
In an interview last year, Ashley Olsen said that she would love to see Michelle Obama wear one of her designs. Now, it seems, her dream has come true.

The U.S. First Lady wore a skirt from The Row, the label Miss Olsen, 24, designs with her twin sister Mary-Kate, on The View last week.

Mrs Obama, who appeared on the show with Jill Biden, teamed the pale grey pleated Evelyn skirt, worth $1,170 with a cream V-neck and kitten-heel shoes.

They're just common folk, like the rest of us.
Just this morning, I stood in front of the porch and shouted at them damn kids while wearing my $1,000 pink robe with matching diamond-studded bunny slippers.
Tranny work must pay well.
Its expensive to cover up an ass that big.
The Bad Company of Barack Obama


    The most profound influence in his life, his wife Michelle, is notoriously less circumspect than her careful husband about where she’s coming from. Her college thesis, which Princeton tried to keep under lock and key, testifies to a race-obsessed worldview. She may have refined it, but she’s never grown out of it.

    After four years at one of America’s most esteemed academic institutions, Michelle recoiled at the thought of “further integration and/or assimilation into a white cultural and social structure that will only allow me to remain on the periphery of society; never becoming a full participant.” That the sky has been the limit for her, that she has managed to ride the “periphery” from Princeton to Harvard Law School, to one of the country’s top law firms, and to a plethora of prestigious institutional positions, has not much altered her perspective. Through the windows of her mansion on Chicago’s south side, American society still appears as a caste system.

    The United States, she says, is “just downright mean.” Never, prior to her husband’s presidential run, had she had a reason to feel proud of it, she told a campaign throng. But by last November, with Barack’s pursuit of the brass ring catching momentum, she suddenly got plenty proud. And confident: so much so that she was moved to tell MSNBC, “Black America will wake up and get it” -- unite and carry him over the finish line.

Nothing quite says "recoil at the thought of further integration and/or assimilation into a white cultural and social structure that will only allow me to remain on the periphery of society; never becoming a full participant” like a $1,170 designer skirt.

"After releasing the birth certificate today, he said 'There's work to be done, there are real problems in this country, and we don't have time for this silliness.' Then he and Michelle got on a plane and flew to Chicago to tape an episode of Oprah." –Jay Leno
Michelle Obama, like all the other previous first ladies wear expensive stuff. Why would anyone have an issue with her and not the other previous first ladies?
Because she's an ugly and hateful cunt?
I already knew the failed troll reason.

Anybody else?
No, that's the truth.
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I already knew the failed troll reason.

Anybody else?

Because when they travel to France or Brazil or to try and secure the 2016 Olympics for Chicago travelling to Copenhagen, or pick up an unearned Nobel prize, or even domestically, they spend exhorbitant amounts of taxpayer dollars on frivolous luxuries that previous presidents and first ladies did not.

And because of their vocal scorn of such luxuries by others prior to --and during-- their time in the White House.

They call for others to sacrifice while they never pass up any extravangance.
Your mixing up the GOP wanting to cut medicare for everyone while keeping their buddies tax rates low. My point was that all first ladies have worn expensive clothing. The Bush's didn't campaign as wealthy elites did they? Didn't they also take expensive vacations?
non sequitur

I thought the Obamas were telling Americans we need to sacrifice more?

And didn't the democrats (and some members of the press) make a stink over Sarah Palin's clothes budget?

You'd almost think there was a double standard or something.
So just for clarification what would be the rkmbs conservative standard on this? If somebody talks about the nation needing to sacrifice they shouldn't wear anything deemed expensive or take any trips?
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
If somebody talks about the nation needing to sacrifice they shouldn't wear anything deemed expensive

Basically. Because that's a person asking people to tighten their belts and save money while she splurges on unnecessary things. I can't think of any defense for her, since her expensive shits are all fashion-related. (I crossed out "deemed" because you're making it seem like it's just the people subjectively categorizing her splurges as expensive.)

I also removed the "any trips" because the frequent vacation trips, I believe, are not mentioned anywhere on this thread, and are actually being panned for a different reason (last I read was because it happened while Obama should be busy dealing with other more important aspects of his job)

I don't think I belong in the RKMBs republicans or conservatives or whatever the anti-MEM side is called, but I think it's safe to say that "Practice what you preach" is a really good standard to follow.

The RKMBS republican hive mind are g-man, wondy and sammitch.
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
If somebody talks about the nation needing to sacrifice they shouldn't wear anything deemed expensive

Basically. Because that's a person asking people to tighten their belts and save money while she splurges on unnecessary things. I can't think of any defense for her, since her expensive shits are all fashion-related. (I crossed out "deemed" because you're making it seem like it's just the people subjectively categorizing her splurges as expensive.)

So you feel previous first ladies were for people not saving money? And what did Michelle Obama say exactly? I know she's an advocate for better nutrition but I don't see where she said people couldn't have expensive things.

I also removed the "any trips" because the frequent vacation trips, I believe, are not mentioned anywhere on this thread, and are actually being panned for a different reason (last I read was because it happened while Obama should be busy dealing with other more important aspects of his job)

Wondy mentioned them so I included it. Obama has taken less vacation than the previous president yet partisans like WB and Bsams didn't have a problem with that. I guess I'm seeing a double standard on their part there.

I don't think I belong in the RKMBs republicans or conservatives or whatever the anti-MEM side is called, but I think it's safe to say that "Practice what you preach" is a really good standard to follow.


The anti-mem stuff is silly but I would agree with you about the "Practice what you preach" standard.
 Originally Posted By: rex
The RKMBS republican hive mind are g-man, wondy and sammitch.

I win again!
 Originally Posted By: rex
The RKMBS republican hive mind are g-man, wondy and sammitch [and BSAMS, but I'm afraid of him].

There. Fixed it for you.