested in bettering our country. Not the politicians on your side of the isle OR the Lefties. They don't care, so I don't care about them. Because to follow them, and follow their beliefs and memorize their ideas and speeches is meaningless to me. It does not, in any way, better my life or those around me. So, therefore, I let the millionaires play their profit-game, and I just keep my head down and try to provide for my family. Nothing more, nothing less.

Yes, I pick on you. Yes, I taunt you. And none of it has to do with your political stance. Pariah, BASMS, and even G-Man (to an extent) have the same political beliefs. And I don't pick on them in the same way. Why? Because they aren't as easy as you are. I fuck with you because you're like a wind-up toy. I wind you up and you go. And it's entertaining. And that's the only reason I come here. To be entertained.

Now, you can choose to believe me, and read all of that with the neutral voice I intend it to have. Or, you can just freak-the-fuck out and do what you always do and simply rant and rave with BOLDED CAPS TO EMPHASIZE HOW EXTREME AND ANGRY YOU ARE!!!!!!

It's up to you.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

 Originally Posted By: Pariah


Wow, not to kiss ass or anything, but that sounds like some crazed Doctor speech.

On the flip side, I think you've probably read enough to know that I disagree with you to a point. Sure, I think in this context that email was meant to be as racist as any and all who've read it should think. However, despite his African heritage, I'm going to have to side with the others in that Obama should be no less immune to being portrayed as a chimp than any other political leader puppet.

A little to tired to get into the whole argument, but the gist of it is that our government/media has so perfectly blurred the lines between fairness and equality that they have retarded what was--once--a promising future of (while, admittedly, not perfect) harmony between the races. Blacks v. Whites, Whites v. Hispanics, Blacks v. Hispanics, and everybody (secretly) hates the everyone that is nominally of Abrahamic origin, Asians, etc.... Meanwhile, while we squabble over the crumbs, the "We're more equal than you" crowd continues to bleed this country dry. In a nutshell, that's all I'm saying.

I can't help but argue against the existence of "sacred cows." I can't help it, I'm a South Park fan. But, I am for both sides learning that there are times in which they must split the proverbial hairs and make a distinction between political statement and racist blathering. This case, for example, seriously pointing to the latter.

Oh, and, Lothar is gay.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: ickyy
Okay, so--apparently--Pro is a racist now. What all have I missed?

 Originally Posted By: Probaldeus
Okay, I'm in a good mood. I'll respond:

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
BTW, I like how you keep trying to change the title of this thread, Dave. That's a classic case of denial on your part, man. Therapy. You'll thank me later.

Your obsession with something as small as how I title my posts makes me think otherwise.

Is it an obsession, or is it me asking you a single question about it, and making fun of your insecurity?

That you're afraid of the truth despite all your \:lol\: \:lol\:, that you realize you're exposed, and you are thus trying to change the subject.

No, I don't mind staying on the subject you seem so butt-hurt over. The email sent was racist. Period. Fact. End of story. And you can try and worm your way around it with semantics, and anger, and extremist rage at those who have different beliefs than you. But, in the end, you're simply wrong on this one. Sorry. Just because Obama has white parents does not mean that you can say he was born from apes. That's not just fucking stupid (because it is) and childish (because it is) and ignorant (because it is), it's racist (because it is). Obama is black. It's a specific quality that separates him from all previous Presidents, and therefore different rules apply. That's a fact of life. And whether you're sincerely racist yourself and it just bothers you a "nigger" is in the White House, or you've had your mind warped around Conservative talking points so much that you cannot see what is directly in front of you, I don't know. The thing I fear the most about you is that you absolutely deny reality just because you want your "side" to "win". And that.....that would be the epitome of why modern Americans should be ashamed. This "us and them" mentality is ludicrous. You want to know why America is falling behind the rest of the world? Because the millionaires in Washington are dividing us and keeping us at each others throats to distract us from the REAL issues Lobbyists and Corporations are paying them to ignore.

I know you wish your party was perfect, and I know you wish the "EVIL LIBERALS" would all kill themselves and non-whites so that you could feel secure in your position in life. But, in the end, the email was racist, and that is a fucking fact. I realize it makes little sense for me to actually attempt to sway you with logic and rationale. However, unlike how you see me, I don't consider you "pure evil", and just see you as a sad man who is probably lonely, and uses extremist politics to define himself completely. And there is a point where I pity you, and feel sorry for you. Yet, everytime I try to joke with you or yank your chain, you lose your mind on me and go off the rails. I wish you wouldn't, but you don't seem capable of anything else.

And since you believe changing the title of the thread doesn't matter at all, then I'm sure you won't mind if I change it to something I like. Now, don't have an "obsession" and try and change it back. That just shows your "obsession". Right? And we don't want that... ;\)

And just y'know, generally a weaselly sack of excrement.

Awww....you poor, sad child. What next? I'm a doo-doo head? Grow up. \:lol\:

I've repeatedly pointed out how --despite your self-congratulation of how neutral you are-- you keep hyping the "right wing extremist" partisan talking points of Reid, Pelosi and Schumer. I keep raising that point, you keep avoiding it.

I "avoid" (ignore) because I don't know who in the fuck you're talking about. I'm Prometheus. You're Dave, the Wonder "Boy". There is no "Pelosi, Reid, and Schumer" here. They aren't involved in our discussion, and no matter how insistent you are, I simply do not know their beliefs or opinions. I avoid Politics Channels like MSNBC or FOX. I don't keep up with the mud-slinging or the silly-ass ego battles these millionaires in Washington participate in. Because I just don't care. Seriously. Politicians waste time, money, and are not at all interested in bettering our country. Not the politicians on your side of the isle OR the Lefties. They don't care, so I don't care about them. Because to follow them, and follow their beliefs and memorize their ideas and speeches is meaningless to me. It does not, in any way, better my life or those around me. So, therefore, I let the millionaires play their profit-game, and I just keep my head down and try to provide for my family. Nothing more, nothing less.

Yes, I pick on you. Yes, I taunt you. And none of it has to do with your political stance. Pariah, BASMS, and even G-Man (to an extent) have the same political beliefs. And I don't pick on them in the same way. Why? Because they aren't as easy as you are. I fuck with you because you're like a wind-up toy. I wind you up and you go. And it's entertaining. And that's the only reason I come here. To be entertained.

Now, you can choose to believe me, and read all of that with the neutral voice I intend it to have. Or, you can just freak-the-fuck out and do what you always do and simply rant and rave with BOLDED CAPS TO EMPHASIZE HOW EXTREME AND ANGRY YOU ARE!!!!!!

It's up to you.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

 Originally Posted By: Pariah


Wow, not to kiss ass or anything, but that sounds like some crazed Doctor speech.

On the flip side, I think you've probably read enough to know that I disagree with you to a point. Sure, I think in this context that email was meant to be as racist as any and all who've read it should think. However, despite his African heritage, I'm going to have to side with the others in that Obama should be no less immune to being portrayed as a chimp than any other political leader puppet.

A little to tired to get into the whole argument, but the gist of it is that our government/media has so perfectly blurred the lines between fairness and equality that they have retarded what was--once--a promising future of (while, admittedly, not perfect) harmony between the races. Blacks v. Whites, Whites v. Hispanics, Blacks v. Hispanics, and everybody (secretly) hates the everyone that is nominally of Abrahamic origin, Asians, etc.... Meanwhile, while we squabble over the crumbs, the "We're more equal than you" crowd continues to bleed this country dry. In a nutshell, that's all I'm saying.

I can't help but argue against the existence of "sacred cows." I can't help it, I'm a South Park fan. But, I am for both sides learning that there are times in which they must split the proverbial hairs and make a distinction between political statement and racist blathering. This case, for example, seriously pointing to the latter.

Oh, and,Lothar,i'm gay.
Wondie has been gone for two days. I think he broke himself.
Actually, it was Easter and my girlfriend's birthday this weekend, so I spent it offline with her, and didn't concern myself with Pro's petty attempts to win back his internet honor after humiliating himself.

He did so by re-posting the same irrational convoluted post multiple times, completely oblivious to how self-incriminating it was, in its distortion of the facts and utter lack of logic.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

Holy shit. All the children can do is pick through an intelligent and mature post and find the word "nigger" and then create a fantasy bubble around it as if it wasn't used in the context it was presented? Jesus Christ you people are insane!

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

Dude. You called the president a nigger and used quotes as if someone other than you said it.

Do you honestly think an "intelligent and mature" response filled with graemlins is going to make that go away?

Several of Pro's recent posts qualify as full-blown breakdowns.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
my girlfriend

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: 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We've been dating since December 2006.

Her birthday is April 23rd, mine is April 26th. Today!
\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: 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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
We've been dating since December 2006.

Her birthday is April 23rd, mine is April 26th. Today!

Did she find all the Easter eggs that the Easter Bunny hid?
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Yes, I pick on you. Yes, I taunt you. And none of it has to do with your political stance. Pariah, BASMS, and even G-Man (to an extent) have the same political beliefs. And I don't pick on them in the same way. Why? Because they aren't as easy as you are. I fuck with you because you're like a wind-up toy. I wind you up and you go. And it's entertaining. And that's the only reason I come here. To be entertained.

Now, you can choose to believe me, and read all of that with the neutral voice I intend it to have. Or, you can just freak-the-fuck out and do what you always do and simply rant and rave with BOLDED CAPS TO EMPHASIZE HOW EXTREME AND ANGRY YOU ARE!!!!!!

and lothar really is gay
like gayer than can be articulated in mortal languages.
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
and lothar I really am gay
Good for you.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
We've been dating since December 2006.

Her birthday is April 23rd, mine is April 26th. Today!

Well happy birthday,Wondie!

Five years is a while to be dating. You should marry this girl.

You got any nudie pictures of her?
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Actually, it was Easter and my girlfriend's birthday this weekend, so I spent it offline with her, and didn't concern myself with Pro's petty attempts to win back his internet honor after humiliating himself.

He did so by re-posting the same irrational convoluted post multiple times, completely oblivious to how self-incriminating it was, in its distortion of the facts and utter lack of logic.

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
...dance puppet, dance...
 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
We've been dating since December 2006.

Her birthday is April 23rd, mine is April 26th. Today!

Well happy birthday,Wondie!

Five years is a while to be dating. You should marry this girl.

You got any nudie pictures of her?

Y'like pictures of nekkid 10-year-olds, do ya?
 Originally Posted By: Joe fucks your Mama
 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
We've been dating since December 2006.

Her birthday is April 23rd, mine is April 26th. Today!

Well happy birthday,Wondie!

Five years is a while to be dating. You should marry this girl.

You got any nudie pictures of her?

Y'like pictures of nekkid 10-year-olds, do ya?

Not ten year olds. It's not like I'm from Boston.
well...all of that was very interesting. the thing i love about these boards is i can stay away for months...years even...and when i come back it's like i never left. the same people are making the same arguments and, while some of the rhetoric is hateful and sad, quite a bit of it is funny as all hell.

my two cents: the e-mail was overtly racist. you can't make an obvious comparison between a black person and a chimp and not consider it racist.

having said that, the situation was a story for maybe one or two days...some anonymous republican in orange county forwarded an inappropriate e-mail to her inner circle.
is she racist? maybe. maybe not.
is she stupid? maybe. maybe not.
does she have piss poor judgement? pretty much, yeah.

she should be fired or step down and that's the end of it. the whole episode does not deserve the amount of vitriol wasted on it here.
Sincerely, the token angry nigger of the RKMBs.
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
you can't make an obvious comparison between a black person and a chimp and not consider it racist.

Obama resembles a chimp (moreso than George Bush anyway) and he's twice as stupid.

I have just said this, but I do not consider it racist.
 Originally Posted By: rex
Sincerely, the token angry nigger of the RKMBs.

Who makes a fuckload more sense than YOU ever have...
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
you can't make an obvious comparison between a black person and a chimp and not consider it racist.

Obama resembles a chimp (moreso than George Bush anyway) and he's twice as stupid.

I have just said this, but I do not consider it racist.

Your consideration is not required in determining its racist content. Good luck in life!
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Each party should take responsibility for its more extreme elements, rather than trying to cover them in a blanket of complicity..
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: rex
Sincerely, the token angry nigger of the RKMBs.

Who makes a fuckload more sense than YOU ever have...

How? He just blabbers the angry black rhetoric of the moment. He's no better than wondy or g-man or any of the other tards.
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: rex
Sincerely, the token angry nigger of the RKMBs.

Who makes a fuckload more sense than YOU ever have...

How? He just blabbers the angry black rhetoric of the moment. He's no better than wondy or g-man or any of the other tards.

If that's all you take from his words, then you have your own personal issues to deal with. Nowhere in there is any "angry black rhetoric". You just don't like him, so you dismiss anything he says. So, stop being a bitch about it...
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
my two cents: the e-mail was overtly racist. you can't make an obvious comparison between a black person and a chimp and not consider it racist.

she should be fired or step down and that's the end of it. the whole episode does not deserve the amount of vitriol wasted on it here.

Its ok to disagree with black people. Stop being a pansy bitch.
Has nothing to do with "disagreeing with black people", you ignorant hillbilly. He makes logical, rational sense. You whine and cry arbitrarily. There is no comparison. So, again, stop being a bitch about it...
rex is just upset because Bastie's angry black rhetoric cancels out his angry white rhetoric.
But, wasn't his father a black man? Is this a personal issue with Brian?
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
rex is just upset because Bastie's angry black rhetoric cancels out his angry white rhetoric.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
But, wasn't his father a black man? Is this a personal issue with Brian?

I think his father just acted like a black man and left.

Hooooo this racism is killin' me!
Am I yelling too much?
No, the people in the back row still can't hear you.
That's just the Anonymous people always reading the board...
That's still no reason for you to deny Snarf, Wanky, and Zzap your performance.
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
But, wasn't his father a black man? Is this a personal issue with Brian?

I think his father just acted like a black man and left.

No, that was something that white trash cunt said about me and g-man ran with it. I never knew if he honestly believed that or he was being a troll.
Yeah, it's a running gag, rex.
 Originally Posted By: rex
Sincerely, the token angry nigger of the RKMBs.

i'm fine, rex. how are you?

i'm gonna make your day for you....for about 30 seconds, that made me angry.

then...i considered the source.

sociologically speaking, there are several root causes for overt displays of racism...the following are the most common:

the person making the display considers him/herself inadequate and is attempting to transfer his/her feelings of inadequacy onto another person in order to feel superior.

that person may have had an encounter with a person of another race that lift him/her feeling inadequate, slighted or frightened.

that person has either a raging fear of or repressed love for the black man's penis.

you, rex, are a sociological anomaly in that you fit all 3 criteria.

so...every time you say nigger....what you are really saying is "Bastie, i'm afraid of you, i don't understand you and i want to suck your giant, throbbing black cock."

flattering, really....but i don't roll like that, playboy. stick to the socks. or have you graduated to jock straps yet?
I say it because it gets a reaction out of you. Its the same reason I troll people like wondy and mem.
no...i would imagine that you say it cuz you're a bigot.
Nope. I do it just to piss you off. You're the closed minded one that bases everything on race.
wow. that's pretty good...i don't even see bsams mouth moving while he has his hand up your ass.
I win again!
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
so...every time you say nigger....what you are really saying is "Bastie, i'm afraid of you, i don't understand you and i want to suck your giant, throbbing black cock."

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Has nothing to do with "disagreeing with black people", you ignorant hillbilly. He makes logical, rational sense. You whine and cry arbitrarily. There is no comparison. So, again, stop being a bitch about it...

Oh please.

I don't bare any ill will towards Bastard--until he starts making the more outrageous claims that he's been prone to--but attempting to deny that his rants are on par with Whomod's or Wondy's is disingenuous to say the least.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
so...every time you say nigger....what you are really saying is "Bastie, i'm afraid of you, i don't understand you and i want to suck your giant, throbbing black cock."

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

pretty much bullseyed it, doncha think?
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Has nothing to do with "disagreeing with black people", you ignorant hillbilly. He makes logical, rational sense. You whine and cry arbitrarily. There is no comparison. So, again, stop being a bitch about it...

Oh please.

I don't bare any ill will towards Bastard--until he starts making the more outrageous claims that he's been prone to--but attempting to deny that his rants are on par with Whomod's or Wondy's is disingenuous to say the least.

c'mon, dude. i tend to take the racial stuff more seriously than most...unlike some of you for whom racism is mere concept, i've actually experienced it...but, there's no way you can lump me in with whomod or wonderboy.

as i recall, whomod was one step short of blowing up the ronald reagan library and wondy...i'm not sure what happened to him. a decade ago, dave was a thoughtful conservative who's views rarely matched mine but, was able to engage in a reasoned debate of divergent ideas. now...it's painful to read. conspiracy theories and hate are not compelling arguments.

if anything, i'm most comparable to pro and sammitch...with a bit of theory 9 and g-man mixed in.
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
if anything, i'm most comparable to pro and sammitch...with a bit of theory 9 and g-man mixed in.

whoa, whoa, whoa, mister. I may not be down with all the hip slang the kids are all about these days, but I feel like I get it as much as any other white male protestant registered republican around here, good sir.

\:lol\: but in all seriousness I'll take that as a compliment. I know we don't agree on a lot of stuff but I always appreciate your candor and willingness to hear the 'other side' out about as well as anyone else in here.

and please don't interpret my statement that this incident is a nonissue as me saying racism is a nonissue. I just don't think it's fair to treat this one isolated incident - retarded though it might be - as an indictment against any particular political affiliation as a whole. everyone says stupid shit from time to time. this lady said - or at least perpetuated - stupid shit that pissed off a lot of people while she was in a position of relative prominence in open association with a political movement that's very much in the national spotlight right now. it's unfortunate timing, but I don't think it's fair to assume any linkage here.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
if anything, i'm most comparable to pro and sammitch...with a bit of theory 9 and g-man mixed in.

whoa, whoa, whoa, mister. I may not be down with all the hip slang the kids are all about these days, but I feel like I get it as much as any other white male protestant registered republican around here, good sir.

\:lol\: but in all seriousness I'll take that as a compliment. I know we don't agree on a lot of stuff but I always appreciate your candor and willingness to hear the 'other side' out about as well as anyone else in here.

and please don't interpret my statement that this incident is a nonissue as me saying racism is a nonissue. I just don't think it's fair to treat this one isolated incident - retarded though it might be - as an indictment against any particular political affiliation as a whole. everyone says stupid shit from time to time. this lady said - or at least perpetuated - stupid shit that pissed off a lot of people while she was in a position of relative prominence in open association with a political movement that's very much in the national spotlight right now. it's unfortunate timing, but I don't think it's fair to assume any linkage here.

exactly to my point, sammitch...we can disagree without being disagreeable.

we also agree on the whole chimpgate thing. i'm not going to rush to judgement of the entire republican party or the tea party offshoot as racist because of the act of one stupid broad. as i implied in my original post...i don't know if the woman herself is racist so i'm not going to make a blanket statement concerning her political affiliation.
besides, when did we ever care about what a woman says?
when she asks what we want on our sandwich!
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
well...all of that was very interesting. the thing i love about these boards is i can stay away for months...years even...and when i come back it's like i never left. the same people are making the same arguments and, while some of the rhetoric is hateful and sad, quite a bit of it is funny as all hell.

my two cents: the e-mail was overtly racist. you can't make an obvious comparison between a black person and a chimp and not consider it racist.

having said that, the situation was a story for maybe one or two days...some anonymous republican in orange county forwarded an inappropriate e-mail to her inner circle.
is she racist? maybe. maybe not.
is she stupid? maybe. maybe not.
does she have piss poor judgement? pretty much, yeah.

she should be fired or step down and that's the end of it. the whole episode does not deserve the amount of vitriol wasted on it here.

You were the first regular I interacted with, way back, on the DC message boards, Bast (way back when you were Year Of The Bastard). I always marveled at how vastly divergent our views were, and yet how we always got along, and never got uncivil or parted with bad feelings.

And this post is no exception. We disagree on smaller points, that are already clear in contrast to what I already posted. But the thrust of what you say is reasonable.

From the context that comparing blacks to monkeys is a longstanding tradition among racists, it can be interpreted that way, as racist.

From the context that Bush and others have been portrayed as chimps, it could be argued that it was not necessarily racist, but will certainly be portraayed that way by Democrats.

I'll leave the whole thing about pschoanalysis of Rex boiling down to fear/love/hatred (or all three) of black cocks for others to discuss.

I'm amazed no one has mentioned Donald Trump's remark today about how Obama should "get off the basketball court" to deal with spiking gas prices and other dire issues.

(I provided a liberal blog version, that gives maximum spin of how great Obama is, and how evil and racist anyone criticizing Obama must be, to criticize the Annointed One.)


TRUMP: If you look at what he’s doing in Libya, which is a total disaster. Nobody even knows what’s going on in Libya. If you look at what’s happening with gasoline prices where he said he has no control over prices, which he does if he gets on the phone or gets off his basketball court or whatever he is doing at the time. He should be focussing on OPEC and getting prices down...

Or maybe, y'know, Trump just said that because Obama was on video yesterday at a photo-op at some school shooting hoops while America burns.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I'm amazed no one has mentioned Donald Trump's remark today about how Obama should "get off the basketball court" to deal with spiking gas prices and other dire issues.

(I provided a liberal blog version, that gives maximum spin of how great Obama is, and how evil and racist anyone criticizing Obama must be, to criticize the Annointed One.)


TRUMP: If you look at what he’s doing in Libya, which is a total disaster. Nobody even knows what’s going on in Libya. If you look at what’s happening with gasoline prices where he said he has no control over prices, which he does if he gets on the phone or gets off his basketball court or whatever he is doing at the time. He should be focussing on OPEC and getting prices down...

Or maybe, y'know, Trump just said that because Obama was on video yesterday at a photo-op at some school shooting hoops while America burns.

dave...i don't think it's necessary to mention all the dog whistles that trump and others use to jin up the that segment of the population that hate obama for reasons other than just his policies.

fact is this: trump and others have used the birther thing to basically call obama a nigger without saying the word. obama likes to play golf as well as basketball. why wouldn't trump mention that instead? because it doesn't paint the right picture.

the whole thing about his grades is the same thing...it's to fan the flames of racial hatred and further the socio-economic division of this country.

trump and people of his ilk should be ashamed of themselves. nothing good can come of this. trump isnt going to run and if he does, he won't win. so all he is doing is riling up the nuts on the far right. to what purpose?

is this really the best thing for this country right now?

you don't have to like obama. his politics and policies could be exactly opposite of what you believe is best for this country. even i, an obama supporter, have been underwhelmed by some of the things he's done so far...not because i think he's wrong but, because i think he's been too cautious and too concillatory to people that only want to personally destroy him rather than do whats good for the country.

but how can anyone think that firing up the people in this country...of which there are LEGION...that hate minorities based on stereotypes and ignorance is a good thing?

you want him out? fine. put up a candidate that has better ideas and better plans. put up a candidate that can show beyond a reasonable doubt that obama's policies have hurt this country. put up a candidate that has the intellect, vision and charisma to debate the issues and win more than 50% of the electorate and a majority in the electoral college. put up a SERIOUS candidate that doesn't find it necessary to use lies, innuendo, ignorance and hatred to create excitement.

let's elect a president based on the what's best for the country. not what's worst for it.
 Originally Posted By: The Bastard
dave...i don't think it's necessary to mention all the dog whistles that trump and others use to jin up the that segment of the population that hate obama for reasons other than just his policies.

Y'know... I think if you make an allegation like this, you have an obligation to make clear that it couldn't possibly be any other reason than racism toward Obama.
And I would argue that many of the same people who would not support, or more precisely despise what Obama is doing, would support Colin Powell or Herman Cain or J.C.Watts or Clarence Thomas or Allen West. Myself included.

So it is clearly about 1.6 trillion in debt this year, weak foreign policy, and his relationships with people like Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright, Jeff Jones, Andy Stern, Van Jones, etc., and clearly not about race.

I'm not saying there isn't a tiny fringe out there who are truly racist. But I fail to see any evidence at all that hostility toward Obama for the overwwhelming majority is about anything other than his policy and radical left history.

So I disagree with you.

 Originally Posted By: The BASTARD

fact is this: trump and others have used the birther thing to basically call obama a nigger without saying the word. obama likes to play golf as well as basketball. why wouldn't trump mention that instead? because it doesn't paint the right picture.


Again: I see no evidence that criticizing Obama's policy manifests anything other than opposing his policy, and not wanting to see the nation "fundamentally transformed".

Others have commented about the fact that Obama racked up more golf time in his first year than W.Bush racked up in his entire 8 years.

I suspect that, like the birther issue, Trump selected it as something that would make him stand out from the crowd when criticizing Obama. And give him further visibility and name recognition.

Trump is an effective self-promoter, and is showing remarkable skill at carrying that over into politics by selecting the right targets. Along the lines of Willie Horton, or "it's the economy stupid".
That's a far cry from him or his supporters itching to unleash the N-bomb.
As contrasted with SEIU supporters saying Clarence Thomas should be "strung up" (lynched), or "put back in the fields" picking cotton.

Or Bill Clinton saying to Ted Kennedy about Obama when Hillary was passed over and the nomination was given to Obama: "A few years ago, he would have been bringing us coffee."

Are these liberals "basically calling him a nigger without using the word"?

And by the way, the whole "birther" issue, questioning whether Obama is even a U.S. citizen, or eligible to be president, or whether he was born in Kenya, was first introduced by the 2008 Hillary Clinton campaign during the primaries, long before Trump or any Republican raised the issue.
At some point you have to abandon the canard that it's just about Obama's race, and acknowledge that these are manifestations of Obama's distance from the priorities and ideology of most Americans.

Marie Antoinette was not black. The angry mob was not using code to call her the N-word. It was her elitism and callousness they hated.
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
fact is this: trump and others have used the birther thing to basically call obama a nigger without saying the word. obama likes to play golf as well as basketball. why wouldn't trump mention that instead? because it doesn't paint the right picture.

Oh for crying out loud.

The word "nigger" is not something geared towards foreign blacks. So pulling a Whoopi Goldberg (see also: "Because he's black?") makes very little sense.

Do you realize that Obama is not the first president to be questioned about his birth certificate?
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
The word "nigger" is not something geared towards foreign blacks.

He's not foreign. He's an American. The President of the United States, in fact. Your President. Your Commander-In-Chief. Your boss. Boy.

Do you realize that Obama is not the first president to be questioned about his birth certificate?

Yes, except every other Prez before him was "questioned about his birth certificate"...once. When they asked, "Are you American?", he said "Yes", and that was it. There's no comparison to this ongoing moronic kiddie-shit the Rightwing Extremists pull.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
He's not foreign. He's an American. The President of the United States, in fact. Your President. Your Commander-In-Chief. Your boss. Boy.

Wow! Could you have missed the point any more blatantly?

Bastard was implying that Trump was accusing him of not being a citizen because he's black and that this is the equivalent of calling him a "nigger."

Aside from that not being the case, the word "nigger" is not reserved for or centered on black people who aren't citizens of the US. So his assertion makes very little sense--just like this idiotic followup of yours.

Yes, except every other Prez before him was "questioned about his birth certificate"...once.

No. There were several other presidents in the past that had to cough up birth certificates.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
He's not foreign. He's an American. The President of the United States, in fact. Your President. Your Commander-In-Chief. Your boss. Boy.
And now your avoiding my post because you jumped into a conversation you didn't have any real grasp on.
\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
He's not foreign. He's an American. The President of the United States, in fact. Your President. Your Commander-In-Chief. Your boss. Boy.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Wow! Could you have missed the point any more blatantly?

Bastard was implying that Trump was accusing him of not being a citizen because he's black and that this is the equivalent of calling him a "nigger."

Aside from that not being the case, the word "nigger" is not reserved for or centered on black people who aren't citizens of the US. So his assertion makes very little sense--just like this idiotic followup of yours.

Wow, Pariah, you sure are smart. I just thought the word 'nigger' was used for any black person regardless of origin. It's good to know that you have deeply researched the the word and given us that bit of information.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

no, seriously - I recall the left being kinda pissy about schwarzenegger getting elected governor and a few people tried to protest it because of questions about the legitimacy of his citizenship. then again, he was white so I guess that's immaterial.
No, it was for Governor. We're talking the President...
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Wow! Could you have missed the point any more blatantly?

Bastard was implying that Trump was accusing him of not being a citizen because he's black and that this is the equivalent of calling him a "nigger."

Aside from that not being the case, the word "nigger" is not reserved for or centered on black people who aren't citizens of the US. So his assertion makes very little sense--just like this idiotic followup of yours.

Wow, Pariah, you sure are smart. I just thought the word 'nigger' was used for any black person regardless of origin. It's good to know that you have deeply researched the the word and given us that bit of information.

Yes. That was my point to Bastard.....I'm glad I could educate you on this.
It's time to log off and call it a day, Pariah.

You're really embarrassing yourself "this" time.

Unless you want to go for broke and regale us with the tale of the drug dealers who abducted you, or however that went.

And I believe Bastard's whole point with the comment you quoted was that they were using it to essentially talk down the president as though he didn't deserve his job based on race. I don't agree with his point 100%, but I at least understand what he's saying.
I could do that if you want--kinda odd how you didn't ask me that 7 years ago.

But I'm having more fun watching Doc and Pro (ProDoc?) jump in and make asses of themselves for my benefit.
Pariah, you are so mercifully free of the ravages of intelligence.
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Pariah, you are so mercifully free of the ravages of intelligence.

I blame Rob for my idiotic posting habits because he is responsible for everything that happens here.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
No, it was for Governor. We're talking the President...

I'm aware. I was just trying to show that this sort of issue isn't completely without precedent.
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
And I believe Bastard's whole point with the comment you quoted was that they were using it to essentially talk down the president as though he didn't deserve his job based on race. I don't agree with his point 100%, but I at least understand what he's saying.

So now we're going from you not understanding me to me not understanding him? Cute. If you knew it was a misinterpretation on my part, then why you didn't you tell me I was misinterpreting...unless you didn't know and were just assuming you knew enough about the conversation to lecture me.

If Bastard is using the birth certificate issue to make a point about how they're using his race against his eligibility for president, then one would logically expect the point to go into citizenship rather then purely a lecture on racism.

Bastard. Clarify.
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Pariah, you are so mercifully free of the ravages of intelligence.

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor and MisterJLA
Poor Pariah.

Aren't we all seriously wasting our time on this? It's done and over. Move on. And, don't move on to the birther issue. That shit is never gonna die. Hell, MSNBC had Orly Taitz on to discuss the birth certificate reveal and she turned it into a soapbox for pushing her new "He's a social security fraudster" line. The press is just as guilty for keeping this shit going as Corsi, Trump, and other nutters are. Hell, even Obama deserves some blame on this for keeping so much of his past records sealed as if he has something to hide. People are still going to wonder if he became a citizen of Indonesia. People are going to say it is a forgery. Did he receive a foreign scholarship? Meanwhile, real meaningful shit is happening in the world.
Actually, I'm RICH!

Rich in the knowledge that XBL is completely safe for me to attach my credit cards to.

I think I'm gonna do that right now!
You're rich, Pariah?

How much did the Catholic Church give you for being ass-fucked by one of their scumbag priests?

Actually, I don't want to know.

"Way to go".

You paint such a vivid picture of the scenario JLA.....Were you perchance apart of the class action lawsuit?

Because if you tell me you did indeed get gang-raped by a bunch of priests, I guess may have to rethink my position and go against the Catholic church on this.

......Well MisterJLA, were you gang-raped by a bunch of priests?
the G-man Moderator Lawyers Guns & Money
15000+ posts 04/28/11 06:15 PM Reading a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: Republican/Tea Party nutter Circulates Racist E-mail Targeting Obama

This should be good...
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
You paint such a vivid picture of the scenario JLA.....Were you perchance apart of the class action lawsuit?

Because if you tell me you did indeed get gang-raped by a bunch of priests, I guess may have to rethink my position and go against the Catholic church on this.

......Well MisterJLA, were you gang-raped by a bunch of priests?

You're part of that cult, not me Parshci.
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
You paint such a vivid picture of the scenario JLA.....Were you perchance apart of the class action lawsuit?

Because if you tell me you did indeed get gang-raped by a bunch of priests, I guess may have to rethink my position and go against the Catholic church on this.

......Well MisterJLA, were you gang-raped by a bunch of priests?

You're part of that cult, not me Parshci.

Britney Spears Ate My Pariah?
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
You paint such a vivid picture of the scenario JLA.....Were you perchance apart of the class action lawsuit?

Because if you tell me you did indeed get gang-raped by a bunch of priests, I guess may have to rethink my position and go against the Catholic church on this.

......Well MisterJLA, were you gang-raped by a bunch of priests?

You're part of that cult, not me Parshci.

Maybe that's exactly why you're not apart of it anymore am I right?

It's okay JLA. You can tell me. We already know something happened. I mean descriptions are so visceral and specific. No need to hide it anymore. \:\)
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Britney Spears Ate My Pariah?

Please. My material's way too original for a comparison.
Wait, weren't you the one that said nothing happened, even though they paid out 500 million in one city alone?

I win again!
So, you're saying you were raped by priests?
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Britney Spears Ate My Pariah?

Please. My material's way too original for a comparison.

That's getting into Wonder Pariah territory, you don't want to go there.
I hate you ruin your fantasy, but no, I wasn't.

Sadly, hundreds of other unfortunate souls were.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
That's getting into Wonder Pariah territory, you don't want to go there.

I'm not quite that verbose.
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
I hate you ruin your fantasy, but no, I wasn't.

Sadly, hundreds of other unfortunate souls were.

It's good to know that you trust these things to be fact--even without any proof for you to behold.

A lot like how you trust XBL with your credit card even with no personal accountability of their network.

But hell! You know it's safe! Because PSN was the network that got hacked, and not XBL. Because that could never happen.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
JLA's a dry well at this point.

I take full credit and WIN!
This is just like the time you got a bully to kick the shit of you, and as you hobbled away you whispered to yourself "I got 'em!"
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
the G-man Moderator Lawyers Guns & Money
15000+ posts 04/28/11 06:15 PM Reading a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: Republican/Tea Party nutter Circulates Racist E-mail Targeting Obama

This should be good...

Senile old people sometimes disappoint.
allegations of racism aside, I think the flap over obama's birth certificate accomplished exactly what people on both sides of the aisle were hoping for. tell me the obama administration wasn't begging for something like this to come along. once again, barry gets to be the victim of institutionalized racism ( x my fantasy baseball team's current ERA). and while apparently neither egypt nor libya were up to the task of wagging the dog at the moment, this shitstorm seems to have done a bang-up job of distracting the all too eager multitudes from the ongoing economic disaster. if I didn't know any better I'd suspect the whole damn thing was engineered by george soros.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
allegations of racism aside, I think the flap over obama's birth certificate accomplished exactly what people on both sides of the aisle were hoping for. tell me the obama administration wasn't begging for something like this to come along. once again, barry gets to be the victim of institutionalized racism

thanks for ignoring half my post pro.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
( x my fantasy baseball team's current ERA). and while apparently neither egypt nor libya were up to the task of wagging the dog at the moment, this shitstorm seems to have done a bang-up job of distracting the all too eager multitudes from the ongoing economic disaster. if I didn't know any better I'd suspect the whole damn thing was engineered by george soros.

Pro, please stop quoting samitch's posts. I have him on ignore so I don't see his retardation in written form.
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard

so...every time you say nigger....what you are really saying is "Bastie, i'm afraid of you, i don't understand you and i want to suck your giant, throbbing black cock."

flattering, really....but i don't roll like that, playboy. stick to the socks. or have you graduated to jock straps yet?

Nice to see you again mentor
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard

so...every time you say nigger....what you are really saying is "Bastie, i'm afraid of you, i don't understand you and i want to suck your giant, throbbing black cock."

flattering, really....but i don't roll like that, playboy. stick to the socks. or have you graduated to jock straps yet?

Nice to see you again mentor

What's going on, playboy? good to see you as well...still holdin' it down for the folk. was actually touched that you still have my quote in your sig,
 Originally Posted By: rex
Pro, please stop quoting samitch's posts. I have him on ignore so I don't see his retardation in written form.

the obsession continues!

no, wait...

I win again!

there we go.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
The word "nigger" is not something geared towards foreign blacks.

He's not foreign. He's an American. The President of the United States, in fact. Your President. Your Commander-In-Chief. Your boss. Boy.

Do you realize that Obama is not the first president to be questioned about his birth certificate?

Yes, except every other Prez before him was "questioned about his birth certificate"...once. When they asked, "Are you American?", he said "Yes", and that was it. There's no comparison to this ongoing moronic kiddie-shit the Rightwing Extremists pull.

Because all the other candidates provided the standard documentation.
Obama did not.

As for the "Right Wing Extremist" bullcrap (again, a phrase that is the *stated* attempt to demagogue anything the Republicans say, by Schumer/Reid/Pelosi) please explain to me how this Obama birth certificate controversy is a "right wing extremist" plot, when it was begun by the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008, way before any Republicans even mentioned it?

Most Republicans distance themselves from the "birthers", and yet you seem to spin it as some mainstream Republican plot, in your attempt to demonize all Republicans as "extreme".
Again, interesting and remarkably coincidental, that you use the exact catch-phrase that the Dems use to demonize Republicans. You condemn partisanship, and yet parrot the most extreme talking points of the Dems to demonize Republicans.
What's wrong with this picture?

You may also recall that Democrats pulled the same crap on McCain, alleging that McCain was unqualified because he was born outside the U.S., despite that he was born at a U.S. naval base (i.e., American soil). But since he is white, the race-card could not be exploited for McCain.

So it isn't "racism" to ask for Obama's documentation. It's politics.
And a liberal double-standard.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
The word "nigger" is not something geared towards foreign blacks.

He's not foreign. He's an American. The President of the United States, in fact. Your President. Your Commander-In-Chief. Your boss. Boy.

Do you realize that Obama is not the first president to be questioned about his birth certificate?

Yes, except every other Prez before him was "questioned about his birth certificate"...once. When they asked, "Are you American?", he said "Yes", and that was it. There's no comparison to this ongoing moronic kiddie-shit the Rightwing Extremists pull.

Obama grew up in Indonesia, and then his teen years in Hawaii --a place where even in the 1960s interracial marriages were completely accepted long before they ever were in the continental U.S.

Obama went to the best schools and colleges, and in his own autobiography admitted that his was definitely NOT the typical black-American experience. And that he had to read a lot of (leftist) black literature to get a feel for what it is to be a black American, from something other than his own experience.

Obama was born to a Kenyan marxist father and a white marxist mother. He was raised by his white mother.
She remarried, and Obama lived his childhood with her and his Indonesian marxist stepfather in Indonesia, and attended a muslim school.
He and his mother came back to Hawaii, where his mother left on a marxist quest and Obama was raised by his two white liberal grandparents, well provided for and attending the finest schools.

Please point out what part of this sounds like the typical black American experience.
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
And I believe Bastard's whole point with the comment you quoted was that they were using it to essentially talk down the president as though he didn't deserve his job based on race. I don't agree with his point 100%, but I at least understand what he's saying.

That requires a lot of interpretation and reading into Donald Trump's remarks something that was arguably never actually said or implied.

Asking "how did Obama go from crap grades at several schools and colleges to being Magna Cum Laude at Harvard" is simply shining a light on a questionable part of Obama's past that the liberal media didn't want to investigate. Obama did drugs, and may have even sold them.
It is not clear how Obama, initially not a great student, got into Harvard, or how his education was paid for.
All things that could reflect negatively on Obama, and reveal unflattering connections, and perhaps even more radical connections than have already been revealed.

Obama is one of the most unqualified men to be elected president. He was given a free pass. It was essentially an equal opportunity nomination. He was a U.S. senator for barely 2 years before announcing his candidacy for president. That's it. That's all.

Colin Powell, or Herman Cain, or Clarence Thomas have EARNED their position in society. Obama was handed his. Given an Oval Office and nuclear football just for showing up.
He is the ultimate unqualified token hire. Even his Democratic nomination was determined in a back room, and was not the clear choice of 2008 Democrat primary voters nationwide, but the choice of an elite group of convention delegates who decided they liked the idea of running a black guy as their candidate, despite Hillary Clinton polling higher among voters.

Sarah Palin, by contrast, derided as "scary" and unqualified by the liberal media, was a very effective and popular governor, a lieutenant governor who courageously challenged the sitting Republican governor of her state when she saw corruption, rather than towing the party line, was a mayor, was a city council member, and began her career rising through the ranks of the PTA, that initially sparked her interest in public service. I find aspects of Palin offputting, but against all partisan derision, she is unquestionably qualified.
Obama is not.

Obama was clearly not qualified, but the press selectively omitted any vetting of facts that would hurt Obama's candidacy.
Obama was radical (Frank Marshall Davis, Wm Ayers, Rev Jeremiah Wright, Andy Stern, Cass Sunstein, ACORN, SEIU...) but the media --against the easily traceable facts-- allowed Obama to deceitfully be portrayed as a moderate.
And as soon as he took office, the true radical made himself manifestly plain to see. But media coverage allowed Obama and his radical puppetmasters to be elected and inaugurated unvetted.

That is precisely what Trump is exposing through his political rhetoric.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Aren't we all seriously wasting our time on this? It's done and over. Move on. And, don't move on to the birther issue. That shit is never gonna die. Hell, MSNBC had Orly Taitz on to discuss the birth certificate reveal and she turned it into a soapbox for pushing her new "He's a social security fraudster" line. The press is just as guilty for keeping this shit going as Corsi, Trump, and other nutters are. Hell, even Obama deserves some blame on this for keeping so much of his past records sealed as if he has something to hide. People are still going to wonder if he became a citizen of Indonesia. People are going to say it is a forgery. Did he receive a foreign scholarship? Meanwhile, real meaningful shit is happening in the world.

I agree with you, that in the larger scheme of things this is piddly in contrast to the larger damage Obama and his goons are doing to the nation.

But it is still a legitimate issue for Trump to raise, shining a light on what Obama is hiding, and light on what the media is hiding as it flies cover for Obama, neglecting its responsibility as a free press.

What I sampled of Corsi in his book AMERICA FOR SALE makes me inclined to agree with you. Others have written well researched exposures of Obama and his past. Corsi's book just insulted my intelligence.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
allegations of racism aside, I think the flap over obama's birth certificate accomplished exactly what people on both sides of the aisle were hoping for. tell me the obama administration wasn't begging for something like this to come along. once again, barry gets to be the victim of institutionalized racism ( x my fantasy baseball team's current ERA). and while apparently neither egypt nor libya were up to the task of wagging the dog at the moment, this shitstorm seems to have done a bang-up job of distracting the all too eager multitudes from the ongoing economic disaster. if I didn't know any better I'd suspect the whole damn thing was engineered by george soros.

I disagree.

Polls show that Trump's attacks have lowered public trust of Obama and his personal character.

But simultaneous with that, the priority focus of public opinion remains the economy. Last I looked, Obama's approval rate was 41%, and his negative at 46%. That's not irretrievable by Nov 2012, but with gas prices creeping toward 5 dollars a gallon, Egypt, Libya and the rest of the Middle East continuing to unravel, gas prices and other Obama legislation pushing us toward a double-dip recession and so forth, I see Obama's poll numbers continuing in a downward direction.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: The Bastard
dave...i don't think it's necessary to mention all the dog whistles that trump and others use to jin up the that segment of the population that hate obama for reasons other than just his policies.

Y'know... I think if you make an allegation like this, you have an obligation to make clear that it couldn't possibly be any other reason than racism toward Obama.
And I would argue that many of the same people who would not support, or more precisely despise what Obama is doing, would support Colin Powell or Herman Cain or J.C.Watts or Clarence Thomas or Allen West. Myself included.

So it is clearly about 1.6 trillion in debt this year, weak foreign policy, and his relationships with people like Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright, Jeff Jones, Andy Stern, Van Jones, etc., and clearly not about race.

I'm not saying there isn't a tiny fringe out there who are truly racist. But I fail to see any evidence at all that hostility toward Obama for the overwwhelming majority is about anything other than his policy and radical left history.

So I disagree with you.

 Originally Posted By: The BASTARD

fact is this: trump and others have used the birther thing to basically call obama a nigger without saying the word. obama likes to play golf as well as basketball. why wouldn't trump mention that instead? because it doesn't paint the right picture.


Again: I see no evidence that criticizing Obama's policy manifests anything other than opposing his policy, and not wanting to see the nation "fundamentally transformed".

Others have commented about the fact that Obama racked up more golf time in his first year than W.Bush racked up in his entire 8 years.

I suspect that, like the birther issue, Trump selected it as something that would make him stand out from the crowd when criticizing Obama. And give him further visibility and name recognition.

Trump is an effective self-promoter, and is showing remarkable skill at carrying that over into politics by selecting the right targets. Along the lines of Willie Horton, or "it's the economy stupid".
That's a far cry from him or his supporters itching to unleash the N-bomb.

Dave, in all the time we've known each other, one thing has remained the same: if YOU don't think that something is racist then it's obvious that it isn't. even back on the Athourity board, you could never quite see that racism exists in subtle as well as overt forms. i know that you are not stupid so i believe that you just have a blind spot to certain realities in the world. i also know that you've had some negative run-ins with people of color and i think that those situations have made you much less sympathetic to the plight of minorities in this country....from the president on down to someone like me.

the birther issue is a way to point out that obama is OTHER, that he is not part of the America that trump and those like him inhabit. obama doesn't look like 'us', he doesn't think like 'us', he must hate 'us'. it's too easy to call...pardon the pun...spade a spade and just say "i hate that a nigger got elected president of MY country". that is something tht may be said in the privacy of one's home but, you cant say it in public, to the press, for the record...if you do, there's no chance you will win

no...instead, you make an issue of something that is utterly ridiculous but, serves the same purpose. if obama was white and had a father that was born in south africa, do you really think this birther nonsense would ever have been an issue?

given that the criteria for running for president in this country is that you must be at least 35 years old, be a resident of the country for at least 14 years and a natural born citizen of this country...which obama would be EVEN IF HE WAS BORN IN KENYA...can you think of any reason...other than obama's race...to push the birther issue to the extent that it has been? any logical, rational, coherent reason to question whether or not he is an American?

go ahead...i'll wait.

regarding the grades/transcript issue that trump is banging on about now...c'mon man. are you really that obtuse that you can't see it for what it is? trump is trying to point out that obama is a beneficiary of affirmative action. and since obviously only unworthy minorities benefit from affirmative action, not only is obama a nigger but an shouldn't have even gotten into the schools he claims to have went to.

compared to the above, trump wasn't even trying with the basketball reference. that was probably just an adlib he slipped in as his contribution to the cause.

here's the news: obama went to college and law school in the late 70s/early 80s. it is highly likely that he did benefit from affirmative action but, that's only gonna get you so far. it is patently impossible for him to have had horrible grades and horrible boards and horrible LSATs and still be able get into an ivy league school for undergrad...let alone the most prestigious law school in the country. g-man went to Cornell, didn't he? i'd think that he could tell you that, unless your daddy and grandaddy went there, it's not easy to get into an ivy, much less excell there. dude graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School. think trump's grades were that good?

so, hope that i've clarified the racist intent of both the birther issue and the grades issue. i'm sure you will do what you always do and deny it. but that's fine.

one last thing...if yu re-read my post i said that trump and others are trying to "jin up that segment of the population that hate obama for reasons other than just his policies". not once did i say everyone that hates obama hates him cuz he's black.

if you are an arch conservative, obviously you disagree with obama's policies and don't support his presidency. trump isn't reaching out to that crowd. have you heard him say anything that makes any sense concerning the economy or foreign policy? he's said that he is going to go to libya and take over their oil fields. he's said that he is going to go to china and make them behave. he's said that he is going to get all the jobs that have gone overseas back to America. does any of this sound like a plan to you? or just some random bullshit strung together in a barely coherent manner...
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
That requires a lot of interpretation and reading into Donald Trump's remarks something that was arguably never actually said or implied.

Asking "how did Obama go from crap grads at several schools and colleges to being Magna Cum Laude at Harvard" is simply shining a light on a questionable part of Obama's past that the liberal media didn't want to investigate. Obama did drugs, and may have even sold them.
It is not clear how Obama, initially not a great student, got into Harvard, or how his education was paid for.
All things that could reflect negatively on Obama, and reveal unflattering connections, and perhaps even more radical connections than have already been revealed.

Obama is one of the most unqualified men to be elected president. He was given a free pass. It was essentially an equal opportunity nomination. He was a U.S. senator for about 2 years before announcing his candidacy for president. That's it. That's all.

Colin Powell, or Herman Cain, or Clarence Thomas have EARNED their position in society. Obama was handed his. Given an Oval Office and nuclear football just for showing up.
He is the ultimate token hire. Even his Democratic nomination was determined in a back room, and was not the clear choice of Democrat voters nationwide, but the choice of an elite group of convention delegates who decided they liked the idea of running a black guy as their candidate, despite Hillary Clinton polling higher among voters.

Sarah Palin, by contrast, derided as "scary" and unqualified by the liberal media, was a very effective and popular governor, a lieutenant governor who courageously challenged the sitting Republican governor of her state when she saw corruption, rather than towing the party line, was a mayor, was a city council member, and began her career rising through the ranks of the PTA, that initially sparked her interest in public service. I find aspects of Palin offputting, but against all partisan derision, she is unquestionably qualified. Obama is not.

Obama was clearly not qualified, but the press selectively omitted any vetting of facts that would hurt Obama's candidacy.
Obama was radical (Frank Marshall Davis, Wm Ayers, Rev Jeremiah Wright, Andy Stern, Cass Sunstein, ACORN, SEIU...) but the media --against the easily traceable facts-- allowed Obamaa to deceitfully be portrayed as a moderate. And as soon as he took office, the true radical made himself manifestly plain to see. But media coverage allowed Obama and his radical puppetmasters to be elected and inaugurated unvetted.

That is precisely what Trump is exposing through his political rhetoric.

 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: The Bastard
dave...i don't think it's necessary to mention all the dog whistles that trump and others use to jin up the that segment of the population that hate obama for reasons other than just his policies.

Y'know... I think if you make an allegation like this, you have an obligation to make clear that it couldn't possibly be any other reason than racism toward Obama.
And I would argue that many of the same people who would not support, or more precisely despise what Obama is doing, would support Colin Powell or Herman Cain or J.C.Watts or Clarence Thomas or Allen West. Myself included.

So it is clearly about 1.6 trillion in debt this year, weak foreign policy, and his relationships with people like Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright, Jeff Jones, Andy Stern, Van Jones, etc., and clearly not about race.

I'm not saying there isn't a tiny fringe out there who are truly racist. But I fail to see any evidence at all that hostility toward Obama for the overwwhelming majority is about anything other than his policy and radical left history.

So I disagree with you.

 Originally Posted By: The BASTARD

fact is this: trump and others have used the birther thing to basically call obama a nigger without saying the word. obama likes to play golf as well as basketball. why wouldn't trump mention that instead? because it doesn't paint the right picture.


Again: I see no evidence that criticizing Obama's policy manifests anything other than opposing his policy, and not wanting to see the nation "fundamentally transformed".

Others have commented about the fact that Obama racked up more golf time in his first year than W.Bush racked up in his entire 8 years.

I suspect that, like the birther issue, Trump selected it as something that would make him stand out from the crowd when criticizing Obama. And give him further visibility and name recognition.

Trump is an effective self-promoter, and is showing remarkable skill at carrying that over into politics by selecting the right targets. Along the lines of Willie Horton, or "it's the economy stupid".
That's a far cry from him or his supporters itching to unleash the N-bomb.

Dave, in all the time we've known each other, one thing has remained the same: if YOU don't think that something is racist then it's obvious that it isn't. even back on the Athourity board, you could never quite see that racism exists in subtle as well as overt forms. i know that you are not stupid so i believe that you just have a blind spot to certain realities in the world. i also know that you've had some negative run-ins with people of color and i think that those situations have made you much less sympathetic to the plight of minorities in this country....from the president on down to someone like me.

the birther issue is a way to point out that obama is OTHER, that he is not part of the America that trump and those like him inhabit. obama doesn't look like 'us', he doesn't think like 'us', he must hate 'us'. it's too easy to call...pardon the pun...spade a spade and just say "i hate that a nigger got elected president of MY country". that is something tht may be said in the privacy of one's home but, you cant say it in public, to the press, for the record...if you do, there's no chance you will win

no...instead, you make an issue of something that is utterly ridiculous but, serves the same purpose. if obama was white and had a father that was born in south africa, do you really think this birther nonsense would ever have been an issue?

given that the criteria for running for president in this country is that you must be at least 35 years old, be a resident of the country for at least 14 years and a natural born citizen of this country...which obama would be EVEN IF HE WAS BORN IN KENYA...can you think of any reason...other than obama's race...to push the birther issue to the extent that it has been? any logical, rational, coherent reason to question whether or not he is an American?

go ahead...i'll wait.

regarding the grades/transcript issue that trump is banging on about now...c'mon man. are you really that obtuse that you can't see it for what it is? trump is trying to point out that obama is a beneficiary of affirmative action. and since obviously only unworthy minorities benefit from affirmative action, not only is obama a nigger but an shouldn't have even gotten into the schools he claims to have went to.

compared to the above, trump wasn't even trying with the basketball reference. that was probably just an adlib he slipped in as his contribution to the cause.

here's the news: obama went to college and law school in the late 70s/early 80s. it is highly likely that he did benefit from affirmative action but, that's only gonna get you so far. it is patently impossible for him to have had horrible grades and horrible boards and horrible LSATs and still be able get into an ivy league school for undergrad...let alone the most prestigious law school in the country. g-man went to Cornell, didn't he? i'd think that he could tell you that, unless your daddy and grandaddy went there, it's not easy to get into an ivy, much less excell there. dude graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School. think trump's grades were that good?

so, hope that i've clarified the racist intent of both the birther issue and the grades issue. i'm sure you will do what you always do and deny it. but that's fine.

one last thing...if yu re-read my post i said that trump and others are trying to "jin up that segment of the population that hate obama for reasons other than just his policies". not once did i say everyone that hates obama hates him cuz he's black.

if you are an arch conservative, obviously you disagree with obama's policies and don't support his presidency. trump isn't reaching out to that crowd. have you heard him say anything that makes any sense concerning the economy or foreign policy? he's said that he is going to go to libya and take over their oil fields. he's said that he is going to go to china and make them behave. he's said that he is going to get all the jobs that have gone overseas back to America. does any of this sound like a plan to you? or just some random bullshit strung together in a barely coherent manner...

Summaries, please. Really, guys, I ain't reading all of that.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Summaries, please. Really, guys, I ain't reading all of that.

 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Summaries, please. Really, guys, I ain't reading all of that.

 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Graemlins...even better.
sorry, iggy. i tend towards long windedness. don't even know why i try...dave cannot be reasoned with on issues of race.
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
sorry, iggy. i tend towards long windedness. don't even know why i try...dave cannot be reasoned with on issues of race.

I was planning to respond, but not tonight. I've already posted a lot.

For tonight, I'll just say
1) I've responded respectfully to your points
2) there are two perspectives, I'm trying to have a civil and less high-testosterone dialogue. And just because you believe something doesn't mean you're right and I'm wrong. Your opinion doesn't BEGIN to explain why Obama is regarded as a "nigger" despite that no one has used the word or made any statement that says or implies that without massive subjectivity applied. And why these same "racists" don't have the same racial hatred of Colin Powell, J.C. Watts, Mark Steele, Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, and of many black Democrats as well. Gee, y'know, maybe it has to do with Obama being a leftist radical who wants to "radically transform" America, and truly has nothing to do with the fact that he's black. Except as a tool for Democrats to slander those who legitimately criticize Obama's actions and policies.

Sometimes politics is just politics. And "racist" has become a reflexive attack vehicle by the left, that is often used in the absence of real racism. To the division and detriment of the nation.
And then, sometimes...people are just racists.

 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard

so...every time you say nigger....what you are really saying is "Bastie, i'm afraid of you, i don't understand you and i want to suck your giant, throbbing black cock."

flattering, really....but i don't roll like that, playboy. stick to the socks. or have you graduated to jock straps yet?

Nice to see you again mentor

What's going on, playboy? good to see you as well...still holdin' it down for the folk. was actually touched that you still have my quote in your sig,

been doing good man. getting married on monday. yeah...her game is stronger than mine.and of course you're still in the sig. I'm way too lazy to change that shit \:p
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
And then, sometimes...people are just racists.

 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
getting married on monday.

WHAAAAAT?!!! Why didn't YOUR FAMILY know about THIS?! \:whoa\:
We're keeping it really small. There's gonna be like 7 people there to witness it
(holds stapler up to the back of Knut's head)

...now we are 8...

(runs and jumps out the window)
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
And then, sometimes...people are just racists.

 Originally Posted By: WB
Your opinion doesn't BEGIN to explain why Obama is regarded as a "nigger" despite that no one has used the word or made any statement that says or implies that without massive subjectivity applied. And why these same "racists" don't have the same racial hatred of Colin Powell, J.C. Watts, Mark Steele, Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, and many black Democrats as well. Gee, y'know, maybe it has to do with Obama being a leftist radical who wants to "radically transform" America, and truly has nothing to do with the fact that he's black. Except as a tool to slander those who legitimately criticize Obama's actions and policies.

Sometimes politics is just politics. And "racist" has become a reflexive attack vehicle by the left, that is often used in the absence of real racism. To the division and detriment of the nation.
its okay dave. its okay.
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
its okay dave. its okay.

You took some Midol?

Glad you got it under control there.
right...because i was the one who needed drugs to calm me down. clearly im totally overreacting to this situation which has been demonstrated by how much ive posted about it
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
right...because i was the one who needed drugs to calm me down. clearly im totally overreacting to this situation which has been demonstrated by how much ive posted about it

I'm not the one screaming RACIST RACIST RACIST.

I'm just calmly pointing out the hysteria and inconsistencies of your collective over-reaction.

Inconsistencies which none of you can respond to, I might add.
 Originally Posted By: WB
Your opinion doesn't BEGIN to explain why Obama is regarded as a "nigger" despite that no one has used the word or made any statement that says or implies that without massive subjectivity applied. And why these same "racists" don't have the same racial hatred of Colin Powell, J.C. Watts, Mark Steele, Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, and many black Democrats as well. Gee, y'know, maybe it has to do with Obama being a leftist radical who wants to "radically transform" America, and truly has nothing to do with the fact that he's black. Except as a tool to slander those who legitimately criticize Obama's actions and policies.

Sometimes politics is just politics. And "racist" has become a reflexive attack vehicle by the left, that is often used in the absence of real racism. To the division and detriment of the nation.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
The word "nigger" is not something geared towards foreign blacks.

He's not foreign. He's an American. The President of the United States, in fact. Your President. Your Commander-In-Chief. Your boss. Boy.

Do you realize that Obama is not the first president to be questioned about his birth certificate?

Yes, except every other Prez before him was "questioned about his birth certificate"...once. When they asked, "Are you American?", he said "Yes", and that was it. There's no comparison to this ongoing moronic kiddie-shit the Rightwing Extremists pull.

Because all the other candidates provided the standard documentation.
Obama did not.

As for the "Right Wing Extremist" bullcrap (again, a phrase that is the *stated* attempt to demagogue anything the Republicans say, by Schumer/Reid/Pelosi) please explain to me how this Obama birth certificate controversy is a "right wing extremist" plot, when it was begun by the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008, way before any Republicans even mentioned it?

Most Republicans distance themselves from the "birthers", and yet you seem to spin it as some mainstream Republican plot, in your attempt to demonize all Republicans as "extreme".
Again, interesting and remarkably coincidental, that you use the exact catch-phrase that the Dems use to demonize Republicans. You condemn partisanship, and yet parrot the most extreme talking points of the Dems to demonize Republicans.
What's wrong with this picture?

You may also recall that Democrats pulled the same crap on McCain, alleging that McCain was unqualified because he was born outside the U.S., despite that he was born at a U.S. naval base (i.e., American soil). But since he is white, the race-card could not be exploited for McCain.

So it isn't "racism" to ask for Obama's documentation. It's politics.
And a liberal double-standard.


Not "right wing extremist" in origin.

And perfectly okay to do to McCain.

But when Obama takes 3 years to produce the documentation all other candidates readily provided, it's suddenly "racist".
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns

\:lol\: Well played...
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Actually Pro, what I'm saying is far more rational than the RACIST RACIST RACIST crap you and others are ranting:

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
The word "nigger" is not something geared towards foreign blacks.

He's not foreign. He's an American. The President of the United States, in fact. Your President. Your Commander-In-Chief. Your boss. Boy.

Do you realize that Obama is not the first president to be questioned about his birth certificate?

Yes, except every other Prez before him was "questioned about his birth certificate"...once. When they asked, "Are you American?", he said "Yes", and that was it. There's no comparison to this ongoing moronic kiddie-shit the Rightwing Extremists pull.

Because all the other candidates provided the standard documentation.
Obama did not.

As for the "Right Wing Extremist" bullcrap (again, a phrase that is the *stated* attempt to demagogue anything the Republicans say, by Schumer/Reid/Pelosi) please explain to me how this Obama birth certificate controversy is a "right wing extremist" plot, when it was begun by the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008, way before any Republicans even mentioned it?

Most Republicans distance themselves from the "birthers", and yet you seem to spin it as some mainstream Republican plot, in your attempt to demonize all Republicans as "extreme".
Again, interesting and remarkably coincidental, that you use the exact catch-phrase that the Dems use to demonize Republicans. You condemn partisanship, and yet parrot the most extreme talking points of the Dems to demonize Republicans.
What's wrong with this picture?

You may also recall that Democrats pulled the same crap on McCain, alleging that McCain was unqualified because he was born outside the U.S., despite that he was born at a U.S. naval base (i.e., American soil). But since he is white, the race-card could not be exploited for McCain.

So it isn't "racism" to ask for Obama's documentation. It's politics.
And a liberal double-standard.

A rational argument you've been evading for 17 pages now.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

 Originally Posted By: rex
nothin' nothin' nothin'

Its ok wondy, just admit you're a racist. Admitting you have a problem is the first step in making yourself a better person.
 Originally Posted By: rex

A great example of how the media is pushing the birther story over everything else --larger points-- that Trump is making.

It's not Trump who is focusing on this, it's the media who won't let it go!

TRUMP: We're gonna see what happens.
We're gonna see what happens.
We're gonna see what happens.
Next question.
George, next question, George...

I love the way Stephanopoulis tries to handle him, and how Trump snatches control way, and takes the interview where he wants it to go.

Classic liberal media. And nice reversal by Trump.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
right...because i was the one who needed drugs to calm me down. clearly im totally overreacting to this situation which has been demonstrated by how much ive posted about it

I'm not the one screaming RACIST RACIST RACIST.

I'm just calmly pointing out the hysteria and inconsistencies of your collective over-reaction.

Inconsistencies which none of you can respond to, I might add.

Dave...I haven't even had an opinion on this whole thing. My line about "sometimes people are just racists" was the only thing ive said and even that was more just a general statement about people being racists. Because sometimes they just are. It happens. I don't give a damn about this woman and whether or not shes a racist one way or the other. so don't place me in their group. thank you
dont laugh Pro. He'll think we're in on this together.
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard

so...every time you say nigger....what you are really saying is "Bastie, i'm afraid of you, i don't understand you and i want to suck your giant, throbbing black cock."

flattering, really....but i don't roll like that, playboy. stick to the socks. or have you graduated to jock straps yet?

Nice to see you again mentor

What's going on, playboy? good to see you as well...still holdin' it down for the folk. was actually touched that you still have my quote in your sig,

been doing good man. getting married on monday. yeah...her game is stronger than mine.and of course you're still in the sig. I'm way too lazy to change that shit \:p

Congratulations, bruh!!! wish you many years of happiness...even once the sex stops, you get old and fat and you start being waaaaaaaay more interested in porn than you used to be....
everything but the sex stopping has already happened...

thanks for the happy wishes man
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch

The avatar, love it!


so...last night, im watching bill maher on hbo. had a guy on the panel named andrew brietbart...i've heard his name before but wasn't really familiar with him. i associated him with the right wing tea party branch of the republicans but, never heard him speak or read any of his stuff. he more than held his own in front of a tough crowd. as i was listening to him, so much of his rhetoric sounded really familiar...down to listing a group of black candidates that the right would find suitable.

i realized about halfway thru the panel section that basically he was saying pretty much the same things you are saying.

i understand that people are always going to be informed by what they read and hear. i tend towards liberal in most things so i'm going to trend towards sites and shows that fuel my beliefs. i expect no different from you. but as i watched this guy and saw the similarity in his rhetoric and your writings, i've come to a conclusion:

you are not a reasonable person.

you will always deny even the most despicable tactics used by your side. you attempt to obfuscate and twist the debate by trying to equate the sustained, tactical hatred of your side with isolated instances on the left. but, since you keep complaining that the oiunts you brought up haven't been addressed, i will do so now.

regarding clinton's "getting us coffee" statement...that's not even the worst thing he said during the campaign. both bill and hillary made some racially charged statements during the campaign and both were excoriated by pundits on the left for them. they both lost much of the goodwill they'd built in the black community and they paid a price for their remarks. not the least of which was hillary not winning the nomination.

regarding mc cain, actually, the panama issue was originally brought up during the 2000 campaign by the republicans. wanna know what the difference is between his situation and obama's?


now, of course, his citizenship was never really in question since at least 1 of his parents was an American citizen and that is all that is required to be a citizen. and they did play the race card with mc cain when the republicans said that his adopted bangladeshi daughter was really the love child between him and a black prostitute. surprised you didn't cite that...oh yeah, the republicans did that so that doesn't fit into your apologist's view of the right wing.

as far as you list of "acceptable" black candidates goes...thomas has spent so much time trying to be accepted by whites on the right, it's a wonder he hasn't had his skin bleached. watts has spent some of his carreer championing education for black kids and you know that most republicans don't want to hear any of that noise. not only that but, he fathered a baby with a white chick...fear of mndingo will be in full effect. i don't know much about cain or west except that both sarah palin and the tea party support them which means i can assume that they are for the exact opposite of what would be beneficial to the majority of this country. that leaves colin powell. i agree that this man could run as a repunblican and have support on both sides of the aisle. i think he could win. but he won't run...just like he didn't in 2000. wanna know why? because his wife feared that he would be assassinated. bet you petraeus and shwartzkopf wouldn't have that concern.

so, your points have been addressed.

now...i'm done with this dialouge. all those years ago, i considered us friendly. i always thought you to be a thoughtful, intelligent guy even if we didn't always see eye to eye. if you recall, i defended you several times against charges that you were racist. i truly thought that you were just like most white people...tired of the whole issue since it doesn't really relate to your lives. that said, i thought that you could at least see it and acknowledge it when it is blatant or even when it's a bit more subtle.

now, i feel as if i don't know you anymore. while i don't doubt that your animosity towards obama stems from political dfferences rather than racial ones, your continued denial of the obvious racist tactics and attitudes of the tea party, birthers, etc makes me wonder if you don't secretly harbor the same views towards minorities. your over reaction to knut's observation that some people are just racists is very interesting.

maybe it's just this board that has done it to you. posting here, where you find a lot of validation for you views...even though it seems as if even the people that agree with your politics don't like or respect you...has caused you to step over that fine line from advocate to zealot.

what happened to you, man.? you used to be beautiful....
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
you are not a reasonable person.

 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
as far as you list of "acceptable" black candidates goes...thomas has spent so much time trying to be accepted by whites on the right, it's a wonder he hasn't had his skin bleached.

Man, Bastard... what you just posted... And... I'm the one who's unreasonable and a zealot ?!?

You've got to be kidding me. You threw so much baseless mud at me, and then I'm the unreasonable one. Yeah. Right.

 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard

so...last night, im watching bill maher on hbo. had a guy on the panel named andrew brietbart...i've heard his name before but wasn't really familiar with him. i associated him with the right wing tea party branch of the republicans but, never heard him speak or read any of his stuff. he more than held his own in front of a tough crowd. as i was listening to him, so much of his rhetoric sounded really familiar...down to listing a group of black candidates that the right would find suitable.

i realized about halfway thru the panel section that basically he was saying pretty much the same things you are saying.

i understand that people are always going to be informed by what they read and hear. i tend towards liberal in most things so i'm going to trend towards sites and shows that fuel my beliefs. i expect no different from you.

I know Breitbart as the guy with the website BigGovernment.com, a blog/news-site that I've visited a few times, but I don't have time for every conservative source.
Breitbart broke the ACORN scandal story that ended up having the U.S. Census Bureau sever ties with ACORN, and shortly after, Congress likewise cut billions in funding for ACORN. And now many branches of ACORN are getting federal funds again by simply changing the name of their branch organization.
Likewise, Breitbart also oversaw the hidden-camera busts of Planned Parenthood (again possibly cutting off federal funding as a result), and on hidden camera again exposed partisan remarks by a high-level executive at NPR.

I hadn't heard Breitbart's remarks naming black candidates that Republicans would support. I haven't heard any conservative source say the same thing I have.
If Breitbart shares my views, that's news to me. But I've been saying the same thing since 2000, that the "Republican=racist" argument is false, because polls have shown since 1992, 1996 and 2000 that Colin Powell would be the popular candidate of choice, if only he would run.

 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
but as i watched this guy and saw the similarity in his rhetoric and your writings, i've come to a conclusion:

you are not a reasonable person.

Non-sequitor. You just said Breitbart defended himself well and was reasonable... but I'm unreasonable for making virtually the same case?

 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
you will always deny even the most despicable tactics used by your side. you attempt to obfuscate and twist the debate by trying to equate the sustained, tactical hatred of your side with isolated instances on the left.

Again, you lash out with sweeping generalizations about how I "always" do this and that, but you don't cite examples or make a case for that.

I resent being called "unreasonable" when I've cited examples and made my case logically.
By condescendingly labelling me "unreasonable" and other insulting terms, you are escalating the heat of this debate, and it is YOU who are being unreasonable.

 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
but, since you keep complaining that the [points] you brought up haven't been addressed, i will do so now.

regarding clinton's "getting us coffee" statement...that's not even the worst thing he said during the campaign. both bill and hillary made some racially charged statements during the campaign and both were excoriated by pundits on the left for them. they both lost much of the goodwill they'd built in the black community and they paid a price for their remarks. not the least of which was hillary not winning the nomination.

I'll grant there was some scorn of the Clintons among the media and Democrat elites in 2008.

But that was only because they favored Obama. And I would argue that late--democrat-primary states that went for Hillary Clinton were labelled unfairly as "racist" and "redneck" simply for choosing Hillary over Obama. (EXAMPLES: Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky)

Interesting how "racist" was not applied when HISPANIC voters favored Hillary Clinton in the Puerto Rico primary. It would be politically incorrect to call hispanic voters "racist", but perfectly fine to falsely slander white voters that way.
Now, THAT is a case made.

 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
regarding mc cain, actually, the panama issue was originally brought up during the 2000 campaign by the republicans. wanna know what the difference is between his situation and obama's?


now, of course, his citizenship was never really in question since at least 1 of his parents was an American citizen and that is all that is required to be a citizen.

But it was the Democrats who slandered McCain as "not a qualified U.S. citizen" in 2008.

McCain was born at a U.S. Naval base overseas, that is clearly defined as U.S. territory. And therefore U.S.-born.

 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
and they did play the race card with mc cain when the republicans said that his adopted bangladeshi daughter was really the love child between him and a black prostitute. surprised you didn't cite that...oh yeah, the republicans did that so that doesn't fit into your apologist's view of the right wing.

I believe I've covered that many times in past discussions, where I said that McCain should have been the candidate in 2000 (that was his time), and he was unfairly leveraged aside by the W.Bush campaign.

You and other liberals here like to pretend that I "always" defend the Republican, no matter who it is.
But these boards are FILLED with past posts where I was critical of W.Bush on many issues: Amnesty for illegals, Harriet Miers nomination, invading Iraq with less than what Shinseki and other generals advised, keeping Rumsfeld in charge of a stalled war from 2003 till Nov 2006, allowing huge domestic spending that exceeded spending on the war on terror, and on and on.

Did I support W Bush on some issues?
I supported staying the course and using the troops and resources necessary to win the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and supported the surges that virtually every Democrat opposed.

That apparently to you is "always supporting the Republican, no matter what".
Look at my previous posts before you hack out that kind of misrepresentative garbage.

 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
as far as you list of "acceptable" black candidates goes...thomas has spent so much time trying to be accepted by whites on the right, it's a wonder he hasn't had his skin bleached.

Your unsubstantiated, and rather viciously personal opinion of Thomas.

And I'm "unreasonable", right. But nooo, nooo, not POSSIBLY you!

 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
watts has spent some of his career championing education for black kids and you know that most republicans don't want to hear any of that noise. not only that but, he fathered a baby with a white chick...

Again, your rather vicious and unsubstantiated personal opinion of the man.

If I made a similar comment about a mixed-race baby of a black person, it would no doubt be portrayed as racist. But hey, it's perfectly PC and acceptable when a black man or liberal says it.

fear of mndingo will be in full effect.

I have no idea what that means. But it again sounds like projecting racist thoughts or intent onto white conservatives, when only liberals have actually said it.

 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
i don't know much about cain or west except that both sarah palin and the tea party support them which means i can assume that they are for the exact opposite of what would be beneficial to the majority of this country.

Your opinion. And based on what?

Since you just said you know nothing about their political views or histories, that's obvious: based on nothing.

How very reasonable of you.
How unreasonable of me not to agree with your uninformed sweeping opinion of them. For certain, I must be a zealot for doing so.

 Originally Posted By: THE BAstard
that leaves colin powell. i agree that this man could run as a repunblican and have support on both sides of the aisle. i think he could win. but he won't run...just like he didn't in 2000. wanna know why? because his wife feared that he would be assassinated. bet you petraeus and shwartzkopf wouldn't have that concern.

And you opine about the sadness of my "wild conspiracy theories"[/b] ?
That's pretty wild and speculative.

The fact that Obama --a black and far less moderate political figure than Powell-- is alive without a single assassination attempt in his two-plus tyrannical years as President, ramming an agenda down the throats of an American public that 60 to 70% in polls say they don't support and want repealed.
The fact that OBAMA has not been attacked, extreme as he is, makes clear the hysterical slander that white racist extremists would assassinate the far more moderate and highly qualified Colin Powell.

Several years ago, I mentioned Colin Powell and you said "Well, he's not really one of us..." (i.e., he's not "black enough")
Do you remember that?
Which one of us is being unreasonable?

 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard

so, your points have been addressed.

If by "addressed", you mean your "reasonable" opinionated opinion, vs. my fact with specific example, yeah, I guess so...

 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard

now...i'm done with this dialouge. all those years ago, i considered us friendly. i always thought you to be a thoughtful, intelligent guy even if we didn't always see eye to eye. if you recall, i defended you several times against charges that you were racist.

Hey, I think that cut both ways, I believe I defended you as well. I enjoyed our exchanges, and consider you a friend, one of the first I made online. I hope we can get past this disagreement to the kind of discussions we used to have.

I fail to see why you are sweepingly dismissing me as "unreasonable" and speaking of me sweepingly as a "thoughtful, intelligent guy" in the past tense.
Your talking about my opinion in a sweepingly dismissive --and condescending-- way does not exactly encourage mutual respect or a "reasonable" response.

But even so, I have remained more reasonable than your example, and despite your sweeping labels, have backed up my opinion far better than you have, far more respectfully.

And far more reasonably than you give me credit for.

 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
i truly thought that you were just like most white people...tired of the whole issue since it doesn't really relate to your lives. that said, i thought that you could at least see it and acknowledge it when it is blatant or even when it's a bit more subtle.

"Like most white people"?

My opinion on race is largely unchanged from 10 years ago. I'm tired of being accused of racism, and seeing whites/conservatives sweepingly accused of racism, where a double standard is applied, and minorities and liberals can say whatever they want without being called on it.

But if one white or conservative makes a poorly chosen remark... not even a an overtly racist remark, just a questionable and ambiguous remark, the worst is assumed, and it's front page news for two weeks.

When a liberal or minority does it, it might be reported, but will be mentioned once, on page A-15.

An early example I remember was 20 years ago, where Ross Perot addressed a dominantly black audience and trying to engage the audience, said "you people".
A media that wanted to tear him down while building up Bill Clinton leaped on this tiny ambiguous word-choice. And I've seen that on a regular basis for 20 years since.

 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard

now, i feel as if i don't know you anymore. while i don't doubt that your animosity towards obama stems from political dfferences rather than racial ones, your continued denial of the obvious racist tactics and attitudes of the tea party, birthers, etc makes me wonder if you don't secretly harbor the same views towards minorities. your over reaction to knut's observation that some people are just racists is very interesting.

I frankly feel I don't know you!
The guy I had great dialogues with 10 years ago would never sweepingly and condescendingly dismiss my opinion the way you have in the last few posts.

You have an opinion. I have an opinion. Let's learn to deal with it.

Do you remember when we could --when you could-- respectfully disagree without sweepingly labelling me a zealot, unreasonable, a right-wing partisan who defends every republican talking point?
For the nine-plus years, both here and the DC boards, I clearly have not supported "every" Republican point, and my previous posts back that up.

As for my reaction to Knut's remark, he's here to joke around, and while I do post sarcasm and humor, it's a lower ratio than he likes.
Knut's remark I just reacted to was ambiguous. Sometimes Knut's tried to give me friendly advice, but frequently he's just trolling on me. The one time I PM'd him privately to clarify what he was trying to say, he mocked me with it and used it to further troll on me. His remark here, brief and ambiguous as it was, seemed to be piling on the liberal perception of "it's definitely racist" side of the debate here.

 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
maybe it's just this board that has done it to you. posting here, where you find a lot of validation for you views...even though it seems as if even the people that agree with your politics don't like or respect you...has caused you to step over that fine line from advocate to zealot.

what happened to you, man.? you used to be beautiful....

I bolded the two contradictory phrases in the same sentence of your post. Following your logic, how do I find "validation for [my] views" and simultaneously those people "don't like or respect" what I say?
That's an insulting portrayal, and then you threw in the word "zealot" to describe me as well. Nice!

You're the one throwing all the insults, whereas I'm doing my damndest to be reasonable.

The RKMB boards are a bit tougher than most boards. Everyone here gets attacks at one time or another, and the ones who can't take it leave. As I recall, you left in a huff a few years ago when they piled on you. So I could as easily argue that they "don't like or respect" YOU.

Myself, G-man, Pariah, Sammitch, Jason, even BSAMS, Pro and the inner circle have been called on stuff and harassed at times. And it's not particular to the left or right opinions either.

I frankly think you're doing your best to provoke me by unfairly calling me a zealot and unreasonable, and speaking of my logic lamentedly in the past tense.
I haven't changed, only your portrayal of me has.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Man, Bastard... what you just posted... And... I'm the one who's unreasonable and a zealot ?!?

 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Man, Bastard... what you just posted... And... I'm the one who's unreasonable and a zealot ?!?


so...i was about a quarter of the way into a response to your last post when i realized that i was continuing the dialouge. so i deleted everything and decided to write this instead....

you are an unreasonable person. debating you has devolved into a waste of time as you have developed a very narrow and myopic view of the world. not only that but, you tend to play the role of victim whenever someone calls you out. you moan and whine whenever someone points out that you may, in fact, be full of shit. i'm not saying that you don't make a reasonable point now and again but, it's like searching for the one unbroken peanut in the excrement that is your rhetoric.

not only that but, i think you may have a touch of narcissistic personality disorder...given that you habitiually search out old posts that you've made and quote them to back up some new bullshit that you are currently posting....as if the original bullshit you posted in the past suddenly became profound just cuz it's old.

the funny part is, mostly nobody reads the bullshit you post the first time around so quoting and re-posting it just makes you seem that much more sad and pathetic.

so, here's where we stand...i'll show up here from time to time and comment as i see fit on subjects that interest me. you can respond or not as you wish but, i will not respond to you if you do. i feel that, by doing engaging you, i will be enabling you and feeding into your delusions. i don't wish to be responsible in any way at all for keeping you from seeking the help you need.

anyway, that's it. i wish you luck in your future endeavors.
I don't read anything he writes either. it amazes me anyone gets into a debate with him.
I just find something to laugh about then make him cry over it.
exactly, I just don't see why some people get bent out of shape over it.
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard

so...i was about a quarter of the way into a response to your last post when i realized that i was continuing the dialouge. so i deleted everything and decided to write this instead....

you are an unreasonable person. debating you has devolved into a waste of time as you have developed a very narrow and myopic view of the world. not only that but, you tend to play the role of victim whenever someone calls you out. you moan and whine whenever someone points out that you may, in fact, be full of shit. i'm not saying that you don't make a reasonable point now and again but, it's like searching for the one unbroken peanut in the excrement that is your rhetoric.

not only that but, i think you may have a touch of narcissistic personality disorder...given that you habitiually search out old posts that you've made and quote them to back up some new bullshit that you are currently posting....as if the original bullshit you posted in the past suddenly became profound just cuz it's old.

the funny part is, mostly nobody reads the bullshit you post the first time around so quoting and re-posting it just makes you seem that much more sad and pathetic.

so, here's where we stand...i'll show up here from time to time and comment as i see fit on subjects that interest me. you can respond or not as you wish but, i will not respond to you if you do. i feel that, by doing engaging you, i will be enabling you and feeding into your delusions. i don't wish to be responsible in any way at all for keeping you from seeking the help you need.

anyway, that's it. i wish you luck in your future endeavors.

So... you call me a bunch of names, but can't back up what you say with the slightest facts.

You accuse your political opposition of using secret code for calling the president a "nigger"... but I'm the one being uncivil.

You accuse me of being delusional, despite that I cite examples to support my views, while all you have is insults and paranoid scenarios (i.e., if Colin Powell were elected he would be assassinated, if someone disagrees with Obama it's because they can't stand that a "nigger is president"). I'm just repeating the excrement you just slung in my direction.

But I'm the unreasonable one. Right. You can think whatever you want. That doesn't make you any less wrong.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

So... you call me a bunch of names, but can't back up what you say with the slightest facts.

That is exactly what you do with everyone of your posts.
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

So... you call me a bunch of names, but can't back up what you say with the slightest facts.

That is exactly what you do with everyone of your posts.

It is amusingly ironic, don't you think?

When the person accusing you of a bunch of shit is doing exactly what they accuse you of?
Its ok wondy. You're old enough to get Alzheimers soon so that pesky reality won't be a problem anymore.
it's like rain on K-nut's wedding day.
It's the good advice, that Snarf just didn't take.
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab
I don't read anything he writes either. it amazes me anyone gets into a debate with him.

well said
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab
I don't read anything he writes either. it amazes me anyone gets into a debate with him.

well said

That's just because you're trying so hard to be one of the cool kids.

BSAMS, virtually all the points I've made are the same as yours. We even quote a lot of the same sources. I get harassed for it, you don't.

It's a case of clique-ish snobbery on your collective part, pure and simple. With no basis in reality.

The over-the-top shit that Pro and Bastard have posted here goes unchallenged by any of you. I owned up to my own more excessive remarks, and even laughed at them in retrospect.
Would that you held them to the same standard.

From Barack Obama's own words - He Searched out Marxist (Communist) Professors in college

Yep, only hating that Obama is a black man could explain opposing his presidency.

It couldn't possibly be his radical ideology, or policies as president expanding from that radicalism...
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab
I don't read anything he writes either. it amazes me anyone gets into a debate with him.

well said

That's just because you're trying so hard to be one of the cool kids.

Not really. I'm cooler than anyone here.
besides Urg. And maybe SOM. Maybe
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab
I don't read anything he writes either. it amazes me anyone gets into a debate with him.

well said

That's just because you're trying so hard to be one of the cool kids.

BSAMS, virtually all the points I've made are the same as yours. We even quote a lot of the same sources. I get harassed for it, you don't.

It's a case of clique-ish snobbery on your collective part, pure and simple. With no basis in reality.

The over-the-top shit that Pro and Bastard have posted here goes unchallenged by any of you. I owned up to my own more excessive remarks, and even laughed at them in retrospect.
Would that you held them to the same standard.

Okay. That's it.

WB, for god sakes, lighten up, stop taking the bait and tone down the rhetoric. You've been on this board long enough to know that we all push buttons here and a lot of it is just trash talk. Nearly everyone here knows it and nearly everyone here can laugh at himself once in a while.

You have accomplished something that no one else has done here with the possible exception of Wankie. You've turned the entire board against you.

Congratulations. I guess.
 Originally Posted By: WB
The over-the-top shit that Pro and Bastard have posted here goes unchallenged by any of you. I owned up to my own more excessive remarks, and even laughed at them in retrospect.

Would that you held them to the same standard.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: rex

Not , just telling it like it is.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
sorry, iggy. i tend towards long windedness. don't even know why i try...dave cannot be reasoned with on issues of race.

I was planning to respond, but not tonight. I've already posted a lot.

For tonight, I'll just say
1) I've responded respectfully to your points
2) there are two perspectives, I'm trying to have a civil and less high-testosterone dialogue. And just because you believe something doesn't mean you're right and I'm wrong. Your opinion doesn't BEGIN to explain why Obama is regarded as a "nigger" despite that no one has used the word or made any statement that says or implies that without massive subjectivity applied. And why these same "racists" don't have the same racial hatred of Colin Powell, J.C. Watts, Mark Steele, Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, and of many black Democrats as well. Gee, y'know, maybe it has to do with Obama being a leftist radical who wants to "radically transform" America, and truly has nothing to do with the fact that he's black. Except as a tool for Democrats to slander those who legitimately criticize Obama's actions and policies.

Sometimes politics is just politics. And "racist" has become a reflexive attack vehicle by the left, that is often used in the absence of real racism. To the division and detriment of the nation.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab
I don't read anything he writes either. it amazes me anyone gets into a debate with him.

well said

That's just because you're trying so hard to be one of the cool kids.

BSAMS, virtually all the points I've made are the same as yours. We even quote a lot of the same sources. I get harassed for it, you don't.

It's a case of clique-ish snobbery on your collective part, pure and simple. With no basis in reality.

The over-the-top shit that Pro and Bastard have posted here goes unchallenged by any of you. I owned up to my own more excessive remarks, and even laughed at them in retrospect.
Would that you held them to the same standard.

Okay. That's it.

WB, for god sakes, lighten up, stop taking the bait and tone down the rhetoric. You've been on this board long enough to know that we all push buttons here and a lot of it is just trash talk. Nearly everyone here knows it and nearly everyone here can laugh at himself once in a while.

You have accomplished something that no one else has done here with the possible exception of Wankie. You've turned the entire board against you.

Congratulations. I guess.

Welcome to the conspiracy, G-man.
BTW, the theme of this Thursday's meeting is Hawaiian Luau. Dress appropriately.
And bring beer.
Lots of beer.
As a matter of fact, you don't have to even show up. But still send the beer.
Yeah, like I'd miss an opportunity be someplace where there's beer.
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab
I don't read anything he writes either. it amazes me anyone gets into a debate with him.

well said

That's just because you're trying so hard to be one of the cool kids.

Not really. I'm cooler than anyone here.

amazingly enough, if one were to go back and re-read my original post on the actual topic of this thread, i thought i was very reasonable in regards to the women that sent around the e-mail. never intended to get into a debate on racism. only reason i came back was to see what the commentary here was on the birther issue. now it seems like i've helped to turn everyone against wonderboy. not my intention...

i guess it really does ruin the neighborhood when black people move in...
they be rapin everybody out here!
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab
I don't read anything he writes either. it amazes me anyone gets into a debate with him.

well said

That's just because you're trying so hard to be one of the cool kids.

BSAMS, virtually all the points I've made are the same as yours. We even quote a lot of the same sources. I get harassed for it, you don't.

It's a case of clique-ish snobbery on your collective part, pure and simple. With no basis in reality.

The over-the-top shit that Pro and Bastard have posted here goes unchallenged by any of you. I owned up to my own more excessive remarks, and even laughed at them in retrospect.
Would that you held them to the same standard.

Okay. That's it.

WB, for god sakes, lighten up, stop taking the bait and tone down the rhetoric. You've been on this board long enough to know that we all push buttons here and a lot of it is just trash talk. Nearly everyone here knows it and nearly everyone here can laugh at himself once in a while.

You have accomplished something that no one else has done here with the possible exception of Wankie. You've turned the entire board against you.

Congratulations. I guess.

\:lol\: holy shit it's finally happened! I'm amazed it took this long!
even g-man. damn wondy...what have you done?
They fight every once in a while then they have circle jerk to ann coulter and make up.
rex likes standing in for Ann Coulter when they do.
Dude, that's kind of low....comparing Rex to Ann? Rex isn't THAT bad...
Her adams apple is a lot bigger than mine.
i love how wondy hasn't said shit since g-man posted
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
i love how wondy hasn't said shit since g-man posted

Looks like someone got permission to post again.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
i love how wondy hasn't said shit since g-man posted

yes, post those emotes buddy. cause we all now know that your master has spoken you have to shut the hell up
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
i love how wondy hasn't said shit since g-man posted

yes, post those emotes buddy. cause we all now know that your master has spoken you have to shut the hell up

Says the schmuck who's always telling me not to take the bait.
Pro must have given you permission to attack me.
Wondy, slavery isn't legal anymore. That is kind of insensitive.
Nah, he just recognizes my superiority...
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Nah, he just recognizes my racial superiority...

give me permission to speak damn you!
Can I call you Toby?
I think he prefers Kunta Kinte
That's racist!
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
That's racist!

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus, in this topic, 4-22-2011

And whether you're sincerely racist yourself and it just bothers you a "nigger" is in the White House...
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
That's racist!

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus, 4-22-2011

..."nigger" is in the White House...
You sure do like saying that word, don't you?
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
 Originally Posted By: rex, 4-27-2011
Sincerely, the token angry nigger of the RKMBs.

i'm fine, rex. how are you?

i'm gonna make your day for you....for about 30 seconds, that made me angry.

then...i considered the source.

sociologically speaking, there are several root causes for overt displays of racism...the following are the most common:

the person making the display considers him/herself inadequate and is attempting to transfer his/her feelings of inadequacy onto another person in order to feel superior.

that person may have had an encounter with a person of another race that lift him/her feeling inadequate, slighted or frightened.

that person has either a raging fear of or repressed love for the black man's penis.

you, rex, are a sociological anomaly in that you fit all 3 criteria.

so...every time you say nigger....what you are really saying is "Bastie, i'm afraid of you, i don't understand you and i want to suck your giant, throbbing black cock."

flattering, really....but i don't roll like that, playboy. stick to the socks. or have you graduated to jock straps yet?

Glass houses, throwing stones, Rex...
And repeating Bastard's psychoanalysis of your love/hate/fear of black cock was just too much fun to pass up.
Its good to see you're over that whole "hiding behind other people's words" phase.
 Originally Posted By: rex
You sure do like saying that word, don't you?

 Originally Posted By: rex, 4-27-2011

Sincerely, the token angry nigger of the RKMBs.

Just clarifying your hypocrisy.

Where is my hypocrisy? I said you liked using that word. I never said that it was wrong to use that word.

But don't let logic get in the way of your hissy fit breakdown.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
That's racist!

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus, 4-22-2011

And whether you're sincerely racist yourself and it just bothers you a "nigger" is in the White House...

LMAO!!! \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: I honestly....honestly...cannot believe you are STILL hurt by my pointing out your racism.

And like rex said, please stop saying that word. I know non-whites are second-class-citizens to you, but the rest of us respect them as fellow human beings. Racist.

JLA this is your best thread yet.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
LMAO!!! \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: I honestly....honestly...cannot believe you are STILL hurt by my pointing out your racism.

Not to fight Dave's battles for him, but who exactly was it that used the word "nigger?" Him or you?
In a grown-up conversation neither of you could grasp. The adults are talking here, Pariah. Go back to the kids table...
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
JLA this is your best thread yet.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
...I know non-whites are second-class-citizens to you, but the rest of us respect them as fellow human beings...

don't lump me in with your pinko hippie bullshit you evilsucking enabler of cocks!

shit. I fucked up somewhere in there...
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
LMAO!!! \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: I honestly....honestly...cannot believe you are STILL hurt by my pointing out your racism.

Not to fight Dave's battles for him, but who exactly was it that used the word "nigger?" Him or you?

There's no way I can answer that question without being outed as a racist. So here's a non-sequitur and a graemlin.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
In a grown-up conversation neither of you could grasp. The adults are talking here, Pariah. Go back to the kids table...

So what are you doing here?

As you said, the adults are talking. That surely excludes your childish games and evasiveness.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

As you said, the adults are talking. That surely excludes your childish games and evasiveness.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
That's racist!

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus, 4-22-2011

And whether you're sincerely racist yourself and it just bothers you a "nigger" is in the White House...

LMAO!!! \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: I honestly....honestly...cannot believe you are STILL hurt by my pointing out your racism.

And like rex said, please stop saying that word. I know non-whites are second-class-citizens to you, but the rest of us respect them as fellow human beings. Racist.

Manufacturing the notion that I'm "still hurt" by your comments, and not just focused on holding you accountable for your own hypocrisy, is just yet another diversion from the fact that YOU (not me) called the president a "nigger" and tried to put that over-the-top remark in my mouth.

And, incredibly, The Bastard did more or less the same thing, only he alleged others, not me personally, are using euphemistic code to call the president by that same N-label.

And further incredibly, no one called either of you on it.

Or on your "right wing extremist" allegations that right-wingers "support" this lady, despite that every right winger --myself included-- condemned the stupidity of what this Davenport lady did.

A point you've been evading for 20 pages now.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I'm "still hurt" by your comments
 Originally Posted By: rex
I'm "still hurt" by your comments that I'm an unemployed loser who lives with his mom...
I win again!
 Originally Posted By: rex
I got humiliated again, but I'll pretend I won!
Sure wondy sure
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
And further incredibly, no one called either of you on it.

That's the sound of reality knocking on your door, trying to get in. Open the door, David. Open it.

 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I'm "still hurt" by your comments


 Originally Posted By: Prometheus, 4-22-2011

And whether you're sincerely racist yourself and it just bothers you a "nigger" is in the White House...

Nope, nothing over-the-top that you posted, nothing at all.

Don't make me whip out my Penis of Truth, buddy...
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
The word "nigger" is not something geared towards foreign blacks.

He's not foreign. He's an American. The President of the United States, in fact. Your President. Your Commander-In-Chief. Your boss. Boy.

Do you realize that Obama is not the first president to be questioned about his birth certificate?

Yes, except every other Prez before him was "questioned about his birth certificate"...once. When they asked, "Are you American?", he said "Yes", and that was it. There's no comparison to this ongoing moronic kiddie-shit the Rightwing Extremists pull.

Exhibit B.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Okay, I'm in a good mood. I'll respond:

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
BTW, I like how you keep trying to change the title of this thread, Dave. That's a classic case of denial on your part, man. Therapy. You'll thank me later.

Your obsession with something as small as how I title my posts makes me think otherwise.

Is it an obsession, or is it me asking you a single question about it, and making fun of your insecurity?

That you're afraid of the truth despite all your \:lol\: \:lol\:, that you realize you're exposed, and you are thus trying to change the subject.

No, I don't mind staying on the subject you seem so butt-hurt over. The email sent was racist. Period. Fact. End of story. And you can try and worm your way around it with semantics, and anger, and extremist rage at those who have different beliefs than you. But, in the end, you're simply wrong on this one. Sorry. Just because Obama has white parents does not mean that you can say he was born from apes. That's not just fucking stupid (because it is) and childish (because it is) and ignorant (because it is), it's racist (because it is). Obama is black. It's a specific quality that separates him from all previous Presidents, and therefore different rules apply. That's a fact of life. And whether you're sincerely racist yourself and it just bothers you a "nigger" is in the White House, or you've had your mind warped around Conservative talking points so much that you cannot see what is directly in front of you, I don't know. The thing I fear the most about you is that you absolutely deny reality just because you want your "side" to "win". And that.....that would be the epitome of why modern Americans should be ashamed. This "us and them" mentality is ludicrous. You want to know why America is falling behind the rest of the world? Because the millionaires in Washington are dividing us and keeping us at each others throats to distract us from the REAL issues Lobbyists and Corporations are paying them to ignore.

I know you wish your party was perfect, and I know you wish the "EVIL LIBERALS" would all kill themselves and non-whites so that you could feel secure in your position in life. But, in the end, the email was racist, and that is a fucking fact. I realize it makes little sense for me to actually attempt to sway you with logic and rationale. However, unlike how you see me, I don't consider you "pure evil", and just see you as a sad man who is probably lonely, and uses extremist politics to define himself completely. And there is a point where I pity you, and feel sorry for you. Yet, everytime I try to joke with you or yank your chain, you lose your mind on me and go off the rails. I wish you wouldn't, but you don't seem capable of anything else.

And since you believe changing the title of the thread doesn't matter at all, then I'm sure you won't mind if I change it to something I like. Now, don't have an "obsession" and try and change it back. That just shows your "obsession". Right? And we don't want that... ;\)

And just y'know, generally a weaselly sack of excrement.

Awww....you poor, sad child. What next? I'm a doo-doo head? Grow up. \:lol\:

I've repeatedly pointed out how --despite your self-congratulation of how neutral you are-- you keep hyping the "right wing extremist" partisan talking points of Reid, Pelosi and Schumer. I keep raising that point, you keep avoiding it.

I "avoid" (ignore) because I don't know who in the fuck you're talking about. I'm Prometheus. You're Dave, the Wonder "Boy". There is no "Pelosi, Reid, and Schumer" here. They aren't involved in our discussion, and no matter how insistent you are, I simply do not know their beliefs or opinions. I avoid Politics Channels like MSNBC or FOX. I don't keep up with the mud-slinging or the silly-ass ego battles these millionaires in Washington participate in. Because I just don't care. Seriously. Politicians waste time, money, and are not at all interested in bettering our country. Not the politicians on your side of the isle OR the Lefties. They don't care, so I don't care about them. Because to follow them, and follow their beliefs and memorize their ideas and speeches is meaningless to me. It does not, in any way, better my life or those around me. So, therefore, I let the millionaires play their profit-game, and I just keep my head down and try to provide for my family. Nothing more, nothing less.

Yes, I pick on you. Yes, I taunt you. And none of it has to do with your political stance. Pariah, BASMS, and even G-Man (to an extent) have the same political beliefs. And I don't pick on them in the same way. Why? Because they aren't as easy as you are. I fuck with you because you're like a wind-up toy. I wind you up and you go. And it's entertaining. And that's the only reason I come here. To be entertained.

Now, you can choose to believe me, and read all of that with the neutral voice I intend it to have. Or, you can just freak-the-fuck out and do what you always do and simply rant and rave with BOLDED CAPS TO EMPHASIZE HOW EXTREME AND ANGRY YOU ARE!!!!!!

It's up to you.


You took 24 whole hours to respond, and that's the best you could do?

There's no "facts" in what you posted, just a bunch of hyperbolic sweeping assumptions, personal slanders and other assorted insults, where you --in completely erroneous pseudo-logic-- postulate that I and other Republican conservatives are racist and just can't handle that there's a black man in the Oval Office.
You even managed to assume thoughts with the word "nigger" and then act like the words came from me and not you.

You fail to grasp that there are many black leaders I've repeatedly suggested as presidential material that I would support, including Colin Powell, J.C.Watts, Herman Cain and the man I voted for in Nov 2010 for the second time, Allen West. Condoleezza Rice is also highly qualified.

For at least 10 years, I've cut through the "white republican racists who won't accept a black president" rhetoric of yourself and others, and pointed out that polls have shown Colin Powell as the most desired candidate for president, if only he would run, from 1992 forward.
And also that Rev. Jesse Jackson won about a dozen states in 1988 primaries, and almost took the nomination away from Dukakis. And Jackson was plenty pissed off that he was not given the nomination.

The larger point being: For at least 20 years the nation has been ready for a black president, slandered white Republicans have been ready for a black president, and I'VE been ready for a black president.

It's not Obama's skin color that makes me reject him, it's his clear marxist/radical indoctrination, and his radical inner circle of close associates: Saul Alinsky, Andy Stern, Cass Sunstein, Jeff Jones, William Ayers, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the Apollo Alliance, George Soros, etc.

It has absolutely nothing to do with Obama's skin color, and everything to do with his radical-left ideology, that I reject him as a worthy or qualified president.
And yet again and again, you turn on the slander machine, and allege racism, and even whip out the n-word.

You allege you're not on the talking points of the Democrats, and yet every news-aware person on these boards knows that Sen Chuck Schumer (D-NY) let slip on a radio interview that his caucus instructed all Democrats to use the phrase "right wing extremist" to partisanly demagogue any Republican policy suggestion... and here you are repeating those exact words, over and over, here in this topic!
WOW!! What an amazing, incredible coincidence that is!!

(Oh, gee whiz, I used bold and caps, I must be angry! Or maybe, hard as it is for you to fathom, I just wish to emphasize certain parts so your attention-deficit brain won't miss them.)

Whether you realize it or not, Prometheus, you ARE a partisan liberal. And as such, you can't possibly assume any other motivation by Republicans (i.e, racist, heartless, mean, greedy, etc.) That's why you kneejerk out the shit insinuations that you do.

What is absolutely amazing is the way you accuse me and other Republicans of all thinking one way, as "seeing things in clear black and white" and in the same breath you make all these sweeping racist assumptions about those who don't share your political opinion.

Your bias is incriminatingly clear in what you posted. And what you posted demonstrates all the hatred, ideological zealotry and slanderous bigotry you accuse me and other Republicans of.

Thou art truly an idiot.

Exhibit C.
Your bullet-train straight from Crazy Town. With my response.

There are plenty more examples of your over-the-top antics.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
And further incredibly, no one called either of you on it.

That's the sound of reality knocking on your door, trying to get in. Open the door, David. Open it.
Pro, that quickie-post doesn't begin to explain your manifest craziness I re-posted above.

Impaled again!
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
And further incredibly, no one called either of you on it.

That's the sound of reality knocking on your door, trying to get in. Open the door, David. Open it.
Depending on how everyone has their settings notched...for my settings, I've kept Dave bouncing back like a rubber ball for 13 pages. How many want to bet on how long I can keep him going?
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
How many want to bet on how long I can keep him going?

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Impaled again!

all that impaling must really start to hurt after a while. yet you just keep on going as though it has absolutely no ill effects on you. or something. if I didn't know any better I'd think all it does is amuse you. of course we both know better right?
That's silly talk, Phil. My impaling is obvious. And if it's not, Dave will repeat it to remind everyone and reinforce the loyalty of his followers.....which are legion.................
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Depending on how everyone has their settings notched...for my settings, I've kept Dave bouncing back like a rubber ball for 13 pages. How many want to bet on how long I can keep him going?

This has been your angle for a while now, but it seems like one of those chicken or the egg scenarios really. Who's really "bouncing back" against who here?

I mean, you're very responsive to insults. If anyone starts criticizing you, you will inevitably comment about being "mature" and follow with a graemlin or three. Then you just quote yourself over and over again in an attempt to get the last word.

Very Insurgency of you really. I mean, that was their primary strategy: tell the opposition that they're obsessed with them......Then again, you did join their ranks--in an effort to be closer to Whomod no less.
I'm too mature to reply to you!

I better keep up to date on your responses so I can quote myself though.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah

I didn't see pariah quote wondy.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Quoting yourself again. Poor Pro.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Pro, that quickie-post doesn't begin to explain your manifest craziness I re-posted above.

Impaled again!

\:lol\: \:lol\:
do you feel that extra d6, pro? do ya?
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
JLA this is your best thread yet.

Ill Mackity goodness!
 Originally Posted By: iggy

O'Reilly made a strong editorial tonight about what we've all clearly known for at least three years:


Any Republican candidate who presents any kind of challenge to Obama will be branded by the liberal media (i.e., the Obama Ministry of Truth) as a "racist".

First Donald Trump was falsely slapped with the label, and now Newt Gingrich.

And lest it be forgotten, the same pro-Obama media also labelled Democrat primary states that voted for Hillary Clinton "racist" as well (WV, PA).
The example regarding Newt Gingrich really makes the case that the pro-Obama media bends over backwards to allege racism of Republicans when it very often clearly is not the case.
And the same media downplays amd minimally reports cases of Democrat racism, as detailed with examples earlier in the topic.

During an appearance on Fox News' "Hannity" on Wednesday night, Sarah Palin suggested that David Gregory, host of NBC's "Meet the Press," asked a "racist-tinged question" in pressing presidential candidate Newt Gingrich on an eyebrow-raising characterization of President Barack Obama he made last week.

The former House Speaker criticized the president as "the most successful food stamp president in modern American history" while speaking in Georgia. Here's an excerpt of the exchange that went down between Gingrich and Gregory after a clip was played of the remarks:

  • GREGORY: First of all, you gave a speech in Georgia with language a lot of people think could be coded racially-tinged language, calling the president, the first black president, a food stamp president.
    GINGRICH: Oh, come on, David.

    GREGORY: What did you mean? What was the point?

    GINGRICH: That's, that's bizarre. That -- this kind of automatic reference to racism, this is the president of the United States. The president of the United States has to be held accountable. Now, the idea that -- and what I said is factually true. Forty-seven million Americans are on food stamps. One out of every six Americans is on food stamps. And to hide behind the charge of racism? I have -- I have never said anything about President Obama which is racist.

    GREGORY: Well, what did you mean?

    GINGRICH: Well, it's very simple. He has policies -- and I used a very direct analogy. He follows the same destructive political model that destroyed the city of Detroit. I follow the model that Rick Perry and others have used to create more jobs in Texas. You know, Texas two out of the last four years created more jobs than the other 49 states combined. I'm suggesting we know how to create jobs. Ronald Reagan did it. I was part of that. We know how to create jobs. We did it when I was speaker. And, and the way you create jobs is you have lower taxes, you have less regulation, you have litigation reform. When the New York Stock Exchange puts its headquarters at Amsterdam, Holland and, by the way, follows 40 other companies in the last year; when General Electric pays zero in taxes; there's something fundamentally wrong with the current system. The Obama system of the National Labor Relations Board basically breaking the law to try to punish Boeing and to threaten every right-to-work state. The Environmental Protection Agency trying to control the entire American economy by bureaucratic fiat. The Obama system's going to lead us down the path to Detroit and destruction. I think we need a brand-new path. It's a path of job creation. And one of the central themes of this campaign is going to be paychecks vs. food stamps.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
During an appearance on Fox News' "Hannity"
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
During an appearance on Faux News' "Fat Hitler"
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
During an appearance on Faux News' "Fat Hitler"

godwin's law. possibly more predictable than death and taxes.
It's my day off. Don't expect gold.
subpar evil-enabling you're doing here...
I think the problem is that you've become a victim of your own success, more or less. you should take a page from me and spend the lion's share of your time either disappointing everyone or just plain doing fuck-all to begin with. then even the most minor successes become overwhelming victories.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus (as deceitfully scripted by Pro, NOT what I said)
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
During an appearance on Faux News' "Fat Hitler"

You guys are both caught here with your idiocy in full overdrive.

The Gingrich interview was on NBC's Meet The Press with David Gregory.
Sarah Palin was commenting about it on Hannity's program, on Fox News.
The article I quoted both from was Huffington Post, re-posted on AOL News where I read it.

Your retardation truly knows no bounds.
You forgot to mention glen beck.
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
Please go back to describing how you want to impale Pro with your penis. I'm really kind of enjoying it.

" The wind blew like hot breath through my hair, as I again impaled Pro ever so gently on my sword of truth.
He sighed uncontrollably... "

[ I saw this cover on Amazon, and the words just came to me.
Or on me.
Or something. ]
The closet door is right in front of you. All you need to do is open it.
 Originally Posted By: rex
You forgot to mention glen beck.
Man, I got the ladies in an uproar!
4 Search Spiders.
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Google 09/06/11 04:53 PM Reading a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: Republican/Tea Party nutter Circulates Racist E-mail Targeting Obama
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
The email sent was racist. Period. Fact. End of story. And you can try and worm your way around it with semantics, and anger, and extremist rage at those who have different beliefs than you. But, in the end, you're simply wrong on this one. Sorry. Just because Obama has white parents does not mean that you can say he was born from apes. That's not just fucking stupid (because it is) and childish (because it is) and ignorant (because it is), it's racist (because it is). Obama is black. It's a specific quality that separates him from all previous Presidents, and therefore different rules apply. That's a fact of life. And whether you're sincerely racist yourself and it just bothers you a "nigger" is in the White House, or you've had your mind warped around Conservative talking points so much that you cannot see what is directly in front of you, I don't know. The thing I fear the most about you is that you absolutely deny reality just because you want your "side" to "win". And that.....that would be the epitome of why modern Americans should be ashamed. This "us and them" mentality is ludicrous. You want to know why America is falling behind the rest of the world? Because the millionaires in Washington are dividing us and keeping us at each others throats to distract us from the REAL issues Lobbyists and Corporations are paying them to ignore.

I know you wish your party was perfect, and I know you wish the "EVIL LIBERALS" would all kill themselves and non-whites so that you could feel secure in your position in life. But, in the end, the email was racist, and that is a fucking fact. I realize it makes little sense for me to actually attempt to sway you with logic and rationale. However, unlike how you see me, I don't consider you "pure evil", and just see you as a sad man who is probably lonely, and uses extremist politics to define himself completely. And there is a point where I pity you, and feel sorry for you. Yet, everytime I try to joke with you or yank your chain, you lose your mind on me and go off the rails. I wish you wouldn't, but you don't seem capable of anything else.

I don't keep up with the mud-slinging or the silly-ass ego battles these millionaires in Washington participate in. Because I just don't care. Seriously. Politicians waste time, money, and are not at all interested in bettering our country. Not the politicians on your side of the isle OR the Lefties. They don't care, so I don't care about them. Because to follow them, and follow their beliefs and memorize their ideas and speeches is meaningless to me. It does not, in any way, better my life or those around me.

I made a LOT of sense here. I hope someone copied and saved this for future reference...........

racism notwithstanding (and you'll note most people agreeing there was probably some racist intent here), it was a lot of effort to put into a comparative nonissue. but yeah, you put some words together in a way that sounded nice that most people here would probably agree with.
I am cool like that...
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Just because Obama has white parents does not mean that you can say he was born from apes. That's not just fucking stupid (because it is) and childish (because it is) and ignorant (because it is), it's racist (because it is).

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
It's already been pointed out multiple times that Obama's mother is white, not black. Republicans are not ignorant of this fact. As such, the fact that an ape was used in the photo--rather than a picture of his mother--serves as evidence that its creator sought to illustrate the fact that Obama is a moron (as liberal caricatures did with Bush), and not simply label him as a black person in a malicious fashion.

Prometheus has yet to address this.

And he will continue not to do so.

That's precisely how terrified of me he is.

Let the graemlin-splurging commence!
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I am cool like that...

And by "cool" you really mean "delusional"...
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Just because Obama has white parents does not mean that you can say he was born from apes. That's not just fucking stupid (because it is) and childish (because it is) and ignorant (because it is), it's racist (because it is).

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
It's already been pointed out multiple times that Obama's mother is white, not black. Republicans are not ignorant of this fact. As such, the fact that an ape was used in the photo--rather than a picture of his mother--serves as evidence that its creator sought to illustrate the fact that Obama is a moron (as liberal caricatures did with Bush), and not simply label him as a black person in a malicious fashion.

Prometheus has yet to address this.

And he will continue not to do so.

That's precisely how terrified of me he is.

Let the graemlin-splurging commence!

That's because Pro has absolutely no leg to stand on.

Any criticism of a black president (despite that the exact same monkey caricatures were used of Bush) can be conveniently brushed away as racism.
Not because there truly is racism, but because he prefers to maliciously slander those who don't share his views.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Prometheus has yet to address this.

I've addressed all points in this thread. You just refuse to acknowledge it. Enjoy your daily . One day you'll be relevant. But, not today. \:lol\:
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
The email sent was racist. Period. Fact. End of story. And you can try and worm your way around it with semantics, and anger, and extremist rage at those who have different beliefs than you. But, in the end, you're simply wrong on this one. Sorry. Just because Obama has white parents does not mean that you can say he was born from apes. That's not just fucking stupid (because it is) and childish (because it is) and ignorant (because it is), it's racist (because it is). Obama is black. It's a specific quality that separates him from all previous Presidents, and therefore different rules apply. That's a fact of life. And whether you're sincerely racist yourself and it just bothers you a "nigger" is in the White House, or you've had your mind warped around Conservative talking points so much that you cannot see what is directly in front of you, I don't know. The thing I fear the most about you is that you absolutely deny reality just because you want your "side" to "win". And that.....that would be the epitome of why modern Americans should be ashamed. This "us and them" mentality is ludicrous. You want to know why America is falling behind the rest of the world? Because the millionaires in Washington are dividing us and keeping us at each others throats to distract us from the REAL issues Lobbyists and Corporations are paying them to ignore.

I know you wish your party was perfect, and I know you wish the "EVIL LIBERALS" would all kill themselves and non-whites so that you could feel secure in your position in life. But, in the end, the email was racist, and that is a fucking fact. I realize it makes little sense for me to actually attempt to sway you with logic and rationale. However, unlike how you see me, I don't consider you "pure evil", and just see you as a sad man who is probably lonely, and uses extremist politics to define himself completely. And there is a point where I pity you, and feel sorry for you. Yet, everytime I try to joke with you or yank your chain, you lose your mind on me and go off the rails. I wish you wouldn't, but you don't seem capable of anything else.

I don't keep up with the mud-slinging or the silly-ass ego battles these millionaires in Washington participate in. Because I just don't care. Seriously. Politicians waste time, money, and are not at all interested in bettering our country. Not the politicians on your side of the isle OR the Lefties. They don't care, so I don't care about them. Because to follow them, and follow their beliefs and memorize their ideas and speeches is meaningless to me. It does not, in any way, better my life or those around me.

I made a LOT of sense here. I hope someone copied and saved this for future reference...........

Hey David, you and Christy P. should read this. It explains exactly all the wrong things you two have said, and addresses all your points. I accept your apology, because I recognize you have had an ignorant upbringing. Probably got a lot of your extremist mentality from family or other Klan members. But, no one is born perfect. So, like I said, it's cool. I accept your apology, and welcome any questions you might have. I would love to help you in your journey towards the light of Truth, and will be here if you need me.

But, admitting your mistake is the first step to self-improvement, man. I'm proud of you.
I love pot. I love to smoke it. And boy do I love to stir it..... \:lol\:
You lost me at "nigger", Pro.

You self-righteously scorn Republicans as racist, and in the same breath you describe the president in racist terms, projecting it as if the notion came from conservatives.
It didn't.
it came from you.

And no amount of dancing on your part can ever get around that fact.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
You had me at "nigger", Pro.

You're a sad man. And, let's be honest. No amount of you projecting your self-hatred on me will in any way change the facts of every post I've made. You keep speaking as if there is an "audience" for you to "convince". There's not. You and Pariah are butthurt because your Extremist Fringe got caught red-handed being scum. And instead of being a man about it, and just accepting that no single party or ideal is perfect (like everyone else in the real world), you went off the rails trying to defend it. Trying to defend overt racism. How can you not see yourself clearly?

Anyway, I expect lots of crazy in reply to this. But, seriously, just give it up. The hate-mongers you so desperately cling to defending are not worth your time, and I PROMISE they would not lift a finger to help you in any way possible. Just get a grip, David...
Pariah User Bow down to combaticus!
15000+ posts 09/07/11 02:30 PM Making a new reply
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: Re: Tea Party nutter - Racist E-mail Targeting Obama

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Prometheus has yet to address this.

I've addressed all points in this thread.

Except that you haven't. The only thing you've chosen to address is your own general view of the issue while waving off anyone else's more specific scrutiny of the issue as "semantics."

But please, by all means, post more self-congratulatory wank for JLA's benefit.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
You lost me at "nigger", Pro.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
You had me at "nigger", Pro.

You're a sad man.

A sad man is one who calls Barack Obama a "nigger" and then tries to act like his conservative opposition are the ones who said it or even think it.
You are a sad and vicious man.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
And, let's be honest. No amount of you projecting your self-hatred on me will in any way change the facts of every post I've made. You keep speaking as if there is an "audience" for you to "convince". There's not. You and Pariah are butthurt because your Extremist Fringe got caught red-handed being scum.

Psychobabble that tries to circumnavigate your vile attempt to put the word "nigger" in the mouths of myself and other conservatives.
I / We didn't. You did.

 Originally Posted By: Pro

And instead of being a man about it, and just accepting that no single party or ideal is perfect...

You again put words in my mouth. I've been constructively critical of Republicans for 10 years here now, and my posts back that up. I agree more often with the Republicans, and if there's a chance of taking us back from the abyss that BOTH parties have taken us to, it's with the Republicans.
That said, I disagree with Bush, McCain, Perry and other Republicans on border security, amnesty for illegals, corporate welfare, free trade with no protection for U.S. jobs and workers, and on and on. And my posts over 10 years back that up. I thought George W. Bush was so "perfect" I didn't vote for him.
And you're a lying sack of shit to insinuate that I blindly endorse whatever the Republican party line is.
That is quantifiably false.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
(like everyone else in the real world), you went off the rails trying to defend it. Trying to defend overt racism. How can you not see yourself clearly?

You are once again quantifiably lying.

I condemned that election official's actions with the monkey e-mail photoshop of "Obama's family" from my first post to this topic.

Myself and every other conservative who posted to the topic all likewise condemned it.

But IN YOUR PARTISAN-LIBERAL FANATICISM TO DEMONIZE ALL REPUBLICANS you over and over said "all Republicans are racist and endorse this" against all unanimous evidence to the contrary in how we ALL condemned her actions. We called it stupid and condemned it.
We only challenged whether it was racist, or just more generically insulting of Obama, pretty much identical to the monkey-caricatures of W. Bush.

 Originally Posted By: Pro

Anyway, I expect lots of crazy in reply to this. But, seriously, just give it up. The hate-mongers you so desperately cling to defending are not worth your time, and I PROMISE they would not lift a finger to help you in any way possible. Just get a grip, David...

If "craziness" is simply exposing the falseness and lying tendencies of everything you said.

Your fanatical need to prove liberals are the good guys and all Republicans are evil racists manifests how skewed your objectivity is.
To the point that you have to visibly lie to make your points in demonizing others.
Your fanaticism knows no bounds.
man...i can't believe this thing is still going. pure comedy gold.
I'm the party-starter...
Also, you're welcome. \:\)
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Also, you're welcome. \:\)

 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
man...i can't believe this thing is still going. pure comedy gold.

For reasons some here are blind to.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
do you feel that extra d6, pro? do ya?

Google Thu Sep 29 2011 03:52 AM Reading a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: Republican/Tea Party nutter Circulates Racist E-mail Targeting Obama

Great, Sammitch. Now Google is going to feel the need to relate this to Snarf's Natural 20 bullshit.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
man...i can't believe this thing is still going. pure comedy gold.

For reasons some here..like myself and Pariah...are blind to.
That liberals like Pro and Bastie are blind to.

Nice try.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Obama resembles a chimp

Wow. I missed that the first time through...

Sad thing is, rereading some of my old posts, I was actually being quite reasonable to their side of the story. I was willing to give someone sending a picture like that out the benefit of the doubt because it has been a political meme for sometime and, maybe, they just didn't catch the fact that it could be construed quite correctly as being racist. My biggest "beef" with them was that her previous actions negated that possibility. How much of a fucktard does one have to be to squander that much good will?
This much...
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
At some point you have to abandon the canard that it's just about Obama's race, and acknowledge that these are manifestations of Obama's distance from the priorities and ideology of most Americans.

Marie Antoinette was not black. The angry mob was not using code to call her the N-word. It was her elitism and callousness they hated.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
Guys, can I be part of a clique? I've always wanted to be in one.

I don't know. Do you have what it takes to be in the Liberal Conspiracy Super Club? We in the LCSC have exacting standards. Have you ever:

  • read socialist/communist literature like the Communist Manifesto or How the Grinch Stole Christmas?
  • killed a puppy and/or kitten with your bare hands?
  • tried to repress freedom and liberty with your communist ideals on an internet message board?
  • sullied Dave the Wonder Boy's pure and virginal name with liberal lies and slander?

If you've answered yes to at least three of these or are just looking for attention, mail in your membership card and two proofs of purchase from Quaker's Rice Cakes to:

Liberal Conspiracy Super Club
PO Box 54632
New York, New York 10036

LMAO!! \:lol\:

I hope Pro is still getting the newsletters.


by Sharon Sebastian

Barack Obama is desperate to make people believe that he really cares about “the middle class.” After four years, his actions speak louder than words. Some 85% of the middle class say they are worse off today than they were ten years ago. According to the Wall Street Journal, from the time Obama took office in 2009, “The Obama years have been brutal on middle-class incomes” wiping out “$4019 in real income” for families. The report goes on to say, “The last time incomes fell this fast was during the late 1970s under Jimmy Carter, and it’s no coincidence that economic policies then and now are so similar. If Mr. Obama succeeds in convincing voters that he really is the tribune of the middle class, it will be the political conjurer’s trick of the century.”

The financial loss and burden imposed by Obama will be greater on all workers, including Black, Hispanic, Asian and White, when looming tax hikes go into effect January 2013 along with Obamacare’s vast array of hidden taxes set to further rip family budgets apart. The question is — why has the middle class been hit so hard by Obama? Is it an ideological grudge?

Obama had two doggedly radical mentors that shaped both his ideology and his current policies. One was a committed hardcore Communist and the other was renowned as a hardcore Socialist. Neither man stressed American values, but taught the opposite — that America with its free enterprise, republic based, God-worshipping system is the enemy of the people. Frank Marshall Davis, a reported pedophile, race mongerer and strident Communist, was Obama’s family friend and was recruited by Obama’s grandfather to educate young Barry in the ways of the world. It was, however, Obama’s educational mentor, that stressed that if “real power” is to be gained, it must be done at the expense of the American people and the economy.

The late Harvard Professor Saul Alinsky wrote that the key to weaken — then take over America, its economy and its people — is to “destroy the middle class.” Alinsky advocated use of class and race warfare. He believed that “wealth redistribution,” taking from those who work and giving it to those who don’t, is the catalyst to bring down the U.S. economy and free-market capitalism. After four years in office, Obama is well on his way to doing just that. Alinsky’s socialist guidebook is embedded in Obama’s record of economic policies that he has visited upon all Americans and their families — specifically the “middle class.”

It should be noted that Alinsky began his book, Rules for Radicals, with a tribute to: “…the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom – Lucifer.” Alinsky championed and sought to emulate Lucifer, otherwise known as Satan. Alinsky’s game plan was to lie, cheat and steal elections in order to control the American people and bring American commerce to its knees. Excerpt from my April 2010 article: Power At Any Cost: The Training of Barack Obama:

  • "Alinsky clearly recognized that Lucifer or Satan is also the king of deception. It is upon deception that Alinsky built his political strategy. Deception, he taught his followers, is the Trojan horse that gets you inside the gates where you can then access power and retain it by any means available – no matter the costs to the people, the government or the nation. Again, it is upon deception that Alinsky built his political strategy. It is Alinsky’s strategy that Barack Obama wrote on a blackboard and can be seen teaching to ACORN members during his days as a Chicago Community Organizer. Obama’s educational-mentor Alinsky also worked as a Chicago Community Organizer before him."

It is true that Saul Alinsky preferred the teachings of Lenin, who murdered millions, to the teachings of Mao, who also murdered millions. Mao advocated obtaining power by the barrel of the gun. Lenin was more subtle by first advocating working the system and obtaining power by the vote, then using the barrel of the gun to keep it. Alinsky had no qualms about stealing the vote as a means to reach his end result – power. For Saul Alinsky, deception is the key to everything. Say one thing, do another, even change the meanings of words. Pretend to be bi-partisan in order to get the upper hand. For Alinsky, the means don’t matter – destroy whomever or whatever gets in your way. Alinsky made it clear that what his followers want “is power.”

Though Alinsky died before Obama could make it into his classroom, an Investor Business Daily editorial traces Obama’s affair with Alinsky’s radical ideology: “Obama first learned Alinsky’s rules in the 1980s, when Alinskyite radicals with the Chicago-based Alinsky group Gamaliel Foundation recruited, hired, trained and paid [Obama] as a community organizer in South Side Chicago …In 1988, Obama even wrote a chapter for the book “After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois,” …he traveled to Los Angeles for eight days of intense training at Alinsky’s Industrial Areas Foundation. In turn, he trained other community organizers in Alinsky agitation tactics. Obama also taught Alinsky’s “Power Analysis” methods at the University of Chicago.

Ed Blumenfeld wrote in The New American: “One of Obama’s advisors during his 2008 election campaign was Peter Dreier. …Stanley Kurtz, in Radical-in-Chief, credits Dreier with formulating the stealth plan to destroy capitalism. His plan is to gradually expand government spending until the country nears fiscal collapse. At that point, a public accustomed to entitlements will presumably turn on its capitalist masters when they propose cutbacks to restore fiscal balance.”

The one Alinsky constant learned by the Obama administration is deception. Now, as the election is at hand, it attempts a full-blown cover-up from Benghazi-gate to fake unemployment stats to deflecting its own deceit by accusing its opponent of lying – a trait that the radical Democrats and their leader have mastered exceedingly well. While professing to “care for the middle class,” Obama’s answer to lift the middle class out of its current slide into poverty is to deluge Americans with hidden taxes attached to Obamacare, send gasoline and fuel costs soaring by denying drilling permits and clean coal and printing a flood of devalued dollars that create inflated costs on food, clothing and American households. VP Joe Biden is right that the last four years of Obama have “buried” the middle class along with women heads-of-households as concurrent casualties. Obama has left 5.5 million women unemployed putting the poverty rate among women at 16.3% — the highest in 17 years. In the Socialist power-play, Black-Americans are collateral damage. According to the Chicago Tribune, failed economic policies have led to the “Wiping out of gains made in the last 30 years [by Blacks], with plummets in wealth and high rates of foreclosures.” Socialism spares no race, no one is exempt from its hardships.

Foretelling Obama’s agenda for the middle class, Tony Adkins of Conservative-Daily reports: “The WARN Act is a federal law requiring that most employers give 60 calendar days’ notice before they institute plant closings and mass layoffs. The point is to give workers some time to adapt to their upcoming unemployment by looking for another job, adjusting finances, or entering training for new skills. It’s the right thing to do…and, it’s the law. But, that pesky law has a bad timing consequence for our sitting President. …funding cuts signed by President Obama are about to result in an estimated two million jobs being lost; but, layoffs right before an election would be politically toxic, and Obama wants to avoid angry, laid off workers who might tend to vote for Romney. So, he has therefore instructed his Office of Management and Budget to ignore the law and WAIT to send out notices [until after the election].” Again, no race, no one, is spared from this hardship.

“Obama learned his lesson well,” David Alinsky [Saul Alinsky's son] reportedly stated, “I am proud to see that my father’s model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing.” Alinsky taught that the key to destroying the middle class is to create a failed economy that destroys private sector jobs which leads to a powerless, but growing subset of laid-off workers who become reliant on and controlled by the government. It is Alinsky’s dream come to life at the destructive hands of Barack Obama, President of the United States.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
At some point you have to abandon the canard that it's just about Obama's race, and acknowledge that these are manifestations of Obama's distance from the priorities and ideology of most Americans.

Marie Antoinette was not black. The angry mob was not using code to call her the N-word. It was her elitism and callousness they hated.
Most people like medicare and social security over tax loopholes for the wealthy WB.
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Most people like medicare and social security over tax loopholes for the wealthy WB.

That's how liberals always try to demagogue the issue. As I posted in another topic, the Bush tax cuts actually save more for the middle class, and put 75% of the tax burden on the wealthy.

But ignoring that liberal smokescreen, Republicans are the only ones to put a plan on the table that will actually save Medicare and Medicaid, and make them financially solvent going forward. Whereas Obama and the Dems took over 700 billion from Medicare to fund Obamacare, and will let both programs go bankrupt, even while Republicans try to save them.
It's not a smokescreen though. That is the choice elected republicans are making. They just came out with another budget with cuts and vouchers that will hurt people while protecting tax loopholes. Your link didn't seem to actually link to a post of yours btw.
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It's not a smokescreen though. That is the choice elected republicans are making. They just came out with another budget with cuts and vouchers that will hurt people while protecting tax loopholes. Your link didn't seem to actually link to a post of yours btw.

That's a dishonest assessment.
Just more empty demagoguery of the Republicans, in an offensive designed to hide the deceit of Obama and the Democrats.
Republicans just approved a $600 billion raise in taxes on "the rich", as part of a compromise, and the Democrats never came through with the promised cuts on their end, and are now covering that deception by accusing Republicans.

Republicans have made it clear that they definitely want to close loopholes as part of a larger package that includes budget spending cuts. But the Democrats are not honoring their half of the agreement.
Olympic Torch-Bearer Apologizes for Racist Obama Tweet

I guess liberals and the media only thought the Tea Party or U.S. conservatives were capable of racist or otherwise discriminatory remarks.

Or so they'd certainly like to pretend:

Gee, I can't imagine why. It's funny as hell, the way liberals strain to show what conservatives have said that might be interpreted as racist, when their side so frequently makes remarks that are unquestionably racist, that the liberal media goes out of their way to selectively ignore.

I almost consider the commie Russians to be an extension of American liberals, as much as U.S. liberals embrace their socialist concepts. From the anti-war Left to Occupy Wall Street, to the liberal/Left college professors that brainwash the new generation, to the DOJ lawyers who represent our enemies over American interests.

Did anyone see the NBC praise of Soviet Russia as "The empire that ascended to affirm a colossal footprint; the revolution that birthed one of modern history’s pivotal experiments"?

Leaving out all that background stuff, about how the Soviets killed at least 50 million of their own people, to say nothing of the genocide they spread to the rest of the world. As much as the Left demonizes Nazis (while the Left adopt their practices of slander and intimidation) they never seem to notice that Hitler's body count was far exceeded by that of Stalin and the Soviets.

To the point that they unblushingly heap praise on an evil empire.
I thought this was a great reversal of the persistent liberal media attempt to portray the Tea Party as "racist" at every turn: Interviewing black and hispanic members of the Tea Party!