
(CNN) -- Campus Republicans at the University of California Berkeley have cooked up a storm of controversy with their plans for a bake sale.

But it's not your everyday collegiate fundraiser they've got in mind. They've developed a sliding scale where the price of the cookie or brownie depends on your gender and the color of your skin.

During the sale, scheduled for Tuesday, baked goods will be sold to white men for $2.00, Asian men for $1.50, Latino men for $1.00, black men for $0.75 and Native American men for $0.25. All women will get $0.25 off those prices.

"The pricing structure is there to bring attention, to cause people to get a little upset," Campus Republican President Shawn Lewis, who planned the event, told CNN-affiliate KGO. "But it's really there to cause people to think more critically about what this kind of policy would do in university admissions."

Lewis says it's a way to make a statement about pending legislation that would let the California universities consider race or national origin during the admission process.
But the young Republicans have been on the receiving end of a fierce backlash.

Reaction has been so negative they've been forced to cancel their customary lunchtime tabling duties, according to KGO.

Lewis told CNN's Don Lemon that they expected a certain amount of opposition but not the level of outrage they experienced.

"We didn't expect the volume, the amount of response that we got," Lewis said. "In the first few hours, hundreds of posts on our Facebook page. And the tone of some of the responses -- we expected people to be upset. We didn't expect personal threats to be made. They were implicit and explicit threats made to the organizers of the event, from burning down the table to throwing our baked goods at us and other kinds of physical threats."

Tim Wise, author of the book "White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son," calls the bake sale a "sarcastic and rather smarmy slap at people of color."
"There are a lot of ways to make a point about your disagreement with affirmative action," Wise told Lemon Saturday night.

"I get the joke," he continued. "How very original. It's been done for 15 years. The point that I think needs to be made ... is that by the time anyone steps on a college campus ... there has already been 12- to 13-years of institutionalized affirmative action for white folks, that is to say, racially embedded inequality, which has benefited those of us who are white. And it's only at the point of college admissions that these folks seem to get concerned with color consciousness."

Lewis insists, however, that Campus Republicans will go ahead with their bake sale and are committed to their controversial pricing structure.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-26 5:48 AM
Apparently some people don't understand satire. It is pointing out the absurdity of racist affirmative action policies.

That being said, this is nothing new. I think they did this at Cornell to protest affirmative action back in the 80s. Other schools have had these events since on a near-yearly basis.

Hard to see why it's suddenly news again now, twenty years later...except maybe as part of the soon to be regular attempt to paint anyone who opposes Obama as a racist.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-26 5:57 AM
In fact, John Stossel held one on TV last year and explained the satire behind it:

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-26 6:38 AM
 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People

Tim Wise, author of the book "White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son," calls the bake sale a "sarcastic and rather smarmy slap at people of color."
"There are a lot of ways to make a point about your disagreement with affirmative action," Wise told Lemon Saturday night.

"I get the joke," he continued. "How very original. It's been done for 15 years. The point that I think needs to be made ... is that by the time anyone steps on a college campus ... there has already been 12- to 13-years of institutionalized affirmative action for white folks, that is to say, racially embedded inequality, which has benefited those of us who are white. And it's only at the point of college admissions that these folks seem to get concerned with color consciousness."

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-26 6:38 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Yeah, but...

Posted By: the G-man Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-26 8:30 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pro
"... it's only at the point of college admissions that these folks seem to get concerned with color consciousness."

The students in question are already enrolled in college. Whatever they accomplish (or dont) will have no effect on their own admission. As such, it seems specious to assume a selfish motive.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 12:27 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Pro
"... it's only at the point of college admissions that these folks seem to get concerned with color consciousness."

Yeah, but...
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 4:33 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Pro
"... it's only at the point of college admissions that these folks seem to get concerned with color consciousness."

Yeah, but...

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 4:33 AM
\:lol\: \:lol\:
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 5:22 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 3:17 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 3:41 PM
I think the important point here is that these bake sale protests have been done for 15 years. And are apparently an effective manifestation of the unfairness of race-conscious admissions policies that favor non-whites.

The fact is, these bake sales have been done for 15 years as an effective tool for demonstating the unfairness of race-based admissions selection.
And the Left is trying now a new tactic to squash and silence conservatives who have continuously been effectively making their point: harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence, toward those involved in a simple bake sale.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 8:16 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
It's okay! They're white!
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 8:46 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
It's okay! They're white!

 Originally Posted By: Pro

Way to avoid ad-hominem attacks and address the real issue, Pro.

Are you even capable of that at this point?
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 8:49 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 8:53 PM
\:lol\: \:lol\:
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 9:39 PM
What "points", WB? You mean your opinion that the whites are right, and everyone else is wrong? Yeah, I saw it. That's what I'm laughing at. Like Aussie-Dave said, you have a single, tiny view of the world, and you hold onto it desperately on all occasions. And even the slightest disagreement or challenge to your antiquated mental house of cards is met with erratic, violent outbursts of name-calling and BOLD CAPS. You carry only the Tea Party line of "us right, you wrong" and, quite frankly, are so close-minded as to not be available to share even the smallest ideas that aren't your own. Thus....

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy


Do you disagree?
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 10:24 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
You mean your opinion that the whites are right, and everyone else is wrong?

Funny how that's been your position for quite some time now: the white aging liberal pothead is right about every issue under the sun and everyone else is just a "redneck sheep."
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 10:25 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
What "points", WB?

My point is that --in a world where we have people of every race in the highest offices, where we have a black Barack Obama as president, where Colin Powell was the candidate of choice in 1992, 1996 and 2000 among Republicans if he had chosen to run, where there are multiple other black candidates presently and for more than 20 years, with millions of black professionals in every conceivable field-- that we have been a fully equal society for many years.
And further, it is the bean-counting, race-baiting and condescending pandering to minorities with unequal standards that constantly raises the spectre of past racism that no longer exists.

And your slanderous ad-hominem attacks are a perfect manifestation of the angry, hate-filled, spectre-chasing liberal mindset, that is more about exploiting minorities than actually helping anyone.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

You mean your opinion that the whites are right, and everyone else is wrong? Yeah, I saw it. That's what I'm laughing at.

That is how you, in your spiteful intolerant backward narrow-minded liberal mindset would spin it. Because you need someone to hate and demonize to rationalize what you believe.
You operate on a mentality of fear, and anyone who doesn't believe what you believe has to be slandered and tossed into a dismissively labelled group.

I'm the one using reason here. You're the one hurling insults and slanders. In childish defiance, you need to demonize anyone who doesn't believe what you believe.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Like Aussie-Dave said, you have a single, tiny view of the world, and you hold onto it desperately on all occasions.

I would not be surprised at all to find out that you PM'd Aussie-Dave prior, and told him to treat me dismissively, as part of your childish game of treating anyone who disagrees with your Jihadist Liberal Orthodoxy like a leper.
Regardless, you both share the same cowardice, that you would rather slander your opposition and label them "racist" and so forth, rather than have an honest debate.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

And even the slightest disagreement or challenge to your antiquated mental house of cards is met with erratic, violent outbursts of name-calling and BOLD CAPS.

Show me where I've bolded or used caps in this topic. Yet another example of how you manufacture and script my words and actions, to fit your false narrative.

Ironic to your characterization of me, it is always you who are all too hysterical.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

You carry only the Tea Party line of "us right, you wrong" and, quite frankly, are so close-minded as to not be available to share even the smallest ideas that aren't your own. Thus....

[quote=Wonder Boy]


Do you disagree?

I do.

The Tea Party is --quite opposite all the slanders you allege-- only about
1)reigning in deficit spending and eliminating our federal debt, and
2) reforming Washington into a government that is again responsive to the will of the people and to Constitutional law.

Over and over you make the same baseless slander-filled remarks about the Tea Party, and over and over I keep presenting you with the facts --from a liberal polling group no less!-- that demonstrate the Tea Party is far from a fringe group, and that whether on racial demographics of its members, or on the full range of political and social issues, the Tea Party perfectly mirrors opinion of a majority of Americans, in racial composition, income and class ratios, in their opinion on political issues.

Everything you say about the Tea Party is absolutely, poll-ably, prove-ably statistically, a lie.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 10:29 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I heard those blood-thirsty scum cheering at the debate for killing and executions. How primitive. How childish. How disgusting. But, the Right is letting them pull them onto the Crazy Highway, so it's just as much their fault as it is the white-trash that makes up the Tea Party. So, fuck them all. And especially those that try to make excuses and apologies for evil like that. Sheep like that are the bottom-feeders that helped Adolf take power....


 Originally Posted By: WB

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Yeah, I'm sure the black members of the Tea Party will be shocked.

Both of them?

Do you ever read an article before you hack out your ignorance?

Or do you just prefer looking like an idiot?

Gallup: Tea Party Members Follow Closely With Mainsteam Population Demographics, in Both Opinion and Racial Statistics

PRINCETON, NJ -- Tea Party supporters skew right politically; but demographically, they are generally representative of the public at large. That's the finding of a USA Today/Gallup poll conducted March 26-28, in which 28% of U.S. adults call themselves supporters of the Tea Party movement.


As I've pointed out repeatedly in the fact of your uninformed ignorance, Pro, the Tea Party in polls are among the most educated, the most financially successful, and largely have views that are quantifiably (in percentage numbers) almost identical to those of the mainstream of America.
Whether discussing race, class, income, education, or opinion on social issues.

Seriously, Pro.

The facts vs. your slanderous opinionated view of anyone who disagrees with your political biases.

You're so broken it's not even funny.

Just reminding Prometheus what the true facts are regarding the Tea Party. Gallup, by the way, is a left-of-center polling group that you can't easily dismiss as "right-wing hate" or otherwise propaganda.

And by the way, I also quoted your hysteria-laden bolded text.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 10:31 PM

[/yellow font]
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 10:48 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

[/yellow font]

Yeah, pretty much. When Pro is humiliated and busted on his apoplectic angry ranting, and fully broken, he can always try to walk it back later, that he was "just kidding" and "pulling my chain".

Yellow and cowardly indeed.

But regardless, he lays on the ground bleeding from every orifice.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 11:23 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
But regardless, he lays on the ground bleeding from every orifice.

that's fucked up, guy.
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 11:24 PM
The PENIS OF TRUTH knows no orificial sanctity!
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 11:27 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

[/yellow font]

Yellow font? Is that to denote that you're afraid of Pro?
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 11:33 PM
Just making note of Pro's Insurgency roots...
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 11:35 PM
I don't remember a yellow font. Unless you're talking about the spacebug up your ass.
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 11:37 PM
As the, admittedly, ashamed former-admin of that group of wankers, I regret to inform you that it was sarcasm orange. All you're doing is reminding Pro of the color of the strip on your back.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 11:47 PM
Somehow, I still don't think Doc would have got it.

But I'm sure the color resonates with Pro's character all the same, so I won't bother editing.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 11:48 PM
\:lol\: When in doubt, try and make it look deliberate, eh, Pariah?
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 11:49 PM
No. It wasn't deliberate.

Just serendipity.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 11:50 PM
Or serendipitous, as it were.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-27 11:53 PM
I agree that it was serendipitous for you to mistakenly choose the font color that matched the stain on your pants.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 12:00 AM
The stain on my pants is more of a reddish green. You're probably confusing my pants for Pro's.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 12:01 AM
...which, unsurprisingly, would make a great deal of sense.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 12:04 AM
Is Oakley writing your quips for you now?
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 12:11 AM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
\:lol\: When in doubt, try and make it look deliberate, eh, Pariah?

No, YOU are!

Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 12:12 AM
I kinda figured that Pro is Oakley considering his cathartic tendencies. In which case, my posts are a tad light on graemlins and conspiracy theories for that to be the case.
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 12:13 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
The stain on my pants is more of a reddish green.

You might want to get that checked out by a doctor.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 12:14 AM
I get by.

After all, it only hurts to piss....And breath.
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 12:15 AM
Really trying not to be deployed by your cub scout group, aren't you?
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 12:17 AM
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 12:18 AM
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Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: Republician Racist Bake Sale
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 2:18 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 2:56 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
that we have been a fully equal society for many years.

You MUST be joking, right? We have NEVER been a "fully equal society". America was founded by anglo-saxons who already had a history of eradicating areas of non-white races. I don't even have to mention the American Indian, do I? Come on. You can't possibly believe that. Not really.

And further, it is the bean-counting, race-baiting and condescending pandering to minorities with unequal standards that constantly raises the spectre of past racism that no longer exists.

I would agree that some groups use it to their unjust advantage. However, I can say that about any group anywhere. The question is, is the corruption so deep that it defeats the actual purpose of its existence in the first place? If not, then it does more good than harm.

the angry, hate-filled, spectre-chasing...mindset, that is more about exploiting minorities than actually helping anyone.

Yes, yes...everyone is very aware of Tea Party values. You don't need to describe them here.

That is how you, in your spiteful intolerant backward narrow-minded liberal mindset would spin it.

\:lol\: Dammit. My sig line is going to become too big.

P.S. They're called "commas". Look into them. ;\)

Because you need someone to hate and demonize to rationalize what you believe.

"Hello, Kettle? This is The Pot. You're black."

Projection is very unhealthy. Face these aspects of your soul that truly torment you and come to grips with what drives you to feel this way. Let go of the hate you hold and the need to be validated by others opinions. Happiness will find you. \:\)

You operate on a mentality of fear

Yes. That's me. Scaring the shit out of you and Pariah. Everyone is very aware of this.

and anyone who doesn't believe what you believe has to be slandered and tossed into a dismissively labelled group.

Sir, I NEVER dismissively label ANY group! I always take the time to label them with great care and dedication to my greatest craft.

SPOILERS: My greatest craft is EVIL!


I'm the one using reason here.

Generally, if you have to say that out loud in a conversation, you're not the one using "reason". Just saying.

You're the one hurling insults and slanders. In childish defiance, you need to demonize anyone who doesn't believe what you believe.

You're repeating yourself. You just said the same thing, except making hurtful remarks about my evil-dedication. Does your face turn all red when you write posts?

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Like Aussie-Dave said, you have a single, tiny view of the world, and you hold onto it desperately on all occasions.

I would not be surprised at all to find out that you PM'd Aussie-Dave prior, and told him to treat me dismissively, as part of your childish game of treating anyone who disagrees with your Jihadist Liberal Orthodoxy like a leper.

GOLD!!!! \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

That was so absurd and crazy I don't even have to bother making a joke out of it. You're doing just fine on your own.

Regardless, you both share the same cowardice, that you would rather slander your opposition and label them "racist" and so forth, rather than have an honest debate.

Well, while it's true Aussie-Dave is known to be a great coward who never, ever debates anyone here...( )...I, on the other hand am willing to give to about the end of this post for you. It's pointless to discuss anything with you, David. As many here have said for many, many years, you aren't receptive to anything new to think about. You get your Talking Points from FauxNews, Beck, and Limbaugh. I purposefully avoid biased hate-speech, so I'm not inclined to engage in any meaningful conversation with you. You are, in my ten years+ on these boards, the only one I'd say is absolutely hopeless. Sorry.

Show me where I've bolded or used caps in this topic. Yet another example of how you manufacture and script my words and actions, to fit your false narrative.

David...really? You're kidding, right? You know that's your defining trait, right? Freaking out in threads? The fact you haven't done it yet here doesn't change the years of your caps-locked frenzy. Ask anyone. Seriously. I can't believe you're not aware of this habit of yours.

Oh! Wait. You are aware of it, because you've been told about it a billion times. You're just crafting reality to get you out of an embarrassing call-out by me.

Ironic to your characterization of me, it is always you who are all too hysterical.

And yes. Yes, I am certainly known for being "hysterical". Ask anyone.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
the Tea Party is far from a fringe group

I have never mentioned it being a "fringe-group". That's why you don't seem to understand why I ignore your random jpegs. They don't address anything I think about The Tea Party. I don't think they're a lunatic fringe group. I think they're the Republican Party hijacked by a fuckload of racist, hate-filled lunatics that boo American soldiers because they're gay and cheer for murder if it keeps them from having to pay money. And nothing you, or reality, has shown me has altered my opinion in the slightest.

Everything you say about the Tea Party is absolutely, poll-ably, prove-ably statistically, a lie.

No, jackass. Everything I say about the Tea Party can be verified by reality. You simply choose not to accept it.

That's what I don't get about you Tea Party whackos. You're pro-life, but love executions. You "support the troops".....unless they're gay. You're all against ridiculous fantasy "death-panels", yet cheer for the uninsured to die. I mean, for fucks sake, you simply can't have your cake, and eat it too. There are other humans on the planet, you know. Not just "God-fearin', white 'Mericans!"

You're welcome for the full and honest response. I imagine you won't be as gracious...
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 3:55 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Yeah, pretty much. When Pro is humiliated and busted on his apoplectic angry ranting, and fully broken, he can always try to walk it back later, that he was "just kidding" and "pulling my chain".

Yellow and cowardly indeed.

But regardless, he lays on the ground bleeding from every orifice.

Wow, didn't even see this before I responded. Are you seriously mocking when I reach an olive branch out to you? You are some piece of work. Sad.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
that we have been a fully equal society for many years.

You MUST be joking, right? We have NEVER been a "fully equal society". America was founded by anglo-saxons who already had a history of eradicating areas of non-white races. I don't even have to mention the American Indian, do I? Come on. You can't possibly believe that. Not really.

And further, it is the bean-counting, race-baiting and condescending pandering to minorities with unequal standards that constantly raises the spectre of past racism that no longer exists.

I would agree that some groups use it to their unjust advantage. However, I can say that about any group anywhere. The question is, is the corruption so deep that it defeats the actual purpose of its existence in the first place? If not, then it does more good than harm.

the angry, hate-filled, spectre-chasing...mindset, that is more about exploiting minorities than actually helping anyone.

Yes, yes...everyone is very aware of Tea Party values. You don't need to describe them here.

That is how you, in your spiteful intolerant backward narrow-minded liberal mindset would spin it.

\:lol\: Dammit. My sig line is going to become too big.

P.S. They're called "commas". Look into them. ;\)

Because you need someone to hate and demonize to rationalize what you believe.

"Hello, Kettle? This is The Pot. You're black."

Projection is very unhealthy. Face these aspects of your soul that truly torment you and come to grips with what drives you to feel this way. Let go of the hate you hold and the need to be validated by others opinions. Happiness will find you. \:\)

You operate on a mentality of fear

Yes. That's me. Scaring the shit out of you and Pariah. Everyone is very aware of this.

and anyone who doesn't believe what you believe has to be slandered and tossed into a dismissively labelled group.

Sir, I NEVER dismissively label ANY group! I always take the time to label them with great care and dedication to my greatest craft.

SPOILERS: My greatest craft is EVIL!


I'm the one using reason here.

Generally, if you have to say that out loud in a conversation, you're not the one using "reason". Just saying.

You're the one hurling insults and slanders. In childish defiance, you need to demonize anyone who doesn't believe what you believe.

You're repeating yourself. You just said the same thing, except making hurtful remarks about my evil-dedication. Does your face turn all red when you write posts?

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Like Aussie-Dave said, you have a single, tiny view of the world, and you hold onto it desperately on all occasions.

I would not be surprised at all to find out that you PM'd Aussie-Dave prior, and told him to treat me dismissively, as part of your childish game of treating anyone who disagrees with your Jihadist Liberal Orthodoxy like a leper.

GOLD!!!! \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

That was so absurd and crazy I don't even have to bother making a joke out of it. You're doing just fine on your own.

Regardless, you both share the same cowardice, that you would rather slander your opposition and label them "racist" and so forth, rather than have an honest debate.

Well, while it's true Aussie-Dave is known to be a great coward who never, ever debates anyone here...( )...I, on the other hand am willing to give to about the end of this post for you. It's pointless to discuss anything with you, David. As many here have said for many, many years, you aren't receptive to anything new to think about. You get your Talking Points from FauxNews, Beck, and Limbaugh. I purposefully avoid biased hate-speech, so I'm not inclined to engage in any meaningful conversation with you. You are, in my ten years+ on these boards, the only one I'd say is absolutely hopeless. Sorry.

Show me where I've bolded or used caps in this topic. Yet another example of how you manufacture and script my words and actions, to fit your false narrative.

David...really? You're kidding, right? You know that's your defining trait, right? Freaking out in threads? The fact you haven't done it yet here doesn't change the years of your caps-locked frenzy. Ask anyone. Seriously. I can't believe you're not aware of this habit of yours.

Oh! Wait. You are aware of it, because you've been told about it a billion times. You're just crafting reality to get you out of an embarrassing call-out by me.

Ironic to your characterization of me, it is always you who are all too hysterical.

And yes. Yes, I am certainly known for being "hysterical". Ask anyone.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
the Tea Party is far from a fringe group

I have never mentioned it being a "fringe-group". That's why you don't seem to understand why I ignore your random jpegs. They don't address anything I think about The Tea Party. I don't think they're a lunatic fringe group. I think they're the Republican Party hijacked by a fuckload of racist, hate-filled lunatics that boo American soldiers because they're gay and cheer for murder if it keeps them from having to pay money. And nothing you, or reality, has shown me has altered my opinion in the slightest.

Everything you say about the Tea Party is absolutely, poll-ably, prove-ably statistically, a lie.

No, jackass. Everything I say about the Tea Party can be verified by reality. You simply choose not to accept it.

That's what I don't get about you Tea Party whackos. You're pro-life, but love executions. You "support the troops".....unless they're gay. You're all against ridiculous fantasy "death-panels", yet cheer for the uninsured to die. I mean, for fucks sake, you simply can't have your cake, and eat it too. There are other humans on the planet, you know. Not just "God-fearin', white 'Mericans!"

You're welcome for the full and honest response. I imagine you won't be as gracious...

This may be the longest post ever on any message ever.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 4:08 AM
He asked for a response. I gave him a full one.

He's probably scrambling for his FauxNews bookmarks even as we speak...
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 4:08 AM
Oh HERE we go...

Wonder Boy content User rex's personal obsession
7500+ posts 3 minutes 31 seconds ago Making a new reply
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 4:19 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
that we have been a fully equal society for many years.

You MUST be joking, right? We have NEVER been a "fully equal society". America was founded by anglo-saxons who already had a history of eradicating areas of non-white races. I don't even have to mention the American Indian, do I? Come on. You can't possibly believe that. Not really.

And further, it is the bean-counting, race-baiting and condescending pandering to minorities with unequal standards that constantly raises the spectre of past racism that no longer exists.

I would agree that some groups use it to their unjust advantage. However, I can say that about any group anywhere. The question is, is the corruption so deep that it defeats the actual purpose of its existence in the first place? If not, then it does more good than harm.

the angry, hate-filled, spectre-chasing...mindset, that is more about exploiting minorities than actually helping anyone.

Yes, yes...everyone is very aware of Tea Party values. You don't need to describe them here.

That is how you, in your spiteful intolerant backward narrow-minded liberal mindset would spin it.

\:lol\: Dammit. My sig line is going to become too big.

P.S. They're called "commas". Look into them. ;\)

Because you need someone to hate and demonize to rationalize what you believe.

"Hello, Kettle? This is The Pot. You're black."

Projection is very unhealthy. Face these aspects of your soul that truly torment you and come to grips with what drives you to feel this way. Let go of the hate you hold and the need to be validated by others opinions. Happiness will find you. \:\)

You operate on a mentality of fear

Yes. That's me. Scaring the shit out of you and Pariah. Everyone is very aware of this.

and anyone who doesn't believe what you believe has to be slandered and tossed into a dismissively labelled group.

Sir, I NEVER dismissively label ANY group! I always take the time to label them with great care and dedication to my greatest craft.

SPOILERS: My greatest craft is EVIL!


I'm the one using reason here.

Generally, if you have to say that out loud in a conversation, you're not the one using "reason". Just saying.

You're the one hurling insults and slanders. In childish defiance, you need to demonize anyone who doesn't believe what you believe.

You're repeating yourself. You just said the same thing, except making hurtful remarks about my evil-dedication. Does your face turn all red when you write posts?

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Like Aussie-Dave said, you have a single, tiny view of the world, and you hold onto it desperately on all occasions.

I would not be surprised at all to find out that you PM'd Aussie-Dave prior, and told him to treat me dismissively, as part of your childish game of treating anyone who disagrees with your Jihadist Liberal Orthodoxy like a leper.

GOLD!!!! \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

That was so absurd and crazy I don't even have to bother making a joke out of it. You're doing just fine on your own.

Regardless, you both share the same cowardice, that you would rather slander your opposition and label them "racist" and so forth, rather than have an honest debate.

Well, while it's true Aussie-Dave is known to be a great coward who never, ever debates anyone here...( )...I, on the other hand am willing to give to about the end of this post for you. It's pointless to discuss anything with you, David. As many here have said for many, many years, you aren't receptive to anything new to think about. You get your Talking Points from FauxNews, Beck, and Limbaugh. I purposefully avoid biased hate-speech, so I'm not inclined to engage in any meaningful conversation with you. You are, in my ten years+ on these boards, the only one I'd say is absolutely hopeless. Sorry.

Show me where I've bolded or used caps in this topic. Yet another example of how you manufacture and script my words and actions, to fit your false narrative.

David...really? You're kidding, right? You know that's your defining trait, right? Freaking out in threads? The fact you haven't done it yet here doesn't change the years of your caps-locked frenzy. Ask anyone. Seriously. I can't believe you're not aware of this habit of yours.

Oh! Wait. You are aware of it, because you've been told about it a billion times. You're just crafting reality to get you out of an embarrassing call-out by me.

Ironic to your characterization of me, it is always you who are all too hysterical.

And yes. Yes, I am certainly known for being "hysterical". Ask anyone.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
the Tea Party is far from a fringe group

I have never mentioned it being a "fringe-group". That's why you don't seem to understand why I ignore your random jpegs. They don't address anything I think about The Tea Party. I don't think they're a lunatic fringe group. I think they're the Republican Party hijacked by a fuckload of racist, hate-filled lunatics that boo American soldiers because they're gay and cheer for murder if it keeps them from having to pay money. And nothing you, or reality, has shown me has altered my opinion in the slightest.

Everything you say about the Tea Party is absolutely, poll-ably, prove-ably statistically, a lie.

No, jackass. Everything I say about the Tea Party can be verified by reality. You simply choose not to accept it.

That's what I don't get about you Tea Party whackos. You're pro-life, but love executions. You "support the troops".....unless they're gay. You're all against ridiculous fantasy "death-panels", yet cheer for the uninsured to die. I mean, for fucks sake, you simply can't have your cake, and eat it too. There are other humans on the planet, you know. Not just "God-fearin', white 'Mericans!"

You're welcome for the full and honest response. I imagine you won't be as gracious...


Your infantile taunts and insults all bypass the points I made, and just manifest your inability to factually defend your views.

Everyone who disagrees with you is a racist.

All Republicans are "hijacked by a fuckload of racist, hate-filled lunatics that boo American soldiers because they're gay and cheer for murder if it keeps them from having to pay money".
Nothing irrational or intolerant in that apoplectic hate-filled assessment, is there?

I just want to preserve what you posted here, so you can't edit it later to appear less apoplectic and intolerant than it truly is.

I'll only comment on the gay soldier's debate question at the end of you apoplectic rant. I saw a few minutes of Megyn Kelly today. She was at the debate, in the audience. She said there were two people --two!-- in an audience of about 5,000 who booed the question. And she came to the same conclusions I did almost a week ago: 1) that it's a free country, and agree or not, those booing have a right to their opinion, 2) it's not the place of candidates to chastise anyone, they are there to debate, and 3) it's not 'bigoted" to boo the question, they simply expressed their strong disagreement with the premise of the question.

The fact that you have to disagree in the viciously slanderous, personally insulting, and utterly intolerant way you have, in your above quoted text here, and continuously in many other foaming-at-the-mouth apoplectic posts, manifests your own bigotry and intolerance, not mine.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 4:24 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Yeah, pretty much. When Pro is humiliated and busted on his apoplectic angry ranting, and fully broken, he can always try to walk it back later, that he was "just kidding" and "pulling my chain".

Yellow and cowardly indeed.

But regardless, he lays on the ground bleeding from every orifice.

Wow, didn't even see this before I responded. Are you seriously mocking when I reach an olive branch out to you? You are some piece of work. Sad.

"Olive branch"?!?

The vitriol I just quoted is an "olive branch"?

You are truly delusional. Any day now you'll pull a Jared Loughner, and your RKMB posts will be reviewed as one of the early warning signs of your fanaticism that led to your shooting spree.

Broken beyond belief.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 4:26 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
He asked for a response. I gave him a full one.

He's probably scrambling for his FauxNews bookmarks even as we speak...

Last time I checked, Gallup, the Associated Press, and PBS News Hour weren't affiliates of Fox News.

Broken again.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 4:52 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Your infantile taunts and insults all bypass the points I made, and just manifest your inability to factually defend your views.

I gave you a point-to-point response, and you have nothing to reply. I caught you unaware and speechless. Noted. Thanks for playing. That was your only chance.

All Republicans are "hijacked by a fuckload of racist, hate-filled lunatics that boo American soldiers because they're gay and cheer for murder if it keeps them from having to pay money".
Nothing or irrational or intolerant in that apoplectic hate-filled assessment, is there?

Nope. Just facts. Ask around. Do some research other than Right Wing websites. You'll see. Or, knowing you, you won't. Whatever. Reality stays the same no matter your denials.

I just want to preserve what you posted here, so you can't edit it later to appear less apoplectic and intolerant than it truly is.

Your imagination grows daily. Because, I am such a known "editor" of posts. Good thing you captured the moment for all of your fictional audience to see. Good job.

Oh, and you used the word "apoplectic" wrong. Twice. Stick with what you know.

I'll only comment on the gay soldier's debate question at the end of you apoplectic rant.

Three times.

And if you think that was a rant, then how would you prefer someone type, Dave? What font would indicate they're using their across-the-table-inside voice? What about punctuation? Do you think periods, commas, question marks, and exclamation points are all the same? It might explain some of your reading comprehension issues.

I saw a few minutes of Megyn Kelly today. She was at the debate, in the audience. She said there were two people --two!-- in an audience of about 5,000 who booed the question.

Well, if Megyn Kelly of FauxNews said it, it MUST be true! Right? Oh my god, I can't believe you are even going to attempt this. You're going to ignore every single person who has ever told you that you are Right-Fox-Beck biased to the hilt---a claim you have refuted at all costs and temper tantrums. Yet, the first thing you're going to offer up as some kind of "rational", "objective" response is to give me FauxNews anchor Megyn Kelly's opinion? Get the fuck out of here.

And she came to the same conclusions I did almost a week ago:

Wait, wait...you agree with the Rightwing anchor? I'm....I'm shocked!

1) that it's a free country, and agree or not, those booing have a right to their opinion

Which makes absolutely no excuse for bloodthirsty and homophobic hate. That soldier is there to protect us. Sure, as an American, you have every right to boo him for his sexuality. But, it doesn't stop you from being ignorant trash.

2) it's not the place of candidates to chastise anyone, they are there to debate

Didn't say anything about the candidates. We're not even talking about them. We're talking about the Tea Party trash. Stop copy-pasting talking points from your propaganda websites. I don't have time for it.

and 3) it's not 'bigoted" to boo the question

Again, stop copy-pasting. You have no proof they were "booing the question" (which is retarded to even consider). They were, of course, booing him because he is gay. Same reason they cheered when that halfwit Santorum said he'd roll things back a decade if elected. You know this. Stop parading Conservative talking points.

The fact that you have to disagree in the viciously slanderous, personally insulting, and utterly intolerant way you have, in your above quoted text here, and continuously in many other foaming-at-the-mouth apoplectic posts, manifests your own bigotry and intolerance, not mine.

Four times. It doesn't mean what you think it means. Oh, and stop crying like a little bitch. Sympathy points only count on a playground...
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 4:54 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Any day now you'll pull a Jared Loughner, and your RKMB posts will be reviewed as one of the early warning signs of your fanaticism that led to your shooting spree.

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

It's posts like that why people laugh at you, David. If you act comparable to this in real life, I imagine you probably as bitter as Rex. Hell, if you two weren't always fighting, I'd almost guess you were his Alt at times... \:lol\:
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 6:25 AM
You are truly delusional. Any day now you'll pull a Jared Loughner, and your RKMB posts will be reviewed as one of the early warning signs of your fanaticism that led to your shooting spree.


Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 7:44 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
that we have been a fully equal society for many years.

You MUST be joking, right? We have NEVER been a "fully equal society". America was founded by anglo-saxons who already had a history of eradicating areas of non-white races. I don't even have to mention the American Indian, do I? Come on. You can't possibly believe that. Not really.

And further, it is the bean-counting, race-baiting and condescending pandering to minorities with unequal standards that constantly raises the spectre of past racism that no longer exists.

I would agree that some groups use it to their unjust advantage. However, I can say that about any group anywhere. The question is, is the corruption so deep that it defeats the actual purpose of its existence in the first place? If not, then it does more good than harm.

the angry, hate-filled, spectre-chasing...mindset, that is more about exploiting minorities than actually helping anyone.

Yes, yes...everyone is very aware of Tea Party values. You don't need to describe them here.

That is how you, in your spiteful intolerant backward narrow-minded liberal mindset would spin it.

\:lol\: Dammit. My sig line is going to become too big.

P.S. They're called "commas". Look into them. ;\)

Because you need someone to hate and demonize to rationalize what you believe.

"Hello, Kettle? This is The Pot. You're black."

Projection is very unhealthy. Face these aspects of your soul that truly torment you and come to grips with what drives you to feel this way. Let go of the hate you hold and the need to be validated by others opinions. Happiness will find you. \:\)

You operate on a mentality of fear

Yes. That's me. Scaring the shit out of you and Pariah. Everyone is very aware of this.

and anyone who doesn't believe what you believe has to be slandered and tossed into a dismissively labelled group.

Sir, I NEVER dismissively label ANY group! I always take the time to label them with great care and dedication to my greatest craft.

SPOILERS: My greatest craft is EVIL!


I'm the one using reason here.

Generally, if you have to say that out loud in a conversation, you're not the one using "reason". Just saying.

You're the one hurling insults and slanders. In childish defiance, you need to demonize anyone who doesn't believe what you believe.

You're repeating yourself. You just said the same thing, except making hurtful remarks about my evil-dedication. Does your face turn all red when you write posts?

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Like Aussie-Dave said, you have a single, tiny view of the world, and you hold onto it desperately on all occasions.

I would not be surprised at all to find out that you PM'd Aussie-Dave prior, and told him to treat me dismissively, as part of your childish game of treating anyone who disagrees with your Jihadist Liberal Orthodoxy like a leper.

GOLD!!!! \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

That was so absurd and crazy I don't even have to bother making a joke out of it. You're doing just fine on your own.

Regardless, you both share the same cowardice, that you would rather slander your opposition and label them "racist" and so forth, rather than have an honest debate.

Well, while it's true Aussie-Dave is known to be a great coward who never, ever debates anyone here...( )...I, on the other hand am willing to give to about the end of this post for you. It's pointless to discuss anything with you, David. As many here have said for many, many years, you aren't receptive to anything new to think about. You get your Talking Points from FauxNews, Beck, and Limbaugh. I purposefully avoid biased hate-speech, so I'm not inclined to engage in any meaningful conversation with you. You are, in my ten years+ on these boards, the only one I'd say is absolutely hopeless. Sorry.

Show me where I've bolded or used caps in this topic. Yet another example of how you manufacture and script my words and actions, to fit your false narrative.

David...really? You're kidding, right? You know that's your defining trait, right? Freaking out in threads? The fact you haven't done it yet here doesn't change the years of your caps-locked frenzy. Ask anyone. Seriously. I can't believe you're not aware of this habit of yours.

Oh! Wait. You are aware of it, because you've been told about it a billion times. You're just crafting reality to get you out of an embarrassing call-out by me.

Ironic to your characterization of me, it is always you who are all too hysterical.

And yes. Yes, I am certainly known for being "hysterical". Ask anyone.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
the Tea Party is far from a fringe group

I have never mentioned it being a "fringe-group". That's why you don't seem to understand why I ignore your random jpegs. They don't address anything I think about The Tea Party. I don't think they're a lunatic fringe group. I think they're the Republican Party hijacked by a fuckload of racist, hate-filled lunatics that boo American soldiers because they're gay and cheer for murder if it keeps them from having to pay money. And nothing you, or reality, has shown me has altered my opinion in the slightest.

Everything you say about the Tea Party is absolutely, poll-ably, prove-ably statistically, a lie.

No, jackass. Everything I say about the Tea Party can be verified by reality. You simply choose not to accept it.

That's what I don't get about you Tea Party whackos. You're pro-life, but love executions. You "support the troops".....unless they're gay. You're all against ridiculous fantasy "death-panels", yet cheer for the uninsured to die. I mean, for fucks sake, you simply can't have your cake, and eat it too. There are other humans on the planet, you know. Not just "God-fearin', white 'Mericans!"

You're welcome for the full and honest response. I imagine you won't be as gracious...

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
That's right Pro. You're "pulling chains." You're a master manipulator. Everything you post is just an example of your ingenious social conducting......after you get called out on your bullshit.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 7:47 AM
I think the only difference between this latest post of yours and your last attempt to be "intelligent and mature" by extending an "olive branch" is that you were careful not to let your racism show (see also: Prometheus calling President Obama a "nigger").
 Originally Posted By: iggy
You are truly delusional. Any day now you'll pull a Jared Loughner, and your RKMB posts will be reviewed as one of the early warning signs of your fanaticism that led to your shooting spree.


I notified the feds about Pro's inevitable shooting spree. I'm sure they'll be kicking down his front door any moment now. You better get to flushing that grass now,Pro.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 9:34 AM
When Pro goes to jail, I get dibs on the wife.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 9:35 AM
I'm glad Joe Mama never visits the politics forum. I called dibs first!
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 7:53 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
(see also: Prometheus calling President Obama a "nigger").

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: Saying it over and over doesn't make it true, nor have you convinced a single person of your accusation. Anyone with a brain...a real sense of mature intelligence...can determine whatever they like from my posts. Those with hatred and bias in their heart see the ugly in themselves, and try and project it back. You should let go of your racism. I'm sure it's inherent for your 'Brother in Arms' to want to kill a few 'brown people'. But, try and resist. You'll find respecting life and having love in your heart make all the difference. You had a rough childhood. Okay, so what? Many have. Get over it and grow up, kid. We all lose loved ones. We all lose parents. Taking it out on the rest of the world for the rest of your life will never bring you peace.

In the end, I feel sorry for you. But, not to any real great degree. You're just another ignorant lump in the machine of human stupidity. I hope pushing pencils for the clerk's office brings you satisfaction, and time to create more fiction about your life for the internet. Invaded Columbia lately? \:lol\:
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 7:53 PM
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
I'm glad Joe Mama never visits the politics forum. I called dibs first!

\:lol\: He'll kill you! And Lothar? I'll smoke it all before the first axe blade hits the door...
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 9:23 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Oh, and you used the word "apoplectic" wrong.


ap·o·plex·y   /ˈæpəˌplɛksi/ Show Spelled[ap-uh-plek-see] noun Pathology .

1. stroke ( def. 6 ) .2. a sudden, usually marked loss of bodily function due to rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel.

Quite the opposite of incorrect, it's a perfect description of your reaction every time I make a post here.
You're paralyzed and crippled by your irrational hate for conservative viewpoints. And over and over, you become completely unhinged when someone merely disagrees with you.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 9:30 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Quite the opposite of incorrect, it's a perfect description of your reaction every time I make a post here.
You're paralyzed and crippled by your irrational hate for conservative viewpoints. And over and over, you become completely unhinged when someone merely disagrees with you.

\:lol\: Oh, David. I'm not the one that goes apeshit with the BOLD CAPS, David. Stop trying to ignore that aspect yourself. If it embarrasses you, then work on it. But, don't play like it doesn't exist. That's unhealthy.

Oh, and I noticed you didn't respond to my response. You know, the one you always beg for? So, feel free to respond when you get a moment. If you can. If you can't deny anything I posted, then I understand. I don't see how you could, really, since it's all facts. But, knowing you, you'll find a way!

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 9:30 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
(see also: Prometheus calling President Obama a "nigger").

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: Saying it over and over doesn't make it true, nor have you convinced a single person of your accusation. Anyone with a brain...a real sense of mature intelligence...can determine whatever they like from my posts. Those with hatred and bias in their heart see the ugly in themselves, and try and project it back. You should let go of your racism. I'm sure it's inherent for your 'Brother in Arms' to want to kill a few 'brown people'. But, try and resist. You'll find respecting life and having love in your heart make all the difference. You had a rough childhood. Okay, so what? Many have. Get over it and grow up, kid. We all lose loved ones. We all lose parents. Taking it out on the rest of the world for the rest of your life will never bring you peace.

In the end, I feel sorry for you. But, not to any real great degree. You're just another ignorant lump in the machine of human stupidity. I hope pushing pencils for the clerk's office brings you satisfaction, and time to create more fiction about your life for the internet. Invaded Columbia lately? \:lol\:

Do you really think anyone here doesn't remember you calling Barack Obama a "nigger" in the Racist monkey e-mail topic?

Even members of your own clique called you on going over the top on that one. It's not "hatred and bias" it was your own words thrown back in your face, jackass.

And that part above about "killing brown people" is again your own vicious words thrown back at you, no one else's. (Despite your attempts to say it and pretend someone else was saying it and not you.)

And using one of Pariah's deceased parents as ammunition to again slanderously attack him is a new low, Pro, even for you.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 9:33 PM
pro has a clique?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 9:36 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Do you really think anyone here doesn't remember you calling Barack Obama a "nigger" in the Racist monkey e-mail topic?

I am positive no one "remembers" that, Dave, since it only exists in yours and Pariah's world. If you want an informed opinion, send Knut or Bastard the link to the post and ask their opinion. See, they are black so they would be able to confirm or deny the intent. Since you seem to hold onto this fabrication with all of your small, petty heart, I doubt you will try either way.

Even members of your own clique called you on going over the top on that one.

Show me. Post it with a link. I want to see my "clique" call me out. Show me. Prove it right now. Who said anything at all to me about that? Besides you and Pariah, I mean.

And using one of Pariah's deceased parents as ammunition to again slanderously attack him is a new low, Pro, even for you.

I did no such thing, you ignorant redneck. David, try and read a book that's not Mein Kampf or Glenn Beck's autobiography sometimes, would you? Talking with you is like having to explain everything to a second-grader. Stop picking out what you only want to see, and start dealing with reality.

THIS is exactly why I don't usually waste my time posting any content with you. It's impossible to break through your skull of fucking crazy.

BTW, you didn't respond to my response....
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 9:36 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
pro has a clique?
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 9:37 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
pro has a clique?

can I join? obviously I already agree with everything you say. just like doc and iggy and the rest of the NAZIS!
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 9:38 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
pro has a clique?

can I join? obviously I already agree with everything you say. just like doc and iggy and the rest of the NAZIS!

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 9:38 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
And if you think that was a rant, then how would you prefer someone type, Dave? What font would indicate they're using their across-the-table-inside voice? What about punctuation? Do you think periods, commas, question marks, and exclamation points are all the same? It might explain some of your reading comprehension issues.

Well, if Megyn Kelly of FauxNews said it, it MUST be true! Right? Oh my god, I can't believe you are even going to attempt this. You're going to ignore every single person who has ever told you that you are Right-Fox-Beck biased to the hilt---a claim you have refuted at all costs and temper tantrums. Yet, the first thing you're going to offer up as some kind of "rational", "objective" response is to give me FauxNews anchor Megyn Kelly's opinion? Get the fuck out of here.

1) that it's a free country, and agree or not, those booing have a right to their opinion

Which makes absolutely no excuse for bloodthirsty and homophobic hate. That soldier is there to protect us. Sure, as an American, you have every right to boo him for his sexuality. But, it doesn't stop you from being ignorant trash.

2) it's not the place of candidates to chastise anyone, they are there to debate

Didn't say anything about the candidates. We're not even talking about them. We're talking about the Tea Party trash. Stop copy-pasting talking points from your propaganda websites. I don't have time for it.

and 3) it's not 'bigoted" to boo the question

Again, stop copy-pasting. You have no proof they were "booing the question" (which is retarded to even consider). They were, of course, booing him because he is gay. Same reason they cheered when that halfwit Santorum said he'd roll things back a decade if elected. You know this. Stop parading Conservative talking points.

You used the word 'apoplectic' wrong four times. It doesn't mean what you think it means.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 9:42 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
pro has a clique?

can I join? obviously I already agree with everything you say. just like doc and iggy and the rest of the NAZIS!


Welcome brethren!

First Rule: Destroy All Conservatives and everything they love, forever!

Second Rule: Hate All Conservatives and everything they love, forever!

Third Rule: Don't you DARE think for yourself!! You are part if the Liberal Hive Mind Establishment! You all have jobs to do. Now, start planting the 'Blame-the-Right' evidence. I'll rewrite some history books to paint anglo-saxons in a bad light. I believe it was MEM's turn to push an Islamic Temple to be built somewhere 'Holy American'. Probably like NYC, Kentucky, or Western Virginia.

Go forth and perpetrate EVIL! \:lol\:
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 9:42 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
pro has a clique?

can I join? obviously I already agree with everything you say. just like doc and iggy and the rest of the NAZIS!

Nah. Just Iggy.
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 9:47 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
pro has a clique?

can I join? obviously I already agree with everything you say. just like doc and iggy and the rest of the NAZIS!


Welcome brethren!

First Rule: Destroy All Conservatives and everything they love, forever!

Second Rule: Hate All Conservatives and everything they love, forever!

Third Rule: Don't you DARE think for yourself!! You are part if the Liberal Hive Mind Establishment! You all have jobs to do. Now, start planting the 'Blame-the-Right' evidence. I'll rewrite some history books to paint anglo-saxons in a bad light. I believe it was MEM's turn to push an Islamic Temple to be built somewhere 'Holy American'. Probably like NYC, Kentucky, or Western Virginia.

Go forth and perpetrate EVIL! \:lol\:

\:lol\: All hail Prometheus! Ceasar! Imperator! Overlord of all! \:lol\:
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 9:47 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: Saying it over and over doesn't make it true, nor have you convinced a single person of your accusation.

I don't have to quote it. Everyone already knows you said it. They're not gonna deny it.

And if they actually bother trying to do so, that not only means they're making a concession for you, but also that they've compromised their own integrity to do so.

Seriously, getting other people to deny your racism when there's proof positive of it simply for the sake of disagreeing with me is like the win of all motherfucking wins!
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 9:56 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
I don't have to quote it. Everyone already knows you said it. They're not gonna deny it.

Who? Where? Prove it.

And if they actually bother trying to do so, that not only means they're making a concession for you, but also that they've compromised their own integrity to do so.

So, what you've just admitted is that if anyone doesn't agree with you, then they're making "concessions" and have "compromised their own integrity". "Roger". ;\)

Seriously, getting other people to deny your racism when there's proof positive of it simply for the sake of disagreeing with me is like the win of all motherfucking wins!

Then, do it , man! Prove I'm a racist! Show the world the proof and win, win, win! It'll be your greatest victory yet!

So? Where's the proof? \:\)
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:08 PM

You, I--and everyone else--knows that those quotations marks are superfluous. Because the only one who used that word to describe the president was you, and you alone.

You inferred your own racism.

I would like to hear anyone else deny this. I would like to hear everyone who's not "convinced" say that this was an innocent parody and that it's characteristic of the non-racism of the person who said it.

Acknowledge that you yourself would say such a thing. That you would do as Pro did because it was perfectly non-racist and perfectly fair in its attempt to project feelings onto someone else.

Either you compromise your integrity for the sake of disagreeing with me and defend Pro OR you acknowledge the racist undertones of his reply.

....Or you stay silent....And I'll is still win.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:08 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Then, do it , man! Prove I'm a racist! Show the world the proof and win, win, win! It'll be your greatest victory yet!

Indeed it is.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:12 PM
Prometheus cool Moderator Supertan Fuckmullet
15000+ posts 09/28/11 03:10 PM Reading a post
Forum: Pro & Jake's Fortress of Awesome Chat
Thread: Is Pariah an inept fuckhead?

Rationalization for racism incoming...
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:18 PM
Prometheus cool Moderator Supertan Fuckmullet
15000+ posts 09/28/11 03:13 PM Making a new reply
Forum: Pro & Jake's Fortress of Awesome Chat
Thread: Re: Hey, Pig Iran, Can We Now Get Rid of the Crazy 9-11 Conspiracy Bullshit?

Here it comes....
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:28 PM
Prometheus cool Moderator Supertan Fuckmullet
15000+ posts 09/28/11 03:13 PM Making a new reply
Forum: Pro & Jake's Fortress of Awesome Chat
Thread: Re: Hey, Pig Iran, Can We Now Get Rid of the Crazy 9-11 Conspiracy Bullshit?

Prediction: Laughing graemlin or series of laughing graemlins followed by a wall of rationalization.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:28 PM
Hopefully for Pro, he'll view the thread before he posts so as to preemptively edit his reply.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:31 PM
Nah. Still more trutherism.
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:32 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:33 PM
Prometheus cool Moderator Supertan Fuckmullet
15000+ posts 09/28/11 03:30 PM Making a new reply
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale

Ah. Here we go.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:33 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah


That's right Iggy.

Pro's "jerking chains."

Run with it!
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:36 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

You, I--and everyone else--knows that those quotations marks are superfluous.

We do? Prove it. Any intelligent person...if reading the entire quote, not just the sentence you quoted...will see exactly the opposite. So, really, it's your reality versus...well....everyone else's reality. I bet you can't guess which one is real and which one is part of your emotional delusion? (Pssst! Spoilers: Everyone else lives in the real world... )

I would like to hear anyone else deny this. I would like to hear everyone who's not "convinced" say that this was an innocent parody and that it's characteristic of the non-racism of the person who said it.

Me too! Who is "not convinced"? Wonder Boy? G-Man? I think Dave's racism is well on record. Check out the majority of his hate-threads. The facts are there. So, maybe Aussie-Dave? Phil? Rob? Oh no, wait. They all agree with me. I must have "convinced" them with my superiority...
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:37 PM
Whoa! Just looked back at the previous page. Pariah posted SEVEN times, waiting for me. Holy crap. Man, listen, I can only post so much from the office. I have a pretty free day today, so I'm doing good. But, you have to give me time to type it out....jeez...
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:41 PM
If he had kids instead of molesting them, I'd almost think he was Zzaping.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:41 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
We do? Prove it. Any intelligent person...if reading the entire quote, not just the sentence you quoted...will see exactly the opposite. So, really, it's your reality versus...well....everyone else's reality. I bet you can't guess which one is real and which one is part of your emotional delusion? (Pssst! Spoilers: Everyone else lives in the real world... )

Haha! You can't even show where WB said it.

If you could, you would have done so by now. The use of the word was your own invention!

I can't even imagine the shitstorm that would occur if he had actually said it.

Me too! Who is "not convinced"?

Well, you did say my reference of the post wasn't "convincing" anyone.

We both know that's a lie.

Iggy knows it's racist. His silence is not equivalent to not being "convinced." That why he hasn't responded to my challenge.

Doc knows it's racist.

Sammitch knows it's racist.

And on and on the list will go.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:42 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Whoa! Just looked back at the previous page. Pariah posted SEVEN times, waiting for me. Holy crap. Man, listen, I can only post so much from the office. I have a pretty free day today, so I'm doing good. But, you have to give me time to type it out....jeez...


So wait, is it my turn now to try and offer up a 'real world' excuse.

No worries. I understand you'll want to distract from your own racism.
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:45 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Iggy knows it's racist. His silence is not equivalent to not being "convinced." That why he hasn't responded to my challenge.

My Jew hating "conscience" has spoken!

What challenge? I can't see it through your relentlessly posting your need for Pro to validate your existence by responding to you. I remember the thread. Don't remember calling Pro a racist. Haven't called him one here. You made the argument. The burden of proof is on you to prove it.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:47 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
What challenge? I can't see it through your relentlessly posting your need for Pro to validate your existence by responding to you.

And you prove it.

You are unable to say that Pro's comment wasn't racist. Unless you do--in which case, you're in love with Pro.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:50 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Haha! You can't even show where WB said it.

If you could, you would have done so by now. The use of the word was your own invention!

I can't even imagine the shitstorm that would occur if he had actually said it.

Never said anywhere that WB said it. Not once. I implied he thinks it. Which I did. And it's true. So, what's your point?

Me too! Who is "not convinced"?

Well, you did say my reference of the post wasn't "convincing" anyone.

We both know that's a lie.

We do? How? Who has accused me of being "a racist" except for the two people the post was aimed at: you and WB? In fact, I don't think anyone has ever said that. Oh well. Good shot, I guess.

Iggy knows it's racist. His silence is not equivalent to not being "convinced." That why he hasn't responded to my challenge.

Doc knows it's racist.

Sammitch knows it's racist.

And on and on the list will go.

Hey, everyone! Pariah has spoken for you. He has decided you all secretly think I'm a racist for challenging Wonder Boy. So, I guess if Pariah said you think it, it must be true. There just simply can't be any other answer...

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:52 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
You are unable to say that Pro's comment wasn't racist. Unless you do--in which case, you're in love with Pro.

That's Pariah. Having both sides of the conversation and determining what you think at all times. No room for anything other than what he says.... \:lol\: \:lol\:
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:52 PM
Wow. Fuck. You really are totally delusional. I said I didn't think Pro was being racist then and I don't think he is a racist now. If you really need me to be as specific as possible then I guess I'm in love with Pro because the comment wasn't racist. You just dragged it out of context and waved it around like a little bitch tard.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:53 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
What challenge? I can't see it through your relentlessly posting your need for Pro to validate your existence by responding to you. I remember the thread. Don't remember calling Pro a racist. Haven't called him one here. You made the argument. The burden of proof is on you to prove it.

IGGY! Can't you see it? CAN'T YOU?!?!?! It's right there!! He posted it! It's OBVIOUS I'm a racist! Stop making excuses for your love of me....or something.... \:lol\:
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:54 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
You just dragged it out of context and waved it around like a little bitch tard.

SHHHH!!! You'll confuse him!
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:58 PM
You're right. I get it now. I SEE IT. Pariah was right. You are a total racist. It totally explains why you wouldn't hang out with Knut at DragonCon. How could I have been so blind? ;\)
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:58 PM
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 10:58 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I implied he thinks it. Which I did. And it's true.

And there you have it. The admission that you fabricated the use of the word based on your own feelings and thought processes. Inherently racist ones.

We do? How? Who has accused me of being "a racist"

Who's spoken up for you?

The only thing Iggy's done so far is plead ignorance. He hasn't even admitted to looking at it. Just obscurely mentioning a thread that he loosely recollects and making excuses for not seeing the quote I so clearly put into the spotlight.

Hey, everyone! Pariah has spoken for you. He has decided you all secretly think I'm a racist for challenging Wonder Boy.

Ah. So inferring blatant racism on someone is the equivalent of "challenging" them.

I mean, if you can't find it then you have to produce it yourself--which you did.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:01 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Wow. Fuck. You really are totally delusional. I said I didn't think Pro was being racist then and I don't think he is a racist now. If you really need me to be as specific as possible then I guess I'm in love with Pro because the comment wasn't racist. You just dragged it out of context and waved it around like a little bitch tard.

 Originally Posted By: iggy
You're right. I get it now. I SEE IT. Pariah was right. You are a total racist. It totally explains why you wouldn't hang out with Knut at DragonCon. How could I have been so blind? ;\)

 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch

You see Pro? They can't do it. They cannot address it directly. Because then they'll have to acknowledge the rudiments of what you said and why you said it. And they know that they'll have to admit the racism of your statement.
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:02 PM
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:03 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy

And he STILL can't do it.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:13 PM
Iggy said he's never thought I was racist. Therefore, he answered you directly. You are simply refusing to accept his answer. Like the sad little troll you are.

See, this is why I never like responding to anything you say, Pariah. You, like WB, are trapped in your own mind, in your own reality, and in your own set of "rules". You are never in error, and your judgement is final. So, it's pointless to speak to you. I have given you what you asked for, a response. You ignore it. You ask for others to tell you what you refuse to accept, and then deny they said it. So, that's it for you. You're delegated back to emoticons, because that's all you can handle...

Oh, and BTW? I win (at life). \:lol\:
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:14 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

You, I--and everyone else--knows that those quotations marks are superfluous. Because the only one who used that word to describe the president was you, and you alone.

You inferred your own racism.

I would like to hear anyone else deny this. I would like to hear everyone who's not "convinced" say that this was an innocent parody and that it's characteristic of the non-racism of the person who said it.

Acknowledge that you yourself would say such a thing. That you would do as Pro did because it was perfectly non-racist and perfectly fair in its attempt to project feelings onto someone else.

Either you compromise your integrity for the sake of disagreeing with me and defend Pro OR you acknowledge the racist undertones of his reply.

....Or you stay silent....And I'll is still win.

This was an innocent parody. It was not meant to belie Pro's "secret inherent racism" or whatever.

I don't think he was projecting feelings or anything like that. Far as I can see it, he was acknowledging his belief (possibly shared by others) that where everyone else sees President Barack Hussein Obama, you see "a nigger in the White House."

Oh noes, I guess my racism is showing.
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:19 PM
'Scuse me. After reading the quote in full context, he isn't even saying you are definitely a racist just that you have mentally checked yourself between being a racist that can't stand "a nigger in the White House" or being totally mindfucked by Conservative talking points. My apologies for addressing your ineptitude.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:20 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Iggy said he's never thought I was racist. Therefore, he answered you directly.

Yes, he answered me directly....By completely ignoring the statement itself and not for a moment addressing the fact that word was used by you and you alone.

Yes. He was certainly direct in his support for you and for your comment...which he didn't actually acknowledge.

See, this is why I never like responding to anything you say, Pariah. You, like WB, are trapped in your own mind, in your own reality, and in your own set of "rules". You are never in error, and your judgement is final. So, it's pointless to speak to you. I have given you what you asked for, a response. You ignore it. You ask for others to tell you what you refuse to accept, and then deny they said it. So, that's it for you. You're delegated back to emoticons, because that's all you can handle...

Oh, and BTW? I win (at life). \:lol\:

And now it comes to your full attention exactly how much of a threat this issue is to you socially. Back to graemlins.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:21 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

You, I--and everyone else--knows that those quotations marks are superfluous. Because the only one who used that word to describe the president was you, and you alone.

You inferred your own racism.

I would like to hear anyone else deny this. I would like to hear everyone who's not "convinced" say that this was an innocent parody and that it's characteristic of the non-racism of the person who said it.

Acknowledge that you yourself would say such a thing. That you would do as Pro did because it was perfectly non-racist and perfectly fair in its attempt to project feelings onto someone else.

Either you compromise your integrity for the sake of disagreeing with me and defend Pro OR you acknowledge the racist undertones of his reply.

....Or you stay silent....And I'll is still win.

This was an innocent parody. It was not meant to belie Pro's "secret inherent racism" or whatever.

I don't think he was projecting feelings or anything like that. Far as I can see it, he was acknowledging his belief (possibly shared by others) that where everyone else sees President Barack Hussein Obama, you see "a nigger in the White House."

Oh noes, I guess my racism is showing.

Who said "nigger?"
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:21 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
'Scuse me. After reading the quote in full context, he isn't even saying you are definitely a racist just that you have mentally checked yourself between being a racist that can't stand "a nigger in the White House" or being totally mindfucked by Conservative talking points. My apologies for addressing your ineptitude.

Who said "nigger?"
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:22 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
'Scuse me. After reading the quote in full context, he isn't even saying you are definitely a racist just that you have mentally checked yourself between being a racist that can't stand "a nigger in the White House" or being totally mindfucked by Conservative talking points. My apologies for addressing your ineptitude.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:26 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: iggy
'Scuse me. After reading the quote in full context, he isn't even saying you are definitely a racist just that you have mentally checked yourself between being a racist that can't stand "a nigger in the White House" or being totally mindfucked by Conservative talking points. My apologies for addressing your ineptitude.

Yeah Pro! He restated your post for you in a less incriminating fashion!

It went from

That's a fact of life. And whether you're sincerely racist yourself and it just bothers you a "nigger" is in the White House


that where everyone else sees President Barack Hussein Obama, you see "a nigger in the White House."

Totally different, but completely the same (by Iggy's standards). And all for you.

Iggy always knows how to best triangulate for Pro's sake!
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:27 PM
Iggy, you are proceeding from a false premise. I'll step in here and help.

Pariah, when people grow up to be adults, they have what's called "mature conversations". These are conversations that discuss ideas and beliefs in the context of an adult relationship. Sometimes, when a subject is to be discussed that may seem "taboo" when taken out of context, adults understand that a use of a word is not in direct relation to its meaning. Now, I know this goes over your head, and you're clutching this like a life-raft, but the truth is...the honest truth is...nothing in my post was racist. You simply got butthurt because either (a) I wouldn't play with you, or, (b) you're really Dave using Pariah as an alt. Because absolutely no one else...no one anywhere on the boards here...has ever once agreed with you on this. You asked Iggy to answer you concerning my post, and he did. Directly. Now, please take the fingers out of your ears and listen. You are wrong. Let it go.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:28 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Why can't I win???

 Originally Posted By: The World
\:lol\: We're laughing AT you, Pariah, not with you! \:lol\:
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:29 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Iggy, you are proceeding from a false premise. I'll step in here and help.

Pariah, when people grow up to be adults, they have what's called "mature conversations". These are conversations that discuss ideas and beliefs in the context of an adult relationship. Sometimes, when a subject is to be discussed that may seem "taboo" when taken out of context, adults understand that a use of a word is not in direct relation to its meaning. Now, I know this goes over your head, and you're clutching this like a life-raft, but the truth is...the honest truth is...nothing in my post was racist. You simply got butthurt because either (a) I wouldn't play with you, or, (b) you're really Dave using Pariah as an alt. Because absolutely no one else...no one anywhere on the boards here...has ever once agreed with you on this. You asked Iggy to answer you concerning my post, and he did. Directly. Now, please take the fingers out of your ears and listen. You are wrong. Let it go.

And now you're using Iggy to justify making statements directed.

Such a great relationship you guys have.
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:29 PM
I said nigger. The same way I'm about to say...honky, wetback, kike, and chink. Without quotation marks even! \:whoa\: What's your fucking point? I acknowledge those words exist and I acknowledge my belief that deep down you use all but one of them to address every black, mexican, and jew you see. Why? Because I think you are an ignorant fuck honky that fakes some "conscience of the RKMB's" meme to alleviate the pain that your own pathetic shortcomings produce. But, mainly, because I think you are an ignorant fucking honky, bizarro Whomod.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:35 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
I said nigger. The same way I'm about to say...honky, wetback, kike, and chink. Without quotation marks even! \:whoa\: What's your fucking point? I acknowledge those words exist and I acknowledge my belief that deep down you use all but one of them to address every black, mexican, and jew you see. Why? Because I think you are an ignorant fuck honky that fakes some "conscience of the RKMB's" meme to alleviate the pain that your own pathetic shortcomings produce. But, mainly, because I think you are an ignorant fucking honky, bizarro Whomod.

And yet, Pro didn't use the word in as reactionary a fashion as you are now. He was making an honest statement about what he believed. He couldn't really prove that WB thought of the president that way, so he didn't have any precedent for using the word "nigger" because WB didn't use it in the first place.

It rolled right off the proverbial tongue of his post in an effort to infer feelings upon others. Inference has an origin before it has a direction. In this case, it was Pro and his own intellect. Stop trying to avoid that.

Or, go right ahead, and make a fool of yourself in the process.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:39 PM
I'll give you an out here Iggy because you're knee deep in it at this point.

You don't have to say Pro is an out and out racist.

But you can still see what's in front of you and acknowledge the precedent of racism with regards to Pro's character based on his statement.
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:42 PM
If I'm knee deep in anything then it is your bullshit. You are fundamentally loony and I should have thought about that before engaging you in any conversation. So, please, slam dunk it if you would like and get your win. I'm standing by everything I just said.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:44 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
If I'm knee deep in anything then it is your bullshit. You are fundamentally loony and I should have thought about that before engaging you in any conversation. So, please, slam dunk it if you would like and get your win. I'm standing by everything I just said.

Who said the president is a "nigger?"
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:44 PM
\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
LaLaLaLaLaLa! I can't hear you!! LaLaLaLaLaLa!

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:45 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
LaLaLaLaLaLa! I can't hear you!! LaLaLaLaLaLa!

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

Who said the president is a "nigger?"
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:45 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: iggy
If I'm knee deep in anything then it is your bullshit. You are fundamentally loony and I should have thought about that before engaging you in any conversation. So, please, slam dunk it if you would like and get your win. I'm standing by everything I just said.

Who said the president is a "nigger?"

You and Wonder Boy, every chance you get... \:lol\:
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:45 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Whoops! Looks like you're a racist now! \:lol\:
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:46 PM
You just did. Rassist!
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:48 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: iggy
If I'm knee deep in anything then it is your bullshit. You are fundamentally loony and I should have thought about that before engaging you in any conversation. So, please, slam dunk it if you would like and get your win. I'm standing by everything I just said.

Who said the president is a "nigger?"

You and Wonder Boy, every chance you get... \:lol\:

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Whoops! Looks like you're a racist now! \:lol\:

 Originally Posted By: iggy
You just did. Rassist!

See Pro? No one can speak up for you. Not even yourself.

All you can do is go the graemlin route with Iggy in toe and hope people will forget.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:49 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:49 PM
Quit hiding behind your question marks, rassist. You used the "N-word" address your shortcomings.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:50 PM
Now, back to Wonder Boy...

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
And if you think that was a rant, then how would you prefer someone type, Dave? What font would indicate they're using their across-the-table-inside voice? What about punctuation? Do you think periods, commas, question marks, and exclamation points are all the same? It might explain some of your reading comprehension issues.

Well, if Megyn Kelly of FauxNews said it, it MUST be true! Right? Oh my god, I can't believe you are even going to attempt this. You're going to ignore every single person who has ever told you that you are Right-Fox-Beck biased to the hilt---a claim you have refuted at all costs and temper tantrums. Yet, the first thing you're going to offer up as some kind of "rational", "objective" response is to give me FauxNews anchor Megyn Kelly's opinion? Get the fuck out of here.

1) that it's a free country, and agree or not, those booing have a right to their opinion

Which makes absolutely no excuse for bloodthirsty and homophobic hate. That soldier is there to protect us. Sure, as an American, you have every right to boo him for his sexuality. But, it doesn't stop you from being ignorant trash.

2) it's not the place of candidates to chastise anyone, they are there to debate

Didn't say anything about the candidates. We're not even talking about them. We're talking about the Tea Party trash. Stop copy-pasting talking points from your propaganda websites. I don't have time for it.

and 3) it's not 'bigoted" to boo the question

Again, stop copy-pasting. You have no proof they were "booing the question" (which is retarded to even consider). They were, of course, booing him because he is gay. Same reason they cheered when that halfwit Santorum said he'd roll things back a decade if elected. You know this. Stop parading Conservative talking points.

You used the word 'apoplectic' wrong four times. It doesn't mean what you think it means.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:51 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:52 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Quit hiding behind your question marks, rassist. You used the "N-word" address your shortcomings.

Who called the president a "nigger?"
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:53 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Quit hiding behind your question marks, rassist. You used the "N-word" address your shortcomings.

Who called the president a "nigger?"

You did! Right there! Again! \:lol\:
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:53 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Quit hiding behind your question marks, rassist. You used the "N-word" address your shortcomings.

Who called the president a "nigger?"

Why do you keep using such a dirty word, racist!
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:53 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:54 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

\:lol\: \:lol\:
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:55 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Quit hiding behind your question marks, rassist. You used the "N-word" address your shortcomings.

Who called the president a "nigger?"

Why do you keep using such a dirty word, racist!

I'll make it easier for you:

Who used the word "nigger" to refer to the president based on his own inferences?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:56 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Quit hiding behind your question marks, rassist. You used the "N-word" address your shortcomings.

Who called the president a "nigger?"

Why do you keep using such a dirty word, racist!

I'll make it easier for you:

Who used the word "nigger" to refer to the president based on his own inferences?

You just did it again! Jeez! Stop being such a racist! I'm going to PM Knut if you keep this up...
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:57 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Who called the president a "nigger?"

You're not gonna fool us Pariah! We've climbed out of your trap. Now we're gonna make sure people forget this issue entirely!

Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-28 11:58 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Pariah





Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:01 AM
 Originally Posted By: Iggy
Everyone's gonna forget! No amount of quoting Pro is gonna change that! You're going DOWN.

Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:01 AM

You, I--and everyone else--knows that those quotations marks are superfluous. Because the only one who used that word to describe the president was you, and you alone.

You inferred your own racism.

I would like to hear anyone else deny this. I would like to hear everyone who's not "convinced" say that this was an innocent parody and that it's characteristic of the non-racism of the person who said it.

Acknowledge that you yourself would say such a thing. That you would do as Pro did because it was perfectly non-racist and perfectly fair in its attempt to project feelings onto someone else.

Either you compromise your integrity for the sake of disagreeing with me and defend Pro OR you acknowledge the racist undertones of his reply.

....Or you stay silent....And I'll is still win.
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:02 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Iggy
Everyone's gonna forget! No amount of quoting Pro is gonna change that! You're going DOWN.

Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:03 AM

I'll is still win, too!!!!
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:03 AM
Apparently Iggy reads "Huh" as "nigger."

Pro's influence showing?
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:04 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Your inherent racism is showing again.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:05 AM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Yes! a grammatical error!! Just add the word "nigger" and I got a winning hand!

You're out of your league Pariah! People will forget!

Well, I'll be.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:06 AM
 Originally Posted By: Iggy
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Apparently Iggy reads "Huh" as "nigger."

Pro's influence showing?

What's your point?

Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:06 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Yes! a grammatical error!! Just add the word "nigger" and I got a winning hand!

You're out of your league Pariah! People will forget!

Well, I'll be an ignorant racist fuck.

Yeah, actually, you are.
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:07 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Iggy
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

What's your point?

Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:07 AM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Next, I'll apply the "No, You are!" strategy!

I see.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:07 AM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Alright. Time for graemlins again.

Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:08 AM

You, I--and everyone else--knows that those quotations marks are superfluous. Because the only one who used that word to describe the president was you, and you alone.

You inferred your own racism.

I would like to hear anyone else deny this. I would like to hear everyone who's not "convinced" say that this was an innocent parody and that it's characteristic of the non-racism of the person who said it.

Acknowledge that you yourself would say such a thing. That you would do as Pro did because it was perfectly non-racist and perfectly fair in its attempt to project feelings onto someone else.

Either you compromise your integrity for the sake of disagreeing with me and defend Pro OR you acknowledge the racist undertones of his reply.

....Or you stay silent....And I'll is still win.
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:10 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:11 AM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Forget! Forget! Forget! FORGET!! DAMMIT!!

Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:15 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: iggy

Posted By: rex Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:23 AM
I stopped reading this thread when I saw it was about berkeley. Did I miss anything?
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:25 AM
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:27 AM
Oh, but yeah. Pro called the president a "nigger" and now he's denying it.
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:28 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
I stopped reading this thread when I saw it was about berkeley. Did I miss anything?

Pariahalo had a meltdown. But, that's nothing really new. So, no. Didn't miss a thing.
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:33 AM
Oh, and, Wondy envisioned a future where Pro goes all Jared Loughner...
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:36 AM
I think he said 'the president is near'!
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:39 AM
\:lol\: No, I told Wonder Boy that he just gets angry because he thinks the President is a "nigger". But, don't take my word for it. It's all there in my post. Pariah will give you a link...
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:39 AM
Pariah! Post a link for Phil NOW!
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:39 AM
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 12:40 AM
I'm just glad I got to make a blazing saddles reference sort of in context.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 1:26 AM
That's a fact of life. And whether you're sincerely racist yourself and it just bothers you a "nigger" is in the White House[/quote]

You, I--and everyone else--knows that those quotations marks are superfluous. Because the only one who used that word to describe the president was you, and you alone.

You inferred your own racism.

I would like to hear anyone else deny this. I would like to hear everyone who's not "convinced" say that this was an innocent parody and that it's characteristic of the non-racism of the person who said it.

Acknowledge that you yourself would say such a thing. That you would do as Pro did because it was perfectly non-racist and perfectly fair in its attempt to project feelings onto someone else.

Either you compromise your integrity for the sake of disagreeing with me and defend Pro OR you acknowledge the racist undertones of his reply.

....Or you stay silent....And I'll is still win.
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 1:30 AM

You, I--and everyone else--knows that those quotations marks are superfluous. Because the only one who used that word to describe the president was you, and you alone.

You inferred your own racism.

I would like to hear anyone else deny this. I would like to hear everyone who's not "convinced" say that this was an innocent parody and that it's characteristic of the non-racism of the person who said it.

Acknowledge that you yourself would say such a thing. That you would do as Pro did because it was perfectly non-racist and perfectly fair in its attempt to project feelings onto someone else.

Either you compromise your integrity for the sake of disagreeing with me and defend Pro OR you acknowledge the racist undertones of his reply.

....Or you stay silent....And I'll is still win. [/quote]

You'll figure out why my quoting of you is fucked up. Then, you will realize what that means you said. Racist.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 1:33 AM
I admit that Pro is racist based on his own inference that the president is a "nigger."
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 1:33 AM
Do you have any explanations for that Iggy?
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 1:33 AM
Or are you still avoiding the quote?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 4:35 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Pariah! Post a link for Phil NOW!

SNAP! Like a good pet, he comes when I call. Thanks Pariah! You can go to sleep for the night, if you wish... \:lol\:
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 4:48 AM
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 5:03 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
SNAP! Like a good pet, he comes when I call. Thanks Pariah! You can go to sleep for the night, if you wish... \:lol\:

That's right Pro. You're still pulling chains.

Still. Pulling. Chains.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 5:04 AM

You, I--and everyone else--knows that those quotations marks are superfluous. Because the only one who used that word to describe the president was you, and you alone.

You inferred your own racism.

I would like to hear anyone else deny this. I would like to hear everyone who's not "convinced" say that this was an innocent parody and that it's characteristic of the non-racism of the person who said it.

Acknowledge that you yourself would say such a thing. That you would do as Pro did because it was perfectly non-racist and perfectly fair in its attempt to project feelings onto someone else.

Either you compromise your integrity for the sake of disagreeing with me and defend Pro OR you acknowledge the racist undertones of his reply.

....Or you stay silent....And I'll is still win.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 5:10 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Pariah! Post a link for Phil NOW!

SNAP! Like a good pet, he comes when I call. Thanks Pariah! You can go to sleep for the night, if you wish... \:lol\:

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
That's right Pro.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 5:10 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
That's right Pro. You're still pulling chains.

Still. Pulling. Chains.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 5:11 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Pariah! Post a link for Phil NOW!

SNAP! Like a good pet, he comes when I call. Thanks Pariah! You can go to sleep for the night, if you wish... \:lol\:

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
That's right Pro.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 5:16 AM
Pariah's completely hooked.


Captain Obvious
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 5:23 AM
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 5:32 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Got yer back Pro!

Hey thanks.

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 6:06 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Got yer back Pro!

Hey thanks.

Wish somebody had MY back....

 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
I'm glad Joe Mama never visits the politics forum. I called dibs first!

Joe called dibs on you a long time ago.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 6:17 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Got yer back Pro!

Hey thanks.

Wish somebody had MY back....


Not really. I don't go for reach-arounds.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 6:17 AM

You, I--and everyone else--knows that those quotations marks are superfluous. Because the only one who used that word to describe the president was you, and you alone.

You inferred your own racism.

I would like to hear anyone else deny this. I would like to hear everyone who's not "convinced" say that this was an innocent parody and that it's characteristic of the non-racism of the person who said it.

Acknowledge that you yourself would say such a thing. That you would do as Pro did because it was perfectly non-racist and perfectly fair in its attempt to project feelings onto someone else.

Either you compromise your integrity for the sake of disagreeing with me and defend Pro OR you acknowledge the racist undertones of his reply.

....Or you stay silent....And I'll is still win.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 6:37 AM

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

You, I--and everyone else--knows that those quotations marks are superfluous.

We do? Prove it. Any intelligent person...if reading the entire quote, not just the sentence you quoted...will see exactly the opposite. So, really, it's your reality versus...well....everyone else's reality. I bet you can't guess which one is real and which one is part of your emotional delusion? (Pssst! Spoilers: Everyone else lives in the real world... )

I would like to hear anyone else deny this. I would like to hear everyone who's not "convinced" say that this was an innocent parody and that it's characteristic of the non-racism of the person who said it.

Me too! Who is "not convinced"? Wonder Boy? G-Man? I think Dave's racism is well on record. Check out the majority of his hate-threads. The facts are there. So, maybe Aussie-Dave? Phil? Rob? Oh no, wait. They all agree with me. I must have "convinced" them with my superiority...

118 posts since this afternoon... geez.

And Pro still keeps gloating that his lapdogs agree with him.

Despite that it was Pro's (lined above in full context) clear over-the-top remark of calling president Obama a nigger. And much as you try to bury it, you were called on it, and not just by me and Pariah.

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 6:41 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Such a sad little racist...
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 6:42 AM

 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Iggy knows it's racist. His silence is not equivalent to not being "convinced." That why he hasn't responded to my challenge.

My Jew hating "conscience" has spoken!

What challenge? I can't see it through your relentlessly posting your need for Pro to validate your existence by responding to you. I remember the thread. Don't remember calling Pro a racist. Haven't called him one here. You made the argument. The burden of proof is on you to prove it.

But Pro's comment was racist, and a clear attempt to say it and project the words in others' mouths.

There's no way you can look at his remarks and come to another conclusion.

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 6:42 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Now, back to Wonder Boy...

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
And if you think that was a rant, then how would you prefer someone type, Dave? What font would indicate they're using their across-the-table-inside voice? What about punctuation? Do you think periods, commas, question marks, and exclamation points are all the same? It might explain some of your reading comprehension issues.

Well, if Megyn Kelly of FauxNews said it, it MUST be true! Right? Oh my god, I can't believe you are even going to attempt this. You're going to ignore every single person who has ever told you that you are Right-Fox-Beck biased to the hilt---a claim you have refuted at all costs and temper tantrums. Yet, the first thing you're going to offer up as some kind of "rational", "objective" response is to give me FauxNews anchor Megyn Kelly's opinion? Get the fuck out of here.

1) that it's a free country, and agree or not, those booing have a right to their opinion

Which makes absolutely no excuse for bloodthirsty and homophobic hate. That soldier is there to protect us. Sure, as an American, you have every right to boo him for his sexuality. But, it doesn't stop you from being ignorant trash.

2) it's not the place of candidates to chastise anyone, they are there to debate

Didn't say anything about the candidates. We're not even talking about them. We're talking about the Tea Party trash. Stop copy-pasting talking points from your propaganda websites. I don't have time for it.

and 3) it's not 'bigoted" to boo the question

Again, stop copy-pasting. You have no proof they were "booing the question" (which is retarded to even consider). They were, of course, booing him because he is gay. Same reason they cheered when that halfwit Santorum said he'd roll things back a decade if elected. You know this. Stop parading Conservative talking points.

You used the word 'apoplectic' wrong four times. It doesn't mean what you think it means.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 6:43 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
We do? Prove it. Any intelligent person...if reading the entire quote, not just the sentence you quoted...will see exactly the opposite. So, really, it's your reality versus...well....everyone else's reality. I bet you can't guess which one is real and which one is part of your emotional delusion? (Pssst! Spoilers: Everyone else lives in the real world... )

Haha! You can't even show where WB said it.

If you could, you would have done so by now. The use of the word was your own invention!

I can't even imagine the shitstorm that would occur if he had actually said it.

Me too! Who is "not convinced"?

Well, you did say my reference of the post wasn't "convincing" anyone.

We both know that's a lie.

Iggy knows it's racist. His silence is not equivalent to not being "convinced." That why he hasn't responded to my challenge.

Doc knows it's racist.

Sammitch knows it's racist.

And on and on the list will go.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 6:44 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
But his comment was racist, and a clear attempt to say it and project the words in others' mouths.

There's no way you can look at his remarks and come to another conclusion.

Except that he and everyone else in the world including Knut and Bastard DID come to another conclusion. The actual one. How can you have multiple people from different facets of life, including your much-loved Republican base, confront you with reality...and you still can't accept it?

I may need to stop picking on you. You might have an actual real-world mental issue...
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 6:45 AM
Why can't you address these points, Dave? Reality fighting back again? \:lol\:

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Now, back to Wonder Boy...

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
And if you think that was a rant, then how would you prefer someone type, Dave? What font would indicate they're using their across-the-table-inside voice? What about punctuation? Do you think periods, commas, question marks, and exclamation points are all the same? It might explain some of your reading comprehension issues.

Well, if Megyn Kelly of FauxNews said it, it MUST be true! Right? Oh my god, I can't believe you are even going to attempt this. You're going to ignore every single person who has ever told you that you are Right-Fox-Beck biased to the hilt---a claim you have refuted at all costs and temper tantrums. Yet, the first thing you're going to offer up as some kind of "rational", "objective" response is to give me FauxNews anchor Megyn Kelly's opinion? Get the fuck out of here.

1) that it's a free country, and agree or not, those booing have a right to their opinion

Which makes absolutely no excuse for bloodthirsty and homophobic hate. That soldier is there to protect us. Sure, as an American, you have every right to boo him for his sexuality. But, it doesn't stop you from being ignorant trash.

2) it's not the place of candidates to chastise anyone, they are there to debate

Didn't say anything about the candidates. We're not even talking about them. We're talking about the Tea Party trash. Stop copy-pasting talking points from your propaganda websites. I don't have time for it.

and 3) it's not 'bigoted" to boo the question

Again, stop copy-pasting. You have no proof they were "booing the question" (which is retarded to even consider). They were, of course, booing him because he is gay. Same reason they cheered when that halfwit Santorum said he'd roll things back a decade if elected. You know this. Stop parading Conservative talking points.

You used the word 'apoplectic' wrong four times. It doesn't mean what you think it means.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Haha! You can't even show where WB said it.

If you could, you would have done so by now. The use of the word was your own invention!

I can't even imagine the shitstorm that would occur if he had actually said it.

Never said anywhere that WB said it. Not once. I implied he thinks it. Which I did. And it's true. So, what's your point?

The point is, you're a liar. And whether your cheerleading section acknowledges it or not, you just admitted that you slanderously insinuated I called Obama a nigger, when in truth you said it, with precisely the intent of falsely projecting the racial slur on me.

i.e., you are slime.

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 6:51 AM
Why can't you address these points, Dave? Reality fighting back again? \:lol\:

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Now, back to Wonder Boy...

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
And if you think that was a rant, then how would you prefer someone type, Dave? What font would indicate they're using their across-the-table-inside voice? What about punctuation? Do you think periods, commas, question marks, and exclamation points are all the same? It might explain some of your reading comprehension issues.

Well, if Megyn Kelly of FauxNews said it, it MUST be true! Right? Oh my god, I can't believe you are even going to attempt this. You're going to ignore every single person who has ever told you that you are Right-Fox-Beck biased to the hilt---a claim you have refuted at all costs and temper tantrums. Yet, the first thing you're going to offer up as some kind of "rational", "objective" response is to give me FauxNews anchor Megyn Kelly's opinion? Get the fuck out of here.

1) that it's a free country, and agree or not, those booing have a right to their opinion

Which makes absolutely no excuse for bloodthirsty and homophobic hate. That soldier is there to protect us. Sure, as an American, you have every right to boo him for his sexuality. But, it doesn't stop you from being ignorant trash.

2) it's not the place of candidates to chastise anyone, they are there to debate

Didn't say anything about the candidates. We're not even talking about them. We're talking about the Tea Party trash. Stop copy-pasting talking points from your propaganda websites. I don't have time for it.

and 3) it's not 'bigoted" to boo the question

Again, stop copy-pasting. You have no proof they were "booing the question" (which is retarded to even consider). They were, of course, booing him because he is gay. Same reason they cheered when that halfwit Santorum said he'd roll things back a decade if elected. You know this. Stop parading Conservative talking points.

You used the word 'apoplectic' wrong four times. It doesn't mean what you think it means.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 7:00 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Iggy said he's never thought I was racist. Therefore, he answered you directly. You are simply refusing to accept his answer. Like the sad little troll you are.

See, this is why I never like responding to anything you say, Pariah. You, like WB, are trapped in your own mind, in your own reality, and in your own set of "rules". You are never in error, and your judgement is final. So, it's pointless to speak to you. I have given you what you asked for, a response. You ignore it. You ask for others to tell you what you refuse to accept, and then deny they said it. So, that's it for you. You're delegated back to emoticons, because that's all you can handle...

Oh, and BTW? I win (at life). \:lol\:

Still self-consciously trying to win back your internet honor, I see.

And still a self-admitted liar.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 7:02 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 7:02 AM
Oh hey, btw, since you're going through every single post and commenting, why can't you address these points, Dave? Reality fighting back again? \:lol\:

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Now, back to Wonder Boy...

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
And if you think that was a rant, then how would you prefer someone type, Dave? What font would indicate they're using their across-the-table-inside voice? What about punctuation? Do you think periods, commas, question marks, and exclamation points are all the same? It might explain some of your reading comprehension issues.

Well, if Megyn Kelly of FauxNews said it, it MUST be true! Right? Oh my god, I can't believe you are even going to attempt this. You're going to ignore every single person who has ever told you that you are Right-Fox-Beck biased to the hilt---a claim you have refuted at all costs and temper tantrums. Yet, the first thing you're going to offer up as some kind of "rational", "objective" response is to give me FauxNews anchor Megyn Kelly's opinion? Get the fuck out of here.

1) that it's a free country, and agree or not, those booing have a right to their opinion

Which makes absolutely no excuse for bloodthirsty and homophobic hate. That soldier is there to protect us. Sure, as an American, you have every right to boo him for his sexuality. But, it doesn't stop you from being ignorant trash.

2) it's not the place of candidates to chastise anyone, they are there to debate

Didn't say anything about the candidates. We're not even talking about them. We're talking about the Tea Party trash. Stop copy-pasting talking points from your propaganda websites. I don't have time for it.

and 3) it's not 'bigoted" to boo the question

Again, stop copy-pasting. You have no proof they were "booing the question" (which is retarded to even consider). They were, of course, booing him because he is gay. Same reason they cheered when that halfwit Santorum said he'd roll things back a decade if elected. You know this. Stop parading Conservative talking points.

You used the word 'apoplectic' wrong four times. It doesn't mean what you think it means.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 7:05 AM
Wonder Boy content User rex's personal obsession
7500+ posts 1 minute 2 seconds ago Viewing a private message

"Dave, we can't take Pro alone. You come at him from the Right. I'll come at him from the Lunatic."


Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 7:06 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Except that he and everyone else in the world including Knut and Bastard DID come to another conclusion.

They didn't even address it. They avoided it. As I pointed out previously.

No one's gonna call you on it. But no one's going to speak up for you on it either. To do so would force them to acknowledge your racism.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 7:07 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Why doesn't anyone believe my highly complex theory about why no one will agree with me!

Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 7:12 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
It doesn't MATTER if they didn't actually comment on it! The point is that I wasn't called out on being a racist! So I most certainly am NOT! DAMMIT!!

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 7:29 AM
Hey Pariah, are you a girl? You won't address it directly, so I assume it must be true.

Hey Pariah, are you really Wonder Boy? You won't address it directly, so I assume it must be true.

Hey Pariah, are you secretly gay? You won't address it directly, so I assume it must be true.

See how this works? \:lol\:
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 7:41 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Hey Pariah, are you a girl? You won't address it directly, so I assume it must be true.

Hey Pariah, are you really Wonder Boy? You won't address it directly, so I assume it must be true.

Hey Pariah, are you secretly gay? You won't address it directly, so I assume it must be true.

See how this works? \:lol\:

Yeah. You're a six-year-old calling people you don't like or don't agree with a poopy-face.

One usually has to visit a sandbox to get this kind of quality debate.
You're scaling the heights, Pro.

 Originally Posted By: Pro

\:lol\: \:lol\:
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 7:58 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 7:59 AM

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Hey Pariah, are you really Wonder Boy? You won't address it directly, so I assume it must be true.

Yeah. You're a six-year-old calling people you don't like or don't agree with a poopy-face.

...you have a very low opinion of yourself...

Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 10:00 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
But his comment was racist, and a clear attempt to say it and project the words in others' mouths.

There's no way you can look at his remarks and come to another conclusion.

Except that he and everyone else in the world including Knut and Bastard DID come to another conclusion. The actual one. How can you have multiple people from different facets of life, including your much-loved Republican base, confront you with reality...and you still can't accept it?

I may need to stop picking on you. You might have an actual real-world mental issue...

Exactly. Let's look at it another way. Here is post I made in the thread about the repeal of DADT.


I essentially did the exact same thing. Why? Because the comments Pariah made clearly showed that he is a homophobic redneck that thinks all gays are so barbarously uninhibited that they'll lack the discipline not to ass fuck the hell out of each other while he is trying to sleep in the next bed over.

Actually, you could argue that mine was worse because I didn't even present a choice between being mindfucked by talking points or being a homophobic redneck. I went right to the point...he's uncomfortable around gays because he thinks they lack the discipline not to buttfuck each other and feels put upon because he has to serve in the same platoon as them because he is a homophobic redneck.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 4:16 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
But his comment was racist, and a clear attempt to say it and project the words in others' mouths.

There's no way you can look at his remarks and come to another conclusion.

Except that he and everyone else in the world including Knut and Bastard DID come to another conclusion. The actual one. How can you have multiple people from different facets of life, including your much-loved Republican base, confront you with reality...and you still can't accept it?

I may need to stop picking on you. You might have an actual real-world mental issue...

Exactly. Let's look at it another way. Here is post I made in the thread about the repeal of DADT.


I essentially did the exact same thing. Why? Because the comments Pariah made clearly showed that he is a homophobic redneck that thinks all gays are so barbarously uninhibited that they'll lack the discipline not to ass fuck the hell out of each other while he is trying to sleep in the next bed over.

Actually, you could argue that mine was worse because I didn't even present a choice between being mindfucked by talking points or being a homophobic redneck. I went right to the point...he's uncomfortable around gays because he thinks they lack the discipline not to buttfuck each other and feels put upon because he has to serve in the same platoon as them because he is a homophobic redneck.

"Homophopic redneck" is code for someone who disagrees with my political opinion on gay issues, so I choose to demonize them irrationally rather than discuss the issue on its merits.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Except that he and everyone else in the world including Knut and Bastard DID come to another conclusion. The actual one.

In other words, a handful of trolls and liberal zealots like yourself who choose not to call you on your distortion of the facts, who choose to support your lies for trollish/partisan reasons.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 6:26 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
"Homophopic redneck" is code for

Second Rule of Wonder Boy Universe Crazy-Logic: Take accurate description or label, then create a new meaning for it completely out of the blue. \:lol\:

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Except that he and everyone else in the world including Knut and Bastard DID come to another conclusion. The actual one.

In other words, a handful of trolls and liberal zealots like yourself who choose not to call you on your distortion of the facts, who choose to support your lies for trollish/partisan reasons.

Wow, I didn't realize Phil, G-Man, and Iggy were all "liberal zealots". I mean, they're all telling you you're insane in that very thread you & Pariah keep linking back to. The one where I humiliated both of you. Remember? The one you/he cannot let go of because you think you actually have....I don't know...a point? But, no you're right, even though Knut & Bastid are actually black, and have the final say on the subject, you have to dismiss them. I mean why should you listen to them? They don't agree with you. \:lol\:

 Originally Posted By: David, who Wonders about Boys

We know...

 Originally Posted By: Phil
Dial it back, WB

 Originally Posted By: Dave,WB

 Originally Posted By: G-Man
You're embarrassing Republicans everywhere

 Originally Posted By: Dave,WB

 Originally Posted By: Aussie Dave
You're close-minded and unapproachable

 Originally Posted By: Dave,WB

 Originally Posted By: Iggy
I don't agree

 Originally Posted By: Dave,WB
You're just part of the Liberal Militia out to undermine my VERY INFLUENTIAL thoughts and vote!!

 Originally Posted By: BSAMS
Fucked any boys lately?

 Originally Posted By: Dave,WB
I don't love penis! PENIS!

 Originally Posted By: Rob

 Originally Posted By: Dave,WB
Socialist Engineer who loves Marxism! Liberal Media!!

And on, and on, and on it goes.... \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 6:27 PM
Oh hey, btw, since you're going through every single post and commenting, why can't you address these points, Dave? Reality fighting back again? \:lol\:

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Now, back to Wonder Boy...

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
And if you think that was a rant, then how would you prefer someone type, Dave? What font would indicate they're using their across-the-table-inside voice? What about punctuation? Do you think periods, commas, question marks, and exclamation points are all the same? It might explain some of your reading comprehension issues.

Well, if Megyn Kelly of FauxNews said it, it MUST be true! Right? Oh my god, I can't believe you are even going to attempt this. You're going to ignore every single person who has ever told you that you are Right-Fox-Beck biased to the hilt---a claim you have refuted at all costs and temper tantrums. Yet, the first thing you're going to offer up as some kind of "rational", "objective" response is to give me FauxNews anchor Megyn Kelly's opinion? Get the fuck out of here.

1) that it's a free country, and agree or not, those booing have a right to their opinion

Which makes absolutely no excuse for bloodthirsty and homophobic hate. That soldier is there to protect us. Sure, as an American, you have every right to boo him for his sexuality. But, it doesn't stop you from being ignorant trash.

2) it's not the place of candidates to chastise anyone, they are there to debate

Didn't say anything about the candidates. We're not even talking about them. We're talking about the Tea Party trash. Stop copy-pasting talking points from your propaganda websites. I don't have time for it.

and 3) it's not 'bigoted" to boo the question

Again, stop copy-pasting. You have no proof they were "booing the question" (which is retarded to even consider). They were, of course, booing him because he is gay. Same reason they cheered when that halfwit Santorum said he'd roll things back a decade if elected. You know this. Stop parading Conservative talking points.

You used the word 'apoplectic' wrong four times. It doesn't mean what you think it means.
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 8:42 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
But his comment was racist, and a clear attempt to say it and project the words in others' mouths.

There's no way you can look at his remarks and come to another conclusion.

Except that he and everyone else in the world including Knut and Bastard DID come to another conclusion. The actual one. How can you have multiple people from different facets of life, including your much-loved Republican base, confront you with reality...and you still can't accept it?

I may need to stop picking on you. You might have an actual real-world mental issue...

Exactly. Let's look at it another way. Here is post I made in the thread about the repeal of DADT.


I essentially did the exact same thing. Why? Because the comments Pariah made clearly showed that he is a homophobic redneck that thinks all gays are so barbarously uninhibited that they'll lack the discipline not to ass fuck the hell out of each other while he is trying to sleep in the next bed over.

Actually, you could argue that mine was worse because I didn't even present a choice between being mindfucked by talking points or being a homophobic redneck. I went right to the point...he's uncomfortable around gays because he thinks they lack the discipline not to buttfuck each other and feels put upon because he has to serve in the same platoon as them because he is a homophobic redneck.

"Homophopic redneck" is code for someone who disagrees with my political opinion on gay issues, so I choose to demonize them irrationally rather than discuss the issue on its merits.

No, homophobic redneck is code for I clearly understand the motives behind Pariah's insistence on the keeping of DADT.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 8:46 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
"Homophopic redneck" is code for

Second Rule of Wonder Boy Universe Crazy-Logic: Take accurate description or label, then create a new meaning for it completely out of the blue. \:lol\:

Total bullshit on your part.

You clearly said that Barack Obama is a nigger.

You, not me.
You, not any conservative on these boards.

You keep trying to walk it back, but everyone here knows what you said.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 9:13 PM
You must be unemployed to have the time to keep churning out this lying excrement over and over.

 Originally Posted By: Pro

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Except that he and everyone else in the world including Knut and Bastard DID come to another conclusion. The actual one.

 Originally Posted By: WB
In other words, a handful of trolls and liberal zealots like yourself who choose not to call you on your distortion of the facts, who choose to support your lies for trollish/partisan reasons.

Wow, I didn't realize Phil, G-Man, and Iggy were all "liberal zealots". I mean, they're all telling you you're insane in that very thread you & Pariah keep linking back to. The one where I humiliated both of you. Remember? The one you/he cannot let go of because you think you actually have....I don't know...a point? But, no you're right, even though Knut & Bastid are actually black, and have the final say on the subject, you have to dismiss them. I mean why should you listen to them? They don't agree with you. \:lol\:

Phil(a k a Sammitch) had a tantrum that he couldn't back up with any specifics of what I allegedly did wrong.
He vaguely chastised me for being "too strident" despite that I was only responding to what was unleashed on me, and I think arguably not nearly the intensity and bitterness of what i was responding to.

Sammitch, in contrast to what you lie to allege, was not condemning the political points I made, just the intensity with which I said it.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

 Originally Posted By: WB

We know...

More of your infantile wankery.

 Originally Posted By: Phil
Dial it back, WB

Unlike the previous quote, that is a fair paraphrase of what Sammitch said.

 Originally Posted By: Dave,WB

You make fun of it, but it's a fact that you're a coward who needs a group of like-minded others behind you to attack me, or whoever.

 Originally Posted By: Pro, slanderously making it up as he goes along

 Originally Posted By: G-Man
You're embarrassing Republicans everywhere

G-man never said that. He jumped on me for taking the bait and responding, not for my political views.

Likewise, Iggy basically told me I should choose my battles, and that this one wasn't worth continuously responding to.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus, again making stuff up to slander those he doesn't agree with

 Originally Posted By: Dave,WB
Socialist Engineer who loves Marxism! Liberal Media!!

I've made clear, well-sourced fact based arguments that the Left has clear plans to destroy Western democracy and the U.S. in particular (Saul Alinsky's RULES FOR RADICALS, William Ayers, ACORN, SEIU, Van Jones, and the Frankfurt School of marxists who wrote the blueprint in the 1920s and 1930s that over the next 30 years culminated in the 1960s revolution) that has transformed our news media, Hollywood movies and television, and our public schools and universities.

It is a proveable fact that Obama is an indoctrinated zealot for this ideology, and he even used to teach RULES FOR RADICALS to activists in Chicago. One article I read had a photo of Obama at a blackboard teaching this to activists. Many who knew Obama in high school, various colleges, in his street activist years, his own family in the U.S. and Kenya, and those who have known him in his years as a lawyer and politician have given testimony to what he has said and espoused (see: THE ROOTS OF OBAMA'S RAGE, by Dinesh D'Souza)

Hillary Clinton likewise is among the fully indoctrinated. She wrote her masters thesis on Saul Alinsky.

I know you're only posting your shit to mock me and get a rise, but regardless, these are just a few documenting sources to prove what I say.

It's not craziness. It's unquestionably true. Documented.

I don't think you are a Marxist, Pro. But you and many others on the left don't realize the source of where your vicious slanderous tactics come from:

Membewrs and front organizations must continually embarass, discredit and degrade our critics. When obstructionists become too irritating, label them as fascists, or nazi or anti-semitic.
The association will, after enough repetition, become "fact" in the public mind.
--Moscow Central Committee, 1943

Knowingly or unknowingly, your tactics perfectly mirror that communist approach.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 9:34 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Barack Obama is a nigger.

You're showing your true colors, Dave...
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 9:58 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Barack Obama is a nigger.

You're showing your true colors, Dave...

Your clear lies and backpedaling, vs. what was actually said:


 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Okay, I'm in a good mood. I'll respond:

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
BTW, I like how you keep trying to change the title of this thread, Dave. That's a classic case of denial on your part, man. Therapy. You'll thank me later.

Your obsession with something as small as how I title my posts makes me think otherwise.

Is it an obsession, or is it me asking you a single question about it, and making fun of your insecurity?

That you're afraid of the truth despite all your \:lol\: \:lol\:, that you realize you're exposed, and you are thus trying to change the subject.

No, I don't mind staying on the subject you seem so butt-hurt over. The email sent was racist. Period. Fact. End of story. And you can try and worm your way around it with semantics, and anger, and extremist rage at those who have different beliefs than you. But, in the end, you're simply wrong on this one. Sorry. Just because Obama has white parents does not mean that you can say he was born from apes. That's not just fucking stupid (because it is) and childish (because it is) and ignorant (because it is), it's racist (because it is). Obama is black. It's a specific quality that separates him from all previous Presidents, and therefore different rules apply. That's a fact of life. And whether you're sincerely racist yourself and it just bothers you a "nigger" is in the White House, or you've had your mind warped around Conservative talking points so much that you cannot see what is directly in front of you, I don't know. The thing I fear the most about you is that you absolutely deny reality just because you want your "side" to "win". And that.....that would be the epitome of why modern Americans should be ashamed. This "us and them" mentality is ludicrous. You want to know why America is falling behind the rest of the world? Because the millionaires in Washington are dividing us and keeping us at each others throats to distract us from the REAL issues Lobbyists and Corporations are paying them to ignore.

I know you wish your party was perfect, and I know you wish the "EVIL LIBERALS" would all kill themselves and non-whites so that you could feel secure in your position in life. But, in the end, the email was racist, and that is a fucking fact. I realize it makes little sense for me to actually attempt to sway you with logic and rationale. However, unlike how you see me, I don't consider you "pure evil", and just see you as a sad man who is probably lonely, and uses extremist politics to define himself completely. And there is a point where I pity you, and feel sorry for you. Yet, everytime I try to joke with you or yank your chain, you lose your mind on me and go off the rails. I wish you wouldn't, but you don't seem capable of anything else.

And since you believe changing the title of the thread doesn't matter at all, then I'm sure you won't mind if I change it to something I like. Now, don't have an "obsession" and try and change it back. That just shows your "obsession". Right? And we don't want that... ;\)

And just y'know, generally a weaselly sack of excrement.

Awww....you poor, sad child. What next? I'm a doo-doo head? Grow up. \:lol\:

I've repeatedly pointed out how --despite your self-congratulation of how neutral you are-- you keep hyping the "right wing extremist" partisan talking points of Reid, Pelosi and Schumer. I keep raising that point, you keep avoiding it.

I "avoid" (ignore) because I don't know who in the fuck you're talking about. I'm Prometheus. You're Dave, the Wonder "Boy". There is no "Pelosi, Reid, and Schumer" here. They aren't involved in our discussion, and no matter how insistent you are, I simply do not know their beliefs or opinions. I avoid Politics Channels like MSNBC or FOX. I don't keep up with the mud-slinging or the silly-ass ego battles these millionaires in Washington participate in. Because I just don't care. Seriously. Politicians waste time, money, and are not at all interested in bettering our country. Not the politicians on your side of the isle OR the Lefties. They don't care, so I don't care about them. Because to follow them, and follow their beliefs and memorize their ideas and speeches is meaningless to me. It does not, in any way, better my life or those around me. So, therefore, I let the millionaires play their profit-game, and I just keep my head down and try to provide for my family. Nothing more, nothing less.

Yes, I pick on you. Yes, I taunt you. And none of it has to do with your political stance. Pariah, BASMS, and even G-Man (to an extent) have the same political beliefs. And I don't pick on them in the same way. Why? Because they aren't as easy as you are. I fuck with you because you're like a wind-up toy. I wind you up and you go. And it's entertaining. And that's the only reason I come here. To be entertained.

Now, you can choose to believe me, and read all of that with the neutral voice I intend it to have. Or, you can just freak-the-fuck out and do what you always do and simply rant and rave with BOLDED CAPS TO EMPHASIZE HOW EXTREME AND ANGRY YOU ARE!!!!!!

It's up to you.


You took 24 whole hours to respond, and that's the best you could do?

There's no "facts" in what you posted, just a bunch of hyperbolic sweeping assumptions, personal slanders and other assorted insults, where you --in completely erroneous pseudo-logic-- postulate that I and other Republican conservatives are racist and just can't handle that there's a black man in the Oval Office.
You even managed to assume thoughts with the word "nigger" and then act like the words came from me and not you.

You fail to grasp that there are many black leaders I've repeatedly suggested as presidential material that I would support, including Colin Powell, J.C.Watts, Herman Cain and the man I voted for in Nov 2010 for the second time, Allen West. Condoleezza Rice is also highly qualified.

For at least 10 years, I've cut through the "white republican racists who won't accept a black president" rhetoric of yourself and others, and pointed out that polls have shown Colin Powell as the most desired candidate for president, if only he would run, from 1992 forward.
And also that Rev. Jesse Jackson won about a dozen states in 1988 primaries, and almost took the nomination away from Dukakis. And Jackson was plenty pissed off that he was not given the nomination.

The larger point being: For at least 20 years the nation has been ready for a black president, slandered white Republicans have been ready for a black president, and I'VE been ready for a black president.

It's not Obama's skin color that makes me reject him, it's his clear marxist/radical indoctrination, and his radical inner circle of close associates: Saul Alinsky, Andy Stern, Cass Sunstein, Jeff Jones, William Ayers, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the Apollo Alliance, George Soros, etc.

It has absolutely nothing to do with Obama's skin color, and everything to do with his radical-left ideology, that I reject him as a worthy or qualified president.
And yet again and again, you turn on the slander machine, and allege racism, and even whip out the n-word.

You allege you're not on the talking points of the Democrats, and yet every news-aware person on these boards knows that Sen Chuck Schumer (D-NY) let slip on a radio interview that his caucus instructed all Democrats to use the phrase "right wing extremist" to partisanly demagogue any Republican policy suggestion... and here you are repeating those exact words, over and over, here in this topic!
WOW!! What an amazing, incredible coincidence that is!!

(Oh, gee whiz, I used bold and caps, I must be angry! Or maybe, hard as it is for you to fathom, I just wish to emphasize certain parts so your attention-deficit brain won't miss them.)

Whether you realize it or not, Prometheus, you ARE a partisan liberal. And as such, you can't possibly assume any other motivation by Republicans (i.e, racist, heartless, mean, greedy, etc.) That's why you kneejerk out the shit insinuations that you do.

What is absolutely amazing is the way you accuse me and other Republicans of all thinking one way, as "seeing things in clear black and white" and in the same breath you make all these sweeping racist assumptions about those who don't share your political opinion.

Your bias is incriminatingly clear in what you posted. And what you posted demonstrates all the hatred, ideological zealotry and slanderous bigotry you accuse me and other Republicans of.

Thou art truly an idiot.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 10:09 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
You must be unemployed to have the time to keep churning out this lying excrement over and over.

Heh! Good observation, actually. I just finished a month-long contract doing IT work for the local art museum. Got until probably Wednesday for my new contract with the city to overhaul their social security department tech. Did you know that most social security offices are still using Windows 2000, and in some cases, XP? I shit you not. It's sad when young Billy is cranking Windows 7 Ultimate to play games, and the government won't even give the social security offices adequate tech.

But, anyway...

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Phil(a k a Sammitch) had a tantrum that he couldn't back up with any specifics of what I allegedly did wrong.
He vaguely chastised me for being "too strident" despite that I was only responding to what was unleashed on me, and I think arguably not nearly the intensity and bitterness of what i was responding to.

And yet, he still doesn't agree with you. I wonder why?

More of your infantile wankery.

You mean, besides "enabling evil"? I don't think that will fit on the banner...

 Originally Posted By: Phil
Dial it back, WB

Unlike the previous quote, that is a fair paraphrase of what Sammitch said.

Yeah, he wasn't saying "Dial back the crazy" he was saying "I totally think you're right on all of your points, Dave!" \:lol\:

 Originally Posted By: Dave,WB

You make fun of it, but it's a fact that you're a coward who needs a group of like-minded others behind you to attack me, or whoever.


{In best Ted Knight voice}

Iggy, the Super-Drunk!

Captain Marvelous Sammitch!

TheDoctor, Last of the Drunk Lords!

G-Man, with the ability to talk to aquatic lawyers!

Bastid, the Iron Pimp!

K-Nut, Fastest Playa Alive!

SoM, Asian Wonder Woman!

and MISTER J.L.A., Bionic Marvel of Tomorrow!

Together, they form.....THE SOCIETY OF ENABLING EVIL!!

I've made clear, well-sourced Fox based arguments that the Left has clear plans to destroy Western democracy and the U.S. in particular (Saul Alinsky's RULES FOR RADICALS, William Ayers, ACORN, SEIU, Van Jones, and the Frankfurt School of marxists who wrote the blueprint in the 1920s and 1930s that over the next 30 years culminated in the 1960s revolution) that has transformed our news media, Hollywood movies and television, and our public schools and universities.

And people laugh at MY conspiracy theories! \:lol\:

It is a proveable fact that Obama is an indoctrinated zealot for this ideology

No it's not.

One article I read had a photo of Obama at a blackboard teaching this to activists.

He was teaching??? He was gifting knowledge to those uneducated?? Oh my god, hang the bastard! \:lol\: How dare he try and better those around him! Who does he think he is, Jesus?

Many who knew Obama in high school, various colleges, in his street activist years, his own family in the U.S. and Kenya, and those who have known him in his years as a lawyer and politician

Name them. Tell me who said that, and then prove they aren't lying. Oh, and do it without sourcing any Extremist Right Pamphlets or FauxNews. I'll wait.

(see: THE ROOTS OF OBAMA'S RAGE, by Dinesh D'Souza)

Well, if it's in a book, it MUST be true! \:lol\:

Hillary Clinton likewise is among the fully indoctrinated. She wrote her masters thesis on Saul Alinsky.

Who would you approve of her to write about in her college thesis? Who would meet your criteria for acceptable intellectual discourse? Joe McCarthy? G. Gordon Liddy? Nixon? Johnson? Stalin?

I know you're only posting your shit to mock me and get a rise

That's the smartest thing you've said so far. If you know it, then why do you keep taking the bait?

It's not craziness. It's unquestionably true. Documented.

Kind of like how the Tea Party fanatics cheered for killing an uninsured 30-year-old? Or how they booed a soldier because he was gay? Fully documented. You should post some videos to back up your claims of documentation. I can do the same. \:\)

I don't think you are a Marxist, Pro. But you and many others on the left don't realize the source of where your vicious slanderous tactics come from:

Heh, come on David. You know I'm just pushing your buttons. You just said it in this very post. So, you know I'm not a Leftist, any more than you're a Nazi.

I agree with a lot of what Conservatives have offered over the years, in good ideas. But, that was before the Right was hijacked by these crazy extremists in the Tea Party. I think welfare should be completely abolished. I think we should go back to being an isolationist country, and get our shit together first. I think we stop relying on government for non-stop handouts. I think we should enforce immigration laws, and literally exile all illegal immigrants.

But, to compare, I also think there's nothing wrong with gays in the military. I want to end all wars, period, and bring all our troops home. I think we should have adequate tax-funded medical care for all elderly Americans. While I don't like the idea of the government having too much involvement, that just makes sense. We're ALL going to be old one day. So, it's not a partisan thing. It's our living conditions.

Contrary to what you seem to believe, it IS possible to have multiple, sometimes even contradictory social and political beliefs. Not everything is black-and-white. Only those who think in absolutes, and cannot consider complexity, are damned to remain blinded to the finer details of life. Don't be one of those guys. You can still change. Open your heart. \:\)
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-29 10:20 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Contrary to what you seem to believe, it IS possible to have multiple, sometimes even contradictory social and political beliefs. Not everything is black-and-white. Only those who think in absolutes, and cannot consider complexity, are damned to remain blinded to the finer details of life. Don't be one of those guys. You can still change. Open your heart. \:\)

Doc III! Hive mind!
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-30 12:03 AM
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-30 4:37 AM
 Originally Posted By: Iggy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Guys! Stop talking about when I called the presient a "nigger!"

Hey WB, lets talk about this instead! Pretty please!?

Yeah! Stop talking about how Pro's a racist!

Uh...Uhh.....Buttfucking! Lets talk about buttfucking!!

Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-30 4:38 AM

You, I--and everyone else--knows that those quotations marks are superfluous. Because the only one who used that word to describe the president was you, and you alone.

You inferred your own racism.

I would like to hear anyone else deny this. I would like to hear everyone who's not "convinced" say that this was an innocent parody and that it's characteristic of the non-racism of the person who said it.

Acknowledge that you yourself would say such a thing. That you would do as Pro did because it was perfectly non-racist and perfectly fair in its attempt to project feelings onto someone else.

Either you compromise your integrity for the sake of disagreeing with me and defend Pro OR you acknowledge the racist undertones of his reply.

....Or you stay silent....And I'll is still win.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-30 4:42 AM
[Supposed to go in the other thread]
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-30 7:16 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-30 9:46 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
[Supposed to go in the other thread]

Still fits here.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-30 11:11 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

{In best Ted Knight voice}

Iggy, the Super-Drunk!

Captain Marvelous Sammitch!

TheDoctor, Last of the Drunk Lords!

G-Man, with the ability to talk to aquatic lawyers!

Bastid, the Iron Pimp!

K-Nut, Fastest Playa Alive!

SoM, Asian Wonder Woman!

and MISTER J.L.A., Bionic Marvel of Tomorrow!

Together, they form.....THE SOCIETY OF ENABLING EVIL!!

Wondy, I can't believe an old-schooler like yourself wouldn't at least give me SuperFriends-props for that one. Come on. Ted Knight? The actor, not Starman. Remember? Not even a small \:lol\: ? A tiny \:\) ? Nothing?

Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-30 11:27 PM
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-30 11:31 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

and MISTER J.L.A., Bionic Marvel of Tomorrow!

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-09-30 11:37 PM
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-01 1:33 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

{In best Ted Knight voice}

Iggy, the Super-Drunk!

Captain Marvelous Sammitch!

TheDoctor, Last of the Drunk Lords!

G-Man, with the ability to talk to aquatic lawyers!

Bastid, the Iron Pimp!

K-Nut, Fastest Playa Alive!

SoM, Asian Wonder Woman!

and MISTER J.L.A., Bionic Marvel of Tomorrow!

Together, they form.....THE SOCIETY OF ENABLING EVIL!!

Wondy, I can't believe an old-schooler like yourself wouldn't at least give me SuperFriends-props for that one. Come on. Ted Knight? The actor, not Starman. Remember? Not even a small \:lol\: ? A tiny \:\) ? Nothing?


Well, props for the playfulness.

But many of your "League" are not accurately evil-enablers.

Iggy isn't a hardcore leftie like you, we often agree, sometimes not.
Neither is Son of Mxy (whose posts are among the most playful and fun on these boards)
G-man isn't against me either, he just rails on me sometiemes for taking the bait.
JLA and I are friends.
Knut is just trolling for fun, not really part of your Evil Society.
Sammitch likewise is closer in political POV to me than you, and certainly not of your Leftie persuasion. Although for reasons I still don't fully understand, he went nuclear on me, on one occasion.
the doctor despite not being best buds with me, is also a self-identified if at times confused conservative.
The Bastard and I have been friends since 2000, I knew him before any of you guys, and it saddened me to have him go nuclear on me in one topic, for reasons still a mystery to me. And while a liberal like yourself, I wouldn't call him evil either.
Even yourself, Pro, I just consider indoctrinated and not truly evil.

So... if you're just having fun, okay. But I don't want to endorse a League that I don't really believe is evil-enabling, or on a lesser level, even aligned against me.

But you can still wear capes and have a clubhouse, I guess.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-01 1:35 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

{In best Ted Knight voice}

Iggy, the Super-Drunk!

Captain Marvelous Sammitch!

TheDoctor, Last of the Drunk Lords!

G-Man, with the ability to talk to aquatic lawyers!

Bastid, the Iron Pimp!

K-Nut, Fastest Playa Alive!

SoM, Asian Wonder Woman!

and MISTER J.L.A., Bionic Marvel of Tomorrow!

Together, they form.....THE SOCIETY OF ENABLING EVIL!!

Wondy, I can't believe an old-schooler like yourself wouldn't at least give me SuperFriends-props for that one. Come on. Ted Knight? The actor, not Starman. Remember? Not even a small \:lol\: ? A tiny \:\) ? Nothing?


Well, props for the playfulness.

But many of your "League" are not evil-enablers.

Iggy isn't a hardcore leftie like you, we often agree, sometimes not.
Neither is Son of Mxy (whose posts are among the most playful and fun on these boards)
G-man isn't against me either, he just rails on me sometiemes for taking the bait.
JLA and I are friends.
Knut is just trolling for fun, not really part of your Evil Society.
Sammitch likewise is closer in political POV to me than you, and certainly not of your Leftie persuasion. Although for reasons I still don't fully understand, he went nuclear om me, on one occasion.
the doctor despite not being best buds with me, is also a self-identified if at timed confused conservative.
The Bastard and I have been friends since 2000, I knew him before any of you guys, and it saddened me to have him go nuclear on me, for reasons still a muystery to me. And while a liberal like yourself, I wouldn't call him evil either.
Even yourself, Pro, I just consider indoctrinated and not truly evil.

So... if you're just having fun, okay. But I don't want to endorse a League that I don't really believe is evil-enabling, or on a lesser level, even aligned against me.

But you can still wear caapes and have a clubhouse, I guess.

I AM just having fun. And thank you. That was the nicest post I've ever seen you write.
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-01 2:47 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
But you can still wear capes and have a clubhouse, I guess.

My cape is green and reeks of whisky!
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-01 2:54 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I AM just having fun.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
That's right Pro. You're "pulling chains." You're a master manipulator. Everything you post is just an example of your ingenious social conducting......after you get called out on your bullshit.
Posted By: iggy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-01 6:36 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I AM just having fun.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-01 6:52 AM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I AM just having fun.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah


\:lol\: \:lol\:
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-01 8:00 PM

You, I--and everyone else--knows that those quotations marks are superfluous. Because the only one who used that word to describe the president was you, and you alone.

You inferred your own racism.

I would like to hear anyone else deny this. I would like to hear everyone who's not "convinced" say that this was an innocent parody and that it's characteristic of the non-racism of the person who said it.

Acknowledge that you yourself would say such a thing. That you would do as Pro did because it was perfectly non-racist and perfectly fair in its attempt to project feelings onto someone else.

Either you compromise your integrity for the sake of disagreeing with me and defend Pro OR you acknowledge the racist undertones of his reply.

....Or you stay silent....And I'll is still win.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-01 8:01 PM
10 Registered User(s).
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Pariah User The conscience of the rkmbs!
15000+ posts 10/01/11 01:00 PM Viewing a user's profile
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-01 8:01 PM
Oh goodness gracious! Another fact finding expedition from Pariah!

Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-01 8:09 PM

Always the passive supporter, but never the voice of conviction, eh JLA?
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-01 8:18 PM
I'm afraid you might read my profile!
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-01 8:24 PM
No worries. I don't give a shit about your profile.

But I am rather concerned about your social development at this point. You apparently have no ability to take a stand of your own, so you piggie back on the conviction of others and just post articles with nary an opinion from you that can be quantified through your individual intellect.

I mean, if you're not trying to troll someone just to passively support someone else you may not really agree with (like Pro in his truther thread), then you're just towing party lines.

I do recall that you took a stand on the war in the distant past but....Beyond that, you're a blank slate. Odd.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-01 8:31 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
No worries. I don't give a shit about your profile.

I dodged a bullet there!

But I am rather concerned about your social development at this point. You apparently have no ability to take a stand of your own, so you piggie back on the conviction of others and just post articles with nary an opinion from you that can be quantified through your individual intellect.

I mean, if you're not trying to troll someone just to passively support someone else you may not really agree with (like Pro in his truther thread), then you're just towing party lines.

I do recall that you took a stand on the war in the distant past but....Beyond that, you're a blank slate. Odd.

That was beautiful, man. My sig is full right now, but I'll have to work some of that into the rotation.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-01 8:33 PM
Glad I could contribute.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-01 8:42 PM
You have some stellar competition. As nice as that rant was, it's going to take a lot to replace NostraBSAMS' prediction about Bin Laden getting a pass from our President.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-01 9:42 PM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
No worries. I don't give a shit about your profile.

I dodged a bullet there!

\:lol\: PRE-2005!
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-01 10:22 PM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
That was beautiful, man. My sig is full right now, but I'll have to work some of that into the rotation.

awwwww fuck. lemme see if I still have the .psd template saved on this machine...
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-02 12:14 AM
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 2:51 AM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
You have some stellar competition. As nice as that rant was, it's going to take a lot to replace NostraBSAMS' prediction about Bin Laden getting a pass from our President.


Now what was your position on that statement when it was made?

Did you tell him how shortsighted and simplistic it was?

Did you take a stand for Obama?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 2:56 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 2:59 AM
Pro is apparently curious too JLA.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 3:01 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 3:10 AM
See? He really wants to hear what you have to say.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 3:11 AM

You, I--and everyone else--knows that those quotations marks are superfluous. Because the only one who used that word to describe the president was you, and you alone.

You inferred your own racism.

I would like to hear anyone else deny this. I would like to hear everyone who's not "convinced" say that this was an innocent parody and that it's characteristic of the non-racism of the person who said it.

Acknowledge that you yourself would say such a thing. That you would do as Pro did because it was perfectly non-racist and perfectly fair in its attempt to project feelings onto someone else.

Either you compromise your integrity for the sake of disagreeing with me and defend Pro OR you acknowledge the racist undertones of his reply.

....Or you stay silent....And I'll is still win.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 3:12 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

\:lol\: \:lol\:
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 3:21 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah


Now what was your position on that statement when it was made?

Did you tell him how shortsighted and simplistic it was?

Did you take a stand for Obama?

I didn't even know the thread existed at the time. Glad I found it, though.

Being a Special Forces guy, I'm sure you find his prediction especially funny.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 3:24 AM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
I didn't even know the thread existed at the time. Glad I found it, though.

So you went looking for it even though you didn't know it existed?
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 3:28 AM
I looked through old threads that day.

Aren't you glad I found it? The nerve of that bsams! Not thinking that Special Forces guys like you could kill bin Laden!

(You did fill out the application, right?)
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 3:29 AM
Pariah User The conscience of the rkmbs!
15000+ posts 10/03/11 08:29 PM Reading a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: Republician Racist Bake Sale
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 3:30 AM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Osama's dead! And under Obama's watch!

Maybe I can use this. I know sometime, somewhere BSAMs or someone else who's an enemy of my union said something along the lines of Obama being disinclined to go after Bin Laden.

Well, time to hit the 'ol search function.

Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 3:32 AM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
I looked through old threads that day.

i.e. You went looking for something you didn't know existed.

Well, good thing you kept quiet on huh?

But then again, I'm sure you would have corrected BSAMS and showed him the error of his ways. Right JLA?
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 3:32 AM
Pariah still can't answer a simple question.

It's really sad.

Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 3:34 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
But then again, I'm sure you would have corrected BSAMS and showed him the error of his ways. Right JLA?
Posted By: Captain Sweden Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 3:34 AM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Pariah still can't answer a simple question.

It's really sad.


But expected.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 3:34 AM
Poor JLA.

Knee deep in it all over again.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 3:34 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

i.e. You went looking for something you didn't know existed.

Well, good thing you kept quiet on huh?

But then again, I'm sure you would have corrected BSAMS and showed him the error of his ways. Right JLA?

"I kept quiet on huh"?

I put it my sig. It's still there. Are you feeling OK?
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 3:35 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
But then again, I'm sure you would have corrected BSAMS and showed him the error of his ways. Right JLA?
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 3:38 AM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Uh.....Ummmmm.....Special Forces!

Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 3:43 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
But then again, I'm sure you would have corrected BSAMS and showed him the error of his ways. Right JLA?

Yes. I did as soon as I could.

Being the great seeker of truth that you are, I'm sure you're glad.

Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 3:48 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
But then again, I'm sure you would have corrected BSAMS and showed him the error of his ways. Right JLA?
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 3:48 AM
Poor JLA.

Knee deep in it all over again.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 3:49 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
But then again, I'm sure you would have corrected BSAMS and showed him the error of his ways. Right JLA?

Roger. I'm sure you would have agreed, right Pariah?
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 4:07 AM
Yes. I would have agreed with BSAMS' purposeful exaggeration of Obama--or most any other liberal president--putting off killing Osama based on the approval from the government of the country in which he would have been hiding (in this case, Pakistan).

But then again, I would have also been aware that Obama's Chicago politics attribute a significant lack of integrity to his character. In which case, he has no problem doing shit that goes against his stated principles.

So I admit there's a degree of doubt. But overall, yes I would have agreed with BSAMS.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 4:07 AM
See JLA. That's not so difficult now is it?
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 4:08 AM
Well, I suppose if you already made a big deal about it being really stupid and putting it in your sig to try and imply idiocy--then it would be pretty hard for you...
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 4:10 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
yes I would have agreed with BSAMS.

You've made some real progress today, Pariah.

You're welcome.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 4:13 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Well, I suppose if you already made a big deal about it being really stupid and putting it in your sig to try and imply idiocy--then it would be pretty hard for you...
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 4:15 AM
Poor JLA. Having to lie about looking for a thread he "didn't even know existed."
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 4:27 AM
There is a search function here, Pariah.

Poor Pariah is regressing back to his angry child state. Just when I thought we were making progress...
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 4:30 AM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sweden
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Pariah still can't answer a simple question.

It's really sad.


But expected.


JLA! Captain! He's busy trying to justify why he thinks the military has no self-discipline in their barracks. I wonder how his fellow clerks would feel if they knew he believed his own military so weak as to be unable to stop butt-fucking each other in the closet at night? Sad. As The Captain himself said, though, "that's Pariah-level self-hate"

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
"I kept quiet on huh"?

I put it my sig. It's still there. Are you feeling OK?

\:lol\: He gets in a rush when you get him flustered. Can you imagine the level of pent-up rage in this guy?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 4:30 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
yes I would have agreed with BSAMS.

Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 4:42 AM
Pariah User The conscience of the rkmbs!
15000+ posts 10/03/11 09:41 PM Making a new reply
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 4:42 AM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
There is a search function here, Pariah.

And you used it to look for the thread you didn't know existed--very good JLA!

That can't really be considered taking a position, but it's still progress on your part!
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 4:45 AM
I didn't know bin Laden threads were here at the Political forum?

Then again, you're the guy who brought me:

"Well, good thing you kept quiet on huh?"

Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 4:47 AM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
I didn't know bin Laden threads were here at the Political forum?

Apparently you didn't--as you said.....But you also say you did...So...
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 4:55 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Apparently I don't understand that you looked for bin Laden threads that day--as you said.....But you also say you did look...So...I'm going to keep backpedaling since it's a lot for me to admit that the concept sailed over my head all the other times you explained it to me...so...
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 5:05 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 5:06 AM
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 10:09 AM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Apparently I don't understand that you looked for bin Laden threads that day--as you said.....But you also say you did look...So...I'm going to keep backpedaling since it's a lot for me to admit that the concept sailed over my head all the other times you explained it to me...so...

I understand you perfectly fine JLA You made yourself clear in this quote:

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Osama's dead! And under Obama's watch!

Maybe I can use this. I know sometime, somewhere BSAMs or someone else who's an enemy of my union said something along the lines of Obama being disinclined to go after Bin Laden.

Well, time to hit the 'ol search function.

As you say here, you went looking for ammunition you knew was available.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 7:14 PM
No, he just showed you a fact that crumbled your tired ass and you're scrambling to argue about "semantics" because that's all you have. In life. God you're sad. I believe I'm genuinely starting to feel real pity for you. I mean, I get to turn the computer off and go on with a great fucking life. I have everything I've generally ever wanted out of life. And I should. I worked hard for it. But, you? What happens when I stop paying attention? When JLA stops paying attention? Does it become very, very quiet for you? Do you secure yourself with the other pencil-pushers, finding comfort in the "forbidden closet" together? HEY! Is that why you're upset about gays being allowed in the military? Now that it's out in the open you have to be honest with yourself, and with the world, or risk losing your only base of personal security? Fuck. I should write a book on you....
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 8:12 PM
I got you to write me a message!


Posted By: Captain Sweden Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-04 11:45 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sweden
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Pariah still can't answer a simple question.

It's really sad.


But expected.


JLA! Captain! He's busy trying to justify why he thinks the military has no self-discipline in their barracks. I wonder how his fellow clerks would feel if they knew he believed his own military so weak as to be unable to stop butt-fucking each other in the closet at night? Sad. As The Captain himself said, though, "that's Pariah-level self-hate"

Mind you, warriors who indulge in bumming can be glorious:

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-05 12:00 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
No, he just showed you a fact that crumbled your tired ass and you're scrambling to argue about "semantics" because that's all you have. In life. God you're sad. I believe I'm genuinely starting to feel real pity for you. I mean, I get to turn the computer off and go on with a great fucking life. I have everything I've generally ever wanted out of life. And I should. I worked hard for it. But, you? What happens when I stop paying attention? When JLA stops paying attention? Does it become very, very quiet for you? Do you secure yourself with the other pencil-pushers, finding comfort in the "forbidden closet" together? HEY! Is that why you're upset about gays being allowed in the military? Now that it's out in the open you have to be honest with yourself, and with the world, or risk losing your only base of personal security? Fuck. I should write a book on you....

Uhh... You're the one who stays online for another 12 hours posting emoticon retorts to my factual arguments, while I go to work and spend time with my girlfriend.

Just sayin'.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-05 1:03 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

BTW, you DO believe I have a "girlfriend", right? That's what I call Juan.

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-05 1:05 AM
Sides, I already told you in another thread that mine's out of town until Thursday. I'm off Tuesday's and Wednesday's, so you can expect to see me killing time on the RKMBs (since 2001 )
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-05 2:35 AM
Pariah User The conscience of the rkmbs!
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Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale

Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-05 2:36 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
No, he just showed you a fact that crumbled your tired ass and you're scrambling to argue about "semantics" because that's all you have. In life. God you're sad. I believe I'm genuinely starting to feel real pity for you. I mean, I get to turn the computer off and go on with a great fucking life. I have everything I've generally ever wanted out of life. And I should. I worked hard for it. But, you? What happens when I stop paying attention? When JLA stops paying attention? Does it become very, very quiet for you? Do you secure yourself with the other pencil-pushers, finding comfort in the "forbidden closet" together? HEY! Is that why you're upset about gays being allowed in the military? Now that it's out in the open you have to be honest with yourself, and with the world, or risk losing your only base of personal security? Fuck. I should write a book on you....

...and then....

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
I got you to write me a message!



As one would expect, JLA saw that you ended up cracking and he felt the need to soften the blow without actually saying that Pro fucked up.

Ever the passive supporter.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-05 2:37 AM
Pariah User The conscience of the rkmbs!
15000+ posts 10/04/11 07:36 PM Modifying a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-05 3:48 AM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
I got you to write me a message!



You called it, JLA. Like fucking clockwork. \:lol\:
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-06 6:34 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
As one would expect, JLA saw that you ended up cracking and he felt the need to soften the blow without actually saying that Pro fucked up.

Ever the passive supporter.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-06 7:04 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
I got you to write me a message!



You called it, JLA. Like fucking clockwork. \:lol\:
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-06 7:14 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
As one would expect, JLA saw that you ended up cracking and he felt the need to soften the blow without actually saying that Pro fucked up.

Ever the passive supporter.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-06 7:14 AM
No worries Pro. JLA forgives you and will continue his support.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-06 7:14 AM
He won't necessarily agree with you, but he will support you.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-06 7:23 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

\:lol\: Dance, puppet. Dance.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-06 7:24 AM
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-06 7:28 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Still no budging. Dammit!


That should buy me some time.

Uh...Time for what?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-06 7:28 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

\:lol\: Dance, puppet. Dance.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-06 7:36 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
oh god if I repeat some phrase [with graemlins] maybe he will give up! I just need ONE WIN! PLEASE!!!!

No shit.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-06 7:40 AM

You, I--and everyone else--knows that those quotations marks are superfluous. Because the only one who used that word to describe the president was you, and you alone.

You inferred your own racism.

I would like to hear anyone else deny this. I would like to hear everyone who's not "convinced" say that this was an innocent parody and that it's characteristic of the non-racism of the person who said it.

Acknowledge that you yourself would say such a thing. That you would do as Pro did because it was perfectly non-racist and perfectly fair in its attempt to project feelings onto someone else.

Either you compromise your integrity for the sake of disagreeing with me and defend Pro OR you acknowledge the racist undertones of his reply.

....Or you stay silent....And I'll is still win.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-06 7:41 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

\:lol\: Dance, puppet. Dance.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-06 7:47 AM
Pro can't even speak up for himself on the issue of his own racism--let alone get support from anyone else on this issue. Kinda funny. But in a bad way.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-06 7:56 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

\:lol\: Dance, puppet. Dance.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-06 8:01 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I'm not racist! I'm NOT dammit!


Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-06 8:42 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

\:lol\: Dance, puppet. Dance.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-08 6:41 AM

You, I--and everyone else--knows that those quotations marks are superfluous. Because the only one who used that word to describe the president was you, and you alone.

You inferred your own racism.

I would like to hear anyone else deny this. I would like to hear everyone who's not "convinced" say that this was an innocent parody and that it's characteristic of the non-racism of the person who said it.

Acknowledge that you yourself would say such a thing. That you would do as Pro did because it was perfectly non-racist and perfectly fair in its attempt to project feelings onto someone else.

Either you compromise your integrity for the sake of disagreeing with me and defend Pro OR you acknowledge the racist undertones of his reply.

....Or you stay silent....And I'll is still win.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-08 6:48 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

\:lol\: Dance, puppet. Dance.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Republician Racist Bake Sale - 2011-10-10 6:54 AM

You, I--and everyone else--knows that those quotations marks are superfluous. Because the only one who used that word to describe the president was you, and you alone.

You inferred your own racism.

I would like to hear anyone else deny this. I would like to hear everyone who's not "convinced" say that this was an innocent parody and that it's characteristic of the non-racism of the person who said it.

Acknowledge that you yourself would say such a thing. That you would do as Pro did because it was perfectly non-racist and perfectly fair in its attempt to project feelings onto someone else.

Either you compromise your integrity for the sake of disagreeing with me and defend Pro OR you acknowledge the racist undertones of his reply.

....Or you stay silent....And I'll is still win.