Posted By: Matter-eater Man Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-04-25 2:40 PM
“ Biden's 100 days: Low-end approval, yet strong marks on pandemic response: POLL
His April approval is lower than most of his predecessors, save Trump and Ford.

Intense partisanship is holding Joe Biden to a tepid job approval rating -- the third-lowest for any president at 100 days in office since Harry Truman -- along with continued economic dislocation, pandemic impacts and questions about Biden's view of the size and role of government.

All told, 52% of Americans in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll approve of Biden's work in office, lower than any president at 100 days in office since 1945, save Gerald Ford in 1974 (48%, after his unpopular pardon of Richard Nixon) and Donald Trump at 42% in 2017. For the 14 presidents from Truman to Biden, the 100-day average is 66%.“

Not bad for a President considering that the previous guy used a very scorch earth method when he lost by a huge popular vote margin and a decisive electoral one.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-04-25 5:30 PM
That's a joke of an assessment, right from the first line:
Biden gets "strong marks on his pandemic response".... while letting in thousands of illegal immigrants daily on our southern border, and putting them on planes and bussses, untested, to spread Covid-19 daily all over the country?!?

Biden has actually slowed vaccination, and replaced incompetence where Trump had provided exceptional speed and efficiency. I saw a news story on OAN a week ago that 40 million doses of the vaccine had gone bad on the shelf in multiple states because they were not being injected in time, with critics saying priority should be given in the future to states that are vaccinating their citizens in a timely manner, to incentivize the slow states to rapidly improve or be shortchanged until they do. With, of course, Democrat-governed states being the inefficient ones that are wasting millions of vaccines.

Biden started his presidency alleging that the Trump administrating "left me nothing" and fronted the narrative that the vaccine didn't exist before he became president. Whereas the truth is piece-of-shit Biden himself received his first vaccine on Dec 21 2020, and his second on Jan 12 2020, well before Trump's presidency ended. Likewise VP Kamala Harris was injected before Biden was inaugurated.

I suspect this poll, as usual, is yet another of decades of rigged polls in the Democrats' favor, and does not reflect the true outrage a majority of Americans feel, including many buyers' remorse Democrats, toward the Biden administration's far-Left Bolshevik power grabs, incompetence, anti-Americanism, critical race theory, cynical race-baiting to divide and conquer at the expense of the nation, weakness toward Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea who are laughing at us, laying out 4 trillion in new spending in just Biden's first 60 days, weakening our military, recklessly abandoning Afghanistan unconditionally, and destroying the secure border that Trump had created, that even Mexico's president is railing on Biden for breaking. That is creating chaos on both sides of the border. Chaos that did not exist while Trump was president.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-04-25 5:56 PM

To be clear, under Biden there is an average 6,000 illegals taken into custody DAILY. Border Patrol estimate an average 1,000 to 1,500 more enter the country DAILY enter our country completely undetected. Drug cartels, human traffickers, people with diseases of all kinds, and terrorists among them. While Trump remained president, there were less than 50 a day caught, and illegal drugs across the border were way down.
Further, only a fraction of these illegals are tested for Covid-19, but of those who are tested 10 to 15% test positive for Covid. And God knows what else they are carrying, undetected. Put on buses and airplanes to infect other Americans and shipped to every corner of the country, at the taxpayer expense. Just this year, social service and welfare expenses for these people who shouldn't even be here are $15,000 per person, in just their first year.
50% of border agents are providing day care for children in Biden cages, in vastly overcrowded Covid-19 breeding pens they try not to let anyone see, even House and Senate members. That they especially want to keep hidden from the media.

And there were over 450 miles of border wall built by Trump in a very quick timeframe despite every Democrat obstruction, that Biden shut down construction of the day he became president. In some places where there was only half a mile of construction left to completely close off the wall and secure the border. That also prevents the implementation of other electronic monitoring devices, that require a secure and completed wall. With the materials for the wall left right by the gaps, in piles to rust, despite that it was all paid for and the federal government is essentially losing money by ending what they had already completely paid for. And that those gaps endanger the local residents in those border areas, and create a massive funnel of illegals through those gaps. GAPS THAT SHOULD NO LONGER EXIST, IF BIDEN JUST ALLOWED COMPLETION OF THE CONSTRUCTION DAYS AWAY FROM BEING FINISHED.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-04-26 11:55 AM
Fox and Rasmussen have Biden’s approval up there too. In these hyper partisan times it’s hopeful that Biden is over 50. And I’ve been pleased with him actually following through on what he campaigned on. The Covid relief wasn’t watered down in Congress in the hopes to get bipartisan support that it was never going to get in the beltway but instead aimed at pleasing voters. Using the budget process will allow for a couple more wins if democrats in congress can stick together enough.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-04-26 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Fox and Rasmussen have Biden’s approval up there too. In these hyper partisan times it’s hopeful that Biden is over 50. And I’ve been pleased with him actually following through on what he campaigned on. The Covid relief wasn’t watered down in Congress in the hopes to get bipartisan support that it was never going to get in the beltway but instead aimed at pleasing voters. Using the budget process will allow for a couple more wins if democrats in congress can stick together enough.

Biden is higher than Trump because no president other than Trump has endured such a bombardment of negative media coverage (93% negative, as I linked in a Harvard study, and at one point 100% negative during the Jan 2020 first impeachment.)
Both W. Bush and Obama had higher approval ratings than Biden in their first 100 days.
And I would argue that the at least 80% liberal media (in every poll of reporters in the last 60 years) is the wind at the back of Obama or Biden or any Democrat for the last 40 years.
And in the case of Trump, W. Bush, Romney, McCain, Bush Sr, Reagan, or any Republican, the media conversely tries to tear down and destroy them every day, and lowers their poll numbers.

Currently 77% of the public thinks Biden is either partially or completely responsible for the unprecedented immigration crisis on our Southern border.
171,000 illegals in one month!
Over 17,000 unaccompanied children in one month!
6,000 illegals A DAY !
A further estimated 1,000 to 1,500 illegals a day who enter the country completely undetected ! Drug cartels, human traffickers, rapists murderers, terrorists, and carrying infectious diseases.

If the media were not flying cover for Biden and his Bolshevik staff in the White House in a majority of coverage, selectively omitting these facts, Biden's numbers would be much lower. Even having only 52% popularity, with that much media propaganda in his favor, acting as Biden's ministry of truth, manifests how even all that propaganda is not protecting him. And those numbers will surely fall even more.

Biden in less than 60 days already has begun four colossal failures:

1. THE BORDER CRISIS. Trump had, as former ICE director Tom Homan says, been the first president in 50 years to take border security seriously, to listened to Border Patrol people who protect the border daily, in planning and building the border wall, and had truly contained illegal immigration for the first time ever. Border captures were down to less than 50 a day under Trump. Now they are over 6,000 a day, in just Biden's first 60 days. A complete success, turned into a complete failure, in just 60 days!

2. THE DESTRUCTION OF U.S. ENERGY INDEPENDENCE. Trump had made the U.S. oil independent for the first time in 70 years.
Biden immediately began dismantling that, ending the Keystone pipeline with Canada and instantly destroying 15,000 jobs, and an estimated 2 million further jobs in related industries over time.
Biden also ended all oil and gas drilling on public lands, which also kills drilling on private adjacent lands.
Biden has also implemented step toward ending much of the nation's nuclear power over the next few years.
Biden has declared war on fossil fuel, oil, coal and natural gas, and is dismantling our ability to even resume processing it in the future, if needed. He is investing everything in untested battery power and solar panels, both manufactured exclusively in China. Biden is putting the nation in great peril, by making us dependent for energy, at the mercy of with no Plan B , on our greatest enemy.

And by ending our domestic production, Biden is also eliminating our ability to be an alternate oil and gas supplier to Europe, which leaves them vulnerable to intimidation, blackmail and total dependency on Russia for energy. This destabilizes not only us, but the world. If we need oil later, we will have to go back to OPEC and other hostile nations, and accept their inflated terms in a new purchasing deal.
Look at what happened to Texas just 2 months ago. And the brownouts chronically hitting California, where their governor has similarly destroyed a formerly energy-rich California, and by cutting off fossil fuel sources with no alternatives, has caused regular rolling brownouts across the entire state. With reduced fossil fuel capacity that have to just frequently do without power. And on occasion, California has to buy energy from power plants at far higher rates to taxpayers from neighboring states. What happens when this Biden-orchestrated shortage spreads to all 50 states, when there ISN'T another state they can buy power from? We will all be sitting in the dark for a very long time.

80,000 Russian troops massed on the Ukraine border.
Iran expanding their plutonium enrichment to over 90% purity(weapons grade) accelerating their nuclear weapons program even sooner.
North Korea testing more nuclear missiles.
China tightening the noose around Hong Kong, and further openly saying they can invade Taiwan anytime in the next 6 years.
Biden surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban with no conditions or leaving any ground intelligence, and China will negotiate with the Taliban, move into that territory, and use it as a strategic bridge to Iran.
China further increasing its defense ties and protection of Iran.
On every front, complete weakness by Biden, that not only endangers our allies worldwide, but threatens the U.S. homeland itself.

4. DOMESTIC SPENDING. Biden and the Democrats rammed through a $1.9 trillion "Covid relief plan", of which (deceitfully) less than 9% was actually for Covid-19 relief or vaccine distribution.
Now they want to do the same with a deceitfully named "Infrastructure bill" that similarly spends less than 10% on actual infrastructure, and the overwhelming majority of it on Democrat wet-dream social spending projects, on rewarding corporate and NGO allies of the Democrat party, and the rest used as a slush fund for Democrats in the 2022 and 2024 elections.

That's $4 trillion dollars laid out in new spending in less than 90 days. There are already financial analysts predicting this could cause a collapse of the dollar before the end of 2021. And the Democrats are not even done yet! They further want to spend several billion to pay off all student debt, and on other social projects. While once again resuming neglect of the U.S. military, destroying what Trump had begun to re-build in his term.
As China openly boasts of starting a war with the U.S., is rapidly expanding its military, and already has a navy that is now larger than that of the U.S., as China plans to eexpand its nuclear arsenal from 300 missiles up to 3,000 missiles, reaching parity or superiority to the U.S. and Russia.

Collectively, these things by Biden, in less than 90 days, are a plan for national suicide. You have to be a moron to be cheering Biden on. And yet... here you are. I can only assume you are delusionally immersing yourself in Leftist propaganda, and have no idea what's really going on.
Or you're a Bolshevik who hates America, and are cheering on the cultural marxist revolution for that reason. But here are the facts, right in front of you. Biden is creating a crisis to the country on virtually every front, and the nation might not survive even 4 years of it.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-04-27 11:24 AM
Biden’s 100 day stock market performance is the hottest going back to the 1950’s
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-04-29 12:45 AM
Very excited to watch a presidential address with a real president again!
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-04-30 4:24 AM

We had a real president, really for the first time in 30 years, when Donald Trump was president. And in a wide range of both domestic economy and foreign policy achievements, Trump demonstrated the ability to get the job done in less than 4 years, what other presidents of both parties were unable to do in 8 years. Quantifiably, the most accomplished president in over 50 years.

Biden's 1 hour and 7 minute speech last night was a national embarassment. Many networks have cited the plaigiarism, where he blatantly swiped not only credit, but terms and ideas from Trump. Over and over he stole the credit for things Trump did, well before Biden was inaugurated. Biden is coasting on the coat-tails of what Trump has put in place, and stealing the credit for it. But as he raises taxes, sides with BLM in a war on cops and calls the nation irredeemably racist, kicks the southern border wide open to 200,000 illegal immigrants a month (a border that under Trump was secured for the first time in 50 years!), undermines our oil independence and sets the stage for an energy crisis, demonstrates U.S. weakness to enemy foreign nations and terrorist groups and basically dares them to attack us, and staffs his administration with corrupt lobbyists who have a history of selling this country out to nations like Russia and China.

It is conspicuous that Biden said not a single word in his speech last night about the southern border crisis. NO ONE in the Biden administration is even overtly responsible for the crisis or taking any visible steps to come up with a solution and contain the Covid-infected and criminal illegals pouring into out country in the thousands EVERY DAY. Kamala Harris is ostensibly in charge, and instead she's hiding out in Central America instead of the U.S. Mexico border where the crisis is. And she and Biden are blaming "global warming" for the swarm on our southern border. WHO believes this crap?!? As many have pointed out interviewing illegals as they cross the border, they say they were invited by Biden! They are even wearing BIDEN t-shirts (provided, of course, by some Soros-funded leftist group). Gee, I wonder who these people will be voting for if naturalized.

Biden stokes the race issue, so the media will focus on that, instead of his incompetence on these and many other issues. And the gushing liberal media eagerly complies.
One would have to travel to communist China or North Korea to see a similar level of adulation and praise heaped on the incompetent Great Leader.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-04-30 4:38 AM

When you pour trillions in subsidies into corporations allied with the Democrat party, it will, in the short term, cause stocks to rise. During every budget passed by Trump (or Obama or W. Bush before him) it resulted in an instant spike in the stock market. But over the long term, printing money out of thin air with nothing to back it up is Weimar Republic territory, and dangerous to the nation.

The price of gas had aleady spiked 33% in just Biden's first 60 days in office, due to his suicidal war on fossil fuel and oil in particular, and it continues to rise. And with it, so does the cost of food, and everything else we purchase, that is transported to retailers on a ship or a truck. This is the path to national suicide.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-02 12:22 AM
I don’t consider Trump anything close to being fit for the office. He never won the popular vote and really tried to stay in power even after he lost and I just see him as a threat to democracy now.

Here’s charts of a president that not only had a huge electoral victory but also beat the loser pos by about 8 million votes.
How Biden’s first 100 days compares
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-02 4:19 PM
Country optimistic after Biden’s 1st 100 days
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-02 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man

Orwellian Newspeak.

Here's the truth:

73% are deeply concerned about the Biden-created crisis of illegals pouring across our souther border.

Also according to Rasmussen, 74% of Republicans think the Nov 2020 election was rigged, 48% of independents, and even 30% of Democrats, with an average of 51% OF ALL VOTERS --A MAJORITY!-- who think the election was rigged.

That's the reality of how the American public feels about the 2020 election and Biden's authoritarian Bolshevik nation-destroying presidency. They know they were cheated, and they are terrified of what is happening in just the last 100 days, and going forward.

And here's an overview of HOW it was rigged:
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-18 11:39 AM

Ben Shapiro: Why Biden and the Dems are in Trouble 4-26-20211

Because Biden was elected to be a moderate, and is governing as an ultra-left radical.
And when the country was politically divided already, and it's highly questionable if Biden EVEN ACTUALLY WON the Nov 2020 election, he shouldn't want to rock the boat with radical change that maybe 10% of voters actually want, and 90% despise.

Standard Democrat procedure: campaign as a moderate, PRETEND to care about the middle class and the issues that matter to them, then once elected ram through your true and radical agenda.
Basic Saul Alinsky tactics, 1101. Ramming through a Bolshevik revolution, against the will of the voters, with no mandate to do so. With a Stalinist purge against Republicans by the USPS, NSA and lunatic far-left zealot Bishop Garrison appointed to further persecute even moderate Republican conservatives as "white supremacist domestic terrorist threats" to be driven from the U.S. military.

Oh yeah, this'll go well...
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-18 9:14 PM

Mark Levin, on Biden's first 100 days
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-18 9:17 PM

Maria Barttiromo, Charles Lane, on Obama's proposed tax hikes
Posted By: iggy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-18 10:08 PM
You watch a lot of stupid shit,WB...
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-19 2:17 AM
Biden actually passed some Covid relief that got approval from a chunk of the republican base and he’s polling above Trump. Yeah he’s not Trump and for over half the country that’s a good thing. The republican party is losing people faster than the democrat party so doubling down on that shrinking base that increasingly hates democracy might not be great strategy imho.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-20 10:01 PM
And it’s after Biden’s 100 days now but it was nice seeing the hate crimes bill get signed today with bipartisan support and not treated as an fu to republicans.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-22 4:17 AM


A group that posts a running list of all the people and companies and whole industries displaced by Biden policy.

In particular this one:


  • During his inaugural address, President Joe Biden promised to “be a president for all Americans.” But just a few hours later, President Biden began implementing partisan, job-killing policies and regulations that would foreshadow his agenda for the next 100 days.
    On his first day in office, Joe Biden ripped away thousands of oil and gas workers’ jobs by revoking the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline. He left those Americans without a livelihood. He left parents wondering how they’re going to pay to send their kids to school. And he did it all without providing any new “green energy” jobs for them as he promised.

    Americans discovered quickly how far Biden was willing to go to appease the radical activists in his party, but little did we know how many lives would be turned upside down in the process.
    In the wake of outrage among Hollywood elitists and liberal special interest groups over a new voting law in Georgia, President Biden lied about the law’s provisions and encouraged the MLB to move their All-Star game out of Atlanta as a result. Then, he left small businesses and workers to endure $100 million in lost tourism revenue that occurred because of the boycott.

    Now, President Biden is pushing for massive tax hikes on middle-class workers to pay for his tax-and-spend infrastructure bill that provides very little funding for actual infrastructure.
    Economic experts have predicted that Biden’s corporate tax hike will eliminate hundreds of thousands of jobs and hurt blue-collar workers in the process.

    Originally Posted by Washington Examiner
    “The Tax Foundation estimates that Biden’s corporate tax hike would slash 159,000 jobs and that an average 0.7% wage reduction would harm the bottom quintile of workers, who would see a 1.45% decrease in after-tax income. Prices would likely go up, and retirement accounts would be smaller than otherwise.

    “That’s a middle-class tax hike.”

    Bottom line: Joe Biden’s first 100 days have been filled with radical policies that have crushed opportunity and left thousands of Americans behind.

Worst of all is how the liberal media flies cover and runs disinformation for Biden.
We had 171,000 illegals enter our country in March.
We had 178,000 enter in April! Plus in each month, border patrol estimates another 42,000 entered the country completely undetected, beyond those Border Patrol took into custody (CATCH AND RELEASE), with Border Patrol since January being so overwhelmed. And Border Patrol could not even fully screen the 171,00-plus illegals they caught before releasing them into the country,. Of the small ratio tested 10 to 15% are Covid-infected (as well as many other diseases LEGAL immigrants are screened for), but still permitted to get on buses and planes and travel to every city and state of the U.S., (ALL AT THE TAXPAYER'S EXPENSE), many of them indebted and working for drug cartels and human traffickers who will pay their debt by committing crimes in the U.S., as part of criminal networks.
And the liberal media just selectively omits coverage of all this, as if it didn't happen, or with no facts, ignoring what Border Patrol and ICE and other current and former officials are saying about the unprecedented wave of illegals, the media fronts that it's not actually happening, and that it's just unwarranted right-wing "fear" and "racism". The ICE and Border Patrol frontline agents and officials know otherwise, and are sounding an alarm to anyone who will listen, that Orwell's liberal Ministry of Truth media ignores, that only conservative media is reporting.

Biden (or really the puppetmasters who are running his government and scripting everything he says and does) is also destroying the fossil fuel industry and deliberately hyper-inflating the cost of gas, as a way to force everyone to use wind, solar and battery power, despite that those "green", "alternative" energy sources are not ready yet. And everything we need to set up an infrastructure for "green" energy we need to purchase from China. Who can cripple us at any time by cutting off what we need, and as Biden is destroying the fossil fuel industry, we will not be able to use fossil fuels again as a backup.

Likewise a payment to Iran, that they immediately used to send missiles to Hamas, so Iran/Hamas could fire almost 5,000 missiles into Israel in the last few days.
Then Biden says "both sides need to cease hostilities", as if Israel were a co-equal aggressor, and not just attacked!
Then the "Jihad Squad" (A O-C, Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, etc) piles on about the alleged "aggression" of Israel.
Simultaneous with gangs of Arabs in New York and Los Angeles roaming the streets going through outdoor restaurants going up to people saying: "Are You Jewish?!? Are you Jewish?!?" looking for people to beat up, in a way not seen since 1930's Germany.
Under great political pressure, Biden finally gave lip service to a slightly more supportive position of Israel.

Meanwhile, Biden (as directed by his puppetmasters) is subsidizing the unemployed nationwide who, post-immunization, should be going back to work, rather than continuing to be paid more to stay home than work. As a direct result, a week ago, what was expected to be 1,000,000 new jobs for the month was stalled by this policy to a piddly 250,000. The stock market reacted accordingly. And pressure is on the Biden administration to ease off the subsidies, as he (and his puppetmasters) plan at least 6 trillion more in OTHER wasteful Bolshevik legislation.

On every front, everything Biden is changing is making this country weaker and more immersed in in chaos.
And our enemies are loving it, salivating, and arming for war.

In the short term, according to former Reagan assistant defense secretary (and also Trump's former assistant director of national intelligence), as said today on The Evening Edit on FBN, China has a 3-wing short term strategy for unofficial global war and supremacy :
1) Development of bio-weapons for further plagues. Just today it was revealed thaat, though China's medical companies and contract work in the U.S., they are developing a database of American genetic material, to tailor their new "function-enhanced" plagues toward the U.S.
While clueless Biden fully re-funds the World Health Organization, who unleashed the LAST Covid-19 plague on the world, with no change in personnel or leadership in the WHO, basically daring China and the lapdog WHO to do it again.
It is beyond question that China stopped travel within their own country, but simultaneously and calculatedly allowed travel from the infected regions of China to every other nation on Earth. K.T.McFarland says that is the first time a nation [China] has simultaneously waged war on every country on Earth at once. And with the lack of consequences, China apparently won that war. No consequences from an incompetent, corrupt, bribed and clueless Biden. Under Trump, the WHO would *not * regain funding until they eliminated the leadership who caused the global pandemic.

2) China's subversive funding and support for Antifa, BLM, and other leftist Critical Race Theory type ideological division and de-stabilization of the U.S. population, along race and class lines. Subversion by China funded in the streets, in our primary schools, in our universities, through pressure on Hollywood television and movie producers, on sports teams, on corporations, who all suddenly are very reluctant to criticize China, but eager to join the "woke" crowd in attacking any patriotic or nationalist opposition to their leftist destabilization of the U.S.

3) Drug trafficking into the U.S., supplying the Mexican cartels with drugs and chemicals and money-laundering as a way to further weaken the U.S., that cost the U.S. 87,000 lives last year. The Korean War cost the U.S. 54,000 lives in roughly 4 years. The Vietnam War cost 58,000 lives between 1965-1975. Each of the last 5 years have cost more lives IN ONE year than either of those wars. It is not recognized as a war by many, but it is a costly war, and it is very deliberate.

And that is not even a complete list of Biden's damage to the U.S., in just his first 100 days,
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-22 4:21 AM
Originally Posted by iggy
You watch a lot of stupid shit,WB...

Yes, I make the mistake of reading your posts.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-22 7:42 PM
Presidential Approval Ratings— Joe Biden

Joe Biden's Presidential Job Approval Ratings
% Approve Polling dates
Latest job approval rating 54 May 3-18, 2021
Term average to date 56 Jan 20, 2021-present
Highest job approval rating to date 57 Jan 21-Feb 2 and Apr 1-21, 2021
Lowest job approval rating to date 54 Mar 1-15 and May 3-18, 2021
Joe Biden's Presidential Job Approval Ratings -- Historical Comparisons
President % Approve Polling dates
Average for U.S. presidents 53 1938-2021
Average for elected presidents' second quarter 60 various
Other elected presidents in May of first year Donald Trump 39 May 2017
Barack Obama 65 May 2009
George W. Bush 55 May 2001
Bill Clinton 45 May 1993
George H.W. Bush 58 May 1989
Ronald Reagan 68 May 1981
Jimmy Carter 65 May 1977
Richard Nixon 63 May 1969
John Kennedy 75 May 1961
Dwight Eisenhower 74 May 1953

Not bad compared to Trump’s 39 percent.
Posted By: iggy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-22 7:54 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Presidential Approval Ratings— Joe Biden

Joe Biden's Presidential Job Approval Ratings
% Approve Polling dates
Latest job approval rating 54 May 3-18, 2021
Term average to date 56 Jan 20, 2021-present
Highest job approval rating to date 57 Jan 21-Feb 2 and Apr 1-21, 2021
Lowest job approval rating to date 54 Mar 1-15 and May 3-18, 2021
Joe Biden's Presidential Job Approval Ratings -- Historical Comparisons
President % Approve Polling dates
Average for U.S. presidents 53 1938-2021
Average for elected presidents' second quarter 60 various
Other elected presidents in May of first year Donald Trump 39 May 2017
Barack Obama 65 May 2009
George W. Bush 55 May 2001
Bill Clinton 45 May 1993
George H.W. Bush 58 May 1989
Ronald Reagan 68 May 1981
Jimmy Carter 65 May 1977
Richard Nixon 63 May 1969
John Kennedy 75 May 1961
Dwight Eisenhower 74 May 1953

Not bad compared to Trump’s 39 percent.

Originally Posted by Wonder Doofus
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-22 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Presidential Approval Ratings— Joe Biden

Joe Biden's Presidential Job Approval Ratings
% Approve Polling dates
Latest job approval rating 54 May 3-18, 2021
Term average to date 56 Jan 20, 2021-present
Highest job approval rating to date 57 Jan 21-Feb 2 and Apr 1-21, 2021
Lowest job approval rating to date 54 Mar 1-15 and May 3-18, 2021
Joe Biden's Presidential Job Approval Ratings -- Historical Comparisons
President % Approve Polling dates
Average for U.S. presidents 53 1938-2021
Average for elected presidents' second quarter 60 various
Other elected presidents in May of first year Donald Trump 39 May 2017
Barack Obama 65 May 2009
George W. Bush 55 May 2001
Bill Clinton 45 May 1993
George H.W. Bush 58 May 1989
Ronald Reagan 68 May 1981
Jimmy Carter 65 May 1977
Richard Nixon 63 May 1969
John Kennedy 75 May 1961
Dwight Eisenhower 74 May 1953

Not bad compared to Trump’s 39 percent.

Everyone knows the liberal media is subservient to the Democrats, and hold Biden (and Obama, and Clinton) to a complete double-standard to what they held Trump to (and W.Bush, and G.H.W. Bush, and Reagan, and Ford and Nixon).

As we discussed earlier, Biden's approval rating in his first 100 days was 52%, among the lowest of an incoming president. And if you noticed, Biden is the lowest you listed there, thanks for making my argument for me. Biden is the lowest, even with 83% gushingly positive media coverage and softball questions.
As compared with Trump who from the very beginning and consistently over his 4 years had an unprecedented 93% negative media coverage. The media conspired agaisnt Trump, whereas they are the wind at Biden's back (and at this point, any Democrat's back, no matter how incompetent and damaging to the nation. )

But hey, thanks for posting the stats that prove my point, that Biden is the lowest, except for Trump who was as scourged as Biden is praised. But even with the media bias and praise, Biden is barely staying afloat.
Posted By: iggy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-23 12:55 AM
Called it!
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-23 5:27 AM
Trump’s 39 percent is considerably lower than Biden’s 54 WB. Uhm your idea of what everyone knows seems to not extend past what you want.

And Iggy, it’s what he does. Bitch about media bias amongst his clips of Tucker Carlsons. He actually loves media bias as long as it delivers what he wants to hear. It’s to bad as he’s not a stupid person or a bad one.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-23 2:53 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Trump’s 39 percent is considerably lower than Biden’s 54 WB. Uhm your idea of what everyone knows seems to not extend past what you want.

And Iggy, it’s what he does. Bitch about media bias amongst his clips of Tucker Carlsons. He actually loves media bias as long as it delivers what he wants to hear. It’s to bad as he’s not a stupid person or a bad one.

So your whole argument is "My guy [Biden] is the second least popular incoming president in 70 years, but your guy [Trump] is the most unpopular" ?
That's not exactly high praise or defense for Biden.

And again, that's with a media that's 83% gushing praise for Biden, lobbing him softball questions, and selectively ignoring Biden's colossal failures.
While that same media was 93% negative, and fanatically committed to destroying Trump, to the point of constantly making up "fake news" stories about Trump. I'm sorry that FACTS on Tucker Carlson, Maria Bartiromo, OAN and other sources that I link, expose the demonstrably factless LYING NARRATIVE you would like to believe. I love THE FACTS, whereas you seem to like whatever Newspeak narrative reinforces the leftist/cultural marxist ideology you would LIKE to believe is true. .
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-23 4:00 PM
Originally Posted by iggy
Called it!

There's nothing to call, troll dipshit, it's just a fact.

Media Research Center, "Media Bias 101", citing 50 years of quantifiable liberal media bias

For 50 years, given the categories of "very conservative", "conservative", "neutral", "liberal" or "very liberal", reporters have SELF-IDENTIFIED as "liberal" or "very liberal" consistently at a ratio of 80%, for over 50 years. And even higher since Obam's 2008 campaign, where they abandoned all pretense of objectivity, and became openly liberal/Democrat activists. Becoming even less objective and openly activist in the Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011 or so, some of whom reporters were fired for their open bias.

See the book BIAS by Bernard Goldberg, a 30-year self-identified liberal journalist for CBS, who was ostracized from CBS for simply writing a Wall Street Journal editorial opening up the mere question of liberal bias.

See the book LEFT TURN by Tim Groseclose where he also quantifies liberal bias in the media, and despite that he was a tenured college professor when he wrote the book, he too was ostracized and harassed to the point that he left the university (academic bias being if anything worse than liberal media bias.)
Groseclose wrote that the Washington D.C. based liberal media voted in 2008 for Obama at an incredible ratio of 93%, which he points out is a more dense ratio than even the most leftist/Democrat regions of the country in the Boston, MA region, and the Berkeley, CA regions of the country.

And then there's the Harvard study that shows the media reaching 93% anti-Trump coverage:

And here's Greg Gutfeld iciting in the last month the selective coverage ignoring Biden's failures, and obsessing over Liz Cheney's removal from leadership in the Republican party (i.e., "hey, look at this shiny object over here!" rather than reporting nagative facts about Biden), giving 5 times as much coverage to Liz Cheney's removal, rather than the suicidal destruction of the Untied States on multiple fronts resulting from Biden's policies, such as:
- Biden's resultant catastrophic inflation;
- Biden wastefully subsidizing millions of workers that is stalling the economic recovery with only 250,000 new jobs rather than the expected 1,000,000 new jobs;
- 6 trillion in new debt pushed for by Biden;
- and 171,000-plus illegals and criminals a month flooding across our borders and being secretly moved by Biden untracked and undisclosed to local authorities to every city in America. And the tens of thousands of rapes, murders, deaths, drug trafficking, human trafficking and other crimes, against both illegals and aagainst U.S citizenss that enables.

Press is ok with being unethical if they think they're right = Gutfeld, May 22 2021
Posted By: iggy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-23 4:12 PM
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Trump’s 39 percent is considerably lower than Biden’s 54 WB. Uhm your idea of what everyone knows seems to not extend past what you want.

And Iggy, it’s what he does. Bitch about media bias amongst his clips of Tucker Carlsons. He actually loves media bias as long as it delivers what he wants to hear. It’s to bad as he’s not a stupid person or a bad one.

So your whole argument is "My guy [Biden] is the second least popular incoming president in 70 years, but your guy [Trump] is the most unpopular" ?
That's not exactly high praise or defense for Biden.

And again, that's with a media that's 83% gushing praise for Biden, lobbing him softball questions, and selectively ignoring Biden's colossal failures.
While that same media was 93% negative, and fanatically committed to destroying Trump, to the point of constantly making up "fake news" stories about Trump. I'm sorry that FACTS on Tucker Carlson, Maria Bartiromo, OAN and other sources that I link, expose the demonstrably factless LYING NARRATIVE you would like to believe. I love THE FACTS, whereas you seem to like whatever Newspeak narrative reinforces the leftist/cultural marxist ideology you would LIKE to believe is true. .

You should apologize for using facts and OAN in the same sentence. Also of note, one of your sources won a court dismissal of a case by arguing that no rational person would take his bloviating seriously. Yet, here you are...taking it...seriously.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-23 5:49 PM
Originally Posted by iggy
You should apologize for using facts and OAN in the same sentence. Also of note, one of your sources won a court dismissal of a case by arguing that no rational person would take his bloviating seriously. Yet, here you are...taking it...seriously.

More factless insults. OAN, like every other news agency, occasionally honestly gets the facts wrong and offers a retraction.
As I cited earlier, OAN often cites facts reported by CNN, Washington Post and Politico, to PROVE that what those liberal networks now dismiss as "right-wing conspiracy theories" , they as recently as Dec 2019 CNN, Politico and N Y Times reported as FACTS that Dominion voting machines can be easily hacked and present a threat of stealing an election.
Likewise, Democrat Senators Amy Klobuchar and Ron Wyden wrote a letter (along with one Democrat House member) to the then-attorney general, voicing their alarm about the vulnerability to our election machines to hacking and foreign manipulation. Then a year or so later, corrupt grifting "China Joe" Biden wins the Nov 2020 election, and POOF, their concerns just disappear, despite massive evidence of election fraud. Rather than audit the election ballots and machines, they want to censure Republican Senators Cruz and Hawley who just requested on Jan 6th an audit examination of the integrity of the ballots. Which is precisely what the ballots are held 2 years for. Some of which ballots the Democrats have already shredded or wiped the memory cards for. What are they hiding? It iss lawful to do a re-count and audit.

As Sharyl Attkisson cited, other liberal media agencies have altogether abandoned objective news coverage for full-out liberal activism, and increasingly just secretly delete or re-write their online articles, rather than offer an honest retraction. In true Orwellian style, their Ministry of Truth conforms their reporting to the Party's updated current message. And burn the originals.

I've already cited abundant evidence of election fraud. And in Michigan, in Pennsylvania, in Antrim County, New Hampshire, in Montana, in Atlanta, in Maricopa County, Arizona, there is more evidence of election fraud surfacing and harder to deny, every day.

As I recall the court case was against Tucker Carlson, and against a defamation case his lawyer argued that it was clearly opinion and not intended to be mistaken as absolute fact. I believe Rachel Maddow used the same argument when she was sued. Because Carlson could not prove conclusively it (PLAYBOY model Karen McDougal extorting Trump) was true, does NOT prove conclusively that it WASN'T true, only that it legally fit in the realm of opinion/commentary, and he argued that to avoid getting sued.

Carlson has the highest-viewed program in cable history, so he obviously is doing something right. As I said about a week ago, I don't always agree with Tucker or like his style, but more often than not he provides informative commentary.
Likewise Maria Bartiromo, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hann ity, Jesse Waters, Pat Buchanan, OAN and many others I I read or listen to. No one sparkles 100% of the time.
But certainly, all of these do far better than the deliberate false narratives of CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post and Politico.
Posted By: iggy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-23 6:28 PM
You believe what they tell you just from the other side, you fucking hicktard rube.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-23 8:38 PM
OAN fires staffer who called out the network over voter fraud lies

“ One America News Network fired a producer who recently went on the record to criticize the cable channel's handling of the 2020 election, according to Rachel C. Abrams, a New York Times reporter who published a story about the network over the weekend.

Marty Golingan, who had been a producer with OAN since 2016, told Abrams that it would be a "badge of honor" should he end up getting fired for speaking out in the story.

This comes on the heels of around a dozen OAN staffers leaving the network in recent months after its handling of the January 6 insurrection on Capitol Hill.

I get why WB likes these guys
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-24 5:28 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
OAN fires staffer who called out the network over voter fraud lies

“ One America News Network fired a producer who recently went on the record to criticize the cable channel's handling of the 2020 election, according to Rachel C. Abrams, a New York Times reporter who published a story about the network over the weekend.

Marty Golingan, who had been a producer with OAN since 2016, told Abrams that it would be a "badge of honor" should he end up getting fired for speaking out in the story.

This comes on the heels of around a dozen OAN staffers leaving the network in recent months after its handling of the January 6 insurrection on Capitol Hill.

I get why WB likes these guys

OAN has run multiple stories about how New York Times reporter Rachel Abrams has been looking for months, calling every current and former employee, to find disgruntled employees who will give a negative portrayal of OAN news. She (and the N Y Times who assigned her for this specific mission) have no interest in positive or neutral/objective portrayal of OAN, as a workplace, her mission is specifically and only to portray OAN negatively, no matter what the true facts.

Well, congratulations, Rachel. You finally found one disgruntled employee.

I like OAN because they present the facts no one else is presenting. OAN is the only network (not even FOX or Newsmax) who presented the state House election hearings in each of the 6 contested states. The others didn't even give a summary or highlights of what was said. That's not avoiding coverage by other networks of what is untrue, that is just selectively omitting ANY coverage of objective hearings altogether, and depriving viewers of the ability to review the facts and make up their own minds as to the validity of what witnesses and experts revealed in those hearings.

There are election recount audits and rulings by judges that support the case that there was massive election fraud in Nov 2020, making legal rulings based on evidence presented. N Y Times finding one disgruntled employee who will support the liberal narrative that "OAN is bad", with no supporting facts, doesn't invalidate OAN's lone courageous reporting, despite the other compromised networks' lying narrative. Fox and Newsmax cover the election fraud to a degree, but they lack the commitment to fully present the facts that OAN has.

And by the way, recycled through Yahoo news, another far-left outlet on a holy mission to destroy Trump, Republicans, and any conservative news source, which is on display in every venom-dripping sentence of this linked hit piece. It is clearly not just OAN they have a problem with, it's any conservative leader or news source.
Posted By: iggy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-24 8:16 PM
Speaking of Jen Psaki, I see we've circled back to how you are responsible for killing these boards because you're insane and no one takes you seriously.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-24 9:25 PM
Originally Posted by iggy
Speaking of Jen Psaki, I see we've circled back to how you are responsible for killing these boards because you're insane and no one takes you seriously.


I was the second gunman in the JFK assasination too.
Posted By: iggy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-05-24 10:15 PM
He was a democrat so I'm sure you wish you were...
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-06-03 1:26 AM

The Solar Winds massive cyber-attack on national security agencies and contractors.
The Colonial Pipeline cyber-hack that largely shut down gasoline supply in the U.S. southeast, and reaped Russian hackers a $5 million ransom.
Now a hack that has shut down 20% of U.S. meat supply industry.

How many cyber-attacks on the U.S. by Russia and China is this now, in just Biden's first 120 incompetent days?

Over and over, Biden and the Democrat prove they have a complete contempt for national security, and no regard for the safety of the U.S. and its citizens. They cut off the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, they cut off drilling on public lands, they now want to shut off nuclear power plants. All of these things increase the scarcity of energy in the U.S., and make us depended on hostile foreign nations for supply, POLAR OPPOSITE how Trump as president made energy plentiful and inexpensive, and in less than 120 days, Biden has made us again dependent on foreign nations, with the cost of gas (and everything else carried by trucks) double in price.

Meanwhile, our enemies are pursuing wars of aggression, capitalizing on Biden's clear weakness.
In Ukraine.
In Israel.
In Hong Kong and Taiwan.
In Iran, now with vastly increased ability to create weapons-grade plutonium.
In North Korea, not doing further missile tests and threats against Japan.

On our southern border with roughly 6,000 illegals pouring across our border, with absolutely no screening for Covid-19 or other diseases, no screening for criminals or gang members, and no-questions-asked, given FREE transportation by bus or plane AT THE TAXPAYER'S EXPENSE anywhere they want to go in the U.S.

And 6 trillion in passed or proposed new spending, with another proposed 7 trillion in further spending beyond that. There is already hyperinflation as a direct result, and many investment experts concerned about a collapse of the dollar, and a rush into hard assets and out of currency. We are in Weimar Republic territory, and I beleive that is the way the Democrat-Bolsehviks want it. The more chaos and destruction socially and economically, the more it serves as a smokescreen for their radical deception. Saul Alinsky tactics. Cloward-Piven strategy.

This is not even 4 months in. One can only imagine how much damage Biden can do to the U.S. in the next 2 or 4 years. Democrat prove over and over that they are the party that hates America, that their instinct is to do whatever is whatever will damage America most. And that is exactly what they are doing, every day.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-06-04 5:35 PM
Rising wages and declining unemployment rate smile Trump democracy hating republicans must be really going extra bat shit crazy.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-06-14 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Rising wages and declining unemployment rate smile Trump democracy hating republicans must be really going extra bat shit crazy.

I love the Bolshevik positive spin you try to put on hyperinflation.

Gas has more than doubled in just Biden's first 4 months in office.

And with it, a sharp rise in the cost of food and everything else. A direct result of Biden's economic policies. In less than four months, Biden has taken the U.S. from being energy independent for the first time in 70 years, to again being dependent on hostile foreign nations for oil, who will charge us a lot more, and could cut uss off at any time.

And the multiple cyber-hacks, the Solar Winds attack on our national security infrastructure.
The Colonial pipeline cyber attack that cut off oil supplies for much of the Southeastern United States.

And in the last week, a similar cyber attack on the U.S. meat suppliers, that for at least a week stopped over 20% of U.S. meat distribution.

But yeah, we're so much better off paying more for everything, more dependent on foreign suppliers, and at greater national security risk under incompetent Biden.
And 6,000 illegals swaming across our southern border every day to take our jobs and tax dollars, not even screening out criminals and drug cartels.
Everything's great ! smile
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-06-14 12:41 PM

Consumer Prices Have Skyrocketed In Recent Months. Experts Say It’s Just The Beginning (Daily Caller)

* Consumer prices in the U.S. have skyrocketed across multiple industries as the federal government mulls injecting further stimulus into the economy.

* “We are seeing very substantial inflation,” Warren Buffett, billionaire investor and chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, said at his company’s annual shareholder meeting Saturday, according to CNBC.

* “The 100% cause of inflation is the government,” Peter Schiff, the chief economist and global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “It’s when the government spends money that it doesn’t collect in taxes.”

Consumer prices in the U.S. have skyrocketed across multiple industries as the federal government mulls injecting further stimulus into the economy.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-06-14 11:58 PM
The recent string of cyber attacks says more about the previous administration than the new one. It’s pretty unreasonable to expect Biden to create an effective defense in his first couple of months. It’s not like say Trump at the end of his term letting Russia hack the whole government. Putin thanks you for your service.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-06-16 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
The recent string of cyber attacks says more about the previous administration than the new one. It’s pretty unreasonable to expect Biden to create an effective defense in his first couple of months. It’s not like say Trump at the end of his term letting Russia hack the whole government. Putin thanks you for your service.

The fact that Biden has done nothing about the cyber-attacks on the U.S., and has made no criticism of Russia's cyber attacks, let alone any retaliation, is what says volumes.

Since at least Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton, and increasingly in the last 20 years, Democrats are consistently unserious about national security, whether it's regarding cyber-security, Democrats consistently undermining a strong U.S. military, or our Biden-destroyed southern border security, or Mexican/Chinese drugs smuggled into the country that reached 87,000 deaths in 2020 alone, and growing every year.


Hillary Clinton's hacked private e-mail server,
the hacked Democrat Congress e-mail accounts,
Chinese spies in the offices of Sen Dianne Feinstein, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Bitch-Cunt Schultz, and career-long Chinese puppet Rep. Eric Swalwell, ALL OF WHOM DEMOCRATS STILL PERMIT ON INTELLIGENCE AND NATIONAL SECURITY COMMITTEES.
Democrats are de-funding the U.S. military while spending 6 trillion in other nation-destroying deficit federal spending, even in a time of growing Chinese and other military threats.

And letting in 6,000 illegals a day, carrying all kinds of diseases, rapists, MS-13, Mexican cartels trafficking drugs, and terrorists, with no screening whatsoever, and absolutely no interest shown in re-securing the border.

And that's not even a complete list of Democrat sabotage of our national security.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-06-18 12:03 PM
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-06-18 12:43 PM

The Daily Show is not a news source. It is liberal propaganda disguised as comedy.

And President Biden fails quite spectacularly on his own, regardless of Fox News or any other conservatives say. It is terrifying how Biden is destroying this country, in not even five months yet.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-06-19 1:50 PM
Well WB I know you feel differently but it’s not a surprise to me that you feel that way. Partisan hatred really blinds you. The clip from the Daily Show does a good job of highlighting Fox’s hypocrisy when it comes to Putin and Trump vs Putin and Biden. I remember how “great” Trump was and the Daily Show has it there for your lying eyes I guess.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-06-20 1:17 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Well WB I know you feel differently but it’s not a surprise to me that you feel that way. Partisan hatred really blinds you. The clip from the Daily Show does a good job of highlighting Fox’s hypocrisy when it comes to Putin and Trump vs Putin and Biden. I remember how “great” Trump was and the Daily Show has it there for your lying eyes I guess.

It is a quantifiable fact that Joe Biden signed executive orders to end the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, and to end drilling on government land, and thus end drilling on adjacent private land as well, and that gas is skyrocketing in price as a direct result.
And that Biden (or the puppetmasters who pull his incompetent strings) would also like to end fracking as well.
That gas was well under $2 a gallon, and in barely 5 months has risen to over $3 a gallon, in many cities over $4 a gallon. And with the long-term artificial ongoing shortage Biden has created, will continue to rise to 6 or $7 a gallon.

It is a quantifiable fact that the nation is being over-run in these same 5 months with a surge of illegal immigrants of roughly 6,000 illegals a day (171,000 in March, 178,000 in April, over 180,000 in May, and continuing to rise), that the number of illegals who have entered the U.S. since Biden was inaugurated is now over 1.9 million, in not even 6 months. Aside from the fact that many of these people are disease-carriers, criminals, and illiterates with less than an 8th grade education who will be on U.S. taxpayer paid welfare for the rest of their lives, and the generations of children they produce as well, they are taking jobs from Americans at a time when many Americans are unemployed and hurting due to the pandemic, and these illegals are consuming safety-net local government resources that many unemployed Americans now desperately need.
These 1.9 million new illegals will also be taking housing from others, in a time when high costs caused by Biden's artificial rise in fuel prices is preventing the construction industry from creating new homes, which will cause a further sharp inflation in the cost of rent and home purchasing.

The above clip on the daily show highlights a selectively-edited narrative and shaving of the true facts that you would like to believe, rather than the true situation. While Trump said friendly and diplomatic things to Russia and China, Trump gave nothing away, and used his words to leverage better deals for the American taxpayer.
Whereas Biden is giving away U.S. energy independence (that was till Biden was inaugurated providing Europe with U.S. oil, and making them less dependent on Russian oil, while simultaneously depriving Russia of oil profits they could use to fund military aggression). Biden is doing the exact opposite, undermining U.S. sovereignty and oil independence (Trump had made the U.S. oil-independent for the first time in 70 years!) , while simultaneously Biden is doing a "Build Back Better" of Russia, giving them funds for war, and creating a European oil-dependence on Russia that opens Europe up to Russian blackmail, if Russia at any point in the future threatens to cut off their oil supply to western Europe.

Likewise, Biden's weakness against China, where since Biden was inaugurated, China has ramped up their aggression against Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, China, Nepal and Japan. China has also, since Biden was inaugurated, said they are rapidly increasing their nuclear weapons from the current 300 nukes, to an arsenal of 3,000, with the plainly stated intent to threaten the United States and its allies. But then... China already bought and paid for Joe Biden by giving his drug addict son a $1.5 billion dollar investment deal from the Bank of China, that Hunter Biden is estimated to get a $200 million commission on (and through him a large percentage to "the big guy" President Joe Biden). So Biden was a bought and pai for Manchurian Candidate long before he was inaugurated.

On every front, Joe Biden is damaging and endangering the United States. Everything that Trump as president had either resolved or was completing resolution of, President Biden has destroyed. Rising energy prices, illegal immigration, threats from Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, rising cost of food and other good, an immediate spike in inflation the moment Biden's policies were enacted, an alarming rise in crime and police resignations, critical race theory supported by Biden to further splinter the country along racial lines, inflation, over 6 trillion in new federal debt almost instantly, "green" energy absurdities that will put us at the mercy of China, massive cyber-attacks on our national security and economic infrastructure completely unresisted by Biden, on and on.

How much damage can be caused by one president in just 5 months (and counting) ?
We are seeing it every day.

Liberal propaganda: "Hey everything's great under Biden !!"
No, it's not.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-06-20 5:07 PM

AP FACT CHECK: House GOP falsely blames Biden for gas prices

“ THE FACTS: Biden’s action on the Keystone XL pipeline has nothing to do with the recent spike in gasoline prices. The pipeline handles crude oil, running from Canada to Texas through the Midwest, not gasoline, which had shortages on the East Coast after the Colonial Pipeline hack.

Biden’s order on his first day in office rescinded the construction permit for an extension to the main Keystone pipeline, which is still operating and runs about 2,687 miles (4,324 km) from Alberta to Illinois and Texas.

An expanded 1,210-mile (1,947-km) pipeline was planned to allow the system to carry up to 800,000 barrels of crude oil a day, passing through Montana, South Dakota and Nebraska.

But shortages of crude oil haven’t been a factor.

Noteworthy is that while gas prices are at their highest level in six years, oil prices are still slightly below where they were in 2018. That suggests oil supplies are adequate and the refining and distribution of gasoline — through such networks as the Colonial Pipeline — are the problem.”

You WB calling something a fact means about the same thing as you calling someone a liar.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-06-20 5:50 PM
And the trade deficit increased under Trump as he gushed praise of China’s Covid response as it spread here in the US. You were good with that as well as Russia being able to perform a cyber attack at the end of Trump’s term. He couldn’t even acknowledge that they did it. Putin misses his bitch I’m sure.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-06-21 6:01 PM


An AP "fact check" is like a press release from the Biden White House.
What a joke.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-06-21 6:30 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
And the trade deficit increased under Trump as he gushed praise of China’s Covid response as it spread here in the US. You were good with that as well as Russia being able to perform a cyber attack at the end of Trump’s term. He couldn’t even acknowledge that they did it. Putin misses his bitch I’m sure.

As I already explained and you lyingly evaded, the U.S. when the pandemic began in Feb-March 2020 was dependent on China for over 90% of its pharmaceutical drugs and antibiotics, for its over the counter drugs like aspirin, ibuprofin and advil, and bleach, sanitary wipes, hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol. China had already threatened to "drown the U.S. in a mighty sea of coronavirus."

While Trump in those months from Feb to December 2020 on railed literally hundreds of times on China for its unleashing Covid-19 on the world, and on both China and the WHO for being deceptive and witholding information about the virus's origins, maybe 15 times Trump made some polite diplomatic overtures toward China, to keep some degree of friendly relations with China, to discourage them from completely cutting our supplies off for much-needed medical supplies.
You are a vicious fucking liar to accuse Trump of being subservient and weak to China. It was Trump who completely cut off funding to the World Health Organization until its leadership was replaced, and piece-of-shit Manchurian candidate Biden who completely re-funded the China-owned WHO with absolutely no changes, that will allow the next pandemic to occur. It was Trump who vigorously pushed a trade deal with China, that re-negotiated trade in the U.S.'s favor.
And you lyingly ignore that Trump's China trade deal was just signed and the full impact of the changes was not in effect yet, and that what trade there was with China in the last year was negatively impacted by the pandemic, and that China was price-gouging us on medical supplies the U.S. desperately needed from March -Nov 2020. It is Trump who was and is pushing for production of PPE and other medical supplies, and other vital industries (form 2016-present, way before the pandemic), to be done in the U.S., that Biden is now undermining and reversing to again create foreiign dependence, and again put at risk our national sovereignty.

It is an absolute fact that Biden is weaker than Trump on every front: on U.S. energy independence, on U.S. military funding and preparedness, weaker on U.S. border security, that Biden undermined the most secure border in 50 years and created a porous open border that allows in terrorists, drug cartels and other criminals. That Biden's $6 trillion and rising deficit spending undermines value of the dollar, risks collapse of the dollar, risks the dollar ceasing to be the global reserve currency, and is already producing the U.S. highest annual inflation (6.5%) in over 40 years, and rising monthly. On every front, Biden's radicalism puts this nation at risk. And all this treasonous destruction, in just Biden's first 5 months !
God help us all.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-06-21 11:10 PM
You can’t acknowledge the facts and that is no surprise WB. The AP fact-check lays it out nicely and clearly. Hopefully you read it and so understand why I know your claim is full of shit.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-06-26 2:59 AM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You can’t acknowledge the facts and that is no surprise WB. The AP fact-check lays it out nicely and clearly. Hopefully you read it and so understand why I know your claim is full of shit.

No, AP is liberal media, and it tries to create a pseudo-credible narrative to the facts I've already explained in detail. AP doesn't explain how gas began to spike to roughly double what it had been in Trump's closing months (about $1.80 a gallon) , to roughly DOUBLE (about $3.00 or more a gallon, in some cities $4 or more a gallon) in just Biden's first 3 monthss, and still climbing. It is precisely because of Biden's scrapping the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada (all that oil will be going to China now) and cutting off oil drilling on government lands and adjacent lands, that is PRECISELY the reason for the IMMEDIATE spike in gas prices, no matter what AP pro-Biden liberal propaganda says.

It is you and AP who are full of shit. Pseudo-credible B.S. is not a true "factcheck", it is Orwellian propaganda to prop up a president and a Democrat-Bolshevik party they are ideologically aligned with, and fly cover for him.

It is your fanatic leftist party's holy war on fossil fuel that is causing the spike. That by just the wildest coincidence, began spiking the moment Biden was inaugurated and began issuing fossil-fuel-unfriendly executive orders.

AP alleges the spike in prices after Biden was inaugurated was because of the Colonial pipeline cyber-hack. But that is easily disproven, that was about a 2-week event, and the spike began on a steady climb months before it occurred, and is still continuing another month now after its resolution. AP is lying, pure and simple.

I don't completely dismiss that the slowdown for lumber and other products and the upsurge of demand for these materials as the economy opens. But in the area of fossil fuel, Biden and the Democrats have openly declared war on these industries and crippled them with his opening executive orders. There is absolutely no way that the timing of that coincidign with a steady and continuing rise in gas prices is not directly related to that.

Basically to the AP, anything that results in economic gain is credited to the Democrats, and anything that causes an economic downturn will be blamed on Trump and the Republicans. No matter how obvious and logical the Republican policy, no matter how obviously industry-wrecking the Democrat policy.

See again Sharyl Attkisson's cited examples of the liberal media turning away from objective reporting, and the mainstream media's clear departure into liberal activism and propaganda. On her website, Attkisson has a list just from 2020 of over 200 stories where the liberal media was proven to be factually wrong and to have reported fake news.

The one-sidedness of this AP "factcheck" in how it goes after Republican statements only, tells volumes about what its true purpose is.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-06-26 12:57 PM
Contrary to your claim that the AP doesn’t explain why gas prices have gone up…
“ THE FACTS: Biden’s policies aren’t behind the price increases. Gas prices are up because of a rapid and unexpected bounce-back in demand, and because of lingering problems from the forced shutdown early this month of the Colonial Pipeline, which provides 45% of the fuel consumed on the East Coast.

McCarthy’s comparison to a year ago is also misleading. Gasoline prices didn’t fall at the time because of the Trump administration, as Trump often claims; they plunged because of the coronavirus forcing people to abandon their offices, schools, business trips and vacations. Underscoring the connection to the pandemic shutdown, U.S. gas prices were at their lowest in April 2020 when people were staying home most but have mostly risen since then, according to U.S. Energy Information Administration, even when Trump was still in office.

In recent weeks, the biggest factor has been the cyberattack on the Colonial Pipeline. Even though it has been back in operation for nearly two weeks, many states, mostly in the South, still haven’t fully recovered.

Roughly one-quarter of gas stations in North and South Carolina and Georgia are without gas, according to GasBuddy.com, which tracks gas prices nationwide. In Florida, 9% of stations have run out and in Tennessee, it’s 14%. Overall, more than 6,000 stations have run out, Gas Buddy’s Patrick DeHaan says.

Prices have also increased because the economy has reopened much more quickly than most analysts expected. Stimulus payments to American households, including $1,400 checks that were distributed in March, have helped Americans ramp up spending.”

This is a case of you rejecting facts that don’t suit your bias WB. It’s not rocket science what the AP is breaking down in this fact check but simply information that doesn’t fit the narrative you want.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-06-26 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Contrary to your claim that the AP doesn’t explain why gas prices have gone up…
“ THE FACTS: Biden’s policies aren’t behind the price increases. Gas prices are up because of a rapid and unexpected bounce-back in demand, and because of lingering problems from the forced shutdown early this month of the Colonial Pipeline, which provides 45% of the fuel consumed on the East Coast.

McCarthy’s comparison to a year ago is also misleading. Gasoline prices didn’t fall at the time because of the Trump administration, as Trump often claims; they plunged because of the coronavirus forcing people to abandon their offices, schools, business trips and vacations. Underscoring the connection to the pandemic shutdown, U.S. gas prices were at their lowest in April 2020 when people were staying home most but have mostly risen since then, according to U.S. Energy Information Administration, even when Trump was still in office.

In recent weeks, the biggest factor has been the cyberattack on the Colonial Pipeline. Even though it has been back in operation for nearly two weeks, many states, mostly in the South, still haven’t fully recovered.
Roughly one-quarter of gas stations in North and South Carolina and Georgia are without gas, according to GasBuddy.com, which tracks gas prices nationwide. In Florida, 9% of stations have run out and in Tennessee, it’s 14%. Overall, more than 6,000 stations have run out, Gas Buddy’s Patrick DeHaan says.

Prices have also increased because the economy has reopened much more quickly than most analysts expected. Stimulus payments to American households, including $1,400 checks that were distributed in March, have helped Americans ramp up spending.”

This is a case of you rejecting facts that don’t suit your bias WB. It’s not rocket science what the AP is breaking down in this fact check but simply information that doesn’t fit the narrative you want.

AS I SAID, that is a Democrat Newspeak rationalization that doesn't hold up to the facts. The Colonial pipeline hacking was a two-week event. If that were the cause of a spike in gas prices, why did the spike begin months before the hack, and why did the prices not go back down after the hack ended? It's been a month now, and prices have not gone back down.

While I can acknowledge that the lower demand for oil could have a partial role in the price spike (Saudi Arabia went from about 12 million barrels a day of production a year ago, down to a current level just under 7 million a day for the last 10 months or so) why did gas not similarly spike all of last year under Trump? Why did supply/demand not spike prices during economic re-opening in August, Sept ,October? Or especially once the vaccine was announced 7 days after the election in Nov 2020, why did gas not spike in Nov-Dec?

Because it's more about Biden shutting down availability of oil DOMESTICALLY, creating an unnecessary scarcity. And that scarcity will only increase over the next 2 years of incompetent Biden policy. There are oil futures investments rising, gambling on gas skyrocketing on that certainty, exploiting Biden incompetence as a way to invest on that inevitable "skyrocket" in gas prices, ARTIFICIALLY CREATED by Biden policy.

AP's narrative rationalization, that is flying cover for Biden, will be disproven over the next year. Gas prices will continue to rise. Biden is neither enabling oil/gas production domestically, nor is he asking Saudi Arabia or other nations to increase production. No increase in supply attempted, means a further price rise into the future as far as can be seen.

The media narrative of this lunacy is identical to when George W. Bush was president in 2007-2008, when the liberal media was saying Ohh, this is terrible, the sky is falling, the worst recession since the Great Depression!

But as soon as Barack Obama won the election in 2008 and was inaugurated in Jan 2009, all of a sudden that same media was saying, with no improvement in the numbers, and job layoffs actually increasing: Hey, we're already in a recovery and we just don't know it yet, unemployment is just a lagging indicator! An instant 180-degree flip in narrative by the liberal media, to prop up a president they like and fly cover for.
Meanwhile, in reality, that 2009-2010 unemployment (as a DIRECT result of Obama's business-punishing tax and spend policies and Obamacare) continued in huge layoffs for another 2 years, and not until Obama's second term did it begin to re-create the jobs lost. An anemic economic growth of less than 2% a year over Obama's entire 8 years, the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression.

Then incredibly, when Trump became president and created almost 4% growth his first year, TWICE what Obama's growth had been, Democrats claimed that Trump had "inherited" a good economy and continued growth from Obama's presidency.
Really?!? TWICE what Obama's growth had been in any of his 8 years?
Where Obama economic advisors said that less than 2% a year was "the new normal" and the best that could be hoped for? Trump's unprecedented growth, a level of economic growth that Obama and his economic advisors COULD NOT EVEN IMAGINE, was completely due to Trump's pro-growth policies, that even drew factories and jobs from overseas and back to the United States, another thing that Obama had mocked in 2016, that Obama and his advisors COULD NOT EVEN IMAGINE. But Trump made it happen.

And now Biden is crushing businesses with new taxes, and driving those factories and jobs back overseas. I'm sure AP will find a way to spin that in a future "factcheck". You can call something a "factcheck", but it still remains Orwellian liberal propaganda.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-06-27 11:00 AM
People were still working from home in November and December WB. What you are saying was just observedly untrue for me as I worked in a mostly empty office building surrounded by mostly empty parking lots till about Spring. In 2020 demand dropped and so with it production. I would also point out that gas prices are almost the same as they were in June 2018. I don’t remember you blaming Trump for that. It’s pretty clear who is trying to create a false narrative here. You tried dismissing the facts because it doesn’t suit your political narrative.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-07-01 10:22 AM
This is the guts of what I said:

Because it's more about Biden shutting down availability of oil DOMESTICALLY, creating an unnecessary scarcity. And that scarcity will only increase over the next 2 years of incompetent Biden policy. There are oil futures investments rising, gambling on gas skyrocketing on that certainty, exploiting Biden incompetence as a way to invest on that inevitable "skyrocket" in gas prices, ARTIFICIALLY CREATED by Biden policy.

AP's narrative rationalization, that is flying cover for Biden, will be disproven over the next year. Gas prices will continue to rise. Biden is neither enabling oil/gas production domestically, nor is he asking Saudi Arabia or other nations to increase production. No increase in supply attempted, means a further price rise into the future as far as can be seen.

and this:

Then incredibly, when Trump became president and created almost 4% growth his first year, TWICE what Obama's growth had been, Democrats claimed that Trump had "inherited" a good economy and continued growth from Obama's presidency.
Really?!? TWICE what Obama's growth had been in any of his 8 years?
Where Obama economic advisors said that less than 2% a year was "the new normal" and the best that could be hoped for? Trump's unprecedented growth, a level of economic growth that Obama and his economic advisors COULD NOT EVEN IMAGINE, was completely due to Trump's pro-growth policies, that even drew factories and jobs from overseas and back to the United States, another thing that Obama had mocked in 2016, that Obama and his advisors COULD NOT EVEN IMAGINE. But Trump made it happen.

And now Biden is crushing businesses with new taxes, and driving those factories and jobs back overseas. I'm sure AP will find a way to spin that in a future "factcheck". You can call something a "factcheck", but it still remains Orwellian liberal propaganda.

I fail to see how that contradicts your work situation.

Here in Florida, my own office was closed for several months. Others I know in the same field, their offices never closed. Covid closures vary state to state, and even county to county.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-06 12:55 PM
US added 943,000 jobs in July; unemployment rate at 5.4

“ WASHINGTON (AP) — Hiring surged in July as American employers added 943,000 jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to 5.4% as the U.S. economy continues to bounce back with surprising vigor from last year’s coronavirus shutdown.

The July numbers exceeded economists’ forecast for more than 860,000 new jobs. Hotels and restaurants, reopening and doing brisk business, added 327,000 jobs last month. Local public schools added 221,000.

The number of people who reported they had jobs surged by 1 million, pushing the jobless rate down from 5.9% in June.”
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-06 4:43 PM
Job growth IN SPITE OF Biden's policy, not because of.

Despite Biden's overkill lockdown measures, despite Biden's subsidizing workers to stay home even though roughly 70% of the entire population are now vaccinated (and close to 100% of those at risk of dying from infection have long been vaccinated).
Despite Biden's lunatic executive orders to destroy the oil and natural gas industries that will kill 2 million jobs, and with it millions of jobs in related businesses.
Despite Biden's flooding the nation with covid-infected illegal immigrants and criminals across our Southern border.

In the short term, the pent-up demand of consumers and businesses to go back to normalcy from the Covid-19 lockdowns is resulting in an inevitable rise in jobs and business. DESPITE Biden and his puppetmasters doing everything they can to inhibit it, and exert their authoritarian impulses to consolidate Democrat-Bolshevik power at the nation's expense.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-06 7:15 PM
Note Biden inherited a worse economy like Obama did. I’m hopeful as Biden looks to also being able to get some much needed infrastructure passed that will also help the economy.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-06 7:53 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Note Biden inherited a worse economy like Obama did. I’m hopeful as Biden looks to also being able to get some much needed infrastructure passed that will also help the economy.

That's total B.S.

Trump oversaw the best economy in 50 years, quantifiably.

And even with impact of Covid-19 pandemic of the last year, the nation was already moving toward a return to normal and an economic boom in the closing months of the Trump presidency.
No doubt much higher, if a rigged election didn't prevent his second term.

Seriously, M E M, how can you possibly support what your party is doing. The purge and hatred directed at Republicans in office, and even those in our military, the weaponization of intelligence branches and law enforcement agencies against the American people. What was built over the last 20 years to fight a war against islamic terror, is now being turned inward against the American people, Trump supporters in particular, but really against ANYONE who goes against the Democrat party line.

$11 trillion in new spending in the last year. And pushing for another $3.7 trillion more. And no doubt even more after that. We are in Weimar Republic territory.
MILLIONS of criminal and Covid-infected illegals pouring across our border, a record 210,000 in July.
Your party are lunatics.
Posted By: iggy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-06 9:36 PM
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
:cry: ::wank:: :cry: ::wank:: :cry: ::wank:: :cry:
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-06 10:56 PM
And needless to say now WB really cares about the budget deficit. Sorry you and your party lost any credibility it had on that issue for your orange cheeto god. And I doubt Biden is going to make the same mistakes Obama did with Mitch and party.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-10 12:36 AM
Trump’s infrastructure sabotage fail
“ Former President Donald Trump released a statement on Saturday threatening to withhold his endorsement from any Republican who supports the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. Hours later, 18 Republican senators voted to advance the infrastructure package anyway.”

It’s not passed yet but I do love seeing the pos try and fail to stop a bill that he wanted to get through when he was potus. To him it’s bad because it’s good for the country and gives Biden a win. China is making much larger investments in its infrastructure, it’s time to flush the evil orange turd.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-10 4:55 AM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
And needless to say now WB really cares about the budget deficit. Sorry you and your party lost any credibility it had on that issue for your orange cheeto god. And I doubt Biden is going to make the same mistakes Obama did with Mitch and party.

M E M, your resorting to insults against Trump only demonstrates how emotionally unhinged you are, and how you have no facts to support your views or your vicious Democrat-Bolshevik party. Calling them Bolsheviks is not an insult, it is an accurate description of their reliance on lies, demagoguery, intimidation and mob violence to ram their way into power with a one-party system. We arfe in the middle of a marxist revolution.

Going back to Bill Clinton, the cumulative debt was stabilized at about 5 trillion, and ONLY because of Newt Gingrich and the Republican revolution, that made it one of their 10 promises to the country if they were elected in the Nov 1994 election. Bill Clinton tried to blow it off repeatedly and ONLY because of public pressure on Clinton did Clinton finally concede to a balanced budget legislation.

During George W. Bush's Jan 2001- Jan 2009 administration, Bush added another 5 trillion. I was vocal at the time that I didn't like it. The argument was that the war on terror and building homeland security was the cause, but only about 1 trillion of the new debt was defense/security spending. The remainder was for social spending, where in an orgy of new federal spending, W. Bush tried to gain Democrat cooperation by giving them a lot of what they wanted, welfare spending they'd been dreaming about for decades, such as S-CHIP, No Child Left Behind, and a very expensive Prescription Drug Plan. Democrats eagerly passed all this spending legislation, *AND* approved all the military spending and wars, and then incredibly fully blamed Bush when the wars had major setbacks. But Bush didn't give up, and both wars were largely won by the end of his term. I might add, Barack Obama viciously opposed the Bush/McCain troop surge in Iraq, and at every turn undermined it for 18 months, and then when the plan he opposed produced victory, Obama stole credit for winning the war in Iraq.

When Obama came in from Jan 2009-Jan 2017, He passed one trillion-dollar spending package after another Stimulus Bill, Omnibus bill, and Obamacare that cost many trillions beyond what Democrats assured it would cost, and crushed business growth, businesses stopped hiring because they couldn't afford to give employees what Obamacare mandated they provide. . Obama raised the national debt from 10 trillion at the time he took office, to 20 trillion when he left, an unprecedented rise in debt. And also TRIPLED the amount of printed currency, so his government could spend even more, what I term "burning the wick at both ends.

Trump came in and stabilized the ship, rebuilding our military, and neutering the nation-crippling mandates of Obamacare, and otherwise slashing regulation and drawing factories and jobs back to the United States, in what was quantifiably and undeniably the best U.S. economy in over 50 years, and by every measure, those who benefitted the most were the middle class, poor, women and minorities. The reason Trump had deficits of over a trillion per year is because the Democrats extorted huge pork spending in order to allow Trump to pass any legislation. For example, Trump wanted an additional 700 billion to rebuild our military, but the Democrats held it back and extorted a total 1.6 trillion of additional spending to allow it to pass. Because our military was so depleted from 8 years of Obama (50% of our military aircraft were grounded and not combat-ready) there was an urgency that made Trump accept the pork spending., because our military urgently needed rebuilding. And on further legislation that Democrat extortion and waste happened repeatedly.
So what you try to blame on Trump is a lie. It was clearly your party, not Trump, who demanded that spending. So Trump racked up about 5 trillion more to the cumulative debt in his 4 years. And clearly Covid-19 related legislation that would have been spent regardless of who other than Trump was in office (as it has been in every other nation worldwide), so your demonizing Trump for that is partisan and ridiculous. I would argue that Trump spent less than others would have, and more targetedly toward things that would actually speed up recovery, and would really help average working Americans.

And now Biden is in office since Jan 2021, and we see just how incompetent and wasteful a president can be. $6 trillion in legislation so far , in just Biden's first 100 days, and now he and the Democrats are pushing for ANOTHER 6 trillion ! We are definitely in Weimar Republkic territory. And I think that the Democrat openly-marxist-Bolsheviks are actually TRYING to collapse the country. They openly despise our nation's heroes and history, and worship the likes of Mao, Soviet Russia, Castro's Cuba, Hugo Chavez, and the Sandinista government. They are open about their hatred for our Constitution and our flag, and our capitalist system. It's a mystery to me how you can whine about deficits after Obama's 8 years of economic destruction, and now the incredible new trillions in waste under Joe Biden being rammed through. But then, how could you NOT expect this kind of corruption from Biden and family's 50 years of open graft, and the further staffing of Biden's cabinet with current and former China lobbyists. It's like having read Hitler's Mein Kampf and not forseeing what Hitler would do in the Rhineland, the Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Russia.

The Democrat plan at every turn:
  • Be corrupt, and conceal it by accusing Republicans of being corrupt.
  • Be treasonous, and conceal it by accusing Republicans of being treasonous.
  • Endorse socialism, Marxism, Saul Alinsky, Cloward/Piven strategy, and Mao, and then front that Democrats are the true patriots, even as they destroy America, and corruptly profit from that destruction along the way.
  • Weaponize federal agencies against their Republican opposition, maliciously prosecute Republicans for crimes they're not guilty of, while simultaneously using a weaponized FBI and DOJ to destroy and bury the evidence at every turn of DEMOCRAT crimes:
    - Obama and Lois Lerner's weaponizing the IRS to win the 2012 election,
    - Obama and Hillary's negligence and guilt for the attack on our Benghazi embassy (it has never even been disclosed exactly where Obama and Hillary were during that attack),
    - Hillary Clinton's private e-mail server, Hillary Clinton's 30,000 deleted e-mails and documents,
    - Hillary Clinton's Russia collusion, done through Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele, that the Clinton campaign and the DNC both paid MILLIONS directly to Russian agents for their opposition research "Russia dossier".
  • Weaponize a hyper-partisan liberal media to aid in their propaganda war against the Republicans, and against ANY dissenters (even Democrats) who get in the way of their Bolshevik revolution.
  • The Cancel culture: Completely blocking out one entire side of the political dialogue and cancelling/blocking accounts of conservatives on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and other social media.

Again, you try to pretend this is just about Trump. But the absolute fact is, this is the exact same treatment the Democrat/Left and media for decades have also given to Mitt Romney, John McCain, George W. Bush, G.H.W. Bush, Reagan, and any other Republican who dared to be a presidential candidate. The last 3 Republicans offered before Trump were the most moderate/milquetoast RINO Republicans you could dream of, eager to compromise and give the Democrat most or all of what the Dems wanted. But EVEN THEY were demonized as right-wing, Nazi, racist, out-of-touch blue-bloods, warmongers, crazy, dangerous. The most moderate and compromising Republicans that Democrats could possibly dream of dealing with, and EVEN THEY were demonized by the Democrat/left !
Even Trump, while conservative, was (like Reagan) willing to negotiate and make generous compromises to the Democrats, if the Dems weren't so filled with hate and unwilling to deal, even when it hurt the nation not to deal, refusing just to deprive Trump and the Republicans of a political win, even when it would have been win-win for everyone.

And in only slightly less fierce hatred, but basically using the same "Nazi-racist" slanders, Democrats said basically the same things about milquetoast/establishment G.H.W. Bush, Reagan, Ford, Nixon, all the way back to Goldwater. They demonized ANY Republican offered, and at no point did the Democrat/Left give any of these Republicans credit for anything. But a Democrat party increasingly more radicalized crazy-Left every 4 years since 2000.

There is no negotiating with the Democrat party, they are now openly marxist
From the marxist-Alinsky-ite Clintons.
To the marxist, anti-colonialist, cultural marxist, Black Liberation Theology Barack and Michelle Obama (Derrick "hate whitey" Bell, the founder of Critical Race Theory, was a personal friend of Barack Obama, and Obama even introduced Bell at a speaking event, VIDEOTAPED, as a clear zealous Derrick Bell disciple, fervently encouraging the crowd to "embrace the work of Derrick Bell") . Critical race theory !
to Valerie Jarrett.
to A O-C and her "squad",
to Bernie Sanders
to Chuck Schumer to Nancy Pelosi,
to BLM, to Antifa,
to "Mad" Maxine Waters,
to VICE PRESIDENT Kamala Harris (saying of BLM/Antifa rioting in over 275 cities: "Right on up to election day, and after, they're not going to stop, and they SHOULDN'T stop!" ) .
To semi-coherent Joe Biden ("I'd like to take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him"). Saying not just once, but many times.

The openly violent Democrat-Left.

There are no moderates left in the DNC. They're all on board, no one dissents or criticizes even the most radical violent fanaticism proposed from their fellow Democrat leaders. Often stating their violent intent in terms akin the Jacobinists of the French Revolution, or the Chinese Maoist revolution, or a Stalinist purge. As I said before, BLM often carrying guillotines and effigy severed heads.
They are rabidly marxist, they are evil, and they are dangerous. And the Democrat party has been hijacked by them. By all visible signs, eagerly so.
And there is absolutely no ability for Republicans, or anyone else, to reason or compromise with them. They are a freight train, and the only way to survive it is to get off the track.

But yeah, Trump is the bad guy. How DARE he save the country from your violent Bolshevik revolution ! rolleyes
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-10 5:07 AM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Trump’s infrastructure sabotage fail
“ Former President Donald Trump released a statement on Saturday threatening to withhold his endorsement from any Republican who supports the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. Hours later, 18 Republican senators voted to advance the infrastructure package anyway.”

It’s not passed yet but I do love seeing the pos try and fail to stop a bill that he wanted to get through when he was potus. To him it’s bad because it’s good for the country and gives Biden a win. China is making much larger investments in its infrastructure, it’s time to flush the evil orange turd.

I don't think it's unreasonable to not support Republicans who aid and enable a marxist takeover of the United States.

Trump (in a peacemaking act of kindness) gave an endorsement to Mitt Romney. Rather than appreciate Trump's help, Romney instead began stabbing Trump in the back almost immediately after winning the election, and has been a thorn and obstruction to conservative/Republicans at every turn.
Trump helped Mitch McConnell win re-election, and McConnell since has again undermined defense of his conservative constituents who voted for him immediately after.
Trump helped Lindsey Graham get re-elected, and he likewise has been an unreliable conservative, who has likewise undermined the will of the Republicans who just re-elected
If Trump had simply not returned their phone calls, not endorsed them in their close races, they would not have been re-elected. But they pretended to be reformed conservatives, and quickly after re-election showed their true colors.

Those are three examples.
And Liz Cheney, and Adam Kenzinger. The House RINOs will be weeded out more quickly, the Senate ones will take a bit longer to be primaried out and replaced with ACTUAL conservatives.
Posted By: iggy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-10 2:27 PM
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Trump’s infrastructure sabotage fail
“ Former President Donald Trump released a statement on Saturday threatening to withhold his endorsement from any Republican who supports the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. Hours later, 18 Republican senators voted to advance the infrastructure package anyway.”

It’s not passed yet but I do love seeing the pos try and fail to stop a bill that he wanted to get through when he was potus. To him it’s bad because it’s good for the country and gives Biden a win. China is making much larger investments in its infrastructure, it’s time to flush the evil orange turd.

I don't think

Really. You could've just left it at that.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-10 7:08 PM
Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Trump’s infrastructure sabotage fail
“ Former President Donald Trump released a statement on Saturday threatening to withhold his endorsement from any Republican who supports the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. Hours later, 18 Republican senators voted to advance the infrastructure package anyway.”

It’s not passed yet but I do love seeing the pos try and fail to stop a bill that he wanted to get through when he was potus. To him it’s bad because it’s good for the country and gives Biden a win. China is making much larger investments in its infrastructure, it’s time to flush the evil orange turd.

I don't think

Really. You could've just left it at that.

In other words, you have no facts to dispute what I've said, so you just go straight to insults. Because you really have nothing else to say.
Posted By: iggy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-10 10:38 PM
I have absolutely no need to share anything other than abusive mockery to someone who thinks Lindell is an intelligent person capable of proving 2020 was stolen. Yet, somehow, rock hard evidence of fraud that he shows is ignored by ::checks notes:: everyone who isn't a true believer patriot because ::checks notes again:: communist brainwashing.

You are a fucking deluded moron. There is no having a discussion with you. There is only mocking someone in the midst of a long-term mental health crisis.

Now, you can get back to your screeds, you broken example of the need for mental health reform in this country.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-11 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Trump’s infrastructure sabotage fail
“ Former President Donald Trump released a statement on Saturday threatening to withhold his endorsement from any Republican who supports the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. Hours later, 18 Republican senators voted to advance the infrastructure package anyway.”

It’s not passed yet but I do love seeing the pos try and fail to stop a bill that he wanted to get through when he was potus. To him it’s bad because it’s good for the country and gives Biden a win. China is making much larger investments in its infrastructure, it’s time to flush the evil orange turd.

I don't think it's unreasonable to not support Republicans who aid and enable a marxist takeover of the United States.

Trump (in a peacemaking act of kindness) gave an endorsement to Mitt Romney. Rather than appreciate Trump's help, Romney instead began stabbing Trump in the back almost immediately after winning the election, and has been a thorn and obstruction to conservative/Republicans at every turn.
Trump helped Mitch McConnell win re-election, and McConnell since has again undermined defense of his conservative constituents who voted for him immediately after.
Trump helped Lindsey Graham get re-elected, and he likewise has been an unreliable conservative, who has likewise undermined the will of the Republicans who just re-elected
If Trump had simply not returned their phone calls, not endorsed them in their close races, they would not have been re-elected. But they pretended to be reformed conservatives, and quickly after re-election showed their true colors.

Those are three examples.
And Liz Cheney, and Adam Kenzinger. The House RINOs will be weeded out more quickly, the Senate ones will take a bit longer to be primaried out and replaced with ACTUAL conservatives.

I don’t think it’s reasonable to be against a bill simply because it gave Biden a win. This was something Trump was for when he was potus and it came close to happening till he blew the deal up. Loyalty to Trump vs much needed infrastructure spending thankfully lost. Biden doesn’t just win but the whole country does.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-11 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by iggy
I have absolutely no need to share anything other than abusive mockery to someone who thinks Lindell is an intelligent person capable of proving 2020 was stolen. Yet, somehow, rock hard evidence of fraud that he shows is ignored by ::checks notes:: everyone who isn't a true believer patriot because ::checks notes again:: communist brainwashing.

You are a fucking deluded moron. There is no having a discussion with you. There is only mocking someone in the midst of a long-term mental health crisis.

Now, you can get back to your screeds, you broken example of the need for mental health reform in this country.

"fucking deluded moron, screed, screed, bla bla bla... "
As usual you have nothing to say.
Just your usual pathological insults. I have no doubt you speak to your wife and whoever else in your life in the exact same vindictive, malicious spiteful way.

Lindell is not the most eloquent speaker I've seen, but he was certainly intelligent enough to amass a $250 million personal fortune.
And he is at least sponsoring televised and online forums to get that information to the American public, circumnavigating the Orwellian mainstream news media and social media. I watched about 2 hours of the first day (of a total 3 days) of his Symposium yesterday.

I I frankly wish Lindell would simply sponsor the event and not host it, because I think others could give a better presentation. Although he does a functional job, and maybe there's no one else he could hire to host who would be so passionate about it or surpass his knowledge of the known evidence, from the witnesses he has brought together.
As I've said with previous shows he's done, he presents highly credible investigators: military cyber-warfare experts like Col. Phil Waldron, and other experts in computer security, decades-experienced investigators of white collar corporate crime, people who were contracted by the state of Texas to secure that state's elections, technology business owners, election workers, many who have overseen decades of previous elections (and therefore know very well what a legitimate election looks like, and when one has been hijacked),
Mathematics experts.
Experts in statistics and probability that can attest to the impossibility of the Biden voting data, and how the numbers were cooked across counties of every state.
And cyber-security records of the cyber-hacking of U.S. election centers from China, and from elsewhere, that recorded the ISP location of the voting centers hacked, and the exact ISP and location each was hacked from, that they recorded as evidence.

I'd further point out that what you and other liars front as an impossible conspiracy... the Russia hoax is now PROVEN to be a conspiracy involving the Hillary Clinton campaign, and the DNC, *both* funding Perkins-Coie law firm, both funding Fusion GPS, and both funding former MI-6 agent Michael Steele, that all directly funded payoffs for information from Russian government intelligence agents (REAL "Russia collusion" that goes unpunished despite the evidence, while it is proven Trump did not collude with Russians, but all these Democrats did.)

A conspiracy that was PROVEN to include the top 7 people in the Biden administration in a January 5 2017 meeting, where they conspired to frame Michael Flynn for treason with Russia, a conspiracy of all 7 involved PROVEN WITH THEIR OWN SEPARATE DOCUMENTS, from Sally Yates, Susan Rice, and Peter Strzok each having a documented written account of the Oval Office meeting.
The conspiracy was also PROVEN to include a few dozen of the highest ranking people in FBI and DOJ, involved in falsifying documents against Carter Page (by FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith) to get 4 illegal FISA warrants to spy on Carter Page, and through him spy on the entire Trump campaign.

The conspiracy further involved James Clapper in DNI, John Brennan in the CIA, more officials in the State Department, and probably many otherDemocrat/Deep State zealots assisting them within those agencies.

Tell me more about how such a wide conspiracy is impossible. It has been PROVEN not only possible, but that it was fully enacted. They've so far managed to stay out of jail (and that just demonstrates they have a wide net of even more highly placed fellow conspirators), but regardless of going unpunished, their conspiracy has been exposed. Absolutely no question that the conspiracy exists, and the wide array of highly placed people across virtually every federal agency involved.

Likewise, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, and their prostitution and blackmail ring that includes highly placed billionaires, captains of industry, world leaders, presidents and kings, worldwide.

Are you seriously saying that just because Facebook and Twitter, CNN, FOX News and the New York Times block coverage of the election fraud that it doesn't exist? That is just your idiot-partisan wishful thinking.
The New York Post covered the story, and was blocked.
Many other news agencies and conservative bloggers, and even liberal bloggers, have covered it, and then had their accounts either closed, or locked until they took the posts down.
Dominion Voting Systems has launched a 3-billion-dollar lawsuit against Fox News, and similar lawsuits against Newsmax, OAN News and other outlets, including against Mike Lindell.
That intimidation, even of billion-dollar-news organizations, is what is suppressing coverage.

That, and vicious partisan piece-of-shit liberal zealots like you who work in the news media, and who abuse their power in FBI and other federal agencies, who intimidate election-fraud witnesses who come forward, threaten them, and get them fired from their jobs. Regardless, there are HUNDREDS of remaining witnesses who have signed sworn affidavits of witnessing election fraud, in multiple states.

Information is suppressed about the Nov 2020 election fraud.
And similarly suppressed about Joe and Hunter Biden's corrupt sellout to China, Ukraine, Russia and other governments. $3.5 million of that personally given to Hunter Biden by the Moscow mayor's wife, a close personal friend of Vladimir Putin. ACTUAL "Russia collusion" and selling out America, that goes unindicted and unpunished.
And similarly conspiracy suppress the true facts about Covid-19, with false propaganda pushed on a national scale, and even global scale. As a weapon to lock down authoritarian control.

So what you say is just absolute shit garbage, about such a conspiracy being impossible . The conspiracy is clear, the evident suppression of information and authoritarian action against all dissenters on all these fronts, federal government, mob intimidation, sand repressive lockdowwn of news media and social media.
Powerful enough to intimidate and threaten the lives of even FBI and DOJ investigators who are not part of the plot, intimidate circuit judges and federal judges, intimidate U.S. Supreme Court justices, U.S. Senators and Congressmen.
And even intimidated lawyers working to defend Donald Trump into resigning. Clearly, their lives and careers and families are threatened. Ask Sen. Mitch McConnell, Sen Josh Hawley, or Tucker Carlson of Fox News, each of whom had their homes assaulted by BLM/Antifa mobs, and their families threatened in their homes, in two cases a mob of dozens broke the front doors of homes off their hinges.
Ask Sen. Rand Paul and his wife, who was also attacked in his home, and a second time in the street in Washington DC as he exited the July 2020 DNC convention at the White House.
Ask the many witnesses to election fraud, who rather than having authorities investigate their allegations, instead had FBI agents intimidate and threaten the witnesses if they didn't withdraw their sworn statements.
Not an investigation of what they reported, to dismiss the possibility of election fraud observed, no investigation, just threats and intimidation of the witnesses. That to me is just further proof of election fraud. A few have withdrawn, a courageous majority have not. And a piece of shit like you scoffs at their courage, and denies the EVIDENCE of the threat against them.

When Democrats bitterly challenged the 2000, 2004 and 2016 Republican presidential victories, the records were wide open to investigation, to eliminate any question of fraud. In 2000, the election ballots were fully investigated 3 times in front of the global media. Then in addition, multiple thorough investigations of the same records were permitted and unresisted for months, by the Miami Herald and several other major newspapers nationwide. The records were wide open, the investigations were permitted, no obstacles, to confirm the result, in both state election centers, and in privately funded newspaper investigations.

So why the secrecy around the Nov 2020 election? The reluctance to turn over records at the very least indicates Democrats and some corrupt Republicans have something to hide. The records are required to by law to be held for 22 months , for PRECISELY the purpose of an audit/re-count. Highly suspicious that many Democrat election supervisors rushed to shred these hardcopy ballots. Highly suspicious that election keys, passwords, computer files and ballot scans are not available for an audit review, that Republicans and anyone else is legally entitled to BY LAW. That's what the records are held 22 months for. The stonewalling and jerking around of investigators shows Democrats, Dominion and election officials have something to hide, clear consciousness of guilt.

Add to that :
1) the first day of Mike Lindell's 3-day symposium, his computer site was hacked by THREE cyber-attacks that partially shut down the presentation.
2) Simultaneously, Dominion hit Lindell with another 3 lawsuits.
3) When one elections supervisor from Mesa County, Colorado (who is fighting for investigation of election fraud in her county), flew to South Dakota to be interviewed on Lindell's program, an FBI raid on her Mesa election office, going through her records, was timed precisely when she was aboard an airline flight and powerless to do anything to stop the raid. She doesn't know what proof will be left when she returns.

Yeah, nothing to indicate election fraud, nothing at all... rolleyes
Posted By: iggy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-11 2:21 PM
I read the very end. Saying he was attacked is a great way to cover for the fact that he's shit with technology and still uses terms like "cyber" as if this is 1998. Maybe, he ought to learn to shut the fuck up and he'd stop getting hit with lawsuits for being a crank. The passwords for the Mesa machines were posted on the fucking internet. Someone in that office was undermining the security of their own fucking machines.

Seriously, you can't even entertain the alternative that you're being jerked around by these bastards for cash. Kind of like how Trump and the GOP jerked around people by pre-checking the box to keep taking money out of people's accounts.

But, as I've said plenty, you're mentally ill and in a fucking cult so these facts mean shit to you, you delusional asswad.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-11 7:55 PM
Originally Posted by iggy
I read the very end. Saying he was attacked is a great way to cover for the fact that he's shit with technology and still uses terms like "cyber" as if this is 1998. Maybe, he ought to learn to shut the fuck up and he'd stop getting hit with lawsuits for being a crank. The passwords for the Mesa machines were posted on the fucking internet. Someone in that office was undermining the security of their own fucking machines.

Seriously, you can't even entertain the alternative that you're being jerked around by these bastards for cash. Kind of like how Trump and the GOP jerked around people by pre-checking the box to keep taking money out of people's accounts.

But, as I've said plenty, you're mentally ill and in a fucking cult so these facts mean shit to you, you delusional asswad.

Further proof you have no idea what you're talking about, Iggy, and that you just make it up as you go along, and then add fuck you, fuck your mother, fucking cult, shithead, screed, asswad, and more insults and invective. I watched news reports yesterday on multiple channels talking about China's first known cyber-attack on Israel. I guess they didn't get your memo.

And if it wasn't obvious, I was talking about the passwords, keys, flash-drives, and computer ballot scans the Arizona Senate is trying to get from the Maricopa County election board supervisors in Arizona. That's a battle that's been going on for months. And as I said, the Maricopa county election officials and the far-left Soros-funded Arizona secretary of state Katie Hobbs depended completely on what was given to them by Dominion, and didn't and still don't have the technical knowledge, passwords, keys, to access their own election system, or to do their own audit. And with that incredible lack of oversight EVEN POSSIBLE by them, their election results are clearly fraudulent.

The Mesa County push in Colorado for an election audit got its first major exposure yesterday on Lindell's symposium. And what you in your bitchy PMS hissy-fit say doesn't begin to explain why a raid on her election office was timed for when she was on a flight to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and the other obstruction she and her staff have endured for simply attempting an audit of the 2020 election information. Combined with the other multiple hacking attacks and Dominion lawsuits unleashed on Mike Lindell the same day. That manifests Lindell's public exposure of election fraud evidence is not just silliness to ignore, but is a great threat to them, for this army of leftist hand-wringers to be struggling so hard to intimidate and shut Lindell and his witnesses and experts down.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-11 9:17 PM

Tucker Carlson: Can the left lead a country they hate? -July 6, 2020

Said a year ago before Biden was inaugurated. 7 months in, we're seeing very well how the Democrats govern a country they hate. They are destroying it.

The Biden administration praises third-rate Olympic athletes who won't stand for the national anthem and the flag, agrees with their narrative of our "ugly history". Even as protesters in Hong Kong and Cuba raise the American flag as a symbol of the freedom they hunger for.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-12 1:16 AM
For losers who hate democracy it might seem that way WB.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-12 1:32 AM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
For losers who hate democracy it might seem that way WB.

Yeah, it's just my imagination that the entire Democrat party at this point is run by socialists, marxists and outright communists. Carlson cited a number of comments by Democrats confirming this.
If they openly say they hate America and its history, if they openly endorse the people tearing down statues of Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln, why don't you believe them?

It seems clear that Democrats ARE the "losers who hate democracy".
Quoted verbatim, saying exactly that.
Posted By: iggy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-12 1:39 AM
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
For losers who hate democracy it might seem that way WB.

Yeah, it's just my imagination that the entire Democrat party at this point is run by socialists, marxists and outright communists.

You should've just stopped right here.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-12 1:46 AM
That was sarcasm on my part, obviously.
I just demonstrated the entire Democrat party ARE Bolsheviks.

With plenty of quotes and their own words in Youtube clips where they openly admit it. Proudly declare it! Call for uprisings and marxist revolution! Openly endorse BLM and Antifa. Endorsing those tearing down statues of our nation's founders. Calling ICE and other federal agents Nazi storm troopers and the KKK (Kamala Harris, no less in Senate hearings!)
That's all pretty squarely on the side of Marxism, and against America.
Posted By: iggy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-12 1:52 AM
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-12 2:02 AM
Why Obama want to destroy America - Dinesh D'Souza
Posted By: iggy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-12 2:06 AM
All the options out there and you have the guy that was fucking his side chick while still married though saying he was engaged to his new piece of tail at a ::checks notes:: Christian conference.

That means dick to me.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-12 2:07 AM
Originally Posted by iggy
I am a dick, with nothing but slanders and insults to offer.

And I prove it every time I post.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-12 2:22 AM
Originally Posted by iggy
All the options out there and you have the guy that was fucking his side chick while still married though saying he was engaged to his new piece of tail at a ::checks notes:: Christian conference.

That means dick to me.

Didn’t he commit election fraud too?
Posted By: iggy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-12 2:22 AM
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by iggy
I am a dick.

And I prove it every time I post.

Pound that sand any harder and you're going to end up with sedimentary rock...
Posted By: iggy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-12 2:25 AM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Originally Posted by iggy
All the options out there and you have the guy that was fucking his side chick while still married though saying he was engaged to his new piece of tail at a ::checks notes:: Christian conference.

That means dick to me.

Didn’t he commit election fraud too?

I guess that's why people like Wondy trust him as an expert!

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-30 6:32 PM
Diinesh D'Souza made an overly large donation to a college friend of his who was running for political office. If it were any Democrat who did the same thing, they would likely not be prosecuted. The normal sentence would be a fine, as has been given to others who have done the same. But because it was Dinesh D'Souza, a documentary film-maker and author who has given a lot of embarrassing exposure to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the broader Democrat party, he was maliciously prosecuted and forced to do jail time where others guilty of the exact same offense simply had to pay a fine.

D'Souza's conviction is yet another example of the one-sided Democrat weaponization of the FBI and DOJ.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-30 6:58 PM
It’s okay if you accuse the other side of doing it too in other words. Your principles smell.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-08-31 7:50 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
It’s okay if you accuse the other side of doing it too in other words. Your principles smell.

You're a liar.

The sentence given to D'Souza for a minor offense was not equal punishment under the law, as I just detailed in my post above. It was instead malicious prosecution, and extravagant and disproportionate sentencing to a political opponent. Where a Democrat guilty of the same offense would not be prosecuted, and a normal person not a prominent Republican would simply be given a fine, instead of 8 months in jail and exhorbitant fines, a sentence that is not given to others for the same excessive election donations.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-09-01 3:15 AM
Your hero is actually the liar. To you it’s all about what you want to hear. When your hero commits voter fraud it’s “unfair” that he was caught. Your principles smell and you just rut in it.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-09-01 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Your hero is actually the liar. To you it’s all about what you want to hear. When your hero commits voter fraud it’s “unfair” that he was caught. Your principles smell and you just rut in it.

It's not about "what [I] want to hear", it's about the facts. As opposed to the clear Newspeak propaganda you've been so eager to believe for 5 years, even when they are caught over and over being deliberately wrong. Watch that Sharyl Attkisson video again. She cites an hour of examples, and that's far from a complete list of deliberate liberal media lies and propaganda over the last 5 years.

I don't see your presentation of anything resembling facts. Just your irrational personal hatred of Trump. But as I've pointed out repeatedly, regardless of your irrational hate, Trump is quantifiably the most accomplished president in over 50 years:

The best economy, particularly benefitting the middle class and poor, minorities, women, and people under 25.
Trump re-negotiated trade agreements with pretty much all our trading partner nations.
Re-building our military.
Defeating ISIS in Iraq/Syria,
Getting NATO nations to pay their fair share of Europe's defense, for the first time since the alliance was formed.
Making the U.S. energy-independent for the first time in 70 years.
Securing the southern border, on and on.

Biden's only accomplishment is wrecking all that, based on pure spite, and incompetent Bolshevik/Left ideology.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-09-04 7:13 PM
Trump’s final grade on the economy, C-

I think also Trump enjoyed support from democrats when spending benefited the national interests. He had 4 years where he and his party spent unprecedented amounts of money in a time of economic growth. Democrats also didn’t hold the debt ceiling hostage like republicans have and are threatening to do so again.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-09-06 5:41 AM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Trump’s final grade on the economy, C-

I think also Trump enjoyed support from democrats when spending benefited the national interests. He had 4 years where he and his party spent unprecedented amounts of money in a time of economic growth. Democrats also didn’t hold the debt ceiling hostage like republicans have and are threatening to do so again.

Yahoo News... wow, glad you didn't go to a hard-left liberal propaganda source.... rolleyes

Re: "unprecedented spending"... You have to be joking. Obama DOUBLED the national debt in 8 years, from $10 trillion to 20 trillion when he left office. Biden has spent more in his first 6 moths than Trump spent in his entire presidency. And again, Trump wanted lower budgets, but the Democrats extorted pork spending to allow Trump's budgets to pass. For example, Trump pushed for a budget of 700 billion to re-build the military that Obama had destroyed. But Schumer, Pelosi and the Democrats extorted a total of $1.6 trillion before they would pass it, extorting an additional 900 billion beyond what Trump wanted, and because of the urgency and danger to the country of having a military where 50% of its planes were not combat ready, Trump allowed it.

So as usual, you're a propagandist, knowingly fronting your party's deceitful talking point lies, instead of the truth that it was Democrats pushing for that deficit spending, not Trump. You know that, but you perpetuate the lie anyway.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-09-06 1:36 PM
Sorry but when you consider anything outside of OAN & conservapedia as hard left your the one being the propagandist. I watched you and other “conservatives” for 4 years being okay with Trump’s deficit spending and it’s really the same thing every time when it’s a republicans in charge of the WH. You never hold them accountable and you guys give yourself whiplash trying to hurt the economy when it’s a democrat. I’m frankly done with supporting deficit reduction at this point because of your party’s games.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-09-06 5:07 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Sorry but when you consider anything outside of OAN & conservapedia as hard left your the one being the propagandist. I watched you and other “conservatives” for 4 years being okay with Trump’s deficit spending and it’s really the same thing every time when it’s a republicans in charge of the WH. You never hold them accountable and you guys give yourself whiplash trying to hurt the economy when it’s a democrat. I’m frankly done with supporting deficit reduction at this point because of your party’s games.

That's another lie of yours.
While I do on many occsasions quote OAN and Conservapedia, I far more often link and cite Fox News, Newsmax, Washington Times, Daily Caller, American Thinker, Washington Journal, Townhall, and many other sorces, and even on occasion CNN and other Left-leaning sources, to show that EVEN THEY are reporting that what I say is beyond denial.

As I said with specific example, over and over, Trump would request certain levels of funding, and Democrats would push for far more in deficit spending to allow the budgeting to be passed. How stupid are you? I specifically gaave the example of the military defense spending, Trump wanted $700 billion, it was the Democrats who added an additional 900 billion in social spending earmarks and spending for Planned Parenthood and sso forth. It's an absolute lie to call that "Trump's reckless spending", that was clearly DEMOCRAT spending, not Trump's.

And again, Obama's 10 trillion in new spending in 8 years far exceeds the spending in Trump's 4 years, that the Democrats caused and blamed him for.
And again: Biden has far surpassed the spending in all 4 years during Trump's term, in just Biden's first 6 months! You are SUCH a liar, how can you even try to front the lying narrative you're selling. It's an idiot rationalization to blame and scapegoat Trump and Republicans, for what your Democrat-Bolshevik radical party is clearly responsible for.

I can agree that over the last 40 years, both parties have contributed to escalating the national debt. While primary blame clearly rests on the Democrats, the establishment Republicans like McConnell and Linsey Graham and John McCain Paul Ryan and John Boehner and Mitt Romney are part of the problem, an elite that is unaccountable to the American people, and participate in legislation that advances unnecessary spending that enriches the corporations who lobby them, while enriching themselves. And who are then rewarded with cushy jobs for those same corporations, for both them and their families, as in the examples of the Bidens, the Clintons, John Kerry and his stepson, and so many others, on both sides of the aisle.
Again the best book on that I've read is Obamanomics by former Washington Times editor Timothy Carney, that I think is pretty nonpartisan and equal in its condemnation of many in both parties enriching themselves with unnecessary government spending.

But for you to blame Trump.... Trump in his 4 years was the disrupter who was attempting to break up that corrupt lobby system. If at some points he was willing to negotiate to get things done and submit to that existing system to some level to do so, that is not nearly the same thing as your scapegoat Democrat-talking-points argument that he was the one responsible for it.
Clearly at every point, Democrats are the gas on government spending, and Republicans (especially Trump) are the brakes. Democrat never use words like fiscal responsibility and smaller government. Fact.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-09-06 5:26 PM
History proves you wrong but I accept that you will keep being the partisan you are. For me after seeing the same game played over and over again I just will no longer support deficit reduction. Republicans don’t do it when they have control of all 3 branches so you are a fool to expect democrats to be more conservative than your shitty anti democracy party.
Posted By: iggy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-09-06 6:22 PM
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
::uncritical finger-banging on keyboard because I let all the media outlets I want to be true decide what I think on any given day::
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-09-06 6:43 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
History proves you wrong but I accept that you will keep being the partisan you are. For me after seeing the same game played over and over again I just will no longer support deficit reduction. Republicans don’t do it when they have control of all 3 branches so you are a fool to expect democrats to be more conservative than your shitty anti democracy party.

"History" does NOT prove me wrong.

The facts I cited prove YOU wrong, despite your best efforts at a lying scapegoat Bolshevik narrative.

I'm sorry that you are immune to the information and facts I cited, repeatedly. It is Democrats who are the prime movers of deficit spending, although I can concede that a large ratio of Republicans likewise enrich themselves in the lobbyist and campaign-finance system. The two-party system is largely a one-party system, controlled by campaign finance by corporations, to buy the policy and leaders they want. Again, that case is well made in the book Obamanomics by Timothy Carney.

When Republicans did control both houses in 1996 and 1997, they forced Bill Clinton against his will to sign a balanced budget agreement, and a "workfare" reform of the welfare system. Gingrich orchestrated actual reduction in spending. That ended with the 9-11-2001 attacks, and unavoidable increased spending for homeland security and wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. George W. Bush's presidency from 2001-2009 was a break from Reagan conservativism, who was a big-government Republican (i.e., a RINO) who I did not vote for in 2000, and only voted for in 2004 because the Democrat alternative was even worse. Bush did some things right, and a lot wrong that I vocally disagreed with on these boards during his term.

Pat Buchanan made a case against this in his 2004 book Where the Right Went Wrong and accurately predicted it would hurt the Republican brand, as happened in the 2006 and 2008 elections where the Democrats gained majorities in both houses, and Obama gained the presidency, before quickly showing the Democrat-Bolsheviks were not a better alternative an lost the House by a huge margin in 2010. Only because of Democrat-Bolshevik weaponization of the IRS against tea Party and religious conservative groups, and to intimidate and crush large Republican donors like Frank Vandersloot, did Obama narrowly win a second term in 2012.

I've cited the examples where Trump wanted less spending, and Democrats forced hundreds of billions in additional spending, more than double the spending, added on before they would fund rebuilding our military. That is not "Trump spending" that is clearly Democrat spending, despite how you insanely and irrationally try to spin it, ignoring the actual facts.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Biden’s first 100 days - 2021-09-06 6:45 PM
Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
::uncritical finger-banging on keyboard because I let all the media outlets I want to be true decide what I think on any given day::


Originally Posted by Iggy
I'm a coward troll, just trying to start some shit. I have absolutely nothing of value to contribute. And I can't dispute WB's facts, so I just ignore the facts, and keep making personal attacks, based on nothing.

Yeah, I knew that.

Slanted Journalism and the 2020 Election - Sharyl Attkisson at Hillsdale College, citing how the mainstream media has abandoned journalism, to willingly become Orwellian Newspeak for the Democrats

Journalists like Sharyl Attkisson, John Stossel, Ron Kessler, Bernard Goldberg, John Solomon, Glenn Greenwald, Lara Logan and other ACTUAL journalists with decades of Pulitzers and other awards for their journalistic excellence in investigative reporting, were forced to leave the corrupted networks they previously worked for, in order to actually report objectively, and not have their work blunted and twisted into slanted propaganda.
It's not what I "believe", or "want to be true", it's what is objectively true, and reporters who are willing to investigate and report it. Who have given up high-paying positions to continue to objectively report.

I would further add that many of these reporters are self-identified left-of-center liberals, such as Attkisson, Goldberg and Greenwald, who may be liberals or even Biden voters, but still have journalistic integrity and a loyalty to the facts. That CNN, the New York Times, Washington Post and other sources Attkisson cited and quoted, do not.