
The "January 6th Select Committee" hearings, a k a Trump impeachment 3

The hyper partisanship, where there aren't even ACTUAL Republicans House leaders permitted who would ask real questions and cross-examination (such as Rep. Jim Jordan, and Rep. Jim Banks).

So what we have instead are these completely unserious Soviet style show-trial hearings, where only one side is presented, and there is no debate or cross examination of the witnesses or evidence. It's an infomercial for the 2022 Democrats in the mid term election, and a desperate final attempt to discredit Donald Trump, to try and prevent him from winning a second term in 2024. The fake Republicans Rep. Liz Cheney and Rep Adam Kinzinger are despised by the voters in their districts. Cheney will be defeated, and Kinzinger isn't even running for re-election.
I think both of them are campaigning to become CNN or MSNBC consultants.

Yesterday was, I think, day 7 of hearings, and in the last poll I saw, NO ONE is watching. Even re-runs of cooking shows are getting more viewers. It is clearly one-sided partisan propaganda, and even Democrat loyalists must be bored watching this repetitive garbage.

Jesse Watters: Cassidy Hutchinson wasn't even in the car

This 26 year-old assistant to then chief of staff Mark Meadows, named Cassidy Hutchinson, was gushed over by the leftist media for her "courage" and "service to the nation" in allegedly exposing "the truth" about Trump. Less than an hour after she testified (just like every other anti-Trump partisan media "bombshell" ) her credibility was completely discredited when 2 Secret Service agents wanted to testify what she said of Trump allegedly grabbing the steering wheel of the "Beast" SUV used to transport the president, and the account that he threw a tantrum and assaulted the agents, was absolutely fabricated and untrue. The agents have already said it was untrue, but want a chance to refute this with equal time in televised hearings.
Cassidy also said she wrote a note to her boss in the White House. But the actual writer of the note came forward and said he wrote it, and that it is clearly in his handwriting, not hers.

So score another failure by the Democrat-Bolsheviks, and their allies in the media. Every time the media releases one of these "bombshells" exposing Trump, EVERY SINGLE TIME, it is exposed as substandard half-baked reporting, and is contradicted by the true facts that prove the first narrative false within 24 hours. The committee did not prepare Cassidy Hutchinson, they did not vet and verify her testimony before putting her on the stand. And now they look like idiots because it is exposed as completely false by those who were ACTUALLY THERE, as opposed to her third-person hearsay and fabricated lies. Further exposing the "January 6th Select Committee" for the partisan idiots they are. They can't even manufacture a halfway credible false narrative, let alone actually pursue the truth.

If they had ANY interest in the truth, they would focus on:

1) The at least 20 "un-indicted co-conspirators" [i.e., undercover FBI operatives] disguised as Trump supporters, who tried to stoke the mob into violence, were among the worst offenders, and yet the peaceful demonstrators were all arrested and kept imprisoned for the last 18 months and counting, while these "un-indicted co-conspirators" are still unindenified, unarrested, and walking around free. Actually taken off the FBI's website days after January 6th.
Also the "Antifa Salt Lake City" group of John Earle Sullivan and the roughly 20 people with him in all their videos, ALSO disguised as Trump supporters, ALSO committing and stoking violence to frame Trump supporters. Sullivan's group was at the center of things when Ashley Babbitt was shot, they actually videotaped it from 2 different angles, that Sullivan posted all over the internet.
Of the 600 or so who entered the Capitol building, only about 60 were involved in vandalism or violence (about 20 of them FBI, and about 20 of them John Earle Sullivn's group.). How about pursuing THE ACTUAL orchestrators of the violence, and the fact that the majority of them were not Trump supporters. That by all appearances, by both Antifa and the FBI, groups hostile to Trump supporters who were trying to manufacture an insurrection to frame Trump supporters. But that Trump supporters except for a tiny handful out of over 100,000 "peaceful and patriotic" demonstrators wanted no part of the violence these fake Trump supporters were trying to sell.

2) There were 5 people who died that day, including officer Brian Sicknick who died of a stroke, not from violence by the mob. The DC coroner's office autopsy identified the cause of death as a stroke.
No interest by the "January 6th Select Committee" (they are quite kind to themselves) in the unexplained death of Ashley Babbitt, shot to death by a DC police detective, that there is not even an effort to explain as justified. In any other police department, this would be an unjustifiable use of force, and the detective would be up on criminal charges and imprisoned.
The three others were officially labelled a heart attack, a stroke (both men in their 50's in fragile health, with previously diagnosed and treated fragile conditions) and a 34 year old female who allegedly died of a drug-related seizure. But all three are also alleged to have died from excessive force by police. The to men were in a crowd of peaceful demonstrators, far away from the violence, but the DC police fired concussion grenades into a peaceful crowd just to harass them, and the 34 year old female allegedly was sprayed over and over with pepper spray by DC police until she had a seizure. A "Select Committee" would be interested in justice in seeking justice and full disclosure for those who died, and in disclosure that would exonerate the officers. If they had the slightest interest in the truth.

3) They would give the slightest mention and exploration to the fact that President Trump days in advance ordered up to 20,000 National Guard troops to secure the protest grounds and avoid any potential for violence. A rather odd request, from a president who allegedly orchestrated and caused the "insurrection", which was actually some minor rioting with no permanent damage. There would be subpoena of the Sergeant at Arms of the House, and the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate, and of their email correspondence with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi on why they declined the guards who would have prevented any unrest that day.
There would be some serious question of whether Schumer and Pelosi are truly the ones who caused the violence that Trump actually tried to prevent.

4) There would be FULL disclosure of what Trump ACTUALLY said in his 71-minute speech on January 6th, how he exhorted his supporters to "march over to the capitol and peacefully and patriotically let your voices be heard" in supporting House and Senate republicans who were legally disputing the authenticity of the contested electoral votes. That not just in his speech, but in Twitter posts every 20 or 30 minutes throughout the afternoon he advised his supporters to "remain peaceful!"

5) That the rioting began at 12:40 PM, while Trump was still giving his speech from 12 noon to 1:11 PM. His supporters all waited till after Trump finished his speech, then took a 30-minute walk over to the Capitol building. Trump was originally scheduled to speak from 11 AM to 12:11 PM. So if the "at least 20" FBI "unindicted co-conspirator" false-flag agents were trying to frame Trump supporters, the 12:40 timeline to begin violence (Trump would have finished speaking at 12:11, after walking 30 minutes the rioting would have begun in a logical timeline) at the Capitol would have been perfect. But it wasn't. It makes clear these were false-flag rioters who didn't even wait for the end of Trump's speech.

There have been seven whole days of "January 6th Select Committee" hearings, and yet none of these issues was ever acknowledged or discussed.
Or, hear me out, you're every bit of a hyper-partisan as those people you rail about are.
Originally Posted by iggy
Or, hear me out, you're every bit of a hyper-partisan as those people you rail about are.

Does it ever occur to you to actually discuss the issue?
Or are you so spiteful that you're only capable of twisting the topic into only being shots at me personally?

That's rhetorical. We all know the answer.

It's not "hyper-partisan" for me to expect a "January 6th Select Committee" to actually be about what happened that day, and to expect the committee to present a balanced investigation of the glaringly obvious issues I raised.
That would allow actual conservative Republicans on the committee, who would actually cross-examine witnesses and evidence.
Ask questions about the five people who died, clearly the worst thing that happened that day, completely ignored by the hearings.
And about the agents provacateur who were FBI agents and Antifa ( *NOT* Trump supporters) 40 of the 60, a majority, of the ones specifically involved in rioting and vandalism that day, are completely ignored by the Jan 6th committee. It's not partisan, it is objective to point out the January 6th Committee clearly have no interest in exposing what actually happened on January 6 2021.

That they selected this guy to package their committee hearings...


... makes clear their hearings have no interest in investigating and revealing what the truth is, just in creating an anti-Trump narrative.

This ABC president buried the truth about Jeffrey Epstein to protect the Democrats.
Now he is burying the truth about the January 6th protests to protect the Democrats. And to lyingly portray all 74.3 million of Trump's supporters as "white racist white supremacist insurrectionists", despite that 74.2 million of them weren't even there. And of the roughly 100,000 who were there, only about 60 were involved in actual violence or vandalism, and 40 of that 60 were undercover FBI agents or Antifa, disguised as Trump supporters, trying to frame them.

Hence, the lying Democrat narrative.

To project the illusion of Trump supporter violence, since the ACTUAL Trump supporters didn't take the bait and actually riot that day. Any pursuit of ACTUAL truth in these hearings would start with EVEN MENTIONING that then-President Trump ordered up to 20,000 national guard that day, that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, and Washington DC mayor Muriel Bowser all declined.
And would include presentation of the exculpatory evidence of Trump's own words that day, to "peacefully and patriotically voice your support" for the legal process of disputing the electoral votes. And Trump's Twitter posts every 20 or 30 minutes throughout the day urging his ACTUAL supporters to "remain peaceful". And a video he posted online to further say "I know you're hurt, but we have to have peace. Go home." Which his ACTUAL 100,000 supporters peacefully did, immediately after he posted the video, to the astonishment of police Capitol.
As opposed to the "at least 20 un-indicted co-conspirators" according to the FBI's own investigative reports [i.e., undercover FBI agents DISGUISED as Trump supporters], and John Earl Sullivan and his Antifa group of another 20 or so [who were also DISGUISED as Trump supporters] . Both (FBI, and Antifa) trying to stoke violence and frame ACTUAL Trump supporters.
It was a set up, a false flag operation, to frame Trump supporters.
And to hijack the media coverage and message of the overwhelmingly peaceful protests, away from coverage of a LEGAL Republican dispute of the electoral votes before they were finalized, that Democrats and the Democrat-run FBI absolutely had to stop and discredit. Mission accomplished. Job well done.
Sussman was acquitted by a jury. There's your fucking proof of a fishing expedition, cranky election loser. If Durham can't get Sussman, then Durham is wasting taxpayer money. Suck a fucking dick.
Originally Posted by iggy
Sussman was acquitted by a jury. There's your fucking proof of a fishing expedition, cranky election loser. If Durham can't get Sussman, then Durham is wasting taxpayer money. Suck a fucking dick.

Sussman was acquitted by a jury in Washington DC, a city whose population voted for Biden at a ratio of 93%. 5 jurors were blatantly Democrat partisans who never should have been selected to be on the jury, one of whose daaughter was on the same college rowing team with Sussman's daughter !
THAT is your "fucking proof" how HYPER-partisan, how hyper-rigged the judicial system is in favor of a Democrat.

Contrast that with how obscenely biased the courts, juries and judges were against Michael Flynn, George Pappadapoulos, and Roger Stone.
The foreperson of the Roger Stone jury had run as a Democrat for political office, and on Facebook and Twitter had routinely expressed her extreme hatred for both Donald Trump and Roger Stone. And STILL the judge did not dimiss her, STILL the judge did not punish her criminally for lying to get on the jury by feigning to be neutral and unbiased. She STILL remained foreperson and read a guilty verdict for the guy she vitriolically hated.

The rest of your post is just further proof of what an infantile, foul and vindictive sack of human garbage you are.
"Everything that doesn't go my way is 'rigged.'" is a shit way to avoid reality and accountability, asshat.
Originally Posted by iggy
"Everything that doesn't go my way is 'rigged.'" is a shit way to avoid reality and accountability, asshat.

I don't see any facts to back up your allegations that the fact of Nov 2020 election fraud is untrue.
I've posted tons of evidence and links over the last 18 months, and without the slightest facts to disprove what is cited, you refuse to even look at the facts, and dismiss them as from "right wing sources".
For openers, the FBI's own reports of the January 6th 2021 protests say there were "at least 20" "un-indicted co-conspirators (FBI code for their own agents or informants) who were heavily photographed in the crowds on Jan 6th, and these agents (not actual Trump supporters) were the instigators who did ACTUAL violence and vandalism and incitement that day (Example: Ray Epps), but were never arrested. The FBI's own investigative reports are not a "right wing source".
Whereas about 1,300 ACTUAL Trump supporters, 90% of whom are only guilty of "tresspassing" (just peacefully walking inside the Capitol,, looking around and taking a few selfies, when DC police held the doors open for them and invited them in).

Likewise, there is video evidence and hundreds of witnesses to election fraud in over 7 states in the Nov 2020 election. You selectively ignore all the evidence presented of election fraud. Of the alleged water main break in Atlanta, where they evacuated all the Republican vote observers, then (ON SECURITY CAMERA FOOTAGE) the Democrat vote counters came back in and began scanning votes fraudulently, and lo and behold in that 2 hour period (VIDEOTAPED) is when Biden suddenly got a surge of 150,000 votes that pushed him over the top, where Biden got an unlikely 96% of the votes counted in that period.
Video footage similarly captured a Ryder truck pulling up behind a Detroit vote counting center at 3 AM, AFTER voting was stopped there and Republican observers were sent home, and again, piles of votes in bags were brought in from the truck, and lo and behold again, suddenly Biden pulled into the lead in Michigan.
And Maricopa county, Arizona.
And Wisconsin, where FBI did midnight raids on the homes of election officials and seized records and evidence to prevent their challenge of election fraud there.

You haven't explained how the vote counting was stopped in 7 states simultaneously, THAT HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE IN A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, that Trump was ahead in all 7 states at 3 AM, and then by 8 AM suddenly Biden is ahead and "won" in all these states. No way. Absolutely no way.

And (despite that Democrats challenged the electors in every presidential election they didn't win in the last 20 years, in 2000, in 2004, in 2016, and Democrat-Bolshevik lunatic Stacey Abrams still alleges the Georgia governor's race was rigged and she's the real elected governor, despite that Hillary Clinton and most of the poisonous Bolshevik senate and house members have said since Nov 2016 that Trump is an "illegitimate" president, and wouldn't even attend his January 2017 inauguration)... suddenly it's "insurrection" for Republicans to simply call for a legal challenge and audit of the Nov 2020 election, and confirm one way or the other what the facts are. But the Democrats have already erased much of the evidence, AGAINST the legal requirement to hold the ballots and computer information on file for 24 months.

I see with absolute certainty this is evidence of massive election fraud by the Democrats in Nov 2020, and cover-up and intimidation ever since, including federal and state judges, federal and state Senators and House members in each state, end even of U.S. Supreme Court judges, NO MATTER WHO appointed them. One such conversation was overheard between Roberts and Trump-appointed justices. There were efforts to threaten Supreme Court judges after the election, and there have been ongoing efforts to threaten and intimidate Supreme Court justices up to and after the overturning of Roe Vs. Wade. What more proof do you need that judges and leaders have been intimidated and silenced from doing the right thing, and that is the reason they have not challenged the election fraud?

I've posted sourced facts and links for 18 months, and rather than SHOW ME what is factually in error, with the evidence to back it up, all you can say are petty insults like "asshat". Which just proves how unhinged and immune to the facts you are.
"Right wing sources!!!" panic panic panic That's all you can come up with, to rationalize away looking at the evidence.

No one seem able to explain why Joe Biden couldn't inspire even 50 or 100 people to come to one of his campaign rallies, and yet Trump would have tens of thousand come to each of his rallies. So many came to Trump rallies that hey had to send thousands away for lack of seating. And we're supposed to believe this incompetent buffoon (who was losing up till 3 AM election night in every battleground state) somehow won the election after the Republican observers were sent home and the Democrats came and counted the winning votes after they Republicans were sent home? No way. Absolutely no way is that legitimate.

You want more proof, look at the linked sources I've been posting for 18 months. You asshat.
Posted By: iggy Re: the absurd "January 6th Committee" hearings... - 2022-07-05 10:36 PM
Your sources suck and courts have told them how they lack merit. Your guy lost a popularity contest to a dementia patient with what seems to be a crack-head son. That's beyond pathetic and his 1/6/21 temper tantrum over being that pathetic was equally showed how far your mighy cheeto god had fallen.. Snuggle that MyPillow a little harder and cope.
Originally Posted by iggy
Your sources suck and courts have told them how they lack merit. Your guy lost a popularity contest to a dementia patient with what seems to be a crack-head son. That's beyond pathetic and his 1/6/21 temper tantrum over being that pathetic was equally showed how far your mighy cheeto god had fallen.. Snuggle that MyPillow a little harder and cope.

I listed many sources, they can't possibly all "suck".
Many that I linked are state House and Senate hearings in the contested states, with witnesses who are business owners, computer forensics experts with decades of experience (who advised the Dominion computers were not reliable and safe for Texas), one consultant who worked as a contractor for Dominion in Detroit the night of the election, and Col. Phil Waldron who is an expert in cyber-warfare and also is now a cyber-systems safety specialist. And others who have worked volunteering in elections every two or four years for decades, and can testify credibly to knowing the difference between a legitimate election, and one that has irregularities to the point of being completely compromised.

Do Sen.Amy Klobuchar, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and Sen. Ron Wyden also "suck"? They also warned that Dominion voting computers were unsafe, easily hacked, and jeopardize our elections system, and through that jeopardize our democracy itself. Those are their own words.

CNN as I previously linked, that OAN played in a long clip verbatim, also showed and interviewed hackers and other experts who discussed how easy it is to remotely break into and rig Dominion voting machines.
So I guess CNN also "sucks" and is no longer a reliable source.
Nor the New York Times (ALSO linked above.)

I still don't see any evidence presented on your part that disputes the case these and others have made for evidence of 2020 election fraud. Like a 12 year old, all you can do is hurl insults and say the words of people you don't like "suck". More of your infantile "nyah nyah nyah you're a poopy-face" rhetoric.

The corruption on the Democrat side is visible to everyone, even the corruption of a few turncoat opportunistic Republicans like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, one of whom is losing by 20 points in the primary and the other who knows he would be defeated and isn't even running for re-election. Last I looked, an unprecedented 76 incumbent Democrats are not running for re-election, because they've run internal polls and know they could not get re-elected. And even more incumbent Democrats will no doubt also announce they're not going to run again. As Biden pulls them down. I love how they allege to be "moderate Democrats" and distance themselves from Biden (Abigail Spanberger) and yet voted 100% of the time for Biden's insane trillion-dollar deficit policies that directly caused the economic meltdown and other domestic and foreign policy disasters. "Moderate". Yeah.

I don't support Trump blindly. Like I said, I voted for him in 2016 somewhat guardedly, not believing he could do what he promised. But he proved himself, and exceeded my wildest dreams of what a president could do. As I said, surpassing even Reagan's quantity of promises kept. Securing the southern border for the first time in over 40 years. Rebuilding our military. Slashing the smothering level of regulation Democrats had accumulated that was strangling business growth. Re-negotiating foreign trade deals with pretty much every foreign nation the U.S. deals with, in new trade agreements much more in the favor of the U.S. and U.S. workers. And in dropping out of the Kyoto agreement, reduced U.S. pollution emissions more than those of any country who remained in the agreement!

And President Trump didn't do anything wrong on January 6th 2021, despite the many attempts to slander him and insinuate he did. He instructed his supporters to "PEACEFULLY and patriotically let your voices be heard" in support of the House and Senate Republicans that day challenging the electoral count (exactly what Democrats did vindictively with far less of a case in 2000, 2004, and 2016).. But in the Republicans' case, that had what was required to legally overturn the electors, or at least postpone the count for several weeks of joint-session congressional debate on the subject.

So the 97% Democrat-voting FBI sent in saboteurs to PRETEND to be Trump supporters and riot at the Capitol, to throw a wrench in that legal constitutional challenge to the electoral vote ("at least 20 un-indicted co-conspirators" according to the FBI's own investigative reports. And another 20 or so Antifa led by John Earle Sullivan. JUST AMAZING how these things never came up in the "House January 6th Select Committee" ! Gee, you'd almost think... they had no interest in the actual facts ! Because they didn't. Narrative, not facts. That's all they wanted to be seen.

No questioning of Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer on why they obstructed then-President Trump's authorization for up to 20,000 National Guard troops that would have prevented exactly what occurred. No request for the testimony of the sergeant-at-arms of the House, the sergeant-at-arms of the Senate, no testimony of Schumer or Pelosi under oath, no subpoena of the e-mail communication between these 4 parties.
No "Select Committee" discussion of, or required testimony, regarding the written refusal of Washington DC mayor Muriel Bowser, where she flatly refused in writing the National Guard troops offered. Thanks but no thanks, she said. THAT document is public, but neither the Democrats, the narrower "Select Committee", or the 80%-plus subservient liberal media want to acknowledge the facts right in front of them. Nor do you, Iggy. As you foam at the mouth with insults and leftist hate. But that's not nearly the same thing as having the facts on your side. That's just groupthink piece of shit Democrats in temporary majority control, trying to hide the true facts as long as they can while they run out the clock, while their party continues to do untold damage every day to the country.

And the "Cheeto God" (which I guess is your variant on "orange man bad") has for the last 18 months still been gathering rallies in the tens of thousands in cities nationwide, if anything gaining popularity, and campaigning almost every weekend for true conservative Republicans, about 95% of whom have won their races. Trump quite possibly will become the second president to be re-elected to a second non-conservative term. Or at the very least will be front-and-center to selecting the next Republican president.

And by the way, I don't own any MyPillow stuff for you to fantasize about me doing weird things with. Although I wish someone would smother you to death in your sleep with one. And there is probably a line of people waiting for that honor, and consistently bitter and vindictive as you are to deal with.
People making political hay of the fact that no system--particularly, one with mass public use--is unexploitable leaves a bad taste in my mouth and plays off of the public's general ignorance regarding the hardware behind their tech addiction. Still, it is one ugly thing to make hay over it. It is another thing entirely to proclaim voter fraud without real evidence (again, what is out there plays off public ignorance). If any of those people or entities went all in on making hay that they said Trump stole 2016, then--yeah--fuck them too.

As for your conversion to the cult, a lot of people go sheepishly to church and end up sitting in the choir. Pointing out your caution going into 2016 does nothing to alter your cultish behavoir now.

You need people to be petty and vindictive. I don't. I just see that you are someone feeling the sting of the ennui that comes with living in a country where you needn't have to struggle much. It has made you turn politics into an existential fight between good and evil. You'll notice I never exonerate the left. They are full of a bunch of ennui-addled morons doing the exact same thing you do just with democratic ambitions. Worse of all is that both you and them think you're fighting the regular man's' fight even though all you are doing are playing pawns in a game of elite interest drift that requires some elites to play the populist out of necessity. It's an old game, but that doesn't mean it can't still draw suckers looking to waste their quarters.

But, I waste my breath. You've chosen not to wrap your head around things that go beyond "me like things good/they like things evil," you cultish cave ape. You are pitiable, but having pity is disagreeable with my nature so I just laugh in your general direction and play mean to get the screeds out of you. You chose to be a political fiddle. I might as well get you to play a few tunes because of that.

Now get back to it, bit actor!
Originally Posted by iggy
People making political hay of the fact that no system--particularly, one with mass public use--is unexploitable leaves a bad taste in my mouth and plays off of the public's general ignorance regarding the hardware behind their tech addiction. Still, it is one ugly thing to make hay over it. It is another thing entirely to proclaim voter fraud without real evidence (again, what is out there plays off public ignorance). If any of those people or entities went all in on making hay that they said Trump stole 2016, then--yeah--fuck them too.

Except you never objected when Democrat legislators challenged Trump's election victory in Nov 2016, and in a similar attempt to challenge the electoral vote for Trump's victory in January 2017. Or when Democrats similarly challenged the electoral vote in 2000 or 2004, EVERY TIME the Democrats lost.
In point of fact, the Republicans had far more evidence on January 6 2021, and had both the required Senate members and the House members who together challenged the electoral vote's legitimacy... until a convenient FBI and Antifa-led "insurrection /storming of the Capitol" intimidated Republicans into not continuing their legal challenge to finalizing the electoral votes on January 6 2021.

You save your venom and scorn only for the Republicans. Who had a far greater case for challenging the electoral votes, and evidence of 2020 election fraud in multiple states.

Originally Posted by Iggy
As for your conversion to the cult, a lot of people go sheepishly to church and end up sitting in the choir. Pointing out your caution going into 2016 does nothing to alter your cultish behavoir now.

I don't even know what any off that means.

Originally Posted by Iggy
You need people to be petty and vindictive. I don't.

lol lol lol
lol lol lol
Dear God ! You are one of the most petty and vindictive persons I've ever dealt with !
Oh, the irony that you would accuse me of that!
Comedy gold !!

Originally Posted by Iggy
I just see that you are someone feeling the sting of the ennui that comes with living in a country where you needn't have to struggle much. It has made you turn politics into an existential fight between good and evil. You'll notice I never exonerate the left.

Again, you're vague and say nothing clearly.
But what little I can interpret, as I've said many times, the Democrat / Left have openly stated their goals of eliminating our constitutional republic, and replacing our government with an authoritarian Cultural Marxist / socialist system.
A clearly stated "existential" threat by the Democrat/Bolshevik Left.
From the Frankfurt School, to Saul Alinsky, to Wade Rathke and William Ayers, to Barack Obama ("We're just five days away from fundamentally transforming America"). To Obama's multiple cabinet officials quoting Mao Tse Tung (Obama transportation czar Ron Bloom: "We believe that capitalism is mostly a sham, and agree with Mao that power is mostly administered at the barrel of a gun").

Campaign officials of multiple Democrat 2020 candidates have openly said they want to not just win and govern with liberal ideology. They want to punish Republican voters, and even Trump administration officials.
They fantasize about putting Republicans in Gulags and "re-education centers".
Several (ON CAMERA) openly wanted genocide for Republicans if their candidate won (as video-documented by Project Veritas, interviewing Bernie Sanders staffers).
They want to bar Republicans/Trump supporters from ever being able to be hired in another job.
They want to have televised show trials where conservatives are publicly forced to confess their sins for supporting Donald Trump [a clear manifestation of Paul Krugman's enthusiasm for Maoist or Soviet style Marxist authoritarianism, on full display in publicly saying that.]
They want to "crush the Republican party so completely they can never come back" [ N Y Times reporter Jennifer Rubin].
They want to take away Republicans' children and have them raised by HHR-appointed liberal guardians, so they can be indoctrinated in the "correct" political thinking and crush the next generation of conservatives [ that from one of PBS's chief legal attorneys]
On and on.
I've cited them before. What exactly is unclear,or "conspiracy" or "paranoid", about the Democrat-Left's self-declared existential threat, their STATED intent for the country and those who politically oppose their Bolshevik fanatic agenda? They plainly said these things, and many more.

Originally Posted by Iggy
They are full of a bunch of ennui-addled morons doing the exact same thing you do just with democratic ambitions.

Show me, anywhere, that Republicans have made similar statements of wanting to put their political opposition in Gulags or commit genocide on them, or prevent them from having jobs, or take away their children.
You can't, because the Republican party, Trump supporters or otherwise, don't operate with the same fanaticism.

Originally Posted by Iggy
Worse of all is that both you and them think you're fighting the regular man's' fight even though all you are doing are playing pawns in a game of elite interest drift that requires some elites to play the populist out of necessity. It's an old game, but that doesn't mean it can't still draw suckers looking to waste their quarters.

I'm doubtful even you believe what you're saying here. The Democrat/Left has made clear they want an authoritarian one-party socialist (Marxist) system. That mentality has taken over the entire Democrat party, to the point that even Democrat moderates can't voice an opinion without receiving the same threats and intimidation as Republicans (Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Sen.Joe Manchin, Sen. Kirsten Sinema, none of whom I consider that far removed from the crazy left themselves, but are regarded as heretics to be intimidated and threatened by the Democrat-Bolsheviks who corner them in bathrooms and restaurants).

Republicans are mostly divided into : 1) the Republican establishment, and 2) the Tea Party/ paleo-Conservative / Freedom Caucus / Trump supporter wing. I'm clearly in the second category, and I've been there since Ross Perot first ran for president in 1992. There are no calls to murder people by Republicans, or to expand the U S Supreme Court, no calls to federalize national elections to over-ride constitutional state control of elections, the system that has existed for the last 200-plus years. No stated desire to otherwise establish permanent one party rule by Republicans. Or to put their political opposition in Gulags or subject them to genocide. Or take away Democrats' kids and raise them by conservative state nannies to indoctrinate them in the "correct" way of thinking.
Those fanatic ideas, across the board, are the exclusive realm of the Democrat-Bolsheviks.
And the Democrats have only become Bolsheviks beginning since the 2004 election.
And full-on Bernie Sanders / A O-C / "The Squad" / Elizabeth Warren / Maxine Waters -level Marxist since 2016.

Originally Posted by Iggy
But, I waste my breath. You've chosen not to wrap your head around things that go beyond "me like things good/they like things evil," you cultish cave ape. You are pitiable, but having pity is disagreeable with my nature so I just laugh in your general direction and play mean to get the screeds out of you. You chose to be a political fiddle. I might as well get you to play a few tunes because of that. Now get back to it, bit actor!

Again, you're saying words I doubt even you believe. I've made my case, abundantly. A "screed" (a meaningless word) to you is apparently me quoting the sourced facts, that abundantly document the Left's stated intent for over 50 years. They have hijacked the Democrat party, the Democrat party is the chosen instrument for the globalist / marxist Left to overthrow the United States. How much more evidence do you need?
Start with THE SHADOW PARTY by David Horowitz and Richard Poe.
And DEATH OF THE WEST by Pat Buchanan.
And WHY THE LEFT HATES AMERICA by Daniel J. Flynn. When Flynn wrote his book (if I recall 2002), he separated between well-intended idealistic liberal Democrats, and the more hardcore Marxist-globalists he separately categorized as "The Left". But since 2016, there is no longer that separation, the America-hating Marxist Left has fully taken over the Democrat party.

That is visible in the Democrat party's full endorsement of Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and their not expressing the slightest horror or opposition when BLM and Antifa were tearing down and urinating and spray-painting communist hammer-and-sickles on statues of Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.
Or at BLM and Antifa nightly attacking federal buildings for months, nightly trying to trap and burn federal agents alive just for protecting those buildings, nightly trying to permanently blind police and federal agents with laser-pointers.
Democrats, either at the leadership or the grassroots level, had no horror at BLM/Antifa mobs attacking the White House in May 2020, forcing Secret Service to evacuate then-president Trump to a safe location.
No horror at BLM and Antifa looting and burning almost 600 cities nationwide, billions in property damage, thousands of police injured.

No horror from Democrats at an Antifa thug shooting up an ICE compound, mouthing almost verbatim the exact same "ICE are racist Nazis" rhetoric as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Not a word of protest from any Democrat leader.
"People do what they do," said Nancy Pelosi. "I don't care about statues." No defense of our nation, its history, its monuments. Tear them down, she is essentially saying.

An existential threat. That has fully taken over the Democrat party.

And the news media as well. John Stossel, Sharyl Atkisson, Glenn Greenwald, Lara Logan, John Solomon, Ron Kessler, and many other award-winning journalists have given up high-paying journalist and anchor positions, because the mainstream media has so compromised itself, to no longer just be liberal-biased as they have been for over 50 years, but actually since 2016 become an Orwellian Ministry of Truth for the Democrat-Bolshevik party.
What a performance! Bravo! You should win a Razzie!

::eye roll::

This is unhinged and you need professional help, politics addict.
Originally Posted by iggy
What a performance! Bravo! You should win a Razzie!

::eye roll::

This is unhinged and you need professional help, politics addict.

Well, for someone "unhinged and in need of professional help", I seem far more able than you to form a reasoned argument, supported by sourced facts.

Posted By: iggy Re: the absurd "January 6th Committee" hearings... - 2022-07-15 11:37 AM
Dude, you're not even worth the attention you are currently getting and should consider yourself honored. You have made it abundantly clear to all that anything that goes against your version of events is "liberal media!" or the result of being coerced or accomplices of the sinister Bolshevik Democrat Party. There is no point to discussing the recent Lost, Not Stolen report from solid conservatives because you'll just say it is poisoned from being tied to the 1/6 committee even with it's sourced documentation that half of the lawsuits brought about to challenge the election were baseless on the evidentiary merits. You'll try to drag the whole bloody republic down and blame others the whole way because you've convinced yourself of this because of some bad case of ennui.

And, don't even try to say otherwise. This entire political forum on a while proves how far you are from the truth when you try to say otherwise. Get help.
Originally Posted by iggy
Dude, you're not even worth the attention you are currently getting and should consider yourself honored. You have made it abundantly clear to all that anything that goes against your version of events is "liberal media!" or the result of being coerced or accomplices of the sinister Bolshevik Democrat Party. There is no point to discussing the recent Lost, Not Stolen report from solid conservatives because you'll just say it is poisoned from being tied to the 1/6 committee even with it's sourced documentation that half of the lawsuits brought about to challenge the election were baseless on the evidentiary merits. You'll try to drag the whole bloody republic down and blame others the whole way because you've convinced yourself of this because of some bad case of ennui.

And, don't even try to say otherwise. This entire political forum on a while proves how far you are from the truth when you try to say otherwise. Get help.

How many sources do I have to cite, asshole? THERE. What I posted above, linked and sourced. Not my opinion or delusion, the research of journalists and researchers citing decades of evidence and examples of media bias. People who were in the newsrooms and networks themselves.

I've cited multiple books and authors on the subject, many of them scholars, university professors at schools far better than your piddly junior college, and liberal reporters with award-winning decades-long careers such as Bernard Goldberg and Sharyl Attkisson, Lara Logan and Ron Kessler, who despite being liberals had to leave partisan propaganda networks and papers in disgust over what the news had become, the blatant one-sidedness, the censorship of their investigative reports.
It's not "my version", idiot. It's what they themselves reported as insiders, that even as liberals themselves they could no longer be a part of.

I call them the Democrat-Bolshevik party because in the Trump years they began deliberately lying about Trump, or whoever the given Republican is, and bashing Trump/Republicans for things that they give a total free pass to when Democrats do the exact same thing.

They are Bolsheviks because these media reporters push the Democrat party narrative every day, whatever that narrative is, because (as Sharyl Attkisson gave abundant examples of) they don't believe it's their job to investigate and objectively report the news, they believe it's their job to promote the Democrat party at every turn, the facts be damned. Like the Bolsheviks, they push mob rule, intimidation, violence, whatever serves and advances their Bolshevik party. And I've already given abundant examples of that.

In the last few weeks, for example, the media aids and does not condemn intimidation and attacks of ALL SIX Republican-appointed U S Supreme Court justices. Someone tried to kill Brett Kavanaugh, and STILL they sell a narrative that protest is free speech": despite "doxing" all six justices' home addresses, despite harrassing protesting 24 hours a day outside their homes, despite confronting justices in restaurants and in their churches. That's all just "free speech".
NOTICE: there are no threats against Democrat appointed judges. Only Republicans. The media narrative would be quite different if DEMOCRAT-apponted justices were threatened.

The intimidation of state judges or U S S C judges is just a fact. Certainly over ruling on the 2020 election as well.
Likewise, the Democrat-Bolshevik intimidation of U.S. or State senators and house members is just pure and simple fact. There is abundant evidence of 2020 election fraud, but the liberal media narrative is that court cases are "baseless". There are layers and layers of election fraud. And then intimidation of the courts so they won't even look at the evidence. "Lacks standing" an excuse, so they won't even look at the evidence.
It's well known that John Roberts didn't like the perceived politicization of the U S S C in the 2000 election, and so he avoids like the plague being involved in another controversial election case.
Likewise why Roberts (the deciding vote) punted on repealing Obamacare --TWICE !!
Not because it was legal and right to decide that way, but because he is afraid of controversy.

The January 6th committee is a hyperpartisan Soviet-style committee, where they pre-select the witnesses and evidence to support their narrative, exclude the rest, and have no interest in the true facts of what happened on January 6th.

A few obvious questions they evade :

1) Where are the emails and testimony of the Senate Sargeant-at-arms and the House Sargeant-at-arms, and their exchanges with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer?
Where is THE SLIGHTEST MENTION of the fact that Donald Trump ordered up to 20,000 national guard troops to secure order that day, that Pelosi and Schumer rejected? If this committee is about finding the truth of what happened, why don't they mention these facts, that Pelosi, Schumer, and DC mayor Bowser rejected tthose security troops, hat allowed what rioting occurred to happen. AND WE CAN'T EVEN KNOW WHY they rejected the national guard, no testimony, no emails permitted in evidence. Only what makes Trump look bad, by hiding the rest of the record.

2) Where are the "up to 20 un-indicted co-conspirators" (i.e., undercover FBI agents, DISGUISED as Trump supporters, caught on video footage, trying to stoke the peaceful Trump supporters to riot and enter the Capitol building. WHY ARE THEY not subpoenaed to testify? where is Ray Epps' testimony?
Likewise, where are the subpoenas and testimony of John Earle Sullivan and his 20 or so Antifa Salt Lake City group? Where is the video of them dressing in Trump supporter clothing and openly gloating they would frame Trump supporters for their mischief?

3) Why is there no discussion of Ashli Babbitt and the other four people who died that day? Revolver News and American Greatness report regularly on these issues. Officer Brian Sicknick died of a stroke (on his autopsy report, CLEARLY died of a stroke, CLEARLY NOT murdered), but the committee implies Sicknick and five other officers were "killed" by Trump protesters. When in fact these were officers who committed suicide weeks or even months after January 6th, with NO EVIDENCE that their suicides were related to January 6th, let alone "killed" on January 6th.
No explanation why an unarmed 5 foot 2" Ashli Babbit was killed by a police Lieutenant that day or whether that shooting was justified. But John Earle Sullivan and multiple Antifa from his group (disguised as Trump supporters), were in the room and close to Ashli Babbit exactly when she was shot, close enough to videotape the shooting from 2 different angles.
There are also many stories I see that the other 3 who died officially of a seizure, a stroke, and a heart attack, may in fact have died because DC and Capitol police lobbed concussion grenades into peaceful demonstrators far away from the violence, or sprayed them maliciously over and over with pepper spray until they had more than they could endure and died.
HIGHLY suspicious, that the worst thing that happened that day was the five deaths, and there is absolutely no interest from the January 6th Committee about what happened to them.

No inquiry.
No cross examination.

4) Not even the usual Republican judiciary committee members (Jim Jordan and Jim Banks) were allowed to participate and ask questions! A completely Democrat-selected Politburo of the party faithful. Adam Schiff, need I say more. The man lied througout the Russia investigation, and is a master at closed-door classified testimony, so that he can leak out half truths that fit his narrative and make Trump or whoever look guilty. And because it's closed-door testimony, the slandered party is not allowed to respond and reveal the true context !

Like I said, it is a Democrat-Bolshevik Soviet style investigation, where they begin with a predetermined guilty party, then they build the case and the evidence around that predetermined outcome. Excluding any evidence that is exculpatory and inconvenient to that predetermined outcome of guilt. And the case is built around smearing and blaming Trump for the January 6th rioting, despite the abundant evidence to the contrary.

So there's no "unhinged" aspect to my using the word [i[Bolshevik[/i] to describe the Democrats or their January 6th "Select" Committee.
They absolutely are Bolsheviks, abusing state power, using slander and intimdation to stoke mob rule, and have no interest whatsoever in the true facts. Only in what advances their Bolshevik party. And the liberal media work in complete lockstep with the Democrat-Bolsheviks. Going back to 2008 and "Journo-list" message boards for reporters, where they brainstormed how to help the Democrat party slander Bernie Sanders and leverage him out of the primaries, and also how to attack Sarah Palin.
And the same DMC and liberal media coordination in the 2016 election, exposed by a release of Wikileaks emails, that forced Debbie Wasserman bitch-cunt Schultz to resign as DNC chair. And then Donna Brazile who took over as chair was also revealed to be plotting within the party against Bernie Sanders, but for some reason was not forced to resign.

But yeah, it's just my imagination, the Democrats aren't Bolsheviks, and the liberal media aren't a PR wing working in lockstep with the Democrat party, protecting them. Just all the evidence shows that they did in 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020. And that's not even getting into the obvious Media/Democrat collusion in the 2000-2008 Bush years and prior. Bernard Goldberg cites a lot of examples from 1980-2000 in his book BIAS (2002).
Dan Rather tried to rig an "October surprise" in 2004, with a fake letter from George Bush's Texas National Guard commander, that backfired and cost Rather his anchor job.
Then in 2006, the media collaborated with Democrats, holding a story about Rep. Mark Foley for a year and then releasing it just before the 2006 election. Another October surprise, that gave Democrats majority control of the House and Senate.
They tried to do the same and smear Trump in the weeks before the Nov 2016 election with a stream of women announcing sexual allegations, but that one didn't work either. Trump go elected anyway. Then Democrats did the same to Roy Moore and to Brettt Kavanaugh.

You are a willing dupe of these Nov 2020 and Jan 6th narratives, and it speaks volumes about how twisted your brain is that you actually believe the Democrat narrative of the January 6th Committee, it has so many obvious holes. If you yourself even actually believe it.

So many obvious questions the January 6th committee won't ask. FBI assistant director of counter-terrorism Jill Sanborn (in charge of the FBI's Jan 6th investigation) in less manipulated and controlled Senate hearings about January 6th, repeatedly avoided incriminating herself about what her "at least 20" FBI agents (disguised as Trump supporters!) were doing there that day. When both Rand Paul and Ron Johnson each asked her if these undercover FBI agents 1) planned violence that day, 2) if they participated in rioting or violence, 3) if they directly engaged in violence against police, or 4) if there were other military or federal agents working with the FBI in the crowd on January 6th, she just kept saying "I can't answer that, Senator".
Because if she said no, and it can be proven later that they did, then she would have perjured herself and be facing jail time !
Citing a shit source does nothing for your case and you fill in the gaps to suit your purpose, like with Sanborn, to make it nefarious. Anything that rebukes your sources is written off as propaganda. You're a large part of why everyone moved on from this place and most of your time here is spent screaming into the void. Go fuck yourself with your shit sources and rank hypocrisy of doing exactly what you accuse everyone else of doing.
Originally Posted by iggy
Citing a shit source does nothing for your case and you fill in the gaps to suit your purpose, like with Sanborn, to make it nefarious. Anything that rebukes your sources is written off as propaganda. You're a large part of why everyone moved on from this place and most of your time here is spent screaming into the void. Go fuck yourself with your shit sources and rank hypocrisy of doing exactly what you accuse everyone else of doing.

You failed to speciffy what is a "shit source". (Wow, someone has to engage in debate with a fifth-grader to match your eloquent vocabulary. Shithead)

Tucker Carlson has literally the most watched nightly show on cable, and comes from a journalism background before he was on television. And certainly cites many sources who have proven less partisan and more reliable than, say the New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, TIME, CNN or MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC or PBS, many of whom he shows clips of to display the unhinged absurdity and flatout lies in their liberal-partisan news reports.

IS FBI assistant director of counter-terrorism Jill Sanborn a "shit source"? Hers and the FBI's investigations are the bedrock of the January 6th committee investigations. And EVEN THEY acknowledge that there were "at least 20 un-indicted co-conspirators", i.e., FBI agents disguised as Trump supporters. And Ray Epps is just one example of the 20, all filmed in action on video, all inciting Trump supporters to "go inside the Capitol".
One report I saw from news site American Greatness revealed that the FBI supervisor in charge of the fake Governor Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping, completely organized and conducted by FBI agents, was sent after that to Washington DC for another operation right before the January 6th "insurrection". Apparently not punished or demoted, but instead put in charge of another FBI false-flag operation. Your 97% Democrat-donating DOJ/FBI at work.

FBI agents as undercover officers are, by nature of their jobs, not unidicted co-conspirators. You're just taking Tucker's lead reading what you want into the indictments. Second, Fox and Croft still face retrial so it is a little far-fetched to call the kidnapping plan a hoax completely organized by the FBI. Those are the parts of the facts that you want to ignore or try to downplay.
Originally Posted by iggy
FBI agents as undercover officers are, by nature of their jobs, not unidicted co-conspirators. You're just taking Tucker's lead reading what you want into the indictments. Second, Fox and Croft still face retrial so it is a little far-fetched to call the kidnapping plan a hoax completely organized by the FBI. Those are the parts of the facts that you want to ignore or try to downplay.
Regarding the Gov. Gretchen Whitmer FBI kidnapping plot, if the plot is created by an FBI agent, and the van is driven by an FBI agent, if 12 FBI agents and informants are used to snare 4 minor punks who were not even involved in the initial planning, then it is an FBI plot, not a "white supremacist" plot.

Regarding January 6th cases and the FBI, Tucker Carlson is citing pretty much daily stories for the last 20 months from Revolver News and American Greatness.

And Tucker Carlson and others have been very clear: The FBI's OWN REPORTS say on Jan 6th there were "At least 20" un indicted co-conspirators, i.e., FBI agents disguised as Trump supporters, clearly seen in video footage inciting Trump supporters to enter the Capitol, tearing down barrier fences, waving Trump supporters in. So that when Trump supporters arrived at the Capitol, they didn't even know there were barriers they weren't supposed to cross. These "at least 20" agents were up on the FBI's site for people to identify for about a day after Jan 6th. Then, for reasons never explained by the FBI, despite video showing these "up to 20" agents inciting, they were never arrested, never explained in any way why the search for them was ended, to House and Senate insiders, or to anyone else.

Regarding the FBI set-up over the Gov. Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping scheme, it is a fact that the majority of the "plot" to kidnap Whitmer was in fact fully formed by FBI agents or informants. That FBI agents were the one who plotted the kidnapping and provided the (FBI) getaway van driver, and they only after the fact tricked 4 "white supremacists" to take minor roles after the fact in the FBI's pre-arranged plot.


Trask, who moonlights as a personal trainer, had become a known face in the case, previously testifying in court proceedings for five men awaiting federal trial scheduled to begin on Oct. 12. Prosecutors have since moved to remove Trask as a witness, citing profanity laced social media posts in which Trask criticized former President Donald Trump, The Detroit News reported.

When the kidnapping case was filed in October 2020, Whitmer, a Democrat, pinned some blame on Trump, saying his refusal to denounce far-right groups had inspired extremists across the U.S. It added even more heat to the final weeks of a tumultuous election season. Trump had earlier urged supporters to "LIBERATE" Michigan from stay-at-home coronavirus mandates.

Hmm ! It sounds like the wife-beating swinger FBI agent Trask is a Democrat motivated to give Whitmer political ammunition by creating a plot of "white supremacist" Trump supporters in a narrative of a kidnapping plot that aids Whitmer and other Democrats politically. Profanity laced posts about Trump. That seems to make him right at home in the 97% Democrat-donating FBI.



There's a video clip of Jesse Watters and Glenn Greenwald, directly asking the question: "Did the FBI set up Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot?" There were 12 FBI agents and informants used as fake plotters, to trap the 4 they put on trial for the Whitmer kidnapping ! Apparently only 2 of the 4 they were able to convict.

I see similarities to the January 6th case.
And to the Randy Weaver case in the Bill Clinton years.
And the Michael Flynn case. Or Trump lawyer Michael Cohen. Or Paul Manafort. Or Roger Stone. Or George Papadopoulos.
Where the FBI trick people into crimes they would never commit on their own, or failing in that manufacture "processs crimes" in a perjury trap, and then manipulate them as informants to entrap other innocent people. There is a level of arrogance and abuse of power among federal law enforcement in these examples that is frightening. The political abuse of the FBI, to aid the Democrat party they overwhelmingly favor.

Likewise the case the FBI made that smeared longtime Alaska Republican Senator Ted Stevens. Overturned AFTER the election by the U.S. Supreme Court in a 9-0 decision, but Stevens' seat still went to a Democrat, who the scandal allowed to win the election on a completely false case.
Scooter Libby is another such case.
AMAZING how these cases always favor the Democrat, creating political scandal that hurts Republicans and benefits Democrats.

[Linked Image from rushlimbaugh.com]