Posted By: Captain Sweden Pizza is now a vegetable. Yay? - 2011-11-19 3:07 AM

Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Pizza is now a vegetable. Yay? - 2011-11-19 3:25 AM
This reminds me when ketchup was made a vegetable back in eighties.
Posted By: Captain Sweden Re: Pizza is now a vegetable. Yay? - 2011-11-19 3:29 AM
Back then you could at least say, "Oh you Ronnie, you're so funny!"

But now it's so bleeding obvious it's all about supporting the frakken food industry.
How can ANYONE say that Corporations don't influence government? Pure fucking corruption. Blatant to the point of absurdity. Only in the U$A...
It's corporatism all over again... and that stuff is... Rexism!
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
How can ANYONE say that Corporations don't influence government? Pure fucking corruption. Blatant to the point of absurdity. Only in the U$A...

It should definitely be the other way around. I think the government should be in charge of everything. That way everything will be fair. I'm tired of having to make choices for myself, that should be the governments problem. Isn't that what I pay taxes for?
 Originally Posted By: Brian the Pussy
I'm a pussy!

See? Look how hard it is for you to think! Why should you have to hurt your brain trying to come up with someone new? The government should do that for you. They can make a new area of government...maybe call it the bureau of thought control? That sounds good to me.
 Originally Posted By: Brian the Pussy
I'm a pussy!

 Originally Posted By: rex

[The preceding post by user "rex" has been redacted in order to contain the hazardous influence of thoughtcrime.]

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
How can ANYONE say that Corporations don't influence government? Pure fucking corruption. Blatant to the point of absurdity. Only in the U$A...
 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People

The most disturbing part of this for me is the idea of a DiGiorno lobby.