Posted By: Pariah South Korea up in arms - 2016-11-06 2:38 AM
As I mentioned here, South Korea has been disillusioned by an expose of a feminazi cult that's been controlling and socially engineering the country for years, possibly decades. Park has gone insane and shit is going down. Big time.

(I don't feel like changing the Image BBS formatting, so just deal with it.)

>being a gook

>past 2 sitrep happened

>4 days ago Park suddenly made statement

>"From today Korea is cabinet government led by a prime minister"

>appointed a prime minister Mr. fucking nobody

>all this super crazy critical decision without a single discussion or debate

>literally no one ever discussed with Park about this matter

>Park literally went full borderline personality disorder, blocking all the communications, still thinking she's absolute monarch

>politicians went full wtf

>suddenly Korea is cabinet government by one day

>"Fuck the constitution, I AM THE COUNTRY"

>after this approval rating hits 5%

>yes, 5%

>only Megalians defending her now, saying Park's being attacked solely because she's woman, and this is all just patriarchal male conspiracy to remove women's position

>even her own party preparing impeach

>Park went more desperate, made 2nd 10 minutes apologize statement today

>"There was no shamanic ritual happened inside of presidential house and I'm not a member of cult"

>a country's president officially explaining about satanic, shamanic human sacrifice ritual inside of presidential house, and she's not memeber of the Korean Scientology

>plus 6th grade tier of statement scripts, and confirming she won't resign on her own

>FYI the day when Sewol ferry sunk was 4 days prior to the 20th anniversary of death of Choi Sun Sil's father

>and the president mysteriously went missing for 7 hours on that very day when Sewol sunk

>smells funky

>suddenly a congressman made another whistle-blowing statement

>Psy, Gangnam Style, and the whole "Korean Wave" culture shit was involved with Choi's cronyism cabal, deeply

>CJ, Samsung, Lotte persucuted for being against the 8 Goddess's shadow government and their CEOs replaced with strawmen

>The PyeongChang 2018 Olympic is actually Choi's mass cronyism business party

>leaks after leaks, whistler-blower after whistler-blower, reveals after reveals, shocking after shocking, the endless exposures

>politicians talking on TV

>former congressman openly saying they were chained and shackled, and now they're free and able talking about the 'Voldemort'

>yes, politicians literally saying they were Korea's Voldemort

>opposition party's leader saying in front of hundreds cameras, "The 8 Goddess's secret cabal must be destroyed"

>Josh Earnest made White House statement today; "Obama wants Park to leave, changing the leader won't affect diplomacy between Korea and US at all"

>CIA Korea division chief Donald Gregg made statement, "We were wrong about Park, we thought she would lead Korea well, I feel deeply sorry for the fellow Korean citizens"

>even worldwide masonic elite cabals throwing away this incapable hag

>there's big fucking rumor surfacing, the arrested Choi is actually substitute actor

>people already checking ear prints, digging the connections and corruptions 24/7

>tfw the incompetent slave gook citizens who knew nothing but obey suddenly turned into anonymous Guccifer 3.0 revolutionary WikiLeaks tier info warriors

>at least 200 thousands people protested in the streets of Seoul today

>the absolute mad men brought real guillotins

>from 12 years old kids to 90 years old war vet grandpas, marching in the streets, chanting "GIVE US RESIGN OR DEATH"

>you can hear it from in every streets of Seoul

>the court ordered cops to not fuck with protesters

>opposition party's congressmen went to the protest scene to courage people up


>the very fucking assassin who ran into congressman with a knife, literally beaten up to near death by the crowds, second pic

>tfw we're being united against the big, absolute evil, the all-female secret government that fucked us the whole time

>tfw right and left, progressive and conserative, women and men, kids and oldies, all united and we're fucking mad as hell

>tfw this is beyond the anime plot, this is Deus Ex

>Secret Society vs Mankind, Patriots vs Loyalists, Good vs Evil biblical battle happening right now in Korea




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Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: South Korea up in arms - 2016-11-06 4:24 AM
Whatever the explanation, this degree of instability is the last fucking thing the region needs right now.
Posted By: Pariah Re: South Korea up in arms - 2016-11-06 4:26 AM
I'm sure that loyalists said the exact same thing in the year 1776.
Posted By: Pariah Re: South Korea up in arms - 2017-03-28 6:09 AM
If no one's already aware, Park was ousted (impeached) amidst the ruckus. Now that she's gone, a deeper investigation is being launched against South Korea's deep state.

Warning, Spoiler:

Inspiring. Hopefully, that'll be us soon.