Posted By: the G-man DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-14 9:14 PM
Vets angry over American flag featuring Obama
  • Tempers are flaring over a version of the American flag flying in Lake County. A veterans group says the flag is an outrage.

    The flag, which features a picture of President Obama, was taken down Tuesday afternoon.

    Korean war veteran Don Van Beck said his blood was boiling.

    "I can't describe how upset was because you just don't do that to the American flag," Van Beck said.

    Van Beck found it flying outside Lake County Democratic headquarters under the stars and stripes. Marine Corps vet John Masterjohn was seeing red.

    "Joseph Stalin, pictures of Mao, pictures of Adolph Hitler. The pomp, the ceremony -- the flags like that," Masterjohn said.

Actually, I can't recall even Stalin or Hitler having flags with their own faces on them. And, while I'm sure there have been "novelty flags" made with other people's pictures on them, I certainly can't remember any U.S. political party flying a flag like this at their headquarters.

This is the DNC taking the "cult of personality" further than I've ever seen in this country.

I wonder if the flag was made in Kenya? ;\)
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-15 3:27 PM
Sounds like it was a case of one local DNC person who put the flag up and when people complained they took it down that day. I can see where it would be upsetting to vets though, it wasn't actually flag desecration but still tacky.
Posted By: iggy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-15 5:12 PM
 Originally Posted By: G-Man
Yeah, but one guy's tackiness does not a portal banner make.
Posted By: the G-man Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-15 5:16 PM
According to one report it was up for several months. Obviously, someone at that DNC headquarters really liked that flag.

Interestingly enough, the local DNC official who defended (if not put up) the Obama flag had a slightly different reaction to the posting of those Joker Obama posters:
  • “I think posting negative signs or comments is crossing the line. It is totally disrespecting of the office. If you disagree with something or you have issues concerning the proposed healthcare bill, attend meetings or call your congressman… I’m all for free speech and each of us posting signs in our own yards, but personally I think hanging posters the way it’s being done is the chicken way out. Take credit for it if it’s how you feel. Post something in your yard and let everyone know that’s your opinion.”

Like I said, this lady has a definite 'cult of personality' thing going.

Maybe we can compromise: Have the Joker Obama on the Obama flag. ;\)
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-16 3:32 PM
All kneel before the Obama-flag!

The one was taken down, but I saw one news report that its publicity has sold about 50,000 more nationwide, to Obama-zealots.

This is just another example in an unbroken chain of incidents where Obama and a large swath of liberal Democrats manifest their contempt for our flag, and for the values it represents, in their barely hidden allegience to an ideology hostile to the United States:


    On Tuesday, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley called Pastor Terry Jones’ plan to hold a “Burn A Koran Day” on the ninth anniversary of 9/11 “unAmerican.” Hillary Clinton called it a “disrespectful, disgraceful act.” And just this morning, Barack Obama said the proposed event was “completely contrary to our values as Americans.” He cited local fire ordinances that might be used against the church if it proceeds and called on Jones to cancel the Mohammedan bonfire.

    Although he tried to stop the desecration of Korans, Obama showed no such concern for the American flag. In June 2006, Senator Obama voted against the Hatch Amendment, a proposed constitutional amendment that read in full: “The Congress shall have power to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States.” It failed by one vote.

    In an official statement explaining his vote, the future president said even debating the issue of flag burning was “a disservice to our country” and agreed that banning flag desecration “would destroy part of freedom itself.”

    He added that he was “hard-pressed to find more than a few instances of flag burning each year” perpetrated by a few lonely souls.

    This weekend’s happening is the only Koran burning in the country. Dove World Outreach Center of Gainesville, Florida, has 50 members.

    Obama now states, correctly, that burning the Koran may endanger American soldiers overseas. But so, too would his decision last year to release up to 2,000 of photos of Americans abusing Muslim detainees, which virtually the entire military establishment said would supercharge al-Qaeda recruitment. He eventually relented.

    When a Christian pastor threatens, however distastefully, to burn the Muslim scriptures, Obama’s rhetorical condemnation knows no bounds. He even cited local laws police could use against the church. But when the issue is burning a flag or building a mosque at Ground Zero, his only interest is protecting the constitutionally guaranteed rights of his constituents (America-hating Muslims and America-hating liberals, respectively). Throw in a globetrotting childhood being raised by a far-Left mother, the influence of Frank Marshall Davis, more than a decade of drinking in Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s sermons, and his all-consuming obsession with America’s “tragic” history, and one gets a clearer picture why he does not cross his heart during the National Anthem, wear a flag pin, or vote to ban flag desecration.[1] Add to that Obama’s statements about the “Holy Quran” and the Muslim call to prayer being “one of the prettiest sounds on earth,” and the picture becomes clearer yet.

    Obama does not oppose flag burning, because most people only oppose desecrating something they love.


    1. Obama voted for a Democratic alternative offered by senior Illinois Senator Dick Durbin that would have outlawed flag burning on public property, or with the intention to incite violence. However, since the Supreme Court has ruled the First Amendment protects this act, the bill would have almost certainly been ruled unconstitutional. It was a flag burning smokescreen.

Only a "few random" flag burnings.

Such as those at every city rally of Occupy Wall Street. Who Obama and other Democrats are all too eager to praise and align themselves with.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-16 4:31 PM

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-16 4:41 PM
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-17 2:40 AM
It's funny how when Bush actually desecrated a flag it didn't bother the same people that seem upset about this.

Posted By: rex Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-17 3:02 AM
And he was a horrible president at well. Stop being stuck in the past and deal with the current horrific president.
Posted By: the G-man Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-17 3:43 AM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It's funny how when Bush actually desecrated a flag it didn't bother the same people that seem upset about this.

Where did I say Obama-or anyone-had desecrated a flag? I believe my point about this, namely the behavior of the DNC official in elevating Obama in a manner not unlike a dictator, was clear.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-17 5:15 AM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It's funny how when Bush actually desecrated a flag it didn't bother the same people that seem upset about this.

This was in response to WB's post.

You know it was a bitch slap that hurt though when G-man starts to post the tranny pic as a response.
Posted By: the G-man Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-17 5:20 AM
Ah, you need to lighten up a little, just teasing ya big guy.

But you did say people, which would imply you weren't just talking about WB's post.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-18 2:41 AM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It's funny how when Bush actually desecrated a flag it didn't bother the same people that seem upset about this.

I never heard of this when it happened.

But a president putting his signature on a flag, far from desecrating it, makes it priceless.
It looks from the photo like he signed it at someone's request.

Similar to an athlete signing a football or Jersey, it makes the flag exceptional, not desecrated. And it's a tiny flag-replica, not an actual flag. I get a small flag pretty much identical to this one given to me every time I give to one of those groups collecting for veterans or the homeless.

I think you're stretching it to call this "flag-desecration". The above examples I quoted and linked, in contrast, show a clear dismissive contempt for the flag, and for the nation it represents (a la "I wipe my ass with the flag every morning" linked from Youtube above. Nice!)

The main reason this is an issue with Obama is his huge entourage of people who manifest a contempt for the United States, and who want to "radically transform America" (Obama's own words) and re-shape it in a socialist/marxist diection that would be a vast divergence from our Constitution (Van Jones, William Ayers, Wade Rathke, ACORN, SEIU, Occupy Wall Street, George Soros, Mark Lloyd, Valerie Jarrett, Frank Marshall Davis, Rev Jeremiah Wright, and most recently Prof Derrick "hate whitey" Bell...and on and on!)

The fact that this latest flag thing resembles a "supreme leader" banner you'd expect to see hanging outside Hitler's Reichstag, or Stalin's Kremlin, or Kim Jong Un's Pyonyang, or the Ayatollah's place in Tehran, is yet another manifestation of Obama's blatant --and scary--- anti-Americanism, and that of the liberal zealots who worship Obama like a Golden Calf.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-19 3:15 PM
The reason it's a huge problem with Obama is because he's a democrat. Also, even though you might feel Bush's signature adds value to the flag it's something the code doesn't exempt, correct?
Posted By: Captain Sweden Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-19 6:25 PM
I like how G-man keeps bringing up Reductio ad Hitlerum arguments.


Posted By: rex Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-20 2:16 AM
I like how you keep linking to wikipedia.
Posted By: rex's sock drawer Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-20 2:21 AM
How can I link anything when you're always cramming your spermy socks into me?

See, this is the grossness I have to put up with on a daily basis.
Posted By: the G-man Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-20 3:25 AM

But a president putting his signature on a flag, far from desecrating it, makes it priceless.
It looks from the photo like he signed it at someone's request.

Similar to an athlete signing a football or Jersey, it makes the flag exceptional, not desecrated. And it's a tiny flag-replica, not an actual flag. I get a small flag pretty much identical to this one given to me every time I give to one of those groups collecting for veterans or the homeless.

No, MEM is largely correct on this point. Assuming it's fabric, the size of the flag would seem to be irrelevant and the President erred in marking it.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-20 4:15 AM
Still, the bush did it first schtick doesn't absolve the obama flag of anything. It just shows bush committing the same mistake.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-20 4:18 AM
it's come to the point where obama supporters have made "Bush did it first" as a knee-jerk reaction to Obama's faults, which sucks as a defense. Because people can just say "Yeah, Bush sucks. I no longer support him and I'm glad he's no longer president." and what do they have left? Why is Obama still president and being supported by people if he sucks just like Bush?
Posted By: the G-man Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-20 4:27 AM
It is pretty ironic that Obama supporters try to justify his behavior by saying he's just doing the same thing as someone they consider the worst president in history.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-24 2:00 AM

Posted By: Prometheus Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-24 2:28 AM
Posted By: Prometheus Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-24 2:28 AM
Posted By: Prometheus Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-24 2:29 AM
Posted By: Prometheus Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-24 2:32 AM
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-24 3:22 AM
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-24 3:24 AM
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-24 3:28 AM

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-24 3:33 AM
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-03-24 3:33 AM
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-04-06 1:12 PM
Posted By: Prometheus Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-04-06 6:34 PM
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to hate like Wonder Racist - 2012-04-06 6:35 PM
Glad SOMEONE will take a stand against the evil that is Corporate Amerika....
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: How to hate like Wonder Racist - 2012-04-07 4:46 AM
Why do you live in the United States, Pro?

You clearly have a contempt for what your neighbors hold dear.
Why are you here?
Half the world would gladly leave their nation to immigrate to the U.S., and enjoy the freedoms that you scorn and despise.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to hate like Wonder Racist - 2012-04-07 7:44 PM
 Originally Posted By: Traitor Dave, the Wonder Racist
Why do you live in the United States, Pro?
You clearly have a contempt for what your neighbors hold dear.
Why are you here?

I was born here. And I've watched the US disintegrate over the past 30 years, thanks to warmongering needs of the Military-Industrial Corporate Complex that you so willingly serve. So, I'd rather stay here and fight than "run away" or submit to their oppressive rule like cowards such as yourself. I'm an American, not a Corporate Automaton that reflexively salutes when someone shows me a flag. My forefathers were the Freedom Fighters that rescued us from British tyranny (I'm sure your FAUXNews Klan has indoctrinated you into calling guys like Washington a "terrorist"). They are the historical inspiration to oppose evil and oppression of the common man, NO MATTER the source. Patriotism is a propaganda-driven concept designed to enslave you to your Federal Regime. I don't accept it. You do. I give a shit about others. You hate anyone that's different. There's the difference.

Half the world would gladly leave their nation to immigrate to the U.S., and enjoy the freedoms that you scorn and despise.

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

Holy.....did you copy that verbatim off the FAUXNews site? "THE TERRORISTS HATE US 'CUZ OF OUR FRAYDOM! THEY'RE AY-VIL!!" \:lol\:

Get some perspective, David. If "half the world would gladly leave their nation", they WOULD have. America has been an open country for hundreds of years. For those under the control of a dictatorial regime, and cannot leave, then THAT'S where America should be intervening.....whether they have natural resources to exploit or not. But, that doesn't occur to goose-steppers like yourself, eh Herr Dave? Only if they have oil, accept white rule, and worship GAWD.

These so-called "freedoms" you and all the crazy Right tend point to when claiming moral and racial superiority are being whittled away, piece-by-piece, thanks to the Corporate Complex. And every time someone stands up and shouts at them to stop, and acts like Americans, the Feds you so proudly bow to send shocktroops to gas and beat them. Including war veterans who you, by your own words, feel should not be allowed the same freedoms as others. ONLY if they agree with the doctrine of The Rightwing.

So, take your "righteous obedience to the Federal Government", and your hate of all non-white races, and shove it up your pathetic, old ass. Patriots don't stand up for the word of law based on what Corporations tell them to accept. They stand for this country and the ideals behind it. You could learn a lot from them.

If you were capable of "learning" anything at all, beyond "hate, hate, hate"...
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: How to hate like Wonder Racist - 2012-04-07 11:32 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Traitor Dave, the Wonder Racist
Why do you live in the United States, Pro?
You clearly have a contempt for what your neighbors hold dear.
Why are you here?

I was born here. And I've watched the US disintegrate over the past 30 years, thanks to warmongering needs of the Military-Industrial Corporate Complex that you so willingly serve. So, I'd rather stay here and fight than "run away" or submit to their oppressive rule like cowards such as yourself. I'm an American, not a Corporate Automaton that reflexively salutes when someone shows me a flag. My forefathers were the Freedom Fighters that rescued us from British tyranny (I'm sure your FAUXNews Klan has indoctrinated you into calling guys like Washington a "terrorist"). They are the historical inspiration to oppose evil and oppression of the common man, NO MATTER the source. Patriotism is a propaganda-driven concept designed to enslave you to your Federal Regime. I don't accept it. You do. I give a shit about others. You hate anyone that's different. There's the difference.

Half the world would gladly leave their nation to immigrate to the U.S., and enjoy the freedoms that you scorn and despise.

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

Holy.....did you copy that verbatim off the FAUXNews site? "THE TERRORISTS HATE US 'CUZ OF OUR FRAYDOM! THEY'RE AY-VIL!!" \:lol\:

Get some perspective, David. If "half the world would gladly leave their nation", they WOULD have. America has been an open country for hundreds of years. For those under the control of a dictatorial regime, and cannot leave, then THAT'S where America should be intervening.....whether they have natural resources to exploit or not. But, that doesn't occur to goose-steppers like yourself, eh Herr Dave? Only if they have oil, accept white rule, and worship GAWD.

These so-called "freedoms" you and all the crazy Right tend point to when claiming moral and racial superiority are being whittled away, piece-by-piece, thanks to the Corporate Complex. And every time someone stands up and shouts at them to stop, and acts like Americans, the Feds you so proudly bow to send shocktroops to gas and beat them. Including war veterans who you, by your own words, feel should not be allowed the same freedoms as others. ONLY if they agree with the doctrine of The Rightwing.

So, take your "righteous obedience to the Federal Government", and your hate of all non-white races, and shove it up your pathetic, old ass. Patriots don't stand up for the word of law based on what Corporations tell them to accept. They stand for this country and the ideals behind it. You could learn a lot from them.

If you were capable of "learning" anything at all, beyond "hate, hate, hate"...

Completely unworthy of a serious response.

Beyond to note your vicious stereotyping of anyone who disagrees with you. You convolute your arguments to turn your treason into patriotism. It is not specific actions you condemn, but blanket-stereotype anyone who is patriotic and respectful of our instiututions to be a "shill" of some kind.

You again prove yourself to be a worthless lying piece of excrement. You repeatedly insinuate that I am racist, while you continually manufacture the bitterest racial stereotypes and try to put your own vicious words in my mouth. You even racially stereotype white Americans who disagree with you.

Beyond that, there's nothing more I need to say. Your own self-incriminating words require no further elaboration on my part. There's nothing that can make you look worse than your own words.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to hate like Wonder Racist - 2012-04-08 6:00 AM
 Originally Posted By: Traitor David, the Wonder Racist
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Traitor Dave, the Wonder Racist
Why do you live in the United States, Pro?
You clearly have a contempt for what your neighbors hold dear.
Why are you here?

I was born here. And I've watched the US disintegrate over the past 30 years, thanks to warmongering needs of the Military-Industrial Corporate Complex that you so willingly serve. So, I'd rather stay here and fight than "run away" or submit to their oppressive rule like cowards such as yourself. I'm an American, not a Corporate Automaton that reflexively salutes when someone shows me a flag. My forefathers were the Freedom Fighters that rescued us from British tyranny (I'm sure your FAUXNews Klan has indoctrinated you into calling guys like Washington a "terrorist"). They are the historical inspiration to oppose evil and oppression of the common man, NO MATTER the source. Patriotism is a propaganda-driven concept designed to enslave you to your Federal Regime. I don't accept it. You do. I give a shit about others. You hate anyone that's different. There's the difference.

Half the world would gladly leave their nation to immigrate to the U.S., and enjoy the freedoms that you scorn and despise.

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

Holy.....did you copy that verbatim off the FAUXNews site? "THE TERRORISTS HATE US 'CUZ OF OUR FRAYDOM! THEY'RE AY-VIL!!" \:lol\:

Get some perspective, David. If "half the world would gladly leave their nation", they WOULD have. America has been an open country for hundreds of years. For those under the control of a dictatorial regime, and cannot leave, then THAT'S where America should be intervening.....whether they have natural resources to exploit or not. But, that doesn't occur to goose-steppers like yourself, eh Herr Dave? Only if they have oil, accept white rule, and worship GAWD.

These so-called "freedoms" you and all the crazy Right tend point to when claiming moral and racial superiority are being whittled away, piece-by-piece, thanks to the Corporate Complex. And every time someone stands up and shouts at them to stop, and acts like Americans, the Feds you so proudly bow to send shocktroops to gas and beat them. Including war veterans who you, by your own words, feel should not be allowed the same freedoms as others. ONLY if they agree with the doctrine of The Rightwing.

So, take your "righteous obedience to the Federal Government", and your hate of all non-white races, and shove it up your pathetic, old ass. Patriots don't stand up for the word of law based on what Corporations tell them to accept. They stand for this country and the ideals behind it. You could learn a lot from them.

If you were capable of "learning" anything at all, beyond "hate, hate, hate"...

Completely unworthy of a serious response.

\:lol\: Which means you got nothing, because you're a fucking inbred lunatic who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about at any given time.



\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: How to hate like Wonder Racist - 2012-04-26 8:51 PM
Posted By: the G-man Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-09-20 8:12 PM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Sounds like it was a case of one local DNC person who put the flag up and when people complained they took it down that day. I can see where it would be upsetting to vets though, it wasn't actually flag desecration but still tacky.

The Obama campaign is currently selling a print of the American flag that replaces the field of stars with his own logo.

Posted By: the G-man Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-09-20 11:48 PM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Sounds like it was a case of one local DNC person who put the flag up and when people complained they took it down that day. I can see where it would be upsetting to vets though, it wasn't actually flag desecration but still tacky.

The Obama campaign is currently selling a print of the American flag that replaces the field of stars with his own logo.

No Red States, No Blue States, Only Obama States: In addition to the "One Nation Under Obama" poster, above, the Obama campaign also sells a t-shirt of the glorious leader superimposed over the nation like a Latin American strongman.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-09-21 12:33 AM
A perfect manifestation symbol of the fact that Obama doesn't value this country and its history and founding principles.
Obama only values what he can "radically transform" it into.

I recall another party that rose to power back in 1933, that brought its own state symbols as well. They also promised radical transformation.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-09-21 6:26 AM
godwin's law. always true.
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-09-21 6:42 AM
You know, Hitler had pieces of flair that he made the Jews wear...
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-09-21 9:23 AM
 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
You know, Hitler had pieces of flair that he made the Jews wear...

Hitler was a Friday's waiter?
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2012-09-21 9:36 AM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
godwin's law. always true.

Haven't heard that term in about 7 years. Probably since the last time you referenced it.

I'll let others interpret the "whether or not it is appropriate" part.

Here's a lady who grew up in Austria, and was 15 years old when the "Anschluss" annexed Austria into Nazi Germany:

Sounds a heck of a lot like public-sector takeover of the various private sectors of government that Obama has implemented or at least attempted (industrial/unions, banking, healthcare, and even attempts to control religious freedom).

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2013-08-27 1:08 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
A perfect manifestation symbol of the fact that Obama doesn't value this country and its history and founding principles.
Obama only values what he can "radically transform" it into.

I recall another party that rose to power back in 1933, that brought its own state symbols as well. They also promised radical transformation.

Welcome to Obama's Reich.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2013-09-13 11:59 AM
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2013-09-13 12:00 PM
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2013-09-13 12:02 PM

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2013-09-13 12:19 PM
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2013-09-13 12:20 PM

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2013-09-13 12:25 PM

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2013-09-13 1:05 PM
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2013-09-13 1:05 PM

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One Nation Under Obama? - 2013-09-13 1:48 PM
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One nation under Obama - 2014-09-23 4:01 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Traitor David, the Wonder Racist
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Traitor Dave, the Wonder Racist
Why do you live in the United States, Pro?
You clearly have a contempt for what your neighbors hold dear.
Why are you here?

I was born here. And I've watched the US disintegrate over the past 30 years, thanks to warmongering needs of the Military-Industrial Corporate Complex that you so willingly serve. So, I'd rather stay here and fight than "run away" or submit to their oppressive rule like cowards such as yourself. I'm an American, not a Corporate Automaton that reflexively salutes when someone shows me a flag. My forefathers were the Freedom Fighters that rescued us from British tyranny (I'm sure your FAUXNews Klan has indoctrinated you into calling guys like Washington a "terrorist"). They are the historical inspiration to oppose evil and oppression of the common man, NO MATTER the source. Patriotism is a propaganda-driven concept designed to enslave you to your Federal Regime. I don't accept it. You do. I give a shit about others. You hate anyone that's different. There's the difference.

Half the world would gladly leave their nation to immigrate to the U.S., and enjoy the freedoms that you scorn and despise.

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

Holy.....did you copy that verbatim off the FAUXNews site? "THE TERRORISTS HATE US 'CUZ OF OUR FRAYDOM! THEY'RE AY-VIL!!" \:lol\:

Get some perspective, David. If "half the world would gladly leave their nation", they WOULD have. America has been an open country for hundreds of years. For those under the control of a dictatorial regime, and cannot leave, then THAT'S where America should be intervening.....whether they have natural resources to exploit or not. But, that doesn't occur to goose-steppers like yourself, eh Herr Dave? Only if they have oil, accept white rule, and worship GAWD.

These so-called "freedoms" you and all the crazy Right tend point to when claiming moral and racial superiority are being whittled away, piece-by-piece, thanks to the Corporate Complex. And every time someone stands up and shouts at them to stop, and acts like Americans, the Feds you so proudly bow to send shocktroops to gas and beat them. Including war veterans who you, by your own words, feel should not be allowed the same freedoms as others. ONLY if they agree with the doctrine of The Rightwing.

So, take your "righteous obedience to the Federal Government", and your hate of all non-white races, and shove it up your pathetic, old ass. Patriots don't stand up for the word of law based on what Corporations tell them to accept. They stand for this country and the ideals behind it. You could learn a lot from them.

If you were capable of "learning" anything at all, beyond "hate, hate, hate"...

Completely unworthy of a serious response.

Beyond to note your vicious stereotyping of anyone who disagrees with you. You convolute your arguments to turn your treason into patriotism. It is not specific actions you condemn, but blanket-stereotype anyone who is patriotic and respectful of our institutions to be a "shill" of some kind.

You again prove yourself to be a worthless lying piece of excrement. You repeatedly insinuate that I am racist, while you continually manufacture the bitterest racial stereotypes and try to put your own vicious words in my mouth. You even racially stereotype white Americans who disagree with you.

Beyond that, there's nothing more I need to say. Your own self-incriminating words require no further elaboration on my part. There's nothing that can make you look worse than your own words.

\:lol\: Which means you got nothing, because you're a fucking inbred lunatic who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about at any given time.



\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:


Gallup poll: 700 million worldwide desire to migrate to another country



The United States is the top desired destination country for the 700 million adults who would like to relocate permanently to another country. Nearly one-quarter (24%) of these respondents, which translates to more than 165 million adults worldwide, name the United States as their desired future residence. With an additional estimated 45 million saying they would like to move to Canada, Northern America is one of the two most desired regions.

The rest of the top desired destination countries (those where an estimated 25 million or more adults would like to go) are predominantly European. Forty-five million adults who would like to move name the United Kingdom or France as their desired destination, while 35 million would like to go to Spain and 25 million would like to relocate to Germany. Thirty million name Saudi Arabia and 25 million name Australia.

Facts vs. mindless anti-Americanism.
Facts win every time.

Every global poll shows the U.S. far and away the most desired nation to immigrate to.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: DNC: One nation under Obama - 2014-09-23 4:34 PM
I found this part particularly funny...

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
So, take your "righteous obedience to the Federal Government", and your hate of all non-white races, and shove it up your pathetic, old ass. Patriots don't stand up for the word of law based on what Corporations tell them to accept. They stand for this country and the ideals behind it. You could learn a lot from them.

If you were capable of "learning" anything at all, beyond "hate, hate, hate"...

..considering Pro's own words...

Tea party nutter, racist e-mail topic:
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus, 4-22-2011

...nigger in the White House...

Oh, the irony.

On the subject of Pavlovian psychopaths... topic

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus, 3-20-2012

...Ah, the Republican apologists. Stretching to find any way possible to make this "Obama's Fault". Just another group of History's Fools. Don't worry, guys. About a hundred years from now people will probably be laughing while reading about the Republican Extremists. Kind of how we laugh at our ancestors that believed in magic or mythological deities. Laughing at how they herded the ignorant flock of hate-mongering zealots like children hungry for blood and desperate for relevance. They'll pause their laughter, though, I'm sure once they get the chapter where the second American Civil War simply executed all the nutbags who refuse to evolve into the 21st century. That means you guys. Good luck. Meanwhile, I'll be one of those laughing at you... \:lol\: \:lol\:

Nope, there's not an ounce of disturbing racism or hate in Pro...