
Why? Because that's what the "Justice Department" of the United States DOES: protect criminals. Murderers who condone mass slaughter, globally. Thieves who hold down other nations. They are the evil they pretend to be against. That's been obvious since the last President we democratically elected was assassinated in 1963. After that, it's just been the Corporate Amerika calling "foul" anything it doesn't control or create, and stifling the rest of the world at all turns...
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
That's been obvious since the last President we democratically elected was assassinated in 1963

Do you really believe the shit you spew? Seriously? No one can be this dumb.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Why? Because that's what the "Justice Department" of the United States DOES: protect criminals. Murderers who condone mass slaughter, globally. Thieves who hold down other nations. They are the evil they pretend to be against. That's been obvious since the last President we democratically elected was assassinated in 1963. After that, it's just been the Corporate Amerika calling "foul" anything it doesn't control or create, and stifling the rest of the world at all turns...

I'm pretty sure Iggy and JLA agree with you on all counts Pro!