Posted By: Son of Mxy BTS performs at the United Nations - 2021-09-21 4:21 PM
Sorry, but what the fuck was that for? Is the United Nations a talent show now?

Maybe they're spreading awareness. By singing in a language that 90% of the people watching don't even understand.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: BTS performs at the United Nations - 2021-09-21 9:24 PM
Posted By: iggy Re: BTS performs at the United Nations - 2021-09-21 10:36 PM
This is what threads at this forum should look like.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: BTS performs at the United Nations - 2021-09-23 6:19 AM
Originally Posted by Son of Mxy
Sorry, but what the fuck was that for? Is the United Nations a talent show now?

Maybe they're spreading awareness. By singing in a language that 90% of the people watching don't even understand.

These type of judgement lapses are par for the course, from a U.N. that appoints Iran to lead the human rights commission.

Or leaves the World Health Organization's leadership intact, after a global Covid-19 pandemic. At least a BTS performance doesn't kill millions. Despite whatever lesser torment it might be to watch.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: BTS performs at the United Nations - 2021-09-23 8:05 AM
The thread was a couple of days old. I have since been educated that BTS' performance magically rendered all landmines in the world inert, while also eradicating world hunger. They also belong to the United Nations because they are considered a country and have their own army.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: BTS performs at the United Nations - 2021-09-23 8:26 AM
Hey, never under-estimate the power of a boy-band.

They look gay to me, but they probably have all the adoring nympho-groupie sex with gorgeous women they can handle.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: BTS performs at the United Nations - 2021-09-23 8:39 AM
All kidding aside, it's a boyband. They're basically a way for companies to market sexuality to young girls.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: BTS performs at the United Nations - 2021-09-23 8:42 AM
Yeah, they may look gay, but women love them. They're probably getting more va-jay-jay than anyone.